WELCOME TO LAS COLINAS Welcome to Las Colinas | 1
Ideally located in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Las Colinas attracts forward-thinking people and companies from around the world. But beyond our well-deserved reputation as a dynamic business hub, Las Colinas is home to unexpected greenspaces, world-class entertainment, exceptional dining, family-friendly festivals and much more. We invite you to get the bigger picture, and discover everything that makes Las Colinas so special to residents, employers and visitors alike.
2 | Welcome to Las Colinas
In 1973, founder Ben H. Carpenter began transforming his family ranch, El Ranchito de Las Colinas, into a premier master-planned community guided by a Master Declaration. Within the first seven years of developing the land, more than 130 firms would move to the community, Las Colinas. Carpenter’s attention to detail in building Las Colinas can be seen in the Urban Center’s granite curbs, the quality of the patina on the surface of The Mustangs of Las Colinas and the parks throughout the community. Even though time has brought troubling world events, unstable economies, war, real estate crashes and booms, Las Colinas has continued to maintain a community of lasting value and presence.
A NOTE FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS On behalf of all the Las Colinas Association, we’re glad you’re here. For 50 years, the Las Colinas Association has supported and enhanced the community’s infrastructure and has drawn on the strength and commitment of its membership to create an excellent quality of life. Comprising 12,000 acres, Las Colinas is a unique combination of commercial, residential, educational, recreational and retail land use developed in harmony with the environment. Today, we work to create and maintain harmony between skyscrapers and neighborhoods, land and architecture, aesthetics and function to create what is, in every sense of the word, a community. Sincerely, Board of Directors
Welcome to Las Colinas | 3
Las Colinas Association is the Master Association of the Las Colinas community and is separate from any other property owner or homeowners association. All homeowners are under Las Colinas Association deed restrictions and most homeowners are members of a neighborhood HOA.
Alto Vista
Hackberry Creek
Quail Run Condominiums
Avalon Square
Hunter Valley
Riverside Village
Bridges of Las Colinas
Hunters Ridge
The Residences in Las Colinas
Brownstones of Las Colinas
Irving Emerald Valley
Cottonwood Hill Estates
Lakes of Las Colinas
Cottonwood Valley
Las Colinas Station Townhomes
University Hills
La Villita
University Park Estates
La Villita Condos
Villas at Emerald Park
La Villita Townhomes
Villas of Escena
Mandalay Place at Las Colinas
Villas at Las Colinas
Emerald Valley Estates of Escena
Millswood Square
Fairway Vista
North Hills Estates
Fox Glen
Positano Condominiums
Grand Treviso
Promenade at Las Colinas
Country Club Place Enclave at Riverside Village Enclave at Windsor Ridge Encore of Las Colinas
4 | Welcome to Las Colinas
The Terraces at Las Colinas Townhomes at Lake Carolyn
Villas at Mustang Park Villas at the Studios Vue Las Colinas Waterside Las Colinas
“Remember that generations of others who will make Las Colinas their home, both business and personal, will follow us. Let them look back and reflect on the fine effort made by those who were its custodians during the development stage.”
Founder of Las Colinas
Welcome to Las Colinas | 5
The Master Declaration of Las Colinas established the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and with it, the covenants, conditions and deed restrictions that are the secret to this community’s success. The three-member ACC oversees the activities of its sub-committees, the Residential Review Committee and the Commercial Review Committee. The five-member sub-committees are charged with the responsibility of approving or disapproving a submission based upon the consideration of harmony with its surroundings, conformity to existing structures and design, as well as the overall aesthetics of the proposal.
P L A N R E V I E W S TA F F The Association’s Plan Review staff reviews over 1,000 submissions annually. The staff members evaluate each submission for compliance with deed restrictions, standards and previously approved plans, advising the property owner of any non-compliance that would require changes before
the submission is brought before the ACC. Staff members attend each sub-committee meeting, providing information regarding plans and specifications, materials used in the surrounding area and a history of submissions for any given property to the committee members.
PLAN REVIEW PROCESS Architectural Control and Plan Review provide for the review and approval of plans prior to construction of or improvements to any home, commercial building or other structure built on deed-restricted property.
AVERAGE NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS VIEWED AT EACH ACC MEETING IN 2022 *Averaged annually over the past 10 years
6 | Welcome to Las Colinas
SUBMISSION EXAMPLES All new construction, improvements or repairs which involve changes to the previously approved plans must be approved by the ACC. These items include, but are not limited to: •
Structures such as decks, patios, arbors, room additions
Changing the color of any exterior paint or stain
Exterior lighting
Fencing and landscaping
Pools and spas
Antennas or satellite dishes
Roof replacement
Changing material of a retaining wall or driveway
H OW YO U C A N H E L P Send a review application and appropriate fee to the Association before work is started on any new, remodeling or refurbishing project. If interested in serving on one of the Architectural Control sub-committees, contact the Association.
For more information, contact the Architectural Control Department at plans@lascolinas.org
Welcome to Las Colinas | 7
ALARM MONITORING SERVICES Since 1983, the Las Colinas Association (LCA) has been monitoring alarm systems for its members as an assessment benefit. This service is offered through LCA’s Underwriters Laboratory (UL)-listed alarm monitoring center. Any member who installs an alarm system per LCA’s technical specifications (https://lascolinas.org/technical-specifications/) may request monitoring.
How do I take advantage of alarm monitoring? Complete the Information Form allowing us to set up a Contact/Call list for use with monitoring and Patrol. Contact LCA’s Security Department at 972-541-2345 or at safety@lascolinas.org to discuss monitoring options available for burglary and fire systems.
What if I purchased a property with a pre-existing system that LCA monitored? Contact us, as we may be able to assist with alarm system history and explain how to re-activate the system. Whether it is a new property with or without an alarm system, LCA’s Security Department is here to provide monitoring and contacts for local state-licensed alarm companies working in your area.
Do I need a phone line for monitoring? No. LCA has several monitoring options whether your alarm system is wireless or connected to your landline.
8 | Welcome to Las Colinas
Everything you need to know: Anyone using a burglary alarm system within the City of Irving must comply with the City’s alarm ordinance and file
for a permit. LCA requires members to provide a valid City permit number for monitoring. Learn more at: www.cityofirving.org Designated fire alarm systems must be installed/maintained by a licensed fire company and comply with local/state fire codes. LCA must have a completed Information Form with at least two (2) contact numbers for monitoring.
To manually test or activate any alarm system, LCA’s Dispatch must be contacted. Systems will not be considered active without required testing. All residential burglary alarm systems must test a minimum of monthly to be considered active. Commercial properties with burglary systems should test a minimum of weekly. Fire code requires designated Fire systems to test daily.
LCA does not sell, install or maintain systems; we specialize in member alarm system monitoring.
31,840 PAT R O L S E R V I C E S Our Patrol Services provide general area patrol and alarm response to various alarm signals throughout the development. Security Services are an added benefit meant to assist, but not replace, law enforcement. Security Patrol personnel are on duty 24 hours a day and are supported by LCA’s UL-listed Alarm Monitoring Center. Five Patrol Officers and one Security Supervisor provide patrol, observation and response for assigned areas of the development. In
For general questions regarding the Security Department, please email safety@lascolinas.org For 24-hour dispatch and time-sensitive questions, please call 972.541.1312
2020 the Las Colinas Urban Center bike and foot patrol was implemented in an effort to provide better coverage to the Urban Center. The patrol monitors paths that vehicles cannot reach including canals, waterways and other walkable paths.
Welcome to Las Colinas | 9
Manicured landscapes and vibrant flowers are hallmarks of Las Colinas. The Association’s Common Property Department provides for the installation and maintenance of more than 190 acres of parks, street medians, greenbelts and common areas in Las Colinas. While the City of Irving owns 126 acres, which includes 86 miles of medians, the Association maintains it. The Association also maintains thousands of trees and color beds which hold over 150,000 units of seasonal color throughout the development.
LITTER CONTROL Efforts to ensure attractive and clean surroundings also include
3,840 18,000 BAGS
10 | Welcome to Las Colinas
the Association’s litter removal program. Five staff members patrol more than 100 miles of street rights-of-way and common areas in Las Colinas five days per week.
FIELD MOWING PROGRAM This department also administers a development-wide mowing program of unimproved deed-restricted properties to ensure these properties are mowed a minimum of eight times each growing season. The result is a uniform appearance throughout the development.
H O L I D AY L I G H T S This department also helps implement the Las Colinas holiday lights program with over half a million holiday lights and 80 lighted reindeer on display throughout Las Colinas.
Las Colinas is home to various pristine parks, perfect for families to spend beautiful Texas afternoons. Provided in each park are pet pickup stations which include bags for disposal while walking your furry friends.
E.O. PERRY FLOWER CLOCK This heavily photographed showpiece is flanked by 12 mature live oak trees and consists of over 900 manicured dwarf hollies and more than 4,000 units of color which are rotated four times per year.
F O U N D E R ’ S PA R K Located on the westbound side of Highway 114 at Riverside Drive, the park is home to the Carpenter Monument which honors Ben H. Carpenter — the visionary founder of Las Colinas. The larger-than-life sculpture was created by wildlife artist Robert Glen, who also sculpted the Mustangs of Las Colinas, the largest equestrian sculpture in the world. The park features live oak trees planted in dedication to former members of the Association’s Board of Directors and marble statues of cattle which were donated by the Trammell Crow Company in 1999.
PAW S C O L I N A S D O G PA R K Pup paradise can be found just a short walk away from the Las Colinas Urban Center. The 8-acre Paws Colinas dog park is located right on the Campion Trail at the intersection of California Crossing and Riverside Dr. The park is outfitted with two expansive play areas, one for larger breeds and another for smaller breeds, shaded seating, water facilities and public parking. Paws Colinas can be enjoyed by pups and their owners year-round from sun up to sun down.
U N I V E R S I T Y H I L L S PA R K S Rochelle, Old Rochelle, Flag Pole Hill, Rosita and Wingren Parks can all be found in University Hills. In addition to several flags, Flag Pole Hill is enriched with impressive statues named Autumn, Origin, Twist of Fate, Catching a Wave, and New Beginnings. Each sculpture is as unique as the artists that created them.
For more information, visit lascolinas.org/parks Welcome to Las Colinas | 11
Our Property Compliance Representatives drive marked vehicles routinely through the community to oversee and maintain the architectural uniqueness and quality that Las Colinas is known for. Commercial and residential properties are sold regularly. An Estoppel Certificate (for commercial properties) or a Resale Certificate (for residential properties) includes a review of the property for compliance with the Las Colinas Declaration (see below for more information on Estoppel Certificates and Resale Certificates). While there is a fee for the preparation of these documents, Property Compliance Representatives will be glad to do a complimentary review in advance of the property sale to give you an idea of any potential issues that may need to be addressed prior to formally requesting the “official” document.
It is important to remember that before any exterior modifications are made to your property, a plan/review
Protect your investment •
Be aware of covenants, conditions and restrictions which apply to your property
Ensuring that your property is in
Please report your concerns to Property Compliance
Our Property Compliance Representatives are an excellent resource for understanding the Las Colinas Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) that apply to your property
compliance •
application must be submitted to LCA (see page 4).
Request a free courtesy review at any time to determine possible compliance issues
LCA does not issue fines. When matters cannot be resolved through the efforts of our Property Compliance staff and management, they are either referred to the Association’s attorney or cured through self-help by LCA. However, we work very hard to avoid legal action, and you have certain rights to be heard by the Board of Directors prior to the filing of any lawsuit. By keeping your property routinely maintained and submitting plans for exterior modifications ahead of time, you are doing your part to ensure that Las Colinas
For more information, contact Property
ages gracefully and property values are maintained
Compliance at compliance@lascolinas.org
and enhanced. Ultimately, our team strives to work with members to achieve their goals and to help them improve their properties. We are happy to meet with members at any time!
12 | Welcome to Las Colinas
C O M M U N I T Y R E L AT I O N S & M A R K E T I N G
LCA’s Community Relations & Marketing Department serves as liaison between LCA, its membership, and various community, civic, cultural and municipal entities. Our team strives to stay in the know about new offerings such as restaurants, retailers, events and community news. The department also produces several exciting community events throughout the year and partners with local key entities to enhance the overall experience for LCA members.
Spirit of Las Colinas Spirit of Las Colinas, the Association’s quarterly newsletter, is mailed out at the beginning of every other month and can also be found online. You can expect to see information on Las Colinas events, business news, LCA updates and community news. To check out the latest newsletter visit lascolinas.org.
Las Colinas E-Newsletter
LCA Community Events 2024 events include: •
Paws Colinas 5K-9 Saturday, April 20th
From community and business updates to the latest restaurant
5th Annual Charity Bowl-A-Thon September 2024
openings and events, LCA’s e-newsletter is your guide to staying in the know on Las Colinas’ latest and greatest. Please email liaisons@lascolinas.org to sign up.
Restaurants of Las Colinas
Day of the Dead Canalside Celebration Friday, November 1st and Saturday, November 2nd
The Las Colinas restaurant scene is one of the most diverse in the metroplex. Our yearly restaurant guide is a great resource to discover a new dish or dining experience. This guide is sent out once a year and can also be found at lascolinas.org/restaurant-guide.
For information, newsletter and restaurant guide requests, contact Community Relations & Marketing at liaisons@lascolinas.org
Social Media Keep in touch with what’s happening in Las Colinas through blog posts, news articles, photos and video all shared through LCA’s social media channels. Be sure to follow us @LasColinasTex!
Welcome to Las Colinas | 13
Administrative Services provides support services for the
E D U C AT I O N In addition to many private and parochial schools, there are three school districts that serve the children of Las Colinas.
School Districts
general operations of the Association and responds to vendor inquiries, assessed value questions, assessment billing issues, lien inquiries and the issuance of Statements of Account, Resale and Estoppel Certificates.
Assessments The Association’s Declaration provides for an assessment to be paid by each property owner in the Association. The assessment calculation uses the appraised value of the property based on
Irving Independent School District
the preceding year’s certified roll by Dallas County Appraisal
Carrollton-Farmers Branch
District. The current assessment rate for LCA is $0.115 (twelve
Independent School District
and a half cents) per $100 of that appraised value. LCA Annual
Coppell Independent School District
Assessments are due on July 1st of each year. The assessments cover expenses for the calendar year: January – December.
Colleges & Universities
The assessment applies uniformly to all property owners,
North Lake College
including, but not limited to, offices, retail, single family,
University of Dallas
multifamily, warehouses and unimproved land. Property owners in the residential communities may also pay an additional
Private Schools Berean Christian Cistercian Preparatory School Faustina Academy Great Hearts Primary Academy The Highlands School Holy Family Catholic Academy Islamic School of Irving Manara Academy North Hills Primary/Preparatory The Sloan School Winfree Academy
Early Learning / Pre-school / After-School Care
assessment to their independent homeowners or condominium association to support the various services within their private neighborhoods.
Statement of Account / Estoppel Certificates / Resale Certificate LCA is required to provide Resale Certificates for residential properties and Estoppel Certificates for property owners when the property is sold, if requested. Resale Certificate and Estoppel Certificate packages include 1) a review of the property, 2) financial information or the Association if any, 3) the current assessment rate including amount billed/due, and 4) a disc of LCA governing documents, bylaws and deed restrictions. In order to ensure that property is true to Las Colinas standards,
Kinwest Montessori Academy
LCA Property Compliance performs a detailed review which can
Miss Bloomingdale’s Academy
include an analysis of existing plans.
Montessori School of Las Colinas Redeemer Montessori School The Sloan School Wonderland Montessori Academy 14 | Welcome to Las Colinas
When are LCA Annual Assessments due? LCA Annual Assessments are due on July 1st of each year. The assessments cover expenses for the calendar year: January – December.
Las Colinas Association 3838 Teleport Blvd. Irving, TX 75039 If your contact information has changed, please email changemyinfo@lascolinas.org with your property address. For general questions, please email us at lca@lascolinas.org
P: 972.541.2345 | F: 972.650.0229 | lascolinas.org Last updated December 2023