November 2014 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

On October 25, we concluded our first grading period of the year. Report cards are in the mail that will advise you of your student’s work as we have reached the midpoint of this first semester. This report is the best and most accurate indicator of how each student is doing academically. While these grades are important, they are in fact leading us towards semester grades in December, which become permanent and are placed on each student’s transcript. The vast majority of students at La Salle are achieving fine grades that are appropriate to their ability, their hard work and their dedication to studies. I congratulate them for achieving outstanding grades. I encourage these students to continue taking care of business. We are at the mid-point of the semester and I commend them on their work ethic and achievement.

Academic Advisor Not far from those students who are attaining success are some students who are struggling with their academic performance. The “struggling” can be attributed to many things. I know that each student’s advisor is ready, willing and able to assist by offering the proper support and counsel. If the grades are not where they are supposed to be there is still ample time to correct them before midDecember when semester exams roll around. Many opportunities are available to remedy academic deficiencies. The National Honor Society students provide great tutoring assistance, as well as our Student Success Workshop (SSW) which meets after school, Monday through Thursday. The only requirement is a willing attitude and desire to improve. Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "As true disciples of Jesus Christ, Lasallian educators make schools places where the 'spirit of Christianity' can flourish." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1703 Spirit and Virtues p.411 PAGE 1



Principal Ideas WCEA/WASC Parent Survey Thank you to the parents who participated in our WCEA/WASC Parent Survey. Your responses to the questions will assist us as we begin this 18 month process that will culminate in March 2016. Additionally, the survey contained questions designed to gather information for our new Strategic Plan that is also in the works. As a school community that is in a continual state of growth and change, we know that planning our future is far better than just reacting to the forces around us.


On the evening of Monday, November 17, La Salle will again host our Junior Class Leadership Ceremony. This event is a milestone activity for the Class of 2016. All members of the class along with their parents are invited to be present for this one hour event. As these junior students rightfully take their place in the upper division, we celebrate their role as leaders in the school and for their continued unity as a class. We hope you will make every effort to attend.

Fun Opportunities for You and Your Students The months of November and early December are full of opportunities for our students. In addition to the regular “stuff”…classes, athletic events, meetings…our annual Open House for prospective students; Family Communnion Breakfast and MemoriaL Mass; Junior Class Leadership Ceremony; fall theatre production of Charley’s Aunt; Mothers of Alumni Council Boutique Luncheon and a Thanksgiving Break. Yes, Thanksgiving!

Celebrate Your Blessings I, like so many of you, have many reasons to be thankful and appreciative for the countless blessings and challenges that come my way each day. Each day, I say thank you for all that God has placed before me: family, friends, loved ones, good health, young students, families, our school community, my religious community, freedoms, benefactors and my list goes on and on and on. May you be fortunate to spend your Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends and then enjoy a thanksgiving meal to celebrate your blessings. Enjoy the day! And the turkey! And the football games!

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal




From the Parent Association

There is a lot Going on in November at La Salle Have we made it to November already? How soon the bright summer ended and the early dark nights arrived. Our La Salle Open House will be held Sunday November 2, from 12:00 – 2:30pm. Thank you to the three Booster Presidents who will be working Open House with some of their Parent Booster members. The Student Life Christmas Tree Sale is going until November 7! You can order your tree for your home and/or for a Military family from a Student Life Team member. Questions? Please contact Mr. Ed O’Connor. Be sure to attend the November Parent Association meeting that will be held on Tuesday, November 11 at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Library Pre-Holiday Refreshments will be served. Our meeting is followed by the three Booster group meetings at 7:30pm.

Parent Association Meeting Tuesday, November 11 6:30pm Blakeslee Library

The November Parent Association meeting Student Highlight will feature a presentation from members of the cast of Charley's Aunt, the theatre production that opens November 7. Please mark your calendars for the combined Alumni/Family Communion Breakfast that will be held on Sunday November 16. Mass will be celebrated at 10:00am in the Dining Hall, followed by a free continental breakfast. Here is your "early notice" for the upcoming Christmas Gift Gathering Party on December 6. Check you mail box for invitations. Be sure to continue supporting the students by attending our fall sports or theater productions. Be sure to check the School calendar as we have many events that need parent volunteers to make them successful. Happy Thanksgiving,

Tony Delgatto P’12, P’15 President Parent Association PAGE 3



La Salle Matters



Recently, I was privileged to visit the island of Moloka’i (Hawai’i) where the sad story of the forced relocation of victims of Hansen’s disease (Leprosy) played itself out for a little over a hundred years. In 1865 the (then) Kingdom of Hawai’i, in an effort to stem the spread of Hansen’s disease, decreed that all Lepers would be forcibly relocated to the isolated Kalaupapa peninsula on the island of Moloka’i. Children were taken from their parents as well as brother from sister and husband from wife. Even after the discovery of a variety of treatments beginning in the 1940s, it was not until 1969 that the state of Hawai’i formally rescinded its isolation laws. What made my visit to Moloka’i so privileged was the role the Catholic Church played in caring for the physical, material and spiritual needs of the Lepers. Beginning in 1873 a young Belgian priest, Father Damien De Veuster, asked the Bishop of Hawai’i to be sent to Moloka’i in service of the Lepers. He was the first non-Leper to live on Moloka’i for an extended period of time. More than ten years later, he was joined by Mother Marianne Cope and two Franciscan Sisters. Mother Marianne assumed responsibility for the Colony upon Father Damien’s death and, for the next 35 years, would faithfully - and cheerfully - serve the patients of Kalaupapa. On that visit, I was privileged to “meet” Mother Marianne for the first time. I say for the “first time” because I have known about her for virtually my entire life. At the time that she accepted the request for nursing sisters to be sent to Hawai’i, Mother Marianne was Superior General of the Franciscan Sisters of Syracuse - the same nuns - a hundred years later - that taught me in

elementary school and my sister in high school. Sister Bonaventure, my eighth grade teacher, was a native of Hawai’i. We grew up knowing the heroic story of Mother Marianne and her Sisters. Needless to say, when the opportunity to visit Moloka’i came up, I jumped at the chance to “meet” Mother Marianne. By all accounts, she was a remarkable woman. While still in her thirties, Mother Marianne founded Saint Joseph Hospital (the hospital in which I first greeted the world) and at a fairly young age 40 - she was elected the second Superior General of the Franciscan Sisters. A little over five years later, Mother Marianne accepted the invitation (the only affirmative response to a letter that was sent to 50 other religious orders) from the Kingdom of Hawai’i to staff a hospital for Lepers. Having never encountered the scourge t h a t w a s L e p r o s y, Mother Marianne boldly asserted: “I am not afraid of any disease.” In 2005, Mother Marianne followed Father Damien into the halls of sanctity when the Church declared her a saint. The Bishop of Honolulu, Larry Silva (the first native-born resident of Hawai’i to assume that office), accompanied us on the visit to Moloka’i and preached the homily at Mass that day. The Gospel - Luke 10:25-37 - contained the parable of the man robbed and left for dead on his way to Jericho (I have previously commented on this passage in my Blog: In that parable, Jesus asks the central

question that goes to the heart of Christianity: “Who is my neighbor?” There isn’t enough space


to recap the answer to that question, save that it includes the man who stopped to give aid to the one left for dead. Then, Bishop Silva posed this rhetorical question: “In the Ebola epidemic, who is the neighbor?” The obvious answer is the medical professionals who have responded to the rapid spread of this deadly disease. Sounds a whole lot like Father Damien and Mother Marianne! But Bishop Silva pushed us to consider a more complicated perspective with respect to this question. Father Damien and Mother Marianne were utterly ordinary people (indeed, both were immigrants) who, when confronted by an extraordinary challenge, simply said yes. What fascinates me about Mother Marianne - to this day - was her speedy and uncomplicated commitment to a destiny not her own. Bishop Silva challenged us to look at ourselves from the perspective of Father Damien and Mother Marianne: as ordinary individuals who - at one point or another - are (and will be) surprised by God’s invitation to be a neighbor to someone else. As I spent five hours on my return flight from Hawai’i, I had time to consider the challenging perspectives my visit to Moloka’i forced me to consider with regard to my own life. I thought about Bishop Silva’s challenge to constantly ask myself the question: “Who is my neighbor” and somewhere, over the middle of the Pacific, I realized that this is the exact same question we ask the students of La Salle (and all Lasallian schools) when we challenge them to: Enter to Learn and Leave to Serve. At La Salle, everything related to the activities of Student Life, of the Retreat Program, of the various drives to respond to the needs of the homeless and the marginalized are designed to inculcate in the students entrusted to our care a sense that anyone who is in trouble needs a neighbor. Like Father Damien and Mother Marianne, we need to listen to that “still, small voice” that is God challenging us to figure out who we need to be neighbor to - and then - to act on it.


La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2014

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org

Richard Gray, Ph.D President

Transforming Lives Since 1680




From the Athletic Boosters

A Time for Thanksgiving I cannot believe how fast the time is passing us by. We are already headed into the holiday season and soon Thanksgiving and Christmas will be upon us. The freshman class will not be so fresh and the senior class will be more senior entering their last semester at La Salle.


Thanksgiving is always a good time to reflect on what has happened during the year and reflect on the positive things that have happened and a chance to thank some of the people in your lives who have been a positive part of your life. I challenged the parents earlier this year to become more involved with the boosters and their teams. And as always, the parents stepped up! Our football games are no small operation and in the past the work has fallen on one or two people. This year we had parents take leadership roles and they made it work. I would like to take the time now to thank this core group of parents who took the challenge and made it a great fall season: Carol Silberberg, Sonia Garcia, Shaya Akobian, Alan Akobian, Monika Bent, Laurie Stiver, Erika Baltazar and last but not least William Martin who has provided security for the past four years. I have so many more to thank, but these parents took it to another level to make this year a success. I also wish to thank all those parents who showed up every week to set up, work the snack bar, help with admissions and do security: you are truly what makes La Salle great! Sports have been a little rough this fall with our student-athletes not having the success they had hoped for, but it does not diminish the effort week in and week out they gave. These student-athletes put in numerous hours and sometimes, in life, we do,not get the results we hoped for. This is a valuable lesson learned. A bright spot this year is our JV Football team, I am writing this just after returning from a JV night football game and it was a treat. La Salle’s future is in good hands with these kids, they are 8 - 0 having just beaten Salesian High School 25 - 16. The JV have soundly defeated everyone of their opponents and tonight was no exception! With just two games left against Saint Francis and Cathedral, I hope to be able to tell you they are League Champions in the December PartentNewsletter. I just want to give a plug for Mr. O’Connor and the Christmas Tree sale. If you have never bought one then you are missing out. Hands down, they are best trees you will ever buy. And please consider purchasing one for someone serving in the military. I can not think of a better way to say thank you at this time of the year to someone who is willing to risk their life for our freedom.

Happy holidays to all and remember, it is not to late to get out and enjoy some of the fall sports.

John Cina P’13,14,18 President, Parent Association PAGE 6


For more, go to



From the Blakeslee Library

Volunteer Opportunities

The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Also, donations of snacks and drinks are appreciated for the Café Bibliothèque events in the Library. Café Bibliothèque will take place on November 13 and December 4. In 2015 Café Bibliothèque will be on January 15, February 19, March 19, and April 23. Please call Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer or sign up. PAGE 7



Lancer Golf Classic ...nothin' but fun! MORE PHOTOS AND WINNERS ARE LISTED ON OUR WEBSITE

The 22nd Annual Lancer Golf Classic took place on Monday, October 13, 2014 at the beautiful Glendora Country Club. It was a perfect day with 126 golfers signed up to play. We would like to recognize and thank our generous sponsors for the day’s events: Don and Georgette Mareina, Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken, Wells Fargo Capital Finance, La Salle’s Board of Regents and Board of Trustees as well as our many alumni, families and friends who underwrote the cost of the tournament, purchased tee signs, ran ads in the program and donated items for the auction/raffle. A new addition this year is the presentation of the perpetual “Lancer Cup” by Dr. Richard Gray to the first place winners. As in the tradition of the “Stanley Cup”, the winners’ names will be engraved on the trophy each year and will be on display at La Salle. A special thanks goes out to the dedicated volunteer committee members: Don Olender '70 P’08,’09 (Co-Chair), Joe Olender ’08 (Co-Chair), Shaya Akobian P’15,’17,’18, John Bottala ’08, Larry Bottala P’99,’08,’10, Pete Godfrey P’07,’08, Gianna Henke ’05, Dennis Jebbia, Matt Jones ’05, Tara Milton P’16,’18, Michael Palffy ’08, Steve Paradis P’03, Joey Reaume ’08, Irene Santucci P’95 and Morris Victor GP’05,’12,’18. All photo captions are left to right.

Adam Waggoner P'17,Rodney Wagner P'17 , Tom Harmon, P'10,'18, Rod Bailey, P'17.

Bill Martin and Richard McElvany. PAGE 8

Pat Wickhem P'98,'07,'10, Fritz Miller P'05,'09.

Chris Victor '05, Matthew Jones '05, Chris Iglasias '05.



Jake Bigley '09 Silent Auction winner.

Anthony Harris, Russ Gordon, Marcus Allen, Keith Zubchevich, P'14,'18.

Robin Smith and Lorin Smith, P'18.

Michael Palffy '08 with perpetual Lancer Cup.

Keith Brown '62, Charlie Downey and Bob Mulick are amused as Ellen Radle P'17, sells Hawai'i raffle tickets.

Lancer Classic Co-Chairs Joe Olender '08, Don Olender '70 P'08, '09. PAGE 9



Homecoming 2014, Just So Cali! A beautiful, warm evening, that is so typical of Southern California, was the backdrop for the “That’s so Cali” homecoming theme on Friday night, October 17 on Kohorst Field. The Student Life team worked throughout the month to bring a “That’s so Cali” attitude to the students and Royal Court including the well staged rally before the big game against the Harvard-Westlake Wolverines. Disneyland Day, Southern California Sports Team Day and Hipster/Preppy Day set the “That’s so Cali” tone during the week. During halftime the Cheerleaders performed, the Royal Court and their families were introduced and seniors Joey MessinaDoerning and Aoife Megaw were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. Our outstanding Lancer alums, Kasey Johnson ‘07 and


Matt Kohorst ‘07 were presented with the 10th Battalion Alumni Athletic Award for their athletic accomplishments at La Salle, in college and beyond. Along with hundreds of students and fans, alums from every decade came back in droves for Homecoming 2014. PAGE 10



The 2014 Royal Court. Nate Chandler, Aoife Megaw, David La Salle, Maddie McGoldrick, Will Pyburn, Claire Faber, Joey Messina-Doerning, Natalie Sirois, Yoltic Sandoval and Riley Worley.

Opposite top, Quarterback Will Pyburn. Middle left, Joey Messina-Doerning leads the drumline and the team onto Kohorst Field. Middle right, Queen Aoife Megaw and King Joey MessinaDoerning. Bottom left, Princesses Maddie McGoldrick and Claire Faber with Varsity Cheerleaders. This page, mddle left, Queen Aoife Megaw with, Maddy Lanyi '15. Above, The Pink Pom-poms of the Cheer Squad. Left. Student fans wave the Lancer Flag. PAGE 11



Homecoming 2014


Top, Varsity and JV Cheer Squads perform at halftime. Above, Princesses Riley Worley, Natalie Sirois, and Claire Faber. Middle right ,10th Battalion Award recipients University of Kansas pitcher, Matt Kohorst '05 and USC Soccer National Champion, Casey Johnson '05. Right, Cheerleaders Amirah Abdus-Shakoor '16 and Lexi Dyer '16.



NOVEMBER 2014 DTASC Participants. From left to right starting with the front row: Kennedy Gordon and Sinclair Daniel 2nd row: Sky Garcilasodelavega, Lani Nugent, Amell Bishara, and Ms. Teresa Ring. 3rd row: Lexi Dyer, Dionna Williams, Thea McKay 4th row: Tom Usle and Mr. David Needles (Spencer Raines not pictured).0

A “Dramatic” Victory at DTASC Theatre Festival Every year, the Drama Teachers Association of Southern California (DTASC) produces a Fall Theatre Festival for high school students. La Salle has competed in this festival five times in the last 10 years. This year, seven students competed at Temecula Valley High School, in the “Musical Collage” category which included Amell Bishara '16, Lexi Dyer '16, Sky Garcilasodelavega '16, Thea McKay '16, Lani Nugent '15, Spencer Raines '16, and Dionna Williams '15 coached by Jude Lucas. This group of La Salle students made it through the first two rounds of competition. Two students also competed in the “Audition Monologue” category: Sinclair Daniel '15, won third place and Kennedy Gordon '15, won fifth place. These two La Salle seniors competed against 146 other students in their same “Audition Monologue” category from other Southern California high schools including two arts magnet schools. To add to our victory, La Salle was the only school to have two students place in this category. David Needles was the theatre faculty representative who served on the rules committee of the festival and coached the “Audition Monologue” students entered in the competition. The festival has continued to grow over the years with 74 different schools competing in 2014. Our best showing up to now was in the 2012 festival where we had five students competing in the category “Large Scene – Comedy” move on to semi-finals and one student reach the finals in the category “Audition Monologue,” receiving an honorable mention plaque at the closing ceremony. Special thanks to Teresa Ring '03 who served as our chaperone and Tom Usle '15 who was our student “room chair” (students who time auditions and escort judges to their venues). Had these two loyal Lancers not joined our ranks, we would not have been allowed to compete, so, a very special thank you to both of them.






Christmas Gift Gathering Party The Crystal Ball Christmas Gift Gathering Party will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 Save the date and plan to join us. Invitations will follow.

The Crystal Ball Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! The prizes are: • A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui

8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahania Resort including round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit to restaurants, room service and more. Plus two tickets to Myths of Maui Luau.

Apple iPad • Disneyland Family 4-pack Opportunity Drawing tickets will be sold at the Parents Association meeting. PAGE 14



From Guidance and Counseling

Share our Abundance with Those Less Fortunate? By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling

This month we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with our families and friends. We will enjoy a few days of rest apart from our busy schedules.


Despite the reported national increase in employment, many individuals and their families still exist on minimum wages. Some work more than one job to pay bills and provide for their family’s basic needs. Simply stated, poverty enjoys no holidays. The great divide between the affluent and the working poor is brought into sharp focus every Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those who are steadily employed and whose income includes benefits such as health care are usually able to provide for the needs and wants of their families. During the ensuing holiday season, there will be opportunities to give to those less fortunate by volunteering time and/or making donations to agencies and parish ministries which provide food, shelter, basic necessities and emotional support for the less fortunate. This is especially important during the holiday season, when all relief agencies are impacted by increased requests for assistance, including mental health services. What better way to demonstrate our gratitude for the blessings we enjoy, than to share our abundance with those less fortunate?

Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

NO-DRAMA DISCIPLINE Author to Speak in San Marino The Partnership for Awareness,, invites private schools to attend an upcoming speaker event with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, author of the New York Times bestseller NO-DRAMA DISCIPLINE. The event will be held on November 7, 2014, at 7:00pm, at the Huntington Middle School Auditorium, 1700 Huntington Drive, San Marino, California 91108. “No drama doesn’t mean permissiveness, nor does it mean dictatorial control” according to Dr. Bryson. Instead, you will learn how to ‘connect with a child, redirect emotions and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for positive neurological development and learning’. PAGE 15



EARN A SERVICE HOUR It just takes minutes and it’s NO COST to you! $

Shop at Amazon and other online stores? Shop at Ralphs? Shop at Vons? Use credit or debit cards at restaurants? Own a Target Redcard? $

NO COST FUNDRAISERS is an Easy way to help la salle


Sign up for La Salle’s No Cost Fundraisers… they do not cost you a dime and they make money for La Salle. $

Please see the flyer attached to find out how you can earn an hour for only minutes of your time and earn money for La Salle



You Must Re-enroll each Year at Ralphs to Keep La Salle eScrip Current

Please Re-enroll on your next visit to Ralphs

It is easy. Here is how: 1. Enroll with

La Salle families, please use the eScrip Online Mall for your gifts or regular shopping. Earn money for La Salle at absolutely no cost to you!


2. Click on the online Mall logo at: 3. Shop at your favorite brand name stores and automatically donate to La SaIIe. 4. Download AutoEARN to earn contributions every time you shop without having to visit the Online Mall first!

Thank you!




From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

College Application Filing Deadlines Please be reminded that November 30 is the last day to apply to universities in University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems. Please note that both systems MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS FOR LATE FILERS. To avoid frustration, do not wait until November 30 to file electronically. The servers may be very slow accepting files due to the many students filing on the last day.


Applications for private colleges are also available. You may be able to obtain applications directly from the colleges in which you are interested. Please pay close attention to the application deadlines for your specific colleges – MANY COLLEGES HAVE UNIQUE DEADLINES.

will guide senior parents line by line through the FAFSA. Please mark your calendars for January 24!

Class of 2016 – College Night for Juniors All Junior students are required to attend the Junior College Night on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. It is highly recommended that at least one parent attend as well. Topics for the evening will include: Searching for Colleges and Identifying the Right Fit, Utilizing Naviance, Reviewing the UC and Cal State Requirements, and Standardized Testing. A packet of college admission information materials will be distributed. An agenda for the evening will be printed in the December Parent Newsletter and on the Welcome page of Naviance.

Class of 2016 – February 7 ACT Standardized Testing - Seniors During Mentor Period last month, all In most cases, the last standardized test Juniors signed up to take the ACT at La Salle on date that most colleges will accept in the college admissions process is in December (SAT-12/6 and ACT-12/13). Please be aware that the last day to register for the December SAT is November 6 and for the December ACT is November 7.

Senior Meetings with College Counselors Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou have met with a vast majority of students who have submitted their Senior College Planning Surveys to discuss their college opportunities. Please encourage your student to complete the survey if he or she hasn’t already done so.

The Senior Parents FAFSA workshop will be held January 24, 2015 at 1:00pm in Blakeslee Library. Our guest speaker will be David Levy, Associate Editor, Edvisors Network, and former Director of Financial Aid at Caltech. Mr. Levy will provide an in depth discussion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and PAGE 18

February 7, 2015. Students should be receiving their registration ticket from the ACT in early November. Please confirm with your student on whether they have signed up. They have all created an ACT account and are able to retrieve their ACT registration information at Please note La Salle has already paid for this test and there is no expense on your part. Should your student decide not to take the ACT this academic year, then we will have to bill the cost back to you.

Class of 2016 & 2017 – San Francisco Bay Area College Tour Although the registration deadline for the tour was on October 27, there are limited spaces remaining. Please contact Mr. Hou for additional information. The Bay Area tour will be held on Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2015. The tour will leave from Burbank airport on early Friday morning, February 13 to fly to Oakland. From there, students will board a bus and begin a two

ParentNewsletter day tour. They will tour UC Berkeley, Saint Mary’s College of California, University of San Francisco, Santa Clara University, Stanford, and UC Santa Cruz. They will return to Burbank the following evening, Saturday, February 14. Please note this tour takes place over a 4-day weekend, thus students will not be missing any school while attending the tour.

Class of 2016 – East Coast College Tour, April 6-11, 2015 We are planning to visit the following colleges during Easter Break (4/6-11): Boston College, Boston University, NYU, Emerson, Fordham, Northeastern, Penn, Harvard, Lafayette, University of Mar yland, Brown, American University, Connecticut College, Georgetown, Yale, and George Washington University. Information and registration forms for the East Coast College Tour was sent to junior parents around Halloween.


Please contact Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado if you have not received the information by the middle of this month. .

Take a Lancer to Lunch Week During the first week of the second semester (Wednesday to Friday, January 7 to 9), we will be inviting young alumni who are currently in college to come back to speak with our current students about their college experiences. More information w i l l b e av a i l a b l e in the December ParentNewsletter.

Yale University

Charley's Aunt Opens November 8 The fall performance season opens with the hilarious farce, Charley’s Aunt. Imagine two college chums, Charley and Jack, in the 1800s wanting to entertain their young ladies only to find their chaperone, Charley’s aunt, is not going to be in attendance. In comes their best friend Fancourt Babberly to save the day. This funny romp through young love features a very talented cast of young actors and runs November 8 through November 22. Charley’s Aunt will be performed at Porticos Arts Space, 2033 E. Washington Blvd. Call 626.696.4415 for reservations, tickets and information. During the Thanksgiving Holiday Break, our student musicians will be filling the air with jazz sounds. The La Salle Jazz Trio, also known as “The Sean Lee Trio” will be performing at Red White & Bluezz Jazz Club on Friday November 28, 6:30-9:30pm. Following the play, and Jazz trio, the La Salle Band, Strings and Choir concert performs December 5th at 6:00pm in the Dining Hall. Admission is free. Over 50 students will participate in the La Salle Dance Departments’s fall concert. The concert will be held on December 7th at Porticos Arts Space. Times for performance are 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Tickets and reservations can be made by calling 626.696.4415. PAGE 19




Family Communion Breakfast & Memorial Mass


The entire La Salle community is invited to attend the

La Salle Family Communion Breakfast & Memorial Mass JOIN US FOR A Family SUNDAY

Families, friends and alumni are invited to come home to La Salle to celebrate this special Mass together as the La Salle Family. The Mass will also honor the memory of those members of our community who have passed away over the last school year.


Sunday, November 16 10:00am

La Salle High School Dining Pavilion

Complimentary Continental Breakfast to follow in the Atrium

RSVP online at by November 11, 2014 Page 20



Please join us in professing our faith and hope of eternal resurrection and reunion with those who have passed over the last school year. Frederick Aragon, Uncle to Jared Aragon ’14 Frank Buccola, Grandfather to Gino ’05, Chanel ’07 Maria Teresa Cagigas, Grandmother to Brianna ’14, Gabriel ’16 Rodriguez Herb Chambers, Grandfather to David ’14 Jim Clifford ’62 Jerry Cooke ’78 Larry Daniels ’65 Ruben De La Torre, Grandfather to Samantha Nieto '18 Ron Ellis, Father of Patrick ’88, Chris ’93 Sue Fetters, Wife of Larry ’60 Lois Gaines, Grandmother to Dana (Huley) Spence ’05 Paula Gellar, Mother-In-Law of Robert Packard (Employee) Roger Gewecke, Grandfather to Alex ’11, Austin ’14 W. Jody Graves ’60 Ron Griffin ’60, Brother of Michael ’67 Scott Guthrie ’89 Felista Gutierres, Mother of Carlos Villalobos (Employee) Patricia Hickey, Mother of Jim ’72 Tristan Hill ’99 Lathrop Hoffman, Father of Peter ’68; Grandfather to Brian ’02, Leah ’04, Danna ’12, Paul ’13, Robert ’14 Philip Huddleston ’62 Patrick Hummel ’74, Brother of Dan ’76 Richard Iredale, Father of Nancy (former Board of Trustees); Grandfather to Michael Cates '06 H.G. Jeffries, Father of Michelle ’00 Barbara Jones, Grandmother to Spencer Schoenbaum ’16 George Keens, Father-in-Law of Susan Keens (Employee) Edward Eugene Koester, Grandfather to Jessica ’98, Natalie ’00 Maurice Labbe, Father of Marcel ’83 and Guy ’86 David Leming, Father of Jeff ’92 and Todd ’00 Maria Leos, Grandmother to Alex ’06 Thomas Leslie '60 Josie Lumarda, Grandmother to Malone ’14 Glen Marcos, Brother of Greg ’91 and Gerald ’92 Ronald McLaughlin, Father of Rone’e McLaughlin (Employee); Grandfather to Sinclair ’15 Audrey McIntyre, Mother-in-Law of Fred Riley (Employee); Grandmother to Westley ’07 J. Randall (Randy) Moore ’61 Paul Moore ’74, Brother of Peter ’73, Gavin ’77, Greg ’79, Brendan ’80; Uncle to Ethan Gauthier ’15 Kathleen Mullen, Aunt of Elizabeth Mullen (Employee)

Suzan Nash, Mother of Andrew Finney ’05 Joseph Nicassio, Father of Pam Wagner (Employee) Fudjar Oei, Uncle to Kyle ’12, Dean ’14 Brumm Gloria Oldham, Mother of John ’74; Mother-In-Law of John Driscoll ’74; Grandmother to Patrick Driscoll ’06, John Driscoll ’07, Samantha Oldham ’08 Sharon Orr, Mother of Brian ’90 Charlotte Packard, Mother of Robert Packard (Employee) Phillip Parra, Father of Matthew ’14 Bruce Patnou ’73 Nicole Paulson ’96 Rita Pike, Mother of Richard ‘70 and Jim ’71; Grandmother to Megan ’99 and Kaitlin ’03 Corene Pindroh, Mother of Matt ’90 and former member of the Board of Trustees Chester Polek, Father of Wayne ’72, Victor ’74, Vincent ’77 Silvio Quintas ’74 William Regan, Father of Sean ’92 Tom Remillard, Father of Tommy ’00 Alice Rey, Grandmother to Nick '09 and Cassidy '13 Helen Rochford,Grandmother to Gino ’05 and Chanel ’07 Buccola Ryan Cruz Saldana, Son of Dan ’03; Nephew of Julie (Saldana) Curley ’96, Matt ’98, Andy ’07 Filberto Sanchez, Father of Dan '80; Grandfather to Mark Werden '16 Ray Shabel, Father-In-Law of John Ring (Employee); Grandfather to Chris ’01, Teresa ’03 Ring George Smith, Father-In-Law of Patrick Bonacci (Employee); Grandfather to Tina Bonacci ’94, Julie (Bonacci) Kolb ’97; Great Grandfather to Dustin Pavon ’17 Marge Smith, Former Employee Sophie Stanners, Grandmother to Adrienne ’03 and Natalie ’05 Elizabeth Stanton, Mother of Michelle ’08 and Grace ’10 Arion Tavakoli ’09, Brother of Armond ’05 George Taylor, Former Employee Meshach Taylor, Father of Tariq ’08 Dorothy Underbrink, Mother of Hans Underbrink ’82; Mother-In-Law to Chris Rettig ’84 Connie Venturini, Grandmother to Rochelle (Rodriguez) Ferrari ’97 and Jeff Rodriguez ’00 Joanne Weisenberg, Mother of James ’69; Motherin-Law of Justin Blackstock ’71; Grandmother to Christopher ’02, Elizabeth ’10 Blackstock Dennis Wiebe ’67

Live Jesus in OUR hearts

If you have information that needs to be corrected or added please contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or alumni@





Border Angels By Ed O'Connor, Director of Student Life


Page 22

On Saturday, October 11, four teachers and 10 students traveled to Border Angels in San Diego. This trip was part of our participation in the International Lasallian Days of Peace. The Christian Brothers San Francisco-New Orleans District's particular focus in October was immigration and safety of women and children immigrants. At Border Angels, we learned about the issues regarding the migrants crossing the border. We continued east along the border to a town called Jucamba. It was there that we ventured off the road and placed gallon water jugs near the bushes. Something all of us gained was that we would not ever want to roam through that desert, and we gained empathy toward the migrant and what they must go through in seeking a better or safer life for themselves. "Seeing first hand how people struggle to reach safety and how we may impact their journey was gratifying," said Reilly Milton.



Left to right, Rob McGregor ’18, Ruben Gonzalez ’16, Mr. Billy Williams, Mrs. Monique Kirchoffer ’03, Kim Mejia ’15, Sebastian Schiff ’16, Emily O’Connor ’16, Anthony Barrio ’16, Isabella Garcia ’15, Michelle Cervantes ’17, Alissa Arunarsirakul ’15, Mr. Ed O’Connor.


The United States-Mexico border fence casts many shadows. Right, Mrs. Monique Kirchoffer '03 with Reilly Milton '16, who took some of these photos.





Respect Life Prayer Service

The Respect Life Prayer Service on October 3rd offered students an opportunity to reflect on protecting life, from “womb to tomb.” Cardinal Bernardin’s Consistent Ethic of Life focused the theme of the protection of life at all stages, all connected and woven into one seamless garment, just like the seamless tunic of Christ. The seamless tunic was too valuable to tear apart; rather, the soldiers cast lots for this valuable item. Emily Coolidge '16 Thomas Usle '15 Spencer Raines '16 Sinclair Daniels '15 Thomas Moreno '15 Thea McKay '16 Reilly Milton '16

5th Annual Student Life Christmas Tree Sale

La Salle’s Student Life wants to sell you a fantastic Christmas tree! We invite you to join the families from the past years and purchase a tree for your family. All you have to do is fill out the form attached to this newsletter and return it with your payment to La Salle High School. On Saturday, December 6, come to the La Salle senior parking lot and pick out your tree and we will load it onto your car for you. Or better yet, for a $10 fee, we will deliver it to your house if you live within 10 miles of the School. You can come pick out the tree yourself, or have the Student Life team pick one out for you. These trees are guaranteed. If you do not like your tree, we will give you back 100% of your money. If you like bigger (8 feet and above) noble firs, you will find it hard to beat our prices. In fact, our supplier raised their prices slightly this year, but we have kept our prices the same. Everyone wins! You get a great tree for your Christmas Holiday and the La Salle Student Body is able to use funds raised for the many great events facilitated by Student Life. If you are not in need of a tree, but would like to donate one to a member of the armed services you can do that too. Last year, the La Salle community purchased over 120 trees that were donated to the troops and their families at Fort Irwin. Questions? Please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or CHRISTMAS TREE ORDER DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 7

Page 24



Senior Minsha Ouyou is interviewed by J-pop MC. Right, club members answer questions "On-Air."

Japaneese Television Show Films Episode with La Salle Japanese Club Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) Japanese public TV network, (similar to BBC in the UK) has a very popular weekly music program, J-MELO (, which features Japanese music or J-pop. J-MELO MCs and Japanese musicians occasionally visit J-pop fans in different countries. On October 27, a J-MELO film crew visited La Salle and interviewed various members of the Japanese Club. “It was really cool to meet former lead singer of the J-pop band “Morning Girl,” said club member Lauren Rogez ’17. “In Japan, we learned that La Salle High School is very unique and high profile school and you have an active Japanese Club. It was great to visit with your wonderful students,” said Hideharu Wanatabe, the program's producer/director, shown at right. “Your club President, Minsha Ouyou '15, was most hospitable and informative.” The La Salle Japanese Club has 20 members. They study Japanese culture, language, food, social media and animation.

Poinsettias for Christmas

"Morning Girl," left with Director Hideharu Wanatabe"

Student Life $8. See eFlyer Attached PAGE 25



Preparing and Supporting Your Student for using the iPad By Edgar Salmingo, Associate Principal for Academic Life

Integrating technology and the iPad into our classes at La Salle High School has been a blessing for both our students and our faculty. Students are enjoying the decrease in weight of their backpacks, and the ease of accessing their assignments online. Teachers have been innovatively using the iPad by recording their own lectures, uploading notes, engaging students in media creation such as stop motion videos, and creating YouTube channels for their class to share their work. Needless to say, it is a very exciting time to be a high school student!


Over the long run, I have seen incredible benefits to using the iPad. Graduated students have come back to tell me that they were so grateful they used their iPad and/or Blackboard because they “would have been lost” in college without the practice and support they received in high school.

Having overseen high school iPad programs for three years, I have met with many parents who were apprehensive about having their student extensively use a digital device for their studies. (As a parent, I would be nervous too!) When used appropriately, it can be a great tool to make learning easier; inappropriately, it can be a distraction and detriment. Many parents at La Salle have had similar concerns about their student and the iPad, so I put together a quick “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section below to address some common questions. I hope this is helpful. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email at or at 626. 696.4338.

Frequently Asked Questions My student has always done well at school, but with the iPad, his/her scores are declining. Integrating iPads is an adjustment for everyone involved, particularly for students. While we PAGE 26

would like to think that teenagers today are masters of any technology we put in front of them, they too need to adjust to reading texts digitally and submitting assignments online.

However, if you notice an extended decline in performance, I suggest reading the following responses for ways to get your student back on track.

My student needs a print copy of the textbooks because the iPad is too distracting. At La Salle High School, we highly recommend using digital textbooks and novels. This ensures that teachers and students are on the same page. Also, many of our electronic books offer additional interactive features, such as movies and audio. Furthermore, they are often at a much cheaper price than their printed counterparts.



Students have frequently told me that their favorite part of digital textbooks is that they do not have to carry all their books daily or over the weekend; they can just bring one iPad home. However, if you feel that printed books are better for your student, you are welcome to purchase the printed version instead. There is no penalty or academic disadvantage for using printed books.

PowerSchool and Blackboard. If the student is routinely getting good grades and not missing assignments, then there is no need to take action. However, if your student has challenges with grades and turning in work, then you may want to be pro-active and limit their iPad use. For example, you can put restrictions on their iPad (only access certain apps, remove games) so that the iPad is used solely for academic purposes.

Does my student have to take notes on the iPad? No. If you or your student feel that taking physical notes is better, then using a notebook is perfectly acceptable. My student spends way too much time on their iPad, and I do not know if they are doing homework or not. This is a very common concern. Many of our students use the iPad for leisure also, so it is difficult at times for a parent to determine if their student is “really” doing homework. First of all, if you feel more comfortable having your student use a computer (laptop or desktop) for coursework, they are more than welcome to. We are fortunate that most of our textbooks and Blackboard are available online, on any device, not just the iPad. (iBooks can only be viewed on Mac computers, however. All other books, such as Amazon, ESCO, or Kno can be viewed on their respective websites.) If they need a more suitable environment for classwork, such as in a desk on a computer, your student can do their work in this manner as well. Second, I highly encourage keeping up with your student’s assignments and grades on

How do I put restrictions on my student’s iPad? I highly recommend going to Apple’s guide to restrictions: (or you can search for iPad parental controls) This allows you to limit what your student can and cannot do on their iPad. For example, you can block downloading of apps, deleting of apps, messaging, use of the camera, and more.


How do I check my student’s grades or assignments on PowerSchool and Blackboard? PowerSchool parent access was distributed in the summer. We highly recommend using your parent login, as it allows you to see multiple students and receive automatic grade alerts. If you need assistance with your login, please call the school and we will direct you to someone who can help you. Blackboard parent access will be rolled out at the beginning of next semester. In the meantime, if you need access or need to see your student’s assignments on Blackboard, please use your student’s log-in credentials.

Matching Gifts If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates you can ask your employer or contact Tara Milton at or call 626.696.4381.





The Obsequious Observer

By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News

Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, announced today that seniors Nate Chandler, David Magluyan, Johnathan Raymundo and Benjamin Wu have been named Commended Students in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from La Salle and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, will be presented by the principal to these scholastically talented seniors. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2015 competition by taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®).


"The young men and women being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. "These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their schools play in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation. We hope that this recognition will help broaden their educational opportunities and encourage them as they continue their pursuit of academic success.” In addition, Brother congratulated senior Savannah Daniel who is among some 3,100 Outstanding Participants in the National Achievement® Scholarship Program being referred to U.S. colleges and universities. These students scored in the top three percent of more than 160,000 Black Americans who requested consideration in the 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program when they took the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®). Brother also congratulated seniors Alyssa Villavicencio and JoeAl Akobian as 2014-2015 National Hispanic Recognition Scholar Award recipients. Also receiving accolades were seniors Alexi Zate who received the Sierra Madre Community Youth Service Award and Taylor Brennan who received a $1000 award from the ABC Summer of Service Award program. Taylor has donated his award to the Support Our Troops club at La Salle. Other Names in the News were seniors Katelyn Stone, Savannah Daniel, Madeline McGoldrick and Alexandra Tango who were among the 31 finalists for the 2015 Tournament of Roses Royal Court. More than 1000 young ladies competed for this year's Rose Court.

Excellence in all we do "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their Commitment to Excellence."

- Vince Lombardi

Page 28



La Salle Varsity Cheerleaders Recognize Breast Cancer Awareness with Pink Poms and Cheer Bows for the Month of October From left to right: Top Row: Stella Pontrelli, Michelle Broussard, Erin Garcia, Lexi Dyer, Izzy Bishwakarma, Nalani Moreno. Middle Row: Sivan Diaz, Dani Magluyan, Amirah Abdus-Shakoor, Jocelyn Flores, Katelyn Stone, Victoria Saldivar. Bottom Row: Ashley Conlon, Issy Espino, Kennedy Gordon, Alex Akobian, Isabella Mandigo.

New Lancer Locker Rooms Completed Refurbishing offices, showers and training rooms as well as the installation of carpet and top-tier wood lockers in both the boys and girls locker rooms in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium have been completed. They are part of the ongoing LAC (Lancer Athletic Campaign) to air condition the gym and enlarge and augment the training facilities. PAGE 29



Check your School calendar for event times and dates

November Highlights OPEN HOUSE NOVEMBER 2


Immaculate Conception Liturgy DECEMBER 8



NOVEMBER 2 Sunday Open House. Noon to 2:30pm Campus

Daylight Savings Time Ends NOVEMBER 8 Charley's Aunt Opening Night 7:30pm Porticos, Pasadena NOVEMBER 10 School Holiday Veterans Day Observed NOVEMBER 11 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm NOVEMBER 13 Cafe Bibliotheque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library NOVEMBER 16 Sunday Family Communion Breakfast and Memorial Mass 10:00am Dining Hall and Atrium

NOVEMBER 17 Junior Leadership Ceremony Juniors Dress Up 7:00pm Dining Hall NOVEMBER 21 MAC Christmas Luncheon and Boutique 11:30am Altadena Country Club

November 25 Liturgy Schedule Dress Uniform 9:30am Dining Hall

DECEMBER 9 Special Schedule Christmas Performance Assembly 9:20am

NOVEMBER 26-28 School Holiday Thanksgiving Day Holidays

AP Art Show in Library Runs until December 13

DECEMBER 1 Short Schedule Student Dismissal 12:00pm 2015-2016 Financial Aid Applications Available DECEMBER 4 Cafe Bibliotheque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library DECEMBER 5 Band, Strings & Choir Concert 7:00pm Dining Hall DECEMBER 6 Saturday Alumni Adopt-A-Family Wrapping Party and Visit with Santa Grinstead Theatre 10:00am-12:00pm Christmas Gift Gathering Party Dining Hall DECEMBER 8 Dress Uniform Liturgy Feast of the Immaculate Conception 9:20am Dining Hall

DECEMBER 12 Jazz Concert 7:00pm Grinstead Theatre DECEMBER 13 Saturday ACT Adopt-A-Family Christmas Party Campus, Dining Hall 11:00am-1:00pm Fall Dance Concert 6:00pm Porticos, Pasadena DECEMBER 15-18 Semester Final Exams DECEMBER 19 SnowBall 7:00-11pm Dining Hall DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 7 Christmas Holiday

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