The LOVE issue

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The LOVE Issue v3

LASHOUT stars LASHOUT magazine is a publication available online and in PDF form. LASHOUT magazine is a publication created to celebrate the artist that dares to redefine our cultures standard of beauty. Our goal is to provide the reader with images that stimulate the senses and soul, through beauty, design, culture and style. Our readers are enlightened, free-thinking and fashion forward, facing everyday creativity with great panache. Join us and join the movement to LASHOUT with aggressive style in a restless world . Submissions: photographs (fiction or non), illustrations, and written word are welcomed, but publication cannot take responsibility for any work lost or damaged. Deadlines: all submissions must be received by the 15th of the following months: Issue: February

Due: January

Issue: March

Due: February

Issue: April

Due: March

Issue: May

Due: April

Issue: June

Due: May

Issue: August

Due: July

Issue: October

Due: September

Issue: November

Due: October

Creative Editor Layâ€&#x;Na Anderson Creative Director Kei Starks Beauty Contributor Nikki Darling In House Photog Kyle Egan Culture Writer Contributor alterEgo Advertising Inquiries HQ: 404.849.8050

Copyright: all material appearing in LASHOUT magazine is subject to copyright & reproduction in whole or in part without written permission from the editor, is prohibited. Thank You to everyone who has contributed in the production of LASHOUT magazine

Cover: Silver Screen Photog: Kyle Egan Makeup: Alexis Fagan Hair: Christina McCarver



CHAOTIC Peace creative editor letter


LASHOUT loud creative director letter I spy


QUIET noise


LASHOUT the blog FAB finds




UNSETTLED beauty 12 silver screen 14 + alter ego 20 + beauty report 18 ANTAGONISTIC style 25 fashion report 35 + runway to realway 26 CULTURE remix STYLE makers FINAL word

43 49



CHAOTIC peace Letter from the Editor

February 1, 2009

Hard work and perseverance is what the world is made of. How much of this are you giving to the things that you love? Whether it is your talent, yourself, or relationships, what commitment are you giving to the things that you love.

When we decided to make this The LOVE Issue, we didn‟t want to focus on love in the Valentines Day kinda way. We wanted this months inspirations to come from showcasing the many talents of beauty, style, creative thought and art (with a little Valentines Day thrown in). Concepts and collaborations are what make the artistic world go around.

So with that being said, in the wee hours of the morning, Happy Valentines Day….everyday is the 14th!

Lay’Na Anderson creative editor AGGRESSIVE STYLE IN A RESTLESS WORLD


L A S H O U T loud Letter from the Creative Director

February 1, 2009

Growing up in Middle America, one of the things that helped me breathe through my otherwise lack-luster existence, was fashion, particularly model infatuation. I still remember the first time I saw Tyson Beckford in the pages of one of the many magazines I would read to help me feel connected (black). It was like time stood still and I had found myself. Certainly that‟s not to say that I resemble the most recognizable face of Ralph Lauren. What meant the most was that he had full lips and skin like mine! When my sister saw the same image she said, “Damn he fine!” It was at that moment I realized the truth, I must be “fine”, too. That I am beautiful and worthy, dammit! I learned to love myself that day. Its not the easiest circumstance growing up Keitric in a town full of Seth‟s, but there, in the pages of a magazine I found myself . In an industry that hasn‟t always reflected diversity, we celebrate this day that my younger brother can find himself everywhere from the White House to a Disney film screen. For this I am truly grateful and always mindful of the changes we‟ve witnessed both in fashion and the world and the pioneers that made them. The lesson of the day: Learn to love yourself, so that others will appreciate and love you.

Keitric Starks creative director AGGRESSIVE STYLE IN A RESTLESS WORLD


I spy… Creative Editor Lay’Na Anderson What is the top 5 makeup essentials in your makeup kit? 1. Skincare 2. Bobbi Brown Foundation pallet 3. Iman Pressed Powder 4. Visart eye shadow pallet 5. Bobbi Brown Lipstick pallet What is your favorite board game? RummiKub What is your makeup pet peeve? Unblended makeup What is your favorite features to focus on? Eyes What feature do you love about yourself? My smile

Creative Director Keitric Starks What is the top 5 makeup essentials in your makeup kit? 1. La Mer eye concentrate 2. Bobbi Brown eye corrector 3. Model in a Bottle makeup setting spray 4. Beauty Blender sponge 5. Tweezerman lash guard What is your makeup pet peeve? Bad blush placement What is your favorite board game? Cranium What is your favorite features to focus on? Lashes! Lashes are the window treatment on the windows to the soul! What feature do you love about yourself? My hair, it’s the one I have control over


QUIET noise Beauty Contributor Nikki Darling What are the top 5 style essentials? Black Sheath Dress, Opaque Hose, Ankle Booties, Diamond Studs, and a Blazer in the car! Don't want to be caught on the outside looking in, once you get called for a lunch date at the country club!!! What is your style pet peeve? Too little clothing on an inappropriate body type! Just because it comes in your size doesn't mean you have to wear it. What is your favorite board game? Monopoly. If you were a superhero, what kind would you be? Wonder Woman What feature do you love about yourself? My smile, it's contagious!

Beauty/Fashion Photographer Kyle Egan Where is your ideal shooting location? I have several Paris ,France on the streets, Tuscan countryside, and Provence countryside What is your favorite board game? Scategories What is your photography pet peeve ? Talent on phone, while on set. What is your favorite comfort food? Cheese and chocolate What feature do you love about yourself? Being a red head

Culture Remix Editor Patrina John What is the top 5 makeup essentials in your makeup kit? Blot powder, color corrector, lipstick moisturizer, mascara, brow powder What is your favorite board game? Monopoly What is your makeup pet peeve? Clumpy mascara What is your favorite features to focus on? Eyes What feature do you love about yourself? My neck. Its long lean, smooth and slender lol. That's what I was told


QUIET noise Contributing Writer Chimere Norris What is your New Years Resolution? To be more carefree & not so serious all of the time. Have you broken it yet? Of course but I'm continuing to have fun. I'm still a work in progress. Never give up even on resolutions. If you were a superhero, what kind would you be? ShoeShera, because I love shopping for shoes and can help some one in a flash with a shoe crisis. What is your favorite board game? It's a tie between Sequence, a game a strategy and Monopoly Cards a game of prosperity. What feature do you love about yourself? I love many, but the curve in my feet are sexy, i love looking at it. It looks like a wave I've never seen anyone else other than my grandmother with the same shape. Contributing Photographer Maryann Davidson What is your New Years Resolution? Don't like resolutions. Why make a life changing decisions only one day year..... Have you broken it yet? See above If you were a superhero, what kind would you be? The indestructible kind. What is your favorite board game? Sequence What feature do you love about yourself? My blue eyes - eyes are the window to the soul Contributing Writer Kristen Hooper What is your New Years Resolution? To follow every dream and every ounce of love God sends my way with great abandon...honoring my purest truth and desire. Have you broken it yet? Nope If you were a superhero, what kind would you be? I'd be able to fly, read minds, and create whatever I desired in the blink of an eye. What is your favorite board game? Monopoly


What feature do you love about yourself? My spirit/heart.

LASHOUT the blog

Love Sex Magic: The behind the scenes of or R & R shoot

Daily posts of the fabu life that is LASHOUT magazine

Behind the scenes of Victoria Rowell‟s Alter Ego shoot.

PLUS 31 Day Sex Challenge Part Deux of l’amour est tous: love is everything LASHOUT lounge and much more


FAB finds

doctor, can you help me?

Robin Thickeâ€&#x;s new album will definitely soothe your soul and give you an experience. With the sexiness of James Bond, the music is a mix of reminiscent jazz, snippets of elevator music to hip hop, with collaborations from Estelle to Snoop Dogg . This steamy album is a must have for any grown persons music collection and the perfect connection to the 31 Day Sex Challenge. (Visit LASHOUT the blog for details.)


FAB finds

are you spicy?

Married, engaged and single ladies, unite! Spicy Wifey is redefining the roles of wifey and making it spicy. The married Wifey brings a modern twist by creating a more desirable image of wifeyhood. The single lady may be on the path of dating or self discovery and ultimately wants that path to lead to marriage. Through their blog, classes and products Spicy Wifey is training, informing and encougraging women to take charge and be empowered.


UNSETTLED beauty Un-set-tled [ un sétt'ld ] adjective 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

not decided: not resolved, determined, or decided changeable: changing frequently within a given period of time lacking order or stability: characterized by a lack of order or stability uncertain: not sure, or full of doubt itinerant: not regular or fixed an unsettled lifestyle

Mrs. Eunice Johnson visiting the celebrated Yves Saint Laurent

Beauty [„bju:ti] Noun pl -ties 1. the combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and mind 2. a very attractive woman 3. Informal an outstanding example of its kind 4. Informal an advantageous feature

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it” -Confucius 12

illusions COSMETICS

Nichelle is wearing Lustre Lip Gloss in Mahogany

Beauty Spotlight: Lustre Lip Gloss For sparkling lips that last all day, the Lustre Lip Gloss can be worn alone, or use with your favorite lip color for an extra boost of shine.



Silver Screen Photographer: Kyle Egan Makeup: Alexis Fagan Hair: Christina McCarver Stylist: Tasha Hussey & Kyle Egan



You don’t love a women because she is beautiful , she is beautiful because you love her. Anonymous


Love me and the world is mine. ~David Reed


LASHOUT beauty

five top things to make your love come down… Beauty Contributor Nikki Darling

(1) Seductive Photo Shoot: Not sure what to do for Valentine‟s Day? Why not seek out a photographer who will take some naughty, but nice photos of you (...or of you and your sweetheart). Or, you can just ditch the professional photographer and you and your partner can switch roles as each other‟s photographer!

(2) Romantic Getaway: Make reservations to whisk your sweetheart away on a romantic cabin get away. Be certain that your cabin includes a Jacuzzi!!!

(3) Pretty Notes: Head to your local paperie (i.e., Swoozies, and pick up some h.o.t. note cards to send to your special person each day of the week leading up to Valentines Day. Try sticking to blank cards so you can be sure to let your love flow through your words, and not someone else‟s! Don‟t have S.O.S.? That‟s fine too, get creative and spread love by sending Just Because I Love You cards to your family members just to let them know you were thinking of them!


LASHOUT beauty report (4) Hotel Spa Getaways: Check in with your local hotels to help determine who is offering the best hotel deals that include spa services such as the Ritz Carlton, who is running spa specials starting at $279.

Photo of Ritz Carlton, South Beach Spa Entrance

(5) Dinner and a Movie: When all else fails, thereâ€&#x;s always dinner and a movie, and that doesnâ€&#x;t necessarily have to happen outside of the house.


Victoria Rowell Alter Ego Shoot Makeup: Quintessence Hair: Elijah Kelly Wardrobe: Adrene Ashford Photographer: Derek Blanks


Victoria Rowell is playing her own non-black soap star nemesis and fighting to get the respect she deserves and the award she deserves. For exclusive video and info on her new book, please click to visit LASHOUT the blog


Beauty Noir Photographer: Roy Cox Makeup: Denise Tunnell Hair: Leah Watson Model: Marili





antagonistic (anˌtagəˈnistik)

style (stīl) noun


1 a manner of doing something

1 showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something

2 a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed • a particular design of clothing. • a way of arranging the hair. 3 elegance and sophistication

“Fashion is only the attempt to realize art in living forms and social intercourse.” -Francis Bacon Sr.


RUNWAY realway

the greatest show on earth

Creative Editor Lay’Na Anderson

Celebrated designer Yves Saint Laurent and Eunice Johnson after a Paris showing of his creations.

Some of the intriguing fashions from The Ebony Fashion Fair Show.

Photos courtesy of Ebony Fashion Fair archive


Eunice Johnson was a pioneer in the fashion world. It would be remiss of us as a beauty and fashion magazine not to make mention of this great women. Whether it was being dragged to the Fashion Fair makeup counter at the mall or witnessing the spectacular show that is The Ebony Fashion Fair, The Worldâ€&#x;s Largest Traveling Show, as an African American girl, at an early age, I knew what beauty and bright colors were all about.

As a woman who as a young girl never knew she would end up a makeup artist, I remember I was at work one day and the models left their hotel and crossed the street to the mall on their lunch break from rehearsal. It occurred to me that these were the tallest women I have ever seen! With coiffed hair, their faces flawlessly painted and long legs strutting to the restaurant, more than just a few jaws dropped. Now with the recent passing of the women who broke down barriers and took Paris designers by storm in order to show their clothes, it has rekindled a spark in me to take in the colorful and entertaining show that caught my attention in my younger years. Due to Mrs. Johnsonsâ€&#x;, death, Ebony Fashion Fair has decided to suspend the 2010 season. However, once they resume, rest assure I will be at the first show in Atlanta and will report back the excitement that is as of now, a wonderful memory.


R & R: Red & Romance Makeup: Keitric Starks Hair: Marcus Gibson Fashion Stylist: Nikki Darling Photographer: Maryann Davidson Set Stylist: Deen White & Mariden Lord








FASHION report

select the art of fashion



You are an established stylist. Why did you decide to open a boutique? It was always the long-term dream of mine to own my own boutique. I started by working for someone else in their boutique and I wanted to put myself in the environment to come in contact with the kind of high profile clients clientele I was pursuing. For 3 years I managed Signature boutique in Buckhead and from that I was able to develop relationships in the community and start making a name for myself. Once I felt comfortable with the administrative part of going to shows, to researching online, knowing what the customer wants, ordering the merchandise, to window displays; there’s so much more than just what’s seen in the storefront. I was doing some stuff in the industry working with different companies. That’s where I got my foundation. What makes Select boutique so remarkable? When I think of a boutique, I think of a place you can find unique pieces that you won’t find in the mall. It’s my job to seek out those things. I’m trying to attract a clientele that wants unique pieces and doesn’t mind stepping outside of the box. So when they walk into an event they’ll make a statement. I look at clothes as art and we are the canvas to display them. When you come to Select boutique its like being in an art museum. You’ll see something inspiring something to motivate you like art. Who is the Select customer? We are not like any other boutique in Atlanta and we recognize that we are very forward. That’s the kind of client we attract although everyone is welcome. I think sometimes people get comfortable and are afraid to be themselves and to step out the box and they feel they have to be scripted and look like the person next to them. We have some pieces with similar styles found in other boutiques, but we’re looking to introduce you to where fashion is going. We not only want to display the art, which are the clothes, we want to educate.



What keeps you inspired? I’m encouraged by customers that say, “I love the store”, “There’s nothing like this in Atlanta”, “I know when I get something from Select, there’s a chance I won’t to see it on the person standing next to me”, or even “This is where we need to be”. Those are encouraging things to say to a boutique owner. It says that this is what Atlanta really needs; that this is the direction people in Atlanta want to move toward to be right there with New York and LA fashion. Atlanta is constantly evolving and there’s prime real estate everywhere, yet we find you in historic Midtown. Why here? When you go to other major cities their exclusive boutiques are out front so you can see them. Location is key and I wanted to be visible on the main strip. It’s important because I want to make a statement for Atlanta, to be on “the” Peachtree. What’s on the horizon for you? The boutique keeps me really busy, although I do still love styling. It gives me a chance to step out of the boutique when going on location. I still have clients that I work with and I keep relationships with other boutiques. Now I have a base. I’ve just finished a film project that should be released soon. So I’m still very much a stylist. Eventually I plan to open the sister boutique to Select and offer some unique women’s’ pieces. Where do you see fashion going? Of course we see studs and spikes. You can look to celebrities like Rihanna, who’s headed in that direction . I also love The Black Eyed Peas [via our phone conversation after the Grammys]. This spring and summer at Select look for unique, but comfortable extraordinary shirts with ripped or shredded details or asymmetrical lengths and some convertible pieces. Select Boutique is the premier men’s boutique in Atlanta. For contact info check out page 34.






l’amour est tous: love is everything Contributing Writer: Kristen Hooper

PARTIE UN (PART ONE) What a daunting task it can sometimes be to write about love- one of the most intimate and sacred parts of our human experience. When Lay‟Na and Keitric told me that this issue of LASHOUT would be the “Love” issue, I felt equal tinges of excitement and the urges to hide under a table, change my email, and get as far away as possible from having to share something so dear to me with the world. In fact, it took me five days to even begin writing…but here I go. When I was younger, I believed that love was a feeling of desperate longing: the chase and the uncertainty of requisition that we often see in Hollywood movies or read about in the zillion articles in Cosmopolitan and other women‟s magazines coaching us on how to be the perfect woman fit for marrying. As I grew older, I learned that love was so much greater. I came to learn that those same articles breed insecurity and a feeling that perhaps you aren‟t enough. Love is not a desperate, jealous feeling; but love is more of a very exciting, moving, yet quiet peace that comes over you when you know that you are figuratively and literally in a safe place. In that safe place, you know that the person who gives you that complex, yet simple emotion of feeling safe and secure loves you for you and not some mignon carbon copy of yourself you created based on the instructions in an article. Love is sometimes sacrifice but it is never more pain than gain. Love is the union of two people who decide to be equal partners and become one- it is devotion and commitment. Love is a feeling that makes proximity so much more attractive than distance: those neurons and protons and electrons that you only feel when that person who has your heart is near. Love is that intense feeling you have when your partner leaves and you dream that they are still in the very room with you they left you in. Love is feeling supported and the feeling that you experience when you know that someone has your back 150%. Love is being able to trust someone with your life, and not just your heart through building bridge after bridge and birthing a new beginning day after day. What‟s more is love is trusting that that person with whom you entrust so much will neither take advantage of it, nor exploit the power that you‟ve given them- for love is certainly a fearless transfer of some of power. Be sure to read Part Deux at LASHOUT the blog



conversation curtis graves

I don't know if there is one thing I could specify about being an artist. That is, this is what I do, have always done, and would do even if I couldn't make a living doing it. For me, art has been a compulsion. Art by definition is supposed to provoke thought and conversation. I never try to convey one specific perspective with my art, but I do hope to spark conversation, speculation and reflection.

My New Louboutins I was encouraged as a young artist when a teacher recognized my talent and told me to stay at it. I have tried to pay that gift forward, offering advice to young artists, teaching classes and technique, and continuing to learn myself. There are so many voices out there with their own point of view. The conversation is better when everyone is involved.


Re N The Rain


Smoking Peaches






STYLE makers

Silver Screen pages 14-17 Kyle Egan Photography

Victoria Rowell Alter Ego pages 20-21 Quintessence: (coming soon) Derek Blanks:

Black Noir pages 23 – 39 Denise Tunnell (coming soon)

R & R: Red & Romance pages 28-33 Maryann Davidson Photography

Curtis Graves Artist pages 44-48 404.819.2234 49

SHOW tell SUBMISSIONS: LASHOUT magazine is about celebrating the artist within all of us. We are always accepting submissions from creative forces such as makeup artist to poets and everyone in between.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: To receive your monthly subscription that can be read on you computer, ANDROID enabled phone ( or ereader (Kindle, Nook, etc), please visit and click on the subscribe link.

ADVERTISING: To advertise with LASHOUT magazine, please email us at

Stay informed with the latest news, events and creative forces. Click on link to become a part of the LASHOUT connection LASHOUT the blog Facebook Fan Page


FINAL word

Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. ~Jean Anouilh


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