1 minute read
I have questions – lots of questions. I had them last year when I bought my laser and have even more today! I'm not the only one, right?
Then I had a thought, “Hey! What if I created a publication that was a repository for all these questions and the best answers? I bet people would like that. Heck, I would like that!”
So the vision for what would become this magazine, LASER FOCUSED, was born. And now here it is “Hot off the (digital) press!”
When you subscribe – for free – you will automatically be notified when each edition is ready. It is my hope you will pour through them, learn new things, share tips and help find answers. I am certain that Laser Focused will become the place you turn to, looking for that helpful nugget you saw a couple of issues ago!
We will also add features as we grow such as: a humor section because hey - we all have stories! So if you find funny memes and stories, please submit them. a Q & A column and we will need your questions! More tips! - we plan on two full pages in the future so please send in your helpful hints!
How about prizes? Right from the start, with this issue, we have 2 drawings. On the first of September and October we will draw a name for a $250 gift certificate from and for Making Blank. Everyone subscribed as of midnight the night before will be eligible. This is donated by Making Blank, an advertiser, and we are grateful for this fun start! So, get subscribed if you aren't already (see below)! You get an extra entry into the drawings if you share Laser Focused with someone else and they subscribe citing you as the person who referred them so share away!
Please shop the advertisers. They have taken this leap of faith with me, are contributing to the knowledge base, and are here to help you be successful!
Thank you for your excitement and support in launching Laser Focused. I want to hear your feedback and keep growing something great together!
Enjoy the issue!
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