White paper design for BlockChain company

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Introduction Market Problems Our Solution Operation concept Tokens and Dividends Bonus System Allocation on Cryptocurrency Exchanges RoadMap FENIX TRADE



Introduction Having appeared only recently, the Blockchain technology attracts people's attention with its unlimited possibilities in appliance. One of the options for using this technology is the creation of guaranteed records of assets and transactions, the opportunity to make purchases with cryptocurrency. Our project combines the most important advantages of the Blockchain technology: 1. Transparency Users (buyers and sellers) have the opportunity to see transaction and commodity flow at any time. 2. Reducing transaction outlays Blockchain allows to conduct transactions without an intermediary, for example, a bank. Members of our platform do not bear any costs associated with the work of the intermediary bank, so their costs are reduced. After integration in the UNIVERSA Blockchain system, fees for use of the technology will be close to 0. The Smart-contract will automatically transfer funds to the Seller immediately after delivery and if the Buyer has no claims. 3. Acceleration of transaction settlement Commonly, a full transaction takes several days. Such terms are stipulated by the protocols in the banking software, and also by the fact that banks operate only during normal working hours, five days a week. In addition, financial institutions can be located in different time zones, and this can also delay 03


the processing of the transaction. This technology works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which means that transactions on its basis are much faster. 4. Authentic Feedback Only user wh o paid for and received goods can leave feedback about the product and the seller. In this case, the feedback itself and the order ID will be recorded in the block, which guarantees transparency and reliability of feedback on the platform. We chose the

UNIVERSA platform as a Blockchain service provider. It gives the

following features:

• •

minimum and stable fee the speed of 20,000 transactions per second, while Bitcoin’s speed is 3-6 transactions per second.



Market Problems Currently there is no convenient and secure platform that allows to sell goods with cryptocurrency to individuals and small companies at the international level, and the threshold for entering large sites amounts to tens of thousands of dollars. Moreover, there are no trusted platforms that, with the help of smart contracts, guarantee th e receipt of goods or money for the seller.



Our Solution Our solution is the Fenix Trade crypto-marketplace with the use of Blockchain technology. The target audience of our project is any individual or enterprise (business) wishing to safely sell their goods on the international (or local) market with any cryptocurrency without additional investment. Project task is to provide any person (including small, medium and large enterprises) the opportunity to put goods on the Internet platform and start selling it for a cryptocurrency at the international level without additional investment and in a short time. For the buyer - the opportunity to buy goods safely from any seller in the world with a cryptocurrency. The seller will receive funds immediately after Buyer conďŹ rms the receipt. In case of disputable situations (for example, the goods do not conform the description), the Buyer has the right to open a "Dispute" and to agree with the Seller on the resolution of the situation and reimbursement. If the situation is not resolved by the parties, the Service Arbitrator enters into the dispute as an independent party, examines the evidence submitted by each party and issues a decision on full or partial compensation.



Operation concept The seller creates an account in the Internet platform interface for free, adds goods, assigns th e price in USD, and the price in cryptocurren cies (B TC / Ethereum and others) will be calculated automatically according to the market rate and will be automatically updated to protect against volatility. The seller independently chooses the currency (or cryptocurrency) to which he would like to attach the price. The service fee is automatically added to the amount. The service fee amounts from 1% to 5%, depending on the seller's rating, verification, category and price of the goods sold. Each Buyer and Seller to make purchase or to sale must have a personal account on th e Internet platform. The buyer goes to the main page of the Internet platform (or a specific store of the seller), selects the product of interest, review the product description, price, payment methods, delivery methods and its cost, feedbacks about the product or the seller. In case of consent, the Buyer adds goods to the "Basket" (further he can add other goods there) or makes a quick purchase. The Buyer is issued with the wallet ID of the selected cryptocurrency, to which he has to transfer the specified amount. It is also possible to pay for goods from the platform balance, which the Buyer has previously replenished with cryptocurrency. For the entire period the Seller and the Buyer have the opportunity to communicate with each other via an internal chat. After the Buyer confirms receipt of the goods, the smart contract transfers 07


the funds to the Seller. The buyer at the same time has the opportunity to leave a feedback about the product and the seller. Payment and the feedback systems work on Blockchain technology for transparency of the service operation. Both sides of the transaction (both buyer and seller) are protected by the Service Arbitrage. To increase sales and to improve the service level, tools for AfďŹ liate marketing will be av

ailable on the platform (CPA-network for Blockchain), CRM and

analytics systems for sellers. In addition, each seller will be able to place goods not only in the general catalog, but also to create own store on a dedicated address. The design of the store at the same time can be customized individually according to the line of their products.



Tokens and Dividends The system will issue 5,000,000,000 tokens (100%) with an initial price of 0.00001 ETH per 1 tok en.

Where 3,000,000,000 tokens (60%) will be put up for free sale. The offerings of tokens are strictly limited. Only 5,000,000,000 tokens will be released. Each token owner is entitled to receive dividends. Dividends will be paid quarterly in the desired cryptocurrency (Ethereum / BTC and others). To do this, it is necessary to verify your wallet with FNX tokens in the Investor's Personal Area in advance and establish a method for paying dividends. The amount of dividends depends on the number of FNX tokens in the investor's wallet at the moment of payment. 5,000,000,000 tokens will be equivalent to 100% of the service profit. 3,000,000,000 tokens (HardCap) will be exposed on free sale, which is equivalent to 60% of the service profit. Tokens allocation: • • • • •

Token Sale: 60% Bounty: 1.5% Advisors: 3% Team: 5% Affiliate program, reserved tokens: 2.5% (Partner Bonus 7% when registering by reference) • 28% will remain under the control of the founders to support the service, employees and the development of the project. 09


The affiliate program operates according to the following principle: you provide your partner with a partner link, he signs up, buys, for example, 100,000 tokens and receives an additional bonus of 20,000 tokens (assuming the current bonus is + 20%). Therefore, your partner bonus will be 100,000 * 7% = 7,000 tokens. FNX token can also be used to pay for any services and products on our platform. For example, the buyer can choose any product on the platform, and the payment method "FNX Token" (or any other), then make payment. The Seller using FNX tokens (or any other cryptocurrency) will be able to pay for advertising of their goods. Also using FNX tokens, the Seller can undergo a verification procedure to increase confidence among the Buyers. Verification in certain cases allows to connect payment not only to the cryptocurrency, but also to other payment means, including bank cards. When payin g FNX tokens, the user will receive additional bonuses from the system. Immediately after the start of ICO, the tokens will exist as a record in the Investor's Personal Area, and after the launch of the UNIVERSA platform, they will be credited to wallets in the blockchain-network.

SoftCap: 150,000,000 FNX HardCap: 3,000,000,000 FNX



Bonus System The ICO is conditionally divided into 3 stages: 1.

Prefund - early balance replenishment (the system will automatically convert the balance into tokens as soon as the Presale stage begins)


PreSale - early sale of tokens, 20 days


Token Sale - main sale of tokens, 40 days.

At the first stage (Prefund), participants can replenish the balance in their personal acc ounts and get tokens with a guarant eed bonus of + 60% . The balance will be automatically converted into tokens on the first day of the PreSale. This is an opportunity to buy tokens with the maximum bonus. At the second stage (Presale), participants can buy tokens with a bonus up to 40%. On the fir st day of the PreSale bonus will be + 40% , aft er that it will decrease every day by 1%. At the third stage (Token Sale), participants can buy tokens with a bonus up to 20%. On the first day of Token Sale, the bonus will be + 20%, then every day it will decrease by 1%, up to the lack of bonuses. When you buy more than 100,000 tokens a total (excluding bonus tokens), you get Premium membership in a closed FenixTrade club. When you buy more than 3,000,000 tokens a total (excluding bonus tokens), you get a VIP membership in a closed FenixTrade club.



The advantages of membership in the FenixTrade club will be announced and provided after the launch of the platform. The maximum number of tokens that can be sold at Prefund and PreSale stages is 1,000,000,000 tokens. The maximum total number of tokens that can be sold at all ICO stages matches the HardCap.



Allocation on Exchanges


After the tokens appear in the blockchain, they will be allocated on the main cryptocurrency exchanges. Planned allocation list: •






Funds for allocation are included in ICO.



RoadMap 2017 4 quarter of the 2017: •

The idea

Market analysis

2018 1 quarter of the 2018: •

The project concept development


2 quarter of the 2018: • Launching ICO stages (Presale, Token Sale) •

Community development, SEO + PR + SMM

3 quarter of the 2018: • Completion of the ICO stages •

Execution of the contracts with the first stores

4 quarter of the 2018: •

Allocation on cryptocurrency exchanges

MVP platform, the opportunity to add goods and

create stores •

Organization of a 24-hour platform support

service •

Modules for exporting / importing from the main

shopping scripts (Magneto, Drupal, etc) • 14

Attracting customers via the platform


2019 1-2 quarter of the 2019: •

Connecting the project to the Blockchain network

Full-featured version of the platform

Mobile applications development

Advertising of the project

3 quarter of the 2019: •


The first dividend payout based on the profit of the platform.




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