Leaves Fall 2011

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Mark Davidson Photography© The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands

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On Location with Cinny Kennard ’74

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Annual Message On Location Dedication Season Village Voice Laser Lights Reunion 2011! Class Notes Report On The Year

James Collins photo

The Chairman and the President.


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011


A School for All Seasons Dear Lasell Alumni and Friends: As we write this letter, Lasell’s iconic trees are turning autumn hues, and we’re settling in for another season of teaching, scholarship and service. Looking back on our accomplishments over the last year, Lasell experienced a rebirth manifested in a series of memorable dedication ceremonies (see pages 6-7). In late April, with many Donahue family members in attendance, we dedicated the Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49 Center for Creative and Applied Arts, a stunning new academic building reborn from an existing house and an old barn. In early May, with a large contingent of the extended Arnow family gathered, we dedicated the Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Campus Center in memory of another extraordinary benefactor to the College. Shortly thereafter, Joan’s husband Robert Arnow offered a $1 million Challenge Grant to the College to meet its Bridge to the Future initiative goal (see page 50) that will ultimately help support other building projects, raise money for the school’s endowment, and create a glorious new green space at the old Crow’s Nest site. And in June, we dedicated the Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36 Quad in recognition of that distinguished alumna’s significant increased gifts to the campaign. These three remarkable women represent the best of Lasell College in both spirit and action. As we enter the final year of the Bridge to the Future initiative, we need all alumni and friends of the College to step forward and help us reach our $10 million goal. The focus in this third year of the campaign has shifted from facilities to increasing our endowment to support student scholarships. The turmoil in the economy and the persistent high unemployment rate has placed great stress on the families of our students in their efforts to pay for Lasell’s distinctive, high quality education. The generosity of people such as Overseer Joan Howe Weber ’51 makes a tangible difference every year (see page 8). Also in these pages, you will read about individuals whose passion for education reinforces the College’s mission. People like Cinny Kennard ’74 (pages 4-5), a former student government president with a brilliant career in journalism; Vice President for Academic Affairs Jim Ostrow (pages 12-13), whose embrace of the Lasell ethos has impact across the faculty and student body; math professor-about-campus Neil Hatem, whose talent at engaging students is boundless (page 14); and the vibrant Mary Black, whose dedication to lifelong learning personifies Lasell Village (page 15). And, if you missed it, you’ll also get a sense of our very successful 2011 Reunion, with increased participation that signals growing interest among Lasell’s alums in staying connected with the school’s past, present and future (see pages 20-21). All of the College’s stakeholders—faculty, staff, parents, students, alumni, Trustees, Overseers, friends and donors—have contributed to the momentum that continues to make Lasell the amazing institution that it is today and, with your continued support, promises to be tomorrow. Thank you. We couldn’t do it without you. Sincerely,

Eric M. Turner Chairman, Board of Trustees

Michael B. Alexander President 3

On Location…Location… with Cinny Kennard ’74

In the Persian Gulf: Broadcasting from the battlefield in 1991. In Process: Interviewing former US Secretary of State George Schultz.

“Former NPR news executive, former CBS News foreign correspondent, longtime Texas TV correspondent, wife, mother of splendid dog and still busy, busy, busy.”


That’s how Cynthia Clare Kennard ’74 describes herself on Twitter.

In Texas: With former First Lady Laura Bush.

It would take more than a 140-character Tweet, however, to do justice to the Lasell alumna’s broadcast journalism success; she’s gone from typewriters to texting, from boots on the ground in wartime Yugoslavia to overall supervision of The Tavis Smiley Show when he was with National Public Radio (NPR), climbing virtually every step on the media ladder along the way. And the Connecticut native gives credit to her alma mater for kick-starting what could only be called her brilliant career. “Lasell was one of the best decisions I ever made,” she tells Leaves. “It positioned me for where I am today.” Currently a senior fellow at the University of Southern California’s


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

famed Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, Kennard spearheads its Women and Communication Leadership Initiative. In addition, she serves on the board of directors of Global Post, an online journalism website committed to providing international reporting rooted in “integrity, accuracy, independence and powerful storytelling.” Integrity and independence were touchstones for this president of Lasell’s student government in 1973-74 who credits Mary Dee Pifer, then dean of students, as “a hands-on mentor in every sense of the word who made an indelible mark at a critical point in my life.” “Lasell‘s liberal arts curriculum enabled me to ‘test-drive’ subjects,” Kennard says, “and think about where to go next.”



Next turned out to be a BS in communications from Northeastern in 1977 and a first job at a small AM radio station in Norwalk, CT, working two hours a day for $20 a week. “At that point, women weren’t on radio much,” the intrepid journalist says, “but that crash course prepared me to cover the US Congress, the Kremlin and 10 Downing Street.” London wasn’t the only media capital calling. Kennard was managing director/managing editor of NPR West from 2003 to 2009, where she had editorial and operational oversight of the facility, including two daily news programs, and built NPR West in Los Angeles from 20 to 90 full-time employees. Previously, she served as an executive project director and journalism professor at the Annenberg School; prior to that, she was a CBS News correspondent based at various times in LA, London and Moscow, and spent 10 years as a TV reporter in Texas. (As Leaves went to press, Kennard posted “Twenty Years Later: Covering the Anita Hill Story” for The Huffington Post online.) More recently, Kennard has launched several projects aimed at improving broadcast journalism political coverage, co-founding Where The Classroom Is The Real World

the Carole Kneeland Project for Responsible Television Journalism and helping jury the prestigious Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Awards for excellence in broadcast journalism.

the growth of China or the acceleration of activity in the Pacific Rim,” she says.

To this point, Kennard finds Lasell’s growing roster of Communications programs, including its offering an MS in Communication, Married to Italian encouraging. “I think business consultant “Lasell was one of the communications and Vittorio Morandin, best decisions I ever technology could easily the couple has made. It positioned me become a key base in US homes in Italy and for where I am today.” employment, the engine Santa Monica, that will drive economic California. growth,” she tells Leaves. “It’s a matter of having courage and keeping a keen As an award-winning career journalist, eye out, experimenting, innovating.” Kennard bemoans the dumbing-down of news and civic discourse. “It’s Something Cinny Kennard, Lasell ’74, troublesome to see entertainment and is expert at. celebrity trump the Greek debt crisis,


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The Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49 Center for Creative and Applied Arts

The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Campus Center


pring is often referred to as a season of rebirth and renewal. At Lasell, this annual rite manifested itself in a series of remarkable dedication ceremonies. In April, the Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49 Center for Creative and Applied Arts, a beautiful new academic building for the Fashion and Communication departments, was dedicated (top row). Two days later, the bustling Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Campus Center, in memory of another generous member of that stellar class, was dedicated (middle row). And in June, a spirited crowd gathered to dedicate the Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36 Quad (defined by East, West, Van Winkle and McClelland Halls) in recognition of that alumna’s devotion to her alma mater (bottom row).

The Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36 Quad


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011


Where The Classroom Is The Real World


Auburndale 02466

Jacqueline Saluti ’12

Senior Softballer Bats 1.000 with Scholarship Help


When Lasell first recruited Jacqueline Saluti ’12 to play softball at the College, all the Braintree, MA High sports star knew was that she wanted to enroll at a small school, close to her family, where she’d be able to “build relationships with professors and receive a true ’hands-on’ education.” Lasell seemed a solid bet to meet all three requirements. Not to mention, Saluti tells Leaves, “I fell in love with the place on sight.” How to finance her higher education was not so clear.

Beyond First Base: Saluti in action.


Enter Joan Howe Weber ’51. A generous and engaged alumna for decades, Weber is a current Overseer, former Trustee, Lasell Medallion honoree and co-chair of the Lasell 150 Campaign. In addition, she established the Weber Computer Lab in Winslow Hall and set up the Joan Howe Weber ’51 Advancement Fund in 2001 to support tuition fees for faculty members seeking doctoral degrees. Even with all this philanthropy, Weber tells Leaves, “I think building up the student scholarship area is crucial. I have four children

Receiving the Weber Scholarship was a big break…that inspired me to want to work even harder.

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

and 12 grandchildren,” the longtime Lasell champion adds. “When I entered Lasell, tuition was $1,300 a year. I know what college costs these days. There are a lot of students who just can’t afford it, and I thought helping them would be a good thing to do.” To that end, Weber established the Joan Howe Weber ’51 Endowed Scholarship in 1996 in honor of her 45th Lasell reunion. The scholarship is earmarked to provide support “for a worthy student with financial need.” A perfect fit for Jacqui Saluti who captains and plays a mean first base on the Lasell Softball team. “Without financial aid, I would not be able to attend college at all,” Saluti, a Human Services major and Coaching minor, says. “Receiving the Weber Scholarship was a big break… that inspired me to want to work even harder.” The oldest of five children of Al and Sandy Saluti, two of Jacqui’s siblings also have Lasell connections: sister Alison ’13 is a Psychology major and starting pitcher on the Softball team; and brother Stephen ’15 plans to major in Elementary Education. “I’m receiving an excellent education at a school where I am more than just a number,” Jacqui Saluti adds. “I am an individual hoping to make a difference in the world.” Thanks to the Weber Scholarship, she’ll do that with a Lasell degree in hand.


News For the Record

Four New Faculty on Board

By the Numbers Jacqueline Saluti ’12 is but one of many Lasell undergraduates deemed “a worthy student with financial need.” A look at some 2011-2012 Lasell College financial aid facts reveals that: • Lasell spends $19 million annually on financial aid. • 35% of Lasell students come from families with total family income of less than $60,000. • 33% of Lasell students are eligible for Pell grants from the federal government because their families are deemed unable to assist with tuition costs. A typical Pell grant ranges from $400-$5,500. • Students who are Massachusetts residents can also qualify for a Mass State Scholarship with a range of $300-$1,600. • The neediest Lasell students can potentially qualify for a maximum of $7,000 in grants from other sources; these students look to Lasell for help with the rest. • The average indebtedness in borrowing money for college through student loans is $30K (paying over 10 years). • Lasell spends $500,000 to employ some 400 students on campus through the federal work study program; the federal government provides only $130,000 of this total amount. • The Lasell Fund and restricted and endowed scholarships, such as Saluti’s Joan Howe Weber ’51 Endowed Scholarship, help to underwrite Lasell’s financial aid program.

Where The Classroom Is The Real World


Lasell College welcomes four new members to its faculty for this academic year. “Our new hires bring a diversity of professional and academic expertise to the faculty,” Vice President for Academic Affairs James Ostrow tells Leaves. “They all have a deep commitment to a rigorous, project-focused approach to teaching and learning. This is an impressive group of faculty colleagues and student mentors.” Here, an introduction to these newest members of the Lasell community. Jose Guzman, visiting assistant professor of Spanish, earned his PhD in Latin American Literature at the University of Salamanca in Spain, where he also received his MA in Spanish Languages and Culture. He holds a BA in Philosophy from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, served as visiting instructor of Spanish at Wheaton College for three years and, more recently, as lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Brandeis University. Guzman’s scholarship focuses on the work of the Ecuadorian poet Jorge Enrique Adoum. Loredana Padurean, assistant professor of Management, earned both her PhD in Management and her MA in Economics and Communication at the University of Lugano, Switzerland, where she helped launch a Master of International Tourism program. Padurean’s scholarship focuses on international tourism; she has a BA in International Relations from the University of Babes Bolyai, Romania. She has held management positions in the areas of international tourism and event management in both Romania and Switzerland. Padurean served this past year as adjunct faculty at Brandeis University.

Anne Trevenen, visiting assistant professor of Fashion, is completing her MBA in Management with a focus on Entrepreneurship at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. She earned her BFA in Fashion Design at the Parsons School of Design in New York. Trevenen served as lecturer in Fashion Design at Lasell this past term, and formerly was adjunct faculty and internship coordinator in the Fashion Design program at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She has extensive experience in the apparel product development field as a designer, consultant and manager. Robert Zuar joins the full-time faculty this Fall as visiting assistant professor of Accounting, following several semesters as a lecturer. Zuar earned his BS in Accounting at the University of Connecticut; he is a certified public accountant, chartered financial analyst, chartered life underwriter and chartered financial consultant. In addition to teaching several courses, Zuar will oversee VITA, the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance program that involves Lasell students helping local residents with tax filing.


Auburndale 02466

media matters Lasell College received press in dozens of publications this May, including The Boston Globe and Boston Herald, after Senator Scott Brown delivered a politically charged Commencement address to the Class of 2011 in May. Christine Lam, recent Lasell grad and Fashion Design major, was featured in The Boston Globe’s May article “Looking Good,” a piece on recent fashion graduates in the Boston area. Lam was also mentioned in a June MetroWest Daily News article when she won the annual Form to Fashion contest at the Natick Collection.

New England Cable News interviewed Marc Fournier (below), Lasell’s assistant director of Plant Operations and Sustainability, this summer about the College’s donation to tornado victims in Western Massachusetts.

Lasell Communication Professor Dana Janbek was quoted in an article on Generation 9/11 in The Christian Science Monitor. In September, “Too young to understand, ’Generation 9/11’ embraces media for meaning” was published online.

Lasell Athletic Director Chris Troyanos was quoted in an article by Cardiovascular Business in April 2011 related to the Boston Marathon. The Boston Herald Inside Track and The Boston Banner mentioned the Lasell Fashion Department’s Glamourous Fascination 75th Anniversary event in October at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum, which featured the inaugural presentation of the Yolanda (Cellucci) Lifetime Achievement Award to philanthropist Frederic A. Sharf (below).

In September, The Boston Globe’s Names section covered Joan Hornig’s Philanthropy is Beautiful® Jewelry Collection exhibit at the Wedeman Gallery. The gala opening of the exhibit featured the designer/artist, displays of her work and a group of models wearing designs from alum Greg Hugil ’10 (above).

In July, Improper Bostonian magazine named Lasell alum Nara Paz ’09 Best Local Designer in its Boston’s Best issue. Lasell College’s Student Financial Planning Director Michele Kosboth offered tips for reducing student debt in a recent article published in August by bankrate.com entitled “Seven Surprising Ways to Cut Student Debt.” President Michael Alexander was quoted in an online article by The Newton Patch on federal cuts to graduate student loan programs in August 2011.

Frontline Fashion—a fashion exhibit at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in Waltham— received attention in The Boston Globe in June. The exhibit, which highlighted the intersection of military style with fashion, was curated by Lasell Professor Jill Carey and Eliza Fitzgerald ’11. This summer, The Chronicle of Higher Education named Lasell one of the “Great Colleges to Work For” for the third year in a row.

In June, Emily Brennan ’11 was featured in an article by The Patriot Ledger. The article mentions her work displayed at Neiman Marcus at the Natick Collection. 10

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011


Missing Mila

How Two Families Became One “It meant so much to all three of us (Tom, Nelson and I) to be invited back to campus, so I could discuss the book and Nelson could introduce his film project on his journey of self-discovery as a disappeared child of the Salvadoran civil war,” Ward tells Leaves.

It is an incredible story. Missing Mila, Finding Family: An International Adoption in the Shadow of the Salvadoran Civil War tells the poignant and compelling tale of a 1983 adoption and its aftermath. On its own merit, the memoir is an amazing read. What makes it even more extraordinary is that the storyteller is Lasell’s own Margaret E. Ward, PhD, emerita professor of German, now retired after a 39-year career at Wellesley College, and recipient of a doctor of humane letters from Lasell in 2007. To Lasell alumni and friends she is best known simply as the wife of President Emeritus Thomas E. J. de Witt. Those who knew the couple during their years at the College may already be familiar with the story of their elder son, Nelson. Now, as part of its Louann Atkins Temple Women & Culture Series, the University of Texas Press has published a fascinating account of the de Witt saga. Part One traces the family’s experiences, from the mystery surrounding Nelson’s origins and the unusual role of the American Embassy in his adoption, to Nelson’s astonishing 1997 rediscovery by, and reunion with, members of his birth family. In Part Two, Ward opens up the story along three trajectories: First, she pieces together the lives of Nelson’s birth

Where The Classroom Is The Real World

“At the time of Nelson’s unexpected rediscovery by his birth family, our Lasell friends were so supportive. For 19 years the Lasell community was, in fact, our extended family. “

parents, Salvadoran guerrillas. Out of this, an internal dialogue with the “missing” birth mother, Mila, develops. Then, in the final chapter, Ward shows how their story is but one thread within a complex tapestry of post-civil war El Salvador. After the book’s October release, Margaret Ward and Nelson de Witt appeared at several campuses in the Boston area, including an interested gathering of Lasell faculty, staff and friends at the College’s de Witt Hall.

The memoir draws upon personal interviews, journal entries, letters, poems and photos. Some of the incorporated material was written either by Nelson or Derek de Witt, the couple’s younger son, and by members of Nelson’s Central American family. Ward also relies on the work of historians, investigative journalists and sociologists, but writes from the perspective of an adoptive mother as she tells the moving story of how two families became one. Missing Mila, Finding Family is available for purchase at the Donahue Bookstore on campus and from www.utexas.edu.


Auburndale 02466




J i m O s t ro w ’ s J o u r n e y t o L a s e l l

How do students learn best? Is education being offered in a way that is accessible to all learners? These are deep and difficult questions often asked by the likes of educational theorists Jonathan Kozol and Ivan Illich. But as a precocious and self-confident high-schooler, Lasell’s Jim Ostrow was asking them too…and setting the foundation for his future career.

“In high school, I became interested in what was then called ’open education.’ I was interested in criticisms of educational theory,” says Ostrow, adding, “I developed a reputation for being a real


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

pain to my teachers.” He regularly challenged them to offer alternatives to their traditional classroom instruction. It was no surprise that Ostrow opted to attend Johnston College in Redlands, California (now the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies), where he was free from the constraints of grades and a set curriculum. There, at the beginning of each semester, professors would negotiate with their students about what they would teach, Ostrow recalls.


“Connected Learning drew me to the College,” says Ostrow, who helped architect and implement Lasell’s educational philosophy. “We created a portfolio of work and an educational plan,” says Ostrow, Lasell’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, who took advantage of the setting to incorporate philosophical thinking into his studies of educational criticism. A study year at Boston University then led him to his mentor—Philosophy Professor Victor Kestenbaum—who encouraged him to investigate the philosophical writings of John Dewey. The philosopher proved to become a cornerstone of Ostrow’s ideas about education and teaching—as many Lasell students and faculty can attest. Ostrow often references Dewey when discussing the College’s Connected Learning educational philosophy. After a degree from Johnston College (where he met wife Christine), and an MEd from Boston University, Ostrow completed a PhD in Sociology from BU—a choice he made to expand his thinking in philosophy, education and social theory. The author of two sociology titles and several published articles related to his research completed stints as faculty, department chair and director of the Service-Learning Center at Bentley University, and as Penn State-Fayette’s chief academic officer before he landed at Lasell in 2001. “Connected Learning drew me to the College,” says Ostrow, who helped architect and implement Lasell’s educational philosophy—including the annual symposia. At Lasell he also embraced administrative aspects of education. Here in Auburndale…Ostrow’s colleagues are accustomed to robust debate on almost any subject as well as having the freedom to express their opinions. “The ability to let another person’s opinion hold sway, and then support them so they can be successful, is pleasurable,” Ostrow tells Leaves.

Where The Classroom Is The Real World

Engaging the Young: Ostrow reads to pre-schoolers at the Holway Child Study Center at The Barn on Lasell’s campus.

It is also here in Auburndale where he has made his home with Christine (Chris) and their three children (one a college grad, one an undergrad and one a high schooler) and where he plans his downtime: playing tennis, listening to symphonic music on a “real” turntable and fishing, fishing, fishing—for bass that is, not ideas.


Second Life

Neil Hatem


Yes, he’s all of that and more. Associate Professor

of Mathematics Neil Hatem’s scholarly interests may formally be centered on math, but his talent at engaging students in leadership and philanthropic activities knows few bounds. As a staple in the College’s Honors Program, for example, he has chaperoned a student group to New Orleans to assist with Hurricane Katrina clean-up, helped organize an on-campus festival to raise money for cystic fibrosis research, and worked with Habitat for Humanity to construct affordable housing for year-round residents of Martha’s Vineyard. Faculty chair to the Faculty Governance system for the past three academic years, Hatem also was an assistant coach for Lasell’s Women’s Basketball team (2005-2008). Leaves caught up with the man-about-campus over the summer, as he and his family prepared for their annual Martha’s Vineyard pilgrimage “to unwind and recharge.”

Lasell Family: The Hatems in a rare quiet moment.

Although Neil Hatem grew up in Newton, he never quite imagined he’d wind up teaching college in his hometown. After graduating from Tulane with a BS in Business, followed by a “brief and boring” stint with an accounting firm in Connecticut, he partnered with a Newton friend to found T.L.C. Pet Services, one of the first dog daycare venues around. At that point, Hatem also began coaching football, basketball and baseball at his alma mater Newton North High School and tutoring students in math at night. He still tutors high-school, SAT and ACT math prep, but that’s only the beginning of how the high-energy arithmetician fills his time. In the mid-1990s, Neil and his wife Danielle Lechel Hatem were offered a gig as innkeepers at Lasell’s bed-andbreakfast on campus (now Plummer 14

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

House). For a few years, Hatem juggled that role with his booming pet service business. In 1996, he accepted an adjunct position teaching math at the College, “and the rest,” he tells Leaves, “is history.” Hatem finished his master’s degree at Framingham State College in 2000, and in Fall 2010, got his EdD at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. As everyone around campus knows, the Hatems are a visible and welcome presence. Danielle, who has an MS in Special Education, has substituted at The Barn and Rockwell pre-schools and recently began teaching at the Auburndale Community Nursery School. Their children, Katelyn, age nine, and Ryan, age seven, attend the nearby Williams School. Other passions? Hatem runs two-to-six miles daily, plays basketball on Sunday mornings, recently completed a sprint and a half-Ironman distance triathlon and ran 5K races all summer. He is currently training for the 2012 Boston Marathon.

How does he balance his extensive academic, philanthropic and family interests? “I basically look at a 24-hour day and realize I need seven hours’ sleep to function, which leaves 17 hours for everything else!,” he smiles. The popular professor and all-around go-to guy appreciates his students as much as they appreciate him. “I like to see the look on students’ faces when they realize they can do math,” he tells Leaves. “The type of students attracted to Lasell fit my teaching style like a Lego.” As for supporting the Lasell Fund, Hatem tells Leaves it’s his way of “giving back to Lasell for all it’s given me.”

“I feel the College has provided a place where I can be rewarded for being me on a daily basis. I’m forever indebted to Lasell for this, and giving back is a great way to express my gratitude.”


Village Voice

Mary Black

A Life Filled with Art


Mary Weiner Tulchin Black’s Honda Accord knows the way to the MFA. And once inside Boston’s venerable Museum of Fine Arts, the Lasell Village resident navigates the hallowed halls with ease and knowing. “I spend time there regularly,” she tells Leaves. “I recently drove some Villagers to see the Dale Chihuly show.” Now: A home at the Village.

Not every octogenarian’s destination of choice, perhaps, but for Black it’s a natural. During her childhood, her parents took her through the great museums of Europe, cultivating an appreciation for art that remains central to her world view, one greatly informed by her World War II experiences. A native of Vienna, Black grew up in London and, like many Jewish children during the War years, was sent away from Europe seeking safety. She wound up in Canada, “a teenaged ’enemy alien,’ born in Austria, with a British passport, unable to enter the United States.” Through family connections—and some intervention from then-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt—Black found herself on a train to New York City and a vibrant life that has, at times, “bordered on the edge of perfection.” After graduating from Elmira College and marrying businessman Philip Tulchin, she raised a family in Great

Neck, Long Island, had a weekend home in Southampton, NY, and eventually, an apartment in Manhattan “across from the Met.” During that 30-year span, she ran a pediatric playroom at a local hospital and, eventually, worked in real estate. With her second husband, retired developer Fairman Black, she moved to Beaufort, on the South Carolina coast, where the couple lived until his death. At that point, Black’s son, a corporate lawyer in New York, and her daughter, a psychiatric nurse practitioner in Boston (she also has five grandchildren), encouraged her to move north to be closer to them. “I chose Lasell Village, as most of the people here did, because of the academic component,” she tells Leaves. Black has shared her artistic “The classes are extraordinary, knowledge in a variety of from classical literature to lifelong learning settings, among them Regis College, pottery, philosophy to the Tufts Lifelong Learning at history of Jewish humor.” Brookhaven and, of course, Lasell Village. Last Spring’s talk by History Professor Dennis Frey on Nazis, Nightclubs and Nihilism: Metropolitan Life and Weimar Culture in Interwar Berlin helped set the context for the College’s musical production of Cabaret, and Black was there to listen and learn. While The New Yorkers pile up on her night table, and H.W. Janson’s classic History of Art tome rests in a place of honor on her desk, Black looks forward to teaching, and attending, courses in art history at the Village. When Leaves visited with her, she was busy re-reading Gabriel García Márquez’s OneHundred Years of Solitude for an upcoming course. The art lover who “still gets goose pimples” when she espies a Picasso or Michelangelo is also a devoted Democrat with a lifelong interest in progressive politics—which makes her a perfect fit for Village life. “I have the greatest admiration for some of my remarkable neighbors,” Black says. “Lasell Village represents the best of senior living.”

Then: A childhood in Europe. 15

Around the Crow’s Nest New and notable on campus

Rugby Club to Playoffs In its most successful season to date, the Lasell College Men’s Rugby Club went undefeated in its division this Fall, bolstered by the memory of its beloved captain Jimmy Curtis, who died after a tragic accident earlier in the semester. The club hosted its first-ever playoff game at Grellier Field in October.

Groveland St. Awarding Leadership




The Thomas E.J. de Witt Award for Excellence in Educational Leadership was awarded to Humanities Professor Joseph Aieta and Director of Student Accounts Kristen Polletta at the College’s Commencement ceremony in May.

*Top Ranking*


Maple Terra ce

Lasell’s Scribe Tribe drama club is slated to perform Stephen Sondheim’s famed Company in December at the Yamawaki Art and Cultural Center. The production is directed by Professor Hortense Gerardo, with Harvey Finstein as musical director.

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Side by Side by Sondheim

Lake Ave.

Seminary Ave.

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Lasell College has been ranked a “Best Regional College” in the North Region for 2012 by U.S. News and World Report, placing 22nd on the national publication’s list.

Carey Honored Associate Professor of Fashion Jill Carey was awarded the three-year Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professorship in June. The award provides support for a professor who has shown a commitment to teaching and takes a personal interest in her students. Carey also is curator of Lasell’s historic Fashion Collection housed in the Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49 Center for Creative and Applied Arts.

Myrtle Ave.



Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

Lasell Village resident Erna Rosenberg celebrated her 100th birthday in July, making her the Village’s first centenarian. The lifelong political activist enjoyed a party at the Village thrown by family and friends (among them, a “cardboard” President Barack Obama!).



Commonwealth Ave.

Central St.

Majors and Minors

Route 16


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Over the summer, Lasell added new academic programs including Applied Mathematics with both Elementary and Secondary Ed concentrations, and a minor in Leadership in Civic Engagement.

Still A Record Last season, then-sophomore Sean Bertanza, a shooter on the Men’s Basketball team, scored 55 points against St. Joseph’s College, the highest single-game score for any NCAA player in all divisions during the 2010-11 season.





Woodland Road

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Sonia Nazario, the 2011-12 Distinguished Donahue Scholar, discussed her bestselling Enrique’s Journey in October. The title was the common reading pick for incoming freshmen.


Where The Classroom Is The Real World


In April, Lasell placed 4th statewide in the North American Recyclemania competition among colleges and universities. The contest challenges schools to increase their sustainability through campus-wide recycling. Lasell’s recycling rate rose 22% this year.

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Nazario’s Journey

The refurbished Hamel Visitor Center (aka, Hamel House) opened in August. Now home to the College’s Admission department, the landmark building is a welcoming first stop for prospective students and their families.

Ave .

Warm Welcome

Online Learning Lasell partnered with educational consultants Greenwood & Hall this summer to expand the reach of the College’s online graduate programs.

Illustration: Eileen Kenneally


Laser Lights

Margaret Carvalho ’12

‘Mags’ In Possession “When I first visited Lasell, I felt like I was more than a number. The teachers and coaches I met with emphasized the friendly, personal atmosphere of the school. That, coupled with the location, convinced me that Lasell was the right choice.”

and always looking for ways to make things better for everyone here.”

Senior Carvalho: Not just a number.


Margaret Carvalho ’12 has come a long way from the kid who idolized Brandi Chastain to a fully-engaged Lasell student/athlete today. Captain of the Lasell Women’s Soccer team, the Swansea, MA native is also an international service learner, peer health educator, president of the student-run Niños de Veracruz effort, vice-president of the Student Athlete Advisory Council, Vagina Monologues participant, Girl Scout camp counselor and on and on. “Mags is a great representative of Lasell,” says Director of Athletics Kristy Walter. “On the field of play, she is a team leader who is engaged, thoughtful


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

Off the field, #8 is a History major with a concentration in the Social History of the Middle East and a Human Rights minor. She credits the guidance of her advisor, History Department Chair Professor Dennis Frey, along with Humanities Professor Joseph Aieta’s “amassed historical intelligence,” with helping shape her academic focus. And she points to the professional path of Kaitlin DeLucia, Lasell health educator and clinical counselor, as another strong influence. “When I first visited Lasell,” Carvalho tells Leaves, “I felt like I was more than a number. The teachers and coaches I met with emphasized the friendly, personal atmosphere of the school. That, coupled with the location, convinced me that Lasell was the right choice.”

One of her most powerful experiences as a Lasell undergraduate, she says, was the 2010 Shoulder-to-Shoulder group excursion to Mexico. “The trip to Veracruz was a great cultural experience as well as a test for the Spanish language I had spent so many years studying,” Carvalho says. “I left with a completely different view of the people of this struggling country to our south.” Looking ahead, Carvalho hopes to attend graduate school and eventually teach Middle Eastern history at a small college. “Mags is always dependable, positive and does a great job,” Kristy Walter adds. Proof positive that this senior is way more than just a number.

STATS • SCORES • SCHEDULES For the latest Lasell team stats, scores and schedules, go to:



Off and Running

Javon Williams ’12

A Winner On and Off the Court

Shooter Williams: Driving to the basket.


Sit down with Lasell senior Javon Williams for five minutes and you find that the bright, wide smile that greeted you is absolutely sincere. This young man is excited about his life, enjoys what he does and loves where he is.

He’s the captain of his beloved Laser Men’s Basketball team, a resident assistant full of resources, and a Communications major with big hopes and dreams for his future. “Ever since I got here I’ve felt this way about the school. Lasell pulls you into the community. They definitely pulled me in,” he said in a summer interview with Leaves. Williams has plenty to be happy about. He’s coming off a very successful 2010-11 season where several times

Where The Classroom Is The Real World

he was named Player of the Week for the GNAC conference and ECAC regional conference, scored his 1,000th point and broke Lasell’s single-game scoring record (until it was later broken by one of his teammates). And, the Boston (Mattapan) native is poised to break the College’s career scoring record this year.

“My parents instilled in me the idea of college, but the goal was not just to go, it was to graduate and be serious,” he says.

The former high school champion eats and breathes basketball during the season, but while he’s committed to playing well individually, his focus is on the team.

And, although his dream career is to “play basketball for the rest of my life,” he is also carefully considering other options after graduation, including broadcast or video production.

“I want to make people understand that the individual accolades don’t matter, if it’s not with my guys. I’m very passionate about my boys and seeing everyone do well,” he says. Aaron Galletta, the Men’s Basketball coach for Lasell, sees a generous young man who works extremely hard both on and off the court. “He’s carrying three jobs here and doing so much to get through (college) and he still excels in the classroom and on the court. It speaks volumes,” says Galletta. “He is a winner and he works very hard. He’s the guy I can go to.”

His outgoing attitude has led to membership in the Multicultural Student Union and a position as a resident assistant in Rockwell, where he tries to be a guide for his residents.

“The faculty here want to help you, they are involved in your life and they make us feel like we can do it,” he says.

“The faculty here want to help you. They make us feel like we can do it.” There should be no doubt that wherever Williams lands, it will be firmly on his feet, smiling that signature smile.

While Williams was recruited for his basketball skills, he is earnest about all aspects of life at Lasell. Going “halfway” is not a part of his vocabulary.




There was something for everyone at Reunion Weekend 2011, and it seemed like just about everyone who returned to campus agreed. Alumni participation was up by 24 percent over last year, with a diverse mix of ages in attendance. In addition to special celebrations for Lasell classes ending in 1’s and 6’s (you know who you are), the glorious June weekend featured an alumni fashion show (with a first-ever design competition won by Julie Kontos ‘07), a jazz breakfast, parade of classes, River Day races at the Stoller Boat House, special class reunion gatherings, a 50th-reunion reception for the Class of 1961 (whose Laura Jensen Hyer received the Lasell Medallion at reunion, along with Overseer Dr. Charlotte Lindgren Winslow), an ice cream social, a lobster bake with live music, campus and Lasell Village tours and much more. See you next year! For more information, go to www.lasell.edu/reunion.


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011



Extra Credit


Christina Gallardo ’11 MS


Where She Wants to Be


Christina Gallardo ’11 credits her soft landing on a professional track after earning a graduate degree from Lasell to the inter-departmental synergy she experienced at the College. Three talented mentors— Adrienne Franciosi, director of Graduate Admission; Sarah Burrows, director of Internship Programs and assistant professor of Communication; and Sallyann Kakas, career counselor and coordinator of Employer Relations—were able to guide Gallardo to an internship that she successfully parlayed into a full-time position. Leaves caught up with Gallardo, now director of advertising and marketing for Boston’s G2O and Emerge Spas + Salons, during a busy morning at the upscale Newbury Street venues. Leaves: What brought you to Lasell’s Master of Science in Communication program? Gallardo: I enrolled in the program, concentrating in Integrated Marketing, because it combined public relations, marketing, advertising and organizational communication.

Kindra Clineff photo

Leaves: Thoughts about the experience?


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

Gallardo: The graduate program is so convenient for working professionals. The hybrid option sold me; I was able to have face-toface interaction with my professors and do course work online.

Leaves: How, in particular, did Lasell staff help to prepare you for post-MS life? Gallardo: Adrienne was supportive throughout, Sarah coached me during my final semester until I was able to find an internship and then a position in the field, and Sallyann was a great resource about interviewing strategies and salary negotiation. Those relationships were invaluable.

Leaves: Any advice for other recent grads entering the job market? Gallardo: Be patient. Don’t lose sight of where you want to be in your career. I was out of full-time work for a year before I enrolled at Lasell, but I stayed focused. And, with the support and combined wisdom of my Lasell mentors, I’m exactly where I want to be.


FA L L 2 0 1 1

Class Notes Parade Roots A rich roster of young, (extremely young!) and seasoned alums packed the parade route at Reunion 2011.

Michelle Gaseau photo


Class Notes Terry Bergeron Hoyt is happily living in Sarasota, FL, where she has become a shuffleboard champ. She is planning a three-week trip through eastern Europe. Barbara Birnbaum Green, who has been living in California for the past 25 years, has done some traveling and enjoys golf. Bernice Coyne Boon lives in Maryland. Priscilla Robbins Stahl and her husband built a new home in Eastham on Cape Cod. She has four daughters and several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

River Day Rowers: The Class of 1961 team paddled to victory at Reunion 2011.



75th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Secretary 38 Class Arlene Wishart Sylvester Norumbega Point 99 Norumbega Road Weston, MA 02493 781-647-0353 “Alive and kicking,” is Faye Wadhams Smith’s motto. Faye admits she hasn’t learned to slow down. She spent September on Cape Cod. When home in Connecticut, she “swims all over the place” and is an active volunteer. After 64 years of living in what was the former Dillingham residence hall, Arlene Wishart Sylvester moved to Norumbega Point in Weston in August and has this to say: “I kept my house as long as I could. This is the place for me now. I am happy sitting in my new living room with a view of the Charles River. As I watch the canoes and kayaks going by, it reminds me of crew days at Lasell. I would love to hear from all of you.”


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011



70th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

sincere condolences to 44 Our Betty Strickler Mertz on the death of her husband in February and to Dorothy Tobin Staffier on the death of her husband Francis in April. Regarding her marriage, Dorothy says, “We lived, loved and laughed the whole 64 years.” Class Secretary Terry Bergeron Hoyt 8400 Vamo Road, #639 Sarasota, FL 34231 941-966-8461


Carol Anderson Heath was widowed in 2002 and lives in Evergreen Woods in Connecticut. Carol was very involved in the Connecticut Women’s Golf Association and still enjoys golf. “I am doing well,” says Marge Beebe Dill.

Our sincere condolences to Martha Stonebraker Ely on the death of her husband, Roy, in July. Class Secretary Anne “Blakie” Blake Perkins 37 Gregory Road Wakefield, MA 01880-3640 781-245-4331


Class Secretary Joan Hanson Blake 45 Pine Ridge Road Reading, MA 01867-3740 781-944-3428 “What a surprise to see Charlotte Lindgren Winslow, the 2011 Medallion Award Winner who is from my home town of Ipswich, at my 65th Lasell reunion in June,” writes Blakie Blake Perkins. “I was not able to be at reunion,” Barbara Bickley Rieger sadly replies. “After 22 years in South Carolina, we moved back to Tennessee to be near our children and great-grandchildren. I miss you all.” Joan Hanson Blake has six great-grandchildren and wonders, “Can you top this?!” In September, Moo Ross Benshimol moved from Wells to Kennebunk, ME.


Class Notes

EDITOR’S NOTE In the interest of protecting the privacy of our alumni, it is the policy of the Office of Alumni Relations not to divulge contact information. Please use the online community www.lasellalumni.org to search for your classmates. This issue of Class Notes is based on material submitted to the Office of Alumni Relations and received by September 12, 2011. We are unable to verify the factual content of each entry. If you are interested in being a secretary for your class, please e-mail Emily Alter at ealter@lasell.edu.

In May, Joan Walker Runge returned to campus for a first visit since graduation. Joan was amazed at how much the College had grown and kept saying, “I am in shock.” She added it was great to see the places and buildings that she “reads about in Leaves.” A mini-reunion was held at the Stage Neck Inn in Maine. Attendees included: Blakie Blake Perkins, Pat Corning Jennings, Joan Hanson Blake, Moo Ross Benshimol, Betty Scrimgeour Williams and Nan Somerville Blowney. 19


65th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

An update from Anne Alger Ehrlich who lives in Illinois: “This summer I worked hard to reduce the size of my garden in which I have 60 varieties of day lilies. My 85-year-old husband still goes to the lab. We seldom travel, as neither of us wants to leave what we do here at home. Cheers to all my classmates.” “I miss Lasell, and wish I could be there and do what I used to do,” says Barbara Stickle Mode. “Hello to everyone.”

At “81-years-young” Eeva Laitinen Stromski counts off her current volunteer activities: hospital, Gardner Museum, library, Red Hat Queen Mother, chair of the City Bells and teacher’s aide. Her next trip will be a river cruise through Belgium and Holland. Eeva’s words of wisdom: “Think positively. Smile. Go for it. You can do it.”


Class Secretary Marni Nahigian Sarkisian 256 South Avenue Weston, MA 02493 781-894-8650


After reaching the age of 80 years, Joyce Andrews Phelps moved to a retirement home in Evanston, IL with her husband. Gloria Drulie Schluntz is a member of the Lasell Alumni Board. Gloria enjoys entertaining as well as travel during the summer. She has three grandchildren.

Please send your news to: Lasell College Office of Alumni Relations 1844 Commonwealth Avenue Newton, MA 02466-2716, or e-mail us at alumni@lasell.edu.

Sally Hughes Fasick lives with her daughter and son-in-law in Virginia and spends summers on the Cape. She enjoys cookouts and dining in restaurants. Sally recently saw Lasell friends Naomi Cox Santoro and Chris Oliveto Davis. “I enjoy the small things in life,” reaffirms Marni Nahigian Sarkisian. Marni took tennis lessons this past summer. Ellen O’Brien Montemurro’s takes pleasure in her four children and grandchildren. Her grandson, Ryan Montemurro ’15, entered Lasell in the Fall. Shirley Reeves Fletcher has a summer home on the Cape. She likes bird watching and traveling with her family. She has four grandchildren. Living in Needham, MA, Iris Schofield McDonough is busy with family, including her two grandchildren.

Terrific Trio: Dorie Crathern French, Ginny Terhune Hersom and Lynn Blodgett Williamson at their 65th reunion.

From Florence Keeney Havens: “In May I moved to Seabury Retirement in Connecticut and am enjoying it.”


A hard-to-refuse invitation from Sophia Sofronas Johnson: “If you are in the Vero Beach, FL area, please visit.”

Where The Classroom Is The Real World


Class Notes


If you are interested in sponsoring or helping to organize an alumni event in the future, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations Office, 1844 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton, MA 02466-2716, call 617-243-2139 or 617-243-2467, or e-mail alumni@lasell.edu.

Sabra Turner Stockdale runs a Christian bookstore in West Dennis on the Cape and is active in her church. She enjoys skiing, singing and mentoring women prisoners. Sabra has five grandchildren. Class Secretary 51 M. Elaine Quavillon Tull 9038 East Crystal Drive Sun Lakes, AZ 85248-0833 480-883-0158 atull06443@aol.com Prior to reunion Betty Allison Smuts poured through her yearbook to help her recall Lasell memories. Georgia Bakes Sigalos has several degrees and has made various career changes. Kit Ballard Heck has seven children and 13 grandchildren.

“It keeps me off the streets and out of trouble,” says Sallyann Bartlett Abel about her volunteering in a food kitchen and clinic and her involvement as a member of several health boards. Sallyann lives in Maine with her two cats who she says never “sass back.” She encourages all who are passing through Old Orchard Beach to stop by for reminiscing and a glass of wine. Priscilla Freeman Martin remarried five years ago and lives in California. Our sincere condolences to Donna Lincoln Smith on the loss of her husband. Donna assures she is now a confirmed Montanan. Our sincere condolences to Kelly Mangan Richardson on the loss of her husband. Dottie McPherson Wickersham spends seven months of the year in

Punta Gorda, FL and five months aboard a boat in Rhode Island. Occasional visitors include Dusty Hannafin Adams, former President Tom de Witt and President Michael B. Alexander. “Originally New York Yankee fans who hailed from Connecticut, Elaine Quavillon Tull and her husband, Allan, moved to Arizona 13 years ago and now are confirmed Arizona Diamondback fans. Elaine attends community college classes, belongs to three book groups and started several social groups including a wine tasting group of over 50 people. She and her husband travel frequently. “Please let me hear from you as we all love to read about our classmates in Leaves,” the Class Secretary adds. “I was unable to attend the Class of 1951 reunion,” Betty Lou Shattuck Musser sadly states. “Best to all my classmates.” Our sincere condolences to Ann Van der Veer Bradley on the loss of her husband. Despite that her youngest grandchild graduated from high school during Lasell’s reunion weekend, Jo-Ann Vojir Massey was able to juggle both events and attend each. Our sincere condolences to Barbara Voorman Perdue on the loss of her husband. Illness has sidelined several classmates including Barbara Jankowski Rusch, Charlotte Kelley Campbell, Barbara McRoberts Collingwood, Nancy Roetting Clifford and Mary Jane White Miller-Puckett.

Sixty Years Later: Class of 1951 60th Reunion weekend highlights included a jazz breakfast, fashion show, cocktail parties, canoe races, sumptuous lunches and dinners, live music and dancing and “sleeping in a Lasell residence hall with underground parking and elevators.” Standing (L to R) Georgia Bakes Sigalos, Mary Jane Clark Maurici. Seated (L to R) Betty Baumbach Hyne, Alice “Smokey” Stover Kiehl, Elaine Quavillon Tull, Lois Hutchinson Woodward. 26

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011



60th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion


Class Notes

Class Secretary Shirley Gibbons San Soucie PO Box 492 Oak Bluffs, MA 02557-0492 508-693-2673

area. President Alexander did a wonderful job raising everyone’s awareness of all that is happening on campus. We are looking forward to the Lasell Naples event in 2012.”

to Honolulu. Bobbie is looking to get in touch with Sally Warner O’Such. “Please email me at bjen14@aol.com or call 808-946-8661 if you have her email address.

Nancy Brandeis Swagerty says, “I am doing as well as anyone our age. I had to give up seven days a week of golf and volunteering with a few organizations. My four kids have scattered to four separate states—Virginia, Tennessee, Texas and Arizona. I have eight grandchildren.”

Class Secretary Bobbie Jennings 419-A Atkinson Drive #1004 Honolulu, HI 96814-4712 808-946-8661 Bjen14@aol.com

Betty Price Scott and her husband run an industrial products business in Milwaukee. Betty manages to find time to attend any and all sporting events.


Eight years ago, Audrey Thompson Rielle and her husband moved to Jupiter, FL. “We get to see many of our friends from New Jersey when they travel south, and our three children and grandchildren like to visit us in the winter.” Shirley Vara Gallerani is also thinking about winter. She recalls, “My husband and I enjoyed the Lasell Naples, FL event at Shula’s Steak House in February 2011. It was nice to reconnect with my classmate, Mary Burke Brinn, and meet other alums who live in the Naples


From Hartsdale, NY, Gigi Harold made a recent trip up the coast to Cape Cod to visit Linda Nolin Ahern, Lucinda Nolin Johnson, Marion Nutter and Joy Stewart Rice. Gigi says, “It was a wonderful time for reminiscing about our Lasell days together.” Gigi is retired after a long career with NBC. Class Secretary Bobbie Jennings now works pro bono. She is a photojournalist for the Waikiki Yacht Club, serving as editor-in-chief of the monthly Club magazine. In July, Bobbie got back into broadcasting, voicing daily radio and TV reports of the famous transpacific yacht race from Los Angeles

Class Secretary Peggy Schwingel Kraft 2358 Riverside Avenue #705 Jacksonville, FL 32204 904-389-5837


Mary Augur Wallace retired in 2001 after teaching in the Branford, CT school system for 28 years. Widowed in 1982, Mary says, “My only child, a daughter, lives in Connecticut, about an hour from my home. I have two grandchildren.” Our sincere condolences to Fran Nettleton Konsella on the death of her husband, Phil, in December 2010.

Fifty-five Years Later: Diane Jacobson Rosenberg, Joan McDonald Delmore, Yana Neusner Shapiro, Ann Beden-Weiner, Marilyn Blumenthal Murphy, Sandy Lavine Kanosky, Kaye Mackler Aronson, Penny Rafkin Blake, Toni Kennedy Gelotte, Janet Parmenter Bogardus, Joan Conley Eid, Gail Frank Wells, Peggy Schwingel Kraft, Antoinette Ruinen Stapper.

Where The Classroom Is The Real World


Class Notes



55th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

The Office of Alumni Relations thanks Mary Ann Fuller Young for representing Lasell College at the presidential inauguration at Vermont Technical College in September.


Our sincere condolences to Brenda Holbrook Kane on the death of her sister, Joanne Monahan Garrity ’51, in March 2011. Class Secretary Laine Butler Ryan 611 Thorn Hill Road Intervale, NH 03845 603-356-5053 elainemryan@roadrunner.com


Class Secretary Carol “Shu” Schumacher Dougherty 734 Chimney Creek Drive Golden, CO 80401 303-526-2883 caroldougherty1415@gmail.com

“What a fabulous time we all had at our 50th reunion,” says Laine Butler Ryan. “My personal highlights were the crew races on the Charles and a marvelous lunch near the banks of the river under a tent. However, the best part was reconnecting with friends.” Class Secretary Laine continues, “Let’s continue to keep in contact by letting us know what is going on in your lives via Class Notes in Leaves.” Laura Jensen Hyer and her husband attended a wedding in El Dorado Hills, CA before traveling on to San Francisco “for several days of walking and eating.” Laura continues, “Last on the agenda was a 14-day cruise to Alaska. I recommend America’s last frontier.” “As a perk for becoming a new member of a gym, I received two free sessions with a personal trainer,” writes Ginger Orsi. “Imagine my surprise when my trainer turned out to be fellow Lasell alum Kevin Fallon ’10. Kevin is a great guy and a superb trainer.”

Rona Ruderman Goldstein was sorry to miss her 50th reunion. She writes, “My husband and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on June 25, and we both turned 70 this year.” “How about zip lining through your 70th birthday?” asks Carol “Shu” Schumacher Dougherty. “That’s how I celebrated my birthday on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica with my daughter and son, their spouses and six grandchildren.” Shu continues, “Other family activities included horseback riding to a remote waterfall, being entertained by the wildlife in and out of the rain forest, beaching and surfing,” Shu continues. “It was like hanging onto a surfboard for dear life.” Our sincere condolences to Nan Sparks Hunter on the death of her brother to cancer. 19


50th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Fifty Years Later: The Class of 1961 at Reunion 2011: Front Row Seated (L to R) Lynne Horner Martin, Judy Youlden Cleveland, Nan Sparks Hunter, Carole Kirschner Wilson. Second Row (L to R) Reva Grodzinsky Miller, Lela Graham Moses, Gail Bingle Staunton, Laura Jensen Hyer, Laine Butler Ryan, Carol “Shu” Schumacher Dougherty, Martha Dazley Cottone, Gwen Johnson Redding, Lynne Dawson Van Der Wall. Third Row (L to R) Betty Hood, Gerry Weidman Wight, Valerie Orcutt Sirignano, Carole Lamson Burpee, Susan Wilbur Anderson, Barbara Carberry Haddad, Charlotte Siders-Morgan, Marie Pelargonio Hall, Joan Bagenstose Curtis, Ginger Orsi, Irene Tuttle Morine. Back Row (L to R) Janet Scott Mitchell, Joyce Gammons McGrath, Lynn Fager Worthington, Dorothy Musche, Barbara Stark Baeder, Linda Leser Hughes, Milly Gillis Pereira, Val Duval Pettinicchi, Georgia Beaumont Tramontano, Nancy Pickett Harrison, Chris Lewis Cole, Joan Houston Thorne, Karla Robinson Dunham, Carol Healy McKinnon, Betsy Schwingel Sullivan, Jane Kendrigan. 28

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011


Class Notes

Dianne Drozek Sommer and her husband enjoy their timeshare in St. Maarten. Dianne spends much of her time caring for her two German Shepherds who are bred for show. “I have been out of touch with Lasell since graduation,” admits Jeanne Jouret Carlucci. “With my upcoming 50th reunion around the corner I decided the time was right to reconnect. I will also soon celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary, and I happily recall Susan Brooks Weiner as my bridesmaid. In addition, I have a photo of Ginger Orsi ’61 and Irene Tuttle Morine ’61 about to catch my bridal bouquet.” Since retirement Jeanne and her husband divide their time between St. Petersburg, FL and Oxford, CT. She takes pleasure in playing lots of golf and, of course, her grandchildren. Jeanne would love to hear from nursing classmates. Contact her at angelocarlucci@comcast.net. Ruth Krock Coscia, now retired, had a corporate career in human resources, working in Fortune 100 companies. She and her husband owned clinical laboratories in southern Connecticut. She now lives in Florida.

Class Secretary Susan Constantine Buonocore 19027 Stone Brook Chapel Hill, NC 27517 919-929-7779 gbuonocore@aol.com

Betty Brown Koss says she is not considering retirement anytime soon. She and her husband run a tax practice. Betty has three grandchildren. Her travels include recent trips to Mexico, England and Scotland.

“June 1 marked the first day of my retirement,” says Kathleen Goulder Plante. “I worked in higher education within the Louisiana State University system for over 24 years. I moved back to Shreveport, LA to be near my daughter and her family. I may do some consulting in higher education, but my first priority is family, grandchildren and traveling.”

For 23 years, Marsha Gordon Bornstein has been working at Middlesex Savings Bank as assistant vice president and branch manager of the Ashland office. She and her husband celebrated their 40th anniversary in October. They live in Framingham, MA. Marsha has two sons who are married and have families.


“Are you getting ready to put your house on the market or are you staying in your house but want a new look?” asks Judi Kaufman Swartz of JAS Associates. Judi believes that staging your home can make a huge difference in your environment. Judi shared this expertise at a talk she gave at the Flint Memorial Library in North Reading, MA in September. 19


45th Reunion!

Karen Mandel Marschall loves to travel, most recently to Croatia and Slovenia. Her domestic trips always include an annual visit to the family condo on the ocean in Ft. Lauderdale. Recently, Karen downsized and moved to a New Jersey condo where she plays bridge and golf. Karen frequently visits Carol Rzeznikiewicz Russell at her homes in Foxboro, MA and on the Cape. “I have been invited to write outdoor articles about hiking and kayaking for the magazine Rifle & Rod,” writes Joy Raymond Carey.


Where The Classroom Is The Real World

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

“No husband, no kids but lots of extended family,” writes Carol Shapiro. “In 2012 I’m hoping to retire after 40 years of working in the field of medical technology. Then I would like to work part-time, get a dog, volunteer at an animal shelter and teach reading at the literacy center in my town of Attleboro. I’m also looking forward to some dream trips to Alaska, Hawaii and France.” Class Secretary Cindy Rardin Crawford 2292 Community Center Road St. Thomas, PA 17252 717-595-0172 cynthia.crawford@comcast.net


“Upon turning 63, I wish all my classmates are well and finding joy in each day,” says Heather Heath Reed. “I work part-time in an assisted-living community. I also volunteer and serve as the board chair for the local Council on Aging. Hope to see all of you at Reunion 2013.” Cindy Rardin Crawford enjoyed a two-week visit with her grandson, Liam, who was visiting from Boca Raton, FL. She is learning to be a caretaker again. Cindy is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new granddaughter. Linda Smith Partridge is selling her home in Virginia and moving back to New England to be closer to her mom, Faye Wadhams Smith ’38. Linda has two sons and has hopes of becoming a grandmother next year. Libby Wissman Walendziewicz is still working as a course coordinator at the Lawrence Memorial/Regis College Nursing Program. Libby was asked to set up a course in an affiliate school in Egypt. While there, the January uprising in Egypt began. Libby spent one night in the Cairo airport trying to get back to the USA. She says, “It was an adventure.” Libby’s daughters are married and live nearby.


Class Notes



35th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Marina Rowe Seitsinger boasts: “I have three family members who have also gone to Lasell—Lauren Cramb Rowe ’84 (sister-in-law), Leah Rowe ’99 (sister) and daughter Kerith Seitsinger ’11.


Lynn Tokarczyk, president and founder of Business Development Strategies Inc., was elected to the executive committee of Associated Industries of Massachusetts at the organization’s annual meeting. Lynn founded her company in 2003. It serves as a resource for businesses looking to expand by identifying available state and local tax incentives.


Back in The Dorm: Class of 1966 alums Nora Nelson Preusser, Valerie Girard Hendrick and Barbara Caron MacLean catch up at Reunion 2011.

Marie Fratoni owns a consulting firm based in Atlanta. “What I enjoy most is leading small groups of professionals to Tuscany for a week,” Marie says. “While on vacation each person designs the next stage of his/her life. It is the perfect blend of vacation and personal development. I call it ’Reinvent Yourself, Italian Style!’” Please contact Marie at mfratoni@bellsouth.net or 770-263-8179 if you want more information about these trips.


Class Secretary Carol Goulian Stewart 269 S Irving Street Ridgewood, NJ 07450 201-445-3886 carol.goulian.stewart@gmail.com




40th Reunion!


For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

In June, Celina DiRago moved back to New Hampshire from Michigan. “Let’s have a great turnout for our 40th reunion on June 1-3, 2012,” urges Jeanne Johnsen, director of Support Services at Lasell. “Come see the many changes on campus—new residence halls as well as a new state-of-the-art academic building. Reunion has been revamped—we have a Paris-like fashion show, our Saturday lunch is under a tent down by the boathouse where we have canoe races. The lobster bake is delicious, and the band is fantastic. This year’s reunion got rave reviews. Come see for yourself!” Jeanne has been working at Lasell for 38 years.


Judy Maxwell Loureiro lives in Portugal where she works as

a nurse. Nine years ago, Janet Mester Hay moved to Minnesota. She writes, “Hello to the Class of 1974. I would love to hear from any of you. My family is doing well, and we enjoyed a nice mid-west summer.



30th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

A mini-reunion for Lisa Allen McGoff, Lisa Guerin, Lori Stein Ferrari and Shari Stein Cutler who all met for a “wonderful lunch” in Massachusetts.


Carolyn Carson-Crosby, human resources director for Camden National Bank in Maine, has been named senior vice president. “The corporate culture at Camden National offers me a chance to be part of a dynamic and professional company,” Carolyn says. “I am excited to go to work every day.” Carolyn has been with Camden National since 1996.


Class Notes



25th Reunion!



20th Reunion!



15th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Jinette Dumont Chapman, who celebrated her 10th reunion in June, has two daughters, Nia and Mya. An update from Marie Cyr Mitchell: “I live in Shelton, CT with my husband, Jason, and our two children, Caden, 4 and Adelaide, 2. We have been married for almost eight years. I am a third-grade teacher at an all-boys’ independent school in Fairfield. My son will begin his education there next year.” In her spare time, Marie is an active member of the local volunteer firehouse auxiliary where her husband is a fireman. 20

Our sincere condolences to 98 Jess Anthony on the death of her aunt. Class Secretary Erin Andrews LaBelle 99 Oak Street Middleborough, MA 02346 (508) 923-9857 erinandrews99@comcast.net



10th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Lots of his Lasell alumni friends turned out for the opening of the DruMais Hair Salon and Day Spa in Marlborough, MA in April, where Jerry Christian Dumais

is manager. “It is a touch of Newbury Street with neighborhood pricing,” the former Lasell business major tells Class Notes. David McInnis encountered Lauren Damato ’04 in New York City and reports that Lauren is doing well and traveling a lot for her work in the fashion world.


The Office of Alumni Relations thanks Amber King Bazdar for representing Lasell College at the presidential inauguration at Gordon College in Massachusetts in September.


An update from Katie Paradee Roberts: “My husband and I got married at Fenway Park. Nine months later our daughter was born. I received my master’s in Special Education from Bay Path College and am working at the John F. Kennedy School in Blackstone, MA.

Aimee Abdallah Huntemann was elected to the board of trustees of the Taylor Library in East Derry, NH. Since graduation, Catalina Berrios has had two children—Jayden, 9, and Antonio, 2. An update from Toya Barnes: “In August 2009 I moved to Columbus, GA where I am a program coordinator with Bright Horizons Family Solutions.” Class Secretary Jinette Chapman 23744 Cora Ave Farmington, MI 48336 248-615-1327 djinette@yahoo.com


Cooling Their Heels: Amy Pilat ’04/MSM ’08 and Chantel Daley ’05/MSM ’07, two members of the Lasell College Alumni Board, take a break at Reunion 2011.

Where The Classroom Is The Real World


Class Notes

Fabiola Pierre says, “I did a Lasell internship at the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office, and seven years later I’m still here. I am also in my third year at the Massachusetts School of Law.” Shanna DeCapitani and her 05 fiancé work for American Federal Mortgage Corp. and own a home in Hackettstown, NJ.

Michelle Acosta is the associate manager of special events for the New England market at The American Diabetes Association. “I have dealt with the challenges of Type 1 diabetes for almost 20 years,” Michelle says. “My dad has the disease as well. He and I raised almost $10,000 and ran a marathon for diabetes research.” Michelle is completing a graduate degree at Lasell.


The Office of Alumni Relations thanks Ricardo Sanon for representing Lasell College at the presidential inauguration at Virginia State University in September. “I love Lasell College and everything that it stands for, and I am proud to represent my alma mater,” Ricardo tells Class Notes. Class Secretary Katelyn Hammond Lasell College, Box 910 1844 Commonwealth Avenue Newton, MA 02466 978-979-4078 khammond@lasell.edu


10.10.10: Kim Jordan ’05 married John Ohanian ’04 on 10.10.10. The couple now lives in Arizona.

Keya Anderson is pursuing a 06 master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. 20


5th Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Danielle Ingalls: “This Fall I am pursuing a master’s in Cultural and Education Policy Studies at Loyola University in Chicago.” Dan Russo was named the new men’s lacrosse head coach at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, where the Wentworth Director of Athletics cited Dan’s “tremendous job the past three seasons as an assistant coach.”


Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

Miriam Alves is a grants accountant for the Boston Public Health Commission. She also works part-time at American Consumer Credit Counseling in Newton and hopes to purchase a multi-family investment property. “In February, I took a two-week cruise to the Caribbean.” Rachel Craft completed her second year of service with AmeriCorps and moved to Gainesville, FL with her fiancé. She will be working at a charter school for children with learning disabilities. An update from Erica Desautels: “I completed my second summer as an apprentice in the costume shop for the Santa Fe Opera. I am now working as a crafts assistant for the Boston Ballet. I live in Boston and am happy to be a part of the theatre community!”

Molly Fawcett graduated with a BS degree in nursing from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston. After 19 months as the development coordinator for the Office of Institutional Advancement at Lasell College, Katelyn Hammond was promoted to assistant director of Annual Giving. Katelyn says, “I am thrilled to continue my career at my alma mater, and I look forward to the challenges and rewards it brings.” “In May I received a master’s in applied educational psychology from Northeastern University,” writes Amanda “Mills” Miller. “I am now an area director at Bryant University in Rhode Island, and I will also be teaching a course, Foundations for Learning, which focuses on the academic success of first-year students.” Mills remains active at Lasell as a member of the Alumni Board and Student Affairs Re-Accreditation committee. Nara Paz, a prominent young fashion designer, is a Fashion Group International Nominee for the 2010 Rising Star award. Improper Bostonian magazine named Nara the best local designer in the 2011 “Boston’s Best” issue, comparing her to Vera Wang. In September, Nara showcased her designs at the Taj Hotel in Boston. Jon Shilalis is the owner/broker of a real estate firm located in Watertown, MA (www.shilalis.com). “With 16 agents, we are a full-service real estate brokerage. We service Watertown and surrounding areas including Newton.” Class Secretary Heather Oblon 190 Tulip Drive Meriden, CT 06450 203-238-4057 heather.oblon8810@gmail.com



Class Notes

Be F riended Joi n the La se ll Communi ty Are you Friended? Linked? Connected? Join the growing number of Lasell alums who are connecting with the College and one another via these alumni social media outlets. For more information on how to connect, go to: www.lasellalumni.org. (And to see a slideshow of old College friends at recent events, go to: www.lasell.edu/Alumni-and-Friends/Alumni-Event-Photos.html).

Melanie Berardinelli is an assistant buyer for the baby department at Carter’s Inc. in Shelton, CT. Melanie is also producing a jewelry line called MyBraceletsMB which she sells on etsy.com. Since graduation Alyssa Fetera has been working with costume designers at the Goodspeed Opera House in Connecticut. In hopes of starting her own business, Alyssa is creating a brand of women’s trendy clothing pieces. Kayleigh Robertson was accepted to Gonzaga University’s master of art program in Communication and Leadership. Kayleigh says, “The classes are rigorous. Through online discussion boards I have gotten to know some of my classmates. One is a former secret service agent and others have held military status.” Erin Pitts is working on a master’s in Fashion Apparel Studies at Philadelphia University. She is a full-time intern with the design team of A Pea in the Pod, a

1,931 Alums in Alumni Online Community 716 Alums and Friends on Facebook 390 Alums on LinkedIn

division of Destination Maternity. In her spare time, Erin teaches figure skating and is a member of an improv comedy team, ZaoGao. 20


1st Reunion!

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations or visit www.lasell.edu/reunion

Nicole Shadan works at Anthropologie in Burlington, MA. “I am a student of life and living the dream,” she says. Class Secretary Kim Hooper 50 Riverview Road Framingham, MA 01701 508-596-9938 kimberly.hooper28@gmail.com An update from Andrea Ajila: “I graduated in December and moved to Minneapolis. I found a job at an investment management firm as an associate in the wealth planning group. It’s going great.”

“After a summer internship at Kraft Sports Productions, the production company for the New England Patriots, I was offered a full-time position,” writes Rachel Amiralian. “I will be working on their TV shows—All Access and Totally Patriots—and their Web show, Patriots Today. I am also helping produce their online Web radio program. I absolutely love my job!” Kim Hooper is a new staff reporter for the Concord Journal in Concord, MA. Andrew Mayer is the student activities office coordinator at the University of New Haven. He plans to pursue a master’s in Higher Education in January. Andrew says, “I am excited to be working in my intended field of interest and to further my education.” “In June I was offered the position of production assistant at Women’s Marketing Inc., a marketing and media buying company that works with fashion, health and beauty clients. I live in New York City and love it all,” writes Tara McKenna.

Lasell Medallion: Call for Nominations The tradition of the Lasell Medallion was established in 1968 by Lasell’s fourth president, Dr. Vincent DeBaun. The Medallion was created to honor outstanding members of the College community. The bronze Medallion award “may be made to any member of the Lasell family who, by virtue of distinguished service to the College or to society at large, has brought added honor to the name of Lasell.” The 2011 Lasell Medallion recipients were Laura Jensen Hyer ’61 and Overseer Dr. Charlotte Lindgren Winslow. To nominate someone for the 2012 Medallion, to be presented at the Reunion Convocation on Saturday, June 2, 2012, contact Associate Director of Alumni Relations Lauren McCauslin at 617-243-2139, lmccauslin@lasell.edu or alumni@lasell.edu.

Where The Classroom Is The Real World


Nota Bene


Doris Schultz McDonnel ’46 on September 20, 2010

Meredith Byam Miller ’00, a daughter, Ione Bluebird, on May 27, 2011

Phyllis Hosmer Ames ’48 on May 24, 2011

Jess Harrison Durand ’00, a son, Xavier, in July 2011 Jinette Dumont Chapman ’01, a daughter, Mya, on December 12, 2010

Engagements Toya Barnes ’00 to Antonio Williams Catalina Berrios ’00 to Antonio Rodriguez Jennifer Pope ’04/MSM ’08 to Jacob Hanson Shanna DeCapitani ’05 to Brian Driber Rachel Craft ’09 to Mickey Howard

Katie Paradee ’04 to Matthew Roberts on May 1, 2010 Chantel Daley ’05/MSM ’07 to Sherwin Grant on August 12, 2011 Kimberly Jordan ’05 to John Ohanian ’04 on October 10, 2010 Kayti Mosher ’08 to Winston Cobb on March 26, 2011 Courtney Rose ’08 to Dustin Tourinho on October 2, 2009

Mary Dearborn Haig ’49 on December 10, 2010 Betty Vail Morrissey ’49 on July 28, 2011

Molly Merchant Sandlin ’04, twin sons, Caleb Austin and Ethan Tyler Sandlin, on March 13, 2011

Jacquelyn Word Stallings ’49 on December 11, 2010

Katie Paradee Roberts ’04, a daughter, Madelyn May, on February 4, 2011

Jo Ann Brooks Shaffer ’50 on June 11, 2011

Courtney Rose Tourinho ’08, a daughter, Bella Rose, on August 5, 2010

Ellen Key Quesnel ’50 on February 23, 2011 Maryann Sylvester Tremblay ’50 on July 13, 2011 Mary Miller Henrique ’52 on August 5, 2011 Joanna Ward ’54 on May 26, 2011

Deaths Jess Harrison ’00 to Stephen Durand in April 2011

Ruth Anthony LeBlanc ’49 on June 27, 2011

Leah Flynn ’02, a son, Liam, on July 9, 2010

Marriages Erin Andrews ’00 to Jeffrey LaBelle on May 21, 2011

Dorothy Page Kuehl ’48 on April 11, 2011 Elsie Paulson Morrison ’48 on August 11, 2011

Barbara Wilson Beck ’54 on August 9, 2011

Martha Fish Holmes ’25 on May 25, 2011

Nora Knight Thoman ’57

Alcine Rippere Gager ’37 on April 19, 2011

Sheila Gordon Stein ’60

Lois Hein Cooper ’38 on May 13, 2011

Diane Cassata Pillman ’61 on March 18, 2011

Harriet Newcomb Stoughton ’38 on March 21, 2011

Suzanne Kelley Olcay ’61 in March 2010 Elaine Sproul Belham ’62 on March 15, 2011

Eleanor Skinner Stoughton ’38 on June 8, 2011

Susie DeWilde ’66

Priscilla Sleeper Sterling ’40 on April 9, 2011

Deborah Markey Sayles ’66 on April 25, 2011

Miriam Tappan Gilbert ’40 on August 19, 2011

Eleanor Redfield Yeadon '70 on September 2, 2011

Jessie Dobson Salmon ’42

Katharine Bontecou ’72

Elaine Robins Albert ’42 on April 11, 2011 Jean Campbell ’44 on April 12, 2011

Phyllis Hoyt, former Lasell College history instructor and dean, on May 26, 2011

Lorraine Anderson Crabtree ’45 on March 17, 2011

Elizabeth “Listy” Smith, former Valentine Dining Hall staff member, on August 30, 2011

Jean Campbell ’44


Jean “Soupie” Campbell ’44, a charter member of The Heritage Society, died on April 12, 2011. An investment counselor, philanthropist and community volunteer, Campbell’s far-reaching career benefited the lives of many women. And she modestly attributed her professional accomplishment to her years at Lasell. “Some people go to college to get lost in the experience,” she told Leaves in 2000. “I went to be found. Lasell not only gave me my start but continues to provide graduates with a chance for success.”

Scouts of America professional and later became executive director of the New Bedford YWCA, where she championed job training for seniors.

A native Vermonter, Campbell was a Liberal Arts major at Lasell during World War II, lived in Bragdon and Briggs Halls and was remembered in her senior yearbook as “Most Versatile” and “Most Athletic.” She went on to graduate from Pembroke College with a degree in psychology, spent 22 years as a Girl

In presenting her with the Lasell Medallion at her 60th reunion in 2004, then-President Thomas de Witt called Campbell “a woman who looks outwardly at the whole world, one of those rare individuals whose life has touched so many through her quiet dedication to the principles in which she believes.”

Lasell Leaves • Fall 2011

Campbell was a loyal and generous Lasell alumna who established two charitable gift annuities to benefit her alma mater, served as coordinator of her 45th reunion, on the Alumni Board of Management and as a Corporator of the College on the Planned Giving Committee for the Lasell 150 Campaign.


Report On The Year July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

All Smiles Class of 2011 President Catherine Haydock beams after receiving her degree at Commencement.

Stewart Woodward photo 35

Annual Highlights Academic Affairs • Hired four new faculty for 2011-12 academic year. • Submitted an application for regular and blanket accreditation of Lasell’s graduate programs by New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). • Completed a self-study for accreditation of Sport Management undergraduate program through the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation.


• Launched a new joint program in Accounting with the Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology in Jinan, China. Enrollment Management • In academic year 2010-11, increased undergraduate enrollment to 1,600 (up 35% in the last four years). For Fall 2011, total enrollment at Lasell exceeded 1,700 students, including more than 200 graduate students.

• Signed an agreement with American University to participate in its Washington Semester Program. Two Lasell students were selected to participate for Fall 2011.

• Hosted second annual Junior Experience Program involving 66 juniors and their families— up from 44 participants the previous year.

• Submitted a self-study for accreditation of the undergraduate Exercise Science program through the Commission on the Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.

• Implemented capability for alumni to request transcripts online.

• Launched a fourth international service learning program in Brazil with a focus on eco-tourism.

• Signed articulation agreement with Mass Bay Community College guaranteeing Mass Bay students completing an associate’s degree, with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, admission to Lasell. Student Affairs • The Women’s Soccer team won its conference championship and advanced to its first-ever appearance in the NCAA Division III tournament, losing to Williams College in the first round. • The Men’s Soccer team won a regular season league title with a 7-0-2 conference record, losing in the second round of league playoffs. • The Men’s Volleyball team advanced to the NECVA and ECAC tournaments for the first time in Lasell history.

• The Career Services office organized, presented or participated in 85 programs, serving 1,437 students, including three “Life After Lasell” events co-sponsored with the Office of Alumni Relations. • The Office of Student Activities and Orientation ran 229 events (a 66% increase since AY2007-08), attracting 16,183 student participants (an 81% increase in participation since AY2007-08). • Residential Life staff (resident assistants and area coordinators) collaborated to deliver 197 programs, attracting 2,014 student participants. Institutional Advancement • Opened and dedicated the Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49 Center for Creative and Applied Arts. The Center houses Fashion and Communication Department faculty as well as Lasell’s Fashion Collection. • Dedicated the Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Campus Center in honor of her commitment and philanthropy to the College. Following the event, Robert Arnow offered a $1 million challenge to create a courtyard behind the Arnow Campus Center. • Dedicated the Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36 Quad in recognition of her increased gifts to the Bridge to the Future initiative. The Quad is defined by the new East and West residence Halls and Van Winkle and McClelland Halls. • The 2011 Lasell Fund surpassed its fundraising goal of $775,000 with $851,032 raised. • Received a Schrafft Scholarship Grant of $20,000 to support four Lasell students from inner-city Boston. • Increased alumni participation in Reunion 2011 by 24% over last year.

Keynote Speaker: United States Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) addresses Lasell’s 157th Commencement ceremony, where he received an honorary doctorate of humane letters. 36

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011


Financial Year in Review Operating Revenues and Expenditures, Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2010

• Leaves, Lasell’s redesigned alumni magazine, received international recognition with a 2011 Clarion Award as “Most Improved Magazine” in a competition that included print, electronic and online media.


Business and Finance • Closed a bond issue of $25.2 million on May 24, 2011 at fixed rate of 6.14 % for 30 years. This loan includes financing for the new residence hall, and refinancing of both an older bond issue and a taxable direct loan.

Tuition and Fees



Room and Board



Aux Enterprises*



Gifts and Grants



Investment Income



Other Income








2.1% 1.3% 1.1%

• Standard & Poor’s Rating Services upgraded Lasell College’s credit rating to BBB (considered investment grade) with a “stable” outlook.


• Broke ground on a new residence hall and underground parking garage located near Bragdon Hall and Yamawaki Art and Cultural Center, a project slated for completion in 2012. • Completed renovation of Hamel House into the new Admission Office and Hamel Visitor Center.


Lasell Village • The Board approved the construction of a nine-apartment Supported Living Unit within the existing facility, scheduled to open in Spring 2012. • David Axelrod, political consultant, former senior advisor to President Barack Obama and son of Village resident Myril Axelrod Bennett, gave a community lecture for residents. • Held a thyroid screening and lecture by Dr. Robert Stern, Boston University associate professor of Neurology, offering residents the opportunity to participate in his latest NIH-funded research project. • Lasell House received Medicare’s top five-star rating as a skilled nursing and rehabilitation center.

Financial Aid



Instructional/Academic Support



Room and Board



Student Support






Aux Enterprises






12.0% 12.6%





Surplus $2,416,233 * Income generated by the rental of College facilities, the Holway Child Study Centers, the management contracts with Lasell Village and the associated expenses.


Board Memberships 2010-2011 Board of Trustees


Ruth Fulton Rardin ’40 Joy Stewart Rice ’55



Eric M. Turner

Patricia Beck Bishop ’97

Daniel Rivers Alan H. Robbins William D. Roddy

Vice Chairman


Robin Sherman MSM ’06

RoseMary B. Fuss

Joan Conradi McLaughlin ’59

Linda Telfer ’60


Virginia Thomas Baxter ’39

Susan Hass

Keith D. Bilezerian

Tamara Bettcher Walker ’78/P’10

Carol C. Cacciamani ’65

Joan Howe Weber ’51

Marsha Keyes Tucker ’64 Lisa Vasiloff


Jean Campbell ’44 (d)

Harriet Markham Wedeman ’48/H’10

Marisa L. Mascaro

Coleman H. Casey

Charlotte Lindgren Winslow

Urit Chaimovitz ’98

Immediate Past Chairman Erik J. Stapper

Edward J. Christiansen Nancye Van Deusen Connor ’57 Patricia Gura Conroy ’55

Sally M. Andrews

Stephen Delaney

Richard K. Blankstein

Marjorie Westgate Doran ’37

Rena Clark

Sharon Carley Fitts ’62

Gerry DeRoche

Thelma Greenberg Florin ’54

Susan Rinklin Dunne ’82

Shirley Vara Gallerani ’53

Helena Bentz Hartnett

Jewell Ward Ganger ’49

Kathleen D. Hegenbart

Patricia Torbron Geoghegan ’68

John F. Leonard

Nancy L. Goodale ’66

Michael Maggiacomo

Felice W. Gordis

John Maguire P’10

Priscilla Spence Hall ’43

David McInnis ’03

Adrienne Hartzell

Mark Mendell

Jacqueline Paulding Hauser ’50

Susan Moran P’11

Jane Wadhams Hazen ’49

Ellen S. Offner

Heidi Watkins Helwig ’96

Elisse Allinson Share ’65

Marcie Schorr Hirsch

Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36/H’96

Robert H. Huntington

Kathryn West

Laura Jensen Hyer ’61

Judith B. Wittenberg

Sally Ishihara Susan S. Kaplan Susan Slocum Klingbeil ’45

Ex Officio

William Klingbeil

Michael B. Alexander

Clara Silsby Lamperti ’50

Patricia Beck Bishop ’97

Chester K. Lasell

Crista Cannata ’04

Sharon K. LeVan ’66 Kathryn Morgan Lucey ’67

Lasell Alumni, Inc. Board of Management President Crista Cannata ‘04

Vice President Amy Pilat ‘04/MSM ‘08

Secretary Katherine McDonough Ryan ‘67

Treasurer Nancye Van Deusen Connor ‘57 Jessica Anthony ‘95 Patricia Beck Bishop ‘97 Chantel Daley ‘05/MSM ’07 Nancy Curtis Grellier ‘49 Jacqueline Paulding Hauser ‘50 Kathryn Morgan Lucey ‘67 Ann Mignosa ‘87 Gloria Drulie Schluntz ‘50 Jennifer Toscano Seibert ‘05 Linda Telfer ‘60 Marsha Keyes Tucker ‘64 Marilyn Blodgett Williamson ‘46 Bonnie Berman Wugman ‘72

Gloria Boyd Major-Brown ’44

Trustees Emeriti

Dominic F. Mammola P’12

Ruth Turner Crosby ’42/H’92

Jo-Ann Vojir Massey ’51

Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49/H’98

Dorothy Cooke Merchant ’40

Nancy Curtis Grellier ’49

Ann J. Mignosa ’87

Richard S. Holway

Barbara Stickle Mode ’47

Lynn Blodgett Williamson ’46

Sharyn Neble Robin Parry Joan Deshefy Patenaude ’57

Sustaining Members Urit Chaimovitz ‘98 Sharon Carley Fitts ‘62 Barbara Stickle Mode ‘47

Emerita Ruth Turner Crosby ‘42/H ’92

Jean Michael Petersen ’39 Nancy Burrows Putnam ’50


Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011



The Edward Lasell Leadership Circle Lasell Fund donors at leadership levels of $1,000 or more honor Edward Lasell’s legacy of providing a progressive and professionally focused education to motivated young people. We are profoundly thankful to the members of The Edward Lasell Leadership Circle for their deep commitment and wonderful investment in Lasell College. Members of the Leadership Circle share a link with the

early investors in Lasell, continuing a strong tradition of philanthropy and connecting our distinguished past to our remarkable present, making essential funds available for student aid, academic programs, library resources and athletics. This leadership and philanthropy make a significant difference in the education, and lives, of Lasell’s students. We are deeply grateful.

1851 Society ($25,000+)

Chairman’s Council ($10,000-$24,999)

President’s Club ($5,000-$9,999)

Alertus Technologies, LLC Michael B. Alexander and Mary Barbara Alexander Susan Rinklin Dunne ’82 and James Dunne III Nancy Lawson Donahue ’46/P’78/H’98* and Richard K. Donahue P’78* Lucille Salhany P’12 and John Polcari P’12 The Saunders Foundation Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36/H’96* Joan Howe Weber ’51

Anonymous Estate of Dorothy Thomas Thomas ’38 RoseMary B. Fuss* George Hornig Richard S. Holway H’01* and Jeannine Holway* Robert H. Arnow* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McDonough P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moran P’11 Nancy Burrows Putnam ’50* and George Putnam* The Schrafft Charitable Trust Jean Davies Stanley ’50* Kyo Yamawaki H’93

D & S Landscaping & Excavating, Inc. Estate of Penny DeLaney Ogrinz ’38 Eugenia Cooney Glow ’45 Mr. & Mrs. John Doran P’14 Susan Slocum Klingbeil ’45* and William Klingbeil* Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire P’10 Joan Conradi McLaughlin ’59* Metric Construction Company Sharyn A. Neble and George Neble Harriet Markham Wedeman ’48/H’10* Judith B. Wittenberg and Jack Wittenberg

Winslow Society ($2,500-$4,999) Shirley Hannafin Adams ’51* Kathryn Johnston Berardi ’71 Richard K. Blankstein Marcia James Carthaus ’57* Urit Chaimovitz ’98 Rena Clark George DeArment Trust Martha Stonebraker Ely ’45* Ernst & Young Foundation FM Global Foundation

Jewell Ward Ganger ’49* Victoria Tenney Graboys ’67 Carol Hill Hart ’44* Helena Bentz Hartnett* Susan Hass Kathleen D. Hegenbart* Clara Silsby Lamperti ’50* Mr. & Mrs. David Langstaff Chester K. Lasell Kathryn Morgan Lucey ’67*

David McInnis ’03 Mark Mendell Dorothy Cooke Merchant ’40 Katherine Meredith ’94 Lela Graham Moses ’61* Ellen Offner James Ostrow* and Christine Ostrow* Paula DeAngelis Panchuck* Joan Deshefy Patenaude ’57* Jean Michael Petersen ’39*

The Prudential Foundation Diane Jacobson Rosenberg ’56* Elisse Allinson Share ’65* and Neil E. Share Ruth Blaisdell Simmons ’44* Sodexo Inc. & Affliates Erik J. Stapper Kathryn West

Dorothy Page Kuehl ’48 (d) Mark LaFrance Susan F. Lillywhite ’67* Barbara Caron MacLean ’66* Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Jr. Gloria Boyd Major-Brown ’44* Marisa L. Mascaro Jo-Ann Vojir Massey ’51* and Dwight Massey* Arthur P. Menard MetroWest Contracting Corporation M. Virginia Zipf Metzler ’57* NCCA Alla O’Brien E. Spencer Parsons Jean Bohacket Pegram ’41* Jane A. Perry ’50* Catherine Nannery Rafferty ’42 Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Barbara Berry Roberts ’49 Laurel Boyle Rose ’69

Joan Walker Runge ’46* Ann Ashley Sanderson ’49* James A. Shanahan Ruth S. Shuman* Marion Ettinger Steinmetz ’50* Judith George Stephens ’58* Marian Fitts Sternkopf ’41* Linda Telfer ’60* Texas Instruments Foundation Katharine Urner-Jones ’83* Lisa Vasiloff The Village Bank Tamara Bettcher Walker ’78/P’10 and Thomas Walker P’10 Linda Muller Weiss ’69 Marilyn Blodgett Williamson ’46* Charlotte Lindgren Winslow Russell A. Winslow* Gloria Black Woodbury ’66 John Woodward Lois Hutchinson Woodward ’51

Torchbearers Club ($1,000-$2,499) Anonymous* Anonymous Freda Alexander ’48* Sally M. Andrews* Diane M. Austin* Jane Kremer Bray ’60* Jeanne Hubbard Brooks ’40 Carolyn Wood Brox ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Buck Elizabeth Ann Lindsay Buhler ’54* David A. Carlson Nancy Goodman Cobin ’55 Colgate-Palmolive Company Patricia Gura Conroy ’55* Ada Burns Crampton ’47* Thomas E.J. de Witt H’07* and Margaret E. Ward H’07* Deloitte Foundation, Inc. Gerald DeRoche Samir Desai and Nilima Desai Eastern Bank Elisabeth M. Drake ExxonMobil Foundation

Pamela Faria Thelma Greenberg Florin ’54* Karen Manchon Frank ’71 Vivien Ash Gallagher ’64* Shirley Vara Gallerani ’53* Janet Murphy George ’50* Ann Preuss Gillerlain ’43* Rona Ruderman Goldstein ’61* Nancy Curtis Grellier ’49* Marion Day Grosjean ’57 Priscilla Spence Hall ’43* Neil M. Hatem Jane Wadhams Hazen ’49* Heidi Watkins Helwig ’96 Joan Dorau Hohorst ’50* Theresa Bergeron Hoyt ’45* Robert H. Huntington* and Susan McCafferty* Laura Jensen Hyer ’61 Mary Hobler Hyson ’71* Rebecca Kennedy* and James Kennedy* Margaret Schwingel Kraft ’56* and Rudolph Kraft*

*Denotes donors with 10+ years of consecutive support of the Lasell Fund, (d) deceased, boldface indicates Torchbearers or above


Donor Report

Bragdon Associates

Lasell Associates

($500 - $999)

($250 - $499)

Shirley Sherwood Adams ’54* Joseph Aieta, III* Susan March Allen ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Anderson The Avon Family Foundation Robert A. Barrows Virginia Thomas Baxter ’39* Nancy B. Black ’66* Beverly Landros Bley ’64 Carol C. Cacciamani ’65 Patricia Ryan Cantin ’63 Elaine Vogel Cartland ’72 Shelley Carton ’72 Cavalier Coach Corporation Edward Christiansen, Jr. and Lyn Christiansen Nancye Van Deusen Connor ’57* Cynthia Rardin Crawford ’68 Joan Rabbitt Downey ’54* Eck MacNeely Architects, Inc. Carolyn Davis Fish ’66* Janet McElgunn Flynn ’54 Nora Jean Ganslen ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gelch Marcia Corey Hanson ’42* Anne Nancy Wells Harris ’43* and David Harris* Elizabeth Waters Hartman ’47* David Hennessey Carol Rofer Hofmann ’54* Donna Ross Hurley ’53 Jeanne A. Johnsen ’72* Betsy Belsterling Jordan ’56 Jane A. Kendrigan ’61* Kenneally Creative Marjorie Gilbert Knipper ’50 Ruth Koritzky Kopelman ’36 Janet Young LaCava ’65 Sharon K. LeVan ’66* Dorothy E. Musche ’61 Ruth E. Nemzoff Northeast Utilities Foundation Joan Sycle Norwitz ’59* Kathleen M. O’Connor* Frances Lee Osborne ’48* Ruth Richardson Pease ’30 Susan P. Posner ’67 Kathleen MacGregor Randolph ’53 Carol Ann Hess Recco ’51 Sally Quicke Reiss ’56* Alan H. Robbins and Jerye Ann Robbins Marilyn Barette Roberts ’58* Ann Stern Russo ’64 Stephen N. Sarikas and Marlena Yannetti Margot Bergstrom Semonian ’50* Joan DeGelleke Shrewsbury ’49* Beverly Dansky Singer ’58* Elizabeth Allison Smuts ’51 Priscilla Robbins Stahl ’45* Antoinette Ruinen Stapper ’56* Arlene Wishart Sylvester ’38* Katharine H. Taft ’56* Betty Ann Mahoney Themal ’48* Merilyn Budlong Trocino ’54 Carolyn Lewis Tufts ’47* Jane Bartlett Wallace ’40 Phyllis Merrill Willis ’58 Carole Kirschner Wilson ’61 Virginia Fletcher Yagovane ’62

Judy Caswell Allen ’56* American International Group, Inc. Robyn Angino ’00 Pamela Arons Mark Aronson Norma Treiberg Barnidge ’46 Jeanne Franklin Bates ’47* Margaret Olson Belden ’50* Patti Lockwood Blanchette ’56 Betty Jean Jones Bolton ’50* Ann Van der Veer Bradley ’51 Mary Burke Brinn ’53* Betty McGrath Brown ’41* Ellen Smith Burton ’61 Carolee Scribner Cain ’56 Hazel Schoppy Callahan ’55* Lois Sawyer Caulfield ’66 Judith Littlefield Clark ’56* Cynthia Smith Coleman ’61 Nancy Crowell Coleman ’59 Con Edison Martha Clark Corson ’44* Patricia Raeder Crone ’51* Helen Hamilton Croot ’49 Joan Whitten Cummings ’50 Joan Sastavickas Curtin ’62* Jane Parsons Dolbier ’61 Mary Ann Donahue ’53 Suzanne Saunders Doyle ’59* Karla Robinson Dunham ’61* Pamela Ross Dunham ’72* Dunkin’ Donuts Anne Alger Ehrlich ’47* Barbara Hammett Elkinton ’55 Haegan Forrest and Kristen Forrest Adrienne Franciosi Priscilla Scruton Fuller ’46* Janet Muir Garrity ’65 Pamela Parker Gartin ’70* General Electric Foundation Miriam Tappan Gilbert ’40 Rosanna Cafarella Greco ’75* Cynthia Boynton Green ’59* Joyce Davies Harrison ’50 Virginia Weeks Hatch ’42* Michael Hoyle Jean Mitchell Hunter ’45* International Business Machines Corporation Sally Ishihara Lucinda Nolin Johnson ’55/’77* Patricia A. Johnson ’42* Maureen A. Kane ’51* Beverly French Keigwin ’61 Susan Humphreys Klein ’64 Karin Rohleder Kline ’65* Adrienne Hartzell Knudsen Frances Nettleton Konsella ’56* Leonora Coronella Krueger ’53* Naomi Kahrimanian Kuzoian ’46* Judith Noveck Lamoin ’67* Dorothea Chung Lang ’47* John F. Leonard Helene J. Levine Kathryn Starkey Litehiser ’42* Joanne Lord-DiBella ’76 Elizabeth Reitman Lowenstein ’66 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lyons P’11 Eleanor Pfaff Martin ’41* Elizabeth Williams McGowan ’47* Barbara Stickle Mode ’47


Caroline Killam Moller ’57* Ellen Margolis Monk ’68 Muzi Motors National Grid Employees of Michael A. Neufeld & Assoc., LLC Mr. & Mrs. John Noonan Mary-Ida Hanson Olson ’47 Pfizer Inc. Joyce Andrews Phelps ’50* Malini Pillai Dianne Tuzik Pingree ’55 Patricia Perry Polidor ’64* Richard A. Pope and Karen D. Miller Joanne Harrington Price ’50* Audrey McKay Prince ’52* Procter & Gamble Fund Margaret Catalano Quigley ’71* Mr. & Mrs. John P. Redding P’12 Regan’s Service Inc. Joy Stewart Rice ’55* Barbara Bickley Rieger ’46 Phyllis Gleason Riley ’52* Clesson A. Robbins Dr. & Mrs. Steven L. Robinson P’12 Jane McKee Rozes ’64 Donna Brown Safran ’68 Ann Bidwell Sanborn ’57* Joan Polidor Selander ’56* JoAnn Brooks Shaffer ’50 (d)* Marie Pengue Sheets ’79 Shell Oil Company Foundation Monica Sheppard ’03 Linda Werner Simon ’64* Lee Smith ’54* Marilyn Crowell Stewart ’42 Marsha Fall Stuart ’72 Doris Stewart Sutton ’51* Ann Sterner Tyler ’68 Lee Dunstane Vandermark ’64* Verizon Foundation Frances Oden Werly ’47* Elizabeth Shurtleff Winter ’70/H’08* Anita Ramirez Zayas ’60

Founders Club ($150 - $249) Anonymous Sallyann Bartlett Abel ’51* Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mary Louise Burke Alexander ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Alexander Patricia L. Anderson ’47* C. Chad Argotsinger Deborah O’Neill Aspinwall ’66 Nancy Larsen Bailey ’48* Pamela Porter Barefoot ’65 George H. Beaton P’13 Linda Teich Bennett ’60* Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Berliner P’11 Mr. & Mrs. David Bicknell P’14 Nancy Bailey Black ’40 (d) Lynn Blake Penny Rafkin Blake ’56* Steven Bloom* Constance Cullman Broderick ’53 Linda S. Bruenjes Shirley Sturm Bullard ’48* Carolyn Scherer Butler ’56 Charlotte Kelley Campbell ’51* Jill Carey Coleman H. Casey Elaine Cavanaugh Ruth Easterlind Cederberg ’52*

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

Christine Simonsen Clearwater ’69 Mandi Bulette Coakley ’81* Barry Cohen P’12 Nancy Gotz Cohn ’59 Muriel Monroy Conway ’77 Louise Freeman Coombs ’42 Betty Fleer Cooper ’44* Cynthia Plimpton Corbin ’70 Pamela Fenhagen Corckran ’67 Martha Dazley Cottone ’61 Inez Viles Crim ’35 Victoria Curione P’12 Janet Guertin Daigle ’77* Judith Gardner Davis ’53* Carol Haye Deal ’50 Elizabeth MacInnes Deal ’50* Sally Herman DeRosa ’56 Jeanne Hackett Desmond ’50 Theresa D’Innocenzo ’78 Julia Davidson Dobson ’60 Carol Schumacher Dougherty ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dufault P’13 Frances Peters Dunlevy ’52* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Elia P’14 Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Fernandez Del Castillo P’14 Champe A. Fisher* Sharon Carley Fitts ’62 Carolyn Powers Fontaine ’52* Dorothy Crathern French ’46 Althea Janke Gardner ’53 Dorothy Sherwood Gavin ’40 Ellen Kenerson Gelotte ’48* Patricia Torbron Geoghegan ’68 Ruth DeWitt Ghia ’64 Nancy B. Gill ’74* Geraldine Crivello Giuntoli ’63 Peggy Ann Kenison Glaister ’57 Laura Glass ’69 Gail Seibert Glover ’58* Jean Walters Goble ’42* Felice W. Gordis Rosamond Lees Gow ’45 Katherine Spalla Green ’74 Virginia Hopson Griffin ’50 Helen Peters Guy ’55* Elizabeth Andrews Haidet ’72* Laurie Craven Halpin ’75 Nancy Hoey Hanson ’60 Marilyn Morse Harris ’50* Anita Triantafel Hatzis ’47* Jacqueline Paulding Hauser ’50* Marcia Madden Heist ’62 Mark Henry ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Hessler P’12 Phyllis Haviland Hildebrandt ’47* Augusta Williamson Hopkins ’37 Houghton Mifflin Company Ann Harris Hughes ’55* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Isherwood P’12 Jacquelyn Smith Johnson ’58 JustGive Patricia Koules Kandianis ’57 Sandra Lavine Kanosky ’56 Denise Koules Katsaros ’67* Beverly Splitt Keller ’48* Carol Cunningham Kiley ’55 Elinore Lowe Kinczel ’66 Marylyn Tomancak Kirchhoefer ’56* Elsie Knaus Klemt ’53* Linda L. Koed ’69* Barbara Trout Krohn ’52*

Patricia Beck Lang ’75 Louise Pool Langley ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth LaPier P’13 Kristina A. Leclaire ’78 Barbara Ann Weidlich Lee ’66 Kathleen Loeb-Schwab ’70 Ann Bowerman Logan ’54 Audrey MacAdam Lowe ’57* Marilyn Valter Maclay ’55* Janet White MacLure ’49* Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm P’11 Patricia Washburn Mancivalano ’64* Anna Stevenson Mangano ’51 June Carew Mange ’44 Marsha Singer Marshall ’58* Sandra Hathorne Mazaika ’77 S. Lee Parker McBurnie ’46 Janice McGoughran ’50 Carol Healy McKinnon ’61* Mobil Foundation, Inc. Irene Tuttle Morine ’61* Muriel Webb Moyer ’52 Doris Fern Musselman ’42* Judith Lipkins Ness ’68* Judith Broggi Nicolosi ’61 Nancy Bunn Oakes ’63 Caroljean Somers Ogrodnik ’55* Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Osier P’12 Virginia Schmidt Panton ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Powell P’12 Susan Sarris Redente ’78 Joan Antun Rednor ’50* Nancy Hopkins Reilly Carol Corning Richard ’56* Esther Snowden Richmond ’50* Jo-Anne Secor Rier ’50 Christine Flach Ristaino ’71* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roache Elaine Orth Rodey ’50* Kathleen Rebmann Royka ’64 Joan Warriner Ryder ’47 Helena L. Santos Marguerite Nahigian Sarkisian ’50* Lorraine E. Saunders ’56* Ruth Eastman Schlichting ’45* Deborah Kimerling Schneider ’70* Leah Smith Schneier ’69 Marina Rowe Seitsinger ’79 Diana Neusner Shapiro ’56 Bette Perstein Shapiro ’56 M. Jane Fallona Sheehan ’62 Donna Whiteley Sieverts ’64 Cathryn Reynolds Simpson ’63 Susann York Stadtfeld ’60* Francine Doria Stanley ’73 Dorothy Mosher Stone ’42 Elizabeth Schwingel Sullivan ’61* Kathleen Baker Taylor ’63 Janice Schuelke Test ’46 Patricia Brunner Thiede ’47 Margaret Schneider Thieringer ’39* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thompson P’12 Betty Culver Thomson ’48 Marsha Keyes Tucker ’64* Ronna Zucker Uhrman ’60 Suzanne La Coe Valade ’69 Pamela Capuano Veek ’62 Theodore A. von Glahn, Jr.* Vulcan Materials Company Sandra Bristol Walters ’57 Mary Waterman Weaving ’55 Gail Frank Wells ’56* Mary Wendel P’11


Donor Report Amy Westland ’78 Jean Watson Wetrich ’46 Jeanne Daniels Wheeler ’39 Evelyn Frye White ’49* Geraldine Weidman Wight ’61 Jane Robinson Williams ’39* Lynn Fager Worthington ’61 Dale Tufts Yale ’68 The Xerox Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul Young Tracey Connor Young ’84

Alumni Donors More than 1850 alumni contributed to the success of Lasell College in 2010-2011. Gifts to The Lasell Fund (see page 39) provided the resources that enable our students and faculty to thrive in the classroom, on the playing field and in service to the community. Other gifts, including those to Lasell Athletics and the Bridge to the Future Fundraising Initiative (see page 50), helped strengthen Lasell’s endowment and student programs.

1930 Ruth Richardson Pease

1931 Norma Keller Coulthart

1933 Sybil Thomas Ryder

1935 Total Gifts: $275 Lydia Barnes Smith Harriet Colwell Reeves Inez Viles Crim

1936 Total Gifts: $397,215 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle Lasell Fund Ruth Koritzky Kopelman Marjorie Reed Colley Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle* Ruth Upham Petremont*

1937 Total Gifts: $1,373 Irene Dreissigacker Brimlow* Priscilla Greig Linnell Constance Griffin Lehoux* Marjorie Westgate Doran* Augusta Williamson Hopkins Elizabeth Ann Wisdom Elizabeth York Anderson*

1938 Total Gifts: $750 Martha Driscoll Hogan Faye Wadhams Smith* Arlene Wishart Sylvester*

1939 Total Gifts: $3,680 Mary Curtin Duane* Jeanne Daniels Wheeler Jean Michael Petersen*

Cora Pratt Adams Jane Robinson Williams* Margaret Schneider Thieringer* Mary Jean Schultz Waddell Virginia Thomas Baxter* Laurie Wilson Wightman

1940 Total Gifts: $5,035 Nancy Bailey Black (d) Jane Bartlett Wallace Marguerite Bird Thursland* Dorothy Cooke Merchant Marion Gray Persons* Jeanne Hubbard Brooks Jane Jones Freeman Sibyl Lander Labonte Dorothy Sherwood Gavin Doris Somerville Krom Miriam Tappan Gilbert (d) Helen Woodward Fassett*

1941 Total Gifts: $3,760 Anonymous Katherine Annino D’Andraia Jean Bohacket Pegram* Elisabeth Dungan Norden Marian Fitts Sternkopf* Ellen Marron Hochmuth* Betty McGrath Brown* Eleanor Pfaff Martin* Lucille Wielandt Speight* Marjorie Williams Horton

1942 Total Gifts: $5,771 Anonymous* Ruth Bowlend Eckhoff Doris Bracher Jenkins* Marcia Corey Hanson* Marilyn Crowell Stewart Doris Fern Musselman* Louise Freeman Coombs Nancy Gorton Ross Dorothy Higson White* Patricia A. Johnson* Dorothy Lutz Fowler Jean Macdonald Nicoson Anne MacNeil Darrel Dorothy Mosher Stone Catherine Nannery Rafferty Mary Polhemus Davies Elaine Robins Albert* Mary Sheehan Bimmler Muriel Stark Goldsmith* Kathryn Starkey Litehiser* Jean Walters Goble* Virginia Weeks Hatch*

1943 Total Gifts: $4,560 Jeannette Bacon Ross Jean Behrle Wagner* Margaret Bosworth Logee (d) Helen Buchholtz Church Jean Burroughs Rawson E. Virginia Collins Canavan Margaret Crosson Dunn Mary Louise Gloeckler Millar Valeria Graybill Rellstab Edith Harrington Harcum Ruth Meyrowitz Shaw* Dorothy Mitchell Patti* Florence Pechilis Caramihas*

Ann Preuss Gillerlain* Janet Reid Richards Jeanne A. Revene* Lorraine Robsham Linn Virginia Shaw* Priscilla Spence Hall* Rosemary Staples Conard* Christine Turnbull Buehler Carol Wadhams Wolcott* Anne Nancy Wells Harris*

1944 Total Gifts: $6,589 Ruth Blaisdell Simmons* Gloria Boyd Major-Brown* June Carew Mange Jane Carmody Davison Martha Clark Corson* Juel DeNezzo Calnen Natalie B. Dowse* Jacqueline Eldridge Holihan* Betty Fleer Cooper* Shirley Haviland Woody* Carol Hill Hart* Eleanor Laing Greenhalgh-Kilty* Claire McCreery Simmons Myrtle Morrill Spann Elizabeth Shellenback Riedy Ruth Skinner Bauer* Betty Strickler Mertz* Dorothy Tobin Staffier Natalie Vogel Lawton*

1945 Total Gifts: $16,500 Lorraine Anderson Crabtree (d)* Marjorie Beebe Dill Theresa Bergeron Hoyt* Gloria Condon Delmolino* Eugenia Cooney Glow Bernice Coyne Boon* Ruth Davis Burk Dorothy Domina Willard* Ruth Eastman Schlichting* Janet Eaton Maynard Carol Hauber Mitchell Dorothy Holman Rich* Harriet Klebenov Canavan* Rosamond Lees Gow Marjorie McCabe Walker Rosamond McCorkindale Blizard Jean Mitchell Hunter* Marion Munro Waitt* Isabel Pollard Oleson* Eunice Powers Buxton* Barbara Preuss Reynolds* Priscilla Robbins Stahl* Drucilla Roberts Bickford Virginia Rolfe Guy Annette Saacke Cherry Susan Slocum Klingbeil* Martha Stonebraker Ely* Ruth Sudhoff Sutherland Althea Taylor Goldberg Virginia Von Lynn Seavy*

1946 Total Gifts: $15,603 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Rose Emer Bucalo Lasell Fund Barbara Bickley Rieger

Anne Blake Perkins Lynn Blodgett Williamson* Raemary Chase Duryea* Dorothy Crathern French Mildred Day Clements Marilyn Dickson Liebenguth* Joan Hanson Blake* Joan Hart Taylor Jean Hopkins Goin* Naomi Kahrimanian Kuzoian* Janith Kuhns Bergen Elizabeth MacDonald Anderson Elizabeth MacEwen House Nancy Mattoon Emerson Marjorie Mosher Masch Sarah Myers McCormick (d) Marjorie Norris Harris S. Lee Parker McBurnie Louise Pool Langley Helen Richter Hanson Muriel Ross Benshimol* Lucille Sahakian Davies Janice Schuelke Test* Betty Scrimgeour Williams* Priscilla Scruton Fuller* Betty Simmons Kurkulos* Nan Somerville Blowney* Doris Stamatos Conomos Virginia Terhune Hersom Jean Thiel Weld Norma Treiberg Barnidge Janet Vaill Maus Joan Walker Runge* Jean Watson Wetrich* Betty Wilks Hulbert*

1947 Total Gifts: $7,055 Anne Alger Ehrlich* Priscilla Ames Ruggles* Patricia L. Anderson* Mary Brown Gorman* Patricia Brunner Thiede Ada Burns Crampton* Dorothea Chung Lang* Nancy Collett Hendricks Esther Cornwell Osborne Regina Costanza Ciampa Jeanne Franklin Bates* Mary-Ida Hanson Olson* Phyllis Haviland Hildebrandt* Joyce Hayes Whitman Vesta Horton Kent* Genevieve Hurley Cummings* Kitty Kavanagh Brown Marianne Kochli Andrews* Linda Koempel Tompkins Joanna Lamb Kingsley* Carolyn Lewis Tufts* Joanne McMillan Mars* Mary Kay Murray Sutton* Frances Oden Werly* Lois Seidel Newell Barbara Stickle Mode Gloria Sylvia Paolella* Anita Triantafel Hatzis* Beverly Tucker Bowen* Joan Warriner Ryder Elizabeth Waters Hartman* Doris Wemmell Still Elizabeth Williams McGowan*

1948 Total Gifts: $70,865 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Nancy Larsen Bailey Harriet Markham Wedeman Lasell Fund Freda Alexander* Phyllis Allen Shepard Joanne Bossi True Marilyn Clark Law Roberta Cohan Shack Hazel Comeau Hicks* Loraine Comeau Butler Betty Culver Thomson Barbara Cumming Hadley* Ann Cummings Clark* Betsy Jane Curtis Winquist* Barbara Davis Whipple* Paula Drake Hodgdon* Joan Eaton Friborg Barbara Ershler Levy D. JoAnn Hanson Long Florence Keeney Havens* Ellen Kenerson Gelotte* Linnea Kneller Mix* Nancy Larsen Bailey* Frances Lee Osborne* Antonette Lombardi Scorziello Betty Ann Mahoney Themal* Harriet Markham Wedeman* Ruth Marvin Nicholas Janet McLaughlin Stockton Lois McLucas Martin* M. Jeanne Meyer Bird Ann Myers Beck* Dorothy Page Kuehl (d) Mary Rogan Finn* Marjorie Santerson Barrett* June Sherter Krevor Cynthia Smith Loeper-Wallace* Barbara Snook Haggerty* Sophia Sofronas Johnson Audrey Souther DesRoches Beverly Splitt Keller* Barbara Street Berry* Shirley Sturm Bullard* Ann Truex Dickinson* Lucile Tucker Anderson* Dolores S. Winslow* Mary Young Jacobs Marcella Zawadzki Stiefel

1949 Total Gifts: $160,470 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Nancy Curtis Grellier Nancy Lawson Donahue Lasell Fund Delores Anderson Musgrave Ann Ashley Sanderson* Barbara Berry Roberts Phyllis Burckett Ulicny* Corinne Capone McGuiggan* Mona Carson Bumpus Nancy Colman Hill* Nancy Curtis Grellier* Joan DeGelleke Shrewsbury* Marie Foster Elmer Evelyn Frye White* Jean Grant Walter

*Denotes donors with 10+ years of consecutive support of the Lasell Fund, (d) deceased, boldface indicates Torchbearers or above


Donor Report June Gray Taylor Helen Hamilton Croot Barbara Hickey Carvin Ann Hollett Munro* Elizabeth Honywill Horgan* Martha Hurd Davenport* Nancy Irwin Van Dorn Pamela Johns Barry Natalie Knight Rogers* Eeva Laitinen Stromski Nancy Lawson Donahue* Nancy Macdonough Jennings* Mary Louise Masten Benson Patricia McCarthy Treat* Barbara Milne Lynch* Ellen Morris Phillips Patricia Quirk Jones* Eleanor Ritchie Elmore* Meredith Sisson Wannie Joyce Stanley Pederzini B. J. Stephenson Riedel Patricia Troup Dye Jane Wadhams Hazen* Jewell Ward Ganger* Janet White MacLure* Boydes Wilson Smith* Joan Wolfe Wickham

1950 Total Gifts: $66,655 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Jean Stanley Davies Lasell Fund Joyce Andrews Phelps* Anita Angelus Koulopoulos* Joan Antun Rednor* Eleanor E. Barton (d) Janet Bell Luening* Margot Bergstrom Semonian* JoAnn Brooks Shaffer (d)* Nancy Burrows Putnam* Cynthia Butler Barnes* Anne Carpenter Towle* Suzanne Clark Daniels Naomi Cox Santoro Jean Davies Stanley* Joyce Davies Harrison Mary Claire Dodge Davis* Joan Dorau Hohorst* Gloria Drulie Schluntz* Marion Ettinger Steinmetz* Diana Ewing Bowser* Janet Foley* Clare Gammons McMullan* Marjorie Gilbert Knipper Helen Graham Gordon Joy Gustavson Smith Jeanne Hackett Desmond Joanne Harrington Price* Carol Haye Deal Virginia Hopson Griffin Betty Jean Jones Bolton* Joanne Kelley Peters Ariel Leonard Robinson Lois Lincoln Dugdale Elizabeth MacInnes Deal* Marjorie Martin Allen Anne Mastin Egner* Janice McGoughran Dorothy Mills Graef Marilyn Morse Harris* Ruth Mount Garry


Janet Murphy George* Marguerite Nahigian Sarkisian* Nancy Nelson Weiss E. Anne Nettleship Teets* Ellen O’Brien Montemurro* Rosemary O’Brien deBelay* A. Christine Oliveto Davis* Margaret Olson Belden* Elaine Orth Rodey* Jacqueline Paulding Hauser* Jane A. Perry* Nancy Pryor Baker Marion Ribarich Connick Joan Robilotto Gibson* Ruth Rosebrock Tobias* Carmen Santo Grimshaw Lois Schaller Toegemann* Iris Schofield McDonough Jo-Anne Secor Rier Orilla Shaw Skinner* Clara Silsby Lamperti* Carolyn Snook Rauscher* Esther Snowden Richmond* Jean Stearns Gorman Beverly Walker Ward* Joan Wallace Billings Helen A. Wetherbee Joan Whitten Cummings Nancy A. Wilson Jean Woods McNeilly*

1951 Total Gifts: $49,788 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Shirley Hannafin Adams Joan Howe Weber Lasell Fund Anonymous Elizabeth Allison Smuts Marie Arnold Wilson Kathrine Aslanian Sivazlian* Georgia Bakes Sigalos Kathleen Ballard Heck* Maureen Barry Steinfeldt Sallyann Bartlett Abel* Elizabeth Baumbach Hyne Mary Jane Clark Maurici Geraldine Fitzwilliam Hanlon Shirley Hannafin Adams* Linda Heather Venezia Carol Ann Hess Recco Joan Howe Weber Lois Hutchinson Woodward Barbara Jankowski Rusch* Maureen A. Kane* Charlotte Kelley Campbell* Barbara Keyes MacKinnon Jean Kilgore Owen* Charlotte Killam Wild Dorothy McPherson Wickersham Barbara McRoberts Collingwood* Ann Murray Reynolds Diane Nelson Cowan Patricia Preble Foster* M. Elaine Quavillon Tull* Patricia Raeder Crone* Harriet Schwarz Ryan Joanne Seremeth Teague Betty Lou Shattuck Musser* Isabell Stanley Davis Anna Stevenson Mangano Doris Stewart Sutton*

Alice Stover Kiehl Janet Underwood Wall Ann Van der Veer Bradley Jo-Ann Vojir Massey* Nancy Webb Canepa Carol Weldon Leahy Mary Jane White Miller-Puckett* Joan Williams Arnold* Jeanine Wortman Post*

1952 Total Gifts: $2,620 Nancy Allen Banks Vilma Barbuto Herrick* Diane Benfield Foye* Joyce Carroll Mulcahy Chloe Comstock Singarella* Ruth Easterlind Cederberg* Marianna Firebaugh Burgund Betty Lou Foy Reid* Bernardine Gill Smith* Phyllis Gleason Riley* Elizabeth Griffin Wetzel Mary Grill Turton* Lois Hickey Treacy Virginia Johnson Irwin Ruth Kohn Gross Marilyn McGuire Audrey McKay Prince* Geraldine Paulmier Hazell* Naomi Peck Kroner Frances Peters Dunlevy* Charlotte Petrone Fischer Carolyn Powers Fontaine* Joan Prescott Gould Joeyna Raynal Rearwin* Barbara Sieder Treadway Virginia Smibert Swanson Virginia Snedaker Marschall* Martha Thomas Hasak Barbara Trout Krohn* Mary Violet Retsinas Dorothy Webb Slack Muriel Webb Moyer Barbara Wenzel Boucher Mary Lou Woodward Robinson*

1953 Total Gifts: $4,790 Margaret Angus Christman* Judith Brewer Campbell Eva Bunzel Bulman Mary Burke Brinn* Mary Louise Burke Alexander Elinor Cohen Goldman Mary Lou Cooke MacKnight* Leonora Coronella Krueger* Polly-Ann Cotter Mort Louise Crank Graham Constance Cullman Broderick Joan Darelius Chirnside* Louise Dawe Turner* Marie DiSilva Stocki* Mary Ann Donahue Evelyn Earle Lukeman Maureen Fagan Hollfelder* Judith Gardner Davis* Shirley Gibbons San Soucie Ruth Henning Sump Barbara E. Howell* Althea Janke Gardner Nancy Kittell Martin* Elsie Knaus Klemt* Kathleen MacGregor Randolph

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

A. Cynthia McCoy Fairweather* Carol Moriarty Phleger Barbara Palumbo Howe Janet Pearson Hauck* Constance Peterson Costigan Sylvia Pfeiffer Nesslinger* Ann Pockwinse Fudge Jeanette Roberts Mann* Donna Ross Hurley Mary Thomas Justice Audrey Thompson Rielle* Joy Ufford Penderville* Shirley Vara Gallerani* Joan Wilckens Pittis* Virginia Wilder Melitz*

1954 Total Gifts: $16,996 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Ruth Paetz Braun Lasell Fund Barbara Adams Owen Mary Allen Saunders Nancy Atwood Cook* Carolyn Berghahn Whitman Mary Bolster Carpenter Ann Bowerman Logan Merilyn Budlong Trocino Marguerite Chandler Saunders Ann Chidsey Moebius Corinne Coyle Lydem* Annette Dufton Dagg Hope Duguid Dauwalter* Karna Erickson Feltham* Patricia Flett Lowe Marcelline Govoni Holtje Thelma Greenberg Florin* Judith Hansen* Marilyn Hardacre Sell Janet Hatch Hamilton* Frances Hayden Stack Mary Hayden Durkee* Priscilla Head Davis* Joan Hildebrandt Estey Nancy P. Horton* Nancy Husted Koerner* Susan Johnson Keane Rita Keevers Claflin Anne Kempel Green Ann Kennedy Duncan* Judith Kline Markowitz Joy Lanner Left Elizabeth Ann Lindsay Buhler* Roberta Loud Huh Jean MacDonald Dulude Jeannette Marchant Pierce Carolyn Marino Zentmaier Jeanette Marvin Brown* Carole Mattucci Wall Janet McElgunn Flynn Judith Messier Howard* Virginia Michelini Parks Frances Mitchell Sherman* Ruth Murdick Walker Catherine A. Murray* Lorraine Nelson Stevens Nancy Notte Smith* Ruth Paetz Braun Suzanne Palmer Lee* Nancy Perry Voll* Deborah Potter Waugh* Marjorie Price Johnson*

Joan Rabbitt Downey* Shirley Read Lupien* Sandra Reynolds Grant* Orelyn Rice Emerson Carol Rofer Hofmann* Shirley Sherwood Adams* Lee Smith* Virginia Smith Grady Judith Stone Grabar Nancy Swanson Horsfield* Joanna Ward (d)* Helen Wood Queenan

1955 Total Gifts: $6,095 Thelma Appel Kaplan* Judith Bowen Horky Carolyn Caie Hathorne Carolyn Chapin Snyder* Suzanne Clark Johnson Carol Cunningham Kiley Nancy Curtis Kern* JoAnne DiPietro DiMarco* Mary Alice Everett Yurko Priscilla Fenton Abercrombie* Donna Gearhart Leo Elizabeth R. Goetz Nancy Goodman Cobin Mary Lee Gowdy Belcourt* Patricia Gura Conroy* Carolyn Hall Browning* Barbara Hammett Elkinton Ann Harris Hughes* Anne Hartnett Lohnes Diana Hendley Cooper* Barbara Judd Ozinga* Jean Kellner Kyser Beverly Kimball Lamburn Sandra Lally Hovey* Helen LeFaivre Russo* Lucille Marden Randall* June McLaughlin Lombino Carol Merwin Robinson* Valerie Montanez Barto Elaine Montella Butler Joan Murano Swanson* Lucinda Nolin Johnson* Helen Peters Guy* Jean Ryder Tyler Hazel Schoppy Callahan* Maxine Seidel Lyle Joan Shanley Verdile Susan Shepardson Buchanan* Audrey Silver Rogers* Caroljean Somers Ogrodnik* Joy Stewart Rice* Sandra Stone Myerow* Mary Sweenor Ruggieri* Angela Tabellario Mitchell* Nancy Tisler Hurley Cynthia Tredeau Wegerdt Dianne Tuzik Pingree Marilyn Valter Maclay* Jean Van Buskirk Swanfeldt Adrienne Vitali Stewart Mary Waterman Weaving* Donna Williams O’Connor

1956 Total Gifts: $11,290 Mary Augur Wallace* Ann August Marcus* Betsy Belsterling Jordan


Elaine Bertini Roske* Deborah Beuttel Gore Joyce Bliss Doyle Elaine Card LeFort Judy Caswell Allen* Joan Conley Eid* Carol Corning Richard* Dorothy Craig Kochli Beverly Danks Rieckers* Sandra Davis Hudson* Hanna Den Hartog Abrahams Agnes di Zerega Cook Carol Fitzpatrick Harrell Joan Fleming Dudek Gail Frank Wells* Nancy Freud Harring Gail Gelinas Nixon* Ruth Grossman Goldman Shirley Harmon Cobb Ann Hastings Peterson* Patricia Hayes Schoeller* Ann Hekemian Krikorian* Sally Herman DeRosa Nancy Hietala Grammas Diane Jacobson Rosenberg* Toni Kennedy Gelotte Therese Kilgore Mannix Sandra Lavine Kanosky Elane Lindstrom Williams Judith Littlefield Clark* Patti Lockwood Blanchette G. Ann Marcus Karol Joyce Maroni Gomes Katherine Mayo McAllister Joan McDonald Delmore* Judith Metcalf Daniels Jane Morris Saulnier Constance Nastasi Mehos Frances Nettleton Konsella* Diana Neusner Shapiro Barbara O’Keefe Fornes Patricia O’Shea-Pappas Virginia Paolillo Lawlor Mary Parmakian Bauer Janet Parmenter Bogardus Ann Pasquale Kibort* Bette Perlstein Shapiro Joan Polidor Selander* Sally Quicke Reiss* M. Patricia Quinn Gamerdinger Mary Rader Randall Penny Rafkin Blake* Joan Raymond Healey Barbara Richman Elliot Antoinette Ruinen Stapper* Lorraine E. Saunders* Carolyn Scherer Butler Donna Schmitt Gormley Margaret Schwingel Kraft* Frances Scott Simmons Carolee Scribner Cain Evelyn Shear Pinsof Nancy Shook Bender Sandra Smith Swain* Nanci Sullivan Hancock Katharine A. Taft* Marylyn Tomancak Kirchhoefer* Ann Tucker Lojzim Valerie M. Van Drooge Bette L. Walsh* Janet Whitney Buck

1957 Total Gifts: $11,950 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Caroline Killam Moller Lasell Fund Sonia Altland Griffith* Ann Bidwell Sanborn* Sandra Bristol Walters Cynthia Clark Rose-Frazee Eileen Conradi Lynch Joyce Conza Swaine* Jane Coulter Langmaid* Carole Crandall Stiles Marion Day Grosjean Joan Deshefy Patenaude* Ann Donnelly Murphy Dorothy Fenley Manning Elizabeth C. Fenn Suzanne Fournier Solis* Sue Scott Garratt* Marcia Hamilton Killeen Marcia James Carthaus* Marcia Jones Leighton Peggy Ann Kenison Glaister Caroline Killam Moller* Katherine Knowles Wright Patricia Koules Kandianis Joan Kramer Edelman Virginia Krauss White Chonghyo Lee Shin Audrey MacAdam Lowe* Elizabeth May Kolls Rosemary Pellegrino Eichenfield Joan Pethybridge Thompson* Janet L. Pockwinse Barbara Polidor Kubichek* Barbara Reifenberger Hudelson Lori Rounseville Sanford Evelyn Sanders Brewster* Carol Swartz Kumin* Patricia Tarracciano Ciccone Nancye Van Deusen Connor* Ada Whitmore Suydam* M. Virginia Zipf Metzler*

1958 Total Gifts: $4,625 Betty Anderson Fairchild Constance Baker George* Marilyn Barette Roberts* Kathleen Barstow McLaurin Carole Bartholomew Dusseau Joan Bates Andersen Barbara Batty Brown* Harriet Beard Ackerman Beverly Bearse Sowerby Bonnie Beckwith Morrison Audrey Biggerstaff Andrea Bischoff Houser* Jeanne Bradner Morgan* Linda Braslow Lefkowitz* Cathleen Burns Manning Judith Butler Weppel Millicent Carlson O’Brien Donna Daly King Beverly Dansky Singer* Barbara Elm Symington* Susanne Fletcher Cahalin Mary Ann Fuller Young Judith George Stephens*

Jane Gregson Moloney Marion Heinsohn Mitchell Marian Hume Tibbetts* Sandi Lerner Holzman Janet March Murphy Janet McPherson Pretto* Phyllis Merrill Willis Gladys Mettler Biasotto Portia Pantages Ann Reeves Burton* Sarah Requa Guthridge* Gail Seibert Glover* Elaine Shanken Fischer Sandra Sheller Alessi Marsha Singer Marshall* Jacquelyn Smith Johnson Nancy Sonshine Kerstein Nancy Spargo Goodridge Barbara Stannard Riedinger Leila-Kay Steen Tickner Kate Tobin Yelle* Marilyn Welter Jopp Gail Winalski Burd* Patricia Woolley Cronin Jean Wynott Delahunt

1959 Total Gifts: $18,203 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Joan Conradi McLaughlin Lasell Fund Sondra O. Allen* Jean Alesio Tsokanis Junis Anderson Nicholson Barbara Baldauf Rice Linda Barber Morgan Judith Barnstead Francis Marilyn Beaton Lange Cynthia Boynton Green* Susan Bravman Uretsky* Shirley Carlisle Nelson Barbara Case Lipke* Elinor Castano Duffy Joan Conradi McLaughlin* Nancy Crowell Coleman Carol Cunningham Hoyt Joanne Curtis Island* Lois DeCuollo Johnson Ann Douglass Wood* Joanne E. Ferrera Elsa Finard Waxman Lillian Goncalo Silvia Joyce Goss Strickler Nancy Gotz Cohn Linda Gould Marshall Carole Grieve Bilafer* Joanne Gullo Gormley Louise Harrison Leader Elizabeth Healy Shelby Maryellen Hess* Carol Hetherington Tihen Carlene Hintlian Newell Martha Houle Walsh Barbara Howell Talbott Melisse Jenkins Bailey Barbara Kirshman Goddard* Dorothy Knobel Somogyi Linda Larson Behrendt Barbara Lewis Berger Marcia Lietz Sweeney (d) Barbara Maurer Mazzanovich Susan McComb Powers

Catherine McShain White Lyndell Mead Betzner Sandra Nider Challant* Frances Reid Smith Dorothy Risteen Klocker Nancy Rotman Duffy* Suzanne Saunders Doyle* Judith Sias Fudge Carol Slocum Hulse Carroll Spelke Dawson Diane Strawhince Longley Joan Sycle Norwitz* Joan Valentine Glasson* Patricia White MacCabe Carolyn Wood Brox

1960 Total Gifts: $5,655 Audrey Bergesen Long Polly Bergstrom Barnes* Barbara Beuth Nelson Elizabeth Bigelow George Barbara Bogert Wahlberg* Faith Bowker-Maloney* Nancy Bowne Rollinson Nancy A. Boyd* Susan Bullock Larson Elaine Chrust Goodman* Julia Davidson Dobson Marcia Dodson Morley Julia Ellingham Stange Susan Elsbree Warren Carol Failla Doughman Frances Fleming Kennedy* Sallie Flowers Brigham Marsha Frommer Crowley* Leslie Ghilani Elkins Minna Golden Levin* Patricia Grodsky Caplan Nancy Hoey Hanson Wendy Holmes-Pearson Sandra Kaplan Richman Ruth Katz Goodsnyder Jane Kremer Bray* Colleen Light Mette Mary Alice MacCallum Gozzi Jean Maroni Torstensen Barbara McAlary Kashar Mary McCartney Kuhrtz* Antonia Mellen Marshall Vivien Miller Spertner Esmilta Oro Cohen Linda Ostrom Goodwin Beverly Pendleton Folkes Mary Jane Perugini Hebb Michele Poirier Gorman Anita Ramirez Zayas Valerie Rothman Schonborn Bobette Spiegel Davison Linda Teich Bennett* Linda Telfer* K. Louise Thomson Mitchell Carol Vincent Cook Justine Waite Chandler Joan White Martin Judith Williams LaValle Susann York Stadtfeld* Ronna Zucker Uhrman

Carolyn Bird Murray Judith Broggi Nicolosi Carol Brooke Cudia Andrea Busch Niewenhous Elaine Butler Ryan Barbara Carberry Haddad* Barbara Cole French Suzanne Crafts Davidson Barbara Davis Delano* Lynne Dawson Van Der Wall Martha Dazley Cottone Susan Dennison Harmon* Alexandra Engelhardt Tomes Lynn Fager Worthington Linda Falt York* Joan Franke Neustaedter Beverly French Keigwin Milly Gillis Pereira Jane Gilmore Trethewey Lela Graham Moses* Sharon Handley House Carol Healy McKinnon* Elizabeth C. Hood* Joan Houston Thorne Laura Jensen Hyer Gwen Johnson Redding Valerie Joseph Rawitch Jane A. Kendrigan* Carole Kirschner Wilson Carole Lamson Burpee Eleanor Laney Afflitto Linda Leser Hughes Concetta R. Luppino Barbara Mersky Miller* Phyllis Milano* Elizabeth Miller Gay* Joan Moeller Thompson Dorothy E. Musche Barbara Nenart St. Germain Lynda Niebling Pike Valerie Orcutt Sirignano Virginia A. Orsi* Jane Parsons Dolbier Judith Plattner Cassidy Carol Rea Grunewald Karla Robinson Dunham* Rona Ruderman Goldstein* Susan Schenker Portnoy* Carol Schumacher Dougherty Elizabeth Schwingel Sullivan* Janet Scott Mitchell Barbara Seremet Smith Susan Shaw Abbott Charlotte Siders-Morgan Donna Skillings Kessler Cynthia Smith Coleman Ellen Smith Burton Barbara Swiatek Vangsness Donna Szarek Sullivan* Nancy Thomas Dudek Irene Tuttle Morine* Geraldine Weidman Wight Virginia Wollinger Fisher* Judith Youlden Cleveland

1962 Total Gifts: $3,161

Total Gifts: $11,275

Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Sally Remley Suthmayd

Joan Bagenstose Curtis Georgia Beaumont Tramontano* Linda Benson Cameron

Lasell Fund F. Lynne Andrews Scielzo* Linda Bald Lathrop*


*Denotes donors with 10+ years of consecutive support of the Lasell Fund, (d) deceased, boldface indicates Torchbearers or above


Donor Report Elizabeth Behre Mulligan Muriel Bloom Bruskin Marybeth Brossman Mortimer Lucy Brunton Buckley Patricia Buxton Pamela Capuano Veek Sharon Carley Fitts Francine Cohn Jaffe Janet Conte Lewis Patricia Dearborn Harris M. Jane Fallona Sheehan M. Kathleen Falvey Garrity Virginia Fletcher Yagovane Patricia Gath Moessinger* Donna Golub Disend Carolyn Grant Leary Beryl Hamlen Morrisey* Ingrid Jonason Burch Jeanne Jouret Carlucci Joan Killian Wronsky Sheila Lane Johnston Donna Livingston Brown Marcia Madden Heist Carol Miller Glassman Roberta Mulford Walker Diane M. Napoli Sarah Nutter Carpenter Doris Orben Campbell Tracy Potter Vangermeersch* Nancy Quattrocchi Soule Bonnie A. Reimann* Linda Resnick Baer Carol Rzeznikiewicz Russell* Elaine Sanderson Henriksen Joan Sastavickas Curtin* M. Pamela Sherry Creed Nancy Sporborg Green* Virginia Tsouros Taylor

1963 Total Gifts: $3,615 Nancy Anderson Chapman Dorothy Andler Silber* Kathleen Baker Taylor Suzanne B. Banghart Joan Barry Lane* Deborah Begg McKinney Cornelia Bessemer Hatfield Nancy Bunn Oakes Jean Caldwell Morceau Jeanne Chase Peckham* Barbara Christiansen Haimann Bette Cole Greene Geraldine Crivello Giuntoli Nancy Damon Adcock Priscilla Dorman Kirby Ruth Dunn Souza Judith Firth Haggett Margo Hicks Waite* Judith Higgins Schlegel Sarah Hirst-Pitts* JoAnn Jacobson* Arlene A. Jacopian* Ellen Kaplan Gittleman Marian Sue Kerstein Sherman* Claire Lipton Zimmers* N. Drew Lucas Atherton Susan March Allen* Loel Mercer Poor Sharon Merrill Currier Rita Mooney Dubow Barbara Moulton Smith Hedwig Mozden Wands Barbara Noorigian Meehan


Virginia A. Orsi* Mildred Panetti Gibson Marjory Prezioso Delaney* Cathryn Reynolds Simpson Patricia Ryan Cantin Joan Seibert Agnacian* Lenore Silvestro Stein Nancy Spelman Moyer Sandra Stahl Thomas Joan Teachout Beard Anne Thiessen Sullivan Marcia Wightman Sansoucy Susan Woodruff Bieling Judith Young Knight

1964 Total Gifts: $7,330 Susan Alford Ross Vivien Ash Gallagher* Barbara Beisaw Witcher Penny Brewster Martyn Elizabeth Burdick Cantarine Susan Childs Merrick* Ruth DeWitt Ghia Lee Dunstane Vandermark* Amey Eckles Dodge* Kathleen Etz Venier* Arlene Ferreira Rego Terry Fleming Cox* Margery Flowers Baston* Felice Goldman Resko* Susan Gorfinkle* Marsha Graziano Ballantyne Jane Hanff Twyon Alison Harrington Johnston Kathleen Hayes Panos Sarah Hemenway Hall Elsa Mae Hernberg Akui Susan Humphreys Klein Susan Kaplan Floman Marsha Keyes Tucker* Paula Lally O’Brien Beverly Landros Bley* Karen LaRochelle Baker Betsy Levine Printz Marcia MacTavish Syer Gloria Malitsky Caplan Jane McKee Rozes Maryann Monti St. John Joanne Oliver Page* Kay Oppenheim Loomstein Sara Jane Osborne* Antoinette Palmer Overacker Linda Parmenter Goulding Gail Perlin Rubinstein Patricia Perry Polidor* Linda Pillarella West* Victoria Poole Givler Patricia Pugliese Streibel Carole Pulaski Clark Janet Ramsbotham Blake* Kathleen Rebmann Royka Elinor Rosen Rouff* Lynn Rosenbush Davidov* Janet Rosenfeld MacLeod Ruth Sawyer Staley Virginia Schmidt Panton Andrea Siegal Cohen* Jan Slocum Ann Stern Russo* Patricia Washburn Mancivalano* Colleen Welch Jeans Linda Werner Simon*

Donna Whiteley Sieverts Judith Zaritt Ramirez

1965 Total Gifts: $6,050 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Elisse Allinson Share Lasell Fund Anonymous Elisse Allinson Share* Nancy Almgren Killam* Susanne Benz Sweeny Cheryl A. Butters Carol C. Cacciamani Sheryl Chapman Kammer Sandra Clark Boynton Sandra Cramblet Cox Priscilla Davis Johnson Kathleen Goulder Plante Sara-Jane Hayes Kiesling Diane Hildebrand Cadagan Jean Hill Johnson* Gail Jacobsen Isaksen Donna Kane Audibert Eleanor Lamson Brewster* Susan Layng Bogle Marcia Lundgren Johns Lydia Moissides Hines* Janet Muir Garrity* Marilynn Paganelli Ugalde* Virginia Pedrick Searle* Pamela Porter Barefoot Karin Rohleder Kline* Emilie Rowe Zucker Sibyl Ryan Piccone* Catherine Sanford Nurmi Dorothy Searles Woods Mary Sprague Kirk Marjorie Story Brown* Elizabeth Tomlinson Namerow Joan Vaidulas Winterson Nancy Weiner Juman Lynn Wemple Biggers* Susan Williams Shanbar Linda Wilson Olson Elizabeth Wright Frappier Diane Yacovone Aurigemma* Margo Yonker MacKenzie Janet Young LaCava*

1966 Total Gifts: $5,025 Joy Abercrombie Dooley Gloria Black Woodbury Nancy B. Black* Bonnie J. Broe Barbara Caron MacLean* Susan Case Anderson Colette Cavanaugh Clark Derith Cinq-Mars Fellows Susan Coe Howe Katherine Conners Novak* Carolyn Crayton McVoy* Carolyn Davis Fish* Matilda Embree Kanagaki Deborah Fineberg Elizabeth FitzGerald Donovan* Jackie Frank Paulson Valerie Girard Hendrick Nancy L. Goodale* Sharon K. LeVan* Elinore Lowe Kinczel

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

Noel Manning Monbleau-Harper Deborah Markey Sayles (d) Sandra Oakes Hammond Deborah O’Neill Aspinwall Nancy Palmer Brandston* Paula Quattrocchi Tingley* Elizabeth Reitman Lowenstein Susan Ritchie Clark* Lois Sawyer Caulfield* Andrea Siragusa Katherine Steinmetz Dater Donna Terwilliger Moor* Barbara Titus Shaw Cynthia Walsh Snow Barbara Ann Weidlich Lee Marion Wheeler Kimball*

1967 Total Gifts: $9,065 Elspeth Anderson Roy Susan Baxter Brown Nancy J. Begg Martha Begley Hertel* Diane Benson Goldstein Marsha Breiner Liskov Margaret Brooks Pilachowski Bonnie Bunce Clark Sandra Chavez Hudson* Christine Chirgotis Theuerkauf* Marcia Clarke Young Susan Dopman Moran Gail Edwards Pocock Sandra Erkis Summer Pamela Fenhagen Corckran Wendy Foster Cote* Donna Garrow Johnson* Cheryl Glockner Lappen Ann Hudson North* Denise Koules Katsaros* Susan F. Lillywhite* Suzanne Marek Kohanski Katherine McDonough Ryan* Gail Mooz Spivey Kathryn Morgan Lucey* Judith Noveck Lamoin* Caroline Payson Elaine Pierce Kurau Susan P. Posner* Judith Preston Waters Margaret Rebmann LeMasurier* Janice Reynolds Olson Joan Roberto Seavey Martha Rorty Boiardi Carol A. Shapiro Barbara Stern Hurst Susan L. Swanson Victoria Tenney Graboys Susan E. Thompson Ellen Wagner Call

1968 Total Gifts: $3,957 Nancy Ames Linda Bamberger Kirsch Martha S. Borawski Donna Brown Safran Elizabeth Brown Koss Christine Copeland Johnson* Nancy A. Deveno Karen Duchesneau Blanck K. Bonnie Edwards Kregling Priscilla Fales* Sherry Federman Stein Judith Giftos Maynard

Heather Heath Reed Pamela Herbaugh Nation Heather Hines Peterson* Jackie Hoffmeier Lee* Edith Hogsett Whitney Christine Kinney McCann Judith Lipkins Ness* Clohesey Lord Hale Cathy Lutz Laneri Ellen Margolis Monk Adrianne Millar Lajoie Mary Millard Aldrich Nancy J. Morrison Meredith Morton Hill Roberta Munce Nelson Jane Norcross Bodrie Susan Pegues Owen* Stephanie Pendleton Keena Price Donna C. Quattrocchi* Cynthia Rardin Crawford* Norma Rathvon Buchanan Mary Lou Rossano-Collier Victoria Schofield Arkins JoAnn Shattuck Wilson Cheryl Silvers Park Melissa Smith Hubbard* Ann Sterner Tyler Laura Struckhoff Cline* Sherry Swain Dey* Janice Taylor Perruzzi* Patricia Torbron Geoghegan Dale Tufts Yale Candace Watson Burnham* Virginia White Kelty Ruthanne Woods Thibodeau

1969 Total Gifts: $4,295 Nancy Alterman Walker S. Ronna Blumenthal Laurel Boyle Rose Eileen Cleveland Sterio Kathleen H. Conway* Dana Cooper Purvis Melanie Correnti Kooris Jane Davis Franchot Josefa Eager Beadle Diane Edwards Laura Glass Jane Gordan Cobban* Shelley Gray Krug Deirdre Greene Malone Susan Hulton Curtis Linda L. Koed* Kathleen M. Kreter Suzanne La Coe Valade Sally Layng Crapser Lynne Lazaroff Drazen Barbara Lordi Palmer Linda Luskin Towne Alice Marquess Woodward Yin-Chin Marsh Barbara McTiernan Isabella Linda Muller Weiss Patricia O’Connor Anzelmo Margaret Salzer LoCastro* Linda M. Satterfield* Susan Schnelwar Joanne H. Sears Christine Simonsen Clearwater Leah Smith Schneier Jonatha Tarbox Paetzhold


Donor Report Susan Thompson Johnson* Janet Walker Cann Mary Ward Lucci Joanne Weiner Salzedo

1970 Total Gifts: $2,275 Muriel Belkin Rowell* Carol Boisen Hawley Christina Campagna Weeks Margaret Cohen Sherman Paula Finnegan Dickinson* Monica Fuchs Kramer Nora Jean Ganslen* Christine Giso Mariano Suzanne H. Gordon Deborah Kimerling Schneider* Barbara J. Kositchek Kathleen Loeb-Schwab Joanna Marshall Doyle Eileen McGuckian* Pamela Parker Gartin* Cynthia Plimpton Corbin Maryann Rizzo Hart Elizabeth Shurtleff Winter* Deborah Simpson Folsom Alexandra Taylor Hills Alexena Thun Frazee* Nancy Waer Grzymkowski Margaret Whipple Christie Janice Williams Xeller

1971 Total Gifts: $6,225 Anonymous Mary Anne Bailey Hansen Margaret Catalano Quigley* Susan Delis DeBlasiis Veda Fitzgibbons Connolly Christine Flach Ristaino* Joyce Freedman Kreppel Margery Galica Atwater Deborah A. Gardiner Carol Goulian Stewart Elizabeth Henry Zoba Martha T. Herlihy Mary Hobler Hyson* Kathryn Johnston Berardi Deborah Kessler Coventry Deborah Kopf Hayes Nancy Kuehl Mayo Kathryn Lockwood Benson Karen Manchon Frank Carol A. Miller Johanna Nahatis Kadra* Cheryl Pandolf Schenk* Ilene V. Prashker Linda L. Preston Elinor Sherman Rosenbaum

1972 Total Gifts: $3,157 Elizabeth Andrews Haidet* Bonnie Berman Wugman Susan Bohner LaVista Suzette Boshers Jefferson Shelley Carton Toby Clayman Paula Dincecco-Morthanos Marsha Fall Stuart Anne S. Gardner Deborah Glynn Jones Evelyn Gottfried Seigle Janet Hakanson Jepson

Nancy Inman Becker Susan Israel Wollkind Carol Jameson McNally Jeanne A. Johnsen* Amy Juskowitz Sponseller Barbara Kaiser Martens Linda Kellogg Glover Nancy E. Kopel* Kathryn Long Famulari Barbara H. Mayer Nancy Rodman Roberts* Lisa Rosner Sussman Pamela Ross Dunham* Stephanie Rotchford Arsenault Dorea Saxon McMahon Cynthia Scalzi Brown Sally Schlesinger Seed Susan L. Schrade Betsy Schwartz Handy Sally Thompson D’Allesantro* Elaine Vogel Cartland Joanne White Bartlett

1973 Total Gifts: $890 Elizabeth Acker Huthwaite Joy Adams Kreutzberg Francine Doria Stanley Christine Dormail Corriveau Susan Feinberg Casper* Carol Feinstein Beitcher Robin Genden Deborah Griffin Giovannucci Janet Lockwood Kawada Wendy Loomis Riggs Jane Miller Pelz Janet Nickerson Ogilvy Eileen Ritchie Sechovicz Ramona Scaperrotta Allen Christine M. Urbano* Paula Wright Cioe

1974 Total Gifts: $1,045 Bonnie Baker Arnold Dorothy Blatchford Jenkins* Lauren Cottone Beckman* Lorraine Fanotto Zaretsky Marian Fletcher Buckley* Nancy B. Gill* Nancy Granger Janice Hadfield Ahlers Susan Hastings Mailloux Judith Keefe Carmel Harolyn Klawans Small Virginia Pace Hodgkin* Jeanne Saidnawey Logtens Katherine Spalla Green Kerry Sullivan Lambert Harriet T. Thompson Susan R. Wickham

1975 Total Gifts: $1,415 Sandra Aitcheson Gingras Patricia Beck Lang Lesly Bogoff Reiter Sharon Bonito Losordo Rosanna Cafarella Greco* Cynthia Cooke Laurie Craven Halpin Audrey Dobbins Aduama Barbara Greenberg Brumberger*

Elaine B. Hodson Laura Kaplan Ouellet Colleen Lafferty Galzerano Faith-Robin Lepow Feldman Elizabeth Levin MacVarish H. Alice Mason Susan Merriam Conway Catherine C. Morrell Ann O’Neil Pucci Laurie Pincus Ziomek* Jane E. Raymond Cynthia Waggoner Eaton Sandra Waradzin Gardner Susan Wolf Geremia

1976 Total Gifts: $1,040 Bonny Burr Gleason Cynthia Carroll Ougheltree Rossana DiCenso Brown Virginia M. Grenham Sandra LaPointe Greenberg Ellen Jane Lefebvre Klein Joanne Lord-DiBella Marilyn A. Murray Nancy Onanian Garrett Karen Quagliozzi Quinn* Betsy J. Schrade Marcia Smith Thompson Sarah Jane Spadaro Pratt Suzanne St. Jean Priest Margaret Tayler Careau Kathe Wadlow Yost

1977 Total Gifts: $1,070 Lynn Alyanakian Lowrey* Margaret Benoit Sapia* Natalie M. Bent Linda Bonola Retano Greta F. Curtis Janet Guertin Daigle* Sandra Hathorne Mazaika Rosemary Howard Daggett* Lorrie Marti Schell* Robin Martin Powers Linda Melillo Chase Muriel Monroy Conway Lucinda Nolin Johnson* Jody Pardus O’Connor* Cynthia S. Pinkham* Alice Willard-Michaels

1978 Total Gifts: $2,835 Sylvia Allen Hazard Tamara Bettcher Walker Vicki Caskie Boucher Linda Coleman Scarchuk Theresa D’Innocenzo Janet DiSangro Donovan Margaret Downey Maguire Elizabeth Edwards de Verges Maureen E. Graham Hilary Hayes Geyer Kristina A. Leclaire Merah Peabody Bousquet Nadine Power Toce Patricia A. Ray* Susan Sarris Redente Christina Striker Parker* Mary Ann Templeton Murray Andrea Vitali Upham Amy Westland

1979 Total Gifts: $1,230 Rebecca Barth Gallucci Judith M. Caner Ronnie Cohen Romanuck Lorraine Davies Ellerson Jean Downs O’Halloran Suzanne C. Fortin* Janet Higgins Restivo Joyce W. Knapp Judith Kuchachik Fletcher Monica McCormick McDougall Marie Pengue Sheets Tina Rollins McDowell Marina Rowe Seitsinger Mary Serio Lownds* Christine A. Tribou Roseann Trigilio Camilo Kathryn J. Wall

1980 Total Gifts: $550 Helen Biziak Driscoll Kathleen Concannon Kenney Holly Dudek Alhart Kay Erlanger-McNamara Lorene Firmneck Hayden Emily Renz Barron* Cheri Saglio Holden Linda S. Savanauskas Deborah Shaw Lewis

1981 Total Gifts: $545 Virginia Amalfitano Feeley Laura Brennan Ficks Mandi Bulette Coakley* Cynthia Carpenter Miccile Kathryn Cotter Brown Anne Fistori Langlois Bonnie J. Hoffman Donna M. Kelley Linda Multer Lisa Rossetti Tavakoli Donna M. Santos Nancy Skewes Liddle

1982 Total Gifts: $25,355 Carol Abenante Hurteau* Lisa Alden Haley* Kathryn Dempsey McArdle Corinne Guyett Norris Susan Rinklin Dunne Melinda Simensky Whitman Amy Sorensen Wood Robin Tavekelian Post Cathy L. Tilley


Margaret Fitzgerald Rogers Alicia Ingalls Hoft Julie Roberts Scharf Nancy Titus Laliberte

1985 Total Gifts: $625 Debra S. Arippol Jill Blanchard Sommer Honor Jutila Davis Pamela Manikas Washek Clair McCarthy Dalton Lynn McCarthy Scuderi Beth Ottaviani Depietri Bernadette Reaney O’Connor Danielle J. Sacco Arlene R. Strauss

1986 Total Gifts: $200 Josephine Bonilla Barayuga Janet Cannon Kirsten Clark Murphy* Susan Wood Karpenko

1987 Total Gifts: $435 Elizabeth Brewster Murray Marianne Butler Andrea Callahan Russo Cecilia Coleman Welch Bernice Devlin Bohnenberger Wendy Ford Foley Ursula Guy Bohnenberger Marjorie S. Kahn* Ann J. Mignosa* Wendy C. Tarfano* Cynthia Thurston McDade

1988 Total Gifts: $100 Janice Eaton Updike Dana Sprouse McLaughlin Cheryl Vance Brayman

1989 Total Gifts: $225 Catherine Childs Michelle Forget White Steffanie Kaplowitz Finn

1990 Randy Vito Driscoll

1991 Melissa Barry Wandelear

1992 Laura Heavey Gavel Zena Perez de Lemos


Total Gifts: $1,485

Total Gifts: $155

Judi Carlson Van Riper* Judith Corey Perrin Linda Humphrey-Walsh Roslyn Ingall Katz Caroline Knoener-Skowronek Gina Lanza Coates Therese Reynolds Katharine Urner-Jones*

Heather Dudley-Tatman* Kathryn Madore Brandi Robinson Dunlop Wendy C. Tarfano* Stacey Yakel

1984 Total Gifts: $265

1994 Total Gifts: $2,550 Jennifer Casella Mullin Katherine Meredith Laura Silverman Snyder

Mary Beth Bacon Sartorelli Tracey Connor Young

*Denotes donors with 10+ years of consecutive support of the Lasell Fund, (d) deceased, boldface indicates Torchbearers or above


Donor Report



Total Gifts: $100

Total Gifts: $460

Michelle Forget White Dianne Randall O’Hearn Sheila Spitzak

1996 Total Gifts: $1,100 Karla Bourgault Russell Melissa Kelley Berkov Leigh-Anne Murphy Appiani Nicole Positano White Heidi Watkins Helwig


Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Mark Henry Ryan Michelangelo Ryan Morell Lasell Fund Crista Cannata Courtney E. Connell Danielle Eid Jennifer Toscano Seibert Amy Weksner Pilat MSM ’08

Total Gifts: $150


Patricia Beck Bishop* Gina Johnston Boone Mary Pat Lynch Anne McDonald

Total Gifts: $380

1998 Total Gifts: $4,095 Jessica Anthony Urit Chaimovitz Allison Johnson Nelson Jennifer Share Jennifer Sweeney Gassiraro

1999 Total Gifts: $205 Gina Harrison Nicole Houdelette Ragognetti Jaime Johnson Burge Erin O’Neil Mosher Mary Ryan-Garcia

2000 Robyn Angino Cathryn Metivier Forrest

2001 Total Gifts: $102 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Heidi Lewis-Smith Lasell Fund Margarette Joseph Pierre Catherine Larkin Christine Nelson Adelin Nunez

2002 Total Gifts: $350 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Brian Smith Lasell Fund Nicole Arvanigian Apelian Gustavo Batista Shelby Derissaint Shannon Muscatello Saraidarian

2003 Total Gifts: $3,400 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds David McInnis Monica Sheppard Lasell Fund Liza Finch Bendett David McInnis James M. Martin


Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Michael Petruccelli Lasell Fund Ginnie Chow Chantel D. Daley MSM ’07 Lesley Foss Claudette Jones Jennifer Knapp Melanie A. Marinello James Ploski Faustine Reny

2006 Total Gifts: $245 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Hayden Barbosa Lasell Fund Alaina M. Galvin Diane Peluso Valerie Pierre Robin Sherman MSM*

2007 Total Gifts: $275 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Brittany Baker Andrew Roch Lasell Fund Brittany Baker Nora Harrington Grigori Ialynytchev MSM Casey Rich Mary Wollstadt

2008 Total Gifts: $180 Lauren Bartinelli Juliana Cordeiro MSM Charles Feeley, III Andrew C. Gundlach Ivy Kemp Marinelli Allison Martin Joshua Montinieri Kathryn Mosher

2009 Total Gifts: $490 Rachel Craft Rachel Franciosi Katelyn M. Hammond Christopher Lynett MSM Kayla McKenna

Caitlyn Murphy Tiana Ponti Benjamin Segal

2010 Total Gifts: $445 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Brandon Hanss Stephanie Hauck David Walsh Lasell Fund Julianne Deganis Nicole Femino Zachary Lambert Jessica Maloney Jan-Marie Murray MSM Heather Oblon Samantha Plack Rachel Sachs Anais Stepanian Philippe Viaud Caitlyn Walker David Walsh Student Giving (current students: 2011-2014)

2011 Total Gifts: $467 Alexander Beck Emily Brennan Jillian Bush Giancarlo De Haseth Vincent DiClemente Trevor Gifford Patrick Girard Meredith Goldstein Rachel Greene Daniel Hatch Catherine Haydock Brett Heimann Christina Hendricks Scott Hill Shannon Hodge Sara Jannuzzi Scott Janz Maura Keating Scott LaPier Dena Leone Kate Lyons Sara Mancari Danielle Mandeville Jonathan Maple Kristopher McCabe Joanna McCarthy Robert Miola Aine Moynihan Phillip Munton Benjamin Neiditz Casey O’Bryan Lia Odoardi Stephen Petrin Maria Rogers Haley Scott Kelly Silvia Luis Simoes, Jr. Eric Swahlan Michelle Torres Britney Wuorio Brian Yepez Matt Young

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

2012 Total Gifts: $123 Boulos Abdallah Leigh Anderson Kathleen Armstrong Margaret Carvalho Kristen Casey Caitlin DeMaria Veronica DiRienzo Alan Dooley Adam Ebert Nicole Finnemore Jordan Flom Jordynn Frollo Mariana Frontera Matthew Handy Kara Hinthorne John Huynh Michael Isherwood Dylan Janosik Sally Jean-Baptiste Jean Leger Kasey Looney Michael Mahoney Teresa Medeiros Richard Neville III D’Andre Orosco Tiffany Potter Michael Sanderson Takeria Settles Victoria Sokoly Joshua Sullivan Jessica Taylor

2013 Total Gifts: $83 Katherine Allen Sean Bertanza Tyler Bicknell Lindy Bryant Karynne Cabral Ericzon Cabrera Malcolm Callaghan Wendy Chen Daniel Clark Colton Cmar Tyler Condry Alyssa Connelly Alexander Dixon Anatole Draleau Maryah Duplissie Lawrence Fagan, Jr. Georgina Fakhoury Mary Farley Shiniqua Fife Adam Fyles Allie Gagne Rachelle Haas Emily Hague Brendan Ham Matthew Handy William Heim Kevin Jean Michael Keel Carolyn Kenniston Taylor Lane Sara Levesque Joseph Lyons Christine MacLeod Rocco Mancinelli Daniel McManus Stephen McNulty, Jr. Chelsea Mitchell-Smith

Michelle Muller Gianni Nicolosi Patricia O’Connor Seth Parmeter Matthew Pitts Jennifer Rafanelli Lindsay Reilly Ashley Reiser Heidi Rose Lauren Ross Lauren Russo Kaitlyn Ryan Jacob Salkovitz Samantha Salkovitz Alison Saluti Natalie Sherwood Ana Shores Ashley Slattery Amy Sleeper Elizabeth Snyder Lindsey Sowles Robert Stachura Michael Sullivan Miguel Taveras Camilla Vaca Jasmine Villanueva Javon Williams James Winter James Winter Natasha Wood Shelby Wozmak

2014 Total Gifts: $66 Courtney Amberg Matthew Arias Alyson Bermudez Carlo Bon Tempo Tyler Brown Nicholas Campozano-Hill Chaney Carlson-Bullock Kristen Castro Joseph Clark Fraser Coleman Natalie Couture Erin Covey Lauren Dessert Arianna Diorio Mary Dunphy Victoria Elia Alexandra Ferri Amy Gartner Ross Gillander Samantha Gomes Emily Gorski Charles Graham, III Zachary Gray Nery Guerra, Jr. Richard Hawkes, IV Maegan Hemstock Andrew Hinthorne Annie Intrieri Vicente Ithier-Vicenty Daniel Klinzing Michae Kulch Alyssa Lajoie Ryan Langell Mariah LeBlanc Victor Maccow, Jr. Zachary Marelli-Nowlan Jennifer Mcgurgan


Donor Report

The Heritage Society As alumni and friends learn about the benefits of planned giving at Lasell College, many are choosing to provide special support for Lasell’s future by establishing a life income gift or bequest. The Heritage Society honors these individuals who champion the next generation of students at Lasell. We are pleased to pay tribute to the following members of the Heritage Society (as of June 30, 2011): Thomas E.J. de Witt Lynn Blodgett Williamson ’46 Honorary Co-Chairs Class of 1934 Anonymous Class of 1936 Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle H’96 Emily Hubbel Weiss (d) and Gerard A. Weiss Class of 1937 Marjorie Westgate Doran and A. Benedict Doran (d) Elizabeth Ann Wisdom Class of 1938 S. Joanne Bohaker Smith Class of 1939 Virginia Thomas Baxter Class of 1940 Jeanne Hubbard Brooks Lucy Harrison Eimer Elizabeth Carlisle Holmberg Dorothy Cooke Merchant Ruth Fulton Rardin Jayne Jewett Woodward (d) and John Woodward Class of 1941 Marian Fitts Sternkopf

Class of 1942 Anonymous Ruth Turner Crosby H’92 Marcia Corey Hanson Class of 1943 Elizabeth Gorton Collier Ann Preuss Gillerlain Priscilla Spence Hall Patricia Bixby McHugo Eleanor Millard Parsons (d) and E. Spencer Parsons Janet Reid Richards Class of 1944 Carol Hill Hart Gloria Boyd Major-Brown Jane Maynard Robbins (d) and Clesson Robbins Class of 1945 Jane A. Dittrich Eugenia Cooney Glow Theresa Bergeron Hoyt Susan Slocum Klingbeil Janet Eaton Maynard

Margaret Beach Otis Linda Koempel Tompkins Class of 1948 Freda Alexander Nancy Larsen Bailey and James Bailey Frances Lee Osborne Alice Johnson Thornton Cecelia (Bubbles) Davenport Weidmann Irma Lipsitt Wolfe Class of 1949 Nancy Lawson Donahue Joyce Brandt Francis Jewell Ward Ganger and Jon L. Ganger (d) Nancy Curtis Grellier Jane Wadhams Hazen Janet White MacLure Sarah Taylor Murray

Class of 1946 Rose Emer Bucalo Joan Walker Runge Lynn Blodgett Williamson

Class of 1950 Anonymous Joan Antun Rednor and Charles Rednor (d) Ariel Leonard Robinson Marni Nahigian Sarkisian Jean Davies Stanley ’50 and Peter W. Stanley

Class of 1947 Beverly Tucker Bowen Anne Alger Ehrlich Jean Morgan Koenitzer

Class of 1951 Jo-Ann Vojir Massey and Dwight Massey Joan Howe Weber

Remembering with Gratitude A large portion of our endowment growth has come through the generosity of these honored alumni and friends who made provision for Lasell in their estate plans and through life-income gifts, which have now been received by the College. We are forever grateful to these cherished individuals whose legacies live on through our current and future students. Anonymous ’29 Anonymous ’36 Anonymous ’37 Anonymous ’40 Margaret Abrahamian ’48 Jean B. Adams ’40 Carol J. Bancroft ’51 Jean Barnes ’42 Diane Palady Barry ’49 Frances Austin Beaumier ’37 Diane Heath Beever ’49 Judith Woodbury Berenson ’46 Sibyl Weymouth Braniff ’19 Barbara Ordway Brewer ’35 Ruth Lindquist Brinton Dorothy Hale Brown ’26 Doris Bissett Bryant ’21 Evelyn Suor Butterworth ’27 Dorothy Meeker Buttle ’30

Mabelle Hickcox Camp ’34 Elizabeth Madeira Campbell ’22 Henrietta Hisgen Campbell ’28 Jean Campbell ’44 Laurence C. Campbell Julia C. Case ’32 Lucille Huse Chappell ’37 Dorothy England Chester ’29 Laura C. Cobb ’39 Mildred Bell Cole ’31 Mabel Burns Coleman ’28 Dorothy Ballou Collier ’24 A. Jeanne Price Crye ’32 Marjorie Magune Curtis ’31 Janet Owens DeArment ’37 Helen Duncan Devereaux ’26 Katharine Peck Dietler ’35 Ruth Anson Drayer ’43 Gertrude Baninger Duquette ’43

Norma Booth DuVally ’40 Esther Palmer Dwinell ’24 Bernice Kent Ennis ’28 A. Isabel LaCosse Fior ’34 Barbara Schilf Fournier ’40 Lydia Adams Godsoe ’18 Hester Shaw Gordon ’28 Sarah Wild Gordon ’21 Lillian G. Grant ’20 Marguerite Boyd Greene ’30 Arthur T. Gregorian Mildred J. Guyett ’32 Ruth D. Hayden ’20 Dorothy Young Heath ’30 Michelle B. Hires ’48 Nancy Larson Holbrook ’42 Marion Camandona Holden ’38 P. Lynn Kiefer Holt ’61 Evelyn Douglass Hooper ’28

Class of 1954 Anonymous

Class of 1964 Nancy Zigo Bush

Class of 1955 Anonymous Nancy Goodman Cobin and Howard Cobin Genevieve G. Harold Bobbie R. Jennings Joy Stewart Rice

Class of 1967 Susan B. Lillywhite

Class of 1956 Anonymous Anonymous Nancy Shook Bender Margaret Schwingel Kraft Class of 1957 Marcia James Carthaus Nancye Van Deusen Connor and Philip J. Connor (d) Caroline Killam Moller Class of 1958 Anonymous Marsha Singer Marshall and Richard Marshall Judith George Stephens Class of 1959 Joan Sycle Norwitz Class of 1961 Elizabeth C. Hood Laura T. Jensen Geraldine Weidman Wight Class of 1963 Anonymous Kay Ingrid Pinkham Margo Hicks Waite

Class of 1968 Judith Lipkins Ness Ann Sterner Tyler Class of 1969 MaryAnn Mitchell Beaver Class of 1970 Nora Jean Ganslen Class of 1974 Rena Berke Class of 1983 Pell (Rusty) Kennedy Katharine Urner-Jones Class of 1987 Anonymous Friends Michael B. Alexander Anonymous Calvin R. Carver Thomas E. J. de Witt and Margaret E. Ward Professor Sylvia B. Goodman Mervin and Rosalind D. Gray Helena B. Hartnett Robert U. Johnsen Family Arthur P. and Ellen Menard Ruth S. Shuman Donald Winslow (d) and Charlotte Winslow Kyo Yamawaki

(d) deceased

Elinor Kuchler Hopkins ’43 Eleanor C. Humphrey ’29 Estelle L. Jenney ’25 Marion E. Johnson ’31 Shirley Frank Kerner ’45 Portia E. Kieser ’40 Jean Sargent Lee ’49 Katherine Braithwaite Leutwyler ’29 Merrill Brown Lett ’38 Joan Lindeman ’54 Minerva Damon Ludewig ’27 Dell L. Masterjohn ’34 Bunny Quinn McKenna ’46 Emma H. Ockert ’26 Natalie E. Park ’32 Helen B. Perry ’24 Beatrice Kidd Phelps ’38 Jane Hupman Preston ’31 Daniel W. Puffer Penny DeLaney Ogrinz Eleanor Dippel Reed ’35 Pauline LeClaire Reiter ’27 Elizabeth G. Richards ’16 C. Marguerite Virkler Roberts ’26 Elizabeth Sylvester Robinson ’38 Rosalie Brightman Rosen ’27

Elizabeth Page Sealey ’32 Julia Crafts Sheridan Phyllis Rafferty Shoemaker ’22 Rena A. Silverman ’52 Janet Whitten Smith ’39 Marjorie Maxfield Smith ’27 Warren Spooner Grace C. Spurr ’44 Sheila Gordon Stein ’60 Robert S. Stoller Harriet Newcomb Stoughton ’38 Dorothy Hagadorn Taylor ’25 Molly Upham Taylor ’35 Anne Campbell Terrill ’37 Carolyn Clark Thomas ’49 Dorothy Thomas Thomas ’38 Marvine Weatherby ’41 Jane Abbot Wiederhold ’41 Janet A. Welch ’54 Louise Hegeman Whitman ’25 Sylvia Morgan Williams ’30 Priscilla Winslow ’35 E. Frances Flynn Witham ’27 Leonard P. Wolfe, Jr. Deborah York ’36

*Denotes donors with 10+ years of consecutive support of the Lasell Fund, (d) deceased, boldface indicates Torchbearers or above


Donor Report Shaun Mckosky Amanda Mcmahon Corey Michel Meagan Moberg Courtney Moen Kevin Moloney Ashley Monck Zachary Monette Matthew Nemecek Daniel O’Boyle Owen O’Brien Jamie Osterberg Thomas Owens, Jr. Amber Prendergast John Sartucci, Jr. Erica Schofield Kristen Silvia Bryan Smith Nicholas Suhoski Matthew Tucker Cassandra Wadden Samantha Whynot Kirby Williams Amanda Woollacott Britney Wuorio Alexa Wyllie Chelsea Zeig

Friends Total Gifts: $186,305 Bridge to the Future/ Other Funds Albert Donatio Sahra Radonsky Lasell Fund Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Joseph Aieta, III* Emily Alexander Janet Alexander Michael B. Alexander and Mary Barbara Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Scott Alexander Emily Alter* Sally M. Andrews* C. Chad Argotsinger Lonnie Armstrong, Jr. Robert H. Arnow* Pamela Arons Mark Aronson Diane M. Austin* Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Austrian Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Bagshaw, Jr. Janice M. Barrett Robert A. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Ben Benoit Julie Bernson Lynn Blake Richard K. Blankstein Steven Bloom* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boissevain Gail Bonner Linda S. Bruenjes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Buck Krystin Burke Roger Campbell Lena Cappiello Jill Carey David A. Carlson Sally Carola Coleman H. Casey Elaine Cavanaugh


Edward Christiansen, Jr. and Lyn Christiansen Rena Clark William L. Copithorne Jeffrey P. Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corley Joan Crooker Michael Daley Thomas E.J. de Witt H’07* and Margaret E. Ward H’07* Gerald DeRoche Samir Desai and Nilima Desai Diane Dion John Dirlam, Jr. Richard D. Dodds, Jr.* Richard K. Donahue* Elisabeth M. Drake James Dunne, III Pamela Faria Champe A. Fisher* Haegan Forrest and Kristen Forrest Adrienne Franciosi Dr. & Mrs. Fred H. Frankel Marie Franklin Richard T. Frederics* Gretchen G. Friend David Fromm RoseMary B. Fuss* Michelle Gaseau Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gelch Hortense Gerardo Ana Glavin Mr. & Mrs. George Goldberg Felice W. Gordis Celeste L. Harring David Harris* Helena Bentz Hartnett* Susan Hass Samantha Hastler Neil M. Hatem Kathleen D. Hegenbart* David Hennessey Richard S. Holway H’01* and Jeannine Holway* Ellen Honnet George Hornig Michael Hoyle Robert H. Huntington* and Susan McCafferty* Sally Ishihara Margaret Ives Sharon Ivey Jerome Kaplan Susan S. Kaplan* Sylvia Kaufman Rebecca Kennedy* and James Kennedy* William Klingbeil* Adrienne Hartzell Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. George Kosboth Rudolph Kraft* Charlotte Krentzel Mark LaFrance Mr. & Mrs. Gary Landback Mr. & Mrs. David Langstaff Chester K. Lasell Marian LeFevre Ruth Lentini John F. Leonard Tessa LeRoux Helene J. Levine James Lincoln Peter Lydecker Barbara Lysen

Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mann Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Marchetta Marisa L. Mascaro Dwight B. Massey* Lauren McCauslin Debra McCue Joan McGrath* Arthur P. Menard Mark Mendell Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mercer Marsha Mirkin Mary Morgan Sharyn A. Neble and George R. Neble Ruth E. Nemzoff Employees of Michael A. Neufeld & Assoc., LLC Mr. & Mrs. John Noonan Alla O’Brien Kathleen M. O’Connor* Ellen S. Offner Lucy Olson James Ostrow* and Christine Ostrow* Paula DeAngelis Panchuck* Robin Parry E. Spencer Parsons Esther Pearson Malini Pillai Dianne Polizzi Richard A. Pope and Karen D. Miller Joseph L. Potts Donna Power George Putnam* Robert Read Judith Reilly Nancy Hopkins Reilly Alan H. Robbins and Jerye-Ann Robbins Clesson A. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sainsbury Helena L. Santos Stephen N. Sarikas and Marlena Yannetti Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sayles, Jr. M. Ruth Sayles Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schaffnit James A. Shanahan Ruth S. Shuman* Dr. & Mrs. William Silen Dorry Silver Ann Silverstein Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Sokal Mr. & Mrs. David Spencer Erik J. Stapper Phyllis Taylor* Paula Thier Aaron Toffler Eric M. Turner James M. Tweed Anne Vallely Lisa Vasiloff Christine Walter Brian J. Wardyga and Laurie-Lee Wardyga Catherine Weiss Kathryn E. West Charlotte Lindgren Winslow Russell A. Winslow* Judith B. Wittenberg and Jack Wittenberg

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

John Woodward Kyo Yamawaki H’93 Robert Zuar

Mr. & Mrs. Jose Donis Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. John Doran Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dufault Parents Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eldredge Total Gifts: $110,389 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Elia Mr. & Mrs. George Fakhoury Bridge to the Future/ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fannon, Sr. Other Funds Mr. & Mrs. William Farr Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fasshauer Mrs. Susan Radonsky Mr. & Mrs. Michael Faulkner Dr. & Mrs. Neil E. Share* Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Fernandez Lasell Fund Del Castillo Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fernandez Anonymous Ms. Carmen Fillmore Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Kent Finemore Mr. & Mrs. Richard Aberman Ms. Heather Fischer Mrs. Doreen Allen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ford Ms. Susan Amon Mr. George Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Brian Anderson and Ms. Beth McSheehy Mrs. Deborah Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gagne Mr. John R. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Geib Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Antoshak Mr. Lawrence Gennett Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Antunes and Ms. Ivey Cooley Mr. Joseph Auclair Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Bacon Mr. & Mrs. Andrew German Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ballou Mrs. Jolene Gillander Mr. & Mrs. George Barksdale Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gilson Ms. Jennifer Barreto Mr. & Mrs. William Goodell Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Barrett Mr. & Mrs. John Gosselin Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Berliner Ms. Sheila Graves Mr. & Mrs. David Bicknell Mr. Harry Greenblatt Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bisconti Mr. & Mrs. Arnold R. Haley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bonk Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harrington Ms. Margareda Bou-Nassif Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hawkes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Haydock Mrs. Ann V. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Heim Mr. & Mrs. Claudio Brocado Mr. Harold Henry Ms. Marie E. Bruninghaus and Ms. Barbara Nichols Mr. Ricardo Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Hessler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buono Mr. & Mrs. George Hoffmann Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Burke Ms. Toni A. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. William Burke Ms. Wendy Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Butler, III and Mr. Rodney Gerace Ms. Mary Capuano Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Howard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caraccio Mr. William Hueston Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carpino and Ms. Kathleen Martin Mr. Bill Carr and Ms. Jennifer Burns Mr. & Mrs. David Huhtala Mr. John David Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Hutchings Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cartland Dr. & Dr. Toby Igbani Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Carvalho Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Isherwood Mr. & Mrs. John Chetta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jackson Mrs. Cynthia F. Clark Mr. & Mrs. John Jarek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clark Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Jindela Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Anthony LaMorte Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Cmar Ms. Kely Langbehn Mr. Barry Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth LaPier Dr. & Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lemoine Mr. & Mrs. Peter Conti Mr. & Mrs. Robert Liberatore Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Conway Ms. Sue Long Ms. Karen Couture Mrs. Sharon Losordo Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cove, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lucente Mr. & Mrs. Alan Covey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luciano Mr. & Mrs. James E. Crabtree Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lyons Ms. Victoria Curione Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Richard Curro Mr. & Mrs. David MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Guy DeFilippo Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Deganis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maguire Ms. Ellamarie DeLoreto Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mahlstedt Mr. Brian Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm Ms. Ann DeRuosi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mancari Mr. & Mrs. Frank DiRienzo Mr. &Mrs. Thomas Mandeville Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dolliver


Donor Report Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Terry McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. James L. McKean Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Russell McWatters Mr. & Mrs. Virgilio Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. John J. Merlino Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Miola Mr. & Mrs. James J. Missett Mr. & Mrs. Sean Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Moffatt Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Moran Ms. Janet O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Gary Odoardi Ms. Janet Olowojoba Mr. & Mrs. John O’Neil Ms. Heather Orosco Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Osier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peck Mr. & Mrs. Mark Peloquin Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Petrin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rao Mr. & Mrs. John P. Redding Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Reid Mr. & Mrs. Carl Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Steven L. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. William Roddy Mr. Philip Ruderman Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Russo Mrs. Katherine M. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan Mrs. Lucille Salhany and Mr. John Polcari Mr. & Mrs. Steven Samia Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sassine Ms. Marci Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Seitsinger Dr. & Mrs. Neil E. Share* Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shawles Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sherwood Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sibincich, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Silvia Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sokoly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stam Ms. Penelope Stauffer Ms. Lisa Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Turgeon Mr. & Mrs. Michele Varano Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Veve Mrs. Traci Doak Vincent Mr. Theodore A. von Glahn, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walker Mr. & Mrs. James Waterman Dr. Mary Wendel Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Wetzel Mrs. Kimberley Williams Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Winter Ms. Teri Woodbine Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wrenn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Young Mr. & Mrs. David Zamary

Gifts in Kind Alertus Technologies, LLC Martha Bancroft Carole Ceresi Harpoon Brewery (Harpoon Helps) Mr. Hart Ann L. Keenan Mary Keenan Pat Keller Keyes Drug, Inc. Moody Street Dental Marie Riccio Elisse Allinson Share ’65 Sue Szekely Whole Foods Market Kitchen Charlotte Lindgren Winslow

Alumni Events Sponsorships Mr. & Mrs. Chester H. Lasell

Honorary Gifts Aunt Margaret Neil Bacon ’10 Scott Bacon ’10 Erin Covey ’14 Dr. Felice W. Gordis Elizabeth Snow Hart Joan Walker Runge ’46 Antoinette Ruinen Stapper ’56 Sabra Turner Stockdale ’50

Memorial Gifts Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Patricia Greenhalgh Barrows ’48 Elaine Sproul Belham ’62 Natalie Hall Campbell ’49 Virginia M. DeNyse ’41 Beryl Schelhorn Frey ’55 Kathryn Poore Hamel ’49 Jane Maynard Robbins ’44 Nancy Goldenberg Rodgers ’69 Nan Safran Deborah Markey Sayles ’66 Judith Tracy Shanahan ’48 Cathy Sigalos Lucy Sypher Betty Wallace White ’39 Donald J. Winslow Jayne Jewett Woodward ’40

Estates Total Gifts: $17,457 George S. DeArment Trust Estate of Penny DeLaney Ogrinz ’38 Estate of Dorothy Thomas Thomas ’38 Estate of Janet Welch ’54

Foundations Total Gifts: $276,818 Other Funds Davis Educational Foundation Gift4Giving Program Longfield Family Foundation, Inc. The Schrafft Charitable Trust Lasell Fund Joan and Robert Arnow Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management The Avon Family Foundation

Harris A. Berman & Ruth Nemzoff Family Foundation Boston Foundation Cohen Family Foundation Myron & Nancy Cohn Philanthropic Fund Cypress Foundation, Inc. Richard K. and Nancy L. Donahue Charitable Foundation John Doran Family Foundation Florin Family Foundation, Inc. Gifts in Kind International Harris Family Foundation Jeannine and Dick Holway Fund JustGive Thomas Ezra Kennedy Fund Klingbeil Family Fund Lydecker Family Fund MBA3 Foundation of the Ayco Charitable Foundation McDonough Family Fund Virginia Metzler Family Charitable Foundation Panchuck Family Charitable Fund Parsons FamilyTrust Lewis M. & Esther Perlstein Family Foundation Joyce Andrews Phelps Fund Peter and Betsy Printz Fund The Saunders Foundation Stiles Family Fund TD Ameritrade Zucker/Uhrman Philanthropic Fund

Corporations Total Gifts: $80,422 Other Funds Cavalier Coach Corporation D & S Landscaping & Excavating, Inc. Deloitte Foundation, Inc. Dunkin’ Donuts Eastern Bank Eck MacNeely Architects, Inc. Kenneally Creative Metric Construction Company MetroWest Contracting Corporation Muzi Motors Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Regan’s Service, Inc. Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates United Educators The Village Bank Lasell Fund ACE INA Foundation Aetna Foundation, Inc. Alertus Technologies, LLC American International Group, Inc. Colgate-Palmolive Company Con Edison Daiichi-Sankyo Inc. Deloitte Foundation, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Ernst & Young Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation FM Global Foundation General Electric Foundation Houghton Mifflin Company IKON Office Solutions Foundation

International Business Machines Corporation JustGive Macy’s, Inc. Mobil Foundation, Inc. National Grid Northeast Utilities System Parker Hannifin Foundation Pfizer Inc. Pharmacia Foundation Philips North America Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Procter & Gamble Fund The Prudential Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. The Stanley Works Foundation Texas Instruments Foundation Verizon Foundation Vulcan Materials Company Wells Fargo The Xerox Foundation

Athletic Department Gifts Total Gifts: $12,265 B & B Barbers, Inc. Brittany Baker ’07 Hayden Barbosa ’06 Nicholas Cerreta Cherry Tree Restaurant Ciro’s Foreign Car Repair, Inc. Lydia Conca Dairy Barn Dunn & Haney, Inc. Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 841 Glen Ro Spirit Shoppe Great Northeast Athletic Conference Guilmartin, Dipiro & Sokolowski, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gunning, Jr. Brandon Hanss ’10 Neil M. Hatem Stephanie Hauck ’10 Mark Henry ’04 John’s Barber Shop Mr. & Mrs. E. Neill Jordan Keith’s Dependable Auto Service LLC. Keyes Drug, Inc. Jane R. Kuronen Ruth M. Lentini Heidi Lewis-Smith ’01 Long Island Financial Group R. L. McCray Landscaping David McInnis ’03 Karen E. Michel Ryan Michelangelo ’04 MJR Development Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Allen Monette Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Moran Ryan Morell ’04 NCAA Newton Parks & Recreation Dept. Dorothy A. O’Brien Michael Petruccelli ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Pompeo Progressive Food Products, Inc. Thomas R. Reske Landscape Service Riccardo’s Ristorante

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roache Andrew Roch ’07 Rockland IT Solutions Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan Ryder Development Corp. Mr. & Mrs. John Sartucci Monica Sheppard ’03 Brian Smith ’02 Jean C. Spatola Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stachura Supreme Muffler & Brake, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sutton Mary Tom Mary Uberti David Walsh ’10 Nancy Wentzell

Rockwell Child Study Center Fund Total Gifts: $910 Holly Amicangioli Tanya Cherkerzian-Giancola Lisa Lee Jennifer Maitre MaryAnn McCabe James Menadue Dharinee Menon Sandra Nelson Young Oh Sarah Perkins Devon Pottinger Jeffrey Robinson Emily Shumsky Scott Williamson

*Denotes donors with 10+ years of consecutive support of the Lasell Fund, (d) deceased, boldface indicates Torchbearers or above


Donor Report

Bridge to the Future Update


The following list includes those generous donors who have made gifts and pledges, in addition to their Lasell Fund donations, in support of the Bridge to the Future (BTTF) fundraising initiative, a three-year campaign launched in fiscal 2010 to provide for Lasell’s robust facility, endowment and operating needs. As of June 30, 2011, over $7.2 million has been raised for these purposes. Robert Arnow, former Overseer and Lasell Village Trustee, and husband of the late Joan Weiler Arnow ’49, has offered Lasell a $1 million Challenge Grant to ensure that the College meet its $10 million BTTF fundraising goal. To support the Arnow Challenge—which calls for the Lasell community to raise $2.8 million—all new and increased gifts to the BTTF effort made between May 16, 2011 and June 30, 2012, including Lasell Fund and documented planned gifts, will qualify.

Setting a Goal: Robert Arnow.

Shirley Hannafin Adams ’51 and Robert Adams

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kay

Harriet Markham Wedeman ’48/H’10 Kathryn E. West

Michael B. Alexander and Mary Barbara Alexander

Susan Slocum Klingbeil ’45 and William Klingbeil Crystal M. Kneeland

Robert H. Arnow

Thomas Koerber

Judith B. Wittenberg and Jack Wittenberg

Nancy Larsen Bailey ’48 and James Bailey

John F. Leonard

Virginia Thomas Baxter ’39

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Lewis


Keith D. Bilezerian

Darryl F. Madey

George I. Alden Trust

Richard K. Blankstein

Michael A. Maggiacomo

Boston Foundation

Rose Emer Bucalo ’46

John and Linda Maguire P’10

Carver/Delaney Families Foundation

Calvin R. Carver, Jr.

Gloria Boyd Major-Brown ’44

Andrew Delaney Foundation

Urit Chaimovitz ’98

Marisa L. Mascaro

Rena Clark

Thomas and Olivia McDonough P’10 Leona M. McFarland

Richard & Nancy Donahue Charitable Foundation Florin Family Foundation, Inc.

Joan Conradi McLaughlin ’59

Gift4Giving Program

Albert Donatio

Dorothy Cooke Merchant ’40

Gruverman Family Fund

Pamela Faria

Caroline Killam Moller ’57

D. A. Hamel Family Charitable Trust

Thelma Greenberg Florin ’54 and Richard Florin

Ina S. Moses Charles and Susan Moran P’11

MBA3 Foundation of the Ayco Charitable Foundation

Kathleen M. O’Connor

McDonough Family Fund

Nancy Lawson Donahue ’49/P’78/H’98 and Richard K. Donahue P’78

Roger Marc Fournier Ginger Fragnito RoseMary B. Fuss Marguerite Boyd Greene ’30 (d) Nancy Curtis Grellier ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Gruverman Priscilla Spence Hall ’43 Dana A. Hamel Helena Bentz Hartnett Susan Hass

Ellen S. Offner

McIninch Foundation

James Ostrow and Christine Ostrow

The Millipore Foundation

E. Spencer Parsons

Parsons Family Trust

James A. Shanahan

Waste Management

Elisse Allinson Share ’65/P’98 Ruth S. Shuman


Sally Remley Southmayd ’62

Anonymous Estate of Jean B. Adams ’40

Erik J. Stapper Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Tolbert, Jr.

Estate of Lucille Huse Chappell ’37

Eric M. Turner and Wanda Whitmore

Estate of Gertrude Baninger Duquette ’43

Kathleen D. Hegenbart

Katharine Urner-Jones ’83 and Lawrence Jones

Estate of Joan Lindeman ’54

Michael Hoyle

Adelaide Shaffer Van Winkle ’36/H’96

Estate of Grace Crossland Spurr ’44

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Irlen

Joan Howe Weber ’51

Estate of Robert S. Stoller

Neil M. Hatem Marjorie Borden Hayward ’40


Charlotte and Donald J. Winslow (d)

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011

Estate of Jean Sargent Lee ’49


Gus Batista ’02

‘Everyone Should Get Involved!’ A business major as an undergraduate, now an operations manager for Audi of America franchises in Miami and the Caribbean, Gus Batista ’02 is a vibrant ambassador for Lasell. Leaves caught up with the busy young alum as his 10th reunion approaches (June 1-3, 2012). What attracted you to Lasell? Its small classroom environment and Connected Learning philosophy. Memorable professor? I learned a lot from Associate Professor of Accounting Richard Frederics who was (and still is) always willing to go the extra mile for students.

Hobbies? Traveling and experiencing different cultures. Your alma mater clearly means a lot to you. Say more. Lasell was a home away from home, a place that challenged me to be a better person, allowed me to grow and helped me become who I am today. Why do you think it’s important for young alums to support Lasell? It's important to give back, because you need to stand behind your educational institution. The Lasell name is part of my career profile; it goes with me everywhere I go and helps define my accomplishments. Giving back opens the door for future grants and growth. Every amount counts, no matter how big or small. Everyone should get involved!

www.lasellalumni.org/lasellfund The Lasell Fund is Lasell’s annual giving program that encourages alumni, parents and friends of the College to support today’s students with a gift to the school. Visit www.lasellalumni.org/lasellfund, or contact Haegan Forrest, director of Annual Giving and Constituent Relations, at hforrest@lasell.edu or 617.243.2165 to learn more about how you can make a difference.

Leaves Fall 2011 Vice President for Institutional Advancement Ruth S. Shuman COO2933

Leaves is printed on paper made of 30% post-consumer waste with a total recycled content of 55%.

Editor Diane Carasik Dion Contributing Editor Michelle Gaseau

Class Notes Editor Emily Alter Director of Support Services Jeanne A. Johnsen ’72

Photography James Collins Michelle Gaseau Ryan Miner Stewart Woodward

Contributors Amanda Comeau ’11 Erin Ingleton ’12

Lasell College Green Campus Initiative Single-stream recycling allows students, faculty and staff to recycle most of their waste, all within one bin! In the first three months of single-stream recycling on campus, four tons of waste were saved from the landfill. You can help the Lasell College Green Campus Initiative by registering for Reunion Weekend 2012 online. Every step matters in reaching our goal, no matter how small! Same Address? Through your relationship to Lasell College, you are a subscriber to Leaves. To unsubscribe or report an address change, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 617-243-2341 or www.lasellalumni.org.

Lasell College Report On The Year: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Vice President for Institutional Advancement Ruth S. Shuman Director of Annual Giving and Constituent Relations Haegan Forrest Director of Communications Michelle Gaseau

Design Kenneally Creative Arlington, MA

Assistant Director of Communications Diane Carasik Dion Director of Support Services Jeanne A. Johnsen ’72 Director of Development Mark LaFrance Senior Advancement Officer Katharine Urner-Jones ’83

Printing Kirkwood Printing Wilmington, MA


Leaves FA L L 2 0 1 1

Office of Institutional Advancement 1844 Commonwealth Avenue Newton, MA 02466-2716

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We’re a Winner! Lasell’s alumni magazine, Leaves, recently won a prestigious Clarion Award from The Association for Women in Communications as “Most Improved Magazine” for 2011. The annual competition drew entries from 30 states and three countries across categories that include print, electronic and online media. Other Clarion 2011 winners were The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Marie Claire and HBO. In honoring Leaves, contest judges cited the “enormous task of bringing this publication into its newer, more vibrant, easier-to-read version.” Kudos to all!

SAVE the


2012 Florida in March Lasell is headed to Florida March 5-16. Scheduled stops include: West Coast • Naples, Punta Gorda, Sarasota East Coast • Boca Raton, Miami, Jupiter

For specific dates, event information and registration, go to www.lasellalumni.org or call the Office of Alumni Relations at 617-243-2139.

Sunday, May 13 Lasell Commencement

Friday, June 1 to Sunday, June 3 Reunion Weekend Celebrating classes ending in 2’s and 7’s


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