La Sax - Shall We Sax 2012

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Foreword L

序 言

a Sax 自成立至今已踏入第八個年頭,可說是本地薩克管界的「老團體」。多年來,我們經

歷過無數考驗,樂團已經漸漸成熟發展。除了四位骨幹成員之外,我們亦開始加入不少年輕新成 員,為樂團注入新血;在樂曲上亦走向更多元化,而對音樂上的追求亦更嚴謹。始終不變,是 La Sax仍深信音樂是雅俗共賞,老少皆宜。

「Shall We Sax?」意思是想觀眾們一同分享屬於La Sax的故事。是次音樂會,我們貫徹以輕鬆和富娛

樂 性 的手 法 , 將 古 典 薩 克 管 音 樂 帶 給 觀 眾 朋 友 。 我 們不 單 只 希 望 大 家 能 對 薩 克 管 音 樂 有 更 深 暸 解 , 亦 盼

望大家能夠感受我們浸淫於樂曲之中的喜悅。希望音樂會完結之後,您也能像我們一樣,熱愛薩克管, 熱愛音樂,讓生活將因音樂變得更豐盈。

在此感謝所有支持與協助是次音樂會的人,好讓這次音樂會完美呈現!我們十分期待能再次為大家分享 音樂!

T ime flies! It’s already been 8 years since La Sax was found. As being one of the most experienced saxophone ensembles in Hong Kong, we grew up and is now turning to a more mature stage. To implant new blood to the ensemble, young and fresh junior members are acceded to La Sax in recent years. Moreover, our music style is broadly diversified and our aspiration towards music now is more rigorous and ambitious. Neverthe less, we devoutly believes that music is a beautiful language that can suit both the refined and popular tastes. The purport of our concert ‘Shall We Sax’ is to share the profound story of La Sax with all of our beloved audience. This time, we would like to present our music in a very relaxing and entertaining way, providing the audiences an unforgettable night of classical saxophone music. We would not only hope that everyone can have a better comprehension to the music of saxophone, but also long for one and all to throb with our music, to sway with our gratifications. After the Shall We Sax concert, we yearn to see you further the interests towards the music and the saxophone, and let music be part of your flourishing lives, just as we are. We would like to acknowledge all the support and help from people whom may concern in this concert. With their great aid, we are able to perform a flawless show to all of you. We are looking forward to showing you more wonderful musical pieces in the near future. Thank you!

節 目

Programme 斯巴女王的駕臨 The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba

愛德華.葛利格/ 布魯斯.艾文斯

Edvard Grieg/ Bruce A. Evans

白日夢 Daydream


André Waignein

賈布利耶的雙簧管 Gabriel’s Oboe

西城故事選段 《 我好漂亮 》 I Feel Pretty from West Side Story

顏尼歐.莫利克奈/ 柏原卓之

Ennio Morricone/ Takuyuki Kashihara


Jun Nagao

~ 中場休息 Intermission ~

雷納德.伯恩斯坦/ 詹姆斯.保文

Leonard Bernstein/ James Boatman

*色式旅程 *Train to Sax 前奏曲三首 Three Preludes for Saxophone Quartet 綠袖子 Greensleeves



a Sax 成立於2005年,為香港最早期的薩克管樂

LI Kar-Yee

團之一。多年來,La Sax本著「雅俗共賞」的信念,竭

喬治.蓋希文/ 沃夫崗.史勒

至今日,La Sax 已舉辦近百場音樂會,足跡遍及香港


George Gershwin/ Wolfgang Schlei


英國民謠/ 織田英子

the City」、文化中心音樂會、香港大會堂「有色有聲

出活動包括假香港教育學院舉辦的首演音樂會「Sax in

English Folk Song/ Eiko Orita



開幕表演嘉賓。自2009年起,La Sax 亦應康樂及文化

炫技探戈 Tango Virtuoso 利奧諾拉之戀 Leonora’s Love Theme

SINCE 2005

喬治.弗里德里克.韓德爾/ 馬修.辛德森

Georg Friedrich Handel/ Matthew Hindson

皮爾金組曲 Peer Gynt Suite

來吧!談談色? Shall We Sax?


Thierry Escaich

艾斯特‧皮亞佐拉/ La Sax

第二號薩克管四重奏 Quartetto II for Saxophone Quartet

邀出席香港浸會大學五十周年金禧慶典開幕典禮,擔任 事務署邀請,定期於香港各區舉辦免費戶外音樂會,把 薩克管音樂推廣至更廣大的聽眾。

Astor Piazzolla/ La Sax

La Sax 的演出曲目多元化,除了巴洛克風格、古典音



Roberto Di Marino

*此作品於2012年由La Sax委約,費用由「CASH音樂基金」贊助 *This piece was commissioned by La Sax in 2012 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund 親愛的觀眾: 為令各位觀眾對音樂會留下美好印象,請於節目開始前關掉手提電話及其他電子響鬧裝置,埸內請勿飲食、拍照、錄 音或錄影,演奏期間請保持安靜,並請留待整首樂曲完結後才報以掌聲鼓勵,多謝合作 。 Dear Patrons, For a wonderful concert experience, please kindly switch off your mobile phones and other beeping devices before the concert begins. Photography, filming, and drinking are not allowed. If the music contains more than one movement, kindly reserve your applause until the end of the entrie piece. Thankyou for your cooperation.

樂、爵士樂等傳統曲目外,樂團亦會演奏由團員特別編 地流行音樂等,為樂團注入獨特的音樂元素和原創的演 奏風格。 La Sax 作為推動本地薩克管音樂的翹楚,對於推行教 育工作亦不遺餘力。樂團團員俱為專業導師,除了任教 於香港各區中小學外,亦舉辦興趣小組和私人授課,積 極培訓新一代音樂專才。此外,樂團亦經常為青年學員 提供不同的學習及演出機會,包括舉辦工作坊、講座、 交流會和樂團培訓等,積極推動本土薩克管音樂演奏的 發展。


a Sax, founded in 2005, is regarded as one of the Hong Kong’s foremost saxophone ensembles. With the goal of encouraging public interest in the art of classical music, La Sax dedicates to provide high quality concerts to the audience. Over the years, La Sax has been performing extensively in Hong Kong and Macau. Some of the significant events include “Sax in the City” that was held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education; “Saxo Carnival”, an event that was held in the Hong Kong City Hall featuring the group, and was broadcasted by a local TV broadcaster - RTHK; as well as several concerts that were held in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. In 2006, La Sax was invited to perform in the Hong Kong Baptist University’s 50th Anniversary opening ceremony. All concerts received great positive feedbacks by the audience. Since 2009, La Sax has been one of the performing groups invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to deliver free concerts to the general public in various districts throughout Hong Kong to promote the art of classical music. La Sax performs a diverse repertoire ranging from baroque transcriptions, classical literature, standard saxophone repertoire, jazz as well as popular favorites. Not to mention works arranged by the group in the styles of Chinese traditional music, folk music and pop music. More than just a performing ensemble, La Sax dedicates to enrich local saxophone music development, especially but not exclusively among the young generation. Our ensemble members are all professional and qualified mentors in providing saxophone and corresponding education. Classes have been offered in various primary and secondary schools, private groups as well as music centers. Last but not least, La Sax offers different performing and educational opportunities to upcoming musicians through organizing workshops, seminars, coaching and training events. It has always been in La Sax’s best interest to promote the growth of local saxophone musicians and their music.

SA 黃德釗




WONG Tak-Chiu

YIP Sin-Hang, Natalie

Soprano Saxophone

香 港薩克管演奏家黃德釗活躍於東南亞地區, 以推廣古典薩克管演奏及當代音樂為己任,演出 足跡遍及亞洲及歐洲多國,演出範疇遍及音樂, 劇場以至多媒體製作,曾代表香港於第15、16 屆世界薩克斯管大會演出,並受邀到《新加坡薩 克斯管工作坊2011及2012》演出。

2008年從香港演藝學院畢業並取得學士文憑, 其 後 遠 赴 法 國 Cergy-Pontoise 音 樂 學 院 深 造 , 並 於2010年畢業,師從國際知名薩克管演奏家 Jean-Yves Fourmeau。 於 深 造 期 間 在 法 國 的 Concour de Saxophone Parisien贏 得 了 亞 軍 黃 德 釗 是 Amigo Saxophone Quartet, La Sax, Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble和 《 四 不 像 》 的 創 團 成 員,以推廣不同地區的薩克管音樂和現代音樂為 己任,並經常給予大師班、工作坊和講座,亦活 踴於本地教學活動。


ak-Chiu WONG was regarded as one of the most prominent Hong Kong saxophonist in Asia area. He was invited to perform in the 15th and 16th World Saxophone Congress, Thailand(2009) and Scotland(2012); and was inviting artist of Singapore Saxophone Symposium 2011 and 2012; Saxophone Concertos Concert in Tung Hai University, Taichung, Taiwan. Performances were throughout Asia and European countries.

Tak-Chiu graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, with a Bachelor of Music. He completed his further study at the CRR de Cergy-Pontoise, France, with world-renowned soloist Jean-Yves Fourmeau. In 2010, he won 2nd prize in the Concour de Saxophone Parisien, France.

Tak-Chiu co-operated with composers regularly, by commissioning new works and giving premiere performances. He is also the founding member of 4UNLIKE, Amigo Saxophone Quartet, La Sax and Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble, aiming at promoting saxophone and contemporary music in different areas through performances, master classes, and workshops. He is also active in teaching local and Singapore players regularly.

Alto Saxophone

葉 羨衡自六歲開始學習鋼琴,十二歲開始在學 校樂團學習薩克管,於2009年考取英國倫敦聖三 一音樂學院色士風LTCL演奏文憑(優異)。

葉氏曾與多個本地樂團合作,包括香港交響管樂 團、香港愛樂室樂管樂團、專業導師管樂團、 繁色薩克管四重奏等,並隨團到上海、西安、 台灣、澳門等地演出;此外,她亦積極參與海 外音樂交流活動,包括日本濱松國際管樂節及世 界 管 樂 年 會 , 並 參 與 Otis Murphy、Jean Yves Fourmeau、 Nobuya Sugawa之 大 師 班 。 近 年 來 , 葉 氏 致力於推廣本地古典薩克管音樂發展,積極投入 音樂教育工作,於本地各中小學及教學中心以個 別或小組型式授課,並為學生定期提供音樂演出 機會。 葉氏持有香港中文大學藝術學士(榮譽)學位, 現於同一所大學攻讀音樂碩士學位。


atalie YIP began her musical training on piano at age 6. She started to study the saxophone at age 12, and was awarded the Licentiate certificate (with distinction) in saxophone performance by the London Trinity College in 2009. Natalie has been working with various local music groups, including the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, the Hong Kong Chamber Winds Philharmonia, the Varsity Saxophone Quartet, touring around Shanghai, Xian, Taiwan, Macau, etc. She is also active in participating overseas music events, such as the Hamamatsu International Wind Instrument Academy and Festival and the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE), participating in the master class of world-renowned saxophonist - Otis Murphy, Jean-Yves Fourmeau and Nobuya Sugawa. In recent years, Natalie is actively involved in the promotional activities of classical saxophone music in Hong Kong. She devotes herself to music education with utmost enthusiasm, and has been working with people of different generations through teaching in local schools and music centres.

Yip holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Music at the same institution.

B T 林進德


LAM Chun-Tak

CHAN Chung-Ho, Jeffrey



Baritone Saxophone

Tenor Saxophone

林 進德於就讀聖文德書院期間加入學校管樂團, 學習薩克管,翌年成為香港交響管樂團成員。在 學期間,於校際音樂比賽屢獲殊榮,並協助學校 管樂團奪得全港冠軍,林氏樂團演奏經驗豐富, 曾隨樂團到日本、中國、澳門、台灣等地演出, 並 於 2 0 0 5 成 立 La Sax, 致 力 推 廣 香 港 薩 克 管 音 樂 文化發展。 林氏積極投入音樂教育工作,於各中、小學及音 樂教學中心開授薩克管音樂課程,學生在英國皇 家音樂學院考試表現優異,更曾於校際音樂比賽 中獲獎無數。此外,林氐正積極籌組學生樂團和 音樂會,為學生提供更多音樂演出機會。 林氏現持有英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院色士風LTCL 演奏文憑。


AM Chun-Tak started studying saxophone in the school band during his secondary school life at St. Bonaventure College. Since then, he became a member of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds. During his studies, he won several prizes at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, while also assisted the school band in achieving 1st prize in the music festival. Chun-Tak has various performing experiences, not merely in Hong Kong, but Japan, China, Macau and Taiwan. He is one of the founding members of La Sax, aiming at promoting public awareness of the saxophone culture. Chun-Tak is actively involved in music education through teaching saxophone at local public schools and music centres. His students achieved excellent results at the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music, also gaining several awards in the music festivals. Currently, Chun-Tak is forming students ensembles, to provide more performing opportunities for the younger generations. Chun-Tak holds the Licentiate certificate in saxophone performance presented by the London Trinity College.


陳 中豪是香港最傑出的青年薩克管演奏家之 一,在獨奏、室內樂演奏和樂團方面均具有豐富 演出經驗。

s being one of the most acclaimed young saxophonists in Hong Kong, Jeffrey Chung-ho CHAN enjoys a prolific career as a soloist, as well as a chamber musician and an orchestral player.

陳氐在香港土生土長,曾多次參與本地專業音樂 團體的演出,當中包括香港管弦樂團,香港小交 響樂團,香港愛樂管樂團。而陳氐曾合作過的指 揮 家 包 括 艾 度 . 迪 華 特 、 Jerry Junkin、 張 弦 、 呂 嘉和葉詠詩。

A native of Hong Kong, Chan has appeared with numerous professional musical groups, including the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonic Orchestra. He has worked with conductors such as Edo de Waart, Jerry Junkin, Zhang Xian, Lu Jia, and Wing Sze Yip.

陳氐活躍於音樂界,曾參與本地及海外音樂營 和管樂節,包括國際薩克管音樂節、香港薩 克斯管工作坊、海軍樂隊薩克斯研討會、北美 薩克斯聯盟大會、濱松國際管樂節。當中曾於 Claude Delangle、Eugene Rousseau、Jean-Yves Fourmeau、Otis Murphy、謝 德 驥 等 薩 克 管 大 師 班 參與演出。

As an active performer, Chan has toured internationally and has participated in major saxophone events, such as the World Saxophone Congress, North America Saxophone Alliance Conference, Navy Band Saxophone Symposium, the Hamamatsu Wind Academy and Hong Kong International Saxophone Symposium. He has also taken part in a number of saxophone master classes by respected saxophonists: Claude Delangle, Eugene Rousseau, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Otis Murphy, Kenneth Tse, etc.

陳氐畢業於香港演藝學院音樂學士學位課程, 師 承 杜 淑 芝 和 Michael Campbell。 畢 業 後 赴 美 深 造,現於北卡羅萊納州大學藝術學院修讀碩士學 位 , 師 承 國 際 薩 克 管 大 師 Taimur Sullivan。

Chan holds the Bachelor of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, where he studied with Jennifer To and Michael Campbell. He is currently enrolled in the Master of Music degree at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) in Winston Salem, under the tutelage of saxophonist Taimur Sullivan.

Programme Notes



The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba

LI Kar-Yee

喬治.弗里德里克.韓德爾 Georg Friedrich Handel

作曲家 Composer

李 嘉怡畢業於香港演藝學院,獲碩士學位,主修作曲及電子音樂,師隨羅永暉及麥偉鑄。近

年作品包括2012年多媒體製作《Illusion.Imagine》、2011年《喜怒哀樂》,2010年於 Hell Hot New Music Festival及2009Musicarama演出作品《起初》、2008-09年演 出委約作品《地鳴》及《聆.山行》、2006年以《春》獲New Generation比賽最佳作品, 於2006Musicarama及2007澳門管弦樂團音樂會演出、2005年以《夏》獲選為「香港青年 作曲家代表」赴泰國參加「亞州作曲家聯盟音樂節」、並於2008年舉辦個人多媒體作品音樂會 《逃》。現於香港從事音樂創作及教育工作,於香港演藝學院、香港教育學院、中小學教授有 關音樂課程。


I Kar-yee got her Master Degree of Music major in composition and electronic music in The Hong Kong

Academy for Performing Arts, with full local scholarship, studied with Law Wing-fai and Clarence Mak. Recent works include Illusion Imagine in 2012, The 4 Sentiments in 2011. She participated in the 2010 Hell Hot New Music Festival and 2009 Musicarama with her multi-media piece The Beginning, and had performances of new compositions commissioned by local famous artists in 2008-09. In 2006, her Spring won the award of the best composition in the HK New Generation Composition Competition and selected to be performed in the 2006Musicarama and 2007 Macau Orchestra Concert. She participated in the 2005 Bangkok ACL as the HK Young Composer Representative with her Summer. In Apr 2008, she had her full-house Individual Multimedia Concert Escape. Li is currently a teacher of music composition of Junior School in the HKAPA, Music teacher in HKIED, primary and secondary schools; and the Music Collaboration Scheme for HKDSE organized by the EDB and HKIED.

薩克管四重奏 Saxophone Quartet


11 8 4 0 年 , 比 利 時 藉 阿 度 夫 . 薩 克 斯 發 明 了 一 件 能 同 時 擁 有 銅 管 樂 及 木 管 樂

音色特質的嶄新樂器,並以自己的名字SAX為這件樂器命名(薩克管),phone 則有「聲音」的意思。他將一個木管樂器的單簧片吹咀安裝於一個圓形銅管,並 裝上類似木管樂指法的按鍵,再加以改進,因此薩克管亦被介定為木管樂器之一。 而薩克管四重奏則是由四種不同類型的薩克管所組成,分別是高音薩克管、中音薩克管 、次中音薩克管及上低音薩克管(SATB)。薩克管四重奏的地位等同於傳統古典室樂中的弦樂四重奏,是一種 標準的室樂合奏組合。曲目方面,薩克管四重奏的作品種類繁多,集合了大量原創及改編的話樂曲,其作品更 可以追溯到十九世紀以前。

A dolphe Sax, a Belgium instrument-inventor developed a new musical instrument by combining a metal tube with a single-reed mouthpiece in 1840, aptly named after him - the Saxophone, which also means “the sound of Sax”. The saxophone quartet consists of four types of saxophones: soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone and baritone saxophone (SATB). It is regarded as a standard performing ensemble in the field of wind music, so as the string quartet in traditional chamber music. Its repertoire contains both original works, transcriptions arrangements of all kinds, dating back to the nineteenth century.

韓德爾的《斯巴女王的駕臨》可能是普羅大 眾最耳熟能詳的巴洛克音樂之一。然而這首有 名的樂曲標題卻並不是韓德爾所取名的。樂曲 原自韓德爾的神劇《所羅門》中一首交響曲, 原為兩支雙簧管和絃樂而寫。樂曲本身具有的 不可抗拒的活力使它可以一直作為獨立作品演 奏。樂曲原為第三幕的起始音樂,形容所羅門 王正忙碌地籌備迎接貴賓的來臨。

It is probably one of the most famous baroque music

at all times. However, the title was not from Handel himself, it is actually from the Sinfonia of Act 3 of the Oratorio Solomon HWV 67, originally scored for two

oboes and strings. Its bustling energy remains irresistible as a separate concert piece. It is the beginning piece of Act 3 where the court of King Solomon is to be imagined busily preparing for the imminent entry of its distinguished guest.


Peer Gynt Suite 愛德華.葛利格 Edvard Grieg 《皮爾金》是易卜生所作的詩劇,故事講述一 位年輕的挪威富農之子皮爾金一個人離鄉別井 的冒險旅程。挪威作曲家愛德華.葛利格於 1875年為此劇編作譜樂,並在歐洲獲得空前 成功,作品更被譽為跟詩劇“不可分割”。後 來他把原作中的四個選段重新為管弦樂團編 曲,成為皮爾金第一號組曲。 I)晨歌—正直中年的皮爾金流浪到非洲北部的 摩洛哥,在薩哈拉沙漠看到良晨美景

節 目 簡 介

“Peer Gynt” is a dramatic poem written by poet Henrik Ibsen. The story is about the adventure of a young Norwegian peasant Peer Gynt. Norwegian composer Edward Grieg set incidental music to the dramatic poem Peer Gynt in 1875, which was a huge success in Europe. The work has been described as “inseparable” with the drama. Grieg fashioned the first orchestral suite in 1888 consisting of four excerpts from the incidental music to Peer Gynt.


I) Morning Mood: The music depicts the beauty of early

III)安妮塔之舞—阿拉伯舞孃安妮塔為皮爾金 翩翩起舞

journeyed in his mid-aged.

IV)山魔王的大廳—描寫魔宮的恐怖氣氛和山 魔王的模樣與氣勢

morning in Sahara in Morocco, North Africa, where Peer II) The Death of Åse: Lament for the passing of Åse, Peer ’s mother. III) Anitra dance - A beautiful Arab woman Anitra danced for Peer Gynt. IV) In the Hall of the Mountain-King: depicts the terror atmosphere in the Hall of Mountain-King, and the appearance and manner of Mountain King.

Programme Notes 白日夢


安德雷.維格內恩 André Waignein

長生淳 Jun Nagao


安德雷.維格內恩出生於比利時,是當代最有 名氣的歐洲作曲家之一。維格內恩是一位多產 的作曲家,憑著他出色的作品,維格內恩經 常獲得世界各地大獎,而且其作品亦經常被演 奏。維格內恩所寫的作品逾三百首,當中包括 教學音樂、室內樂 、 聲樂 、 交響音樂和管 樂音樂。白日夢是維格內恩在1984年為薩克 管四重奏所寫的樂曲。作品中優美的旋律,豐 富的和聲以及簡潔的結構都是維格內恩最有代 表性的寫作手法。

André Waignein was born in Belgium and is a prominent European composer. His works are performed regularly around the world, and has won numerous awards. As a prolific composer, he has over 300 published pieces, including pedagogical music, chamber music, vocal music, symphonic music and music for wind band. Daydream is an original work for saxophone quartet written in 1984. It’s beautiful melody, rich harmonious progression and the simplicity of its structure could commonly be found in composition by André Waignein.

Shall We Sax?

為慶祝成立20週年,由日本傳奇薩克管演 奏家須川展也領導的「吟遊詩人四重奏」於 2007年特別邀請作曲家長生淳為他們寫下此 曲,並發行同名的專輯。長生淳寫道:

「吟遊詩人四重奏」演奏這首作品時,充份表 現出他們對薩克管的深愛。這是一首為薩克管 愛好者而寫的歌曲,樂曲充滿技術上的挑戰, 演奏者對演奏好此曲必須擁有無窮的慾望。聽 眾們難以想像他們只是在玩玩而已,聽後必定 體會到他們為此曲付出的努力。

賈布利耶的雙簧管 Gabriel’s Oboe

顏尼歐.莫利克奈是當今最著名的意大利國寶 級電影音樂大師。莫利克奈於2007年獲奧斯 卡頒發終身成就大獎,以表他多年來對電影音 樂藝術偉大和全面的貢獻。莫利克奈在1986 年為意大利電影《教會》編寫了電影主題曲「 賈布利耶的雙簧管」,樂曲亦是作曲家最為人 熟識的作品之一。這首樂曲廣受好評,莫利 克奈亦因此作而獲提名為奧斯卡最佳原創配樂 獎,以及嬴得金球最佳原創配樂獎。

« Shall We Sax? » was commissioned by Trouvere Quartet leaded by the legendary saxophonist Nobuya Sugawa, for their 20th anniversary celebration album also entitled « Shall We Sax? ». Composer Jun Nagao writes the below passage:

To play « Shall We Sax? », Trouvere Quartet shows their love for saxophone very much. It is a song for saxophone enthusiasts. It is technically very difficult and you need to “want” to play very much. For those who listen, you would not have a moment to think the performers are just “trying it”. It takes a lot of effort from them.

西城故事選段 — 《 我好漂亮 》

顏尼歐.莫利克奈 Ennio Morricone

I Feel Pretty from West Side Story Ennio Morricone is the most famous Italian film music mastery composers. He was awarded the Honorary Academy Award in 2007 for his magnificent and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music”. Gabriel’s Oboe was scored in 1986 for the Italian movie “The Mission”, regarding as one of his best known works. The soundtrack of the film was well acclaimed, which Morricone was nominated for an Academy Award and won a Golden Globe Award for the Best Original Score.

節 目 簡 介

雷納德.伯恩斯坦 Leonard Bernstein 《西城故事》是一部美國音樂劇,由劇作家亞 瑟·勞倫斯編著和著名美國音樂家雷納德·伯 恩斯坦作曲。音樂劇於1957年首演,其故事 從莎士比亞名劇《羅密歐與茱麗葉》改編而 成。是次音樂會選了其中一幕—《我好漂亮》 ,描述女主角瑪麗亞在房間裡快樂的準備著要 跟男主角東尼見面。她不斷的嘗試各種不同的 打扮,唱著「I Feel Pretty」,對著鏡中的 自己顧影自憐。此刻的她,只覺得自己是全世 界最美、最幸福的女孩,而其他女伴們則揶揄 著她的自戀:

我好漂亮 噢,這麼漂亮 我漂亮、機智又吸引 我真同情 那些不是我的人 我好迷人 噢,這麼迷人 這是驚人的多麼迷人 我這麼漂亮 我幾乎不敢相信我是真實的

West Side Story was an American musical with a book by Arthur Laurents, and music was written by American composer Leonard Bernstein in 1957. It was inspired by the famous play “Romeo and Juliet” by English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. “I Feel Pretty” is about the Female lead Maria was gaily preparing for her meeting with the Male lead Tony, which Maria describes her own reactions to the miracle of love:

I feel pretty Oh so pretty I feel pretty and witty and gay And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today I feel charming Oh so charming It’s alarming how charming I feel And so pretty That I hardly can believe I’m real

Programme Notes 色式旅程


李嘉怡 LI Kar-Yee

英國民謠 English Folk Song

Train to Sax

Train,是火車,也是訓練之意。樂曲韻含著成 為薩克管演奏家之漫長訓練旅程中的甜酸苦辣與 喜怒哀樂。La Sax的幾位成員雖年輕,但一直 努力不懈的自我訓練,不折不撓的堅持,以至今 天的成功,當中經歷的千種百樣,也許能在此曲 中流露一點一滴。 以模仿火車啟航的聲響與節奏來開展序樂,讓薩 克管發揮其獨特混合音色,當中不乏高低起伏, 經歷一輪翻山越海似的高潮後,以低音薩克管帶 出稍沉鬱的旋律,意味跌入旅程中的低谷。經 過各式各樣的高難度技巧訓練,終於達至成熟的 演奏,引入輕愉歡快氣氛,最後以快速刺激的節 奏,延續薩克管演奏者之音樂旅程。 此次有幸被邀為La Sax創作此曲,深表謝意。 以此曲與各位為音樂而努力堅持的音樂人共勉。 李嘉怡


Train to Sax connotes the sentimental journey of the lifelong music training as a saxophonist. Even though the members of La Sax are young, they have all gone through tireless self-training with endurance which leads them to their success today. Audience will be able to experience the journey of a saxophonist through the piece. The motif of a series of dotted rhythmic notes, depicting the departure of the train, serves as the prelude of this piece displaying the unique hybrid timbre of the saxophone. Multi-phonics imitates the train whistle. Followed by a series of up-and-down climax, the saxophonists’ music journey roller-coasters on. Baritone Saxophone is employed to deliver a melancholy and mournful melody implying a nadir of the journey.After all sorts of extensive and tough technical training, the saxophonists have finally achieved mature performance level. A lighthearted and pleasant atmosphere is generated with the employ of the Soprano Saxophone. This piece ends with a rapid and thrilling rhythm to carry on the music journey of a saxophonist. It is of great honour for me to have this opportunity to compose for the La Sax. I would like to dedicate this piece to every musician pursuing the journey of music training. LI Kar-Yee

Three preludes for Saxophone Quartet 喬治.蓋希文 George Gershwin

喬治.蓋希文是美國鋼琴家、作曲家及爵士樂曲 作家。他最偉大的成就莫過於將爵士藍調音樂與 西方古典音樂結合,並成功把古典音樂帶到百老 匯音樂的世界。蓋希文在1926年譜寫了三首鋼 琴前奏曲。

George Gershwin was an American pianist, composer and jazz song-writer. He was the pioneer for merging Jazz and Blues into Western Classical Music, and has successfully brought Classical Music into Broadway show. Three Preludes was written in 1926 for solo piano.

開首的主旋律導出一個爵士主題,及後的切分音 節奏,帶出富有巴西舞曲的風格。

The opening theme was derived from a jazz motive, the melody was then supported by the syncopated rhythm in the bass part, with evoke a rich Brazilian dance style.

蓋希文把第二前奏曲形容為“藍調搖籃曲”,它 是一首緩慢的爵士樂敘事曲,曲式是A-B-A,由 一環迥低音貫穿全首樂曲。

The second prelude is a slow jazz ballade which Gershwin described as a “Blues Lullaby”. It was written in A-B-A form, surround on an ostinato bass.

簡潔有力的開頭,引導出第三前奏曲的主題。中 段的切分音與第一樂章呼應,在大小調交錯下, 帶出燦爛的結尾。

A strong rhythmic opening leads to the main theme of the third prelude. Syncopated rhythm of the middle section recalls the character of the first movement. The tonality straggles a little between major and minor and leads to a brilliant ending.


綠袖子是一首英國傳統民謠,在十六世紀流傳 於英國民間。「綠袖子」在當時的英國有「妓 女」的隱喻,歌曲內容是敍述了一個國王愛上 平民女孩的故事。綠袖子經常被改篇為不同的 版本,其中較著名的有佛漢•威廉斯的「綠袖 子幻想曲」。薩克管四重奏版本的綠袖子由織 田英子改編,作曲家以西西里舞曲的節奏襯托 出主題,加上大量平衡五度的行進來帶出歐洲 文藝復興的獨特音樂風格。


Tango Virtuoso

節 目 簡 介

Greensleeves is a traditional English folk song from the sixteenth century. The word “Greensleeves” was a metaphor of the “prostitute” in Britain. The lyrics is about a king who fell in love with a civilian girl. Greensleeves is commonly arranged in different versions, including the “Fantasia On Greensleeves” by Vaughan Williams. This saxophone quartet arrangement was completed by Eiko Orita. Composer enhanced a unique European Renaissance style by using Siciliano rhythm and parallel fifth progression, bringing an entire new life to the traditional music.

德瑞.伊斯蓋 Thierry Escaich 德瑞.伊斯蓋是國際知名的管風琴演奏家,擅 長古典即興演奏。他也是一位多產的作曲家, 作品被世界各地的音樂家所演奏。炫技探戈寫 於1992年,是為法國薩克管演奏家翰皮耶爾‧ 巴哈葛利歐里和加布里埃爾‧皮爾納四重奏而 寫,並曾被改編予單簧管四重奏。伊斯蓋有很 多薩克管作品均是獻題給巴哈葛利歐里,而他 現在是國際薩克管四重奏的高音薩克管手。這 首作品比較短,標題很準確地形容了作品的難 度,四個聲部之間常互相穿插,營造微妙的交 流。

Thierry Escaich is both a well know international organist specialist in classical improvisation and a prolific composer having had his music performed throughout the world. Tango Virtuoso was written in 1992 for Jean-Pierre Baraglioli and the quartuor Gabriel Pierne and has since been transcribed for clarinet quartet by Florent Heau. Many of his works for saxophone have been dedicated to Baraglioli, who is currently the soprano saxophonist of the International Saxophone Quartet. While the work is quite short and the title accurately describes the difficulty of the piece, there are many moments of subtle interactions between the four voices.

Programme Notes 利奧諾拉之戀

Leonora’s Love Theme 艾斯特‧皮亞佐拉 Astor Piazzolla

艾斯特‧皮亞佐拉在祖國阿根廷被尊稱為「偉 大的艾斯特」。他是世界音樂史上一位最重要 的音樂家。他擅長把爵士樂及古典音樂的元素 揉合在傳統探戈音樂,成功創作出全新風格的 探戈音樂,把一般被認受為是低下階層的探戈 音樂提升至藝術的層面 。 此曲源自一齣由西班牙及美國藝術家中心製作 的著名舞劇《探戈狂熱》,故事取材自阿根廷 作家布格斯的話同名小說,描述一個頹廢和哀 傷的世界。作曲家為此舞劇編寫樂曲,並親自 演奏手風琴為該舞劇伴奏。


Quartetto II for Saxophone Quartet

節 目 簡 介

Astor Piazzolla, named ‘El Gran Astor’ (the Great Astor) in Argentina, is no doubt to be one of the most important composers in the twentieth century, not only in his country but also in the world music history. He drew the world’s attention with his tango music, in which jazz and classical elements were applied to form a new, unique style, called ‘tango nuevo’.

The Leonara Love Song comes from ‘Tango Apasionado’, a dance-drama production commissioned by Inter Hispanic American Arts Centre, directed by Graciela Daniele Story based on tales by Jorge Luis Borges. The music, rearranged to form a suite which recorded in his album ‘The Rough Dancer and the Cyclical Night’, was written for five players, including piazzolla himself playing bandorean.

羅伯托.迪馬里諾 Roberto Di Marino 羅伯托.迪馬里諾於1956年生於意大利的特 倫托。他於特倫托音樂學院接受音樂訓練,主 修作曲﹑合唱音樂﹑合唱指揮﹑爵士樂和管樂 改編。他獲獎無數,其中包括《Diapason d’Argento》比賽的首獎。作曲家本人這 樣說:

我常常嘗試把現代音樂元素融入古典音樂的曲 式裡面。 此作品以三個樂章的古典曲式寫成:快板–慢 板–快板,每一個樂章代表一種不同的探戈音 樂: 第一樂章運用了奏鳴曲式(呈示部–發展部–再 現部),一共有兩個主題:第一主題是極富節 奏感的卡農;第二主題相對比較抒情;第二樂 章用了三段體曲式(A-B-A),第三樂章也用了 對稱的曲式(A-B-C-B-A)。

Roberto Di Marino was born in 1956 in Trento, Italy. He received his musical training at the Conservatory of Trento where he graduated in composition, choral music and choral conducting, jazz and arrangement for windband. As a composer he has won several competitions, including first prize at the “Diapason d’Argento” Competition for wind band composition. Here is the note from Marino himself:

Often I try to mix classical forms with modern musical content. The form of the Quartetto II is a classical form in three movements (Allegro-Adagio-Allegro) where each movement represents a different type of tango: Tango, Milonga, Tanguillo.The first movement is written using the classical sonata-form (exposition-development-recapitulation) with two themes the first of which, strongly rhythmical is played as a four-part canon. The second contrasting theme is more lyrical.The second movement is a ternary form ABA, while the third movement is also written in a symmetrical form: ABCBA.

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曾敏思小姐 Ms. Tsang Man-Sze

沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall

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東方日報 Oriental Daily

李嘉怡小姐 Ms. LI Kar-Yee

香港國際薩克管協會 Hong Kong International Saxophone Society

香港交響管樂團 Hong Kong Symphonic Winds

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方偉堅先生 Mr. Fong Vai-Kin

香港作曲家及作詞家協會 Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited

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戶外演出 Upcoming Outdoor Performances 1-9-2012(六Sat) 4:30-6:00pm 中環遮打花園 Charter Garden, Central

15-9-2012(六Sat) 3:00-4:30pm 灣仔公園 Wan Chai Park

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胡倩怡小姐 Ms. Wu Sin-Yee

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