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ON THE COVER Pinup Abby Holiday photo by Adrian Sotelo

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P.O BOX 134 Byron Center, MI 49315 | Office (616) 516-7891 West Michigan Farándula is published 12 times a year by Social Grand Rapids LLC. Articles and advertisements in West Michigan Farándula do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the magazine. We do not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The acceptance of advertising by West Michigan Farándula does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services or information being advertised. We do not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudalent or misleading. © 2016 West Michigan Farándula Grand Rapids. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written permission of the publisher.

14 Interview withAbby Holiday & Sassy Scarlet

06 Restaurant Week Grand Rapids 2016 Announces Participating Restaurants

08 La Mejor GR Wins Stream Licensing’s Featured Station Recognition

18 Lost Drive-Ins in West Michigan 20 Three Diners that Take you Back

to the 50’s

Recipe: Fourth of July BBQ Reviews: A Nostalgic Gastronomic Journey to Pal’s Diner

22 Fun Exercises you can do from Home with your Kids.

22 Health for Traveling Abroad with Kids

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Restaurant Week Grand Rapids 2016 Announces Participating Restaurants


estaurant Week Grand Rapids (RWGR) announced on Monday June 20th that over 50 restaurants, including 10 new participants, in the Greater Grand Rapids Area will take part in the 12- day culinary event from August 10 – 21, 2016. For the 7th year, RWGR celebrates the culinary scene in Greater Grand Rapids and encourages people to “Taste the City” by dining out. During RWGR, participating restaurants will offer either a 3-course menus for $28 per person or a 3-course menu for 2 people at $28. All menus will showcase the creativity of local chefs who are asked to prepare dishes that are both unique and use local, seasonal ingredients. “Restaurant Week provides an excellent opportunity for the public to explore new restaurants and sample interesting ingredients and cooking styles,” said Janet Korn, Senior Vice President of Experience Grand Rapids. RWGR not only promotes the Greater Grand Rapids culinary scene, but also helps The Secchia Institute for Culinary Education students with educational support. Since 2010, Restaurant Week participating restaurants and sponsors have contributed over $110,000 to the Secchia Institute for Culinary Education’s Student Scholarship Fund at GRCC. Participating restaurants donate $1 for every Restaurant Week meal sold to the scholarship fund that is granted to selected students within the Institute’s culinary program. “We are proud to be able to contribute funding for Secchia Institute for Culinary Education during Restaurant Week Grand Rapids,” said Doug Small, Experience Grand Rapids President/ CEO. “It is rewarding to see the talented students from Secchia Institute for Culinary Education joining the ranks of the food service staff in this community. A key component of a destination’s appeal is the quality of its local dining scene. Restaurant Week Grand Rapids was created to draw attention to our wonderful dining options in the Grand Rapids area.”



estaurant Week Grand Rapids (RWGR, (La Semana del Restaurante en Grand Rapids 2016) anunció hoy que más de 50 restaurantes, incluyendo 10 nuevos participantes, en el área Metropolitana de Grand Rapids tomarán parte del Evento Culinario de 12 días del 10 al 21 de Agosto del 2016. Por séptimo año, RWGR celebra la escena culinaria del área Metropolitana de Grand Rapids y alienta a la gente a “Saborear la Ciudad” saliendo a conocer nuevos restaurantes. Durante el RWGR, restaurantes participantes ofrecerán ya sea un menú de tres tiempos para una persona por $28, o un menú de tres tiempos para dos personas por $28. Todos los menús demostrarán la creatividad de los chefs locales, quienes han sido requeridos para preparar platillos que sean únicos, a la vez que usen ingredientes locales, correspondientes a la época. “Restaurant Week provee de una excelente oportunidad para el público de explorar nuevos restaurantes y probar ingredientes y estilos de cocina por demás interesantes”, dijo Janet Korn, Vice Presidente Sr. de Experience Grand Rapids. RWGR no sólo promociona la escena culinaria del área Metropolitana de Grand Rapids, sino que también ayuda a estudiantes de The Secchia Institute for Culinary Education para obtener apoyos educativos.Desde 2010, los restaurantes y patrocionadores participantes en Restaurant Week han contribuido con más de $110,000 para el Fondo de Becas Estudiantiles en The Secchia Institute for Culinary Education de GRCC. Los restaurantes participantes donan $1 por cada platillo vendido durante el Restaurant Week, al fondo de becas y que es otorgado a estudiantes seleccionados dentro del programa culinario del instituto.

Restaurant Week GR Participating Restaurants

Los Restaurantes Participantes en Restaurant Week GR

list and map showing all of the current restaurants that will be participating in Restaurant Week Grand Rapids 2016 is featured on Restaurants still interested in participating in Restaurant Week Grand Rapids are encouraged to contact Kate Herron, Community Development Director at Experience Grand Rapids, at kherron@experiencegr. com. Restaurant Week menus for each restaurant will be announced mid-July at http://www. restaurants-menus/

na lista y un mapa mostrando todos los restaurantes que estarán participando en Restaurant Week Grand Rapids 2016, se destaca en Se alienta a los restaurantes que aún se encuentren interesados en participar en Restaurant Week Grand Rapids para que contacten a Kate Herron, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario en Experience Grand Rapids, a través de la dirección kherron@ Menús para cada restaurant del Restaurant Week serán anunciados a mediados de Julio en la página restaurants-menus/


A list of the major and supporting sponsors that make Restaurant Week GR the success that it is can be found below and at http://www. sponsors/




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La Mejor GR Wins Stream Licensing’s Featured Station Recognition

La Mejor GR Gana Reconocimiento de Stream Licensing’s



nternet radios have multiplied immensely and have been one of the most exciting developments in the high-tech media sector. While there are so many internet radio stations mushrooming on the Web it is important for the station to stay popular and offer the best music experience to its listeners. Stream Licensing provides licensing for starting an online radio station legally and recently La Mejor GR has been selected from their list of directories to be the Featured Station in the Latino genre. This recognition and award symbolizes the hard work and dedication to the craft and is a great accomplishment recognized by the industry peers. La Mejor GR is a radio network that not just entertains by providing a wide variety of music in different genres, but also informs and updates its listeners with news and information about sports, beauty and fashion, health and cinema. It also provides a global platform and opportunity to new talents in this medium. The radio station has been selected from a list of over a thousand stations listed on the Stream Licensing Directory which certainly makes this recognition so special. Chuy Morales, owner of La Mejor GR has acknowledged the award and stated that he and Angie are blessed to have a team which is so passionate about helping the community and he dedicated the award to all the faithful listeners, sponsors and community partners.


as radios en Internet se han multiplicado enormemente y han sido uno de los desarrollos más interesantes en el sector de los medios de comunicación. Mientras que hay tantas estaciones de radio por Internet que proliferan en la web es muy importante para la estación el mantenerse popular y ofrecer una buena experiencia musical a sus oyentes. Stream Licensing proporciona concexión de licencias para estaciones de radio en línea legalmente y recientemente La Mejor GR ha destacado tras ocupar la casilla número dos en su género a nivel mundial. Este reconocimiento y premio simboliza el trabajo duro y la dedicación. La Mejor GR es una radio en el internet que no sólo entretiene, proporcionando una amplia variedad de música en diferentes géneros, sino también informa y actualiza a sus oyentes con noticias e información de deportes, belleza, moda, salud y cine. También proporciona una plataforma global y la oportunidad de nuevos talentos en este medio. “Nos sentimos honrados al recibir el premio a las mejores radios en linea. Angie y su servidor . Estamos muy bendecidos al tener a un gran equipo de trabajo, quienes tienen una gran pasión por lo que hacen y por ayudar a la comunidad. Este premio no pudo haber sido posible sin el fiel apoyo de nuestros seguidores y patrocinadores”. Chuy Morales, presidente de La Mejor GR.

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Nuestra Herencia He aquí, en maldad he sido formado, y en pecado me concibió mi madre. Crea en mi, oh Dios, un corazón limpio, y renueva un espíritu recto dentro de mí. (Salmo 51:5-10).

Tenemos tendencia a heredar los rasgos físicos y de personalidad de nuestros padres. Es posible que tengas el mismo color de ojos que tu mamá, o que seas alto y flaco, o bajo y regordete, como tu papá. Se llama herencia. Tus padres te pasaron estos rasgos físicos a través de los genes. No hay nada que puedas hacer sobre lo que se hereda. Nuestros padres tampoco pudieron hacer nada con lo que les fue transmitido genéticamente a ellos. Tú también has heredado un problema que se llama pecado. El pecado comenzó hace mucho tiempo, cuando los primeros padres de la tierra optaron por obedecer a Satanás en lugar de a Dios; y desde entonces, se ha transmitido de generación en generación. El pecado afecta la forma de actuar Tal vez has desarrollado un temperamento explosivo o una actitud negativa. Acaso tienes un problema con la mentira, los pensamientos impuros o los chismes. La buena noticia es que Jesús puede hacer algo con el problema del pecado. ¡Él murió para poder tener el derecho de vivir en nuestros corazones y modificarnos a su imagen.

IGLESIA PENTECOSTAL UNIDA INC. 2039 S.DIVISION AVE GRAND RAPIDS, MI Pastor Aldo Colorado (616) 514-8138 SERVICIOS/ SERVICES Martes servicio de oración.............7:00 PM Jueves grupos diversos............. 7:00 PM Sábado servicio evengelístico ....... 7:00 PM Domingo escuela dominical............11:00 AM






Fire-Up a Bold

Fourth of July


his Fourth of July, take your backyard barbecue staples from basic to bold with knock-out burgers, grilled fruit “steaks” and festive red, white and blue-colored desserts. Opt for burgers with a brazen rub that creates a caramelized outer layer. Make the meal an epic Fourth of July feast with a side of grilled watermelon steaks, marinated in white balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and rosemary, and topped with walnuts, lemon zest and fresh parsley. “Burgers are an Independence Day mainstay, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring,” said McCormick Executive Chef Kevan Vetter. “Pick a flavor combo that packs a real punch for the rub, then build out the burger with toppings and condiments to match that taste. For example, use Smoky Montreal Steak Seasoning, chili powder and brown sugar to make a sweet and smoky rub, then top with a rich BBQ mayonnaise, melty cheddar, grilled pickle slices and crispy onion straws.” For more tips and recipes for unforgettable Fourth of July fare, check out and visit McCormick Spice on Facebook and Pinterest.

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Cowboy Burger with Grilled Pickles and Crispy Onion Straws Serves: 4 | Preparation Time: 20 minutes | Cook Time: 20 minutes

ste Cuatro de Julio, tome su parrilla al patio trasero con unas deliciosas y jugosas carnes para hacer hamburgue-

sas. Opta por hamburguesas con un toque de bronce que crea una capa externa caramelizado. Has la comida un Cuatro de Julio una fiesta épica con unos deliciosos filetes de sandía a la parrilla, marinado en vinagre balsámico blanco, jugo de limón y romero, y cubierto con nueces, cáscara de limón y el perejil fresco. Las Hamburguesas son un platillo principal del Día de la Independencia, pero eso no quiere decir que tengan que ser aburrido,” dijo el Chef Ejecutivo McCormick, Kevan Vetter. “Elija un buen sazón para darle un buen sabor”. A continuación, vamos hacer una hamburguesa con ingredientes y condimentos para que coincida con el gusto. Por ejemplo, utilice el condimento de ahumado de Montreal Steak, chile en polvo y azúcar moreno para hacer un sazón que sea dulce y ahumado, luego cubra con una rica barbacoa de mayonesa, queso cheddar derretido, rebanadas de pepinillos y cebollitas crujientes. Para obtener más consejos y recetas para hacer unos platillos inolvidables este Cuatro de Julio, echa un vistazo a y visita McCormick Spice en Facebook y Pinterest.


1 2

BBQ Mayonnaise

1/4 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons Stubbs Original Bar-B-Q Sauce

Crispy Onion Straws

1/2 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon McCormick Ground Black Pepper 1 medium onion, very thinly sliced and separated into rings vegetable oil, for frying


Cowboy Burgers


4 teaspoons McCormick Grill Mates Smoky Montreal Steak Seasoning 1 tablespoon McCormick Chili Powder 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar 1 1/4 pounds ground beef 4 slices mild Cheddar cheese 1 dill pickle, sliced lengthwise 1/4-inch thick 4 Kaiser rolls 4 lettuce leaves

For the BBQ Mayonnaise, mix mayonnaise and Bar-B-Q Sauce in small bowl until well blended. Cover. Refrigerate until ready to serve. For the Onions, mix flour, salt and pepper in large resealable plastic bag. Add onion; toss to coat well. Pour oil into deep fryer, large heavy skillet or saucepan, filling no more than 1/3 full. Heat oil on medium-high heat. Carefully add onion rings to hot oil. Fry 4 to 5 minutes, turning once to brown evenly, until onions rings are golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Set aside. For the Burgers, mix Seasoning, chili powder and brown sugar in small bowl. Shape ground beef into 4 patties. Coat surface of each patty evenly with the rub mixture. Grill over medium heat 4 to 6 minutes per side or until burgers are cooked through (internal temperature of 160°F). Add cheese slices to burgers 1 minute before cooking is completed. Grill pickle slices 2 to 3 minutes per side or until grill marks appear. Toast rolls on the grill, open-side down, about 30 seconds, if desired. Serve burgers on rolls topped with grilled pickles, Crispy Onion Straws and lettuce. Serve with BBQ Mayonnaise.





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Local eats: Pal’s Diner By: Jyo Ramani

did you now... Pal’s was built in 1954 by Manno Dining Car Company of Bellview, New Jersey.

A Nostalgic Gastronomic Journey Ever wondered how it would feel to go back in time and enjoy a good meal at one of the diners around? When I walked into Pal’s Diner I was certainly surprised by the vintage feel factor that it had that instantly transported me back in time. Built in 1954 by the Manno Dining Car Company of Bellview, New Jersey, Pal’s Diner is recognized as a historical structure and is recorded in the Historical Site Survey and Smithsonian Institute. While there are many luxurious diners out in Grand Rapids, the old-fashioned nostalgic décor of Pal’s Diner with panoramic picture windows and mirrored ceiling and terrazzo stone floors immediately gets your attention. However, it was not the décor alone that made my experience memorable. When I walked into the diner I was immediately attended by a waitress who took my order. To begin with I decided to order Chubby



Checker Cheese Burger listed in the Pal’s Original Burgers list on the menu. The burger is topped with hot bacon with melted American cheese. While I waited for my burger to arrive at my table I noticed the old-styled décor that has still managed to make its place in a world where art décor fronts and marble and linoleum floors are the most common sights to see. Surprisingly, Pal’s Diner not just has the 50’s style interiors, but they also have the jukebox and shake mixers that date to that era that adds to the overall experience. The diner also has the original neon-lit exterior clock that still shows the exact time. After 10 minutes the burger arrived and it was as expected. The burger was well cooked. It had crispy bacon accompanied by crunchy golden fries which I must admit were the best fries I had ever tasted. The burger itself was good not in terms of looks, but it had a single patty

which was pretty thick enough for its price. Pal’s Diner also has the Wall of Fame where you get a sneak peek into the history of the diner and see photos of many artists that have been here. You also get to read cuttings and tear sheets from old publications and newspapers that have written about the diner. With a good amount of investment, owners Barry and Sam Brown have managed to keep the legacy alive in minor details that is commendable. With the nostalgic setting, delicious meals, and friendly service Pal’s Diner is certainly a great must-visit diner if you are in Grand Rapids.

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Pal’s received its name from the original owner John Dezerney, who call everyone a Pal. The diner weights aproximately 35 tons. Pal’s was moved in one piece in 1993 from Mahwah, New Jersy to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Aproximately 1638 miles. It took the owners 2 years to find a perfect location for the diner.

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Un viaje Gastronómico y Nostálgico A Pal’s Diner

Por: Jyo Ramani


lguna vez se ha preguntado cómo se sentiría regresar el tiempo y disfrutar de una buena comida en uno de los restaurantes en el area? Cuando entré en Pal’s estaba sin duda sorprendido por la decoración y el estilo vintage todavia mantiene el lugar. Construido en 1954 por la Compañía Manno Dining Car Company de Bellview, Nueva Jersey, el restaurante Pal se reconoce como una estructura histórica y está registrado como lugar histórico en el Instituto Smithsonian. Me asombro mucho la anticuada decoración nostálgica de Pal con ventanas panorámicas y espejos en el techo y suelos de piedra los cuales acaparan de inmediato tu atención. Sin embargo, no fue solo la decoración que hizo que mi experiencia memorable. Cuando entré en el restaurante que fuí atendido de inmediato por una mesera amable que tomó mi orden. Para empezar decidí pedir la hamburgesa Chubby Checker con queso la cual se veia atractiva en la lista de hamburguesas del menú. La hamburguesa viene con tocino, y queso americano derretido. Mientras esperaba que mi hamburguesa llegara a mi mesa me di cuenta de la decoración estilo antiguo que todavía permanecia, sillas, butacas estilo cincuentas, la máquina para hacer malteadas y muchas otros artefactos que se usaron en aquellos tiempos. El restaurante también tiene un reloj exterior con luces de neón original que aún muestra el momento exacto. Después de 10 minutos la hamburguesa llegó y fue como me la esperaba. Estaba bien preparada, El tocino estaba crujiente acompañado de patatas fritas crujientes, que debo admitir han sido una de las mejores patatas fritas que he probado en mi vida. La hamburguesa en sí era buena, en términos de apariencia y sabor Algo que me llamo mucho la atención del lugar era su pequeño salón de fama que estaba situado al lado izquierdo del restaurante en el cual puedes apreciar la historia del lugar y ver fotos de muchos artistas que han estado aquí. También puedes leer noticias de otras publicaciones y periódicos viejos que ha escrito sobre el restaurante. Con una buena cantidad de inversión, los propietarios Barry y Sam Brown han logrado mantener con vida el legado de este lugar. Con el ajuste nostálgico, comidas deliciosas, y un servicio amable de Pal Diner es sin duda una gran lugar que debes checar.

Pals’ Diner 6503 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546








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Abby Holiday FarándulaMag: When & how did pin up modeling start? Why were you drawn to this style? Abby Holiday: It started about 3 years ago. A friend of mine saw a picture of me wearing red lipstick and suggested that I participate in the Metro Cruise. I instantly fell in love with Pinup!

FarándulaMag: ¿Cuándo y cómo iniciaste el modelaje Pinup? ¿Por qué te gusta este estilo? Abby Holiday: Comenzó hace unos 3 años. Un amigo mío vio una imagen de mí usando lápiz labial rojo y sugirió que participara en el Metro Cruise en Wyomin, mI. Al instante me enamoré de esste estilo!

FarándulaMag: Where had this drive come from? Abby Holiday: The style of the 40’s and 50’s is so flattering for my figure. I love how confident the styles make me feel. I really like the soft feminine look.

FarándulaMag: ¿De dónde nacio este estilo? Abby Holiday: El estilo de los años 40 y 50 es tan halagador para mi figura. Me encanta la confianza que los estilos me hacen sentir. Me gusta mucho la mirada femenina suave.

FarándulaMag: What is your current biggest dream? Abby Holiday: My current biggest dream is to be happy as much as can no matter what life throws at me. I want to surround myself with people who encourage me to do bigger and better things. I also strive to keep making small goals to better myself.

FarándulaMag: ¿Cuál es tu mayor sueño? Abby Holiday: Mi mayor sueño es ser feliz tanto como sea posible, no importa lo que la vida me depare. Quiero rodearme de personas que me animan a hacer cosas grandes y mejores. También me esfuerzo por seguir haciendo pequeñas metas para mejorar mi persona.

FarándulaMag: Where do you shop for your pin up clothing? Abby Holiday: I shop for majority of my pinup clothing at thrift shops. My favorite place to go is GR Vintage Thrift owned by the wonderful Peri Olson. She has so many beautiful pieces for a great price.

FarándulaMag: ¿Dónde compras tu ropa pin up? Abby Holiday: La mayoría la conseguí en tiendas de segunda mano. Mi lugar favorito es GR Vintage Thrift de la maravillosa dueña Peri Olson. Ella tiene muchas piezas hermosas a un gran precio.

FarándulaMag: Who do you see as your role model? Abby Holiday: My pinup role model is Miss Valerie Voiture. She is the West side of Michigan’s pinup momma. She has been the most supportive and helpful friend when it comes to pinup. She is full of beauty and has such a big heart. If I accomplish even half of what she has I would be incredibly blessed.

FarándulaMag: ¿A quién ves como su modelo a seguir? Abby Holiday: Mi modelo pinup es la señorita Valerie Voiture. Ella ha sido la amigo que mas me ha apoyado y ayuda cuando se trata de pinup. Ella está llena de belleza y tiene un corazón tan grande. Si puedo lograr la mitad de lo que ella ha logrado estaría muy bendecida.

FarándulaMag: What do you do in your spare time? Abby Holiday: In my spare time I love to hang out with my friends, listen to some music and drink some beers. In the summer time we love to hangout around a camp fire and make memories. FarándulaMag: What are 3 tips to mastering the pin up look? Abby Holiday: 1. Buy long lasting eyeliner and practicing on how to create the perfect cat eye for your eye shape. 2. The perfect shade of red lipstick! 3. Getting your hair done by a professional or practicing enough yourself. Having your hair on point can make all the difference for your look. FarándulaMag: What are the 3 must have items for any pin up? Abby Holiday: Three must haves, lipstick, a dress that makes you shine, and a good pair of heels.

FarándulaMag: ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Abby Holiday: En mi tiempo libre me encanta salir con mis amigos, escuchar música y beber algunas cervezas. En el verano nos gusta acampar y hacer fogatas y hacer crear recuerdos. FarándulaMag: ¿Cuales son tres 3 consejos que darías para mejorar el look pin up? Abby Holiday: 1. Comprar un delineador de ojos de larga duración y práctica cómo crear un efecto de ojo de gato perfecto en tu ojo. 2. El tono perfecto de lápiz labial rojo! 3. Arregla tu pelo con un profesional o practicar lo suficiente para perfeccionar. FarándulaMag: ¿Cuáles son los 3 artículos indispensables para cualquier pinup? Abby Holiday: Tres que debes de tener son; lápiz labial, un buen vestidodo que te haga brillar, y un buen par de zapatos de tacón.



Photo Credits: Photographer: Autumn Luciano-Decadence Dolls. Hair and Makeup by Kelly Swanson.



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Sassy Scarlet Farándula: When & how did pin up modeling start? Sassy Scarlet: I started pinup modeling in 2014. My sister in law, Sara Herzog and her business partner, Sadie Haglund of Era Exposures were doing a pinup styled shoot in May of that year. I came out just to help and have fun but ended up falling in love with the world of pinup! Farándula: Why were you drawn to this style? Sassy Scarlet: I was very close to my Grandmother, Beatrice, growing up. Grandma was born in 1920, this meant that she had very different ideals about feminine behavior and beauty than what the world taught me, this shaped who I became. To me, pinup is the embodiment of vintage femininity. Farándula: Where do you shop for your pin up clothing? Sassy Scarlet: I shop at many different places online but my favorite places are Pinup Girl Clothing, Lindy Bop and Unique Vintage. Farándula: Who do you see as your role model? Sassy Scarlet: My Grandmother, Beatrice, was my role model. She was a beautiful, strong woman who overcame tragedy and adversity but still loved life. She did her best to spread goodness and love to everyone. Farándula: What do you do in your spare time? Sassy Scarlet: I love going to veterans events with Pinup For Patriots, singing on the worship team at Lakeview Community Church, volunteering at the Lakeview Area Museum, beach glass hunting on Lake Michigan beaches and researching genealogy. Farándula: What genres of pin up are you interested in? Sassy Scarlet: Cheesecake, Bombshell and Tiki Farándula: Who is Sassy Scarlet? Sassy Scarlet: Sassy Scarlet is a plus size blogger and model from Lakeview, Michigan who enjoys vintage living in the modern world.

Farándula: ¿Cuándo y cómo se iniciaste modelado Pinup? Sassy Scarlet: Comencé a modelar pinup en el 2014. Mi cuñada, Sara Herzog y su socio de negocios, Sadie Haglund de “Era Exposures” estaban haciendo sesiones de fotos de pinups en mayo de ese año. Salí sólo para ayudarlos y pasar un buen momento, pero terminé enamorandome del mundo de Pinup! Farándula: ¿Qué te atrajo a este estilo? Sassy Scarlet: Yo era muy cercana a mi abuela Beatrice. Ella nació en 1920, esto significaba que tenía muy diferentes ideales sobre el comportamiento femenino y la belleza de lo que el mundo me ha enseñado. Para mí, pinup es la encarnación de la feminidad vintage. Farándula: ¿Dónde compras tu ropa Pinup? Sassy Scarlet: Compro en varias tiendas en línea, pero mis lugares favoritos son Pinup Girl Clothing, Lindy Bop y Unique Vintage. Farándula: ¿A quién ves como tu modelo a seguir? Sassy Scarlet: A mi abuela Beatrice, fue mi modelo a seguir. Ella era una mujer hermosa, fuerte que se sobrepuso a una tragedia y a la adversidad, pero aún así amaba la vida. Hizo todo lo posible para difundir la bondad y el amor a todo el mundo. Farándula: ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Sassy Scarlet: Me encanta ir a eventos de veteranos “Pinup For Patriots”, me gusta cantar en el grupo de alabanza en Lakeview Community Church, y me gusta colectar vidrios en las playas del lago Michigan e investigar mi genealogía. Farándula: ¿Qué géneros de pinup te interesan? Sassy Scarlet: Cheesecake, Bombshell and Tiki Farándula: ¿Quién es Sassy Scarlet? Sassy Scarlet: Sassy Scarlet es un blogger y modelo de talla grande de Lakeview, Michigan, que disfruta de la vida y estilo de vida vintage moderno.




rand Rapids, Michigan is known for it’s restaurants and the many varieties there are. You can choose from almost any culture’s cuisine and also the time period the food is from. Diners in Grand Rapids provide this type of experience. Pal’s Diner on 28th Street, is a legendary restaurant that started in New Jersey, and then moved (literally) to Grand Rapids. The entire building was hauled from one state to the next before making it’s arrival complete with a police escort. This establishment has also been featured in commercials and movies both national and international. When it was located in New Jersey, Les Paul (famous for Gibson Guitars), frequented the joint. Everyone used to call the original owner John Dezemey a Pal, thus giving name to his restaurant. Pal’s has a classic American menu offering both hot and cold sandwiches plus 1/3 pound burgers. Their salads are creative and if you order one, you can choose from either a blueberry muffin or ahomed mini loaf as a side. Another great diner on Plainfield Avenue is the Choo Choo Grill. The building has been on site since 1924 and was originally known as The Shipman Coal Company. In 1946, the restaurant started functioning. They pride themselves on their cheeseburgers, one called The Legend, which is a mere one pound burger with all the fixings, and the other is the Red Caboose, which is a cheeseburger that weighs 1/2 pounds. The Choo Choo also offers breakfast and a lunch menu, but don’t forget about their famous chocolate peanut butter malt. They claim their burgers are “the best burgers on earth or anywhere else”. Continuing in our diner venture, we come along to Fat Boy Burgers, located also on Plainfield Avenue. This business was started in 1952 and it offers an extensive menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One thing that they pride themselves on is how fresh the ingredients are and that they are local. They even make their own sausage and they grind their own meat. Sourcing from another local business, the coffee comes from Ferris Coffee & Nut. There are 9 different types of burgers you can order, all with great toppings to pick from. They also offer hot dogs, a wide variety of grilled sandwiches, pizza, omelettes, and classic breakfasts. All of these diners in the Grand Rapids area are great choices for feeling like you’re back in the fifties. From burgers to breakfast, milkshakes and malts, you will definitely have to rock ’n roll and check out these tasty spots.


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rand Rapids, Michigan es conocido por sus restaurantes y por su gran variedad. Puedes encontrar casi cualquier cultura y estilo. Los “Diners” en Grand Rapids ofrecen este tipo de experiencia. Uno de ellos es Pal’s localizado en la calle 28, es un legendario restaurante que comenzó en Nueva Jersey, y luego se trasladó a Grand Rapids. Todo el edificio fue llevado de un estado al otro escoltado por la policia. Este establecimiento también ha aparecido en comerciales y películas tanto nacionales como internacionales. Cuando se encontraba en Nueva Jersey, Les Paul (famoso por guitarras Gibson), frecuentaba el establecimiento. El lugar fue nombrado como tal por John Dezemey el primer dueño quien llamaba a todos “Pal” (camarada). Pals tiene un menú clásico americano que sirve tanto bocadillos fríos como calientes, además de 1/3 de libra de hamburguesas. Sus ensaladas son creativas y si ordenas una, puedes elegir entre un muffin de arándanos o pequeño pan para acompañar. Otro gran restaurante es Choo Choo Grill localizado en Plainfield. El edificio ha existido desde 1924 y fue conocido originalmente como la compañia de carbón Shipman. En 1946, el lugar fue adquirido y convertido en restaurante. El Choo Choo Grill se enorgullece de sus hamburguesas con queso, llamandolas “Las mejores hamburgesas en la tierra y en cualquier lado”. Además El Choo Choo Grill también ofrece desayunos, almuerzos, y porsupuesto no te puedes olvidar de probar su famosa malteada de chocolate con mantequilla de maní, deliciosa!. Continuando con nuestro proyecto de “diners” de los cincuentas, nos trasladamos a Fat Boy Burgers, ubicados también en Plainfield Avenue. Este negocio inició en 1952 y ofrece un amplio menú para el desayuno, almuerzo y cena. Una cosa de las que se enorgullecen es la frescura de sus ingredientes. Incluso hacen su propia salchichas y muelen su propia carne. El restaurante cuenta con 9 diferentes tipos de hamburguesas. También ofrecen hotdogs, y una amplia variedad de sándwiches, pizzas, tortillas, y desayunos clásicos. Todos estos “diners” en el área de Grand Rapids son excelentes opciones para sentir como si estuvieras en los años cincuenta. Desde hamburguesas hasta el desayuno, batidos y malteadas, que sin duda alguna tendras que echar un vistazo a estos sitios sabrosos.

Diners that Take You Back to the 50’s

Se rentan sillas para estilistas




Lost Drive-Ins in West Michigan


here is no doubt that us, Americans love our cars and watching a movie is our standard fallback plan for the weekend and from this love emerged the concept of drive-ins that rose to popularity in the 1950s and still exist in certain parts of the country. Drive-ins are very much American as it can get and it offers a great way for the people to enjoy their favorite movies at affordable rates and also bringing the community together on a sticky summer night which has become a rarity these days. West Michigan has quite a number of driveins that still offer us the same charm and excitement and make us feel nostalgic about the movie experience was in a bygone era. However, let’s take a quick look at some of the lost drive-ins in West Michigan.

Cascade Drive-in Theatre

Portage Drive-in Theatre

Plainfield Drive-in Theatre

Opened in 1948 in the Kalamazoo City, Portage Drive-In Theatre offered a great way for the audience to enjoy a movie experience like no other. Located right across the street from the Kalamazoo Airport it was the coolest drive-in that also had stepped ramps. The drive-in also had a tiered parking which was quite unique in its time. The drive-in was owned by Butterfield Theatres and could accommodate 400 patrons at a time. The drive in was closed and torn down in 1983 and Sam’s Club Store building was built on the site. Later, it moved to a new location and State Farm Insurance moved into the building.

Opened in 1957, Plainfield Drive-in Theatre was owned by Jack Loeks Theatres and would accommodate 1000 people. The theatre certainly offered a great experience for the audience offering them wonderful memories. The drive-in theatre was in the Kent County and located in Grand Rapids offering a perfect weekend movie experience. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and Gods Half Acre and Splendor in the Grass were some of the movies that were shown here. The theatre was closed in 1990 and later demolished. The site is now a residential street called Cinema.

Location: 5528 Portage Rd Kalamazoo, MI

Location: 5050 28th St SE Cascade, MI Opened in 1969, Cascade Drive-in Theatre in the Kent County was located in Cascade. The drive-in property was owned by National Amusements and Redstone. It was certainly one of the largest drive-in theatres in the United States with the capacity of 2500 patrons. When it opened it was the first twin drive-in for the state and had screens on either side of the 2,300 car area. It also featured a cafeteria style refreshment stand and also featured a kiddie’s playground. The drive-in was closed in the year 1992 and now a Costco and Target sit on the site where Cinema Drive-In and Showcase Cinema stood.

Location: 4900 Plainfield Ave NE Grand Rapids, MI

M-104 Drive-in Theatre

Location: 14950 Cleveland Spring Lake, MI Opened in 1955 in the Ottawa county and Spring Lake city, the M-104 Drive-in Theatre has remained one of the popular drive-in theatres that had two screens. Initially, the drive-in had one screen, but in 1979 the second screen was added which didn’t last longer and was shut down in 1982. Many claim that it was also called as the Oasis Drive-in, but there is still no clarity about it. The drive-in would definitely pull in crowds for the Saturday Night movies.


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Vista Drive-in Theatre

Location: 4500 Lake Michigan Dr Walker, MI Opened in 1955, Vista Drive-in Theatre was owned by Butterfield Theatres and had the capacity of 1300 people. The drive-in was in Kent County and located in the Walker city offering audiences a great movie experience on weekends. The drive-in was also popular for the horror movies that were screened here. This was Butterfield’s only wholly-owned drive-in and therefore it was easier for them to handle the management the way they wanted. The theatre also had snack bar stall and ramps. The drive-in theatre was closed in 1978 and was later demolished. Currently, there is a big Meijer store along with a bunch of other stores that sit on the property.

Beltline 3 Drive-in Theatre

Location: 1400 West 28th St Wyoming, MI Opened in 1948, Beltline 3 Drive-in Theatre was owned by Jack Loeks Theatres and had the capacity of 850 at its peak time. The drive-in offered quality movie experience to the audiences who would want to have a great time watching some of the best movies. The theatre showed Bill Murray’s Stripes and midnight shows of Animal House and Rocky Horror. The drive-in theatre was situated on a farmland. The theatre closed in 1987 and was demolished later on. Studio 28 was built up on the same site but was later demolished in 2014. The site currently is an empty parking lot and holds a project by the City of Wyoming. Visit

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Stadium Drive-in Theatre

Location: 2500 Turner Ave NW Grand Rapids, MI Opened in 1952, Stadium Drive-in Theatre was once part of the old Stadium Arena that was built in 1950. The drive-in used some part of the arena’s parking lot and the drivein screen was attached to the arena building. The drive-in theatre has offered a great way for the people to experience movies on the weekends. The drive-in theatre was closed in 1960 and the Stadium Arena was later renovated and renamed as Deltaplex in 1998. The 4500 seat arena hosted AC/ DC tour in 2000 and it still provides a great place for concerts and world tours.

Stardust Drive-in Theatre

Location: 5566 Divison St S Grand Rapids, MI Opened in 1984, the theatre was owned by H.J. Ochs and Triangle DriveIn Company. The theatre was in Kent County and located in Grand Rapids. The drive-in theatre provided a great opportunity for the people to enjoy movies in the open and had the capacity of 600 people. The drive-in theatre also started booking live concerts during intermission including performances by Bobby Vee. The theatre had a large screen tower and a large crane boom was installed later on. The drive-in theatre closed somewhere in the mid 70s. People can now find an RV dealer called Midway on the same location.

Woodland Drive-in Theatre

Location: 3290 28th St SE Kentwood, MI 49508 Opened in 1969, Woodland Drive-in Theatre was owned by Jack Loeks Theatres and had the capacity of 800 people. The theatre was in the Kent County and located in the city of Kentwood. The theatre also was a drive-in church allowing the local to worship and praise God. The theatre would also entertain people of Kentwood with some of the popular movies of those times. However, the drive-in theatre was closed in 1988 and later the area was taken by Lowes, a national home improvement store, and the lot has been split by the 29th Street and the rear half remains vacant. There’s another Goodwill store across from Lowes that sits where the screen once sat.

Los Autocines Olvidados de West Michigan Portage Drive-in Theatre

Plainfield Drive-in Theatre

Inaugurado en 1948 en la ciudad de Kalamazoo. Portage Drive-In Theatre ofreció una experiencia única al público como ninguna, otra para disfrutar de películas a lo máximo. Situado justo al otro lado de la calle del aeropuerto de Kalamazoo era el drive-in más nuevo y tenía rampas escalonadas. El drive-in también tenía un estacionamiento con gradas que era bastante únicas en su tiempo. El autocine era propiedad de Butterfield Teatros con una capacidad de 400 personas a la vez. La unidad fue cerrada y demolida en 1983, tiempo despues Sam’s club fue construido, años despues se movieron de locación y State Farm Insurance se movieron al edificio.

Inaugurado en 1957, Plainfield Drive-in Theatre era propiedad de Jack Loeks y tenía una capacidad para 1000 personas. El teatro sin duda ofrecía una gran experiencia para el público ofreciéndoles recuerdos maravillosos. El teatro drive-in estubo situado en el condado de Kent y ubicado en Grand Rapids el cual ofrecia una experiencia para disfrutar de una buena película durante el fin de semana. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, Gods Half Acre y Splendor in the Grass fueron algunas de las películas que se muestraron en este teatro. El teatro fue cerrado en 1990 y posteriormente demolido. El sitio es ahora una calle residencial llamada “Cinema St” .

Location: 5528 Portage Rd Kalamazoo, MI

Location: 4900 Plainfield Ave NE Grand Rapids, MI

M-104 Drive-in Theatre

Vista Drive-in Theatre

Inaugurado en 1955 en el condado de Ottawa y la ciudad de Spring Lake, M- 104 Drive-in Theatre era unos de los cines más populares por tener dos pantallas. Inicialmente , el cine tenía solo una pantalla, y en 1979 se añadió la segunda pantalla la cual no duró mucho tiempo y el drive-in fue cerrado en 1982. Muchos afirman que también se llamaba el Oasis Drive-in, pero aún no existe una claridad al respecto.

Inaugurado en 1955 , Vista Drive -In Theatre era propiedad de los Teatros Butterfield y tenía una capacidad para 1300 personas. El autocine estaba situado en la ciudad Walker el cual ofrecia al público una gran experiencia los fines de semana. El drive-in fue también muy popular por poner películas de terror. Esta propiedad era el único autocine conducido por Butterfield y por lo tanto era más fácil para ellos manejar la gestión de la forma en que querían. El teatro también contaba con una tiendita de aperitivos . Vista drive-in se cerró sus puertas en 1978 y más tarde fue demolida. En la actualidad, hay una gran tienda Meijer junto a varias tiendas a su alrededor.

Location: 14950 Cleveland Spring Lake, MI

Cascade Drive-in Theatre

Location: 5050 28th St SE Cascade, MI Inaugurado en 1969 , Cascade Drive-in Theatre en el condado de Kent el cual se encontraba localizado en Cascade. El drive-in era propiedad de National Amusements y Redstone . Fue sin duda uno de los teatros drive-in más grandes en los Estados Unidos con la capacidad de 2500 personas. Cuando se abrió fue el primer Twin Drive-in del estado y tenía pantallas en ambos lados de la zona de 2.300 autos. También contaba con un puesto de refrescos estilo cafetería y también contaba concon un campo de juego para niños. El autocine fue cerrado en 1992 y ahora hay un Costco y Target en el sitio donde Cine Drive- In y Showcase Cinema estuvieron algun dia.

Location: 4500 Lake Michigan Dr Walker, MI

Beltline 3 Drive-in Theatre

Location: 1400 West 28th St Wyoming, MI Inaugurado en 1948 , la línea de Beltline 3 Drive-in Theatre era propiedad de los famosos teatros Jack Loeks y tenía la capacidad de 850 autos. El autocine ofrecia películas de calidad para a todos aquellos que querían pasar un buen rato con su familia o amigos. El teatro llego a mostrar Bill Murray’s Stripes y midnight shows of Animal House and Rocky Horror. El autocine fue contruido sobre una granja, el cual tiempo después cerró en 1987 y demolido más adelante. Studio 28 se construyó en su lugar, el cual años más tarde fuera demolido en 2014. Actualmente, el sitio es un estacionamiento vacío en el cual se llevará acabo un proyecto de la Ciudad de Wyoming. Visita



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Before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially if you are not used to regular exercise, it is important to consult with your primary care physician.

Fun Exercises you can do from Home with your Kids by: Annastashia Marie

Sun’s out guns out, right? Well that might be a problem if you don’t have the guns! Building on last month’s workout, I am keeping some of the yoga as a warm up part this workout. Yoga is a great way to get the entire body loosened up and ready to lift, even the arms! Now let’s start sculpting! Warmup: 1. Walk/Jog for about 10 minutes


Rise up into your cobra 1-Lay flat on your belly with toes tucked under. 2-Zip up your legs, squeezing them together, hands by your ribs. 3-Inhale and begin to push as you raise your chest from the ground, keep your elbows bended, pressing into the tops of your feet and making sure to keep your gaze at the top of your mat. 4-Exhale as you slowly lower back down to the floor, resting your forehead on your mat. Flow through this a couple times.

1 -Acuestate plano sobre tu vientre con los dedos de los pies metidos de bajo . 2 - Sube el cierre de las piernas, presionándolas una contra otro, con las manos por tus costillas. 3 - Inhale y empiece a empujar mientras levanta el pecho del suelo, manten los codos doblados, presionando en la parte superior de los pies y asegurándose de mantener su mirada en la parte superior de la colchoneta . 4 - Exhale lentamente a medida que va bajando la espalda hacia el suelo , descansando su frente sobre la colchoneta .


Lower into your half chaturanga

1- Begin in Plank Pose. Keep your elbows directly over your wrists, lower your body to hover a few inches above the floor. Keep your back flat. 2- Lift through your chest, keeping your shoulders in line with your elbows. Fully engage your abdominal and leg muscles. Come to your knees first. Then, lower your torso to hover an inch above the floor. 3- Do not let your elbows splay to the sides. Keep them hugged along your ribcage, pointed toward your heels. 4- Press the base of your knuckles into the floor. Your upper and lower arms should be perpendicular, bent 90 degrees at the elbows. Do not let your shoulders drop lower than the height of your elbows. Hold for 10-30 seconds, and then lower your body all the way to the mat and rest.

1- comienza en “Plank Pose” posición plana. Mantenga los codos alineados con las muñecas, baje el cuerpo para flotar unas pocas pulgadas por encima del suelo. Mantenga la espalda plana . 2- Levante a través de tu pecho, manteniendo los hombros en línea con los codos. Contrae tus músculos abdominales y piernas . Ponte en tus rodillas primero. A continuación, baje su torso para asomar una pulgada por encima del suelo . 3- No deje que los codos se vayan a los lados . Manténgalos a lo largo de la caja torácica, apuntando hacia los talones . 4- Presione la base de sus nudillos en el suelo . Sus brazos superiores e inferiores deben ser perpendiculares , doblado 90 grados en los codos . No deje que sus hombros caen más baja que la altura de los codos . Mantenga la posición durante 10-30 segundos y , a continuación, baje el cuerpo hasta llegar a la colchoneta.

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Need a BOOST in your weight loss? Try the new ItWorks System! This complete package will get you: -4 Wraps to tighten, tone and firm your skin -1 bottle of Thermofit to burn more than 830 calories per day while curbing your cravings -1 tub of Greens to detox daily with your 8+ servings of fruits & veggies plus probiotics -1 Cleanse package that includes 4 bottles to remove toxins, clean your colon and rebalance your body (white pants APPROVED) -1 Bottle blender with 2 compartments to carry everything with you while on the go! To learn more about this system and other products that might help you, please visit www.FitWithFlores. com or contact Annastashia Flores on Facebook or via text at 231-2251188 and mention FARÁNDULA magazine for your $5 off your first wrap!

Other Yoga Warm Up Routine:

1. Mountain pose 2. Forward fold 3. Step back into a lunge 4. Hands follow down and set you into a plank 5. Step forward into chair *Repeat starting at step #2 with opposite leg *Perform 2-4 times total (which will be 2-4 times per leg) *Make sure you hold each pose for a count of 3 inhales

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Health Tips for Traveling Abroad with Kids


by: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

efore your family heads to Mexico, Asia or beyond this summer, do a little planning to keep everyone healthy during their journey. Dr. Nava Yeganeh, an assistant professor of pediatric infectious diseases and director of the Pediatric International Travel and Adoption Clinic at Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA, explains three important strategies. 1. Avoid infectious diarrhea. Diarrhea is the most common ailment when traveling abroad. You can help prevent diarrhea by: • Eating only foods that have been cooked, boiled or peeled. • Making sure your child washes his/her hands before eating. NOTE: If your child does develop diarrhea, the most important treatment is to keep him/her hydrated. You can do this by administering oral rehydration salts (purchased at any pharmacy) mixed with either boiled or bottled water or by giving a prepacked rehydration drink suitable for children (such as Pedialyte). • Seek medical attention if your child has blood in the stool, has a fever of 101.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, is vomiting so often that he/she cannot tolerate drinking or seems dehydrated. 2. Be up-to-date on vaccinations. Many foreign countries recommend, or require, certain vaccinations to prevent local illnesses such as yellow fever or Japanese encephalitis. • Visit a health travel specialist 4 to 6 weeks before your trip for guidance on what vaccinations are needed for your travel itinerary. • Remember, some vaccinations don’t offer full immunity until a few weeks after they’re administered. Don’t wait until the last minute to be immunized. • Make sure your child’s regular vaccinations – including those for measles, polio and hepatitis - are up to date. 3. Avoid mosquito-borne illnesses. Zika, dengue, chikungunya and malaria are just some of the diseases transmitted by mosquitos. Protect against mosquito bites by following these tips: • Cover skin with long pants, long sleeves and socks. • Use insect repellent with DEET. Wash off the repellent before going to bed. • At night, use a bed net treated with insecticide. “Traveling abroad with children can be a memorable adventure for the whole family,” Yeganeh says. “These strategies can help everyone enjoy the vacation and return home healthy.” Visit UCLA’s pediatric international travel clinic website for more information.

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Consejos de salud para viajar al extranjero con niños ntes de que vieje con su


familia a México, u otro sitio, es importante planificar para mantener a todos sanos durante su viaje. El Dr. Nava Yeganeh, profesor asistente de enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas y director del Travel Internacional de Pediatría y Clínica en el Hospital de Adopción Infantil Mattel de UCLA, explica tres estrategias importantes. 1. Evitar la diarrea infecciosa. • Coma sólo alimentos que estén cocinados, hervidos o pelados. • Asegurarse de que su niño se lave / manos antes de comer. NOTA: Si su hijo presenta diarrea, el tratamiento más importante es mantenerlo hidratado. • Busque atención médica si su hijo tiene sangre en las heces, si tiene fiebre de más de 101.4 grados Fahrenheit, está vomitando a menudo. 2. Estar al día con las vacunas. Muchos países extranjeros recomiendan o exigen, ciertas vacunas para prevenir enfermedades locales, tales como la fiebre amarilla o la encefalitis japonesa. • Visita a un especialista en viajes de salud de 4 a 6 semanas antes de su viaje para obtener orientación sobre las vacunas necesarias para su viaje. • Recuerde que algunas vacunas no ofrecen inmunidad completa hasta unas semanas después de que se administran. No espere hasta el último minuto para ser inmunizado. • Asegúrese de que las vacunas regulares de su hijo - incluyendo aquellos para el sarampión, la polio y la hepatitis - están al día. 3. Evitar las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos. Zika, el dengue, el chikungunya y la malaria son sólo algunas de las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos. Protegase contra las picaduras de mosquitos siguiendo estos consejos: • Cubierta de la piel con los pantalones largos, mangas largas y calcetines. • Use repelente de insectos con DEET. Enjuague el repelente antes de ir a la cama. Visite el sitio web de pediatría clínica de los viajes internacionales de la UCLA para obtener más información.



Event Photos Sophie R, Emma R, Katherine S, Christine C & Cara S

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Founders Fest

Founders Brewing Co. Celebrated their 9th Annual Street Festival featuring performances from The Motet, Lee Fields & The Expressions, The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, People’s Blues of Richmond, THE MAIN SQUEEZE, Dos Santos: Anti-Beat Orquesta, The Go Rounds and FBC All-Stars. The festival ran all day on Saturday June 18, from 3-11pm on Grandville Avenue, right in front of the brewery. We had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of local food vendors, and some of the area’s finest artisans showcasing their wares at Artist’s Row. See more events at www.farandulami. com

Erica T, Emily C and Nate D. español






Distillery Tour at Long Road Distillers Long Road Distillers, 537 Leonard St NW | 4PM Great Lakes Fish Boil New Holland Brewing Company | 6PM Grand Lady Riverboat Picnic Cruise Grand Lady Riverboat | 1PM - 3PM



Big Boss Blues Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 8 PM Prairie Flowers & Butterflies Hike Hudsonville Nature Center - Hudsonville, MI 2PM Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II Kalamazoo Institute of Arts - Kalamazoo, MI Celery Flats Music Festival Celery Flats Historical Area Portage, MI @ 12PM



Rap For A Stack Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 8PM Inside the Japanese Teahouse Meijer Gardens | 1PM-5PM Black Arts Festival Kalamazoo, MI Soul Filled Sundays: FlyliteGemini with Joe Chamberlin Arcadia Brewing Company Kalamazoo 6PM



GR Soul Club Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 8PM LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II Kalamazoo Institute of Arts - Kalamazoo, MI Riff Raff: Peach Panther Tour The Intersection 8PM



Front Row for the Fireworks Grand Rapids Public Museum, 272 Pearl Street NW | 6:30PM Fourth (4th) Of July Independence Day Celebration Kollen Park & Heinz Waterfront Walkway - Holland, MI | Every monday at 5:30PM Live Music at Boatwerks! Boatwerks Waterfront Restaurant Every Mon - Thu @ 6PM



HURRAY FOR THE RIFF RAFF WSG DADDY LONG LEGS The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 7:30 pm Azz Izz Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 8PM Black Arts Festival Kalamazoo, MI Eaton County Fair 1025 S Cochran St Charlotte MI



Hip Pocket Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 8PM LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI Creativity Revealed: Sofia Ramirez Hernandez Saugatuck Center for the Arts 400 Culver Street Saugatuck, MI



The Soul Syndicate Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 8PM

Ottawa County Fair Ottawa County Fairgrounds - Holland, MI

LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI



Hope Summer Repertory Theatre: Hairspray DeWitt Theatre - Holland, MI @ 8PM Wild Waters - DeGraaf Nature Center Van Raalte Farm Park - Holland, MI 9:30am 12pm OR 1pm - 3:30pm Live Music At Hops! Hops at 84 East Holland, MI every Tuesday 7pm to 10pm Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI


Eaton County Fair 1025 S Cochran St Charlotte MI


Black Arts Festival Kalamazoo, MI WEEZIL MALONE Kalamazoo, MI Hurry Home - H.O.M.E Grand

Rapids, MI @ 7PM

Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI Conga Classes at Ambrosia Theater (BellyDance GR) Ambrosia Theater, 959 Lake Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI


LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II Kalamazoo Institute of Arts - Kalamazoo, MI MIKE FROST PROJECTH.O.M.E Grand Rapids, MI @ 7PM

Maks & Val Live On Tour: Our Way DeVos Performance Hall



Ottawa County Fair Ottawa County Fairgrounds - Holland, MI


Little Explorers Camp Outdoor Discovery Center Outdoor Discovery Center - Holland, MI @ 9AM - 12PM Hope Summer Repertory Theatre: Go Dog Go DeWitt Studio Theatre - Holland, MI @ 10:30PM


LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II Kalamazoo Institute of Arts - Kalamazoo, MI BEER EXPLORERS - SCIENCE OF FLAVOR WITH A GUIDED TASTING Grand Rapids Public Museum @ 6:00 pm


Hope Summer Repertory Theatre: Oedipus DeWitt Theatre - Holland, MI @ 8PM LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI GRPM Robot Zoo Exhibit Grand Rapids Public Museum Grand Rapids, MI 9AM - 5PM Summer Crafting Barnes & Noble, Woodland Mall - Grand Rapids, MI 1PM


Holland American Legion Band Summer Concerts Kollen Park & Heinz Waterfront Walkway - Every Tuesday @ 7:30PM Hope Summer Repertory Theatre: Vanya And Sonia And Masha And Spike DeWitt Theatre - Holland, MI @ 8PM WWE Smackdown Van Andel Arena!



Ottawa County Fair Ottawa County Fairgrounds - Holland, MI

Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II Kalamazoo Institute of Arts - Kalamazoo, MI Summerland 2016 Wings Event Center - Kalamazoo. 7:30 PM Dorothy The Intersection 7PM EVIDENCE- H.O.M.E Grand Rapids, MI @ 7PM




LIPSTICK JODI, LVRS, BYJR The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 7:00 pm Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI Barbara Takenaga: Waiting in the Sky II Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Maranda Park Party Upjohn Park - 12PM - 2PM Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness The Intersection 6PM



BLACK LIPS + CHAIN & THE GANG The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 8:00 pm

Little Explorers Camp Outdoor Discovery Center Outdoor Discovery Center - Holland, MI @ 9AM - 12PM

Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI The Noise Presents: I Prevail – Strike The Match Tour The Intersection 6:30PM



Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI Walking Tour of downtown Kalamazoo breweries Kalamazoo Beer Exchange LOWELLARTS! CIRCUS EXHIBITION Gallery Hours Tues-Fri 10am-6pm and Sat 1-4pm






RAISE THE BARS The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 8 PM

Ottawa County Fair Ottawa County Fairgrounds - Holland, MI

Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI The Accidentals Lowell Showboat and Riverwalk Plaza in downtown Lowell @ 7PM NEW MARKET MASTER City Parking Lot behind Lowell Police Station




BATTLE OF THE KINGS (PRINCE VS. MJ) The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 9:00 pm Summer Art Camp: Clay Camp Holland Area Arts Council Holland, MI 1-3PM GRPM Robot Zoo Exhibit Grand Rapids Public Museum Grand Rapids, MI 9AM - 5PM Mega 80’s The Intersection 8PM



RICK CHYME + MURDER PARTY + PARTS + BLANCA LUZ The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 8:30 pm Black Arts Festival Kalamazoo, MI Addams Family the Musical Comstock Community Auditorium - Kalamazoo, MI Alter Bridge The Intersection 7PM Eaton County Fair 1025 S Cochran St Charlotte MI



THE FUZZRITES + THE REAL LAZY GENIUS + PISTOLBRIDES The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 9 PM LEGO® Travel Adventure Kalamazoo Valley Museum - Kalamazoo, MI

GRAM Summer Art Camp Grand Rapids Art Museum - Grand Rapids, MI



I BELIEVE IN JULIO, FLUSHED, BONG MOUNTAIN, LAMBO The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 8:00 pm Amazing Honey Bees Michigan’s Farm Garden Grand Rapids | 1PM-4PM Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI Ultraviolet Hippopotamus The Intersection 8PM



CLEAR SOUL FORCES The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 9 PM Sex Trivia Billy’s Lounge -Grand Rapids | 7PM Great Lakes Pastel Society National Exhibit Holland Area Arts Council | 7PM The Temperance Movement The Intersection 7PM Eaton County Fair 1025 S Cochran St Charlotte MI



COFFIN PROBLEM The Pyramid Scheme Bar Grand Rapids | 8 PM Kalamazoo Farmers Market Kalamazoo, MI First Date (Musical) Circle Theatre, 1607 Robinson Road Grand rapids, MI

Imagination All Around: A Kids’ Tram Tour Locations: Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park | 1000 East Beltline Avenue NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 a Kid’s Tram Tour transport your imagination to special 45-minute tour on an incredible journey around the Sculpture Park—exploring all kinds of sculptures and plants. Yo”ll imagine being a mountain stream and flowing past boulders and trees, shrinking down to the size of a brain cell and play fun games of “Neuron Says,” then pretend to sprout roots and grow branches like a great White Pine tree—Michigan’s state tree. July dates 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 & 31 For times visit

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movies Ghostbusters

Erin Gilbert (Wiig) and Abby Bergman (McCarthy) are a pair of unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real. A few years later, Gilbert lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia University, but her book resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia. Gilbert reunites with Bergman and others when ghosts invade Manhattan and try to save the world. Treinta años después de que la película original arrasara en todo el mundo, vuelve Cazafantasmas, totalmente renovada para las nuevas generaciones. Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig) y su compañera Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy) llevan toda la vida estudiando lo paranormal. Así que, cuando aparecen fantasmas por todo Manhattan, no se lo piensan dos veces, y organizan un nuevo grupo de Cazafantasmas, al que se suman la ingeniera Jillian Holtzman (Kate McKinnon) y Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones), una taquillera del metro que conoce cada rincón de Nueva York. Ahora que los fantasmas están causando pánico y terror por toda la ciudad, el trabajo de estas cuatro mujeres va a ser imprescindible para salvar el mundo.


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The Infiltrator

Based on a true story, Federal agent ROBERT "BOB" MAZUR (Bryan Cranston) goes deep undercover to infiltrate Pablo Escobar's drug trafficking scene plaguing the nation in 1986 by posing as slick, money-laundering businessman Bob Musella.



El Infiltrado, basada en una historia real de la década de los 80, está dirigida por Brad Furman (Runner Runner, El inocente) y la protagoniza Bryan Cranston (la serie de televisión Breaking Bad) y Diane Kruger (Guillaume y los chicos ¡a la mesa!). El agente federal encubierto Robert Mazur, acuden los mejores mafiosos de Colombia y sus corruptos banqueros sin saber que les han tendido una trampa y todo es una farsa. Sus arrestos agitan los cimientos del mundo de la droga, y el séptimo banco mundial más grande que alberga capital privado queda expuesto por guardar las fortunas de los líderes mundiales corruptos y criminales de todo el mundo.


8 Hard-partying brothers Dave (Zac Efron) and Mike (Adam Devine) place an online ad to find the perfect dates (Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza) for to attend their sister's Hawaiian wedding. Hoping for a wild getaway, the boys instead find themselves outsmarted and out-partied by the uncontrollable duo. Los ermanos fiesteros Mike ( Adam Devine ) y Dave ( Zac Efron) Colocan un anuncio en línea para encontrar las citas perfectas ( Anna Kendrick , Aubrey Plaza ) para la boda de su hermana en Hawai. Todo el trabajo de los hermanos se convierte en viral y pronto se encuentran en los programa de televisión de por las mañanas, llegan a un acuerdo con Simon & Schuster y hasta con Hollywood. FARANDULAMI.COM | JULY 2016 |


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2009 Toyota Tundra Limited 5.7L Double Cab 4WD

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Engine:5.7L V8 DOHC 32V Interior:Leather Color:White Drive Train:4WD

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