REEL HOLLYWOOD MAGAZINE Fall issue 2013 allie gonino

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Cover Page

Photographer: LaShaunte Wade Actress: Allie Gonino Makeup & Hair: Deedra West Wardrobe Stylist: Victoria Eklund


Allie Gonino We look to see how Allie’s life has been after ABC Family’s The Lying Game and how her Band is doing.

PAGE 46 PAGE 56 Tiffany Shepis Down and dirty with the scream queen.

PAGE 40 Brian Drolet RH shows the serious side of Brian Drolet.

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Erik Aude Getting to know the real side of stuntman Erik Aude

Who is Reel Hollywood Magazine?

Here at Reel Hollywood Magazine we give you the details on fashion trends for the season and interviews with up and coming actors, directors, designer and musicians in the entertainment industry. We also give you the inside scoop on any cool or big projects coming up that are looking for creative artisans. We are a quarterly publication that is online and in print. We will also ocassionally do special edition publications under certain "special" circumstances. At Reel Hollywood Magazine are here to support our fellow artisans and show the world what creative means to us.

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Studio 842 Photographer: Silke Schlotz Model Megan Harting

Make-Up Artist Stephanie Albarracin

Hairstylist Selda Cortes

Wardrobe Stylist Nina Dornheim



SID NEIGUM Collection photo’s by Jesse Milns


KENZO For whole collection visit


The Hey Hey Haley Wardrobe stylist

Photographer: LaShaunte Wade Makeup and Hair by: Michelle Almanza

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David Casteneda Jr.


pet pigeons Fall 2013 collection

Etoile Noir Studios Direction: Veronica Lopez Cinematography & Film Production: Adrian Pruett Wardrobe Stylist: Alexandra Marie Serna Makeup/Hair Stylists: Erica Garcia, Pauline Santana Models: JJ Dubon, Vanezza Padilla, Madison Rose Cicconne

View whole collection at www.

top 5 fall fashion trends 1. Men’s Coats (for women)

3. Color Blocking

2. Colored Furs (Bright or Pastel)

Jacket by Hugo Boss Tshirt Dress from ASOS

4. Army Green

5. Knit Beanies Fur jacket from

Jacket from Planet Blue

Beenie from Uban Outfitters





BURBERRY Collection Photos by Marcus Tondo



TOMMY HILFIGER Collection Photos by Yannis Vlamos



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“I love the weather and scenery in Los Angeles, there’s more culture, more diversity.”

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Reel Hollywood Magazine gets up close and personal with rising star Allie Gonino and we find out what she likes and how are band is doing.. As she film's for her new show The Red Road" on the Sundance Channel, we stop and chat a bit to get to know the real Allie. Being a Texas girl how are you adjusting to life in Hollywood? They are quite different places! There are things I appreciate and dislike about both. I love the weather and scenery in Los Angeles, there’s more culture, more diversity. So for those reasons, it’s been a breeze adjusting! I have been fortunate enough to find people in L.A. who I genuinely connect with. I don’t miss Dallas that much, other than my family who still lives there. Now that you have traveled some if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? -- Of the places I’ve visited, I think Nashville and Austin are two cities in which I could see myself settling down. But I haven’t been to France yet! Who are some of your biggest inspirations in dance, acting and music? -- The Dixie Chicks have been not only musical but personal inspirations for me since I was really little. I just admire how hard they’ve all worked, their talent, and their strength. As far as acting goes, I’m attracted to anything Kate Winslet is in. She’s so real and honest in every performance she gives. I’m also a huge ‘Sex & the City’ fan, and all those women have inspired me as an actress. I can’t say there’s any famous dancer who has inspired me more than my older sister, Britt. She’s not a professional dancer by any means, but I deFinitely learned how to have confIdence on a dance fLOor from her. What do you see yourself doing in the next fifIve years? -- Hopefully FIlming “The Red Road” for a few seasons, doing a great movie here and there, and touring the world! I want to play music everywhere. Perhaps start my own foundation in that time. What has been the highlight of your career so far? -- I suppose the ones that have been the most exciting has been going on tour with The Stunners and Justin Bieber, and being on ‘The Lying Game.’ ‘The Lying Game’ was especially wonderful because I got to play my own original music on the show with my bandmates, in Austin which is a city that I love. And I made some beautiful friends and untouchable memories during the time we FIlmed that series.


If you emulate anyone ( career wise ) who would it be and why? -- I don't know that I've consciously modeled my career after anyone, but I guess Justin Timberlake and I are similar in that we're pursuing music and acting, and are building both careers simultaneously. I respect him in both avenues, as he shows diversity in the roles he chooses as well as being a multi-instrumentalist. Out of any kissing scenes on TV yet? If so do you kiss and tell? Who is the best? -- Haha! This is a hilarious question. Well, I’ve had some fun and not so much fun doing kissing scenes. I don’t think I’m going to say who I had the most fun with though, out of respect for the other actors. Do you have any upcoming projects? Tv, movie, music?-- I’m in Atlanta, Georgia right now, and I’ll start FIlming a new television series for the Sundance Channel next week called, ‘The Red Road’. It’s an amazing cast and the writing is phenomenal. So excited to get to work. While I’m here, Andy [Fischer-Price] and Adam are back in L.A. and we’re all working on writing new material for The Good Mad. The plan is to record our FIrst LP by the end of 2013 or early 2014. if you had to choose 5 male co stars for tv or film that you could choose to be in a film and possibly have a kissing scene with? -- Ha! You’re going to get me in trouble. Let’s just go with the actors I want to work with, not necessarily kiss: Robert Deniro, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, Ryan Gosling (OK, wouldn’t mind a kissing scene there), and Joaquin Phoenix. What would be some other areas in the industry that you would explore hosting, talk show, directing, producing or even musicals -- I’m not much of a hostess. Don’t think that’s in the cards for me. I deFIfinitely plan to direct, produce, write, and score. I’d love to be in a musical on Broadway someday! How would you describe your fashion sense and who are some of your favorite designers and places to shop? -- Right now, I’m in between phases. Or maybe I’ve just stopped being tied down to one style. I really like experimenting with different clothing, it just depends on my mood. My favorite place to shop is Top Shop in NYC.

Reel Hollywood wants to thank Allie for an amazing shoot and want to wish her all the best in her career and we can’t wait to see the new show the red road on sundance channel and all her other projects she has coming up.

Atlas Photography Zowi Daniel Model: Rian BMG model agency Hair/Make Up : Stephen Hudson Stylist: Seven Knowns

LUIS Photographer: Rcky Miramontes Model: Luis Brigman from Slater Model Management

Brian Drolet Actor

Shot by Reel Hollywood Magazine's Photographer Stylist: Malcolm Joris Studio: Dsytopian Studios Written by: LaShaunte Wade

I can honestly say that Brian Drolet is by far the funniest actor I have met so far in my career of shooting, acting and fIlming. I frist met Brian while doing a comedic fIlm callled WHITE ON RICE. It was just non stop laughing on set and his enegry is unbelievable. He reminds me of a young Jim Carrey. So I couldn’t help but have him on our REEL HOLLYWOOD MAGAZINE’S Up and coming actors list. We decided to get a little serious with our comedic friend and get inside his head and see what he has been up to since we last worked together.

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How is it being in a play that has been so successful? Is there more stress added on to you as a performer? The success of the play only alleviates any stress because you’re happy people are enjoying what you’re doing and that gives you the confidence to challenge yourself even more and see what else you can organically find in the moments on stage. The only stress I’ve had with this play was the thirty minutes before the First performance. Once I was out there I was fIne, but it’s just the leading up to it part that sometimes is annoying…especially on opening night. What are some things you’ve learned now that you didn’t know before when you fIrst started acting? I used to think that being a good actor or comedic actor especially was about being funny, or doing something to get laughs. Now I realize more then ever the power of thinking, focusing on the thoughts the character is having. Sometimes the funniest thing or moment is when you can read what a character is thinking on their face without them even saying a word, you just instantly relate and laugh. These days more than ever I’m most interested in the white space on a script more so than the text. Do you have any movies coming out or in pre-production phase? I’m excited to say that a film I’ve put my heart and soul into, the comedy Dumbbells is coming out in theaters and on VOD on January 10th, 2014. I co-wrote the movie with my pal Hoyt Richards who also stars in it with me. It has been a total passion project and we are very blessed to have had an amazing team of people behind creating and supporting it. What is one thing your fans wouldn’t know about you? I’m legally blind in my right eye. Have been since birth. What has been the most funniest thing you have seen on set? That’s an interesting question. I’m trying to think. Two things come to mind from my recent shoot on Dumbbells. I can’t give it away but all I’ll say is it’s the reaction from fans to the one and only FABIO when he is introduced. You’ll have to watch the movie to understand what I mean by that. And the other was the improv skills of a comedian Jay Malone, also in Dumbbells who just fires hilarious line after hilarious line like it was breathing. The guy had me in tears. What made you decide that acting was what you wanted to do as a career? That’s simple. When I was a little kid my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness, a horrible disease called Scleroderma that slowly kills you by attacking your immune system. So as you can imagine my household was thrown quite a curveball and to go back to life as if everything was okay and normal was not the easiest thing. You basically have about a five year window with the disease, but I’m proud to say she fought for twelve. But to answer your question, I knew I wanted to be an entertainer and comedic FIlmmaker because watching movies and comedies together as a family was a release from the sad reality that had befallen us from out of nowhere. It was so special for us all to laugh and watch these movies we’re everyone won in the end. I saw and felt how powerful comedy and movies were and the role they played in society and I felt it was what I was meant to do with my life. I was always acting out the scenes and characters, especially Ace Ventura, I became the comedic release in the house and I loved making my Mom laugh…To this day when I perform I’m still that little kid just entertaining the family…

Top 5 things that help you when you audition 1.Personality 2.Confidence 3.Passion 4.Variety (mix it up) 5.Connection

Erik Aude Actor/Stuntman

Photography by Reel Hollywood Magazine Stylist: Malcolm Joris Studio: Dsytopian Studios

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Who inspires you? A lot inspires me. People that appreciate and focus on what they have and not on what they don’t have. Those that don’t give in to adversity or struggle. My dog Agez who was abused as a puppy, but still isn’t jaded and has the most loving heart any creature on this planet could ever have. I’m very inspired by her. An animal that still loves regardless of how she was once treated. How did you get into acting? I just always wanted to act and do stunts. There was just something about never being forgotten that appealed to me. Years from now when I’m long gone, I really hope that something I performed in will entertain and inspire someone. I started acting at 12 years old. Small no name independent movies and TV shows. I would audition occasionally, and every once in a while get a role. Every time I book a part, even today, im still as excited about getting it as the very first time I ever booked a role. What’s your favorite genre (horror, drama, comedy, etc) to act in and why? Comedy is always fun. But horrors are great if you have a good crew to work with. Telling a story that isn’t cheesy but can grab an audience and drag them along through the film. Its the best. What are some things happening in your life right now that you would like to share? Always hustling, always trying to get something off the ground. Currently working on producing and acting in 3 movies at the moment. 2 of which I’ve written. Ones a Zombie action about a guy whose trained his whole life for a zombie apocalypse that only he ever believed would come. And another about a cab driver who finds out one of his regulars is a serial killer. With all the acting opportunities you have had, which has been the most memorable and fun? They all have a little piece of me with them. I just love acting. Every job big and small. I recently did a period piece movie in Virginia called “Field of Lost Shoes” about the Civil war, and the set had about 140 extra’s, and I had 3 straight pages of dialogue. It was on the same set they filmed Lincoln, but seeing all the background in their costumes and the sets, it really just came to life for me. I was very honored and excited to be working on that set. If you could only bring 3 things on an island with you, what 3 things would you bring and why? Netflix, the internet, and my dog Agez to keep me smiling no matter how bad it got.

Countess Photography by Reel Hollywood Magazine Makeup and Hair: Michelle Almanza Stylist: Haley Glass

TOP 5 HORROR FILMS TO WATCH 1. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

4. Hostel (2005)

2. The Bad Seed (1956)

3. Stephen King’s IT (1990)

5. Would you rather? (2012)


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What advice can you give, from personal experience, to aspiring actors? No real advice except make sure you really want to do this. The business is too hard to even attempt if you can imagine doing anything else. Now if you are set on acting.... Have a good attitude, making a movie is like having a second family. People will keep you around if you’re cool, if not it’s the orphanage for you (she smiles)! Also, know your stuff, you wouldn’t apply for a computer tech job without knowing how to turn on a computer, why would you audition without knowing your lines. Last- love what you do, it’ll show in your work! What made you want to become a horror genre actress? I didn’t choose the genre, although I would have. I was just a kid when I got my first role in “Tromeo and Juliet”. After shooting that and getting to travel around to the cons and fests I was hooked. Not only could I run around all over the world talking about horror fIfilm but I’m also gonna get paid for it..... Whaaaat??????? There was no turning back! What has been your most memorable moment in your acting career? I really loved my role in “The Frankenstein Syndrome”. That movie allowed me to step out of my “norm” and actually play a character. That fIlm was smart, savvy and super creepy. Bonus I met my husband ( who directed it ) via the fIlm. Even though I was far from his fIrst choice, his taste has improved since then lol. What can you tell us that any of your fans wouldn’t know? I hate Disney cartoon movies. Alice in wonderland creeps me out. I drink a ridiculous amount of water and I have a dumb dog named Zack. Are there any new projects underway? Just wrapped a Film called “The Pick-ax Murders” over in Texas, fun 80’s throwback starRing Michael Baldwin and me!;-). Next heading back east to New Jersey to shoot “Running on Empty” a dramatic comedy being shot with an Amazing team!!! Are there any TV shows or films you are looking forward to or are currently watching? We are HUGE fans of The Killing, Orange is the new black and Game of thrones! Can’t wait for them to come back! Missing my murder, lesbians and dungeons and dragons!

e The Possession Model | Haley Glass Makeup & Hair | R aquel Victor ia Photographer | Evie McShane

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Devanny Pinn Actress

How to decide which acting projects to pursue Written by LaShaunte Wade

Here are five ways of determining what project you should pursue. 1. Your physical type. Does the camera love you? 2. Your training. Are you a natural? 3. What do you do best and love? What’s your strong point? 4. In what media do you get cast most frequently now? 5. Where do you see yourself doing in the future? I’ve come to find that theatre is probably the most diverse in the entertainment world. More actors are likely to get casted versus a film or tv. A newcomer most likely strives for TV or film but will constantly be shut out and their esteem begins to crumble. Fear not, its not that you are terrible at your casting, its just that with TV and film they are looking for something more specific and chemistry and talent must be on point and i’m not a casting director, this is just my opinion. I would recommend that for the aspiring actors to try and get into theatre. Musicals are always fun and I think is a good base for you as an actor. I started out doing musicals and it helped me overcome my fear of being on stage and being in front of an audience. It also helps in the aspect of you not forgetting your lines. You defineitly work harder and try to memorize your lines when you know you’re going to be live in front of a full house. Also we all know that if you are in shape, you are most likely to get casted more as well. This business can be really shallow most of the time, so stay in shape best you can and stay on top of it. There are plenty of websites that offer you the chance to submit yourself to casting such as NOW CASTING, LA CASTING, and ACTORS ACCESS to name a few. Submit yourself, build your name and credits by doing this, then go and try to gt represented by an agency. Short films are great to get credits on as well as commercials. Ive heard a few workshops help as well. Do whatever you need to do to make your career happen and make it work.

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