LA SIESTA History Book - 25 years (english)

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a n ol a G t ge ia ay a in Cop any M o Papag mbia Ju a TÜ V a Dom Flora C ifico Ca ultiSpo ginia Y o Baian undo S m i o c n g r m e enh Ü V Ger Domin ora Colo co Can ot Haba a Yayita iana Pa round M lada Vi iterráne aii Anim olina D fi i l l o a i d a T l p n ar c F e C B n i aw S A noa t Haba Yayita ana Pa Multi Virg rráneo o Nico a Fruta sleña M bama H quídea C anova a i d d o a a I r e s a ltiSp Virgini ráneo B Allroun uta Col a Medit do Seg u Mexican mbera libri Ala ano Or isa Bos ainz r a M r r m a o ñ r o n n F e c O r a o e d C i t u o l Cola a Medi g uro N exicana bera Is ii Anim lina DIT Lori Cu icolora ptuno R Hook S amorad Vela Ne Isleñ undo Se DITO M Curram a Hawa ea Caro ova Joki nz Mult Vela Ne n Smart esta En GOTS Braz a S od m a íd ai to im ma an ori és M ma GOT xico Cot ibeña M ra Palo eim Cop y Mia i An Carolin a Joki L ri Alaba no Orqu sa Boss r a M i r u a h b o a e r l t an a e a n li ov quíd Bossan ainz Co no Rom ook Son amorad tura Pa Brazil M i FSC C Iri Aven ia Juge V Germ bana b a m Ü H tu n a a en o nris orada M ela Nep Smart desta E o Iri Av im Cop any Mia apagay a Colom anoa T tiSpot H ia Yay n r C l e u h ay o lo to am oP Mo SV g in rm a En a GOT xico Cot ribeña o Papag ia Jugen Ü V Ge oming Yayita F Pacific arés M ada Vir ra Isle a M T D l m a o g b e Palo razil M i FSC C Domin Colom Canoa Habana irginia o Baian llround ruta Co ulticol awai V e na am aH aF ora fico iSpot aB án ra oA ra M Cop any Mi ot Haba ayita Fl na Paci t colo editerr uro Nic Mexican rrambe Alabam Orquíd l i t u l u M Germ MultiSp rginia Y eo Baia lround lada M Isleña M ndo Seg DITO Lori Cu Colibri omano onris a o l n z i S d Vi errá Nico A Fruta C ambera i Animu Carolin ova Jok a Main ptuno R tHook amo t i roun Colada d e r o i r d e a a n n a r r a a e M a N E n u r a u s d m Frut a Isleña ndo Seg Mexica i Lori C ma Haw o Orquí isa Bos Enamo TS Vela otton S odesta alom M O P C O u n ba ta er nr ok amb ii Anim lina DIT anova J libri Ala o Roma ook So a Modes aloma G Mexico aribeña ventura Copa a H l s C n o s r w rt zi iA m eñ C Co tu aP a Ha ídea Ca nrisa Bo Mainz Nep ton Sma C Carib ventur opa Bra iami FS gayo Ir genhei Ü V Ge a l u e a u A o S C a t J q T V p M o Or tHook S amorad GOTS xico Co Miami F gayo Iri enheim rmany ingo Pa lombia Canoa ot Hab e a r o o e n a g y a c m C S E M p m G u i p Sm desta Palo Brazil German ingo Pa ombia J a TÜ V bana Do ta Flora a Pacifi d Mult da Virg a r o a n o l n i M a tu a a m eña ri Aven eim Cop noa TÜ V ana Do Flora Co fico Can iSpot H inia Yay neo Bai o Allrou uta Col a Med i I t r h ñ b c l c g á a a i F e gayo ia Jugen cifico C Spot Ha ia Yayit iana Pa und Mu lada Vir editerr g uro N xicana bera Isl i Anim i e a i a e M b o lt P in B do S ITO M Curram a Hawa a Ca Allr ruta Co Isleña olom Baiana und Mu da Virg rráneo n o u c i N im ri ra íde aD aF e a o am áneo ico Allr uta Col a Medit Seg uro exican rrambe waii An Carolin Joki Lo ri Alab no Orqu ok Son u a M o ñ o a N a va ib Fr uro xicana era Isle 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ita F e e a S a r M ñ r o a e Dom nia Yay Baiana lround Colada und ri Cu a Isl ea C a Ha l i DITO nova Virg terráneo Nico A a Fruta rramber aii Anim arolina Joki Lo Alabam Orquíd a Bossa inz C i ro aw Ma ep a C sanova olibri ican ori Cu ano Sonris Med o Seg u C Mex L N ma H quíde Rom rada k os


1991 s 20 16

For you! For moments spent in the hammock! Dedicated to all those who have accompanied, inf luenced and thought about LA SIESTA. Above all, its founders – Dorothee and Alexander Grisar.

The LA SIESTA team in our anniversary year of 2016

WHY WE ARE WRITING THIS BOOK We want to say thank you. We want to write history and stories. We want to show pictures. We want to celebrate hammocks. And we want to do so with the people holding this book in their hands for different reasons, who are important to us: you!


Doubt is the origin of wisdom. Descartes

AN INTERVIEW WITH FOUNDER DOROTHEE GRISAR What situation did the idea for LA SIESTA emerge from?

What was the first product you sold?

Basically from a catastrophic situation.

the very first hammock bearing the name HCR-2.

At the age of 45, my husband decided to leave his

Altogether we sold eleven of them for 45 Deutschmarks

permanent position, working as a consulting engineer –

each. Our booth had a terrible location that had very

with all of the ups and downs that go with it. I was at

little automatic foot traffic. We had to guide the visitors

home and occasionally sold artisanal products from

to our booth. As we were breaking down our booth after-

South America that my husband brought back from his

wards, some girls from another stand passed by,

trips. When we went to a fall trade fair in Frankfurt, we

happily discussing what they had taken in, 1500 Marks.

passed by a booth from El Salvador.

We were of course far from that– but it was still a great

They had beautiful, colorful hammocks hanging there.


At the Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition in 1991 we sold

I was so excited about them that I convinced Alexander to buy 300 of them; that was the minimum number

How did things continue after this first small success?

you could buy. My goal was to sell these hammocks

We soon decided to attend trade fairs and to approach

everywhere. Our first opportunity was our stand at the

possible resellers there. To boot, Alexander had the great

Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition in Mainz.

idea of sending sample packages to sports and outdoor stores. The retailers were skeptical at first, but this distribution channel developed rather well. Our best customer was a store in Munich’s Herzogstraße. We are still in touch today with their buyer from that time.

What moment from the company’s beginnings do you look back on particularly fondly?

How does it feel to now have all three of your sons taking care of the company?

I particularly enjoy recalling our visit to the booth from

It was not planned. I come from an agricultural family

El Salvador. The variety of color of the hammocks simply

where the tasks were passed from one generation to the

inspired me. And not just that, the booth’s owner was an

next, but for Alexander it was clear that we would sell our

impressive person. She stood behind her products, full

company at some point. We intended for the children to

of conviction. We immediately understood one another.

become vocational apprentices and take up occupations

It was this moment: “Something clicked – we are doing this!”

that suit them. We didn’t want to saddle our sons with something they didn’t want. After his education, Leonid decided to join the company. One day Max surprised us by joining us too. And finally, a few years later Cornelius announced: “I’ll be joining you on 1.1.2011 too!” Even though it was not planned, we are very happy about it.

What are you now learning from your sons? Patience. And fairness, I learned that from our children even more than from my husband. All three are very fair.

What do you wish for LA SIESTA in the future? What would you rather not recall?

We always had such a nice team. I am convinced that has

Our first trade fair stand. It was made of scaffolding poles

something to do with the hammocks. I wish LA SIESTA

we attached to our Volvo – on the roof we had runners

will continue to have such a wonderful, productive team,

with holes drilled in them. We drove all around Germany

with healthy growth.

with it – later even going to Paris. We were lucky nothing happened. Alexander and I and these three-meter-high scaffolding poles ... In Cologne Alexander fell off the ladder during all the stress putting our booth together. People from the other booths came to help. He just laid there for five minutes, then he pulled himself together and shook it off, and everything went on. He sure knows how to bounce right back!

A GLANCE OVER THE SHOULDER In a cellar in Mainz-Finthen...


Do you remember your first day of work at LA SIESTA?

What should LA SIESTA retain for the future?

Of course, it was 1996 in Mainz-Finthen – in the last

This special feeling: We are still a family company, no

house on the street Am Eiskeller: I went down the steps

matter how big we are. There are now many different

into the basement and came into a very small room.

departments; purchasing, distribution, quality control

Alexander Grisar sat at a desk there, and next to him was

and of course also accounting. But we still work as a team –

a second desk that was unoccupied.


Alexander explained to me what I was supposed to do:

Yes, even with more than 30 employees here in Jugenheim

look at banking deposits, check off receipts as paid or not

we are still a family. That should never be lost.







paid. That’s all I had to do back then.

Why does your heart beat for LA SIESTA? What have been the most notable changes from 1996 to now, 2016?

I fell in love with the product from the start. But not

It’s like when your children grow up. The constant growth

makes it what it is. For me it was absolute luck that I came

is certainly notable. The first real change was the move to

to LA SIESTA: I was able to grow, develop, find out my

Jugenheim. Before that the packing was done in the garage.

strengths. Who would have thought in 1996 that I would

Then we moved into this wonderfully large building. Not

one day do online banking? LA SIESTA is my family, and

just the facilities saw growth, the team kept growing as

I feel so connected to it. The company is a fixed part of

well. Back then in Mainz-Finthen we were just four people:

my life.

the Grisars, my husband Dave and I. My continuing education as an accountant with Alexander Grisar was also very formative for me. Without it, I would not have been able to do the increasingly complex work. In that course we were both the #1 topic, everything was about hammocks, because Alexander scrutinized every single detail.

just that: The atmosphere in the company is what

Grain sways in the hammock of the warming sun. Ernst Ferstl


As shown by the miniature hammock made of pure gold, presented in the Gold Museum in Bogotá, the origin of the hammock lies with the indigenous people of Central and South America. They knew its value very early on, as they started calling the hammock the “cradle of the gods” many centuries ago. The first hammocks were made of the bark of the hamack tree, making the origin of the original name “hamaca” abundantly clear.

Hammocks and seafaring Columbus discovered the hammock in the Bahamas, where he landed on the 12th of October 1492, and surprisingly found that “people were sleeping in nets between the trees,”, as he noted in his chronicles. He brought the hammock along on his return to Europe, and from that point on, above all sailors started using and appreciating them. Instead of having to sleep on the wet, hard, dirty and vermin-infested deck, sailors could now relax in their hammocks, rocked to sleep by the swell of the sea.

Hammock: M hamaca): via in the


16th century (in the Spanish form

Spanish from Taino hamaka; the ending was altered

16th century by association with -ock Oxford Living Dictionaries

Gustave Courbet - Le RĂŞve, 1844



In 2003, LA SIESTA retold the story of the hammock: The hammock is celebrated as the true discovery of Christopher Columbus on the CD ROM “Enciclopedia”. In addition to the tongue-in-cheek comic, the CD ROM contains valuable tips about hammocks.

OUR RECIPE PREPARATION TIME Let it rise 25 years at a constant temperature

INGREDIENTS Mother Dorothee, father Alexander, 3 sons: Maximilian, Leonid and Cornelius, a team from around the world – and the best hammocks!

FOR THE DOUGH A wealth of ideas, desire, a whole lot of hammock expertise as well as expertise in production and manufacturing techniques; trust, loyalty, a pinch of courage, a teaspoon of conflict management, fairness

FOR THE FILLING Genuine relaxation, relationships built, a real closeness to people and nature, a deep conviction of the true sense of the hammock, industriousness

FOR THE FLAVOR Team spirit, trusted partnerships, solidarity, dialogue, creativity

FOR THE TOPPING Lovingly garnished with salty patience, fiery passion and a delicious laugh


Hammock Romántica at one bei of the Die Hängematte Romántica einem der first photo shoots in the 90s in Budenheim ersten Fotoshootings in den 90er Jahren in am Rhein. am Rhein. Budenheim

In 1996, artist Dieter Motzel developed a logo that reflected the joie de vivre and the colorfulness of South America.












A hammock, the sun– life should be that simple and that lovely. The first logo was drawn by hand by the founders




2010 2010






In 2010, Jean-Christophe Meillan developed the sleep, contrasting logo with the curved hammock and a high recognition value.





2016 2016


In 2016, the logo was slightly revised and a white version was added

A GLANCE OVER THE SHOULDER He is perhaps the first of his kind.


So what is it you do?

What does a normal day at LA SIESTA look like for you?

I am a hammock designer.

Oh, there is no normal day here. I design the new products, but I also deal with the drafts for catalogs, brochures and

That’s not something you hear very often. How did you end up doing that?

web graphics. My work here has a lot to do with quality-

I got to know Cornelius Grisar and LA SIESTA while

and we have to find suitable materials.

related issues: The new products have to be tested for safety

studying abroad in Nuremberg and fell in love with the graphic design and from that point I had the opportunity

Of course every hammock is beautiful – but which one is your favorite creation?

to carry out projects for LA SIESTA. In 2009 I was hired

The Flora hammock range! It is inspired by the traditional

in a permanent position as Creative & Brand Manager.

Colombian artisanal craftsmanship, being made even better

It became my job to not only give the brand LA SIESTA a

with its unique weave pattern and fresh, modern colors.

hammocks. There and at home in France I studied art and

face, but also to design hammocks as well.

What is important to you in designing a hammock?

And what product is the hammock designer quite proud of?

I want to retain the original character of the products. Of

Hammock Chair Stand Vela. With its curved, filigree shape,

course our hammocks should also look modern and reflect

it just looks great. At the same time it can handle quite a

the zeitgeist; but with my designs I also like to include the

burden and offers maximum freedom of movement.

traditional rich colors of the South American hammock, and I include typical Latin American elements.

And how do your new designs develop? At first very classically with sketches and color collages, then the hammock is simulated on the computer. We can now do that with exact detailing of fibers! That gives us the possibility, for example, to create models in different colors beforehand; we don’t have to have every new idea woven in order to envision it.

WHEN FIBERS BECOME PATTERNS It starts with an idea. Next comes the detailed work.

Creating – putting it on paper – discarding; until everything is perfect and a new hammock sample emerges … We put a lot of love into designing every creation, from the first step to the last.


Haken (Entwicklung)

One of the first tasks of designer Jean-Christophe Meillan was to develop a practical and simultaneously safe way to hang up hammocks. The suspension solution was to be produced in Germany according to strict quality standards. The partner to work with in implementing this project was Bad Kreuznach company ITM. The proximity of Jugenheim and Bad Kreuznach already made very close cooperation possible during the development process. LA SIESTA invested a great deal of time in the development of suspension solutions; several years passed between the initial idea and the patent. Both hammocks and hammock chairs can be hung using the SmartHooks and MultiSpots; they are suitable for attachment to walls, ceilings, trees and beams. The suspensions systems are ”100% made in Germany“ and have undergone safety and quality inspections with the German Technical Inspection Agency TÜV Rheinland.


Die SIESTA LA SIESTA Hängematten werdenusing auf eine beLA hammocks are rolled a very sonderemethod. Weise gerollt. Das spart beim Transspecial This saves spacePlatz during transport portlooks und sieht iminSchaufenster gut aus. Der Rollito and goods window displays. Rollito is the ist das Markenzeichen der Hängematten aus Jugentrademark of our hammocks from Jugenheim. heim.



We don’t have to continue to live as we have lived yesterday. If we disconnect from this view, then a thousand possibilities invite us to a new life. Christian Morgenstern

LA SIESTA’s success story began in an unobtrusive row house in Mainz-Finthen in 1990. The three sons, Maximilian, Leonid and Cornelius attended school, father Alexander Grisar provided for the family’s living as a consulting engineer. His side job helped with the family budget sometimes more, sometimes less. Dorothee Grisar looked for opportunities to improve the family’s finances. She had rejected the idea of a restaurant selling tarte flambé; instead she began to sell the artisanal products Alexander brought back from his business trips to South America. She presented lovingly created alpaca sweaters, silver jewelry, vases and fur gloves at regional markets under the name “Dorothee Grisar Latin American Imports”.

1990 to 1992


When attending Frankfurt’s fall trade fair in 1990,

All in all, the sales remained modest; the Grisars took

the Grisars discovered a little booth from El Salvador.

289 hammocks back home with them. In the following

Hammocks in all conceivable colors hung there, and

months a few hammocks, a few sweaters and a few vases

Dorothee was immediately hooked. The couple themselves

were sold, but the major breakthrough didn’t appear.

had lived in Latin America for several years; nothing Zembodied the feeling of life there more than a hammock. This unique product was meant to expand the range of Latin American imports! The two of them ordered the first 300 hammocks and stored them in their home in Mainz-Finthen. A better storage place was not available, so from that point on hammocks under the piano and on the wardrobes were a part of their home furnishings. At the Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition in Mainz in 1991, the Grisars rented their first booth and hoped to distribute the 300 hammocks in nine days. The first hammock was sold here on March 16, 1991.

E N OUG H WIT H T H E G R A B BAG At Wiesbaden’s Christmas market the family passed the booth of a couple they were friends with. Many beautiful items were offered here and the Grisars of course duly admired them while chatting with their friends. As they walked on, Alexander began to ruminate, and finally declared:

”We are not having a rummage table! We have to concentrate on one item!”

Hammock HRC

Which item that would be was clear; the alpaca sweaters, the tapestries and the fur slippers needed to go! Alexander Grisar looked for sensible channels of distribution and decided to offer hammocks as an outdoor product to corresponding retailers. At trade fairs he acquired lists of all of the sports and outdoor retailers nearby and farther away, and began to call them, one after another. Many retailers took on the exotic product on a consignment basis and were just as interested as the Grisars:

Would the hammocks turn out to be a top seller or a dead item? The couple found additional distribution partners at trade fairs across Germany. Soon retailers were not the only customers of �Dorothee Grisar Latin American Imports�, the first mail order companies became interested in the hammocks and added them to their catalogs.

Hammock Chair BHC-1

1993 to 1995


In 1993 everything was supposed to become more profes-

The range had continued to grow in the meantime. With

sional. Alexander Grisar had stepped down from his work

BHC-1, LA SIESTA offered the first Brazilian hammock

as an engineer, so as to concentrate on the hammock sales

chair in 1993, leading to a completely new view of its own

with his wife. A more compact company name and a logo

product range. Instead of acquiring the products from

were needed. Out of all the different names, LA SIESTA

just one country, in 1994 the concept ”the world of the

won. No other term fit the feeling of life of the hammock

hammock” was developed. Hammocks are made very

better. The logo with the stylized hammock and the red

differently by region. LA SIESTA offered its customers a

sun underlined the exotic quality of the products.

selection – they could choose the hammock that fit them

The couple had created their very own corporate identity

best from El Salvador, Brazil, Mexico or Nicaragua.

without the help of an ad agency.

Hammock Mexicana

¥ H O L A CO LO M BIA! Business with mail-order companies experienced continuous growth, several companies had discovered the hammock as an advertising medium and the kindergarten sector was crazy about the products. Dorothee Grisar was virtually overrun by kindergarten teachers. Kids were enthusiastic above all about hammock chairs, because they did justice to the children’s need to move more than conventional models. Unfortunately, heavily damaged items frequently came back from the kindergartens. The traditional products were loved by the children, but could not withstand their untamed energy. The solution was obvious to Alexander the engineer:

LA SIESTA had to develop its own hammocks that could fulfill these new demands!

Alexander took an actually inconceivable step: He flew to Colombia, toured different production facilities and started the first negotiations. Armed conflict had reigned in Colombia since the 40s – creating and maintaining a business relationship there was not only difficult, but

The competition was already having their goods

also dangerous. Even the locals advised against his pro-

produced in Brazil and El Salvador, but the Grisars

ject. He stuck to the plan he had devised and found the

had fallen in love with the Colombian hammocks.

ideal partner in the Colombian city of Barranquilla. The

Nowhere else are the hammocks as rich in color as there.

first result of the cooperation already became a bestseller:

They wanted to have their own hammocks and hanging

The Colombiana hammock set new standards in terms of

chairs made there, and these products were to become

its quality and color scheme.

the USP of the brand LA SIESTA.

1996 to 2000


In addition to the first products the company developed itself, in 1996 another milestone occurred: the company’s first catalog. It replaced the individual flyers and brochures, and presented the different product ranges in beautiful pictures. The company’s new logo was presented in it for the first time: A playful pattern in blue and yellow replaced the hand-drawn emblem with the red sun. Hammock Colombiana

The Grisars had transformed the cellar of their row house in Mainz-Finthen into an office and in Steffi and Dave Norman they had found two temps who actively jumped right in. In their home every free spot was repurposed as storage space for the colorful hammocks; three garages served as exterior storage and packing facilities. Business was so good that the Grisars were finally forced to take the next steps. They founded LA SIESTA GmbH and permanently hired Steffi and Dave. Dave took over management of the warehouse and Steffi was responsible for the increasingly complex accounting. The family business had become a real company.

GOO D - BY E, G A R AG E WA RE H OUSE A N D CE L L A R O FFICE But that did not solve the space-related issues. Dorothee and Alexander wanted to buy a more generously sized building, so they would finally have enough room for

In 1997, the era of the garage warehouse and office cellar was finally history.

storage, packing and working. They took a look at various

Now there was enough room for new employees.

properties in the region, but none of them were suitable.

The team in Jugenheim grew; above all staff members

In the Rheinhessen wine region there were numerous

with very good foreign language skills were needed.

storage facilities for wine, but none for cotton products.

They formed the basis for developing the European market.

The precious hammocks would not last long in a welltempered wine cellar. When land for building was advertised in nearby Jugenheim in Rheinhessen, the couple saw an alternative to buying a facility: They would take the step of building the company’s own building! Although the costs for the new building exceeded the financial circumstances, at least the facilities would fulfill all the demands made by the Grisars. Dorothee and Alexander bought the last free lot in the newly developed Jugenheim industrial sector, Im Wiesenweg. In just one year of construction a new company building and a home, both completely made of wood, emerged here at the edge of town.

Hammock Chair Regalo

2001 to 2005


The company building, which was supposed to offer

Upon finishing his studies, Leonid helped his father in

enough room for the expansions of the next thirty

Jugenheim on the computer once again. But this time

years had become too small after just four years.

he was not leaving again when the weekend was over.

The company not only got external support in terms of

His stays became longer and longer, until he too got

human resources, it also came quite unexpectedly from

hammock fever.

its own ranks. Naturally their three sons Maximilian, Leonid and Cornelius were included in different activities from the start, and liked to earn a bit of spending money packing hammocks and solving computer problems. The Grisars, however, always made sure to not include the three of them too much. Their sons were to decide for themselves how much they wanted to be involved in the young family company. They were to choose for themselves what they wanted to study and follow their own paths.

In 2002 Leonid officially joined the family company.

A N IN N OVATI V E SPIRIT & IN V E N TI V E N E SS Leonid was not only good with computers. He knew the hammocks well and soon developed extensive

Innovations made in Jugenheim

quality controls. The young graduate likely also brought some fresh ideas into his parents’ company, because

2001, the Jugenheim company launched a

in the years that followed LA SIESTA boasted several

novelty with its SafeTurn: The swivel element

spectacular innovations.

ensured that the cords of the hammock chair could not tangle up together.

Perhaps it was this inventiveness and the opportunity

2002, LA SIESTA developed its first hammock

to develop that attracted Leonid’s big brother Max to

stand, Pacifico.


2003, design hammock Arhuaca caused

In 2003, Maximilian also took his place in the hammock world.

quite a stir. 2004, LA SIESTA introduced Currambera Lounger, an XXL hammock chair you can fit an entire family in. 2005, the first LA SIESTA hammocks made of HamacTex, a weather-resistant artificial fiber, hit the market.

Hammock Arhuaca with Stand Pacifico

HamacTex-Hammock Sonriente

Currambera Lounger with SafeTurn

2005 to 2010


The success of the innovative products required

Alexander Grisar had set the date for his retirement


early on:







appeared on the market, the Grisars registered the name “LA SIESTA” with the German Patent and Trademark

”I’ll quit when I’m 67!”

Office. This was an important step, especially since the major hammock-makers in the USA had discovered the

And now it was time. In 2008, the parents officially

catchy brand name.

passed the company to Maximilian and Leonid. The company’s founder wanted to have a clear conclusion. He was

As a hammock specialist, the company literally set new

able to cite too many examples of businesspeople who

standards: Up until that point, no one had made an effort

did not handle their own withdrawals well and ended

to set standards for hammocks. In 2006 LA SIESTA put

up botching what the following generation was trying

an end to the lasting confusion of hammock buyers, as

to do. He trusted his sons without hesitation to run the

the first company to define globally fixed dimensions for

company, and withdrew completely from the business.

its own single, double and family hammocks.

His wife Dorothee took a bit of a slower path.



When did you join LA SIESTA?

I am a passionate human-

On January 18, 2006 – that’s even the license plate of my

ities scholar, but I have

car. In 2016 I am celebrating my 10th anniversary.

learned so much here. I have been encouraged

Amadou, how does one sell hammocks as successfully as you do?

and supported. My work

How people receive you is important. And then there is

given a lot of trust.

the quality of the product – and with the know-how of

We are a multi-cultural

25 years of experience you can sell with a clear conscience.

company. We get along well

I put myself in the customer’s place. This change in

here, despite or maybe because

perspective, that is a job you do before you do the actual

of our diverse team and the differ-

sale. Only in that way can you have an advantage.

ent cultures. That is something you need nowadays: inter-

is appreciated and I am

cultural competence. Everyone here has that and I think

How do you convince your customers?

it’s great. That is not something to be expected from a

I show an interest in the customers. If for example a

small company!

customer says, “I don’t have the room!” then I find a solution how the customer thinks and to find out what they need.

What is it that you bring from your home in Senegal to LA SIESTA?

I prepare individual materials and presentations and show

My grandfather was a wholesaler and the mayor – my

the customer the perfect solution to their problem. Service,

father was also a great negotiator. People approached him

quality and experience are the cornerstones, followed by

and wanted to have his support in negotiating at the mar-

customer service – I groom personal relationships, not just

ket. I think that is a family trait. When I accompanied him,

sales-oriented ones.

I was able to learn unknowingly, and developed an enthu-

and prepare space-saving displays. I always try to think

siasm for buying and selling.

What do you like about LA SIESTA?

And I always bring along my good mood. I really like to

It’s very simple, I just feel good here. A super atmosphere

add to the atmosphere here!

prevails here and I like to do my job. I only ever applied for one job in my life, and that was LA SIESTA. Innately

SUS TAIN A BILIT Y Alexander had wanted to spend his time during retirement as a senior volunteer. He had looked forward to helping young entrepreneurs with his knowledge and expertise. When he had finished converting the children’s old room into his own little home office, he was faced with the realization that no one wanted to take advantage of the manpower he was offering free of charge. Casera, LA SIESTA’s first hammock made of organic cotton, had just hit the market. But the raw materials for

Bio Hammock Chair Casera

the sustainable product had to be imported to Colombia from Africa – despite the fact that the best conditions for cultivating cotton prevail in South America. Alexander’s

In 2010, the company’s appearance changed once again,

goal was clear: He wanted to initiate a project that pro-

when designer Jean-Christophe Meillan created the

moted sustainable cotton cultivation in Latin America. He

current logo. The step from the playful, colorful logo

founded the non-profit initiative SOCiLA and since then

to the minimalist, elegant one was also reflected in the

has dedicated himself heart and soul to establishing organic

development of the products:

cotton on the South American continent. In the meantime, the ”world of the hammock“ had continued to grow. After a long search, LA SIESTA had found a supplier who would make the spreader bar hammocks North American Style. These models differ greatly from the traditional hammocks, and thus other skills were sought after in the production. LA SIESTA found the right partner on the other side of the globe: in India.

LA SIESTA hammocks perfectly combine Latin American ease with European quality consciousness.

2011 – 2016


The Grisars themselves could hardly believe that 20 years

With Colibri, in 2011 a very new product segment was

had already passed since the first hammock was sold

added: the travel hammock. Made of ultralight parachute

at the Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition. Right on time

silk and compact packing dimensions, it is the ideal bed

for the company’s 20th anniversary, youngest brother

for on-the-go:

Cornelius Grisar completed the management team.

hammock achieve further success.

Sell your Bed. Travel the World. Find two Trees.

After lengthy preparation, in this anniversary year one

Two years later, Cornelius brought the slogan to life. He

of the biggest obstacles customers faced when buying a

packed his Colibri and traveled around the world with it.

He had gathered his experiences in the corporate world and wanted to implement his know-how to help the

hammock was to cease to exist:

How do you hang up a hammock? LA SIESTA had worked intensively on solving this problem and developing a hook concept that was equally safe and simple. Several years of concentrated development passed, with highs and lows, until the innovative system was ultimately mature enough to be put on the market and registered for a patent.

Travel Hammock Colibri

The range of children’s products also continued to grow; here the hanging nest Joki soon became an absolute bestseller. LA SIESTA’s product range was now so diversified that both the catalog and the homepage were oriented more towards the different target groups. LA SIESTA translated its website into different languages, to be able to reach customers around the world.

Today is available to hammock fans in 15 languages and receives up to 3,000 hits a day.

Hanging Nest Joki

FRO M MIA MI TO M AIN Z But LA SIESTA not only ventured out into the great, wide

Right on time for its 25th anniversary, LA SIESTA set a

world virtually. In 2014, LA SIESTA Inc. was established

to-date unique world record here in Germany: On July

in Miami, Florida as a subsidiary of LA SIESTA GmbH.

31, 2016, 269 people chilled simultaneously in Mainz am

After lengthy preparations, everything was ready for this

Rhein in the Mainz hammock specially created for this

big step. Since then, Maximilian Grisar has been running


the American subsidiary on site and continues to expand the business in the New World.

Travel Hammock Mainz

Spreader bar hammock Colada, photographed in “Mas des Graviers” in the Provincial village of Pourrières


1 Mexican artisanal weaving of the net hammock


2 3 3 Decor for Brazil’s hammocks with a love for detail

2 Traditional workmanship by hand from Colombia Headquarters in Jugenheim and our US subsidiary in Miami

6 4 8


7 4 Precise injection molding made in Germany 9 5/6 Stand production in Italy and Poland 7 Reliable workmanship in India 8 Stable bamboo from China for the bars of our hammock chair and spreader bar hammocks 9 Diligent selection of materials in Indonesia

 The double hammock Carolina citrus, photographed in Sardinia



n Colombia, Caribbean beaches, tropical forests and snowcovered mountaintops meet one another. Where high cultures once forged filigree figurines of gold, the most richly colored hammocks in the world are now made. The traditional artisanal textile handicrafts of the Colombians have been inspiring LA SIESTA for many years. One special thing about Colombian hammocksis the cadejos, the plaited cords that connect the hammock to the suspension cords.


Colombian hammock Flora on the beach of Pipa in northeastern Brazil.

Lleva la alegría relajación Siente la siesta con gran amor LA SIESTA SONG Alegría con La Siesta

Moravia is a part of the city of Medellín (Colombia), originally built on a landfill. As in many other parts of the city, drugs and violence are pervasive here. The cultural center ”El Bosque”, where the band Estación Caribe has found a home, is a much-needed safe haven from this bleak reality. These young musicians combine the multicultural Caribbean sound of Colombia with an urban touch, empowering and transporting happiness and hope. The band is supported by the Finnish NGO Revive, which also introduced them to LA SIESTA. And this is how Estación Caribe came to write a catchy song about LA SIESTA and its hammocks from Colombia, which was then professionally produced in a recording studio. The music video shows the likable musicians at the production facility of LA SIESTA’s Columbian suppliers.



razil is the fifth-largest country in the world and its breathtaking landscapes cover almost half of the South American continent. Here the ”rede“ (Portuguese for hammock) stands for a zest for life; it is a peaceful oasis on tropical beaches and a mobile bed on boats on the Amazon River. A typical feature of Brazilian hammocks is the decorative macramé, which is lovingly knotted by hand for all LA SIESTA hammocks from Brazil.

The art of Brazilian hammocks: The macramĂŠ of family hammock Enamorada

Brazil is not just sun, sand and samba. In the Brazilian city of Fortaleza, drugs and violence are also pervasive. Former national beach soccer player José Expedito de Moura, known as Dito, wanted to offer the kids an alternative. He created the beach soccer school Escolinha do Dito in Fortaleza. For the kids in the surrounding slums, Dito is an idol, teacher and friend. Dito’s commitment is to offer the children sports, education and culture. As often is the case, however, there is a lack of funding here. LA SIESTA has its sought-after Brazilian hammocks produced in Fortaleza and became aware of Dito’s project through the organization Tor zur Hoffnung e.V. (=gateway to hope), located in Glashütten. Since 2014 La Siesta donates a fixed annual sum to the German charity Tor zur Hoffnung e.V. This financial support brought about the creation of CENTRO LA SIESTA, and pays the costs to run the center, covering the operation. The children receive tutoring here, are encouraged to participate in activities together, have access to computers and, last but not least, they have a place where soccer balls and trophies can be safely stored.

It was always my dream to make more out of my little beach soccer school. LA SIESTA made it possible – the Centro has become a real home for the kids. Dito in Jugenheim in summer 2015

Brazil without soccer? Inconceivable! Copa is our tribute to the enthusiastic soccer culture in the country of the Seleção.



exico is the most populated Spanish-speaking country. The versatile climate creates ideal conditions for countless types of plants and animals. Between snowy volcanic peaks and barren desert landscapes, a very special form of hammock developed: the net hammock. The Mexican hammock is made of a flexible net, with its characteristic colorful striped patterns. These airy and light hammocks fit particularly comfortably to the body.

Chaotic tangle of threads? Definitely not. The Mexican net hammocks are diagonally weaved using firm threads and are amazingly robust. These hammocks are just the right thing for all those who want to float like on a cloud.


A GLANCE OVER THE SHOULDER India in the morning, Colombia in the evening


You were the first of the three brothers to join the family company. How did that occur?

children’s hammocks, family hammocks, travel hammocks and safe hammock chairs out of the basic idea

Back then I had just finished my last exam for my studies in Berlin and I came home to relax for the weekend...

What do you like best about your work?

Things were going crazy here in Jugenheim! Like always.

In the morning I am on the phone with our supplier in India

My father wanted my help anyway with emails and the

and in the evening, after work, with the manufacturers in

inventory management system, so I jumped in. There was

Colombia. I believe there are about three hours each day

more and more for me to do. I dealt with the quality control

during which I can’t reach any of our partners. I think it is

of the products and familiarized myself with the company

exciting to work together with such different people from

procedures. I liked it, and I could make a contribution here.

different cultures.

And what is your job at LA SIESTA today?

What do you wish for LA SIESTA for the next 25 years?

I ensure that LA SIESTA is provided with the best products,

We are on a wonderful path with our high quality standards

at present and in the future.

and the steps towards even more sustainability. My wish is that LA SIESTA will continue to work sustainably and

What direction should LA SIESTA take?

sensibly in the future, and retains its respect for human-

LA SIESTA should and will continue to consistently develop.

kind and nature.

Our employees take on more and more responsibility. What is important to me with all of the growth is to maintain a personal, familiar company climate carried by its values. Only in this way can the team function.

Where do you see LA SIESTA’s strengths? In addition to our hammock know-how, our strength is our passion for the traditional hammock – and of course good ideas and a feeling for the market. We make a product very rich in tradition and adapt it to the global market’s demands. In this way, we have constantly further developed hammocks and hammock chairs and created, for example,


ndia is the most populous democracy on earth, and over 100 languages are spoken here. India is not a traditional hammock country, but it is one in which the people know how to sew and process high-quality textiles. Here is where LA SIESTA found the ideal location to produce hammocks far away from the Latin American role models: Kingsized spreader bar hammocks, ultralight travel hammocks and colorful hanging nests for kids.



he Romans already liked Bad Kreuznach, on the Nahe River. This spa city is wellknown for its good air, low precipitation and outstanding vineyards. Here is where the SmartHook and the MultiSpot of the suspension systems are made. Bad Kreuznach is located just twenty kilometers from Jugenheim, and this proximity enables close cooperation between the two locations. The suspension solutions are made using the injection molding method according to patented designs.


ugenheim in Rheinhessen is not far from Mainz. This is where the Grisars ended up when they were searching for a suitable lot for their company building, in 1996. From a distance, when looking at the red wooden building, one already sees that LA SIESTA is not a company like every other. The headquarter include the warehouse and offices. From this location, purchasing, distribution and all shipping are done. And a hammock can actually be found somewhere if one needs a little nap.


From package delivery driver to warehouse manager


Was there a really terrible moment for you at LA SIESTA?

I first came here as the driver of a package delivery service.

Yes, I had an accident at work. My arm was broken, I couldn’t

I picked up the packages ready for dispatch and got along

move it and I was written sick off work for six months. But

well with Dave, the warehouse manager at that time. When a

the whole thing had something good about it: We developed

positon became available, Alexander Grisar asked me whether

a different awareness of safety and implemented a lot of

I would not want to just stay at LA SIESTA. Of course I did!

sensible changes in the warehouse to avoid accidents.

When was that?

And what was your nicest moment in the last fifteen years

That was in September 2001 – I have already been here for

There are many! I am always happy when we break a new

15 years.

record. Back then I never thought that we would send as many packages as we do today. It’s great!

How has your work changed in the course of these 15 years? My first task back then was to pack a hammock chair.

No matter how many orders have to be processed, you are a calming influence. How do you do it?

Soon the quality control of the delivered goods was added.

Well, I don’t know. I just like to come here. I like my work.

Samples were taken from every delivery and examined for

I can leave the everyday stress and worries I have at home.

mistakes before the hammocks could be released for sale.

I concentrate on my work and keep an overview. But perhaps

When Dave Norman retired in 2012, I succeeded him as

the calmness comes from the hammocks.

warehouse manager. In 2001 there were only two of us, and nowadays we work in the warehouse with six people. The warehouse itself has also grown; it is about twice as large as it was back then. The entire system has changed. In the past there were not as many technical possibilities, we did a lot more by hand.

Former warehouse manager Dave Norman shows some finesse



Warehouse Logistics Specialist

HASAN KIRMIZIELMA HAS BIG PLANS. How did you end up with this apprentice position?

What do you love about LA SIESTA?

I saw an ad in the newspaper that LA SIESTA was looking

I think the variety of the work is great. I work in a ware-

for a trainee. And I thought, the occupation itself and

house, but also externally– I go along to trade fairs and

the company as well are both exactly my thing. After an

other events. There is always a lot to do and a lot to organize.

interview, I did 14-day internship and on the fourth day I

I like the direct connection to the bosses; they are always

already found out that I could start my training. I directly

approachable, unlike in big companies.

built up trust in the company – and from the start I was given a lot of responsibility.

What is something you still can’t get used to after four years? The kitchen duty ;-)

What in particular did you learn in your vocational training? Vito and Salman taught me the art of packing, I learned a lot about the organization and structure of a warehouse. My colleagues also supported me with the rote memorization and questioned me on all kinds of facts.

Where do you see yourself and LA SIESTA in 25 years? When I started, we were 14 or 15 people – now we are more than twice as many! I hope we will get even bigger. LA SIESTA makes it possible for me to have additional training and become a technical specialist. Who knows? Perhaps I will be the warehouse manager in 25 years?

Management Assistant for Wholesale and Foreign Trade



How did you end up with this apprentice position?

Where do you see yourself and LA SIESTA in 25 years?

After school ended, my friends studied in Mainz and I couldn’t

In 25 years a lot will happen. LA SIESTA will certainly

decide between going to university and doing vocational

continue to grow. Perhaps we will conquer additional

training. When I discovered LA SIESTA’s ad in the newspa-

continents with our hammocks!

per, I thought the product was exciting and interesting right away, and I simply applied there. I thought, if this works out, then I will do the training – otherwise I will go to university. It worked out and I am still here.

What do you love about LA SIESTA? The spontaneity: It could happen here that you are on your way to Paris inside of an hour completely unexpectedly ;-). The family feeling: At LA SIESTA the boss might lend you his car over the weekend so you can drive your horse around.

What is something you still can’t get used to after four years? The coffee :D…

What in particular did you learn in your vocational training? In addition to all the expertise? I learned how to dupe computer systems with Photoshop or the snipping tool. And of course hammock knowledge! From ten meters I can easily recognize whether I have a hammock from Colombia, Brazil or Mexico in front of me.










Garage warehouse and cellar office in Mainz-Finthen

New construction in 1997 in Jugenheim

The company grew and warehouse and offices had to be expanded several times


2015 2014




2010 2008 2009


2006 2007






In 2015 additional rooms and storage areas were rented in a neighboring building.


A GLANCE OVER THE SHOULDER The American Way of Hammocking


In what ways do the American and European hammock markets differ?

What is missing from the Miami office?

In the USA everything is notoriously bigger than in Eu-

move our headquarters to Miami – not just because of the

rope. Hammocks, too. We sell a lot of king-sized products

weather. There are only three of us here in Miami and

and fewer single hammocks. That is a lot of fun! In this

thus we don’t always have the resources to do what we

area we quickly became very American, in regard to the

want. With its developed infrastructure Jugenheim has

amounts as well. Major customers taught us to think in

very different possibilities; they are missing here.

I always tell my brothers, half-jokingly, that we should

very different dimensions.

What is LA SIESTA’s greatest success in 25 years? How does such an extensive expansion feel?

It’s difficult, because LA SIESTA’s 25 years have been a

Great! It makes me proud to experience daily how LA SIESTA

trip, comprised of many different building blocks: The

is acknowledged, loved and furthered around the world.

name LA SIESTA. The inclusion of the second generation. The building of the teams. The change from wholesaler to

What is your greatest challenge?

brand. Building up a network of suppliers and customers.

Our US subsidiary is less independent than the parent

And not least the founding of LA SIESTA Inc.!

company. Purchasing, logistics, product development US partner Ameriworld. That creates freedom– but also

How was it for you to see Joki in the museum store of the Guggenheim?

dependence. My greatest challenge is keeping every-

Being in a display window on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan,

and much more are done from Germany or done by our

one in good spirits, creating a balance and extracting the best possible things for LA SIESTA and the American subsidiary.

that is a nice experience. We can’t buy anything because of it, but we can be a little proud.

Our children’s best friend – hanging nest Joki

 Family time is also hammock time, here in our Paloma



What does sustainable production of textiles mean?

Products with added value

The sustainable production of textiles starts with

when equally high-quality raw materials are

cultivating the raw materials, followed by further

used and the people making it are treated fairly.

steps in the processing such as spinning, dyeing,

In choosing our Colombian product partner, we

weaving and sewing. Sustainability means the

specifically looked for a manufacturer who would

entire production, from the cotton seeds to ship-

follow this path with us and take on responsibility

ment to the customer, must be compatible with

as we do.

A truly high-quality product can only be made

both nature and mankind.

The Global Organic Textile Standard The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the leading seal for sustainable production of textiles. This standard includes both strict environmental and social criteria. The GOTS guidelines cover all processing steps a textile product goes through. The origins and composition of the raw materials and additives used must be documented, as must the working conditions of all employees participating in the process.

Our partner can be proud to be the first hammock factory in all of South America to have passed the complex GOTS certification process. LA SIESTA is the first hammock brand in the world to acquire GOTS certification. Implementing GOTS specifications through the entire chain of production is one of our contributions to increased sustainability.

ORGANIC Certified by IMO-CH License-Nr: 130448


SOCILA, Schulterblick Alexander

Leftovers from the hammock production are much too useful to be thrown away: With sewing machines and mentoring, Alexander Grisar supports a women’s group in Moravia. The results are colorful bags, accessories and a first step towards self-reliance.

Even though demand is constantly increasing and the climatic preconditions are brilliant, many countries of South America to this day do not cultivate organic cotton. Through the work of the SOCiLA initiative, LA SIESTA advocates sustainable cultivation of cotton. SOCiLA is a not-for-profit initiative of LA SIESTA founder Alexander Grisar. A vision...

...becomes reality

When Alexander Grisar wanted to start producing the

Alexander Grisar challenged himself to provide organic

first hammocks made of organic cotton in Colombia, he

cotton with perspectives in Latin America. Since 2009 he

was confronted with an unforeseen problem: No organic

counsels farmers, industrial companies, interest groups

cotton was grown in South America. To be able to produce

and governments, and supports them in establishing and

an organic hammock there, organic yarn would have to be

implementing projects related to organic cotton.

imported from other parts of the world. The yarn for the first LA SIESTA organic hammock came from Tanzania.

Presently SOCiLA focuses mainly on Colombia, the country in which more than half of all LA SIESTA hammocks are

In 2008 Alexander retired from managing LA SIESTA. Now

produced. Alexander Grisar goes there several times a year

he had time to initiate a new project dear to his heart:

for SOCiLA. In close cooperation with Colombian cotton

He began to work for the advancement and spreading

farmers, the first fields were prepared and the first seeds

of the cultivation and processing of organic cotton in


Latin America, so that one day genuine Colombian organic hammocks can be made. To bring his vision to life, he established the initiative SOCiLA.

The 235 Aniversario anniversary hammocks are made from the cotton plants that were planted on Alexander’s first test fields in Colombia.

SOCILA, Schulterblick Alexander

A GLANCE OVER THE SHOULDER Why sustainability?


Mr. Grisar, who had the idea back then to sell hammocks?

are not compatible. The idea of buying land and building

My wife, of course! When she saw the hammocks, she

ourselves became more pressing. Then we ran into this

spontaneously said: “I’m going to take them along to

lot, surrounded by vineyards and two meadows, and we

the Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition!” Such consumer

both immediately fell in love.

exhibitions were rather a horror for me. But her crazy idea

ultimately bought 300 of them. They filled every corner of

With your initiative SOCiLA you advocate the cultivation of organic cotton in Latin America. Did this initiative develop from your LA SIESTA experiences?

the house, and during the entire nine days of the exhibition

Only in part. We already made hammocks out of organic

we sold a whopping eleven of them. That was the birth of

cotton, but we imported the yarn for them from Tanzania.

LA SIESTA: We now needed to sell the remaining 289!

I grew up in South America and would have preferred to

won out. When I tried to explain how many hammocks we should buy, Dorothee thought it was ridiculous. We

buy organic cotton directly there. I spent a large part of

What took you from Mainz to Jugenheim?

my professional life in planning cement factories. It was

In Mainz we worked in

had to be set up to run for decades. That forces you to

our own house, garage

think sustainably, unlike the trade sector. Plus I grew up

and two storage and

in an environment in which the entrepreneurs felt 100%

packing areas. So we

responsible for the well-being of their surroundings.

had to look around

When I was 31, the first book of the Club of Rome, “Limits



to Growth” was published. The exponential curves drawn

But close by we only

there by Meadows shaped the rest of my life. Naturally

found old wine cellars.

that transferred to LA SIESTA as well, so it was more or

And we had already

less self-evident that our early customers were among the

made the bitter experi-

‘green pioneer companies’ back then. They were also the


ence that cotton and moisture

always about huge investments and the plants which

ones who gave our ecological behavior new impetus.

But the cultivation of organic cotton in Latin America is just a small step, right? At my age one should not plan steps that are too big! Cotton grows on 2.5% of the entire cultivation area of our planet, but comprises 16% of the global usage of insecticide. By converting conventional cotton cultivation to organic, a relatively large contribution to the environment can be achieved! With our attempts in Colombia, we have shown that organic cotton can not only be cultivated there, but also can be used to make GOTS-certified hammocks.

What is the nicest thing about 25 years of LA SIESTA for you? Building our company and working closely with my wife were extremely nice times for me. But the best developments at LA SIESTA didn’t come until after my retirement from the company. Our sons are full of good ideas, are fulfilled by LA SIESTA and complement one another outstandingly in their work. Above all, they are guided by fairness and I find that to be a blessing, it brings me great joy!

In August 2015 the first organic cotton was harvested in Colombia. The cultivation was initiated and is supervised by SOCiLA, the not-for-profit initiative of LA SIESTA founder Alexander Grisar. With the support of LA SIESTA, in the Colombian province of Tolima four fields totaling 21 hectares were ready to be prepared for sustainable cultivation and certified according to European and American standards. Trained farmers on site cultivated the fields and grew the cotton plants – totally without pesticides. The cotton was harvested, deseeded, spun, dyed and finally transformed into 235 unique hammocks in Medellín. Every single step of production is designed in an ecological and sustainable manner; that is what the GOTS seal stands for. Aniversario is our anniversary hammock made of the first Colombian organic cotton. The family hammock is wonderfully soft. Its striped pattern was inspired by the typical Colombian huts, the Sombreros Vueltaios. A characteristic feature of Colombian hammock artistry is the Cadejos. These hand-plaited braids connect the hammock cloth with the suspension cords and create even more lying comfort.

YEARS 1991 s 20 16



Wood used by LA SIESTA is certified by the Forest Stew-

The FSC standards are based on ten principles and

ardship Council (FSC). The woods we use to make our

56 indicators. Forests managed according to these stan-

stands and bars come from responsible forestry. The Forest

dards can be awarded the FSC label. LA SIESTA started

Stewardship Council (FSC) is the most important interna-

the transition to using FSC-certified wood in 2008 and

tional organization evaluating ecologically and socially

continuously increased the percentage thereof. Today

sustainable forestry and wood processing.

the wood used in making our wooden stands and the bars used in our hammocks and hammock chairs all bear the FSC seal. They are all made using wood from responsible forestry.

Certified by IMO-CH License-Nr: FSC C012427


H A M M OCK S How much weight can a hammock withstand? Alexander Grisar wanted to know exactly, and to have the results in writing. He contacted the party in Germany that stands for quality and safety like no other: TÜV – the German Technical Inspection Agency. There was – and is – no standardized testing procedure for hammocks. The TÜV inspectors chose a simple method to test LA SIESTA’s hammocks: They loaded them with heavy rolls of fabric. The high-quality hammocks were certified with resilience as the first of their kind. Alexander, innately an engineer, felt that the fabric roll method was not sufficient; he wanted to know in more detail and put the hammocks through their paces. He built his own machine, with the tensile strength and stress capable of much finer adjustment – and for which tons of fabric rolls did not need to take up warehouse space. LA SIESTA still has its hammocks certified by the TÜV today. Every single hammock can hold a weight of 120 kilograms, and family hammocks can even hold up to 200 kilograms.


2.0 Time of change

A centuries-old product between the big city jungle and the digital era: LA SIESTA builds the bridge between hammock tradition and modern life.

Spreader bar hammock Alabama with stand Canoa in Seilergasse at the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz

Relaxed drifting on the banks of the Rhine in the Aniversario hammock.

The first trade fair booth at the Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition in Mainz







2003 2004









Self-designed postcards as trade fair invitations






Complex planning, elaborate design








International trade fair appearances, here at Maison & Objet in Paris

 The care brand Florena went on a major promotional tour through Germany. In their luggage they took along 40 Flora hammocks with the Canoa stand

A GLANCE OVER THE SHOULDER Pure enthusiasm for hammocks


What is your most striking memory of the first days of LA SIESTA?

Where do you see LA SIESTA in 25 years?

My childhood, and that of my brothers, was not always easy.


It was often marked by the professional highs and lows of

from a company in a

our parents, who fought to secure the family’s livelihood.

garage into one of the

It was a great relief for us when, after years of uncertainty,

leading hammock com-

the situation improved through the sale of the hammocks.

panies in the world. In

The hammocks gave us hope for a better life. This feeling is

doing so, we always had

still very present for me. I associate it with the first days of

the motivation to get a little


bit better every day, and it



will also stay that way. We are

What makes LA SIESTA so successful?

a family company and want to make the lives of people

In my opinion, it is above all the small and simple things

better with good hammocks. Nothing essential will change

that make us successful. We are enthusiastic about ham-

about these cornerstones in the next 25 years. Like today,

mocks, and every day we work on furthering the idea of the

I see the focus of our products on hammocks, hammock

hammock, with a great deal of enthusiasm, dedication and

chairs and accessories with specializations in different

humility. I think in the last 25 years we have been successful

areas such as baby, child, travel, garden and furniture.

at moving the hammock more into the focus of the lives of many people.

The greatest challenge will likely be the increasing digitalization of all areas of life. The lives and the

And why should everyone have a hammock?

purchasing behavior of people will continue to change

A hammock provides well-being and security, independent of

and thus LA SIESTA will also continue to change. The first

the age, living situation or origins of the person using it. In

generation of LA SIESTA (my parents!) set the course for

doing so, it helps people get into the right vibe, and for many

the future. My brothers and I now continue this constant

it has developed into a source of happiness. It is a unique

change. What will also be interesting will be the devel-


opment of the distribution channels and the geographic expansion, which we are already working on.

HAMMOCKING is the trend of suspending a hammock somewhere outside and relaxing in it...



















O N T H E WO R L D W I D E W E B 1992



In 2000 LA SIESTA went online with its homepage. Before that the company could be found on the web with an online shop.

Our website was adapted again and again with our current appearance and updated to a state-of-the-art level.






2011 was translated into 15 languages. LA SIESTA shares impressions and information via its blog and on social networks.

#lasiestahammocks #sellyourbed



MOST PEOPLE LYING IN HAMMOCKS On July 31, 2016, LA SIESTA called on people to join the biggest hammock activity in the world. In Mainz am Rhein 269 people chilled simultaneously in LA SIESTA hammocks and thus set the official GUINNESS World Record.

Hammocking for a good purpose The special edition Mainz travel hammock was designed for the city of Mainz. Per Mainz travel hammock sold, â‚Ź10 goes to the local Initiative Kinderschutz-Zentrum Mainz e.V. On October 27, 2016, LA SIESTA gave them the first donation check of over â‚Ź 790.


Our team has roots all over the world. The cultural backgrounds of our staff are as different as their characters, their talents, their favorite pizzas. Every single one is different. Together they form an extraordinary team that we are proud of.



It started with two of them and a big idea.




















In 2016, the team at headquarters grew to more than 30 staff members.

2016 2015







In 2014, the team in Jugenheim expanded with the team of LA SIESTA Inc. in Miami

What the heart likes is what the eyes search for. Proverb

We proudly present beautiful pictures with premium products and top models – small or large, young or old. Family members, kids and friends of the LA SIESTA family are often in the spotlight for numerous shoots.

We thank everyone who has accompanied us on our journey. Our customers, our suppliers, our supporters. We’d like to offer a special thanks to our employees for their time, their efforts, our development together. We look forward to the next 25 years!

Imprint Concept, Editing & Design: Anna Dressel, Jessica Lorenz (, Ina Meillan ( Cornelius Grisar, Jean-Christophe Meillan Researche & Documentation: Jens Riesner ( Katharina Raab, Sebastian Fenzl Printed on FSCÂŽ-Paper bei Frischmann Druck & Medien, Amberg DE


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