ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas The month of September is nearing completion and the students who walk the hallways each day of this high school are staying busy both in and out of the classroom. We know that many things and attractions vie for their time and attention. I appreciate our students' diligence and focus on their studies as it will be the key factor in securing their postsecondary school-of-choice.
Academic Excellence On the morning of September 15, we acknowledged the academic excellence and improvement of 324 students because of their performance in this past spring's classes. Many members of our current senior, junior and sophomore classes were appropriately honored and presented certificates of high achievement. It was a privilege for me to be involved in the ceremony and I hope that many more students will be honored next semester because of their classroom work this current semester. Aspire and PSAT On Wednesday, October 14, freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be occupied by a morning of standardized tests. The freshmen and sophomore will be taking the Aspire exam while the juniors will be with the PSAT. The importance of these examinations cannot be overstated and I would hope that each student would approach these tests with a seriousness of purpose. For seniors, this day would be a great opportunity for a local college visit as they continue their application and search process.
Schoology One of the changes this year brought was our adoption of a new student learning management tool Schoology. Our previous vendor Blackboard did not quite live up to the expectations they promised. Schoology, like any new tool, has an adjustment period for both students and faculty. We have experienced Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "To be beneficial, any correction you administer should be pure, charitable, just, suitable, moderate peaceable and prudent." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1705 Meditations for Sundays PAGE 1
Principal Ideas a few of these moments but know that, in the end, Schoology will serve all of us well. One of the advantages of Schoology is its ability to communicate directly with PowerSchool. PowerSchool has the latest grade postings for your student. You are welcome to visit it at any time to encourage and compliment your son/daughter on a job well done and/or to offer words of encouragement. On Thursday, October 1, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held. Student classes on that day will end at noon. Then, from 12:45 – 2:30pm and then again from 4:30 – 6:00pm parents are welcome to meet with individual instructors on a firstcome-first-served basis. I encourage you to review your student’s PowerSchool performance prior to the conference and to download a printed copy of the grades. Unlike previous years, we are not providing a “hard copy” for you – bring your own. We ask that the individual conferences be limited to less than seven minutes in consideration of others who may be waiting in line.
Homecoming Week From Friday October 23 to 30, we will celebrate our annual Homecoming Week. The dates and schedule of activities this year are a bit unusual because of Halloween and our Open House for prospective students. Our Student Life Council is planning an enjoyable week of activities and events for the entire student body. Our festivities will begin with the Homecoming Dance and conclude with a football game the following week against Salesian High School on Kohorst Field. On October 23 (Friday) we will conclude the first grading period for the semester. During the following week, we will mail home report cards. Go Lancers!
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
From the Parent Association
Show Your Colors I grew up in High School. My father, Jim Kearney, was a high school teacher, coach and principal in San Francisco public schools for over 25 years. He was an “all in” kind of guy. At Galileo High School (China Town and North Beach) the school colors were orange and purple, so my father had orange and purple ties for all occasions. They were “The Mighty Lions” and so his office was littered with lions, especially a mechanical one that roared, which my brothers and I still share. He spent most of the 1970s at Lowell High School (a city-wide academic high school) where the school colors were red and white. Imagine white pants and shirt, white buck shoes (I think he went through a bottle of white scuff remover every time he buffed those shoes) and belt, and a red jacket and tie. It seemed to me that my father “glowed.” He exuded school spirit. He attended every kind of sports activity, debate, ROTC parade, dance, play and homecoming. He was a proud principal, and as much as he gained from his job, I think the faculty, staff, parents and students gained even more from his leadership. In our time here at La Salle, I have tried to emulate my father’s enthusiasm and be “all in.” I have any number of red and blue sweaters and scarves (sorry – no lances!) and have attended every Backto- School Night, Parent Association meeting, parent teacher conference, Mothers of Alumni Christmas Boutique and luncheon, Crystal Ball event, Open House and as many sports events and arts activities as we could since our daughter was a freshman. Our family has enjoyed many weekends colored “Lancer Red and Blue.” Now, we have the advantage of having only one child, so our time isn’t being split taking multiple children hither and yon. Nevertheless, I believe that my husband, Matt and I have gotten just as much out of Emily’s high school experience as she has. And we are grateful for that. So fellow parents, here is my unsolicited advice: don’t just dip your toe in the water – jump in head first! Attend a Friday night football game, search out volleyball or softball games or whatever your favorite sport is. Attend the fall play or the December dance concert. Buy a La Salle T-shirt, or at least something red and blue. Show your colors.
Parent Association Meeting October 13 6:30pm Blakeslee Library
In the end, your shared experience with your child will last a lifetime. Thank you to everyone who attended our first Parent Association meeting on September 15. Over 130 people joined us to hear reports from Brother Christopher, Dr. Gray, seniors Reilly Milton and Emily Wright who shared their travel experiences from their Costa Rica language immersion trip this past summer, and a special presentation on “Schoology” from Mr. Salmingo. Thanks to PA Secretary Connie Mimura the notes from this meeting are posted on the La Salle website under “Parents.” Show your school spirit and attend the Fall Gift Gathering Party “Tailgating in the Dining Hall," on October 3, from 6:00 to 10:00pm. Wear your favorite athletic team gear! This is a fun adult party for parents and friends of La Salle. Come join the fun, and help raise money that supports “The La Salle Difference.” For more information please contact Lisa Rico at 626.696.0633. If you’re a senior parent, I hope you’ll plan on attending the first Mothers of Alumni Council event of the year: “What to Expect this Upcoming Senior Year,” October 15, at 6:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. RSVP to Irene Santucci at by October 1. Please join us for conversation and refreshments starting at 6:10pm before the next Parent Association meeting on Tuesday, October 13, in the Blakeslee Library. Yes, it follows the four day Columbus Day holiday, but you’ll hear from the Student Life team, and a school WASC/WCEA accreditation update in addition to the regular reports and updates.
Marianne K. Wright P'16 President, Parent Association PAGE 3
La Salle Matters The future depends on what you do today. -Mahatma Gandhi After ten long years, the City of Pasadena has finally scheduled the first of three public hearings regarding our proposed Master Plan. It is hard to believe that it has taken this long. As I have explained in this space and elsewhere, the City is extremely sensitive to neighborhood concerns when it comes to school construction projects. So, for the better part of ten years, we have been challenged to justify the substantive need for the projects identified in the proposed Master Plan and to conduct a variety of studies (traffic, noise, pedestrian movement, etc.) in order to determine the relative impact our plans will have on the surrounding residential streets. For those who are new to the La Salle community, our Master Plan proposes three phases of projects: o Phase I: construction of a practice gym, fitness and aquatics centers o Phase II: construction of a visual and performing arts center o Phase III: construction of a field house on Kohorst Field There are some smaller projects associated with each phase, but – for the most part – these three elements form the focus of neighborhood concerns. Ironically, the timing of the first Hearing (Design Review Commission) could not be better. The main question which must be addressed at each Hearing (Design Review, Planning Commission and City Council) is this: How will La Salle justify the necessity of each phase of the Master Plan? For those of you who have been following my comments in this space will remember that, at the same time we have been pursuing the Master Plan, we have also been working on the development of a new Strategic Plan. I am pleased to report that the draft goals which emerged from the Strategic Planning Retreat held last February provide substantive evidence in support of each phase of our Master Plan. There are six goals:
1. Expand and deepen Lasallian Formation Programs to better articulate the School's Catholic and Lasallian identity. 2. Ensure the delivery of a relevant and challenging college preparatory curriculum to address the diverse learning needs of all students. 3. Strengthen the recruitment of a diverse faculty and staff to better align with a diverse student population. 4. Strengthen the quality of the student experience outside of the classroom in: Athletics, Guidance & Counseling and Student Life. 5. Ensure campus facilities effectively support the implementation of the Mission. 6. Ensure sustainability of the Mission through efficient and effective leveraging of finance, development and marketing functions. PAGE 4
ParentNewsletter The casual observer will note that these six goals make sense for any educational institution. What makes them compelling for the future of La Salle is the underlying expectation that the School must deliver excellence in every aspect of the programs it offers to the students entrusted to our care. Why? One of the facts of life we discovered through the strategic planning process is the undeniable reality of a shrinking population of school-age children available to afford the tuition of the ten private high schools in and around Pasadena with which La Salle competes. From a strategic perspective, La Salle must capture its fair share of Mission-appropriate students; to do that requires that we offer the same level of service being provided at schools who charge more – often twice the price – of what we ask families to pay. Quite simply – and understandably families who are able to pay most - or all of our tuition - expect La Salle to deliver the same quality of education as schools charging up to twice our price. This is the link between our strategic and master plans. La Salle cannot succeed as an independent school in Pasadena without the ability to provide the facilities necessary to attract families who have excellent – and more expensive - options for their children. I would be remiss, however, if I did not also note that there is an absolute link between our strategic/master plans and our commitment to serve families on the margin. We would not be the school we are without the inclusion of children from all walks of life. This dynamic helps explain the logic of the value proposition that formed the basis for our Strategic Planning Retreat: "Because it is the largest private high school in Pasadena, La Salle is able to offer a diversity of opportunities both in and out of the classroom that is unparalleled among its peers." So, in the end, the substantive justification for the projects we want to pursue in our Master Plan is simply this: the students entrusted to our care deserve the absolute best facilities and programs to ensure that their lives will be full and productive – an outcome any parent can support.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2015
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
Transforming Lives Since 1680
The thoughtful support of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends has helped sustain La Salle High School’s margin of excellence since 1956. The School acknowledges this generosity in a number of important ways. The premier annual giving society is the President’s Circle, established in 2011, and which includes gifts of $2,500 or more per fiscal year (July 1 thru June 30). The President’s Circle succeeds the Crystal Circle (gifts between $1,000 and $2,499) as La Salle’s preeminent annual gift society. President’s Circle and Crystal Circle members are recognized on a donor wall in prominent display at the School and in the Annual Report. A reception will be held for each group in the fall:
Crystal Circle Reception Sunday, September 20, 2015
President’s Circle Reception Sunday, November 15, 2015
At whatever level you choose to support La Salle on an annual basis, your support is most warmly welcome.
Shop at AmazonSmile for Gifts? Buy Groceries at Ralphs? Use your Target RedCard? EARN A SERVICE HOUR and make $$$$ for La Salle at NO COST to you! Please see the Detailed Flyer Attached to this eNewsletter
Go to the “No Cost Fundraisers” link (where you launched the parent newsletter) for more detailed information. Thank you for your support of all the students at La Salle
The La Salle High School Academic, Arts and Athletic Boosters invite you to join us for the fall Gift Gathering Party in the Dining Hall.
Tailgating Party
Saturday, October 3, 2015
It is a good time
6:00pm until 10:00pm
Wear Your Favorite Athletic Team Attire: Pro, College or Lancers Donation: $30 per person or equivalent donation Admission includes all food, drinks and adult beverages Two service hours per family will be given for attendance
What kind of donations you ask? Gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants Tickets to plays, concerts and sporting events And, of course, cash, checks and credit card donations are always accepted and welcomed RSVP to Jacky Samartin at 626.379.4723 PAGE 7
City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children. Parents may drop off students in front of school and by driving into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard. Enter the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and exit as indicated. The City has provided an additional drop-off zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. In addition, unsafe parking endangers the bicyclists using the bike lane along Sierra Madre Boulevard. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is absolutely no student drop-off in the lower faculty parking lot. This creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. The School also reminds our driving students that they should not park their cars on residential streets such as Canfield Road. The School will continue to work with the City in providing a process for safe and efficient drop-off of students. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students at 626.696.4360 if you have any concerns about these procedures.
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406
A parent or guardian must call before 8:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state student's name, date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students.
Mothers of Alumni
Holiday Luncheon and Boutique
‘Tis the Season to be Jolly! Please join the La Salle Mothers of Alumni for their annual Holiday Luncheon and Boutique on Friday, November 20th at Altadena Country Club. Invitations for the luncheon will be arriving shortly.
Come get your holiday shopping done early. The boutique vendors will feature handmade gifts, one-of-a-kind clothing, jewelry, goodies and much more! If you are unable to attend the luncheon, please come and shop! The boutique is open from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
All the proceeds from the Luncheon and Boutique support the San Miguel Scholarship Fund! Vendors welcome. Please contact Liz Kwong at
From the Athletic Boosters
Lancer Athletics is Not Scary in October
As fall begins, many of our teams are in the thick of their seasons. They are doing well and it's not scary at all. I would encourage you to go to the athletics website to get caught up on how all our teams are doing. Friday Night Football will leave La Salle for five weeks until the end of October. However the return will bring with it two special nights backto-back, Homecoming and Senior Night. We hope you will plan to attend these games, as well as some of our away games. You can check the athletic website for times and locations. FALL IS FUN FOR FANS
Athletic Boosters are selling our famous Lancer Discount Cards again for $10.00. It is a great deal and many of your favorite places near La Salle participate. We will be selling Lancer Discount Cards at the football games and Parent Association meetings, so don’t miss out on this great value. And remember, as always, profits go to support all our athletic teams. Our board has added a new member, Erik Zimmerman, parent of a sophomore. Erik is filling our secretary position, as Christine Marez, our former secretary, was approved as the new vice president of the Athletic Boosters over the summer. We would like to welcome Erik and his family to the school and thank him for his assistance on the Athletic Boosters Board. The Athletic Boosters meet after each Parent Association meeting in the Band Room. We hope to have our aquatics coaches at that meeting to report on their programs this season, so please come and show your support. The Athletic Boosters are always looking for people who want to be more involved in athletics at La Salle, so please do not hesitate to contact me for more information about the boosters and our events at
I hope you have a great October and I'll see you at all the Lancer events.
God Bless,
John Cina P’13,14,18 President, Athletic Boosters
23rd Annual Lancer Golf Classic and Banquet Monday, October 12, 2015 Beautifully Renovated Glendora Country Club • Four-Person Scramble • 11:00am Shotgun Start • Auction and Opportunity Drawing
All-Play Golfer's Package Includes:
Green Fee and Cart, Range Balls, Bag Tag, Putting Contest, Hole-In-One Prize, Lancer Classic Golf Gift, Lunch on the Course, Complimentary Beverages on the Course (Beer, Soda, Water), Foursome Picture, Delicious Banquet Dinner and more.
ALL LEVELS WELCOME Calloway Scoring System Special Young Alumni (’01-’15) Discount For more information, please contact: Tara Milton 626-696-4381 or
Proceeds to benefit La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Athletic and Financial Aid Programs PAGE 11
Lancer Buddy Picnic
Page 12
During lunch on September 2, La Salle High School kicked off its Big Sibling program. Juniors paired with freshmen and enjoyed a lovely picnic on the baseball field. This picnic is one of the many events planned to help our freshmen feel welcomed to our La Salle family.
Retreat Reservations Registration for all upper division retreats is now exclusively an online process. Please visit the Student Life page on the La Salle website. Choose “Retreats” and follow the prompts.
We are asking that all junior and senior students interested in attending one of our retreats sign up for their preferred retreat date by October 16th. Retreat spots are limited so please sign up soon. Email Mrs. Paula Moore at if you have any questions. c
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By Owen Hou ’90 and Tina Bonacci '94 College Counselors
Colleges Scheduled to Visit La Salle in October
The College Center has already hosted many fine colleges during the month of September, and many more colleges are scheduled to visit La Salle in October. NOTE PSAT SAT AND ACT TEST DATES
Seniors have their last opportunity to take standardized tests in December. The regular registration deadline for the November 7 SAT and the Subject Tests is October 9. The late registration deadline is October 23 (space permitting). Important Dates to Remember
Colleges are being added to the College Visit Calendar every day. Please check the Naviance website under ‘visit schedule’ or the College Center bulletin board for the most up-to-date schedule. Please also encourage your student to list his or her colleges of interest in Family Connection by Naviance, as it automatically generates e-mail reminders to your student when a college he or she is interested in visits La Salle.
Individual Senior Meetings Mr. Hou and Ms. Bonacci are busy meeting with students who have completed their Senior Surveys. Unfortunately, a significant number of students have not completed them. Please encourage your student to complete their Senior College Planning Survey online at Family Connection by Naviance if he or she has not done so already. Friday, October 9, Monday, October 12, and Wednesday, October 14, are days off for seniors to catch up on the college application process. Seniors should use these days by visiting local and far away college campuses, start or complete their college essay/personal statement or finalize their college list on Family Connection. Seniors will find the process to be less stressful once they finalize their college list and start their applications. Those three days are also excellent days to submit Cal State applications and to check them off their ‘to do’ list.
SAT/ACT Testing
SAT or SAT Subject Tests: Test Date - December 5 (Regular Registration Deadline: November 5) ACT: T est Date - December 13 (Regular Registration Deadline: November 6)
California State University Applications Many of the 23 California State University campuses are impacted for First Time Freshman. Go to for the full listing of CSU campuses. We suggest students apply broadly to the CSU campuses. Reminder, La Salle High School is considered a local high school to CSU Los Angeles and CSU Northridge which means that our students will be accepted to these campuses as long as they are CSU eligible given the CSU eligibility index (GPA and test scores on a sliding scale). The California State University application is available October 1 at with a deadline date of November 30. The University of California application is available currently available at http://www. The UC application filing period is November 1 to November 30 - NO EXCEPTIONS. Most private colleges utilize the Common Application and can be accessed electronically at Check each out-of-state and private colleges’ websites for their application procedures.
ParentNewsletter College Night for Junior Parents and Students In order to reduce junior parents’ anxiety, we have decided to move the College Night for Junior Parents and Students from January to October 28, 2015. Tentative Schedule: 6:30 – 6:50pm: Opening Speaker: Matthew X. Fissinger, Director of Admission, Loyola Mar ymount University 6:50 – 7:10pm: Overview to the College Guidance Process 7:10 – 7:55pm: Standardized Testing, including Changes to the SAT 7:55 – 8:10pm: Naviance Basics 8:10pm: Question & Answer Period
Financing a College Education Saturday, November 7, 9:00 – 11:00am, Blakeslee Library It is never too soon to start planning financially for college. David Levy, Associate Editor, Edvisors Network will provide an overview of financing your student’s college education.
Standardized Testing for Grades 9, 10, 11 Just a reminder that all 9, 10 and 11 grade students will be testing on Wednesday, October 14. Freshman and Sophomore students will take the Aspire (on their iPads/laptops), and Juniors will take the PSAT. Everyone should bring their calculator and number two pencils. Juniors should finish around 11:30. Freshmen and sophomores should finish around 12:30.
College Tours We are offering the following college tours in the spring. Additional details will be available later this semester. Bay Area College Tour Friday and Saturday, February 12-13, 2016 UC Berkeley (Cal), Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, Saint Mary’s College, Stanford University, and University of San Francisco.
San Diego College Tour Monday, April 25, 2016 UC San Diego, University of San Diego and San Diego State University. Stanford
East Coast College Tour Monday, March 28 to Saturday, April 2, 2016 (during the Easter Holiday) We will be touring colleges from Boston to Washington, D.C. with Campus Excursions this spring (itinerary and colleges to be determined). A separate mailing for this tour will be sent to all junior families in late October/early November. Please see Mr. Hou or Ms. Bonacci if you have any questions about this or any other college tour.
ACT Preparation Course The Princeton Review will again be offering an ACT prep course over winter break. This is an excellent opportunity for juniors to prepare for the February ACT. The sticker price for this 18-hour course is $699, but La Salle families can save $200 with promo code: LASALLE200. Class dates and times can be found on the La Salle calendar and also on the Princeton Review website,
SAT Preparation Course We are currently in negotiations with the Princeton Review regarding a SAT preparation course for the March (Revised) SAT. The reason negotiations are taking longer than usual is because the Princeton Review is changing the structure of their SAT courses. We should be able to provide better clarity in a couple of weeks. PAGE 15
Check your School calendar for event times and dates
OCTOBER Highlights GifT Gathering Party October 3
OCTOBER 3 Crystal Ball Gift Gathering Party "Tailgate" 7:30 - 10:30pm Dining Hall OCTOBER 9 Friday Student Holiday Faculty In-service FOOTBALL at Cathedral H.S.* Varsity 7:00pm OCTOBER 12 Monday School Holiday Columbus Day Lancer Golf Classic Tournament and Banquet 11:00am Shotgun Start Glendora Country Club OCTOBER 13 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations OCTOBER 14 No Early Dismissal National Test Day Dismissal 12:00pm Senior College Visit Day
OCTOBER 15 Great California Shake Out 12:10pm All Campus OCTOBER 16 FOOTBALL at Saint Paul H.S.* Varsity 7:30pm OCTOBER 22 Junior High Speech & Debate Tournament 3:00pm Dining Hall VOLLEYBALL vs Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium OCTOBER 23 Friday Homecoming Dance 8:00 to 11:00pm Dining Hall OCTOBER 24 FOOTBALL at Harvard-Westlake H.S.* Varsity 7:30pm OCTOBER 27 College Night for Juniors and their Parents 6:30pm Dining Hall
OCTOBER 29 Liturgy Schedule Mass 9:20pm Dining Hall OCTOBER 30 Homecoming Rally Schedule FOOTBALL vs Salesian H.S.* Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field OCTOBER 31 Saturday Halloween NOVEMBER 1 Sunday Open House Noon to 2:30pm Campus November 4 Winter Sports Parent Meeting 6:00- 7:30pm Dining Hall NOVEMBER 6 FOOTBALL vs St. Francis H.S.* Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field NOVEMBER 9 Monday School Holiday Veterans Day Observed *Check website schedules for JV football game dates and times.
"TAILGATE" Crystal Ball Welcome Back, Welcome New Parents Gift Gathering Party • October 3 La Salle Dining Hall and Atrium • 7:00pm