May 2015 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

Yes, I am asking it again, “Where did this school year go?” Now that May has arrived, the end of another academic year is approaching. This “almost” last month of school brings with it a host of events and activities at La Salle. The Visual and Performing Arts Department is preparing for numerous events, we still have regular and

At each of these events, we will be honoring students for their richly deserved achievements. While humility is a fine quality to have, it is also appropriate to celebrate the successes our students experienced both inside and outside the classroom.

Parent Association With the end of the year also comes the changing of the guard with our Parent Association. I want to thank Tony Delgatto for his service this year in the role of Parent Association President. He did a wonderful job facilitating the work of the parents in support of our school programs. As the leader of this key organization, he coordinated a terrific group of parents who assisted the Association by taking on committee and event leadership roles. The scheduling, planning and execution of events by our Parent Association is noteworthy because it is done in service to our students for their betterment. As we say goodbye and thanks to Tony for his service, we are pleased that Marianne Wright will be leading the Association next year.

Advanced Placement Exams playoff athletic contests from which to choose and various end-of-the year Award Celebrations: Academic Awards, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and the Visual & Performing Arts Awards.

Beginning on Monday, May 4 and continuing to May 15, many upper division students will be involved in Advanced Placement exams through the College Board Program. These Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "You must love your students only in order to lead them to God and to fill them with his Holy Spirit.'" Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1703 Meditations for Sundays



MAY 2015

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1


exams are the culminating act for a year of study and preparation with the results determining whether or not the individual student is eligible to receive college credit. Traditionally, our students have done exceedingly well and we expect no less this year. We will continue our practice of allowing students who have taken a morning AP exam to leave for the day after they have completed the exam. Should a student choose to leave for the day after an exam, they are still responsible for the classroom work they miss.

Senior Semester Exams As the AP exams come to an end, we immediately (the afternoon of May 15) launch into our own Senior semester examinations. These tests are part of the evaluation process and do affect their final grade and transcript. We all hope they continue to do their academic best right up until the end.

Baccalaureate and Graduation On May 20, we have a full day of activities including our Baccalaureate Mass. A mere two days later we will be honoring not only the graduating seniors for their work over the past four years, but just as important for me, our Graduation ceremony is a terrific event in honor of our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at La Salle completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. To the parents of our graduating seniors, I say thank you for your evident commitment and


love in the raising of your soon-to-be college bound offspring. .

Underclassmen Final Exams On Friday, May 29 all of our underclassmen will begin their final examinations for the Spring Semester. The process of testing will conclude on June 3. As I indicated in the previous paragraph, these examinations contribute to the final grade of each student – the grade that is entered onto a students’ transcript. The teachers at this school are willing to offer that special help to each student upon request. All the student needs to do is ask!

Our Service Men and Women Toward the end of May is our country’s annual remembrance of those American service men and women who have died in service to our country. It is a wonderful moment to recall the many opportunities and blessings we have inherited because of those who lost their life in defense of our freedoms. As citizens of this country, it is most appropriate for us to say thank you and to honor the sacrifice of life given by those who have died in the line of duty while serving in our Country’s armed forces. May we always be grateful for their sacrifice and honor their memory. St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us,

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal


MAY 2015

From the Parent Association

Yikes! It's Almost Over Parents – how did the end of the school year arrive so fast? We concluded the Boosters year with our final Parent Association General Meeting on Tuesday evening, April 14. At that time, we recognized the many parents who made generous contributions of their time, talent and treasure while here at La Salle. We congratulate the Senior Class and their families for a job well done and we send our personal best wishes for a wonderful and rewarding college education. I could use this entire page to say “Thank You” to the many, many, people who took the lead role during our many events and made this year so special. Thank you to the Booster Presidents, John Cina, Shaya Akobian, Esmeralda Garcia, Emily Vaughn Henry, and the Parent Association Board – Marianne Wright, Jackie Samartin, Angela Beddawi, and Angela McLaren, you really made this year great!


Please welcome your new Parent Association President for the coming year, Marianne Wright and Vice President, Jackie Samartin. Last note - It is important for each family to review and log their Volunteer Hours on the Parent Website, so please check soon if you are looking to get those hours completed. We do not want to send out invoices for incomplete hours, but they will be sent if you do not complete and log your hours by June 5th. Remember the Crystal Ball - Friday May 8th at the Langham Hotel! See you there……. Cheers for a great summer from all of us on the the Parent’s Association Board. I will miss you all very much and will keep you in my prayers!

Tony Delgatto P’12, ’15 President Parent Association

Student Life Mentor-Mania Results

The Student-Faculty total donations for Mentor Mania reached $10,500. This broke the school record by over $2,500 and beat our total from 2013 by $9,000. We had seven mentor classes raise $500 or more this year. All donations go to our Twinning School in Africa, Mount La Salle. Mont La Salle has indicated that a large portion of these funds will be used for student scholarships. The remaining funds will go into the chapel construction fund, since they have no chapel on campus and currently use a recreation room. PAGE 3


MAY 2015

La Salle Matters



Recently someone in Texas hacked into my bank account and attempted to withdraw a substantial sum of money. Fortunately, the Internet security professionals at Wells Fargo used what I can only describe as an impressive algorithm to detect and stop the fraud before the cash left my account. I spent most of an afternoon on the telephone with these folks and came away from the experience not only chastened, but amazed that this does not happen more often. By way of explanation, I am reasonably paranoid about Internet security - that is to say, my own on-line security. I never use mobile devices to manage any kind of financial transaction. I only use my home laptop for this purpose and the WiFi is password protected and subject to Norton security software. I regularly use proprietary software to clean out temporary Internet files, cookies, etc. So, imagine my astonishment when Wells Fargo alerted me to the fraudulent attempt to transfer funds out of my account. Here is what I learned: with the explosion of on-line shopping and the proliferation of accounts with on-line retailers (especially during the Christmas season!), pop up windows that take the careless user down an unexpected dark path and the widespread use of Google’s search engine, not to mention the appeals from desperate people trying to get money out of Nigeria, Internet fraud is a lot more common than we would like to think. One inadvertent click on the wrong email or a mistyped web address can send the user down a rabbit hole of spam, viruses and malware. It is the malware that caught me in a “web” (pardon the pun) of trailing consequences that, as I write this column, I am still sorting through. I was fairly certain that the cause of this nightmare of closing accounts, making sure that automatic debits and credits were not interrupted and several trips to the local Wells Fargo branch was to be found in my laptop. So I took it off to a terrific service called FoothillTek in Sierra Madre (my new best friends) who analyzed the computer and found a variety of viruses and the dreaded malware that caused all the havoc in the first place. In my situation, whatever stray website that I encountered at some point installed the malware on my laptop, which enabled it to “read” the password for my bank account as I typed it on-line. The rest of this drama played itself out in the way I described earlier. It turns out that my Norton anti-virus software does not protect against malware; and so FoothillTek installed the appropriate software to guard against future incursions. As I chased down the last details of converting over to my new bank accounts, it occurred to me that if someone as cautious as I am can be unknowingly dragged through the Looking Glass of Internet fraud, imagine what is in store for La Salle’s teenagers who, like all teenagers, are blissfully ignorant of real world consequences for their poor choices in Life, Love and the Internet. It is the very definition of a teenager to believe that one is invincible and that bad things only happen to other people. Let us just be relieved that, when we were teenagers, the Internet did not exist and our mistakes thankfully slipped through the cracks of faulty, aging memories. Not so for young people today. Their on-line mistakes never fade with the passage of time.

ParentNewsletter At La Salle, we spend a fair amount of time - especially in Mentor Period - cautioning our students about the dangers of careless use of the Internet. And, when we do, the sound of teenage eyes rolling is almost audible. We talk to them about how to set responsible privacy settings on Facebook accounts. We caution them about posting inappropriate pictures on Instagram and other social media sites. We urge them to resist sharing passwords with friends and, above all, we attempt to strike fear in their hearts when strangers attempt to “friend” them. According to one media source, there are over 83 million fake Facebook accounts. Social Media watchdogs encourage parents to engage in frequent conversations with their teenagers about how they use social media; especially with respect to privacy settings (never publish a birth date that includes the year of birth and always restrict access to personal social media sites to known individuals). Do you know what “catfishing” is? Neither did I, until Notre Dame football star Manti Te’o endured the humiliation of publicly acknowledging that the tragic death of a “girlfriend” with whom he developed an on-line relationship was a hoax. Here are some startling statistics:  Internet crime is the fastest growing crime in the U.S., and children are the fastest growing victim pool  In the U.S., 95% of schools are now connected to the Internet (as of 2014)  Over 45 million children ages 10 through 17 use the Internet. Among them:  One in five has been sexually solicited  One in four has encountered unwanted pornography  Close to 60% of teens have received an e-mail or instant message from a stranger and have communicated back While we all recognize the challenges, pitfalls and dangers of the Internet, we often hope that it will not affect us - or our children - in any meaningful way. I am one of those who now - painfully - understand that, when it comes to the Internet, hope is not a strategy.

Richard Gray, Ph.D President

MAY 2015



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Transforming Lives Since 1680



MAY 2015

Brother DeSales Celebrates 60 Years as a Brother on Founder's Day On Wednesday, April 29th, we honored Brother DeSales Benning, FSC for 60 years as a Christian Brother. During the last six decades, Brother has spent over a third of his time at La Salle. His celebration coincided with our annual Founder’s Day that honors the birth of Saint La Salle. During the Founder's Day liturgy, Dr. Gray introduced Brother DeSales who received multiple ovations from the entire campus community. Numerous guests, including the chairs of the Board of Regents and Trustees, and several Christian Brothers attended the ceremony. Following the liturgy, the Christian Brothers renewed their vows before the community. They then received a blessing from the student body. The dedication and love that Brother De Sales has shown for the Catholic Church, The Christian Brothers and for the entire La Salle Community is demonstrated in all that Brother does. As he wiped a tear from his eye and he was speechless. We are both honored and blessed to have him with us at La Salle.


Above, Brother De Sales Benning, FSC. Right, Brother Roque Amorim, FSC, Brother La Salle Bossong, FSC, Brother DeSales Benning, FSC, Brother William Carriere, FSC, Brother John Montgomery, FSC and Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, renew their vows as Christian Brothers before the La Salle Community.



MAY 2015


Mrs. Kjersti Holyfield is Educator of the Year By Brother Christopher Brady, FSC

The Lasallian Educator of the Year is given annually to a faculty member who exemplifies the qualities of St. La Salle…specifically meeting the following criteria: A dedicated and committed individual who is a qualified educator. An educator who understands their own dignity as a child of God so that he or she can pass this on to their students. A person who cherishes and cares for their students like an older brother or sister, and, above all, someone who is committed to a life of faith and prayer so that they can teach their students in the spiritual life, inculcating living values. Without a doubt, our recipient this year exemplifies these criteria. This year's recipient is Kjersti Holyfield, a distinguished science teacher, coach and alumnae of the class of 2004. Many of the teachers who nominated this year’s recipient described our honoree this way: This educator is humble, respectful, respected and participates in many activities. This teacher is a model educator who models true Lasallian values. She is an individual who clearly loves students

and has earned their love and respect back. This educator is a shining star at La Salle in every way. St. La Salle himself would have been proud of this 21st century educator. Our recipient clearly enjoys teaching and being around young people. One of the qualities that this teacher exhibits in teaching and leading is a real passion for developing the whole student. In fact, one can find Kjersti on campus at all hours because of the commitment that she has made to be available before classes begin, during break and lunch. Our Lasallian Educator has and exhibits a positive attitude about what can be accomplished by others – both students and faculty. Our educator of the year teaches the values of cooperation, togetherness and trust both inside and outside of the classroom. We are proud to honor Kjersti Holyfield who has been serving our community of students and who now becomes the newest Lasallian Educator of the Year.



MAY 2015

Showdown II was a Blast!



MAY 2015

Showdown II took place the evening of April 29th with food trucks, fun and crazy games and school spirit. All four classes turned out to engage in some friendly competition. Showdown II was a nail biter right up until the very last event, when the Junior Class came from behind to win. They were able to "seal the deal" with the watermelon eating contest and the balloon pop to take home the title of 2015 Showdown Champions! Student Life Director, Mr. Ed O'Connor thanked everyone who was able to assist with Showdown II. "I really appreciate the help," he said, "but I cannot help but wonder, what La Salle would become if we could transform this amazing class spirit here tonight into school-wide spirit. A spirit that supports one another through our daily “stuff� as Fr. Rich eluded to in out Liturgy today. A spirit that supports classmates in the arts, athletics, and other co-curricular events. A spirit that shares its gifts with the local and global community through service to those in need." We hope to see you next year when the Class of 2016 attempts to defend their title. See more photos on Flickr Gallery.



MAY 2015

Founder's Day Cupcakes In celebration of Founder's Day and the 60th Anniversary of Brother De Sales as a Christian Brother, the student body and faculty were treated to a delicious cupcake surprise after lunch on April 29. Dozens more sweet photos are in the Flickr gallery.



MAY 2015

La Salle Summer Programs June 23 - July 24

La Salle families, please use the eScrip Online Mall for your gifts or regular shopping. Earn money for La Salle at absolutely no cost to you! It's easy. Here's how:


1. Enroll with


2. Click on the online Mall logo at:

•ENRICHMENT Grades Four Through Twelve Call for Catalog 626.351.8951 Register Online


3. Shop at your favorite brand name stores and automatically donate to La SaIIe. 4. Download AutoEARN to earn contributions every time you shop without having to visit the Online Mall first!

Thank you!



MAY 2015

From the Athletic Boosters

May Sports at La Salle


When you receive this ParentNewsletter our seniors will have about three weeks left of school. I do not know if it is a function of age or what, but time just keeps blowing by without any sympathy for us. I am going into my sixth year as the Athletic Booster President and it has been an honor to watch our great Lancer athletes compete. I have always been amazed at how they balance the demands of the curriculum and the wishes of their coaches. As difficult as it must be - I know it prepares them for the future. We need to sit back and review the year. The good moments and the disappointments. We need to take them all in as part of what builds character in our student-athletes. So, as we march to the finish line, let us all congratulate and thank our senior athletes for the hours of excitement they have provided. We also need to thank our senior parents for their dedication and support as their children made their way through this journey called high school. It is not always an easy journey, but definitely a trip worth taking. Departing senior parents should keep in mind that even though your child's journey may have ended at La Salle, you will always be part of the wonderful La Salle family. God bless you and your children as they begin the next phase of their life. May 19 is La Salle’s Sports Award presentations. This award program acknowledges the athletes for not only sports, but their academic accomplishments as well. Refreshments will be served, so please join us to honor our student-athletes and their coaches. The Athletic Boosters will have one more ParentNewsletter before the school year ends and at that time, I will present information about the fall. The Athletic Boosters are looking for people who want to be more involved in the athletic programs here at La Salle. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information at Athletic Boosters meetings are held every month after the Parent Association meeting and we meet in the Band Room. God Bless,

John Cina P’13,14,18 President, Athletic Boosters


For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 12


MAY2015 2015 MAY

College Athletics - What Families Need to Hear National keynote speaker, Jack Renkens of Recruiting Realities will bring his unique, no-nonsense presentation on college athletic recruiting to La Salle on Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. “It’s a Game... Know the Rules” is guaranteed to serve as a reality check for families of student-athletes looking to get their degree and play at the college level. Jack’s 45-minute presentation is FREE and open to the public. Entering his 18th year touring the US, Jack Renkens has established himself as one of the top athletic/motivational speakers in the nation, presenting at state athletic conferences, football clinics, college financial planning groups, sports camps and high schools from coast to coast. His speaking tour includes over 170 high schools each year, with enrollments from 250 to 2500 students. As a former high school/college coach and athletic director, Jack has written 14 books on the recruiting process. Jack’s message is never sugar-coated. “It may not be what some parents want to hear, but it definitely is what they need to hear. I’m primarily trying to get families to be realistic about the opportunities that are available and to get them to understand it’s about getting your education, not about hitting the ball, kicking the ball, throwing the ball. It’s about finding the right match academically.” One of the many realities Jack details are the high expectations of athletes and parents when it comes to having sports pay for a college education. “There are a lot of student-athletes out there and less than 1 percent are going to a Division 1 school,” he said. “However, you’ve got 99 percent of kids out there that can play at the college level in divisions other than D1. The key is finding the right school and financial aid package.” “Student-athletes need to come to terms with three basic realities,” Jack said. � ✓ � ✓


Number 1. You don’t get to pick the school. They pick you. Number 2. A college coach can’t recruit you if he/she doesn’t know who you are. Studentathletes need to market themselves.

� ✓ Number 3. Don’t get hung up on the words ‘athletic scholarship.’ Focus on “funding” comprised of academic money, merit money, grants, endowment and achievement money. Parents have an opportunity to hear the truth about college athletic recruiting, the role of their high school coach, the impact of today’s social media and where parents fit into the process. If your son or daughter is serious about getting a college degree and passionate about the sport they play, this is an event you can not afford to miss. For more on Renkens’ presentation, check the Recruiting Realities web site at www. To see him in action, search ‘Jack Renkens’ on PAGE 13


MAY 2015


Michael Lynch Named Lancers Head Basketball Coach By John Blackstock, Director of Communications

On May 1, La Salle announced that Michael Lynch has accepted the position of boys varsity basketball coach. Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC said, “Mr. Lynch brings his exceptional coaching ability and his extensive basketball background to La Salle and we are very excited about the future of Lancer Basketball. He will be a wonderful addition to our community.” Lynch has been the Head Basketball Coach at Price High School in Los Angeles since 1996 where he has recorded a 511-105 record in 19 seasons. His teams made 12 CIF Finals appearances coming away with 10 CIF Championship trophies while setting the CIF consecutive Championship win streak at eight. Price has won 6 state titles, 8 regional titles, 10 division titles, and 11 league titles. Under Lynch’s leadership, Price is only one of two schools to ever win four consecutive boys state titles. Lynch has done more than just win games. He has sent 29 student-athletes to college on athletic scholarships, 19 of which to Division I Universities and another dozen to Division II and NAIA Universities. He was the Athletic Director for the Knights from 2004 to 2006 and is the current AD having been appointed in 2013. Lynch, the five-time CIF Coach of the Year, and the CIF State Coach of the Year has been much more than a basketball coach. At a school such as Price, which has a 98 percent college placement rate, he has been a mentor, role model, father figure and friend to the student-athletes that have come through the program. “Mike will be a great addition to our coaching staff as he is a proven leader with a successful coaching career on all levels and has a Christian-based ethic that will be a perfect fit for us,” said La Salle’s Athletic Director, Anthony Harris. PAGE 14


MAY 2015

Brother Timothy's Limited 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Now Available A very limited supply of Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon is available exclusively for the La Salle community. Only 10 barrels of Brother Timothy’s wine are produced each year and sold to benefit the education of students in Lasallian schools who are living below the poverty line. This wine was created under the highest quality standards and is available exclusively for this sole purpose. Ten cases of this specially vinted and rare wine have been made available to the La Salle community to fund the San Miguel scholarships. This Cabernet Sauvignon is available at a price of $75 a bottle or $800 a case. Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon is a complex and harmonious blend of reserve-quality wine in a unique special edition collector's bottle. This highly desired wine is crafted by The Hess Collection Winery from a tiny, single vineyard on the Mont La Salle Vineyard estate. The grapes are grown at the site of the original Christian Brothers winery where the late Brother Timothy worked as cellar master for more than 50 years. This Cabernet Sauvignon, created in honor of Brother Timothy, is truly "a message in a bottle" - a message of hope for Lasallian disadvantaged youth. Such efforts are part of the Christian Brothers' 300 year tradition of offering Brother Timothy Diener, FSC education that is both loving and practical. Please keep in mind that the wine has been donated by the vineyard, so 100% of the proceeds go directly into the La Salle High School San Miguel Student Scholarship Fund. Contact Tara Milton in the Institutional Advancement Office at 626.696.4381 or tmilton@ to make your much appreciated and important purchase.

Matching Gifts If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates you can ask your employer or contact Tara Milton at: or call 626.696.4381.




MAY 2015


The Crystal Ball

Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! The prizes are: • A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui* 8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort including round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit to restaurants, room service and more. Plus two tickets to Myths of Maui Luau. • iPad • Disneyland Family 4-pack Opportunity Drawing takes place on May 8, 2015 during the Crystal Ball For tickets, contact Robyn Tapert at 626.357.3588 or or go online at *Maui Vacation is made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation



MAY 2015

Tavera and Toribio Sign National Letter of Intent

Seniors Alyssa Tavera and Jesse Toribio with Athletic Director Anthony Harris.

April 15 was a special day for Lancer Athletics. Senior Alyssa Tavera signed a National Letter of Intent to attend Azusa Pacific University on an athletic scholarship for Volleyball and senior Jesse Toribio signed with California State University, San Bernardino for Golf. "Today is also a confirming day for La Salle Athletics," said Athletic Director, Anthony Harris. His goal was to create a college prep athletic environment that mimics the School's college prep academic program. "This goal is now confirmed," he stated. Tavera and Toribio are the sixth and seventh Lancer student-athletes to sign a National Letter of Intent this year alone. In the last four years, La Salle has signed 26 student-athletes to participate in college sports. The odds of being offered an athletic scholarship are remote. For example; there are roughly 138,000 athletic scholarships available for Division I and Division II sports. That might sound like a lot, but it is not. For instance, more than 1 million boys play high school football, but there are only about 19,500 football scholarships. This is a staggering statistic due to the the fact that about 2% of the athletes in high school are offered an athletic scholarship across the country on an annual basis. La Salle has nearly 5% student-athletes signers. "Congrats to the signees. "I am proud of La Salle for providing such a great athletic and academic environment that assists so greatly with the development and success of our student-athletes," continued Harris. PAGE 17


MAY 2015

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Advanced Placement Exams

Junior News

Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 4 – May 15. The AP exam calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam. Attendance for students taking AP exams: Students taking an AP exam will be excused from class during testing; students taking a morning AP exam will be excused for the remainder of the day; students taking an afternoon AP exam will be excused from their morning classes. Please cont act Ms. Baldonado at 626.696.4311 for more information regarding the AP exams.

We have met with most of the juniors about their college plans. If we have not met with your student, chances are your student has not completed his or her College Planning Survey (for Juniors). All juniors who have turned in their survey will be seen before the last day of the school year. Once your junior has met with his/her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us. All juniors took the ACT in February. They may have taken or have registered for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior is interested in taking the SAT or SAT Subject Tests June 6, they must register by May 8. The ACT will take place on June 13; students must register by May 8. The June SAT and the June ACT are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. All colleges will accept the ACT or SAT scores. To save time and money, students are advised to invest their time and money in one of the standardized tests, either ACT or SAT. There is no testing during the summer. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2015. Most colleges will accept test scores through December of the student’s senior year:



While you may already have heard about the University of California and the California State systems cutting its enrollment due to the current economic crisis, we still had a very successful year in College Counseling! We found the students who applied to a wide range of schools ended up being happy with their college choices and the ones who primarily applied to only California colleges may have experienced disappointment. In addition, students who were open to out-of-state public colleges found their choices to be excellent fits, and affordable! By now all of our seniors have deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish the class of 2015 all the best in their college careers. We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship award information for our graduation program and our ad in the Star News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already done so.

SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 7 October 3* November 7* December 5* *proposed dates ACT June 14 September 12 October 24 December 12


MAY 2015

Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early!

Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 8-10, 8:00am to 12:00pm August 10-12, 8:00am to 12:00pm

Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The Cumulative GPA that will go on their college applications will include the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades, too.

Please contact Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado should you need more information on Camp College.

College Visitation Tours The college tours will continue next year

"Senior" Class of 2016 College Planning Survey

and again will be held around the Faculty In-service holidays. We have tentatively planned the following tours:

The Class of 2016 will receive the next steps to plan for college by email in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Senior College Planning Survey on Naviance. Members of the Class of 2016 will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2016 to submit their survey electronically by the first week of school. The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place early Fall 2015. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts, college handbooks and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss essay writing. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2015-16 calendar (published in July) for the scheduled date and time.

Camp College The College Center will be offering a threeday seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at and click on ‘Summer Programs.’

Fall 2015 Greater Los Angeles Tour: UC Santa Barbara, California Lutheran University, CSU-Northridge

Spring 2016


Bay Area Tour: UC Berkeley, St. Mary’s College, University of San Francisco, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz and Santa Clara University.

Spring 2016 San Diego Tour: UC San Diego, San Diego State University and University of San Diego

March 27 – April 2 (Easter Break) East Coast Tour:* Seventeen colleges from Boston to Washington D.C. *The registration deadline for this tour will be in November. Please note with the exception of the East Coast Tour, the other tour dates are tentative. The confirmed dates will be posted in the August ParentNewsletter.

Standardized Testing Standardized testing for the 2015-2016 school year will take place on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Freshman and Sophomore students will take the ACT Aspire, and Junior students will take the PSAT. Seniors will not be tested in October, so this is a great day to for Seniors to visit some local colleges. You will get more information about testing in future newsletters. PAGE 19


MAY 2015

Student Life 2015 -2016 President: Samantha Hardy NEW OFFICERS ELECTED AND SELECTED

Co-Commissioner of Activities: Jacqueline Tooley and Troy Worley Assistant Commissioners of Activities • Miles Gelinas • Sebastian Schiff Communications • Madeleine Malicdem • Patrick Madden • Jewelyn Pickett • Spencer Schoenbaum Co-Commissioner of Rallies: Jennifer Haderlein and Katherine Knop Assistant Commissioners of Rallies • Amell Bishara • Philip Ibarra • Victoria Saldivar

Commissioner of Service: Lauren Rewers Assistant Commissioners of Service • Chris Dinkel • Emily O’Connor • Raquel Ruiz • Miriam Searcy Commissioner of Spirit: Jacqueline Torrez Assistant Commissioners of Service • Lexi Dyer • Sabrina Hilario • Brandon Perez Commissioners of Spiritual Life: • Christian Billings • Marisa Bussone • Max DoVale • Owen Hart • Jennifer Rodriguez • Audrey Sayer

D and F Grade Warnings In order to remain strong candidates for college and university admission, all students should be aware that “D” grades are not college qualifying. Therefore, any student earning “D” grades at the end of any semester (especially in math, science, English and world language) who wants to qualify for a four year college, must make up these grades before continuing to the next school year. Of course, all “F” grades are unacceptable. Students who fail to make up any “F” grades in an approved summer course will jeopardize their re-admittance into La Salle. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Edgar Salmingo, Associate Principal for Academic Life. PAGE 20


MAY 2015

Class of 2015 Senior Gift

Water Bottle Filling Station The Class of 2015 is raising money to replace at least one water fountain with a “no touch” water bottle filling station, so students can get clean, cold water and help eliminate use of disposable water bottles. This will encourage Lancers to do their part to help the environment. The “no touch” sensor will allow students to easily fill their water bottle, even if they are carrying books. Any additional money will go to adding our motto “Learn * Serve * Lead” in brass letters to the wooden podium that is used for La Salle speaking events.

JUST $20.15 for THE Senior gift

Donations at any level are appreciated and help the class reach their goal of 100% participation. Those that give $20.15 or more receive a Class of 2015 Alumni T-Shirt which can be worn in lieu of the uniform polo between now and graduation. Those that participate by May 8th will be recognized in the graduation program. Forms and money are due to Ms. Schultz in the Alumni Office (Room 348) by May 21st.

Summer Physicals The Athletic Department is looking for parent volunteers to help with the 2015 summer physicals. We are in need of the following parent volunteers: nurses, optometrists, doctors and general volunteers. Without the volunteers' help, this event would not be possible. The Physicals will take place at La salle on June 6, and July 11, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Join us and help support Lancer Athletics and earn parent volunteer hours. Please contact the athletic trainer, Tim Rasmussen if interested in volunteering. Email: PAGE 21


MAY 2015

MAY 2015

Elementary School Speech and Debate Tournament WELL THAT'S OPEN FOR DEBATE

On Thursday, April 23 La Salle hosted its second annual elementary school speech and debate tournament. Over 110 elementary school students from numerous schools (as far away as Irvine) competed in one of six events; storytelling, poetry, improvisation, duo interpretation, expository, public forum debate and spar debate. The tournament utilized most of the campus and was deemed a great success. La Salle students volunteering to judge the events and received high praise from the tournaments officials. "Our student judges did a great job and represented the our school wonderfully. It was a crazy, but fun day," said Doug Campbell who chaired the tournament committee. A special thank you to the tournament committee; Doug Campbell (Regent), Dennis Jebbia (Regent President), Ralph Seymour (Speech and Drama teacher at St. Rita School), Tara Milton P'16, P'19 (La Salle Administration), Elizabeth Meerson ( La Salle teacher), Randy Katz (La Salle Administration), Kristin Donahue P'13 (La Salle Administration), Sheri Wedeen P'17, '17 (Regent), and Colleen Deziel P'17 (Regent).

Above, Speech & Debate Tournament Chair, Doug Campbell with Committee member and Regent, Colleen Deziel P'17 and Regent, Ray Ealy P'13. At left are participants with category trophies.



MAY 2015

2015-2016 School Calendar SUBJECT TO CHANGE



August 18 (Tuesday) New Student Welcome

January 6 (Wednesday) Second Semester Begins

August 19 (Wednesday) Student Information and Planning Day (All Students)

January 18 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. – Holiday

August 20 (Thursday) First Day of Classes (All Classes Meet / Dismissal 12:20) September 7 (Monday) Labor Day – Holiday September 28 (Monday) Tentative Faculty In-Service October 9 (Friday) Faculty In-service October 12 (Monday) Columbus Day – Holiday November 9 (Monday) Veteran’s Day Observed – Holiday November 25 – 29 Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday to Sunday) December 15 – 18 Fall Semester Examinations (Tuesday to Friday) December 19 – January 5 Christmas Break

February 12 (Friday) Faculty In-service February 15 (Monday) Presidents’ Day – Holiday March 4 (Friday) School Holiday – WCEA/WASC


March 24 – April 3 Easter Break April 25 (Monday) School Holiday May 27 (Friday) Graduation School Holiday May 30 (Monday) Memorial Day – Holiday May 31 – June 3 Spring Semester Examinations (Tuesday to Friday) Note: For the 2015-2016 school year, uniform polos bearing the older block "LS", as well as the wearing of boat shoes (top-siders) on DressUp Days will no longer be permitted. PAGE 23


MAY 2015

Check your School calendar for event times and dates



May 4-15 AP Exams Sierra Madre United Methodist Church Check School Calendar for test times and dates

May 21 Special Schedule Senior Presentation and Class of 1965 Golden Diploma Presentation 8:15am Duffy Lewis Gymnasium

May 6 Athletic Department Presentation "College Athletics - What Families Need to Hear" 6:30pm Dining Hall

Alumni Induction and Senior Brunch 10:00am Dining Hall

May 8 Friday Crystal Ball 6:30 - 11:00pm Langham Hotel & Spa May 9 AP Art Show 4:00 - 6:00pm Porticos Arts Space May 13 V&PA Hall of Fame Induction 6:00 - 7:00pm Dining Hall May 19 Athletic Awards Reception 6:00pm Dining Hall May 20 Alumni Legacy Reception 3:45 - 5:00pm Blakeslee Library Baccalaureate Mass 5:30 - 7:00pm Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Pasadena

Grad Night at Disneyland 12:00pm to Thursday 3:00am May 22 School Holiday 56th Commencement Exercises 7:00pm Church of the Nazarene Pasadena May 25 Monday Memorial Day School Holiday

June 5 Student Holiday Faculty Inservice June 6 and July 11 Athletic Physicals 9:00am -1:00pm Band Room June 12 Class of 1965 50th Anniversary Reunion Reception 7:00 9:00pm Dining Hall Campus June 13 Saturday Decade of the '60s Alumni Reunion 7:00 9:00pm Dining Hall Campus June 22 Summer Programs Begin July 23 Summer Programs End

May 26 - 29 Friday Schedule Dismissal 2:00pm May 26 Academic Awards 7:00pm Dining Hall May 29 - June 2 Semester Exams Dismissal 11:20am June 3 Semester Exams End Dismissal 9:30am

MAY 8, 2015!

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