March 2013 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

As you are all aware since my arrival on campus last summer I have been on a most enjoyable and productive learning curve of the people and programs at La Salle. The expertise of the teaching faculty and administrators of the school is what makes this learning community such a special place. As I have been maturing in my understanding about “The La Salle Difference” I have also been able to compare it to my previous experiences in the different educational settings I have experienced over the course of my professional life. A constant and recurring question I have been asking myself and others since I arrived in Pasadena is, “Can we do it better?” The answer to that question will always be a resounding YES! since we are continually in a state of change and growth. The only time we stop growing is when they are lowering us into the ground! In January of last year, when Dr. Gray invited me to become Principal of La Salle, he shared with me the need for the new Principal

to carefully and thoroughly re-examine certain aspects of our curriculum. This activity needs to occur if we are going to remain an educational school-of-choice and a leader in the San Gabriel Valley. I have come to understand that this process would be challenging but rewarding. Additionally, he informed me that the Board of Trustee’s had brought to his attention a need to also evaluate the current administrative structure, responsibilities and personnel. In my first few months on the job, I reviewed the school budget and offered my assistance to do what I could to control our finances. As we all should know, the majority of our school expenditures are in the category of salaries and benefits for our school employees. With the above being background information, I wish to share with you some of the changes that will occur for next school year. A mere five years ago, Mr. Bonacci, then Principal, asked Mr. Frank Laurenzello to join the school administration to fulfill the role of Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction. Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “The more faithfully you adhere to God when you have the occasion to suffer, the more God will pour his graces and blessings on you in the exercise of your ministry.”

Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Meditations for Sundays 155.3



MARCH 2013

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

Mr. Laurenzello brought with him many years of successful school leadership having served as a teacher, mid-level administrator and principal for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Mr. Bonacci was correct in hiring Mr. Laurenzello because of our needs at the time and the direction in which we are moving. He knows how to effectively run a school and has done a commendable job in guiding our academic program. While Mr. Laurenzello has responded appropriately to our academic needs I believe it is time for me, as Principal, to immerse myself more in our curriculum and academic program. Consequently, I will be eliminating the position of Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction and reallocating some of Mr. Laurenzello’s responsibilities to other school administrators. This has been a most difficult decision to make because of Mr. Laurenzello’s long-held commitment to Catholic education and his fully embracing the Lasallian tradition. It is my hope that he will remain connected to La Salle in a capacity that will serve both our school community and him.



In 2006, both Mr. Louis Johnston and Dr. Joanie Ruggles were appointed as Deans of Students for La Salle. Together they have professionally partnered in securing the “Good Order” of the school. The nature of the job is often thankless for the individuals who carry out its responsibilities because they have the daily task of holding students accountable for his/her poor choices. Not only are they present during the full school day (with each also teaching a class) but they can often be found at numerous events and activities in the afternoon and evening hours. Their hard work and commitment to the students of this school is most noteworthy. It is in part because of their success and the good work they have accomplished that I believe, we can now return to a single Dean of Students. I no longer believe that we need two full-time deans. We are

a better school because of their work and I thank them for their commitment to the students. When one begins their employment at La Salle, it is never easy to predict how long one will remain or what twists-and-turns may happen along the way. When Mr. Patrick Henry began at La Salle in 1986 he did so because he wanted to work directly with students in the classroom. When asked in 1998 to be our Admissions Director he responded by saying yes and for the past 15 years, he has served our school in this capacity. The primary responsibility for Mr. Henry was to enroll students who were Mission appropriate and would attain success at La Salle and then matriculate to higher education. His enrollment recommendations and decisions as Admissions Director have served this school exceedingly well. For the past few years, Mr. Henry has made it known that he longed to return full time to his first love – teaching. In my meetings with him during this year, he told me that he was hopeful that his time as an Admissions Director was coming to an end. Mr. Henry has done the job he was asked to fulfill and he is once again getting his wish as he will return to the status of a full time teacher this fall at La Salle. His work on our behalf is commendable and I thank him for all of the young men and women he has helped bring to our student body over the past decade. Well done Mr. Henry! When the opportunity presents itself, I hope you will thank the above individuals for the many ways in which they have improved our school community and wish them good luck in the challenges that await them.

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal


MARCH 2013

From the Parent Association

Live the Spirit of Lent Who among us does not appreciate a good holiday season? Christmas comes easily to mind. The sounds of the carols, the sights of the decorations, the aroma of the feast. Easter’s sights and sounds and smells were particularly appealing to me – spring pastels, children enthusiastically announcing another found egg, fragrant Easter lilies. Especially so as it offered such a relief from that oh so somber season… the one we are celebrating right now – Lent! Funny thing is that as my family grows older – far from missing exuberant Christmases or Easters past, I find myself appreciating Lent more and more. For me it is become much more than stripped alters or silent processions. It becomes an opportunity to give more of myself to the things I hold dear. We will always encounter things we just have to do for our family. But I have found that during Lent, both the routine chores as well as the urgent to-dos, take on a special meaning: have to clear the dishes? – an opportunity to give thanks for a dinner with the family. Have to detour to pick-up the kid from Track? –an opportunity to give thanks for our son’s health. As the blessed author of our holy religion retreated into the wilderness in preparation for His ministry, so I feel compelled to redouble my efforts to serve and love one another. I hope you will join me this Lent, in renewing our efforts to serve, and that you will make time on your calendar to serve at La Salle. One way is to support one of our four

parent Booster groups at La Salle: Arts, Academics, Athletics, and Student Life. Each of these groups needs our help in order to better serve our students, and I promise the time you put into a Booster group will be returned to you tenfold in the feeling of camaraderie and accomplishment. All four Booster groups meet at 6:30pm the second Tuesday of the month, followed by the general Parent Association meeting at NEXT 7:45pm where light refreshments Parent Association are served. Meeting: Tuesday, For our March general March 12, 7:45pm Parent Association meeting, we Blakeslee Library will be featuring La Salle’s Vice President for Mission, Mr. Pat Bonacci. As we begin to enter the home stretch of his first year in this new role, Mr. Bonacci will provide his views on the interrelationship between La Salle and Mission as well as the direction La Salle is taking toward Mission overall. Given the reach and influence of Mission throughout La Salle life, this meeting promises to be of interest to every parent. We hope to see all of you there! With incalculable gratitude for the entire La Salle Community, Kathi and I wish the best to all.

Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, ’14 Parent Association President

Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up.



MARCH 2013

La Salle Matters Our Seniors are wandering through that “no man’s land” which separates their application to college from the eagerly anticipated “thick” envelope offering admission or dreaded “thin” envelope denying same (increasingly it’s an email). Rallies, athletic contests, retreats and Churro sales in the Dining Hall keep them from obsessing about what Fate will bring to their mailbox; but it is fair to say that the wait can feel excruciatingly long. The burden of “getting into the right college” has been a central element of the adolescent experience since the time the first SAT was administered to high school juniors. And, as selectivity, based upon SAT performance, narrows the pool of potentially “right colleges,” high school seniors are hedging their bets by applying to more and more schools. Ironically, the lingering effects of the “Great Recession” have not impacted the total number of college applications being submitted. The National Association of College Admission Counseling reports “a record increase in applications submitted per-student” - meaning that the fear of not getting into the “right college” fuels a scatter-shot approach to the college admission process in which more applications is seen as better than less applications. NACAC reports that 25% of all enrolled freshmen applied to seven or more schools in 2010.


The law of “unintended consequences” applies here as colleges must offer more students admission in order to compensate for their declining yield rates - caused by the explosion in the number of applications per-student. NACAC reports the yield (students who accept the offer of admission) for the 266 national universities (schools that offer a full range of undergraduate majors, as well as master’s and doctoral degrees, and tend to emphasize research) was an average of 36%. At the 233 national fouryear liberal arts colleges (primarily undergraduate education) the yield was even lower - 30%.1­ While the yield rates at Harvard and Stanford (76% and 70%, respectively) reinforce the general perception that elite colleges are out of reach for the average high school senior, a comparison of yield rates for a wide variety of colleges and universities would generate a fair degree of surprise to the casual observer. Claremont McKenna College, for example, at a 49% yield rate, beats the much larger (and presumably more prestigious) UC Berkeley at 38% and UCLA at 37%. Universities and colleges that rank below the average yield of 36% and 30%, respectively offer more surprises for the casual observer. Azusa Pacific University, for example, has a yield rate of 29% while the more nationally known and prominent Boston College yields a mere 23% of admission offers. (At the high school level, by way of contrast, La Salle continues to enroll students in the last three entry points at a yield rate between 40% and 60%; however this is down from a yield rate of 66 % prior to the onset of the “Great Recession.”) The point of this comparison is to remind seniors and their parents that there are a series of “right” colleges out there for every college bound student - if the universe of options is seen broadly and in light of the individual needs of each high school Senior. Yield rates, along with profiles of applied and admitted students, enable parents and students to assess their chances of being admitted to a wide variety of prestigious and regional universities and colleges. This leads me to ponder a recent op-ed piece by New York Times columnist Frank Bruni; who recently expressed concern that his niece - like most college-bound students - “gets too distracted by rankings, ratings, (and) brands” For Bruni (and I must agree), his niece’s understanding of college has



1 cf for the full report


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unfortunately become the arbiter of life’s chances after college; when the traditional mission of higher education has always been to expand opportunities to explore after college. And yet, the 2010 Census reports that only 30% of the workforce possess a college degree (up from 26% in 2000); college graduates, regardless of major and/or “brand,” continue to enjoy an employment advantage over their peers who stopped their formal education at the end of high school. So why not explore the possibilities colleges have to offer, rather than becoming boxed into one “brand,” major or career track? Here’s Bruni’s advice to his niece:

… treat your undergraduate education as a rare license, before you’re confined by the burdens of full-fledged adulthood and before the costs of experimentation rise, to be tugged outside your comfort zone. The good news about the relatively low yield rates of a broad spectrum of colleges and universities is that a knowledgeable Senior can target a school in which his/her profile matches their published profile of the average applicant with a reasonable assurance that an offer of admission will be forthcoming. So, why not approach the college selection process with a willingness to move out of an adolescent comfort zone? Bruni puts it this way;

… I can think of no better talents to pick up in college than fearlessness, nimbleness and the ability to roll with change, adapt to newness and improvise. Needless to say, for Southern Californians, this might mean a willingness to experience snow (and not the skiing kind) or a rural area or a skyscraper city or the humidity of the South (and not the Texas kind). Bruni hopes that high school students “ask themselves not which school is the surest route to riches but which will give them the richest experiences to draw from, which will broaden their frames of reference.” The good news for those of us who share Bruni’s view of higher education is that regardless of what college or university our Seniors enter next fall, they will be stretched by the experience and begin to acquire the ability to roll with change and to adapt to newness and to improvise. And, as they settle into their new college, they will look over their shoulder and wonder what all the fuss was about last March.

Richard Gray, Ph.D

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2013

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:

Transforming Lives Since 1680




MARCH 2013

CirQue De La Salle

Crystal Ball 2013

Cirque De La Salle - Rêvez Grand CRYSTAL BALL APRIL 12

You’ll enjoy a magical evening including cocktails, dinner, dancing, as well as live and silent auctions, a prize-filled opportunity drawing, and a special award presentation honoring Cristi and Steve Seidner P’09, ’12, selected as the recipients of the 2013 Lasallian Volunteer Award. Thank you to those who have already generously donated to the Crystal Ball. We still need your help and there are many ways you can participate. For additional information regarding the Crystal Ball, please visit the La Salle website and click on the Crystal Ball link on the “PARENTS” page or feel free to contact Irene Santucci at or 626.696.4312. All proceeds from this event benefit the La Salle High School Academic, Visual & Performing Arts, Athletic, and Tuition Assistance programs.



MARCH 2013

The Crystal Ball Committee is excited to announce the return of our

Opportunity Drawing Every ticket you purchase gives you a chance to win one of the prizes below:

iPad Family 4-pack of Disney Park Hopper Passes Maui Getaway for Two

Your Pleasant Holidays Vacation for two to Maui includes eight days / seven nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort with round trip airfare and $500 credit to selected resort restaurants


Made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation Winner need not be present.

Visit the La Salle website and click on the Opportunity Drawing link on the home page in the “NEWS” section to purchase your tickets online today!

Watch Your Mailbox! Your invitation to La Salle High School’s

14th Annual Crystal Ball on April 12, 2013 at the Langham Huntington, Pasadena is arriving soon.



MARCH 2013

Gifts From The Heart

Hillary and Obed Sanchez P'14.

President, Richard Gray, with hosts Hope and Dino Clarizio '75, P'06.



Jenna Clarizio with Philip Clark.

Hope and Dino Clarizio '75 hosted a special event celebrating “Gifts From the Heart” on Sunday, February 10, 2013. Guests enjoyed wine tasting by Tony Exposito '75 , whose family has been making wine in northern Spain for 300 years. Sheri King, of The Spot, catered the event. A pianist and opera singer performed in the family’s great room and thoroughly entertained all the guests. Donations given at the “Gifts From the Heart” social benefit the San Miguel Scholarship Fund. By supporting the San Miguel Scholarship Program, La Salle can ensure that deserving families and their students receive the financial Dorothy and Lewis Webb, Jr. support necessary to attend our school.


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Tamara Flowers, Roque Valiente '11 and Serena Williams, P'04, '06.

Mike and Lisa Bononi P'15.

Chef Anton, magician and John DeMarco P'12.

Most enjoyable entertainment.

Pamela Jacques P'13, Nick Urbina '09 and Lisa Urbina P'09, '10, '16. Adam and Karen Sisson P'16 with Dr. Gray.



MARCH 2013

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Senior News College acceptances are continuing to come in. Seniors have been offered admission to many colleges throughout California and the United States. Remember to add your admissions decisions on Naviance. We need to know all the news, both good and not so good, in order to get a complete picture.


Junior News Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou are now meeting with juniors and talking to them about college options. Some Junior College Planning Surveys are still outstanding. If your student has not submitted his/her survey, please remind them to do so as soon as possible. We promise to meet with every junior who submits the survey by the end of May. We are also glad to meet with parents after your student has met with his/her College Counselor. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment.

Sophomore News We are planning to reintroduce Career Day later this semester. To ensure its success, we will start with just the sophomore class. The current plan is to bring in seven to nine speakers each day during Mentor Period on May 7, 8 and 9. We are actively looking for strong presenters. Please contact Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any suggestions for topics or speakers.

All Students

Standardized Testing News We would like to thank all juniors who took the ACT at La Salle in February. We expect their results to arrive via mail around early to midMarch. We hope that all juniors have already registered for a spring SAT and/or another ACT. If not, they should register in the very near future. PAGE 10

Registration information and forms are available in the College Center. The next SAT test dates are May 4 and June 1; the ACT test dates are April 13 and June 8. If your student wants to apply to a University of California campus, he/she is encouraged to take two SAT Subject Tests from different disciplines. The best time to take SAT Subject Tests is in June after the student has completed the course. There is time to re-test for SAT, SAT Subject Tests, and ACT during the senior year, and all colleges will take the highest scores. In addition to the UCs, some colleges* require (or highly recommend) applicants to submit two or three SAT Subject Tests. The College Center advises freshmen to consider taking the Biology test and sophomores, the Chemistry and/or World History test on June 1 if they are receiving a B+ or higher in the course. Students should talk with their teacher about the material covered in the test or consider taking a practice Subject Test exam (see details below). Please contact Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions. *A list of colleges that require/recommend Subject Tests can be found at subjects.aspx.

Mock SAT Subject Tests The La Salle Academic Boosters will be offering practice SAT Subject Tests on April 27. This is a good opportunity for students to become more familiar with these standardized tests and to see whether they are ready for the real thing in June. Mock SAT Subject Test(s) – Saturday, April 27 at 9:00am, Room 301 The price for the mock SAT Subject Tests is $10 per test or $25 for three subject tests. The fee includes a follow-up workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any test-related questions on Wednesday, May 1 at 6pm. It will be held in Blakeslee Library. To register, submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.

ParentNewsletter Visit colleges over Easter vacation Plan a college tour locally or out-of-state with your son or daughter over the Easter break (3/28-4/7). Touring a college this time of year will allow your student to experience a true college setting with college students attending classes and club activity in the campus center. Seeing a college campus first-hand will help your son or daughter find the right college campus for them.

College Forum SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, April 10 Our largest college-planning event of the year will take place on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:00pm. We are planning over 15 different presentations for 9th, 10th and 11th grade students and parents. Look for a copy of the program in next month’s newsletter. Your student will also receive a program in their Mentor period. Please contact either Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions.

Advanced Placement Advanced Placement (AP) exams (5/6-5/17) All students currently scheduled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam. Each exam is $89 and the total will be billed to the

MARCH 2013

student’s La Salle High School account and reflected on the April Statement. The fee(s) will be processed according to your current payment plan selected (ACH, Credit Card or Check). The AP exams will be administered on the following dates (all dates are printed in the school calendar): Monday, May 6 - Chemistry Tuesday, May 7 - Spanish Language Wednesday,May 8 - Calculus AB & BC Thursday, May 9 - English Literature, Studio Art Friday, May 10 - English Language Monday, May 13 - Biology, Physics C Tuesday, May 14 - Government & Politics: U.S. Wednesday, May 15 - US History, European History Thursday, May 16 - Macro/Micro Economics Friday, May 17 - Spanish Literature


Students who are not currently scheduled in an AP course but who are interested in taking an AP exam should pick up a registration form from Ms. Baldonado. The fee for each AP exam is $89. Forms must be returned to Ms. Baldonado by Friday, March 8. For additional information, please contact Ms. Baldonado, AP Coordinator, at 626.696.4311.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy Ash Wednesday was the first day of Lent occurring 46 days before Easter. The day derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a reminder and celebration of human mortality, and as a sign of mourning and repentance to God. The ashes used are typically gathered from the burning of the palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday. Faculty minister, Monique Gougeon, Father, Bruno D'Sousa, and Brother Christopher Brady, FSC perform the liturgical imposition of ashes during the Ash Wednesday Mass on February 13, 2013. PAGE 11


MARCH 2013

Academic Awards Ceremony The first semester Academic Awards Ceremony took place in the morning of February 14 in the Dining Hall. "This is truly a day to celebrate the great work of our students who have put their all into their academics. The administration and faculty of La Salle High School applaud these high achievements. Their hard work and extra effort has certainly paid off," said Frank Laurenzello, Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction.

NEARLY 350 Students were honored


The Academic Achievement Award

Four awards were presented during the ceremony by Principal Brother Christopoher Brady, FSC and President Richard Gray, PhD. Two additional awards were presented in the classrooms.

This award indicates that the recipient has raised his or her GPA by .5 over the last semester. This is always the smallest group of students, since this is the hardest fete to accomplish. This award was given to 40 students and is the largest group of students to receive this award in the last four yrears.

Gold Certificates The Gold Certificate honors students who have maintained a 4.0 grade point average or higher for the last semester. 137 students received this award.

California Scholarship Federation Inclusion in CSF is based on a 10 point qualifier of positive grade reviews. 80 students were inducted into the federation.

National Honor Society 54 new members were selected. to this presitgious society.


First Honors Award Administrators delivered First Honors certificates to the students who have achieved a GPA of 3.7 to 3.9. 126 students received their awards and recognitions in their classrooms.

Honors Award The Honors Award is given to students who have achieved a 3.2 to 3.6 GPA (Inclusive). 162 students received their awards and recognitions in their classrooms.


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Kelley Williams '05 Performs "Lovin' Chocolate" On February 20th, Student Life sponsored a performance of "Lovin’ Chocolate" by Kelley Williams, a graduate of the class of 2005. While at La Salle; she was a cheerleader for four years; a senior senator; dancer; acted in two plays; “Candide” and “Kaleidoscope;” served on class councils and was elected Student Life President. Kelley grew up in Altadena with her heart set on the arts before she could even talk. She graduated from Pitzer College with a Bachelor of Arts in International and Intercultural Studies with an emphasis in World Religions. Though theatre was not her major in college she was in several student plays. It was after she began writing “Lovin’ Chocolate” for her Senior Thesis that she decided to pursue Theater. She was accepted to East 15 Acting School in London where she received her Masters in Theater and performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Though Kelley has a deep affinity for speech, theatre and poetry she is very passionate about human rights and cross-cultural experiences. For Kelley, Theatre is a vehicle that unveils the hidden, embraces and loves the unloved and makes the silenced heard. Theatre is a tool that evokes emotion that leans into the movement of activism. "'Lovin’ Chocolate' is my struggle for my liberation, the liberation of an essential aspect of myself,” she says. Some of the poems in the play I wrote because I needed to get what was plaguing me off my chest and when I had no words to express my emotion, I moved my body. I suppose in many ways, I thought I had overcome those obstacles and I didn’t want to revisit the words and experiences that plagued me for years. That’s the irony of it all really because the fact that I couldn’t revisit meant I hadn’t overcome those pains. You see, “Lovin’ Chocolate” isn’t a means to an end but a beginning. Even though she was nervous, Kelley said she truly loved performing again at La Salle and seeing many of her former teachers. “I had such a good time when I was here and a I had a great time again today,” she said as she smiled.




MARCH 2013

From the Athletic Boosters

Lancers Spring into Action Our spring season is upon us and our athletes have been preparing these past several weeks for the new sports season. We have high expectations for these athletes to help finish off a very successful year. Check the athletics website for events, schedules, times and dates. Our winter sports season was exciting, with four teams making the CIF playoffs. In addition, 14 of our athletes were selected All League. This success is a tribute to the hard working athletes and the coaches who mentor them. Congratulations to all.


Another exciting day in early February was national signing day. For those who do not know what this is, it is when student-athletes officially sign acceptance letters to universities and colleges around the country for athletic scholarships. La Salle had four athletes sign with D1 schools. Daniel De La Torre: UCLA (Track/Cross Country) Stephanie Ferri: Fordham University (Softball) Cassidy Rey: University of Denver (Soccer) Alex Astorga: Jackson State University (Soccer) Around this time of year, I start to get sentimental and think of the seniors who are ending their educational/athletic journey at La Salle and how I will miss them. So, if you are able to get to a sporting event to see our seniors compete, please do so. It will be worth the effort. For other athletes who have signed or committed to play sports in college, please email me at and we will post your information in the next ParentNewsletter. Your achievements deserve to be recognized.

I have included a large section from last month's ParentNewsletter regarding banners and participation. Sadly, we have had very few responses. Too often I see the same group of parents stepping up to help coaches, athletes, teams and the board. I know and understand everyone is busy and may not be able to help in person, but the following is a way to make a huge impact on La Salle Athletics. Our Lancer Banner program can do so much for our kids. The Board this year has spent in excess of $50,000 supporting all the teams at La Salle. Some people may think football gets the lion's share of funding, but this is not accurate. The Athletic Boosters derive most of its funds from the football season, but returns less than 3% to the football program. What this means is 97% of our funds go to the other teams or to the athletic facilities. La Salle Athletics needs your help to bridge the gap between our team's budgets and the additional needs that come up during the year. We ask our parents to print out a Lancer Banner request sheet and take it to their employer and ask “is this is something you can support?� Half of our students are involved in one sport or another, so your ability to promote this would do so much good for our children as they pursue athletics at La Salle.

For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 14

ParentNewsletter The Board, to sweeten the pot, will also include a half page ad in our football program for all companies or individuals who purchase a company banner to support the Lancers. I encourage all our parents to get involved and maybe share a banner with another parent and have your child’s name up on the field all year long. On our Athletics website we have Lancer Banner sponsorships. The cost is $1,000 each. The banners are hung on the fence on Kohorst Field for the entire year. And remember, companies also receive a bonus ad placement in all our programs for the year. Our goal is to sell 30 of these for the 2013 fall season. Try to pursuade a local business to sponsor a banner or maybe two companies can split a banner. Parents can get together to do a banner for their students. Be creative. The Athletic Boosters are also looking for volunteers to take on various projects. The Board completes a great number of projects each year, putting in many long hours. We need more in the sports community at La Salle to get involved. If you want the Lancers to be able to compete on the exceptional level, then we need your help. We need your ideas and we need your support. I hope to hear from our La Salle parents, who will step up to make a difference so we can maintain the level of success we are now experiencing.

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Annual Grandparents Day MARCH 27, 2013 La Salle will host the Annual Grandparents Day. RSVP online at: Seating is limited. No walk-ins accepted


For parents interested in volunteering please sign up on La Salle's Parent Volunteer web page.

You can find out more about Lancer Banners as well as schedules and results on our sports website @ Feel free to contact me at if you can volunteer to manage a project, or if you just wish to get more involved. I hope to see you the second Tuesday of each month, in the Band Room, at 6:30pm for our Athletic Boosters meeting. So until then, be safe and “Go Lancers!”

God Bless, John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President



MARCH 2013

Sophomre Starts Portraits of Courage and is Selected a KABC Cool Kid THE HEALING POWER OF ART

KABCs Danny Romero with Taylor Brennan.

Taylor Brennan, a La Salle sophomore, has launched a new school club to help military families through the healing powers of art. More than 15 talented art students have joined Portraits of Courage club. “Portraits of Courage is designed to give talented art students an opportunity to get together with other likeminded artists and give back to our courageous men and women in the armed services who protect our freedom and our lives every day," said Taylor. The club members are currently creating portraits of military service members and they will give these works of art to the military families as the students' way of thanking the soldiers and their families for their service. In recognition of Taylor’s commitment and perseverance, he has been selected as a KABC Cool Kid. He was filmed and interviewed for the segment by KABC reporter, Danny Romero. The Cool Kid segment aired on KABC, channel 7 on Thursday, February 28 during the 4:00pm edition of EYEWITNESS NEWS. PAGE 16

Art instructor Joanne Lamb serves as the staff moderator of the club, which meets afterschool, when the students will paint or draw the portraits. They intend to complete at least 15 portraits by the end of the school year, which means they can be presented in time for Memorial Day. The club is currently reaching out to the greater Pasadena community to connect with military families who would like to receive a portrait of their loved one serving in the armed forces, as well as of those who have fallen or returned home injured or disabled. Brennan, 16, is also the president of the school’s Support Our Troops club, which he started last year to provide holiday cards and letters to members of the service, as well as “Boxes of Love” for members of the armed services and needy military families. The Portraits of Courage club is an extension of the Support Our Troops club, he said. “I’m an artist, and my friends in art want to use our talent to help the families who have gone through loss,” he said. “I don’t think the needs of these people are being fulfilled. We want to help those families who are coping with the

Jodie Kaya


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Military families interested in having a portrait done by the students in the Portraits of Courage club can mail their 5x7 or larger photos to Portraits of Courage Club, Attention: Mrs. J. Lamb, La Salle High School, 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91107. Local organizations that work with military families are also encouraged to contact Mrs. Lamb, if they have families who would like to participate.

loss of a loved one or those who have been badly injured and whose lives have been changed.� Mrs. Lamb explained that these students are highly gifted artists who are serious about their art and about giving back to the community. Families who are interested should be willing to submit two to four photographs of the subject of the portrait. The photographs can be in

Left, Brennan with KABCs Romero and a sample of his portrait art. Center left, club moderator Joanne Lamb. Below, Aubin Schuler and John Stover in background. Bottom, Olivia Pope.

a military setting, or of the individual in uniform, or they can be of the soldier in a casual setting. The club requests that the photos be at least 5x7 or larger so they can see the details of the face. Portraits will be done as paintings or drawings in pencil, charcoal or colored pencil depending on the artists’ preference and skill. PAGE 17


MARCH 2013

Sean Zumel Earns Eagle Scout Rank Sean Zumel '13, has earned the Eagle Scout rank, the highest honor achievable in scouting. Sean began his scouting career with Cub Scout Pack 491, as a Bobcat in second grade, at St. Dorothy School, Glendora. “Apart


from all the fun, I learned at a young age values such as respect, trustworthiness and teamwork. By living the scout law, I learned the importance of leadership, physical fitness, practical skills, citizenship, and community service,” he said. Sean crossed over to Boy Scouts while in fifth grade. He rose through the ranks in Boy Scouts and held a number of PAGE 18

leadership positions including Troop Leader, Assistant Troop Leader, and Troop Scribe until it was time for him to do the required Eagle Leadership Service Project. Sean’s Eagle Leadership Service Project entailed the building of a mortared stone retaining wall that holds the Carlyle E. Linder Equestrian Park’s unpaved parking lot by Glendora Mountain Road. This equestrian facility is used by the Glendora Community for recreational purposes, horse shows, and community education. The goal of his leadership service project is to prevent further erosion of the unpaved parking lot through the extension of the wall. This wall will act as a safety barrier for the people of the community especially horse riders, vehicles / trailers, and horses. Planning for the project is the ultimate test of a scout’s leadership skills. Sean had to draft a project plan approved by the organization that will benefit from the effort, the Scoutmaster, and the Boy Scout Council. He had to ensure enough volunteers will help carry out the project and be able to lead them by coordinating the different work groups, go through the project details, list materials needed, and determine resources for funding the project. He saved the money he earned from recycling cans and bottles, solicited from Home Depot and the City of Glendora to help with the materials required. After the completion of the project, Sean underwent a Board of Review by a panel composed of the

ParentNewsletter Eagle advisor, three Scout leaders, and the District / Council leader. Carrying out his Eagle project did not come without challenges. Conflicting scout events caused Sean to lose half of his volunteer force. Though disappointed, he kept his focus on the project, adjusted the plan and asked volunteers to gather needed materials and stones prior to the project construction date. After 292 hours of hard work and determination, Sean and his volunteers completed the wall project. “While personal success is important, I have always wanted to make an impact in my community and give back. La Salle has instilled in me the importance of service by encouraging students to “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve”. This mission has shaped my outlook in life and what better way to foster this but to get involved with activities outside the boundaries of La Salle. Scouting has given me this opportunity as not only did I learn to be a leader, but I also realized that I want to continue to be of service to people”, he said. As he prepares for college, he thought of getting into the medical field as a great way to combine service to others and his love for the sciences. Last summer, Sean was one of 65 students chosen out of over 500 applicants to attend Camp CHLA, a medical camp in Children’s Hospital in L.A. This experience reaffirmed his aspirations to be in the medical field. “The trail to being an Eagle Scout was not easy. It is just not about completing all the requirements - merit badges, the total number of completed camping hours, and the Eagle Leadership Service project. More importantly, it is a symbol of my triumph over adversities, my community service, and my years of training to be a leader. It is also a summation of years of hard work and dedication,” he said.

La Salle Hosts CharityVolleyball Sponsored by The Negri Foundation and Wells Fargo Bank, the annual San Gabriel Valley Private versus Public High School Volleyball Match, held last December at La Salle High School, was a great showcase for the talents of our local players. Revenging last year's public school sweep, the underclass and senior private school teams repaid the favor this year with close, hard fought victories. The fans were big winners as the quality of play was tremendous, but the biggest winner was the sponsored charity, Danny’s Farm. Danny’s Farm pairs loving farm animals with special needs children while providing employment opportunities for adults with disabilities. Presenting a check from The Negri Foundation and La Salle High School, to Board President, Cathy Gott, third from left, and Officer Manager, Jenny Sukys of Danny’s Farm is Coach Wayne Tang, Monrovia High School Head Volleyball Coach and Associate Athletic Director of La Salle High School, Shari Baugh. Also in the photo is service dog “Ace.” Not photographed is Coach Steve Beerman of Polytechnic High School who provided leadership and planning for this tremendous event. PAGE 19


MARCH 2013



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MARCH 2013

The Academic Boosters Say

“Thank You”

to all who have helped with our events to date, and all who have signed up to help in the coming months.

We still need volunteers!

Please check the calendar for our May, June and July events, then sign up! HERE IS HOW TO SIGN UP FOR HOURS:

Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.”


Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the calendar at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in.

Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.





5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13 7/11/13

Academic Awards Night Senior Uniform Buyback Baccalaureate Mass Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up

5:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA

4 3 4 3 3


Used Uniform Sale

11:00 AM


*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” PAGE 21


MARCH 2013

From the Arts Boosters

A Special Actor, Films, Theatre and More


The Arts Boosters will be hosting a very special guest at our next meeting. Renowned actor, Frank Ferrante will join us. Frank will p[erform on campus in may and we are excited to hear about the event from the man himself. All are invited to join us for this humorous, (but, hopefully no drama) informative and entertaining meeting on Tuesday, March 12th, at 6.30pm in the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. Frank will be presenting his stage show, "An Evening with Groucho" on May 11 as the finale of the Regent’s Campaign for the Arts (RCA). More information is on the La Salle website. Look for more informtion in the next ParentNewsletter. Tickets for "An Evening with Groucho" may be purchased through Brown Paper Tickets. In a break from the usual La Salle Film Festival format, the RCA is hosting a screening of student films on March 3rd at the home of Dennis and Liz Jebbia. The event is part of the ongoing campaign to raise funds for the La Salle Arts programs, including the refurbishment of the Grinstead Theatre, Mareina Dance Studio, band room, and LTV video production studio. Donations may be made by visiting the La Salle website homepage and mousing over the Support LSHS button at top right. The Student Television Network Conference is taking place March 6-10 at the Bonaventure Hotel


in downtown Los Angeles. LTV students will be participating, including a number for whom the Arts Boosters have provided scholarships. The winter theatre production of the courtroom drama “You, the Jury” continues its run at the Portico Theatre on the St James Methodist Church campus, located at 2033 East Washington Boulevard, with performances on Friday, March 8th and Saturday, March 9th, both at 7:00pm. Tickets are $9 for students and $12 for adults, and are available from the La Salle box office at 626.696.4415. April promises to be another busy month for the Arts Boosters, with the Spring Art Show tak-

ing place on April 13th, and 15-19th in the Blakeslee Library. This event will be closely followed by seven performances of the new spring musical, “Guys and Dolls” spread over April 20, 21, 26, 27, and 28th. This ever-popular story of gangsters in midcentury New York was said to be a personal favorite of Sir Laurence Olivier, who for many years wanted to put on a revival of the show in London. Unfortunately, Larry is no longer with us, and thus will not be attending any of the performances, but for


MARCH 2013

The Beauty of the Arts The Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts continues through the spring semester and ends on June 30, 2013. “Gifts through the end of January topped $200,000, reported Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement. "Again we thank our parents, alumni and friends for their continued and generous support of this campaign," Jon said. The campaign is specifically tailored to add to the strengths of each of the School’s six programs in the Arts (Studio Art, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Dance, Theatre, Film and Video Production). Forty-three percent of La Salle students benefit from the School's award-winning Arts programs. The campaign will endow a scholar-

ship in the Arts, and includes the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre, the Mareina Dance Studio, the band room and the LTV video production studio. The Regents Campaign for the Arts culminates with a special on-campus performance of "An Evening with Groucho," performed by our own Frank Ferrante '85. This special event is scheduled for May 11. Gifts to the RCA may be made through the La Salle website, where you will find the Regents Campaign for the Arts on the left side of the homepage; or you can go directly to the giving page at View the Visual and Performing Arts at


Coin Wars Support Lasallian School Coin Wars between the classes in support of Mount La Salle School in Nigeria, Africa continued with the Juniors in the lead with 10,515 points. The Seniors are in second place with 194 points. The Freshman are in third with –1729 points followed by the Sopomores with –4165 points. To date, "Coin Wars" have rasied over $1100 toward the $6000 goal. Student Life Preisdent Garret Stone contributes the first donation to the Senior Class bottle held in support by Brother Christiopher. PAGE 23


MARCH 2013

MARCH 2013

From Guidance and Counseling

What is Your Child Doing Online? By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling


The April Parent Education Series is just a few weeks away. It is scheduled for Tuesday April 23, at 7:00pm, in the Blakeslee Library. The Parent Education Series speaker, Mr. John Sovec, is a psychotherapist who also conducts educational workshops about topics that concern parents of adolescents. Mr. Sovec will speak with you about the compelling and timely topic of the Internet and your student’s relationship to and use of that technology. Mr. Sovec’s workshop is titled, "What’s Your Teen Really Doing Online?" Mr. Sovec describes his presentation as a highly interactive workshop that explores what teenagers do, and how they do it, online. "This is a result of reviewing hundreds of texts and IM’s teens are sending each day and monitoring their constant activity on Facebook and other social media, " he says. Sovec also notes that it is easy for parents to become lost in their teens’ evolving electronic world. The goal of Mr. Sovec’s workshop are to help parents understand the risks of the online world, identify the signs that indicate their adolescent may have an electronic addiction and to educate parents with 10 actions they can take now to make sure that their adolescent stays safe online. This is an important opportunity for all of our La Salle High School parents to gather together as a community and take advantage of the opportunity to participate in a forum where your concerns and questions about your student’s Internet use will be addressed. Mr. Sovec, MA, LMFT is a psychotherapist in private practice in Pasadena, who specializes in working with adolescent anxiety, teen depression, and school performance issues in addition to assisting LGBT teens and their families during the ‘coming out’ process. Please highlight your April calendars for the Parent Education Series on Tuesday evening, April 23, at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. You may visit the Parent Association website to sign up for volunteer hours for this program.

Page 24


MARCH 2013

Saint Mary's and La Salle Make Music Together

La Salle and Saint Mary's College High School band members combined to play music together. Yoltic Sandoval '15 below left, with SMCHS band members.

Matt Ferriera, SMCHS Band Director , Megan Foley La Salle Band Director, and Chris Trinidady, SMCHS Chior Director.

On Friday, February 15, members of the St. Mary’s College High School band and choir joined members of the La Salle Advanced Band, String Ensemble and Choir in a mini-exchange concert. St. Mary’s is one of our Lasallian schools to the north and was in the midst of their Southern California tour, stopping at Cathedral High School and Disneyland. Both choirs performed selections for each other and La Salle senior Judah Lacy sang a beautiful rendition of “Pure Imagination” from the movie Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Her brother, Israel, accompanied her on piano. Members of La Salle’s Advanced Band performed “Invicta” by James Swearingen and then joined St. Mary’s concert band as they performed a John Philip Sousa march. Then the String Ensemble joined with the St. Mar y’s orchestra as they performed part of a Mozart symphony. Ms. Foley states, “It is fun for the students to essentially ‘show off’ for each other by performing pieces they’ve been working on. But really, the best part is for them to meet each other and play music. Music is that thing that can connect people immediately, regardless of where they come from or what language they speak. All of the students played well. I just wish we had had more time to hang out!”




MARCH 2013

Robotics is Ranked 40th in World The La Salle Robotics teams are deep in the middle of their fourth season. La Salle qualified one robot for the world championships to be held at the Anahiem Convention Center in the middle of April. This qualification came as a result of becoming the tournament champion at Chula Vista, earlier this year. In addition, the team is currently ranked in 40th place for programming skills out of thousands of teams around the world. "We are about to wrap up another great year of service, instruction and competition with our junior high students. These students have been involved in a five-week program to receive training from our robotics team members. They will compete in the Third Annual La Salle Robotics Competition on March 8th in room 304 at 3:30pm, said Team Moderator and Mentor, Roy Chang.

Fluorescent Markers Help Lab Instruction Honors Chemistry students decipher stoichiometry problems using fluorescent dry erase markers on lab station tables. Students use this table top learning process to engage in communication, collaboration and critical thinking in order to problem solve, validate work and reinforce learning.



MARCH 2013 Some of the Honorable Mention recipients, from left, Samantha Crawford, Erin Hill, Catherine Buan and Andres Cuervo.

Scholastic Art Award Winners For the third consecutive year, La Salle High School senior Stephanie Delazeri has been named a Gold Key recipient of the Los Angeles County Regional Scholastic Arts and Writing Award. This year, she received two Gold Key regional awards for her Art Portfolio and her comic art work, entitled “What Annoys Me Most.” The 17-year-old student also received a Silver Key for her painting, “Mammon,” and an Honorable Mention for her mixed media piece, “Rules.” As Stephanie knows, winning a regional Gold Key award puts her art work into the running for a national Scholastic Art Award. Last year, she won the national Gold Key Award for her animated film, “Ballmation.” Stephanie is no stranger to winning awards for her animation. Her animated films “The Right to Happiness” and “Everything Makes Sense” also won regional Honorable Mention awards in the 2012 Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards. In 2011, her film “Walking Birds,” received a regional Gold Key award. That film also went on to win an honorable mention for student films at the 2011 Ottawa Animated Film Festival. La Salle seniors Nick Keros and Jonathan Ornelas also received regional Scholastic Art Awards. Nick won a regional Gold Key award for his animated film, “The Carpenter” and an Honorable Mention for his animated film “SHAPE.” Jonathan won a Silver Key for his drawing, “Pigeon and Frog.”

Other La Salle art students awarded Honorable Mentions include Brittany Barrera for her drawing “Roller Coaster Ride” Alexandria Cheng for her architectural drawing “Los Feliz” and her photograph “Gateway”; Catherine Buan for her mixed media “Sandwich;” Andres Cuervo

Gold Key winner Stephanie Delazeri, right with Silver Key winner, Jonathan Ornelas.

for design for his “Looking for a Sign;” Erin Hill for her drawing “Dust Bowl;” Graydon Manzke for his painting “Crimson Smoke;” and Samantha Crawford for her "untitled" piece. The Los Angeles Regional exhibit of the 2013 Scholastic Art Awards winners will be held at Armory for the Arts, 145 N. Raymond, on March 9 through April 7, 2013. PAGE 27


MARCH 2013

MARCH 2013

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News The National Merit® Scholarship Program has now determined which of the 16,000 Semifinalists named in September 2012 have met all requirements to advance to Finalist standing in the competition. Andrew S. Lucas has been named from La Salle as a Finalist. A Certificate of Merit has been awarded Andrew. In addition Cheyanne T. Williams has been named as a Finalist in 2013 The National Achievement® Program. All Finalists will be considered for National Merit and Achievement Scholarships offered in 2013. We also want to congratulate Kevin Chan '13 on having been selected as a semifinalist for the Music Center's Spotlight Award for Classical Piano.

Rotary Leadership District 5300 and the Sierra Madre Rotary Club have selected Burt Cresta, Brandon Busbee, Emma Martinez and Carina Henry as attendees at the Rotary Youth Leadership Conference. In addition, Derek Iwata and Abigail Pearman were selected as alternates. Elizabeth (Libby) Lynch '14 has been chosen to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Conference from the Pasadena Rotary. The RYLA conference is held from Friday, March 1 to Sunday, March 3. RYLA students who attend the conference will be on the SM Rotary program for Tuesday, March 5.


Lancer Baseball: First Pitch of the Season Baseball’s opening day, on February 25, included honoring a gentleman in the La Salle community that has been instrumental in helping with the success of Lancer Baseball. Paul Hill P’10, '13, was asked to throw out the First Pitch of the season’s first game as this year’s honoree. Paul is a great photographer and the creator of the original Lancer Baseball website and continues to operate our website through Lancer Athletics. Paul has also put together three Lancer Baseball pictoral books during his son Brian's career at La Salle. The Lancers defeated the Eagle Rock High School Eagles 8-3 later that afternoon.

St. Baldrick’s Day La Salle High School's Second Annual St. Baldrick’s Day head shaving and Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths event will take place on Thursday, March 21 from 6:00-8:30pm in the Dining Hall. We are looking for students and family members to volunteer to have their head shaved or their hair trimmed. (Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths is eight inches of hair for girls). All those who have their hair cut that night are asked to request donations for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. This organization raises money for childhood cancer research. Everyone is welcome to attend this Page 28


MARCH 2013

fun event. For more information please contact Ms. Michelle Grima or Mr. Ed O’Connor.

Shantytown Shantytown is an event led by the Youth leaders of the San Gabriel Habitat for Humanity (a combination of high school leaders from local schools such as La Salle, Maranatha, Sacred Heart, Mayfield, and more). Shantytown is an event that will be held at La Salle on March 16 and 17 to raise awareness about local and global homelessness and poverty. High school students and youth groups from all over San Gabriel Valley are encouraged to find sponsors to help raise funds during their sleep outside in cardboard shantytowns that they build as a team. Each school or youth group is a team and creates their own cardboard "shantytown." All in an effort to create awareness and to cultivate an understanding of what people all around the city, nation, and globe go through each night. A family that has been transformed and supported by Habitat for Humanity will be at La Salle to share their story with the students. This is La Salle’s third year participating, and second year hosting the event. It is a night that the students and leaders involved will remember for a lifetime.


Lancer Baseball players prepare to depart for Camp Goalz.

Camp Goalz The Lancer Baseball team attended Camp Goalz in Camp Pendelton for the second year in a row. It is hoped that the physical conditioning and bonding that took place over the weekend of February 22 will help the "team" perform this season. Look for a full report form the camp in the next ParentNewsletter.

Princess Tracy Rose Princess Tracy Cresta tell us she is happy to be back in school full-time. "Being a Rose Princess was the great experience of my life so far, but after attending over 150 events since October, I'm happy to be back with my friends. I enjoy my classes and I'm looking forward to a great track season" said the track team capain.

Brother Christopher meets Kelley Williams after her performance. See page 13 for more.

Class of 2013 Senior Class Gift The Class of 2013 is raising money for La Salle’s financial aid program in hopes of making a Lasallian education possible for future Lancers. Gift amounts are $5, $10 and $20.13. Donations at any level are appreciated and help the class reach their goal of 100% participation. Those that give $20.13 or more receive a Class of 2013 Alumni T-Shirt which can be worn in lieu of the uniform polo between now and graduation. Those that participate by May 8 will be recognized in the graduation program. Forms and money are due to Ms. Schultz in the Alumni Office (Room 348) by May 22, 2013.. PAGE 29

a ParentNewsletter

MARCH 2013

MARCH 2013

Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

March Highlights March 3 Sunday RCA / LTV Film Festival 4:00 - 6:00pm Arcadia



March 6 Rally Schedule Spring Sports 1:50pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 9 Saturday Registration for the Class of 2017 9:00am - 12:00pm Dining Hall and Gym March 12 Boosters Board Meetings 6:30pm on Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library March 14 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library

March 20 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day Lenten Prayer Service 9:15am Dining Hall March 21 St. Baldrick's Day Student Life Fundraiser 6:00-8:30pm Dining Hall March 22 Spring Dance 8:00 - 11:00pm Dining Hall March 27 Friday Schedule Dismissal at 2:00pm Grandparents Day 9:00 - 1:00pm Dining Hall Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 28 - April 7 Easter Vacation

March 31 Sunday Easter April 8 Classes Resume Student Life Campaign Week April 12 Crystal Ball 6:00-11:00pm Langham Hotel Pasadena April 19 Junior - Senior Prom 7:30-11:30pm


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