September Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

H e l l o p a re n t s a n d friends. Our 2017-2018 school year is well underway! Each new school year brings new people and changes to a school, so I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome new faculty and staff to our community and to tell you about some of the exciting changes taking place this year. We are blessed to have some wonderful new people joining our community this year: Charlie Guillen '94 joins our Arts and Media Department as a new Film and Television instructor. Mr. Guillen comes to us with professional experience as an actor and a videographer, writer, editor, producer, and director for film and broadcast. Howard Hernandez will be teaching all levels of physics as part of our Science Department. Although new to La Salle, he is not new to the Lasallian world, having previously taught at Cathedral High School in Los Angeles. Marc Hernandez has lengthy experience working in Catholic schools. He has previously worked at St. Paul High School (his alma mater), Salesian, and Cathedral. He joins our English Department where he is teaching freshmen and

sophomores. Daniella Laset ’10 is returning to her alma mater after spending the last year teaching in the Santa Cruz area. She joins the Science Department and will be teaching chemistry. Tim Lewis ’06 joins La Salle as our new French teacher. He has experience teaching both at local schools, such as Maranatha, and overseas, including in Russia. Zare Manoukian joined La Salle last year as a long term sub in the Math Department. We are happy to now welcome him as a regular full-time faculty member teaching geometry for the 2017-2018 school year. Silvia Mendez y Margalef is our new Spanish 1 instructor. A native Spanish speaker, she has more than 14 years experience teaching Spanish and French throughout the United States and Mexico. Elizabeth Parga joins our Science Department where she is teaching biology and human anatomy. Ms. Parga most recently taught at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy. Rebekah Schaller ’97 is another alumna we are happy to be welcoming back into the Lancer Principal Ideas Continued on page 2

In the Words of Saint John Baptist de La Salle "You should manifest courage and intrepidity in teaching...your zeal and your faith being strengthened by the thought that you are Gods ministers and you act in His name.." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c1705 Meditations for Retreat 1:1




Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

New members of the faculty are blessed by Father Mark Strader and the La Salle Community during the Mass of the Holy Spirit. From left, Howard Hernandez, Silvia Mendez y Margalef, Elizabeth Parga, Daniella Laset ’10, Collette Salvatierra, Charlie Guillen '94, Tim Lewis ’06, Rebekah Schaller ’97, Marc Hernandez and Zare Manoukian. Not pictured, John Weinandy.

family. Ms. Schaller has many years of experience teaching both English and social studies, including teaching AP classes in both subjects. Her previous teaching experience includes working at Chaminade College Prep, Verbum Dei and Arcadia High schools. Collette Salvatierra is our new Curriculum Resource Specialist. “What is that?” you may be asking. Basically, Ms. Salvatierra is a librarian plus. More than just checking books out and overseeing the space, Ms. Salvatierra is available as a resource to our students and faculty. She will be working with our academic departments in developing research projects and teaching our students research skills. Additionally, she will be helping us to decide on what a renovated Blakeslee Library that better serves our students’ needs might look like. She joins us after most recently working in the library at Windward School. John Weinandy will be filling in for Mrs. Holyfield during this first semester as she welcomes her new baby. Mr. Weinandy is a recent transplant to CA, having come here to continue graduate studies at LMU. He previously worked at a Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio.

New Administrators


In addition to new faces on campus, we have many returning employees taking on new roles. As I shared in the July ParentNewsletter, Mr. Birr and Mr. Salmingo both left La Salle during the summer after finding job opportunities closer to home. That left us with two administrative

positions to fill. Because of the timing, we began searching for an Interim Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction and an Interim Dean. I am happy to share that we were able to fill those positions with the two terrific, experienced educators from our current faculty. Ms. Tina Bonacci '94 is our Interim Assistant Principal and Ms. Jane Osick is our Interim Dean. Ms. Bonacci is taking on this position after having most recently been working as a college counselor and academic advisor. Ms. Bonacci has also been a classroom teacher, department chairperson, and member of the Student Life team here at La Salle, in addition to her work at other high schools and with the Lasallian Midwest District. Ms. Osick was most recently our English Department chairperson, Summer School Director, Academic Advisor and Mock Trial coach. I am very excited to work with both of these leaders in their new roles this year. The movement of Ms. Bonacci and Ms. Osick into their new positions has meant some additional shifts in staffing. Mr. Rand Laird has stepped up to become our interim English Department Chairperson and Mr. Patrick Henry has moved into academic advising full-time. I am grateful to all of these educators who have been enthusiastic in answering the call to leadership and change, especially so late in the summer.

Academic Support This year we are continuing our Academic Support Program. Just as last year, a regular B day will include three blocks, mentor, and Academic



Support. Students are assigned an Academic Support teacher and classroom for the mandatory support time of 1:30 - 2:00pm. They are free to move to another classroom during this mandatory time if they need additional assistance or to makeup a test or homework assignment in a class other than their assigned AS class. However, they must always check into their assigned classroom and get a hall pass from their AS teacher before heading elsewhere. At 2:00pm students are officially dismissed, but teachers will remain in their AS classrooms to provide assistance until 2:25pm.

Health Update

Mandatory Academic Support

Join us for a Great Guest Speaker

Additionally, academic advisors will continue to give students Mandatory Academic Support (MAS) forms if their grade falls to a C- or below in any class. New this year is that academic advisors will email parents if their student receives a MAS form. Our hope is that this will help ensure students who need to be in AS are there and parents do not pick them up early or make appointments during the 2-2:25 period.

Late Starts As you know, we reinstated periodic late starts this year. Our first late start was Monday, August 21. Although we had some students who forgot it was late start, overall it went well. I know every student I talked to was happy about it! We have two late starts in September: September 11 and September 25. Please remember that, even though the school day begins later for the students, the school is still operating normal hours. So, there is absolutely no problem with you dropping off your students at the normal time if you, like our staff and faculty, still have a normal start time for yourself or your other children. The Dining Hall and Blakeslee Library are open and available for students to do homework or just hang out.

Early Dismissal Additionally, we have one early dismissal day in September. On September 29 students will be dismissed at 12:30pm so that faculty can take part in professional development. As this is a B day, they will have all three of their regular academic classes for the regular 75 minutes. They will not have Mentor or Academic Support.

Even though we have begun a new school year, I do want to follow-up one thing from the 2016-2017 school year. As most of you know, we had a large number of students, faculty, and family fall ill Memorial Day weekend. We received a final report from the Pasadena Public Health Department late this summer. The report said norovirus was the most likely pathogen. The department spoke with over 200 people in the process of their investigation and told us that there have been 1,100 similar norovirus outbreaks in California this year.

Lastly, I would like to let all of our parents know that we have a guest speaker coming to La Salle on Thursday, September 14. Mr. Roy Petitfils is a licensed counselor, award winning author and internationally sought after speaker. His most recent book is What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You). He will speak to the students in the morning and will give a presentation to parents at 7:00pm that same day in the Dining Hall. Please put this on your calendar. (See page 7). I hope that all of our parents can attend, but if you can’t, please be sure to ask your teenager about the presentation when you are driving them home that afternoon or talking at the dinner table.


As always, it has been a busy and exciting start to the school year. I can say with complete confidence that everyone on our faculty and staff are very excited to have all of your children back with us for another school year. Thank you for entrusting them to our care. Sincerely,

Mrs. Courtney R. Kassakhian Principal




La Salle Matters “Someone ate my summer!” was my answer to a parent’s question about how life was treating me as we both experienced the first day of school. I’ve come to the conclusion that the cliché – the older we get, the faster time speeds by – is also a truism.



For most of my administrative life, I’ve had the luxury of using summertime to catch up on work that languished on my desk in the run up to Graduation. So, I was discouraged to see the same piles on my desk as our students returned for the start of a new school year. To be sure, there were plenty of reasons for my lack of administrative progress: an exciting partnership with Kids Klub which brought elementary school children on our campus (it was a delight for me to encounter their cheerful young faces on a daily basis), the long hoped for launch of the renovation of the Blakeslee Library, the opportunity to make a presentation at a Principals Conference in Boston, a gaggle of lunch/dinner encounters with donors and, happily, two quick trips to my favorite island in the Pacific. Still, I wonder what I could have done differently in order to manage my time better. I’m not a big fan of “self-help” literature, but in search of a summer reading project, I stumbled across How to Have a Good Day - Harness the Power of Behavior Science to Transform Your Working Life by Caroline Webb. Its main thesis consists of constructing a “good” day by focusing on three elements: • Aim – what matters most today? • Attitude – what concerns do I have about today? • Attention – what do I want to make sure I notice today?

Upon reflection, I realized that all three elements seek to push me out of my comfort zone of task-oriented behaviors to people-oriented behaviors. As I contemplated how to put more energy into the latter strategy, I realized that my frustration with the long-lasting piles on my desk was really a product of how, over the years, I had come to define success: a neat and clean desktop! My aim has been to move paper; my attitude – efficiency; my attention was to work through a “to do” list. Obviously, efficiency in getting things done is a necessary part of everybody’s work day; but as I looked back at a very fast summer, I realized that the activities I enjoyed the most found me engaged with other people: problem solving, brainstorming, and strategizing. I found in those activities that what matters most is being available to others; my daily concern is to be helpful and what I want to make sure I notice are opportunities to encourage the success of my colleagues. In a way, the students entrusted to our care are confronted by the same dynamic I faced this summer: balancing efficiency and productivity with the need to build a community of care and concern. This dynamic is embedded in the Five Core Principles of a Lasallian School: • Faith in the presence of God • Quality education • Social Justice and concern for the poor • Inclusive community • Respect for all persons


I am fond of summarizing these five principles with this imperative: at La Salle, we produce good students and good people…in other words, we expect our students to be efficient and productive with respect to their classroom responsibilities while also developing a faith-filled appreciation for service to others in a welcoming and supportive community. They, too, are faced with the daily task of determining their aim, attitude and attention. As teenagers, they are beset with competing claims on how to establish personal priorities. They know – often better than the adults in their lives – how difficult it is to appreciate what’s important at any given point in time. They recognize they need our help, but often don’t know how to ask for it – and we can – sometimes – give them mixed signals as to what ought to be important. As we launch another school year at La Salle (my 19th!), I know that I must remind myself of how important it is to balance my priorities between efficiency and quality interactions with those around me. I need, also, to remind myself of the importance of setting a good example for the students entrusted to my care. I look forward to the challenge!

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President


La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2017

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org

Transforming Lives Since 1680


EVEN ParentNewsletter


From the Parent Association

Our Mission, Our Values A new journey begins…a new school for some and a new school year for many. My husband Ken and I have always said how fortunate we’ve been to have our son Ethan accepted and enrolled at La Salle for his high school years. We have enjoyed being a part of this amazing school community by attending football games, volleyball competitions, basketball games, plays, Back-to-School Night and special events. As parents we can truly see how La Salle has distinguished itself from other high schools by instilling the following core values in its students.


• ·

We NURTURE the talents of each student.

· • • ·

We INSPIRE in our students a sense of responsibility for others.

· •

We MOTIVATE our students to respond compassionately to the needs of others, especially the poor.

We CHALLENGE our students to embrace diversity.

The 2017-2018 school year has already started with a few meetings and orientation. For our new freshman and transfer families, we want to take this opportunity to once again welcome the parents of the class of 2022 and to those families who have joined us at La Salle for the first time. On August 14, 2017 the New Parent Orientation, organized by Cherry Agapito P’18, P’20, welcomed those new to our community. She did an outstanding job and we thank her and the committee. Plan on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 for our monthly Parent Association and Booster meetings. The Parent Association meeting will begin at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Library. We would love you to arrive 15 to 20 minutes early for light refreshments and conversation. Immediately following our Parent Association meeting, individual Booster meetings will follow; these meeting will begin at 7:30pm. We invite all parents to attend. As a reminder–all parents are given credit of one service hour for each meeting attended. The featured presentations for the September meeting will be Dr. Gray and Principal Kassakhian, who will share some of the new and exciting changes for the upcoming school year. We hope you will join us for this informative first meeting. The Parent Association Executive Board consists of great parent volunteers: Cristina Pando P’20, Vice-President; Connie Mimura P’19, Treasurer; Anna Sariol P’21, Secretary. “God call us out of our comfort zones, away from what is familiar and into something bigger, deeper, and wider than we have ever imagined.” Jon Leonetti


Emily Vaughn Henry P'18 Parent Association President



How to Listen to Your Child

On Thursday, September 14, Student Life presents Mr. Roy Petitfils, LPC who will speak to the student body during the day, then to parents in the evening. At the student body assembly at 9:30am, Roy will present: Respect for all Persons: Don’t Let Kids Feel Invisible. Parents are welcome to come to the assembly, but there are limited seats available. At 7:00pm that evening his presentation to our parents is titled: How to Listen to Your Child. Please join us for one of these great presentations. Roy comes to us from Lafayette, Louisiana where he works as a psychotherapist. In addition to his practice, Roy also speaks at churches, diocesan events and larger community events. Roy has been a speaker at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and spoke recently at City of Saints at UCLA. His talks often center on helping adults understand, reach and influence teens, and helping teens to understand themselves.


CALL Conference Invite La Salle High School students are invited to attend the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders CALL Conference in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 9th from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. There are two conference speakers; Barbara Nicolosi (screenwriter for movies like Fatima and The Passion of Christ) and Archbishop Gomez. If you are interested, please contact Kassandra Sanchez, CALL Conference Team, 626-625-3846 or


Mass of the Holy Spirit On August 23rd, the school community gathered together to celebrate the first Liturgy of the year, the Mass of the Holy Spirit. The focus of the Mass, celebrated by Father Mark Strader, (left), was “Unity in Diversity,” to bring the community together and remember the Lasallian core principle of Inclusive Community. Father Mark emphasized the Gospel’s call to unity through love for one another, especially those who are different than ourselves. After the homily, the school community extended their hands in blessing over the new faculty and staff. (See page 2). At the offertory, the faculty and staff’s written commitments for the school year were brought forward with the gifts and wine. The Mass carried out the Week of Welcome’s theme of unity, bringing to mind God’s call to love one another. LIVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS FOREVER




Lancer Tech Crew

Music for the Masses





City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children.



Parents may drop off students in front of the gym and school in the designated curb side “drop off” lane. They may also drive into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard entering the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and then exit as indicated. There is no parking in front of the Sierra Madre Boulevard school parking lot from 7:00am to 4:00pm on school days. There is a 2 hour parking area in front of the gym and school from 9:00am to 9:00pm.The City has provided an additional dropoff zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENT DROP-OFF IN THE LOWER FACULTY PARKING LOT. Pulling into this lot creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. The School also reminds our driving students that there is additional parking in the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church parking lot as they should not park their cars on residential streets such as Canfield Road. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact the Dean of Students at 626.696.4360 if you have any concerns about these procedures.



From the Athletic Director

New Athletic Calendar Hello Lancers, I write to inform you that the La Salle Athletic Department has a new all inclusive athletic calendar on our website. The athletic website is our main source of communication and we want to give you the details on how to utilize the athletic calendar. You can get to the athletic website by clicking on athletics from the main school site at www.lasallehs. org or by logging on directly to

Once you have accessed the site, hover over calendar which is located to the far right next to boosters. Click on athletic calendar and you will see the full calendar for the current month. You can view the month, week or day. The calendar includes all practices, games, team events, non-team events, athletic facility bookings and the like. In addition, you can click on an away game to get the dismissal time, bus departure time and even the link for directions to the event. Please use this calendar as the one stop shop for all athletic information moving forward.


If you are viewing from your mobile device or iPad, be sure to click view the full website to get the best result. Please do not click the mobile view. At this point, you cannot subscribe to this calendar but we hope to offer a subscription

down the line. If you notice any issues with the calendar please email the athletic office at so we can address the concern immediately. We need everyone to buy in to this communication for it to work. With that in mind, we look forward to earning your trust with this communication as we navigate the 2017 - 2018 school year. Thank you,

Anthony Harris Athletic Director






From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By Tina Bonacci '94, Owen Hou ’90 and Marcia Yu, College Counselors


College Visits

College Tours

College Admission Counselors are on the road visiting high schools and attending college fairs. Around 100 college visits will take place at La Salle. You can find the up-to-date schedule for college visits and college information sessions in Naviance/Family Connection under College Visits.

Visiting colleges is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This school year we will be offering the following tours:

College Planning Survey for Seniors As requested in the August Parent Newsletter, Senior students & parents should complete the College Planning Survey located on Naviance/ Family Connection (both due on September 1st). The Parent College Planning Survey helps the College Counselor learn about your student from another point of view and is helpful when we write your student’s recommendation. If you do not have or misplaced your login to Naviance/Family Connection, please contact your student’s College Counselor. Also note that the individual senior college meeting will be scheduled according to the receipt date of the student’s Senior College Planning Survey. In other words, first come-first served.

College Fairs The Jesuit College Fair will be held at La Salle on Monday, September 28 from 5:00 to 7:00pm in the Dining Hall. This is an excellent opportunity for students interested in a mid-size university/college to meet admission representatives from all over the country. All La Salle students are also invited to attend the college fair held at Saint Francis High School on Wednesday, October 4th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. It is one of the largest fairs in the San Gabriel Valley with over 80 colleges present and attracts close to a thousand students each year. Plan to arrive early and carpool as parking will be scarce.


Ventura County College Tour October 30, 2017 Cal State Channel Islands, Cal Lutheran, UC Santa Barbara San Diego College Tour​ February 5, 2018 University of San Diego, UC San Diego, San Diego State University Bay Area College Tour March 5-6, 2018 Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Saint Mary’s College of CA Additional information and registration forms can be downloaded via the La Salle website (Academics > College Counseling > College Tours). If you have questions about any college tours, please feel free to contact either Ms. Bonacci or Mrs. Elmsie-Britt.

Standardized Testing Registration is open for the Fall SAT and ACT. If your student would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage you to register online for the SAT at, and for the ACT at SAT Test Date (Register By) October 7, 2017 (September 8) November 4, 2017 (October 5) December 2, 2017 (November 2)



ACT Test Date (Register By) September 09, 2017 (August 4) October 28, 2017 (September 22) December 9, 2017 (November 3)

(the same evening as the Jesuit College Fair) in the Blakeslee Library. To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.

Mock SAT The La Salle parent boosters will be offering a practice SAT exam with an SAT Strategy Session. This is a good opportunity for sophomores and juniors to become more familiar with the standardized test. Mock SAT – Saturday, September 30, 2017 Mock ACT – Saturday, October 21, 2017 The price for each mock test is $20. The fee includes a special on-campus presentation “Insider’s Guide to College Admission Testing”. It will be held on Monday, September 28 at 6:15pm

Getting Off to a Good Start Parents, encourage your students to be off to a good start this year, reaching out to their academic advisors whenever needed and taking advantage of the Academic Support period to have that additional time with the teachers they need the most. This will not only boost their academic performance but also develop their assertiveness, communication skills, responsibility, and confidence, all very important skills they will need as they make their transition to living independently in college.



The thoughtful support of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends has helped sustain La Salle High School’s margin of excellence since 1956. The School acknowledges this generosity in a number of important ways. The premier annual giving society is the President’s Circle, established in 2011 which includes New Parent Giving Pledges and all cash deductible gifts of $2,500 or more per fiscal year (July 1 thru June30). The President’s Circle succeeds the Crystal Circle (New Parents Parent Giving Pledges and all cash deductible gifts between $1,000 and $2,499) as La Salle’s preeminent annual gift society. President’s Circle and Crystal Circle members are recognized on a donor wall in prominent display at the School and in the Annual Report. A reception will be held for each group in the fall:


Crystal Circle Reception Sunday, September 24, 2017 a

President’s Circle Reception Sunday, October 27, 2017






Here's Lookin' at ya.

Genesis 1:16 reads "And God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars." On August 21, hundreds of La Salle students saw God's word manifest the truth of the Bible - all at once before their very eyes! On that day, the Great North American Solar Eclipse crossed over the entire continental United States. And those of us in Pasadena witnessed a 65% partial solar eclipse of the sun at 10:21am. Science teachers and students tested eclipse glasses and created pin-box telescopes to view the progress of the moon across the sun. It was a monumental event because it had been 99 years since the last solar eclipse crossed the United States from coast-to-coast. The next eclipse crossing will not happen again until August 12, 2045. However, the solar system never rests and a Lunar total eclipse will take place on January 31, 2018 and will be visible from Southern California.



From Institutional Advancement

Welcoming the Class of 2021 The academic year is underway, and the Class of 2021 is now on campus. The summer months at our School were full of various activities offering opportunities in academics, athletics, and arts as well camps for young women and men who are not yet of high school age. And many campus facilities received needed attention during the summer so that they would be ready to go when the students recently arrived. Support for our School and its various needs is provided through a combination of annual giving and planned giving. In any given year, tuition and annual giving programs are keys to providing the financing necessary for that year. The results of sound financial strategies through the years provide additional security and support in these efforts. As our School looks ahead to the mid and long term financial needs of the School, it relies on Planned Gifts to support these needs and to enhance our endowment. Planned Gifts are often considered to be large in nature, and oftentimes this is the case. But even a modest Planned Gift is a strategic part of this program. Certain characteristics of a Planned Gift include (but are not limited to):

• Leaving a Legacy without giving up assets

• Enhancing the rate of return on one’s portfolio


• Reduction of income tax liability with the potential to eliminate capital gains taxes • Portfolio diversification • Providing additional sources of retirement income Members of the class of 2017 are off on their various collegiate ventures and opportunities. Many of them will continue to be active participants as part of the Alumni Association. The classes of 2018-2021 are back at School and busy with their various commitments, and our School is actively pursuing new students for future years. With all that is going on, let us consider the possibilities of supporting the long term needs of our School through a Planned Gift that is beneficial to both the donor and La Salle High School. Such gifts are an integral and strategic part of maintaining and enhancing the successes and opportunities available to our students. Please review the Planned Giving articles in future publications of both the ParentNewsletter and Lancer Magazine for ongoing updates in the Planned Giving Program.

In Summary

La Salle High School can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, the Director of Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344.




TEAM COMES HOME WITH TOP TROPHIES 2017 Academic Decathlon Team in South Africa, from left, Josh Ng, Kate Mena, Gwyneth Schoenbaum, Cristina De La Cruz, Kriztina Espinosa, and. Raphael Navarro.

Academic Decathlon Team Returns Victorious


Lancers win BIG at the World Scholars Cup in Cape Town ,South Africa. Our Lancers competed against 500 scholars representing 32 countries during the tournament events. Josh, Kate and Gwyneth came in 10th overall and Raphael, Kriztina and Cristina came in 11th overall. Cristina was named the #3 overall scholar and the #1 regional scholar. Gwyneth was #4 and Josh was the #5 regional scholar. All members of the team won multiple gold and silver medals and both teams placed in every category! Both teams qualify to compete in the Tournament of Champions at Yale in November 2017. Mrs. Elizabeth Sehan and Mr. Nate Housman'03 accompanied the team to South Africa. Academic Decathlon Coach John Erb advised the team via phone from Pasadena.









25th Annual Lancer Golf Classic Save the Date Registration is Open!


San Gabriel Country Club 11:00am Shotgun Start

Brother DeSales Memorial Plaque The Class of 2017 Senior Class Gift supported the purchase of a plaque in memory of Brother DeSales which is currently displayed on the third floor of campus above a bench that was purchased by the 2016-2017 Student Life Team. Brother DeSales touched many heart during his 60 years as a Christian Brother with 30 of those years spent at La Salle. The Class of 2017 wanted to have a memoriam for him on campus for future Lancers to know the impact he had on La Salle and the students. Additional funds that the Class donated have gone toward the San Miguel Scholarship Fund, a program that meant so much to Brother De Sales, to allow future students in need the chance to attend La Salle.




From the Vice President for Mission

Mind the Mission By Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission

Let me once again welcome all of you to the new school year. As I enter my 32th year at La Salle, I can honestly say that I have always enjoyed this time of the year – a new beginning for our 9th graders and transfer students as well as a fresh start for our returning students. This is also a time to create new friendships and to rekindle old ones. I look forward to getting to know better the ninth graders as well as the transfer students. In fact, I did speak to many of our new students during the summer months as they participated in summer courses and athletic clinics. Also, the vast majority of the students that I meet with as an Academic Advisor are ninth graders. As I have often said, there are very few institutions that have a 25% turnover of clients each year; but in a four-year high school, that is the norm. PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR

In my role as Vice-President for Mission, I will periodically share with you information about specific school projects or events as well as various reflection material that I hope you will find interesting. To that end, you should know that the faculty, staff and administrators annually begin the school year with a spiritual retreat day. The theme for this retreat was a rededication to our Core Lasallian Principles and Heritage. Dr. Greg Kopra, a member of the Leadership Team from our San Francisco New Orleans District facilitated this retreat. You might be interested to know that our Lasallian International Institute provides ministries, primarily schools, in 77 countries; and that there are currently over one million students in our schools. La Salle High School in Pasadena is truly part of a worldwide educational adventure. Our students are an integral part of an exceptional global network of schools that are animated by the Christian Brothers and the spirit of Saint La Salle. The following are a few excerpts from a prayer that our faculty and staff recited during their opening meetings this year: God, our loving Creator, we are Yours, and Yours we wish to be. Help us to become Your instruments of love, peace, and reconciliation in the lives of the young men and women who are our students. Help us to understand and to teach that to be holy means to be truly whole. Help us to forgive so that we may be forgiven. Help us to re-dedicate ourselves to the work of education, so that the lives of those we teach may be truly renewed.


After listening to the thoughtful and sincere conversations that occurred a few weeks ago at the retreat, I can assure you that our faculty, staff and administrators take their responsibility regarding instructing and caring for your students with the same loving zeal as you.

Again, I welcome all of you to this new school year.

“Live Jesus in Our Hearts…Forever!”



Crystal Ball Tailgate Gift Gathering Party

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Dining Hall • 6:00 to 10:00pm

Academic, Athletics and Arts Boosters invite you to join us for our exciting tailgate party! Wear Your Favorite Athletic Team Attire. Watch Your favorite teams in action. Games shown on all four Dining Hall walls Play Giant Jenga, Giant Connect 4, Giant Yard Pong

$30 per person minimum donation. Adult only admission includes all food, beverages and signature cocktails. Crystal Ball donations may include gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants, tickets to plays, concerts and sporting events and, of course, cash, checks and credit card donations are always accepted and needed.

RSVP online by September 18th. Questions: contact Cherry Agapito, or 626.720.3697










ParentNewsletter SEPTEM-







Check your school calendar for event times and dates

September Highlights September 1 Dollar Dress Day FOOTBALL at Monrovia High School Varsity 7:00pm Monrovia Field September 4 Labor Day School Holiday September 7 Dress Uniforms Assembly Schedule Spring Academic Awards 9:30am Dining Hall September 11 Late Start Freshman Retreat GIRLS VOLLEYBALL vs St. Lucy's Priory High School Varsity 5:00pm Gymnasium

September 15 Special Schedule Periods 2,6,7,5 2:25pm Dismissal FOOTBALL at John Muir High School Varsity 7:00pm Muir Field

October 3 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL vs Bishop Montgomery H.S. Varsity 5:00pm Gymnasium College Information Night Cash For College 6:30-7:30pm Blakeslee Library

September 22 FOOTBALL vs Notre Dame High School (AZ) Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field

October 6 Homecoming Assembly Schedule Periods 3,4,1 FOOTBALL vs Salesian Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field

September 23 Saturday Crystal Ball "Tailgate" Gift Gathering Party 6:00-10:00pm Dining Hall

September 12 Freshman Retreat Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations

September 25 Late Start

September 14 Assembly Schedule Periods 3,4,1, Student Life Guest Speaker 9:30am Dining Hall Parents Guest Speaker 7:00pm Dining Hall

September 28 Jesuit College Fair 4:00-7:30pm Dining Hall

September 27 Dress Uniforms Liturgy Schedule Holy Mass 9:30 am Dining Hall

September 29 12:30pm Dismissal

October 7 Saturday Homecoming Dance 7:00-10:30pm Dining Hall October 9 Columbus Day School Holiday Lancer Golf Classic 11:00am San Gabriel Country Club For specific Lancer Athletic game dates, times and locations, log on to or > Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics Boosters page at www.lasallelancers. org under Boosters for volunteer options.

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