May 2012 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle




MAY 2012

Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

This month brings with it a host of events and activities at the school that directly involve the whole family. It is my sincere hope that you will join us for many of these that, in various ways, are all organized to showcase our wonderful students. There will be band and dance concerts, art shows, and regular and playoff athletic contests

events. We could not put on all of these events without the tremendous assistance and support given by our volunteer parents. I want to especially thank our Parent Association Co-Presidents, Brad and Carol Wright, for all their efforts on behalf of our community. As you know, Brad and Carol have been directly involved in multiple school and parent organizations for years. It is because of the long-term involvement of families like the Wrights that La Salle is a truly special community. I know that they will both stay involved with the school into the future and that is a very special blessing for our community. On a personal note, I want to sincerely thank both Brad and Carol for the numerous ways they have supported my efforts over the years.

Congratulations to the Class of 2012

from which to choose. We also have our various end-of-the year Award Celebrations: Academic Awards, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and the Visual & Performing Arts Awards. At each of these events, we will be honoring students for their richly deserved achievements. I want to thank, in advance, all of the Parent Booster volunteers for their planning and the hours of work given for these

This is also the month that we should make the time to give our sincere thanks to the remarkable graduating Seniors of the Class of '12. This is their last month as La Salle Students and as of May 25, we will be proud to call them honored graduates. I encourage you to join me in thanking them and congratulating them as often as you get the opportunity over the next weeks. We will miss them and we will also greatly miss those Senior parents, some who have been with us for well over a decade – like Wolgang and Janet Klich who span 18 years with us and are graduating with their last child – what a marvelous gift you graduating parents have been to our Lasallian Community. Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers

“Your faith should be a shining light for those whom you teach.” Meditations 178.1 Feast of St. Luke Saint John Baptist de La Salle



MAY 2012

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

On-line Registration


By this time, returning students should have completed their on-line registration process for selecting their courses for next year. Students are still meeting with their Advisors to review selected courses. If needed, course changes can be made after the completion of the on-line process by contacting one’s advisor. Incoming ninth-grade parents should have received all placement test results by this time. Please notify the department chairperson listed at the bottom of the placement test letter if you have decided to decline the offer of honors placement for that particular course. All other courses have been programmed according to the information you provided on the Academic Survey sheet turned in with your registration.

Swap, Barter or Sell As most of you will recall, for the last two years we have offered a date and time where parents or students could swap, barter or sell textbooks with each other. This event has become a huge success and we will continue it this summer. It will be held on Friday, June 22 in the Dining Hall from 3:00 to 6:00pm. The school takes no active part in this “free

market enterprise” other than making available for your use tables and complete lists of all the textbooks that will be used for the 2012-2013 school year. At the request of many parents, we hold this event later into summer so that students will have already received their new course schedules.

Lasallian Educator of the Year Each year the faculty and staff give serious consideration to the selection of one of their colleagues as the Lasallian Educator of the Year. The most deserving recipient of this year’s award is Mrs. Paula Moore. Mrs. Moore has been a member of our English Department for 15 years. She has also been consistently involved in various aspects of our Student Life programs and as a member and current Co-moderator of our LEAP program. Congratulations Mrs. Moore and thank you for your dedication to the ideals of Saint John Baptist de La Salle!

Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Principal

Important Notice for Summer Trips Neither La Salle High School nor Student Life of La Salle High School is sponsoring or is liable for any student participation in summer trips to places such as Europe, Mexico, Alaska or Hawai’i. These activities are solely the responsibility of the sponsoring person or group. School sponsored events, such Venaver or those with Student Life, will always include the standard Parent Request Form that clearly indicates the School’s support and approval of the event.

Volunteers for Lancer Physicals The Athletic Department will hold our annual summer physicals on June 9 and July 14. We are looking for parent volunteers to help with this process. The department needs physicians and registered nurses to aide in the physical exams and parents willing to check in the students. Parent volunteer hours will be awarded for your participation. If interested, please contact Tim Rasmussen, Head Athletic Trainer at PAGE 2


MAY 2012

From the Parent Association

Are We There Yet? For those that have made the long drive on Interstate 40 through the California desert towards Arizona, you know what I’m talking about. Once you get past Barstow and head to all points east, it becomes a seemingly mundane adventure after that. The road seldom varies from its concrete and asphalt path with the exception of the intermittent hill and slight change in direction. Occasionally, an off-ramp for some remote desert city will come up but, for the most part, it’s a rather uneventful trek. Looking over the dashboard, I-40 aims toward the horizon with no apparent end in sight and no discernible indication of your ultimate destination. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that I was traveling along I-40 on a college preview visit with our son, Stephen, who will be graduating this month. During the time along that infamous stretch of highway I had more than a few moments to think about the trip that we were on and what would await us once we got there. What lead me on this train of thought was a particular verse from the 1977 Fleetwood Mac song “Don’t Stop” that had been playing on the radio which goes, “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow…don’t stop, it’ll soon be’ll be, better than before…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone…” I couldn’t help believe that some good karma was at play here, given the timing of the song and the purpose of our trip, for it really was all about Stephen and his own tomorrow and what the future holds in store for him. In many respects, our children’s journey through high school is a lot like that drive along I-40…it’s long and at times it seems as if there is no end in sight, not to mention that there isn’t always a clear indication of where it will eventually lead. Yet we all know that, at some point, their La Salle experiences will come to a wonderful conclusion leading to the potential of what tomorrow will bring. Yes, upon graduation, the “yesterdays” of their high school life at La Salle will be gone, but their “tomorrow” is just beginning. For them, "tomorrow" will become a whole new set of lifetime experiences that will have the promise of being better than before. The world will be at their anxious fingertips, only

awaiting what path they choose to follow. Carol and I look back and can only say that what we have witnessed over the past four years with Stephen is nothing short of a metamorphosis. Just as every senior parent will agree, a Lasallian education has given our children the opportunity to discover and develop their inner talents and has provided them with the ability and confidence to meet whatever future challenges they may face. Combine that with a social conscience and an overriding duty to serve and then you’ll be able to truly appreciate what high school life at La Salle is all about and how it’s prepared our sons and daughters for choices faced in their imminent college life.


After a long six hours on the road, I came to the off-ramp that we needed to take in order to exit I-40…Stephen then woke up from a nap he had been taking and asked, “Are we there yet?” After a rather extended pause, I said with a smile, “Yes, we are.” With grateful hearts and thanks for all of God’s blessings,

Carol and Brad Wright '73 Co-Presidents Parent Association Above, Brad and Carol Wright with Dr. Gray as he congratulates them for their years of service at the April Parent Association meeting. PAGE 3


MAY 2012

La Salle Matters Between meetings at the Christian Brothers’ Provincial Headquarters in Napa and Alumni gatherings in Northern California, Portland and Seattle, I spend a fair amount of time flying Southwest Airlines. So, it should not have been a surprise (it was) to read in their in-flight magazine that April is National Volunteer Month. I knew, for example, that February is National Black History Month and March is National


Women’s History Month. I even knew that National Hispanic Heritage Month was - oddly -situated between two months (September and October) in order to commemorate eight Latin and Central American countries who declared independence in the last two weeks of September. But - and this is the point - for someone who has spent over 30 years in Catholic education - and, therefore, heavily reliant upon the enthusiasm of volunteers - I did not know that April is National

Volunteer Month. Nor did I know that it began as National Volunteer Week with a declaration by President Nixon in 1974. As a member of the Baby Boom Generation, I can safely assert that we did not grow up in a world that promoted altruistic volunteerism. Political and Church-based volunteerism was the norm for anyone whose adolescent years traversed the Sixties and Seventies. Even as a young teacher in the Seventies and Eighties, I did not observe a societal emphasis on community service other than that required by most Catholic high schools in order for students to be eligible for graduation. The last 20 years, however, have witnessed a spectacular growth in altruistic volunteerism. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 64 million people volunteered at least once between September 2010 and September 2011; and that doesn’t include teenagers who must volunteer as part of a school-based community service requirement. Since 1989, the number of adults who volunteer has increased by 60 percent. It is anybody’s guess as to what explains this phenomenon. I would like to think that the increasingly toxic political conversations taking place at the macro level in the public square has, in some measure, motivated individuals to try to make a difference at the micro level of their local community. Certainly, we see that here at La Salle. The School could not function if it weren’t for the thousands of hours put in by parents to ensure that a bewildering array of events on and off campus are successfully launched. By the time you read this, the Crystal Ball will have come and gone; its success completely dependent upon the legion of volunteers, headed by Tess Crabtree, P ’12,’14 who spent the last 12 months making sure that every “T” was crossed and “I” dotted. PALS (Parents at La Salle) ensures that parents of incoming students have an experienced parent that is available to address their concerns La Salle Matters Continued on page 5



MAY 2012


Continued from page 4

and provide guidance and access to school administrators who can answer their questions. Unique among Catholic high schools, La Salle not only has a formal Parent Association, but four parent booster groups (Academics, Arts, Athletics, Student Life) as well. Student Life elections also took place recently. A record number of students stood for election, including Sophomore, Jamie Kwong, who sought the Commissioner of Service position. It occurs to me that something special is happening in a school where Sophomores are inspired to run for an office that promotes community service as a normative part of the student experience. Perhaps the most relevant example of how embedded service is in the culture of La Salle is that every student is expected to do service; but is not expected to count a minimum number of hours in pursuit of that expectation. This dynamic is effectively captured by two slogans that regularly pop up in the day-to-day lived experience of La Salle:

Enter to Learn • Leave to Serve

Learn • Serve • Lead

I am fond of asserting in this space, and elsewhere, that our Mission can be summarized rather succinctly in this way:

La Salle produces good students and good people. Now that I am aware of the fact that April is National Volunteer Month, I plan on becoming more forthcoming in my gratitude to parents, administrators, teachers and students who embrace service as an essential component of their lived experience of what I like to call The La Salle Difference.

Richard Gray, Ph.D.

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2012

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:




MAY 2012


La Salle High School held its 13th Annual Crystal Ball, titled “Bootleggers Ball,” on April 27 at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. Crystal Ball Chair, Tess Crabtree P’12, ’14, chose the theme that spanned the time from the Roaring Twenties to the end of prohibition in the Thirties. “That gave us a lot of fun options for decorations and props,” she said, standing next to a stack of oak whiskey barrels. The night was filled with fun, fellowship, dinner and dancing, but there was also the thrill of the pursuit while bidding on several dozen items during the live and silent auctions. Auction items included tickets to the "American Idol" season finale taping, a trip to the 2013 Masters Golf Championship, a six-night South African safari, or VIP tickets to see the the Lakers play at home in a private luxury suite in the Staples Center. Over 400 guests came to congratulate this year’s Crystal Ball honoree: La Salle’s Principal, Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, P’94, ’97. Pat was selected as the recipient of the 2012 Lasallian Award. Pat served at La Salle for the past 27 years, initially as Assistant Principal and then as Principal for the last 15 years.

Left, Dance class students performed the Charelston before the award ceremony. Above, Pat Bonacci and wife Clair and some members of his family.


ParentNewsletter Pat will become the Vice President for Mission on July 1, 2012. “Oh what a night!” exclaimed Tess immediately following the event. “I just want to thank each and everyone on the committee for giving their time and talents for the sake of all the students at La Salle. Our Bootleggers Ball team of volunteers and staff took care of everything from the littlest detail to the largest undertakings...every piece of the puzzle came together perfectly. Simply saying thank you does not seem to cover the sincere gratitude that I feel,” she said. The Crystal Ball is La Salle’s largest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds from the evening help support our academic, athletic, student life, arts and financial aid programs.

MAY 2012

Above, Pat Bonacci holds the 2012 Lasallian Award with, from left, Dr. Richard Gray, Prersident of La Salle, Brother James Joost, FSC, Auxuliary Visitor and Gery Short, Director of Education for the De La Salle Institute. Below left middle, Dr Gray and Mr. Bonacci with Tess Crabtree, Chair of the Cristal Ball. Below guests enjoy dancing at the Bootleggers Ball.

Left, band members perform. Above, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC congratulates the Hawaiian Vacation winner, Christine Marez P'14. PAGE 7


MAY 2012

From the Athletic Boosters

Lancer Athletics Winding Down


The month of May will bring with it the end to La Salle sports for the 2011-2012 year. The sports program has seen many highs during the year, along with new coaches being named and others stepping down. But the one constant in all of this is the effort our kids put forth for themselves as well the school. As the sun begins to set for our seniors, their achievements in athletics, no matter how big or small, have helped shape the people they have become and will be in the future. When I wrote the May newsletter article last year and I found it hard to say goodbye to the kids and their parents that I had the good fortune of meeting. However, this year I can say it has become very difficult, since I am now one of those parents that must say goodbye. I would like to tell my son, as well as all the other student athletes who are leaving, “thank you.” "Thank you" for letting us be a part of this wonderful time in your life. "Thank you" for always trying regardless of the situation. "Thank you" for sharing your time with us. We love you from the bottom of our hearts. I would like to wish the entire class of 2012 the best of luck in their new endeavors as they head out into the world to make a difference. I hope you remember with fondness your short time here at La Salle, and you remember those who made a difference in your life, as I am sure you made a difference in theirs. “God bless you and may He keep you safe for the rest of your life.” On April 17, the La Salle Parent Association honored the parents of athletes who have dedicated so much of their time to our sports program. La Salle Athletics works because of the dedication of our coaches and students, and the countless hours parents donate to our various sports. I cannot go into each parent's commitment to La Salle because it would take too long; but I do want people to know, however, who these individuals are since they have children graduating and will be leaving us soon. I want to let them know how much we appreciate them and would like to acknowledge their dedication to their children and La Salle. So again, from the Athletics Boosters, as well as everyone involved in the school, thank you! With gratitude, we acknowledge Mrs. Marty Hoffman, Mrs. Dana Jones Brooks, Ms. Marcia Ridley, Mr. William Anabel, Mrs. Elizabeth Anabel, Mrs. Janie Cantos, Mr. Jose Williams, Mrs. Linda Luna and, last but not least, Brad Wright. I would like to give special thanks to Brad for helping me in my position as Booster President by being a friend, as well someone I could always ask for advice. And Brad has never been too busy to help. Thank you Brad, for believing in me and for helping me see the wisdom of getting involved at La Salle. I can say it has made a difference in my time here and for this, I am very grateful. Lastly, we will be celebrating our athletes at end of the year Athletics Banquet on May 23 at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. The Hall of Fame banquet is where we get to say thank you to all those who participated in La Salle Athletics. So, regardless if you are receiving an award or not, it is a chance to celebrate the 2011-2012 sports year one more time. The cost is $10. Please make an effort to attend; for further information see our Athletics website. On the Booster Board front, we still have two positions open: Treasurer and Gym Operations Manager. If you are interested in finding out what these positions entail, please contact me at The Board is a great place to meet lots of parents and make new friends. God Bless, John D. Cina, Athletic Boosters President



MAY 2012

Time is Running Out to Complete Your Hours Only a few opportunities remain! If you have not yet signed up on the Volunteer Website: Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.

DATE 5/15/12 5/25/12 5/24/12 6/6/12 7/12/12 7/13/12



Academic Awards Night Commencement Exercises Senior Uniform Buy-Back Used Uniform Sale Used Uniform Sale – Set-Up Used Uniform Sale

5:30 PM 6:00 PM 11:00 AM 8:30 AM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM

HOURS* 4 3 4 4 2 6

*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Janet Klich

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman

Diane Taylor

Cookies are needed for most of these events.

Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club,” or contact Elena Tran at PAGE 9


MAY 2012

Our Marian Celebration

Mary Was SMILING The School community gathered for its annual Marian Celebration on May 2. Continuing a tradition of honoring the Virgin Mary many experienced while in Catholic elementary school, the prayer service combined Marian hymns and prayers, liturgical dance, scripture, a reflection by physics teacher Mrs. Chija Bauer, and the May crowning. The event officially began the Marian month of May, a special month the Church has reserved to honor the Blessed Mother.

Top, Seniors Manny Soriano and Aleen Mankerian crown the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Above, Jessica Legaspi as the Virgin Mary. Left, Bowdien Derby reading prayer. Far left, Claudia Vazquez dances as part of the Liturgical Dancers.



MAY 2012

Mothers of Alumni Council Welcomes Class of 2012 Mothers Linda and Richard Giddens to Receive Volunteers of the Year Award Thursday evening, May 17, 2012, the Mothers of Alumni Council (MAC) will welcome the Mothers of the Class of 2012 at their annual celebration at the home of Dr. Richard Gray. The Council will also present the Gloria Delaney P’82,’85,’89 Volunteer of the Year Award to this year’s recipients, Richard and Linda Giddens, P ’08,’10,’12. The Mothers of Alumni Council is the bridge that keeps Mothers connected with La Salle. We do this through two main social events and a service event. We keep in touch with Mothers and, in doing so, we never lose the friendships we developed while at La Salle. It is about fun, socialization and service.


In addition, the Council created the Gloria Delaney P’82,’85,’89 Volunteer of the Year Award. This award was named in honor of the Council’s Founder, Gloria Delaney. This award recognizes parents who have gone above and beyond and may not have received the well deserved accolades. The invitations have been mailed to the current Mothers of Seniors. Please join us and kick off your own special graduation celebration. Enjoy an evening at the home of the President of La Salle High School! For further information, please call or email Jenny Dennis at 626.696.4382 or Yolanda Valadez P’08 at 626.833.0384.

The Dean’s Corner

Emergency Forms Emergency forms will be sent to you during the second week of May. Please remember to make sure that the preprinted information is correct. Fill out both sides of the form completely; please print for legibility. The completed forms are due before the end of school, June 6th. Your son/daughter will not receive their class schedule for the school year of 2012/2013 until the form has been returned completed. Without the schedule, you will not be able to purchase the books needed for the classes. Please turn in the completed form by the deadline. Thank you for your diligence in completing the Emergency form. PAGE 11


MAY 2012

From the Arts Boosters

Spring has Sprung for the Arts More STN Awards for La Salle Filmmakers Maintaining their tradition of success, LTV students won two second place awards at the recent Student Television Network Conference in Dallas, including one for short story. Their “Sweet 16” entry was unfortunately disqualified because of technical problems exporting the digital material. The Judges were kind enough to view the film, and said that, had it been submitted in time, it would have won first place. Congratulations to film students Alyssa Breda who was accepted to the USC School of Cinema, Mercedes Lakatos who was accepted by CalArts and Chris Tse who was accepted by the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU.



Students Sing Showtunes in Spring Spectacular La Salle theatre students took audiences on a grand tour of The Great White Way with their renditions of Broadway’s finest musical numbers during its two-weekend engagement at the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. Directed by Jude Lucas, a cast of 28 students sang, danced and belted out ballads, torch songs and comedic-patter songs from the Broadway songbook. The stellar cast included seniors Connor Duffey, Maddie Corwin, Sophie Nelson, Nico Garcia-Corona, Chris Tse, Amelia Garrison, Angus McKay, Chris Otte, Alyssa Breda, Mason Guzman, Linda Riedman and Brittney Alvarez.

Jazz Concert and Chamber Choir Concert May 11 The spring Jazz Concert and Chamber Choir Concert will continue the Visual and Performing Arts concert season. At 7:00pm the Jazz Concert and Chamber Choir Concert will begin in the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. Advance reservations are highly recommended to this one-night engagement. For reservations please call the La Salle Box Office at 626.696.4415. Tickets are $9.

Spring Dance Concerts Our dancers will strut their stuff during the Spring Dance Concerts on May 18 at 7:00pm, and on May 19 at 2:00pm and 6:00pm. Students will be performing works choreographed by dance instructors as well as by students. Tickets are $9 for adults and $5 for students. Call the La Salle Box Office at 626.696.4415. Reservations are highly recommended. Parents are urged to volunteer to help at these events or donate food. For further information, check the parent volunteer website or contact the event liaisons. For dance, contact Daphne Trager at For the AP Art Show, contact Shiobain Brannon at For the Jazz Concert, contact Jennifer Montoya at jenniferbevanint@

Arts Hall of Fame Slated for May 22

AP Art Show, Advanced Band, Choir Performance Set for May 5

Wrapping up a busy and eventful year in the Visual and Performing Arts Department, our stellar students will be honored at the annual Arts Hall of Fame celebration on Tuesday, May 22, at 7:00pm in the Dining Hall.

For Cinco de Mayo, our music and art students will display their talent during two free events on Saturday, May 5. The AP Art Show is open for viewing in the Blakeslee Library at 5:00pm. The Advanced Band and Concert Choir will give a free concert on Saturday, May 5, at 6:30pm in the school Dining Hall. No reservations are required.

Volunteers are needed to help set up, serve refreshments and clean up. Donations of appetizers and desserts are also needed. You can sign up on the Parent Volunteer website. Click on May 22 on the calendar, or contact Arts Awards Chairperson Noelle Pope at

MAY2012 2012 MAY


La Salle Lancers Flags Perfect for Graduation Parties Large 28" x 42" Flage 3" sleve to fit standard wooden flag poles $25.00


Contact Esmeralda Garcia to place an order.

An Arts Boosters Exclusive

Spring Cleaning Time If your student does not want to wait in line to resell their used uniforms on the last day of school, you can still clear that closet and donate their uniforms which will then be resold to La Salle students during the summer. Just place good quality polo or dress shirts, pants, skirts, sweatshirts, spirit or gym clothes in the Used Uniform box in the La Salle Reception Lobby now until the end of school. The Used Uniform sale is a project of the Academic Boosters and all proceeds fund the wish lists of La Salle’s teachers. Questions? Call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828.or e-mail PAGE 13


MAY 2012

A Tribute to the Great White Way


"Brush up Your Shakespeare," with Dom Dagondon, Nico Garcia-Corona and Johnny Consiglio.

Above, Amelia Garrison. Left, Chris Tse and Connor Duffey. Middle, "Together Wherever we go," with, from left, Corina Riedmann, Joley Zucker, Madison Corwin and Cariona Henry.


MAY 2012

"Bushel and a Peck," with Judah Lacy and cast. Above, Chris Otte Middle, Angus McKay Bottom, Sophie Nelson

Above, "There is Nothing Like a Dame." Below, Chris Tse and Amelia Garrison. Below, Finale



MAY 2012

Founder’s Week Let Us Remember...

Each year, La Salle commemorates the life of its spiritual founder with a week of service and festivities. Students, faculty, and staff will volunteer Monday through Thursday, with each grade level leaving campus on a specified day of the week. A short list of organizations with which our students are partnering include: Cardinal Manning Center in Downtown L.A., Los Angeles Food Bank, Ability First in Pasadena, and Project Angel Food in Hollywood. The week culminates with Holy Mass, a friendly athletic competition, and a display of student talents on Friday. Questions? Call Michelle Grima, Service Coordinator, at 626.696.4358.

Founders Week Service Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Senior Service Day Sophomore Service Day Freshman Service Day Junior Service Day Founder’s Day Mass and Celebration

From Guidance and Counseling

Oh, to Sleep that Sleep By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling



It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the school year. It seems to have flown by so quickly, as it always does, in May. Our students received their semester grades and are now working hard to complete the school year to the best of their abilities. This is a crucial time for your students to complete their assignments. Encourage your student to speak to their teachers if they need to clarify what work needs to be completed. Some of your students may be sleeping less because they are studying far beyond their usual bedtimes. This can produce increased fatigue and stress and may cause them to seem more preoccupied and less communicative with you. If your student speaks with you about their concerns, try to listen and be supportive of their efforts. Academics are not the only concerns for your students at the end of the school year. It is a time when changes and shifts in friendships and dating relationships occur. These changes impact your students. Social events like the prom are very important to most high school students. Your students may react to the many peer related social pressures that arise as this school year ends. Parents often ask themselves how they can help their students during this time. The most helpful answer to that question is to listen to their concerns, accept their feelings, and ask what you can do to help your student during this challenging time.


MAY 2012

DeMarco Earns Eagle Rank Senior Greg DeMarco earned the rank of Eagle Scout from San Marino Troop 355 on October 26, 2011. Greg held several leadership positions including Den Chief, Patrol Leader, Patrol Quartermaster and Instructor. He earned 21 merit badges. His favorite merit badges were First Aid and Emergency Preparedness. Greg enjoyed many scouting experiences including Camp Cherry Valley on Catalina Island. Greg’s Eagle Scout service project was to restore a well-used area of Descanso Gardens in La Cañada. He planned and lead a group of scouts and friends in a two part project. They cleared ivy around a stream and the children’s train tracks. After all the ivy was cleared, the team finished the area with a fresh bed of wood chips. Greg’s project improved the appearance of the gardens for all to enjoy. Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout was the most significant milestone in his seven year scouting journey.


2012-13 Student Life Council President: Garrett Stone Activities: •Katie Smither Patrick Sullivan Alex Krizek Victoria Perez Summer Taylor Rallies •Michael Gordon Kevin Walsh Chloe Beauvois Matthew Crabtree Caroline Knop

Communications: Michael Anastasia Nicky Keros Brigit Murphy Claudia Vazquez Intramurals Joseph Carreon Robbie McAlister Service •Julia Jacques Christina Weisbruch Jamie Kwong Olivia Cavanaugh Laura Borquez

Spirit •Christina Judson Ian Quinn Stephanie Ferri Brianna Rodriguez Katie DoVale Spiritual Life Jen Brady Jen Robi Ben Dalgarn Elyse Mosquera Sabrina O’Reilly Historian: Brittney Baird PAGE 17

•Elected Commissioners


MAY 2012

Science Department Shares Wyland Mobile Learning Lab with Local Grammar Schools By Brian Miller ’79 Science Deopartment Chair


The La Salle Science Department hosted more than 300 third and fourth grade students and teachers from St. Andrew, Assumption of the BVM, St. Rita and St. Elizabeth elementary schools to explore the Wyland Clean Water Challenge on March 26, 2012 Members of La Salle’s Science National Honors Society were hosts to our grammar school guests guiding them through the Wyland Mobile Learning Lab and encouraging children to become “Water Warriors” and take the pledge to protect this most valued resource. La Salle students guided our guests through activities that demonstrated various aspects of our California Water System including: Estuary Food Webs, Pollution Run-off Wetland Succession, The Wheel of Water Misfortune and Engineering and Water Management.

Above, Ryan Flynn ’13 manipulates water gates to demonstrate water maintenance programs throughout the state of California. Above, right, elementary school students prepare to enter the Wyland learning Lab. Right, Emily Paluch ’13 oversees third graders from Assumption of the BVM as they spin the wheel of water misfortune.



MAY 2012 Left, Seniors Kenny Ma, Jasmine Gioang and George Pearman. Below, Monica Duong ’12 explains the food webs of estuaries in Southern California to third grade students from Assumption.

Middle left, Andrew Lucas ’13 demonstrates water succession programs in the state of California to fourth grade students from Assumption of the BVM Middle right, George Pearman '12 guides students through an exercise in water mnagement. Left, Melanie Klich '12 explains water distribution to St. Elizabeth students.



MAY 2012

MAY 2012

From the College Counseling Center

College Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Advanced Placement Exams Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 7 – May 18. The AP exam calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam. Students taking the AP exams will be excused from class during testing. Please contact Ms. Baldonado at 626.696.4311 for more information regarding the AP exams.


Page 20

While you may already have heard about the University of California and the California State systems cutting enrollment due to the current economic crisis, we still had a very successful year in College Counseling! We found the students who applied to a wide range of schools ended up being happy with their college choices and the ones who primarily applied to local colleges were not as pleased. In addition, students who were open to outof-state public colleges found their choices to be excellent fits, and affordable! By now all of our seniors have deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish the class of 2012 all the best in their college careers.

We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship awards information for our graduation program and our ad in the Pasadena Star -News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already completed it.

Junior News We have met with almost all of the juniors about their college plans. If we have not met with your student, chances are your student has not completed his or her Junior College Survey. All juniors who have turned in their survey will be seen before the last day of the school year. Once your junior has met with his/ her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us. All juniors should have taken the ACT in February. They should also have either taken or have registered for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior has not done so, please urge your student to take them ASAP. The June SAT and the June ACT are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2012:

SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 2 October 6* November 3* December 1* *proposed dates ACT June 9 September 8 October 27 December 8 Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early! Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The GPA that will go on their college applications is the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades too.

Senior College Planning Survey (for the Class of 2013)

The Class of 2013 will receive information regarding the next steps to plan for college by mail in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Senor College Planning Survey on Naviance. Upcoming seniors will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2013 to submit their

ParentNewsletter survey electronically by the first week of school. The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place in the Fall of 2012. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts, college handbooks and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss essay writing. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2012-13 calendar (published and mailed home in July) for the scheduled dates.

Camp College The College Center will be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed one or two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid and have developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The

MAY 2012

cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at www. Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 11 - June 13, 8:00am. to 12:00pm. August 13 – August 15, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou should you need more information on Camp College.

College Visitation Tours The college tour s will continue next year and again will be held around the Faculty Inser vice holidays. We are planning the following tours: October Bay Area Tour - UC Berkeley, St. Mary’s, University of San Francisco, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz and Santa Clara. November Santa Barbara Tour - UC Santa Barbara, Cal Lutheran, Cal State Northridge

February San Diego Tour - UC San Diego, San Diego State and University of San Diego April 1-6 (Easter Break) East Coast Tour* 17 colleges from Boston to Washington D.C. *The registration deadline for this tour will be in November. Please note with the exception of the East Coast Tour, the other tour dates are tentative. The confirmed dates will be posted in the August newsletter.


Standardized Testing Standardized testing for the 2012-2013 school year will take place on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012. Freshman students will take the Explore test, Sophomore students will take the PLAN, and Junior students will take the PSAT. Seniors are not tested in October, and this is a great day to visit some local colleges. You will get more information about testing in future newsletters.

D and F Grade Warning In order to remain strong candidates for college and university admission, all

students should be aware that “D” grades are not college qualifying. Therefore, any student earning “D” grades at the end of any semester (especially in math, science, English and world language) and who wants to qualify for a four year college, must make up these grades before continuing to the next school year. Of course, all “F” grades are unacceptable. Students who fail to make up any “F” grades in an approved summer course will jeopardize their re-admittance into La Salle. Please see Frank Laurenzello, the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction if you have any questions. PAGE 21


MAY 2012

Jelani Gardner Selected as New Basketball Coach

Athletic Director Anthony Harris recently announced the selection of Jelani Gardner as the new Lancer’s Boys Varsity Basketball Coach. Gardner takes over for Steve Goldstein, who resigned following 23 seasons at the helm. Goldstein was the longest-serving coach in La Salle’s 57 year history. Gardner is an athlete from St. John Bosco in Bellflower, the University of California at Berkeley and Pepperdine University in Malibu. He previously served as an assistant basketball coach at St. John Bosco High School. “St. John Bosco is coming off an impressive season after reaching the finals of the CIF State Championship. We are really happy with Jelani's selection, after his success at Bosco,” Harris said. Gardner also has impressive college and professional backgrounds and “we’re looking forward to a great future for La Salle basketball,” Harris continued. Following graduation from St. John Bosco as a McDonald's All-American, Gardner began his college basketball career at Cal, but later transferred to Pepperdine where he was an All West Coast Conference first team selection. Gardner was widely regarded as a top NBA prospect and was considered, by most pro scouts, to be a player that had a shot at stardom in the NBA. However, in 1995 the then 19-year-old Gardner learned that he had kidney disease after he Continued NEXT PAGE



La Salle Actors are Part of Pasadena Playhouse Show Eight of our theatre students will perform Tom Stoppard's fast, furious and funny “Fifteen Minute Hamlet” at the 2nd Annual High School Theatre Festival at the Pasadena Playhouse on Saturday, May 12. The festival begins at 9:00am. Emmy Award-winner Bradley Whitford and "Glee’s" Dominic Barnes will host the festival which includes performers from 15 Pasadena-area high schools. The festival is an annual event in which local high school students perform up to 15 minutes of material varying from scene work, to musical selections, to original compositions. The event is not competitive but provides a safe and supportive environment for participating students to see and be seen by their peers and community, according to Courtney Harper, Pasadena Playhouse Education and Outreach coordinator. Performing in “Fifteen Minute Hamlet,” are Carina Henry as Hamlet, Danielle Pomeroy as

Gertrude, Cheyanne Williams as Ophelia, and Maddie Pefferle as Shakespeare, Claudius and Polonius. The cast also includes Tesia Meza as Francisco and Laertes, Jordan Rogers as Osric and Gravedigger, Elyse Jackson-Williams as Fortinbras, Bernardo and Horatio, and Luke Bolle as Ghost. Drama/acting instructor David Paul Needles will direct and students Kara Donahue and Nathaley Ojeda-Vasquez will serve as stage managers. The festival will also feature performances by students from Alverno, Blair, Flintridge Preparatory, John Muir, Maranatha, Marshall Fundamental, Mayfield Senior, Pasadena, Polytechnic, Rosemead, St. Bernard, St. Francis and Westridge. Tickets are $5. The Pasadena Playhouse is located at 39 South El Molino Avene.


MAY 2012

Used Uniform Buy-Back Thursday, May 24 • 12:00 to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium Wednesday, June 6 • 8:30 to 10:30am Dining Hall Atrium

La Salle Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on May 24th and June 6th. Receive cash for your used uniforms by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms, gym shorts and shirts, sweatshirts, and polo shirts with a La Salle logo to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be in new to good condition, freshly laundered and meet current standards. The money from the Used Uniform fundraisers enables the Academic Boosters to support the teaching and enrichment programs of our school curriculum by granting items on the “Wish Lists” of the faculty and staff.


If you would like to volunteer to help during the buy-back or summer sales, please call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828. Volunteer hours can be applied to either the 2011-2012 or 2012-2013 school year.

Parents - Used Uniform donations are also gratefully accepted. Used Uniform collection boxes will be available starting April 16th in the School Lobby. Jelani Gardner

Continued from page 22

took a blood test as part of a pre-NBA Draft physical examination. Because of the Kidney disease, Gardner was unable to be drafted by any NBA team. The 1994 All-USA player finished his college career but was still not able to sign with an NBA team as a free agent. Finally, in 2002, after playing with kidney disease for seven years, the disease reached the critical stage. "It was a tough time in my life," he says. "I didn't know how to handle it. I could play at a high level even though I was sick, but my blood count was just too high." Thankfully, he received a kidney transplant from his mother that year. The 6'6" Gardner was mainly a shooting guard but also played at the point guard and small forward positions. Although he could never pass a player physical in order to sign with any NBA team, he played with a number of professional clubs in the United States and Europe (most recently with the Milton Keynes Lions Basketball Club in France), until he retired in January 2011. PAGE 23

ETASTY TASTY ParentNewsletter

MAY 2012

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News Senior Jordan Hill has been selected to the Division 4AA All CIF basketball team. This is a tremendous accomplishment as division 4AA has been tabbed as a super division. Hill was also first team All Del Rey league and will go to prep school at Phillip Exeter Academy in New Hampshire next fall. Hill, along with Jeff Briegel, was also selected to play in the Tribune/Star-News All Star Classic on April 28. Kevin Chan ’13 was awarded First Place in The Alice Frazier Kitchen Memorial Scholarship Competition held on April 29, at the Steinway Piano Gallery in West Hollywood. The competition was open to students of Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC)-West LA members and is geared towards the most advanced and gifted students. During the same weekend, Chan was awarded an honorable mention in the Glendale Piano competition, a scholarship program funded by the Elvin Samuel McGaughey Music Foundation dedicated to encouraging the love of music and excellence in piano performance among children, and represents the finest talent in our part of the country. Victoria Baltazar, senior pitcher on the softball team, was selected as the Pasadena Outlook Athlete of the Week for her no-hitter against Lakewood St Joseph High School. She struck out 10 in the 2-0 victory. Hey, the baseball team beat Bishop Amat last week, twice! That is huge my friends! See The Flyers that Follow the Newsletter Online

Club News The Astronomy Club members and their families had a star party on Friday, April 20 on the baseball outfield. Numerous telescopes were available for star gazing from about 7:00 to 9:00pm. “It was a great way to see the beautiful sky of ours,” said Astronomy Club moderator, Chija Bauer. La Salle High School’s Support Our Troops Club sponsored a “Letters from Home” drive to send cards and letters to the brave men and women serving our country overseas. As was shared by Captain Leroy Cisneros ’89, who is an Infantry Captain serving in his fourth tour as Company Commander, “I have 170 men and women under my Command here in western Afghanistan and many of them do not get mail or letters. We are just 75 miles from the Iranian border. After 11 years of being at war, believe me when I say that a simple letter from home goes a long way for a Soldier’s morale.” Many members of the community participated by sending cards and letters.

Summer Institute and Athletic Camps As in past years, La Salle High School will conduct the Summer Institute from June 18 to July 19. In addition we will also conduct various sports camps throughout June and July. Current students and incoming students are encouraged to attend. The Summer Institute Program is available online and at the reception desk. Please refer to the school website for updated information and registration for all camps. PAGE 24

State certificate received for The Great California Shake Out.


MAY 2012

Class of 2012 Senior Class Gift

It’s not too late for members of the Class of 2012 to contribute to their class gift. The Class of 2012 is raising money for the Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund. Gift amounts are $5, $10 and $20.12. Donations at any level are appreciated and help the class reach their goal of 100% participation. Those that give $20.12 or more receive a Class of 2012 Alumni T-Shirt which can be worn in lieu of the uniform polo between now and graduation. Those that participate by May 17th will be recognized in the graduation program. Donations are due to Ms. Schultz in the Alumni Office (Room 348) by May 23rd.


WEAR YOUR LANCER PRIDE! La Salle apparel for men, women and children is available for purchase online including reusable shopping bags, totes, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos, t-shirts, fleece, hats and more!

Orders are available for delivery or pick up at La Salle. PAGE 25

a ParentNewsletter

MAY 2012

MAY 2012

Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

May Highlights


May 3 BASEBALL vs Bishop Montgomery 3:15pm Lancer Diamond May 4 Special Schedule Dismissal 12:15pm La Salle Prom 7:30 - 11:30pm Sherwood Country Club May 5 SAT and Subject Tests AP Art Show 5:00pm Blakeslee Library Band & Choir Concerts 6:30pm Dining Hall May 7 SOFTBALL vs St Paul 3:15pm DLS Field BASEBALL vs St Paul 3:15pm Lancer Diamond May 11 Jazz Band & Chamber Choir Concerts 7:00pm Grinstead Theatre May 12 TRACK & FIELD CIF Prelims Division IV 12:00pm Citrus College

May 14-17 Founder’s Week Service Days May 15 Academic Awards 7:00pm Dining Hall May 18 Founder’s Day Liturgy and Celebration Olympics 1:00 Dismissal May 18 Dance Concert 7:00pm Grinstead Theatre May 19 Dance Concert 2:00 and 6:00pm Grinstead Theatre May 22 Arts Hall of Fame Induction 7:00pm Dining Hall May 23 Athletic Banquet 7:00pm Dining Hall May 24 Senior Presentation and Alumni Induction 10:00am Duffy Lewis Gymnasium Senior Luncheon 11:30am Dining Hall Senior Uniform Buy Back Noon - 2:00pm

June 1, 4-6 Special Schedule Semester Exams June 6 Semester Exams Conclude 9:30am Dismissal Used Uniform Buy-Back 8:30-10:30am Atrium June 9 and July 14 Athletic Physicals 9:00-12:00pm Band Room June 18 Summer Institute Begins

Uniforms - New and Used CKW/Sue Mills New Uniform Sales Dining Hall Noon-6:00pm Used Uniform Sale Blakeslee Library Noon - 6:00pm July 13, 2012


Atrium Alumni Legacy Reception 3:45pm Blakeslee Library Baccalaureate Mass 5:30pm Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Pasadena Grad Night at Disneyland 9:00pm to Friday 3:00am May 25 School Holiday 52nd Commencement Exercises 7:30pm Church of the Nazarine May 28 Monday Memorial Day School Holiday

CKW New Uniform Sales Dining Hall Used Uniform Sale Library 9:00-11:00am and 6:00 - 7:30pm August 6, 2012

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