ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas The month of September is quickly nearing completion and the students who walk the hallways each day of this high school are staying busy both in and out of the classroom. I share with you that as they stay busy I appreciate their diligence and attention to their studies as it will be the key factor in securing their postsecondary school-of-choice.
Academic Excellence On the morning of September 11, we acknowledged the academic excellence and improvement of almost two hundred eighty students because of their performance in this past spring's classes. Many members of our current senior, junior and sophomore classes were appropriately honored and presented certificates of high achievement. It is always a privilege for me to be involved in the ceremony and I hope that many more students will be honored next semester because of their classroom work this current semester.
Check PowerSchool I wish to remind you that PowerSchool always has the latest grade postings for your student. You are welcome to visit it at any time to encourage and compliment your son/daughter on a job well done and/or to offer words of encouragement. On Thursday, October 2, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held. Classes on that day will end at noon. Then, from 12:45 – 2:30pm and then again from 4:30 – 6:00pm parents are welcome to meet with individual instructors on a first-come-first-served basis. I encourage you to review you student’s PowerSchool performance prior to the conference and to download a printed copy of the grades. Unlike previous years, we are not providing a “hard copy” for you – please bring your own. Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "You should not doubt that God has given you a great gift in calling you to teach the young, to announce the Gospel to them and to bring them up in a religious spirit." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1703 Meditations for Sundays
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
We ask that the individual conferences be limited to less than seven minutes in consideration of others who may be waiting in line.
Professional In-services As you may recall, at the beginning of each month on a Monday, we schedule an early dismissal. The purpose for these early dismissals is for professional in-services for the faculty at La Salle. The faculty spends time on further mastering Blackboard, developing curriculum maps and best iPad practices. This month, the in-service day will be October 6.
Homecoming Week The week of October 13 is our annual Homecoming Week. Our Student Life Council is planning an enjoyable week of activities and events for the entire student body. On Friday evening of that week we will crown the Homecoming Queen and King during the half-time of the football game against Harvard-Westlake High School. The week will conclude with a dance on Saturday evening in the Dining Hall.
Important Exam in October On Wednesday, October 15, freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be occupied by a morning of standardized tests. The freshmen will be taking the Aspire exam while the sophomores and juniors will be with the PSAT. The importance of these examinations cannot be overstated and I would hope that each student would approach these tests with a seriousness of purpose. For seniors, this day would be a great opportunity for a local college visit as they continue their application and search process. On Friday, October 24 we will conclude the first grading period for the semester. During the following week, we will mail home report cards. Go Lancers!
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
From the Parent Association
A Busy Fall Season is in Full Swing at La Salle Yes, it is already time for the sun to set a little earlier each day as we move through the month of October. The October Parent Association meeting will be Tuesday, October 14 at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Library (with refreshments), followed by the three Booster group meetings at 7:30pm. Of special note, if you arrive by 6:15 on the 14th, we will have a private tour through the newly renovated locker rooms led by Dr. Gray! Parent Association The October Parent Association Student Highlight is scheduled to be a presentation by the students who are Robinson Fellows and their summer travels. A huge “Thank You” goes to Ellen Radle, Lisa Rico, Jackie Samartin, and Angela MacLaren, who organized a great Fall Gift Gathering event on Saturday, September 20 in the Dining Hall. There was plenty of fun, food, drink, and dancing!
Meeting Tuesday, October 14 6:30pm Blakeslee Library
Please find an upcoming event on the calendar that you can get involved with, as we have many that need parent volunteers to make them successful. Attached to this newsletter is the list of Parent Association Officers and Committee Chairs. This is a list of parents who are dedicated to making all the La Salle Parent Association events and activities successful this school year. Please call them if you would like to volunteer for a committee. And be sure to support our students by attending the fall academic, arts and athletic events. Go Lancers! Have a happy and safe Halloween!
Tony Delgatto P’12, P’15 President Parent Association
2014 See page 20
La Salle Matters
A friend recommended that I go see the movie, Calvary. It covers seven days in the life of an Irish priest serving in an isolated parish on a windswept corner of County Sligo. The film opens with the priest, Father James, hearing confessions. A man enters the confessional and reveals to Father James that he was abused from the ages of five to seven by a now-dead priest. He intends to extract retribution by killing Father James seven days hence. “No point in killing a bad priest,” he says. I’m going to kill you because you’ve done nothing wrong.” The penitent wants the world to know the trauma visited upon him and, in his mind, what better way than to kill an innocent man? It is easy to see the parallels between the movie title, Father James’ predicament and his journey of seven days. Father James’ “road to Calvary” takes a week to complete and is filled with the flotsam and jetsam of encounters with a variety of unruly, unappealing and often unlikable parishioners. Father James deals with each of them with a mixture of patience, righteousness, humor and even, sometimes, anger. Needless to say, this parish priest is respected, but is not popular.
Father James’ isolation in relation to his parishioners caused the recovering English teacher in me to focus on two moments in the film which paralleled scenes in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar and Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn (hang in there dear reader). With respect to the former parallel, there is a scene in the film where the Pub owner, smarting from a losing encounter with the priest, says to one of his customers: “(Father James) needs to be taken down a bit.” His words reminded me of Cassius - who had his own issues with Julius Caesar - when he said to Brutus: “Why, man he doth bestride the narrow world / Like a Colossus, and we petty men / Walk under his huge legs and peep about.” Later in the film, having acquired a gun for the purpose of defending himself on the seventh day, Father James wrestles with his conscience - he had just chastised a parishioner for thinking there are exceptions to the fifth commandment - and pitches the pistol into the stormy waters of the Atlantic Ocean, thus committing himself to the final confrontation with the man who intends to kill him. That scene echoed the words of Huck Finn - “All right then, I’ll go to hell” - when he commits himself to freeing his friend, Jim, the slave. I won’t act as a spoiler for the rest of the film, should you decide to see it; but I do want to comment on the theological and ethical elements in Calvary which should, I think, resonate with what we try to do here at La Salle for the students entrusted to our care. The word and the place of Calvary is synonymous with the Christian understanding that Christ’s death represents the sacrifice of an innocent man in order that the sins of the many can be forgiven. I have always struggled with the cause and effect of this core element of our Christian faith. It seems so incredibly outsized as to be incomprehensible. And yet, having watched Calvary, the priest’s belief that he will be able to convince his potential murderer to abandon his malign goal makes sense to me (especially after he
throws the gun into the sea). In short, innocence forms its own moral compass. The film reinforces this point when, in a debate with one of the other characters about the difference between recrimination and forgiveness, Father James blurts out this blockbuster:
“We have too much talk about sins … and not enough about virtues, I think forgiveness has been highly underrated.”
It is all too easy for organized religion to dwell on sin more than on virtue - we see this played out in the news headlines on a daily basis, it seems. Rarely, though, do we devote as much time to the Gospel virtue of forgiveness…hence Father James’ comment. This is particularly problematic during the stormy adolescent years of high school. Confrontation - not forgiveness - is often the dominant social paradigm among teenagers. At La Salle, we seek to tilt the scale towards forgiveness by surrounding our students with adults who are also on a journey towards becoming more forgiving. We do not always get it right, but we know that our goal to produce good students and good people necessitates that we keep trying - just as Father James kept trying to win over his recalcitrant parishioners to more fully embrace Gospel values. I suppose I will always wrestle with the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice; but in watching Father James’ journey to Calvary, I have a better idea how to encourage our students to imitate Christ’s example, who, at the time of His Calvary, forgave his persecutors.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2014
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Transforming Lives Since 1680
From the Athletic Boosters
No Time for Pumpkins
We leave the heat of September behind and enter the start of what hopefully feels like fall. It seems like summer is getting longer each year... or could it just be my age? The Athletic Boosters met after the recent Parents Association meeting. Coach Russ Gordon was our featured speaker. Coach Gordon talked about what it meant to be moved up seven divisions in football and the importance of high academic discipline for our student-athletes. The meeting was very positive and informative. We hope to highlight a coach from each sport at our future booster meetings. At this meeting, I discussed with the parents the new direction the Athletic Boosters Board is taking with our teams. I informed the parents that, as we have done with football, we shall do with all sports. That is to empower the parents to make the most of their child’s and their experience at La Salle. What does this mean? Simply put, it means the Athletic Booster Board is there to help organize, direct and financially support your efforts, but it will be up to the teams to decide how they want their sports experience to be. In past years, the Board has organized, and staffed all events with little parent input. The Board felt the teams and parents must be more involved and a direction shift must take place. And, I can tell you with football this direction shift has been a great success. So now, we take our successful football model and move on to the other sports teams and work the La Salle magic on those parents as well. As indicated in the last ParentNewsletter, the Athletic Boosters continue to try and upgrade facilities and experiences. In line with that, we introduced our La Salle flags which are set up for field sporting events. I must say with the new wind screen and flags, Kohorst Field is looking pretty good. I want to thank the parents that made this possible. We are looking for parents who want to be more involved in the La Salle Athletic Boosters and Board, so please do not hesitate to contact me for more information at Welcome back for an exciting year of Lancer Athletics!
John D. Cina P'13, '14, '18 Athletic Boosters President
LANCER ATHLETICS For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 6
The Lancer Cross Country team displays their individual finishing certificates. First row (from left): Mia Baca, Jacqueline Tooley. Second row (from left): Lance Alviso, Michael Brennan, Alexander Nino, Ryan Alvarez, Samantha Knapp, Eleni Daughters, Hannah Howard, Makenna Maucher, Ashley Mayo, Abigail Marich, Bettina Lee. Top row (from left): Daniel Costello, Noah Sisson, Dominic Leis, Jack Freiberger, Robert Sweeney, Matthew Brennan, Michael Gibbs, Tom Usle, Sebastian Martinez, Jordan Rupp, Harvey Situ, Curtis Antonides.
Lancers Win Cross Country Invitational The La Salle Lancer girls cross country team finished first at the Grant Nunnally Invitational at Moreno Valley Community College on Saturday, September 13. La Salle freshman, Makenna Maucher finished second overall, after covering the very hilly course in 19:24 and La Salle senior Tom Usle finished 14th overall for the boys
Homecoming October 17 • Football vs Harvard-Westlake • 10th Battalion Alumni Award • Crowning of King and Queen • Special "That's so Cali! Student Life, Cheer and Band Halftime 7:00pm Kohorst Field PAGE 7
22nd Annual Lancer Golf Tournament and Banquet Monday, October 13 • Glendora Country Club
Golf Trips are New This Year!
• $1,000,000 Shoot out • $25,000 Hole-in-One • $5,000 Putt • Trip to St. Andrews Hole-in-One
Includes airfare, 6 nights lodging and green fees for two
• Trip to 2015 Masters Hole-in-One
Includes airfare, 5 nights lodging and passes to all 4 rounds
• Four-Person Scramble
• 11:00am Shotgun Start • Putting Contest Player Package Includes: Green Fee and Cart, Range Balls, Bag Tag, Complimentary Lunch on Course, Lancer Golf Gift, Complimentary Beverages on Course (Beer, Soda, Water), Foursome Picture, Delicious Banquet Dinner, Auction and Raffle
ALL LEVELS WELCOME Special Young Alumni (’00 -’14) Discount
For more information, please contact: Irene Santucci 626.696.4312 or Proceeds to benefit La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Athletic, and Financial Aid Programs PAGE 8
Family Communion Breakfast & Memorial Mass
The entire La Salle community is invited to attend the
La Salle Family Communion Breakfast & Memorial Mass Families, friends and alumni are invited to come home to La Salle to celebrate this special Mass together as the La Salle Family.
The Mass will also honor the memory of those members of our community who have passed away over the last school year.
Sunday, November 16 10:00am
La Salle High School Dining Pavilion
Complimentary Continental Breakfast to follow in the Atrium
RSVP online at by November 11, 2014 PAGE 9
By Ellen Radle Co-Chair Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball Gift Gathering Party
Country Western Night – a Big Success! CRYSTAL BALL HAS GREAT FIRST EVENT
A tremendous thank you to the Fall Gift Gathering Committee, Jacky Samartin, Angela McLaren, Sonya Froio, Lisa Rico, and all the committee volunteers for a foot- stomping “Country Western Night” at La Salle. It was wonderful to have parents, friends and staff enjoy this Fandango with delicious food from Stone Fire Grill, and thirst quenching Margaritas, Beer and wine from the La Salle Watering Hole, while two-stepping to some great country western tunes. A big thank you to La Fall Gift Gathering Committee: Jacky Samartin, Salle’s dance instructor, Mrs. Nancy Doede and her dance Tony Delgatto (PA President), Angela McLaren, students for exhibiting their expertise in line dancing. I Dr. Gray, Ellen Radle, Lisa Rico, and Sonya Froio. think everyone learned a new step or two! In addition to having the opportunity to meet and mingle with new and returning families of La Salle, many generous gift donations were collected. These donations will be used to create the fabulous gift baskets, which will be available through the Live and Silent Auctions at the Crystal Ball. The success of the evening was due to all who attended and gave so generously! Thank you! The event, however, would not have been possible without those who donated their time, energy, and talents to its preparation. A big thank you to Dr. Richard Gray, and the Academic, Arts and Athletic Boosters. We appreciate your support! Country Western Night was also the first chance to buy Crystal Ball opportunity drawing tickets for a “Maui Getaway for Two” at the Royal Lahaina Resort, an iPad or Disney Family Park Passes. Look for future chances to purchase Crystal Ball opportunity drawing tickets – you do not want to miss your chance at a dream vacation! Please contact Robyn Tapert at thetaperts@gmail. com to purchase your raffle tickets. The 2015 Crystal Ball will be held on Friday, May 8, 2015 at the Langham Huntington, Pasadena. The theme is “Disco Fever!” This is La Salle’s biggest fundraising event, and we urge everyone to attend and support our school while enjoying a fabulous evening with family and friends, fine food, wine, and entertainment. New this year, ticket prices are reduced from $175.00 per person to $125.00 per person if purchased by March 31, 2015. Families will also receive 10 parent service hours per family, with the purchase of one ticket. So please get your groove on, dust off your old platform shoes, watch “Saturday Night Fever” and plan on joining us at the Crystal Ball to re-live and experience this iconic time in our culture.
Christmas Gift Gathering Party The Crystal Ball Christmas Gift Gathering Party will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014
Save the date and plan to join us. Invitations will follow.
5th Annual Student Life Christmas Tree Sale La Salle’s Student Life wants to sell you a fantastic Christmas tree! We invite you to join the families from the past years and purchase a tree for your family. All you have to do is fill out the form attached to this newsletter and return it with your payment to La Salle High School. On Saturday, December 6, come to the La Salle senior parking lot and pick out the tree you want and we will load it onto your car for you. Or better yet, for a $10 fee, we will deliver it to your house if you live within 10 miles of the School. You can come pick out the tree yourself, or have the Student Life team pick one out for you. These trees are guaranteed. If you do not like your tree, we will give you back 100% of your money. If you like bigger (8 feet and above) noble firs, you will find it hard to beat our prices. In fact, our supplier raised their prices slightly this year, but we kept our prices the same. Everyone wins! You get a great tree for your Christmas Holiday and the La Salle Student Body is able to use funds raised for the many great events facilitated by Student Life. If you are not in need of a tree, but would like to donate one to a member of the armed services you can do that too. Last year, the La Salle community purchased over 120 trees that were donated to the troops at Fort Irwin. Questions? please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or PAGE 11
From Guidance and Counseling
Miles To Go Drug Education and Prevention By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
This month, Mr. Jonathan Scott, of the Miles To Go Drug Education and Prevention program, will meet with your freshman, sophomore and senior students. Freshman and sophomore students will meet with Jonathan on Monday, October 20th and Wednesday, October 22nd. Seniors will hear his presentation on Tuesday, October 21st. The meetings are noted in the La Salle Student Handbook and Planner. On Tuesday, October 21st, at 7:30pm in the Blakeslee Library, Mr. Scott will be the speaker for the Parent Education Series. He will discuss the most recent data about adolescent drug and alcohol use and abuse. All parents are encouraged to attend this meeting. Mr. Scott will answer parents’ questions and will have copies of his recent publications for parents available for purchase at the meeting. As La Salle parents, you may register with your email to receive regular updates and access information from Miles To Go. Their website is As your students become acclimated to the new school year, challenges in their academics and feelings of self-confidence may arise. If your student speaks with you about those concerns, try to listen with a non-judgmental approach or response to their disclosures. Ask them open ended questions, which do not require Johnathan Scott a ‘yes or no’ answer. What you are seeking is information that will lead to a discussion of their concerns. As you listen to your student, try to recall your high school experiences and the sensitivity that you experienced as an adolescent. Ask your student what they need from you to help them problem solve the situation that concerns them. Perhaps, they are hesitant to ask a teacher for help with class material that they experience as difficult to understand. Students do not want their teachers to think that they are not ‘good-enough’ students because they do not understand the work or an assignment. Perhaps your student is trying to make friends with others and is unsure if they will succeed in establishing friendships. If you think that additional academic support would benefit your student, please do not hesitate to contact their instructors or academic advisors. Adolescence is a time when your students are making important personal decisions. Social and interpersonal experiences are important to their personal development. It is a time when they are vulnerable in their peer and parent relationships. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns relevant to your student’s personal and emotional well-being. I can be reached at 626.696.4390, or
City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children. Parents may drop off students in front of school and by driving into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard. Enter the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and exit as indicated. The City has provided an additional dropoff zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is absolutely no student drop-off in the lower faculty parking lot. This creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. The School also reminds our driving students that they should not park their cars on residential streets such as Canfield Road. The School will continue to work with the City in providing a process for safe and efficient drop-off of students. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students at 626.696.4360 if you have any concerns about these procedures.
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406
A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state student's name, date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by Mr. Birr, Dean of Students. PAGE 13
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Colleges Scheduled to Visit La Salle in October The College Center has already hosted many fine colleges during the month of September, and many more colleges are scheduled to visit La Salle in October.
Colleges are being added to the College Visit Calendar every day. Please check the Naviance website under ‘visit schedule’ or the College Center bulletin board for the most up-to-date schedule. Please also encourage your student to list his or her colleges of interest in Family Connection by Naviance, as it automatically generates e-mail reminders to your student when a college he or she is interested in visits La Salle.
Individual Senior Meetings Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado are busy meeting with students who have completed their Senior Surveys. Unfortunately, a significant number of students have not completed them. Please encourage your student to complete their Senior College Planning Survey online at Family Connection by Naviance if he or she has not done so already. Friday, October 10, Monday, October 13, and Wednesday, October 15, are days off for seniors to catch up on the college application process. Seniors can use these days wisely by visiting local and far away college campuses, start or complete their college essay/personal statement or finalize their college list on Family Connection. Seniors will find the process to be less stressful once they finalize their college list and start their applications. Those three days are also excellent days to submit Cal State applications and to check them off their ‘to do’ list to lighten their load.
SAT/ACT Testing Seniors have their last opportunity to take standardized tests in December. The regular registration deadline for the November 8 SAT and the Subject Tests is October 9. The late registration deadline is October 24 (space permitting).
Important Dates to Remember SAT or SAT Subject Tests: Test Date - December 6 (Regular Registration Deadline: November 6) ACT: Test Date - December 13 (Regular Registration Deadline: November 7)
UC and Cal State Systems Update There has been some news around the UCs accepting more nonresident students for financial reasons. While the representatives of the UC system acknowledge this to be the case, they also note that the University’s admission of international and out-of-state students does not displace California residents. For Fall 2014, ten percent of enrolled undergraduates will be nonresidents and UC campuses enrolled California students beyond the designated state funded spaces. The UCs shared that nonresident students bring a diversity of perspectives and experiences to the community and nonresident tuition is used to benefit all students. Many of the 23 California State University campuses are impact to First Time Freshman. Go to for the full listing of CSU campuses. We suggest students apply broadly to the CSU campuses. Reminder, La Salle High School is considered a local high school to CSU Los Angeles and CSU Northridge which means that our students will be accepted to these campuses as long as they are CSU eligible given the CSU eligibility index (GPA and test scores on a sliding scale).
ParentNewsletter The California State University application is available October 1 at with a deadline date of November 30. The University of California application is available currently available at http://www. The UC application filing period is November 1 to November 30 - NO EXCEPTIONS. Most private colleges utilize the Common Application and can be accessed electronically at Check each out-of-state and private colleges’ websites for their application procedures.
Financing a College Education Saturday, October 25, 9:00am – 11am, Blakeslee Library It is never too soon to start planning financially for college. David Levy, Associate Editor, Edvisors Network will provide an overview of financing your student’s college education.
Standardized Testing for 9, 10 and 11 Grades Just a reminder that all 9, 10 and 11 grade students will be testing on Wednesday, October 15. Freshman and Sophomore students will take the Aspire and Juniors will take the PSAT. They should bring calculators. Everyone should bring No. 2 pencils. All students are expected to finish around 11am.
College Tours We are offering the following college tours in the Spring. Additional details will be available later this semester.
Bay Area College Tour Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2015 UC Berkeley (Cal), Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, Saint Mary’s College, Stanford University, and University of San Francisco.
San Diego College Tour Monday, March 16, 2015 UC San Diego, University of San Diego and San Diego State University.
East Coast College Tour Monday, April 6 to Saturday, April 11, 2015 (during the Easter Holiday)
We w i l l b e touring colleges from Boston to Washington, D.C. with Campus Excursions this spring (itinerary and colleges to be determined). A separate mailing for this tour will be sent to all junior families later this month. Please see Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado if you have any questions about this or any other college tour.
SAT &Act Preparation Courses We will be offering an ACT preparation course this winter and a SAT preparation course this coming spring. Both courses will again be taught by the Princeton Review. The ACT Bootcamp is an 18-hour course, to be held on campus over Easter Break. Classes will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays with practice tests on Saturdays. This course is designed for Juniors to prepare for the February ACT. The cost of this course is $499. The SAT Prep Course is a six-week, 24-hour course. It will take place on the La Salle campus in February and March and will prepare juniors for the March 14 SAT. The cost of this course is $599. The dates for this course are listed in the School Calendar. Additional information will be emailed to junior families later this month.
Foot Figures in Five Far Flung Forms of Measurements Chemistry Students Investigate Measurement by Determining if Kohorst Field Measures up! By Brian Miller '79, Science Department
Where did the units of measure we use today originate? Who determines their value? How are they authenticated? And why is it important to have values for standard weights and measures? Yard: A yard was originally the length of a man’s belt or girdle, as it was called. In the 12th century, King Henry I of England fixed the yard as the distance from his nose to the thumb of his out-stretched arm. Today, it is 36 inches. Cubit: In ancient Egypt, a cubit was the distance from the elbow to the fingertips. Today, a cubit is about 18 inches. Honors Chemistry students investigated the process of standardizing measures by creating their own systems of measurement and then used those measures to see if Kohorst Field met the standard. Working in groups, students used string to create their own standards of measurement: Units of measure included the following: • A fixed item in the room (e.g. height of a stool) • A body part (e.g. circumference of the head) • A body position (e.g. finger tip to fingertip wingspan) • A body motion (e.g. a stride) • An educational item (e.g. a pencil) Using those measurements, the students took measurements of Kohorst Field to determine the precision and accuracy of their new standards of measure. But, it was not as simple as measuring goal line to goal line. Students measured from points on the Lancer Logo to specified points on the field. Students then converted their own measures to metric units and determined the effectiveness of their units of measure. Students enjoyed a beautiful day out on the field and discovered the importance and value of standardization of measures.
Above, from left to right, Grant Fosselman, Christopher Dinkel, Jordan Gonzalez and Tommy Samples, measure Kohorst Field. Right, Aly Hartman untangles her unit of measure.
Isaac Caldas, Donovan Gonzalez, Noah Sonnenberg and Jewelyn Pickett, test their new measures.
Middle left, Lauren Veneri and Eleni Daughters check their next move. Above, Meryl Franco, Julia Jones and Gabriella Navarro, calculate the accuracy of their measures. Left, Lauren Rogez, Michelle Cervantes, Anna Biosca '16, Laura Biosca, make sure their measures line up properly. All students except Anna Biosca are class of '17.
Dr. Gray and Brother Christopher Chill Out with Ice Bucket Challenge By Riley Worley, Student Life President
The 2014-2015 school year began amid the summer heat and the social media phenomenon, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The Ice Bucket Challenge was created to raise money and awareness for Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Student Life President, Riley Worley, and her team challenged both Bro. Christopher and Dr. Gray to participate in this challenge in front of the whole student body. On September 4th, the amphitheater was packed with students and faculty eager to see ice cold water dumped onto the school's administrators. Bro. Christopher and Dr. Gray were very good sports and allowed multiple buckets of ice water to be dumped on them. At the end of the event, Br. Christopher challenged Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students, to participate in the icy fun; he has yet to complete the challenge.
Dr. Richard Gray, left and Brother Christopher take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in the amphitheater, before most of the La Salle student body. PAGE 18
EARN A SERVICE HOUR It just takes minutes and it’s NO COST to you! $
Shop at Amazon and other online stores? Shop at Ralphs? Shop at Vons? Use credit or debit cards at restaurants? Own a Target Redcard? $
Sign up for La Salle’s No Cost Fundraisers… they do not cost you a dime and they make money for La Salle. $
Please see the flyer attached to find out how you can earn an hour for only minutes of your time and earn money for La Salle
NO COST FUNDRAISERS is an Easy way to help la salle
The Obsequious Observer
By John Blackstock, The Editor
Peanut Butter & Jelly for a Good Cause
The La Salle High School Service Team is partnering with Covenant House, a resource center for at-risk teens in the Los Angeles area. We have committed to making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every Friday, which we will donate to Covenant House. Please consider donating bread or other sandwich-making supplies (peanut butter, jelly, sandwich bags, or latex gloves). You will be compensated with parent service hours. Please email Ms. Michelle Grima with any questions:
Best in Pasadena
La Salle has been named Best Private High School in Pasadena by the readers of Pasadena Weekly and Arroyo Magazine. This is the third time in four years La Salle has been 2014 chosen by the residents of Pasadena.
Lancer Trio Plays Pasadena
The “Sean Lee Trio” had a great night September 4th performing at redwhite + bluezz, jazz club, located near the Pasadena Playhouse. This trio was formed in 2012 by students at La Salle High School. The band members consist of Joey Messina-Doerning '15 (drums), Sean Lee '14 (guitar) and Justin Berger-Davis '16 (bass and a new UCLA freshman). They enjoyed exploring Jazz’s rich The Sean Lee Trio, from left, Sean Lee '14, Justin Berger-Davis '16, and Joey Messina-Doerning '15. musical heritage through a mix of standards from the American Songbook as well as performing a repertoire from modern Jazz composers in front of an audience of Jazz lovers.
Excellence in all we do "If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude."
- Colin Powell
Janet Hagan, 30 years of service with Dr. Gray and her granddaughter, Olivia.
Arnold Rocha, 20 years of service.
Lasallian Service Award Convocation During the Lasallian Service Awards on September 29th, Janet Hagan P'89,'91, '94 was recognized for 30 years of service to La Salle High School while Spanish teacher, Arnold Rocha was recognized for 20 years of service. Janet began her career in the cafeteria, then was the School receptionist for many years. She is currently the Blakesleee Library clerk. English teachers David Soltis '90 and Jim Poyner P'09 were recognized for 15 years of service to La Salle. And finally, after 58 years of service, we painted the flag pole silver, and we also bought new flags!
La Salle Family Communion Breakfast and Memorial Mass
Sunday, November 16, 2014
10:00 Mass Followed by a Delicious Complimentary Continental Brunch RSVP PAGE 21
Check your School calendar for event times and dates
OCTOBER 4 Saturday Princeton Review SAT Prep Practice Test 9:00am - 1:00pm Campus OCTOBER 6 Early Dismissal Faculty In-Service Dismissal 12:00pm
OCTOBER 31 FOOTBALL @ St. Francis HS. Varsity 7:00pm St. Francis Field
Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations
NOVEMBER 1 Saturday Fall Theatre Production Opening Night 7:30pm Porticos, Pasadena
OCTOBER 15 No Late Styart Early Dismissal National Test Day Dismissal 12:00pm
October 9 Great California Shake Out 10:00 - 11:00am All Campus OCTOBER 10 Student Holiday Faculty In-Service FOOTBALL vs Saint Paul HS Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field
OCTOBER 14 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library
OCTOBER 13 School Holiday Columbus Day Lancer Golf Tournament and Banquet 11:00am Shotgun Start Glendora Country Club
OCTOBER 17 Homecoming FOOTBALL vs Harvard-Westlake H.S. Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field OCTOBER 18 Saturday Homecoming Dance 8:00 to 11:00pm Dining Hall OCTOBER 23 Cafe Bibliotheque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library
NOVEMBER 2 Sunday Open House. Noon to 2:30pm Campus NOVEMBER 10 School Holiday Veterans Day NOVEMBER 16 Sunday Family Communion Breakfast and Memorial Mass 10:00am Dining Hall and Atrium
From the Blakeslee Library
Volunteer Opportunities
The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Also, donations of snacks and drinks are appreciated for the Café Bibliothèque events in the Library. Café Bibliothèque will take place on October 23, November 13 and December 4. In 2015 Café Bibliothèque will be on January 15, February 19, March 19, and April 23. Please call Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer or sign up. PAGE 22