Il Libro delle Favole Oltreoceano

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Il Libro delle Favole Oltreoceano

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della Scuola “Antonio Raimondi� di Lima Primavera 2020

Sommario Introduzione pagine 6-11

Il serpente furbacchione pagine 12-13 (p. 58-59)

english translation

di Anna Silveria-Herman e Alzamora Herrera Luanna Antonella, Avalos Reano Ingrid Alejandra, Avila Necochea Juan Diego, Cano Huancahuire Valentina Elise, Cimmino Roberti Gianluca Nicola

La gallina, il bambino e L’albero pagine 14-15 (p. 60-61)

english translation

di Ansley Brown e Delucchi Puch Michela, Falconi Arena Francesco

Paolo, Galdames Calderón Salvador, Giglio Santillan Isabella Luciana, Gutierrez Angulo Frida Carolina





pagine 16-17 (p. 62-63)

english translation

di Ansley Brown e Herrera Moreno Rafaela, Knell Silva Mirko Roberto, León Félix Santiago Matías, Lozano Bernaola Camila Alessandra, Mena Castillo Cristobal

lo scoiattolo spaziale

pagine 18-19 (p. 64-65)

english translation

di Bellamy Ackrell e Menacho Mercedes Fabian Renato, Olortegui Tairo Sebastian Alejandro, Paoli Gandolfo Gianpietro, Pinedo Vallejos Galya Lucia, Rojas Sorogastúa Cayetana Camille

il cavallo molto bello e il ranocchio molto verde

pagine 20-21 (p. 66-67)

english translation

di Bellamy Ackrell e Torres Massoni Franco Agustín, Vignolo Erazo Nicoletta, Anchorena Rimachi Joaquín Eduardo, Bacigalupo Sifuentes Gaetana, Bernal Freitas Mia Carolina

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 2

sandi, mimi e i due cavalli

pagine 22-23 (p. 68-69)

english translation

di Dylan Koran and Bustamante Cecchet Mateo, Caceres Berninzon Diego Felipe, Figueroa Araujo Juan Manuel, Gonzales Chacate Martina Cayetana, Guevara Velez de Villa Isabella Catalina

La tigre velocina e la rana salterina pagine 24-25 (p. 70-71)

english translation

di Dylan Koran and Huaigua Mueras Joicy Naomi, Julve Carrasco Arantxa, Lindo Mendoza Sebastian Mathias, Malpartida López Rafael Bertilo, Monguzzi Ferradas Giulia

Le rane e lo scorpione

pagine 26-27 (p. 72-73)

english translation

di Emiliano Cimini and Oviedo Irigoyen Massimo, Pereda Lund Julieta, Plaza Jorge Alessia Luna, Pow Sang Cáceres Mateo Alonso, Ramos Arellano Emma Sofía

Il Grosso Problema

pagine 28-29 (p. 74-75) english translation

di Eva Ricci

Il Natale degli animali pagine 30-31 (p. 76-77)

english translation

di Felix Pizzato-Smith and Samengo Zalles Gianluca, Sandoval Quinto Jorge Stefano, Sevilla Cifuentes Juan Diego, Vallenas Valdivia María Fe, Adauto Díaz Leonardo Alonso

Il re gentile

pagine 32-33 (p. 78-79)

english translation

di Franklin Martin and Battilana Trujillo Lucca Antonio, Benavides Velarde Fabian Guillermo, Bonnett Temoche Cristóbal Edmundo, Cácerez López Ismenia Sofía, Cano Valderrama Thaissa Michella dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima


Sommario la formica ana

pagine 34-35 (p. 80-81)

english translation

di Kaya Bernardi and Gutierrez Robles Ariana, Guzmán Flores Noelia Katherine, Mancinelli Baca Gianpaolo, Molina Bances Rafaela, Novella Mogrovejo Andres Miguel

il gatto e il pulcino

pagine 36-37 (p.82-83)

english translation

di Kaya Bernardi and Castagnola Cuba Francesco, Cresci Salas Tiziano, De Gennaro Bologna Arturo Antonio, Galvez Leo Lucas Joaquín, Guere Rivero Mathias Fernando

Il cane e il gattopagine 38-39 (p. 84-85)

english translation

di Luca Janowski-Tokstad and Oneto Orzero Giacomo, Perez Filomeno Gituania Anais, Reaño Ramos Flavia Ximena, Sternberg Bravo Nicolas, Tamariz Gonzales Rafael Alfonso

I TRE cagnolini e il piccolo coniglio di Luca Woodworth-Rosi and Vassallo Chumbe María Paula, Yáñez Mclean María Sol, Alvarez Carcagno Ariana Patricia, Alvarez Mena Catalina, Cabrera Canales Mikaela Fernanda

La farfalla e il gatto pagine 42-43 (p. 88-89)

english translation

di Lucy Harms and Calderón Pais Sofía Antonella, Caso Alva Alejandra , Celi Chavez Luis Fernando, Chávez Almandós Adrián Antonio

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 4

pagine 40-41 (p. 86-87) english translation

Le giraffe pagine 44-45 (p. 90-91)

english translation

di Marcello Anzivino and Crispín Cervantes Mariano Cesar, Diaz Morales Micaela Isabel, Gonzales Moy Adriano Francisco, Guzman Quiroz Santiago Fredy

la renna e il cane

pagine 46-47 (p. 92-93) english translation

di Nathan Lau and Maraví Aliaga Jesús Alberto, Mendoza Esteban Luciana Victoria, Najar Larios Pedro Humberto, Plazolles Guadalupe Valentina Yanay

I tre gattini

pagine 48-49 (p. 94-95)

english translation

di Rosie Small and Rey de Castro Chirinos Nicolas, Salinas Mendieta Luciana Arantza, Sandoval Quinto Rodrigo Gabriel, Tello Jerónimo Juan Anders

Gli Dei del cielo di colore rosso pagine 50-51 (p. 96-97)

english translation

di Tara Rose Hoey and Valdivia Marin Luciana Marcela Zevallos Carozzi Jorge Francesco, Ugarte Vasquez Solis Martina

Halloween degli animali pagine 52-53 (p. 98-99)

english translation

di Tomasina Hawley and Cifuentes Giardino Lorenzo Ider, Lamela Cerecida Macarena, Poire Valderrama Samuel Bastian

Appendice (appendix)

pagine 56, 57-99 * english translation of all stories

Ringraziamenti pagine 100-103 dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima


Il Libro delle Favole Oltreoceano Introduzione

“Il libro delle favole oltreoceano” nasce in occasione dei festeggiamenti per il centenario della nascita di Gianni Rodari. Il progetto è il frutto della collaborazione tra due Scuole Italiane Paritarie Internazionali, “La Scuola - International School” di San Francisco e il “Colegio Italiano Antonio Raimondi” di Lima. Il progetto ha previsto diverse fasi propedeutiche all’elaborazione del libro vero e proprio. Innanzitutto le insegnanti hanno presentato ai bambini la figura del grande scrittore italiano Gianni Rodari, festeggiando in modi differenti il centenario della sua nascita. Durante le assemblee mattutine, i bambini sono entrati in contatto con i suoi scritti, i suoi racconti e le storie legate a fatti tipicamente italiani. Da questo punto in poi i bambini hanno portato avanti differenti riflessioni con le proprie insegnanti pensando a parole che potessero creare connessioni tra l’Italia e la scrittura rodariana. Dalla riflessione e dal dialogo in classe, abbiamo racchiuso tutte queste parole all’interno di un grande dizionario rodariano da cui e’ nato un rap, il nostro “Rodari Rap”. L’Italia e’ uno stivale, con alberi, mare e fiori da ammirare. Il Sole splende alto nel prato, ci vuole un bel gelato. Tra corsivo, stampatello e stampatino Noi bambini vorremmo solo stare nel giardino. Meno male che le storie di Rodari hanno riempito gli abbecedari. Quante lettere e letterine Ci girano in testa così birichine. Ma noi siamo forti, siamo bambini Non siamo mica robottini! Tra Firenze, Roma, Venezia e Pisa La nostra avventura sarà condivisa. Dell’italiano non ci stancheremo E a La Scuola lo impareremo.

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 6

Durante il periodo primaverile, La Scuola di San Francisco ha partecipato alla mostra permanente presso il Museo Italo-Americano di San Francisco, la quale si è ispirata al centenario della nascita di Gianni Rodari. Ogni classe de “La Scuola - International School”, dalla scuola dell’infanzia alla scuola secondaria di primo grado, ha esposto il proprio lavoro durante la mostra. Il libro dal titolo “Il libro delle favole oltreoceano” è stato esposto durante la mostra come prodotto della collaborazione fra le due scuole. I racconti sono nati dalla fantasia dei bambini. Ciascun alunno della classe prima della scuola primaria di Lima ha scritto l’inizio di una storia che è stata poi indirizzata ad un alunno di classe prima della Scuola di San Francisco. La scuola di Lima ha seguito queste indicazioni per scrivere l’inizio delle storie: 1. Scelta del titolo di ogni singolo racconto; 2. Scelta del nome dei personaggi (massimo 3); 3. Scelta dell’ambientazione (tempo e luogo) della storia; 4. Decisione di interrompere il racconto nel momento in cui sta per accadere qualcosa; 5. Scelta della tematica per le storie: scuola, lingua italiana, cultura italiana, episodi di vita quotidiana, bambini, giochi per bambini. I bambini de “La Scuola - International School” di San Francisco hanno ricevuto i venti racconti tramite posta e si sono impegnati a portarli a termine, cercando di trovare un finale appropriato per ogni singola storia. Durante le ore di arte, hanno poi realizzato le illustrazioni del libro, utilizzando diverse tecniche artistiche ed ispirandosi alle illustrazioni di Bruno Munari. “Il libro delle storie oltreoceano” è il frutto di storie scritte a “quattro mani”, ottimo esempio di collaborazione tra due scuole e due mondi diversi, ma uniti insieme dalla stessa lingua.

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima


The Book of Stories from Overseas Introduction

“The Book of the Stories from Overseas” was born during the celebration of the 100 year anniversary of the birth of Gianni Rodari. The project is the fruit of the collaboration between two certified Italian international elementary schools: La Scuola International School of San Francisco and the Antonio Raimondi school in Lima. The project involved several phases for the preparation of the actual book. First, the teachers presented to the children the figure of the great Italian writer Gianni Rodari, celebrating in different ways the 100 year anniversary of his birth. During the morning circle, the children were introduced to his writings and stories that show typical Italian facts. From this moment on, the children reflected with their teachers, thinking of words that could create a connection between Italy and the Rodarian writings. From this reflection and the dialogue in class, we have enclosed all of these words in a large Rodarian dictionary from which a rap was born, our “Rodari Rap”.

Italy is a boot, With trees, sea And flowers to admire The sun shines in the meadow We want a nice gelato Between cursive, upper and lower case We children only want to play Luckily Rodari’s stories Have filled the ABC’s So many naughty letters Go round and round in our heads But we are strong, we are children We are not robots From Florence, Rome, Venice and Pisa Our adventure will be shared We will never tire of Italian And at La Scuola we will learn!

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 8

During the spring, La Scuola of San Francisco participated in the permanent exhibit at the Italian-American Museum of San Francisco inspired by the 100 year anniversary of Gianni Rodari’s birth. Every class of La Scuola International school, from preschool to middle school exhibited their own work on him during the exhibition. The book entitled “The Book of the Stories from Overseas” was exhibited during the show as a final collaboration project between the two schools. The stories were born from the imagination of the children. Each child from first grade in the the school in Lima wrote the beginning of each story which were then sent to the children in first grade in La Scuola of San Francisco. The school in Lima followed these directions to write the beginning of each story: 1. Choose the title of each story; 2. Choose the name of each character (maximum of 3) 3. Choose the setting (time and place) of each story; 4. Choose the moment to interrupt the story when something is about to happen; 5. Choose the topic for the stories: school, Italian language, Italian culture, episodes from daily life, children, games for children. The children of La Scuola International School of San Francisco received the twenty stories and they worked hard to finish them, striving to find an appropriate ending for each story. During art class they created the illustrations to go with the book, using various artistic techniques and getting inspiration from the illustrations of Bruno Munari. “The Book of Stories from Overseas” is the fruit of stories written by four hands, an excellent example of collaboration between two very different schools and worlds, but united by the same language.

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima


Nome di autori e illustratori:

Studenti de La ScuolaInternationalSchool di San Francisco Anna Silveria-Herman

Luca Janowski-Tokstad

Ansley Brown

Luca Woodworth-Rosi

Bellamy Ackrell

Lucy Harms

Dylan Koran

Marcello Anzivino

Emiliano Cimini

Nathan Lau

Eva Ricci

Rosie Small

Felix Pizzato-Smith

Tara Rose Hoey

Franklin Martin

Tomasina Hawley

Kaya Bernardi

Studenti della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima ALZAMORA HERRERA, Luanna Antonella AVALOS REAÑO, Ingrid Alejandra AVILA NECOCHEA, Juan Diego CANO HUANCAHUIRE, Valentina Elise CIMMINO ROBERTI, Gianluca Nicola DELUCCHI PUCH, Michela FALCONI ARENA, Francesco Paolo GALDAMES CALDERÓN, Salvador GIGLIO SANTILLAN, Isabella Luciana GUTIERREZ ANGULO, Frida Carolina HERRERA MORENO, Rafaela KNELL SILVA, Mirko Roberto LEÓN FÉLIX, Santiago Matías LOZANO BERNAOLA, Camila Alessandra MENA CASTILLO, Cristobal MENACHO MERCEDES, Fabian Renato


dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 10

! ! ! i n i b m a b o Cia Nome di autori e illustratori:

Studenti della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima LINDO MENDOZA, Sebastian Mathias MALPARTIDA LÓPEZ, Rafael Bertilo MONGUZZI FERRADAS, Giulia OVIEDO IRIGOYEN, Massimo PEREDA LUND, Julieta PLAZA JORGE, Alessia Luna POW SANG CÁCERES, Mateo Alonso RAMOS ARELLANO, Emma Sofía SAMENGO ZALLES, Gianluca SANDOVAL QUINTO, Jorge Stefano SEVILLA CIFUENTES, Juan Diego VALLENAS VALDIVIA, María Fe ADAUTO DÍAZ, Leonardo Alonso BATTILANA TRUJILLO, Lucca Antonio BENAVIDES VELARDE, Fabian Guillermo BONNETT TEMOCHE, Cristóbal Edmundo CÁCEREZ LÓPEZ, Ismenia Sofía CANO VALDERRAMA, Thaissa Michella CASTAGNOLA CUBA, Francesco CRESCI SALAS, Tiziano DE GENNARO BOLOGNA, Arturo Antonio GALVEZ LEO, Lucas Joaquín GUERE RIVERO, Mathias Fernando GUTIERREZ ROBLES, Ariana GUZMÁN FLORES, Noelia Katherine MANCINELLI BACA, Gianpaolo MOLINA BANCES, Rafaela NOVELLA MOGROVEJO, Andres Miguel ONETO ORZERO, Giacomo PEREZ FILOMENO, Gituania Anais


dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima


Il serpente furbacchione di Anna Silveria-Herman e Alzamora Herrera Luanna Antonella, Avalos Reano Ingrid Alejandra, Avila Necochea Juan Diego, Cano Huancahuire Valentina Elise, Cimmino Roberti Gianluca Nicola

il serpente furbacchione, 12

il serpente furbacchione, 13

La gallina, Il bambino e l’albero di Ansley Brown e Delucchi Puch Michela, Falconi Arena Francesco Paolo, Galdames Calderón Salvador, Giglio Santillan Isabella Luciana, Gutierrez Angulo Frida Carolina

la gallina, il bambino e l’albero, 14

la gallina, il bambino e l’albero,


Il compleanno dell’amica tigre di Ansley Brown e Herrera Moreno Rafaela, Knell Silva Mirko Roberto, León Félix Santiago Matías, Lozano Bernaola Camila Alessandra, Mena Castillo Cristobal

il cumpleano dell’amica tigre, 16

il cumpleano dell’amica tigre, 17

Lo scoiattolo spaziale di Bellamy Ackrell e Menacho Mercedes Fabian Renato, Olortegui Tairo Sebastian Alejandro, Paoli Gandolfo Gianpietro, Pinedo Vallejos Galya Lucia, Rojas SorogastĂşa Cayetana Camille

lo scoiattolo spaziale 18

lo scoiattolo spaziale 19

Il cavallo molto bello e il ranocchio molto verde di Bellamy Ackrell e Torres Massoni Franco AgustĂ­n, Vignolo Erazo Nicoletta, Anchorena Rimachi JoaquĂ­n Eduardo, Bacigalupo Sifuentes Gaetana, Bernal Freitas Mia Carolina

il cavallo molto bello e il ranocchio molto verde 20

il cavallo molto bello e il ranocchio molto verde


Sandi, Mimi e i due cavalli di Dylan Koran e Bustamante Cecchet Mateo, Caceres Berninzon Diego Felipe, Figueroa Araujo Juan Manuel, Gonzales Chacate Martina Cayetana, Guevara Velez de Villa Isabella Catalina

Sandi, Mimi e i due cavalli 22

Sandi, Mimi e i due cavalli 23

La tigre velocina e la rana salterina di Dylan Koran e Huaigua Mueras Joicy Naomi, Julve Carrasco Arantxa, Lindo Mendoza Sebastian Mathias, Malpartida Lรณpez Rafael Bertilo, Monguzzi Ferradas Giulia

la tigre velocina e la rana salterina 24

la tigre velocina e la rana salterina 25

Le rane e lo scorpione di Emiliano Cimini e Oviedo Irigoyen Massimo, Pereda Lund Julieta, Plaza Jorge Alessia Luna, Pow Sang CĂĄceres Mateo Alonso, Ramos Arellano Emma SofĂ­a

le rane e lo scorpione 26

le rane e lo scorpione


Il Grosso Problema di Eva Ricci

il grosso problema 28

il grosso problema


Il Natale degli animali di Felix Pizzato-Smith e Samengo Zalles Gianluca, Sandoval Quinto Jorge Stefano, Sevilla Cifuentes Juan Diego, Vallenas Valdivia MarĂ­a Fe, Adauto DĂ­az Leonardo Alonso

Il Natalte degli animali 30

Il Natalte degli animali


Il re gentile di Franklin Martin e Battilana Trujillo Lucca Antonio, Benavides Velarde Fabian Guillermo, Bonnett Temoche Cristóbal Edmundo, Cácerez López Ismenia Sofía, Cano Valderrama Thaissa Michella

il re gentile 32

il re gentile


La formica Ana di Kaya Bernardi e Gutierrez Robles Ariana, Guzmรกn Flores Noelia Katherine, Mancinelli Baca Gianpaolo, Molina Bances Rafaela, Novella Mogrovejo Andres Miguel

la formica ana 34

la formica ana 35

Il gatto e il pulcino di Kaya Bernardi e Castagnola Cuba Francesco, Cresci Salas Tiziano, De Gennaro Bologna Arturo Antonio, Galvez Leo Lucas JoaquĂ­n, Guere Rivero Mathias Fernando

il gatto e il pulcino 36

il gatto e il pulcino 37

Il cane e il gatto di Luca Janowski-Tokstad e Oneto Orzero Giacomo, Perez Filomeno Gituania Anais, ReaĂąo Ramos Flavia Ximena, Sternberg Bravo Nicolas, Tamariz Gonzales Rafael Alfonso

Il cane e il gatto 38

Il cane e il gatto 39

I tre cagnolini e il piccolo coniglio di Luca Woodworth-Rosi e Vassallo Chumbe María Paula, Yáñez Mclean María Sol, Alvarez Carcagno Ariana Patricia, Alvarez Mena Catalina, Cabrera Canales Mikaela Fernanda

I tre cagnolini e il piccolo coniglio 40

I tre cagnolini e il piccolo coniglio 41

La farfalla e il gatto di Lucy Harms e Calderón Pais Sofía Antonella, Caso Alva Alejandra , Celi Chavez Luis Fernando, Chávez Almandós Adrián Antonio

la farfalla e il gatto 42

la farfalla e il gatto 43

Le Giraffe di Marcello Anzivino e CrispĂ­n Cervantes Mariano Cesar, Diaz Morales Micaela Isabel, Gonzales Moy Adriano Francisco, Guzman Quiroz Santiago Fredy

Le giraffe 44

Le giraffe


La renna e il cane di Nathan Lau e MaravĂ­ Aliaga JesĂşs Alberto, Mendoza Esteban Luciana Victoria, Najar Larios Pedro Humberto, Plazolles Guadalupe Valentina Yanay

La renna e il cane 46

La renna e il cane, 47

I tre gattini di Rosie Small e Rey de Castro Chirinos Nicolas, Salinas Mendieta Luciana Arantza, Sandoval Quinto Rodrigo Gabriel, Tello Jerรณnimo Juan Anders

I tre gattini 48

I tre gattini,


Gli Dei del cielo di colore rosso di Tara Rose Hoey e Valdivia Marin Luciana Marcela Zevallos Carozzi Jorge Francesco, Ugarte Vasquez Solis Martina

Gli Dei del cielo di colore rosso 50

Gli Dei del cielo di colore rosso


Halloween degli Animali di Tomasina Hawley e Cifuentes Giardino Lorenzo Ider, Lamela Cerecida Macarena, Poire Valderrama Samuel Bastian

halloween degli animali 52

halloween degli animali, 53

Ottimo la voro bamb ini!!!

Fine dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e I bambini della scuola “ Antonio Raimondi� di Lima 54

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e I bambini della scuola “ Antonio Raimondi� di Lima


Appendice Appendix

English translation of stories (pages 57-99)


by the children of La Scuola-International School of San Francisco and the children of La Scuola “ Antonio Raimondi” of Lima

The Book of Stories from Overseas

by the children of La Scuola-International School of San Francisco and the children of La Scuola “ Antonio Raimondi” of Lima Spring 2020


The Sly serpent The sly serpent by Anna Silveria-Herman and Alzamora Herrera Luanna Antonella, Avalos Reano Ingrid Alejandra, Avila Necochea Juan Diego, Cano Huancahuire Valentina Elise, Cimmino Roberti Gianluca Nicola

Once upon a time in a faraway woods there was Santa Claus, a pink and red worm, and a snake with a purple and yellow tongue.

It was Christmas in 2017 and Santa Claus walked on the snow to hand out all the presents to the animals. He sees the worm but he doesn’t recognize him and he’s scared so he drops all the gifts. So the snake… the sly serpent 58

takes all the presents and walks away on the snow. The snake was not able to find his house but Santa Claus found him. When the snake went back home with Santa Claus, he saw the stars and said, “How beautiful!� But Santa Claus was mad because

the snake had taken all the gifts. So Santa Claus flew away with all the gifts, leaving only the snake without gifts.

the sly serpent


The Hen, the Boy and the tree The Hen, the Boy and the Tree by Ansley Brown and Delucchi Puch Michela, Falconi Arena Francesco Paolo, Galdames Calderón Salvador, Giglio Santillan Isabella Luciana, Gutierrez Angulo Frida Carolina

Once upon a time there was a white hen and a boy with orange hair who had a violet and pearl necklace. One summer afternoon the hen was out of her coop and she was singing. When suddenly she met the boy who was a little annoyed and said,

“Why do you sing so loud everyday?” The hen who was happy to sing even for him became sad. At that point, a tree that was nearby said to the boy, “I like his song, it keeps me company, the hen, the boy and the tree 60

if you don’t want to listen to his song, then I won’t give you shade.”... The boy went back home. The next day the boy went back to the hen and said to her, “I am sorry I said I didn’t like your song. Now you can sing for me everyday.” The hen and also the tree are happy.

the hen, the boy and the tree


The Birthday of the tiger Friend The Birthday of the Tiger Friend by Ansley Brown and Herrera Moreno Rafaela, Knell Silva Mirko Roberto, León Félix Santiago Matías, Lozano Bernaola Camila Alessandra, Mena Castillo Cristobal

Us children of the First Grade “A” went on a visit to the woods and we met a tiger named Rallita’. It was black and shiny. One Sunday morning we went on the big tree with red fruits and one boy asked, “How old are you?”

the birthday of the tiger friend 62

The tiger answered, “Today is my birthday but I am sad and without friends.�... The children decide to become friends with her. After school, the children see the tiger, take her to their house and make a nice party for her with cake, cookies, and games.

the birthday of the tiger friend


The space squirrel The Space Squirrel by Bellamy Ackrell and Menacho Mercedes Fabian Renato, Olortegui Tairo Sebastian Alejandro, Paoli Gandolfo Gianpietro, Pinedo Vallejos Galya Lucia, Rojas SorogastĂşa Cayetana Camille

Once upon a time there was a squirrel named Sam. The squirrel gets into a rocket and goes into space. He jumps onto the moon and meets his friend Alien who is green and small with one eye. The squirrel eats nuts and his friend Alien eats many donuts.

the space squirrel 64

When they are about to leave, the ship is ruined‌ They were sad but they see a lot of cheese. So they make a rocket ship out of cheese but when they turn it on it breaks and it has to land in Hawaii. Here they build a new house and they eat nuts and donuts. Then they build a submarine and they discover a world made of sugar but unfortunately, Alien eats it. So they return to the castle like when they started. the space squirrel


The very beautiful horse & the very green frog The Very Beautiful Horse and the Very Green Frog by Bellamy Ackrell and Torres Massoni Franco Agustín, Vignolo Erazo Nicoletta, Anchorena Rimachi Joaquín Eduardo, Bacigalupo Sifuentes Gaetana, Bernal Freitas Mia Carolina

One day a horse black as the night and strong as a bull was walking on the grass and found a very green frog. The horse asked the frog to be friends. Horse said, “I feel alone. Do you want to be my friend?” And the frog answered, “Yes, let’s be friends.”

And he brought him home but when they were about to enter, the door was closed and the horse had lost the key… the very beautiful horse and the very green frog 66

Then the door opened. They went inside, they found a book and the horse said, “Maybe it’s a magic book!” They opened the book and a voice sounded and it said, “You will meet a zombie.”

The zombie entered the

have any friends and the

house and said, “Happy

horse and the frog said,

Halloween!” and the horse

“You can be our friend!”

answered, “Happy Halloween The zombie became calm and to you!” The zombie didn’t

re-entered the book. the very beautiful horse and the very green frog 67

Sandi, Mimi and the two horses Sandi, Mimi and the two Horses by Dylan Koran and Bustamante Cecchet Mateo, Caceres Berninzon Diego Felipe, Figueroa Araujo Juan Manuel, Gonzales Chacate Martina Cayetana, Guevara Velez de Villa Isabella Catalina

Once upon a time there were two people named Sandi and Mimi. One hot morning in summer, Sandi and Mimi were walking in the zoo and a horse asked Mimi, “I’m hungry. Will you help me look for some food?” And Mimi answers, “Yes, let’s go.” Sandi and Mimi get on the horse to go look for food on a farm. There they find two carrots and two apples.

They eat them but they still are hungry. They start eating any fruit and vegetables nearby without listening to Sandi and Mimi, until one

sandi, mimi and the two horses 68

of the horses realizes...

The fruit was poisonous. The horse told the other horse what he had discovered. So the horses decide to go to the doctor. The doctor gives them tickets to go to the museum. They look at all the sculptures they like and decide to buy one of them. On the way back home, they see Sandi and Mimi and decide to all go back home together.

sandi, mimi and the two horses


The Fast tiger and the jumping frog The Fast Tiger and the Jumping Frog by Dylan Koran and Huaigua Mueras Joicy Naomi, Julve Carrasco Arantxa, Lindo Mendoza Sebastian Mathias, Malpartida López Rafael Bertilo, Monguzzi Ferradas Giulia

In a stadium in the woods in Peru, the fastest tiger in the world and a frog, who knows how to jump very well, met each other. The frog asked the tiger, “Do you want to be my best friend? I know how to jump very well.” The tiger answered, “I am the fastest in the world, I don’t know if I can wait for you.”

And he ran very fast all around the stadium. The frog was very sad because he couldn’t run but he the fast tiger and the jumping frog 70

could jump…

So the frog had an idea: if the frog could find a shortcut, he could jump onto the head of the tiger.

So the frog found a shortcut, he met up with the tiger and he said, “Who is the fastest now?� And in one hop, he jumped on top of the tiger’s head.

the fast tiger and the jumping frog 71

The frogs and the scorpion The frogs and the scorpion by Emiliano Cimini and Oviedo Irigoyen Massimo, Pereda Lund Julieta, Plaza Jorge Alessia Luna, Pow Sang Cáceres Mateo Alonso, Ramos Arellano Emma Sofía

This is the story of two frogs and a scorpion. The two frog friends were in a volcano and were playing hide and go seek without any thought of danger. When they met the scorpion, and having never seen a scorpion before, they asked him to play.

The scorpion thought it

fight. The frogs stick out

would be a good idea to…

their tongues and lick the

fight the frogs. The

scorpion covering him with

frogs don’t know how to


the frogs and the scorpion 72

The scorpion gets angry but the frogs continue until the scorpion loses his patience and he pinches them on the tongue.

The frogs jump away. The

known each other since they

scorpion goes away from

were little. They teach their

the volcano and goes to his

children that you can speak

mother. The frogs go to their instead of fight like Mr. mother. The two mothers speak because they have

King. the frogs and the scorpion


The Big Problem The Big Problem by Eva Ricci

Once upon a time there was

had melted because it was

a colorful butterfly. She

so sunny. The butterfly was

was yellow, orange and green.

crying and didn’t know how to

One sunny day the butterfly

get free. She saw a bunch of

found herself stuck on a

bees land on the roof.

roof. The tar on the roof

The butterfly asked the bees for help. The bees were helper bees and they said yes! The bees lifted the bees butterfly and the hot tar splattered everywhere. the big problem 74

The mess got all over the bees. They got stuck. The butterfly was free so she flew to get help from the other bugs. She found eight lady bugs, five beetles, four mosquito eaters and three dragon flies. All the bugs snuck into a house and got some olive oil from the kitchen.

The butterfly said everyone jump in the olive oil. They thought it was a little disgusting but did it anyway. Then they raced to the roof and worked together to free the bees. The bees got free with everyone's help. They all decided to go to have a big party to celebrate working together. They all stayed friends. the big problem


The Christmas of the Animals The Christmas of the animals by Felix Pizzato-Smith and Samengo Zalles Gianluca, Sandoval Quinto Jorge Stefano, Sevilla Cifuentes Juan Diego, Vallenas Valdivia María Fe, Adauto Díaz Leonardo Alonso

One day the dog Peludito invited the cat Pelusa, the butterfly Bom-Bom and the chick Pom-Pom to the party. The dog Peludito prepared a song. It was late…

the Christmas of the animals 76

But the dog makes a cake anyway. The cat is happy. The cat eats the cake and then the people have fun because there is also the music made by the dog Peludito. Everyone receives a gift and everyone is happy.

the Christmas of the animals 77

The kind king The Kind King by Franklin Martin and Battilana Trujillo Lucca Antonio, Benavides Velarde Fabian Guillermo, Bonnett Temoche Cristóbal Edmundo, Cácerez López Ismenia Sofía, Cano Valderrama Thaissa Michella

This is the story of King Francesco who had a purple and golden hat. One day he met a cat with big ears and he brought him to his house. One morning while the king was in the bathroom, and he was getting ready for a ceremony, he realized his hat was gone. Very surprised because he thought the cat was a faithful friend, the king… the kind king 78

understood that the cat had stolen his hat. So the king began to look for the cat with the big ears. But this was a special cat: this cat could speak! So the king asked the cat, “Why did you steal my hat?” And the cat answered, “Because I wanted a king’s hat.” The king answered, “I can help you. I will give you a hat if you give me back my hat.” The cat agreed and they became friends forever.

the kind king 79

Ana the Ant Ana the ant by Kaya Bernardi and Gutierrez Robles Ariana, Guzmรกn Flores Noelia Katherine, Mancinelli Baca Gianpaolo, Molina Bances Rafaela, Novella Mogrovejo Andres Miguel

This is the story of Ana the ant who lived in a pink castle with her brothers. One sunny day the ant goes to the beach with her brothers and on the way back to the castle she asked her brothers,

ana the ant 80

“What will you give me in exchange for two tickets to the movies?” The brothers answered, “A small piece of a big cake that we made.” But Ana did not accept this….

The brothers then decide to cook pasta and Ana accepts this. The brothers are happy and so is Ana. One day the mother of the ants bought a gift only for Ana: a coloring book. It was Ana’s birthday: the brothers had organized a surprise party. ana the ant 81

The cat and the chick The Cat and the Chick by Kaya Bernardi and Castagnola Cuba Francesco, Cresci Salas Tiziano, De Gennaro Bologna Arturo Antonio, Galvez Leo Lucas Joaquín, Guere Rivero Mathias Fernando

Once upon a time, in an enormous woods filled with trees, there was a beautiful blue cat, with beautiful white stripes and an ugly black chick with a red head. During the summer, the cat and the ugly chick became friends. One day they were walking when the chick fell into a deep lake and he didn’t know how to swim, the cat was very sad… So the cat asked the butterfly to help. The

butterfly answered,

the cat and the chick 82

“I can play with you.”

The cat said, “Thank you.” The cat and the butterfly became friends. The butterfly wanted to

butterfly helped the chick

help the cat so she asked

get out with a stick. Then

her mother because her

they all became friends

wings were small and not


strong. So the mother the cat and the chick 83

The Dog and the Cat The Dog and the Cat by Luca Janowski-Tokstad and Oneto Orzero Giacomo, Perez Filomeno Gituania Anais, Reaño Ramos Flavia Ximena, Sternberg Bravo Nicolas, Tamariz Gonzales Rafael Alfonso

Once upon a time there was a beautiful dog and a bad cat. The bad cat launched a bomb. The dog’s house exploded and the poor thing cried and in that moment he was also very angry.

The cat said, “Please don’t launch me in the water full of sharks.”... “Why did you burn my house?” asked the dog. the dog and the cat 84

“I will throw you into the sea full of sharks.” “No, no please.” said the little cat. The dog took the cat by the tail and threw it into the sea.

The cat tried to swim but In return, the cat rebuilt ended up only spraying

the dog’s house and they

water. So the dog helped

became friends forever.

the cat out of the water. the dog and the cat 85

The three little Dogs and the little rabbit The three little Dogs and the little Rabbit by Luca Woodworth-Rosi and Vassallo Chumbe María Paula, Yáñez Mclean María Sol, Alvarez Carcagno Ariana Patricia, Alvarez Mena Catalina, Cabrera Canales Mikaela Fernanda

Once upon a time there was a little white Jitsu dog named Lili and a black and golden Yorkshire dog. They were playing in the park with their owner Giulia, and while they were walking they met their friend, a little white dog that said, “Let’s run fast to that little house.”

the three little dogs and the little rabbit 86

And they ran away without telling their owner‌. They arrived in front of the house and the door was open. The dogs went inside the house. Inside they saw a bunny. The dogs ran outside. It started to rain and Giulia went inside the house. Finally she found her dogs. They ran to her and licked her all over. From that day on, they never ran away again. the three little dogs and the little rabbit 87

The Butterfly and the Cat The Butterfly and the Cat by Lucy Harms and Calderón Pais Sofía Antonella, Caso Alva Alejandra , Celi Chavez Luis Fernando, Chávez Almandós Adrián Antonio

Once upon a time in a wood there was a red cat who had a very nice toy. While he walked, he met a butterfly with a broken wing…

The cat was near the butterfly and it fell to the ground. The cat looks at the butterfly and says, the butterfly and the cat 88

“Do you want my toy?� The butterfly said yes. The toy seems to have the same form as the butterfly.

The cat asked her if she liked it and she said yes and they became friends. The next day they went to the park to play together. the butterfly and the cat 89

The Giraffes The Giraffes by Marcello Anzivino and CrispĂ­n Cervantes Mariano Cesar, Diaz Morales Micaela Isabel, Gonzales Moy Adriano Francisco, Guzman Quiroz Santiago Fredy

One day a giraffe met her friend and they had an ice cream, then they went to buy a dress. To go home, they took a boat and all the passengers laughed at them because of their long necks. In that moment, they realized two swans were sitting near them‌

the giraffes 90

All the passengers laughed at the giraffes but not at the swans. So the giraffes tried to go home on the bus but it was too small for them. Then the swans, who were friends with the giraffes, decided to help them and they made a hot air balloon. They all got on and flew away.

the giraffes


The Reindeer and the Dog The Reindeer and the Dog by Nathan Lau and MaravĂ­ Aliaga JesĂşs Alberto, Mendoza Esteban Luciana Victoria, Najar Larios Pedro Humberto, Plazolles Guadalupe Valentina Yanay

Once upon a time there was a very small reindeer and a very beautiful dog walking in the forest. When the reindeer smelled the dog, it hid in a tree. Later the dog met his friends and began to play with them.

the reindeer and the dog 92

The reindeer who was hidden in the tree couldn’t get out because the door was blocked and he didn’t know what to do… The reindeer saw a hole and jumped out. The dog’s friend spoke with the reindeer and said to have a race. The dog had a race with the reindeer. He ran and ran but in the end the reindeer won.

the reindeer and the dog 93

The three Cats The three Cats by Rosie Small and Rey de Castro Chirinos Nicolas, Salinas Mendieta Luciana Arantza, Sandoval Quinto Rodrigo Gabriel, Tello Jerónimo Juan Anders

Once upon a time, there were three cats. The first was called Mimi, the second Bianca and the third Copito. The three lived in the castle of the princess… One day the three cats got into mischief because they

the cats stole it. Then they

did not want to eat their

broke it into two pieces and

food. In the night they began in the morning the princess woke up and she couldn’t to steal things from the princess. There was a jewel

believe her eyes:her favorite

that was so beautiful that

jewel had disappeared.

the three cats 94

The cats didn’t know it was

“My diamond is gone!” Her

the princess’s and when they

mother told her they could go

found out, they brought back the two pieces but it was never found. In the morning the princess, astonished, called her mother and said,

to the diamond store and the princess was happy because now she had her diamond again. The three cats were never discovered.

the three cats 95

The Gods of the Sky colored Red The Gods of the Sky colored Red by Tara Rose Hoey and Valdivia Marin Luciana Marcela Zevallos Carozzi Jorge Francesco, Ugarte Vasquez Solis Martina

Once upon a time there was a girl named Minerva who had long hair of all colors and a green dress, while her sister Cristal had short hair and it was white. They lived in a castle with mama and papa and two turtles. Everyday Cristal cried because she wanted long hair like her sister. The turtles comforted her but they

to have long hair with

couldn’t find a solution. One

many colors, right?

day a large eagle asked Cristal

Good, I will take care

“Your greatest wish is…

of it.”

the gods of the sky colored red 96

The eagle was a sorceress

had tricked them because he

but Minerva didn’t know

was really a man, the father

that. The eagle asked her,

of Minerva and Cristal. So

“Can I cut some of your

Minerva regretted what she

hair?”. But Minerva said

had done to her sister and

no. So the eagle cast a

made a pact with her father:

spell and now Cristal had

from that day on both she and

long hair with many colors

her sister would have half

and Minerva couldn’t say

long colored hair and half

anything. Actually, the eagle

short grey hair. the gods of the sky colored red


Halloween of the Animals Halloween of the Animals by Tomasina Hawley and Cifuentes Giardino Lorenzo Ider, Lamela Cerecida Macarena, Poire Valderrama Samuel Bastian

Once upon a time there was a dog that dressed up as a ghost and a cat as a zombie because they wanted to go to a party in costumes. The owl became frightened when he saw them‌ The dog lifts up his mask because the owl is scared.

The owl then compliments the dog because his costume really is scary. halloween of the animals 98

The owl wants to go to the party with the dog and the cat because he has a really scary mask.

The owl has a vampire mask. The dog invites the owl to the party. When they are at the party, they have a lot of fun and the owl wins the prize for the scariest mask. halloween of the animals 99


“Il Libro delle Favole Oltreoceano” nasce dalla collaborazione e da un eccellente lavoro di squadra fra bambini, famiglie e insegnanti di due scuole italiane internazionali, quella di San Francisco e quella di Lima. I primi protagonisti a cui va un grande ringraziamento sono gli alunni di prima primaria de “La Scuola - International School” di San Francisco e le quattro classi del “Colegio Italiano Antonio Raimondi” di Lima. Senza le loro meravigliose storie e la loro fantasia, non avremmo concepito questo libro. Un grazie alle insegnanti che si sono occupate della realizzazione, ideazione e pubblicazione del libro. Grazie a Eleonora Di Natale Stroud e Elena Bianchi, insegnanti di italiano de La Scuola, che si sono occupate di ideare, coordinare i rapporti con le due scuole internazionali e organizzare le informazioni relative alla pubblicazione del libro. Grazie a Justine Maycock, insegnante madrelingua inglese de La Scuola, che si è occupata della traduzione in lingua inglese di ogni racconto del libro. Grazie a Silvia Bagnacani, la nostra K8 atelierista, che ha guidato i bambini nella realizzazione di tutte le illustrazioni del libro. Ha inoltre collaborato con le insegnanti di classe per la pubblicazione finale del libro e ha guidato l’organizzazione per l’allestimento della mostra permanente presso il Museo Italo-Americano di San Francisco. Un grazie davvero speciale e affettuoso a Alec Hawley, papà di una studentessa della classe prima de “La Scuola - International School”, che si è volontariamente offerto per aiutare a realizzare il libro vero e proprio, donandoci il suo tempo e la sua creatività. Un grazie particolare all’Italian Committee che a “La Scuola - International School” ha sostenuto e seguito passo dopo passo le tappe per la realizzazione di questo bellissimo progetto. Grazie anche alla Dott.ssa Anna Zeppieri del Consolato Italiano di San Francisco per averci informate sulle possibili attività e celebrazioni su Gianni Rodari in occasione del centenario della sua nascita. Un generoso grazie di cuore alla nostra Direttrice della scuola primaria Sally Peterson per averci seguito in questo progetto, incoraggiandoci nelle scelte compiute. Un riconoscimento speciale alla Direttrice delle nostre scuole, Valentina Imbeni, che con il suo entusiasmo e tenacia ci ha sempre offerto un modello di gioia da portare ogni giorno nelle nostre classi. Per il “Colegio Italiano Antonio Raimondi” di Lima si ringraziano le insegnanti di italiano Maria Romani, Sara Colagiorgio e Alexandra Trettenero per aver guidato i loro bambini nella realizzazione dei loro racconti ed aver mantenuto una comunicazione costante con La Scuola di San Francisco. Un ringraziamento affettuoso e cordiale alle due Direttrici della scuola peruviana, Karla Acosta e Maria Manganaro. E’ stata una fantastica collaborazione tra due scuole internazionali, che lascerà un’impronta indelebile nel cuore dei bambini ma anche di tutte le persone che hanno lavorato con impegno e dedizione intorno a questo progetto.

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 100


“The Book of Stories from Overseas” was born from the collaboration and excellent teamwork between children, families and teachers of the two Italian international schools, that of San Francisco and of Lima. The first protagonists to whom a big thank you goes are the students of the first grade of La Scuola International School of San Francisco and the four sections of the Italian school Antonio Raimondi of Lima. Without their wonderful ideas and imagination we would not have conceived this book. A thank you to the teachers who dealt with the creation, conception and publication of the book. Thank you to Eleonora Stroud and Elena Bianchi, teachers of Italian at La Scuola, who took care of designing and coordinating relations with the two schools and organizing information related to the publication of the book. Thank you to Justine Maycock, native English teacher of La Scuola, who took care of the English translation of each story in the book. Thank you to Silvia Bagnacani, our K8 art teacher, who led the children in the realization of all the illustrations of the book. She also collaborated with the teachers of each class to organize the final publication of the book and she led the organization for the preparation of the permanent exhibition at the Italian American Museum of San Francisco. A very special and affectionate thank you to Alec Hawley, father of one of the first grade students, who volunteered to help create the actual book. ADDITIONAL Thank yous For the Italian School Antonio Raimondi of Lima, we thank the teachers of Italian Maria Romani, Sara Colagiorgio and Alexandra Trettenero for having guided their children in the realization of their stories. It was an amazing collaboration between two international schools, which will leave an indelible mark on the hearts of the children but also on all the people who worked with commitment and dedication around this project.

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima


Great Job Kids!!!

The End End

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi” di Lima 102

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della scuola “Antonio Raimondi� di Lima


Il Libro delle Favole Oltreoceano

dai bambini de La Scuola-International School di San Francisco e i bambini della Scuola “Antonio Raimondi� di Lima Primavera 2020

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