Latino Leaders Magazine- Winter 2019

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Winter 2019 Vol. 20 No. 5 PortadaWinter.indd 5

1/15/20 8:29 PM


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14 THE ROBEY- Publisher, Jorge Ferraez traveled to Chicago recently and stayed at the eclectic boutique hotel The Robey. 16 DANIEL SUAREZ- 28-year old Mexican NASCAR racecar driver and prior champion of the NASCAR Xfinity Series, Daniel Suarez, has had successes and road bumps along the way but those have never stopped him from continuing.

Daniel Suarez

18 C-SUITE- A thorough investigation and research of the top tier Latino executives in Corporate America with the index of all the Latinos in Corporate America. This section also includes an interview with Elcio Barcelos, Chief Human Resources Officer of Fannie Mae. 44 UNIVERSITIES- Another year of reviewing our educational institutions with collaborations from universities like UTRGV, UH Clear Lake, UT Tyler, and UH Downtown. We also publish the 2019 list of the universities impacting the Latino community; a selection of universities across the country with programs, scholarships, and initiatives that will benefit Latinos. 58 LAWYERS- Presenting some of the most influential Latinos in law. These lawyers are compassionate, assertive and courageous. Most importantly, these lawyers are ready to serve the community. 66 ALPFA- 2019 was a big year for ALPFA. We have a complete coverage of this year’s Convention, Most Powerful Latinas event, and we finish with a profound interview with ALPFA’s CEO Damian Rivera.

Pedro Pizarro

IN EVERY EDITION 4 Publisher’s Letter 6 Comerica Corner 8 De La Vega on Leadership 12 LCDA 72 Cellar

Hundred Acre 2006

Natalie Pierce



Publisher Jorge Ferraez

President and CEO Raul Ferraez

Administrative Director Lawrence Teodoro Editor Sarai Vega Business Development Manager Cristina Gonzalez Art Director Fernando Izquierdo

WHAT A FANTASTIC SUPER WINTER EDITION IS THE ONE YOU’RE READING! -Our second ever list of the Latinos in Corporate America was revamped to show more information, photos, bios and even inspirational quotes in some cases depending on the level of the individuals in their organizations. For us, not only a great snapshot of where we stand in Corporate America when it comes to operational leadership, but also, we are witnessing tremendous stories of hard work, talent and personal evolution in all these 200+ corporate officers. And also, the community is a fantastic collection of individuals, which we are proud to link and connect. A very special thank you to Raymond Arroyo, Managing Partner at Chapman Farrell, for his longstanding friendship and collaboration in this years Corporate edition. -Our sixth edition on the Top Latino Lawyers; this is another community that has been very proactive in searching for more relevance. Their role is absolutely necessary and worth of promoting; for most of them are not only having professional success for themselves, but are supporting a community, like the Hispanic one, that is in deep need of legal advice, help, awareness and sometimes very aggressive lawyers to fight for their rights. It is our great honor to profile the group of lawyers selected in this 2019 list. All of the terrific stories on achievement and pride. -There’s a wave on the academic world that is going Latino. Every day more and more schools are looking for the “Hispanic Serving Institution” accreditation, the student community across the country is benefiting from new programs, expanded outreach, friendlier strategies, specialized programs and many more features these colleges and universities are hosting. Noticeable strong in Texas are many of the examples we present in this edition; like the best Veterinary School in the Texas (Texas A&M) or the one with the best program for low income students in the state of Texas (UTRGV). -In Partnership with ALPFA, our presentation of their Top Latinas 2019, which is a fantastic and inspirational collection of women in business that are a true example and role model for millions out there. And finally, a very special exclusive interview with a fantastic character: Daniel Suarez. Now supported by Coca-Cola, among other big companies, Daniel received us in his personal headquarters last November at the Texas Motor Speedway for an exclusive interview and experience with him and his team on the day of a NASCAR race in Arlington, TX. Humble, friendly and especially talented, this young racer is surprising everybody for his sky-rocketing career and down-to-earth uprising. We hope you enjoy this edition the same way we enjoyed editing it. Our best wishes to you for the New Year! J&R Ferraez Jorge Ferraez

Editorial Art & Design Carlos Cuevas Luis Enrique González Moisés Cervantes Human Resources Manager Susana Sanchez Administration and Bookkeeping Claudia García Bejarano Executive Assistant to the Publishers Liliana Morales Digital Media & Design Manager Mia Carrera Administrative Assistant & Event Coordinator Paola Aleman For advertising inquiries, please call 214-206-9587

Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino (ISSN 1529-3998) is published seven times annually by Ferraez Publications of America Corp., 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243, Winter 2019. Subscription rates: In U.S. and possessions, one year $15.00. Checks payable to Ferraez Publications of America, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Latino Leaders, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA.© 2001 by Ferraez Publications of America Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino. The periodical’s name and logo, and the various titles and headings therein, are trademarks of Ferraez Publications of America Corp.

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Latino Leaders The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243 Phone: 214-206-9587 / Fax: (214) 206-4970

17/01/20 15:16




irk Michaelis, from renowned El Bolillo Mexican bakery in Houston, was born and raised in Galveston Island. About 25 years ago, Michaelis set eyes on Houston and decided to settle in. Michaelis comes from a family of entrepreneurs. So when he acquired a donut shop he knew exactly what to do. His donut shop was called The Dough Boy and it just so happens that the street it was located on went into construction and access to the bakery was blocked off. This prompted all the construction workers to stop by his business. So his employees started making pan dulce to cater to his prominent clientele, Hispanics. It was then that Michaelis was introduced to pan dulce. He sold his business and decided to launch El Bolillo Bakery. When he first opened the bakery, Michaelis remembers how in order to grow his business and brand, he donated away a lot of pan dulce in different areas of the city with large crowds- farmers market, schools, churches. It was his strategy 6 LATINO LEADERS WINTER 2019

to get business in the door. A year later, Michaelis was diagnosed with cancer and that same community came together to show unconditional support for Michaelis. During those tough moments, it was the community that lifted him and Michaelis knew that the best way to pay it forward was to invest back in that same community. So he build a bigger stores and hired employees from within the community. His business grew from six employees to 300 employees. Comerica Bank has been a significant part of his journey. “They’ve given me advice and they’ve allowed me to do what I do as a businessman. Because of that, they just made it real easy,” said Michaelis. Part of his journey while battling with cancer was making sure that his family was taken care of. He purchased various stores in order to continue growing his business. Comerica has been with him every step of the way, but it has been the Hispanic community who has really taken him in and comforted him during his time of need. “There was not one day that would go by that someone would come by and say a prayer for me or lay hands on me.” In 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas, with Houston as its target. Michaelis remembers how he had a team in two different stores that were caught in the storm and were forced to stay at the bakery due to the horrible weather. He describes how his team continued to bake for over 24 hours until Michaelis was able to reach them two days later. To his surprise, his team baked so much bread that they were able to go around the city to donate bread to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Michaelis is a true example of community leadership. “What was amazing to me was that some of my employees lost everything yet they were still here helping,” said Michaelis. One of Michaelis’ struggles has definitely been the growth. With a growing business, the load also increases and Michaelis knows that first hand. With a growing number of employees, juggling multiple locations, and handling the operations, it can become a real challenge to maintain the balance. But just as there are struggles, there are also rewards. He reminisces about his time during chemotherapy stage when he would take bread with him and share with his doctors, nurses and hospital staff. He then began taking break for children at the hospital. “Its a joy when you have enough and you can share,” says Michaelis. So what’s next for Michaelis? 2020 comes in big as he continues to expand to more stores and begin the next steps to set up a coffeeshop inside the bakeries. Michaelis has gone through some of the toughest times but it's been his community who has lifted him in such a way that he is now able to give back to them. It was because of his community that he is now able to create jobs and create exquisite pan dulce. Michaelis’ altruistic soul has impacted Houston in more than one way.


LATINOS FUELING THE NEW AMERICAN ECONOMY AS A GROUP, Latinos have been been breaking records for quite some time. Now, a new set of datai tells us they’re not done. The data, published in the 2019 Latino GDP Reportii, shows Latinos will continue to have a tremendous impact on the New American Economy. Three key factors, population growth, rising income, and increased participation in the workforce, are fueling their success. Let me share my insights from each of these factors.

2. Job Growth

The second factor has to do with employment. Today, Latinos make up 18% of the US population, but they represent 82% of the job growth since the recession of 2008. By 2020, they will have added 30 million workers to the US labor force. Gainful employment is, of course, good for the individual. But from a macro perspective, gainful employment by an increasing number of people means being able to sustain and grow the nation’s economy. Just as an example, in order to maintain post-WWII growth, our nation needs to grow its labor force by 350,000 new workThe US Hispanic population has been growing for a number of ers each month. That’s about 8 million per year. years, and it’s not likely to slow down. At a time when Boomers are leaving the workforce, Latinos In fact, it’s expected to grow from 60 million in 2018 to 111 become a key component in helping America grow its labor million by 2060, according to the US Census Bureau. force from now until the foreseeable future. That’s an 85% growth. There is no other group of this size in this country that is growing by 85%. None.

1. Growing Hispanic Population

THERE IS NO OTHER GROUP OF THIS SIZE IN THIS COUNTRY THAT IS GROWING BY 85% [Before I proceed I want to make an important clarification. Contrary to public perception, growth in the Latino population has been driveniii by the increase in the number of Latino U.S. citizens. For example, between 2010 and 2015 the growth in the number of Latino U.S. citizens (born in the U.S. or naturalized) accounted for 100% of the growth in this segment.]



3. Young segment with rising income

Finally, the new data shows income is rising among the Latino population, no doubt a result of increased participation in the labor force. At this point it’s worth factoring in another distinguishing factor of this cohort: its youth. The median age of this 60-million cohort is 29. That’s more than a decade younger than the 41 of the non-Latino population. When you consider that this large and young cohort is entering their most productive years of their lives in terms of jobs, careers, income, and household creation, you get a clearer picture of the impact they will have on The New Economy.



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15/01/20 17:16

Focus on Households

Let’s focus on households. Households stand for stability in an economy, for the pooling of resources and for a joint effort in getting ahead, be it via jobs, education, family wellbeing, or home ownership. At the individual level, buying a house and building a family represents the realization of the Great American Dream. There is nothing more noble or rewarding than achieving that dream. But when you look at it from a macro level, the impact of those growing households should capture the attention of leaders across the country.

Realtors lead the way

Realtors are taking notice of this huge market opportunity, as have the related sectors of the housing market, such as lending. They jumped in early on, and by now they are already reaping the benefits. When I attended the last L’Attitude event in September of this year, I was really impressed by the number of very successful Latina realtors attending the conference, many of them owning their own business and heavily involved in this incredible trend. So, the question is: do other sectors have what it takes to participate in this huge growth opportunity? Keep reading.


The Latino economic tsunami does not stop with home acquisition. When you buy a house or move into a new one, you probably also buy appliances, furniture, TVs, and other home goods. Now consider the number of new households resulting from the Hispanic growth, add the related purchases of home goods (and don’t forget that Latino households tend to be 30% larger than non-Latino) and you’ll get an idea of the huge stimulus to the economy and to business.

are fully acculturated). It’s a matter of understanding and relating to the needs of the client. (See sidebar story on winning the Hispanic mobile user.)

Opportunity for those willing to seize it

The New American Economy is made up of many great segments. One of those is the Latino segment. It’s a young segment, and it’s growing in size and in participation in the labor force. It’s seeing rising income. And, at 60-million strong growing to 111 million, it’s going to make a significant impact in The New Economy. The future looks bright for the members of this young segment. Also, for anyone willing to understand, relate, and engage members of the segment in key business decisions. Whether you are a city planner, an educator, a manufacturer of consumer goods, an elected official, or a leader of virtually any organization, you need to pay attention to these stats. Without a doubt, the sheer magnitude of the numbers is going to impact your business or organization. As I always say: when facing a momentous business trend, you can embrace it, adopt it and gain from it; or you can dismiss it and see others benefit from it. The facts are out there. Ignore them at your own risk.

How to approach the segment?

If I’ve done a good job of connecting the dots, by now you should grasp the impact of those millions of new households on the U.S. economy. If you are among those who spotted the trend early and are already successfully marketing to this segment, congratulations! If you are not, you may be wondering how to go about it. In my experience, the best way to penetrate a segment is to have people from the segment lead your thinking on how your products and services can be best marketed to this audience. (See sidebar story about my Ecuador experience.) It’s not just a matter of language (many Hispanics do business in English). It’s not only a matter of acculturation (many i Unless otherwise noted, all facts used in this article come from the 2017 and 2019 Latino GDP Reports. ii Published by The Latino Donor Collaborative

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iii Source: 2017 Latino GDP report, also published by The Latino Donor Collaborative


HISPANIC STORES CAPTURE US HISPANIC MOBILE SEGMENT When I was COO of Cingular Wireless (now AT&T), we deployed a strategy that allowed us to win the Hispanic mobile segment at the pivotal time when smartphones, mobile data, and apps were exploding the market. We did it with a determined focus on serving the Hispanic segment in—what’s extremely important—culturally appropriate ways. We started by converting stores in Hispanic neighborhoods to places where locals would feel comfortable doing business. Many of our employees in those stores were bilingual or had a Hispanic background. So, for example, they were not the least surprised when customers brought their whole family to purchase a single smartphone. Quite the contrary, our employees were familiar with engaging with everyone in the family during the sales process. Of course, signage in the store was bilingual, as were brochures and other materials. To bring Hispanic customers to the stores, we used culturally appropriate radio and TV ad campaigns. We sponsored events in their neighborhoods and, on a national basis, football and concerts that appealed to them. And, yes, leading that effort we had a Hispanic marketing and advertising team staffed with people from the segment. At the time we did, this we saw sales increases of up to 25% and eventually led us to capture the number one share in the Hispanic segment for postpaid wireless subscribers.


15/01/20 17:16


BLENDING EMOTIONAL AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS NEW TECHNOLOGIES such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning automate traditional and routine tasks in the workplace, you start wondering how this will impact leaders, managers, and employees on the way they’ll be interacting in this new blended environment. On one side you have the machines that are quickly gathering insights from big data and analytics coming from disparate systems. On the other side are the humans (Employees) trying to use all the new information generated almost instantaneously to provide customer service or support other internal corporate functions. Now, we are all working at a faster pace than before. It requires more engagement from us, employee autonomy, being able to deal with more stressors, faster response time in decision making, and at the same time having empathetic managers and transformational leaders that support the process and help align the team to increase productivity. So… How do we cope with this new blended environment? the answer, we all need to develop emotional intelligence skills (EI). According to the Capgemini Research Institute, demand for EI skills is set to increase by six times in the next 3-5 years and will be the highest in India, followed by the US across all sectors with the highest in financial services (insurance and retail banking). Although EI skills are a must, recruitment and training in this area has mostly failed to change. This is set to leave many companies unable to reap the benefits EI offers in terms of increased performance, higher sales and profits, improved customer satisfaction, lower attrition and cost reductions. Working effectively with all the different and difficult types of people in the workplace—from co-workers to customers to suppliers to higher-ups—isn’t easy. Now, what exactly is emotional intelligence? Emotional Intelligence refers to a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we perceive ourselves and how well we express our feelings, build and maintain relationships with others, understand our environment and make decisions, and deal with stressful or difficult situations. It is a filter through which all our thoughts, actions, and reactions must pass irrespective of whether that thought stays in our head, we say it loud, or act on it. Therefore, how can organizations develop a more emotionally intelligent workforce to deal with the upcoming automation? The Capgemini Research Institute suggests to use technology and data for building a high EI culture, customize existing learning programs to integrate EI and make them accessible to all employees, apply an EI lens when promoting

and rewarding talent, and modify recruitment processes to include the evaluation of EI. Leadership can be developed but it requires commitment. The role of emotional intelligence in leadership is crucial but it doesn’t operate on its own. It’s influenced by our underlying core values, drives, and beliefs. Now, how do we become emotionally effective leaders to inspire and develop an emotionally intelligent workforce in the age of automation? According to the EQ-i 2.0 Model of Emotional Intelligence, transformational leaders need to show authenticity and serve as a role model for moral and fair behavior commanding esteem and confidence from employees, coach effectively and be seen as a mentor who support employee growth to achieve highest levels of performance, provide insight by sharing a purpose and hopeful vision for colleagues to follow and exceed goals, as well as to be an innovative leader who focuses on taking risks, spurring colleagues’ ingenuity and autonomous thought. What kind of leader do you want to become in the age of automation? Are you up for the challenge? JOSEPH FERNANDO BACIGALUPO Joe Bacigalupo, MBA, MPEC, ACPEC is a Managing Partner and an Executive Advisor at AlliancesHub International, LLC. AlliancesHub offers Change Management and Strategy Consulting, Talent Optimization and Analytics, Leadership Development, and Executive/ Leadership Coaching services. 469-287-2086


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17/01/20 15:16




atino consumers have been driving consumption and growth for all mass consumer categories for years now, but that growth has failed to translate to success in the corporate boardroom. Without Latino voices in the boardroom, companies are leaving money and opportunity on the table. LCDA, in partnership with its foundation the Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDEF). is working to change these numbers, by supporting its work to increase the supply of board-qualified, board-ready Latino talent. Launched in 2017, LCDEF’s BoardReady Institute (BRI) is a comprehensive program designed to prepare and position highly qualified Latino executives and national leaders for corporate board service. The program’s tailored curriculum was developed in collaboration with the KPMG Board Leadership Center, the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford Law School, Boardspan, and LCDA’s search firm strategic partners, to support senior executives on their journey to the boardroom. BRI is an exclusive program aimed at highly accomplished executives who are aspiring directors. There is no other programming of this scope focused on accelerating the development and placement of Latino board-qualified executives onto the highest levels of corporate governance. Candidates to 12 LATINO LEADERS WINTER 2019

the program pass through a screening process before they get in the door, so the participants are already highly qualified as prospective board members. “The program gives them the education, networking opportunities, and confidence they need to connect with board members on a peer-to-peer basis during the interview process and add value in the boardroom on day one,” stated Susan Angele, LCDEF Board Secretary and Senior Advisor for KPMG’s Board Leadership Center. F. Daniel Siciliano, LCDA member and LCDEF board member, has taught Stanford law students and LCDEF BRI executives, and when meeting the latter, his reaction has often been, “How are they not already on boards?” Their impressive careers often make these Latino executives more than qualified; however, they don’t always perceive themselves that way. “The Latino culture allows for a conservative view of one’s own qualifications,” he explains, noting that the BRI program works to change these ideas and instead focus participants on preparing and positioning for board director roles. Sonia Pérez, President, Southeast States, AT&T and recently appointed board member for Sanderson Farms (NASDAQ: SAFM), attended BRI in 2018. “One of the most impactful things about it for me was how personal the setting was; it gave participants the opportunity to interact with each other and with the lecturers conducting the seminars. I attended with the understanding that it would be a board governance educational program, but I did not expect the level of support, motivation, and respect that I experienced while I was there. I found it quite meaningful that everyone in the room was there to lift each other up.” The program’s comprehensive threepart curriculum is designed to prepare senior executives for boardroom excellence. The program components include: • Learning and preparation • Board-level networking with corporate directors, CEOs, search firms, and others that influence board placement • Exposure and marketing

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tical Markets at Intel, is also enthusiastic about the program. “Being invited to participate in the inaugural class of the BRI was a great honor. It has been very humbling to be able to learn and work with the LCDA members – an amazing group of Latino leaders that are positively impacting American business, government, culture, and society. My program experience has given me the insight and community I needed to go into board interviews supported and prepared. It’s only a matter of time for the right board to come along.”

“I’m really excited because we’ve turned this into a program which works on hard skills, soft skills, and self-improvement with equal weight,” added Siciliano. “I don’t, at this time, know of any other program that has a curriculum that has not only mock board meetings, but mock board interviews, and sessions on how to navigate board culture as Latinos and first-time directors. I think—in a very geeky way—that this is a breakthrough. I think we are going to be able to prove and demonstrate that the BRI program is a near substitute for corporate board experience, removing boards’ concerns about someone who hasn’t had prior board service.” Jose A. Avalos, BRI Alumnus and Vice President of the Internet of Things Group and General Manager of Retail, Banking, Hospitality and Education Ver-

BRI participants are LCDA Executive Members and, as such, are able to enjoy many of the benefits of LCDA membership including attending the Annual Convening, access to board searches, and year-round learning through our webinar series. Candidates must meet criteria that prioritizes C-level executives and leaders with large company operations experience, including global or corporate-wide management experience, direct P&L ownership, and current or previous nonprofit board service. LCDA’s search firm partners help vet the candidates. LCDEF will be accepting applications for the 2020 BRI cohort in the spring of 2020. If you’re interested in applying email cjoge@latinocorporatedirectors. org. You can also learn more online at WINTER 2019 LATINO LEADERS 13




A wonderful place to stay. Miracle Mile is a must for Chicago visitors, and I need to confess that most of my visits to the “Windy City” are around that area. However, if you try to venture out of the typical touristic places to discover vibrant and all-local inspired neighborhoods you should stay at The Robey.


art of the Habita Group, led by dynamic Mexican entrepreneur Rafael Micha, Robey Chicago hotel is part of a collection of small, luxury and full of flavor properties they own and operate in the US. When I stayed there, recently for our Maestro Awards in Chicago; the first thing that impresses you is the beautiful art-deco style building, with it’s original elevators and architecture from the late 30’s, when it was designed as an office building first. With it’s 203 feet and 18 stories tall, it was one of the first skyscrapers of this area, in the intersection of Milwaukee and North Ave some 6 miles northwest of downtown Chicago in the center of the Wicker Park District. All the surrounding area is a vibrant local community on young residents with kids and family oriented activities and retail. Hip restaurants, wine bars and high-end shops makes this an easy and happy place to stay. My room, one of the 89 rooms at the property was really nice with great views and a minimalistic, contemporary design that made it easy to navigate and cozy for a good night’s rest. However, perhaps the most impressing experience was the staff. You have that service that feels friendly and treats you as if they’ve known you for years. It has the feel of the small hotel and very cooperative, even with special requests. The rooftop pool and terrace is an absolute delight for a drink and some chill under the sun. Needles to say, all the top services like complementary wi-fi and other nice details made my stay a very memorable one.


Jorge Ferraez

Luis E. González



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JAMES MENDEZ was named Chief Development Officer for Medical City Plano and Medical City Frisco in January 2019. Mendez joined the leadership team in 2018 and was responsible for leading physician recruitment efforts, along with planning, organizing, coordinating and directing all hospital functions related to growth and business development initiatives. As Chief Development Officer, Mendez directs strategic development and physician recruitment for both hospitals. Prior to joining Medical City Plano and Medical City Frisco, Mendez worked his way up from a registered respiratory therapist at Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, to Market Chief Executive Officer for Kindred Hospital in Dallas and Kindred Hospital Dallas Central. Mendez holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science with a concentration in Behavioral Health from the University of South Florida and Master of Business Administration from Saint Leo University.



15/01/20 17:16




DANIEL SUAREZ’S WINDING PATH TO SUCCESS IN NASCAR Like the powerhouses they pilot, NASCAR drivers utilize a vast arsenal of internal components and skills to separate themselves from their average counterpart. The most important pieces, according to Daniel Suarez, are an unrelenting willpower and an urge of consistency -- keeping your eyes on the road, so to speak. From the first time he piloted a kart as a child, Suarez felt a passion brewing in his heart -- a ceaseless urge to become the best he can be. He attributes his successes to his focus, his optimistic attitude, and his family -three key components to his life that have brought him to where he is now.

Jacob Rivard


Carlos Cuevas

“DISCIPLINE and positive mindsets are the key to success,” Suarez begins, a smile manifesting on his face. At an early age, Suarez was surrounded by cars. His father, a mechanic in his hometown of Monterrey, Mexico, sparked his early passion for vehicles. Shortly after, Suarez began racing at age 11, finding a berth of success in the Mexican karting circuit. His skill immediately set him apart from the average kart racer -- a skill that few in the under-18 brackets possessed. As he grew older, he began to develop improved reflexes, a better eye for detail, and the focus he needed to stay on track to become a successful driver. “I remember the day I was told I could make it. My dad pulled me aside and told me ‘if you’re up for it, you know, you can turn this into a career’. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. All I could respond with was, ‘you mean I can get paid to drive racecars?’” It was like a dream come true for Suarez, who



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DANIEL ALEJANDRO SUAREZ GARCIA Occupation: NASCAR Driver Age: 27 Background: Born in the town of Monterrey, Mexico, Suarez’s journey to NASCAR success started at a very young age. His father, a mechanic at a car restoration shop, introduced him to the ins and outs of vehicles, sparking his passion at just four years old. In 2002, Suarez began his karting career, winning his first class championship in 2007. Since then, he’s gone on to win Rookie of the Year honors, placing high in a variety of races and winning championships across multiple categories

had never imagined that he would be living the dream of countless kart racers. With the motivating words of his father in mind, an unbridled passion for racing, and his hands on the steering wheel of his fate, he drove off to a bright and promising future with NASCAR. In 2008, Suarez became the youngest person in history to win the NASCAR Mexico Mini-Stock races. Shortly after, he moved on to the NASCAR Mexico Series, winning Rookie of the Year honors. He became the fastest Mexican driver in NASCAR history in 2011 at the Toyota All-Star Showdown, placing 11th overall in the race. The skill he showcased at that tournament earned him a shot at the big leagues, starting Suarez on a journey of a lifetime to full-time NASCAR racing. Suarez won his first-ever cup series in 2018, where he placed second in the 2018 Gander Outdoors 400. At just 28 years old, he’s shown a remarkable amount of maturity with his play style and his attitude off the track. Before big races, Suarez eats healthy and clears his mind of worries to set himself apart from the competition. “Like a car, you need fuel to run properly. But, in order to make yourself a great racer, you need to put all your worries aside. You’re doing what you love, and it’s important to remember that when you get behind the wheel.” Suarez references a lot of his success to his father, who has served as his guide and role model for the majority of his life. “Whenever I feel lost or outmatched, I reach out to my dad and ask for help. He always tells me ‘just give it a shot, you never know what could happen’. I definitely wouldn’t be where I’m at today without his guidance.” “It took a lot to get to where I’m at,” he continues. “A lot of people sacrificed their time to help me get to where I am. I’m so fortunate to have people like my family and friends in my life.” With the support of his family and friends, Suarez’s journey to a successful NASCAR career helped buoy his confidence during the tough times. Through thick and thin, his discipline and bonds allowed him a berth of success in the face of competition. Finding success in a highly competitive industry, however, wasn’t without its fair share of road bumps. Moving to the United States brought with it a language barrier and a battle of willpower -- two large hurdles that needed an upbeat attitude and a relentless urge to stay consistent. “When you’re 18-24, the hardest thing to do is stay consistent. You want to go

out and have fun, but you also have to set the blueprint for your future. I had to sacrifice a lot to get to where I am today.” Despite the setbacks and struggles, Suarez pushed through the toughest parts of his career to unprecedented success. Suarez references his family and friends as his biggest motivators, again calling his father to attention for helping him to finance his first half-season of travel for NASCAR. With his father’s financial support and the bonds he forged with friends and family, Suarez was able to secure a full-time sponsorship, becoming a mainstay in NASCAR for years to come. “The biggest thing I learned in my journey is that the road to success is paved with a lot of sacrifice. More than anything, it’s important to keep your eyes on the road.”


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15/01/20 19:00




The Chapman Farrell Group is enormously proud to collaborate with Latino Leaders Magazine in bringing you this august list of Latino executives who serve in the C-Suite of Fortune 500 companies. These leaders represent about 3% of C-Suite executive across the corporate world. The list is comprised solely of Latinos on the C-Suite, as demonstrated by the companies’ websites and filings. We celebrate the achievements of these exceptional leaders who have broken many barriers and stereotypes and salute them for reaching the highest levels in corporate America and becoming role models to many of us along the way. We also recognize that significant work needs to be done within and outside of the Latino community to triple the list within 6 years. There’s plenty of work ahead of us, but, together, we achieve significant progress. Congratulations to the Latino executives who comprise the Cúspide Latina in Corporate America list.

Raymond Arroyo


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A Label Without a Cause Everything evolves. Just a few days ago, McDonald’s announced that it’ll be using an A.I. company to help automate its drive-thru restaurants. We will soon be able to have our cup of coffee or Big Mac faster and without attitude. Language also evolves. In the last six months, more than 1,400 new words were added to the Oxford English Dictionary. Latinx may have been one of them, since, for the last few years, its use has continued to spread, in part, because many don’t want to offend, don’t know one term from another, or are well-intentioned but misguided. Raymond Arroyo

I’M OLD-FASHIONED but quite flexible, able to learn and adjust as needed. But today, I describe myself as an American of Hispanic descent – or Latino. These labels are something that most people understand. The label “Latinx” is not easy to understand or to read - it’s not intuitive. It’s an attempt to be inclusive, eliminating the need for the male and female genders, even though “Latinos” explicitly means all people of Hispanic descent and all genders. Latinx fails, as it makes no sense, linguistically. Its attempt to be inclusive wasn’t needed, it doesn’t advance the efforts to achieve progress for Latinos, and it serves as a distraction from our most pressing and real issues. The term Latinx doesn’t help mitigate the negative stereotypes that are tossed carelessly around about Latinos either. If a name change were needed, I’d be fully behind it. But there’s no such need.

It’s a label without a cause.

What’s next: Burritx, Tacx, Amigx, Niñx, or dare I say, Arroyx? We’ve changed labels to describe who we are as a people several times (see background after the article’s conclusion below) without making a difference in the way we’re perceived or leveraged. What we need is real inclusion of Latinos in corporate America, in entrepreneurship, in government (federal, state, local), in education, in foundations, and in films. Consider these abysmal numbers:

• Latinos held just 3% of seats in the boardroom on the Fortune 500 companies • 70%, or nearly 350 companies of the Fortune 500, did not have a Latino on their board. • Only 2%, or 10 Fortune 500 CEOs, are Latinos. • 133 Latinos held 171 board seats in the Fortune 500. • More than 50% of the Fortune 500 companies do not have Latinos in their senior management ranks. • Latinos represented only 3% of lead or co-lead roles in top-performing movies during the last 12 years. Producers, directors and casting executives fared badly, too. • Latinos represent about 8% on both Houses of Congress Latinos represent nearly 18% of the U.S. population and have a purchasing power of more than $1 trillion, which is larger than 180 countries (of the 195 countries in the world, only 15 have more), yet we remain underrepresented in just about every category of real power and influence in the U.S. That’s where our focus must be. We need organizations like the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) and L’ATTITUDE. LDC is dedicated to reshaping the perception of Latinos as part of the American social mainstream. The LDC does this by extending outreach to influential people in media, advertising, politics, corporate America, and civil society, and confronting stereotypes with data that brings understanding and appreciation of the actual roles being played by Latinos in society, politics, and commerce.


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L’ATTITUDE is a business organization focused on helping corporate America understand and leverage The New Mainstream Economy and the Latinos who are driving it. I like that it’s changing the narrative of who we, Latinos, are and the robust contributions we are making. There are others too, but too many to mention, among them: The Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, UNIDOSUS, ALPFA, NALEO, Prospanica, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, the National Hispanic Medial Association, and the Hispanic Bar Association – all supporting the Latino community’s advancement within the U.S. for the benefit of all. As an analogy, a few days ago, Forbes published a list of the 100 Most Innovative Leaders in the U.S. Of the 100 leaders, there was one (1) woman. Are we going to debate whether ‘woman’ is the right term (as supposed to ‘female’)? Or are we going to ask Jeff Dyer, Nathan Furr and Mike Hendron, the authors, why there are 99 men listed, virtually excluding the incredibly powerful women in business? If we can stay focused on what’s important, like LDC and L’ATTITUDE and the other outstanding organizations, we will improve our future in society, both in politics and in commerce, not just for Latinos, but for all, embracing a more inclusive and powerful country. Our cause is just. With perseverance and focus we will achieve our goals. Let’s not get distracted.


The ancestry of the U.S. Latino population is linked to the following regions, in alphabetical order: Central America, Greater Antilles, Mexico, South America and Spain. Collectively, these represent 22 Spanish-speaking countries. In the U.S., this group comprises more than 55 million individuals, outnumbering Canadians in Canada and twice the population in Australia. If the U.S. Latino population represented a country, it would make up the second-largest Latino "nation" in the world, second only to Mexico. U.S. Latinos share many traits, including similar experiences, values and viewpoints that generally unite them. They often - but not always - speak Spanish and carry a Span-

ish surname. Some are recent immigrants; many more are not and have lived in the U.S. for generations. While sharing a similar set of values in the U.S., each Spanish-speaking country represented by U.S. Latinos has a different culture, rooted in rich traditions, art, eclectic music, scrumptious cuisines and major holidays. While Latinos are not classified as a race, they include biracial and multiracial individuals, resulting from the African influence related to slave trade throughout the Caribbean and parts of South America and from the union of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and the Europeans (Mestizos). Latinos represent every hair and skin color. There isn't one "look" that identifies all Latinos.

ABOUT RAYMOND ARROYO Raymond Arroyo is the Chief Growth Officer at ALPFA and President of ALPFA Solutions, the leadership development arm of ALPFA. His extensive background includes 25 years of experience with Fortune 100 companies as a senior executive in both human resources and business roles. He’s the Managing Partner of the Latino Business Speakers Bureau. Raymond, a former chief diversity officer at Aetna, reporting to 3 different CEOs, was recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential Hispanic executives in the U.S. for two consecutive years and as a Maestro by Latino Leaders Magazine in 2017.

Defining some of the most common terms: Latino -- An individual with roots that go back to any of the Spanish-speaking countries. Be aware that the term "Latino" may be used for a man or for a man and woman. Latina is used for women (avoid saying "Latina women," as it is redundant). The term "Latino" began to be broadly used in the late 1980s when a younger generation started using it to replace the term "Hispanic." Hispanic -- A term that was originated by the Cen-

sus Bureau in the 1960s. It was used to capture all the people whose backgrounds included any of the Spanish-speaking countries. The term is gender neutral.

Mexican American -- An American citizen of Mexican descent. This term gained popularity in 1980s.

Spanish -- The language of Spain and the language

spoken in most of Latin America, except for Brazil, where Portuguese is the main language, and Guyana and Belize, where English is spoken.

Latin -- The official and ancient language of the peo-

ple of the Roman Empire. It is a term that is generally not used to refer to someone who is Latino.

Chicano -- An American citizen of Mexican descent

who has a strong sense of Mexican-American ethnic identity. This term was regularly used in the 1960s, mostly in the Southwest, and by the 1970s it was the preferred term used to refer to Mexican Americans. It is also important to note that there are regional terms used across the country, such as Tejanos in Texas or Hispanos in New Mexico. WINTER 2019 LATINO LEADERS 21

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LATINOS IN C-SUITE A thorough account of all the Latinos in Corporate America. This list includes Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers, and Chief Executives. Our team worked arduously to gather all distinguishing information of all Latinos counted for in this listing. 3M

was a 30-year Abbott veteran. He served as Executive Vice President, Pharmaceutical Products Group, where he led the global pharmaceutical business, including commercial operations, research and development and manufacturing. He also served as President and Chief Operating Officer, prior to a brief retirement.

Vice President and Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer

Michael directs a team that designs and implements global controls that mitigate corruption and compliance risk, including training and communication, third party due diligence, internal evaluations and audits for compliance risk, M&A due diligence and compliance integration, and the compliance risk assessment process. Mr. Duran received his bachelor’s degree from DePaul University, J.D. from the University of Illinois, and M.B.A. from the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. He is admitted to the Illinois, Nevada, and Minnesota Bar. Michael joined 3M in December of 2011. From 2006 to 2011, Michael helped design and implement enterprise-wide compliance controls for Marsh & McLennan Companies. From 1998 to 2006, Michael held various financial and compliance roles at multiple General Electric businesses.

Abbott Laboratories


Senior Vice President, Core Laboratory Diagnostics, Commercial Operations


Since joining AES in 2006, Tish has served in a number of leadership roles in Human Resources as Vice President of Utilities Human Resources and Vice President of Global Compensation, Benefits and HRIS, including Executive Compensation. Tish gained Human Resources leadership experience in the financial services and technology inVice Chairman, Chief Commercial dustries including JP Morgan Chase and Vastera, Inc, a Officer former technology and managed services company. Tish studied management, leadership, organizational development and human resources through programs at Villanova University, Strayer University, University of Maryland Systems University College and University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. She earned certificates in leadership Vice President, Communications and human resource management and a Bachelor’s de gree in Business Administration and Human Resources. She serves as Chair of AES’ compensation and benefits committee. Tish is co-chair of Evanta Global HR, serving on the Washington, DC governing body. Director, Corporate Communications




Advance Auto Parts


Senior Vice President, Strategy and Transformation



President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

During his tenure as President and Chief Executive Officer since 2011, Andrés has led a major reorganization and cost savings program that has transformed the company, resulting in over $250M in annual savings to-date with an additional $150M in annual savings targeted by 2020. He has been invited to serve as an expert witness at US Congressional hearings on the subject of energy policy and Latin America. In 2012, he was named International Chief Executive Officer of the year by Latin Trade Magazine. From 2013 to 2016, he served on President Obama’s Export Council. He currently serves on the US-Brazil Chief Executive Officer Forum and the US-India Chief Executive Officer Forum. He is a member of the Board of The AES Corporation, Waste Management and AES Gener.


Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer



Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Rick Gonzalez is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, a global biopharmaceutical company employing approximately 29,000 people and marketing medicines in more than 175 countries. Prior to AbbVie’s separation from Abbott, Mr. Gonzalez


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Senior Vice President, Established Pharmaceuticals, Latin America

Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, Human Resources & Business Services




Gustavo was named AES’ CFO in January 2019. As CFO, Gustavo is responsible for driving, tracking and reporting the company’s financial performance as well as managing our outreach to investors. Prior to his current role, Gustavo served as Deputy CFO for AES. He previously held roles as CFO for AES’ Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Strategic Business Unit and as CFO at AES Brazil. Gustavo serves on the boards of IPALCO, AES Panama and EnerAB. Before joining AES, Gustavo was Vice President of Strategy and M&A for Citigroup in London and New York after joining the bank in Brazil. He began his career at KPMG.

Executive Vice President, President Aluminum


Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety Alcoa Corporation

Ally Financial


Chief Compliance Officer

Dan Soto was appointed chief compliance officer of Ally Financial in October 2010. In this role, he is responsible for leading the company’s compliance efforts in line with applicable laws, regulations and company policies. Soto joined the company as executive compliance director and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) compliance officer in September 2009. Before joining Ally, Soto held a number of compliance leadership roles within the financial services industry. Most recently, he worked as the AML executive and compliance manager at Wachovia/Wells Fargo. Soto serves on the board of the North Carolina Council on Economic Education, an organization that aims to enhance and advance economic and financial education for K-12 educators and students of North Carolina. Soto also serves on the advisory boards of the Association for Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) and the BSA (Bank Security Act) Coalition, and he serves on the faculty for the ABA’s National Compliance School.


President, Insurance

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American Electric Power



Corpus Christi, Texas President and Chief Operating Officer, AEP Texas

Judith E. Talavera was appointed president and chief operating officer for AEP Texas in June of 2016. In that role, she is responsible for the company’s operations in south and west Texas. AEP Texas is based in Corpus Christi. Previously, Talavera was AEP Texas director of Regulatory Services, a position she had held since November 2008. Talavera began her career with American Electric Power in 2000 as manager of Governmental Affairs for AEP Texas in Austin. She currently serves as a board member on the Senate Hispanic Research Council, Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation, United Way of the Coastal Bend, and Texas State Aquarium.



Executive Vice President, Operations

Esteban Santos serves as Executive Vice President, Operations which encompasses Manufacturing, Process Development, Quality, Engineering and Global Supply Chain. Since joining Amgen in 2007, Santos held various leadership roles at Amgen, including Senior Vice President of Manufacturing, Vice President Engineering and Vice President Site Operations. He holds 12 patents awarded by the U.S. patent office for various technology development activities. He serves as a trustee of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust and was previously a member of the Governor of Puerto Rico’s Manufacturing Advisory Council. Santos is a member of Amgen’s Strategy Committee and Operating team. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Amgen Foundation and is chair of the Audit Committee.

Chief Executive Officer, AT&T's Consumer Business

Thaddeus was appointed Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business in December 2016. He is responsible for the company's integrated globalBusiness Solutions organization, which serves more than 3 million business customers in nearly 200 countries and territories, including nearly all of the world's Fortune 1000 companies. He was named one of CNET en Español’s “20 Most Influential Latinos in Technology” in 2015; named to the CIO Hall of Fame by CIO Magazine for “profoundly shaping the technology-driven business landscape” in 2014; and earned MIT Sloan’s CIO Leadership Award for “delivering business value and innovative use of IT in exceptional ways” in 2014.

Automatic Data Processing




President, Major Account Services and ADP Canada


Senior Vice President, International, Customer Satisfaction


TopLatinosC-Suite.indd 23


Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer

Mr. Orduña most recently served as Chief Innovation Officer for The ADT Corporation. Prior to joining ADT, Mr. Orduña was with Canoe Ventures, LLC, a joint venture founded by the top six U.S. cable companies, where he served as Chief Technology Officer and then Chief Product Officer.


President, Americas


Chief Financial Officer

Gustavo is a seasoned, global operating executive with over 25 years of experience working in strategy, operations and finance positions for consumer goods and retail businesses. He joined us from Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA), where he has served as Senior Vice President, CFO of International Divisions and Global Functions. Prior to WBA, Gustavo worked for over 20 years with Procter & Gamble (P&G), a world leading consumer goods company. His responsibilities at P&G included Vice President, CFO India, Middle East and Africa, where he oversaw operations in over 50 countries and led the turnaround to profitability of India’s multi-billion-dollar business. He was Vice President, CFO of Global Fabric & Home Care, and drove the global supply chain transformation and simplification of laundry detergents, P&G’s largest category.


London Global President

Luciano joined ADM in 2011 as executive vice president Avent and chief operating officer. He was named president in February 2014, and in January 2015 became the ninth Chief Executive Officer chief executive in ADM’s 112-year history. He became chairman of the board in January 2016. Luciano serves on the boards of directors of Eli Lilly and Company, Wilmar International and Intersect Illinois, a nonprofit Mr. Amelio joined Avnet in 2016 with a vision to transeconomic development organization created by Illinois form the organization. He built upon the company’s core electronics business while changing Avnet’s business modGovernor Bruce Rauner. el and driving a strategy of growth. Mr. Amelio directed four strategic acquisitions, providing the capabilities and operations needed for a clear path to growth and profitPresident - South America ability. In less than two years, Avnet has become a leading global technology solutions provider with an extensive ecosystem of experts. Amelio's experience includes serving as chief executive officer and president of CHC Group, a global helicopter services provider; president and chief exAsbury Automotive Group ecutive officer of Lenovo Group Limited; senior vice president/president for the Asia-Pacific/Japan region of Dell; and Senior Vice President General Counsel leadership roles at NCR Corporation, Honeywell Interna& Secretary tional and IBM. Currently Mr.Amelio serves on the board of directors for S&P Global; and has previously served on the board of directors of National Semiconductor.


Vice President, Corporate Communications

Avon Products Carlos Rodriguez was named President and Chief Executive Officer in November 2011. Carlos has been with ADP since 1999, most recently as President and Chief Operating Officer since May 2011, and previously as President of National Account Services and Employer Services International. He joined ADP through its acquisition of Vincam, where he served initially as CFO for a short period before becoming President of ADP TotalSource. Under his leadership, TotalSource became the fastest growing, as well as the largest, Professional Employer Organization (PEO) in the industry.

Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President



President, Chief Executive Officer

AutoZone Archer Daniels Midland

Avis Budget Group


Before joining Avon, Miguel spent nearly ten years at Herbalife Ltd., most recently serving as Executive Vice President and Managing Director for the Americas and Worldwide Marketing Previously, he served as Senior Vice President and Managing Director Mexico and Vice President Finance and Distributor Operations. Notable highlights during his Herbalife career include the turnaround of Mexico’s and North American businesses, returning them to consistent growth. Miguel’s contribution was recognised with the prestigious Leadership Award celebrating leadership excellence. Prior to joining Herbalife, Miguel was Chief Financial Officer at OCC and Business Controller and Business Development for Microsoft in Mexico. He began his career at Procter and Gamble followed by an enriching experience as an investment banker in NYC at JP Morgan.

“ ... hard work will not guarantee your success but lack thereof will guarantee that you will NOT be successful....” WINTER 2019 LATINO LEADERS 23

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TOP LATINOS IN C-SUITE Baxter International


Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer

Joe Almeida was named chairman, president and chief executive officer of Baxter in January 2016. He is now leading the company through a period of dynamic transformation powered by accelerated innovation, operational excellence and strategic execution. Almeida is a member of the board of directors of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. and Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., a Carlyle Group Company. He also serves on the board of trustees of Partners in Health.

Becton, Dickinson


Executive Vice President and President Medical Segment

Berkshire Hathaway


Executive Vice President Strategic Project / Global Operations


Johns Creek, GA Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion

Teresa Palacios Smith is the vice president of Diversity and Inclusion for HSF Affiliates LLC, which operates the brand Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and Real Living Real Estate. In her role, Teresa oversees the organization's commitment to increase diveristy among the company, its broker network and the sales professionals affiliated with the brand with the goal of mirroring the diversity found in the communities they serve. In 2019, Teresa received NAWRB's Diversity leader award which recognizes top leaders in the industry. In 2018, Teresa received the RISMedia's Newsmakers award and was inducted into the inaugural Hall of Fame class. Teresa served as the president of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professional (NAHREP), one of the largest minority trade associations in the country with more than 50,000 members in 2015. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.”

BNY Mellon


New York City Global COO, Information Security Division

Global Chief Administrative Officer, Information Security, Technology, New York, NY: Liz is passionate about diversity and inclusion. In her role, she encourages diversity and promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers for women and minorities as well as scholarships for those with an interest in cybersecurity. Liz has been recognized by the Hispanic IT Executive Council as one of the 100 most influential Hispanic professionals in technology.



Booz Allen Hamilton Holding


President and Chief Executive Officer


Operating Partner



Senior Vice President, Mergers, Acquisitions & Integration

Campbell Soup


Philadelphia, PA Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer


TopLatinosC-Suite.indd 24


Horacio Rozanski is president and chief executive officer of Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., a global technology and consulting company that serves government clients and Fortune 500 corporations. Booz Allen partners with clients to drive transformation and advance critical missions through a unique combination of technology, innovation, and consulting expertise. Rozanski became Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2015. Since 2012, Horacio has led a strategic transformation of the firm, investing in innovation, advanced technology, and highly skilled talent, and reshaping its portfolio toward mission-critical, high-margin solutions. He is involved in all aspects of managing Booz Allen’s national and international operations and workforce, leading efforts to set the firm’s business goals and growth strategy, build value for investors, and identify emerging trends that will affect clients. A respected authority and leader in the consulting industry, Horacio has expertise in business strategy, technology and operations, talent and diversity, and the future of consulting. He joined Booz Allen in 1992 as a consultant to commercial clients, was elected vice president in 1999, and served as chief personnel officer, chief strategy and talent officer, and president and chief operating officer before becoming Chief Executive Officer. He also is a member of the firm’s board of directors.

Vice President, Operations

The only way to win, truly win, is not through a single-minded pursuit of achievement, but by creating a culture that builds trust, nurtures diversity, and has a vibrant purpose.



Haverford, PA Chief Technology and Information Officer



Seattle, WA Vice President Total Quality for Commercial Airplanes

and its employees. He reports to reports to Mark Clouse, President and Chief Executive Officer, and is a member of the Campbell Leadership Team. Xavier joined Campbell in 2015 as Vice President Human Resources for the Global Biscuits and Snacks Division, and was subsequently promoted to Vice President Human Resource, Core, overseeing all divisions: Campbell International, Campbell Snacks, Campbell Meals & Beverages, as well as Global Supply Chain, and Sales. Previously, Xavier spent two years as Vice President Human Resources for Kellogg's Latin American businesses. Among his accomplishments were the regional implementation of shared services and support for emerging market growth initiatives.

As CITO for Campbell Soup Company, Francisco is responsible for the establishment and execution of the enterprise wide IT strategy, and for ensuring its alignment with the enterprise's business strategy. In his role, he brings a current knowledge and future vision of leveraging information and technology in business model design, business processes re-engineering, products and services development, and support for competitive advantage. Prior to joining Campbell, Francisco spent nearly 22 years with Proctor & Gamble. He was Chief Technology Officer and Vice President IT Feminine Care as his final role at P&G. As CTO, Francisco was responsible for P&G’s global IT infrastructure and operations, enterprise architecture, and IT innovation. He led the information technology master plan to support P&G’s objectives, was responsible for setting technology standards for the company, and drove the IT innovation agenda with focus on Internet of Things, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual/Augmented Reality. As Vice President of IT for Feminine Care, he was responsible for the definition and execution of the digital action plan to drive the category strategy.



Westport, CT Executive Vice President, President— Campbell Snacks

Carlos Abrams-Rivera joined Campbell in September 2015 and was named Senior Vice President, President—Campbell Snacks in April 2019. Carlos reports to Mark Clouse, President and Chief Executive Officer, and is a member of the Campbell Leadership Team. Previously, Carlos was President, Pepperidge Farm, where he led the turnaround of an iconic business that is now one of the strongest and most profitable units in Campbell. Carlos previously spent 21 years in leadership roles with the business that is today known as Mondelez International, which encompasses the former Kraft Foods global snack and food brands. His prior roles included President of Gum & Candy for Mondelez Latin America and President of Mondelez Mexico. As a native of Puerto Rico, Carlos earned his M.B.A. degree from the University of Michigan Business School and B.S. degree in managerial economics from Carnegie Mellon University.


Xavier Boza was named Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer in July 2018. He oversees the global human resources affairs functions for Campbell

Capital One Financial


President, Retail and Direct banking

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Church & Dwight

Vice President, Human Resources



Princeton, NJ Executive Vice President




Richmond, Virginia Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Enrique Mayor-Mora serves as CarMax’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Enrique assumes responsibility for CarMax’s accounting, treasury, tax, financial planning, and internal audit functions. He joined CarMax in 2011 as Vice President of Finance. Through 2016, his areas of responsibility included financial planning and analysis, financial systems integration, expansion planning and analysis, and the oversight of internal audit. In late 2016, he became Vice President of Treasury and was responsible for the development and execution of CarMax’s funding programs. Enrique received his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from McGill University and his Master’s in Business Administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario.

“As the son of a first-generation father, I learned to value hard work, teamwork, integrity and family. I believe finding an organization that shares your values is key to success.”


MARCELA MANJARREZ-HAWN Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer

Mr. Linares has been the Executive Vice President, Global Research & Development for Church and Dwight since June 2017. He also serves as Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees for TRI-Princeton, a non-profit research institute. From 2012 to 2017, Mr. Linares served as Chief Technology Officer for Sun Products Corporation responsible for leading the global R&D organization. He also served as the Corporate Innovation Captain for company-wide strategy. Prior to Sun Products, Mr. Linares was the Senior Vice President of Global R&D, Quality and Regulatory at Alberto Culver. Mr. Linares began his career with Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson, gaining over 20 years’ experience in consumer product research and development.

Cisco Systems


Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Experience Officer

Maria Martinez is Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Experience Officer at Cisco. As a member of the executive leadership team, Martinez oversees Cisco's $13B Services and Customer Success organizations that are responsible for helping customers transform their businesses through Cisco's broad portfolio of software, subscription and services offerings. Under her leadership, Martinez is also helping to drive Cisco's overall sales and go-to-market transformation to deliver greater business outcomes for customers as they transform their businesses. Martinez serves on the Board of Directors for McKesson and the Sil-

icon Valley Education Foundation. She has received several distinctions for her leadership, most recently being ranked No. 2 on the ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals For America) list of the 50 Most Powerful Latinas.


Senior Vice President, Customer Transformation




Key Biscayne, FL Senior Vice President and General Manager - International Division

Diego Barral was named senior vice president and general manager – International Division in April 2018. In this position, he oversees the company’s businesses in Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Canada, Europe and Greater China. Prior to assuming this role, Barral served as vice president – general manager, Latin America, starting in 2012. Previously, he was general manager for Latin America North and vice president – Finance, International, with responsibility for International strategy. He began his career at Clorox in 1995, progressing through a variety of Finance, Procurement and Business Development roles for Latin America, Laundry, Home Care and Sales. Barral is a member of the board of directors of the U.S.-Argentina Business Council.

“Don’t blame the circumstances and own the challenges. Do it with passion and surround yourself with the right people.”


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Senior Vice President, Chief Growth Officer



Rancho Cucamonga, CA Vice President & Head, Office of Latin Affairs

Peter R. Villegas is Vice President and Head, Office of Latin Affairs for The Coca-Cola Company. Peter serves as a national spokesman for the company, developing and managing the execution of local, regional and national strategies that position Coca-Cola as a leading corporate citizen in the U.S. Hispanic community. Peter is also a member of the Coca-Cola North America Executive Leadership Team. Peter’s responsibilities include managing relationships with key local, state and national Hispanic political, community, business and civic leaders. Recognized as a regional and national corporate leader, Peter has wide-ranging knowledge of various corporate, civic, political, and community issues and initiatives, totaling 25 years of experience in corporate America.

Muhammad Ali , “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”



Decatur, GA Senior Vice President & Chief Communications, Public Affairs, Sustainability & Marketing Assets Officer

Bea leads an integrated team across public affairs and communications, sustainability and marketing assets to support the company’s new growth model and path to become a total beverage company. In this role, Bea aligns a diverse portfolio of work against critical business objectives to support brands, communities, consumers and partners worldwide. She continues to oversee the company’s sports and entertainment assets, including iconic partnerships with Olympics, Special Olympics and FIFA. Bea also leads strategic and operational efforts for the company’s Retail, Licensing and Attractions portfolio of assets. Among Bea’s recognitions are membership in the American Advertising Hall of Achievement and the Sports Business Journal’s Hall of Fame. The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) named Bea to its 50 Most Powerful Latinas ranking in 2017, 2018 and 2019. She has been recognized as a “Conservation Trailblazer” by The Trust for Public Land, and The Holmes Report has listed Bea as a member of the Influence 100 for communicators since 2017.

“You must reach out to the opportunity, take it in your hands, and mold it into a work that brings value to your society.” (Roberto Goizueta)


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Atlanta, GA Vice President, Mergers & Acquisitions, Insights, and Corporate Real Estate

Marie D. Quintero-Johnson is Vice President and Director, Mergers & Acquisitions, Insights & Corporate Real Estate for The Coca-Cola Company. In her role she manages a team of 25 professionals responsible for identifying acquisition opportunities to accelerate the growth of the company, as well as evaluating and executing all merger, acquisition and divestiture transactions of the Corporation on a global level. Marie also oversees competitive Insights and Corporate Real Estate. She assumed her current position in 2002 and since that time, the company has completed more than $40 billion worth of transactions in over 100 countries, significantly increasing the number of brands owned by the company, supporting the optimization of the bottling infrastructure, assisting with the launch of the innovation and venturing agenda, and greatly expanding the number of partnerships and relationships globally.

"In the end only three things matter: How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of the things not meant for you." (Buddah)




Vice President Global Quality and Microbiology, Colgate Palmolive and Hill's Pet Nutrition

Angel Dario Belalcazar is the Vice President of Global Quality and Microbiology. His responsibilities include ensuring the quality of Colgate's products globally, including Hill's Pet Nutition Division, leading the Global Quality and Microbiology Organization for both Colgate Palmolive and Hill's Products, work in close partnership with the Global Supply Chain and Global Technology organizations to deliver effective and efficient compliance with internal quality standards and external regulatory body requirements around the globe, and drive Quality and Microbiology Strategies to support Growth, Product Innovation and Responsive Supply Chain while minimizing Enterprise and Competitive Risks.

Nothing is impossible to achieve, just dream and make it does happen consistently, everyday and everywhere.



Greenwich, CT Vice President & GM, Global Oral Care


Yorktown Heights, NY Vice President Global Supply Chain Demand & Systems

2000 to lead the Customer Development Area for Latin America. In 2005 he was named Vice-President Customer Development for Europe/South Pacific. In 2008 he was named General Manager for the Caribbean region.

"Success is not individual, surrounding yourself with the best people you can find, having a vision, empowering them and making sure you are there to break barriers will drive success. "


Vice President, Chief of Legal Affairs Latin America Division


President, Colgate-Latin America



Chairman, NBUniversal International Group & NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises

Consolidated Edison


President and Chief Executive Officer, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc

Robert Sanchez is President and CEO of Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.,an electric and gas utility that’s leading the energy industry transformation. Orange & Rockland is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc., operating energy utility companies in New York and New Jersey, and providing smarter and cleaner energy solutions for the nearly 1 million people in the territory. Mr. Sanchez is also a member of the Board of Directors of Orange and Rockland Utilities and Rockland Electric Company. Prior to being named President and CEO of O&R, Mr. Sanchez was Senior Vice President of Corporate Shared Services at Con Edison, Inc. His responsibilities included overseeing technology infrastructure, cyber security, gas and electricity supply, and resource planning for the power company serving the 10 million people of New York City, Westchester, Orange and Rockland counties.

Constellation Brands


Senior Vice President,Finance


Josué Muñoz has more than 25 years multi-functional experience with Colgate-Palmolive. In his actual role Josue leads the Centers of Excellence for: Planning (Demand-Supply-Production), Order to Invoice, Logistics, Supply Chain Customer Engagement, Customization and the Supply Chain Analytics & Systems Area. In this role he has driven the initiative to Synchronize Demand and Supply increasing Supply Chain Flexibility, Reliability and Responsiveness and the implementation of shared service centers for core supply chain processes. He started his career as Information Technology Director in Colgate’s subsidiary in Colombia his country of origin. After becoming head of Customer Development for the Colombian operation in 1996 he migrated to the U.S. in

Continental Resources


Sr. Vice President, Marketing and Human Resources

Costco Wholesale


Senior Vice President, Costco Wholesale Industries & Business Development


Senior Vice President, General Manager

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Vice President, Corporate Strategy DTE Energy


Charlotte, NC President, Domtar Pulp & Paper



Chief Scientific Officer

Daniel Ramos is Coty’s Chief Scientific Officer, and a member of the Executive Committee. He is responsible for research and development, global regulatory activities, global product stewardship, trends & innovation and consumer affairs. Daniel has over 20 years of successful international consumer goods R&D experience, and a strong track record of driving growth through consumer-led innovations and building organizational capacity and capability. His experience in the consumer goods industry spans the health, beauty & grooming, fragrance and cosmetics categories.

Michael D. Garcia is president of Domtar’s Pulp & Paper division, responsible for strategy and oversight of its Specialty Papers, Biomaterials, Pulp and Commercial Papers business lines. Mr. Garcia has more than 25 years of international management experience in paper, steel and aluminum on three continents. A native of Arizona, he served five years in the United States Army as an Armor officer with the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment and is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm. Mr. Garcia is director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond - Charlotte branch. He also serves on the board of directors of the USO North Carolina. Mr. Garcia holds an MBA from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Business Administration and is a 1986 graduate of the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.

Teams can accomplish great things when nobody is worried about who gets the credit.




Edina, MN Executive Vice President & Global Supply Chain Officer

Alex Blanco is executive vice president and chief supply chain officer for Ecolab Inc., the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services that protect people and vital resources. In his current role, Blanco is responsible for Ecolab’s Global Supply Chain, which consists of more than 130 product manufacturing facilities, nearly 300 warehouses and more than 12,000 associates throughout the world. Prior to Ecolab, Blanco worked for Proctor and Gamble Co. (P&G) for thirty years, serving as vice president, Global Personal Beauty Care and Gillette Personal Care Product Supply. He serves on the Board of Directors for Patterson Companies, Inc. and YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities.

“Decide with your head, act with your heart”


Dover Corporation


Downers Grove, IL Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer




Denver, CO Chief Executive Officer

Rodriguez is proud to serve as the leader of 70,000 caregivers around the world, who deliver life-sustaining care to over 200,000 patients. Since joining DaVita in 1998, Rodriguez has served in a number of capacities with the company and has helped lead innovations that have improved clinical outcomes and the quality of life for patients. He’s empowered his team to create more access to education and technology for patients, while sustaining a differentiated workplace that embraces diversity and a sense of belonging.Rodriguez earned a master’s degree from Harvard Business School. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and marketing from Boston College.

“I am passionate about DaVita’s commitment to belonging. We celebrate and benefit from the richness of diversity.”

Dean Foods


Senior Vice President, Human Resources

DISH Network


Senior Vice President, Corporate Program Management


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Senior Vice President of Global Electrification

Ivonne Cabrera is the Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of Dover Corporation, a diversified multinational manufacturing company with annual revenues of approximately $8 billion and a current equity market capitalization of more than $11 billion. Prior to becoming GC of Dover, Ms. Cabrera held other inhouse positions at Dover and, before that, at Bristol-Myers Squibb. She had also been a litigation associate at several law firms, joining Rosenman & Colin immediately after graduating from law school.

DTE Energy



Ann Arbor, Michigan Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer

JoAnn Chávez is senior vice president and chief legal officer for DTE Energy. Chávez has responsibility for the management and strategic direction of DTE’s office of the general counsel, and she advises DTE’s board of directors and senior management on legal and related matters. Chávez is a strong advocate for young people, and most recently she is the founder of the Michigan Hispanic Collaborative (MiHC), a Michigan non-profit, that focuses on economic equity and provides opportunities for first-generation Hispanic students, like herself, to graduate from college. MiHC delivers culturally relevant programming for both students and parents to help bring coherence to the chaos of college access. Chávez sits on the DTE Energy Foundation, the Cristo Rey Network and the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute boards of directors. She also sits on the Notre Dame Law School and the University of Michigan School of Education Advisory Councils.

The law is my platform and my purpose is to provide a pathway to economic power for la próxima generación. Educate one Latino and you educate a community.


Greensboro, NC Executive Vice President and President Global Services and Specialty Sector

Bobby Mendez is executive vice president and president of Global Services and Specialty for Ecolab Inc., the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services that protect people and vital resources. Previously, Mendez served as executive vice president and president of Global Specialty. During his 38 years with Ecolab, Mendez has held a variety of other leadership positions in International, Institutional, Food & Beverage, Consumer Sales and Janitorial Services divisions. Mendez serves on the board of trustees of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, and recently served on the board of directors of the United Way of Greater Greensboro and the Greensboro Nature Science Center.

Edison International



Pasadena, CA President, Chief Executive Officer

Pedro Pizarro has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Edison International (EIX) since October 2016. He has held a wide range of executive positions at EIX companies since joining Edison in 1999. Prior to his work at the EIX companies, he was a senior engagement manager with McKinsey & Company, providing management consulting services to energy, technology, engineering services, and banking clients.

“A leader should be the rim of the wheel, not the center. The rim keeps the spokes moving together - and when the road gets rough or muddy goes in first.”


Manhattan Beach, CA


Vice President and Treasurer

“Living your values is as important as valuing your living, we all stand on the shoulders of those that precede us and will be the shoulders for those that follow.”

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Vice President and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer

Michael D. Montoya is vice president and chief ethics and compliance officer for Southern California Edison (SCE) and its parent company Edison International. He is responsible for ethics education, awareness of the Helpline and internal investigations. He is also responsible for overseeing six separate compliance programs, including records management, energy regulation and privacy. Previously, Montoya was assistant general counsel for SCE, responsible for legal matters in the areas of energy regulation, labor employment, power procurement and resource policy and planning. Montoya serves as a trustee for the Mexican American Bar Foundation.

Eli Lilly



Indianapolis, IN President, Lilly Diabetes and Lilly USA

Enrique joined Lilly in 1992 and has held a range of roles in sales, finance, marketing, business development, and general management. He served as marketing and sales director for Lilly’s Peru and Brazil affiliates, as executive marketing director for the intercontinental region and Japan, and as general manager for Lilly Mexico. He also was vice president of the company’s U.S. neuroscience business unit and vice president for health care professional markets. In addition to his role as president of Lilly Diabetes, Enrique was named president of Lilly USA in January of 2017. He also was president of Lilly USA in 2009. Enrique earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Case Western Reserve University and a master’s degree in business administration from Duke University. Enrique is a member of the Board of Governors at the American Red Cross, the Board of Visitors at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and the board of directors at the Indiana Latino Institute. Enrique also is on the board of directors at the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, having served as board chair in 2016.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t –you’re right” (Henry Ford)




Washington DC President and Chief Executive Officer Pepco Holdings

David Velazquez is responsible for leadership of Pepco Holdings’ overall performance associated with service reliability, customer satisfaction, financial management, and regulatory and external affairs. Velazquez previously served as executive vice president and leader of the power delivery business for Pepco Holdings, Inc. (PHI). He managed over 95 percent of the business and employee base, and was responsible for all utility operations in three states and the District of Columbia including customer care, asset management, operations, smart grid activities, support services, including IT, and four local unions. Velazquez serves on the boards of a number of educational and community organizations, such as the Maryland Business Roundtable


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for Education, Trust for the National Mall, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute Advisory Board, D.C. Policy Center of the Federal City Council, Emeritus Advisory Board of the American Association of Blacks in Energy, and United Way of the National Capital Area. He is also a board member of Southeastern Electric Exchange, Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, and the Greater Washington Board of Trade.

“My parents taught me the importance of community – you can’t achieve anything on your own. Our responsibility as members of a community is to help others achieve as well.”


leads HR service delivery in the areas of human capital planning, organization and talent development, and compensation and benefits, and provides direct business support through the HR business partners, recruiting, and employee services groups. Mr. Barcelos has served on numerous non-profit and community advisory boards, and is presently a Trustee of the Board of Directors for the American Foundation for the Blind, where he is a member of the Executive and Governance Committees.

Farmers Insurance Exchange


President of Business Insurance


Chicago, IL Chief Executive Officer of ComEd

Joseph Dominguez leads ComEd, an Exelon company, which powers the lives of more than 4 million residential and business customers, or 70 percent of Illinois’ population. He is responsible for the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to customers and for empowering them to manage their energy use. He oversees the management of the electric grid for Chicago and most of northern Illinois and ComEd’s partnerships with the diverse communities it serves. Dominguez serves on several boards of directors and councils, including United Way of Metro Chicago, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Hispanics in Energy and the Rutgers Law School Corporate Governance Advisory Board. He cofounded the Association of Latino Energy and Environmental Professionals, an organization focused on ensuring the Latino voice is heard in the energy and environmental industries, in 2011.

“Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem.” – Henry Kissinger


Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Pacilio is responsible for the safety, efficiency and reliability of Exelon Generation’s power generation fleet, which includes more than 100 generating units in 17 states. Pacilio has more than 30 years of experience with the company. Most recently, he was Exelon Generation’s chief nuclear officer and president for the nuclear division. In that role, Pacilio was responsible for ensuring that Exelon Generation maintained high levels of performance and safety across its nuclear fleet of 23 reactors at 14 facilities in Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Among other accomplishments, Pacilio led the U.S. nuclear industry’s development of two national nuclear emergency response centers as part of the industry’s response to the 2011 Fukushima events in Japan. During his four-year tenure as chief nuclear officer, Exelon Nuclear’s fleet consistently led the U.S. industry in operational efficiency and safety.


Senior Vice President

Fannie Mae


Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Elcio Barcelos is Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, reporting to the President. Mr. Barcelos is the key advisor to senior management on all human capital issues and sets the HR agenda that enables Fannie Mae to meet strategic goals and objectives. He



President Latin America & Caribbean, FedEx Express

As regional president of FedEx Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Division, Juan N. Cento maintains overall responsibility for the region, which includes approximately 26,000 employees in more than 50 countries and territories. Cento’s primary focus is the broader strategic direction of the Latin America and Caribbean region, as well as magnifying the FedEx Express presence throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In his 30 years with FedEx, Cento has expanded the company’s presence in Latin America and helped FedEx Express become a pillar for growth in the region. Most recently, Cento led FedEx Express in acquiring Rapidaõ Cometa in Brazil. He has served on the Board of Directors for various organizations including the Council of the Americas, Assurant Inc., and is a member of the International Advisory Board of Baptist Health System.Additionally, Cento is a Director of the Board of CLADEC (Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Express Companies) and most recently became a member of the University of Miami LACI Advisory Board. Apart from his participation in professional organizations, Cento is actively involved in several non-profits. Cento was Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors for the International Kids Fund.

“As Regional President for FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean I have experienced firsthand how FedEx connects people and possibilities around the world. By allowing businesses to prosper, communities to flourish and people to thrive, these connections ultimately make Latin America and the Caribbean a better place.”



Chief Executive Officer

Before being named as chief executive officer, Carlos M. Hernandez was the executive vice president, chief legal officer for Fluor Corporation and served as the company's corporate secretary. He joined Fluor in 2007. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Hernandez served as general counsel for ArcelorMittal Americas, a major steel producer which is part of the ArcelorMittal steel group. Mr. Hernandez has also served as general counsel and secretary of International Steel Group (ISG), Inc. prior to its acquisition by Mittal Steel Company. Before joining ISG, he served as executive vice president, general counsel and secretary for Fleming Companies, Inc., in Dallas. From 1984 to 1999, Mr. Hernandez served in a number of different legal capacities including assistant general counsel for Armco Inc. a steel company, in Pittsburgh. Early in his career, he worked as a civil engineer with HNTB.

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President, Life Sciences & Advanced Manufacturing

Freddie Mac


Mclean, Virginia Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

"Ricardo Anzaldua is executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary at Freddie Mac, where he oversees legal and regulatory strategies, services and resources, manages corporate governance matters and leads the strategic vision and implementation of the Division’s social responsibility initiatives: community philanthropy, diversity and inclusion and pro bono. Prior to joining Freddie Mac, Anzaldua was executive vice president and general counsel of MetLife, Inc., and was responsible for the company’s global legal operations, global compliance and government relations. Anzaldua joined MetLife from The Hartford Financial Services Group, where he was senior vice president and associate general counsel. Before joining The Hartford, he was a partner with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP. Anzaldua is chairman of the board of trustees for the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, and he serves on the boards of Latino Justice and the New York City Bar."

“The arc of the moral universe, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., bends towards justice, but only if moral people thoughtfully and persistently dedicate themselves, every day, to shaping history into a just form.”

General Motors



Senior Vice President, GM Global Human Resources


President, Managing Director


Mexico City President and Managing Director, General Motors Mexico

Francisco Garza has a broad experience of more than 23 years in the Mexican Automotive Industry and in several countries where he has developed. He began his career in the Distribution Sector where he occupied different commercial responsibilities. In 1998, he joined General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) where he held the position of Operations Manager and was responsible for the Extended Warranty Program launch in Mexico; in 2001, he was promoted as Sales and Marketing Director for Mexico and was responsible for the financing program strategy for General Motors. He obtained his first international assignment in 2005 when he was promoted as Chairman of the Board and General Director for GMAC in Ecuador; after this assignment, he was appointed Chairman of the Board and General Director for GMAC in Argentina and, in 2009 he held the position of Chairman of the Board and General Manager of GM Financial Mexico, being the first Mexican to take the lead of this business. In 2011, he was appointed Vice President of Sales, Service and Marketing for General Motors de Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and since September 1, 2019 he was promoted as President and Managing Director of General Motors de Mexico.

You will never know how many kilometers are in your way, so choose to find new roads, live with passion, take risks, enjoy the landscape and the company of the passengers, make the good luck find you driving.


Vice President, Global Connected Customer Experience

Goldman Sachs


Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Martin Chavez is Global Co-Head of the Securities Division. He is a member of the Management Committee and Steering Committee on Regulatory Reform. Mr. Chavez is also a member of the Firmwide Hispanic/Latino Network and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Network. Chavez first joined Goldman Sachs in 1993 in the J. Aron Currency and Commodities Division, where he was a senior energy strat until 1997. He returned to the firm as a Managing Director in Investment Banking Division Strats in 2005, becoming Global CoHead of Securities Division Strats and then Global CoChief Operating Officer of the Equities Franchise. Later, Mr. Chavez was Chief Information Officer, responsible for the Technology Division and jointly responsible with divisional leadership for the firm’s global strategists. Prior to assuming his current role, he was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Mr. Chavez was named Partner in 2006.


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ways to integrate Intel’s silicon and software portfolio to create greater customer value. The organization was one of the Data Center Group’s fastest-growing businesses, enabling Intel to become a market leader for network logic silicon, an annual $20 billion market segment.

Home Depot




Senior Vice President – Online and Chief Marketing Officer


San Francisco, CA President, Retail & Shopping

Daniel leads all of Google’s Global Retail and Shopping businesses, overseeing strategic partnerships and business strategy worldwide. His team’s activities include working with Google’s retail partners to grow their businesses across all platforms, enabling frictionless payment solutions, and bringing new commerce products and services to market through strategic partnerships. Prior to leading Google’s shopping and payments business, Daniel has held a number of different leadership positions at Google, including President of Google Global Partnerships and Alliances, President of Asia Pacific, and Vice-President of Latin America. Daniel holds dual degrees from Harvard University: an MBA from Harvard Business School and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He is fluent in English, Spanish, French and German, and is proficient in Russian. Daniel sits on the Board of Directors of Sleep Number (Nasdaq: SCSS), a Minnesota Corporation.

Adolfo Villagomez is senior vice president of The Home Depot’s online business as well as the company’s Chief Marketing Officer. Adolfo joined The Home Depot in 2014 as vice president of merchandising strategy. Since that time, he has led several of the company’s core merchandising functions, including Outdoor Power, Garden and Building Materials. His efforts resulted in the successful expansion of exclusive brand relationships, the growth of private brand offerings and the revitalization of the Pro program.

JOSE PEPE RODRIGUEZ President - Mexico


President - Southern Division


"You are defined by the positive impact you have on others."

Hewlett Packard

Senior Vice President Merchandising, Décor

Hormel Foods



President Strategy & Business Management, Chief Legal Officer

Kim M. Rivera is the Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel for HP Inc. In this role, she manages the worldwide legal department, responsible for all aspects of legal, government affairs, compliance and ethics. Kim has more than 20 years of experience advising Fortune 500 companies on significant corporate transactions, governance matters, securities, compliance, risk management, audit and litigation matters. Kim is passionate about giving back to the community. She has served on numerous non-profit boards including the California Latino Community Foundation and the Denver Metro Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Kim is a frequent speaker on diversity and inclusion in corporations and the legal profession, with emphasis on women in leadership.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise



San Jose, CA President, Chief Executive Officer

Antonio Neri is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and is responsible for the development and delivery of enterprise technology solutions and services that make Hybrid IT simple and power the Intelligent Edge. Most recently, he served as Executive Vice President and General Manager of HPE’s Enterprise Group. Antonio led the strategy, development and introduction of many breakthrough innovations at HP and HPE, including: HPE Apollo, HPE Superdome X, HPE Synergy, HPE Cloudline, among others.

Taking risk is important. Sometimes you have to move sideways to move upwards. 32 LATINO LEADERS WINTER 2019

TopLatinosC-Suite.indd 32


Austin, MN Group Vice President, Grocery Products

Marconi began his career with Hormel Foods in 2000 as the manager of international sales and marketing in the international division. Prior to joining Hormel Foods, Marconi spent nine years in several international marketing roles at The Quaker Oats Company. He advanced in 2006 to a senior role in the Grocery Products division as manager of international joint ventures. In 2009, when the MegaMex Foods joint venture was formed, Marconi was appointed managing director by the board of managers. He was named the vice president of Grocery Products marketing in 2012 and assumed his current role in 2016.

“Formulate and stamp indelibly in your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture... Do not build up obstacles in your imagination” – Norman Peale.




Sunol, CA Intel Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer

Sandra L. Rivera is executive vice president and chief people officer at Intel Corporation. She leads Intel’s Human Resources organization and is responsible for driving greater business results through a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion as well as being responsible for the company’s policies and programs related to human resources worldwide. Before assuming her current role, she led the Network Platforms Group, which was a global organization of over 3,000 employees that drove the transformation of network infrastructure to Intel-based solutions and enabled breakthrough

Surround yourself with people that lift you up - it changes your perspective & makes everything possible!

International Flavors & Fragances



New York Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer

Dr. Susana Suarez Gonzalez with over 29 years of experience is the Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources and Diversity and Inclusion Officer of International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc. since November 2016. Based in New York at IFF’s headquarters, Ms. Suarez Gonzalez is responsible for championing the growth and development of IFF people. She leads the creation and implementation of the IFF global Human Capital Strategy across the enterprise and works to build talent and organizational capability through IFF’s established Human Capital platforms. Her modus operandi ‘Results tHRu People’ reflects a Human Resource approach where each IFFer’s uniqueness unleashes their potential.

As HR professionals we think we hire workers but human beings still show up, each and every one of them with their own luggage, stories and dreams. Being able to inspire each of them to show up as if every day was their first is what has intrigued me for over 30 years.

Intuitive Surgical


Senior Vice President and General Manager, Secondary Market

IQVIA Holdings


Vice President, Senior Associate General Counsel

JPMorgan Chase & Co.



London Co-President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank

Daniel Pinto is Co-President and Chief Operating Officer of JPMorgan Chase, a leading global financial services firm, and a member of its Operating Committee. He is also Chief Executive Officer of its Corporate & Investment Bank, an industry leader in investment banking, trading markets and investor services. He began as a financial analyst and foreign exchange trader at Manufacturers Hanover in 1983 in Buenos Aires. In 1992, he was appointed head of Sales for Chemical Bank, responsible for clients in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Shortly after, he became head trader and Treasurer of Chemical Bank in Mexico. Daniel moved to London in 1996 to oversee local markets in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia for Chase Manhattan, later taking charge of the markets side of the firm’s emerging-market business. In early 2006, Daniel was made global head of Emerging Markets. He was given added responsibility for

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the Global Credit Trading & Syndicate business in early 2008. In 2009, he was made co-head of Global Fixed Income for the Investment Bank before becoming sole head of the group in 2012. He was also made co-Chief Executive Officer of the Corporate & Investment Bank in 2012, and became sole Chief Executive Officer in 2014. In January 2018, he was named Co-President and Chief Operating Officer of JPMorgan Chase, to work closely with the Chief Executive Officer and the Board to identify and pursue critical firmwide opportunities.

Juniper Networks


Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer




Miami, FL President, Eagle Home Mortage, Inc.

Laura Escobar is President of Eagle Home Mortgage, the mortgage lending subsidiary of Lennar Corporation, the nation’s largest homebuilder. She leads a team of more than 1,100 associates in 54 locations across 26 states. A 30-year mortgage industry veteran, Laura has held leadership positions with both bank-owned and independent mortgage companies overseeing all aspects of mortgage banking. Laura is also a licensed mental health counselor and devotes much of her time working with underprivileged woman. She is an advocate for women and minorities and is a proud supporter of mPower.

“Be so good they can’t ignore you” -Steve Martin

Eva has responsibility for charting our global people strategy, fostering diversity, inclusion, and growth among our most important asset, our employees. She leads the human resources organization and the Juniper Networks Foundation Fund, which inspires the next generation of engineers and innovators. With over 20 years of global leadership, Eva has held executive human resources roles ranging from startup to multinational organizations, and has a proven ability to prepare and lead organizations through transformation and growth. Prior to joining Juniper, she held senior leadership positions at Virtustream (Dell EMC), Documentum, and Dupont.

Lennox International


Guillermo Bichara is Linde’s vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary. He is responsible for the company’s Law, Compliance, Corporate Secretary and Government Relations functions. Bichara joined Praxair, now a Linde company, in 2006 as director of legal affairs for Praxair Mexico. In 2007, he was named vice president and general counsel of Praxair Asia, a position he held for four years. In 2011, Bichara was named associate general counsel with responsibility for Praxair Europe, Praxair Mexico and corporate transactions. In 2013, he was promoted to associate general counsel and assistant secretary. He was then named vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary in 2014.



Mexico City, MX Senior Vice President for Kellogg Co. and President Kellogg Latin America

Maria Fernanda Mejia is Senior Vice President and President, Kellogg Latin America, a position she has held since November 2011. She is a member of Kellogg Company’s executive committee. Ms. Mejia previously held a variety of global marketing and management roles at the Colgate-Palmolive Company, including Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Global Personal Care and Corporate Fragrance Development, Corporate Vice President of Marketing and Innovation for Europe/South Pacific, and President and Chief Executive Officer of Colgate-Palmolive Spain. She joined Colgate in 1989. Ms. Mejia has been a member of the Young Presidents Organization, the International Women’s Forum, Cosmetic Executive Women’s Organization, Venezuela American Chamber of Commerce, the Spain chapters of the American-Spanish Chamber of Commerce, American Business Council and Circulo de Empresarios, The Business Leadership Forum of the Instituto de Empresa, and Junior Achievement.



President, Latin American Consuner Business

Laureate Education


Senior Vice President, Global Operations & Learning and Innovation

TopLatinosC-Suite.indd 33


Executive Vice President Chief Legal Officer & Secretary Lennox International

Linde plc


As Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS), Monica is responsible for the development and execution of the information technology (IT) strategy to deliver business advantage. RMS is a $14 billion business, which includes military and commercial helicopters, naval systems, platform integration, logistics, simulation and training. Her prior roles include Vice President, Geospatial Systems and Services; Vice President IS&GS-Security Engineering; Vice President and IS&GS CIO; Vice President, IT Services; and Vice President, Applications and CIO, Enterprise Operations. These roles include responsibility for profit and loss, Engineering performance, and IT leadership. Monica has been involved in many community activities, with a passion for STEM activities. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) and Co-Chair of the Lockheed-Martin Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Awareness (HOLA) Leadership Council. She has been recognized as one of the Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC) 100 in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Monica was also named by the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) in its list of the 50 Most Powerful Latinas in 2017 and 2018.


Senior Vice President & General Counsel


Lockheed Martin


Washington DC Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Rotary and Mission Systems



Bethesda, MD Senior Vice President Communications

Dean Acosta is senior vice president, Communications for Lockheed Martin Corporation. He leads global communications strategies and activities across the four business areas and internationally, and provides strategic communications counsel to the corporation’s senior executives. Mr. Acosta has been with the company since May 2019 and his responsibilities include overseeing the corporation’s media relations, executive and employee communications, marketing communications, community relations and visual communications strategies and programs. He also directs issues management and crisis communications, and leads philanthropy initiatives that enhance the corporation’s reputation as a good corporate citizen. Mr. Acosta has almost three decades of experience in communications and journalism, with much of it spent leading corporate communications teams, in the technology, energy and aerospace and defense sectors.

"My grandfather worked four jobs so my mom could be the first to go to college. He taught me, 'Be humble. Do what's right. Never forget where you came from.’”


New York City Chief Legal Officer

Elisa Garcia is an accomplished C-Suite executive and attorney with over 30 years of experience advising management and boards of directors. Through her broad based experience in all aspects of international business and corporate law, Ms. Garcia has guided her clients through a myriad of business, governance and legal issues, government investigations, mergers and merger integration, international acquisitions and investments, debt refinancings, domestic and international labor issues and legislative and regulatory matters. She is recognized for her well grounded yet creative approach to problem solving. She is the Chief Legal Officer of Macy’s, Inc. and serves on the Board of Directors and as member of the Nominating and Governance Committee of Dollarama, Inc., a Canadian retailer with over 1100 stores. Ms. Garcia is fluent in Spanish and has lived and worked abroad.

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace el camino, y al volver la vista atrás se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar.” Antonio Machado

Magellan Health


President, Behavioral and Specialty Health

Marathon Petroleum


Senior Vice President Eastern Refining Operations


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TOP LATINOS IN C-SUITE Marriott International



Potomac, MD Executive Vice President & Global Chief Human Resources Officer

David A. Rodriguez assumed the role of executive vice president and global chief human resources officer for Marriott International in 2006. Dr. Rodriguez was appointed a corporate officer in 2000, and in 2004, to the board of directors’ Committee for Excellence that focuses on advancing employee wellbeing and inclusion in the company. Dr. Rodriguez joined Marriott International and assumed the role of senior vice president – human resources in 1998. In 2003, he was appointed an executive vice president with responsibility for corporate centers of expertise as well as for the U.S. human resources function. He is chairman of the American Health Policy Institute, a vice chair and member of the executive committee of the Human Resources Policy Association and a governor on the board of the Health Transformation Alliance. Dr. Rodriguez was inducted as a Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources in 2014 and was named HR Executive of the Year by Human Resource Executive magazine in 2019.

There is much in life we cannot control, but we always have a choice. We can turn personal adversity into a gift of hope to offer someone else.

che LLP. Mr. de Cardenas is on the Board of Directors of few South Florida charities, including the United Way of Miami Dade County and Easter Seals of South Florida.

In my work life I live by a few simple rules: treat everyone with respect, be incredibly honest and humble, always emphasize the importance of the team, and strive for perpetual improvement.

Mastercard President, Latin America and Caribbean


Chief Executive Officer, Director

Jose R. Mas, is Chief Executive Officer of MasTec, Inc. Mr. Mas was appointed Chief Executive Officer of MasTec in 2007 and during his tenure MasTec’s revenues have more than quadrupled and earnings have grown six fold. Since assuming the top executive position at MasTec, Jose has diversified the company into the growing fields of oil and gas pipeline construction, electric transmission line construction, renewable energy, and wireless infrastructure construction while expanding its traditional communications business. He serves on the U.S. Department of Commerce National Advisory Council on Minority Business Enterprises.

Pinecrest, FL Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate


Alberto de Cardenas has been MasTec, Inc.’s Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary since November 2005. He is responsible for all of MasTec’s corporate and operational legal matters and corporate secretary matters. From March 2003 to November 2005, Mr. de Cardenas was Senior Vice President and General Counsel and from January 2003 through March 2003, Mr. de Cardenas was Vice President and Corporate General Counsel of Perry Ellis International, Inc. From September 1996 through December 2002, Mr. de Cardenas was a corporate and securities attorney at Broad and Cassel. From September 1990 to July 1993, Mr. de Cardenas was an accountant at Deloitte & Tou-


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Navistar International

President, Enterprise Partnerships


Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer


President, Loyalty & Engagement


Head of Global Cities

Meritage Homes 46

Scottsdale, Arizona Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer



"I believe we learn from every situation, experience and person that crosses our path. We learn and grow from each and we have the ability to make things better!




grams and activities for the organization which include HR Operations, Training and Development, Global Mobility, Talent Acquisition, Compensation and Benefits as well as Administration and Aviation. Maria is a member of the National Charity League, Houston Hearts Chapter, and currently services as Assistant to the President and on the Nominating and Governance Committee. She is on the Advisory Committee for the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce and she is a former Board Member with St. Cecilia Catholic School where she recently served as President.

Javier Feliciano joined Meritage Homes in 2015 as Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Prior to Meritage, Javier held HR leadership roles for Apollo Education Group, PepsiCo and Ford Motor Company. A graduate of the Ford Motor Company Human Resources Development Program and Modern CHRO Executive Education Program at Cornell University. Javier holds a Master's degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources and a BA in Criminal Justice both from Michigan State University. He and his wife have two children and live in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Javier has been a Board member of Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce since 2015.

Based on a Marshall Goldsmith quote, Whatever it was that got you where you are today, will not be sufficient to keep you there. Change is constant and learning is an imperative.

Mondelez International


Executive Vice President, President Latin America

Persio V. Lisboa has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Office of Navistar, Inc. since March 2017. Prior to holding this position, Mr. Lisboa served as President, Operations of Navistar, Inc. from November 2014 to March 2017, as the Senior Vice President, Chief Procurement Officer of Navistar, Inc. from December 2012 to November 2014, as Vice President, Purchasing and Logistics and Chief Procurement Officer of Navistar, Inc. from October 2011 to November 2012 and Vice President, Purchasing and Logistics of Navistar, Inc. from August 2008 to October 2011. Prior to these positions, Mr. Lisboa held various management positions within the company’s North American and South American operations.



Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Andre Fernandez is NCR’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. He is responsible for all aspects of the company’s financial stewardship, compliance, balance sheet management, working with the investor community and partnering with our business units to ensure customer success and profitability. Most recently, he was the President & Chief Executive Officer of CBS Radio, the second largest radio company in the United States. Prior to joining CBS Radio, he was with Journal Communications (NYSE JRN), a publicly-traded, diversified media company, where he served as the company’s Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Finance and Strategy before being promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Board at Froedtert Health, a $2+ billion regional healthcare system based in Wisconsin.





Houston, Texas Vice President, Human Resources and Administration

"Maria Martinez works as the Vice President, Human Resources of Murphy Oil Corporation in Houston, Texas. She is responsible for all global human resources pro-


Columbus, Ohio Executive Vice President and President, Gas Utilities

Pablo Vegas serves as Executive Vice President and President, Gas Utilities. He is responsible for profit and loss, strategy, planning, operations, construction, engineering, regulatory, environmental services, and training for the seven NiSource gas distribution companies. He reassumed leadership of the NiSource gas business segment in January 2019 after having served as Chief Restoration Officer

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since September 2018, leading the NiSource restoration and replacement effort in Greater Lawrence, Mass. During the recovery, he was accountable for executing the restoration plan, including pipeline replacement, the repair and replacement of gas appliances for affected customers as well as community and customer support in the region.

“There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.”

Norfolk Southern


Vice President, Business Development & Real Estate

NRG Energy


President, Chief Executive Officer

Mauricio Gutierrez is President and Chief Executive Officer of NRG. Gutierrez joined NRG in 2004 and helped build the company from a regional wholesale generation business to a national, Fortune 500, diversified energy company. Prior to becoming President and Chief Executive Officer, he held the position of Chief Operating Officer. During his tenure as COO, Gutierrez led NRG's engineering and construction activities related to new generation and repowering projects.



Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary

Owens & Minor


and development, quality, supply chain, procurement, and environment, health and safety. In this role he is focused on driving a safety culture and improving operational excellence to help O-I become the most cost-effective glass packaging producer. Currarino is also responsible for driving transformational change through efficiency improvement and cost optimization initiatives. Since joining O-I in 2000, Currarino has managed the expansion of O-I’s joint venture with Constellation Brands, Industria Vidriera de Coahuila (IVC) in Nava, Mexico. Currarino also successfully led the integration of a $2.15 billion acquisition to O-I, which included five plants in Mexico, one plant in Bolivia, and a distribution center in the U.S.



Perrysburg, Ohio President, O-I Americas

Focused on delivering high value and growth in the region, Miguel Alvarez leads O-I’s (NYSE: OI) business in the Americas. Alvarez oversees 36 plants in nine countries and is integrating North America and South America into one business. He is responsible for strategic, operational, and commercial leadership within the region, with strong focus on safety. Alvarez first joined O-I in 1990 in Colombia, and held a variety of roles of expanding responsibility in sales and marketing. He spent six years in leadership positions in Chile, Argentina and Ecuador with a leading global beauty products company and returned to O-I in 2010 to lead the Brazilian, and later South American, operations. He was named president of the Americas in 2017. Alvarez holds a degree in civil engineering from Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia, and a Master of Science in Economics from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He has participated in several leadership development programs at Eafit, IFL Sweden, MIT, Stanford University, and IMD. He is also a member of the regional committee of United Way Latin America.



President, Latin America Group

Senior Vice President, Corporate Treasurer

Paychex Owens-Illinois


Chief Executive Officer, Director

As Chief Executive Officer, Andres Lopez’s focus is to enhance the performance of the business to benefit customers, employees, investors and other key stakeholders. Lopez has established himself as a strong and successful leader, serving as chief operating officer during 2015 and playing a leading role on the acquisition of Vitro’s Food and Beverage business in Mexico, the U.S. and Bolivia. He has also served as president of O-I Americas, with a focus on strengthening O-I’s North America operations.


Senior Vice President and Chief Technology and Supply Chain Officer

Giancarlo Currarino leads O-I’s global technology organization including manufacturing, engineering, research

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Rochester, NY

Penn National Gaming


Senior Vice President of Regional Operations

Mr. Verde is a respected and experienced executive with 25 years of gaming industry experience in Operations, Finance, Strategic Planning, and Talent Management. He has successfully led large-scale operations; advanced, designed, and executed business strategies; and built talented management teams that create and sustain operational excellence. Additionally, Mr. Verde has continuously executed improvement initiatives for the company, such as “the Labor Productivity program.” His tenure with Penn started at Zia Park as Vice President & General Manager, he was responsible for the design and development of the 151-room hotel and a major slot floor remodel in 2013.

"Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people." Tena Desae



Mexico City President - PepsiCo Mexico Foods

Roberto P. Martínez is the President of PepsiCo Mexico Foods (PMF) which includes the operation of Sabritas, Quaker, Gamesa, and Sonric’s and is one of the biggest food companies in Latin America with over $4 billion dollars in sales. PMF supports 42,000 direct jobs and has 17 production plants and over 18,000 sales routes that reach over 900,000 customers nationwide. He previously served as Chief Commercial Officer and Senior Vice President for Nutrition, Cookies & Crackers LATAM. As such, he oversaw the commercial agenda, built new capabilities and was responsible for the Strategy for the Nutrition and C&C categories. Roberto´s experience also encompasses his leadership roles as the President for PepsiCo Foods CASA (Central and South America), a role he held since August 2015 and where he managed a business of $2 billion in sales, with more than 17,000 employees, spanning more than 41 countries and territories.


Sr. Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Efrain Rivera joined Paychex in June 2011 as senior vice president, chief financial officer, and treasurer. Rivera was formerly corporate vice president and chief financial officer at Bausch & Lomb, where his responsibilities ranged from managing commercial operations in Latin America and Canada, to leading finance for the global vision care division, to overseeing the firm’s treasury operations, including a $600 million investment portfolio. Most recently, he served as vice president of finance and administration at Houghton College in Western New York. Rivera holds a Doctor of Management degree from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. He received an MBA from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester, and a Juris Doctor degree from New York University. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Houghton College.

“The legacy you create in your life and career is a product of the people you help on your journey. Investing in others creates enduring wealth.”



Lima, Peru President, PepsiCo Latin America Beverages

Luis Montoya has been the President of the Latin America Beverages Division of PepsiCo since 2007. During his 27 years at PepsiCo he has held multiple positions, starting as the Franchise Manager for Peru and Ecuador, moving on to the GM of Central America, subsequently the Franchise Vice President of Mexico, and before his current appointment he was the Business Unit GM of North Latin American Beverages. Luis’ leadership and commitment to diversity and inclusion earned him the 2010 Steve Reinemund Leadership Legacy Award – PepsiCo’s highest leadership recognition. In 2012, he received the Leadership Award by the Organization of American States for promoting entrepreneurship among the youth of the Americas.

“Organizations are as successful as their people. I believe that business results are the effect of developing great talent and creating a diverse culture where everyone can thrive.” WINTER 2019 LATINO LEADERS 35

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York City. Mario Masseroli holds a bachelor’s degree from the Torcuato di Tella University in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will”. Vince Lombardi


Executive Vice President Global Operations





Executive Vice President, Chief Digital and Technology Officer

Lidia Fonseca is Executive Vice President, Chief Digital and Technology Officer, responsible for developing and implementing an enterprise-wide digital strategy and roadmap. Lidia leads all digital, data and technology solutions across the company. In her prior role, she was the Senior Vice President and CIO at Quest Diagnostics (NYSE:DGX), where she led technology, informatics and digital solutions. Lidia led the effort to create Quest's innovative Quanum™ brand of healthcare IT and data analytics technologies, as well as leading-edge consumer technologies and digital solutions, including the MyQuest app with 6.5 million subscribers. Lidia received the 2017 Forbes CIO Innovation Award, and she is a founding member of Synaptic Health Alliance, leading healthcare companies using Blockchain technology to improve provider data quality.

Philip Morris International


Chief Digital Officer

"Mr. Suarez joined Philip Morris Mexico in 1999 as Business Planning Analyst. From 2001 until 2015, Mr. Suarez served in roles of increasing responsibility in a variety of areas, from business development to trade marketing and, more recently, sales, in the Latin America & Canada Region, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, and Switzerland. In 2015 Mr. Suarez was appointed Vice President, Consumer Channel Strategy & Event Marketing, and became Vice President, Digital Strategy Reduced-Risk Products in 2016. Mr. Suarez holds a degree in economics from the Ibero-American University in Mexico City."



New York City, NY President Latin America and Canada Region

Mario Masseroli joined Philip Morris Argentina in 1998 and served in a variety of leadership roles in different geographies. He was named Managing Director, Guatemala in 2006, followed by his appointment as Director, Corporate Affairs for PMI Spain in 2007. Mr. Masseroli was named Vice President, Corporate Affairs Latin America & Canada in 2009. He then went on to become Managing Director Spain, Canary Islands and Portugal in 2012, a position he held until his current appointment as President for Latin America and Canada region based in New


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San Juan, Puerto Rico President and Chief Executive Officer

Ignacio Alvarez is the current president and chief executive officer of Popular, Inc., the leading financial institution in Puerto Rico and among the top 50 bank holding companies in the United States. He has implemented a new strategic framework focused on growth, efficiency, customer service, talent and internal controls. He is part of various boards such as Endeavor Puerto Rico, Fundación Banco Popular and Popular Bank Foundation, and Centro Financiero BHD León, S.A. and Banco BHD León. He was recognized as one of Puerto Rico's best lawyers by Chambers Global.

Embrace challenges and be open to new opportunities. Believe in yourself, but seek and accept advice from others.


As Popular’s Chief Legal Officer reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, Javier serves on the company’s executive team and oversees all legal matters, including corporate governance, corporate transactions including M&A activities, litigation and investigations, and securities law compliance, as well as government affairs. Since January 2019, he oversees Popular’s Strategic Planning Division. Javier joined Popular from the Pietrantoni Mendez & Alvarez LLC law firm in San Juan, P.R., a leading commercial firm in the Island, which he co-founded with other five partners in September 1992. Javier served as President of the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico and Vice Chairman of its Board of Directors, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico from January to July 2013. He received his J.D. from Boston College Law School in 1986, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Harvard University in 1983. He was admitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bar in 1987 and to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Bar in 1988. Javier has also been admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Javier was born in Cuba in 1961; resides in Puerto Rico since 1965. He is married and is the father of five children.

“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

San Juan, Puerto Rico Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Choose those close to you carefully, the journey is much more fun with good company. Spend your time doing things that matter, with smart and dedicated people that care.

PPG Industries


Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer


Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary


Carlos J. Vázquez was named in 2013 as Chief Financial Officer of Popular Inc., a financial holding company composed of Puerto Rico’s largest bank, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico (BPPR), and a US-mainland operation, Popular Bank. Before joining Popular, Inc., Mr. Vázquez spent fifteen years in a variety of corporate finance, capital markets and banking positions with JP Morgan & Co. Inc. Mr. Vázquez is an Executive Vice President of Popular Inc.; a member of Popular Inc.’s Senior Management Council; as well as a member of its Credit Strategy Committee and the head of its Asset & Liability Management Committee. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Popular Bank, Popular Securities and Vice Chairman of the Banco Popular Foundation. He also serves on the national Board of Directors of Operation Hope, a national non-for-profit focusing on financial literacy. Finally, he is a member of the Advisory Committee to the Dean of the School of Engineering at his alma matter, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.




Executive Vice President


Executive Vice President, Logistics and Distribution


Executive Vice President


Senior Vice President, International Controller

Principal Financial



Des Moines, Iowa President and Chief Executive Officer

Luis Valdés is President & Chief Executive Officer, Principal International, Inc. Previously he was President, Principal Financial Group Latin America (2010 – March 2011), supervising operations in Brazil, Chile and Mexico. Valdés also served as regional vice president Latin America and Spain, Principal International from 1998 through March 2010. Prior to joining Principal®, Valdés served in several positions as a public servant for the Chilean Government from 1980 through 1991, including his last appointment as Insurance Commissioner for Chile (1989 – 1991). Valdés has been associated with

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Principal since 1995 when he was managing director of BanRenta Compania de Seguros de Vida in Chile, and Principal signed its first joint venture in that country. He currently serves as board chair for BrasilPrev Seguros e Previdencia (Brazil). Valdés is also a member of the Executive Committee and the Honors Committee for the International Insurance Society (IIS). He has been a professor of Business Policy and Finance since 1988 at several universities. Valdés also served as a professor in a postgraduate program in Business at the ESE School Business of Universidad Los Andes.

As an entrepreneurial-style leader, I value and encourage customers to achieve their lifetime goals by embracing innovative ideas and new ways of doing things as part of well-executed plans.

Procter & Gamble


Chief Information Officer

Currently, Javier Polit occupies the position of Chief Information Officer of Procter & Gamble Co. Mr. Polit is also on the board of Quinnipiac University and Girls Who Code, Inc. and Co-Chairman for Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc., Member-Information Technology Board at The Consumer Goods Forum and Member of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Inc. Mr. Polit previously was Vice President-Global Corporate Systems at Office Depot, Inc., Chief Information Officer-Bottling Investments at The Coca-Cola Co. and Vice President-Information Technology of NationsBank, NA (South).



Panama City, Panama President - Latin America

Juan Fernando is responsible for P&G’s business in LatinAmerica, home to more than 500 million consumers, with on-the-ground operations in 11 countries, 17 manufacturing plants and 12,000+ employees. Juan Fernando joined P&G in 1989 as a financial analyst for our Laundry and Hair Care businesses in Colombia. Juan Fernando is passionate about developing talent at P&G and about the company’s citizenship efforts, especially community impact and gender equality programs, such as P&G’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water and Born Learning both designed to improve children’s development and launching recently a fellowship program with young women with Vital Voices.

“If you leave us our money, our buildings, and our brands, but take away our people, the Company will fail. But if you take away our money, our buildings, and our brands but leave us our people, we can rebuild the whole thing in a decade” Richard Deupree, Chief Executive Officer P&G (1948-1959)

Public Service Enterprise Group


Vice President, Chief Information Officer, PSEG Services


Executive Vice President, General Counsel




Vice President, Corporate Communications

Chief Executive Officer

Emanuel “Manny” Chirico is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PVH Corp., owner of an iconic family of brands including CALVIN KLEIN, TOMMY HILFIGER, Van Heusen, Speedo, Warner’s and IZOD. Manny has been with PVH for over 25 years, serving as CEO since 2006 and Chairman since 2007. Under his leadership, PVH has become one of the most admired fashion and lifestyle companies in the world with $9.7 billion in annual revenues and 38,000 associates operating in over 40 countries. He has been recognized for his leadership and business accomplishments. Manny was inducted into the Business of Fashion 500 Hall of Fame in 2019. In 2018, he received Women’s Wear Daily’s CEO Creative Leadership Award, was named Person of the Year by the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) and received the Committee for Economic Development’s (CED) Leadership Award.


Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer

Frank Lopez is Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer for Ryder System, Inc., a FORTUNE 500® commercial fleet management, dedicated transportation, and supply chain solutions company. In this position, he is responsible for leading Ryder’s Human Resources function, which includes talent management, recruiting, compensation and benefits, employee engagement, HR operations, and labor relations. Mr. Lopez joined Ryder in 2002 as Senior Legal Counsel handling labor & employment law. Since then, he has held a number of positions of increasing responsibility, including Assistant General Counsel, Group Director of HR and Labor Relations and Vice President of HR.



Vice President, Marketing Communications & Strategic Partnerships

President, Fleet Management Solutions


Science Applications International


Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary

Ryder System


Coral Gables, FL


Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Robert Sanchez is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R), a FORTUNE 500® commercial fleet management, dedicated transportation, and supply chain solutions company. He was named Chief Executive Officer in January 2013 and chairman of the board in May 2013. Under his leadership, Ryder has achieved record revenue and earnings levels. Mr. Sanchez is on the Board of Directors of Texas Instruments and a member of the board’s goverance and stockholder relations committee. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the Truck Renting and Leasing Association (TRALA), the United Way of Miami-Dade (2016-2018 Campaign Co-Chair), the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba, and the Association of Cuban American Engineers (ACAE), for which he chairs the Scholarship Foundation. The ACAE has granted over $300,000 in scholarships to deserving Hispanic engineer students. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Thomas University and the University of Miami.


Chief of Business Operations

Mark Escobar is executive vice president and chief of business operations (CBO) for SAIC. In this role he leads SAIC’s Business Operations organization, which brings together contracts, procurement, security, business development operations, government affairs, corporate communications, information technology, and corporate facilities to meet SAIC strategic objectives. Since joining SAIC in 1999, Escobar has served as the general manager of the Department of Defense Agencies and Commands customer group, senior program manager and SAIC operations manager for the Army National Guard/Army Reserve Agency IT services contract. He has also held positions as a program manager, division manager, and chief engineer for a variety of contracts supporting Unified NASA IT Services, the Army Directorate of Information Management, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Science Foundation.

Sempra Energy


Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy & External Affairs


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Targa Resources



Chief Commercial Officer

Southwest Airlines



Dallas, TX Managing Director, Deputy General Counsel

Juan Suarez is Managing Director, Deputy General Counsel at Southwest Airlines Co. Southwest Airlines, a Dallas-based airline, is the nation’s largest carrier in terms of originating domestic passengers boarded serving more than 100 million customers annually. In his current position, Juan is responsible for providing legal guidance and maintaining legal compliance as it relates to Southwest’s business strategy, corporate initiatives, litigation management, employee relations, and labor relations. Since joining Southwest in 2000, Juan has served in various roles. Prior to being named Deputy General Counsel, Juan served as Associate General Counsel Labor & Employment. He currently serves on the Board for Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity and as a Board Member on the Dallas Regional Chamber.

“The most successful Leader never underestimates the power of humility.”

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings*


Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

affairs, corporate compliance, and government affairs. She joined Sabre in 2014 as Executive Vice President and General Counsel. Rachel serves on the board of Dana Incorporated, where she serves on the audit committee as well as the nominating and corporate governance committee.

No hay nada mas hermoso que la risa. (Nothing is more beautiful than laughter.)


Senior Vice President, US Operations

State Street Corp.




Chief Executive Officer for International Business

Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing and Digital Officer

Rick Gomez is executive vice president, chief marketing and digital officer for Target and a member of its executive leadership team. He is responsible for overseeing marketing and media strategy, creative, guest research, loyalty, in-house media company Roundel, and corporate responsibility efforts. In addition, Rick is the head of Target’s e-commerce business and oversees the company’s digital strategy. Prior to joining Target, Rick held senior-level marketing positions at MillerCoors, PepsiCo and the Quaker Oats Company. He currently serves on the board for GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Student Education Network), the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) and the Ad Council.

SunTrust Banks


Treasury & Payment Solutions Executive


General Auditor



Stanley Black & Decker


Senior Vice President & President Global Emerging Markets



Bellevue, WA Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Rachel Gonzalez is executive vice president, general counsel and secretary for Starbucks Coffee Company. Joining Starbucks in April 2018, Rachel handles legal and regulatory affairs, global security, and ethics and compliance, in addition to acting as counselor to the board of directors and executive leadership. In her previous role at Sabre Corporation, Gonzalez led a global team responsible for human resources, corporate communications, legal strategy, regulatory


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Synchrony Financial


Robert M. Muraro has served as Chief Commercial Officer of the Company and the General Partner since March 1, 2018. Mr. Muraro previously served as Executive Vice President – Commercial of the Company and the General Partner between February 22, 2017 and February 28, 2018. He also served as Senior Vice President – Commercial and Business Development of Targa Midstream Services LLC (“Targa Midstream”) and various other subsidiaries of the Partnership between March 2016 and February 2017. He also served as Vice President – Commercial Development of Targa Midstream and various other subsidiaries of the Partnership between January 2013 and March 2016. He held the position of Director of Business Development between August 2004 and January 2013.


Orange County, California Executive Vice President & Chief Executive Officer for CareCredit

Alberto “Beto” Casellas brings nearly 30 years of experience to his role as Executive Vice President & Chief Executive Officer for CareCredit, a Synchrony solution. In this role, he oversees the strategic direction of CareCredit to become a comprehensive healthcare financial solution and the nation’s leading brand for health, wellness and personal care financing. Prior to his current role, Beto served as Executive Vice President & Chief Customer Engagement Officer, a role in which he focused on accelerating customer engagement and core analytics processes and initiatives across Synchrony. He has also held leadership assignments in the Retail Card Client Initiatives Group, Sales, Operations, P&L and e-commerce across various businesses throughout GE. He is the Executive Sponsor for Synchrony’s Hispanic Network and also serves on the Board of Directors of Domus Kids, a non-profit organization that helps create the conditions necessary for local youth to get on a path toward health and opportunity so they can succeed in school and ultimately lead satisfying and productive lives.

Make the most of every moment. You may not get a second chance.


Minneapolis, MN Executive Vice President and Chief Supply Chain & Logistics Officer

Arthur Valdez Jr. is executive vice president, chief supply chain and logistics officer for Target. He joined Target in March 2016, bringing more than 20 years of leadership experience in the retail supply chain and warehousing industry. Arthur has spent his career building supply chain networks around the world. His prior roles include senior leadership positions at Amazon and Walmart. Today, he volunteers his time to mentor other first-generation and minority college students. He also serves on the Colorado State University Global Leadership Council and the board of directors for Shipt, an internet delivery service and Target subsidiary.



Minneapolis, MN Senior Vice President, Store Operations

As simple as it may come across, my parents instilled in me values that have allowed me to stay true to who I am along my entire career.. My mom taught me to dream big, while my dad inspired me to work hard and never forget where I came from. Personally or professionally, I try to live by actions speaking louder than words and take each opportunity to make not only my parents, but my wife and kids proud.

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Tech Data


Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications


Vice President, Americas Marketing

since 2012. He joined Textron in 1990 as associate collections administrator, progressing to numerous finance and sales management positions, including several projects in Latin America and Europe. He led major improvement initiatives at Bell Helicopter, such as enhanced sales and marketing programs, the integration of diverse customer support operations, and expansion of credit sources for our international customers.

TransDigm Group Tenet Healthcare


Dallas, TX Executive Vice President of Communications & Chief Marketing Officer

Marie Quintana serves as executive vice president of communications and chief marketing officer for Tenet Healthcare. Under Quintana’s leadership, Tenet has activated its first integrated national marketing campaign, which is driving strong results in brand recognition and awareness. She also serves as chair of the Tenet Healthcare Foundation and is a director on the Governing Board of the Detroit Medical Center, which is operated by Tenet. Quintana is a recognized industry leader, speaker and co-author on consumer-centric multicultural strategies that drive and scale business growth. She co-founded the PepsiCo Women of Color Alliance, which was awarded the Catalyst Award in 2007. She is a past founding board member of the Network of Executive Women.

Embracing the difficult moments in your life will empower you to recognize the opportunities that lie behind them. A reminder that you can handle whatever comes your way.

Texas Instruments


Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer, Finance & Operations

Rafael Lizardi is a senior vice president, chief financial officer and chief accounting officer of Texas Instruments. Prior to this role, Lizardi served as the corporate controller. During his career at TI, he has held a number of leadership positions in finance and operations including, controller for the company’s High Volume Analog and Logic business and the director of corporate financial planning. Lizardi joined Texas Instruments in 2001 as part of the company’s finance development program after serving five years as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition to his role at TI, he serves on the board of directors for the Texas Instruments Foundation, the Dallas Children’s Theater and the Dallas Regional Chamber.


Chief Operating Officer


Executive Vice President

Triple S. Management


President, Chief Executive Officer

President & Chief Executive Officer; Secretary since 2010; Vice President and General Counsel since 2008. Previously, Vice President and General Counsel at Puerto Rico Telephone. He holds a BA from Harvard University, an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and a JD from Stanford Law School. He completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard.


Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer

President of Triple-S Salud and Triple-S Advantage. Served as Chief Risk Officer of Triple-S Salud since 2010, in charge of actuarial, underwriting, statistics and clinical management. Served as Vice President of finance and executive Vice President of Triple-C. Holds a Masters in Finance and a BA in administration and accounting from the Interamerican University.


President and Chief Executive Officer, Textron Financial Corporation

Danny Maldonado is president and chief executive officer of Textron Financial Corporation. He was named to this position in December 2014. Prior to joining Textron Financial Corporation, Maldonado served as Bell Helicopter's executive vice president of sales and marketing

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

She served as the Chief Administrative Officer of MMM. She began her career at Popular where she held positions of increasing responsibility until she was appointed Senior Vice President of People. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Puerto Rico, a master’s degree in Labor and Human Resources Management from The Ohio State University and an MBA from Indiana University.

JOSE NOVOA-LOYOLA Chief Medical Officer

Chief Medical Officer since July 2015. Served as medical director of the Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, as well as head of its cardiology department. He is certified by the Board of Cardiovascular Disease and the American Board of Internal Medicine. He studied medicine at the University of Puerto Rico and completed training in echocardiography at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.


Chief Human Resources Officer

She has extensive experience in organizational design, culture change and talent development, at Doral Financial, Popular, Merck and Ferring Pharmaceuticals. She has a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the University of Puerto Rico and a doctorate in industrial-organizational psychology from the Carlos Albizu University.

ARTURO L. CARRION-CRESPO President (Triple S Vida


President (Triple S Propiedad)


Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer



Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer since January 2016. Prior roles at GTS include corporate Vice President & CFO; and Executive Vice President and Finance Vice President of Triple-C. Most recently, he was Executive Vice President, CFO & Treasurer at EVERTEC. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Global Management Accountant. He has a BA in business administration with a major in accounting from the University of Puerto Rico.


Vice President Legal Affairs, Chief Legal Counsel & Secretary

Vice President of Legal Affairs, Chief Legal Counsel and Secretary since January 2016.Prior roles include Associate General Counsel, Acting General Counsel and Assistant Secretary since joining the company in 2013. He also served as Adjunct Professor at the University of Puerto Rico School of Law, and as Deputy Chief of Staff for the Governor of Puerto Rico.

FRANCISCO MARTORELL BASANTA Vice President Corporate Development

CARMEN M. ROSICH-NEVARES Vice President Internal Audit


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United Parcel Service


Chief Information Officer, Chief Engineering Officer

Juan Perez is the Chief Information and Engineering Officer for UPS and a member of the UPS Management Committee, responsible for all technology and engineering functions. He was appointed to his current role in 2017 after having served as Chief Information Officer since 2016. Juan’s leadership has generated greater operational efficiencies, customer service enhancements and environmental impact reductions. His career has included assignments in Operations, Industrial Engineering, Process Management and Technology in Corporate, U.S., and International business units. He currently manages a budget of $6 billion between Engineering and IT. In 2015 and 2017, he was recognized as one of the top 100 Hispanic IT leaders by the Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC). The Atlanta Telecom Professionals (ATP) awarded him with the 2015 Leadership Award recognizing UPS’s leadership in technology. He was recognized in 2016 as a Top Latino Leader by the Council for Latino Workplace Equity. He was named CIO of the Year in 2017 by CIO Dive. In 2018, Juan was honored with the “Distinguished Mexican” Award from the Mexican Government for his personal and career achievements in the US. And he was named 2018 CIO of the Year by the Georgia CIO Leadership Association in the Super Global category at its annual CIO of the Year® ORBIE® Awards.


President, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, The UPS Foundation



Chief Marketing Officer and President of Entertainment

Laser-focused career aspirations combined with her mantra, “You have to make the magic happen,” launched Jessica Rodriguez’s rise to CMO and President of Entertainment for Univision, the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S. An admired and respected leader throughout the media industry, her passion, creativity and collaborative style have helped to solidify Univision’s position as the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S. Rodriguez oversees all marketing for the company, and all entertainment content development and acquisitions for Univision’s portfolio of television and cable networks. In addition to scheduling and research, Rodriguez is also responsible for a range of key network activities, from production and talent relations to media planning, on-air promotions, digital/corporate marketing, and consumer brand analytics.


Varian Medical Systems

Miami, Florida


"Juan Carlos Rodriguez is the Hispanic media company in the U.S. President of Sports at Univision Communications Inc., the leading Hispanic media company in the U.S. Rodriguez has positioned Univision’s sports brand, TUDN, as the Home of Soccer in the U.S. through the acquisition of exclusive Spanish- language media rights to some of the most important properties and tournaments in the sport, including 14 Liga MX clubs, UEFA Champions League and Europa League, the U.S. and Mexican national teams, Major League Soccer, UEFA national team competitions, the Concacaf Gold Cup, Concacaf Champions League and Bundesliga. Under Rodriguez’ guidance, TUDN has become the country’s most watched Spanish-language sports network in the country in just seven years and is consistently among the top five mostwatched sports networks in the country, regardless of language. "

“Fail fast and fail cheap, then move on. Don’t be afraid to try new things and innovate, and if you fail learn from it and keep trying.”

Unum Group



Chattanooga, Tennessee Executive Vice President, General Counsel

Lisa was appointed general counsel of Unum Group in 2015. She is responsible for the legal affairs of the company and heads a team of lawyers handling transactions, finance and investments, SEC and reporting, corporate governance, regulatory matters and relationships, compliance and complex litigation. She also oversees the company's Enterprise Audit and Supply Management functions. Iglesias received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Accounting from the University of South Florida, and her law degree from the University of Miami. She is also a certified public accountant.

“Strive to be a lifelong learner. Staying in your comfort zone and continuing to do what you already do well, won’t get you there.”

Valero Energy


Vice President, Human Resources


Director, Media Relations & Communications


Menlo Park, CA Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Development & Strategy

Global strategy and corporate development leader for Varian, member of Chief Executive Officer’s executive team, led VAR strategic pivot to cancer . 20-year healthcare global strategy, operating experience. Drove >$10B in public & private acquisitions and spin-outs. Former Head of GE Ventures healthcare, Head of Healthcare at GE Equity. Comprehensive board governance experience, former member of audit, comp & ben committees. As Varian continues to grow, our staff of over 9,000 people in 70 offices around the globe is developing innovative, cost-effective solutions that help achieve our vision of a world without the fear of cancer. At Varian, led corporate evaluation of Varian's (NYSE:VAR) corporate strategy, implemented strategic pivot to refocus company towards an oncology-focused company. Led evaluation and execution of spin-out resulting in $1.3B public listing of business unit (NASDAQ:VREX) and corporate strategy transformation via expansion of Varian into two new business units and new revenue models (consumables and technology-enabled services) to add to the existing Capex-driven revenue model. Led global Strategy & Corp Dev function in 12 acquisitions from 2016 to 2019.

Find your own answers and do not let others tell you what you can and cannot do – From my father



Executive Vice President, Chief Transformation Officer

Jose Tolosa is Executive Vice President, Chief Transformation Officer, ViacomCBS. Tolosa guides the combined company’s integration to accelerate the evolution of its businesses. Additionally, he leads Strategic Planning efforts for ViacomCBS, and oversees the company’s Global Business Services and Global Sourcing teams, serving enterprise-wide support and helping drive cost synergies. Tolosa previously served as Chief Transformation Officer of Viacom since November 2017. During this time, Tolosa directed Viacom’s transformation strategy through cross-company initiatives to drive the revitalization of Viacom across its core businesses. Tolosa began his career at Viacom in 2008, and acted in a number of pan-regional business development and strategy roles for the company in Latin America, Japan and India. Before Viacom, he was co-founder and COO at the HNMA Funding Company and held roles at The Parthenon Group, Bear Stearns and Co. and Claxson Interactive Group.


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Vistra Energy


Executive Vice President, General Counsel



Bentonville, Arkansas and Santiago de Chile

Executive Vice President & Chief Executive Officer, UK, Latin America and Africa Regions, Walmart International Enrique Ostalé is executive vice president and regional chief executive officer – U.K, Latin America and Africa, at Walmart International. He also serves as chairman of the board of directors of Walmart Mexico and Central America, Walmart Chile and as a member of the board for Massmart. Enrique assumed this expanded regional role in April 2017 after serving previously as Chief Executive Officer of Walmart Latin America, India and Africa (2016-17), Chief Executive Officer of Walmart Mexico, Central America and Latin America (2013-16) and president and Chief Executive Officer of Walmart Chile (2006-13).

“Throughout my 10 year career with Walmart, I’ve had the privilege of working with amazing people and learning from amazing cultures. I can only wish the same for everyone!”.



Rogers, AR Executive Vice President, Global Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer

Daniel Trujillo is the Executive Vice President and Global Chief Ethics & Compliance (E&C) Officer for Walmart. As the leader of Walmart’s Global E&C team, Daniel develops the company’s strategic vision for the E&C program which is responsible for 14 subject matters in 27 countries. Daniel serves as the executive sponsor for Walmart’s LatinX Network, a Hispanic Latino Associate Resource Group that supports the business to recruit, retain and develop high caliber Hispanic talent. He also serves as co-chair for the Global Governance Council for Diversity and Inclusion at Walmart.

“The way I see it, success is defined by enjoying the process, doing what is right, staying true to who you are and helping others along the way.”


Executive Vice President & Chief Administration Officer for Walmart International

JP Suarez is executive vice president and chief administration officer for Walmart International. He is responsible for oversight of the Technology, Global Leverage, Logistics and Partnership Services teams within the In-

ternational Division. Each of these areas has a different function, but the goal of each is the same: to help deliver value to Walmart’s 27 international markets and to make working with Walmart easier and more efficient. JP joined Walmart in 2004 and has held various leadership roles within Walmart International and Sam’s Club. His previous experience includes serving as President George W. Bush’s Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance at the Environmental Protection Agency, having been confirmed by the U.S. Senate. JP also served as a federal prosecutor in the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey and as director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming, where he was responsible for overseeing New Jersey’s casino industry. He was a member of the University of Pennsylvania Law School Board of Overseers for five years and served on the board of Walmart’s publicly traded subsidiary, Massmart, from 2011 to 2017. JP currently serves on the board of the International Council of Shopping Centers.

“I believe in being a life-long learner: if you’re not learning, you’re dying. And be passionate and curious about what you do— it makes life and work fun.”



Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer

Ana M. Menendez has served as our Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since November 2003, as Treasurer since 1998, and as Assistant Secretary since 1999. Ms. Menendez is a certified public accountant. Ms. Menendez supervises all financial and accounting aspects of the Company, including taxes, risk management, benefits, treasury and cash management, the Company's system of internal control and other compliance activities. She also is the leader and principal contact for the Company's banking relationships and actively participates at a senior level in a variety of strategic activities. Ms. Menendez served on the Advisory Board of the College of Education at Florida International University from 2013 through 2015. She is a member and board chair of the Miami branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

Westinghouse Air Brake



Pittsburgh, PA President & Chief Executive Officer​

Rafael Santana is President and Chief Executive Officer of Wabtec, a leading global provider of equipment, systems, digital solutions and value-added services for freight and transit rail. A native of Brazil, Santana brings roughly 25 years of commercial,

product management and executive leadership experience to this post, including more than 10 years in the transportation industry. He has a proven track record of transforming businesses, while delivering top- and bottom-line growth.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people may forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou



Senior Vice President, Global Product Organization




Plano TX Global Chief Financial Officer & GM, Latin America & Iberia, Pizza Hut

Enrique leads and drives the development of strategic initiatives and financial decisions for the Pizza Hut brand (18,500 stores and $12.5B in system sales). He is also the Managing Director/General Manager of Pizza Hut’s Latin America and Iberia. In this role, Enrique is responsible for leading one Pizza Hut’s largest business units (2,500 stores and $2.5B in system sales). He first joined Pizza Hut in January of 2010 as Vice President, Finance and was promoted to Chief Financial Officer of Pizza Hut U.S. in January 2011. In this role, he oversaw all company and franchise Finance functions for the U.S. business as well as Strategic Planning. In January 2014, was promoted to C.F.O. of Pizza Hut Global, and has since been focused on helping develop and execute the international growth strategy for the brand. In October 2016, He took on the Development function for Pizza Hut globally, and led a significant acceleration of international unit development through both organic growth and M&A. In April 2019, following the completion of a landmark alliance that added 1,300 stores to the Pizza Hut system, Enrique took on the additional role of General Manager of Pizza Hut’s Latin America and Iberia business unit. Holds an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Economics from the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self --Ernest Hemingway.



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ISTENING TO Elcio Barcelos speak for thirty minutes on tape gives you the peculiar sensation that you are listening to a movie star or celebrity. Born in the California, but raised in Brazil, Barcelos could barely speak English when he returned to the United States at age 23, forgoing his Brazilian citizenship in favor of a chance for the American Dream.If he stumbled at all, his stumble was brief, for he quickly landed a job as a salesman with a determination to pay his rent but also to shed that strong Brazilian accent that marked him as a foreigner. He succeeded at both. He also decided to follow the winds of fate by accepting any promotion or whim at each of his sales companies, such that, before he landed on his feet in Washington, D.C., in the mid 1990s, he had moved at least 17 times.

By then, the accent was a memory.

But with, in fact, Hollywood good looks and an unflappable nature, Barcelos was also a self-styled student of the American corporate environment and found that each incremental advancement was beginning to add up. In Washington, he began working for National Bank, in part because the Latino culture views bankers with great esteem. He now thought he was getting somewhere. Before long, however, National Bank absorbed a competitor called Bank of America, adopting the competitor’s name. BoA, as it is called, decided to groom Barcelos for a Profit & Loss Branch Management position. There were promises of more promotions in store, but Barcelos found developing his executive talents prompted some personal soul searching. With a helpful nudge from an executive training coach, he realized his true passion lay in something he calls “human capital and leadership of people,” a field that involves human resources, recruitment and internal development of employees. In this arena, Barcelos has risen through the ranks to take over talent recruitment at Wells Fargo – his next stepping-stone – and then Hewlett Packard, a $25 billion a year enterprise that has a workforce as large as Topeka, Kansas – about 120,000 workers around the globe. His current job is the Senior Vice President of Integrated Technology Solutions and Chief of Human Resources at the Federal National Mortgage Association, endearingly known as Fannie Mae. When Barcelos talks about human capital, his intent is both opportunistic and nurturing. He is in a position to 42 LATINO LEADERS WINTER 2019

Timothy Baler Courtesy Luis González

Elcio Barcelos Chief Human Resources Officer guide diversity and explore new ways of doing that – including, for example, the development of Fannie Mae University, which the financial giant is about to launch. After all, diversity also entails developing the talent you’ve got. Overall, Barcelos’ job isn’t so much different from the chores of the General Manager for a major league baseball team, looking to fill positions of third base, catcher, outfielder and short stop – along with some strong arms in the pitching rotation – in order to maximize the company’s potential. This is a bit like fitting a kaleidoscope to a stained glass window. Diversity is important; interactions are important. A mix of skill sets helps. Is more training required? What about moving the short stop to second base and putting the second baseman in the outfield and making the displaced outfielder a designated hitter … let’s see how that goes. Barcelos imagines the future as reexamining the strengths of diversity, rather than guiding people to kowtow to conformity. He might not regret shedding his own accent, but he understands the decision was not completely in the plus column. Latinos, he says, try to “polish the edges” to conform to the corporate environment, but the modern viewpoint is developing a new appreciation of indigenous strengths. “What about using those edges to our advantage?” Barcelos asks. He refers to his lost accent and says, “It’s not about fitting in anymore. It’s about being outstanding.” The higher up you climb in the corporate world, the better the view and Barcelos sees the Latino community improving its skills in math and science from the ground floor up – in early education opportunities. Corporations are now focusing on appreciating the diversity they have within – with resource groups that celebrate different cultures and advocate for them, he says. But now he’d like to see the greater community step up. “Latino people are dogged, determined, persistent, driven,” he said. “But there’s a deficit there. We need more Latino talent.”


TOP UNIVERSITIES FOR LATINOS Education has always been at the forefront of important conversations. Tuition, degree plans, faculty, post-graduation success percentage, and so on, all have their spot in these conversations. As a leading publication for the Hispanic professional, these are also conversations that we feel an obligation to discuss about. As we approach another year and another decade, we have seen the improvement and effort universities have been making when it comes to catering to the Hispanic population. In the upcoming pages, you will come across an index reviewing the top universities that highly impact the Latino students. We are happy to have collaborated with various Texas schools and provide you a more indepth look at to what each university has to offer. 44 LATINO LEADERS WINTER 2019

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TOP UNIVERSITIES FOR LATINOS This index is a compilation of some of the top universities and colleges for Latinos. Included are universities that have Hispanic-Serving Institution designation or that offer programs or assistance to Latinos.


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Texas A&M University

College Station, TX, Galveston, TX, Doha, Qatar


Cambridge College

Boston, MA, Lawrence, MA, Springfield, MA, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, San Juan, PR

Emporia State University



Texas A&M opened its doors in 1876 as the state's first public institution of higher learning. Today, they stand as a research-intensive flagship university dedicated to sending Aggie leaders out into the world prepared to take on the challenges of tomorrow. TAMU is ranked #1 in the nation for most graduates serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. Texas A&M University is dedicated to the discovery, development, communication, and application of knowledge in a wide range of academic and professional fields. Its mission of providing the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs is inseparable from its mission of developing new understandings through research and creativity.


Deborah C. Jackson

For more than 45 years Cambridge College has been a leader and pioneer in adult learning. With a main campus in Boston, Massachusetts, and four regional locations nationwide, we provide academically excellent, time-efficient, and affordable higher education to a diverse population of adult learners. A private, nonprofit institution, Cambridge College is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE, formerly known as NEASC); our various degree and certificate programs enable students to earn the credentials they need to advance in their careers.

Emporia, KS


Allison Garrett

Emporia State University offers over 200 academic programs in the School of Business, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Library and Information Management and The Teachers College. For three consecutive years, ESU is the only public university in Kansas to have earned national recognition as a College of Distinction, an honor for universities that demonstrate innovative application of high-impact education.

Georgia Southern University

Atlanta, GA


Dr. Kyle Marrero

Georgia Southern University is the state’s largest and most comprehensive center of higher education south of Atlanta. With 141 degree programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, Georgia Southern has been designated a public Carnegie Doctoral/R2 institution and serves over 26,400 students from all 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico as well as 102 nations. Georgia Southern’s nationally accredited academic programs prepare diverse scholars for leadership and service as world citizens. A unit of the University System of Georgia, the University boasts 200-plus student organizations, outstanding Division I athletics, and state-of-the art residence halls and campus facilities.

University of the Incarnated Word

San Antonio, TX


Dr. Thomas Evans

The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) is a private Catholic university whose main campus is located in San Antonio and Alamo Heights, Texas. A University of the Incarnate Word degree combines important core learning — how to write, speak, think — with important professional preparation. UIW offers over 90 undergraduate majors, minors and concentrations, and over 20 graduate and doctoral programs — each designed with input from industry leaders and top employers. UIW stands as the largest Catholic university in Texas, and among the nation’s most diverse and welcoming faith communities.

Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, AZ

Rita Cheng

Northern Arizona University (NAU) is a public research university with its main campus in Flagstaff, Arizona. NAU is the only state university in Arizona with its professional education programs accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. U.S. News and World Report ranked NAU’s graduate nursing program as one of the best in the nation. NAU offers Flagstaff undergraduate students the Pledge Program, which guarantees the same tuition rate for four years.



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Dr. Dana Hoyt

Named for the greatest hero of Texas, Sam Houston State University was originally founded as a teachers college and still consistently ranks among the top schools of education. Today, students can chose from 90 undergraduate degree programs, 60 master’s programs, and 11 doctoral programs at the main campus in Huntsville or a satellite campus located in The Woodlands. Classified as a Doctoral Research University by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, SHSU is in the top percentile of all colleges and universities. With seven colleges and an osteopathic medical school underway, Sam Houston State continues to grow relevant academic offerings that not only meet the needs of today’s students but those of the next generation.


Dr. Lawrence Schovanec

Committed to teaching and the advancement of knowledge, Texas Tech University, a comprehensive public research university, provides the highest standards of excellence in higher education, fosters intellectual and personal development, and stimulates meaningful research and service to humankind. Texas Tech University is among 131 universities and colleges in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education's “Very High Research Activity” category. The University also is only one of 94 public institutions listed. The list is updated every three years and universities must maintain specific criteria to achieve designation. Texas Tech first made the list in 2015 and was reaffirmed in 2018.


Carine M. Feyten

With enrollment of approximately 15,000 students, Texas Woman’s University (TWU) is the nation’s largest university primarily for women. Texas Woman’s offers degree programs in the liberal arts, nursing, health sciences, the sciences, business and education. Its campuses in Denton, Dallas and Houston are joined by an e-learning campus offering innovative online degree programs in business, education and general studies. Their purpose is: Educate a woman, Empower the world. Texas Woman’s University cultivates engaged leaders and global citizens by leveraging its historical strengths in health, liberal arts, and education and its standing as the nation’s largest public university primarily for women.

Houston, TX


Dr. Juan Sánchez Muñoz

Located in the heart of Houston’s business district, the University of Houston-Downtown continues to grow both its campus and academic offerings. UHD is the city’s second largest higher education institution and is a recognized Hispanic Serving Institution and Minority Serving Institution. Hispanic students comprise the largest portion of UHD’s 14,000 students (46 percent), and the institution continues to proactively recruit students from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds through its Minority Male Initiative. This recruiting effort creates pathways to the university for students in area middle schools and community colleges. UHD’s Center for Critical Race Studies; Center for Student Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and Cultural Enrichment Center host special guests and events celebrating diversity on campus and in the community. University also is extending its academic reach through strategic international partnerships, including a collaboration with the Mexican State of Tamaulipas.

Houston, TX


Renu Khator

As the region’s largest provider of comprehensive university services, from the baccalaureate to the doctorate, the University of Houston System plays an essential role in meeting the higher education needs of the Houston metropolitan area and Texas. The UH System serves more than 72,000 students, has an annual budget that exceeds $1.7 billion, and produces a $6 billion-plus economic impact on the Greater Houston area each year. The UH System includes the University of Houston, UH-Clear Lake, UH-Downtown and UH-Victoria, and instructional sites in Katy, Northwest Houston, Pearland and Sugar Land.

Sam Houston State University

The Woodlands, TX, Huntsville, TX

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX

Texas Woman's University

Denton, TX, Houston, TX , Dallas, TX

University of HoustonDowntown

UH System


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University of Houston-Clear Lake

Houston, TX


Ira K. Blake

University of Houston-Clear Lake represents a dynamic force in education, offering undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students a close-knit, academic community, enhanced by a global perspective, to students in the Houston-Galveston area and beyond since 1974. UH-Clear Lake has flourished in the midst of the upper Gulf Coast’s international petrochemical industry, Texas Medical Center and NASA Johnson Space Center. More than 68,000 alumni have pursued diverse opportunities and share distinguished records of achievement in the professional worlds of business, industry, education and healthcare. Led by President Ira K. Blake, the university continues to expand educational opportunities and build partnerships.

University of HoustonVictoria

Victoria, TX


Bob Glenn

Located in the Coastal Bend region, UHV is an undergraduate and master's university that enrolled its first freshman class in fall 2010. UHV offers 70 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, with concentrations in the arts and sciences, business administration, education and human development, along with one of the most dynamic online educational programs in the state. Through the years, UHV’s enrollment has grown to more than 4,400 students, and the university confers about 1,030 degrees annually. UHV boasts more than 20,500 alumni.

University of Texas at Tyler

Tyler, TX


Dr. Michael V. Tidwell

The University of Texas at Tyler is part of the prestigious University of Texas System that includes 14 institutions located throughout the state. Founded in 1971, UT Tyler today enrolls more than 10,000 students and consists of six colleges. Part of the prestigious University of Texas System, UT Tyler ranks among the highest in the system for students graduating on time, and the students often receive job offers before they graduate. Employers confirm that UT Tyler graduates are among the very best produced by any public university in Texas.

University of Texas Dallas (UTD)

Richardson, TX


Dr. Richard Benson

The University of Texas at Dallas is a rising research powerhouse with eight schools and more than 140 academic degrees including top-ranked programs in business, engineering, science, audiology and arts and technology. The campus community is enriched by a commitment to the arts, service learning opportunities and an athletics program with new esports teams. UTD students, faculty, staff and alumni continue to rise to new challenges, proving that Comets shine bright.

University of Texas San Antonio

San Antonio, TX


Taylor Eighmy

UTSA is a growing community with intentions to expand to over 45,000 students by 2028. However, like the community UTSA calls home, this major public university maintains its personal touch. UTSA provides a wide variety of quality programs and services designed to support student success and enrich learning and living experiences. Faculty and staff are committed to helping students reach their educational, personal and professional aspirations with one-on-one interaction and personal instruction. Experiential classroom-to-career opportunities enhance the learning experience and open doors for Roadrunners.

University of Texas at Arlington

Arlington, TX


Vistasp M. Karbhari, Ph.D.

An educational leader in the heart of the thriving North Texas region, The University of Texas at Arlington nurtures minds within an environment that values excellence, ingenuity, and diversity. UTA is dedicated to producing the lifelong learners and critical thinkers our region and nation demand. UTA was awarded R-1: Doctoral Universities—Highest Research Activity designation by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, the definitive list for the top doctoral research universities in the United States. This puts the University in an elite group of 115 institutions, including Harvard, MIT, and Johns Hopkins.


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El Paso, TX


Heather Wilson

The Brookings Institution, a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C., ranked UTEP No.1 among all U.S. public universities for successful achievement in both competitive research and student social mobility. UTEP is the top university in the continental United States for graduating Hispanic students who go on to earn doctoral degrees in STEM fields. It also is recognized as one of the top universities in the U.S. for the number of Hispanic graduates in biological and biomedical sciences, accounting and related services, engineering, homeland security, and law enforcement and related protective services.

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Brownsville,TX, Edinburg, TX, Harlingen, TX


Guy Bailey, Ph.D.

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is one university spanning four counties and multiple locations. Their purpose is to be a university for the entire Rio Grande Valley and beyond. UTRGV's core priorities are: Student Success; Educational Opportunities; Health and Medical Education; Research Impacting the Rio Grande Valley and Beyond; and Community Engagement. UTRGV's mission is to transform the Rio Grande Valley, the Americas, and the world through an innovative and accessible educational environment that promotes student success, research, creative works, health and well-being, community engagement, sustainable development, and commercialization of university discoveries.



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he University of Houston-Downtown’s faculty and staff do exactly that when preparing the institution’s nearly 15,000 students for careers and academic opportunities. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, students receive instruction and guidance from trailblazing educators and higher education professionals who are paving the way for their success. Learning from award-winning authors like Professor Daniel Peña and esteemed scholars such as Dr. Bonnie Lucero (Director of the Center for Latino Studies), UHD’s students gain valuable insights they can apply to their personal and professional lives. Likewise, rising stars in university administration such as Dr. Liza Alonzo, Director of Special Events and Alumni Relations and Daniel Villanueva, Associate Vice President for Enrollment

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Management and Registrar, work diligently to support students as they continue their academic journeys. And with institutional leadership from UHD President, Dr. Juan Sánchez Muñoz, the UHD Community is provided with an evolving learning landscape in the heart of the fourth largest city in the United States. The University’s growing campus—comprised of seven buildings with more in development—sits in the heart of the fourth largest city in the United States, just blocks away from Fortune 500 companies, the Theater District and City Hall. Satellite locations expand UHD’s academic reach, providing more Texans with opportunities to complete bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Proof of UHD’s efforts to prepare tomorrow’s leaders speak for themselves. Alumni in the region include entrepreneurs, executives, artists, lawyers, educators, law enforcement officers, legislators and professionals in a range of industries. Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez is a proud alum as is Director of Marketing and Client Services for Garcia Hamilton & Associates Ruby Munoz Dang. “I am proud to see these tremendous Gators representing UHD throughout the city. They are a reflection of drive and dedication … of persistence and perseverance … and what we’ve come to know as Gator Grit,” said President Muñoz. “Each year, more students discover what these alumni already know … that UHD prepares students to transform communities … and embark on successful, rewarding careers.”

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ORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL) opened its doors to serve the educational and research needs of NASA, which brought many new families into the area, spawned new businesses and created economic engines that fueled our communities, our state and nation. UHCL’s vital role has been to train engineers, scientists, astronauts, educators, counselors, accountants, managers, civic leaders and others who helped build this thriving, diverse corner of America. As a student-centered, community-minded and partnership-oriented university, UHCL continues to increase its regional university rankings and serve as a destination for lifelong learning, economic growth and global impact. UHCL tied for 43rd in U.S. News & World Report’s 2020 rankings of Best Regional Universities-West, up from 61st in 2019 Dr. Miguel Gonzalez is University of Houston-Clear Lake’s dean of the College of Science and Engineering says he believes a university should be the engine of innovation and technology-based economic development. “That’s what universities are supposed to be and do,” said Miguel A. Gonzalez. “We all have to do our jobs from that perspective.” He noted the region’s economic opportunities in manufacturing and high-tech industries, particularly aerospace, energy, robotics and biotechnology. “There’s obviously a lot of growth, and much expectation for programs in science and engineering,” Gonzalez said. “We need to be strategic in doing the right things for the right reasons, and in partnering with the right partners. There’s already a lot of great things going on at UH-Clear Lake. We need to build upon that.” He eventually became an endowed professor, dean of UTPA’s College of Engineering and Computer Science, and associate vice president for research at what has since become UT Rio Grande Valley after UTPA’s 2015 merger with UT-Brownsville. Roberta Leal is an assistant professor of social work at University of Houston-Clear Lake. She focuses her time and expertise on teaching, social work field education, and researching topics such as immigration and health disparities. As the daughter of an undocumented migrant farm worker, Leal recognizes the value of supporting best practices for social workers engaging with young people in vulnerable situations through nonprofit organizations.

Leal earned her social work degrees and Bachelor of Science in psychology from the University of Houston. She also holds a Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Certificate, is recognized as a Mexican-American Emerging Leader, and received the Humanitarian of the Year award from the Graduate College of Social Work. Leal is also the chair of the advisory committee for BakerRipley Neighborhood Centers, Inc. Cleveland-Ripley Campus in her hometown of Pasadena, TX and is a member of the NCI VOICE Committee serving the Greater Houston Area. The Latino Social Workers of Greater Houston Network presented University of Houston-Clear Lake Assistant Professor of Social Work Roberta Leal with the organization’s annual Social Worker of the Year award at an event held in Houston on March 28. Leal’s expertise in issues impacting the Latino community in Houston made her a highly valued member of the LSWGH network, where she became a founding board member in 2014 and has remained an active and involved mentor to her colleagues in the profession. Evelyn R. Miralles spent her career at NASA helping astronauts prepare for space missions. She is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of virtual reality, who co-created spacewalk training software, in use since 2000. In May 2019, she launched a new flight path as Associate Vice President for Strategic Information Initiatives and Technology at UHCL. Miralles, who received her Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems in 1992 and a Master of Business Administration in 2012 from UHCL, spoke of her own student experience as important and meaningful. “I received a solid background in technology, computer information, and business acumen. I became part of an educational community that challenged me constantly to maintain the research and opportunities that ultimately got me to NASA,” she said. “One of the main reasons I’m here is that I know the quality of education this university brings to students.” Because an excellent education is so critical, Miralles said that she always had in mind to begin a second career in an academic setting. “Over the years, I have observed and personally experienced what this university has accomplished in the community,” she said. “UHCL was created in the era when we were sending people to the moon, and it’s been an instrumental resource for the local space exploration community. Because of my background at NASA in strategizing and creating vision for human space exploration, coming here was a natural step.” In 2016, the BBC chose Miralles as one of the 100 Most Influential and Inspirational Women in the World. In 2015 and 2016, CNET en Español chose her as one of the Top 20 Most Influential Latinos in Technology.


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CREATING THE PATH Dr. Javier Kypuros, Dean of College of Engineering at University of Texas at Tyler, addresses the need to create resources, opportunities, and programs in order to see Latinos thrive in engineering.


he University of Texas at Tyler is a university that has bee looking to become the #1 choice for Hispanics in Texas. Dr. Javier Kypuros, Mexican-American, San Antonio native and Dean of Engineering at UT Tyler, is part of the task force working to make sure that UT Tyler becomes top choice for students in the region. The University of Texas at Tyler has its main campus in East Texas in the heart of Tyler, TX. UT Tyler and the college-wide population is considered an emerging Hispanic-serving institution. The university is some where between 20-25% Hispanics according to Dr. Kypuros. Once the university reaches 25%, the designation becomes official. Thanks to the influx of Latino, Tyler is becoming predominantly Hispanic so its safe to say that we can expect an official designation soon. According to Dr. Kypuros, there are even some elementary schools that are 80% Hispanic. With a growing community in Tyler and at UT Tyler, it is important for the university to have in place resources and paths for students to reach their education goals. “For me coming to UT Tyler College of Engineering was an opportunity to translate the experiences I’ve had at HSIs and apply it into context of getting a lot of underserved populations and being able to help them get a degree in engineering,” said Dr. Kypuros. He continued explain how groups like the National Science Foundation are suggesting that within the next few years there will be a dearth in engineers due to retirement and such leaving a wide opportunity for a new wave of engineers to take reins. Dr. Kypuros looks to Hispanics to fill this gap. But in order for this to happen, resources are needed and UT Tyler has them. Although UT Tyler does not offer scholarships specifically for Hispanics, it does offer various opportunities based on need and merit. An initiative UT Tyler is focusing on within the degree programs and their effort to integrated two-year and four-year programs. “One of the things we’ve really focused on is aligning our degree programs to optimize success from the two-year to the four-year and a graduation rate this is still close to four years. Our intent is to make the degree program much more integrated between the two-year and the four-year and get you out the door full experienced in four years,” said Dr. Kypuros.

seekUT is a free, online tool and website that presents data on the earnings and educational graduate outcomes from University of Texas System Institutions. So when Dr. Kypuros used seekUT to find the static’s of the one, five and ten-year median salary of graduates from UT programs, it turned out that UT Tyler’s engineering program was ranked as one of the top three. UT Tyler is one of the few colleges in engineering that offers concurrent enrollment credit for engineering courses versus other programs that offer engineering programs to high school students but don’t always count for college credit. “If we are serious about increasing the numbers of qualified engineers, then we need to be more optimal and innovate about the pathways we create for students. We gotta reach down further.” Dr. Kypuros and the team at UT Tyler are firm believers that in order to see change, you have to create it, and he whole heartedly believe in what Latinos have to bring to the table.





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LATINOS IN LAW Each year we have released the feature of Latinos in Law and this year is no exception. Lawyers have been one of the most interactive industries. In this edition, once again we include our 2019 list of the Top Latinos in Law. We also include a Q&A interview with Michael Rodriguez from Munck, Wilson, Mandala. These are the leaders that are fighting for justice and fair trial from within the courtrooms. Q&A WITH ATTORNEY MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ Latino Leaders: What drives you in your profession? Michael Rodriguez: One of the aspects I enjoy most about my practice area is the positive energy. In many areas of law, people approach lawyers after a negative experience: somebody has wronged them or has filed suit and they’re in a bad place. But often times with patent law, I meet clients for the first time and they have hope and ambition; there’s happiness on the horizon. And I love that I can help them upward, instead of traversing a really bad situation.


LL: What are you thoughts on Latino talent specifically in law? What can be done to help those that are under-represented? MR: I’m forever grateful that my father was adamant about me pursuing my college education and getting a degree. I believe this is one reason why I’m so passionate about being involved in Austin’s Hispanic community with agencies like Con Mi Madre, which empowers young Latinas and their mothers through education. Education is the best ticket out of a low-income area – it allows you to be highly successful. I believe in giving back to the community, but more important, in helping the community to lift itself up. I’m proud of MWM’s involvement in S.H.E. Summit, an event focused on diversity and inclusion and empowering those under-represented across industries. I’m fully engaged, alongside the firm, on developing our future leaders specifically in part by making concentrated efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in our hiring, recruiting and retention. These efforts have built new alliances in the community as a result of the firm’s advocacy in addressing societal and cultural issues around diversity and inclusion. LL: How do you deal with obstacles? For example, maybe a case not turning out as you expected. MR: I like to tell my clients ‘We don’t argue with people. We present the facts, and the facts will always win.’ Whether I’m working with a Fortune 50 company, an emerging startup or a mom and pop shop, I value my clients trust in my ability to protect their greatest assets – ideas, capital and people. Because my background allows me to understand a client’s technology, I am better equipped to understand the IP law challenges, work with their management and investors and adequately protect their intellectual property rights while staying unrattled by obstacles.

LL How do you balance your work in the firm and the work you do in the community? MR: Like many clients I work with daily, I know firsthand what it means to nurture hope and ambition – even when things don’t work out as planned. I take this same mindset and hopeful approach from the office to the community. As a 2017 graduate of the Hispanic Austin Leadership program – which educates Hispanic professionals about issues plaguing their local communities and marshals their abilities toward problem-solving – I served on the education team, specifically working with homeless youth and focusing on getting their parents employed. I now maintain my devotion to giving back to the community by serving as a mentor to subsequent classes of the HAL leadership program and Startup Superstars, a high school entrepreneurship competition sponsored by the GAHCC. As an officer in the United States Navy Reserves, a husband and a parent of three adopted children, giving back to my community is engrained in who I am and strive to be for my family, friends, clients and community.


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TOP LATINO LAWYERS This year we are pleased to, once again, publish another installment of the Top Latino Lawyers. We have included an index with the basic information on all the Lawyers that made our final selection. Our team accepted nominations and completed an exhaustive research that concluded with this list. All these lawyers have an impressive career track, successful cases, and are highly involved in the community. Lawyer


Type of Law Practice

Law Firm

Labor and Employment Law, State and Local Government Law, Education Law, and Privacy Law

DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin LLP

Complex & High-Stakes Litigation, Consultation & Dispute Resolution (Business Divorce, Health Care, Class Actions); International & CrossBorder Litigation, Consultation & Dispute Resolution

Diamond McCarthy, LLP

Personal Injury & Business Litigation

Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Sorrels, Agosto & Aziz


Squire Patton Boggs

Labor and Employment: Disability, Leave & Health Management; Workplace Training

Jackson Lewis P.C.


Labor and Employment: Class Actions and Complex Litigation; Disability, Leave and Health Management; Wage and Hour

Jackson Lewis P.C.


Insurance Coverage

Colorado Insurance Law Center


Labor & Employment Relations

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

Public Interest, Government Service

Colorado Attorney General's Office

Legal Aid Services, Non-profit law firm supporting people with HIV/ AIDS

AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania


Project Finance and Mergers and Acquisitions

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


Internal Investigations, Complex Litigation, Global Anti-Corruption and Compliance Issues

Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Family and Matrimonial, Civil Litigation, Immigration, Mediation

The Castro Firm, Inc.



Partner, Houston Office

BENNY AGOSTO JR. Partner, Houston Bar Association President



Principal and Leader of the Disability, Leave & Health Management Practice Group




MATTHEW R. BACA Director, Office of Community Engagement


Deputy Managing Attorney


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TABATHA L. CASTRO President and Managing Attorney

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Type of Law Practice

Law Firm


Telecom, Media & Technology

Wiley Rein LLP


Complex Commercial Business, Securities and Software Litigation

Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP

Family Law

Cortes Hodz Family Law and Mediation, P.A.


Commercial Litigation and Regulatory Compliance

Meyers Nave


Estate & Trust Administration & Litigation

Chuhak & Tecson, P.C.



Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Labor and Employment: Class Actions and Complex Litigation; General Employment Litigation; Wage and Hour

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Employment and Business Litigation

Taylor English Duma LLP



VIVIAN CORTES HODZ Managing/Founding Partner





Principal and Office Litigation Manager of the San Diego, CA Office


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Type of Law Practice

Law Firm

Intellectual Property, Patents

Chalker Flores LLP

Labor and Employment: Disability, Leave and Health Management; General Employment Litigation; Workplace Safety and Health

Jackson Lewis P.C.



Squire Patton Boggs


Financial Services

Squire Patton Boggs


Complex Commercial Litigation, and White Collar Defense and Investigations

Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP


Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Employment Law and Governmental Relations

Domingo Garcia P.C.

Labor and Employment: Class Actions and Complex Litigation; Privacy, Data and Cybersecurity

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Corporate, Banking, M&A and Securities

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP


Gonzalez Olivieri, LLC

Data Privacy and Information Security

Dykema Gossett PLLC


Criminal Defense

Juan L. Guerra, Jr. & Associates PLLC


Private Client Services

Snell & Wilmer LLP


Criminal Defense, Immigration Defense, Crimmigration

Hernandez & Associates, P.C





Immigration Defense, Crimmigration

Hernandez & Associates, P.C.


Complex Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property, Bankruptcy, White Collar Defense

McKool Smith PC

Co-Managing Member

Civil, Commercial, Contracts, Corporate Law, Labor, Employment Law, and Health Law

Iurato Law Firm, P.L.



Managing Partner


Principal and Office Litigation Manager of the Miami, FL Office




Senior Partner


Principal and Co-Chair of the Hispanic Attorney Resource Group

CHRISTIAN GONZALEZ Partner, Board Director, Co-Chair




Member and Driector of Dykema's Global Data Privacy and Information Security Practice

Managing Partner / Owner


Managing Partner

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Senior Counsel

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Type of Law Practice

Law Firm

Labor and Employment: Corporate Governance and Internal Investigations; International Employment Issues

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Labor & Employment Relations

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

Labor & Employment Law



Intellectual Property Law

Cooper & Dunham LLP


Strategic Counseling, Investigations, and Trial Work

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP


Family/Matrimonial Law, Personal Injury Law and Criminal Law

Mejias, Milgrim, Alvarado & Lindo, P.C.

Labor and Empyment: General Employment Litigation; Non=Competes and Prection Agains Unfair Competition

Jackson Lewis

Principal an Co-Leader of the Corporate Governance and Internal Investigations Practice Group


Partner; Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Committee Group; Co-Leader, Employee Benefits

FERMIN LLAGUNO Shareholder and Reunion Pioneer



Managing Partner



Principal and Co-Chair of the Women's Interest Network


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Type of Law Practice

Law Firm

Real Estate

McAfee & Taft


Intellectual Property Litigation

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


Personal Injury

Oliveros Law Firm

Labor & Employment Relations

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP


Commercial Litigation and Disputes

Sidley Austin LLP


Medical Malpractice (Plaintiffs)

Warshauer Law Group



Lee & Peynado Immigration Law Group

Labor & Employment Law


Non-Profit Organizations and Transactional and Regulatory Healthcare

Wiggin and Dana, LLP

Labor and Employment: Corporate Diversity Counseling; General Employment Litication; Workplace Training

Jackson Lewis P.C.


Labor and Employment Law, Municipla Law, Education Law, Cannabis Law

DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP


Personal Injury Lawyers

Reyes Browne Reilley

Intellectual Property

Munck Wilson Mandala, LLP


Product Liability and Commercial Litigation

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP


Privacy & Cybersecurity, Corporate

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

Estate/Real Estate/Small Business

Roman Law Offices



Founding Partner









Office Managing Partner, Milwaukee Office, Industry Group Co-Chair, Higher Education




NATALIE PIERCE Shareholder and Reunion Pioneer


ANGELA QUILES NEVAREZ Of Counsel and Co-Chair of the Hispanic Attorney Resource Group

Partner and Equity Shareholder


MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ Managing Partner - Austin, TX

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Type of Law Practice

Law Firm


Entertainment Transactions

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


Energy Environmental and Natural Resources, Attorneys General, and Native American Practices

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

Labor and Employment: General Employment Litigation; Wage and Hour

Jackson Lewis P.C.


Labor and Employment, Municipal Law and Intellectual Property

DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP


Capital Markets, Corporate and Energy

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


Family Law Litigation and Mediation

Law Firm of Yolanda V. Torres


Labor and Employment: Corporate Diversity Counseling; General Employment Litigation; International Employment Issues

Jackson Lewis P.C.


Business and Commercial Litigation

de Beaubien, Knight, Simmons, Mantzaris & Neal, LLP


Commercial Bankruptcy and Restructuring

Elliott Greenleaf, P.C.




Office Managing Principal and Office Litigation Manager of the San Juan, Puerto Rico Office





Managing Partner


Director, Shareholder & Chair


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ALPFA CONVENTION THE ASSOCIATION OF LATINO PROFESSIONALS FOR AMERICA hosted their annual National Convention; a week full of growth, dialogue, conversations, networking and lots of learning. This year the event took place at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN. Latino professionals and students from across the nation joined together and participated in panels, luncheons, expos and interactive chats aiming to inspire and motivate the Latino leader.


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LEADING WITH BRILLIANCE Damian Rivera, CEO of ALPFA, leads the most important organization in the U.S. for Hispanic professionals. Energy, vision, optimism are all part of his dynamic persona, but its his heart of service that draws the attention. By Timothy Baler


amian Rivera, the young chief executive officer for the Association for Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) can be defined by his sense of clarity. With a strong conviction to his inner values – what they call a strong inner compass – Rivera comes across with energy and confidence – the kind of man who, despite his CEO-designating dark suit and shiny shoes, might pick up the pace at the bottom of a long flight of stairs, so that he can get to the top a little quicker and get a little cardio along the way. Trim, fit and capable of spreading his energy around a room, it is easy to imagine Rivera striding into a crowd with an outstretched hand and a smile for everyone. He would not look out of line, frankly, in the lineup of a minor league baseball team, or even, perhaps, the New York Mets. A regular competitor in triathlon events, he comes across as a buoyant, Benjamin Bratt type with a smile that tells you the day has promise as long as we see it through together. When Rivera tells his life story, he provides conspicuous markers that define his strong sense of family, community and fair play. He spent his early years in Spanish Harlem, where his father worked for the Postal Service before being re-assigned to El Paso, Texas, just prior to Rivera’s entry into the first grade. His father was reassigned so he could learn the job of Postal Inspector in a small city environment. Within three years, however, after an incident teeming with racial overtones, his father was reassigned back to New York City. Rivera, still a young boy at the time, had just gotten used to idea that playing outside without supervision was safe and acceptable. Suddenly, the family was back living in a big city housing project, where the police were frequent visitors and going outside without a parent for protection was no longer permitted. The culture shock was seeped into his home and his school life. He was afraid for his parent’s safety – like a twenty-four hour case of night terrors – and bullied at school when some of his new classmates decided that his El Paso optimism – and his odd habit of saying “y’all” – was out of place in a New York City environment. On one particular fall day, however, when more than a few school bullies ganged up on him, a classmate came to his defense, with a very timely “leave the new kid alone,” intervention. This salvaged what could have been a very painful year, but it was also a chance to see a strong sense of personal values in action. To this day, Rivera has tried to be the man who stands up for others, as his friend Paul Cushion did for him at the start of his fourth grade.

It turns out, however, when life throws you question marks, there’s nothing like a sense of values – trust, honest, family, community – to help maintain your sense of clarity. Rivera had already realized life had more to offer than inner city dead ends when he applied to Rutgers University after his family moved to the meaner streets of Irvington, New Jersey – at the time, not exactly the Garden State’s most verdant community. He earned a degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, married his high school sweetheart (Idanis) and


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began what looked like a career-long association Fortune 500 business consulting giant Accenture. The company had everything Rivera needed to flourish. There was room for advancement and a chance to thrive as a leader of the company’s North American Hispanic American Employee Resource Group, which he led from 2011 to 2017. Promotions came regularly and his sense of established comfort grew. There was only one problem: It was a little too comfortable. It was a rude awakening that made that clear. It was mid-May in 2014 when a gas explosion in Harlem leveled two buildings, including one that housed the church Rivera’s family attended – the church where his parents were married. Among the missing were close relatives and Rivera, in Washington, D.C. at the time, quickly responded. He took two weeks off from Accenture and drove to New York to pitch in as best he could. In the middle of this experience, however, he realized that he knew how to help the Hispanic community from his secure perch at Accenture, but not so much in the real world. “I very quickly realized, as much as I thought I had been helping and giving back (to the Latino community), I didn’t really know how to do it,” he said. For Rivera, however, the flip side of doubt is setting new goals. One goal that had been on the shelf for decades was a Masters of Business degree, available through a program at Columbia University. He also began seeking advice from others and one of those on his list of contacts was the former CEO at ALPFA Charlie Garcia, who was secretly feeling out Rivera as a possible replacement. “What about working in non-profits full time?” Garcia asked him. “Maybe when I retire,” Rivera replied. Or maybe sooner than that. Rivera signed on to lead arguably the country’s most influential Latino business advocacy group in the fall of 2018 and took little time in seeking out ways to reinvigorate the organization that has a long track record of supporting positive connections between business and academia and championing the role of Hispanics in the American business landscape. Rivera is seeking to extend ALPFA’s influence beyond the eight annual student symposiums, the annual convention and the extremely popular 50 Most Powerful Latina’s Convention that constitutes the group’s signature events. To do so, Rivera is promoting greater involvement from corporations and universities, while pushing a succinct agenda that he calls the “six pillars of focus.” These are specifically areas that ALPFA feels in can channel its energy and expertise to benefit Hispanics across the country.

While noting, “ALPFA cannot be all things to all people,” Rivera put together a country-wide ALPFA-focused search to answer the question, “Where should we be going as an organization to allow us to have a sustainable impact on the community that we serve?” After a lot of conversations and pointed inquiries, ALPFA came up with what is now called the six critical pillars of focus aimed at supporting Latino leadership across the country. The six categories are: Domain competency, social engagement, wealth creation, health and wellness, community engagement, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Appropriately, ALPFA has termed its new focus the LEAD Program, which stands for Leadership, Engagement, Advancement and Development. Domain competency, says Rivera, focuses on “your hard skills, the tech skills,” while social engagement involves understanding “mentorship and internship … power and influence … how that impacts your ability to climb the ladder and your ability to make a difference.” For all of its extravagant spending power, the Hispanic community, however, is not growing its wealth as fast as it should, which brought up the focus on wealth creation. Health and fitness are modern standbys – it’s all water under the bridge if you neglect your health. Community engagement involves “strategic community engagement,” says Rivera – a kind of win-win that includes raising your influence and your profile while pursuing a meaningful passion for yourself. Finally, ALPFA is focused on entrepreneurship for the simple reason that Latinos, says Rivera, “are insanely entrepreneurial. We will McGiver anything … and we will McGiver anything to make something phenomenal.” At this point, you expect Rivera to be out of breath – show some sign of fatigue, but that doesn’t seem to be part of his repertoire. All in a day’s energy brilliance, the workday is done. Home to the wife, the kids and the next triathlon training session. When does he sleep? We’re not sure. Frankly, we forgot to ask. WINTER 2019 LATINO LEADERS 69

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We proudly present ALPFA's list of the 2019 Top Most Powerful Latinas. These Latinas are not only recognized for their career paths, but they are also recognized for creating a legacy and building the leaders of tomorrow. Congratulations to all!


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Jorge Ferráez

@ JFerraez_Latino

Luis E. González



BIG SURPRISE recently was a Brunello di Montalcino Casanova di Neri “Tenuta Nuova” 2000 that was on my brother Raul’s cellar a few weeks ago. I pulled it out for a Christmas luncheon at his house and both of us were knocked out of our socks! What a fantastic aroma and delicate mature fruit with earthy notes and silky texture. Definitively one of the best Brunellos I have had. Cherry nose, with spiced character and elegant finish. We washed it down with some dried fruits and cheeses before the meal. And an “out of this world” moment came to me this December, when I tried for the first time a Hundred Acre 2006 from their “Ark Vineyard”. Decanted just a few hours before tasting it, it was absolutely fabulous! It was quite the same footprint of the ultra cult cabs from California: deep, fruit explosive, succulent, muscular and layered; but this one surprised me because of three things I hadn’t tasted in others: a fantastic balance and roundness; almost perfect in the wine sensation process. Extra silky textured; delicate, ethereal it really disappeared in the mouth without the minimum effort. And a perfectly dosified oak; just the right amount of oak resemblance that you would expect from a California Cabernet Sauvignon not an inch more or less; and this is precisely what makes a great wine.

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Casanova di Neri “Tenuta Nuova” 2000


• Region: Bordeaux, Sauternes • Varietal: Semillon mostly • Price: $478 • Aromas: Candied orange, honey, white flower • Flavors: Clove, honesuckle, vanilla, toffee, mango • Impression: Deliciously sweet • Structure: Silky, liquid velvet. • Drink with: Hard Cheese; Roquefort, Stilton • Why I loved this wine? Round, almost perfect balance! • My Rating: 98 pts.


• Region: Pugash Vineyard, Sonoma Mountain • Varietal: Chardonnay • Price: $45 • Aromas: pineapple, tropical fruit, lemony scents • Flavors: Vanilla, Pear and candied peaches • Impression: Clean approach • Structure: Balanced, medium body • Drink with: Pasta Alfredo, Cedar Plank Salmon • Why I loved this wine? Clean, balanced, nice wine • My Rating: 90 pts.


Hundred Acre 2006

• Region: Colchagua, Chile • Varietal: Carmenere • Price: $34 • Aromas: Animal notes, blue berries, spice • Flavors: Earhty, cherry marmalade, grape candy • Impression: Succulent • Structure: Medium to full body • Drink with: Hanger steak, fried chicken, pizza • Why I loved this wine? Sweet tanins • My Rating: 89 pts.


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01 Chateau d’Yquem 1986

02 Mi Sueño Chardonnay 2016

03 Los Vascos “Grande Reserve” Carmenere 2015

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