Summary of Proposed Changes The Las Colinas Association proposes to amend the Las Colinas Declaration as it pertains to Sign Restrictions for commercial buildings. Currently, signs are governed by the more than 230 Supplementary Declarations to the Las Colinas Declaration and vary in degrees of restrictiveness. The restrictions would be expanded to allow for certain signs to be located at the top of commercial buildings.
S U P P L E M E N TA R Y D E C L A R AT I O N N O . 1 6
Summary of Proposed Changes The applicant, AMBE Land Development LLC, requests approval of amendment to SD 16, specifically the 3.012 acres, which is subject to Supplementary Declaration 16 that includes 329.3 acres located north of Walnut Hill Lane, east of S.H. 161, and west of MacArthur Boulevard. The current uses allow office, warehousing, wholesaling, research and development, assembling, processing, service and distribution, medical office, medical clinic, day surgery, light manufacturing, multi-family residential, hotel, restaurant, gasoline service station, and other retail sale purposes. Use limitations would be expanded to include event center.
S U P P L E M E N TA R Y D E C L A R AT I O N N O . 5 9
Summary of Proposed Changes The applicant, Piedmont Royal Lane, LP, requests approval of amendment to SD 59, specifically the 10.591 acres, which is subject to Supplementary Declaration 59 that includes 96.701 acres located along S.H. 161 between Royal Lane and MacArthur Boulevard. The current uses allow office buildings, research and development facilities, technological services and/or training centers, storage, light manufacturing, warehousing and/or distribution facilities, and experimental or testing laboratories. Use limitations would be expanded to include retail, entertainment, health club, hotel, multi-family (with a minimum of eight floors), and/or mixed use. The following permitted uses would be removed from the Piedmont tract: storage, light manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution facilities.
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59 16
LAS COLINAS COMMERCIAL BUILDING SIGNAGE At the request of a number of members owning commercial buildings in Las Colinas, the Las Colinas Association is proposing to amend the Las Colinas Declaration as it pertains to Sign Restrictions for commercial buildings. Currently, signs are governed by the more than 230 Supplementary declarations to the Las Colinas Declaration and vary in degrees of restrictiveness in different manners. The Las Colinas Association wishes for all commercial buildings to have an opportunity to identify the type and location of building signage, including allowing certain signs to be located at the top of commercial buildings. To facilitate this objective, the Las Colinas Association has adopted a set of guidelines that will serve as the basis by which the Architectural Control Committee will approve signs for commercial buildings. The guidelines will pertain to size, location, quantity, color, and illumination, as well as considerations for the architecture of the building. The guidelines will help property owners update their sign criteria accordingly. This uniformity will enable Las Colinas to be competitive in the marketplace, promoting new corporate relocations, while maintaining the corporate presence that gives Las Colinas a unique appeal to businesses located here. We thank you for your support on this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Phil Ochsner, Las Colinas Association, at 972-541-2345.
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S U P P L E M E N TA R Y D E C L A R AT I O N N O . 1 6
WESTRIDGE CIRCLE NORTH EVENT CENTER AMBE Land Development LLC owns a 3.012-acre tract of undeveloped land at the corner of Westridge Circle North and Overview Drive. The property is covered by Supplementary Declaration No. 16, Las Colinas Area 16. AMBE Land Development LLC is proposing to develop a single-story event center on this parcel. The event center will be a for-rent facility, open to the public, accommodating 250 seated guests for corporate events and training, not-for-profit events, social gatherings, and weddings. The proposed building would consist of a steel structure wrapped in masonry and glass with an expansive covered patio area. The 15,000-square-foot building will incorporate the extensive topography of the site by building on the top of the hill to give guests a wonderful view of Las Colinas. With the influx of corporate relocations to Las Colinas, the owner believes the facility will fulfill a demand in the market for luxury offsite corporate event needs, such as meetings, networking, executive retreats, etc. The site offers excellent access from State Highways 161 and 114 along with proximity to the DART Belt Line Station and DFW Airport.
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S U P P L E M E N TA R Y D E C L A R AT I O N N O . 5 9
PIEDMONT ROYAL & 161 MIXED USE Piedmont Royal Lane, LP owns a 10.591-acre tract of undeveloped land at the corner of S.H. 161 and Royal Lane. The property is covered by Supplementary Declaration No. 59, Las Colinas Area 59. Piedmont Royal Lane, LP is proposing a mixed-use development of office, restaurants, and hotel or multi-family. The site would be designed to blend architecturally with the neighboring properties and character of Las Colinas. The site, parking, landscaping, building, and exterior materials would comply with the Las Colinas Association standards. The irregular-shaped parcel is bordered by Hackberry Creek, which allows for designs offering vistas that create a complementary relationship with the waterway. The site offers an excellent profile and access to State Highways 114 and 161 along with proximity to DFW Airport. Developed sites adjacent to the parcel include office, hotel, medical, and retail.
We are requesting the following modifications to the deed restrictions related to allowed uses: Use Limitations: The site may be used for the usages outlined in Supplementary Declaration No. 59 as well as retail, entertainment, health club, hotel, multi-family, and senior/assisted living (both with a minimum of eight floors), and/or mixed use. The following uses would be removed from the permitted uses: Storage, light manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution facilities.
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Las Colinas Supplementary Declaration Amendments | 11
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT! The future of Las Colinas is determined by the Las Colinas Association members—commercial and residential. Unlike typical zoning, which is decided by a select few, changes to established deed restrictions are decided by a favorable vote of a majority of all the available votes held by the members as mandated by Chapter 215 of the Texas Property Code. A successful vote is truly a mandate that the deed restriction amendment is appropriate and in the best interests of the community. You, the members, will decide.
Authorized Signature
Each owner of property subject to the
(With authority to bind)
For Property: «Property_Address», Irving, Texas
«Owner_Name» «Address_1» «Address_2» «Address_3» «City», «State» «Zip_Code»
Please Print Name Title
Las Colinas Declaration is entitled to vote by proxy or in person. The number of votes that
a property owner may cast is determined by
The above signed Member hereby appoints the Association’s Chairman, Ben Brewer, or Vice-Chairman, Barton Hankins, or either of them acting alone or together, with full power of substitution, as such person(s) shall be present and voting at the meeting, and if only one of them is present and voting, then that person shall have all the powers hereunder, to act as proxy and to cast the following votes on behalf of the signatory above: VOTE INDIVIDUALLY ON EACH BOARD MEMBER by marking the FOR box beside the Candidate’s name or if voting for a write in candidate mark the FOR box beside the blank space for the write-in candidate and clearly print the write-in Candidate’s name: [ ] FOR Candidate Name (3-year term) – Commercial Member Candidate [ ] FOR
Write-in Commercial Member Candidate (3-year term)
[ ] FOR Candidate Name (3-year term) – Declarant Member Candidate
the value of that property as determined by the
[ ] FOR
Write-in Declarant Member Candidate (3-year term)
[ ] FOR Candidate Name (3-year term) – Residential Member Candidate
Dallas Central Appraisal District, as certified for
[ ] FOR
Write-in Commercial Member Candidate (3-year term)
[ ] Abstaining from voting on election of members to the Board of Directors. Vote for only three (3) Candidates, by marking the appropriate box, or if voting for a write-in candidate for one or more of the positions listed, mark the “write-in” candidate box and print the write-in Candidate’s name in the adjacent blank space for the position A proxy will be counted as an abstention vote for the purposes of the election of Directors if: (a) a box is not marked for the position, (b) a box is marked for a Candidate and a write-in name is listed for that position, (c) the box is marked on both the Candidate and Write-in for a position, (d) a proxy is not properly signed, or (d) proxy is not legible.
the 2019 tax year. A proxy has been included in the official mailing package to each property
Votes: «Votes»
Password: «Password»
Member ID#: «LCA_Account_»
owner, along with a self-addressed return
VOTE ONCE ON EACH AMENDMENT On ITEM 1, proposed Second Amendment to the Declaration, including all Corrections and Supplements, Las Colinas Area 1, Dallas County, Texas: [ ] FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN On ITEM 2, proposed Second Amendment to Corrected Supplementary Declaration No. 16, Las Colinas Area XVI, Dallas County, Texas:
envelope. The proxy must be signed and each
[ ] FOR
On ITEM 3, proposed Fourth Amendment to Supplementary Declaration No. 59, Las Colinas Area LIX, Dallas County, Texas: [ ] FOR
proposal must be voted on. Not voting on
Mark one (1) vote on each Amendment: a vote will be counted as an abstention vote for the purposes of approving a particular Amendment above if: (a) more than one (1) vote is marked on a particular Amendment, (b) a vote is not cast for the Amendment, (c) vote is not legible, or (d) a proxy is not properly signed.
a proposal or abstaining has the same effect as
SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY If the signatory above has marked a vote for one or more of the proposed; On ITEM 1, Second Amendment to the Declaration, including all Corrections and Supplements, Las Colinas Area 1, Dallas County, Texas; Second Amendment to Corrected Supplementary Declaration No. 16, Las Colinas Area XVI, Dallas County, Texas; Fourth Amendment to Supplementary Declaration No. 59, Las Colinas Area LIX, Dallas County, Texas (each an “Approved Amendment”), then for each such Approved Amendment that is duly approved by fifty percent (50%) or more of all votes held by the members, the signatory above, by voting for such Approved Amendment, shall be deemed to have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint NAME or NAME, Directors of the Association, acting alone or together, with full power of substitution, as the above signatory’s true and lawful attorney in fact, to execute and acknowledge each such Approved Amendment on the above signatory’s behalf, and record same in the Deed Records of Dallas Country, Texas.
a “no” vote.
The signatory above does hereby ratify and confirm the execution and recordation of each such Approved Amendment by said attorney in fact, by virtue of this Special Power of Attorney. Such actions shall be binding upon the heirs, representatives, successors and assigns of the signatory above. This Special Power of Attorney (i) revokes any prior power of attorney given by the signatory above with respect to the special authority herein granted, and (ii) expires on December 31, 2020. 3.
ALL OTHER BUSINESS: Mark one (1) Vote: a vote will be counted as an abstention if: (a) no vote is marked (b) two (2) votes are marked. [ ] In the discretion of the proxy holder(s), upon any other business that may properly come before the meeting, and any adjournments thereof; hereby revoking any proxy or proxies heretofore given by the signatory above. [ ] Abstaining from voting on any other business that may properly come before the meeting; provided, however, this proxy may be used for purposes of voting on behalf of the above-signed member on any motion to adjourn the meeting. The entire proxy will be counted as an abstention vote on all matters, if returned without a signature. Please sign and date this proxy and return it promptly to The Las Colinas Association, 3838 Teleport Blvd., Irving, Texas 75039-4303. 3838 TELEPORT BOULEVARD IRVING, TX 75039-4303 TEL [972] 541-2345 www.LasColinas.org
THE VOTER’S GUIDE Each applicant for a deed restriction amendment is a member of the Las Colinas Association. The Voter’s Guide is their opportunity to share with you their reasons for requesting the amendment, a brief summary of the changes being proposed, and their conceptual ideas of what might occur should the amendment be passed. The applicants’ letters reflect their positions and are not intended to reflect the position of the Las Colinas Association, its Board of Directors, officers, or employees.
3838 Teleport Blvd. Irving, Texas 75039 | Office 972.541.2345 Fax 972.650.0229 www.lascolinas.org