Testimonies of jesus soon coming

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Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20)


Preface On the eve of the Lord Jesus’ crucifixion, He had the Passover supper with His disciples, washed all their feet, and told them that He was leaving them and was returning to the Father. At this point, the hearts of the disciples were so panic and troubled. The teacher they loved and had been following for three years was leaving them. “Where is he going?” “Will he come back?” “Why is he leaving us? Doesn’t he take care of us no more?” All these questions kept swirling in their hearts. The Lord understood what were in their mind, He then comforted them by saying, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:1-3) He not only promised his disciples, but also promised all those who follow him that He will come back one day, and will take all those who believe in Him unto the Father. With this hope, all that Christians offer up become full of value and meaning! Numerous saints live their lives on earth as in heaven, they scorn the temptation and seduction of this world, aiming at gaining Christ and His awards! “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you


see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door.” (Mark 13:28-29) This book includes testimonies of Jesus’ manifestations and His reminding of His soon coming, from all over the world. The season that the fig tree’s twigs get tender and its leaves come out, as mentioned in chapter 13 of Mark , has already come, We pray that christians will be alert and devote themselves to the Lord, preaching the gospel and winning souls to the Lord, after reading this book! May we all say to the Lord, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20)



Preface........................................................................... 1 I. Incontestable Evidence – Exactly 68........................ 5 II. The Vision Moses Saw.............................................. 9 III. Fulfillment of Shaking the President’s Hand....... 10 IV. Vision...................................................................... 12 V. Not the First Time................................................... 13 VI. Glorious is the Lord!............................................. 14 VII. The Lord Will Come Soon.................................... 15 VIII. A Vision on a Narrow Path.................................. 16 IX. A Youth being Filled with the Holy Spirit............. 17 X. Stranger to Many Places....................................... 18 XI. Words from a Little Daughter............................... 19 XII. Dreamed of Jesus Thrice..................................... 20 XIII. Turmoil and Chaos of Wars................................. 21 XIV. The Voice of God.................................................. 22



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XV. Revelation in Prayer............................................. 23 XVI. Angel with Wings................................................ 24 XVII. Vision of Two Students...................................... 25 XVIII In the Midst of Fasting and Prayer................... 26 XIX. End Time Alarm.................................................. 27 XX. Words Revealed on the Wall............................... 28 XXI. A 7-year Old Girl Drew Spiritual Pictures......... 29 XXII. Vision Received in Prayer.................................. 31 XXIII. The Mount of Olives will be split .................... 33 XXIV. Vision in the Sky............................................... 34 XXV. I Will Come Soon – Jesus’ Five Time Manifestations to Me.................................................. 35 XXVI. A Vision of the Last Days in Prayer................. 38 XXVII. Amazing Grace................................................ 40 XXVIII. Work as It Is Day............................................. 42 XXIX. Things To Come in the Last Days.................... 43

I. Incontestable Evidence – Exactly 68

I. Incontestable Evidence – Exactly 68 There was a girl in Taiwan who once heard a sermon about the Last Day in church, not long after she believed in Jesus. Since she was young in Jesus, she could not understand what the pastor was talking about. She wondered in her heart how could there be these types of things. Therefore, she started to pray devoutly, asking the Lord to show her what exactly the Last Day of the earth was. She had been praying for that continuously over several days, One night, while she was sleeping, suddenly there came a voice, saying, “Exactly 68, Exactly 68, Exactly 68,” It was said three times in a row. However, since she was born in a poor family, and was not quite well educated. Hence, she did not understand what “Exactly 68” exactly means, she then continued to pray for it. One day, when she was praying, she suddenly heard a voice again, telling her,” Open your bible!” So she opened her New Testament Bible right away and turned to page 68, it was Mark 13:15 ~ 37 and was written as follows: 15

Let no one on the housetop go down or enter the house to take

anything out.


Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak.


How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 18 Pray that this will not take place in winter, 19 because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!


“If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But

for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them. 21 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. 22 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 23 So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time. 24

“But in those days, following that distress,

“‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25

the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[a]


“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with

great power and glory.


And he will send his angels and gather his

elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. 28

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender

and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it[b] is near, right at the door.


Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away

until all these things have happened.


Heaven and earth will pass

away, but my words will never pass away. 32

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in

heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.


Be on guard! Be alert[c]!

You do not know when that time will come.


It’s like a man going

away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

I. Incontestable Evidence – Exactly 68


“Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of

the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. him find you sleeping.



If he comes suddenly, do not let

What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”

About this revelation of the Last Day, she did not know whom to tell. As time passed by, she gradually forgot about it. Two years later, there was a crusade conducted by a pastor from Malaysia. This girl went to attend it, there the pastor from far away asked her, “Why haven’t you told anybody about the revelation God gave you?” This girl could not recall it at that moment, she answered,”God hasn’t given me any revelation, has He?” After she returned home, she revolved what the pastor said in her mind. Finally she remembered what happened two years ago when God revealed to her about the ”Exactly 68”, she understood this was what the pastor referred to, but she still did not know whom to talk about this testimony. Afterward, this girl had changed her jobs for several times, and finally worked as a staff for “THE LAST DAY” - an institute that specializes in studying the last days. By the girl's testimony, we can conclude the following points: (1) In the whole Chinese Union Version Bible, only Mark 13 on page 68 of it is the chapter which recorded most clearly the description of the Last Day revelation, no other place could be found more clearly illustrated than this chapter. (2) God said three times in a row: “Exactly 68, exactly 68, exactly 68,” when He revealed it to the girl. Why not once, twice or four times, but three? In the bible, there are many cases in which God manifested three times.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

(3) Until two years after the girl received the revelation, she was once asked by a pastor from Malaysia who came to conduct a crusade in Taiwan, “Why didn’t you tell others about what God revealed to you?” She then realized what the pastor said referred to this experience of God’s revelation to her of “Exactly 68”, after deep thinking of the pastor’s question. What happened was she did not know that she had to testify for the Lord, and had never mentioned about it to anyone. Did all these happen by accident? Absolutely not! God showed the pastor from Malaysia, and through him God reminds all those receive revelation from Him have to testify for the Lord. (4) There are more than ten thousand companies in Taiwan, the girl coincidently worked for The Last Day – an institute who specializes in the research of the last days of this earth. Dear reader, isn’t it so amazing? This amazing coincidence is by no means accidental, it is an arrangement of God, it is the will of God. (5) How come so many ministers, leaders and doctorate degree holders who are well educated do not receive revelation from God like this? Why does God just grant this precious revelation to such an average girl with mediocre education? Because God looks at the heart simply trust in his heart, He does not look at the outward appearance. Hence this girl gained the revelation God granted. It is just like what is written in the bible, “God revealed them (the last day) to the humble, and has hidden these things from the wise and learned. (6) Why does God use her? She was casted away from home for firmly holding her conviction. As it is written, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10)

II. The Vision Moses Saw

II. The Vision Moses Saw Brother Jia-tieh Zhong was an illiterate woodcutter in Dasyueshan, Taiwan. Since he believed in Jesus, God personally instructed him in bible study. One early morning, he went to pray in the forest at 4 o’clock as usual, he surprisedly saw a fire on the opposite hill, and the bush did not burn up. At that time, God revealed to him, “What you are seeing is the vision Moses saw before.” As recorded at Exodus 3:2, “Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.” Brother Zhong’s heart was so moved then, he asked God, “God, what’s the meaning of this?” As he finished his question, God then clearly shopwed him three verses. Brother Zhong looked up those verses right away, he found that those verses all talk about time pressure, the soon coming of the last day, urging Christians to rise up hurrily to win souls, “In just a little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay.” (Hebrews 10:37) “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4) “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven. In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” (Daniel 9:27) From then on, he worked hard for God, he visited from village to village in Taiwan to preach the words of the Lord, and had become a gospel warrior.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

III. Fulfillment of Shaking the President’s Hand. From 1972 to 1979, I was a pastor of Naluo Church at Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan. On June 16, 1979, as we finished our morning prayer meeting, a sister was moved by the Holy Spirit and urgently prophesied, “Oh, world! You are now living a happy life of plenty, but you have to instruct your children how to grow food like sweet potatoes, because you will soon come across the days when you can find no food. So, you should prepare for it more attentively.” Several minutes later, she spoke to me, “dear Pastor Chen, do you believe what I just said?” I said, “yes, I do!” She smiled. “Pastor Chen, one day you will shake the president’s hands. At that point, it means that the day of the Lord’s coming back is near.” She showed a sign of a centimeter length with her thumb and index fingers. She then continued to say, “you must suspect what I am saying, but you will remember all these then.” By the end of April, 1992, 13 years afterward, I received an invitation from the Preparatory Committee of National Day and Night Prayer Conference for attending the 24th Annual National Day and Night Prayer Conference. At 8 o’clock of May 11 that year, Prayer for the Nation was held at the International Conference Room of Korean Life 63 Annexe located at Yeoui Island, Seoul, South Korea. That day, more than sixty people attended the conference, including the National Assembly members, foreign diplomats, Pastors

III. Fulfillment of Shaking the President’s Hand.

and elders of various churches and entrepreneurs. Mr. Roh Tae-woo, the President of South Korea at that time, shook my hand, I was so excited and touched, and surprised of course, because the prophecy from the Holy Spirit through that sister of Naluo Church thirteen years ago is fulfilled then. Therefore, I believe that the Lord is coming soon. According to the finger sign of one centimeter length, the Last Day is really imminently approaching, right in sight. (The writer of this testimony, Rev. Guang-song Chen, was the pastor of Meihua Church at Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.)



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

IV. Vision At 3:30 every Saturday afternoon, Sister Yueh-hsia Liu of Taipei Good News Church regularly joined the Gospel Warrior March campaigns held by the Last-Day. However, some of her church member did not agree to her participation of the campaigns, she thence felt troubled and sad. She then kept praying to God and asked for instruction. One day, her son, Kai-kai Huang had a dream. In his dream, he saw his mother and him sitting in a train which was running on a rail hanging in the space, when they looked down, they saw the whole earth. In a short while, he was shocked by seeing the scenes that heavens and earth were shaken, mountains crumbled and the earth opened. In a glimpse, cities became ruins, everything turned to dust and ashes, it was so horrible. So many people were covered dead by sand and soil, the remaining people were running over here and there in great panic and horror. Sister Liu felt pretty pleased of hearing her son’s dream, she knows God was telling her that the Last Day is close at hand, there would certainly be great distress soon, treasured every opportunity to preach the gospel. Hence, she was even more determined to participate gospel activities, became a gospel warrior.

V. Not the First Time

V. Not the First Time Once, there were two nurses telling the wife of Rev. Bob of L.A. Church that they met a man in neat suit on their way to work. He waved to them, showing that he wanted to hitch a ride. By looking at his neat dressing, they thought it should be safe to give him a ride, so they let him sit in their car. After he sat in the car, this gentleman mannerly asked them if they are born again christians. They replied him, “Yes!” The man then said, “Being born again, you have to prepare in advance, because the Lord is coming soon.” After saying it, That man disappeared. They were so surprised and could not believe what they had just seen at all. They pull their car over, and look and check around. Before long, a patrol car passed by, he came over and asked if they need any help. Then, they told him what they had just encountered. Surprisingly, the police said, “you are the eleventh one who told me this same story.” Allegedly this story was reported in California’s Newspaper. One other time, it was the end of January of 1991, a relative of a Canada BBC Bible College professor was driving in Caron, Saskatchewan, Canada. When he passed by the highway, he saw a man in neat suit waved his hand to him, so he gave him a ride. On the way that man told him, “the time and date the Lord Jesus will come back is sooner than what we imagine. Because at the time we feel like living in safety and slack off, He will come back.” After saying so, that man disappeared from the car. He was so frightened, and went to report it to the police. Unexpectedly the police said, “this is not the first time it happened in Canada!” He found it so rare..



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

VI. Glorious is the Lord! Haruko Morimoyo is a Japanese pastor who claims herself “the Lord’s Maid-servant”. After she finished the baptism for thirtyfour people on September 23, 1990, she could not help herself and shouted, “Hallelujah, Lord!”, being moved by the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, she saw the heaven open, a glorious ray shower down from the throne of the Lord. Then she sensed the awesome Lord talk to her, “the end time of this world is getting close, go tell people soon!”

VII. The Lord Will Come Soon

VII. The Lord Will Come Soon A pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Korea once fasted and prayed for forty days. When it was about to finish, he saw a vision of the Lord Jesus’ manifestation with his own eyes. In the vision, he saw Jesus wearing the crown of thorns, fresh blood bleeding out from His nailed Hands. When seeing such a scene, he could not stop his tears and was so deeply touched. The Lord said to him, “I laid down all these for you, what have you laid down for me?” Having heard this statement, he felt more ashamed and cried. Then the Lord said to him, “I will come back soon, you have to be brave. Rise up! Rise up and preach the gospel as soon as possible!”



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

VIII. A Vision on a Narrow Path There was a brother in Sarawak of East Malaysia who just newly believed Jesus. He used to be a scamp, to perpetrate outrages at his home place, all his neighbors tried hard to stay away from him, he was extremely unwelcome. Once, his mother took him to the church and prayed together. Suddenly this brother was filled with the Holy Spirit and saw a vision, In the vision, he saw two paths for him to choose. One path is narrow, another one is wide. Jesus wanted him to walk in the narrow path. When he was walking in the narrow path, he saw a scene of confusion, many people were running in hurry for their lives. That scene was so panicky and horrible, and he was badly frightened. So he quickly ran up with his mother to the prayer mountain and prayed there. Afterward, he became a Christian who loved the Lord very much.

IX. A Youth being Filled with the Holy Spirit.

IX. A Youth being Filled with the Holy Spirit. In Adullam orphanage which located in Kunming, Yunnan Province, there were someone who instructed and explained the bible to the kids in there, preaching the gospel and prayed for them every day. And then the Holy Spirit was greatly poured down upon these kids, and God showed them many visions beyond heavens. They clearly saw the scenes of the heavenly kingdom and the hell. Not long afterward, all these kids went out to preach. On evening, a youth was filled with the Holy Spirit while the preacher was still preaching in the meeting, the Holy Spirit spoke to the congregation loudly through him, “the day of God;s wrath is coming soon, distresses will fall upon all nations, all people who don’t worship God will perish.”



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

X. Stranger to Many Places An American family traveled for their vacation. On their way, their vehicle suddenly broke down. When they were troubling, a man came over to help them push their car. At this moment, that stranger told them, “Jesus’ day is getting near, don’t go traveling, go preaching the gospel!” Then he disappeared. They were so astonished, and had no idea who that man was. After that, a christian whose name was David Stuart was driving home one day, he also encountered a stranger. He asked from outside the car window, “are you going to the Mission City?” David thought he might want a free ride, so he ignored him and drove away. After running about a mile, David suddenly saw from the rearview mirror that stranger sitting in the back seat. He felt so rare, he had not stopped his car, and the doors were locked, how did he get in? David then asked, “Are you a stranger who just arrived this place?” He answered, “I’m a stranger to many places, nobody knows me. But I have to tell you one thing, Jesus is coming back soon!” When David turned his head backward, there was no one in the back seat. (This testimony was investigated and verified by the editor of “Life Ambassador” in Seattle, U.S.A., talking to David’s wife and having proved that it was a true story. That stranger was undoubtedly an angel, and was sent by God to remind the world, “Jesus is coming soon!”)

XI. Words from a Little Daughter

XI. Words from a Little Daughter On Batam Island of Indonesia, there was a church full of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Rev. Lin was the senior pastor of this church, his daughter was fourteen years old. This little girl did not like to talk with others, she was very quiet. One day, Rev. Lin was conducting a big prayer conference. All of a sudden, his daughter was filled with the Holy Spirit and kept speaking at her seat. In the midst, she said, “Go to warn the world, the Last Day is near, the Lord will come soon! Every word in the book of Revelation will be fulfilled.�



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XII. Dreamed of Jesus Thrice Jia-bin Yang who lived in the New Taipei City, Taiwan had been suffering from Cranial nerve palsies in multiple sclerosis since 1985, she had stopped breathing for nearly thirteen minutes because of this disease. The hospital had already signed the certificate of death, but she suddenly rose up again, everyone around was shocked. The doctor thought this rally was just a sign of an imminent death, but this rally had already lengthened her life for more than twenty years. Since then, Jia-bin lived every day of her life as her last day, committed herself totally to Jesus. Now she is the president of International Home Of Mercy And Counseling Limited. Lately she had the same dream thrice, in her dreams, she saw Jesus told her clearly, “My child, come on, rise up! The end time is near, be alert and pray!” Sister Jiabin could not forget this dream she had thrice. She became confident in Jesus’ words, always preached the love of the Lord, and hope they would believe in Jesus as soon a possible.

XIII. Turmoil and Chaos of Wars

XIII. Turmoil and Chaos of Wars One day, when one hundred some students of a bible college in Sarawak of Malaysia gathered in there and prayed, some of the students suddenly fell down. When they got up, they clearly saw a scene that the whole earth was in turmoil and chaos of wars, many people ran in fear and panics. At the same time, they saw Jesus come, right at the entrance. So they shouted in their heart, “Dear Savior!” From the vision these college students saw, we know, the day of Jesus’ coming back is imminently near!”



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XIV. The Voice of God One day, when brother Chen was sleeping, he suddenly heard a voice saying, “This Mr. Huang had passed away!” Three days later, brother Chen received a call from Taiwan, he was told that one of his relatives of Huang’s family passed away three days ago. About two to three weeks later, again brother Chen heard a voice in his spirit while he was sleeping, “The end time is near!” Brother Chen appreciated God for having shown him the news of his relative’s death before He showed him the message of “The End Time is near!”. He believes the coming of the end time is the will of God, people have to be alert and wait for the day of the Lord’s coming.

XV. Revelation in Prayer

XV. Revelation in Prayer Rev. Lin from Malaysia testified that there was an eighty year old sister, she could not go out to preach the gospel because of her aged and weak body. So she prayed unto the Lord for the gift of healing. Really as expected, by the grace of God, she prayed for the sick and many of them got healed. Meanwhile, she preach the gospel to many sick people, led them to walk in the path of the Lord. One time, when she was praying, she heard the Lord say to her, “ Buy more food, and save more food. Because the shortage of food will be more and more serious, food will become more and more expensive. I will come back soon!� Since then, this old sister continuously bought food and kept food in stock, and sent food to the pastors. She believe when the Lord come back, it was the end of this world.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XVI. Angel with Wings Andarias S.Srahmana was a seventeen year old Indonesian. In 1989, she was studying at a bible college on Sumatra Island, Indonesia. She had a dream, she saw an angel in white descend from heaven, waking up so many people. But not everyone was waken up. 1995, she was in the Batam Island, she again dreamed of an angel with wings approaching her and said, “Go to preach the gospel, because the day that the Lord comes is near!”

XVII. Vision of Two Students

XVII. Vision of Two Students A bible college student, whose last name was Cheng, of Sibu Pure Gospel Bible College of Sarawak, East Malaysia, saw a vision in a prayer meeting in August of 1996. He saw someone standing at the entrance of an opened door. In such a brief vision, such an intensive and firmed insight impressed in his spirit, “The Lord Jesus is coming back soon!” Another student named Hsu, not long after he entered the college in early 1996, he saw a vision in a prayer meeting. He saw a white wall of a castle with a gate, and someone was standing over there. Then he heard a voice, saying, “The Lord will come back soon! Very soon!”



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XVIII In the Midst of Fasting and Prayer Paulus D.Santoso was a forty-three year old Indonesian man. He was fasting and paying for three days and nights with other four brothers in east Java. On the last day, they experienced the tremendous presence of God, they all wept like little children in God’s presence. One of the brothers prophesied, “Be ready! Because the Lord will come back soon, and He is going to use you!” Afterward, they prayed for a cancerous woman. One of the brothers saw a vision: a huge hand pulled out all the root cause of cancer. After that prayer, the woman went to the hospital for examination, the doctor proved that she was whole and needed not to do surgery. With this experience, the Lord strengthened our hearts, and further assured the prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ second coming!

XIX. End Time Alarm

XIX. End Time Alarm The Lord showed pastor Katherine Baxter a huge alarm unfolded on the surface of the whole earth in a vision. She could hear the ticking sound of the alarm, and the hour hand of the alarm is going to point to twelve o’clock, and the minute hand sneakily ran towards twelve. As the minute hand moved, the ticking sound became louder and louder, until that sound spread over the whole earth. The voice of God came out like the sounds of trumpet and rushing waters, saying, “Pay attention to what the Holy Spirit says, be ready! Because I will come again at the time beyond your expectation.”



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XX. Words Revealed on the Wall I remember that the Holy Spirit was poured upon me and I spoke in tongues a few weeks ago. A sign appeared on the wall behind the pulpit, “Maranatha” was written on there in capitalized bold letters (which is “the Lord will come” - ! Corinthians 16:22). In that glorious meeting, people were playing their musical instruments and singing songs of praise, they sang, “He is coming soon, He is coming soon!” This sign of Jesus’ coming soon astonished me!

XXI. A 7-year Old Girl Drew Spiritual Pictures

XXI. A 7-year Old Girl Drew Spiritual Pictures There was a ruined graveyard in Busan, Korea, the Lord touched His maid-servant, sister De-shun Chi to build a Prayer House there ten years ago. When she arrived there, she found there were two sets of bones of dead monks, and the only well there was already dry, there was no drinking water at all. But sister Chi was completely confident in God, she prayed unto God, and miracles happened. Not only sweet and clear water came out of the well, but also the prayer house was successfully built.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

What was even more amazing was that the seven year old granddaughter of sister Chi, En-ji Poo could see visions of the spiritual realm. Once, while this little girl was listening to a preaching with her mother at the prayer house, she suddenly went back to her room to get pens and paper to draw. Her mother was trying to blame her, but she found her drawing many dolls, and she said she had seen many angels on the pulpit playing various musical instrument. Pastor Zhi-kuan Huang of Everlasting Church of New Life Church Group specially went to find En-ji Poo when he visited Busan, and asked for a few pieces of “spiritual pictures” she drew. At that moment, pastor Huang discovered that there was a triangle substance at the mouth corner of the angels she drew, he did not understand what it was, he then asked her what it was. En-ji Poo said, “It is trumpet, because the day of the Lord’s coming back is near! It cannot be postponed any longer, so the angels have already started to blow the trumpets.” From the testimony of this Busan seven-year old girl’s drawing those “spiritual pictures” of what she had seen in her visions, we know that the last day is really close at hand. Therefore, we should hasten to trust in God, to be alert and pray.

XXII. Vision Received in Prayer

XXII. Vision Received in Prayer The American pastor David Wilkerson recalled, “I have seen visions twice in my life. The first time was in 1958, God called me in a vision, brought me out from a small town in Pennsylvania to New York, to minister in regions where gang members and drug addicts resided together. After all these years, those former gang members and drug addicts have not only repented and believed in Jesus now, many of them serve as ministers and missionaries throughout America and the world, to witness the trueness of this vision. The second vision was seen in 1973 summer. It was a vision of tragic calamities coming upon the earth. I did not see any strong flash light that might blind my eyes, neither did I hear any audible loud voice nor instructions from angels. Pictures of these calamities of the end time were shown to me when I was doing a deep night prayer. What an impact it was to me! I was stunned! I could not do anything but kneel. I then wrote down the vision. At first, I did not believe what I saw and heard. This vision was too scary, but it was really a revelation from above, and deeply troubled my heart. Night after night, I repeatedly saw this vision, I could not get it out of my mind. It was impressed so deep in my spirit that I could not resist to believe it was from God, it was undoubtedly true and would certainly be fulfilled one after another.�



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

David Wilkerson wrote in his book “The Vision”. “I, David Wilkerson, was born in America. At my age of twelve, my father was dying, he sincerely prayed and got healed of it. He then determined to serve the Lord and to repay God for His grace. In 1952, David finished his theological training at the Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri and was ordained as a minister. His writings “It Is Finished” and “The Cross and the Switchblade” are well-known to the world, and “The Vision” and “The Vision” is an authentic record of pastor David Wilkerson’s personal experience of the vision. I believe we are living in the moment of calamities mentioned in the bible, this generation is confronting unbelievable calamities. The world already quivered as a result of the first impact of God’s wrath. Please keep these scriptures in mind, “In the last days, God says,... your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17). It is time to prepare now, there is not much time left.

XXIII. The Mount of Olives will be split

XXIII. The Mount of Olives will be split Holiday Inn had one time planned to build a hotel on the Mount of Olive. When the crew reached there and explored the terrains, it was found that there was a fault underneath the mountain which will cause the mountain to split in two, and it was not suitable to build the Holiday Inn. “On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.� (Zechariah 14:4). On July 11, 1927, a severe earthquake occurred in Palestine, the quake spread over a wide area, from the sea of Galilee to the border of Egypt. Geographers found that a fault was formed beneath the Mount of Olive, from east to west. Pro. Bailey Willis of the Stanford University said that this earthquake brought Jerusalem to a crisis, very likely caused subsidence of the Mount of Olive. It just fulfilled the prophecy of prophet Zechariah.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XXIV. Vision in the Sky One hundred girls were adopted by a missionary center in Bombay. One evening, when they were having an outdoor meeting, they saw a line of words written by fire in the sky, saying, “Jesus is coming soon!) Once in Sweden, three hundred Christians were getting ready to go home when they just finished their overnight prayer meeting, suddenly a line of English words appeared in the sky, “Behold, I am coming soon!”

XXV. I Will Come Soon – Jesus’ Five Time Manifestations to Me

XXV. I Will Come Soon – Jesus’ Five Time Manifestations to Me On January 8, 1957, Jesus revealed Himself to me the first time. I was sick on bed, but I had not fallen asleep, I was wide awake. At that moment, there was a big light in the room, I could hardly open my eyes, and Jesus appeared to me. It was not an angel, an angel should have wings. He did not look like the image that painters painted. However, His face was so gracious that I had never seen. I was frightened but pleased. I thought He came to take me to heavenly home. He dressed in a white robe with a golden sash around his waist, standing above. He raised His right hand and said to me, “I don’t heal you right away. I want you to learn a lesson. I will heal you through doctors. From now on, you don’t go to see western medical doctors but go to see the Chinese medical doctor Wei-min Tung.” He repeated this name three times. Wei-min Tung was one of the deacons in our church. It showed me that the Lord Jesus does not only heal the sick Himself, He also heals the sick through doctors’ hands. He said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” The second time Jesus revealed Himself to me was even more amazing. It happened in the evening of April 14, 1958. The weather of that day was very hot, so I did not cover myself with quilt. I had a maid-servant, she was sleeping in the next room, and she had not



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

closed her window that night. It was the Easter, that night suddenly came a cold wind, the room temperature dropped a lot. I called my maid-servant, but she was asleep, she did not hear me. What should I do? I would catch a cold if it continued to be that cold, and my limbs were unable to move, it was just exactly like what a Chinese saying said, “Neither the heaven answers nor the earth hears me!” Around ten o’clock in the evening, Jesus appeared to me the second time. He covered me with the quilt, He did it so neatly. And then He swept with His hands over it a few times. by hand, suddenly my bedsore were all gone. I never got any bedsore on my back again since then. I said to Him, “The window of my maid’s room is also opened.” He said, “I have also closed it for her.” He stood in front of my bed for a long while without saying a word, just smiled sweetly at me. I then said to Him, “Lord, please help me sleep well, because I have insomnia every night, I have to take sleeping pills, and I am in a fever.” He then laid His hand on me. Hence I could sleep very well and had never taken any sleeping pills. The next morning, my maid servant got up and came to ask me, “Did your daughter come last night? Did she cover you with your quilt and close the windows of my room?” I said, “No, it was Jesus!” The third time happened by 2:30 in the afternoon of September 21, 1958. Jesus appeared to me again when I was praying. He came to my bed side, He touched me with His Hand. Before that, both my right hand and right were unable to move, and now I could move with them, I could read and eat.

XXV. I Will Come Soon – Jesus’ Five Time Manifestations to Me

The fourth time happened by 9:30 in the morning of November 21, 1994. This time the Lord spoke in my ear, “I will come soon!” He said it three times in a row, and every time He spoke it louder. The fifth time happened on October 20, 1995. Again I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ”I will come at any time, I appoint you as a watchman.” (Above is a testimony of nearly ninety year old lady Zhong who had lied on bed for forty years, documented in Dongshan of Henan Province by Hsiao-dong Ho)



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XXVI. A Vision of the Last Days in Prayer One day in 1991, when I was meditating, praying and waiting in the presence of the Lord, God’s presence filled the whole room, I felt a deep desire of worshiping God. I then started to praise and worship Him. As I worshiped Him like that, the eyes of my spirit were opened. I aw so many stars in the sky, thousands of thousand stars, I was fascinated every time I saw the stars. When we see stars from the earth, they are so small and twinkling in the sky. But in that vision, I was so close to those stars, every star twinkled with different colors. “for one star differs from another star in glory” (1 Corinthians 15:41)

When I was staring at these awesome stars, suddenly there was a huge explosion, and all the stars were blown into pieces, and the whole universe went dark. I looked at this darkness, all of a sudden, from a corner of the universe, a gate was opened. I saw the glory of heaven inside that gate, glittering like golden rays. Behind the gate, there were masses of clouds which look like the clouds I saw out of the window of the airplanes when they flew above the clouds, but all these clouds glittered. There was a huge fire ball outside the gate, it was bigger than the sun. The rays of this fire ball lit up the whole universe, and Jesus was standing inside the fire ball. As I was looking at the fire ball, a giant hand appeared in the

XXVI. A Vision of the Last Days in Prayer

universe, it wrote two verses from the scriptures. The Holy Spirit told me the first scripture was Revelation 19:7-9 which was for the church, another one was Revelation 19: 11-16 which was for the unbelieved world. I heard a tremendous voice coming out of the fire ball, saying, “When the voice spreads out, the whole universe will be shaken.” -Excerpted from “Come to the Thorne of Grace” by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XXVII. Amazing Grace May 19, 1993 at 3:00 pm, I just got home from work, having felt exhausted, I lied on the carpet and tried to rest for a while. I had works to do that night, so I thought I might take a twenty minute rest. As I closed my eyes, I just could not help but shed my tears, I weakly said to God, “Lord, I still had a lot of works to do. For the sake of the faith and lives of the whole family, the mission entrusted by the Lord, and the confrontation of various of weakness of the church, please hold me and strengthen me, Lord!” Not long after that, I felt asleep and had a dream. I dreamt of the coming of the last days. I was standing on a high place alone, and had seen civil strives occurred among some small countries (nation rises against nation). At first I thought it would not be a big deal, many people wanted to move to America just because this was a strong country with highly developed technology, it was likely to be safer to live in America. But an idea flashed in my mind that calamities are worldwide in the last days, there would not be a safe place, no one could escape the wrath of God. What should I do? What about my sisters, family, relatives and close friends? Many of them had not received the salvation of God yet. Immediately, I fell into a heavy anxiety, I said to the Lord, “Lord, I still got a lot of works unfinished yet.” Suddenly, I heard a comforting but majestic voice which came straight through my heart, “What should be done was already done. Now the salvation is the direct relationship between you and God.” In an instant, my heart was

XXVII. Amazing Grace

completely opened by God, all worries and anxieties were gone. Then I heard the song of “Amazing Grace”, it sounded like a song of victory sung by a multitude of the heavenly host, it was solemn and loud, having filled the whole universe. I looked up towards heaven and kept saying, “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” My heart was full of infinite joy and hope. Through the revelation from this dream, I deeply realized how wonderful the power of God’s salvation to mankind was. He poured His abundant grace upon me, He comforted and protected me with His merciful love, He opened my spiritual eyes, and renewed the strength of my weakened spirit.



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

XXVIII. Work as It Is Day One day, sister Yu-liang Lin was brought to the heaven by Jesus in her dream. She saw God sitting on the throne, and many angels were servicing Him by His sides. Behind the throne was a huge clock which pointed at three o’clock sharp. Sister Lin asked Jesus, “Why does it point at 3 o’clock?” Jesus answered, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. It is three o’clock in the day time, it will be six o’clock in the evening very so. So, you should imminently do the works of the Lord as it is day!” (Yu-liang Lin)

XXIX. Things To Come in the Last Days

XXIX. Things To Come in the Last Days Mary K. Baxter visited the hell with Jesus in his vision. The Lord said, “What you will see are the scenes of the last days.” They went up to a hilltop. When they looked down, there was a river, a river filled with blood and fire. Buster saw countless souls being bounded together by very heavy chains, the heavy chains sank them into the lake of fire. The souls in the hell appeared in the likeness of skulls, and there were misty grey souls inside the skulls. In the front of the river, there was a mountain where sat a big and tall woman. She tumbled like a drunken woman, on her body it was written, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT!”(Revelation 17:5). A powerful evil force came out of her and spread over the world. She is the mother of the abominations of the earth. There were multitudes of people from all nations beneath her, and there was a huge gate. The gate was locked with big chains, and it was watched by an old man of a thousand years of age, whose skeleton was tightly covered by old skin. The Lord said, “It is the bottomless pit behind the gate. Mt words are true.” Then the Lord said, “Come, listen to what the Holy Spirit says to the churches. The end of all things is at hand, I will call the sinners to repent. Those who believe will be saved. Watch this now!” I saw a fiery serpent swinging its huge tail in the air, at that



Testimonies of Jesus’ soon coming!

moment it could not attack the earth yet, it had to wait until the words of the Lord were fulfilled. Then I saw smoke arise out of the earth, the earth was covered by the smoke, and it was darken here and there. A horn was growing out of the huge serpent’s head, it extended to the whole world until it covered the whole earth. Satan ordered the huge serpent to hit the earth forcefully, and many people were hurt. The Lord said, “This is what will happen in the last days.” (Excerpted from “A Divine Revelation of Hell”)

Watchful in your prayers, Save sinners, Eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 24:32-44

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