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Ask the expert

Q: What temperature and humidity is your treatment room? A: Check the recommendations for the adhesive that you use. If humidity is too low or too high it will affect retention. Using a humidifier in the dry winter or a dehumidifier in overly humid environments may be necessary.

Q: Do you work around hair colour? A: Ammonia and other chemicals in hair colour can polymerize Cyanoacrylate. Work as far away from hair chemicals as possible and use a VOC air purifier to remove fumes.

Q: How fresh is your adhesive? A: After opening, adhesive must be replaced after 6 weeks. Q: Do you recap the bottle in between each use? A: Cap must be on and tight in between each use.

Q: Are you doing a proper cleansing prior to application? A: The entire eye area must be properly cleansed with lash cleanser to remove makeup, oil, and skin from the follicles. This will ensure the best bond.

Q: After you dip the extension into the adhesive how quickly are you placing it onto the natural lash? A: Most adhesives are quick set so you only have 1-2 seconds before it starts to cure. Even if you wait 4 seconds this will affect retention. Have your lash isolated prior to dipping so you can place extensions quicker.

Q: How are you caring for your bottle once it’s open? A: Your bottle should be stored in its pouch or a mason jar away from heat and sunlight with silica packet or rice to absorb moisture in the air. Squeeze bottle slightly and wipe excess adhesive from tip after dispensing to keep clean. You must shake for 1 minute before the first use if adhesive has been sitting overnight. Q: Are you getting a solid bond at the base of the extension? A: Natural lashes may be crooked, still apply extensions securely at the base facing forward. If there isn’t a sold bond at the base the lashes will pop off very easily, especially when brushed.

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Q: Are you using primer? A: Primer should only be used if a client is extremely oily. Using primer on a dry skin client will cause the lashes to become brittle and cause poor retention. Cleansing prior is a better option for every client. Q: Do you use a Nano mister after application? A: Using a Nano mister is great but you must wait 2 minutes after the last lash is placed to introduce the moisture. If you introduce it too soon it will shock polymerize the adhesive leaving cracks in the bond that will cause poor retention. Use the mister at a bit of a distance rather than close up to avoid over wetting.

Q: Are you mixing together old and new adhesive? A: Make sure when you are dispensing your adhesive you are placing the new drop away from the older, cured drop that is currently on your workspace. This is also good reason to avoid using a glue ring.

Q: Do you adjust the lashes after placement? A: If you try to place a lash more than once this will affect the adhesive bond, similar to sticking and re-sticking a Bandaid. Make sure you have proper isolation then place the lash and resist the urge to adjust after placement. Don’t rush by dropping lashes into place, be mindful and hold for a moment to secure. Q: Do you find yourself combing through the lashes often during application? A: Avoid continual rearranging or combing through the lashes before they have completely set. This can lift the bases and also cause poor retention.

Q: are you picking the Lash up near the tip or near the base? A: A simple adjustment by picking up the lash a little closer to the base will give you a lot more stability and control when placing your lash.

Q: Do you talk to your clients about their home care routine? A: Lashes need to be cleansed on a daily basis. Natural oils on the skin can break down the adhesive bond. Suggest that clients use an approved lash cleanser and not use water proof or oil based products.

Leah Lynch Owner - Beautique Salon, Spa & Lash Lounge Best of Boston - Best Salon, North 2019

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