Fall 2013
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Lancer Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement at La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc. for alumni, parents and friends. Inquiries and/or correspondence should be directed to: John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications La Salle High School 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, California 91107-1996 626.696.4316 jblackstock@lasallehs.org All pages are displayed on the La Salle website. www.lasallehs.org OFFICERS & ADMINISTRATIONS Board of Trustees: Mr. Peter Godfrey (Chair) Mr. Ty Gaffney ’65 Ms. Tamara Flowers Mr. James Canny ’65 Dr. Vera Vignes Sister Marilyn Bender, CSJ Mr. Tom Caulfield
Mr. Ryan Resurreccion Mr. Barry Schweiger ’60 Mr. W. Robert Kohorst ’71 Ms. Erica Hahn Dr. Ken Canzoneri ’72 Br. Kevin Slate, AFC
Board of Regents: Dennis A. Jebbia, Chair Julie Williams P’04, Vice Chair Lisa Bononi P’15 Doug Campbell John Delaney P’82, ’85, ’89 John DeMarco P’12 Carol Duffey P’10, ’12 Peter Godfrey, Esq. P’07, ’08 Pete Griffith P’00, ’03 Scott A. Hancock, Esq. P’11 ’11, ’11 Bradford Hixson P’13 David Lam P’08, ’09
Joseph Lumarda P’14 Edward L. Malicdem ’88, P’16 David J. Skibinski, MBA Craig Sloane P’09, ’11 D’Arcy Sloane P’09, ’11 Michael W. Stoddard P’07, ’10, ’12, ’15 Yolanda Valadez P’08 Serena Flowers Williams P’04, ’06 Walt Williams P’04 Brad Wright ’73, P’07, ’12 Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. P’12
Alumni Board: Jeff Weigand ’67, P’02, ’05, ’08, Chair Susan Ehring ’97 Angie Gilliam ’02 Tony Messineo ’80 Stacie Torres Nyborg ’99 Steve Peterson ’85
Alex Plumb ’06 Robin Quintanilla ’03 Thomas Stafford ’99 Chris Stellar ’05 Mike Sullivan ’70, P’08, ’13 Jesse Toribio ’93, P’15 Phil Velasco ’07
Administration: Richard Gray, Ph.D., President Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal John Ring, Associate Principal for Student Services Robert Packard, Chief Financial Officer Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement Editor: John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Publication and Production: KGB Studios, Los Angeles Editorial Contributors: Kristen Schultz ’98 Vicki Paluch P’13 Photo Credits: Cover, inside front cover: John Blackstock ’67 Pages: 5, top, Robin Smith, Bain Photography. Pages 5 bottom, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 28, 29, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, John Blackstock ’67. Pages 6, 7, 47, Kristen Schultz ’98. Pages 9, 10, 11 courtesy Robinson Fellows. Pages 14, 15, Hoang Nguyen. Pages 18, 19, 20, courtesy of Jenna Hackman. Page 21, courtesy of Stephen Boyer. Pages 22, 23 courtesy of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. Page 23 bottom, Shirley Swayne. Page 24 courtesy of Kala Cuerington. Page 45, top right, Samantha Hardy ’16. On the Cover: The embroidered Seal of La Salle High School, Pasadena, California. See page 26 for more.
FEATURES Homecoming 2013.......................................................................... 5 Lancers Celebrate Victory and Honor 10th Battalion Athletes Robinson Fellowship in Yellowstone Park......................................... 10 Three Students Study Environmental Science in the Nation’s Greatest Park Lancers Battle in CIF Playoffs......................................................... 14 Football League Champs, Volleyball CIF Champs Lancer Selected for Rose Court....................................................... 22 Senior Jamie Kwong Represents La Salle in the 125th Tournament of Roses 2012-13 Annual Report................................................................. 25 Financial Reports and the Honor Roll of Donors We Honor Our Alumni Veterans....................................................... 42 School Assembly Highlights Wounded Warrior Program.............................................................. 44 Only One of Six High Schools Nationwide to Host this Special Game
DEPARTMENTS La Salle Matters.............................................................................. 2 Principal Ideas................................................................................ 4 Making a Difference....................................................................... 18 Jenna Hackman ’09 Amazing Lancers........................................................................... 21 Faculty Update.............................................................................. 46 Staying Connected ........................................................................ 48
© 2013 La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc.
FALL 2013
La Salle I
found myself choking up a bit during our recent Veteran’s Day Assembly; which was odd, for me, as this “Army Brat” was raised to have a stiff upper lip and a mandate to conceal one’s emotions at all times. There were three distinct moments in the Assembly where I realized that even cynical New Yorkers can discover that they are proud of their country and their fellow citizens. The first moment - believe it or not - occurred when our Advanced Band and Chorus performed a magnificent rendition of the National Anthem. An oversized American Flag was projected on two 20 foot screens as 800 Lasallians stood and tacitly acknowledged the patriotic values that are enshrined in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights; as well as the importance of their protection, which was symbolized by the presence of nearly 20 Alumni Veterans standing at attention in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium. The second emotional moment occurred during that portion of the ceremony in which photographs of every alum who had ever served in the Armed Forces were being projected on the two giant screens facing the assembled students and which ended with a tribute to deceased Lasallian vets and the introduction of those alum vets who were in attendance that morning. Not surprisingly, our students were wonderfully appreciative of their presence that morning and spontaneously gave them a standing ovation. My emotion emerged out of two dynamics which were subtly present during this part of the ceremony. The first was a function of the substantial number of alumni from the Sixties whose photographs flashed across the screens - reminding me - as is only possible for adults belonging to a certain age demographic - how much unintended havoc the Vietnam War imposed upon one generation of adults, - and which lingers even to this day. The second dynamic was the spontaneous - and supportive reaction of our students to the service of their alumni forebears. The “received wisdom” of media pundits and commentators is that today’s adolescents are more or less self-absorbed, unconcerned about wider social issues and focused almost exclusively on material advancement. And yet, here were 700 teenagers leaping to their feet to acknowledge the service of those Lasallians who had gone before them, and who had dutifully accepted the possibility of paying the ultimate price to defend our shared freedoms. In that emotional moment, I realized how profoundly transformative is La Salle’s Mission to Nurture - Inspire Challenge - Motivate the students entrusted to our care. In ways that we adults can only dimly appreciate, they get the significance of the contribution their alumni forebears gave to serve, protect and defend their country. They may not appreciate the emotional consequences of that service; but the spontaneity of their standing ovation persuades me that they are internalizing the School’s motto to Learn - Serve - Lead.
My final emotional moment was in response to the background music that was being provided by our Advanced Band as the photographs of La Salle alums who had served in the Armed Forces were being displayed on the giant screens facing the assembled students. Megan Foley, faculty member in charge of the Instrumental Music Program, had arranged a medley of patriotic songs which the Advanced Band (and, at particular moments, the newly formed String Ensemble) executed with a seamless effort one would ordinarily associate with professional musicians. As I marveled at their successful negotiation of a variety of key and tempo shifts, it suddenly occurred to me that these are teenagers who are executing this enormously challenging arrangement of patriotic music. And, it was at that moment that I realized this is why, fifteen years after arriving at La Salle, I am fortunate enough to be the School’s “Salesman-in-Chief.” The “magic” our faculty perform on a daily basis in support of the students entrusted to our care is not just phenomenal, it is real and transformative. And, it was on display at our Veterans Day Assembly - but not just there. Back-to-back League championships in Varsity Football and four consecutive League championships in Varsity Girls Volleyball, not to mention a national recognition for the Cheer Program and increasingly higher rankings for Mock Trial demonstrates that not only is the Mission of La Salle High School alive and well, it is thriving, in no small part, because of your commitment to the values of nurturing, inspiring, challenging and motivating the students entrusted to our care. This Annual Report is not just about the dollars and cents of the business called La Salle High School; it is about your belief that what we do on a daily basis is not only worthy of your support but a necessary continuation of the civic and spiritual values we have in common. Thank you for your generous support of our Mission. Please know that it matters to the teenagers who will take our place in the not too distant future.
Dr. Richard Gray President
FALL 2013
’ve got to be having FUN! That’s right, FUN! I say that based on the adage, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Not only am I saying that, but last week one of the seniors said, “Brother, where has the semester gone?” It seems like we just started and now were talking about Christmas! His words gave me pause because I thought time only flew by for us older types. His statement caused me to spend some time in reflection on where the days, months and years have gone in my life. My memory transported me back to 50 years ago, November 22, 1963, sitting inside my sixth grade classroom on a Friday morning before lunch. I remember my teacher Sr. Mary Andrea walking to the classroom door because the principal had entered. A few words were exchanged between them and then we were told, “The President has been shot!” It was a defining moment in my life and yet it hardly seems to be fifty years ago. Now much has happened in my life since then: other assassinations, wars (too many to count), new leaders – Presidents and Popes, walking on the Moon, economic prosperity and gloom, diplomas and degrees, teaching and administrating, family births and deaths of friends and loved ones. And, oh yes, the Niners with the Super Bowls and the Giants with the World Series! In retrospect – life is way too fast. I’m all for slowing it down but I learned long ago that there is little that I can control! So as quick as it comes and as quick as it goes, life is good and we just need to take the time to enjoy and savor the moments. And since we are in Pasadena, it’s always appropriate to take the time and smell the roses. In November, La Salle acknowledged the service and dedication of the hundreds of alumni who have served and are serving our Country through their enlistment in one of the branches of the military. At a school assembly in the gymnasium, the student body was given the opportunity to see and hear from graduates who have chosen to protect and defend our country. Captain Nick Thompson ’75 of the U.S. Army spoke eloquently about what he has experienced and the opportunities his service has afforded him. Part of the assembly included the projection of the name and graduation picture of those men and women who have served in the armed forces. We paid tribute to those individuals who died in combat. La Salle’s legacy of graduates serving in the military is noteworthy and not taken for granted. I share the above with you because acknowledging military life and service fell out of favor in our country for many years. For 40 plus years, millions of young men and women either enlisted or were drafted into service. Through the wars in Korea and Vietnam, our nation was at a loss to say, “Thank you” to those who fought and died. The citizens of our country were disillusioned with our military and its use of power. We, as a country, failed to recognize the sacrifice of our military personnel. In 1991 that all changed as the United States entered into the First Gulf War and Operations Desert Storm and Shield. This 100-hour land war was done almost as soon as it started. Under the leadership of Generals Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf the United States of America and its allies had triumphed. Now it was time to bring the troops home. This time though, it would be different! A National Victory Celebration Parade was held in Washington D.C. to honor the men and women in uniform. Bands played, troops marched, and a crowd of over 200,000 gathered. The word hero was once again being associated with our military. This was the first time since WWII that the United States formally acknowledged and welcomed home its fighting force. Once again it seemed acceptable for Americans to publically express thanks for its dedicated men and women in uniform. This is the way it should be! So, as La Salle High School again said thank you to its Veterans and all those individuals who serve in the military I add my voice of appreciation and thanks for their sacrifice and service.
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
a Salle students had the opportunity to experience entertainment both on and off Kohorst Field for Homecoming Week. The Student Life team worked throughout the month to bring “A Blast from the Past!” to the students and Royal Court at the rally before the big game on Friday, October 18. Watching the school come together at the rally further motivated the student body to come watch the Lancer football
team compete that night against Mary Star of the Sea High School. During halftime of the football game, Robert McCreary and his sister Missy McCreary were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. The King and Queen with alums from all decades cheered the Lancers on to victory as they defeated the Stars 51-20! Nearly 400 students attended the Homecoming Dance, sponsored by the Junior Class Council, the following night.
Homecoming Court,left to right, Julianne Robi, Robert McCreary, Missy McCreary, Sean Cowell, Olivia Kavanaugh, Conor Williams, Sabrina O’Reilly, Ben Dalgarn, Christina Judson and Brandon Busbee.
Great Lanc er fans, Laur a Biosca ’1 7, Anna Bio and Lauren sca ’16 Veneri ’17.
Robert McCreary and Missy McCreary, Homecoming King and Queen with their parents John and Yolanda McCreary. FALL 2013
Will Pyburn ’15
n ’13. ck Barman ’13, Patri io gl si on iC ’13, Giann y Yelinek 3, Kimberl ’1 n da ol sR a ’13, Loui Tracy Crest
Alumni Board me mbers greeted alu Mike Sullivan ’70 ms at the Alumn , Susan Ehring ’97 i Tent. Left to rig ht, Jeff Weigand , Angie Gilliam ’02, Stacie Torre ’67, Robin Quint s Nyborg ’99, To anilla ’03, ny Messineo ’80 , Jesse Toribio ’93 .
enney ’97 Quintana ’97, Vanessa Strouse-K Susan Ehring ’97, Jennifer Fox
Brillando Valmonte ’81 and his son Josh ’13
Clockwise from top left, John Penders ’62, Larry Aguilar ’61, Richard Julio ’61, Bill Hall ’62, Wayne Osborne ’62
Alumni Cheerleade rs Victoria Mandigo ’13, Maddie McGregor ’13
Shawn Blakeslee ’80 and his boys.
Jered Aragon ’14 Jennifer Pittman Corcoran ’99 and her family Queem Missy McCreary ’14
Madison Blaney ’14
FALL 2013
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2 0 1 3 H O M ECOMING HONOREES By Kristen Schultz ’98
Left to right, Brett Weigand ’05, Anthony Harris, Athletic Director, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal and Jamie Bell ’04.
BRETT WEIGAND ’05 started his journey at La Salle in 2001. By his junior year, he was a three-year starter on the Varsity soccer team and a two-year Varsity starter on the football team. His junior year was a breakout season for him. Brett made First Team All Area and First Team All League. That same year, he attended the Chris Sailer National Kicking Competition in Las Vegas where he competed with the best punters and kickers from across the country. He finished first in punting, 5th in field goals, 7th in kickoffs and was named the 4th ranked punter nationally and made an All State Nominee which put him on the radar screen of many Division 1 schools. The summer of 2004, while preparing for his senior season, Brett suffered a severe hip injury which required surgery and ended his season before it even began. Having been written off by the Division 1 schools which had been tracking him, Brett was determined to play again and began his rehabilitation and enrolled in Junior College. It took him two 8
years to get back on the field, but upon his return he was named Pre-Season First Team All American and First Team Academic All American at Pasadena City College. As a result of his success, Brett was awarded a scholarship to the University of Richmond, Virginia to play for the Spiders in 2007. At Richmond, he excelled both on and off the field and became a part of Richmond football history. The Spiders were 2007 CAA Conference Champions, 2008 National Champions and 2009 CAA Conference Champions. Brett was named to the CAA Academic All Conference Team all three years and was Special Teams Player of the Week five times. Brett graduated from the University of Richmond in 2010 with a degree in History. He would like to say thank you to the faculty, administration and coaches at La Salle for helping him fulfill his dream to play Division 1 football.
* The Salmon Award was created in 2005 at LMU after one of Jamie’s teammates, Jessica Hanson, was killed in a car accident. The award is given to the player who is the example of what it means to be a student, a student of the game, and a great teammate on and off the field.
A true athlete, JAMIE BELL ’04 was a key player on the Lancer Varsity soccer team for four years playing forward and midfield. She helped the Lancers bring home the CIF Championship in 2001 and the league championships in both her junior and senior seasons. She was named First Team, All League her junior and senior year, and in addition to being the team MVP was named the League MVP in her senior year. Jamie ended her soccer career at La Salle by being selected to the Athletic Hall of Fame. In addition to soccer, she ran track her senior year winning additional honors, including being named to the All-League team and track team Co-MVP. In Jamie’s senior year, she was recruited to play soccer for Loyola Marymount University where she played all four years for the Lions. Her college athletic accolades started immediately by being named Rookie of the Year her freshman year. She helped take the Lions to the NCAA tournament her junior year and was named to the West Coast Conference Second Team and the team’s Most Valuable Offensive Player. Jamie took her senior year by storm, being named player of the week, First Team All West Coast Conference, and All League Academic Team, taking home the Salmon Award* and repeating as the team’s Most Valuable Offensive Player. Following her final season as a Lion, Jamie was nominated for LMU’s Athlete of the Year award. Jamie graduated from LMU with a degree in Business in 2008 and went on to play professional soccer overseas in Russia playing for FC Energia in Voronezh. She returned to the United States in 2010 and continued to play for the LA Legends, La Premier and Ventura Fusion. She currently plays for the Los Angeles Strikers in the W League. FALL 2013
ROBINSON FELLOWS Experience WildernessBeautiful, Deadly, Exciting, Inspiring! By John Blackstock ’67
“Amazing wildlife was all around us all the time. We will miss the beauty, the stars in the pristine night sky, the campfires, our new friends, but in the end, we took home some great educational moments that will stay with us forever.” - Steven Bickel Olivia, Steven and Elisa travelled for nearly an hour in the midst of 200 bison. 10
arly in July, three La Salle students took off from Los Angeles International Airport on a flight to Bozeman, Montana. There, seniors Olivia Kavanaugh, Elisa Stephens and Steven Bickel, met ten other Southern California students and embarked on a nine day environmental trek through Yellowstone National Park as members of the Ecology Project International (EPI). The La Salle students were on a trip made possible by the Robinson Fellowship* from La Salle. Ecology Project International is a non-profit organization based in Missoula, Montana, dedicated to developing place-based, ecological education partnerships between local experts and high school and college students to address conservation issues. EPI works with students and educators at five field sites around the world: Galápagos Islands, Yellowstone, Mexico, Panama, and Costa Rica, some of the most biologically diverse and unique ecosystems in the world.
to go into the pools; they are so beautiful. But of course, they are deadly,” she cautioned. They also explored a mysterious, active geyser steam hole that emits a continuous low rumbling that the Indians called the Voice of God. “But the sulfur smelled like the devil!” quipped Stephen. The most famous of all the geysers is Old Faithful, one of the most popular and recognized natural wonders in the United States. “Missed Old Faithful. We avoided the tourist spots,” he said with a smile. Yellowstone National Park, established in 1872 and located primarily in Wyoming, was America’s first national park. Yellowstone spans almost 3,500 miles, and extends into parts of Montana and Idaho, making it the largest National Park in the US. The EPI campsite was in Centennial Valley, near the northeastern entrance to the park.
Robinson Fellows, Steven Bickel, Olivia Kavanaugh and Elisa Stephens
“For nine days, we worked, ate and slept in the wilderness. I got the best nights sleep in my life,” said Stephen. “Me? Not so much,” said Elisa. Daytime was great. Night time was a little creepy out in the middle of nowhere.” Olivia commented that when you are out in the wilderness with no electronics, no connection to urban life you really begin to think. You think at a level that you have never experienced. You mind is clear and you can concentrate. “It is something you can only experience out there,” they all said in agreement. Yellowstone National Park sits on top of a dormant volcano and is home to more geysers and hot springs than any other place on earth. Approximately 50 percent of the world’s hydrothermal features are at Yellowstone National Park. The EPI explorers visited the Norris Geyser and Mammoth Geyser pools. “Bright green, bubbling and steaming pools. Reddish-yellow; aqua and gold. Really quite beautiful,” said Elisa. “It draws you in. You want
One morning, they were on their way to observe the park’s gray wolves that have made an astonishing comeback from virtual extinction in 1926. Rising at 4:00am, they piled into their SUVs, but by 5:30am they found themselves in the midst of a herd of Bison. “They are really big! Thirteen hands high at the top of their hump,” explained Stephen. Nearly 200 Bison surrounded the cars for about an hour as we slowly shared a small pathway down the hillside. “Actually, more exciting than scary,” he said. “Another memorable moment came when we were hiking to Trout Lake, an idyllic pond surrounded by wildflowers and some fir trees. We witnessed a female otter and her pup on some logs near the bank of the lake. It was a perfect wildlife scene,” Olivia said. Centennial Valley, just outside of Yellowstone National Park, served as the campsite for this EPI excursion. “We left no trace. After we broke-camp and headed home you could not tell we had FALL 2013
“Our Yellowstone experience; The Robinson Fellowship was a great educational opportunity. It was a spur to your curiosity,” said Olivia. The three explorers enjoyed seeing a mother otter and her pup at Trout Lake.
“I could feel in my chest the energy of the setting sun hitting the endless stretch of mountains in the South.” - Olivia Kavanaugh
“Yellowstone’s Eco System is a cyclic pattern that naturally renews itself. These are important and recent findings that we learned.” - Elisa Stephens
been there. Everything we brought in we took out. We were proud of that,” the three said. “Human beings leave a huge carbon footprint. It’s hard to leave no trace living in a city, but it can be done.” “In Centennial Valley, we had a lot of free time to explore on our own. I took the time to hike to the top of the hill near our campsite and just be. My panorama was completely free of all human development. The view was breathtaking,” Olivia said. “I could feel in my chest the energy of the setting sun hitting the endless stretch of mountains in the South. The English language fails to capture the feeling of power emanating from the Valley in that moment. The thundering silence that enveloped my being came with a purpose. It seemed so obvious that I, the girl who chose to be a vegetarian in a household of enthusiastic omnivores, the girl who was working on establishing a composting system at La Salle, the girl whose favorite place on campus was the physics lab, would pursue a mission of environmental conservation. Undoubtedly, I knew what I was supposed to do. I know I will never be at peace unless I do all in my power to preserve what is left of our fragile natural world.”
The fellows visited Norris Geyser and Mammoth Geyser pools. 12
as Performance Art
uring the fall semester, the English Department hosted writer and poet Jacqueline Suskin, who has created a new twist on an ancient art: poetry as performance art. Most of us probably do not know any professional poets personally and may not even think of “poet” as a possible career. Rather, poets populate our academic spaces; they exist to fill up pages in our anthologies or fill out answer banks on multiple-choice exams. Poets belong to a past age that we can study, not to a modern age that we can speak to directly. Jacqueline has challenged that assumption by bringing poetry into public spaces – farmers’ markets, shopping malls, and La Salle classrooms -- and reframing it to fit our “on demand” culture. Rolling out her manual typewriter and index-card-sized slips of recycled paper, she asks for ideas and in a few minutes creates an individual poem for anyone who asks. And unlike watching the production of sausage, watching Jacqueline’s creation of poems provides almost as much enjoyment as reading the final product. Students were astounded not only by the immediacy of Jacqueline’s response to their suggestions – a “real” poem in under two minutes -- but by the typewriter itself. The lack of a power cord and the earthy sound of the keys hitting the platen created an aura of exotic strangeness around the experience that blended seamlessly
By Jane Osick, English Department
Jacqueline Suskin
with the immediacy of Jacqueline’s modern persona. Students’ suggestions ranged from the expected (love, family, loss) to the unusual (the Challenger explosion, eating apples after a nuclear apocalypse), but as Jacqueline noted, when it comes to poetry, “the themes are always the same – human themes.” When asked by several students if she had ever been stumped, she replied, “No, try to stump me,” and they did, but without the success they imagined possible. As Jacqueline explained, a “new” topic to an artist is really just an “old” topic dressed up in different terms. Were someone to ask for a poem on a subject she herself finds unpleasant, such as strip mining or the ivory trade, she can still respond as a poet; indeed, that is what poetry is for, to reflect on those things we think we believe, to strengthen our certainties and help us clarify our doubts. One student, however, achieved a minor victory when she asked for a poem about the Los Angeles Kings. Although a native of Michigan, Jacqueline admitted to at least one stereotype of the poet: a less-than-solid grasp of the modern sports world. The element of Jacqueline’s art that was perhaps the most astounding to students was also the most unexpected: her insistence on reading the poem aloud. True to her Continued on page 46 FALL 2013
Excerpts by Keith Lair, Pasadena Star-News. Edited by John Blackstock ’67
he Division 1A, number one ranked Lancers, successfully defended their 2012 CIF Championship by downing Harvard-Westlake 3-0 in the CIF Finals on November 23, 2013. The Lancers were undefeated in the Del Rey League and brought a 30-5 record into the championship game where they stuffed Harvard-Westlake at the net en route to a 25-22, Cheri 25-20, 26-17 sweep and Raymundo their second consecutive CIFSouthern Section title. “It’s a mentality thing; blocking especially,” junior Haley DeSales said. “You have to go out there with intentions to block. Not just me, but the middles too. Everybody has to play a part in it.” “It was just a block party out there,” senior Caroline Knop said. The Lancers had eight blocked shots in the third game and 16 in the match. “We worked on closing our blocks,” La Salle coach Tiare Tuitama said. “In our other playoff games, other teams were getting kills in our seams. We made sure that was something that we fixed.” DeSales had eight blocks, including Haley DeSales three in the final game. DeSales also had five of her match-high 16 kills in the third game, when the Lancers pulled away. La Salle had an 82 percent (16 of 19) hitting percentage in the game. “We were well-prepared,” DeSales said. “We knew what had to get done.” As scrappy as both teams played the thirdseeded Wolverines, making their first finals appearance since 2007, never really had an answer for the Lancers, who swept El Dorado for the division title last year. HarvardWestlake (26-11) would make a dramatic run, only for DeSales, Knop or Renaissance Forster to cut the Wolverines short. “It was definitely tough,” Wolverines senior Josephine Kremer said. “It’s hard when you’re working so hard and not many hits are falling.” “There were so many scrappy rallies on both sides,” Tuitama said. “We just ended up winning more of those scrappy rallies.” “A lot of people don’t get the opportunity ever in their lifetime to play for a CIF championship and we get to go three times in a row and win it twice,” Knop said. “It shows our character.” 14
Catherine “CK” Knop prepares to spike the ball against Canyon High School in the second round of the CIF Volleyball Playoffs.
FALL 2013
A long-time La Salle tradition has all the graduating seniors, along with Head Coach Gordon, take the “Senior Walk,” of one hundred yards for the last time as Lancers football players.
By John Blackstock ’67
he Lancers finished undefeated in league play for a second year in a row with a 6-0 record (9-2 overall). La Salle earned a No. 5 seed in the CIF Southern Section Northwest Division playoffs and played Carpinteria High School in the first round. Yet, for a second consecutive year, Carpinteria High School 31-24 ousted the Lancers in the opening round of the playoffs. The Warriors (8-3), an at-large entrant in the Northwest Division playoffs after finishing in fourth in the tough Tri-Valley League, scored on their opening two drives and then held on as the Lancers seven-game winning streak ended. The season featured the swivel hipped running of Bryce Harvey and the powerful, hard-hitting running of Milan Acquaah. Attacking the Warriors, Bryce Harvey carried the ball 14 times for 75 yards and 1 TD, 4 receptions for 57 yards for a total of 137 yards of offense. Milan Acquaah had 11 Carries for 55 yards and 1 TD and a total of 142 all-purpose yards including kick-off returns. Milan ended the season with 750 yards rushing with 10 TDs, The sophomore had 1350 all-purpose yards. Junior quarterback Will Pyburn was 14 of 29 throwing for 158 yards, 1 TD and 2 interceptions. Will ended his first year as a starter with 1501 passing yards and 17 TD passes. Lancer senior wide receiver, Jared Akins had 3 catches for 51 yards and 1 TD ending the season with 600 yards receiving and 7 TDs. 16
Milan Acquaah # 27
Bryce Harvey # 2
he La Salle Board of Regents, under the guidance of Ed Malicdem ’88, P’16 and Alumni Board Member Steve Peterson ’85 orchestrated Hoop It Up and the Pasadena Community Health Fair on the La Salle campus on October 5, 2013. Established in 1989 by the National Basketball Association, Hoop It Up is the nations’ largest three-on-three outdoor street basketball competition. Over the years, more than 500,000 players have competed in the games. This was the first Hoop It Up tournament in Southern California since 2003, so La Salle was proud to be the host venue for this inaugural event.
The Lancers had 358 yards of offense with 19 first downs and Carpinteria had 319 yards of offense and just 9 first downs. “We were all disappointed by the loss, especially because we had more total yardage on offense and twice the number of first downs than Carpinteria, but we had two unfortunate turnovers and too many penalties,” said Head Coach Russell Gordon. Junior Chris Rabine handled most of the kicking duties for the Lancers sending the ball into the end zone on almost every kick-off. Rabine kicked 31 PATs and 3 field goals, with the longest for 40 yards for a total of 52 points scored. “The one thing I will say,” continued Coach Gordon, “is that our kids left it all on the field; you can’t take away the fact that this group of kids were 1-19 when I took over, and now these same kids are 19-3 in two seasons, as well as being back-to-back league champions! My hat goes off to these kids, I’m extremely proud of their commitment and their overall team effort. And 9-2 is not so bad.”
The Hoop It Up tournament and the Pasadena Community Health Fair were designed to promote both community and fitness, and attracted youth, teens and adult participants from throughout the Southland and as far as Denver, Colorado. The supporting Community Health Fair was free to all participants thanks to the generosity of the event sponsors Methodist Hospital of Arcadia, Merrill Lynch, East West Bank, and Dick’s Sporting Goods. The Community Fair featured everything from blood pressure screening, healthy cooking demonstrations, and Zumba and cross fit class demonstrations. U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu, CA State Assemblyman Chris Holden, and L.A. County Supervisor Michael Antonovich all issued certificates of commendation to La Salle for the event. The weekend’s events began the evening of Friday, October 4, when La Salle hosted a Sponsors Dinner with the former Lakers Assistant Coach under Phil Jackson, Rasheed Hazzard, as the guest speaker. The one day tournament on October 5th featured great competition on all age levels and a visit from former World Champion Los Angeles Laker, Michael Cooper. Cooper engaged in a free throw competition versus a youth participant, a 3-Point Shooting contest versus La Salle girls’ basketball player, Jana Ramirez ’16, and a quick game of H-O-O-P (shortened version of H-O-R-S-E) against an adult player participant. Proceeds from this event benefited La Salle Athletics. La Salle thanks all of the numerous volunteers from the student body, faculty and the Board of Regents who helped make the event a success. Now that the precedent has been set and the kinks worked out, La Salle is planning on making this an annual event. It was a great day of fun and sportsmanship and brought hundreds of people from the community to the La Salle campus. Hoop It Up is a FIBA-endorsed tournament. The FIBA organization’s goal is to introduce 3-on- 3 basketball as an Olympic Sport within the next decade. All age divisions played on a 10 foot hoop, according to FIBA’s rules and regulations. FALL 2013
Members of HASNN become officially certified HIV/AIDS Outreach Workers by the Uganda Municipality of Health.
From Salinas to Uganda,
has Changed Forever By John Blackstock ’67 with Jenna Hackman ’09
n September of 2013, Jenna Hackman ’09 left California from a lack of tourism attractions and international interest. “The for Uganda. This was her second trip to Uganda, and famous Forest Gorillas are really the only tourist highlight in this third time back to the beautiful and mysterious continent landlocked country. It’s almost $1000 to trek in to see the gorillas of Africa. “They say that Africa has the power to capture so, no, I haven’t seen any,” she laments. certain people, that out of the thousands who step foot on After a few days in Namatala she was approached by the continent, a handful are truly changed forever, in a way numerous people about the lack of HIV/AIDS services within the so powerful words cannot express,” she explained just days before slum. “My best friend and fellow volunteer, Jamie Martin and I she left. quickly realized this was one of the biggest needs and concerns “During my sophomore year of college, I applied to study abroad through a service-learning political science program at Western Washington University. Little did I know it would have the power to change my entire world. Through the program, I volunteered in the township of Kurland in rural South Africa, focusing much of my research on the effects of apartheid and the role it played on the cycle of poverty within this community. I spent my days working with an after school program for young girls and also spent many hours teaching in the local preschool, along with refurbishing houses and interviewing the local people for my final paper. Being able to work with these people and to see through a small window what their life was like for two months moved me in ways I cannot explain. Upon my return to the United States, I began to question what Jenna Hackman ’09, with fellow volunteer, my role had been as a privileged American Jamie Martin, far left, enjoy the company of working in this township. I became very local merchants and their children. critical of the projects I had participated in and questioned what sustainable change I had truly made upon the community. How was I any different than of the community. We began to approach Namatala residents to the countless other temporary volunteers who had spent time in find leaders and role models within the community who were Kurland? Yes, I had great stories to tell, touching photos to show interested in becoming HIV/AIDS outreach workers.” Jenna and my friends, and countless new relationships with people in South Jamie enlisted 16 committed community leaders from people of Africa. But I couldn’t help but question if the trip had ended up different ages, genders, and religious backgrounds as their initial being more about a growing experience for myself rather than community workers. Not such an easy task since Namatala is a actually creating change within Kurland.” melting pot of sorts with thousands of refugees from various “By my senior year, I found myself still extremely interested tribes and religious backgrounds, who speak over 25 different in international development.” With the help of some professors in languages. To begin the project, the girls were able to raise $800 in the Political Science Department, she put together an independent the United States. This money (with spending value of about $3,000 study curriculum for a trip abroad to rural Uganda. Jenna spent the in the USA) was used to train the community leaders through the fall quarter of her senior year living with a local Ugandan with little Municipality of Health in Uganda to become official HIV/AIDS electricity, no running water, and cows and chickens outside her outreach workers. The remaining money was used to host a free front door. She spent much of her time in the town of Mbale, and HIV/AIDS testing day that was run entirely by the newly trained in a slum called Namatala. Namatala is a hovel with a population counselors. “We hoped for a few dozen, but over 300 residents were of approximately 20,000 people who live on an average of 1,000 tested. What started out as a simple idea turned into a movement shillings (40 cents) a day. Uganda is in a state of rebuilding after its and then an organization,” she recalls. recent civil war and, like many smaller African countries, suffers Jenna’s original research paper for graduation was based on her premise that development is only successful through a sustainable approach that empowers local people, and goes beyond Jenna Hackman ’09, having good intentions, “I have seen so many empty cement block with village children. buildings that are simply disintegrating because well-meaning organizations would build things to show that their money was being spent for practical purposes, yet without running water, electricity, nails and hammers, these buildings quickly fell into disrepair when the mazungu (white people) left. And yes, I am a minority here. There are just a few dozen mazungu in Namatala. The older generation is sometimes skeptical, but with time, people appreciate the empowerment our programs bring. They now have hope for their own future. It’s interesting to be watched and have every move scrutinized, but when I leave I know they will be able to continue their work without us. You really need to see the bigger picture I think.” Jenna reports that the original 16 individuals have become a registered community-based organization called HIV/AIDS Support Network Namatala (HASNN). A year later HASNN is stronger than ever. Their services include counseling, free testing FALL 2013
Jenna and Jamie with HIV /AIDS trainees and supporters.
days, positive living support groups, successful and growing savings groups, and an income generating passion fruit garden project. Thanks to Jenna and Jamie’s efforts, HASNN was accepted as a partner organization under the Bellingham, WA based non-profit Slum Doctor program and continues to be the only organization offering HIV/AIDS services to the 20,000 people in Namatala. Jenna graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in American Cultural Studies with a minor in Political Science in May 2013 and is returning to work under the Slum Doctor program until at least February of 2014. “I feel so privileged to be able to come back and see all of the amazing people who have helped me grow in so many ways these past few years. I enjoy helping to provide HIV/AIDS services to more people in the surrounding countryside. I have so much passion and respect for the members of HASNN and I so strongly believe in the grassroots structure and emphasis on the empowerment of local people within this cause,” she said. HASNN has already begun to transform the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS in Namatala. One can only imagine the positive, life-saving effect it will have on the community in the years to come. “I think about the wonderful people and places I have seen in South Africa, Rwanda and Uganda every single day. International development work is truly my passion and it has played a vital role in my life. While I owe much of my opportunities and experiences to my family and the mindset of how I was raised, I also trace back much of my first service experiences to the La Salle community. If there is one thing I truly gained from attending La Salle, it is the amazing personal growth opportunities I had through service learning. Whether it was through weekly trips to Ability First, the Venaver trip to Salinas, Skid Row homeless projects or even Ms. Quinn’s religion class in which she always emphasized Gandhi’s famous quote, ’live simply so others may simply live,’ I have so much respect and I owe so much thanks to the place that started it all, La Salle High School. I feel so lucky to have attended a school in which service-learning projects were a priority and part of our daily life.” She believes we are all truly interconnected, from far away rural Uganda to sunny Pasadena where lives are being changed by the service-learning atmosphere. “So thank you to everyone who has emphasized or taken time to push service-learning at La Salle. It has changed my life and the lives of thousands in Namatala, Uganda.” 20
Jamie and Jenna on the way to the HIV/AIDS clinic in Namatala, Uganda.
Jenna spent her summer at an isolated fishing resort in Alaska so she could earn enough money to return to Uganda. “I needed money fast so I cleaned fish all day. There was no place to spend my money on that island anyway, so it worked out,” she says with a laugh. Here are links to the projects mentioned in this article.
www.slumdoctor.org www.hasnn.webs.com www.facebook.com/pages/HIVAIDS-Support-NetworkNamatala-HASNN/244659885675923
AMAZING LANCERS La Salle student, Stephen Boyer, left, is interviewed by award-winning film maker and the star of MTV’s “World of Jenks” after he won the Best Overall Film award at the All-American High School Film Festival.
wins national film festival awards By Vicki Paluch P’13
tephen Boyer, took the inaugural All-American High School Film Festival by storm, winning two top awards, during an awards ceremony in New York City. The La Salle High School senior won Best Overall Film at the All-American High School Film Festival on October 5 for his drama “Paradigm,” which he wrote, filmed, scored and directed. He also won the Best Comedy Award for “Dinner with the Woodburns” a film he directed and wrote with Matthew Seidner ’12, who produced, edited and acted. Boyer and Seidner have been partners in filmmaking since meeting in the school’s film program (LTV) nearly four years ago. Boyer was the only finalist at the All-American High School Film Festival to win awards in two categories. He was among the 84 finalists who attended the three-day festival, which received more than 1,000 projects from 40 states and around the world. The judges included actress Kristen Stewart, documentarian Morgan Spurlock, screenwriter Diablo Cody and “Lost” executive producer Carlton Cuse. “Paradigm” is a five-minute dramatic film about two children who use their memories to rationalize the actions of their estranged parents. The comedy, “Dinner with the Woodburns,” tells the story of a son coming out to his parents who realizes that he has opened the flood-gates for even more family secrets to be revealed. The award for best film included prizes -- a $1,000 scholarship and a Power Director 11 UltraCyberlink Editing Software – and it opened doors, including opportunities to meet leaders in the film industry, get press interviews and the chance to collaborate on a professional project. After the awards ceremony Boyer, his cast, crew and teachers received star treatment when they attended a private screening with industry professionals at the exclusive SoHo House. He will have an opportunity to meet Tucker Tooley, the president of Relativity Media Studios. When he returned home, he received an email offering him an opportunity to be creatively involved in the production of a web
series to be produced by Fandango, an affiliate of NBC/Universal. The film festival is the first nation-wide festival to serve high school students. It was founded by Andrew Jenks, an award-winning filmmaker behind MTV’s “World of Jenks” and HBO’s “Andrew Jenks, Room 335.”
Producer Danny Rose (Cougar Town, Scrubs) left, congratulates La Salle student, Stephen Boyer, on accepting the Best Comedy award at the All-American High School Film Festival.
“Paradigm,” also won Best Teen Film at the Youngcuts Film Festival in Montreal, Canada. The film has been accepted as an official selection at the First International Children’s Film Festival in Dubai. Boyer has also been selected as a winner in the National Young Arts Foundation Cinematic Arts competition and will attend the award ceremonies in Miami in January 2014. Boyer has made more than 20 films since entering La Salle’s film program. All of them can be viewed on YouTube. FALL 2013
AMAZING LANCERS Just after the Tournament of Roses Coronation Ball on October 24, John Blackstock, Lancer Magazine editor, had a chance to ask Jamie Kwong, our newly selected Tournament of Roses Princess a few questions. JB: Was becoming one of the Rose Princesses what you expected? JK: This group of girls is great. They are so nice, friendly, pretty and smart. All the tournament people are really considerate too. “Welcome to the Sisterhood” was virtually the first thing I heard. We feel like family already. JB: Why did you decide to go through the selection process? JK: I remember my Dad carrying me up the bleachers in the dark on Rose Parade mornings. I watched the Queen’s Float go by so many times. The princesses’ were so beautiful. You almost have to tryout if you grow up in Pasadena.
A Special Knight for our Princess
JB: On Halloween, all the princesses dressed up as Disney princesses to visit young cancer patients at the Huntington Hospital. You dressed as your favorite princess, Mulan. Why did you choose her? JK: I like her wit and wisdom. Plus she has some of my ethnic traits. But the best part of being a princess is volunteering with children. It’s a passion of mine. It’s from my heart. Children are so honest, generous and revealing. There was a darling little three year old in a knight’s costume. He looked up and said he was my knight in shining armor. This can’t help but bring a tear to your eye. The smile I see and the happiness I get when I rose (placing a small embroidered rose logo of the Tournament on someone) a little girl or boy is almost indescribable. I’ve wanted to do this since I was rosed by a princess when I was six or seven years old in elementary school. The circle continues. JB: What else have you enjoyed?
Jamie in Royal Red gown with tiera as she prepares for the Coronation Ball. 22
JK: The training has been so valuable. It really is a life changing experience. Tracy Cresta, last year’s Rose Princess, warned me to not get too stressed over going to Rose Tournament events, classes and cheerleading plus applying to colleges and all the other things one does. She said to just enjoy the trip. My teachers are so helpful with my classes. I couldn’t be more grateful. It’s only been three weeks and it seems like three months already! I think I’ll take Tracy’s advice and just enjoy the ride. Look for more in the next issue of Lancer Magazine.
hese seven young women are the 2014 Tournament of Roses Royal Court and have embarked on months of public appearances as they promote the upcoming Rose Parade in Pasadena on January 1, 2014. The women were chosen from a group of 30 finalists who were culled from nearly 1,000 applicants for the coveted spots. They are, from left, Princess Jamie Kwong, 17, a senior cheerleader who is president of the National Honors Society at La Salle High School; Princess Sarah Hansen, a 19-year-old Pasadena City College student who teaches preschool; Princess Katherine Lipp, a 17-year-old La Cañada High student who helped deliver meals to poor residents in downtown L.A; Queen Ana Marie Acosta, a 17-year-old captain of the varsity equestrian team at Polytechnic
Jamie, outside the Tournament House when she was named one of the seven Princesses.
School; Princess Elyssia Widjaja, 17, captain of the speech and debate team at San Marino High; Princess Elizabeth Woolf, 17, a La Cañada High student who is a teacher’s assistant and editor of the school’s yearbook and Princess Kayla Johnson-Granberry, a 17-year-old Pasadena High student who was an intern at the L.A. city attorney’s office. Together, the women will attend more than 100 public events, but they will get an assist. The Royal Court will be provided with wardrobe and accessories as well as hair and makeup stylists, according to the tournament association. Famed Dodgers play-by-play broadcaster Vin Scully will be leading the 125th Rose Parade through Pasadena on January 1 as grand marshal.
The Royal Court in Disney Princesses Halloween costumes at Huntington Hospital during their visit to the Pediatric Ward. FALL 2013
By Kristen Schultz ’98
was recognized as the recipient of the 2013 Alumni Service Award during the All Saints Liturgy on Friday, November 1st for her embodiment of the Lasallian mission of “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve.” During her time at La Salle and even early in college Kala was very involved in music but after studying music business for three years she switched majors to Sociology and immediately became more actively engaged with and critical of societal norms. Kala’s mom is a chef so she was exposed to the world of food at an early age and started developing her own cooking skills after moving to the east coast for college. She soon realized that she loved looking at food issues through a sociological lens, and found a growing community in Manhattan and Brooklyn that was doing ground breaking and innovative work around increasing food access, knowledge and justice. She started volunteering for the Food Bank of NYC supporting their gardening cooking program in a Bronx first grade classroom. Following her graduation from City University of New York- Brooklyn College in 2011 she moved back to California and received an offer to work as a healthy eating/cooking teacher through Monrovia Unified School District. From there she moved on to FoodCorps, a nationwide team of leaders working to help kids develop lasting healthy relationships with food. Kala moved to New Haven, Connecticut to work at Common Ground High School and Environmental 24
Education Center, a small charter high school that has an acre production farm and animals. She spent a year there working to mobilize communities around schools gardens, helping the district dietician teach nutrition and source more local fruits and vegetables for the student lunches, and leading an after school cooking club and garden program. After her year of AmeriCorps service which ended in June 2013, Kala was selected as a FoodCorps Fellow in California. This is the first year that the program is operating in California and while based in Oakland, she oversees 12 service members spread out around the state who are working in low resource communities. She is responsible for organizing trainings, seeking funding and coordinating statewide media interactions. Beyond her day to day work she is also working on her Fellows project and is helping Lifelab (a Santa Cruz based garden education non-profit) gather statewide information on school gardens. When asked about her passion to give back Kala explains, “I find that my generation has a uniquely strong inclination to want to do good for others and La Salle definitely jumpstarted that spark in me. There is no greater reward than what comes from helping other people. I’ve learned through trial, error, and keen observation, that in the long run (an important caveat), a life built around personal gain is never as rich as one that prioritized helping and/or empowering others. That’s what cherished legacies are made of, and I really hope to leave one of those behind.”
Annual Report 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
FALL / WINTER FALL 2013-14 2013
Contribution Summary TOTAL RAISED BY SOURCE $1,680,644 | JULY 1, 2012 - JUNE 30, 2013
Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund Bob Thomas Scholarship Fund for Math & Science Brother Celestine, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1961 Financial Aid Fund Class of 1997 Financial Aid Fund David Contreras ’98 Memorial Fund
Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Interscholastic Athletic Fund Excellence in Coaching Fund Francis Bacon Foundation Endowed Scholarship for the Arts Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund Grant Glausser ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund Honor A Lasallian Educator Fund John Matheus Honorary Alumnus Fund Joseph Antonisamy Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Jules Ruggles Memorial Scholarship Fund Linda M. Grinstead Fine & Performing Arts Fund
The La Salle High School Crest was created in 1956, but the origins date back to the seventh century. The coat-of-arms for the House of Salla was first displayed in the County of Urgel in Catalonia, Spain, where the family patriarch, Johan Salla, was the warrior chief of Alphonsus the Chaste, King of Oviedo. Together they expelled the Moors from Urgel and reestablished the Episcopal See in 818. The fact that John Salla’s legs were broken in mortal combat as he fought side-by-side with his king, is the origin of the three broken chevrons of gold on azure in the “SALLA” coat-of-arms. In the thirteenth century the Salla family migrated to Basque Province in the south of France, but though their name became French (De La Salle), they retained “SALLA” as their battle-cry. The ancient motto of the family was “due Sien Toustem UcatI Amasse,” which in the Gascon dialect translates as “Let us all be united.” Later, Saint La Salle’s family migrated to Rheims, France, 26
Mareina Chapel Fund Margaret Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund Michael Rossini ’81 Memorial Scholarship Fund Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Bob Alcorn Scholarship Fund for the Humanities Robinson Professional Development Endowment Fund San Miguel Scholarship Fund Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund Tim Gripp Memorial Theatre Scholarship Fund Tuition Assistance Fund Women’s Athletic Scholarship Fund
and that branch of the family translated this motto into the Latin “Indivisa Manent,” or “We stand undivided.” This was another reference to the broken yet steadfast legs of Johan Salla represented by the three broken chevrons on the La Salle coat-of-arms. The quartered crest or coat-of-arms shows a castle above crossed sword and scabbard representing the sovereign property of the De La Salle family and the warrior heritage from Spain. The crown with nine orbs is that of a count. However, in 1899 (a year before the Canonization of Saint John Baptist De La Salle) a descendant of the family, Count Felix De La Salle, was made a duke by Pope Leo XIII. Hence, the Lasallian crown became a ducal crown.
Financial Data
FALL 2013
The Platinum Circle In honor of those whose lifetime cumulative contributions have exceeded $50,000. In doing so, they have exercised great leadership in the advancement of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle, which enables the School to carry out the vision of its Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle.
The Bene Merenti Society
“Bene Merenti” is Latin for “Well-deserving.” Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions have exceeded $100,000 are truly well-deserving of our gratitude for their commitment to the School’s Mission. Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Archdiocese Of Los Angeles Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Fritz B. Burns Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75
The Crowell Family De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Bill Hannon Foundation William H. Hannon Foundation Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Kohorst Allen Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Don and Georgette Mareina John F. Marshall ’85 Marshall Charitable Trust George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pankow Bob and Corene Pindroh, P ’90 Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Rose Hills Foundation The Twomey Family Webb Foundation Walt and Julie Williams
The Buttimer Society
Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions are between $50,000 and $99,999 join the Buttimer Society; named after the first American Superior General of the Christian Brothers – Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, FSC. Like Brother Charles Henry, who governed the Institute during the turbulent decade of the Sixties, these donors ensure the financial stability of La Salle Mr. Roland Aldridge Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Blaine and Lynda Fetter Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Keele Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio Mr. Steve Madison Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Mr. Russell J. Osterman Pasadena Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath
Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Marshall Rose Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Craig Silvers Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sloane Valley Processing Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vanni
Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Weingart Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Western Asset Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead E.L. Wiegand Foundation
Trustees THE LA SALLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Starting from the left: Pete Godfrey, Richard Gray, Ryan Resurrección, Bob Nuccio ’71, Bob Kohorst ’71, Vera Vignes, Ty Gaffney ’65, Br. Kevin Slate, Robert Packard, Tom Caulfield, Barry Schweiger ’60, Tamara Flowers. Not pictured: Ray Pearl ’99, Sister Marilyn Binder, Jim Canny ’65, Erica Hahn
Saint Benilde Society La Salle recognizes those donors who have restricted their contributions of $1,000.00+ to the School’s Endowment Funds or included La Salle in their estate planning through one of a number of Planned Giving instruments including gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts and bequests. These donors are honored as members of the Saint Benilde Society. Similar to the visionary actions of Brother Celestine, the founding principal of La Salle High School, the support of these individuals will help secure the perpetuity of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle High School for generations. Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Aghili ’88 Ahmanson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alden Anonymous Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Patricia and David Barulich Mr. and Mrs. Zoran K. Basich Tom and Jeri Beck Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. Monty Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. H. Thomas Boyle and Ms. Wendy Lees Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burke ’60 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Carey Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford Mrs. Mary Danenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers)
Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Mr. Michael P. Delaney ’60 Jim Dirmann ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doda Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elam III Blaine and Lynda Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fetters ’60 Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Mark and Bettina Graf Richard Gray, Ph.D. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith The Gripp Family Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Ms. Carolyn L. Imrie Ms. Nancy Iredale Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Tim Q. Johnson ’60 Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karahadian Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 La Salle High School Academic Boosters
La Salle High School Senior Class of 1999 Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Don and Georgette Mareina George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. Michael Molino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mueller The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Nursing Home Solutions, Inc. Mr. Leon Okurowski Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. Russell J. Osterman Charles Pankow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pankow Bob and Corene Pindroh, P ’90 Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63
Mr. Robert M. Rossini Mrs. Joann Ruggles Mr. Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. Louis P. Smaldino ’60 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trudeau ’60 The Twomey Family Mr. Willard L. Umphrey Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Wellpoint Foundation WFB Ohio-Foundation (MN) Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Wiegand ’60 Peter and Serena Williams Walt and Julie Williams Mr. Donald Wood Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Carol and Bradford Wright ’73
Regents THE LA SALLE BOARD OF REGENTS Starting from the left: Pete Griffith P’00,’03, Carol Duffey P’10,’12, Doug Campbell, Lisa Bononi, Joseph M. Zanetta, JD, P’12, Walt Williams P’04, Julie Williams P’04 (Vice Chair), Dave Skibinski, Yolanda Valadez P’08, David Lam P’08, ’09, Edward Malicdem ’88, P’16, Mike Stoddard P’07,’10,’12,’15, Dennis Jebbia (Chairman) Not pictured: John Delaney P’82, ’85,’89, John DeMarco P’12, Peter Godfrey, Esq. P’07,’08, Scott A. Hancock P’11,’11,’11, Bradford Hixson P’13, Joe Lumarda P’14, Craig Sloane P’09,’11, D’Arcy Sloane P’09,’11, Brad W. Wright ’73, P’07,’12 FALL 2013
Honor Roll of Donors Each year La Salle High School recognizes the generosity of individuals and organizations whose tax-deductible cash contributions and new pledges during the year total $1,000 or more. These donors play a critical role in strengthening the current programs for our students and helping La Salle plan for the future. Founded in 1989, there were 11 individuals, couples, and organizations as members in its initial year. For 2012-2013, 435 individuals, couples, and organizations comprise the membership of its most prestigious order of donors. PRESIDENT’S CABINET $10,000+
Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Peter K. Barker Foundation Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. Robert D. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Dolores Mission Catholic Church Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David Lam The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio The Lumarda Family Mr. Steve Madison Don and Georgette Mareina George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pankow Pasadena Community Foundation Bob and Corene Pindroh, P ’90 Rose Hills Foundation Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds Webb Foundation Walt and Julie Williams
Mr. Peter K. Barker ’66 Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Burke ’64 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Tom Caulfield and Corinne McCann-Caulfield Christian Brothers Community of Cathedral High School Ms. Carole Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Elizalde Fluor Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forbush Richard Gray, Ph.D. Mr. Peter S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Ms. Nancy Iredale Fletcher Jones Foundation 30
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Craig and D’Arcy Sloane The Twomey Family Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whittingham Mr. and Mrs. Yung Yeung Mr. and Mrs. Jason Young
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arriola III The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer ’75 Tom, Julie and Jennifer Brady ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Buchan ’73 California Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Camargo Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Canny ’65 Julie Solberg and Ted Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81 Don & Sally Clark Foundation Donald and Sally Clark Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge The Crowell Family Justin and Mia Dean Mr. and Mrs. John DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dewey II Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Deziel The Walt Disney Company Foundation Michael and Carol Duffey Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Finnerman The Dennis Finnerman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Terence A. Fitch Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb Dr. Kathy Fogarty Foundation Source Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenstreet Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hammett William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helbing Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Helgeson Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hixson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland Mr. Jeff Johnson and Mrs. Debbie Cabreira-Johnson Mr. Richard Jones and Dr. Lisa Butler
Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Mr. Matthew Kohorst ’07 Mr. and Mrs. David Kruse Ronnie and Patcharin Law Mr. and Mrs. Jesoo Lee Mr. and Mrs. Ali LeRoi Mr. Patrick Lin Mrs. Linda Lui Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mathison Dr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Navarro Norman’s Nursery Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Lakuko Ouyou Mr. and Mrs. Girish R. Patel Mrs. Dana Pelsone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pontrelli Mr. and Mrs. Dante Puccinelli Mr. and Mrs. Steve F. Ready ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Rico Mr. John Ring Mr. Chad P. Robinson ’08* Mr. Peter Sandford and Dr. Raquel Sandford Charlotte Schieffelin Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sisson Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sprengel Dr. and Mrs. James Steinwedell Dr. and Mrs. John Tamkin Ms. Jody Tolan Ms. Yolanda Valadez Mr. and Mrs. Peter Viehl The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Mr. Shantai Way and Ms. Grace Hsiao Dr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Wedeen Mr. and Mrs. Troy Whitehead ’07* Ms. Samantha L. Whitehead ’11* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Mr. Herbert Wu and Ms. Reling Wong Mr. Xingfa Xue and Ms. Irina Wang Mr. Hai Yin and Ms. Liqun Si Mr. Keith Zubchevich *Alumni Affiliate
CRYSTAL CIRCLE $1,000 - $2,499
AYSO region 13 Bank of America Foundation MG Program
Beagle I, Inc. Cars 4 Causes Google Matching Gifts Program The Robert E. Hansen Family Foundation The Ann Jackson Family Foundation La Salle High School Academic Boosters La Salle High School Arts Boosters La Salle High School Athletic Boosters Northwestern Mutual Foundation Pacific Homeworks, Inc. Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley Bridge Unit 559 Santa Anita Park Southern California Edison Company Specialty Family Foundation Wells Fargo Capital Finance Western Digital Dr. Pierre Abboud and Ms. Grace Soueidan Mr. and Mrs. William Adams Ms. Bertha Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Prince Akins, Jr. Katherine and Jack Anastasia Mr. Jim Anderson and Ms. Kathleen Walker Mr. and Mrs. Greg Andrade Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antonides Mr. Luigi Arrighi Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Asao Mr. and Mrs. Georges Attar Mr. and Mrs. John Austin Mr. and Mrs. William Ayala Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Baier, Sr. Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird Mr. John Balmer, Jr. Ms. Priscilla Barrio Mr. and Mrs. James Bauer Mr. George Bent Mrs. Monika Bent Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. and Mrs. Kirakos Bilanjian Mr. Thomas Blaney and Ms. Heidi Rous Mr. and Mrs. David Blue Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bolle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borquez Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Boull’t Mr. Frank Brandauer and Ms. Cheryl Butler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Browne Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. John Caldas and Mrs. Marissa Pantastico-Caldas Mr. and Mrs. Jose Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. Hector J. Chacon Dimitri and Mona Chamieh Mr. Kee Chan and Ms. Henny Ang Mr. Roy Chang Mr. and Mrs. Mark Charvat ’72 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cheung Mr. Dauhli Chi and Ms. Sharon Wu Mr. Robert Chong and Ms. Pamela Wen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Chow Mr. and Mrs. Thane Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Cookman Mrs. Laurie Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Costa Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. Matthew Covey and Ms. Jiezl Rivas Dr. and Mrs. Jay Crabtree Mr. James Dalgarn and Ms. Cathi Chadwell Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Daughters Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Mr. Simón De La Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Dustin De Mesa ’96 Mr. Mark Deneen and Dr. Wendy Deneen Mr. Donald DesHarnais Mr. and Mrs. John Dewar Dr. Brian J. Doerning ’81 and Mrs. Maryann Messina-Doerning Mr. Patrick Doocy ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Scott DoVale Mr. and Mrs. Eric Duell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dyer Mr. Raymond Ealy and Mrs. L. Charmayne Ealy Ms. Lisa Edwards Mr. Bruce Epstein Dr. James L. Eshom and Ms. Brenda Hayakawa Mr. Ray Farhang and Ms. Lisa Vellanoweth Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fitzgerald David and Tricia Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fosselman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foster Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Franco Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams Mr. Todd Frankel and Mrs. Roberta Tinajero-Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. Matthew Gaggioli ’05* Mr. and Mrs. Guido Galli Mr. and Mrs. Nanda Ganesan Mr. and Mrs. Julius Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Werner Garciano ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gately Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gelinas Mr. William Gifford Mr. and Mrs. James Gilb Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gillies
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gohrick Mr. and Mrs. Rene Gomez Mr. J. Brady Graham ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Graves Mr. Christopher A. Griffin ’11* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin ’67 Mr. Philip T. Griffin ’11* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. David Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Haro Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hart Mr. M. Patrick Henry Ms. Cristina Hernandez and Mr. Jeffrey Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hilland Drs. Kurt and Melissa Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. Jonathan Holmes and Ms. Denise Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. Barc Holmes Mr. Dustin Hopper ’99* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hubert Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hughes ’61 Mrs. Pamela Jacques and Mr. Thomas P. Raimondi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jameson Mr. Peter Javryd and Ms. Sharon Palmer Mr. Indika Jinadasa and Dr. Priyanthi Jinadasa Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jones Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jordan ’74 Mr. Ricardo J. Jurado ’95 Mr. Dave Jurasevich and Ms. En Lee Lin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kisich Mrs. Katalina Klein Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knop Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kober Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krings Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krouse ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krystad Mr. and Mrs. Kim-Ming Lau Mr. Frank A. Laurenzello Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Le Berthon ’78 Mr. Ming Lee and Ms. Christelle Lam Mr. Cesar Lepe and Mrs. Norma Avendano-Lepe Mr. Jose Leyva and Ms. Catalina Zuluaga Mr. and Mrs. Apichart Luyapan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Mr. and Mrs. Jay Madden Ms. Patricia Madrigal Dr. Anthony Mannucci and Ms. Katherine Louie Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Marikian Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Mr. Jack Matar and Ms. Asma Owens Mr. Paul McCudden and Ms. Christine Delany Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFaul ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKiernan Dr. and Mrs. Steven McLaren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mehren ’61 Ms. Tara Milton Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Mirasol ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Syrus Mobayen Mr. and Mrs. Hilmar Monninger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mooneyham Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morrison Drs. Keith Munson and Linda Lasater Munson Mr. Mike Nachabe and Ms. Tuyen Trinh Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Aris O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 John, Karen and Kimberly ’13 Paciorek Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Paluch Mr. Steven Paradis Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Parra Mr. and Mrs. Allan Patatanyan Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pearl Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pearson Mr. Joseph Pelayo Ms. Donna Perez Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pomeroy IV The Porges Family Mr. Gonzalo Posada and Mrs. Zoraida Davila-Posada Mr. Patrick Pyle and Dr. Leslie Shrager Mr. William Quach and Ms. Debbie Thai Mr. Erwin Quadra and Mrs. Raymunda Concepcion-Quadra Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Hector Quitzon Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Randolph ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James Ratkovich Mr. and Mrs. Philip Raycraft Mr. Barry Rein and Ms. Desiree Zamorano Mr. Rene Reyes and Ms. Claudeane Cardenas Dr. and Dr. Kim Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Ms. Teresa M. Ring ’03* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rix Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosales Dr. and Mrs. R. Fernando Roth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rozario Jenny and Michael Rue ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Vijayakumar Sabanayagam Mrs. Diana Natasha Salamon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Saldivar Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Scofield
Mr. and Mrs. Kahn Scolnick Ms. Tricia Searcy Murrey and Sue Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Sharp Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mrs. L. J. Show Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Sigur Mr. and Mrs. Sam Situ Mr. and Mrs. Craig Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. John Sofio Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stamos Mr. and Mrs. John Steger Dr. and Mrs. Ken Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stoddard Mr. Mel Stoutsenberger and Ms. Vickie Blair Dr. and Mrs. Ridwan Sudirgo Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Synold Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tan Mr. and Mrs. Elias Tango Drew and Diane Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Eric Taylor Mr. Kelvin Thai and Ms. Crystal Tran Mr. and Mrs. Virat Thantrakul ’68 Mrs. Jayne Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mr. Sam Tor and Mrs. Ju Zhang Tor Mr. Hiromichi Toyonaga ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Trager Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tran Mr. Alfredo Tuason and Mrs. Angeline Yu-Tuason Mr. and Mrs. Gary Urbina Mr. and Mrs. Valentin H. Usle Mr. and Mrs. Rommel Valarao Fred and Diane Van der Linde Mr. Chris Vaughan and Ms. Rhonda Leung Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 Morris and Esther Victor Mr. and Mrs. Adam Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wagner Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Mr. and Mrs. James Washington Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wasson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Werden Peter and Serena Williams Carol and Bradford Wright ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wu Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Young Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. Mr. and Mrs. William Zanteson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zumel *Alumni Affiliate
FALL 2013
Indivisa Manent In the spirit of the School’s motto, “Indivisa Manent” (We stand undivided), the following listing of donors includes individuals and organizations that support the everyday operations of La Salle High School. The following giving programs are included in this generous and supportive group: Parent Giving Program, Lancer Golf Tournament, Crystal Ball, Annual Fund, Alumni Scholarship and Financial Aid, Endowment, Capital, Technology and all General Donations. Thank you for supporting the students at La Salle High School.
1410 Partners, LLC 3-2-1 Talent Showcase Acting Studios AIG Matching Grants Program Altadena Town & Country Club AM Electric, Inc Angel International Fine Art, Inc. Angels Baseball Club, Inc. Arcadia Party Rentals Arnold’s Hardware & Gifts Arroyo Seco Saints Baseball Barb’s Gift Gallery Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. Bella Adorna Blaze “Fast Fired” Pizza Bolton & Company Bononi Law Group, LLP The Bottle Shop Brooks Surety & Insurance Service Brown Paper Tickets Butterfly Effect Day Spa California Picture Framing Capelli Court Casa del Rey Mexican Restaurant Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts Milton D. Chan, DDS The Chubb Corporation CKW Uniforms Claud & Co. Eatery Cooking What You Crave Corfu Restaurant Creative Memories de Croupet’s Cake Sisters Delivering Hope, Inc. Di Pilla’s Italian Restaurant Dick’s Sporting Goods Law Offices of Ruperto D. Domingo Earthquake Store ECCO El Portal Electric City Thomas Fallon Photography Fasching’s Car Wash Fidelity Corporate Services Fiesta Parade Floats Foothills Mathematics Group Fortanasce & Associates Physical Therapy Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. Freecause, Inc. GEO Chiropractic Clinic GKJ Properties, LLC Glendora Country Club Gourmet Blends Corp. Green Street Restaurant 32
Hala Skin & Body Halper Fine Art Hamburger Hamlet Han’s Beauty Store John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Hearst Ranch Winery High Point Academy Holy Family Parish Bookstore Hunt Ortmann Palffy Nieves Lubka Darling & Mah, Inc. The Huntington Library The Ice House The Improv Comedy Theater In-N-Out Burger Ixora Jack’s Cleaners Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Jostens JP Paper Shredders Julienne Fine Foods & Celebrations Karin’s Salon Andy D. Kau, DDS Kendall Hunt Publishing Krikorian’s Premier Theatres La Canada Eye Care La Nueva Posada La Salle High School Parents Association La Salle High School Pasadena La Vencedora Products, Inc. The Langham Huntington Pasadena Le Cordon Bleu Leonora Moss Little Kuts Los Angeles Lakers The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association Magali Farms Maria’s Italian Kitchen Marston’s Restaurant Mary Lee Catering, LLC Massage Envy Spa Matt Denny’s Ale House MCV Business Network Mead Johnson Medieval Times Menrad Motors Merchants Building Maintenance Merck Partnership for Giving Miller Insurance Services The Misplaced Priorities Nationwide College Tours Mrs. Nelson’s Toy & Book Shop Nestle USA, Nestle USA Foundation Nicole’s Gourmet Foods
Nikki C’s Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation No Excuses Fitness Noir Food & Wine Noor Nordstrom’s Northrop Grumman Corporation Old Pasadena Restaurant Group The Only Place In Town P.M. Jacoy Paco’s Mexican Restaurant Palm Springs Aerial Tramway Palm Springs Air Museum The Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena Tournament of Roses The Physical Edge Pie ’N Burger Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Russ Reid Company Rene & Company Ripley’s Believe it or Not! ROCCO Rock It Workouts Roclord Photography Studio Rubio’s Rusnak Auto Group San Antonio Winery San Diego Zoo Global Sasaki InnoVessense SkinCare Savor the Flavor Schwab Charitable Fund Sea Glass Fine Art Seaworld San Diego Sharp Seating Co. Sierra Madre Pizza Co. Significance Foundation Bigley Family Foundation Skin Deep Laser Med Spa SL Home Fashions Spirit Cruises Spreebird St. Rita’s Church Starbucks Studio Charis Taco Fiesta Talianko Design Group, LLC Technical Advantage, Inc. The Spot Gourmet Catering Tinzee Nail Salon Tobin James Cellars Togos Hastings Ranch Tommy’s World Famous Hamburgers Tricks of the Trade, Inc. Tropical Nail Spa VIP Sports Marketing Votre Hair Salon
Wasabi by Jill Pearson John Wells Golf Shop Western Supreme Rooter, Inc. Wildflour Baking Co., Inc. Wine of the Month Club WM Design House LLC Women’s World Fitness Center The Yellow Balloon Zelo Zigabid
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abadjian Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abraham Ms. Marly Acosta Mr. Charles Adams III ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Manoochehr Adhami Mr. Harry Agajanian Ms. Lisa Agajanian Mr. and Mrs. Ali Aghili Ms. Virginia Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ajamian Mr. Jonathan A. Ajamian ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Akobian Dr. and Mrs. Michael Alberico Mr. Vincent A. Alberico ’13 Mr. Jaime Albino and Mrs. Elva Vieyra Ms. Robin Alexander Ms. Amanda Alfaro Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Algeo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Allaire ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Alvarado ’88 Mr. and Mrs. David Alvarado Mr. Max W. Alvarado ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Laurenti Alviso Mr. Michael J. Anastasia ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anaya ’89 The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 and Mrs. Karen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andre Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Andrews Ms. DrewAnn K. Andrews ’11 Mrs. Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Angarita ’96
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Anicich ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anthony ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jovi Aragon Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Archer ’97 Mr. Thomas Argo Mr. George Arkfeld Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong Mrs. Grace Arrighi Ms. Taylor R. Arrighi-Bracci ’13 Ms. Kaitlyn R. Arriola ’13 Ms. Angela Arunarsirakul ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asao Ms. Alexis Ashjian ’13 Ms. Alexandra T. Astorga ’13 Ms. Angel C. Attar ’13 Mr. Adrian Avalos ’13 Mr. Wayne G. Avjian ’77 Mr. Richard A. Ayala ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Badzey ’84 Mr. Kaspar Balaian and Ms. Anny Matossian Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Ms. M. Teresa Baldonado and Mr. Mitchell Lehman The Reverend and Mrs. Michael Bamberger Mr. and Mrs. Duke Banks III ’64 Mrs. Martha Barajas Mr. Paul M. Baranich and Mrs. Susan Grady Baranich Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barba Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barbaro III ’02 Mr. Patrick L. Barmann ’13 Mrs. Diana Barnes Mr. Travis Barnes ’07 Ms. Pauline J. Barraza Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barry ’62 Ms. Brianna T. Barta ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Barta Mrs. Shari Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Baumer ’63 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bearse Mr. and Mrs. Marc Beauclaire Ms. Adrienne Beauvois Mr. Lonny Beck Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. and Mrs. Bert Becker ’65 Mrs. Doris Behrens Ms. E. Jeannette Beighau Mr. Brad Beland Ms. Linda Belton Chef Claud Beltran Dr. Jeffrey Benedict and Ms. Lena Chao Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Bennett ’65 Ms. Linda Bennett Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC Mr. Blake Bernstein ’02 Mr. Monty Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Mrs. Sarah Serdienis Betzler ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bianco Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bickel Ms. Janelle M. Bieker ’13 Ms. Lauren N. Bieker ’08 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bigley ’75 Mr. Michael A. Bigley ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bigley ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bigley ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Billings Mr. Brandon Birr ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Tawfiq Bishara Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Bitonti ’95 Mrs. Maria Romero Bitonti ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Black ’67 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blackstock ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Blackstock ’71 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Blaine ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Bock Mr. Luke R. Bolle ’13 Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 Mr. Lawrence B. Bolton ’66 Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. James L. Bonaccorso ’85 Eric C. Bonholtzer, Esq. ’99 Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Boone Mrs. Evelyn Boss Mr. and Mrs. Veniamin Botezatu Mr. John L. Bottala ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala Mr. Michael J. Bottala ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bouton Mr. Nathan P. Bouton ’13 Dr. Peter Boyer Mr. Stephen S. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bozzani Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Brady Mr. and Mrs. John Bragg Mr. Dan Braun Mr. David Breda Mrs. Diana Breda Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan Mr. Ian Brenninkmeijer ’07 Mr. Miles D. Brenninkmeijer ’12 Ms. Sophie P. Brenninkmeijer ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Briegel Mr. Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Mr. Nicholas E. Brown ’13 Mr. Thaddeus Brown Ms. Angela Browne Mr. Eric W. Browne II ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Browne Ms. Erika Bruder Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bruer Mrs. Antoinette Kathol Brunasso ’04 Ms. Catherine J. Buan ’13 Mr. John E. Buchan ’10
Mr. Liam D. Buchanan ’13 Ms. Allison M. Buluran ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burch Dr. and Mrs. Joel Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Burke ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Burke ’61 Mr. David T. Burkhart ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burruso Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Busbee Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bushmeyer ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bussard Mr. Johnny Buzzerio and Ms. Tanya Edmonds Mr. Porter M. Byers ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Byrd ’61 Larry R. Byrd, Ph.D. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill ’76 Ms. Sarah T. Calnan ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Campo ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Phil T. Cannon ’61 Michele and Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cardoza Ms. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Carlos Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carpenter Mr. Joseph F. Carreon ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Carreon Mr. Rudy Casignia and Ms. Teresita Prejillana Mr. Alfredo Casildo and Ms. Maribel De La Paz Rosario Castellanos Mr. Gabriel J. Castillo ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Castillo Mr. Frank Castor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Catano Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield ’03 Mrs. Adriana Cecena-Toyama Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Cevallos Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers Mr. Kevin K. H. Chan ’13 Mrs. Krista M. Lindsay Charvat ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Chavez Ms. Alexandria Cheng ’13 Mr. and Mrs. John Cheng Mr. Kyle Cheng ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cheng Ms. Terah Chesbro Mr. and Mrs. Jim Christensen Ms. Elyse E. Chui ’09 Mr. Craig M. Ciebiera Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cimino Mr. Ryan C. Cimino ’13 Mrs. Barbara Cina Mr. and Mrs. John Cina Mr. Nicholas O. Clarizio ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clougherty Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cockroft Mrs. Jessica L. Charles Coffin ’01 Mrs. Charlene Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Collins ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins Mrs. Marianne Compton Ms. Diane Connelly-Gilmartin Mr. Jon Conrad Mr. Gianni Consiglio ’13 Mr. Pasquale Consiglio Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Coombes ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corbett ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cornet ’69 Mr. Jesse L. Corona ’81 and Ms. Esmeralda Garcia Mrs. Jean Corpe Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Corsetti ’67 Mr. George Courville ’72 Ms. Monica Cowell Mr. Richard K. Crawford ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Norberto Cresta Ms. Tracy I. Cresta ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cribbs Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crow Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cuellar Mrs. Gloria Cuellar Mr. Andres S. Cuervo ’13 Ms. Yisenia Cuervo Ms. Rosalie Curry Dominic Pinuela Dagondon ’13 Mrs. Maria Dakan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dakan Mr. and Mrs. Todd Daley Mr. and Mrs. Julian Damas Mr. and Mrs. Joel Damir Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Damore ’75 Mr. Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 Mrs. Annette D. Davis Ms. Christina Lynne Davis ’99 Mr. Scott P. Davis Ms. Dionne Dawson Mrs. Kimberly L. Muljono Day ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Raul De La Torre Pamela del Rey Mr. Gordon O. Dean ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Delaney ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Jatir Delazeri Ms. Stephanie Z. Delazeri ’13 Mr. John Deleray Ms. Ana R. Delgado ’93 and Mr. James Addicott Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Delgatto Mrs. Marilyn Delgatto Mr. and Mrs. Guy DeMarco Ms. Aubrey L. Deneen ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSales Mr. David Desmond Ms. Samantha DeSurra ’07 Mr. Ernie Dettorre and Mrs. Myrna Delany-Dettorre Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Dewald ’75 FALL 2013
Indivisa Manent (continued) Mr. and Mrs. Armando Diaz Ms. Hannah K. Diedrich ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich Mr. and Mrs. James Dinniene Ms. Angela Terese D. Dionisio ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Anthony Dionisio III Jim Dirmann ’60 Mr. William Dochnahl ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James Doede Mr. and Mrs. Rob Doeppel Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Doerning ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doerning Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dolan, Jr. ’71 Mr. John J. Dolan ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Gil Dominguez Mr. Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Mr. Dennis Donahue Ms. Kara M. Donahue ’13 Kristin L. Donahue Mr. Jordan Dorenfeld ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dorenfeld Mr. Jamir Dorsey ’13 Mrs. Eva De La Parra Dotti ’00 Mrs. Mandi Stephen Dowdeswell ’03 Ms. Erika N. Duell ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Duenas Mr. and Mrs. William Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dyrek Ms. Annette Dyson Charlotte Dyson Mr. Aaron M. Ealy ’13 Ms. Nancy Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Eiben ’63 Ms. Gloria Elio Ms. Karla Enrequez Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eshom Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Espino Mr. and Mrs. James Espinosa Mr. Nicholas T. Espinosa ’13 Mr. Raul E. Espinoza ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Estes Ms. Alexandra G. Evans ’12 Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Mr. and Mrs. James Evans Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Evans Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Faber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Faherty ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fahey ’73 Ms. Candice Fajardo Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fan ’02 Mr. Jeff Farley Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fearon Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fedden Mr. Douglas Fee and 34
Mrs. Mary Childs Fee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Feese Mr. Tyler J. Feese ’13 Mr. John Feldmann Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feole Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandes Mrs. Lynette Ramos Fernandez ’02 Mrs. Theresa Ferrante Mrs. Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Ms. Stephanie N. Ferri ’13 Ms. Giselle Figueroa ’07 Ms. Juliette E. V. Finnerman ’13 Mr. James S. Fischella ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Fischella ’69 Mr. Peter Flanderka Mr. and Mrs. Raudel Flores Ms. Xochitl Flores Mr. and Mrs. Randall Floyd Mr. Ryan T. Flynn ’13 Ms. Megan Foley Mr. and Mrs. John R. Foran ’74 Lawrence Forbes, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Forillo Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Forster Mr. Fallon Forte Ms. Amanda Fowler ’04 Ms. Marilyn Fralich Ms. Melanie Phoebe D. Franco ’13 Mr. Robert Jason J. Fraser ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frausto Ms. Marisa L. Frausto ’13 Ms. LaToya Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freiberger Major and Mrs. Alex D. Freitas, M.D. ’85 Ms. Julia M. Frisina ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. M. Fulay ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Galati ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Galloway ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Garcia Ms. Sonia Garcia Mrs. Barbara Garcilasodelavega Mr. Michael L. Garibay ’96 Ms. Melanie Garion Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garriola Mr. Daniel Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaudet ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gauthier Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Armand Ghantous Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ghantous
Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbs William B. Gifford ’13 Mr. Gary Gileno ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Giles Ms. Angie Gilliam ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginoza Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gioia ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gioia Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gioia ’69 Ms. Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Ms. Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Mr. Michel J. Giraldo ’09 Mr. Paul R. Glenn ’85 Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. James L. Goetz ’70 Ms. Alexandria J. Gomez ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gomez Mr. Sean D. Gomez ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gong Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gong Mr. Juan Gonzaga de La Rama Ms. Alessandra A. Gonzales ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Gonzales Mr. Larry Gonzales ’62 and Ms. Anntonette Capre Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Gonzalez Mr. Andy Gonzalez ’08 Ms. Patricia Gonzalez-Bekoff Ms. Martha Gonzalez-Calzada Mr. Michael C. Gordon ’13 Mr. Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Mr. Brandon Goshi Ms. Jennifer Gosselin ’02 Ms. Cathy Goyette Ms. Myesha Graham Ms. Kristanna Grant Mrs. Mamie Grant Ms. Paige M. Graves ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Gray Ms. Shirley O. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Griffith ’00 Mrs. Kathryn Canzoneri Griffith ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffith Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 Mr. Sean M. Grimes ’02 Ms. Hayley E. Gripp ’11 The Gripp Family Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Gufrey ’63 Mrs. Barbara Guich Mr. Reynaldo Guinto and Ms. Aimee Alparce Mr. and Mrs. Trisna Gunadi Mr. Thomas Gutierrez Ms. Gabriella R. Guzman ’95 Mr. Anthony Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Erik Hakanen Mr. and Mrs. Herag Haleblian Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Hall ’62
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Hammock Ms. Bindy Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon Mr. Vartouk Haroutunian Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harper ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Harris Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Harris Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Harrison ’62 Dr. William Harrity II Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hauerwaas Ms. Nicole A. Haun ’08 Mr. Aaron Hawkey ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Chria Hazlitt ’93 Mr. Kevin M. Healy ’09 Mrs. Irene Siripasopsotorn Helley ’02 Mr. Gregory Heltsley and Mrs. Carmen Ductoc Heltsley Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Henderson Mrs. Roma Henry Mr. and Mrs. Efren Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hernandez Ms. Patricia Hernandez ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hibbs Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Higgins ’65 Ms. Erin R. Hill ’13 Mr. Casey Hilland ’07 Mr. Lucas E. Hilland ’09 Mr. Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Ms. Alicia Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hipolito Mr. Thomas Hirsch Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Hiti ’71 Ms. Taylor R. Hixson ’13 Mr. John Hochhausler and Ms. Stacy Brightman Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoffman Mr. Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 Mr. Paul G. Hoffman ’13 Ms. Taryn Hoffman ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman Mr. Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Ms. Meikol Holden Ms. Dorothy Homan Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hou ’90 Ms. Lisa Housman Ms. Jeannie K. Huang ’04 Ms. Shyla Huber Mr. Ryan R. A. Hubert ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulbert Mr. Robert D. Hulbert ’13 Brother Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Monk Timothy “Tad“
Hunter ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hustler Ms. Janet Hwang Mr. John C. Hyche Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Inboden Mr. and Mrs. Travis J. Ingrao ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Inman Ms. M. Susana Isais Mr. Hector Ituarte, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Iwata Ms. Leigh Jackson Ms. Julia N. Jacques ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jahnke Ms. Nancy Javore Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Esler H. Johnson Ms. Marguareite Johnson Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Ms. Michelle Johnson Mr. Oladiran R. Johnson ’13 Mr. Stephen P. Johnson ’63 Ms. Bernadine Johnston Stolar Mr. Cass Jones and Mrs. Stephanie Ellerbe-Jones Ms. Dana Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jones Mr. and Mrs. Benny J. Joseph ’80 Mrs. Christie C. Joseph Mr. John A. Joseph ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Jouvenat ’75 Mrs. MaryLou Judson Mr. Adam M. Jurecki ’13 Mr. Casimer Jurecki and Mrs. Marcella Loubet-Jurecki Ms. Joan Kahn Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kalen ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Tony F. Kane ’60 Mr. Douglas Karnowski ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Karnowski, C.P.A. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kasper ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaya Mr. and Mrs. Vicken Kedjidjian Mr. Kenneth Keeler ’02 Drs. Susan and Tom Keens Mr. and Mrs. William Keith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Clive Kelly Mr. Terence M. Kelly ’75 and Ms. Alison Nichols Ms. Jessica M. Kennedy ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kennedy Mr. Nicholas A. Keros ’13 Ms. Vicki Keros Ms. Randa Keysselitz Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “Buzz“ Kiley ’62 Mr. Ryan A. Kisich ’13 Mr. Steven Klein Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Klein ’65 Ms. Myrna Klose Richard and Trudi Knoedler Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knop
Dr. and Dr. Haig J. Kojian Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kolberg ’62 Mr. Terry Komatsu Mr. Mark Komoda Mr. and Mrs. John Kopcha Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kouladjian Mr. Jonathan P. Krieg ’13 Mr. Dwight Kroll ’75 Dr. and Mrs. John R. Krouse ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kubon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kummer Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kummetz Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kun Ms. Keri Kunkel Mr. Martin A. Kunz ’82 and Ms. Maria McCord Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kuttruff Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong Mr. and Mrs. William R. La Rue ’69 Mr. Robert A. La Salle ’13 Mr. Israel L. Lacy ’13 Ms. Judah L. Lacy ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Rand Laird Martin and Patricia Lakatos Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Mr. Brian A. Lamendola ’11 Mr. and Mrs. George E. “Gerry“ Lane ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lanyi Mr. Kelby W. Lanzarotta ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lanzarotta Mr. Peter B. Larr ’07 Mr. and Mrs. William Larr Ms. Martha A. LaSalle Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lauman Mrs. Claire E. Schield Lawyer ’00 Mr. Rafael Lazcano, Jr. ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Le Berthon ’75 Mr. Paul Lee and Ms. Benita Chen Ms. Katherine M. Leek ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lees ’75 Ms. Jessica G. Legaspi ’13 Ms. Nancy Lesky Mrs. Corinne Leufroy Mr. William Leustig and Mrs. Ania Kubik Mr. and Mrs. James LeVeque ’80 Mr. Jeff Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Jon Lewis Mr. Kyle E. Lewis ’13 Ms. Michele Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Lindstrom ’62 Mrs. Gwen Lisboa Mrs. Gail Littlejohn Mr. Gary Lorenzini Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Louden Mr. Andrew S. Lucas ’13
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lucas Mrs. Josie Lumarda Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Ms. Dalila Luna Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lundgren Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Minh Ma Mr. Marcus Mac Katie and Gary Macdonald ’75 Mr. Michael J. Madison ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John Magluyan Mr. Samuel Magluyan Mr. Richard Mah Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mak Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Maldonado ’73 Ret. Col. Cosimo Mallozzi Mrs. Julie Mallozzi Mr. and Mrs. Nardo, Jr. Manaloto Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mandigo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Manzke Ms. Pamela Marceca Ms. Amanda Mareina ’02 and Mr. Shane Malsom Ms. Ellen Mareina Christine Marez Mr. Jesse Marez Mr. and Mrs. William Marich Mr. and Mrs. George J. Marinelli ’72 Mrs. Erin L. Mann Markel ’97 Mr. Jordan N. Marks ’12 Mr. Michael J. Marlatt ’75 Kelle Maroe Ms. Nikole J. Maroe ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Marsh Mr. Joseph H. Marshall ’64 Mr. Bill Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Martin Mr. Alex Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Martinez Mr. Filiberto Martinez and Mrs. Regina Marquez Martinez Mr. Louis A. Martinez ’96 Mr. Noeh F. Martinez ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Martinez ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Martone Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Maskin Mrs. Nicole Lemoine Mason ’98 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard R. “Bob“ Mastro, Jr. ’61 Mr. Mark Mastromatteo and Mrs. Sheri Bonner Mr. John Matheus Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Maurin ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Mayclin ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mayne Mr. Dick Mc Elvany Ms. Claire C. McCarthy ’12 Mrs. Kathleen McCarthy Ms. Meg D. McCarthy ’08
Ms. Molly M. McCarthy ’10 Mrs. Kathleen McCauley Ms. Dawn McClendon Mr. Jared McCray ’07 Ms. Shelby McCray ’07 Mr. and Mrs. John McCreary Mr. Bryan McDonald ’66 Mr. Joseph B. McDonald ’74 Mr. Jerry McElroy ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFaul Ms. Joanne McGee-Lamb Mr. and Mrs. James McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGregor Ms. Erin A. McInerney ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71 Mr. and Mrs. William McKay Ms. Elena K. McLaren ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLaren Mr. John S. McLoughlin ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McManus ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McNamara ’96 Mrs. Sarah Hansen McNamara ’02 Ms. Talia Mediano ’13 Ms. Brittney Medrano ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Mejia Ms. Kathryn E. Melendez ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Roman Mena Ms. Idalia Mendez Mr. Asa M. Merrigan ’09 Mr. Michael Merrigan and Ms. M. Bonner Meudell Mindy Meserve Mr. and Mrs. Michael Messina Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Ms. Lynell Messineo Mr. Raymond Meyer Ms. Tesia T. Meza ’13 Mr. Bob Michero Mr. Mike Milazo Mr. Adrian Miles Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Miller ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Miller Mr. Mark C. Miller Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mispagel ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E. ’92 Mr. Robert L. Mizia ’71 Mr. and Mrs. William Moffly Mrs. Josephine Molyneux Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Monarrez Ms. Sabrina A. Montalvo ’13 Ms. Ileana M. Montano ’03 Dr. and Mrs. J. Alberto Montano Mr. Gregory C. Montilla ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Montilla Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry J. Moore ’85 Mr. and Mrs. John Moore Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Morales FALL 2013
Indivisa Manent (continued) Mr. Carlos Morales ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Morgan ’75 Dr. Dave Moritz Dr. Robert Morrison and Mrs. Cindy Spittler-Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moscaret Mr. Jeffrey D. Moscaret ’77 and Ms. Valerie Tesauro Mr. and Mrs. Ireneo Mosquera Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mouton Ms. Elizabeth Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Mullen ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Joel Munoz Ms. Marisa A. Munoz ’13 Ms. Nicole L. Murph ’00 Ms. Brigit Murphy ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Mr. Spencer H. Myers ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers Mr. and Mrs. Chandru Nankani Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Narvaez Mr. David P. Needles Ms. Amber Nelson Dr. Gregory Nelson and Dr. Denise Veich Ms. Stacey Newton Mr. Timothy Ng ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nguyen Mr. Trang Nguyen and Ms. Hong Dinh Reverend William C. Nicholas, Jr. ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nicklin ’62 Ms. Diane Nicol Dr. and Ms. Gustavo Nino Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. Mitsunori Nishikawa Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Mrs. Beth Ursettie O’Brien ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Connor Ms. Mary O’Hagan Mr. Thaddeus O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oberreiter ’80 Mr. and Mrs. George Occhipinti Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ochoa Mr. Joseph X. Olivares ’72 Mr. Mark Orcholski ’04 Mr. Enrique Orona Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orona Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Ms. Jacqueline N. Pacheco ’11 Ms. Kimberly M. Paciorek ’13 Mrs. Charlotte Packard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Packard 36
Mr. and Mrs. Andrelino Palencia Ms. Erika Palffy ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmares Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palomino Ms. Emily R. Paluch ’13 Ms. Emily Paniagua ’02 Mr. Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Mr. and Mrs. John Paniagua Ms. Nicole Paradis ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Passarini ’72 Mr. Bruce P. Patnou ’73 Ms. Lindy Patrick Mrs. Mary Magluyan Pearl ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mr. James Pearman and Ms. Julia Peacock Ms. Madeline A. Pefferle ’13 Mrs. Lori Pefferle-Ramirez and Mr. Eddie Ramirez Ms. Jillian M. Pelentay ’10 Mrs. Lori Pelentay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Penders ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Perez Mr. Lawrence Perez and Mrs. Nancy Warter-Perez Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Perez ’79 Ms. Monica Y. Perez ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Peters ’76 Mr. William J. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Steven Peterson ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petro Ms. Beth Pflueger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pflueger Mr. Noah A. Pflueger-Peters ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pick Mr. Hayden J. Picker ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piesik Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Piette Ms. Kara A. Pilar ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pilar Mrs. Adela Pimentel Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Pindroh ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Baltazar Pinuela Mr. Harold Pleitez Mr. Alexander Plumb ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Polek ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Wayne V. Polek ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pollard, C.P.A. ’76 Mrs. Traci Pomeroy Ms. Stacey Ponnet ’09 Frank and Dawn Ponnet Ms. Linda Poon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pope Mr. Truman Pope Mr. and Mrs. Peter Popoff Mr. Daniel Priore ’07
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Priore Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Provencio Ms. Allison K. Puga ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Puga Ms. Nina Punaro Ms. Patricia C. Quadra ’13 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quandt ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Ms. Rene Quenell Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Quiambao Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mr. Thomas J. Quigley ’07 Mr. Ian S. Quinn ’13 Mr. Robby R. Quintanilla ’10 Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Dr. and Mrs. Bill J. Quirk ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Abel Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Boyet Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Armando Ramirez ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Rapista ’85 Mr. Tim Rasmussen Ms. Maria Raygoza Mr. Louis Raymundo and Dr. Ronalyn Raymundo Dr. and Dr. Virgil Raymundo Ms. Kirsten Real ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Real Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Martin Regalado Ms. Megan E. Reid ’13 Ms. Marianne L. Reifer ’01 Mr. Leo I. Rein ’13 Ms. Valentina Renzetti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rettig ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rewers Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rey Ms. Cassidy Rey ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rey Mr. and Mrs. Steve Riboli Mark and Victoria Richards Colonel and Mrs. Michael Richards ’63 Ms. Marcia Ridley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riley ’75 Mr. Kenneth M. Rimpau ’65 Mr. Jim Robbins Ms. Tracey Roberts Ms. Jennifer A. Robi ’13 Mr. Alejandro Robledo ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Mario Robles Ms. Sofia R. Robles ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rocha Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rodgers Mrs. Devon Horne Rodriguez ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rodriguez Mr. Mike Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rolan Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roldan Mr. Louis M. Roldan ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Romano Ms. Taylor D. Romano ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Romano ’68 Mrs. Linda Romero Ms. Sara Rondon-Leek Mr. J. Michael Roney ’62 Mr. Lorenzo Rosales ’13 Mr. Jay Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rouse ’60 Dr. Joanie Ruggles Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Mr. Norbert Ruiz Mr. Victor Ruiz Mrs. Beulah Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rupp Ms. Sara A. Rupp ’13 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ryan ’86 Mr. Doug Rynerson and Mrs. Jude Lucas-Rynerson Mrs. Briana N. Buchan Saathoff ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Galindo Saavedra Mr. Tom Safa ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Salas, Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salcido Mr. and Mrs. Mario Salgado Mr. Dennis Salkin Mr. and Mrs. Juan Samartin Mr. Dave Sams Mr. and Mrs. Al Sanchez Ms. Kelly M. Sanchez ’13 Ms. Marisa C. Sanchez ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Obed Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Sanchez ’65 Mr. Royner Sanchez Mr. William Sanchez Mrs. Elaine Sanderl Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Sanderl ’97 Mr. Armando Sandoval and Mrs. Kirsten Tallmon Barbara and Loren Sanladerer Ms. Lisa Santillan ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Santos Mr. Bernie Santos ’80 and Mrs. Erin Lownes-Santos Ms. Brianna Santos ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Santos Pete and Irene Santucci Ms. Cathy Sarkissian Mr. and Mrs. Denis Sauvageau Mr. David Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schoenbaum Mr. Laurence F. “Buz“ Schott ’71 Mr. Richard Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Brad Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Chad Schumacher Mr. Ryan Schumacher ’02
Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Seeker Mr. John Seredich ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Serhan Mr. Milton Sett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seymour ’62 Ms. Sara Shankin Mr. Bryce M. Shaw ’13 Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw Mr. Trevor Shaw Ms. Sarah E. Shevlin ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate Ms. Anne Siberell Mr. and Mrs. Pete Siberell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Siegal Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sielen ’67 Ms. Kaelyn Silva Ms. Nicole Silva ’05 Mr. Dylan J. R. Simone ’13 Mr. and Mrs. James Simone Ms. Teresa Sinclair Ms. Anne-Marie Singer ’07 Mr. Peter S. Singer ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Singer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sirois Ms. Ilene Sirota Mr. and Mrs. Brian Skeggs Brother Kevin Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Scott Slater ’85 Mrs. Ellen Slatkin Mr. George Smith Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Smith Mr. Kent Smith Dr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mrs. Cynthia Smither Mr. and Mrs. Hank Smither Mr. and Mrs. James J. Snell Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mrs. Erika Soria-Banos ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Mr. Thomas Z. Sparks ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Speil Mr. and Mrs. Trevor R. Spicer ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spriestersbach Ms. Emma R. Spriestersbach ’13 Mr. and Mrs. John Staff Mr. Thomas Stafford ’99 Mr. Joseph Stanek III and Mrs. Kavita Anand Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steben Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Steel ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Steinmeier ’67 Mr. Christopher Stellar ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stengel Ms. Julia P. Stengel ’03 Ms. Swava K. Stengel ’98 Mr. William Stifel ’02
Mr. Timothy Stinson Ms. Charlene Stone Mr. Darrin Stone Mr. Garrett D. Stone ’13 Mr. Robert J. Stover ’13 Ms. Suzi Stretton Mrs. Vanessa Strouse Kenney ’97 Mrs. Anita Suazo Mr. Tri Sudjono and Ms. Sheila Abad-Sudjono Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sullivan ’75 Mr. Roy Sunada Ms. Chiao Yu Sung Dr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Swart, D.C. ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Sweeney ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweetland Mrs. Susan Sweetman Mr. and Mrs. Ken Talianko Mr. and Mrs. Man Hip Tan Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Tapia Mr. Mark Tappan and Mrs. Felecia Garrison-Tappan Mrs. Lee Taylor Ms. Julianna M. Taylor ’13 Mr. Johnny Tea Ms. Pat Teasley Mr. Donald Tellez ’75 Mr. John Tellez ’85 Ms. Terryll Ann Tellez Mr. Benjamin Thackara ’97 Mr. William Thomas The Honorable and Mrs. Nicholas S. Thompson ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson ’65 Mr. William Ting and Ms. Johna Lee Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tooley Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Torio Mr. and Mrs. Edward Torrez Ms. Samantha Torrez ’13 Mr. Andrew R. Torrijos ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Torrijos Ms. Rita Totten Mary Jo Townsend and Family Mr. and Mrs. Louis Trabbie Mr. and Mrs. John Trager Ms. Tiffany K. Tran ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trask Ms. Jill M. Trousdale ’01 Ms. Tiffany Tsuchiyama Mr. Cristobal L. Urena ’13 Mr. Francis Uyemura Mr. and Mrs. Joe Valdes Ms. Lauren M. Valdes ’12 Mr. Martin Valencia Mr. and Mrs. William K. Valentine ’81 Ms. Dana Valenzuela Ms. Jennifer Valles ’07
Marianne and Brillando Valmonte ’81 Mr. Joshua B. Valmonte ’13 Mr. John Van Leeuwen Mr. Steven A. Van Leeuwen ’01 Ms. Barbara Van Schaick Mrs. Nora Vargas Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vargas Ms. Nina Varghese Mr. and Mrs. Russell Varing Mr. Tyler R. Varing ’09 Mr. Fernando Vasquez Mrs. Stella M. Vasquez Ms. Virginia Vasquez Ms. Claudia M. Vazquez ’13 Dr. Leonor Vazquez Mr. Raul Vazquez and Ms. Leonor Pavon Mr. and Mrs. Raul Vazquez Ms. Nelly Velarde Mr. Phil Velasco ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Steven Velling ’84 Mrs. Catherine Kirby Victor ’02 Mr. Christopher S. Victor ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Victor Mr. Andrew P. Viehl ’13 Miss Charlene Vignes Dr. Vera J. Vignes Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo Villarreal Mr. and Mrs. George Villavicencio Mr. Jeffrey Voltattorni ’02 Mr. Tac Vong Ms. Kul Chada Vorabutra Ms. Pam Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wagner, Sr. Mr. Bill Waldo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wallace Mr. Austin L. Wallis ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wallis Ms. Nancy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walshe III ’63 Mr. David Wang Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wann Mr. and Mrs. Brandon D. Ward ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ward Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyoshi Watanabe Mr. John Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb, Jr. Ms. Margaret Weber Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Weigand ’67 Ms. Christina E. Weisbruch ’13 Mr. Vance Weisbruch Mr. and Mrs. John Werden Mr. David Wessel and Ms. Michele Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Wesser ’99 Cathy A. Wetzell Mr. Jeffrey D. White ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickersham ’67 Ms. Lisa M. Wickhem ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Wickhem Mr. Roger Wilcox ’69 Mr. Stan M. Wilcox, Jr. ’80 Mrs. Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97 Mr. Billy S. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams Mr. Michael Williams Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Ms. Alicia Wilson Mr. James Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Winschel ’83 Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97 Mr. Brendan M. Wong ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wong Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wong Mrs. Kathleen Wood Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wooler Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Worley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wratten Mr. Timothy W. Wratten ’98 Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Mrs. Barbara Wright Mrs. Darrell A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wynne, Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yamarone Mr. Richard Yang and Ms. Vicky Zhou Ms. Kimberly M. Yelinek ’13 Mrs. Julie A. Rubly Young ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Young ’62 Mr. Samuel L. Zanetta ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Zanteson Mr. Carlos Zaragoza Mr. Carlos I. Zaragoza ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio B. Zate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zavala Dr. and Mrs. Stephan Zeeman ’69 Ms. Lara Zerda-Baratta Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Ziegler ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ziehler-Martin Mr. Matthew Zook ’02 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Zuerlein ’63 Mr. John Zuker and Ms. Rooh Steif Mr. Sean Zumel ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zuniga Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zwain Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwart ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Zwart ’76
FALL 2013
In Memorium
Please pray for the these members of the La Salle Community who have passed away during the last 12 months. Live Jesus in our hearts... forever.
Betty J. Allaire Mother of Christopher ’69 Susan Antonisamy Widow of Joe Antonisamy (Former Faculty) Christine Andres Mother of Steven ’94, Adrienne ’97 Frederick Aragon Uncle to Jered ’14 Elaine Bateman Grandmother to Jordan ’12, Taylor ’15 Marks Brother Clifford “Malachy” Biller, FSC Former Faculty Elizabeth Bonacci Mother of Pat Bonacci (Employee), Grandmother to Tina ’94, Julie ’97 Maria Teresa Cagigas Grandmother to Brianna ’14 and Gabriel ’16 Rodriguez Lance Calabrese ’89 Brother of Trace ’86 Frank Caringella Brother of Irene Santucci (Employee) Herb Chambers Grandfather to David Chambers ’14 Veola Charles Grandmother to Cory ’95, Brandi ’99 Angelo Cici Brother of Joe ’60 North Edison Cobb Father-in-law of Tamara Flowers (Board of Trustees) Mary Coppi-Norman Sister of Chris Coppi ’83 Larry Daniels ’65 Nick Dobbe ’03 Mel Edwards ’61 Ron Ellis Father of Patrick ’88 and Christopher ’93 Patricia Evleth Mother of Joe ’84, Everett ’87 Pam Fehring Mother of Ian ’10 Lois Gaines Grandmother to Dana Huley ’05 Rosario Galvez Mother of Daniel ’93, Jose ’97 Paula Gellar Mother-In-law of Robert Packard (Employee) William Griffy Father of Tim ’82 Patricia Hardy Mother of Tom ’81, Bill ’84, Grandmother to Joe ’97, Catheryne ’04 Josephine Haskell Mother of Paul ’85, wife to Richard A. Haskell (formerly Br. Richard Lawrence, FSC) Stephen Hauk ’84 Mark Haynes Brother of Christal ’14 Patrick Healy ’03 Brother of Kevin ’09 Patricia Hickey Mother of Jim ’72 Patrick Hummel ’74 Brother of Dan ’76 H.G. Jeffries Father of Michelle ’00 Walter Johansing Father-in-law of Bill Hall ’62 Abbe Keith Brother of Bill ’62 Irene Kudirka Grandmother to Sterling ’11, Alec ’12, Kristin ’15 Shuster Maurice Labbe Father of Marcel ’83 and Guy ’86 James Loper Father of Elizabeth Serhan (Employee) Thomas Mahoney, Sr. Father of Thomas ’97, Andrew ’99 Cosimo Mallozzi Father-in-law of Adam Konrad ’87, Grandfather to Ryan ’15, Cosimo ’15 Konrad Glen Marcos Brother of Gregory ’91 and Gerald ’92 Vic Matheus Father of John Matheus (Former Employee) Betty May Mazzacano Mother of Michael Mazzacano ’71 Ronald McLaughlin Father to Roneé McLaughlin (Employee) and Sinclair ’14 Erik Mercade ’10 Brother of Kelly ’12 Bruce Mozirka ’74 Phillip Parra Father of Matthew ’14 Joni Petersen Mother of Amie ’96 Rita J. Polek Mother of Wayne ’72, Victor ’74, Vincent ’77 Steve Ready ’65 William Regan Father of Sean ’92 Helen Rochford Grandmother to Gino ’05 and Chanel ’07 Buccola William Salamon Grandfather to Santino ’16 Joanna Singleton Mother of Michael ’94 Marge Smith Former Faculty Rick Sprague Friend of La Salle Dorothy Stalder Mother-in-law of Mike Sullivan ’70, Grandmother to Megan ’08 and Patrick ’13 Sullivan Tim Sullivan ’66 Alton Talley, Sr. Father of Alton ’85 Gene Velling Father of John ’75, Tom ’79, David ’81 and Steve ’84 Connie Venturini Grandmother to Rochelle Rodriguez Ferarri ’97, Jeff Rodriguez ’00 Alice Wilhelm Grandmother to Emma Martinez ’14
Memorial Gifts The following individuals have given gifts “In Memory Of” an individual to the following funds: Bob Alcorn Memorial Scholarship Fund For Humanities, Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund, Brother Celestine, FSC Endowment Fund, Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund, San Miguel Scholarship Fund, Tuition Assistance Fund, Class of 1997 Financial Aid Fund, Arts Campaign Fund, Alumni Annual Fund, Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund For Math & Science and the Margaret Roman Scholarship Fund. IN MEMORY OF ROBERT ALCORN
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barry ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bushmeyer ’62 Mr. Larry Gonzales ’62 and Ms. Anntonette Capre Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Hall ’62 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Harrison ’62 Monk Timothy “Tad“ Hunter ’62 Mr. and Mrs. William Keith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “Buzz“ Kiley ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kolberg ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Lindstrom ’62 Mr. Michael J. Madison ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Mayclin ’62 Mr. Jerry McElroy ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nicklin ’62 Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Penders ’62 Mr. J. Michael Roney ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seymour ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walshe III ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Young ’62
Brother Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Ms. Nancy Javore Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Marks Mrs. Charlotte Packard Mrs. Dana Pelsone Mr. and Mrs. Peter Santucci Mr. and Mrs. Rick Seeker Mr. George Smith Ms. Margaret Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borquez
Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. and Mrs. Pete Santucci
IN MEMORY OF CAROLINE SERENA JANE COBB Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb
IN MEMORY OF JOHN DORAN Mr. and Mrs. Pete Santucci
Ms. Mary O’Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87
Ms. Lynell Messineo
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Mr. M. Patrick Henry
Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird Tom and Jeri Beck California Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins Mr. and Mrs. Guy DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hawkins
Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 Mr. Peter S. Singer ’03
IN MEMORY OF LYDIA DO VALE Mr. and Mrs. Scott DoVale
IN MEMORY OF BR. DONALD Mr. Wayne G. Avjian ’77
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61
IN MEMORY OF PATIANNE FEDOR Mr. and Mrs. Pete Santucci
Mrs. Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97
IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL HARAMI ’03 Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 Mr. Peter S. Singer ’03
IN MEMORY OF PATRICIA HARDY Mr. and Mrs. James Dinniene
IN MEMORY OF PATRICK O. HEALY ’03 Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. Peter S. Singer ’03
IN MEMORY OF RYAN HOHERD ’97 Mr. M. Patrick Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Chavez Barbara and Loren Sanladerer
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Schulz
Mr. M. Patrick Henry
IN MEMORY OF NYLE MILAM Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Piette
Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crow
Mr. Travis Barnes ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Mr. Michael A. Bigley ’07 Mr. Scott P. Davis Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Ms. Bernadine Johnston Stolar Mr. Louis Johnston Ms. Shelby McCray ’07 Mr. and Mrs. John Paniagua Mr. Thomas J. Quigley ’07 Ms. Lisa M. Wickhem ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67
Pete and Irene Santucci
IN MEMORY OF THOMAS MAHONEY, SR. Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90
IN MEMORY OF DANNY STAGGS Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97
Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. William Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clougherty Ms. Dorothy Homan FALL 2013
Alumni Giving La Salle High School would like to give special recognition and thanks to all the alumni donors who supported the School community throughout the 2012-2013 fiscal year. All donations benefited the numerous programs for our students, faculty, staff, and coaches. Because of these individuals, total alumni tax-deductible giving exceeded $489,083. Class of 1960
David Bolstad Dennis P. Burke P’85 Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. James R. Dirmann Michael A. Hinojos Anthony F. Kane P’82, ’84 Albert J. Lumas James G. Rouse Ted T. Saraf P’99 Barry J. Schweiger
Class of 1961
Robert T. Burke Gary Byrd Phil T. Cannon James Howard Cheney Robert G. Frank, Jr. Frederick M. Hughes, Jr. James W. Hughes George E. Lane C. Patrick Lauder Leonard R. Mastro , Jr. Edward J. Mehren
Class of 1962
13.15 %
Class of 1967
Class of 1964
Class of 1968
Class of 1969
Thomas R. Anthony Leo C. Black John C. Blackstock Edward W. Collins Richard A. Corsetti J. Brady Graham Michael Griffin P’11, ’11 James R. Quandt Alan B. Sielen Timothy R. Steinmeier Dennis A. Sweeney Jeffrey P. Weigand P’02, ’05, ’08 John Wickersham Glenn G. Willumson Frank M. Zwart III Robert P. Gendron Michael A. Genovese Robert G. Harper Peter C. Hoffman P’02, ’04 Douglas Karnowski John R. Krouse James M. McManus John A. Moe II Thomas Romano Virat Thantrakul Christopher Allaire Chris Cornet Philip T. Fischella Frank R. Gioia William R. La Rue Michael M. Rue Roger Wilcox Stephan Zeeman, Ph.D.
Class of 1970
Clifford R. Anderson III Ronald Berry P’00, ’04 Mark H. Bevan Gregory E. Danenhauer James L. Goetz Mark R. Krouse Don J. Olender P’08, ’09 Stephen E. Seastrom Stephen Singer Michael Sullivan P’08, ’13
Class of 1971
Class of 1972
Scott Buchan P’09, ’10, ’14 Paul Corbett Bernard J. Doerning Thomas Fahey James S. Fischella Brian Higgins Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. Jeffrey Arthur Maldonado Bruce Peter Patnou Bradford W. Wright P’07, ’12 Thomas Arthur Wynne, Jr. P’08, ’10
Class of 1974
Charles Adams III Gregory S. Anicich Glenn R. Burke Patrick Doocy Anthony Exposito P’08 John Robert Foran Henry K. Jordan Joseph B. McDonald Victor V. Polek
Class of 1975
David Beringer P’11, ’14 John M. Bigley Dino Clarizio P’06 Philip A. Coombes Richard K. Crawford Wayne J. Damore Mark M. Dewald James B. Jouvenat Terence Kelly Dwight Kroll James L. Le Berthon Paul Josef Lees Gary J. Macdonald P’01, ’04 Michael J. Marlatt Edward McFaul P’06, ’10, ’11, ’16 Patrick Riley Thomas M. Ruggles Miguel Salas, Jr. P’06, ’07 William L. Sullivan P’07, ’07, ’10 Donald Tellez Nicholas S. Thompson
Class of 1976
Class of 1977
Kevin A. Cahill, Esq. Michael J. Lamberti Joseph D. Peters Jeffrey Pollard, C.P.A. Peter A. Zwart Wayne G. Avjian Paul A. Bigley P’05, ’07 John Hoffman P’06, ’08, ’12 Jeffrey D. Moscaret Mark Rettig P’07
Justin W. Blackstock P’02, ’10 John Edward Dolan, Jr. P ’13 Raul E. Espinoza Alan L. Hiti
George P. Blaine Kenneth J. Canzoneri P’01, ’02, ’04 George Courville George J. Marinelli Joseph X. Olivares Mark Passarini Wayne V. Polek
Class of 1973
Class of 1966
Richard E. Baumer P’94 Larry R. Byrd, Ph.D. Michael Dooling Joseph P. Eiben Thomas T. Gufrey Stephen P. Johnson John Joseph Kalen John M. Karnowski, C.P.A. Bill J. Quirk Colonel Michael Richards P’97, ’99, ’89, ’90 James P. Roosevelt, Jr. Alan Richard Steel James Christopher Walshe III John T. Zuerlein Duke Banks III Gerald P. Burke Peter J. Gettinger Joseph H. Marshall John S. McLoughlin Robert R. Quandt, Jr. John Seredich
Peter K. Barker Lawrence B. Bolton Bryan McDonald Richard J. Mispagel
David C. Balak Peter Barry Steve Buccola Donald J. Bushmeyer Larry Gonzales Terrence A. Hall William R. Hall Russell J. Harrison Monk Timothy “Tad“ Hunter Michael R. Johnson William Keith Kennedy F. Kiley Richard E. Kolberg Peter Thayer Lindstrom Michael J. Madison Bruce L. Mayclin Gerald McElroy Timothy I. Murphy Harry Anthony Nicklin Henry E. Nino Timothy R. Nolan Wayne J. Osborne John A. Penders J. Michael Roney Jack Seymour Stephen Shortell Victor E. Vert Thomas L. Young, J.D.
Class of 1963
Class of 1965
Bert Becker Edward R. Bennett James J. Canny Gerald P. Cotter Thomas P. Faherty Tyrone R. Gaffney John T. Higgins Terrence Klein Paul F. Maurin Donald C. Randolph Steve F. Ready Kenneth M. Rimpau Ronald A. Sanchez P’98, ’01 Paul Thompson Jay R. Ziegler
Brian S. Miller P’03 Kevin J. Moore, Esq. P’16 Michael E. Perez
Bob Kohorst P’03, ’07 Matthew McInerney Robert L. Mizia Robert M. Nuccio P’00, ’04, ’02 Laurence F. Schott, Jr. Peter C. Thompson P’11, ’14 Paul Zwart
Class of 1978
Class of 1979
Hector Ituarte, Ph.D. Brian John Le Berthon Frank J. Campo P’03 Paul J. Gormican, Jr.
Class of 1980
Class of 1981
Class of 1982
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
Class of 1985
Class of 1986
Class of 1987
Class of 1988
Class of 1989
Class of 1990
Class of 1992
Class of 1993
Class of 1994
Thomas Bigley P’09 Shawn Blakeslee James LeVeque Anthony Messineo Bernardito Santos P’13, ’14 Stan M. Wilcox, Jr. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. P’13, ’17 Jesse L. Corona P’12, ’16 Brian J. Doerning P’11, ’15 Glenn E. Swart, D.C. Brillando B. Valmonte P’13 Martin A. Kunz Robert Gaudet P’16 Eric K. Winschel Jeffrey J. Allen Peter G. Badzey Bill Hardy John A. Joseph P’13, ’16 Steven Velling James L. Bonaccorso Paul R. Glenn Robert R. Kasper Jeffry J. Moore Steven Peterson Anthony L. Rapista Scott Slater John Tellez Patrick Michael Brink James B. Ryan, Esq. Everett M. Evleth Werner Garciano Adam Konrad P’15, ’15 Ben F. Alvarado Edward L. Malicdem P’16 William C. Nicholas, Jr. Stan D. Oliai P’14 Kevin J. Delaney Adrian C. Mison Fulay Owen Hou Patrick Mahoney, P.E. Kevin P. Mullen Matthew E. Pindroh Mark Richard Sanderl David C. Soltis Hiromichi Toyonaga Ruben Martinez P’15 Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E.
Ana Rebeca Delgado Chria Hazlitt Pedro Armando Ramirez P’14 Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. P’15 Tina D. Bonacci Trevor Robert Spicer
Class of 1995
Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos Dominic P. Bitonti Gabriella R. Guzman Ricardo J. Jurado P’15
Class of 1996
Robert Angarita Krista M. Lindsay Charvat Dustin De Mesa P’17 Stephen M. Galloway Michael L. Garibay Aaron Hawkey Travis John Ingrao Rafael Lazcano, Jr. Louis A. Martinez Michael McNamara Julie A. Rubly Young
Class of 1997
Maria Romero Bitonti Jason Charvat Julie Bonacci Kolb Erin L. Mann Markel Matthew J. Sanderl Benjamin Thackara Hannah E. Miller Wilder Tamara Wann Wolf
Class of 1998
Kimberly L. Muljono Day Timothy W. Wratten Kristen M. Schultz Wray
Class of 1999
Eric C. Bonholtzer, Esq. Christina L. Davis Dustin Hopper Erin A. McInerney Mary Magluyan Pearl Ray V. Pearl, Jr. Thomas Stafford Brandon D. Ward, Esq. Joel C. Wesser
Class of 2002
Class of 2003
Brandon Birr John Caulfield Gary Gileno Shelley Griffith Regina P. Orona Robin Quintanilla
Class of 2005
Class of 2007
Travis Barnes Sarah Serdienis Betzler Michael A. Bigley Ian Brenninkmeijer Porter M. Byers Kyle Cheng Samantha DeSurra
Class of 2011
Class of 2012
Class of 2013
DrewAnn Kristine Andrews Christopher A. Griffin Philip T. Griffin Brian Anthony Lamendola Spencer H. Myers Samantha Leigh Whitehead
Class of 2006
Jamie Bennison Luke Betzler Alexandria J. Gomez Taryn Hoffman Evan Jon Paniagua Alexander Plumb Kirsten Real
Class of 2010
Michael James Bottala John E. Buchan Robert Jason J. Fraser Jean Carlo Morales Jillian M. Pelentay
Miles Davenport Brenninkmeijer Jeffrey Tyler Briegel David Thomas Burkhart Nicole M. Carlos Randall Patrick Dominguez Alexandra Grace Evans Jordan Nicholas Marks Kara Ann Pilar Lauren Marie Valdes Samuel Leggett Zanetta Jonathan A. Ajamian Vincent A. Alberico Max W. Alvarado Michael J. Anastasia
Class of 2001
Philip Barbaro III Blake Bernstein Vanessa Casillas Caulfield Jonathan Fan Lynette Ramos Fernandez Angelina Gilliam Jennifer Gosselin Kaytee Canzoneri Griffith Sean M. Grimes Irene Siripasopsotorn Helley Kenneth Keeler Amanda Mareina Sarah F. Hansen McNamara Beth Ursettie O’Brien Emily Paniagua Lisa Santillan Ryan Schumacher Erika Soria-Banos Catie Kirby Victor Jeffrey Voltattorni Matthew Zook
Class of 2004
Jessica Lynn Charles Coffin Jill M. Trousdale Steven A. Van Leeuwen
Anastasia M. Ponnet Briana N. Saathoff Brianna Santos
Antoinette Marie Kathol Brunasso Anthony Gioia Tom Safa Jeffrey D. White Jordan Dorenfeld Amanda C. Evans Matthew Gaggioli Gianna Athena Gioia Michael J. Miller Christopher Stellar Christopher S. Victor
Class of 2000
Dean C. Griffith Nicole L. Murph Jeffrey R. Rodriguez
Teresa Marie Ring Devon Horne Rodriguez Peter Scott Singer
2013 68.36% 1962 33.73% 1975 22.11% 1961 20.75% 1963 19.72%
Help get your class in the Top Ten! Make your donation today at www.lancernetwork.com/InvestToday Giselle Figueroa Casey Hilland Matthew Kohorst Peter Bennett Larr Shelby McCray Jared McCray Timothy Ng Erika Palffy Daniel Priore Thomas J. Quigley Alejandro Robledo Anne Marie Singer Jennifer Valles Phillip Rafael Velasco TroyWhitehead Lisa M. Wickhem
Class of 2008
Class of 2009
John L. Bottala Stephanie Rose Gioia Yaruel A. Gonzalez Nicole A. Haun Chad P. Robinson
1967 15.96% 1965 14.56% 1960 13.15% 1973 12.94% 2002 12.07%
Sophie P. Brenninkmeijer Elyse Elizabeth Chui Michel J. Giraldo Kevin Michael Healy Lucas E. Hilland Timothy Patrick Hoffman Melissa Ann Miller
Taylor R. Arrighi-Bracci Kaitlyn R. Arriola Alexis Ashjian Alexandra T. Astorga Angel C. Attar Adrian Avalos Richard A. Ayala Patrick L. Barmann Brianna T. Barta Janelle M. Bieker Luke R. Bolle Nathan P. Bouton Nicholas E. Brown Eric W. Browne II Catherine J. Buan Liam D. Buchanan Allison M. Buluran Sarah T. Calnan Joseph F. Carreon Kevin K. H. Chan Alexandria Cheng Ryan C. Cimino Nicholas O. Clarizio Gianni Consiglio Tracy I. Cresta Andres S. Cuervo Dominic P. Dagondon Gordon O. Dean Stephanie Z. Delazeri Aubrey L. Deneen Hannah K. Diedrich Angela Terese D. Dionisio
John J. Dolan Kara M. Donahue Jamir Dorsey Erika N. Duell Aaron M. Ealy Nicholas T. Espinosa Tyler J. Feese Stephanie N. Ferri Juliette E. V. Finnerman Ryan T. Flynn Melanie Phoebe D. Franco Marisa L. Frausto William B. Gifford Alessandra A. Gonzales Michael C. Gordon Paige M. Graves Patricia Hernandez Erin R. Hill Taylor R. Hixson Mitchell J. Hoffman Paul G. Hoffman Ryan R. A. Hubert Robert D. Hulbert Julia N. Jacques Oladiran R. Johnson Adam M. Jurecki Jessica M. Kennedy Nicholas A. Keros Ryan A. Kisich Jonathan P. Krieg Robert A. La Salle Israel L. Lacy Judah L. Lacy Kelby W. Lanzarotta Katherine M. Leek Jessica G. Legaspi Kyle E. Lewis Andrew S. Lucas Nikole J. Maroe Noeh F. Martinez Elena K. McLaren Talia Mediano Kathryn E. Melendez Tesia T. Meza Sabrina A. Montalvo Gregory C. Montilla Marisa A. Munoz Brigit Murphy Kimberly M. Paciorek Emily R. Paluch Madeline A. Pefferle Monica Y. Perez Noah A. Pflueger-Peters Allison K. Puga Patricia C. Quadra Ian S. Quinn Megan E. Reid Leo I. Rein Cassidy Rey Jennifer A. Robi Louis M. Roldan Taylor D. Romano Lorenzo Rosales Sara A. Rupp Kelly M. Sanchez Bryce M. Shaw Dylan J. R. Simone Thomas Z. Sparks Emma R. Spriestersbach Garrett D. Stone Robert J. Stover Julianna M. Taylor Samantha Torrez Andrew R. Torrijos Tiffany K. Tran Cristobal L. Urena Joshua B. Valmonte Claudia M. Vazquez Andrew P. Viehl Austin L. Wallis Christina E. Weisbruch Brendan M. Wong Kimberly M. Yelinek Carlos I. Zaragoza Sean Zumel FALL 2013
Captain Nick Thompson ’75
La Salle Honors alumni members of the Military By John Blackstock ’67
n November 7, the La Salle Alumni Association honored all members of the La Salle community, including alumni and faculty, who have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces at the Veterans Day Assembly. The assembly began with The United State Marine Corps Color Guard presentation and a rousing rendition of the “Star Spangled Banner” by the La Salle Band. During the assembly, the Band, Choir and String Ensemble performed a number of patriotic tunes including a medley of hymns for each branch of the military. A video tribute to La Salle’s servicemen and women, including an In Memoriam piece to honor those who have “given the last full measure” was shown during the assembly. La Salle has 240 known alumni veterans, five of whom were killed in action or in military training. Fourteen members of the La Salle community who are currently serving or have served in the military were honored in person. The Honorable Nick Thompson, of the class of 1975, who recently retired as Captain in the United States Army Reserve, gave a moving keynote address. Thompson served over 20 years as a U.S. Army Reserve Paratrooper, Psychological Operations specialist, Intelligence Analyst and Captain in the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps from 1991 - 2012. During his reserve career he spent a cumulative period of nearly four years on active duty. He received the Bronze Star in 2003 for his leadership of a Psychological 42
Operations Detachment in a covert Joint Special Operations Task Force during the invasion of Iraq. He was awarded the Joint Commendation Medal for Intelligence & Psychological Operations work during the Peace Enforcement Campaign in Bosnia in 19951996. He served on numerous overseas missions, exercises and operations in over a dozen countries during his career. He has been a frequent presentor at the International TerrorUnited States Marine Corps Color Guard
Back row (left to right): Major Dominique Neal, United States Marine Corp, Colonel Lawrence Gonzales, United States Marine Corp, Class of 1962, Captain, Medical Service Corps, Wayne Osborne, United States Navy, Class of 1962, Army Captain Phil Cannon, Class of 1961, Third Class Naval Petty Officer, Bill Hall, Class of 1962, Naval 1st Class Petty Officer, Morris Victor, Grandfather of La Salle Junior Chris Rabine, Army Staff Sergeant, Jose Buktaw, Class of 1985, Air Force Sergeant Frank Laurenzello, La Salle’s Director of Teacher Supervision. Front row (left to right): Naval Aviation Structural Mechanic, Second Class, Joe Olivares, Class of 1972, Captain, Nick Thompson, United States Army Reserves, Class of 1975, Private First Class, Rick Johnson, United States Army, Class of 1981, Navy Hospital Corpsman Third Class, Kaitlyn Tripoli Clark, Class of 2009, Navy Hospital Corpsman, Robert Clark, Army Sergeant First Class, Dale Adams, Great Uncle of La Salle Sophomore Reilly Milton.
ism Conference. He provided critical training to the Sri Lanka Defense Forces during numerous trips to that country over a ten year period. He has also been a frequent speaker for phase-training at the U.S. Navy Fleet Information Warfare Center, the Marine Corps and deploying Army troops. Nick was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger and was sworn into office on August 15, 2008 as a Superior Court Judge
Alexandria Marez ’14, Sabrina O’Reilly ’14 and Kayla Rix ’15.
after being elected to office. His current judicial assignment is presiding over a felony court at the North Orange County Justice Center. Prior to coming on the bench, he was a dedicated prosecutor, public defender and private attorney. Veterans Day is an official United States holiday to honor all people who served in the Armed Services. The date coincides with Armistice Day, celebrated worldwide, to commemorate the end of World War I. Not to be confused with Memorial Day, when those who lost their lives in service are remembered, Veterans Day honors people who have served in the United States Armed Forces, also known as veterans.
Lancer band and choir at the Veterans Day Assembly. FALL 2013
he Lancers Football program hosted the Wounded Warrior Project football game sponsored by Under Armour on Friday, September 20. The Lancers beat Maranatha High School in a rout, 40-0 and retained the Showdown for the Crown trophy for the second year in a row. This is an enormous honor as there are only six high schools across the country who were selected to host this game. Two true American heroes were honored during the game, Scott Shore and Dane Kaimuloa as they represented the more than 100,000 Wounded Warriors in this country. The La Salle Boosters, fans and friends donated over $1,000 at the game to the WWP. To kick-off the Wounded Warrior Project, La Salle welcomed Retired Sergeant First Class Norbie Lara to campus on September 4th to speak of his experience as
a Wounded Warrior. Many members of the La Salle Community joined the football team, the coaches, the cheer squad and all their parents at this special event. This was a genuine teachable moment for our student-athletes and others who lack knowledge about this truly important cause. The project Mission is to honor and empower Wounded Warriors, while the Vision is to foster the most successful, welladjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. The purpose of the Wounded Warrior Project is to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members. For more see www.woundedwarriorproject.org.
Quarter back Will Pyburn, #11 44
The La Salle Cheerleaders wore all black accessories to show respect and to honor the veterans and enlisted soldiers in the United States Military. As part of the Cheerleaders continuing community service, they donated the proceeds from the 50/50 Raffle to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Running back Bryce Harvey, #2
Cheerleaders during pre-game ceremonies
To kick-off the Wounded Warrior Project, La Salle welcomed Retired Sergeant First Class Norbie Lara to campus on September 4th to speak of his experience as a soldier in Iraq and now as a representative for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Honored Wounded Warriors , Scott Shore & Dane Kaimuloa with AD, Anthony Harris, Center.
Lancers triumphantly raise the Showdown for the Crown! trophy after the Wounded Warrior game. FALL 2013
knowles M
ark Knowles, who taught dance at La Salle High School from 1995 until this past spring, just completed his fourth book. The biography, entitled The Man Who Made the Jailhouse Rock: Alex Romero, Hollywood Choreographer, is published by McFarland Publishers and was officially released in September 2013. Brother de Sales, FSC, Arnold Rocha, and Maria Santana, also from La Salle, helped with the translation of Spanish documents that were used in researching the book. The son of one of Mexico’s most powerful generals, Romero escaped the Mexican Revolution after his father was assassinated, joined his family’s vaudeville dance act at age fifteen, and later became a dancer in Hollywood. Part of Jack Cole’s exclusive Columbia dance troupe, he was eventually hired as a staff assistant at MGM where he worked on such films as “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” “American in Paris,” “Seven Brides for Seven
COMPLETES FOURTH DANCE BOOK Brothers,” and “On the Town,” among many, many others. When he transitioned into full-time choreography, he created the dances for numerous movies, including “Love Me or Leave Me,” “I’ll Cry Tomorrow,” “Tom Thumb” and “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.” In addition, he created the iconic “Jailhouse Rock” number for Elvis Presley. One of the only Latino choreographers of the Golden Age of Hollywood, Alex Romero was instrumental in bringing rock and roll to the silver screen. The biography includes first-person accounts of his collaborations with many celebrities including Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, and Frank Sinatra. In October 1999, Mr. Romero taught La Salle students some of the original moves that he had created for Elvis Presley when he taught a master class at the high school. The Man Who Made the Jailhouse Rock: Alex Romero, Hollywood Choreographer is available in print and ebook editions from McFarland Publishers at mcfarlandbooks. com, as well as at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores.
Continued from page 13
as Performance Art
practice of an ancient art, Jacqueline believes that full appreciation of a poem requires its public recitation. Poetry certainly depends on the power of language as a written form. Stanzas exist not merely to organize the poet’s thoughts, but also to carry meaning; a sonnet is not a collection of 14 lines, but a structured argument divided into quatrains and tercets, each of which has its own function. Poetry, however, reaches beyond the printed word; it calls out to the listener more than to the reader, and it is poetry’s ancient aural power that Jacqueline revives for her audiences. The courage it takes to recite runs far deeper than the courage it takes to write at all, and the students met each recitation with applause for both the artistry of the poem and the confidence of the poet. Jacqueline’s presentation was also an encouragement to students to think honestly about their plans for their future careers. When it was suggested that most parents today would discourage their children from pursuing a career as a poet, Jacqueline responded that this was perhaps because “poet” is such a misunderstood profession. In her words, there are “many ways of doing one thing.” It is certainly true that poets of the past were valued in ways no longer seen; today, America and Britain each have a poet laureate, but few people could name their nation’s poet or say what public function he or she performs. That does not, however, mean that poetry is not a true profession that can be updated for the modern world. Jacqueline’s particular brand of it proves her point; furthermore, writing in general opens up possibilities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Her encouragement to the students to keep a journal was met by a response modern people so often give: “I would love to, but where would I find the time?” Jacqueline’s answer is that young 46
people must learn to value their own thoughts enough to find the time. They need to create a new relationship with writing, a notion English teachers profoundly respect yet with which they constantly struggle. Writing is a way to liberate the self; writing is also a product on which students are evaluated, and those evaluations carry a weight in our culture that has become separated from the craft. High school teachers are beholden to report card deadlines, so a student’s few rough paragraphs on Pride and Prejudice may never get the chance to grow into a critical analysis of how social pressures affect human relationships. Universities today ask for more personal statements and essays than ever before, and in so doing have transformed the essence of autobiography in dangerous ways. While self-examination in prose or verse has always been in the toolbox of the professional writer, for the modern high school senior that tool of self-discovery has been transformed into a commodity. It has become the vehicle by which students sell themselves to an admissions committee, and any genuine insights they may have while explaining “the world they come from” or “a recent transformative event” become warped by the pressure of how their self-examination will be used. Modern poets such as Jacqueline serve us, then, in a way that extends far beyond the pleasure her poems bring to their new owners. She reminds us that writing exists in a world separate from economics and judgment. She reminds us that our rediscovery of that world depends on our willingness to find the time to embark on the journey. Suskin operates The Poem Store, yoursubjectyourprice.com and is the author of The Collected (2010), a series of poems written in honor of found photographs.
he Class of 2003 celebrated their Ten Year Reunion on August 24th at NOOR in the Paseo Colorado. Nearly half the class was in attendance as well as favorite faculty members including, Mr. Pat Bonacci, Mr. Dave Desmond, Mr. Patrick Henry, Mr. Ed O’Connor & Mr. John Ring. The Class of 2003 has
raised over $1,200 for their Reunion Class Gift in memory of their 3 classmates who have passed away. To make your Reunion Class Gift online go to www.lancernetwork.com/03Gift. More reunion pictures can be found on the alumni website in the Photo Gallery at www.lancernetwork.com.
The Class of 2003 had the largest 10 Year Reunion turnout over the last few years with nearly half their class in attendance.
Reunion Committee Members Lisa Russo ’03, Ileana Montano ’03, Mandy Gibbs Branam ’03, Jenny Reaume ’03, Christina Tom ’03, Nicole Paradis ’03, Robin Quintanilla ’03, Karla Quiboloy Cenizal ’03, Teresa Ring ’03
Christina Atha, Jimmy Bearse ’03, Kevin Kinard ’03, Scott Holman ’03, Matt Higashida ’03, Andrea Perez FALL 2013
Alumni News, Weddings & Births
Michael Richards retired as a Colonel with the United States Army in 2003 and is also a retired school administrator. Michael sits on the Board of Directors for the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club and is involved with the United States Sailing Center in Long Beach. He and his wife Gloria have four sons, Brian ’89, Matt ’90, Sean ’97, Brent ’99, and three grandchildren.
Matthew Cappiello is the owner of CRC Development in San Francisco where he develops and manages real estate investment properties. He is a past president of the Santa Clara University Alumni Association and belongs to several real estate organizations. Matt and his wife Mary have been married for 39 years, have two grown children and three granddaughters. John Seredich spent 33 years as a technical writer and worked for several computer science corporations. He is now retired and belongs to many environmental groups. John makes his home in Irvine. Jerry Larson is the owner of All-New Stamping, a metal stamping company. He has five children and eight grandchildren, ages 3 -21. Jerry and his wife Judy reside in Granada Hills. Bruce Dustman is a retired tree foreman and also taught arboriculture at Mt. SAC Community College. He and his wife Paula live in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri.
Jim Jarvis ’64 and Duke Banks ’64 got together in October with their wives to catch up with each other and talk about how is it that they both landed in the Washington DC 48
A Celebration so big it’s two days long! THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014 Golden Diploma Presentation, Campus Tour & Luncheon at La Salle followed by a Welcome Reception that evening FRIDAY, MAY 23, 2014 Optional Daytime Activities & Reunion Dinner A hotel room block for the Reunion Weekend has been established. Go to www.lancernetwork.com/64Fifty for more information or contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362.
Steven Salem retired as an engineer with Northrop Gumman in 2012. He has been busy raising his eight year old daughter, playing classical piano, and traveling. In addition to his daughter Lizzy (8), Steve also has two sons, two daughters and one step-daughter and lives with his wife Lorna in Redondo Beach.
area, 49 years after leaving La Salle. Duke is a retired international consultant having worked on projects overseas in over 20 countries, primarily in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Jim spent 23 years traveling around the world with the United States Army and an additional 22 years teaching science at the high school level before retiring. Jim and Duke discovered they both married overseas - Jim and Jeanette (Canadian) married in Europe when Jim was stationed in Germany. Elvira (Venezuelan) and Duke married in Venezuela. And they both still have their copies of the Centurion Yearbook, plus several of the paperback novels that they read at La Salle. Jim even brought along a reading list he compiled of what they read during their four years at La Salle. Reviewing the list reminded them both of the solid education they received during their four years at La Salle.
Mike Hartfield is a self-employed accountant and lives in Glassell Park.
Randy Paquette is an active volunteer with the In His Wakes organization. This non-profit focus on giving special needs and low-income children the chance to learn how to ski or kneeboard with a fun day out on the water. Randy has been an avid water skier nearly all his life, skiing competitively for 38 years now, and working with this organization he says is the most rewarding thing he has even been a part of. In July, in Randy’s hometown of Porterville, In His Wakes hosted 51 kids over two days. To learn more about the organization go to www.inhiswakes.com. Michael Higgins is a fire protection systems designer for The Higgins Group in Ontario where he also resides.
Jim Armitage is the owner of Arroyo Insurance Services. He and his wife Nancy have three grown children and live in San Gabriel. Greg Anicich is a senior manager for Deloitte Consulting. He also volunteers his time with FACE (Financial Aid Catholic Education) and sits on the board for the Oakland Diocese. Greg has two grown daughters, one granddaughter and lives in Alamo. Raymond “Chip” Faulstich has his own dental practice. He and his wife have three children and reside in Ojai. Greg Tres is an associate publisher for Scranton Gillette Communications publishing B2B titles in the water utility and infrastructure industry. He and his wife have three children and live in Glendale, Arizona.
SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014 More details to follow.
Your Reunion Committee is making plans for a great party!
Greg Anicich ’74 Tony Exposito ’74 Victor Polek ’74 Brian Reid ’74 Go to www.lancernetwork.com/74Forty for more information.
The Classes of 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 & 1992 are invited back to La Salle for a reunion not to be missed! On Saturday, June 7, 2014 the entire Decade of the ’80s, along with the all male early ’90s classes, are invited back to campus for an unforgettable party. We still need Reunion Reps so if you have ideas for the party or want to help out as a Rep please contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or alumni@lasallehs.org. In the meantime, mark June 7, 2014 on your calendar and keep a look out for more information on the event coming soon. This is a good time to update your email address with the Alumni Office since Reunion info will be sent via email. Check out the Reunion Webpage at www.lancernetwork.com/EraReunion or the Reunion Facebook Page. 1980 Gary Jones Jim LeVeque Tony Messineo Rafael Mirasol Richard Oberreiter
1981 Orlando Clarizio Jesse Corona
1982 Fausto Atilano John Cummings Martin Kunz Tai Taylor
1983 Need Volunteers
1984 Jeff Allen Dave Andrews
1985 Kirk MacDonald Steve Peterson Jay San-Martin Alton Talley
1987 Everett Evleth Martin Garcia Werner Garciano Adam Konrad
1988 Ed Malicdem Matt Venegas
1989 Kevin Delaney Eric Kalmus Brian Richards
1990 Tom Badzey
1991 Vince Fortanasce
1992 Jeff Rogers
Kelly O’Donnell has lived in Europe for last 25+ years and currently lives in France with his wife Michele with whom he has two daughters. He is the CEO and consulting psychologist for Member Care Associates where he provides services to humanitarian personnel and their organizations including consultation, training and research/ writing. He hopes to make it to Pasadena in the spring for his 40 Year Reunion.
1986 Rhonel Aquino Gianni Galati Sean Mispagel James Ryan
vestors together. Joseph is currently looking for funding for these film projects (four in Argentina & two in Colombia). You can check out Joseph’s projects at www.slated.com/people/13046/.
Richard Forcione is the CEO of Soccer Fitness Academy in Carson. He completed his Masters in Exercise Science at Cal State Fullerton in 2012 and resides in Gardena.
Joseph Peters recently completed six promo videos for his feature film projects and has joined the Slated website which brings qualified filmmakers and screened film in-
(Clockwise from top) Frank Ferrante ’81, Andre Dupuy ’81, Brian Doerning ’81 and Ralph Torres ’81 got together earlier this
Bill Sullivan ’75 (center) and his sons, Jay ’07 (left) and Jeff ’07 (right), celebrated The Bottle Shop’s 50th anniversary on October 25, 2013. The Sierra Madre liquor store, which now includes a tasting room, was founded by Bill’s father in 1963.
Anthony LeVeque ’78 and Jim LeVeque ’80 marked the 25th anniversary of their business, LeVeque Construction, on February 2, 2013. They are known for creating beautiful remodels and custom homes throughout the San Gabriel Valley. An anniversary celebration was held at The Bottle Shop Wine Tasting Room in Sierra Madre with several La Salle alums in attendance. LeVeque Construction can be found online at www.levequeconstruction.com.
year. All three were in Brian Doerning’s wedding 25 year ago.
La Salle Lancers enjoyed one of Sierra Madre’s summer concerts in the park. Left to right, Gary Jones ’80, Tony Messineo ’80, David Howells ’80, Stan Wilcox ’80, and Tommy Stafford ’99.
FALL 2013
Jim Ellis is a vice president and general manager for The Biltrite Corporation, a plastic composite company, in Waltham, Massachusetts.
James Felton is the principal consultant for the Table Group, a business consulting firm. He resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Troy Artis earned his BA in Culinary Management from Le Cordon Bleu in 2010 and is working as a chef. He and his wife Simone Kelly have twins, Terran and Teyia and live in Los Angeles.
Megan Sterling is the sales coordinator for the Anaheim Ducks Hockey Club.
Daniel Trevino earned his BA from Cal State Los Angeles in 2011 and is now working on his Master’s in Mathematics. In addition to school, he works as a personal math tutor and does tutoring for the Sylvan Learning Center. He and his brother have taken an apartment management position in Glendale for people with disabilities.
ning on moving to England where her husband will be attending graduate school.
Brittany Vita graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York City in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Design. She began her design career working in publishing as a photo editor, in collaboration with the Gucci creative team and Rizzoli Publications on the book “Gucci: The Making Of.” She worked as an associate art director on the premier issue of the Style.com magazine at Conde Nast Publications. More recently, Brittany served as a web designer on the Internet Creative Services team at Victoria’s Secret and has collaborated with Partner’s & Spade on projects for J. Crew. Presently, Brittany is a graphic design and creative consultant at Christian Dior in New York City and lives in Brooklyn with fellow alum Kristen Garris ’05.
spent the last year working in the busiest hospital emergency departments in Arkansas, California and Texas and is now working with CEP America training medical scribes how to document quickly to decrease wait times and increase patient safety and efficiency. Ben is currently working on his Master’s in Public Health at USC with a focus on biostatistics and disease prevention. Samantha Voorhees raced in the 2013 Nautica Malibu Triathlon in September on behalf of The Walt Disney Company to raise money for Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Within the entertainment industry challenge, Samantha came in as one of the top Disney female participants in the race. Samantha works in retail insights and analytics for Disney Consumer Products.
Ian Brenninkmeijer is attending graduate school at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden.
Allison Madden graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2012 with a degree in civil engineering and now works as a civil engineer with TTG Engineers in Pasadena.
Emily Clauson Schaffer spent the last six years teaching in Indonesia and recently resigned from her position as she and her husband are plan-
Benjamin Brekke graduated with honors from Pitzer College in 2011 with a degree in Neuroscience where he also received the Best Thesis Award in Science. He played two years of NCAA college basketball for Pitzer and led his team in three point shooting. Ben
Marisa Sanchez earned her BS in Human Biology from UC San Diego and is now working as a research scientist in vaccine discovery for the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology. She has had papers published in several scientific journals.
Danielle Lao ’09 has officially entered the WTA Pro Circuit. She is ranked in the top 500 worldwide after only five weeks of Professional Tennis before the 2013 season ended. She graduated form USC in 2012 with a degree in communications after a stellar tennis career. She was captain of the Trojan’s tennis team; received All American honors in singles in 2012 and won the ITA All-American Doubles title with USC junior Valaria Pulido. A highlight of her career was the upset of No. 1 ranked UCLA to win the Pac 12 championship her senior year.
Simran Sangha ’10 is a senior at Occidental College. In the spring of his sophomore year, he started an internship program at JPL to study lava flow emplacement dynamics on both Earth and Mars. He worked on expanding a large database; of Martian lava flow measurements and his efforts have made JPL’s database the largest in the entire world. Simran was invited to present his research at the annual 2013 YSS Undergraduate Research Conference in Houston, TX, the annual 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference also in Houston, TX, and a bi-monthly hour-long JPL Mars Seminar at JPL. This research is the focus of his honors senior thesis at Occidental College and he is planning on presenting at two additional conferences this year: the Geologic Society of America (GSA) 125th annual conference and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting. Simran has earned a contract extension with JPL through May 2014.
Emma Martinez ’14, prospective student, Diego Martinez ’18, Tomas Dakan ’12, and Marisol Dakan ’14, participated in the Nautica Malibu Triathalon on Sunday, September 9th benefitting cancer research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Between the Martinez and Dakan Family over $2,000 was raised for the cause. Getting up on Sunday morning at 3:15am, entering the ocean just after 7am, these kids were committed to making a difference. Marisol and Tomas did the entire event which included a 1/2 mile ocean swim, 18 mile bike, and 4 mile run. Emma was on a relay team with her brother Diego and mom, Sue Martinez. Emma did the 1/2 mile ocean swim.
Maxwell Miller graduated from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in 2012 with a Bachelor of Architecture. He spent some time working at a construction management firm and SPF Architects in Culver City before attending graduate school. Maxwell is currently at Columbia University pursuing a Master of Architecture and a Master in Real Estate Development. Kate Swisher received her BS in Agribusiness from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 2012 and is working as a sales coordinator for the Fort Dearborn Company, a printing company, in Concord. Kate lives in San Francisco. Monique Nguyen graduated from UC Irvine in 2012 with a BS in Anthropology. Luke Eisenhardt earned his BS in Environmental Science from UCLA in 2012. He spent time volunteering in Tijuana in October 2012 building houses and interned at the Los Angeles Water Control Board from January to March 2013. Luke competed in the USA Powerlifiting Collegiate National Championships in 2012 and 2013 and set the California record in 2013 for squat and total score for the 165 pound weight class, junior division. He is currently working as an environmental scientist for SWAPE, an environmental consulting firm, in Santa Monica. Kristen Green is the program coordinator for the non-profit South Central Scholars. She received her BA in Political Science from LMU in 2012 and completed the Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs in 2013. Brandon France completed his BA in Social Science at Azusa Pacific University in 2012 and is now working on his teaching credential and Master’s at National University. Matthew Villanueva is a third grade teacher at Frederick Douglass Academy Elementary School in Los Angeles. He received his Master’s in Education from Pepperdine in 2013. Paloma Doreza is a transitional kindergarten teacher at Saint Paul School in Los Angeles. She received her BA in English from UCLA in 2012. Krystle Espiritu is working on her BS in Hospitality Food Service and Hotel Management at Cal State Long Beach. She worked at the Disneyland Resort and participated in the Disney College Internship Program and is currently working with her aunt to open up a bakery. James Parks earned his Associate of Arts from PCC and is currently working at Trader Joe’s in Pasadena. Mary Steben received her BS in Apparel Design and Merchandising from San Francisco State University and is now working as a men’s merchandising intern for the Hurley fashion line in Costa Mesa.
Lauren McAlister graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 2012 with a degree in Environmental Studies. She has her multiple subject teaching credential and is currently working on her Master of Education. Michael Gomez is a graduate student researcher at UC Berkeley. He completed his BS in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics at UCLA in 2012. Tariq Taylor graduated with his BS in Psychology from Morehouse College in 2012 and is now working on his Master in Bio-manufacturing and Bio-processing at the University of Georgia. Sean Tracy is a campaign coordinator for Twelvefold Media, an online advertising company, in San Francisco. He graduated from the University of San Francisco with a BS in Marketing in 2012. Joe Martone earned his BS in Communications from Cal Poly Pomona in 2012. Joe Olender works in entertainment, media and music for the Revolution Road Creative Company. He graduated from Cal State Los Angeles earlier this year with a degree in Communications. Joe also volunteers with the Synergy Networking Club, a business networking club focused on raising money for charitable causes. Grant Torres is an integrated media planner for Deutsch, Inc. in New York City. He earned his BA in History from Williams College in 2012. Grant volunteers his time doing pro-bono work for the Live Out Loud Project. Megan Sullivan is working on her nursing degree at West Coast University. Mauricio Lizarazu graduated from LMU with degrees in Business and History in 2012 and is working in sales for NeoGov. Michael Cubas graduated in 2010 from LMU with a BS in Civil Engineering. He is now working as a Civil Engineer for the Honolulu Board of Water Supply and lives in Hawaii.
Angela Arunarsirakul graduated from UCLA earlier this year where she focused her coursework on Southeast Asia across several disciplines. She spent the summer studying Advanced Thai at Chiang Mai University on a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship and is spending this next year studying at Semarang State University on the Indonesian government’s Darmasiswa Scholarship. Kaitlyn Tripoli Clark is a respiratory therapist in the United States Navy and is currently based in San Diego. Elyse Chui graduated with her BS in Aerospace Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona in 2013.
Weddings Jason Kenoyer ’00 and Jackie Anderson were married on July 13, 2013 at the hotel Casa Del Mar in Santa Monica. Dean Griffith ’00, Hector Campos ’00 and Mike Gordon ’00 were in the wedding party along with Jason’s brothers Jake Godshall ’09 and Matt Godshall ’12. Jeff Rodriguez ’00, Joe Amar ’00, James Pollerana ’00 and Steve Van Leeuwen ’00 were all in attendance. Amanda Gonzalez ’01
married Nehemiah Richardson on January 11, 2013 at The Castaway in Burbank. Erin (Civitate) Perry ’01 was her Maid of Honor. Amanda and Nehemiah honeymooned in Maui and took a “second honeymoon” in New York City in September. Amanda will complete her Masters, in Organizational Leadership in March 2014 from National University, and is currently working as a personal trainer and makeup artist while in the start-up phase of a photography and video company with her husband. Jessica Horn ’03 and Brian Quinn ’03 were married in Mammoth Lakes on June 22, 2013. La Salle grads in the wedding party included Maid of Honor Jennifer Horn ’00, bridesmaid Francesca Labordo ’03, and groomsmen Alex Boone ’03. Jessica and Brian spent their honeymoon on the beaches of Belize. Highlights included scuba diving the Blue Hole and spelunking through ancient caves. Jessica and Brian are now living together in Pasadena. Jessica is a process engineer at WorleyParsons in Monrovia and Brian is in his third year of medical school at USC’s Keck School of Medicine. FALL 2013
Births & Adoptions Michael E. Sanderl, EdD ’92 and his wife, Stacey, introduce their son, Paul Christopher, born July 15, 2013. They, along with big brother Liam, reside outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Michael serves as Vice President of Mission Integration and Advocacy at Columbia St. Mary’s Health System. Vanessa (Del Rio) Figueroa ’96 and her husband Ed, welcomed their daughter, Pamela Naomi Figueroa, on July 24, 2013. The Figueroa’s were married at Loyola Marymount University on September 15, 2012, and live nearby in Altadena.
La Salle High School will be visiting the following regions of California in 2014. This is a great opportunity for alums outside the LA area to meet La Salle Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC and reconnect with their Alma Mater and network with fellow Lancers in their area.
ORANGE COUNTY Saturday, February 8th
S A N D I E G O Saturday, March 1st
B A Y A R E A Saturday, March 29th
Invitations will be mailed in the New Year. For more information visit www.lancernetwork.com or contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362.
n November 1967, two years after graduating from La Salle, Tim reported for induction in the United States Army. After completing basic training at Fort Ord in California, followed by AIT (Advanced Individual Training) at Fort Lewis Washington, Tim was deployed as a rifleman with the 1st Airmobile Cavalry Division in northern I Corp (DMZ) Vietnam. This Division operated primarily in the mountainous region along the Laotian border to thwart enemy efforts to utilize the infamous Ho Chi Min Trail. They were an airmobile unit, meaning they were infantry, yet they could be quickly transported by helicopter from one hot spot to another to engage the enemy with surprise combat assaults. It was critical that they constantly change locations, and move faster than a standard infantry outfit. In June of 1968, their machine gunner was killed in a night raid and Tim was selected to become the new machine gunner for the platoon. Their base of operations was LZ (Landing Zone) Helen, a small clearing on a high mountaintop, with a command view of the coast to the east and mountainous jungle to the west. Sandbag bunkers around the perimeter were the only protection from enemy rifle, rocket and mortar fire. In July of 1968, Tim was bitten on the face by a rat during the night, which necessitated his evacuation to a rear area for 14 days to receive rabies shots, administered once a day in the stomach. After participating in two major campaigns, including liberating the Marines from the siege at Khe San, the 1st Air Cavalry was relocated in October ’68 to the III Corp area just north of Saigon on the Cambodian border. Tim and his unit went from a mountainous 52
jungle environment to a hilly rubber plantation where NVA (North Vietnamese Army Regulars) had penetrated the Saigon area. Following one of their periodic contacts with the NVA, Tim’s unit was hit with 33 incoming mortar rockets, wounding and injuring his entire squad. They were all Medivac’d out that day. Tim spent the following four months in various hospitals from South Vietnam, to Japan and eventually to Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco. Following surgery to remove shrapnel and a two week convalescent leave, he was reassigned to the 1st Armored Division at Fort Hood Texas, where he fulfilled his active duty assignment in November of 1969. Due to his injuries, Tim spent the next four years of his commitment as an inactive reservist. Tim received an Honorary Discharge in November of 1973. Tim has spent the last 38 years living in Juneau, Alaska where he worked in hospitality and advertising. He still retains a partnership in the Alaska Seafood Company, Juneau’s only cannery.
Combat Infantryman Badge Bronze Star with ”V” (Valor) device Purple Heart Air Medal Army Commendation Medal Good Conduct Medal National Defense Service Medal Vietnam Campaign Medal with 3 Bronze Service Stars Vietnam Cross of Gallantry Medal with Palm Leaf Vietnam Service Medal
Past Commander American Legion Post 25 / Auke Bay, Alaska Past Commander Taku Post 5559 Veterans of Foreign Wars / Juneau, Alaska Past Senior Vice Commander Disabled American Veterans Chapter 4 / Juneau, Alaska Chief of Staff (Legislative Liaison), Department of Alaska Military Order of the Purple Heart
Please join us for La Salle High School’s 15th Annual Crystal Ball honoring David Lam P ’08, ’09, longstanding member of the Board of Regents and the recipient of the Lasallian Volunteer of the Year award. This magical evening features cocktails, live and silent auctions, dinner, dancing and opportunity drawing. All proceeds will benefit La Salle High School’s academic, arts, athletic and financial aid programs.
Crystal Ball Friday, May 2, 2014 The Langham Huntington, Pasadena
Visit La Salle High School website for early-bird ticket pricing
La Salle High School
3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107-1996 www.lasallehs.org Address Service Requested
Transforming Lives Since 1680
The La Salle High School Alumni Association presents the return of the much anticipated
S AT U R D AY - M A R C H 2 2 , 2 0 1 4
An event for the tastebuds featuring unlimited tastes from Paco’s Mexican Restaurant • City Café • El Portal • The Eatery/ Claud & Co. Catering • Dickey’s BBQ La Trizz Catering Services • Sugar Fix Bakery • Hangar 24 Brewery • The Bruery • Slater’s 50/50 Whole Foods Market Pasadena • Gordon Biersch • Altadena Town & Country Club Domenico’s Italian Restaurant • San Marino Seafood Company • Toro Sushi • The Original Tops Simply Cupcakes of Pasadena • Angel City Brewery • Beyond the Olive • Maya Tequila El Cholo Pasadena • Stonefire Grill • San Antonio Winery • Jone’s Coffee Roaster • And many more!
Sponsorships and tickets available online at
www.lancernetwork.com/Taste2014 Don’t miss a chance to win a fabulous prize in the Opportunity Drawing including a Stock Your Bar • Package • Eat out for a Year • Private cooking class and dinner for 2 in your own home. Winner does not need to be present to win. Buy your Opportunity Drawing tickets online at www.lancernetwork.com/Draw2014 Proceeds will support the Alumni Association College Scholarship Fund.