May 2016 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

I begin this Newsletter with a gigantic THANK YOU for the countless good wishes, speedy recovery notes/emails and prayers that were sent my way in March. The doctors at USC Keck Medical Center were most successful in exorcising my unwanted benign tumor. After a few days in the hospital and then some weeks of recovery at home, I returned to campus following our Easter Break. It was nice to return to the campus and to be in the midst of the school action again.

End-of-the-Year Events With that being said, the month of May has already arrived. While this is technically not the last month of school activities for this academic year, it does begin the “winding down.” Many end-ofthe-year events and activities will occur in the next few weeks and I always remind folks to pay attention to the school calendar both in this publication and also our online version. It is our best attempt to keep you informed. For example, the Visual and Performing Arts Department is preparing for numerous events, we still have regular and playoff athletic contests from which to choose and various end-of-the year Award Celebrations: Academic Awards, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and the Visual & Performing Arts Awards. At each of these events, we will be honoring students for their richly deserved achievements. While humility is a fine quality to possess, it is also appropriate to celebrate the successes our students experience both inside and outside the classroom. I congratulate them all for a most successful year.

Parent Association The La Salle Parent Association is a wonderful organization that supports the work of this school. I am continually gratified by their volunteer spirit and desire to enhance our programs and daily school life. Whether it be the Christmas luncheon, presence at Open House, Academic Wish List offerings, Cookie Program or one of many other provided service opportunities, the parents of this school “walk-the-talk” in helping make La Salle a better school community. And, with this year coming to a close, Mrs. Marianne Continued on page 2

More About The De La Salle Christian Brothers John Baptist de La Salle, born Reims, France, April 30, 1651. He was a French priest, educational reformer, and founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. De La Salle died near Rouen on Good Friday, April 7, 1719. He was canonized a saint in 1900 and named the Patron Saint of Teachers in 1950.



MAY 2016

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

Wright concludes her year as President of the Parent Association. She has coordinated a terrific group of parents who have served as a Committee Chairperson or program leader. The thousands of hours of work and assistance is noteworthy because it’s done in service to our students for their betterment. As we say goodbye and thanks to Marianne for her leadership, we are pleased that Jacky Samartin will be leading the Association next year.

Advanced Placement Exams Beginning on Monday, May 2 and continuing to May 13, many upper division students will be involved in Advanced Placement exams through the College Board Program. These exams are the culminating act for a year of study and preparation with the results determining whether or not the individual student is eligible to receive college credit. Traditionally, our students have done exceedingly well and we expect no less this year. We will continue our practice of allowing students who have taken a morning AP exam to leave for the day after they have completed the exam. Should a student choose to leave for the day after an exam, they are still responsible for the classroom work they miss.


For seniors, they begin their final high school semester examinations on the afternoon of Friday, May 20 and they conclude on Wednesday, May 25. These tests are part of the evaluation process and do affect their final grade and transcript. We all hope they continue to do their academic best right up till the end. On May 25, we have a full day of activities including our Baccalaureate Mass. A mere two days later we will be honoring not only the graduating seniors for their work over the past four years, but as important for me, our Graduation ceremony is a terrific event in honor of our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at La Salle completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. To the parents of our graduating seniors, I say thank you for your evident commitment and love in the raising of your soon-to-be college bound offspring.

Final Exams On Tuesday, May 31 all of our underclassmen will begin their final examinations for the Spring Semester. The process of testing will conclude on June 3. As I indicated in the above paragraph, these examinations contribute to the final grade of each student – the grade that is entered onto a students’ transcript. The teachers at this school are willing to offer that special help to each student upon request. All the student needs to do is ask!

Memorial Day On Monday, May 30 our country holds its annual remembrance of those American service men and women who have died in service to our country. It is a wonderful opportunity to recall the many opportunities and blessings we have inherited because of those who lost their lives in defense of our freedoms. As citizens of this country, it is most appropriate for us to say thank you and to honor the sacrifice of life given by those who have died in the line of duty while serving in our Country’s armed forces. May we always be grateful for their sacrifice and honor their memory. Happy Memorial Day!


Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal


MAY 2016

From the Parent Association

It Seems Like Our Parents Always Have Time to Devote to Our School In our family, volunteering was a way of life. During my San Francisco childhood, my mother volunteered with Little Children’s Aid Society, her Alpha Phi sorority alumni group, and of course the St. Stephens Grammar School PTA. And, let me assure you, she did not perform a solo act. Whether it was delivering Christmas presents to needy homes for Little Children’s Aid Society, or licking and stamping envelopes for Alpha Phi’s heart healthy philanthropy fundraisers, my brothers and I were there in the trenches, helping my mother: her own special platoon. I particularly enjoyed helping with the annual St. Stephen’s Rummage Sale (I think I took home half of what was donated), and distributing the St. Stephens Cookbook. I still have my copy if you need a good noodle bake recipe. So, in my Pasadena adulthood, taking on various volunteer roles during our family’s four years at La Salle came naturally, and I was again fortunate to work with great leaders like Craig Snodgrass P'09,'12,'14, for whom I served as Parent Association Secretary; PA Hospitality under Tess Crabtree’s P'12,'14 leadership; Vice President during Tony Delgatto’s P'12,'13 presidency, and this year, President, working with a fabulous VP, Jacky Samartin P15,'19. I loved working with the Arts Boosters as Theater Liaison and with Rebecca Ruiz in the Inter Scholastic Equestrian League as our daughters competed for La Salle. As an at home parent, I’m lucky to have time to spend doing “good works” in the wider community, too. But, as I look around the La Salle community, my story is hardly unique. No matter how our parents fill up their days, they always seem to have time to devote to our school, part of that special something Dr. Gray likes to call, “The La Salle Difference.” At our last Parent Association Meeting, we recognized parent volunteers whose only or last child is graduating from La Salle. What an amazing group! They have made such an impact that their names were nominated for recognition: Athletics Boosters, Paula and Kurt Knop, Liz Garcia, Stacey Forbes and Myesha Graham; Arts Boosters, Esmeralda Garcia, Marianne and Matt Wright; Academic Booster, Martha Rodriguez; Crystal Ball Volunteers, Laura Vargas, Christie Joseph, Shereen and Clive Kelly, and Sharon Palmer; and Parent Association Leaders, Beckie Holmes, Marianne Wright, Nancy Madden, Lisa Urbina, Karen Sisson and Steve Yee. I would also like to recognize the La Salle Parent Association Executive Board, Jacky Samartin, Vice President; Karen Yuen, Treasurer; Connie Mimura, Secretary; our Booster Presidents: Arts, Esmeralda Garcia and Bridget Broussard; Athletics, John Cina and Christine Marez; Academics, Emily Vaughn Henry; and our Committee Chairs: Crystal Ball, Ellen Radle and Suzy Rettig with Gift Gathering Party Parents

Continued on page 7



MAY 2016

La Salle Matters

Recently I viewed a TED talk given by Harvard Business Professor Linda Hill, co-author of the 2014 study - Collective Genius: the Art and Practice of Leading Innovation, in which she made this provocative claim: “At the heart of innovation is a paradox. You have to unleash the talents and passions of many people and you have to harness them into a work that is actually useful. Innovation is a journey. It’s a type of collaborative problem solving usually among people who have different expertise and different points of view.”

As I thought about this comment, it occurred to me that Dr. Hill could have been describing the faculty at any Catholic high school in the Nation. Having spent the last 35 years as a Catholic school administrator, I found Dr. Hill’s insight to be particularly relevant as a means of describing how great teachers achieve success for students in and out of the classroom. It takes “collaborative problem solving” by people “who have different expertise and different points of view.” If you’ve ever observed a high school faculty meeting, you understand the complexity of this last point. And yet, I’ve seen magic happen when teachers with different points of view and expertise collaborate with each other to draw the best out of the students entrusted to their care. Hill goes on to cement this point by staking the claim that: “Innovation is not about solo genius; it is about collective genius.”



She notes the example of the hugely successful CGI firm, Pixar, where it “takes 250 people four to five years to make a movie.” For example, there is a scene in UP! : "Where the boy hands a piece of chocolate to the bird; that ten seconds took one animator almost six months to perfect.” I suspect we all get why this level of complexity makes sense in the film industry – they have the financial resources, time, and talent to take five years to make a movie. I also suspect that we would have less patience with the notion that, in schools, the same dynamic – time, collaboration and resource allocation are equally central to success in the classroom. This isn’t to suggest that it’s appropriate for schools to take advantage of similar resources available to filmmakers (they’re just not available); but it is appropriate to argue that, if we want a similar level of excellent outcomes in our schools, we need to be able to provide our teachers with the tools they need – particularly with respect to collaboration – and that’s where the other aspect of Hill’s claim regarding the paradox of innovation comes into play: “You have to unleash the talents and passions of many people and you have to harness them into a work that is actually useful.” That’s where the leader comes in. According to Hill: “If we want to build organizations that can innovate time and again, we must recast what our understanding of what leadership is about. Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovating and problem-solving.” Some might wonder: “What does a study on successful leadership in innovative settings have to do with how instruction gets delivered in a college-preparatory high school?” I would argue – everything. The art


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and craft of excellent teaching is deeply rooted in the ability to innovate. In the almost 40 years I’ve been privileged to work in Catholic education, I have witnessed a tsunami of innovation in how content gets delivered in the classroom. The obvious stuff – technology – is just the tip of the iceberg of educational innovation. At La Salle, the shift to a block schedule and an increasing emphasis on student work that is collaborative are only two examples of the less visible innovations which have profoundly shaped high school pedagogy in the 21st Century. These shifts in the delivery of high quality instruction require not only collaboration among teachers of the same academic discipline, but across disciplines as well. Readers of this column know that La Salle embarked on this collaborative journey under the leadership of Pat Bonacci, AFSC, has continued it under Brother Christopher and will be moved forward by the next principal of La Salle…which brings me to the point of this lengthy commentary on successful innovation – the opportunity to inform our parents of my delight in announcing the appointment of Courtney Kassakhian as the 15th principal of La Salle High School. Courtney brings to La Salle not only an extensive academic background in leading instructional innovation at Notre Dame High School (Sherman Oaks) and Incarnation School (Glendale), but an impressive exposure to the theory of educational innovation (MA in Catholic School Administration from LMU) as well. As a teacher of English and Journalism, Courtney understands the challenges of classroom instruction in an era of teenage obsession with social media and, as a former Director of High School Admissions, she understands that world from both the secondary and elementary perspectives as well. Her personal and professional commitment to the Catholic world La Salle occupies is without question and, equally importantly, she understands how critical the task of “harnessing the talents and passions” of creative people into “work that is actually useful” is to the successful implementation of the Mission of schools like La Salle. I am confident that Courtney has the requisite skills

La Salle Matters Continued on page 7

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2016

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org

Transforming Lives Since 1680



MAY 2016

Lancer Softball Field Dedicated to Chris Nelson On April 19th, the Lancer Softball Team dedicated their game against Cantwell Sacred Heart High School to Mr. Chris Nelson, father of sophomore Savannah. Chris was recently killed by a drunk driver. La Salle re-named the LDS softball field, “Nelson Field� in honor and memory of Chris. His family also paid tribute by releasing balloons to the heavens and his son threw out the first pitch. We would like to thank everyone in our community for their help and support of the Nelson family in their time of sorrow. OUR LASALLIAN COMMIUNITY PRAYS TOGETHER

The Nelson Family

Savannah Nelson


MAY 2016

Parent Association

La Salle Summer Programs June 20 - July 21

Continued from page 3

Coordinators Lisa Rico, Laura Vargas, Diane Cina and Jacky Samartin; No-Cost Fundraiser Chairs Michele Hardy and Beckie Holmes; Service Hours Coordinators Kavita Stanek and Geri Payne; PA Pantry Angela Beddawi; Hospitality Chair Cherry Agapito; New Parent Orientation Chair Christine Marez; Grandparents Day Chair Jennifer Synold; Faculty Appreciation Day Chairs Angela Bohanec and Ariana Lingenfelser; Senior Retreat Dinners coordinator Marianne Wright; and Adopt a Family Chair Kristina Speakman; and Lancer PALS Chairs Josie Beringer and Emma Ayala.

Marianne K. Wright P'16 President, Parent Association

La Salle Matters Continued from page 5

•Academics •Athletics •Enrichment Grades Four Through Twelve Call for Catalog 626.351.8951 Register Online

and expertise to effectively implement Dr. Hill’s new leadership paradigm: "Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovating and problem-solving." I am proud of the faculty that Pat Bonacci, AFSC and Brother Christopher have nurtured and challenged to seize the opportunities inherent in serving an organization that must be nimble and flexible in meeting the ongoing – and increasing – expectations which La Salle must deliver on its promise to be the school of choice in the San Gabriel Valley. I am equally confident that Courtney Kassakhian will take us to the next level of doing “the hard work of innovating and problem-solving.” There will be a more formal process of introducing Courtney to the La Salle community, but I wanted the readers of the ParentNewsletter to be among the first to receive the exciting news. Stay tuned…

Richard Gray, Ph.D President



MAY 2016


17th Annual Crystal Ball

Honoring Brother Christopher Brady, FSC

The Noor in Pasadena May 6, 6:30 to 11:30pm Silent and Live Auction • Dinner and Dancing


For more*Maui information and sponsorships please call Vacation made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation Irene Santucci at 626.696.4312


MAY 2016

Student Council 2016 -2017 Student Life President: Max DoVale Commissioner of Activities: Sarah Day Assistant Commissioners of Activities: Jeffrey Daley Kaitlyn Gibson Troy Worley Commissioner of Communications: Jewelyn Pickett Assistant Commissioners of Communications: Justin DeMesa Gabby Lanyi Melissa Mariscal Raquel Ruiz Commissioner of Rallies: Victoria Saldivar Assistant Commissioners of Rallies: Miles Gelinas Philip Ibarra Samantha Nieto

Commissioner of Service: Arielle Fong Assistant Commissioners of Service: Chris Dinkel Owen Hart Bella Marez Ashley Mayo Commissioner of Spiritual Life: Audrey Sayer Assistant Commissioners of Spiritual Life: Victoria Barrios Will Dalgarn Mary Harmon Aly Hartman Gia Martinez JP Payro Commissioner of Spirit: Tess Gauthier Assistant Commissioners of Spirit: Travis Beringer Caterina Burch Carlos Rico Noelle Shimazu

D and F Grade Warnings In order to remain strong candidates for college and university admission, all students should be aware that “D” grades are not college qualifying. Therefore, any student earning “D” grades at the end of any semester (especially in math, science, English and world language) who hopes to qualify for a four year college, must make up these grades before continuing to the next school year. Of course, all “F” grades are unacceptable. Students who fail to make up any “F” grades in an approved summer course will jeopardize their re-admittance into La Salle. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Edgar Salmingo, Associate Principal for Academic Life.



MAY 2016

Grandparents Day Delights A VERY NICE DAY FOR ALL

La Salle’s Annual Grandparents Day event took place March 23rd on campus. The day began with brunch in which students were dismissed from class and given the opportunity to spend some quality time with their grandparents. After a congenial brunch and spirited discussion, students were asked to return to class while the Visual and Performing Arts Department began their presentations. Performances by the La Salle band, dance classes, and even an excerpt from the spring musical, "Nice Work If You Can Get It." It was a wonderful day to be remembered. In the words of Mr. Bonacci, “thank you, God, for making these grandparents such good examples for our students.” We look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Kairlyn Gibson '17 Rebecca Whitehead '17

Cole Sochinsky '18

Alissa Gordon'19


Lexi Dyer '16

Eliajh Griffin '17


MAY 2016 MAY 2016

Kami Busbee'19 and Mason Busbee'16 Justin DeMesa '17

A word of thanks...

Jacky Samartin P'15.'17, Event Chair Jenny Synold P'18 and PA President Marianne Wright P' 16

Oliver Richards '17

Justin DeMesa '17

Let us thank all the wonderful parent volunteers who helped set up the night before Grandparents Day and worked again in the morning. Our parent volunteers worked hard and made my job easy! I would also like to thank Ginger at Corner Market in Pasadena for the quiche and salads, Little Flower in Pasadena for the muffins and scones, and Lemon Drop Cookie Shop in Monrovia for the cookie gifts. A huge thank you goes to Starbuck’s Coffee in Sierra Madre for donating all the coffee. Thanks, Jenny Synold Grandparents Day Chair


MAY 2016


MAY 2016

From Institutional Advancement

Leaving A Legacy for La Salle The end of the academic year is upon us, and the members of the class of 2016 will be commencing a new chapter in their lives. The future of these students holds great promise as a result of their dedicated efforts and also the support they have received from their family and the educators and administrators at our School. What will La Salle High School be like in the future as the class of 2016 and other alums revisit our campus? How will our School keep pace in the academic, spiritual, athletic and theater & performing arts ventures and programs? Will students in the future have available to them the same quality of or better resources that current and past students have experienced? PLANNED GIVING GUIDELINES TO BUILD A LEGACY

The answer to the last question is a resounding Yes! The history of our School and that of the Christian Brothers shows that we have continually maintained the high level of quality in the areas of importance for the students entrusted to our care. A significant component in achieving these resources and opportunities at our School is the financial support provided through our School’s Planned Giving program. Planned Giving is a method of support of La Salle High School that enables both a donor and our School to establish and maintain a program to achieve certain financial goals that are beneficial to both the donor and La Salle High School. A planned gift is a major gift that can be made during the lifetime of the donor or at death as part of the donor’s overall estate and/or financial plan. Conversely, annual gifts are typically made from the donor’s discretionary income and are a part of one’s annual budget. One of the pillars of sound long term financial support of our School is Planned Giving. Generic strategies of a planned gift include:

3 A planned gift can utilize appreciated assets (stocks, other securities, real estate) instead of cash

3 A planned gift can provide benefits to the donor such as a stream of income during one’s lifetime, a reduction in taxes that might be due on appreciated assets at sale, a reduction in estate taxes, or a reduction in one’s annual income tax liability

3 A planned gift of including La Salle High School as a beneficiary of one’s retirement account and/or life insurance policy can be an effective estate tax planning strategy


As we congratulate the class of 2016 and send them off with our best wishes, let us bear in mind the importance of maintaining, nurturing and advancing the foundation of our School and providing an environment to enhance it for the students of the future. Consideration of a Planned Gift is a great way to be a part of this worthy effort.


MAY 2016

From left, Japhet Quitzon, Zach Damir, Long Lin, Noah Sisson, Kevin Liu, Robert Sweeney.

Model UN Forms to Explore the World Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic competition in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. The La Salle Model UN club, coached by Mr. Steve Goldstein, traveled to Occidental College on Saturday, April 9th for a competition hosted by the United Nations Association of Pasadena. In addition to La Salle, Arcadia High School and Blair High School also competed. Each member represented a country and a topic that affects the world today. For their groups: Noah Sisson was chosen Best Delegate, Kevin Liu was chosen Best Delegate and Japhet Quitzon was chosen Best Diplomat. Legacy Continued from page 12

Please review the Planned Giving articles in future publications of both the Parent Newsletter and Lancer Magazine for ongoing updates in the Planned Giving Program.

In Summary La Salle High School can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, the Director of Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344.




MAY 2016

The Crystal Ball

Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! The prizes are as follows: A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui* 8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort Includes round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit at select resort restaurants Plus two complimentary Luau tickets

• Apple iPad

• Disneyland Family Park Hopper 4-pack Opportunity Drawing takes place on May 6, 2016 during the Crystal Ball For tickets, contact Robyn Tapert at 626.357.3588




MAY 2016

Save the Dates: Uniform Buy Back! That’s right! We want to purchase your gently used uniforms. Bring your items to La Salle on the dates below and we will give you CASH for your used uniforms!

Senior BUY BACK dates: May 23rd and 24th Freshman, Sophomore and Junior BUY BACK dates: May 31st and June 1st. Place: Benches Outside Dining Hall Time: Lunch and After School Men’s BUY BACK items: Pants: CKW, Mills or Dockers Beige Khaki Pants Shirts: White long sleeve oxford shirts La Salle issued Blue or White Polo shirts Outerwear: La Salle Vest, V-Neck or Cardigans La Salle issued Sweatshirts, Hoodies and Jackets


Physical Education: La Salle issued PE T-Shirts and Shorts Spirit Packs: La Salle (ALL) Sports Sweats, Jackets, Spirit Shirts and Polo’s La Salle issued Ties: All sizes

Women’s BUY BACK items: Skirts: Pants: Shirts: Outerwear:

Red Plaid or Khaki CKW, Mills or Dockers beige khaki pants La Salle issued Blue or White Polo’s La Salle white short-sleeve button up blouse La Salle Vest, V-Neck or Cardigans La Salle issued Sweatshirts, Hoodies and Jackets

Physical Education: La Salle issued PE T-Shirts and Shorts Spirit Packs: La Salle (ALL) Sports Sweats, Jackets, Spirit Shirts and Polo’s All items must be washed and folded, please deliver them in a plastic bag. NO paper bags. All items purchased will be resold at Academic Boosters Summer “Used Uniform Sale”. Our re-sale is not a fundraiser; we are simply providing an affordable alternative for La Salle students that benefit from purchasing gently used items.

Thank you for your support and have a wonderful summer! Uniform Buy Back Committee: Shaya Akobian 818-324-9740 Pamela Cimino 626-975-6721



MAY 2016

MAY 2016

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By Owen Hou ’90, Tina Bonacci '94 and Marcia Yu, College Counselors

Advanced Placement Exam Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 2 – May 13. The AP exam calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam. CHECK AP EXAM TIME AND DATES

Students should plan to arrive at the exam site by 7:45am for morning exams check-in and at 11:45am for afternoon exams check-in. Exams are scheduled to start promptly at 8:00am and noon, respectively. Students are not required to attend school on the day of your exam(s). If they choose not to attend school, one of the parents are still required to call the school students from the block(s) they will be absent. An attendance roster will be published for the school prior to and after an exam Please contact Mrs. Yu at 626.696.4387 for more information regarding the AP exams.

Senior News We found the students who applied to a wide range of schools, both in-state and outof-state, were happy with their college choices. By now all of our seniors have deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Bonacci and Mr. Hou wish the class of 2016 all the best in their college careers.


We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship award information for our graduation program and our ad in the Star News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already done so.

Junior News We have met with almost all of the juniors about their college plans. If we have not met with your student, chances are your student has not completed his or her College Planning Survey (for Juniors). All juniors who have turned in their survey will be seen before the last day of the school year. Once your junior has met with his/her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us. All juniors took the ACT in February. They may have taken or have registered for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior is interested in taking the SAT or SAT Subject Tests June 4, they must register by May 5. The ACT will take place on June 11; students must register by May 6. The June SAT and the June ACT are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. All colleges will accept the ACT or SAT scores. To save time and money, students are advised to invest their time and money in one of the standardized tests, either ACT or SAT. There is no testing during the summer. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2016. Most colleges will accept test scores through December of the student’s senior year: SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 4 October 1* November 5* December 3* *proposed dates

ParentNewsletter ACT June 11 September 10 October 22 December 10 Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early! Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The Cumulative GPA that will go on their college applications will include the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades, too.

Class of 2017 College Planning Survey The Class of 2017 will receive the next steps to plan for college by email in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Sr. College Planning Survey on Naviance. Members of the Class of 2017 will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2017 to submit their survey electronically by the first week of school. The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place early fall of 2016. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts, college hand-

books and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss essay writing. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2016-17 calendar (published in July) for the scheduled date and time.

Camp College The College Center will be offering a threeday seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction

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with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $225. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at and click on ‘Summer Programs.’ Two sessions are available for students: June 8-10, 8:00am to 12:00pm. August 10-12, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou or Ms. Bonacci should you need more information on Camp College.


College Visitation Tours The college tours will continue next year and again will be held around the Faculty In-service holidays. We have tentatively planned the following tours: Fall 2016 Orange County Tour Spring 2016 Greater Los Angeles Tour Spring 2016 Bay Area Tour April 17 – April 22 (Easter Break) East Coast Tour* 17 colleges from Boston to Washington D.C. *The registration deadline for this tour will be in November. Please note with the exception of the East Coast Tour, the other tour dates are tentative. The confirmed dates and schools will be posted in the August ParentNewsletter.

Standardized Testing Standardized testing for the 2016-2017 school year will take place on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. Freshman and Sophomore students will take the ACT PLAN, and Junior students will take the PSAT. Seniors will not be tested in October, but this is a great day for Seniors to visit some local colleges. You will get more information about testing in future newsletters.



MAY 2016

From the Athletic Boosters

Spring Sports Report It has been an inspiring year for Lancer Athletics for both our players, our families, and your Lancer Athletic Booster Board. La Salle’s Boys Basketball Team had a championship season taking the Runner Up trophy home in the CIF Basketball Finals. Congrats to head basketball coach Mike Lynch and the Lancer Basketball team. Special thanks to all the parents and team mom, Cynthia Sterling, who supported us with snack bar duties, team dinners, and leading cheers at the games—our #1 fans! SUPPORT THE LANCERS THIS SPRing

We are in the middle of the season for Lancer Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, Swimming, Tennis, Boys Volleyball and Golf. All our teams are performing exceptionally well and if I had five pages for this letter I might be able to congratulate all of the teams, coaches and parent for their great seasons. Lancer Baseball, led by Coach Parisi, has an impressive 13-5 record. Our baseball team also found time to fund raise and recently donated $6,000 to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Softball, under head Coach Randy Kirker, is ramping up their season with some big wins including a victory over Division 1 Upland High School, and taking second place in the Diamond Bar Tournament. Our Boys Golf team continues to impress us with an unprecedented winning streak! They are currently in first place in the Del Rey League and they are not looking back. The Athletic Booster Board congratulates our new Second Vice President Erik Zimmerman. Erik will be focusing on the Board’s new marketing and media campaigns and brings a wealth of experience to La Salle. Thanks to Cynthia Sterling, who will head up our Merchandising efforts to make Lancer merchandise more available to our La Salle families in the coming year. The Boosters will be attending operations planning meetings through the next few months to get ready for our fall 2016 sports programs. If you would like to participate on a booster committee, please contact the boosters at


Christine Marez Athletic Boosters President P'14,'18


MAY 2016

Lancer Baseball donated $6,000 to Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

Lancer Softball picked up a second place trophy at the Diamond Bar Tournament.



MAY 2016

Jenkins, Rewers, Torrez, Brown, Steger, Dwyer, with Athletic Director, Anthony Harris

Six Lancers Sign Spring National Letters of Intent COLLEGE BOUND LASALLIAN ATHLETES


Six of our student-athletes signed National Letters of Intent on April 12, to their respective universities. Brandon Jenkins has been on the varsity baseball team for four years, accumulating an Earned Run Average of just over 2.0 with over 75 strikeouts, as well as earning Second Team All Del Rey League Honors his sophomore year. He made his decision this past fall to attend Haverford College in Pennsylvania, an academic decision as much as a baseball decision. Lauren Rewers is a three-year varsity outside hitter and opposite for the Lancers’ volleyball team. She was named 1st team all-league in her junior year and team Captain her senior season. Some of her stats included 47 aces, 143 digs and 211 kills. Lauren will be attending St Olaf University in Minnesota where she is slated to play outside hitter. Jacqueline Torrez has had a sensational four-year career in the Lancer swimming program. She is a four-time 1st team all-leaguer and three-time varsity captain. She led the Lancers to a top 10 CIF finish last year as

well as swimming in the finals of both of her CIF individual events. Jackie will be swimming for Division I George Washington University in Washington DC with an emphasis on the individual medley and breaststroke for the Colonials. Joel Brown is a two year varsity starter playing right field and as a relief pitcher on the Lancers’ baseball team. He received the silver slugger award as a freshman for hitting just under .500 and earned 2nd team All Del Rey league as a junior. Joel has committed to Chapman University for baseball as their top outfield prospect. His main priority right now is to lead the Lancers to a league championship this season. Brianna Steger has been the rock of the La Salle girls golf team for four seasons. She is the first ever female golfer to advance to the CIF finals in school history. She signed with The Matadors of California State University, Northridge (CSUN). Vanessa Dwyer is a four-year varsity softball player and a three-year starting pitcher and first baseman. Vanessa signed with Vanguard University where she will focus on pitching in college.


MAY 2016

Lynch, Coach of the Year It happened earlier than anybody expected. But when Mike Lynch is at the helm, that should surprise nobody. Lynch, the veteran 10-time CIF champion coach who made a splash when he was named head coach at La Salle High School, wasted little time turning things around at the dormant Pasadena school. After leading La Salle to its first CIF championship game in decades and far outperforming expectations in his first season, Lynch is the Pasadena StarNews Coach of the Year. “I’m very humbled because this whole year didn’t have success written on it,” Lynch said of the award. And the Lancers did it despite losing projected leading scorer Jaice Gardner, who was injured and lost for the season. La Salle edged Muir in a close game in the first round and then it was off to the races. The Lancers then upset Compton Centennial and Morningside on the road to reach the semifinals where they won a close game over Campbell Hall. Lynch delivered success to La Salle way earlier than anybody expected. And now the future looks even brighter with several key players returning next season.


Oyie-Little, Player of the Year Christian Oyie-Little knew his new teammates expected a lot of him. After all, Oyie-Little was the new kid at La Salle High School. He was the transfer who left powerhouse Price for La Salle with hopes of turning around a ho-hum boys basketball program. But after leading La Salle to 25 wins and a trip to the CIF-Southern Section 4AA championship game, Oyie-Little is the 2016 Pasadena Star-News Player of the Year. “I’m just thankful,” Oyie-Little said of the award. “I feel like my team really helped me and the fans really helped us to win and have fun.” With Jacie Gardner lost to a knee injury, all the lofty aspirations the Lancers had were pretty much gone. But gradually, Oyie-Little and teammates like Johnny Knox and AJ Acobian had faith in themselves and started to make up the difference and the wins soon followed. Once in the playoffs, Oyie-Little became an unstoppable scoring point guard. The Lancers put on one of the best postseason showings of any area team. They came up short in the finals, but everything Oyie-Little had set out to prove was taken care of. Articles this page, reprinted, in part, from the Pasadena Star-News


ParentNewsletter From the Vice President for Mission

Mind the Mission By Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission

Live Jesus in OUR hearts


Congratulations to all of the students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation during this school year. According to Catholic Doctrine, Confirmation, together with Baptism and Eucharist, form the Sacraments of Initiation that are all intimately connected. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Our recently confirmed

Founder’s Day Mass with the presiding priests. The celebrant for the mass was Auxiliary Bishop, Most Reverend David G. O’Connell. We were honored to have Bishop O’Connell visit our campus for the first time since he was installed as the Auxiliary Bishop for the San Gabriel Pastoral Region. The Bishop was a huge hit with the students and we certainly will invite him back to La Salle as often as his schedule allows. We also thank La Salle graduates: Msgr. Timothy Nichols '65, Fr. John Keese ’66 and Fr. William Nicholas ’88 for returning to their alma mater to concelebrate the mass with Bishop O’Connell. Deacon Steve Marsh P'12,'15 also assisted with the liturgy. As we begin the roller coaster ride through graduation activities and end-of-the-year ceremonies and semester finals, I thought this was the best time to share with you a conversation I had at the end of last school year with Dr. Gray and Brother Christopher. At that time, I informed them that the 2015-2016 school year would be my last year of classroom teaching. This school year marks my 44th year of teaching and administrative work Deacon Steve Marsh P'12,'15, Fr. William Nicholas ’88, Bishop, David G. O’Connell,. within this Archdiocese, 30 years at Msgr. Timothy Nichols '65, Fr. John Keese ’66. La Salle and 14 years prior to that at Assumption of the BVM. Even during students all made a personal choice to continue all of the years where my primary responsibilities their Catholic faith journey; we thank them for were Administrative, including my years of being making that informed decision. The names of principal of La Salle, I taught at least one class. those students who informed us they received this After 44 years in the classroom, I thought it was Sacrament this year are listed in this Newsletter. about time to give any future La Salle students a You will also find a picture of this year’s Confir- break from having me Mission mation recipients that was taken at the end of our

Continued on page 24


MAY 2016

Confirmation Class 2016

For the 2015-2016 School Year Reilly Milton – St. Rita Alex Nino - Assumption BVM Seihera Asao – St. Luke Lance Alviso – St. Christopher Eric Rico – SS. Felicitas and Perpetua Johnathan Martinez – St. Philip Ziraili Martinez – Holy Family, Glendale Ashley Conlon - St. Rita Ashley Mayo - St. Rita Sarah Day - St. Luke Savannah Nelson – Holy Angels Arianne Miller – St. Therese Michael Piesik - Assumption BVM Nicholas Sweetland Assumption BVM Michelle Nguyen - Holy Angels Sierra Black - Transfiguration Brian Boull›t - SS. Felicitas and Perpetua Riley Sansone - Holy Angels Juan Daniel Valdez – St. Bernard

Mark Camarena - St. Bernard Nickolas Morales - St. Philip Makenna Maucher – St. Rita Tamia Cephus – St. Rita Claire Ganguin - St. Philip Gabriela Rico – Holy Family, \Glendale Mary Costa - St. Philip Hannah Alviso – St. Christopher Hallie Milton – St. Rita Abby McKiernan - St. Rita Natalie Mirasol - Holy Angels Ethan Lee – St. Rita Cristina De La Cruz – St. Thomas Aquinas Bryan Dionisio - Assumption BVM Jordan Labbe - Assumption BVM Victor Scalzo – St. Rita Raphael Navarro - St. Philip Mia Stone - St. Philip Annika Bohanec -SS. Felicitas and Perpetua

Julia Angeli Macabuhay – St Dominic Nicholas Zuniga - St. Rita Natalie Gohrick – St. Rita Dylan Mazaros – St. Rita Katherine Sabido - Holy Angels Mary Harmon – St. Rita Maria Velosa - Assumption BVM Cameryn Brown – St. Rita Benjamin Aralar Assumption BVM Daniel Costello - SS. Felicitas and Perpetua Samantha Nieto - SS. Felicitas and Perpetua Isabella Marez - St. Philip William Dalgarn - St. Philip Eric Zimmerman – St. Rita Taylor Beddawi – Holy Angels Giovanna Martinez - Holy Angels Michelle Broussard - Holy Family, Glendale Savannah Nelson – Holy Angels


MAY 2016


MAY 2016

A Parents' Testimonial LEARN SERVE LEAD

Parents naturally want the best for their child, but our daughter knew that La Salle was right for her even before we did. In fact, she began imagining her future as a Lancer from the moment she finished her first school tour. She loved the years she spent in elementary and middle school, but was eager to be part of an energetic, co-ed high school, with a larger, more diverse student body, a broad array of courses and extra curricular programs, and, in her case, a really strong arts program. She found everything she wanted at La Salle. Her four years here have validated her judgment. She has grown to become a young woman of strong character, confidence and compassion. She has learned how to persevere in the face of academic challenges, how to shine like a star, and, even more important, how to help others shine as well. We have seen La Salle bring out the best in Emily. Her teachers challenge and inspire her, she and her classmates support each other, and the result is a young person who is ready to step into college and thrive. Are we happy that Emily chose La Salle? We think the result speaks for itself. Marianne and Matt Wright Parents of Emily Wright, Class of 2016 Mission Continued from page 19


as one of their classroom teachers. Dr. Gray asked if I would continue next year, on a part-time basis, in my position of Vice-President for Mission and I gratefully told him I would. As it now stands, I will continue to be the academic advisor for a number of students as well as continue my Lasallian Formation initiatives with the faculty and the Boards of Trustees and Regents. I will also continue to assist the Mission Support Committee in their important tasks related to the monitoring of La Salle’s new Strategic Plan and the WCEA’s Educational Improvement Plan (EIP). My only concern with this re-positioning of my responsibilities is the last line of my job description that states I will do “all other work as assigned by the President”. That statement has in the past moved me into some “interesting" areas, so I doubt that I

will be bored. As I attempt to carve out more family time - grandsons’ time -, I am consistently thankful for the opportunity given to me to be with the best and brightest students, the most gifted and dedicated faculty and administrators and, the most supportive parents any educator could ever hope to find. At this point in my life I am reminded of the words from our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, who stated, “To my mind what I ask of God in prayer is that he tell me what he wants me to do and that he inspire me with the disposition he wants me to have.” I look forward to my continual involvement and service to the Lasallian Community of La Salle High School. Live Jesus in Our Hearts!


MAY 2016

Lancer Summer Physicals The Athletic Department is looking for parent volunteers to help with the 2016 summer physicals which take place on campus on June 11 and July 9. We are in need of the following parent volunteers: nurses, optometrists, doctors and general volunteers. Without the volunteers’ help this event would not be possible. Join us and help support Lancer Athletics and earn parent volunteer hours. Please contact the athletic trainer, Tim Rasmussen if interested in volunteering. Email:




MAY 2016

MAY 2016

Kate Williams - Lasallian Educator of the Year By Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal

The Lasallian Educator of the Year Medal is given annually to a faculty member or administrator who exemplifies the qualities of St. La Salle…specifically meeting the following criteria: • A dedicated and committed individual who is a qualified educator

• An educator who understands their own dignity as a child of God so that he or she can pass this on to their students



• A person who cherishes and cares for their students like an older brother or sister, and, above all, someone who is committed to a life of faith and prayer so that they can teach their students in the spiritual life, inculcating living values. Without a doubt, our recipient this year exemplifies these criterion. This educator amazes me for a willingness to do anything for the betterment of students. This teacher is a mentor and spends extra-extra-extra time with students in need. An individual who clearly loves students and has earned their respect. This educator lives and breathes La Salle. Earlier this semester, students completed a Teacher Feedback Form for all of your teachers. Here are the words of students used to describe our recipient: "Easy to talk to, provides individual help to everyone, very patient and nice, works with us and beside us, everything is amazing in this classroom, creates a relaxed and nurturing environment, communicates with us, and one of the best teachers at La Salle." Yes, Saint La Salle would have been proud of this 21st century educator.

Our recipient clearly enjoys teaching and being around young people. One of the qualities that this teacher exhibits in teaching and leading is a real passion for developing the whole student. In fact, one can find our recipient on campus at all hours – even Saturdays and Sundays. Our Lasallian Educator is beginning to understand the word moderation! Additionally, this individual continually demonstrates that being creative and original is already a part of us. Our honoree has been associated with La Salle High School for only a few years but has completely immersed herself into our Student Life program: participation in retreats, a class moderator and the rally committee. As someone wrote – she is Ms. La Salle. We are proud to honor Ms. Kate Williams who has been serving this community of students and who now becomes our newest


MAY 2016

By Brother Christopher Brady,FSC, Principal

In determining who should be rightfully acknowledged for this award (a non-teacher or administrator) the following criterion were developed. • Manifests daily actions that support the Mission of the school • Demonstrates a steady commitment to fellow workers and students by exhibiting patience, understanding and humor. • Is flexible with one’s time and is willing to assist others. • Participates in the co-curricular life of the school (attends games, retreats, the arts) • Is selfless in not expecting any recognition

Learn serve LEAD

Our honoree’s name will be inscribed on a perpetual plaque that will hang on a wall on the 3rd floor of the school. Earlier this month, I invited faculty and staff members to nominate a deserving individual who meets the established benchmarks. Thirteen individuals were nominated for consideration. Here is how different members of this school community described our first recipient of the St. Joseph the Worker Award: "A pleasure to work with at all times,

Serhan - First St Joseph the Worker Awardee awesome, so caring, makes the time to help others, embodies what this award is intended to recognize, humble, friendly, welcoming, kind and most noteworthy – loving." For more than a few years (OK - 11 years) this person has been a part of the La Salle community. She is at her best when she is helping…from listening to others, to planning this, or organizing that. She finds it difficult to say “NO” to anyone. Whether it is attending a water polo match, or participating in a student retreat, she is a supporter of her fellow workers and the students. I am pleased to present our first St. Joseph the Worker Award to someone I have the pleasure of working with daily, Mrs. Elizabeth Serhan.



MAY 2016

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News

Kevin Tian ’18 has received the Cabrini Literary Guild’s 2016 Creative Writing Award. This contest was his first public submission of a story and what a way to begin his literary career! At the Guild’s Awards Luncheon on April 14, Kevin was awarded a check for $1,000 and given the honor of having his piece read aloud to the audience by Desiree Zamorano, an award-winning short story writer and Pushcart Prize nominee. Kevin began writing fiction at the age of eight, after he received The Hobbit as a gift from his uncle. After reading this classic, Kevin started writing short fantasy stories, which he read to his family and friends. Kevin said he is very proud to have represented La Salle at this prestigious competition and plans to continue writing fantasy stories.


Congratulations to Emari McClellan '16 who was recently recognized as one of 10 area scholar Athletes at the National Football Foundation banquet held at the Pasadena Convention Center. The foundation’s mission “is to promote and develop the power of amateur football in developing the qualities of leadership, sportsmanship, competitive zeal and the drive for academic excellence in America’s young people.” To be recognized as a scholar, the athlete must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be a member of his school’s varsity football team for the duration of their senior year, have exhibited outstanding football achievement on the field, and exhibited service and leadership on and off campus. by the National Football Foundation. Senior Jordan Rupp is the winner of the 2016 Rotary Club of Sierra Madre Music competition. He stunned the audience by playing an emotionally moving Un Sospiro by Franz Liszt. Mr. Brian Miller '79, La Salle science teacher, will be inducted as a member of the Hall of Honor for The San Gabriel Valley Baseball Coaches. The Ceremony will be part of the Senior All-Star game on June 5th at the University of La Verne. Coincidentally, this honor coincides with the 20th Anniversary of the CIF and Small Schools State Baseball Championship titles won in 1996 when Miller was the Lancers' Varsity Baseball Head Coach.

Excellence in all we do


“If you truly expect to realize your dreams, abandon the need for blanket approval. If conforming to everyone’s expectations is the number one goal, you have sacrificed your uniqueness, and therefore your excellence.” Hope Solo


MAY 2016

MAY 2016

Lancer Golf Undefeated, Again!

Seniors, Tyler Anastasia and Noah Gohrick


The Lancer Boys Golf team, coached by Mr. Steve Goldstein, finished the regular season 17-0. This is the second straight season the Lancers were undefeated in match play. No other team in La Salle history has been able to accomplish this feat. The team is on a 39 match winning streak dating back to April 2014. In the last five years the varsity record is 72-8.

La Salle Tops in California

La Salle has been ranked in the top 100 private schools in California with an A overall grade. The rankings are by Niche who provides students, families, and professionals with best-in-class content and deep insight into big life decisions. Every year, they help millions of people find their niche and thrive within it. There are 4358 private schools in California. Last year Niche ranked La Salle 5th in the nation for Diversity.

When you see this logo on a page, it means that we have many more photos of the event featured that you can view on flickr. Just go to our home page and click the flickr logo in the lower left hand corner.

elĂŠonore Student Fashion Magazine for April, Prom Issue, will be online at / Student Life mid May.


ParentNewsletter 222222

MAY 2016

Check your School calendar for event times and dates

May Highlights 17th ANNUAL CRYSTAL BALL MAY 6




April 30 Spring One Act Play 7:00pm Porticos* See School calendar for performance times and dates. May 2-13 AP Exams May 6 Friday Crystal Ball 6:30 - 11:30pm The Noor, Pasadena

May 14 Dance Concert 7:30pm Porticos* May 16 Seniors College Sweatshirt Day Class Photo 9:30am Amphitheatre


May 20 Arts Hall of Fame 6:00pm Dining Hall

May 31 - June 3 Semester Exams Dismissal 11:20am June 3 Dismissal 9:300am

May 25 Alumni Legacy Reception 3:45 - 5:00pm Blakeslee Library Baccalaureate Mass 5:30 - 7:00pm Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Pasadena

May 31- June 1 Uniform Buy Back 9:30am to Noon Atrium

May 26 Special Schedule Senior Presentation 8:15am Duffy Lewis Gymnasium Seniors Alumni Induction and Senior Brunch 10:30am Dining Hall Grad Night at Disneyland 12:00pm to Thursday 3:00am Alumni Class of 1966 Golden Diploma Presentation and Luncheon 11:00am - 1:00pm Blakeslee Library Class of 1966 50th Anniversary Reunion Reception 7:00 9:00pm Clubhouse

May 8 Sunday Mother's Day May 13 Jazz Concert 6:00pm Grinstead Theatre Dance Concert 7:30pm Porticos*

May 18 Athletic Awards Reception 6:00pm Dining Hall

May 23, 24 Seniors Uniform Buy Back 9:30am to Noon Atrium

May 27 School Holiday 57th Commencement Exercises 7:00pm Church of the Nazarene Pasadena May 30 School Holiday Memorial Day

June 6 Faculty In-service June 11 Athletic Physicals 9:00am -1:00pm Band Room June 13 Summer Programs Begin July 9 Athletic Physicals 9:00am -1:00pm Band Room July 22 Summer Programs End

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