22 minute read
Lash Inc Accredited
The following academies and individual training providers are accredited by Lash Inc. Their training courses and qualifications meet all requirements for approval by our organisation. United Kingdom & Ireland
England 2Faced Academy Tia Hall-Collins Envelope-Open 4 midpoint burnt tree Tipton West
Midlands dy4 7uf Envelope missthc_xo@yahoo.co.uk
AGB Training Academy Alicia Ziane Envelope-Open 110 Barton Road BL49PT Envelope aliciaziane@icloud.com phone-square 7904562252 instagram @aliciagracebeauty @agbtrainingacademy
Angie Adamus Lash and Permanent Make up Angelina Adamus Envelope-Open 112 Rowan Road SW165JQ London Envelope angela.siecinska09@gmail.com
Amplify Beauty Treatments and Training Stacey Johnson Envelope-Open 105 Whitegate drive Blackpool
Lancashire FY39BY Envelope Stacey_852@hotmail.com phone-square 7927002792 GLOBE www.amplify-beauty.com instagram @amplifybeautytraining
Beauty By Lauren Lauren Williams Envelope-Open Ebbw Vale Innovation Centre, Victoria
Business Park, Festival Drive, Ebbw
Vale, NP23 8XA Envelope laurenbethco@hotmail.com GLOBE www.bbllashpro.co.uk instagram @beautbylauren Bellissimo By belle Holly Amber Jackson Envelope-Open 43 haycock close talybridge cheshire Envelope Holly-amber@live.co.uk
Bethany Pilling Bethany Pilling Envelope-Open 127 andover avenue, manchester,Greater Manchester, m24 1jq Envelope izzypilling@icloud.com
B Lashed Training Academy Bianca Bailey Envelope-Open 1 Hockley Hill Birmingham B18 6NF Envelope biancajadebailey@gmail.com phone-square 7588247009 instagram @b_lashed
Bella Lashes Academy Miley Garnder Envelope-Open 26 Robertsgate Lofthouse Wakefield
Betsy Darling Lash Academy Natalie Holden Envelope-Open 17 Brunshaw Avenue, Burnley,
Lancashire BB10 4LQ facebook-square betsydarlinglashes instagram @betsydarlinglashes
Blink Lashy Tasha Young Envelope-Open 31 Rodney street Liverpool, L1 9EH,
UK Envelope training@blinklashy.co.uk GLOBE www.blinklashy.co.uk phone-square 44 7727 283450 facebook-square ajs.hairextensions.9
Blynk Academy Davon Hurst Envelope-Open 67 chesterfield road Sheffield South
Yorkshire, s80rn Envelope Devonhurst18@icloud.com phone-square 7940405275 instagram @devonlashx @devonlashacademy @blynkhq Chloë lash & beauty training academy Chloe Rolph Envelope-Open Unit 5, Base point business centre,
Jubilee close, Weymouth, Dorset,
DT47BS Envelope ChloeRolph2018@hotmail.com phone-square 7401219595 GLOBE www.chloelashandbeautybar.com facebook-square ChloeLashBeautyBar instagram @chloelashandbeautybar
Claire Crowell Claire Crowell Envelope-Open Unit 1, Saltmeadows trade park,
Gateshead, NE10 0EQ Envelope clairecrowell@hotmail.com facebook-square AbsolutelyFabulousBeautySalon instagram @ abfabnailsclaire
Classic Charm Silva Petraitiene Envelope-Open 184 Springwell Lane, Balby, DN4 9AY, Doncaster Envelope classiccharmuk@gmail.com phone-square +44 7914221815 GLOBE www.classiccharm.co.uk facebook-square classic_charm_uk instagram @classic_charm_uk
DARLIN’ House Of Beauty Francesca Galea Envelope-Open Unit 2 Hope Terrace, Lostock Hall,
Preston, Lancashire, PR5 5RU Envelope Darlinacademy@hotmail.com phone-square 01772 628722 GLOBE www.darlinhouseofbeauty.com instagram @darlinhouseobeauty
Elie Eyelash Extensions Julie Knight Envelope-Open 21 Crystal Way, Bradley Stoke, Bristol Envelope julie@eliteeyelashextensions.co.uk phone-square +44 7521 904625 GLOBE www.eliteeyelashextensions.co.uk facebook-square EliteEyelashExtensionsUK instagram @elite.eyelash.extensions
Flawless Lashes Ltd Loreta Jasilionyte Envelope-Open Unit2, Oak Cottage, County Oak Way,
Crawley, West Sussex Envelope info@flawlesslashesbyloreta.com GLOBE www.flawlesslashesbyloreta.com facebook-square FLbyLoreta instagram @flawless_lashes_by_loreta
Eyeconic London Sally Sarikaya Envelope-Open 17 Market Street, Westhoughton,
Bolton, BL53AH Envelope Sallysarikaya83@gmail.com
Eyelash Excellence Frankie Widdows Envelope-Open Kent Envelope eyelash.extension.kent@gmail.com phone-square 44 7714 638 405 GLOBE www.eyelashextensiontraining.co.uk facebook-square FrankieWiddowsEyelashExcellence instagram @ frankiewiddows
Faces by EKK Elzbieta Kalawska-Kopacz Envelope-Open 37 Wedgewood Rd, Luton,
Bedfordshire Envelope gabrynia22@Gmail.com phone-square 7398719138 GLOBE www.facesbyekk.co.uk facebook-square EKK treatments and trainings instagram @ f_a_c_e_s_by_e_k_k
Georgia Keeling-Roddis Georgia Keeling-Roddis Envelope-Open 23 Norton Avenue, Penketh,
WARRINGTON, WA5 2RB Envelope georgiakeelingroddis@icloud.com instagram @georgialouise.beauty
Gregory’s Glamour Beauty Academy Amanda Gregory Envelope-Open 88 Sycamore Road Strood, Kent
ME22NZ Envelope gregorysglamour@yahoo.com Glam Lashes Studio Marta Wiatr Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope trainingenquirygl@gmail.com GLOBE www.glam-lashesuk.com facebook-square glamglowbeautylounge instagram @glamlashes_bymarta
Hollies Beauty Hut Hollie Allison Envelope holliesbeautyhut@gmail.com
House of Hansen Academy Ltd Stacey Hansen-Spure Envelope-Open 31 Hannah Street, Porth, CF39 9RB Envelope Houseofhansen@hotmail.com phone-square 01443 858144 facebook-square House of Hansen Ltd instagram @houseofhansen31
House of Lashes Abbie Cary Envelope-Open 2 Addison Close, Lancing,West
Sussex, BN15 9TD Envelope houseoflashessussex@outlook.com instagram @whiplashperth
Iconic Beauty Academy Deboragh Hendren Envelope-Open Axiom Art, c/o suite 102B 48-52
Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ Envelope Iconicbeautyboutique@outlook.com phone-square +7879993042 GLOBE www.iconicbeautyacademy.com facebook-square iconbeautyboutique instagram @iconicbeautyboutique
IL Pro Beauty Studio Inga Lipinske Envelope-Open Avontar road, South Ockendon, Essex,
RM15 5FD Envelope info.ilprobeautystudio@gmail.com phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square ilprobeautystudio instagram @ilprobeautystudio
Indulge Urself Elisha Clewlow Envelope-Open Office 2, L Kahn Manufacturing, 13
Wellfield Road, Hatfield, AL100BS Envelope indulgeurself@hotmail.com Innovative Lashes Raminta Lapinskaite Envelope-Open 7 Heatley St, PR1 2XB, Preston Envelope ramintalapinskaite@yahoo.com phone-square 7584125552 facebook-square lashesbyRamintaPreston instagram @innovativelashespreston
IN Lashes Inga Sigauskaite Envelope-Open 77 Avontar court, Avontar road, South
Ockendon, RM15 5FD, Essex Envelope info.inlashes@gmail.com phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square IN Lashes instagram @inlashesextensions
Katrina's Hair & Beauty Academy Katrina Kirtley Envelope-Open 167 prince of wales lane Envelope tiahlaithan@icloud.com instagram @katrinas_hair_beauty
Kent lashes & Training Academy Ashley Clark Envelope-Open 38 Heath Road, Dartford, Kent,
DA1 3NZ Envelope baileys2011@hotmail.com phone-square +7791582751 facebook-square ajs.hairextensions.9 instagram @ lashed_by_ashley_clark
KG Professional Katie Godfrey Envelope-Open Unit B8,Basepoint Innovation Centre, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings, LU2 8DL, Luton Envelope info@kgprofessional.com phone-square +01582 434342 GLOBE www.kgprofessional.com facebook-square kgprofessional instagram @kgprofessional
Lash Academy by Zane Armo Zane Armo Envelope-Open 20 High street, DE14 1HU, Burton On
Trent Envelope lashroomburton@gmail.com
Lash Couture Laura Williams Envelope-Open 11 Well street Envelope laura2502@hotmail.co.uk phone-square 7517956627 instagram @lash_couture_hq
Lash Girl London Ltd Samira Kaur Envelope-Open 44 Riverdene, London, HAT9TD Envelope samirasidhu@hotmail.co.uk GLOBE www.lashgirllondon.com instagram @lashgirl.london
Lash Lady Scunthorpe Joanna Staniul Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Envelope info@lashladyscunthorpe.co.uk phone-square +44 7881 202 465 GLOBE www.lashladyuk.com instagram @lashladyuk
Lash Love Academy Emily Man Envelope-Open 53 St Augustines House, Werrington
Street, London NW1 1QE Envelope Emily.angelbeauty@gmail.com
Lash Revolution kitty Rose Envelope-Open 25 Greek Street, Stockport, Sk3 8AB Envelope kittyhiscocks@gmail.com
Lash2Lash Academy Marina Stirbu Envelope-Open 14 Staithe gardens LS10 3NA Envelope marinastirbu67@gmail.com phone-square 7393312157 instagram @lash2lash.academy
Lashed By SJ Shanice Hamilton Envelope-Open Roma parva 9 Waterloo road fifth floor, Wolverhampton , WV1, 4nb Envelope Shaniceh@hotmail.co.uk instagram @lashedbysj.xo
Lashes By Chloe Chloe Head Envelope-Open 3 Queen Street, Cheadle, Stockport,
SK8 2DS Envelope chloeindiahead@icloud.com instagram @lashesbychloe_x Lashes by Kasia Katarzyna (Łukasz) Wozniak Envelope-Open 24 heron park Pe15ph peterborough Envelope milek926@wp.pl phone-square 7840817768 instagram @lashes_by_kasiaw
Lash Zone Karolina Vilmane Envelope-Open Flat 18 Gloster Ridley Court, 12
St.Anne’s Row, London, Envelope karolinavilmane@gmail.com phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square Lash_zone instagram @karolina_lashzone
Lash4ever Alina’s Lash Art Studio Alina Zvirble Envelope-Open PMU Edward Street ,Moorefield Road,
Newbridge, Co. Kildare Envelope lash.4ever@yahoo.com phone-square +851654955 GLOBE www.lash4ever.com facebook-square Lash4ever Alina’s Lash Art Studio instagram @lash4ever_alinas_lash_a
Lashes by Livvy Olivia Jay Envelope-Open 12, Crate, 15 Oakwood Hill Industrial
Estate, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TZ Envelope livjayx@icloud.com
Sales@lashesbylivvy.co.uk phone-square +0203 829 5990 GLOBE www.lashesbylivvy.co.uk instagram @lashesbylivvy
LashFamous Academy Gemma Edmonson Envelope-Open Knebworth, Hertfordshire Envelope info@lashfamous.co.uk GLOBE www.lashfamous.co.uk instagram @lash_famous
Lavilash by michelle Michelle mcdonald Envelope-Open 52 Stewartstown Avenue, Belfast,
BT11 9GE Envelope michellemcdonald17@outlook.com instagram @Lavilash_by_michelle
LBD Lashes Professional Diane Draganek Envelope-Open 3 Hazel Grove HU3 2LN Hull Envelope dianedraganek@gmail.com
Lessons in Lash Artistry Rachel Bridges Envelope-Open 8 Marion Crescent, Maidstone, Kent,
ME15 7DY Envelope lila-ltd@hotmail.com instagram @lashlikeyoumeanit
LL Training Academy Felicity Turner Envelope-Open 48 joeys lane Bilbrook
Wolverhampton WV8 1JL,
Wolverhampton, Staffordshire,
WV8 1JL Envelope felicityturner@hotmail.com
LL Training Academy Poppy Bayliss Envelope-Open 78 lytham road, fulwood, preston, pr23aq Envelope lbplashes@hotmail.com instagram @lashesbypoppy
Lushlash Training Academy Emma Louise Smith Envelope-Open 5 newland street, Witham, Essex
CM81DU Envelope info@lush-lash.com phone-square 07543 182838 GLOBE www.lush-lash.com instagram @lushlash_training_academy @lushlash_salons
Luv2Lash Elain Sullivan Envelope-Open14 Goldcrest Road, Liverpool, L31 1LT Envelope luv2lash@yahoo.co.uk
Leo Lash Leah Oldfield Envelope Leaholdfield12@hotmail.com
London Lash Envelope-Open London Envelope info@londonlashpro.com phone-square 44 7495 456 276 GLOBE www.londonlashpro.com facebook-square londonlashpro instagram @ london_lash_pro
Luxe Lashes Abbie Williams Envelope-Open Unit 3, Redwards, Brook Way,
Hastings TN35 4NN Envelope abbie-elisabeth@hotmail.co.uk phone-square 7930144923 facebook-square Luxe Lashes by Abbie instagram @ luxelashesbyabbie
Malgorzata Cholewa Envelope-Open Rugby Business Centre Suite No 8, 21-23 Clifton Road, Rugby, England,
CV21 3PY Envelope malgorzatacholewa89@gmail.com facebook-square londonlashpro glamourlookstudio instagram @glamour look studio
MAMA Lash Hannah Gregory Envelope-Open 18 Fairview Close, Hythe SO455EX Envelope hannaheden@googlemail.com
Maya’s Lash Studio & Academy Maya Andreea Rehman Envelope-Open Mirren Court One, 119 Renfrew Road,
Paisley, PA34 4EA Envelope rehmanmayaandreea@gmail.com phone-square +7986987988 GLOBE www.mayaseyelashstudio.com facebook-square maya_lashstudio instagram @maya_lashstudio
Michelle Mitchell Michelle Ryan Envelope mryanmitchell@hotmail.co.uk instagram @michelle_ryan_no.91
Million Lashes Professional Betty Envelope beetycrx@gmail.com GLOBE www.million-lashes.com Mollyjade Lashes Molly Houghton Envelope-Open 37 Glenwoods, Milton Keynes, Bucks
Nevaeh Lashes Training Academy Ellie-May Baker Envelope-Open The Glamour Pit, 178 Queens Drive,
Liverpool, L4 6XD Envelope elliemaybaker97@gmail.com instagram @NevaehLashes
On the Lash by jO Cooke Jo Cooke (Joanne Aydogan) Envelope-Open 29 Eastville Road, Wakefield, WF4 1AX Envelope jocooke78@yahoo.co.uk GLOBE www.onthelashbyjobreeze.co.uk facebook-square onthelashbyjobreeze instagram @onthelashbyjobreeze
OutLashed Academy Chloe McStay Envelope-Open Hope Street, Central Chambers Envelope chloeemcstayy@gmail.com GLOBE www.outlashedglasgow.com instagram @outlashedacademy
Patsy Lashes Penny Lewis Envelope-Open 41 Chedworth Crescent, Little Hulton
Manchester, Lancashire, M38 9fh,
United Kingdom Envelope lylanunnxx@icloud.com phone-square 44 7570 115741 GLOBE www.patsylashes.co.uk facebook-square patsylashes instagram @patsylashes
Patsy Lash Academy Penny Lewis Envelope-Open 41 Chedsworth Cresent, M389FH Envelope lylanunnxx@icloud.com GLOBE www.patsylashes.co.uk PBM Pro Beauty Master’s Aida Samulione Envelope-Open 3 Glencoe Drive, Dagenham, RM10 7NS Envelope greaida@gmail.com facebook-square permanentlashinlondon
Perfection Beauty Academy Monika Zielińska Envelope-Open 29 KINGSBURY SQUARE. HP20 2JA
Aylesbury Envelope Beautyacademy.perfection@gmail.com phone-square "01296706363 07759707783" GLOBE www.v-lashes.co.uk instagram @bebeautyaylesbury
Pro beauty academy by J.R Jūratė Rimkeviciene Envelope-Open 150 Northfield road
PeterboroughCambridgeshire PE1 3QE Envelope jurate0619@gmail.com instagram @pro_beauty_j.r
Queenys Russian Lashes Beauty & Training Academy Danielle Lunn Envelope-Open 136 Cosford Crescent Castle Vale
Birmingham B35 6QE Envelope fit.com1@yahoo.com
RW Lavish Rebecca Willis Envelope-Open 75 Newhouse Crescent, WD25 7HU,
Watford, Hertfordshire Envelope rwlavish@outlook.com phone-square 7305998450 GLOBE www.rwlavish.com instagram @@rwlavish
Sarah Crawford Lash Academy Sarah Crawford Envelope-Open The old coach house, Farleigh
Wallop, Basingstoke, R425 ZHT Envelope sarahcrawfordlashesandbrows@gmail.com
Sarah Bran Lash Academy Sarah Bran Envelope-Open Southampton Envelope sarahpaulbran@yahoo.co.uk facebook-square Sarah Bran Lash and Brow Artist instagram @sarahbran_lashbrowartist
Siella Lash Academy Doey Ragbourne Envelope-Open 2 Malta Cottages Ashmore Green
Skilled Lash Academy by Iga Iga Bajorek Envelope-Open 226 Stamford Street Central OL67LJ
Ashton-under-Lyne Envelope skilledacademybyiga@gmail.com GLOBE www.igalashes.co.uk facebook-square salonigalashes instagram @@skilledacademy
ST Beauty Sandra Telega Envelope-Open 200 Brook Drive RG26UB READING Envelope sandratelega@outlook.com phone-square 7578554195 facebook-square ST beauty instagram @lashesbyst
The Lash Girl Bethan Aitken Envelope-Open Unit 1 Cross Crown Street,
Cleckheaton, Bradford Envelope thelashgirl05@gmail.com instagram @thelashgirl_
The Lash Trainers Kylie Benyon and Jazmine Oastler Envelope-Open 35 Shelford Road Milton Southsea
Portsmouth Hampshire Envelope Thelashtrainers@hotmail.com facebook-square The Lash Trainers instagram @KJthelashtrainers
The Pro Lash Academy Jenna Neil Envelope-Open Chelmsford, CM2 Envelope theprolashacademy@gmail.com GLOBE www.theprolashacademy.com facebook-square theprolashacademy instagram @theprolashacademy
Tee Pee Lashes Academy Tara Pembridge Envelope-Open 54 Penlan View, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8NJ Envelope tarapembridge1973@hotmail.com instagram @teepeelashes The beauty Investor Leah Jade Dyson Envelope-Open 9 market street , Westhoughton,
Bolton BL5 3AH Envelope leahdyson1996@gmail.com leahking@thebeautyinvestor.com GLOBE www.thebeautynvestor.com facebook-square the Beauty Investor instagram @thebeautyinvestor
The beauty room Arianna Floyd Envelope-Open 80 Prospect Street Unit 2, Peabody
MA 01960 USA Envelope arifloyd2@gmail.com phone-square 978-223-333 GLOBE www.ariannafloyd.glossgenius.com instagram @pamperedbyari
The Golden Lash by Katherine Vitoria Katherine Vitoria Envelope-Open 708 Wimborne Road, BH92EG Envelope info@katherinevitoria.com phone-square 7415534843 GLOBE www.katherinevitoria.com instagram @the_goldenlash @katherinevitoriamakeup
The Lash Empire UK Eleanor Bradley Envelope-Open Rear 202-294 Manchester Road,
Walkden, M28 3LU GLOBE www.thelashempireuk.com facebook-square thelashempireuk instagram @thelashempire.uk
The Lash Trainers Dovile Balioniene Envelope-Open 68 ethridge road, Loughton, London,
IG10 2HY Envelope d.balioniene@gmail.com instagram @dolinda_lashstudio
TiamoLashes Studio Audrone Smigelskiene Envelope-Open Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 3PN, 17 Wellington drive, UK Envelope audra.sirse@yahoo.co.uk GLOBE www.tiamolashes.com instagram @tiamolashes TPR Lashes Danielle Isaksen Envelope-Open 114 Victoria West, fy53LG Envelope Danielleisaksen@outlook.com instagram @tprlashes
UK Lash Institute Miranda Tarpey Envelope-Open Suite 2E, Britannia House, Leagrave
Road, Luton Bedfordshire, Lu3 1RJ Envelope info@uklashinstitute.com phone-square 44 1582 344 324 GLOBE www.uklashinstitute.com facebook-square Uk-Lash-Institute-By-Miranda-Tarpey instagram @uklashinstitute
Vanité Studios Sabrina Benkhalifa Envelope-Open 33 Ivy Graham Close, Manchester,
M40 3AS Envelope sabrina.sb64@gmail.com
Vanity Lash Hannah Gardner Envelope-Open Upper 28 Market Place, Bingham,
NG13 BAN, Nottingham Envelope info@vanitylash.co.uk GLOBE www.vanitylash.co.uk facebook-square VanityLashUK instagram @Officialvanitylash
Warpaint Academy Sadie Barrington Envelope-Open 40 Rumbridge Street, Totton, SO40 9DS Envelope info@warpaintsalon.com phone-square 7415768137 GLOBE www.warpaintsalon.com facebook-square warpaintsalon instagram @warpaintartistry
Wink Lash & Brow Artistry Lucy alice Johnstone Envelope-Open Suite 4, Azure Business Centre,
Newcastle, NE158LN Envelope lucealice@icloud.com facebook-square wink eyelash extensions instagram @wink_extensions
Zivile Tautkiene Zivile Tautkiene Envelope-Open 87 drumalane park, Newry, Bt35 8AT Envelope renatastautkus@gmail.com facebook-square ztblakstienustilistesiauliai instagram @lashes_by_zivile_siauliai
Blink Academy Paula Molloy Envelope-Open 3A The Woodlands Office Park,
Southerncross Road ,Bray
Co.wicklow Envelope Paulamolloy48@gmail.com phone-square 879807326 GLOBE www.blink.ie instagram @blink_lash_brow_bar
Coco Tan Tanning Studio Kamila Kraska Envelope-Open Unit 2b block A Courtyard, Shopping
Centre, Newbridge, CO KILDARE,
Devilash Monika Wojtysiak Envelope-Open Unit 27 Terryland House, galway,
Ireland Envelope devilashireland@gmail.com phone-square +085 248 7390 GLOBE www.lashluvby.com facebook-square lashluvgalway instagram @lashluv_galway
Egoist Beauty Jolanta Boruszek Envelope-Open 56 Clonlea Mount Oval Village,
Rochestown, Cork, T12WK3R Envelope info@egoistbeauty.com GLOBE www.egoistbeauty.com instagram @Egoistbeautylashes
From Donna With Love Donna Donnelly Envelope-Open 162 Claddagh road, Ballyfermot,
Dublin, D10 AX80 Envelope donna.m.melvin@gmail.com phone-square 7851815796 instagram @From Donna With Love Lashes & Confidence Laura Hanlon Envelope-Open Unit 1, 5 bridge street swords co
Lash Academy by Magda Frost Magda Frost instagram @magdafrost_lashstudio
Lash Dolls Beauty and Training Academy Karen Grehan Richardson Envelope-Open Suite 2, The courtyard, Ratoath Co
Meath, Ireland Envelope luxurylashsalesireland@gmail.com phone-square +3.53853E+11 facebook-square lashdollsbeautyacademy instagram @Lashdolls_ireland
Lashes Love Niamh Bergin Envelope-Open Ballybrack, Co.Dublin Envelope niamhb90@yahoo.ie GLOBE www.lasheslove.ie facebook-square lasheslove_ie instagram @_nailsandlashesbyniamh
Luscious Lash Extensions Claire Ryan Envelope-Open Unit 3/4 Glanmire Business Park,
Glanmire, Co. Cork Envelope Claire.a.ryan@hotmail.com phone-square +083/1383218 facebook-square LusciousLashExtensions instagram @lusciouslashextensions
MB Lashy Training Academy Marie Boyle Envelope-Open 42 upper mainstreet, Letterkenny, co
Donegal, ireland Envelope marieboyle@mblashy.com
Melete Beauty Julita Przekora Envelope-Open 18 Summerhill, Nenagh, Co
Tipperary Ireland Envelope julitagribs@icloud.com facebook-square MELETE BEAUTY instagram MELETE BEAUTY Million Lashes Professional Betty Envelope-Open 106 Lagan Road,Glasnevin, D11TX99,
Dublin, Ireland Envelope info.millionlashes@gmail.com GLOBE www.million-lashes.com facebook-square Million Lashes instagram @Million_lashes_Ireland
Paulina Szymanska Paulina Szymanska Envelope-Open 12 Thomas street, 2nd floor, Limerick Envelope paulinaeyelash@gmail.com
Ritzy Eyes Donata Jucyte Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate,
Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15EF82,
Ireland Envelope donata@ritzyeyes.com hello@ritzyeyes.com phone-square +44 831 040 220 GLOBE www.ritzyeyes.com facebook-square ritzyeyesstudio instagram @ritzyeyes
Thammy Lash Academy Tham Nguyen Envelope-Open 10 temple view way, Clarehall,
Belgium Shey Lashey’s Shey Peral Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107, 2960 Sint-Job-in-‘T-Goor Envelope info@lasheys.com phone-square +32 (0)3 344 69 29 GLOBE www.lasheys.com facebook-square LaSheysLLA instagram @lashey_s
Bulgaria VIP Lashes Academy Petya Stoyanova Envelope-Open UL. “Vasil Levski” 16, 8000 Burgas
Center, Burgas, Bulgaria Envelope viplashesbg@gmail.com phone-square +359 89 505 8281 GLOBE www.viplashes.bg facebook-square viplashesacademy instagram @viplashes_academy
PNNB Academy Marie Mary Christiane Pasnin Envelope-Open Peter Bangs Vej 74, 2000 Envelope contact@pnnbacademy.com phone-square +4542203298 GLOBE www.pnnb-lash-academy.com facebook-square pnnblashacademy instagram @pnnblashacademy
Sophie lash and brow studio Sofja Smatko Envelope-Open Estonia, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Narva mnt, 7A - 208, 10117 Envelope info@sophie.ee phone-square +37255551082 GLOBE www.sophie.ee facebook-square sophie.lash.and.brow.studio instagram @sophie.lash.and.brow.studio
Salon Styleteam Oy Ripsitukku LashStock Anne Kallio Envelope-Open Hämeentie 14 LH 324240 Salo Envelope lashstock@gmail.com ripsitukku@gmail.com phone-square +35 840 084 3454 GLOBE www.ripsitukku.fi facebook-square Salon-Styleteam-Oy instagram @styleteamoy Germany American Lash Lounge (The lash Academy) A. Natascha Morgan Envelope-Open Ludwigstr. 3 66849 Landstuhl Envelope info@americanlashlounge.com phone-square +0172-612 0398 GLOBE americanlashlounge.com facebook-square thelashacademy.de instagram @the.lashacademy
Italy Lash Inc Italia Carla Giannotti Envelope-Open Via Nosate 74 Envelope jessicagia@hotmail.com instagram @carlagiannotti_lashartist
Charizmatic Lashes Academy Laima Ozola Envelope-Open Pupuku iela 7-11, Riga Latvia Envelope laimulkka@gmail.com
Anny’s lashes Onutė Juršienė Envelope-Open Vido Maciuleviciaus street 51, Vilnius Envelope alashes.lt@gmail.com phone-square +37067173484 GLOBE www.alashes.lt instagram @alashes.lt
Blakstienųstilizavimo Namai Greta Žemaitaitiene Envelope-Open Tiltu gatvė 6, Klaipėda Envelope bsn.namai@gmail.com
Baltic Beauty School Envelope-Open Kaunas, Vilniaus g.17 / Mapu str. 1 Envelope info@bbschool.lt phone-square 370 6 015 5573 GLOBE www.bbschool.lt
MB “ILGALAIKIO MAKIAZO STUDIJA” Sonata Adomaviciene Envelope-Open Ukmerges 21-3, KAUNAS, Lithuania Envelope pmu.sonatavieta@gmail.com phone-square +37067772784 GLOBE www.pmusonatavieta.lt MB Beauty School “Chilivanila” Jurgita Mankevičienė Envelope-Open Laisvės alėja 28-1, Kaunas LT 44238 Envelope Jurgita.mankeviciene@gmail.com
Next Level blakstienų grožio mokymai Rima Labanauskienė Envelope-Open Savanorių per. 273-206, Kaunas Envelope labanauskienerima@gmail.com phone-square +37066406050 facebook-square Next Level blakstienų grožio mokymai.
Step By Step Studio Aida Danielė Envelope-Open Taikos pr. 51, Klaipėda, Lithuania,
LT-91150 Envelope araida37@gmail.com phone-square +370 675 93300 GLOBE www.stepbystepstudio.lt facebook-square Blakstienu Priauginimo Kursai.Step by Step Studio.Aida Danielė instagram @araida37
TD Lashes Dorota Tomaszewska Envelope-Open Naujulu Kalvelly 2-OJI.G22 Vilnius,
LT13212 Lietuva Envelope dorotatomaszewska92@gmail.com phone-square +37067664421 GLOBE www.stepbystepstudio.lt
UAB Grandis LT (Beauty & You) Mr. Rolandas Raudys Envelope-Open Sparnu str. 9A, LT-46283, Kaunas Envelope rolandas@beautyandyou.lt info@beautyandyou.lt phone-square +37062025055 GLOBE www.beautyandyou.lt facebook-square Beauty&You Professional instagram @beautyyouschool
Norway Di Lashes Diana Amule Envelope-Open Øvre Eikervei 13, 3048 Drammen,
Norway Envelope dilashesdiana@gmail.com phone-square +4746560708 GLOBE www.dilashes.no facebook-square dilashesdiana instagram @dilashesdiana
Fitore R. Kalludra Fitore R. Kalludra Envelope-Open Friisebrygga 2, 3921 Porsgrunn Envelope f.r.k@live.no
Michaela Boyanova Michaela Boyanova Envelope-Open Kristiansands hudpleie AS Kristiansand 4612 Henrik Wergelands, Gt 11 Envelope michaela.boyanova@hotmail.com phone-square +4792515683 GLOBE www.kristiansandshudpleie.no instagram @michaela_lashmaker
Sandra Kliokmaniene Envelope-Open Storgata 4, Fredrikstad, Otta, 1607 Envelope sguogaite@gmail.com
Star Lash Academy Agnieszka Kwiatkowska Envelope-Open Sowińskiego 1 30-524 city: Kraków Envelope agalashes@gmail.com starlashacademy@gmail.com phone-square +48883676941 GLOBE www.starlashacademy.pl instagram @starlashAcademy
Andree Iutis Beauty Concept Academy Andree Iutis Envelope-Open str. Danubiu, nr. 3 Bucharest
HappyLashes & Beauty SRL Iutis Georgiana Envelope-Open Str. Emil Garleanu Nr. 12, Bloc A1,
Scara 2, Ap. 37, Sector 3, Bucuresti, 31161, Romania Envelope happylashes.studio@gmail.com phone-square +40720480660 GLOBE www.happylashes.ro facebook-square happylashes instagram @happylashesro
Arche Lash Academy мадина арчелия Envelope-Open Krasnodar, Geroy Sarabeeva 3/1 Envelope vip.archeliya@mail.ru Lash School «LOTUS» Aisha Jagieva Envelope-Open The city of Vladikavkaz, Costa 180
Avenue Envelope tinker90@list.ru facebook-square elashesandnails instagram @aisha_lashess
International Lash & Brow Design Academy Levchuk Irina Mikhailovna, Envelope-Open Kiyevskoye Shosse, 1, Moscow Oblast Envelope e.lazareva@lash-and-brow.ru phone-square +7 916 601-09-10 GLOBE www.lashandbrow.com facebook-square volumelashes instagram @lashandbrow_academy
Spain Lana Slatina Svetlana Slatina Leontieva Envelope-Open C/ Urquiza 3 - 4 i, 28017 Madrid,
Madrid, Spain Envelope sveta1slatina@gmail.com phone-square +34 685 565 071 GLOBE www.lanaslatina.com facebook-square lana.slatina instagram @lanaslatina
My Style Yulia Yarkova Envelope-Open Paseig San Gervasio 16 Envelope jarkva78@gmail.com phone-square +34690018004 instagram @mystyle_bcn
Australia & New Zealand
Beauty Box Megan Moon Envelope-Open Shop: 9, 19 Railway Street,
Mudgeeraba. Envelope info@bblashes.com.au phone-square +0411 063 756 GLOBE www.bblashes.com.au facebook-square beautyboxone instagram @beautyboxlashesandbrows Boss Lash and Training Eve Brammal Envelope-Open 8/82 City Rd Beenleigh, QLD 4207 Envelope eveadelemua@outlook.com instagram @bosslashh
Get Lashed by Tayla Tayla Perrin Envelope-Open 5 Beach Road, Coolum Beach,
iBEAUTIQ Eva Adde Envelope-Open 28 Coleford Road, Wellard, WA Envelope flawless@ibeautiq.com.au GLOBE www.ibeautiq.com.au facebook-square ibeautiqlashesbrows instagram @ibeautiqlashesbrows
Kirsty Beale Lash Artistry Kirsty Beale Envelope-Open 5/67 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo, Sydney 2011 Envelope Kirstyblashartist@gmail.com phone-square 458363103 GLOBE www.kirstybealelashartistry.com facebook-square Kirstybeale_lashartistry instagram @Kirstybeale_lashartistry
Lash Realm Academy Ashley Pateman Envelope-Open 58 Keppel Street, Bathurst NSW 2795 Envelope ash@lilylashbar.com.au GLOBE www.lashrealm.com.au instagram @lash_realm
Lash Xtend Amy Williams Envelope-Open 16/344 Bilsen Road, Geebung QLD 4034 Envelope hello@lashxtendbeauty.com.au phone-square +61449602750 GLOBE www.lashextendbeauty.com.au facebook-square lashxtendbeauty instagram @ lashextend
Lashedup Christin Hor Envelope-Open Shop14/129-133 Olsen Ave,
Labrador 4215 Envelope lasheduplashes@gmail.com phone-square 0406 443 066 GLOBE www.lasheduplashes.com facebook-square lashedupandbeauty instagram @lashedup_beautysalon
Lashes On Point Pty Ltd Nina Andrews Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drive, Doreen,
VIC 3754 Envelope lashesonpoint_australia@hotmail.com phone-square +0439 369 908 GLOBE www.lashesonpoint.com.au facebook-square lashesonpointsalon instagram @ lashesonpointsalon
MYSTIQ | Lash Professional Sasha Ryan Envelope-Open Coomera, Gold Coast, Australia 4270 Envelope academy@mymystiq.com.au phone-square +61412736553 GLOBE www.mystiqlashacademy.com.au facebook-square mymystiq instagram @ my_mystiq
NHMLASH Studio Nadia Southon Envelope-Open Shop 2b/8 Carrara Street, Mount
Gravatt East 4122 Envelope nhmlash@gmail.com phone-square +61452433374 GLOBE www.nhmlash.com.au facebook-square nhmlash instagram @nhmlash
RM Lash and Beauty Rimvita Marcinkeviciute Envelope-Open 20/650 George Street, Sydney
NSW 2000 Envelope rmlashandbeauty@gmail.com phone-square +61 424382379 GLOBE www.rmlashandbeauty.com facebook-square RM Lash and Beauty instagram @rm_lashes_sydney @sydney_rm_eyelash_training Whiplash Academy Mae Day Watson Envelope-Open 188 Reynolds Road, Mt Pleasant
New Zealand
Lashworx Lisa Gillanders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows,
Napier 4112, New Zealand Envelope lashworx@gmail.com phone-square +64275456106 GLOBE www.lashworx.com facebook-square LashWorx Products and Training instagram @ lashworx2213
Lash Lounge Nelson Training Academy Miriam Sciascia Envelope-Open Level 1, 56 bridge St. Nelson Envelope lashloungenelson@gmail.com info@llntrainingacademy.co.nz GLOBE www.lashloungenelson.co.nz facebook-square LLN Training Academy instagram @llntrainingacademy
North America
Elite Lash Society Amanda Envelope-Open 11230 122 Street NW, Edmonton, AB
T5M 0B7, Canada Envelope amanda@elitelashsociety.com GLOBE www.elitelashsociety.com instagram @elitelashsociety
Flair Lashes Marta Ientilucci Envelope-Open 19 Skeleton Street, Orangeville Envelope flairlashes@gmail.com phone-square 416-880-8237 GLOBE www.flairlashes.com
J Lash Academy Jessica Suik Envelope-Open 4031 crowsnest crescent,
Sherwood park, Alberta Envelope theblinklashstudio@gmail.com Lashes by Tiffany Tiffany Le Envelope-Open 731 Davis Drive, Newmarket, Ontario Envelope letiffanyuoft@gmail.com instagram @lashesxtiffany
LBS Lash Bar Inc. Shoko Noto Envelope-Open 306-935 Cloverdale Ave Envelope Lbs.lashbar@gmail.com
My Lash Empire Jamie Diedrick Envelope-Open 49 Yorkland Street, Richmond Hill,
Ontario, L4C 9Z4, Canada Envelope mylashempire@outlook.com facebook-square mylashempire instagram @mylashempire
Velour Aesthetic Kyla Diaz Envelope-Open 133 Panatella rd nw Calgary AB Envelope Diazkyla52@yahoo.ca instagram @velouresthetic
Glam Academy (Gemalybrows Lash&beauty) Gemma Citlalli García Villa Envelope-Open Jazmin 3, Viveros , Tepic Nayarit
Mexico Envelope gemitabonish@hotmail.com phone-square 2368332605 GLOBE www.gemalybrows.com instagram @Gemma.Lashes
Lalashionista Carolina Zamorano Envelope-Open Av 31 Oriente #2022, L104, 72530 Envelope lalashionistamx@gmail.com instagram @lalashionista
United States of America
Be Lash'd Brianna Porus Envelope-Open 159A Ridge Road, North Arlington,
Blink Academy of Lash Art Tamra Shepherd Envelope-Open 109 Brady Ct Cary, NC 27511 Envelope theblinklashstudio@gmail.com phone-square (919) 805-0149 GLOBE www.theblinklashstudio.com facebook-square blinkbeautifully instagram @blinklash_studio
Chic Lash Bar Maribel Schultz Envelope-Open 39872 Los Alamos Rd. #A8 Murrieta,
CA92562 Envelope chiclashbar@gmail.com phone-square +951-878-0907 GLOBE www.chiclashbar.com instagram @chic_lash_bar
Coco Lash Lounge Inc Nicole Riera Envelope-Open 7930 citrus garden drive #107 Tampa
Florida 33625 Envelope coco@cocolashlounge.com phone-square +813-391-1159 GLOBE www.cocolashlounge.com facebook-square Coco Lash Lounge instagram @cocolashloungeinc
EyEnvy Lash & Brow Studio Charlene Hatfield Nutter Envelope-Open 27 Washington Street, Camden,
ME04843 Envelope eyenvylashstudio@gmail.com phone-square +(603) 548-0386 +(207) 390-0122 GLOBE www.eyenvylashstudio.com facebook-square EyeEnvyCamden instagram @eyenvylashstudio
Flutter Beauty Boutique Jacqueline M. Sablan Envelope-Open 1350 Marine Corp Drive. Suite 102,
Tamuning GU 96913 Envelope flutterbyjac@gmail.com instagram @flutterbyjac
Lash & Skin Co. Tiffany Lynn Bentz Envelope-Open Gilbert AZ 85295 - USA Envelope tiffany@lashandskin.co instagram @lashandskinco Lash Dolls Milwaukee Rebecca Hart Envelope-Open 329 Glen Echo Ln, Unit F, Cary,
NC 27518 Envelope rebecca@lashdollsmilwaukee.com phone-square +414-207-2889 GLOBE www.lashdollsmilwaukee.com facebook-square lashdollsmke instagram @lashdollsmke
Lash House Adriana Martinez Envelope-Open San Diego, CA Envelope autybydrim@gmail.com
Lashes Edu Rachel LaRochelle Envelope rachel.bittonevents@gmail.com
Lashley Academy Ashley Hoang Envelope-Open 10401 N Scottsdale Rd, Rm 140,
LT Lash Academy Charline Voltaire Envelope-Open 63 Sockanosset Cross Rd Cranston,
Lux Lashes by CC Chantee Collins Envelope luxhairlashbycc@gmail.com GLOBE www.luxhairlashbycc.com facebook-square Luxhairlashesbycc instagram @luxlashesbycc
Make Me Mink Lashes Miiaye Brown Envelope-Open 115 Stratmore Place, Stockbridge
Georgia 30281 Envelope info@makememinklashes.com phone-square 404-287-6822 GLOBE www.makememinklashes.com facebook-square Make Me Mink Lashes instagram @Make Me Mink Lashes Oleanders Products LLc & Oleanders Products Training Center Gina Williams Envelope-Open 134 Evergreen Pl, East Orange,
New Jersey, 07018 Envelope oleandersproduct@gmail.com phone-square +18772734153 GLOBE www.oleandersproduct.com www.osmhv.net facebook-square oleanderspi instagram @optrainingcenter @oleanderspi
Ooh La Lashes Gloria Mazaheri Envelope-Open 616 Paxton Place, Suite 102, Lititz,
PA 17543 Envelope oohlalashesltd@gmail.com phone-square +717-524-7540 GLOBE www.oohlalashesltd.com facebook-square Ooh-La-Lashes-by-Gloria-Mazaheri instagram @oohlalashesltd
The Lash Beauty Lash Parlour Kenya Green Envelope-Open 9705 South Dixie Hwy Miami,
Fl, 33156 Envelope info@thelashbeautyparlour.com phone-square +(786) 942- 3385 GLOBE www.thelashbeautyparlour.com facebook-square lashbparlour instagram @@lashbparlour
South Africa
DashLash Training Academy Daria Baluta Envelope-Open 109 Plein Street, Cape Town CBD, 8001 Envelope contact@dashlash.co.za
Daria.baluta@yahoo.com phone-square 2773257233 GLOBE www.dashlash.co.za facebook-square dashlashlab instagram @dashlashlab
Dollface Lash Artistry Jessica Cik Envelope-Open 25 Tredoux Street Beyers Park
Boksburg Envelope jessicacik@gmail.com phone-square +817045265 GLOBE www.doll-face.co.za facebook-square dollfacesouthafrica instagram @dollface_eyelash_extensions
Flirt & Flutter Lauren Gottscho Envelope laurengottscho@gmail.com instagram @Flirtandflutter27
Glama-Lash Academy Mirelle Dianne Neto Envelope-Open 11 Liebenberg Road, Eastleigh,
Edenvale,1609, Gauteng Envelope jessicacik@gmail.com phone-square +27 825614733 GLOBE www.glama-lashacademy.co.za instagram @mirelledianneneto
I.V.Lashes Professional Eyelash Extensions Irena Vidmich Envelope-Open 39 Island View Bloubergstrand,
Cape Town Envelope ivlashespro@gmail.com phone-square +2.70631E+11 facebook-square ivlashescapetown instagram @i.v.lashes
I.V.Lashes&Brows Extensions Irena Vidmich Envelope-Open Shop 11, Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg and Ixia St, Milnerton, Cape Town Envelope ivlashespro@gmail.com phone-square 27 (63) 096 88 05 GLOBE www.ivlashesbrows.co.za facebook-square ivlashescapetown
iLash Cosmetics Elizna Tripkovic Envelope-Open Kennet str 9, Knysna, 6571 Envelope elizna@lastingcosmetics.com phone-square +27 825666481 GLOBE www.lastingcosmetics.com facebook-square ilashextensions instagram @ilashcosmetics Lash and Beauty Room/ Academy Emma Justine Brink Envelope-Open 8 Riebeek Street, Chelsea Village,
Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800 Envelope info@thelashandbeautyroom.com phone-square +27 21 761 2181 +27 82 770 3628 GLOBE www.thelashandbeautyroom.com facebook-square lashandbeautyacademy instagram @lashandbeautyroom @lashandbeautyacademy
Lash and Brow Academy _SA EJ Visser Envelope-Open Girlzguyz beauty 30 Blaauwberg
Rd Blouberg, blouberg, Capetown,
The lash & Brow Institute Lisa Telo Envelope-Open Shop 3, The Urban Beauty Lounge -
Wembley Square 1, Capetown Envelope lisa@theurbanbeautylounge.co.za
The Lash Collection Academy Carla Crafford Envelope-Open Unit 41 Woodbridge Business Park,
Milnerton, Cape Town Envelope training@thelashcollection.co.za phone-square +002721 5551517 GLOBE www.thelashcollection.co.za facebook-square TheLashCollectionSA instagram @TheLashCollectionSA
V. Royals Beauty & Academy Tawanda Zenda, Violet Karengwa Envelope-Open 43 Andringa street, stellenbosch,
Stellenbosch, Cape Town,
Wink & Whisper Falon Johnson Envelope-Open 52 Kingfisher Drive, Fourways,
Johannesburg, South Africa Envelope falonharris8@icloud.com GLOBE www.thelashcollection.co.za facebook-square Wink and Whisper instagram @wink_whisper Kylie Chandler Envelope-Open 25 Kruger Drive, Craighall Park,
Worldwide & Online
Absolute Beauty Academy susan nielsen Envelope-Open 16 Foxhouses road . Whitehaven ,
Cumbria, CA288AF Envelope susandent72@hotmail.com phone-square 7710787687 facebook-square absolutebeautyacademy
Beau Beauty Academy Terri Clevely Envelope-Open 10 Cowling Drive, Stockwood, Bristol ,
England BS148DS
Beauty lash Academy (Beauty Lash Mexico) Patricio Simroth (Cristina Palacios) Envelope-Open Ave. Revolución #2703, Colonia
Ladrillera C.P. 64830, Monterrey
Nuevo León, México. Envelope patricio@beautylash.mx phone-square " 81 81031150 GLOBE www.beautylash.mx facebook-square Beauty Lash Mexico YT: Beauty Lash instagram @beautylashmex
Blink by Vick Limited Kate Friedman Envelope info@blinkbyvick.com GLOBE www.blinkbyvick.com facebook-square blinkbyvicky instagram @blinkbyvick
Brows & Lashes Relebohile Rapulane Envelope-Open Borokhoaneng Maseru 100 Envelope Maneobereng90@gmail.com
Di Lash Room Carmen San Miguel Envelope carmen-ism@hotmail.com
Ewii Beauty Salon & Academy Ewelina Apanel phone-square +7703678990 instagram @ewii_beauty
Evi Valentine’s Eyelash Training Evita Urvake Envelope-Open 10 Merrion Street, 2nd floor, LS1, 6PQ Envelope evivalentineyelashes@gmail.com phone-square 7533979840 GLOBE www.evivalentine.co.uk
Feel good with some me time Academy Leanne Waugh Envelope-Open 103, Queensferry Road, Rosyth,
Glam Lashes And Beauty Giedre Jociene Envelope jocienegiedre@gmail.com instagram glam_lashes_and_beauty
Grande Beauty Academy Roberta Grande Envelope grande.beauty.academy@gmail.com
iLashed by Imogen Imogen Southwood Envelope info@ilashedbyimogen.co.uk instagram @Ilashedbyimogen
IM Beauty Academy Ltd Inga Misiute Envelope ingabeautician@yahoo.com GLOBE www.immaculatelashes.com facebook-square inga.beautician instagram @immaculatelashes
Kukla Aesthetics Ramunė Loseva (KUKLA) Envelope ramuneloseva@gmail.com
Lash Institute Singapore Annie Annabelle Soo Envelope-Open 245 Jalan Besar, Level 3, 208918,
Singapore Envelope lashinstitutesg@gmail.com phone-square 65-8339-5652 GLOBE www.lashinstitutesg.com facebook-square lashinstitutesg instagram @lashinstitute_sg Lash Life Training Academy Jenna Elaine Gardiner Wedlock Envelope-Open With Love, 2 Union Street, Larkhall,
ML9 2BD Envelope jwedlock@hotmail.com orders@lashlife.co.uk
Lash School by V.Sudilovskaya Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk Envelope-Open Russia, Simferopol, Chehova 4, 295011 Envelope valeria93@live.ru lashhouse@inbox.ru phone-square 79788077809 GLOBE www.lashhousesimf.ru/school facebook-square Valerie Sudilovskaia instagram @lash_house_crimea @v_sudilovskaya
Goor, Netherlands Envelope Info@lasheys.com phone-square 32 03 344 69 29 GLOBE www.lasheys.com facebook-square LaShey’s Lash Lounge & Academy instagram @lashey_s
Pretty Pea Lashes Lauren Hilton instagram @prettypealashes
Right Beauty Teodora Bugarski Envelope-Open Kataniceva 2, Belgrade Envelope info@rightbeauty.rs phone-square 381 61 1435292 GLOBE www.rightbeauty.rs facebook-square Right Beauty instagram @right.beauty.salon
Silvija Lash Academy Sylva O Envelope mazhyle20@gmail.com
Valery School Valeryia Halamytska Envelope-Open Dimitrova ave 54/244 Mogilev,
Mogilevskaya Region 212038 Envelope andreeva770@mail.ru phone-square 3.75337E+11 instagram @coach_valery Vivi Beauty Lounge Vaida Cepliauskaite Envelope vivibeautylounge@outlook.com instagram @vivi_beauty_lounge
VLV IKE Liountmila Vertikova Envelope-Open Ermou 18, Athens, Greece Envelope info@vlvlashes.gr phone-square 3.06971E+11 GLOBE www.vlvlashes.com facebook-square VLV Lashes instagram @vlv_lashes
Berrycole Studios Bianca Haris-Berry Elli Lash Bojana Ostojic Elvyra’s Beauty Elvyra Auguste instagram @elvyraauguste
Erika Ramonaite Envelope eramonaite@yahoo.com GLOBE www.lashkingdom-pro.com instagram @ramonaiteerika @lashkingdompro Greta Žemaitaitiene Envelope bsn.namai@gmail.com facebook-square blakstienustilizavimonamai instagram @blakstienu_stilizavimo_namai
Kristina Meskyte instagram @kristina_meskyte
Lash Corner Ivana Lash corner
Nina Lash Envelope alvarezninoshka12@gmail.com
Tracy Scrima Envelope-Open 8 Jonathan Road, Burlington,
MA 01803