Fall 2014 Lancer Magazine

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Fall 2014 Annual Report 2013-2014


Full STEAM Ahead! On September 24, 2014 the Board of Regents approved a $400,000 initiative to introduce STEAM into the La Salle curriculum; integrating new and creative instruction in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. The STEAM Initiative will help prepare La Salle students for the 21st Century by emphasizing critical thinking and problem solving skills. STEAM will become a new signature program that again sets Lasallian Education apart. Your help in introducing new

Technology • New Laboratories • New Skills

is greatly appreciated. Please support the STEAM Initiative with a gift online at

www.lasallehs.org/STEAM Initiative concludes on June 30, 2015.

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Lancer Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement at La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc. for alumni, parents and friends. Inquiries and/or correspondence should be directed to: John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications La Salle High School 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, California 91107-1996 626.696.4316 jblackstock@lasallehs.org All pages are displayed on the La Salle website. www.lasallehs.org


OFFICERS & ADMINISTRATIONS Board of Trustees: Ms. Tamara Flowers, Chair Sister Marilyn Bender, CSJ Mr. James Canny ’65 Mr. Tom Caulfield Mr. Peter Godfrey Mr. Michael Harper Mr. W. Robert Kohorst ’71

Board of Regents: Mr. Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. (Chair) Mr. Doug Campbell Mrs. Colleen Deziel, P’17 Mr. Raymond Ealy, P’13 Peter Godfrey, Esq., P’07,’08 Mr. Peter S. Griffith, P’00,’03 Scott A. Hancock, Esq., P’11, ’11, ’11 Mr. Bret Hardy, P’16 Mr. David Lam, P’08,’09 Mr. Joseph Lumarda, P’14 Mr. Edward L. Malicdem ’88, P’16 Mr. Tom Radle, P’17

Mr. Brent Schoenbaum, P’16 Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. Craig Sloane, P’09,’11 Mr. Michael W. Stoddard, P’07, ’10, ’12, ’15 Mrs. Lisa Urbina, P’09, ’10, ’16 Mrs. Chelisa Vagim, P’16 Ms. Yolanda Valadez, P’08 Mrs. Sheri Wedeen, P’17,’17 Ms. Serena Flowers Williams, P’04,’06 Mr. Bradford W. Wright ’73, P’07, ’12 Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D., P’12

Alumni Board: Mr. Jeff Weigand ’67, P’02, ’05, ’08, Chair Ms. Susan Ehring ’97 Ms. Angie Gilliam ’02 Mr. Tony Messineo ’80 Mr. Rafael Mirasol ’80, P’17, ’18

Ms. Meghan O’Donnell ’01 Mr. Steve Peterson ’85 Mr. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Mr. Mike Sullivan ’70, P’08, ’13 Mr. Jesse Toribio ’93, P’15 Mr. Phil Velasco ’07

Mr. Robert Nuccio ’71 Mr. Ray Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mr. Ryan Resurreccion Mr. Barry Schweiger ’60 Br. Kevin Slate, FSC Dr. Vera Vignes

Administration: Dr. Richard Gray, President Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal Mr. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission Mr. Brandon Birr ’03, Dean of Students Mr. Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement Mr. Robert Packard, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Edgar Salmingo, Jr., Associate Principal for Academic Life

Homecoming 2014 ......................................................................... 5 A “That’s so Cali!” Night of Fun, Friends and Frivolity Building up some STEAM............................................................... 10 New Programs in Science and Technology Lancer Technology Today................................................................ 18 iPad One-to-One Teaching Enhances the Technology Experience The Annual Report for 2013-2014 ................................................. 19 Financial Reports, Charts and Honor Rolls of Donors Lancer Athletics Climb in the Fall................................................... 42 Football Moves up Seven Divisions as Water Polo and Cross County Excel The Quest for Excellence ............................................................... 44 AP Classes and AP Test Scores Examined

Editor: Mr. John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications


Publication and Production: KGB Studios, Los Angeles Editorial Contributors: Mr. Arthur Richards Ms. Jade Rogers ’01


Ms. Kristen Schultz ’98 Riley Worley ’15

Photo Credits: Pages: 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 29, 30, 37, 40, 41, 47, 49, 50, 56 John Blackstock ’67. Pages 6, 7, 52 Kristen Schultz ’98. Pages 12, 13, 14, 15 Courtesy Thomas Wynne ’73, NASA/JPL. Page 46 Gemma Zumel P’15. On the Cover: Stylized depiction of STEAM, by Babet Mordeno and John Blackstock ’67. For more about STEAM see page 10.

La Salle Matters ............................................................................. 2 Principal Ideas ............................................................................... 4 Alumni Profile .............................................................................. 12 Thomas Wynne ’73 Amazing Lancers .......................................................................... 46 Faculty Update ............................................................................. 50 Staying Connected ........................................................................ 52

© 2014 La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc.

FALL 2014




La Salle A

s I write this, our seniors are immersed in the college application process and their teachers are being inundated with requests for recommendations. Conversations about whether a particular college is a “Common Application” school and “Do you want me to submit the recommendation through Naviance?” opens up the brave new world of technology as it applies to the college admissions process. The bulk of their recommendations will be written by their teachers and college counselors; but every year, two or three seniors will, for a variety of reasons, want a recommendation from the School’s President. I don’t mind; it keeps me involved in their lives as students and aware of how their high school career has prepared them for college and beyond. Plus, having taught English in a previous life - two or three recommendations a year is a light load! The college application process is probably the most intellectually and emotionally draining experience of the four years teenagers will spend in high school. It is so stressful that, just shy of ten years ago, La Salle launched “Camp College,” a week-long program during the summer between junior and senior year in which students devote their time to the identification of colleges that represent a good “fit” for them (along with, what our College Counselors call, “safety” and “stretch” schools) and drafting the all-important college essay. Needless to say, Camp College fills up fast. With nearly a third of our students earning a 4.0 GPA each semester of attendance (with similarly impressive performances at the 3.5 and 3.0 marks), I know our graduates will enroll in selective and competitive colleges and universities. The performance of the Class of 2014 illustrates my point: 30 students matriculated at a UC campus (six students headed off to UCLA) with another 24 attending CSU. Private colleges and universities enrolling members of the Class of 2014 included: Brown, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, University of Chicago and Notre Dame. The University of Michigan, Ohio State, Purdue, VPI, Oregon, Indiana (Bloomington) and LSU represented some of the competitive out-of-state public institutions who received members of the Class of 2014. I am not surprised by these results; over 60% of the Class of 2014 earned Honors at Commencement - the highest it has been in five years. We are particularly proud of Renaissance Forster ’14 and Elizabeth Lynch ’14 who achieved the rare accomplishment of being admitted to West Point - from the same school (less than 30% of military academy nominations will be admitted). I can’t resist the temptation to make the point that Renaissance and Elizabeth highlight my firm conviction that La Salle, a coeducational school, can nurture leadership skills in young women as successfully as our single-gender counterparts assert. Still, these impressive results beg the central question about higher education in the 21st Century: to what end? Is a college or university education meant to be the capstone of 16 years of formal education, rounding out a student’s knowledge and honing in on a particular area of study called a “major?” Or is its purpose to ground a student in the rigors of a professional discipline that will provide access to employment after graduation?



Like many educators, I would argue for both outcomes. Higher education has always concerned itself with the education of both the mind and the person. It is a false dichotomy to argue that one should take precedence over the other. I favor the perspective of Harvard Professor and cultural critic, Louis Menand (he hails from my home town in upstate New York), who captured the problem of confusing higher education with employability when he recently asserted:

“Education is about personal and intellectual growth, not about winning some race to the top.” And yet, college students today are “voting with their feet;” they are choosing majors and concentrations that align themselves with the utilitarian end of higher education. The Pew Survey (2013) of higher education reports that 60% of college students are not liberal arts majors; the #1 major is business and more than twice as many degrees are awarded in parks, recreation, leisure and fitness than in philosophy and religion. This is not to suggest that these trends are misguided, just that they are incomplete with respect to what college preparatory schools like La Salle aspire for their graduates. The quality of college placements earned by the Class of 2014 suggests that our students leave La Salle knowing that both the mind and the person must be stretched over the course of the next four years. I believe their four years at La Salle have prepared them for what the Pew survey also reports - which is that the vast majority of graduates from a four-year institution say their college education helped them grow intellectually and to mature as a person. In other words, college may teach students as much about getting along with people as it does about analyzing Shakespeare’s sonnets (or mastering a spreadsheet). This Annual Report highlights our successful Advanced Placement program - a critical element in providing our most talented students with a college-level academic program that nurtures their ability to interpret, synthesize, and use evidence found within a wide range of sources. This is the essence of a collegepreparatory education and our AP and Honors curriculum is available to any student willing to challenge his/her ability to stretch their minds under the tutelage of extraordinarily talented educators. This is why I look forward to the opportunity to write letters of recommendation for those seniors who request it. I know that their academic preparation, active involvement in and out of the classroom, on and off the field has enabled them to approach the college application process with confidence that they will successfully meet the challenges they will face in the next chapter of their academic career.

Dr. Richard Gray President

FALL 2014





s a school administrator, I sometimes believe that we do not take the time to enjoy the fruits of our labor and to savor our successes. We often move from one project to another and then one issue to the next. Our desire to be better is often driven by the realization that we are in a continual state of evaluation, improvement, and necessary growth. It often can focus around the word change! Let me explain. “Here we go again!” Those words were uttered in August as we announced the beginning of our WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) WASC (Western Association of Schools and College) re-accreditation process. The instrument we are using is entitled Ensuring Educational Excellence and was recently adopted by our accrediting agencies in 2013. The eighteen month journey is a critical self-examination that ultimately leads to a school-wide Action Plan in March 2016. During the process we invite all of our “stakeholders” – students, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, Board of Trustees, Regents and advisory groups to comment on our existing strengths and to suggest areas of needed growth. If the process is done properly, no facet of the school community goes unchecked. For a secondary school such as La Salle, it is often a very powerful affirmation of our Mission and daily work while simultaneously calling us to forge ahead and pursue growth in needed and desired areas. In short – we will be making changes. As we have begun our re-accreditation process, we also decided to develop a new Strategic Plan. The Plan adopted in 2001 was fully completed this past spring when we secured the baseball facility at Arcadia Park. The development of our Strategic Plan is coordinated from the President’s Office and is also a very consultative process that partially overlaps our accreditation work. This process for developing a new plan has a much more brief timeline and will conclude in midSpring 2015. We believe that since our work on both processes shares similar research it might be best to do both at the same time. The process is not rocket science but rather one that requires time and attention from many individuals. The end result of this focused work will be a strategic plan for our advancement in certain areas including facilities, financial stewardship and technology enhancements. In short – we will be making changes. As an educational community, we must be aware of the emerging research on topics such as curriculum design and development, standards based education, formative and summative assessments, appropriate evaluations and growing use of data for decision making. But being aware and knowledgeable does not always equate with immediate adoption and implementation of research. Our actions must be prudent and always be based upon what is best for our students and our school community. In short – we will be making changes. For many, (including me at times) change is very uncomfortable and threatening as it jeopardizes my comfort level (the status-quo). Yes, change can clearly create uncertainty. I am the first to admit that change for the sake of change is both unsettling and often unnecessary. However, when change is the result of focused discussion and planning, it takes on a very different meaning for me. Change becomes acceptable when I am able to play a role in its adoption. Much of what we do at La Salle is a continuing process of implementation, evaluation, designed improvement and then starting the process all over again. It is our process for getting better and in doing so, change becomes inevitable. If you want to improve in the world we live you must adapt, i.e. change. In addition to our accreditation and strategic planning processes, we are being most diligent in implementing our iPad program, digital textbooks, a new leaning management system (LMS) for students, curriculum mapping project (for teachers) and the list goes on. Yes, at La Salle, we are in the midst of ongoing change. In later issues of this magazine, I will update you on our progress. Needless to say, La Salle High School is fully immersed in a continual state of evaluation and growth; not only of its students but of its core programs and Mission. I cannot think of a better testimony to our Founder whose innovative spirit changed the face of education in the 18th century. Long live Saint La Salle!

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal 4


By John Blackstock ’67

That’s so Cali!

The 2014 Royal Court: Nate Chandler, Aoife Megaw, David La Salle, Maddie McGoldrick, Will Pyburn, Claire Faber, Joey Messina-Doerning, Natalie Sirois, Yoltic Sandoval and Riley Worley.


beautiful, warm evening, that is so typical of Southern California, was the backdrop for the “That’s so Cali” Homecoming theme on Friday night, October 17 on Kohorst Field. The Student Life team worked throughout the month to bring a “That’s so Cali” attitude to the students and Royal Court including the well staged rally before the big game against the Harvard-Westlake Wolverines. Disneyland Day, Southern California Sports Team Day and Hipster/Preppy Day set the “That’s so Cali” tone during the week.

During halftime the Cheerleaders perfomed, the Royal Court and their families were introduced and seniors Joey Messina-Doerning and Aoife Megaw were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. Our Outstanding Lancer alums, Kasey Johnson ’07 and Matt Kohorst ’07 were presented with the 10th Battalion Alumni Athletic Award for their athletic accomplishments at La Salle, in college and beyond. Along with hundreds of students and fans, alums from every decade came back in droves for Homecoming 2014.

The Pink Pom-Poms of the Cheer Squad. FALL 2014


10th Battalion Award recipients Matt Kohorst ’07 and Kasey Johnson ’07.

Queen Aoife Megaw and King Joey Messina-Doerning.

Chris Wright ’07, Brad Wright ’73.

Joey Messina-Doerning leads the Drumline, and the team onto Kohorst Field.

The Class of 1994 celebrated their 20 Year Reunion at Homecoming. Left to right, Dennis DeMesa ’94, Trevor Spicer ’94, Ingrid (Smulders) Frokjer ’94, Tina Bonacci ’94, Michael Katz ’94, Elizabeth Santilena ’94, Jason Ybarra ’94, Chris Sterling ’94, Ryan Hagen ’94. 6


Queen Aoife Megaw with, Maddy Lanyi ’15

Quarterback Will Pyburn.

Arnie Mirasol ’83, Rafael Mirasol ’80, Alan Mirasol ’79.

Kirk MacDonald ’85, Jay Cali ’86, Steve Peterson ’85.

Student fans wave the Lancer Flag.

James Osollo ’93, Jesse Toribio ’93, Max Smalls ’93. FALL 2014


10th Battalion

2014 Homecoming Honorees Matt Kohorst ’07

MATT KOHORST ’07 was a pitcher for the La Salle Lancer Varsity Baseball team all four years of his career at La Salle. He was a three-time First-Team All-League as a sophomore, junior and senior and was named First-Team All-CIF his senior year. In his junior season, Matt recorded 77 strikeouts in 66 innings of work and was named the Santa Fe League Most Valuable Pitcher. As a senior, Matt posted a 6-4 record with 104 strikeouts in 67.1 innings. Matt led the Lancers to Matt Kohorst ’07



Kasey Johnson ’07 numerous victories on the mound and was named to La Salle’s Athletic Hall of Fame for Baseball and was also named La Salle’s Athlete of the Year for 2007. Matt was recruited to play baseball for the University of San Diego Toreros where he spent one season before transferring to the University of Kansas. He had to redshirt the 2008-2009 season due to transfer rules but was an asset to the Jayhawks starting his sophomore year in 2009. During his three years at Kansas, Matt pitched a total of 28 games and had 31 strikeouts. He was named to the Big 12 Commissioner’s Honor Roll and the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll all three years and was appointed to the First-Team Academic All-Big 12 in 2012. Matt ended his career at the University of Kansas with a career record of 3 wins and 0 losses. Matt graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Leadership and currently works as a financial analyst in acquisitions for Everest Properties in Pasadena.

KASEY JOHNSON ’07 was an instrumental player for the Lancer Girls Soccer program during her four years at La Salle. She was a First Team All-League selection all four years and was named to the All-CIF Second Team in 2004, Third Team in 2005 and First Team in 2007. In her senior year, Kasey helped lead the Lancers to the 2007 CIF Championship. She was named team MVP and was inducted into La Salle’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Kasey was also chosen as the 2007 CIF Division IV Defensive Player of the Year and was named the Pasadena Star-News Player of the Year. Kasey was recruited by the USC Trojans and joined their soccer program in the fall of 2007. A mainstay on USC’s reliable back line, Kasey came up big offensively for the Trojans her freshman season and scored her first career goals with back-to-back game winners in postseason victories over Florida in the NCAA Third Round and West Virginia in the NCAA Quarterfinals. Kasey and the Trojans went on to win the NCAA National Championship in 2007 and were the first Pac-10 team to do so. Kasey was named to the NCAA College Cup All-Tournament Team, Soccer First Team All-Freshman, SoccerBuzz Second Team All-Freshman, and SoccerBuzz West Region All-Freshman. She also earned an All-Pac-10 Honorable Mention and was selected to the Pac-10 AllFreshman Team. In her sophomore year as a Trojan, Kasey appeared in 12 games until an injury limited her playing time at the end of the season. Even still, she was named to the TopDrawer Soccer National Team of the Week. Kasey underwent hip surgery after the season ended. She came back from the surgery her junior year ready to lead USC to victory, but early in the season, she sustained a serious injury to her other hip effectively ending her soccer career at USC.

Kasey Johnson ’07

Kasey graduated from USC with a degree in psychology in 2011 and immediately started playing beach soccer where she won the Major Beach Soccer Championship in December 2012 in Clearwater, Florida. In 2013, she joined the semi-professional Pali Blues soccer team and won the Western Conference Title and National Championship. Her soccer success has continued into 2014, winning the Beach Soccer Championships Tournament in Oceanside, coming in second in the Soccer in the Sand Tournament in Grand Rapids, Michigan and she is set to play in the National Championships again in Clearwater this December. Kasey is currently attending Nursing school and will be receiving her RN License in December 2015. Kasey Johnson ’07, third from left, with her Trojan defenders, holds the National Championship trophy. FALL 2014



hose of us in our senior years will remember Sputnik and the shockwaves it sent through American academia, science, engineering and industry. It was 1957 and Soviet Russia had an artificial satellite in orbit around the earth – and every classroom in the nation rang to the oh-so-recognizable beep-beep-beep that emanated from Sputnik. Initiatives were immediately begun to close the “technology gap.” As most such efforts begin, education systems at all levels and across the country led the way. Another gap is shaking up the educational and industrial world in this decade based on “PISA testing.” Founded in 1961, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has the goal of giving governments a forum in which to discuss common problems. The Organization directs and compiles information from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), a triennial international survey testing the skills and knowledge of 15 year-old students. It is sometimes said that PISA points to where you will find the best problem solvers in a few years. While not as dramatic as the beeping of Sputnik, the last several PISA tests have shown American students losing ground to the rest of the world in regard to math and science. Many measures show American students as average at best



By Arthur Richards with John Blackstock ’67

versus many others around the world. Once again American educational institutions partnering with industry have begun initiatives to respond to this situation. Technology advances at a speed that regularly exceeds the ability of an educational system to react. It takes years to train teachers and to build a curriculum. Hence, the recent focus on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) that can be seen throughout American education. Additionally, research shows that there are many underrepresented groups in STEM fields, with females being the largest group. This is a national problem. In fact, according to the Department of Labor, nine of the ten fastest growing occupations requiring at least a bachelor’s degree will involve substantial mathematical or scientific training. Women, however, hold only about 25% of STEM related positions. The majority of students form attitudes about math and science at a very early age. Motivating more girls to choose science and math, attain academic achievement in STEM fields and choose related careers is more important than ever. La Salle High School is responding with an initiative dubbed STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math and related technology) in focused after-school and yearround programs. (To have an insight why arts is included,

La Salle STEAM seeks to prepare st students for the 21 century global educational challenges ahead. see the Alumni Profile on Thomas Wynne ’73 in this issue. He calls what he does at JPL and NASA the perfect mix of science and art.) In coordination with local schools, the La Salle STEAM Lab will engage students ages 9 through 14 in weekly meetings: quality learning experiences where they can gain new skills and knowledge, as well as improve the selfconfidence needed to eventually compete in the 21st century. The focus will be on STEAM related subjects. La Salle 11th and 12th grade students will have opportunities to mentor middle school students, becoming creators and innovators alongside younger students. There is an old saying among teachers that you never really know something until you explain it to someone in terms they understand. One of the most rewarding experiences in teaching is when the light goes on behind a student’s eyes. In a flash, the teacher knows that, rather than memorizing, the student really understands. This mentoring will give La Salle students the opportunity to develop skills in leadership, communication, critical thinking and problem solving. La Salle students will also soon see “hardware” benefits from STEAM in lab technology in the science, art and computer fields. Such improvements as 3D printers, laser

cutters, robotics equipment, microscopes, 3D modeling software, environmental lab kits and GPS equipment will be upgraded at an increased pace and scale that current budget levels do not support. Equipment sitting in labs is not enough, so instructors will continue to receive instruction in enhanced classroom pedagogy in light of these improvements with the goal being the best possible impact on students’ learning experience. In addition, partnerships with STEAM related businesses will give students meaningful experiences from the real world. On the longer view, the School is setting several goals. First, technology equipment will be replaced or expanded every year until the program is at maximum capacity. Second, professional development for instructors will continue over time to maximize the effectiveness of the initiative. Lastly, the School looks to early successes to create a sense of buy-in and increased support for STEAM on the part of the entire La Salle family. In that way, the La Salle STEAM curriculum will become a signature academic program at La Salle. La Salle STEAM seeks to prepare students for 21st century global educational needs: the development of critical thinking skills and problem solving skills for the very serious problems facing not only the present but also the future.

FALL 2014



thomas wynne ’73 EVENTS CAPTURED A MILLISECOND AT A TIME By Arthur Richards

Keck Observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii.


ow do you become a photographer for JPL and NASA? Thom Wynne ’73 chuckled and said, “I don’t know. It was totally off my radar when I graduated from La Salle.” Thom Wynne ’73 described his life at graduation as being summed up by soccer and backpacking. After a brief foray in Arizona with the idea of being a forest ranger, Wynne decided he needed a more disciplined curriculum, so he returned to Southern California and took a variety of courses, mostly in the sciences. At Orange Coast College, he also took Introduction to Professional Photography and something clicked. Literally, he just knew, “That’s my passion!” Actually, Wynne’s father introduced him to photography when he was around 12 or 13 years old, teaching him how to develop film and make contact prints. So, the connection with photography was made: “It was the perfect blend of art and science.” Next came the University of New Mexico, where he studied under Beaumont Newhall, “the big name in the history of photography.”Newhall’s landmark work, The History of Photography, is still a standard textbook in many schools. Wynne 12


Thomas Wynne ’73 with MSL in thermo-vac chamber.

Curiosity Rover prepping for Thermal-vacuum testing.

Curiosity Rover touchdown testing with engineering model.

became fascinated with antiquated photographic and development processes while completing his BA. Moving on from UNM, Wynne entered Cal State Fullerton to work toward his MA. While there, a close family friend who worked at JPL suggested several times that he apply for a parttime position in photography. He finally did apply, taking in what he described as a portfolio that was half commercial and half art. He was surprised that the interviewer spent most of the time on the art photographs. “He hired me on the spot! I was shocked, but I didn’t think it would last long.” However, after Wynne finished his MA, he was taken on at JPL full time. “And that was 35 years ago!” Wynne’s photographic work for JPL and NASA has included such well-known projects as Voyager, the Keck Observatory, the Mars Exploration Rovers, and the Mars Science Laboratory. In a way, his challenge at JPL and NASA is similar to art photography: how to capture a visual image in one moment that communicates a whole event. At JPL, Wynne’s specialty is high-speed videography. What he photographs often happens in seconds, FALL 2014


Mauna Kea summit panorama with Keck Observatory and Interferometer far right.

sometimes milliseconds. “The challenge is to capture an event in a way that gives insight into what happened.” For example, Wynne captured the test of the Skycrane landing system of the Mars Science Lab. It was essential to give the engineers a useful visual presentation of the event. The entire test took just four seconds. The planning to record that test took over two years! That ability to plan is a skill that Wynne says goes back to his time at La Salle. “In high school, I thought of myself as an average student. But after I got to college, I found it was easier than high school.” His fellow college students were often behind or completing assignments at the last minute. He says La Salle prepped him both for college and for an important part of his career by teaching him how to tackle an assignment with good work habits, setting incremental goals leading to success. Wynne names two teachers at La Salle that he thinks were especially influential: The first is Mrs. Katherine Konoske in upper division literature.“She had the reputation of being a tough teacher. I tried to avoid her class.” But he found her class to be one of the most stimulating that he took at La Salle. “We were challenged to think outside the box;” a skill that is helpful in his career even today. The second is his art teacher, Mr. Lester Schult. “I didn’t see myself at all as an artist.” Unable to draw a human form or still life like other students, he did color-field work, showing the relationship of colors and light and shadow. He was surprised when Schult told him that his work was the best in that year’s art show. “He understood what I was doing better than I did and encouraged me to pursue it.” One has to think of the play of light and shadow in what Wynne does for NASA today. Asked if he had any highlights or best memories of the School, Wynne replied,“My whole time at La Salle was wonderful. I really can’t pick out this or that highlight, but most important was the camaraderie that we had, the strong bonds of friendship that keep us in contact even to this day.”



MLS Curiosity Rover Landing Team at the JPL press conference.

Mars Science Laboratory parachute test.

Keck Telescope.

Remote jet crash. FALL 2014


This photo was taken at Pt. Lobos on the California Coast, which is kind of a “sacred spot” for many photographers.

“My whole time at La Salle was wonderful, but most important was the camaraderie that we had, the strong bonds of friendship that keep us in contact even to this day.” - THOMAS WYNNE ’73

Ansel Adams with John Sexton his long-time main assistant.


homas Wynne was a student at one of Ansel Adams workshops in the early 1980s. The following year, Thom was asked to return as an assistant for the sessions. After Ansel was too old to travel to Yosemite in the high Sierras he and The Friends of Photography moved the workshops to Pebble Beach. There Thom assisted Ansel, Jerry Uelsmann, John Sexton and other photographers. The opportunity to work for Ansel Adams, however brief, was truly a lifetime experience, Thom says, “I was very much aware that I was in the presence of someone considered by many to be the greatest photographer of all time. What was equally amazing is that for being such an icon, he was a genuinely friendly and approachable man. He had a keen interest in science and really supported the work being done at JPL. He was quite pleased to have a JPLer on his workshop staff and was very encouraging about the role of industrial photographers in science and engineering,” recounts Thom.


Environmental Activist, Photographer (1902–1984) Ansel Adams was an American photographer best known for his iconic images of the American West, including Yosemite National Park.

Mars Science Laboratory Descent Stage preparing for Thermal-Vacuum Testing. 16


LA SALLE DSS-14 70 meter antenna, Goldstone, CA.

THOMAS A. WYNNE ’73 P’08, ’10 Varsity Soccer, Swimming, Water Polo, Track, Rugby Varsity Club, Service Club, Drama Club

PERSONAL Resides in Sierra Madre with his wife Mary Jo, a Catholic parochial school Teacher Tom ’08, Evergreen State ’13, now in Leipzig, Germany Alice ’10, Evergreen State ’14 now in Olympia, Washington

UNIVERSITY AA, Orange Coast College BA, Fine Arts, University of New Mexico 1979 MA, Fine Arts, California State University Fullerton 1983 Ansel Adams Workshop 1983 Techniques in High Speed Photography, MIT 1986


JPL Director Bruce Murray with CBS science correspondent Jules Bergman, NASA Chief Administrator James Beggs and Reagan advisor Edwin Meese during the Voyager 2 Saturn Flyby press conference. Meese was on a fact finding mission for Reagan about the future of unmanned planetary science. Though many folks liked the photo because it looked like Murray was threatening Meese, he was actually describing gravity assist to him. This was used in a recent documentary, says Thom.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena 1980 to Present NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, 2000 NASA Exceptional Service Medal 2003 FALL 2014


Textbooks Graduate, iPads Enroll By Jade Rogers ’01


he Apple iPad has successfully taken over all industries, including education, since its release in 2010. The iPad weighs less than two pounds, and for such a light weight device it definitely packs a lot of power and schools across the country have taken hold of iPads to help accelerate and increase students’ education. Starting with the 2014-2015 school year, La Salle jumped on the iPad bandwagon, and implemented it as the primary device to be used by students and instructors. Gone are the days when students carried heavy backpacks crammed full of books. Today it is just the iPad in their case. The transition from textbooks to iPads began three years ago. Over that time, La Salle reviewed possible vendors at various department levels, invited vendors to meet with instructors for information gathering sessions, and worked to see what digital books could be offered. Associate Principal for Academic Life, Edgar Salmingo believes that having a digital tool as an option for La Salle’s teachers and students in the classroom is a huge blessing. “By giving students technology, they own and in their own hands opens up many possibilities for creative and innovative ways to learn. Having a 1:1 technology environment, students have learned to appreciate that they can find all of their assignments and books in one place: their iPad,” says Edgar. With the iPad as a student’s primary device, they will have every class at their fingertips via the mobile application Blackboard Mobile Learning. Students will be able to submit various assignments using the web as a transmission medium, use their tablet as a textbook, take digital notes, and carry out assignments using multi-media recordings, editing, and playback, as well as many other benefits. Teachers are going above 18


and beyond in using the technology to engage their students and enhance their learning. Case in point: science teacher Brian Miller ’79, whose students have used the iPad to download and follow lab instructions to create photo collages and iMovies, use the Skitch app to annotate photos of lab observations, and to view TED Talks and TEDitorial assignments. “The effective use of the iPad is dependent entirely upon the way a teacher integrates the gathering of content with the application of knowledge. With the iPad, the content is infinite and the online texts provide interactions and simulations. The transition of knowledge to application is the only true measure of the effectiveness of the tool,” says Brian Miller. Data Processing and Architectural Design teacher Roy Chang, who has also been the point person for the implementation of the iPad, agrees that with proper training and communication and consistency of use, the iPad can be a boost to La Salle’s learning environment. Roy says, “The iPad is a primary tool that I use in the classroom. It is used to provide visual assistance with code writing in Robotics, carry out temporary recordings of robots executing programmed behaviors, and as a communication medium when sketches and simple images are used in and out of class.” The iPad is definitely not a passing fad. Being used in the education realm, the iPad is a tool that helps engage students in the learning process. “Good teaching is still good teaching and learning is still learning. But if our students spend up to five hours on screens, then we can use that screen time to engage our students in an educational manner. Interaction between students and teacher can become more seamless through the use of technology,” says Brian.

FALL 2014


Contribution Summary 2%


Golf Tournament


(Net Proceeds)


Crystal Ball


(Net Proceeds)




JULY 1, 2013 JUNE 30, 2014




Faculty & Staff




Matching Gifts


Current Parents




Parents of Alumni



La Salle Family of Funds Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund Bob Thomas Scholarship Fund for Math & Science Brother Celestine, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1961 Financial Aid Fund Class of 1997 Financial Aid Fund Corene Pindroh Fund David Contreras ’98 Memorial Fund

Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Interscholastic Athletic Fund Excellence in Coaching Fund Francis Bacon Foundation Endowed Scholarship for the Arts Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund Grant Glausser ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund Honor A Lasallian Educator Fund Ian Blakeslee ’85 Memorial Scholarship Fund John Matheus Honorary Alumnus Fund Joseph Antonisamy Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Jules Ruggles Memorial Scholarship Fund Linda M. Grinstead Fine & Performing Arts Fund

Mareina Chapel Fund Margaret Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund Michael Rossini ’81 Memorial Scholarship Fund Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Robert Alcorn Scholarship Fund for the Humanities Robinson Professional Development Endowment Fund San Miguel Scholarship Fund Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund Tim Gripp Memorial Theatre Scholarship Fund Tuition Assistance Fund Women’s Athletic Scholarship Fund


San Miguel Scholarship



Restricted Scholarship Other

Capital Gifts

JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014




Other Endowment

Unrestricted Scholarship



Brother Celestine Endowment Tuition Assistance


Unrestricted Gifts


Restricted Gifts



Financial Data

FALL 2014


The Platinum Circle The Platinum Circle is composed of the Bene Merenti Society and the Buttimer Society. It honors those donors who have exercised great leadership in the advancement of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle, which enables the School to carry out the vision of its founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

The Bene Merenti Society “Bene Merenti” is Latin for “Well-deserving.” Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions have exceeded $100,000 are truly well-deserving of our gratitude for their commitment to the School’s Mission. Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Archdiocese Of Los Angeles Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Fritz B. Burns Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75

Andrew and Keri Crowell De La Salle Institute Christian Brothers Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Bill Hannon Foundation William H. Hannon Foundation Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Lam

Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Don and Georgette Mareina John F. Marshall ’85 Marshall Charitable Trust George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation

Steve and Cathy Pankow Pasadena Community Foundation The Robert L. Pindroh Family Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Rose Hills Foundation The Twomey Family Webb Foundation Walt and Julie Williams

The Buttimer Society Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions are between $50,000 and $99,999 join the Buttimer Society; named after the first American Superior General of the Christian Brothers – Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, FSC. Like Brother Charles Henry, who governed the Institute during the turbulent decade of the Sixties, these donors ensure the financial stability of La Salle. Mr. Roland Aldridge Bank of America Foundation MG Program Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Blaine and Lynda Fetter Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Ms. Nancy Iredale Mr. Dennis A. Jebbia

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper The Keele Family Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. Eric Li and Ms. Angela Liu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio The Lumarda Family Mr. Steve Madison Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Marks Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71

Mr. Russell J. Osterman Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Marshall Rose Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Craig Silvers Craig and D’Arcy Sloane Southern California Edison Company

Valley Processing Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vanni Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Weingart Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Western Asset Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead E.L. Wiegand Foundation

Trustees Left to right, Ray Pearl, Jr. ’99, Robert Nuccio ’71, W. Robert Kohorst ’71, Tamara Flowers, Barry Schweiger ’60, Pete Godfrey, Brother Kevin Slate, FSC, Tom Caulfield, Dr. Vera Vignes, James Canny ’65, Ray Resurreccion. Not pictured: Sister Marilyn Bender, CSJ and Michael Harper.



Saint Benilde Society La Salle recognizes those donors who have restricted their contributions of $1,000.00+ to the School’s Endowment Funds or included La Salle in their estate planning through one of a number of Planned Giving instruments including gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts and bequests. These donors are honored as members of the Saint Benilde Society. Similar to the visionary actions of Brother Celestine, the founding principal of La Salle High School, the support of these individuals will help secure the perpetuity of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle High School for generations. Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Aghili ’88 Ahmanson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alden Anonymous (2) Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. The Harrison R. Baker, Jr. Family David and Patricia Barulich Mr. and Mrs. Zoran K. Basich Tom and Jeri Beck Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. Monty Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. and Mrs. James F. Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. H. Thomas Boyle and Ms. Wendy Lees Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burke ’60 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation The Carey Family Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford Mrs. Mary Danenhauer

Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Mr. Michael P. Delaney ’60 Jim Dirmann ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doda Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elam III Blaine and Lynda Fetter Mr. Lawrence Fetters ’60 Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Mark and Bettina Graf Richard Gray, Ph.D. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith The Gripp Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper The Hastings Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Ms. Carolyn L. Imrie Ms. Nancy Iredale Mr. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Tim Q. Johnson ’60 Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karahadian Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60

Mr. Gregory M. Kunert and Ms. Carol A. Watson La Salle High School Academic Boosters Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Lucas, Horsfall, Murphy & Pindroh, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Don and Georgette Mareina George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. Michael Molino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mueller The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Nursing Home Solutions, Inc. Mr. Leon Okurowski Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. Russell J. Osterman Charles Pankow Foundation Steve and Cathy Pankow Pasadena Community Foundation The Robert L. Pindroh Family Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63 Mr. Robert M. Rossini Mr. Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 The Schow Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. Louis P. Smaldino ’60 Mr. and Mrs. David Soltis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trudeau ’60 The Twomey Family Mr. Willard L. Umphrey Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Wellpoint Foundation WFB Ohio-Foundation (MN) Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Wiegand ’60 Peter and Serena Williams Walt and Julie Williams Mr. Donald Wood Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Carol and Bradford Wright ’73

Regents Bottom row, Dennis Jebbia, Esq., Bradford Wright ’73, P ’07, ’12, Peter Godfrey, Esq., P ’07, ’08, Yolanda Valadez, P ’08, Colleen Deziel, P ’17, ’17, Lisa Urbina, P ’09, ’10, ’16, next row, Scott Hancock, Esq., P ’11,’11, ’11, middle row, Douglas Campbell, Michael Stoddard, P ’07, ’10, ’12, ’15, Walt Williams (Past Regent) P ’04, Julie Williams (Past Regent) P ’04, Joseph Zanetta, J.D., P ’12, Serena Flowers Williams, P ’04, ’06, back row, David Skibinski, Edward Malicdem ’88, P ’16, Brent Schoenbaum (above), P ’16, Peter Griffith, P ’00, ’03, Bret Hardy (above) P ’16, Craig Sloane (above), P ’09, ’11, Sheri Wedeen, P ’17, ’17, not pictured, Raymond Ealy, P ’13, David Lam, P ’08, ’09, Joseph Lumarda, P ’14, Tom Radle, P ’17, Chelisa Vagim, P ’16. FALL 2014


Honor Roll of Donors Each year La Salle High School recognizes the generosity of individuals and organizations whose tax-deductible cash contributions and new pledges during the year total $1,000 or more. These donors play a critical role in strengthening the current programs for our students and helping La Salle plan for the future. Founded in 1989, there were 11 individuals, couples, and organizations as members in its initial year. For 2013-2014, 442 individuals, couples, and organizations comprise the membership of its most prestigious order of donors.


Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Bank of America Corporation Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Edward Paul Bryant Fund (Submitted by Janine Saraf P’99) Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation East West Bank Mr. Peter S. Griffith Mr. Ernest Hollady Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Mr. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. Eric Li and Ms. Angela Liu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio The Lumarda Family Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Don and Georgette Mareina George H. Mayr Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Mediverse International, Inc. Merrill Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Pasadena Community Foundation Rose Hills Foundation The Schow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster The Twomey Family Webb Foundation Walt and Julie Williams Wilmington Trust Heather and Jason Young


The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation Bank of America Foundation MG Program Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. Robert D. Campbell The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Christian Brothers Community of Cathedral High School Andrew and Keri Crowell Ms. Carole Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Deziel Mr. and Mrs. Mike Elizalde Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Finnerman The Dennis Finnerman Foundation 24


Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forbush Griffin Lumber Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin ’67 Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland Mr. Matthew Kohorst ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Ronnie and Patcharin Law Methodist Hospital Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Navarro Operational Consulting International, Inc. Mr. Russell J. Osterman Steve and Canthy Pankow Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Mark and Victoria Richards Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Rico Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sisson Craig and D’Arcy Sloane Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whittingham Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Mr. and Mrs. Yung Yeung Mr. Keith Zubchevich

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999

Anonymous Mr. David Beringer ’75 Mrs. Josie Beringer Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Bird ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgh California Community Foundation Julie Solberg and Ted Chandler Mr. Yan Chen and Ms. Lisa Jiao Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cotter ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Daughters Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney The Walt Disney Company Foundation Michael and Carol Duffey Mr. Raymond Ealy and Mrs. L. Charmayne Ealy Mr. and Mrs. Terence A. Fitch Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb Dr. Kathy Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fosselman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Richard Gray, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenstreet Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Griffith ’00* Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03*

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helbing Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Helgeson Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hsu Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Ms. Nancy Iredale Dr. Irina Jasper and Mr. Dimitry Barkovsky Mr. Peter Javryd and Ms. Sharon Palmer Brad and Debbie Jenkins Mr. Richard Jones and Dr. Lisa Butler Kansas Association of Community Foundations Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kohorst ’03 Mr. and Mrs. David Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Jesoo Lee Mr. and Mrs. Ali LeRoi Lucas, Horsfall, Murphy & Pindroh, LLP Mrs. Linda Lui Ms. Patricia Madrigal Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Marks Dr. and Dr. Michael Miller John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray Mr. and Mrs. John Nahas Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 PAN Partnership Mrs. Dana Pelsone Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Polek ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Dante Puccinelli Mr. John Ring Ms. Teresa M. Ring ’03* Mr. Peter Sandford and Dr. Raquel Sandford Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schoenbaum Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Southern California Edison Company Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sprengel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stiver Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tapert ’79 Mrs. Jayne Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gary Urbina Ms. Yolanda Valadez Mr. Christopher S. Victor ’05* Morris and Esther Victor The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Mr. Shantai Way and Ms. Grace Hsiao Dr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Wedeen Dr. and Mrs. David Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Troy Whitehead ’07*

Ms. Samantha L. Whitehead ’11* Mr. Herbert Wu and Ms. Reling Wong Mr. and Mrs. Xingfa Xue Mr. Hai Yin and Ms. Liqun Si Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. *Young Alumni Affiliate

CRYSTAL CIRCLE $1,000-$2,499

Dr. Pierre Abboud and Ms. Grace Soueidan Mr. and Mrs. Randy Adams Mr. and Mrs. William Adams Ms. Bertha Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Prince Akins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Akobian Ms. Mariel Alipio and Ms. Shirley Saenz America Changda Railway Equipment, Inc. Katherine and Jack Anastasia Mr. Jim Anderson and Ms. Kathleen Walker Mr. and Mrs. Neal Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Greg Andrade Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Anicich ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antonides Mr. and Mrs. Chris Arrocha Mr. Felipe Arroyo Ms. Rosemary Arroyo Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Asao Mr. and Mrs. Georges Attar Mr. and Mrs. William Ayala Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird The Harrison R. Baker, Jr. Family Mr. John Balmer, Jr. Ms. Priscilla Barrio Mr. and Mrs. James Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Baumer ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Beddawi Mr. George Bent Mrs. Monika Bent Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Kirakos Bilanjian Mr. and Ms. Ramon Biosca Mr. Thomas Blaney and Ms. Heidi Rous Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borquez Mr. Enrique Boull’t and Mrs. Gloria Bravo-Boull’t Tom, Julie and Jennifer Brady ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Robert Brkich Construction, Corp.

Mr. and Mrs. Derek Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Browne Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Buchan ’73 Mr. John Burch and Ms. Carla Buigues Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bury Mr. John Caldas and Mrs. Marissa Pantastico-Caldas Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Camargo Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Canny ’65 Michele and Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 Ms. Claudeane Cardenas Mr. and Mrs. Jose Carrillo Mr. Enrique Casas and Ms. Apurva Uniyal Mr. and Mrs. Hector J. Chacon Mr. Roy Chang Mr. John Charity and Mrs. Theresa Woo Charity Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cheung Mr. Dauhli Chi and Ms. Sharon Wu Mr. Robert Chong and Ms. Pamela Wen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Chow Mr. and Mrs. Thane Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81 Clay Lacy Aviation Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Cookman Mrs. Laurie Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Costa Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Costello Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. Matthew Covey and Ms. Jiezl Rivas Dr. and Mrs. Jay Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Todd Daley Mr. James Dalgarn and Ms. Cathi Chadwell Mr. and Mrs. Julian Damas Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Mr. Simón De La Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Delaney ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Dustin DeMesa ’96 Mr. and Mrs. John Dewar Dr. Brian J. Doerning ’81 and Mrs. Maryann Messina Doerning Thomas J. Donfrio Educational Foundation Mr. Patrick Doocy ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Scott DoVale Ms. Lisa Edwards Dr. James L. Eshom and Ms. Brenda Hayakawa Mr. Scott Filippi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fitzgerald David and Tricia Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foster Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Franco Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams Mr. Robert Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Guido Galli Mr. and Mrs. Nanda Ganesan Mr. and Mrs. Julius Garcia

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gelinas Mr. and Mrs. James Gilb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gohrick Mr. and Mrs. Rene Gomez Mr. J. Brady Graham ’67 Mr. Robert Griffith and Mrs. Christine DeSpirito Griffith Mr. and Mrs. David Hansen The Robert E. Hansen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Haro Dr. William Harrity II Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hart Mr. M. Patrick Henry Ms. Cristina Hernandez and Mr. Jeffrey Bernstein Mr. George Ho and Ms. Maisie Cheung Mr. and Mrs. Barc Holmes Mr. Jonathan Holmes and Ms. Denise Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howard The Ann Jackson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jameson Mr. Connor B. Jenkins ’12* Mr. Indika Jinadasa and Dr. Priyanthi Jinadasa Mr. Jeff Johnson and Mrs. Debbie Cabreira-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jordan ’74 Mr. Ricardo J. Jurado ’95 Mr. Dave Jurasevich and Ms. En Lee Lin Mr. and Mrs. Vicken Kedjidjian Mrs. Katalina Klein-Dier Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kouladjian Mr. and Mrs. Shant Koumriqian Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krings Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krouse ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krystad Mr. Andrew Kuo and Mrs. Yau Fen Hou La Salle High School Academic Boosters La Salle High School Arts Boosters La Salle High School Athletic Boosters Mr. and Mrs. Kim-Ming Lau Mr. Frank A. Laurenzello Mr. and Mrs. Garry Law Mr. Rafael Lazcano, Jr. ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Le Berthon ’78 Mr. Ming Lee and Ms. Christelle Lam Mr. Cesar Lepe and Mrs. Norma Avendano-Lepe Mr. Jose Leyva and Ms. Catalina Zuluaga Dr. Yiwen Li and Dr. Jing Xu Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lima ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Apichart Luyapan Tim and Christine Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mace Mr. and Mrs. Jay Madden Dr. Anthony Mannucci and Ms. Katherine Louie Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Marikian Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Mr. Alex Martinez Mr. Jack Matar and Ms. Asma Owens Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mathison Ms. Jacquie Mayo

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mazaros Mr. Paul McCudden and Ms. Christine Delany Mr. Ken McFall and Mrs. Emily Vaughn Henry Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFaul ’75 Mr. Joseph L. McKay ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Steven McLaren Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Miller Ms. Tara Milton Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Mirasol ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E. ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Syrus Mobayen Mr. and Mrs. Hilmar Monninger Ms. Tammy Morioka-Shimazu Ms. Elizabeth Mullen Drs. Keith Munson and Linda Lasater Munson Mr. Mike Nachabe and Ms. Tuyen Trinh Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Toan Nguyen Northrop Grumman Mrs. Jennifer Gibbs O’Brien ’02* Mr. Andy Ogden and Mrs. Shelley Short Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Aris O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Pacific Homeworks, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Paige Mr. Steven Paradis Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley Bridge Unit 559 Mr. and Mrs. Girish R. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Raju Patil Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pearl Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pearson Mr. Joseph Pelayo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Peter Popoff The Porges Family Mr. Gonzalo Posada and Mrs. Zoraida Davila-Posada The Pyle Family Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quandt ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Hector Quitzon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines Mr. Rafael Ramirez and Mrs. Denise Miyashiro-Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. James Ratkovich Mr. and Mrs. Philip Raycraft Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Dr. and Dr. Kim Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Joel Riegsecker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rix Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Romano ’68 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosales Mr. Marshall Rose Dr. and Mrs. R. Fernando Roth Jenny and Michael Rue ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Vijayakumar Sabanayagam Mrs. Diana Natasha Salamon Mr. Emerson Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Esteban Sanchez Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Sanderl, Ed.D. ’92 Mr. Sean R. Sansone ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Kahn Scolnick Ms. Tricia Searcy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Seidner’s Collision Centers Mrs. Lori Show Signature Estate & Investment Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Sigur Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sirois Mr. and Mrs. Sam Situ Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Sofio Mr. and Mrs. Sam Southard, Jr. Specialty Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Spotts Nick and Connie Stamos Mr. and Mrs. John Steger Dr. and Mrs. Ken Stephens Mr. Mel Stoutsenberger and Ms. Vickie Blair Dr. and Mrs. Ridwan Sudirgo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweetland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Synold Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tan Mr. and Mrs. Elias Tango Drew and Diane Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. John J. Thomas Mrs. Grace Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mr. and Ms. Michael Tian Mr. Sam Tor and Mrs. Ju Zhang Tor Mr. Solomon Trager Ms. Crystal Tran Mr. Alfredo Tuason and Mrs. Angeline Yu-Tuason Mr. and Mrs. Valentin H. Usle Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vagim Mr. and Mrs. Rommel Valarao Fred and Diane Van der Linde Mr. Peter Van Kuran ’64 Mr. Chris Vaughan and Ms. Rhonda Leung Mr. and Mrs. Adam Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wagner Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Mr. Yujun Wang and Ms. Junhong Ma Mr. and Mrs. James Washington Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wasson Dr. Jeffrey Weitzel and Ms. Pauli Morin Wells Fargo Capital Finance Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Werden Peter and Serena Williams Mr. Steven Williams and Ms. Rose Corrigan Dr. Lee Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Worley Carol and Bradford Wright ’73 Mrs. Darrell A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wu Ms. Yvette Ybarra Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yee Mr. and Mrs. William Zanteson *Young Alumni Affiliate

FALL 2014


Indivisa Manent In the spirit of the School’s motto, “Indivisa Manent” (We Stand Undivided), the following listing of donors includes individuals and organizations that support the everyday operations of La Salle High School. The following giving programs are included in this generous and supportive group: Parent Giving Program, Lancer Golf Tournament, Crystal Ball, Alumni, Scholarship and Financial Aid, Endowment, Capital, Technology and all General Donations. Thank you for supporting the students at La Salle High School. ORGANIZATIONS / FOUNDATIONS 3-2-1 Talent Showcase Acting Studios 38 Degrees Alehouse & Grill Acadian Development, Inc. Albert and Mackenzie Allan Company Altadena Town & Country Club Anheuser-Busch Arroyo Chop House Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. Benevity Community Impact Fund Beyond The Olive, Inc. Big Daddy’s Fire Grill Boeing Gift Matching Program Bradford Renaissance Portraits Breeders Cup, LLC. Burger Continental C & L Auto Body Shop Cabrera’s Family Restaurant Cafe Bizou Cafe Santorini California Picture Framing California Pizza Kitchen Canbeq Auto Service Casa Bianca Italian Restaurant Casa del Rey Mexican Restaurant Catholic Charities of Los Angeles CATZ Pasadena The Chandler School The Chubb Corporation City Cafe CKW Uniforms Clairbourn School Claro’s Italian Market Claud & Co. Eatery Comprehensive Autism Related Education ConfeXion Cupcakes + Cake Congress Medical Associates Corfu Restaurant Corner Bakery Courtney’s Custom Creations Creative Framing Czar Audio & Video, Inc. D-Lish Catering Dimensions Interior Design, Inc. de Croupet’s Cake Sisters Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Di Pilla’s Italian Restaurant Diana Dee’s Stationery Dick’s Sporting Goods Dickey’s BBQ Dolores Mission School Domenico’s Jr. El Portal Embassy Suites Arcadia Thomas Fallon Photography Fasching’s Car Wash Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund 26


Firewalker Films, LLC Five Star Seafoods, Inc. Foothills Mathematics Group Fortanasce & Associates Physical Therapy Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. Frank Family Vineyard Freecause, Inc. Froyolife Pasadena The Gates Salon GKJ Properties, LLC Glendora Country Club Google Matching Gifts Program Green Street Restaurant Hahn & Hahn LLP Hala Skin & Body Halper Fine Art Healthcare Partners High Point Academy Holy Angels School Holy Family Parish Bookstore Holy Family School Holy Family School - Glendale Hornblower Cuises & Events The Ice House The Improv Comedy Theater In-N-Out Burger Irwindale Speedway, LLC Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Jones Coffee Roaster Jostens Julienne Fine Foods & Celebrations KGB Studios, Inc. Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc. The Kits World Krikorian’s Premier Theatres La Salle High School Pasadena La Vencedora Products, Inc. The Langham Huntington Pasadena Lasallian Education Fund Le Trizz Catering Little Kuts The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association Lucky Baldwin’s Delirium The Luggage Room Pizzeria Madden, Jones, Cole & Johnson Marston’s Restaurant Martin Container, Inc Massage Envy Spa-Pasadena Hastings Ranch Matt Denny’s Ale House Mayfield Junior School Medieval Times Mijares Mexican Restaurant The Misplaced Priorities Mobile Cardiac Imaging Moe’s Automotive Service Center Moore & Associates, PLC Nationwide College Tours Natural Selection

Mrs. Nelson’s Toy & Book Shop Nerium International - Monique Lopez Nestle USA, Nestle USA Foundation No Excuses Fitness North American Sports Groups LLC - 25 The Old Spaghetti Factory The Only Place In Town P&R Family LLC P.M. Jacoy P.S. Construction Paco’s Mexican Restaurant Palm Springs Aerial Tramway Palm Springs Air Museum The Pampered Chef Paris Shop Girl Pasadena Educational Foundation Pasadena Pizza Company The Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena Tournament of Roses Pawley Orthodontics The Peppertree Grill The Physical Edge Pie ’N Burger PIL - Physicians Immunodiagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Porter Ranch Dental Studio Prince Jewelers Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Raymundo Dental Practice, Inc. Raytheon Real Food Daily Real Food Marketing Roclord Photography Studio Law Offices of Pierre J. Rodnunsky Rose Bowl Aquatics Center Rowley Portraiture Rubio’s Russ Reid Company San Diego Zoo Global Santa Anita Park Savor the Flavor Schwab Charitable Fund Sea Glass Fine Art Seaworld San Diego Sierra Madre Civic Club Sierra Madre Grocery Co. Sierra Madre Pizza Co. Sierra Madre School Sierra Madre Valero, Inc. Sierra Painting Company Skin Deep Laser Med Spa Slater’s 50/50 The Spot Gourmet Catering SS Felicitas & Perpetua School St. Luke Catholic Church St. Rita’s Church Starbucks Coffee

Stonefire Grill T. Boyles Tavern Talianko Design Group, LLC Teri & Yaki Think RE*Link Tobacco Express & Cigars II Tommy’s World Famous Hamburgers Toro Sushi Bar Lounge Trader Joe’s Company Trattoria Neapolis Twin Palms Restaurant Vargas Olson Enterprises, Inc Vertical Wine Bistro Village Pizzeria VJ’s Auto Service Votre Hair Salon Wasabi by Jill Pearson John Wells Golf Shop Whole Foods Market Pasadena Wistaria Restaurant & Bar Women’s World Fitness Center Zpizza Pasadena

INDIVIDUALS Mr. George P. Abboud ’14 Mr. Aaron Abdus-Shakoor and Ms. Myshia Laboss Ms. Joni Regina Ablay ’03 Ms. Ashley Adams ’06 Mrs. Carol Adams Mr. and Mrs. Whit Adams Ms. Jeannie Adams Mr. Harry Agajanian Ms. Lisa Agajanian Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Agapito Ms. Griselda Aguilar Mrs. Iris Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ahn Mr. Jaime Albino and Mrs. Elva Vieyra Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Albinski ’80 Mr. Michael Quinn H. Alexander ’10 Dr. Stan Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alexander II ’96 Ms. Amanda Alfaro Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Allaire ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Ms. Lee Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Alvarado ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Javier Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Alvarez Ms. Vanessa G. Alvarez ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Laurenti Alviso Mr. Michael J. Anastasia ’13

The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 and Mrs. Karen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Anderson ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Angarita ’96 Ms. Pia Carmela J. Ansula ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anthony ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Rhonel Aquino ’86 Mr. Jered A. Aragon ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jovi Aragon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong Mr. Ted Armstrong Mr. Michael A. Arrieta ’14 Mr. Greg D. Artis ’89 and Mrs. Valerie Escoffery-Artis Ms. Youlanda Artis Ms. Tiffany Arunarsirakul ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asao Ms. Irene Ayala Mr. Humberto Baca Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Badzey ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Badzey, M.A. ’90 Mr. Rod Bailey Mrs. Toya Bailey Ms. Brittney K. Baird ’14 Ms. Laura Baker The Harrison R. Baker, Jr. Family Mr. Kaspar Balaian and Ms. Anny Matossian Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Ms. M. Teresa Baldonado and Mr. Mitchell Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Balian Ms. Rosemarie Balian Mr. and Mrs. Duke Banks III ’64 Ms. Jaya A. Banks ’14 Mr. Paul M. Baranich and Mrs. Susan Grady Baranich Mr. John Baratti Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barba Mr. Izac A. Barba ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barbaro III ’02 Mr. Joaquin T. Barlow ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barlow Mrs. Diana Barnes Mr. David Barraza Ms. Brittany L. Barrera ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Barta Ms. Patricia Batista-Marshall Mr. Federico Baylon and Dr. Elizabeth Baylon Mr. Jimmy Bearse ’03 Ms. Adrienne Beauvois Ms. Chloe Beauvois ’14 Mr. Jean-Phillipe Beauvois Mr. Lonny Beck Mrs. Doris Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell ’70 Ms. Jacqueline Beltran Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bench Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Benitez Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Bennett ’98 Brother De Sales Benning, FSC Mr. Bary Bennison and Ms. June Matsuoka

Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Mr. Thomas R. Bent ’14 Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC Mr. and Mrs. John Berberian Mr. and Mrs. Nick Berberian Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beresford Ms. Erica D. Berge ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berge Ms. Solina I. Beringer ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Ms. Lorraine Bertonneau Mr. and Mrs. William Bethke Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bianco Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bickel Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bickel Mr. Steven L. Bickel ’14 Ms. Lauren N. Bieker ’08 Dr. Christopher P. Bigley ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bigley ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bigley ’80 Ms. Lois Billings Ms. Mylene Billups Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Birr ’03 Mr. Rob Bischoff Mr. and Mrs. Tawfiq Bishara Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Bitonti ’95 Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blackstock ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Blackstock ’71 Mr. and Mrs. David Blue Ms. Jessica L. Blue ’14 Ms. Chanya M. Blumenkrantz Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Bock Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bolle Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. James L. Bonaccorso ’85 Mrs. Eva Bonfiglio Eric C. Bonholtzer, Esq. ’99 Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Boone Ms. Laura M. Borquez ’14 Mrs. Evelyn Boss Mr. Nicolas F. Botezatu ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Veniamin Botezatu Mr. John L. Bottala ’08 Mr. Michael J. Bottala ’10 Ms. Vanessa D. Boull’t ’14 Ms. Joi Bourgeois Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bouton Dr. Peter Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boykin Dr. Kimberly Bozart Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Bozart Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bradley Ms. Jennifer E. Brady ’14 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Brady Ms. Michaela C. Brannon ’14 Mr. Daniel Braun and Ms. Joan Goulding Mr. David Breda Mr. Duncan C. Breda ’14 Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan Mr. R. Gregory Bridgland, C.P.A. ’64 Mr. Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86

Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Mr. Dean E. Brumm ’14 The Brumm Family Ms. Chanel M. Buccola ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Gino Buccola Ms. Sabrina J. Buchan ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Bukata ’03 Ms. Francesca G. Burch ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burch Dr. and Mrs. Joel Burdick Mr. and Mrs. John Burghardt Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Burke ’85 Mr. David T. Burkhart ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burruso Mr. Brandon R. Busbee ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Busbee Mr. Porter M. Byers ’07 Larry R. Byrd, Ph.D. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill ’76 Mr. Kenneth Caldwell Ms. Gina Camperi Mr. Hector A. Campos, Jr. ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Phil T. Cannon ’61 Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Capobianco III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Cappiello ’64 Ms. Ronda Caravan Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cardoza Ms. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carroll Mrs. Allie Carsia-Talbott ’95 Mr. Dave Casares Ms. Heather P. Casignia ’14 Mr. Rudy Casignia and Ms. Teresita Prejillana Mr. Alfredo Casildo and Ms. Maribel De La Paz Ms. Nadia M. Casildo ’14 Mr. Gabriel J. Castillo ’96 Mr. Gustavo Castillo and Ms. Georgina Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Victor Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Castor Mr. Frank Castor Mr. Marcus J. Castor ’14 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Castro ’94 Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield ’03 Mrs. Karla Quiboloy Cenizal ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Cevallos Mr. and Mrs. Hyoungbyoung Chae Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Jason Charvat ’97 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Ms. Terah Chesbro Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chicoine ’64 Ms. Elyse E. Chui ’09 Mr. Craig M. Ciebiera Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cimino Ms. Judie Cimino Mrs. Barbara Cina

Mr. and Mrs. John Cina Mr. Matthew A. Cina ’14 Ms. Arianne U. Cipes Captain Leroy L. Cisneros ’89 Mr. John Clarizio Donald and Sally Clark Mr. and Mrs. Phil Clark Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clement Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cockroft Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Collins ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins Mr. Rudy Colonello Mr. Adam T. Compton ’08 Ms. Joni Conlon Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Coombes ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coppi Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cornet ’69 Mr. Jesse L. Corona ’81 and Ms. Esmeralda Garcia Mrs. Jean Corpe Mr. Alexander S. Corwin ’14 Ms. Siobain M. Courtney Cruz ’00 Ms. Monica Cowell Mr. Matthew N. Crabtree ’14 Mr. Richard K. Crawford ’75 Mr. Burt C. Cresta ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Norberto Cresta Ms. Tracy I. Cresta ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crews ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cribbs Ms. Kennedy E. Cribbs ’14 Mrs. Mary Cribbs Ms. Erin M. Cristi ’14 Mr. William D. Crosson ’72 Mrs. Suzanne Crowell Mr. Thomas A. Crowell ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Crowley ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crusberg Mr. Michael P. Cubas ’08 Anthony and Catherine Cuellar Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cummings ’82 Ms. Rosalie Curry Mrs. Maria Dakan Ms. Marisol G. Dakan ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dakan Mr. Jason C. Dalcour ’14 Mr. Benjamin C. Dalgarn ’14 Ms. Marnie Dam Mr. and Mrs. Joel Damir Mr. Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 Ms. Susy Dankjian Dr. Marco A. Dardon, Jr., D.C. ’85 Ms. Christina Lynne Davis ’99 Mrs. Kimberly L. Muljono Day ’98 Ms. Alexis de Falla ’02 Ms. Analisa V. De Haro ’95 Ms. Ingrid de Llamas Mr. Gordon O. Dean ’13 Justin and Mia Dean Cindy and Tom Delaney ’85 Ms. Ana R. Delgado ’93 and Mr. James Addicott Mrs. Lupe Delgado Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Delgatto Mr. and Mrs. Joe Delgatto FALL 2014







The 2013-14 year began as the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre and LTV Studios completed refurbishing as a result of the Regents Campaign for the Arts. A number of Lancers received prestigious film awards and national recognition. The Lancers had an undefeated league football season and honored our veterans by hosting the Wounded Warriors Game. The Lancer Golf Tournament was a classic and Hoop it Up bounced all around cam28





pus. Senior Jamie Kwong was selected as a Tournament of Roses Princess. Homecoming was a blast and Girls Volleyball won the CIF Division 1 Championship…again! Five students were selected to play in the prestigious Chapman Honor Band and we continued our support of our twinning school Mount La Salle in Naka, Nigeria. The Girls Cross Country team was the CIF Academic Champions and the Annual Christmas performances and




Grandparents Day were nothing but spectacular. Athletic scholarships to D1 universities were received by five seniors and six students received gold or silver National Scholastic Key art awards. Hundreds enjoyed delicious food and libations at the “Taste of La Salle.” The baseball and softball teams played at our newly renovated fields in Arcadia. Some sank and some succeeded during the annual Cardboard Regatta. Lancer thespians



2014 JULY

danced and leaped through a rousing rendition of The Taming of the Shrew. Founders Day had a big showdown and the Every 15 Minutes presentation warned the student body about the dangers of drunk driving. The Crystal Ball, “A Black & White Affair” was a huge success and La Salle was part of a KIA World Cup Commercial. In May, 168 Lancers graduated and two female seniors were admitted to West Point. Not a bad year to say the least! FALL 2014


Indivisa Manent (continued) Ms. Rosemarie DeMarco Ms. Aubrey L. Deneen ’13 Mr. Mark Deneen and Dr. Wendy Deneen Mr. Ricky D. Deneen ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSales Mr. Donald DesHarnais Mr. and Mrs. David Desmond Mr. Ernie Dettorre and Mrs. Myrna Delany-Dettorre Mr. and Mrs. Louis Devicchio Ms. Joanne Diana Mr. and Mrs. Armando Diaz Mr. Duane Dier Ms. Samantha M. Dier ’14 Mr. and Mrs. William DiFrangia Mr. William Dillhoefer Mr. Jason Dineros ’05 Mr. Rick Dinkel Jim Dirmann ’60 Mrs. Nancy Doede Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doerning Mr. and Mrs. Gil Dominguez Mrs. Maria Dominguez Mr. Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Kristin L. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Ms. Paloma C. Doreza ’08 Ms. Lisa Dorfman Mrs. Eva De La Parra Dotti ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Douglass Ms. Kate E. DoVale ’14 Mrs. Mandi Stephen Dowdeswell ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. Thomas W. Drino Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll ’74 Mr. Patrick C. Driscoll ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Duell Mr. and Mrs. Mario Duenas Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Duffy ’60 Dr. Mosey Nuccio Dunn ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durandette ’77 Ms. Jeri Durham Mr. Patrick M. Dwire ’74 Mr. and Mrs. William Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dyer Ms. Annette Dyson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Ms. Susan E. Ehring ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Eiben ’63 Mr. Luke M. Eisenhardt ’08 Mr. Joseph A. Ekizian ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Elfelt ’70 Ms. Gloria Elio Mr. and Mrs. James S. Emett ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Encinas Ms. Karla Enrequez Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eshom Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Espino Mr. Raul E. Espinoza ’71 Ms. Krystle L. Espiritu ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John Esquibel Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Esquivel ’83 30


Ms. Allie Evans ’12 Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Mr. and Mrs. James Evans Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Evans Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Mr. Edward Fabello ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Faber Mr. Thomas K. Faber ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Farinella Ms. Marcia Faucett Ms. Phoebe K. Feldsher ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Ferguson ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandes Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Fernandez Dick Fernandez, Esq. ’62 Mrs. Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Fidone Ms. Giselle Figueroa ’07 Mrs. Diane Filice Mr. and Mrs. Robert Filips Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Fisher, Jr. ’67 Ms. Claire J. Fitzgerald ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Al Flores Ms. Xochitl Flores Ms. Megan Foley Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fong Lawrence Forbes, Esq. Ms. Stacey Forbes Ms. Andrea C. Forbush ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Forillo ’03 Vincent Fortanasce, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Fortanasce, M.F.T. ’91 Mr. Brandon Foster ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Fowler Mr. Brandon L. France ’08 Mr. Todd Frankel and Mrs. Roberta Tinajero-Frankel Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser Ms. LaToya Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freiberger Major and Mrs. Alex D. Freitas, M.D. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Friedlander Ms. Sonya Froio Mrs. Ingrid K. Smulders Frokjer ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fryer Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. M. Fulay ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fulps Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaggioli, Jr. Mr. Matthew Gaggioli ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Galati ’86 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Galindo ’71 Ms. Celia Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. James Garber

Mr. Alex Garcia and Ms. Nicole Alix-Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Jose Garcia Mr. Raul Garcia and Mrs. Sonia Lomeli Garcia Ms. Ursula N. Garcia ’14 Mr. Michael L. Garibay ’96 Mr. Daniel G. Garrison ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaudet ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Thanos Gauthier Mr. Haig L. Gazarian ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gee Mr. and Mrs. Karl P. Geiger Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Mrs. Constance Genton Mr. Jonathan Genton Chef Chris George Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Mr. Austin H. Gewecke ’14 Mr. Roger Gewecke Mrs. Stacy Gewecke Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ghantous Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giacopuzzi ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Giggar ’60 Mr. Kenneth E. Giles ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Giles Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gill Ms. Angie Gilliam ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginoza Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gioia Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gioia ’69 Ms. Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Ms. Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Mr. Justin Giordani Mr. Michel J. Giraldo ’09 Dr. Lydia Glass Mr. Noah V. Glass ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glass Ms. Kathleen M. Glenn Ms. Sandee H. Glickman Mrs. Leigh Gluck Mrs. Roma Goddard Mrs. Alice Godfrey Ms. Samantha C. Godfrey ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Goetz ’64 Ms. Alexandria J. Gomez ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gong Mr. and Mrs. Max Good Mr. Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Mr. Paul L. Gouw ’14 Ms. Cathy Goyette Mr. Daniel Goyette Mr. Jackson R. Goyette ’14 Mrs. Mamie Grant Mr. and Mrs. Silvera Grant Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Gray ’75 Ms. Evelyn D. Greathouse Mr. Ian J. Greenstreet ’14 Mr. Bill Gregory Mr. and Ms. Bill Gregory

Ms. Jennifer Gregory Mrs. Catherine Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffith The Gripp Family Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grivich ’64 Mrs. Mia A. Mazadiego Guenther ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. Trisna Gunadi Ms. Gabriella R. Guzman ’95 Ms. Jesstine Guzman ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Guzman Ms. Krista Haas and Mr. Patrick Bengford Mr. and Mrs. Martin Haderlein Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Erik Hakanen Mr. and Mrs. Herag Haleblian Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. Joseph Hamlin ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamm Ms. Alyssa J. Hammers ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Hammock Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hansen ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Harris Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Harris Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hartman Mr. Bryce A. Harvey ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hauerwaas Ms. Nicole A. Haun ’08 Mr. Aaron Hawkey ’96 Ms. Christal A. Haynes ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Chria Hazlitt ’93 Mr. Kevin M. Healy ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helgeson Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Steven Henderson Mrs. Roma Henry Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Hernandez ’66 Ms. Dolores Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hernandez ’85 Ms. Jessica Hernandez ’07 Mr. and Mrs. JJ Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hernandez Mr. Myles T. Hernandez Henderson ’14 Ms. Mo Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hilland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillier Mr. Howard Hines and Mrs. Angela Carfino-Hines Mrs. Joan Hines Mr. Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hipolito Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Hiti ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ho ’74

Mr. Christian T. Hochhausler ’14 Mr. John Hochhausler and Ms. Stacy Brightman Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Drs. Kurt and Melissa Hoffman Mr. Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 Ms. Olivia J. Hoffman ’08 Ms. Taryn Hoffman ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman SPC Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Holland Mr. Ashton Holmes ’14 Mr. Stephen J. Holstein ’64 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Horsfall Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hou ’90 Mrs. Betty Houston Mr. Brad Huber Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hubert Ms. Marissa A. Huckaby ’14 Mr. Robert S. Hunt II, C.P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Hyams Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Ibarra Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Inman Ms. M. Susana Isais Ms. Catherine Isip Vasquez Mr. Hector Ituarte, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Iwata Mr. Derek C. Iwata ’14 Ms. Leigh Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. ’61 Mr. Eric F. Jacobson ’03 Ms. Julia N. Jacques ’13 Mrs. Pamela Jacques and Mr. Thomas P. Raimondi, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey S. Jahnke ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jahnke Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Jardemil Mr. and Mrs. James Jarvis, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Esler H. Johnson Mrs. Nicole Woodward Johnson ’99 Mr. Cass Jones and Mrs. Stephanie Ellerbe-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jones Mr. Gary Jones ’80 Ms. Kathryn V. Jones ’14 Mr. Matthew S. Jones ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jones Ms. Dana Jones-Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. ’80 Mrs. Christie C. Joseph Mr. John A. Joseph ’84 Ms. Christina M. Judson ’14 Mrs. MaryLou Judson Mr. Ray Judson Mr. Aaron M. Jurasevich ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Ross Jutsum Mr. Will Kaliel ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Eric I. Kalmus ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Tony F. Kane ’60 Mr. Douglas J. Karnowski ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kasper ’85 Ms. Olivia M. Kavanaugh ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaya Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Kealey ’85 Drs. Susan and Tom Keens Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keese ’64

Mrs. Emily D. Holl Keezer ’01 Mrs. Terri Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Clive Kelly Mrs. Laura Kelly Mr. Jason W. Kenoyer ’00 Ms. Randa Keysselitz Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “Buzz” Kiley ’62 Mr. Steven Klein Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Klich Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kneier ’67 Richard and Trudi Knoedler Ms. Caroline E. Knop ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knop August M. and Annamae Koch Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 Mr. Alexander B. Krizek ’14 Mr. Ben Krug Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krystad Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kummer Mrs. Walter Kummetz Mr. Martin A. Kunz ’82 and Ms. Maria McCord Mr. Eric Kurzweil ’80 and Mrs. Stephanie Granger-Kurzweil Dr. and Mrs. Michio Kusama Ms. Tasha Kusama Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kuttruff Ms. Jessica S. Kwa ’08 Ms. Jamie A. Kwong ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong Martin and Patricia Lakatos Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Lamb ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Ms. Savanaha J. Lamp ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lanyi Mrs. Gina M. Bottala LaPorte ’99 Mr. and Mrs. William Larr Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Larson ’64 Mr. and Mrs. William R. LaRue ’69 Mr. Justin Lau ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lauman Mr. Roderick Y. Law ’14 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Le Berthon ’75 Mr. Francis X. Leary, Jr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. LeBeau ’64 Mr. Calvin Lee ’14 Mr. Paul Lee and Ms. Benita Chen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Leek Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lees ’75 Mr. Gary Legaspi Mr. and Mrs. Stefan C. Lehner ’92 Ms. Adrianne L. Lentz ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lepore Mr. and Mrs. Bert LeRoy Ms. Nancy Lesky Mrs. Corinne Leufroy Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Leufroy Mr. William Leustig and Mrs. Ania Kubik Mr. James LeVeque ’80 Mr. David Levkovitz Mr. and Mrs. Jon Lewis

Ms. Michele Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lilavois ’97 Ms. Susan Lindgren Mrs. Gail Littlejohn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Livolsi Ms. Marissa Anne Lluch ’95 Mr. Paul LoDuca Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lofy ’80 Ms. Erin Lopez-Valdez ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Louden Ms. Della Lovato Mr. Jim Loya Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luchison Mr. Malone J. Lumarda ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Ms. Dalila Luna Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lundgren Dr. and Mrs. Joe Luthey Ms. Libby Lynch ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Minh Ma Mr. and Mrs. Kirk MacDonald ’85 Ms. Kelli Mace Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Macias Ms. Jeanine Macias Mr. Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Madden Ms. Allison T. Madden ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Magluyan ’94 Mr. and Mrs. John Magluyan Mr. Samuel Magluyan Mrs. Carol Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mahoney ’86 Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. Garrett D. W. Mak ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mak Mr. Cordell Mallory and Mrs. Nicole Durham-Mallory Mr. Erick W. Malm Mr. and Mrs. Nardo, Jr. Manaloto Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mandigo Mr. Graydon W. Manzke ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Manzke Ms. Pamela Marceca Mr. and Mrs. John W. Marcoules Ms. Ellen Mareina Ms. Alexandra M. Marez ’14 Mr. Jesse Marez Mr. and Mrs. William Marich Mr. and Mrs. William Marich Mr. and Mrs. Marcelino Mariscal Mr. Michael A. Mariscal ’14 Mrs. Erin L. Mann Markel ’97 Mr. Jordan N. Marks ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Marsh Mr. Joseph H. Marshall ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Martin Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas N. Martin ’64 Ms. Emma M. Martinez ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Martinez Mr. Filiberto Martinez and Mrs. Regina Marquez-Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Martinez ’92

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard R. “Bob “ Mastro, Jr. ’61 Mr. Mark Mastromatteo and Mrs. Sheri Bonner Mr. John Matheus Mr. and Mrs. John R. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Maurin ’65 Mr. Tim Mayworm Ms. Lauren M. McAlister ’08 Mr. Robert F. McAlister ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarron ’64 Ms. Claire C. McCarthy ’12 Mrs. Kathleen McCarthy Ms. Meg D. McCarthy ’08 Ms. Molly M. McCarthy ’10 Ms. Carolyn McCartney Mrs. Kathleen McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McConville Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCracken Mr. and Mrs. John McCreary Ms. Missy McCreary ’14 Mr. Robert C. McCreary ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John McDannel Ms. Kim McDuffie Ms. Deborah McElligott Mr. Jerry McElroy ’62 Mr. and Mrs. James McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGregor Ms. Erin A. McInerney ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71 Mr. and Mrs. William McKay Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKiernan Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLaren Mr. John S. McLoughlin ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McManamon ’71 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McManus ’68 Mr. Patrick R. McMillin ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Mead ’64 Mr. George Medina ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Medina Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Mejia Mrs. Jennifer Pittman Melancon ’01 Mr. Anthony Melillo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mena Mr. and Mrs. Juan Mercade Ms. Carol Mercado Mindy Meserve Mr. and Mrs. Michael Messina Mr. and Mrs. Peter Messina Mr. Tony G. Messina Doerning ’11 Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Ms. Jessica L. Messineo ’14 Mr. Sal Messineo Asa Meudell Mr. Bob Michero Mr. Mike Milazo Mr. Andy Miller and Mrs. Stephanie Plumb-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Miller ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Ms. Christina Miller ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Miller ’68 Mr. Mark C. Miller Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 FALL 2014


Indivisa Manent (continued) Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. Don Mills Ms. Jewelyn Mims ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minehart Mr. Arnaldo P. Mirasol ’83 Mr. Chuck D. Mispagel ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mispagel ’66 Joen D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Monarrez Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Monohan III ’64 Dr. and Mrs. J. Alberto Montano Mrs. Ileana M. Montano Fernandez ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mooneyham Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry J. Moore ’85 Dr. Francis Moorhead Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Morales Mr. Carlos Morales ’10 Mr. and Mrs. John Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moreno IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Morgan ’75 Dr. Dave Moritz William V. Morris, Ph.D. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morrison Ms. Rachel Morrison ’14 Dr. Robert Morrison and Mrs. Cindy Spittler-Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moscaret Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mouton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Joel Munoz Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Murphy ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Mr. Timothy P. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. M. Napoli Mr. David P. Needles Mrs. Andrea Nelson Mrs. Khristie Neville Ms. Carol T. Nguyen ’08 Mr. Kevin Nguyen and Ms. Lang Ma Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nguyen Ms. Monique V. Nguyen ’08 Mr. Trang Nguyen and Ms. Hong Dinh Ms. Diane Nicol Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Mr. Lawrence A. Nordstrom ’64 Ms. Lynn H. Nuccio ’04 Mrs. Marion Nuccio Mr. Daniel Nugent and Ms. Sabina Zenkich Mr. Joaquin Nunez Mrs. Stacie D. Torres Nyborg ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Connor Dr. and Mrs. Kelly O’Donnell ’74 Ms. Meghan M. O’Donnell ’01 32


Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Leary ’62 Ms. Sabrina R. O’Reilly ’14 Mr. Phoenix E. O’Shea ’14 Mr. and Mrs. George Occhipinti Mr. Joseph A. Occhipinti ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ochoa Mr. and Mrs. David Ogwyn Mr. Igor Ojeda Ms. Nathaly A. Ojeda Vasquez ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Oldham ’74 Ms. Samantha R. Oldham ’08 Mr. Joseph M. Olender ’08 Ms. Amanda M. Oliai ’14 Mr. Joseph X. Olivares ’72 Mr. Charles Oprian Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orona Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Danny Osti ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Packard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paddock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Trifone Pagone Ms. Janelle Paige Mr. and Mrs. Andrelino Palencia Mr. Andrelino M. Palencia ’14 Mr. Adam Palffy ’03 Ms. Katrina E. Palffy ’13 Mr. Michael T. Palffy ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Mr. and Mrs. David R. Palic ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Palmer ’64 Mr. Blake Palomino ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palomino Ms. Emily Paniagua ’02 Mr. Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Mr. and Mrs. John Paniagua Mr. and Ms. Nemi Panimdim Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paradis Ms. Nicole Paradis ’03 Mrs. Maria Parra Mr. Matthew R. Parra ’14 Mr. Phillip A. Parra Mr. and Mrs. Allan Patatanyan Mr. and Mrs. Bhavesh Patel ’87 Mr. Bruce P. Patnou ’73 Ms. Lindy Patrick Mrs. Marion Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Jose Pavon Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Pavon Mr. and Mrs. Cecilio Payne Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mr. James Pearman and Ms. Julia Peacock Mr. Kevin Pejoumand ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Isaias Pena Mr. Lawrence Perez and Mrs. Nancy Warter-Perez Ms. Victoria D. Perez ’14 Ms. Antoinette Perry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Petermann ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Peters ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Peterson ’85 Mr. Jeffrey J. Petro ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petro Ms. Margaret C. Pett ’98 Mr. Nam N. Phan ’05 Mr. C. Anthony Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pick Mr. James Picker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piesik Ms. Kara A. Pilar ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pilar Mr. Jack Plescia Mr. Alexander Plumb ’06 Mr. Derek Podrebarac Mr. and Mrs. Edward Podrebarac Ms. Danielle R. Pomeroy ’14 Mrs. Traci Pomeroy Frank and Dawn Ponnet Ms. Linda Poon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pope Mr. Truman Pope Mr. and Mrs. John Portaro Mr. and Mrs. Randy Price ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Priore Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Provencio Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puls Ms. Nina Punaro Mr. William Quach and Ms. Debbie Thai Mr. Erwin Quadra and Mrs. Raymunda Concepcion-Quadra Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Ms. Rene Quenell Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mr. Thomas J. Quigley ’07 Mr. Ian S. Quinn ’13 Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Mr. Alberto Quintara Mr. Martin Quintero and Ms. Claudia Melendez Dr. and Mrs. Bill J. Quirk ’63 Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Quirk ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Hazim Rabadi ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Radle Mr. and Mrs. Armando Ramirez ’93 Dr. Hector M. Ramos ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Rapista ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Ray ’60 Ms. Cheri T. Raymundo ’14 Mr. Louis Raymundo and Dr. Ronalyn Raymundo Dr. and Dr. Virgil Raymundo Mrs. Maryann Ready Ms. Kirsten Real ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Real Mr. and Mrs. Brad G. Reaume ’70 Ms. Jennifer G. Reaume ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Regalado Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Reid ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rettig ’77

Mrs. Elizabeth Kinter Reukema ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rewers Ms. Lydia L. Reyes Mr. Rufus Rhoades Colonel and Mrs. Michael Richards ’63 Mr. John H. Rickards and Ms. Cynthia Schreiner Ms. Cristi Ricker Mrs. Amber Beaston Rider ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riley ’75 Mr. Christopher Ring ’01 Ms. Lissette Rivas Ms. Cece Robbie Ms. Jennifer A. Robi ’13 Ms. Julianne M. Robi ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robi Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rodgers Ms. Brianna P. Rodriguez ’14 Mr. and Mrs. David Rodriguez ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Mr. Jorge H. Rodriguez and Dr. Monica Lugo Mrs. Emily S. Cairns Roffe-Silvester ’05 Mr. Francois Rogez Mr. Matthew R. Rolan ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rolan Mr. John Paul B. Roldan ’95 Mrs. Linda Romero Ms. Elizabeth E. Romo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Mr. Zachary Rose ’14 Mr. and Ms. Robert Ross Mrs. Saskia Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rozario Mr. Edwin Ruano ’86 Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rupp Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Russo Christopher M. Ryan, Ph.D. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ryan ’86 Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Ryan ’85 Mr. Doug Rynerson and Mrs. Jude Lucas-Rynerson Mr. and Mrs. Galindo Saavedra Mr. Aaron M. Saenz ’95 Mr. Reny Salamon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Salazar Ms. Madeline L. Salazar ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Saldana Mr. Andrew Saldana ’07 Mr. Dennis Salkin Mr. and Mrs. Juan Samartin Mr. and Ms. Stephen Samerjan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samples Ms. Marisa C. Sanchez ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Obed Sanchez Ms. Savannah A. Sanchez ’14 Mrs. Elaine Sanderl Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90

Mr. Armando Sandoval and Mrs. Kirsten Tallmon Mr. Ray Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Santos Mr. Bernie Santos ’80 and Mrs. Erin Lownes-Santos Pete and Irene Santucci Kathleen A. Sarreal Mr. and Mrs. Denis Sauvageau Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sayer Mr. Jeffrey L. Schauer ’85 Mr. Jon Scheffing ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schoenbaum Mr. Richard Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Chad Schumacher Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. Luke A. Sciaraffa ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Scofield Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Ms. Sophia A. Sedlik ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Seeker ’97 Ms. Kristin A. Seeker ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Seeker Ms. Elizabeth Sendejas Mr. John Seredich ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Serhan Mr. Milton Sett Mr. and Mrs. Quint Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seymour ’62 Steven and Sandra Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheridan Mr. James Shifflett IV ’02 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate Ms. Steffi T. Sibal ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Siberell Mr. Peter J. Siberell ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sielen ’67 Ms. Katarina A. Sigur ’14 Ms. Frances Sikora Ms. Nicole Silva ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Simon ’74 Mr. Eric Singelyn Ms. Anne-Marie Singer ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Singer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Siracusa Mr. Philip Siripasopsotorn ’08 Mr. George Situ ’14 Ms. Kathrin Skikos Brother Kevin Slate, FSC Mrs. Ellen Slatkin Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robin D. Smith Ms. Kristina Smith-Speakman Mr. and Mrs. Craig Snodgrass Mr. Robby Snodgrass ’14 Mr. Lakin W. Soldate ’98 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sonnenburg Byron Sotomayor, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Mrs. Irene Spathes

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Spencer Mrs. Denise Sprague Mr. and Mrs. John Staff Mr. Thomas Stafford ’99 Mr. Joseph Stanek III and Mrs. Kavita Anand Ms. Virginia Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steben Mr. Dylan C. Stein ’11 Mr. and Mrs. James Stein Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Steinmeier ’67 Mr. Christopher Stellar ’05 Ms. Julia P. Stengel ’03 Ms. Elisa N. Stephens ’14 Mrs. Letha Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stoddard Ms. Charlene Stone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Strauss, Jr. Mr. Jack Stuebe Mrs. Anita Suazo Ms. Trisha L. Sudjono ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John Sudolcan Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan ’70 Ms. Anna E. Summers ’08 Ms. Chiao Yu Sung Mr. and Mrs. Walter Surowiec Dr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Swart, D.C. ’81 Ms. Nicolette R. Swayne ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweeney ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Sweeney ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sweeney Mr. Michael J. Sweetland ’14 Ms. Kelly S. Synold ’14 Mr. Joe Talamo Mr. and Mrs. Man Hip Tan Ms. Veneta Tareshawty Mr. and Mrs. Eric Taylor Mr. John D. Taylor Ms. Terryll Ann Tellez Mr. Benjamin Thackara ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Virat Thantrakul ’68 Ms. Brittany L. Thomas ’08 Mrs. Patricia Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thomas ’64 Mr. William Thomas Ms. Kelly G. Thompson ’14 Mr. Michael T. Thompson ’14 Mrs. Margareta Thorsen Mr. George Tierney Mr. Andrew W. Ting ’14 Mr. William Ting and Ms. Johna Lee Ms. Christina Tom ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tom Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tomko Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tooley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Toothman ’91 Mrs. Alice Topjian Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. George Torres Mr. and Mrs. Jose Torres Ms. Tish Torres Mrs. Lynn Torres-Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Torrez Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trask

Dr. Alexander M. Trost ’68 Ms. Jill M. Trousdale ’01 Ms. Tiffany Tsuchiyama Ms. Dolores Tukich Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Turner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ullman ’74 Mr. Gary Utter ’80 and Ms. Linda Ramsey Mr. Francis Uyemura Mr. and Mrs. Joe Valdes Ms. Lauren M. Valdes ’12 Ms. Blanca Valdez Ms. Beverlee F. Valerio ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John Valerio Mr. Steven A. Van Leeuwen ’01 Mrs. Nora Vargas Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vargas Mr. and Mrs. Russell Varing Mr. Tyler R. Varing ’09 Mr. David Vartanian ’14 Mr. Khatchik Vartanian Ms. Virginia Vasquez Mr. David Vazquez Dr. Leonor Vazquez Mr. Raul Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veeh Ms. Nelly Velarde Mr. Matthew C. Velasco ’04 Mr. Phil Velasco ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Venegas ’88 Mr. Marc Venegoni Mrs. Patrice Cardamone Veyna ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Victor Ms. Tess Victor Ms. Monique D. Vidales ’00 Dr. Vera J. Vignes Mr. Daniel J. Villarreal ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo Villarreal Mr. and Mrs. George Villavicencio Mr. Nikola A. Vinski ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Viselli ’64 Dr. and Mrs. K.-Heiner Vogelbach Ms. Kul Chada Vorabutra Ms. Pam Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wagner, Sr. Mrs. Tawni Hart Wagner ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Wahl Mr. John Waken ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wallis Ms. Nancy Walsh Mrs. Nancy Walters Mr. and Mrs. Brandon D. Ward ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ward Ms. Marianne B. Ward ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyoshi Watanabe Ms. Yurika L. Watanabe ’14 Mr. John F. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Weigand ’67 Mr. and Ms. Gilbert Weisbord Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Wesser ’99 Mrs. Sharon Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. William Westphal

Cathy A. Wetzell Mr. Jeffrey D. White ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen White Ms. Jeanie Whited Ms. Kennedi Whittingham ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wickhem ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Wickhem Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wiedenfeld ’67 Mr. Roger Wilcox ’69 Mr. Stan M. Wilcox, Jr. ’80 Mrs. Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97 Mr. Billy S. Williams Mr. Conor J. Williams ’14 Ms. Erika N. Williams ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams Ms. Shadie A. Williams ’14 Christopher and Nancy Willis Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Ms. Barbara Wilson Ms. Kasia Wilson ’14 Mr. Eric K. Winschel ’83 and Ms. Michelle Foxx Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97 Dr. and Mrs. Fred Wood Mrs. Kathleen Wood Mr. Richard “ Woody “ Woodaman ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wooler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Wratten ’98 Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Mrs. Barbara Wright Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yamarone Mr. Richard Yang and Ms. Vicky Zhou Ms. Barbara Yarbrough Ms. Kimberly M. Yelinek ’13 Mrs. Alison Young Mr. Jason A. Young ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Young Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Young ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John Yuen Ms. Karen Yuen Mr. Jose Zamora and Ms. Evodia Sotelo Mr. and Mrs. Antonio B. Zate, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephan Zeeman ’69 Mr. Mudi Zhang and Ms. Yan Liu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ziehler-Martin Ms. Courtney A. Zimmerman ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zimmerman Mr. Tyler K. Zubchevich ’14 Ms. Joely Zuker ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zumel Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zuniga Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zwain Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwart ’71

FALL 2014


Alumni Giving La Salle High School would like to give special recognition and thanks to all the alumni donors who supported the School community throughout the 2013-2014 fiscal year. All donations benefited the numerous programs for our students, faculty, staff, and coaches. Because of these individuals, total alumni tax-deductible giving exceeded $268,995.

Class of 1960


David Bolstad ’60 Dennis P. Burke ’60 P ’85 Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 Jim Dirmann ’60 Mitchell Drasco, J.D. ’60 Charles R. Duffy ’60 Robert A. Giggar ’60 Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Anthony F. Kane ’60 P ’82 ’84 Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 Albert J. Lumas ’60 Danny Osti ’60 Stephen P. Ray ’60 Theodore T. Saraf ’60 P ’99 Barry J. Schweiger ’60 A. P. Sweeney ’60

James F. Keese ’64 Jerry M. Larson ’64 Joseph P. LeBeau ’64 Joseph H. Marshall ’64 Nicolas N. Martin ’64 Michael McCarron ’64 John S. McLoughlin ’64 Terry M. Mead ’64 Philip F. Monohan III ’64 Lawrence A. Nordstrom ’64 Gregory Palmer ’64 P ’87 Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Christopher M. Ryan ’64 John Seredich ’64 Peter R. Thomas ’64 Peter Van Kuran ’64 Albert L. Viselli ’64

Class of 1961


Class of 1965


Phil T. Cannon ’61 James H. Cheney ’61 Edmund B. Ferguson ’61 Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 Frederick M. Hughes, Jr. ’61 Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. ’61 Leonard R. Mastro, Jr. ’61

James F. Blackstock ’65 James J. Canny ’65 Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Ronald P. Hansen ’65 Paul F. Maurin ’65 Sean T. Murphy ’65

Class of 1962


Class of 1966


Class of 1967


David C. Balak ’62 R. K. Brown ’62 Dick Fernandez ’62 William R. Hall ’62 Kennedy F. Kiley ’62 Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Gerald McElroy ’62 Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Henry E. Nino ’62 Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Jack O’Leary ’62 Wayne J. Osborne ’62 John R. Seymour ’62 Stephen Shortell ’62 Richard Woodaman ’62 Thomas L. Young, J.D. ’62

Armando A. Hernandez ’66 Richard J. Mispagel ’66

Class of 1963

Jeffrey P. Weigand ’67 P ’02 ’05 ’08


Richard E. Baumer ’63 P ’94 Larry R. Byrd ’63 Michael Dooling ’63 Joseph P. Eiben ’63 Francis X. Leary, Jr. ’63 Bill J. Quirk ’63 Michael Richards ’63 P ’97 ’99 ’89 ’90 James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63

Class of 1964


Duke Banks III ’64 Raymond Gregory Bridgland ’64 Matthew R. Cappiello ’64 Robert J. Chicoine ’64 Robert M. Crowley ’64 Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Steven J. Goetz ’64 James A. Grivich ’64 P ’96 Stephen J. Holstein ’64 James Jarvis, Jr. ’64 34


Thomas R. Anthony ’67 John C. Blackstock ’67 Edward W. Collins ’67 Vincent E. Fisher, Jr. ’67 J. B. Graham ’67 Michael Griffin ’67 P ’11 ’11 Brian Kneier ’67 Charles D. Mispagel ’67 P ’86 James R. Quandt ’67 Jon Scheffing ’67 Alan B. Sielen ’67 Timothy R. Steinmeier ’67 Dennis A. Sweeney ’67

Robert Wiedenfeld ’67 Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Frank M. Zwart III ’67

Class of 1968


Robert P. Gendron ’68 Michael A. Genovese ’68 Peter C. Hoffman ’68 P ’02 ’04 Douglas J. Karnowski ’68 James M. McManus ’68 Frank R. Miller ’68 John A. Moe II ’68 Thomas Romano ’68 Virat Thantrakul ’68 Alexander M. Trost ’68

Class of 1969


Christopher Allaire ’69 Chris Cornet ’69 Frank R. Gioia ’69

William R. LaRue ’69 Michael P. Quirk ’69 Michael Rue ’69 Roger Wilcox ’69 Stephan Zeeman ’69

Class of 1970


The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 Thomas R. Bell ’70 Mark H. Bevan ’70 Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 Timothy J. Elfelt ’70 Mark R. Krouse ’70 Don J. Olender ’70 P ’08 ’09 Brad G. Reaume ’70 P ’05 ’06 ’08 ’10 Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Stephen M. Singer ’70 Michael Sullivan ’70 P ’08 ’13

Class of 1971


Justin W. Blackstock ’71 P ’02 ’10 Phillip Capobianco III ’71 Raul E. Espinoza ’71 Thomas Galindo ’71 Alan L. Hiti ’71 Bob Kohorst ’71 P ’03 ’07 Matthew McInerney ’71 Michael McManamon ’71 Robert M. Nuccio ’71 P ’00 ’04 ’02 Stephen P. Petermann ’71 Peter C. Thompson ’71 P ’11 ’14 Paul Zwart ’71

Class of 1972


Class of 1973


Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 P ’01 ’02 ’04 William D. Crosson ’72 Joseph X. Olivares ’72 Richard Schmidt ’72 John S. Buchan ’73 P ’09 ’10 ’14 Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Bruce P. Patnou ’73 Bradford Wright ’73 P ’07 ’12

Class of 1974


Gregory S. Anicich ’74 Patrick Doocy ’74 John Driscoll ’74 P ’06 ’07 Patrick M. Dwire ’74 Anthony Exposito ’74 P ’08 Oliver Ho ’74 Henry K. Jordan ’74 Kelly O’Donnell ’74 John R. Oldham ’74 P ’08 Victor V. Polek ’74 Brian A. Reid ’74 Bernard Simon ’74 Stephen Ullman ’74

Class of 1975


David Beringer ’75 P ’11 ’14 Dino Clarizio ’75 P ’06 Philip A. Coombes ’75 Richard K. Crawford ’75 Roger Giacopuzzi ’75 Christopher R. Gray ’75 James L. Le Berthon ’75 Paul J. Lees ’75 Edward McFaul ’75 P ’06 ’10 ’11 ’16 Joseph L. McKay ’75 William V. Morris ’75

Patrick Riley ’75 Thomas M. Ruggles ’75

Class of 1976


Class of 1977


Class of 1978


Class of 1979


Class of 1980


Class of 1981


Class of 1982


Class of 1983


Class of 1984


Class of 1985


Kevin A. Cahill ’76 Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Joseph D. Peters ’76

Paul A. Bigley ’77 P ’05 ’07 Lawrence Durandette ’77 Randy Price ’77 Mark Rettig ’77 P ’07 Joseph Cotter ’78 Hector Ituarte ’78 Brian J. Le Berthon ’78 John Waken ’78

James S. Emett ’79 P ’03 Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Brian S. Miller ’79 P ’03 Kevin J. Moore ’79 P ’16

Lawrence Albinski ’80 Thomas Bigley ’80 P ’09 Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Gerald E. Jones ’80 Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. ’80 Eric Kurzweil ’80 P ’05 James LeVeque ’80 Michael E. Lofy ’80 Anthony Messineo ’80 Rafael Mirasol ’80 P ’17 Kris Mohandie ’80 Bernardito B. Santos ’80 P ’13 ’14 Gary Utter ’80 Stan M. Wilcox, Jr. ’80 Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81 P ’13 ’17 Jesse L. Corona ’81 P ’12 ’16 Brian J. Doerning ’81 P ’11 ’15 Glenn E. Swart ’81 Michael T. Anderson ’82 John R. Cummings ’82 Martin A. Kunz ’82 Max R. Esquivel ’83 P ’17 Robert Gaudet ’83 Arnaldo P. Mirasol ’83 Hector M. Ramos ’83 Eric K. Winschel ’83

Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Peter G. Badzey ’84 Bill Hardy ’84 John A. Joseph ’84 P ’13 ’16 Brian W. Bird ’85 James L. Bonaccorso ’85 Dennis M. Burke ’85 Marco A. Dardon, Jr. ’85 Tom Delaney ’85 Major Alex D. Freitas ’85 Hector Hernandez ’85

Robert R. Kasper ’85 Christopher E. Kealey ’85 Johnny Lima ’85 Louis K. MacDonald ’85 P ’15 ’17 Jeffry J. Moore ’85 David R. Palic ’85 Steven Peterson ’85 Anthony L. Rapista ’85 Michael G. Ryan ’85

Class of 1996

Class of 1986


Class of 1987


Maria Romero Bitonti ’97 Susan E. Ehring ’97 Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Eric Lilavois ’97 Erin L. Mann Markel ’97 Jeffrey P. Seeker ’97 Benjamin Thackara ’97 Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97 Tamara Wann Wolf ’97

Rhonel Aquino ’86 Patrick M. Brink ’86 Joseph Crews ’86 Gianni Galati ’86 Danny Mahoney ’86 Edwin Ruano ’86 James B. Ryan ’86

Everett M. Evleth ’87 Adam Konrad ’87 P ’15 ’15 Bhavesh Patel ’87 Hazim Rabadi ’87

Class of 1988


Class of 1989


Ben F. Alvarado ’88 Edward Malicdem ’88 P ’16 Stan D. Oliai ’88 P ’14 Matthew C. Venegas ’88 Greg D. Artis ’89 P ’15 Leroy L. Cisneros ’89 Kevin J. Delaney ’89

Class of 1990


Thomas A. Badzey, M.A. ’90 Adrian C. M. Fulay ’90 Owen Hou ’90 Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mark R. Sanderl ’90 David C. Soltis ’90

Class of 1991


Class of 1992


Vincent A. Fortanasce ’91 Bradley R. Toothman ’91

Stefan C. Lehner ’92 Ruben Martinez ’92 P ’15 Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E. ’92 Michael E. Sanderl, Ed.D. ’92

Class of 1993


Ana R. Delgado ’93 Christopher C. Hazlitt ’93 Pedro A. Ramirez ’93 P ’14 Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93 P ’15

Class of 1994


Tina D. Bonacci ’94 James A. Castro ’94 Ingrid K. Smulders Frokjer ’94 Edward I. Magluyan ’94

Class of 1995


Dominic P. Bitonti ’95 Allie Carsia-Talbott ’95 Analisa V. De Haro ’95 Ricardo J. Jurado ’95 P ’15 Marissa A. Lluch ’95 John Paul B. Roldan ’95 Aaron M. Saenz ’95


Robert Angarita ’96 Adrienne L. Dalzell Badzey ’96 Gabriel J. Castillo ’96 Dustin DeMesa ’96 P ’17 Michael L. Garibay ’96 Aaron Hawkey ’96 Rafael Lazcano, Jr. ’96

Class of 1997


Kathryn Canzoneri Griffith ’02 Jennifer O’Brien ’02 Emily Paniagua ’02 James Shifflett IV ’02

Class of 2003


Joni Regina Ablay ’03 James Bearse ’03 Brandon Birr ’03 Daniel W. Bukata ’03 John Caulfield ’03 Karla Cenizal ’03 Amanda Dowdeswell ’03 Edward Fabello ’03 Nicholas Forillo ’03 Danielle Gallagher Forillo ’03 Brandon Foster ’03 Shelley Griffith ’03 Eric F. Jacobson ’03 Kevin Kohorst ’03


BY PARTICIPATION 2013-2014 2014 72.78% 1964 31.00% 1960 21.60% 1962 19.51% 2008 19.30%

1980 18.92% 1967 18.28% 1974 18.06% 1985 17.20% 2003 15.64 %

Help get your class in the Top Ten! Make your donation today at www.lancernetwork.com/InvestToday Class of 1998


Class of 1999


Kimberly L. Muljono Day ’98 Margaret C. Pett ’98 Erika N. Williams ’98 Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Eric C. Bonholtzer ’99 Christina L. Davis ’99 Gina M. Bottala LaPorte ’99 Nikkell Chiappetta Lilavois ’99 Erin A. McInerney ’99 Stacie D. Torres Nyborg ’99 Mary Magluyan Pearl ’99 Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Thomas Stafford ’99 Brandon D. Ward ’99 Joel C. Wesser ’99

Class of 2000


Hector A. Campos, Jr. ’00 Dean C. Griffith ’00 Wilfred Kaliel ’00 Jason W. Kenoyer ’00 Samuel D. Lamb ’00 Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Monique D. Vidales ’00

Class of 2001


Emily Diane Holl Keezer ’01 Meghan M. O’Donnell ’01 Christopher Ring ’01 Jill M. Trousdale ’01 Steven A. Van Leeuwen ’01

Class of 2002


Vanessa L. Casillas Caulfield ’02 Angelina Gilliam ’02

Savanaha J. Lamp ’03 Christina Miller ’03 Jewelyn Mims ’03 Ileana M. Montano-Fernandez ’03 Regina P. Orona ’03 Adam Palffy ’03 Nicole Paradis ’03 Robin Quintanilla ’03 Jennifer G. Reaume ’03 Amber Rider ’03 Teresa M. Ring ’03 Lisa M. Russo ’03 Julia P. Stengel ’03 Christina Tom ’03

Class of 2004


Jeffrey S. Jahnke ’04 Lynn H. Nuccio ’04 Matthew C. Velasco ’04 Jeffrey D. White ’04

Class of 2005


Christopher P. Bigley ’05 Jason Dineros ’05 Amanda C. Evans ’05 Matthew Gaggioli ’05 Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Joseph Hamlin ’05 Matthew S. Jones ’05 Michael J. Miller ’05 Nam N. Phan ’05 Emily S. Roffe-Silvester ’05 Christopher Stellar ’05 Patrice Cardamone Veyna ’05 Christopher S. Victor ’05

Class of 2006

Ashley Adams ’06


Jamie Bennison ’06 Alexandria J. Gomez ’06 Taryn Hoffman ’06 Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Alexander Plumb ’06 Kirsten Real ’06

Class of 2007


Class of 2008


Class of 2009


Class of 2010


Class of 2011


Class of 2012


Chanel M. Buccola ’07 Porter M. Byers ’07 Giselle Figueroa ’07 Matthew Kohorst ’07 Thomas J. Quigley ’07 Andrew Saldana ’07 Anne-Marie Singer ’07 Phillip R. Velasco ’07 Gerald Whitehead ’07

Pia Carmela J. Ansula ’08 Lauren N. Bieker ’08 John L. Bottala ’08 Adam T. Compton ’08 Michael P. Cubas ’08 Paloma C. Doreza ’08 Luke M. Eisenhardt ’08 Krystle L. Espiritu ’08 Brandon L. France ’08 Daniel G. Garrison ’08 Haig L. Gazarian ’08 Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Samantha C. Godfrey ’08 Alyssa J. Hammers ’08 Nicole A. Haun ’08 Olivia J. Hoffman ’08 Jessica S. Kwa ’08 Adrianne L. Lentz ’08 Allison T. Madden ’08 Lauren M. McAlister ’08 Patrick R. McMillin ’08 Carol T. Nguyen ’08 Monique V. Nguyen ’08 Samantha R. Oldham ’08 Joseph M. Olender ’08 Michael T. Palffy ’08 Marisa C. Sanchez ’08 Luke A. Sciaraffa ’08 Philip Siripasopsotorn ’08 Anna E. Summers ’08 Brittany L. Thomas ’08 Daniel J. Villarreal ’08 Courtney A. Zimmerman ’08 Elyse E. Chui ’09 Michel J. Giraldo ’09 Kevin M. Healy ’09 Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Melissa A. Miller ’09 Tyler R. Varing ’09 Michael J. Bottala ’10 Jean C. Morales ’10

Richard D. Deneen ’11 Anthony G. Messina-Doerning ’11 Dylan C. Stein ’11 Samantha L. Whitehead ’11 Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 David T. Burkhart ’12

FALL 2014


Alumni Giving (continued) A. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Alexandra G. Evans ’12 Connor B. Jenkins ’12 Jordan N. Marks ’12 Kara A. Pilar ’12 Lauren M. Valdes ’12

Class of 2013


Class of 2014


Michael J. Anastasia ’13 Tracy I. Cresta ’13 Gordon O. Dean ’13 Aubrey L. Deneen ’13 Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 Ian S. Quinn ’13

George P. Abboud ’14 Vanessa G. Alvarez ’14 Jered A. Aragon ’14 Michael A. Arrieta ’14 Tiffany Arunarsirakul ’14 Brittney K. Baird ’14 Jaya A. Banks ’14 Izac A. Barba ’14 Joaquin T. Barlow ’14 Chloe Beauvois ’14 Thomas R. Bent ’14 Erica D. Berge ’14 Solina I. Beringer ’14 Steven L. Bickel ’14 Jessica L. Blue ’14 Laura M. Borquez ’14 Nicolas F. Botezatu ’14 Vanessa D. Boull’t ’14 Jennifer E. Brady ’14 Michaela C. Brannon ’14 Duncan C. Breda ’14 Dean E. Brumm ’14 Sabrina J. Buchan ’14 Francesca G. Burch ’14 Brandon R. Busbee ’14 Heather P. Casignia ’14 Nadia M. Casildo ’14 Marcus J. Castor ’14 Matthew A. Cina ’14 Alexander S. Corwin ’14 Matthew N. Crabtree ’14 Burt C. Cresta ’14 Kennedy E. Cribbs ’14 Erin M. Cristi ’14 Thomas A. Crowell ’14 Marisol G. Dakan ’14 Jason C. Dalcour ’14 Benjamin C. Dalgarn ’14 Samantha M. Dier ’14 Kate E. DoVale ’14 Joseph A. Ekizian ’14 Thomas K. Faber ’14 Claire J. Fitzgerald ’14 Andrea C. Forbush ’14 Ursula N. Garcia ’14 Austin H. Gewecke ’14 Kenneth E. Giles ’14 Noah V. Glass ’14 Paul L. Gouw ’14 Jackson R. Goyette ’14 Ian J. Greenstreet ’14 Bryce A. Harvey ’14 Christal A. Haynes ’14 Myles T. Hernandez Henderson ’14 36


Christian T. Hochhausler ’14 Ashton Holmes ’14 Marissa A. Huckaby ’14 Derek C. Iwata ’14 Kathryn V. Jones ’14 Christina M. Judson ’14 Aaron M. Jurasevich ’14 Olivia M. Kavanaugh ’14 Caroline E. Knop ’14 Alexander B. Krizek ’14 Jamie A. Kwong ’14 Justin Lau ’14 Roderick Y. Law ’14 Calvin Lee ’14 Malone J. Lumarda ’14 Elizabeth T. Y. Lynch ’14 Garrett D. W. Mak ’14 Graydon W. Manzke ’14 Alexandra M. Marez ’14 Michael A. Mariscal ’14 Emma M. Martinez ’14 Robert F. McAlister ’14 MaryMarie M. McCreary ’14 Robert C. McCreary ’14 George Medina ’14 Jessica L. Messineo ’14 Rachel Morrison ’14 Sabrina R. O’Reilly ’14 Phoenix E. O’Shea ’14 Joseph A. Occhipinti ’14 Nathaly A. Ojeda-Vasquez ’14 Amanda M. Oliai ’14 Andrelino M. Palencia ’14 Matthew R. Parra ’14 Kevin Pejoumand ’14 Victoria D. Perez ’14 Jeffrey J. Petro ’14 Danielle R. Pomeroy ’14 Cheri T. Raymundo ’14 Julianne M. Robi ’14 Brianna P. Rodriguez ’14 Matthew R. Rolan ’14 Zachary Rose ’14 Madeline L. Salazar ’14 Savannah A. Sanchez ’14 Sophia A. Sedlik ’14 Steffi T. Sibal ’14 Peter J. Siberell ’14 Katarina A. Sigur ’14 Hua Zhi George Situ ’14 Gerald R. Snodgrass ’14 Elisa N. Stephens ’14 Trisha L. Sudjono ’14 Nicolette R. Swayne ’14 Michael J. Sweetland ’14 Kelly S. Synold ’14 Kelly G. Thompson ’14 Michael T. Thompson ’14 Andrew W. Ting ’14 Beverlee F. Valerio ’14 David Vartanian ’14 Nikola A. Vinski ’14 Yurika L. Watanabe ’14 Kennedi Whittingham ’14 Conor J. Williams ’14 Shadie A. Williams ’14 Katarzyna J. Wilson ’14 Jason A. Young ’14 Tyler K. Zubchevich ’14 Joely Zuker ’14

Lancer Athletic Campaign PRESIDENT’S CABINET $10,000+

Ahmanson Foundation Bank of America Corporation East West Bank Mr. Peter S. Griffith Mr. Ernest Hollady Mr. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. Eric Li and Ms. Angela Liu Mediverse International, Inc. Merrill Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster Walt and Julie Williams Wilmington Trust


Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Ms. Erica Hahn Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Mr. Matthew Kohorst ’07 Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Methodist Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Steve and Cathy Pankow Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Craig and D’Arcy Sloane Heather and Jason Young

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999

The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation Bank of America Foundation MG Program Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala California Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Deziel Michael and Carol Duffey Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Griffith ’00* Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03* Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland Ms. Nancy Iredale Kansas Association of Community Foundations Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang The Lumarda Family Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Don and Georgette Mareina John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Navarro PAN Partnership Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schoenbaum Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. and Mrs. Gary Urbina Ms. Yolanda Valadez Morris and Esther Victor The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. *Alumni Affiliate

CRYSTAL CIRCLE $1,000-$2,499

Brad and Nancy Berger Robert Brkich Construction, Corp. Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. Robert D. Campbell Michele and Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. James Dalgarn and Ms. Cathi Chadwell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Daughters Mr. Patrick Doocy ’74 Mr. Raymond Ealy and Mrs. L. Charmayne Ealy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Richard Gray, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy The Ann Jackson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jameson Brad and Debbie Jenkins Mr. Connor B. Jenkins ’12* Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jordan ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krouse ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lima ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Miller Northrop Grumman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Romano ’68 Jenny and Michael Rue ’69 Signature Estate & Investment Advisors Specialty Family Foundation Mr. Peter Van Kuran ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wasson Mr. and Mrs. Troy Whitehead ’07* Ms. Samantha L. Whitehead ’11* *Alumni Affiliate

1956 SOCIETY $750-$999

Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Mr. John Seredich ’64 Peter and Serena Williams


Mr. Kenneth Caldwell Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 Congress Medical Associates Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge Anthony and Catherine Cuellar Dick’s Sporting Goods Mr. and Mrs. James Evans Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mrs. Diane Filice Vincent Fortanasce, M.D. Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Ms. Evelyn D. Greathouse Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hilland Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Hyams Mr. Steven Klein Mr. Joseph H. Marshall ’64 Martin Container, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas N. Martin ’64

PIL - Physicians Immunodiagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Law Offices of Pierre J. Rodnunsky Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sisson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Situ Fred and Diane Van der Linde Vargas Olson Enterprises, Inc Dr. Lee Wilson Carol and Bradford Wright ’73

RED & BLUE SOCIETY $250-$249

Albert and Mackenzie Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bigley ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Bock Mr. R. Gregory Bridgland, C.P.A. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Cappiello ’64 Czar Audio & Video, Inc. Five Star Seafoods, Inc. Fortanasce & Associates Physical Therapy Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fosselman Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginoza Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hauerwaas Healthcare Partners Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Hiti ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Jardemil Mr. and Mrs. James Jarvis, Jr. ’64 Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Kruse Dr. and Mrs. Michio Kusama Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Louden Mobile Cardiac Imaging North American Sports Groups LLC - 25 Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 P&R Family LLC Porter Ranch Dental Studio Prince Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Mr. Christopher Ring ’01 Ms. Elizabeth E. Romo Byron Sotomayor, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon D. Ward ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Weigand ’67


Allan Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert Angarita ’96 Ms. Rosalie Curry Mr. Mark Deneen and Dr. Wendy Deneen Mr. Ricky D. Deneen ’11 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grivich ’64 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hernandez Mr. Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Tony F. Kane ’60 Mr. Sal Messineo Mr. and Mrs. Danny Osti ’60 Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Palmer ’64 Mr. and Ms. Nemi Panimdim Mr. and Mrs. Bill Radle Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweetland Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Toothman ’91 Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo Villarreal

Mr. and Mrs. Whit Adams Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asao Mr. and Mrs. Duke Banks III ’64 Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Berberian Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bianco Ms. Lois Billings Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Bitonti ’95 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blackstock ’67 Boeing Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borquez

Mr. Raul E. Espinoza ’71 Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Faber Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gioia Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Goetz ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Silvera Grant Mrs. Catherine Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Martin Haderlein Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Helgeson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helgeson Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson Sr. Ms. Dolores Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillier Mrs. Joan Hines Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hipolito Drs. Kurt and Melissa Hoffman

Mr. Lawrence A. Nordstrom ’64 Mrs. Marion Nuccio Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paddock, Jr. Mrs. Marion Patrick Ms. Antoinette Perry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pick Frank and Dawn Ponnet Mr. Truman Pope Mr. Thomas J. Quigley ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Raycraft Mr. and Mrs. Denis Sauvageau Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Chad Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Simon ’74 Brother Kevin Slate, FSC

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bouton Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Bozart Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burruso Mr. Porter M. Byers ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Camargo Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chicoine ’64 Mrs. Barbara Cina Mr. and Mrs. John Cina Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cornet ’69 Ms. Tracy I. Cresta ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crews ’86 Mr. William D. Crosson ’72 Mrs. Suzanne Crowell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Crowley ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dakan Mr. Gordon O. Dean ’13 Justin and Mia Dean Ms. Ana R. Delgado ’93 and Mr. James Addicott Mrs. Lupe Delgado Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doerning Mrs. Maria Dominguez Ms. Jeri Durham Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eshom

Mr. Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 SPC Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Holland Mr. Stephen J. Holstein ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Esler H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keese ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krystad Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kummer Mrs. Walter Kummetz Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Larson ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. LeBeau ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lepore Dr. and Mrs. Joe Luthey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynn Mrs. Carol Mahoney Mrs. Erin L. Mann Markel ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarron ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLaren Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Mead ’64 Mindy Meserve Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Monohan III ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Ms. Diane Nicol

Southern California Edison Company Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Nick and Connie Stamos Mr. Dylan C. Stein ’11 Mr. and Mrs. James Stein Mrs. Letha Stewart Mr. Jack Stuebe Mr. and Mrs. John Sudolcan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sweeney Teri & Yaki Mrs. Patricia Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thomas ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mrs. Alice Topjian Mr. Francis Uyemura Mrs. Nora Vargas Mr. and Mrs. William Westphal Ms. Jeanie Whited Christopher and Nancy Willis Dr. and Mrs. Fred Wood Mr. Richard “ Woody “ Woodaman ’62 Mrs. Darrell A. Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Viselli ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wooler Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Young

DONOR $1-$149

FALL 2014


In Memoriam Please pray for the these members of the La Salle Community who have passed away during the last 12 months. Live Jesus in our hearts... forever. Frederick Aragon Uncle to Jared ’14 Frank Buccola Grandfather to Gino ’05, Chanel ’07 Nancy Braun Sister of Chris ’61, Vince ’74 Maria Teresa Cagigas Grandmother to Brianna ’14, Gabriel ’16 Rodriguez Herb Chambers Grandfather to David ’14 Jim Clifford ’62 Jerry Cooke ’78 Larry Daniels ’65 Ruben De La Torre Grandfather to Samantha Nieto ’18 Ron Ellis Father of Patrick ’88, Chris ’93 Sue Fetters Wife of Larry ’60 Lois Gaines Grandmother to Dana Huley ’05 Paula Gellar Mother-In-Law of Robert Packard (Employee) Roger Gewecke Grandfather to Alex ’11, Austin ’14 W. Jody Graves ’60 Ron Griffin ’60 Brother of Michael ’67 Scott Guthrie ’89 Felista Gutierres Mother of Carlos Villalobos (Employee) Patricia Hickey Mother of Jim ’72 Tristan Hill ’99 Lathrop Hoffman Father of Peter ’68; Grandfather to Brian ’02, Leah ’04, Danna ’12, Paul ’13, Robert ’14 Philip Huddleston ’62 Patrick Hummel ’74 Brother of Dan ’76 Richard Iredale Father of Nancy (former Board of Trustees); Grandfather to Michael Cates ’06 H.G. Jeffries Father of Michelle ’00 Barbara Jones Grandmother to Spencer Schoenbaum ’16 George Keens Father-in-Law of Susan Keens (Employee) Edward Eugene Koester Grandfather to Jessica ’98, Natalie ’00 Kathryn Konoske Mother of Robert ’68, Vincent ’69, Gregory ’71; Former faculty member Maurice Labbe Father of Marcel ’83, Guy ’86 David Leming Father of Jeff ’92, Todd ’00 Maria Leos Grandmother to Alex ’06 Thomas Leslie ’60 Josie Lumarda Grandmother to Malone ’14 Glen Marcos Brother of Greg ’91, Gerald ’92 Ronald McLaughlin Father of Rone’e McLaughlin (Employee); Grandfather to Sinclair ’15 Audrey McIntyre Mother-in-Law of Fred Riley (Employee); Grandmother to Westley ’07 Randy Moore ’61 Paul Moore ’74 Brother of Peter ’73, Gavin ’77, Greg ’79, Brendan ’80; Uncle to Ethan ’15, Tess Gauthier ’18 Kathleen Mullen Aunt of Elizabeth Mullen (Employee) Suzan Nash Mother of Andrew Finney ’05 Joseph Nicassio Father of Pam Wagner (Employee) Fudjar Oei Uncle to Kyle ’12, Dean ’14 Brumm



Gloria Oldham Mother of John ’74; Mother-In-Law of John Driscoll ’74; Grandmother to Patrick ’06 and John Driscoll ’07 Samantha Oldham ’08 Sharon Orr Mother of Brian ’90 Charlotte Packard Mother of Robert Packard (Employee) Phillip Parra Father of Matthew ’14 Bruce Patnou ’73 Nicole Paulson ’96 Rita Pike Mother of Richard ’70, Jim ’71; Grandmother to Megan ’99, Kaitlin ’03 Corene Pindroh Mother of Matt ’90 and former member of the Board of Trustees Chester Polek Father of Wayne ’72, Victor ’74, Vincent ’77 Silvio Quintas ’74 William Regan Father of Sean ’92 Tom Remillard Father of Tommy ’00 Alice Rey Grandmother to Nick ’09, Cassidy ’13 Helen Rochford Grandmother to Gino ’05, Chanel ’07 Buccola Ryan Cruz Saldana Son of Dan ’03; Nephew of Julie (Saldana) Curley ’96, Matt ’98, Andy ’07 Filberto Sanchez Father of Dan ’80; Grandfather to Mark Werden ’16 Ray Shabel Father-In-Law of John Ring (Employee); Grandfather to Chris ’01, Teresa ’03 Ring George Smith Father-In-Law of Patrick Bonacci (Employee); Grandfather to Tina Bonacci ’94,Julie (Bonacci) Kolb ’97; Great Grandfather to Dustin Pavon ’17 Marge Smith Former Employee Sophie Stanners Grandmother to Adrienne ’03, Natalie ’05 Elizabeth Stanton Mother of Michelle ’08, Grace ’10 Steve Strong Father of Blaine ’07 Arion Tavakoli ’09 Brother of Armond ’05 George Taylor Former Employee Meshach Taylor Father of Tariq ’08 Dorothy Underbrink Mother of Hans Underbrink ’82 and Mother-In-Law to Chris Rettig ’84 Connie Venturini Grandmother to Rochelle (Rodriguez) Ferrari ’97, Jeff Rodriguez ’00 Joanne Weisenberg Mother of James ’69; Mother-in Law of Justin Blackstock ’71; Grandmother to Christopher ’02, Elizabeth ’10 Blackstock Dennis Wiebe ’67

Memorial Gifts The following individuals and organizations have given gifts “In Memory Of” an individual to the following funds: Robert Alcorn Memorial Scholarship Fund For Humanities, Annual Fund, Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund, Ian Blakeslee ’85 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund, Brother Celestine, FSC Endowment Fund, Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund, Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Interscholastic Athletic Fund, Corene Pindroh Memorial Scholarship Fund, Margaret Roman Scholarship Fund, Jules Ruggles Memorial Scholarship Fund, San Miguel Scholarship Fund, Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund for Math & Science and the Tuition Assistance Fund. IN MEMORY OF ROBERT ALCORN Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Dick Fernandez, Esq. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “Buzz “ Kiley ’62

IN MEMORY OF SYLVIA BERNSTEIN Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71

IN MEMORY OF IAN BLAKESLEE ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Albinski ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Rhonel Aquino ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Alvarado ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Badzey ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Badzey, M.A. ’90 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bigley ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Bird ’85 Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Burke ’85 Captain Leroy L. Cisneros ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cummings ’82 Dr. Marco A. Dardon, Jr., D.C. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Delaney ’89 Cindy and Tom Delaney ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Fortanasce, M.F.T. ’91 Major and Mrs. Alex D. Freitas, M.D. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Galati ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hernandez ’85 Mr. Gary Jones ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kasper ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Kealey ’85 Mr. Martin A. Kunz ’82 and Ms. Maria McCord Mr. Eric Kurzweil ’80 and Mrs. Stephanie Granger-Kurzweil Mr. James LeVeque ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lofy ’80 Mr. John Matheus Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Mirasol ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E. ’92 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Palic ’85 Dr. Hector M. Ramos ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Rapista ’85 Mr. Edwin Ruano ’86 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ryan ’86 Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Ryan ’85 Mr. Bernie Santos ’80 and Mrs. Erin Lownes-Santos Mr. Gary Utter ’80 and Ms. Linda Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Venegas ’88

IN MEMORY OF ELIZABETH BONACCI Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Mrs. Kathleen Wood

IN MEMORY OF KIMBERLY CENCE Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Benitez

IN MEMORY OF NORTH EDISON COBB California Community Foundation Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb

IN MEMORY OF NICHOLAS DOBBE ’03 Ms. Joni Regina Ablay ’03 Mr. Jimmy Bearse ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Birr ’03 Mrs. Karla Quiboloy Cenizal ’03 Mrs. Mandi Stephen Dowdeswell ’03 Mr. Edward Fabello ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Forillo ’03 Mr. Eric F. Jacobson ’03 Ms. Savanaha J. Lamp ’03 Ms. Christina Miller ’03 Ms. Jewelyn Mims ’03 Mrs. Ileana M. Montano-Fernandez ’03 Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Ms. Jennifer G. Reaume ’03 Mrs. Amber Beaston Rider ’03 Ms. Teresa M. Ring ’03 Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Russo Ms. Julia P. Stengel ’03 Ms. Christina Tom ’03


IN MEMORY OF JOHN FESSLER ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70



Mr. M. Patrick Henry

IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL HARAMI ’03 Ms. Joni Regina Ablay ’03 Mr. Jimmy Bearse ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Birr ’03 Mrs. Karla Quiboloy Cenizal ’03 Mrs. Mandi Stephen Dowdeswell ’03 Mr. Edward Fabello ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Forillo ’03 Mr. Eric F. Jacobson ’03 Ms. Savanaha J. Lamp ’03 Ms. Christina Miller ’03 Ms. Jewelyn Mims ’03 Mrs. Ileana M. Montano-Fernandez ’03 Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Ms. Jennifer G. Reaume ’03 Mrs. Amber Beaston Rider ’03 Ms. Teresa M. Ring ’03 Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Russo Ms. Julia P. Stengel ’03 Ms. Christina Tom ’03

IN MEMORY OF PATRICK O. HEALY ’03 Ms. Joni Regina Ablay ’03 Mr. Jimmy Bearse ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Birr ’03 Mrs. Karla Quiboloy Cenizal ’03 Mrs. Mandi Stephen Dowdeswell ’03

Mr. Edward Fabello ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Forillo ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. Eric F. Jacobson ’03 Ms. Savanaha J. Lamp ’03 Ms. Christina Miller ’03 Ms. Jewelyn Mims ’03 Mrs. Ileana M. Montano-Fernandez ’03 Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Ms. Jennifer G. Reaume ’03 Mrs. Amber Beaston Rider ’03 Ms. Teresa M. Ring ’03 Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Russo Ms. Julia P. Stengel ’03 Ms. Christina Tom ’03


IN MEMORY OF ANNIE JOHNSTON Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Brady Ms. Susan E. Ehring ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III

IN MEMORY OF JAMES LOPER Mr. M. Patrick Henry Pete and Irene Santucci


IN MEMORY OF J. RANDALL MOORE ’61 Mrs. Darrell A. Wright


IN MEMORY OF MARY PEET-HAWN Pete and Irene Santucci

IN MEMORY OF CORENE PINDROH The Harrison R. Baker, Jr. Family Comprehensive Autism Related Education Ms. Marnie Dam Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Karl P. Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gill Ms. Sandee H. Glickman The Hastings Foundation Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. and Mrs. William D. Horsfall Ms. Susan Lindgren Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loftus Mr. and Mrs. John R. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. John McDannel Asa Meudell Mr. and Mrs. David Ogwyn Mr. Charles Oprian Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. C. Anthony Phillips Mr. Rufus Rhoades Pete and Irene Santucci The Schow Foundation Ms. Kathrin Skikos Mr. and Mrs. Dan Spencer

Mr. John D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veeh


IN MEMORY OF JULES RUGGLES Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Fred and Diane Van der Linde


Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Seeker ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheridan


Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90

IN MEMORY OF GEORGE H. SMITH Mr. M. Patrick Henry Ms. Lydia L. Reyes Pete and Irene Santucci


Mrs. Doris Behrens Ms. Chanya M. Blumenkrantz Ms. Arianne U. Cipes Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clement Mr. and Mrs. Louis Devicchio Ms. Joanne Diana Mr. and Mrs. William DiFrangia Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Douglass Mr. Thomas W. Drino Mr. and Mrs. Robert Filips Ms. Kathleen M. Glenn Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luchison Ms. Carol Mercado Joen D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. M. Napoli Ms. Frances Sikora Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Strauss, Jr. Ms. Veneta Tareshawty Ms. Dolores Tukich

IM MEMORY OF PHYLLIS SMOLK Pete and Irene Santucci

IN MEMORY OF BILL SNAER Mrs. Darrell A. Wright

IN MEMORY OF RICHARD SPRAGUE Ms. Jeannie Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Leek Mr. and Mrs. John W. Marcoules Mr. John H. Rickards and Ms. Cynthia Schreiner Mrs. Denise Sprague


IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM R. “BOB” THOMAS Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90


Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Martinez

FALL 2014



Michael Patzia measures his shot against the closest to the pin.


he 22nd Annual Lancer Golf Classic took place on Monday, October 13, 2014 at the beautiful Glendora Country Club. It was a perfect day with 126 golfers signed up to play. We would like to recognize and thank our generous sponsors for the day’s events: Don and Georgette Mareina, Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken, Wells Fargo Capital Finance, La Salle’s Board of Regents and Board of Trustees as well as our many alumni, families and friends who underwrote the cost of the tournament, purchased tee signs, ran ads in the program and donated items for the auction/ raffle.

Anthony Harris, Russ Gordon, Marcus Allen, Keith Zubchevich, P’14,’18. 40


A new addition this year is the presentation of the perpetual “Lancer Cup” by Dr. Richard Gray to the first place winners. As in the tradition of the “Stanley Cup”, the winners’ names will be engraved on the trophy each year and will be on display at La Salle. A special thanks goes out to the dedicated volunteer committee members: Don Olender ’70 P’08,’09 (Co-Chair), Joe Olender ’08 (Co-Chair), Shaya Akobian P’15,’17,’18, John Bottala ’08, Larry Bottala P’99,’08,’10, Pete Godfrey P’07,’08, Gianna Henke ’05, Dennis Jebbia, Matt Jones ’05, Tara Milton P’16,’18, Michael Palffy ’08, Steve Paradis P’03, Joey Reaume ’08, Irene Santucci P’95 and Morris Victor GP’05,’12,’18.

Don Olender ’70, Dan Olender, Carter Voges, Charlie Downey, Ray Bell ’70, Joe Olender ’08.

Keith Brown ’62, Charlie Downey and Bob Mulick are amused as Ellen Radle P’17, sells Hawai’i raffle tickets.

Michael Palffy ’08 with perpetual Lancer Cup.

Dr. Richard Gray, Don Olender ’70, Fausto Cetina, Norbert Ruiz, Matt Mendoza ’07, Greg Mendoza ’03, Matthew McCarty ’07, Joe Olender ’08

Robin Smith and Lorin Smith, P’18.

Dennis Burke ’60, Mitchell Drasco ’60, Larry Fetters ’60, Chuck Duffy ’60, William Daws ’60, Tony Kane ’60 FALL 2014



By John Blackstock ’67

he Lancers moved up seven divisions to the new Angelus League and embarked on their most challenging and exciting football season in more than two decades, including a historic meeting of the Lancers and the Golden Knights. St. Francis and La Salle were both in the Santa Fe League together back in the ’60s and ’70s (Along with Bishop Amat, Pomona Catholic (now Damian), Alemany, Pater Noster, Salesian and San Gabriel Mission High Schools). This was a very strong Catholic league in that era to say the least. We were cross-town 42


rivals with St. Francis in all sports except football. La Salle did not play football until we went coed and started a football team in 1992. Leagues changed and La Salle was placed in various coed leagues, but it was always the desire to play St. Francis in football. On October 31, 2014 this historic meeting took place. Although St. Francis was victorious, a new era of Lancer Football has begun. We are both in the new Angelus League that also includes Cathedral, Salesian, St. Paul and Harvard-Westlake High Schools.




mall but mighty, our seven La Salle Cross Country runners have been putting in hard work together since June. A glimpse into their world of running includes a week of high altitude training together in Mammoth Lakes, hills of all sizes, weight room work-outs, and running the streets of Pasadena. After finishing second in the tough Del Rey league, these Lady Lancers are headed to the Cross Country CIF prelims and finals, which will take place at Mt. SAC, and the state meet held in Clovis at the end of November. The Lancers were lead by Junior, Hannah Howard, but she was closely followed by a bevy of

talented freshmen. Makenna Maucher, Ashley Mayo, and Samantha Knapp are the 9th graders that the coaches are depending on to take the next step to the CIF State Meet. Rounding out the team are juniors, Abigail Marich, Jacqueline Tooley and Bettina Lee who battled Makenna for a number of first place finishes this season. Above, left to right, Lady Lancers, Makenna Maucher ’18, (also pictured at left), Jacqueline Tooley ’16, Samantha Knapp ’18, Bettina Lee ’16, Abigail Marich ’16, Ashley Mayo ’18, and Hannah Howard ’16.


M Senior, Haley DeSales signs her Letter of Intent to Washington State with her coach Tiare Tuitama, mother, Terri, father Rob and brother, Justin.

TO BECOME A COUGAR By Anthony Harris, Athletic Director

any high school athletes dream of becoming an Olympian or professional athlete and parents dream of their child earning a college athletic scholarship. Unfortunately, this is a difficult and often unrealistic goal. The La Salle athletics program emphasizes commitment, discipline, and character. However, the academic program is our priority with athletics serving as a valuable companion. These two, coupled with the school’s Lasallian values, help develop the complete Lancer student-athlete. With this in mind, note that 98 of 100 high school athletes will never play in college. One out of every 1000 high school athletes will receive a Division I scholarship. On November 12, National Letter of Intent Signing Day, senior Haley De Sales signed her Letter of Intent to attend Washington State University on an Athletic Scholarship for Volleyball. Haley’s Volleyball Accolades include: First Team All-League (3 years), First Team All CIF Division 1A (3 years); Max Preps First Team All-State; San Gabriel Valley Newspapers All-Area First Team. In addition, she was a key member of the school’s first and second CIF Volleyball titles in Division IA, and even more outstanding, she was back-to-back CIF Player of the Year in Division I. In addition to her athletic success, she maintains a GPA above 3.7. FALL 2014





a Salle High School offers 14 Advanced Placement (AP) courses in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, World Languages, and Visual and Performing Arts. These AP courses are designed to challenge the students academically and intellectually, as well as make the transition into college level courses much easier. The Associate Principal of Academic Life, Edgar Salmingo says, “The primary benefits of taking an AP class is that it counts as college credit, depending on the school and university. This allows the student to either be academically advanced before they get to college, or save money by not having to take the course. The students get introduced early to the demands of a college course and are well prepared for the next level.” La Salle’s AP courses demand an enormous amount from its students, and no one knows this better than senior Nate Chandler. Nate, who has taken 10 AP classes since his sophomore year, enjoys the overall challenge and individual emphasis in each AP course. “I am currently enrolled in AP English Literature, AP Calculus BC, AP Physics (Mechanics), and AP Economics. Each AP class is very



distinct and challenging in its own way. For example, you may take an AP course that is very reliant on note taking skills, while another AP course may rely more on the challenge of working with very limited knowledge to do basic things. The individual emphasis is that in AP courses, you are responsible for your own destiny. It is up to you to make sure you know the material because each student is focused on learning how to prepare for college,” says Nate. In May 2014, a total of 305 AP exams were taken by 184 La Salle students. Out of the total number of AP exams taken, 212 exams received a passing score (3, 4, 5) with an overall average score of 3.092. “The overall combination of La Salle’s high performing students combined with our talented faculty has been the primary reason for our successful history of AP performances. Having taught AP courses for five years, I can personally attest to the high amount of rigor and competency that is needed to succeed,” says Salmingo. La Salle’s AP courses are characterized by small class size. Because of the smaller environment, AP students at La Salle have the luxury of developing close bonds with their teachers and getting the



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individualized and personalized attention they need to succeed academically. “The AP courses are hard work, but the learning is unparalleled and the bonds that are made between teachers and fellow AP students are something to be valued. The AP courses at La Salle are a great preparation for college because they teach the value of individual work. Self-motivation is extremely necessary in college and is well-taught in La Salle’s AP program,” says Nate. To be eligible for any of the AP courses La Salle offers, students must excel and thrive in the prerequisite courses and be approved by the department chair of that individual AP course. La Salle’s AP courses can be demanding and challenging but students who succeed in the AP courses will be highly prepared for university level coursework. To get further information about La Salle’s AP program, such as which AP courses are offered and exam information, you may contact Edgar Salmingo, Associate Principal of Academic Life at esalmingo@ lasallehs.org or at 626.696.4338.

SENIOR NATE CHANDLER, a 6’ 200 pound linebacker for the Lancer football team has taken 10 AP courses since his sophomore year. Nate, an outstanding, athlete, leader and scholar has a 4.64 weighted GPA and scored a near perfect 34 on the ACT. He was the 2013 recipient of the Robert Alcorn Scholarship for the Humanities. Nate is the current Student Life Commissioner of Service and is a member of the Support Our Troops Club, Model UN, Investment Club, Freelancers Literary Club and has been a volunteer at Union Station in Pasadena since 2008.

FALL 2014



Sydney Flynn ’16

Madi Lanyi ’15, second from left.

Lancers I N T E R N AT


JoeAl Akobian ’15, far left. 46



his summer, four students from La Salle were accepted into Camp CHLA (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles). Only 500 applications are accepted and just 140 students are admitted into two one week camps. Students were chosen based on their completed online application, essay, and letters of recommendation. Campers were given scrubs and hospital IDs and worked each day from 8:00am to 4:30pm. Justin Zumal ’15 and Madi Lanyi ’15 participated in the June Camp and Sydney Flynn ’16 and JoeAl Akobian ’15 participated in the August Camp. Derek Iwata ’14 worked both sessions as a counselor. Camp CHLA gave these students a chance to explore exciting careers in the health care profession. Their daily activities included: observation of medical procedures as health care professionals care for patients; participation in skills lab where they learned how to take vital signs, perform CPR and acquire other essential skills for the medical field. “This was an amazing experience for all of us who see a future in the medical profession,” said Justin Zumel. The students were exposed to different career paths by participating in presentations given by medical professionals in various specialties, and were debriefed at the end of each day to reflect and share their experiences with other campers.

Justin Zumel ’15

From left to right starting with the front row, Kennedy Gordon and Sinclair Daniel, second row, Sky Garcilasodelavega, Lani Nugent, Amell Bishara, and Ms. Teresa Ring ’03, third row, Lexi Dyer, Dionna Williams, Thea McKay forth row, Tom Usle and Mr. David Needles (Spencer Raines not pictured).



very year, the Drama Teachers Association of Southern California (DTASC) produces a Fall Theatre Festival for high school students. La Salle has competed in this festival five times in the last 10 years. This year, seven students competed at Temecula Valley High School, in the “Musical Collage” category which included Amell Bishara ’16, Lexi Dyer ’16, Sky Garcilasodelavega ’16, Thea McKay ’16, Lani Nugent ’15, Spencer Raines ’16, and Dionna Williams ’15 coached by Jude Lucas. This group of La Salle students made it through the first two rounds of competition. Two students also competed in the “Audition Monologue” category: Sinclair Daniel ’15, won third place and Kennedy Gordon ’15, won fifth place. These two La Salle seniors competed against 146 other students in their same “Audition Monologue”

category from other Southern California high schools including two arts magnet schools. To add to our victory, La Salle was the only school to have two students place in this category. David Needles was the theatre faculty representative who served on the rules committee of the festival and coached the “Audition Monologue” students entered in the competition. The festival has continued to grow over the years with 74 different schools competing in 2014. Our best showing up to now was in the 2012 festival where we had five students competing in the category “Large Scene – Comedy” move on to semi-finals and one student reach the finals in the category “Audition Monologue,” receiving an honorable mention plaque at the closing ceremony.


W I N S $ 1 0 0 0 S E RV I C E AWA R D


aylor Brennan ’15 won an ABC Summer of Service Award (in partnership with Youth Service Awards) for $1,000 for creating a lasting, positive change through volunteer and community service projects in his community. The goal of the organization is to recognize young community change-makers, and help them on their mission to help others. Taylor designated the award to La Salle’s Support Our Troops Club, which he founded his freshman year. The Club recently led a school-wide service project to benefit needy military families by filling 126

Thanksgiving food boxes which were delivered to Fort Irwin in Barstow in time for Thanksgiving. Each Box of Love is filled with donated and purchased food items to make Thanksgiving a little bit better for the needy military families of our service men and women. The La Salle Community raised $4,500 for the Box of Love drive, an all-time record for this annual event! In addition, the School was able to give the organization, For Families of Active Military, a check for $1,200 which was used to purchase turkeys completing each box for a Thanksgiving dinner. Taylor is also the President and Founder of the Portraits of Courage club at La Salle. To contact Taylor and learn more about these clubs you can go to supportourtroopsclub@gmail.com. FALL 2014



The new SOULCYCLE studio in Pasadena invited La Salle alumni to check out a complimentary class on Saturday, September 20th. Those in attendance had a great workout and got a chance to catch up with each other and their Alma Mater.

Back Row, standing left to right: Lisa Russo ’03, Mark Dannhausen ’10, Robin Quintanilla ’03, Fleming Helmstadter ’01, Jennifer (Pittman) Melancon ’01, Jenny Reaume ’03, Giselle Figueroa ’07, Chanel Buccola ’07, unknown, Stacie (Torres) Nyborg ’99, unknown, Lindsay (Van Leeuwen) Gordon ’04, Joe Amar ’00, Michael Gordon ’00, Pedro Quintanilla ’96. Front row, kneeling left to right: Amber (Beaston) Rider ’03, Angela Bruning ’07, Stephanie Gallagher ’07, Danielle (Gallagher) Forillo ’03, Becca Velasco ’04, Ileana MontanoFernandez ’03, Jobi Ablay ’03, Savanaha Lamp ’03. Not pictured: Amanda (Gonzalez) Richardson ’01.


ALEX PLUMB ’06 was presented with the Alumni Service Award in front of the student body on October 3, 2014 during Mass for his embodiment of the Lasallian mission of “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve.” Alex founded the Northrise Bike Team in 2011 to have a bike ride from Los Angeles to San Diego that would benefit Northrise University, located in Ndola, Zambia dedicated to equipping men and women with the skills to contribute to the spiritual and economic transformation of their country. To date, Northrise Bike Team has accomplished three rides and has raised over $14,000. Nearly 70 bicycles have been purchased for students and farm workers at Northrise University allowing them to get home safely before dark to spend time helping their families and studying. (See the full story about Alex and his work with the Northrise Bike Team and Northrise University in the Summer 2014 issue of Lancer Magazine).

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal, Alex Plumb ’06, Stephanie Plumb-Miller P’06, Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life 48



The Alumni Association hosted its first ever alumni gathering in the Big Apple thanks to event host Grant Torres ’08. The happy hour event at Gottino’s in the West Village was a lot of fun and NYC alums are looking forward to future gatherings. To be included in future NYC events make sure your contact information is up to date with the Alumni Office at alumni@lasallehs.org.

Matt Herman ’97, Patricia Price-Herman, Brittany Vita ’05, Kristen Garris ’05, Monet Hurst-Mendoza ’05, Grant Torres ’08, and Jen Brown ’08.


he annual Legacy BBQ for incoming freshmen and senior legacy families was hosted by the Messina-Doerning family. Legacies in attendance included, left to right: Rafael Mirasol ’80 and his daughter Natalie ’18, David Beringer ’75 and his son

Travis ’18, Sean Sansone ’87 and his son Riley ’18, Jesse Toribio ’93 and his son Jesse ’15, Brian Doerning ’81 and his son Joey ’15, Kirk MacDonald ’85 and his son Harrison ’17. FALL 2014




During the Lasallian Service Award Ceremony on September 29th, Janet Hagen P’89,’91,’94 was recognized for 30 years of service to La Salle High School, while Spanish teacher Arnold Rocha and computer education instructor and track coach Fred Riley P’07 were recognized for 20 years of service. English teachers David Soltis ’90 and Jim Poyner P’09 were recognized for 15 years of service to La Salle.

30 Years of Service

20 Years of Service FRED RILEY is currently the head of the Computer Science Department where he has been a mainstay for the past 20 years. He is also Track and Field and Cross Country Head Coach where he has coached many a Lancer to CIF and State meet championships. His son Westley graduated in 2007.

15 Years of Service JANET HAGEN

began her work under the tutelage of the legendary Dan Lynch-the Director of the school’s cafeteria. Janet would come to work in the morning to the cafeteria kitchen, which was then where the BCCR and library offices are now, to the wonderful aroma of ‘Lynch Burgers” being cooked in the early morning. After serving in a myriad of important and needed positions over the years, receptionist and office staff, it is ironic that over the last years she finds herself as Assistant to the Librarian back into an office space in the Blakeslee Library that is right where it all began, minus the smell of hamburgers. She welcomes students into the library well before classes begin. It is also most noteworthy to mention that three of her sons: Josh, Michael, and Ryan are all graduates of the school.

20 Years of Service ARNOLD ROCHA has served in our

World Language Department as both an excellent teacher and Department Chairperson. Many of us know that back in the days when only a very few were speaking about technology and its place in the classroom – Arnie was leading that charge. And, he successfully led us into the world of technology through his guidance and tutelage with Moodle.



DAVID SOLTIS, Class of 1990, has

served in the English Department and is a model teacher. He has also been a constant presence outside of the classroom as a past coach, moderator for various clubs, adult leader at retreats and editor for the literary magazine. He was our Lasallian Educator of the Year in 2013.

15 Years of Service JAMES POYNER has been part of the English Department and now for many years the moderator of the Yearbook. Producing the Yearbook is a monumental challenge as there are many facets to it and it is one of those responsibilities that often others take for granted but few want to assume. Jim also assists many of us on a daily basis in his role as our first go-to person when we need subs. His daughter, Christine graduated in 2009.

10 YEAR REUNION The Class of 2004 celebrated their Ten Year Reunion on Saturday, August 23rd at El Cholo in the Paseo Colorado. Several former teachers were also in attendance. The class has raised over $600 for their Reunion Class Gift toward financial aid. A Antoinette (Kathol) Brunasso ’04, Christopher Brunasso,

Marites Yao ’04, Peter Brady ’04, Nic Louie ’04, Rony Velasquez ’04, David Buennagel ’04, Paul Villanueva ’04, Lorenzo Begay ’04

B Chris Callum ’04, Elizabeth McSweeny ’04, Emily Considine ’04,


Christina Libardoni ’04, Kirsten Umland ’04

C Megan (Chinen) Oakes ’04, Chad Kistler ’04, Jenny Belak ’04,

Pat Bonacci, Vice-President for Mission, Jeny (Beck) Sojka ’04

D Eron Surdam ’04, George Gonzales ’04, Orion Marion ’04,

Jeff Jahnke ’04, Jackie Espiritu ’04, Pranab Sunder Raj ’04

E Nicole (Anderson) Villanueva ’04, Paul Villanueva ’04,

Arnold Rocha, Faculty

F Carolyn Neuhausen ’04, Becca Velasco ’04, Emily Considine ’04,

G Andrew Satoh ’04, Taleen Seropian ’04, Pranab Sunder Raj ’04




Kirsten Umland ’04



G FALL 2014


Alumni News, Weddings & Births




James Natter is retired and lives in Puerto Vallarta where he is studying Spanish and the history and culture of Mexico. He has been traveling throughout Latin America and is learning musica ranchera on his guitar.


John Huntley was ordained as a permanent Deacon for the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois on September 27, 2014.


Paul Lees is a chapter advisor for Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at Cal State Los Angeles and also the west coast regional advisor for six additional universities. He is a regularly scheduled lector at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church and is a past assistant scout master for the Boy Scouts of America. Paul and his wife welcomed their first grandchild, Violet Grace Lees, on October 3, 2014 in Phoenix, AZ.


Tom Delaney was appointed in August by Governor Jerry Brown to a judgeship

in the Orange County Superior Court. Tom has been a partner at Sedgwick LLP since 2002. He was an associate attorney at Sedgwick Detert Moran and Arnold LLP from 1995 to 2001 and at Bodkin McCarthy Sargent and Smith from 1992 to 1995. Tom is the founder and chair of the Sedgwick LLP Hispanic Lawyers Forum.


Brett Wong was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Kinesiology at Kansas State University in January 2013 and is now working as an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University. He teaches cardiopulmonary physiology at the undergraduate level and cardiovascular physiology at the graduate level. He is also conducting research related to human thermoregulation during heat stress with emphasis on regulation of the cutaneous vasculature in humans and is currently investigating the effect of a high fat meal on microvascular endothelial function and how a high fat meal may lead to hypertension, type 2 diabetes and other related pathologies. James Castro is the executive vice president of strategy and corporate development for Global Holdings, Inc. He and his wife Jessica have been married for twelve years and have a son, Braden (2). Trevor Spicer is the director of information technology at Chandler School. He has a son Seth (4) and lives in Sierra Madre.

Ingrid (Smulders) Frokjer is the children and teen ministry director at Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church in San Luis Obispo where she lives with her husband Andy and their four children, Anneke (13), Matthew (12), Katie (10), and Andrew (8). Tina Bonacci is the director of international programs at Arroyo Pacific Academy in Arcadia. Mike Katz is the budget manager for Seattle Center, home of the Space Needle. He also volunteers with the Knights of Columbus helping coordinate blood drives and volunteers on the board of his local CYO chapter. Mike and his wife Amy have been married for six years and have two daughters- Eleanore (6) and Mimi (5). Jennifer (Harabedian) Jukic is an elementary school teacher at Saint Rita School in Sierra Madre. She and her husband Greg have been married for nine years and have three childrenEmily (6), Jack (4) and Lauren (2.5). Jason Ybarra works in the movie industry as a stuntman and is currently traveling the country as a guest at comic cons for his work on Power Rangers and doing events with the Ninja Turtles. He has a daughter, Arianna (14), and resides in Alhambra.


Kendrick Watson has accepted the position of student services data coordinator in the Dornsife Spatial Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California. The position is responsible for student recruitment and admissions along with academic advisement, degree progress and alumni relations. Ken ob-

Class of 1965

Class of 1975

A Celebration So Big There Are 2 Parties Planned!



THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015


JUNE 12-13, 2015

CLASS OF ’65 REUNION WEEKEND Room blocks for the Reunion Weekend have been established. Go to www.lancernetwork.com/65Fifty for more information. 52

Steven Andres is the founder of Special Ops Security, a cyber security company. Steven is also a professor of Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism at San Diego State University and he is currently pursuing his Ph.D at Claremont Graduate University.



MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW. YOUR REUNION COMMITTEE IS MAKING PLANS FOR A GREAT PARTY! Phil Coombes ’75, Dick Crawford ’75, Mark DeWald ’75, Paul Hartfield ’75, Paul Lees ’75, Mike Marlatt ’75, Nick Thompson ’75 Go to www.lancernetworkc.om/75Forty for more information.

tained his MA in Educational Administration from CSU, Northridge in 2012 and previously held a position at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.


Chris Victor is the new general manager for Titanium LLC, a home alarm company that offers home automation and security as well as protection for small businesses and corporations. Prior to this, Chris spent eight years with Wells Fargo.


Troy Baugh

has joined the

Toyoshima ’03, the Public Relations and Alliances Specialist for One Step Retail Solutions, sent the job opportunity to La Salle’s Alumni Office in hopes that alums might be interested in applying. The opportunity was posted on the Alumni Association’s Facebook, Linked In and Twitter. Kimmy was selected from a large applicant pool and is thrilled with her new job! If you have a job opportunity you would like to promote to fellow Lancers please contact Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations, at 626.696.4362 or alumni@lasallehs.org.


Dan Villarreal is working for Teles Properties, a luxury real estate firm, and in September he completed the GRI program (Graduate Realtor Institute), a nationally recognized real estate program. The designation is considered the nation’s number one real estate designation.


Newcastle Knights basketball team. They compete in the BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sport) Northern Division 1A Basketball League. Troy had been playing professional basketball in Germany for the past two seasons in the Oberliga with TuS Breckerfield, and more recently, TV Werne. Troy led the league while with TuS Breckerfield in assists and finished fourth in the league in scoring with an impressive 18.3 points per game. Kimmy Evans was recently hired as a Social Media Coordinator for One Step Retail Solutions. Kimmy became aware of the opportunity via La Salle Alumni Association’s social media presence. Michelle

Tim Hoffman is a specialist in the United States Army and is currently stationed in Vilseck, Germany. Chelsea Henley graduated from Western New England University in 2014 with a degree in Psychology and resides in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Tony France is a banquet chef for The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Marina del Rey. Tyler Varing graduated from UCLA with a BA in Political Science in 2013 and is working as the development coordinator for the UCLA Health Sciences department. Elyse Chui graduated with her BS in Aerospace Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona in 2013 and is working as an installation engineer for Boeing. Gobind Manwani is a product development manager for S&L Home Fashions in Vernon. He

Marisol Dakan ’14

earned his BS in Business Administration from LMU in 2013. Sean Gomez graduated from UCSD with a degree in Chemistry in 2014 and is now working at the university as an administrative assistant in student affairs. Preston Grochmal is a staff accountant with the Development Capital Group in Pacific Palisades. He graduated from UC Riverside in 2013. Florence Kerns is currently living and working in Chile teaching English. Prior to Chile, she lived in India for a year where she studied Hindi. Florence graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in Asian Cultures & Languages. Madeline Hall is a radio talk show producer and news writer for the Anchorage Media Group in Anchorage, Alaska. She has worked in radio since the summer after graduating from La Salle and has had 9 radio shows on 3 different college radio stations from Monterey, CA to Bloomington, IN to Juneau, AK. Madeline is currently working on her Master’s in Anthropology at the University of Alaska at Anchorage where she is studying radio use in rural Alaskan villages and the linguistic and cultural effects of radio on Alaska natives. Ashley Windsor is an assistant kindergarten teacher at the Clairbourn School in San Gabriel. Madeline Herlache graduated from UC Davis with a BA in Communications in 2013. She is an active member of the San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Chapter for her sorority and is still playing softball in a recreational slow-pitch league. Arya Williams is working on her degree in aerospace engineering at Cal Poly Pomona.


FALL 2014


Marie Piette graduated from the University of San Diego with a BS in Electrical Engineering in 2013 and is now working as an enterprise applications software engineer for JPL. Jasmine Jenkins earned her Master of Science in Education-Counseling and Mental Health Services from the University of Pennsylvania and is currently working on her Master of Philosophy in Education for Professional Counseling. Katie Olender graduated from the University of San Francisco with a BA in Psychology, Child & Youth Studies in 2013 and lives in the city. Austin Williams is pursuing a degree in cognitive psychology at UC Irvine and has been a volunteer coach for Pasadena Running Roses, a youth track and field program, the past two years. He is currently coaching private training sessions for middle and long distance runners in the off season to get in shape for next year.


Brian Hill is finishing his senior year at Cal State Northridge where he is studying television production and currently filming his thesis project, a documentary on La Cañada Video. In addition to making this film, Brian was one of 13 students from around the country selected for an internship with Nickelodeon Animation. Being a “Nicktern” this past fall was a life-changing experience for him and he is confident in pursuing a career in producing and writing for animation. Alexis Urbina graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of La Verne in May 2014. She is now enrolled in the MBA program at the University of La Verne.


Kyle Brumm is an applied economics and management major in his junior year at Cornell University. Kyle spent this past summer interning with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Economic Development working with the business team to recruit and retain companies within the Los Angeles area. Katrina Dela Cruz works as a year-round part-time program and policies analyst intern for Southern California Edison under the Distribution Programs and Strategies department. Katrina is a junior at UC Irvine majoring in psychology where she also works as the Director of External Outreach for TEDxUCIrvine. Madison Worley ’12 and Caroline Knop ’14 reconnected when the University of Michigan Volleyball team, which Caroline plays on, traveled to the University of Arkansas, where Madison attends, to play in a tournament.

Engagements Noa Porter ’99 proposed to his girlfriend Anna

de la Cruz while on a recent vacation in Belize. The two are planning a 2015 wedding.

Beverlee Valerio ’14




Adam Compton ’08 proposed to his college sweetheart, Lisa Gillies, in May 2014. Adam and Lisa met while attending Northern Arizona University. Adam graduated with his degree in mechanical engineering and Lisa graduated with her degree in marketing and public relations. Adam worked in Bejing, China from Oct 2014 through April 2015 and said, “I had three goals when I came home. 1, propose to Lisa; 2, get a job; 3, get married! Two down and one to go!” They are both living and working in Phoenix where Adam is working for West Pharmaceuticals as a manufacturing engineer. Their wedding date is set for April 17, 2015 in Mesa, AZ.

Weddings Makenzie Pedrotti ’07 and Teddy Chronopoulos were married on June 14, 2014 in Santa Barbara. Makenzie is the women’s soccer assistant coach at Cal State Dominguez Hills.


fter four years as a member of La Salle’s varsity softball team, Beverlee has a dream fulfilled as she signed to play college softball on the last day of classes in May. Beverlee had an all time batting average of .382 with a total of 64 career runs scored. She says her best memory was winning the first round of CIF her senior year in the wildcard round. “We were down by a few runs in the last innings and the girls rallied together to win it and move onto the next round. We made Lancer softball history by winning that game.” Beverlee was also president and founder of the Athletic Training Club, a member of Phi Alpha Chi as well as the California Scholarship Federation. Beverlee will study biochemistry at Redlands in hopes of becoming a Physician’s Assistant in the sports medicine field. From left to right, Robyn Valerio, Beverlee Valerio, John Valerio, Coach Rich Diaz

Teresa Ring ’03 and Sean ElmslieBritt were engaged on September 8, 2014 on a cruise to the Caribbean at sunset. They plan to get married in May 2015.

at 12:44pm weighing 6lbs., 13oz. Rachelle and her family reside in Los Angeles.

Theodore Sharp ’09 and Jihan (Gigi) Naginis

were married on December 28, 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Tujunga, CA with the reception following at Middle Ranch in Little Tujunga Canyon. Ted graduated from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ on December 14, 2013 with his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He is now a design engineer for John Zinc Hamworthy Combustion in Sacramento. Gigi is attending veterinary school at UC Davis.

Melissa (Bayha) Klose ’99 and her husband John welcomed their new baby girl into the world on May 28, 2014 at 9:55am. Hazel Anne Klose was born weighing 7lbs., 1oz. and was 19.5in. long. Her big brother, Charlie, absolutely adores her. The family is happy and healthy. Danielle (Martinez) Peabody ’00 and her husband Michael welcomed their son, Joseph Michael Peabody, on December 7, 2013. Joseph joins big sister Sophia.

Births & Adoptions

Aimee (Clark) Lambert, Esq. ’00 welcomed Holly Briel Lambert to the world on December 26, 2013. Holly, her big sister Whitney, and Aimee recently relocated to Arcadia in July.

Rachelle (Robinson) Garmon ’96 and her husband Brandon welcomed their first daughter, Kaliyah Janae Garmon, on July 23, 2014

Amanda (Gonzalez) Richardson ’01 and her husband Nehemiah welcomed their blessing, Malia Catherine, on July 15, 2014, weighing 7lbs., 3oz., and 19.5in. long. They are enjoying watching their daughter develop everyday and are anxious for what the future holds for her. Erin (Civitate) Perry ’01 is Malia’s Godmother.

Angela (Torres) Ziskie ’96 Matt welcomed their daughter, Eloise Harper Torres Ziskie, in San Francisco on June 14, 2014 at 7:59am weighing a petite 4lbs., 13oz. Despite being loud and messy, they are filled with gratitude at her arrival.

and her husband

Peter Badzey ’84


eter Badzey ’84 is one of six siblings, all of whom graduated from La Salle. Prior to 1977, he thought his career would be in accounting or music (he played flute in the La Salle band). Then the first of the Star Wars movies came out and he decided that space was his future. Nevertheless, as the son of an English teacher (his mother Dora taught English at La Salle from 1992-1993), his love of the written word remained with him and he continued to write, particularly in science fiction and fantasy, throughout his college years. He even went as far as writing short stories for family members at Christmas time because he was too poor to afford presents. Peter attended Cal Poly Pomona where he earned a degree in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Physics in 1989 and later received a Master’s degree in Systems Engineering from USC in 2007. “It’s funny that my English classes were so easy in college. La Salle did a great job as prep for college,” he recalls. Peter is a Systems Engineer for Northrop Grumman Aerospace, but the writing bug stayed with him and he continued writing on the side through a career working on the C-17 airlifter, the International Space Station, the Delta IV Launch Vehicle and the James Webb Space Telescope.

Jessica (Charles) Coffin ’01 and her husband Drew celebrated the arrival of their beautiful baby boy, Wesley David Coffin, on March 26, 2014 in Newport, RI. He weighed 7lbs., 5oz. and was 20in. long. AnnMarie (Mendez) Mecca ’01 and her husband Jeff welcomed their daughter Eleanor on August 17, 2014. She joins big sister Abby (9). AnnMarie and her family reside in El Segundo. Jennifer (Sharp) Vegors ’05 and her husband,

Will, who were married on June 23, 2012, welcomed their first child, Ashlee Belle, on July 17, 2014 at the very reasonable hour of 1:15pm weighing 6lbs., 10oz. and measuring 19in. long. Will has two children, Gabe (8) and Kloie (10), who were anxiously awaiting Ashlee’s arrival and were very excited to take their new little sister home.

AUTHOR AND ENGINEER His current novels, the Grey Riders series, are loosely based on a series of adventures of his friends in his early career when they played Dungeons and Dragons. Though he also writes science fiction, his primary focus is epic fantasy or high fantasy. His short stories have been published in Dragonlaugh, an online fantasy humor magazine. Whitehorse Peak, the first of the Grey Riders novels, debuted in the top third of books on Amazon upon publication. The sequel, entitled Eye of Truth, is soon to be available at Amazon, Createspace and Barnes and Noble. Peter came back to La Salle on November 6th to speak with students in the Creative Writing class about his experience as a writer and publisher. FALL 2014


Chill Out with Ice Bucket Challenge By Riley Worley ’14, Student Life President


he 2014-2015 school year began amid the summer heat and the social media phenomenon, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The Ice Bucket Challenge was created to raise money and awareness for Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Student Life President, Riley Worley, and her team challenged both Br. Christopher and Dr. Gray to participate in this challenge in front of the whole student body. On September 4th, the amphitheater was packed with students and faculty eager to see ice-cold water dumped onto the School’s administrators. Br. Christopher and



Dr. Gray were very good sports and allowed multiple buckets of ice water to be dumped on them. As reported by ESPN, the inspiration behind the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge came from Pete Frates, 29, former Boston College baseball star, who suffers from ALS. He challenged family and friends to raise money with the now famous bucket of ice water. “As a jock and locker-room guy, Pete lived by the code, ’Go big or go home,’” said his father, John Frates. “But when the videos started jumping out of the immediate

circle of family and friends, to pro athletes like the Bruins, Patriots and his high-profile BC classmates -- Matt Ryan of the Atlanta Falcons and Brian Boyle of the Tampa Bay Lightning -- it started to get crazy. The sheer power of association and calling out three or more to accept the challenge, it was the perfect formula to go viral.” As of September 1st, the International Business Times reported that more than $100 Million has been raised and more is still coming in including the hundreds of dollars collected in the first few weeks from the La Salle community.

Naming Opportunities FACILITY



Dining Hall $1,000,000 Amphitheater $500,000 Gymnasium Reserved Dr. Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Athletic Offices Reserved The James R. Alden Family Administration Hall $250,000 Library Reserved The Blakeslee Family Science Hall Reserved Ahmanson Foundation Atrium Plaza $100,000 Theatre Reserved In memory of Linda M. Grinstead Chapel Reserved In loving memory of Sara Stewart By Tom and Jeri Beck & Family Band Room


Computer Center I Computer Center II

Reserved Reserved

Norris Foundation Norris Foundation

Art Studios Reserved Hannon Art Studios In memory of Jeffry Beyer by Catherine Babcock, Marly Beyer ’03 and James Beyer ’06 Weight Room


Student Life Center


Library Conference Room Reserved Dedicated In Honor of Brother Celestine Cormier, FSC Founding Principal of La Salle High School By Orriette and Robert R. Quandt Jr. ’64 Science Laboratories Chemistry Laboratory Reserved Francis Bacon Foundation Biology Laboratory I Reserved Francis Bacon Foundation Biology Laboratory II Reserved Pending Physics Laboratory Reserved Pending President’s Office


In honor of the J. Blackstock Family

Principal’s Office Reserved In honor of Patrick Bonacci, AFSC By Russell and Louise Osterman Vice President for Mission’s Office


Principal’s Conference Room $50,000 Associate Principal’s Suite $50,000 Associate Principal’s Office (2) $25,000 each Director of Academic Advising Reserved Given in appreciation of Donald DesHarnais By Scott Twomey and Karen Skinner-Twomey Admissions Center Reserved Given in appreciation of Patrick Henry - Director of Admissions By The Walt, Julie and Andrew (’04) Williams Family Counseling Center Reserved The Twomey Family Institutional Advancement Suite $50,000 Faculty Center Reserved Annie Johnston Memorial Faculty Center Dean of Students Office (2) $25,000 each Media Center Reserved Frank Griffith ’62 Dance Studio Reserved Don and Georgette Mareina Lancer Television Studio Reserved The Twomey Family Classrooms $25,000 each Classroom 301 In Memory of Harold and Eleanor Kreeble By Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 SmartBoards Reserved Named gifts are permanently attached to the facility as well as listed as members of the Saint Benilde Society.

La Salle High School

3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107-1996 www.lasallehs.org Address Service Requested

Transforming Lives Since 1680


(1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970) ARE ONCE AGAIN INVITED BACK TO LA SALLE FOR A REUNION NOT TO BE MISSED!

JUNE 13, 2015 | 6:00PM | LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL For those of you who attended the first decade of the ’60s Reunion back in 2010, you know what a great time was had by all. And now is your chance to have even more fun when the entire Decade of the ’60s is once again invited back to campus for an unforgettable evening. You will get to see pals from your own class as well as friends you had in the classes above and below you. Your favorite faculty members from the Decade of the ’60s will also be in attendance. The evening will include a cocktail reception, dinner, entertainment, campus tours, reunion gifts, a class picture and much, much more! So blow the dust off that old yearbook and pull your letterman sweater out of the closet because the big reunion will be here before you know it! For more information or to get involved as a Reunion Rep contact Kristen Schultz ’98 626.696.4362 or kschultz@lasallehs.org More event information and hotel room blocks can be found online at


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