9 minute read
Dialogue for Employment Equity For Women 529 College Plan Great Investment for Families
The U.S. Department of Labor announced today’s launch of a national online dialogue to gather ideas to improve labor outcomes for women, especially economically disadvantaged women. The dialogue will be open until July 9. Hosted by the department’s Women’s Bureau, Office of Disability Employment Policy, Employment and Training Administration, Wage and Hour Division and Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, the dialogue and the input received will help identify strategies for dismantling the systemic barriers to employment and participation in workforce services women face. The dialogue’s themes will include: • Ensuring equity in the American Jobs Plan. • Promoting gender equity in the workplace. • Ensuring equitable access to paid leave. • Creating safe and welcoming workplaces. • Adapting to a changing labor market. “Women’s economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality. These dialogues seek to understand the barriers that continue to limit the full participation of women in the workplace,” said Women’s Bureau Director Wendy Chun-Hoon. “At the same time, we want to determine how best to provide resources we know lift up women workers and create a more equitable economy. We appreciate our stakeholders weighing in on these important issues.” The dialogue will also help formulate future programs and funding opportunities that respond to the needs of women from diverse backgrounds. It furthers the government-wide priority for gender equity and equality set forth in President Biden’s Executive Order 14020. Register to participate in the dialogue at https://saw-rtw. ideascale.com/

Education in America is a costly expense that is becoming a necessity for jobs today. Securing financial stability is essential, and investing, saving, and planning are key to achieving it. Uriel Villa Jr. is a financial advisor for Edward Jones. He says it’s never too late to start saving for college. “Starting a college savings plan, I would first ask what the family is trying to save for,” Villa said. He said it matters what the individual is saving for because there are different types of plans, specifically the two 529 College Saving plans – custodial and traditional. In simple terms, these plans are sponsored by the government, designed to encourage families to save for a child’s education with economic bonuses like tax-free, taxreduced, or tax-deferred accounts. “The custodial plan, once the child turns 18, allows them to use the funds in the account at their own discretion,” Villa said, “It does not necessarily have to be toward education.” However, he said the traditional plan does have to be put toward education. Villa said it is always the better choice to start investing early for children, because starting to save now, allows the child to be ahead once they do need access to the funds. The plans can be used for private schooling, secondary school, K-12, room and board, computers, books, or supplies for the student or anything like that. “The biggest thing is for the parents and children to get educated about investments, so there is no fear or panic,” Villa said. He explained with the recent pandemic, a lot of families panicked and pulled money from their accounts. “If anything like the previous pandemic were to happen again, educated families do not have to worry about what to do, and do not have to act off their emotions,” Villa said. Villa concluded that he further recommends getting a financial advisor because financial advisors work as a team, so families are getting a team of experts that study the market daily. His main goal is to make investing as simple as possible for families, so all their financial fears are minimized.
EBB está ofreciendo descontado Internet para hogares elegibles
Hoy, tener acceso a la banda ancha esta ligado a nuestra salud, nuestro bienestar, y nuestra seguridad económica. Esto es especialmente verdad para la comunidad Latina y las comunidades de color, así como los hogares rurales y los de bajos ingresos o las familias que están experimentando dificultades económicas debido al Covid-19 y quienes enfrentan obstáculos para establecer y sostener una conexión de banda ancha confiable en casa. Tener acceso al internet permite a los estudiantes continuar aprendiendo, a los padres perseguir opciones de empleo remotas, y nos permite a todos nosotros aprender nuevas habilidades para mantenernos competitivos en el mercado laboral de hoy. El programa de beneficio de banda ancha de emergencia (EBB) hace que el tener acceso a internet en casa sea posible para las familias latinas proveyendo un descuento de hasta $50 por mes para ayudar a los hogares a pagar por el costo de internet. Los fondos de EBB estan disponibles a todas las familias latinas en toda la nacion — aún para familias mixtas (siempre y cuando por lo menos uno de los miembros del hogar tiene un numero de ITIN o tiene un estudiante que califica para almuerzo de escuela gratuito o reducido). Para obtener información en español, visite www.sba.gov/ espanol (In English, p. 7)
Professional Development
CLASSES. Need to study to pass the GED? Literacy Lubbock offers free, flexible, and casual prep classes at various times to fit in with your busy schedule. Call us at 806-7753636 for more information or register for Free classes at www.literacylubbock.org.
for Lubbock and the surrounding area offered by Adult Education Center. We accept new students on a bimonthly basis. You must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in public school to be eligible for the classes. For more info call 806-2815750. Open Mon. thru Fri. from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. BASIC ENGLISH CLASS – Clase de Inglés – aprender Inglés básico, 3211 58th Street, (east of Indiana) Lubbock. Horas: Cada Miércoles a las 7:30-8:30 de la noche. 806-239-5352 GRATIS!!
Families who are income eligible may receive fee assistance to attend one of the Early Learning Center’s five centers for child care. Parents or caretakers must be employed or in school. The program is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call (806) 765-9981 for more information.
GUNDA IDIOMA La Literacia de Lubbock (Literacy Lubbock) ofrecen clases gratis de inglés como segundo idioma (English as Second Language) para la comunidad. Todos los adultos están bienvenido en estas clases. Para más información, llame a (806) 775-3636.
ATTORNEY: The Caprock Regional Public Defender Office offers free legal representation to 13 surrounding West Texas Counties. The office handles Felony, Misdemeanor and Juvenile cases for citizens that cannot afford to hire a criminal defense lawyer. Call (806) 742-4312 to see if your county qualifies for this service. IMMIGRATION SERVICES If you need help with immigration issues call 806-741-0409.
Si necesitan ayuda con asuntos de inmigración llame a este numero (806) 7410409.
CHILD CARE in Lubbock by the South Plains Day Home Association helps parents with free referrals to licensed or registered day care facilities that are routinely monitored by the Texas Department and Protective Services. Call 796-0606 or 792-1847 for more information.
Business & Opportunity Updates

July 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 26, and 28, at 12 PM. Learn the basics of starting your own business and what it takes to get a small business loan. Register at https://nwtsbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/15445 TAX FORMS AT LIBRARIES they have forms 1040 and 1040-SR in English and Spanish available at all locations. Instruction books are available in English only at the moment. You can also access all available forms and instructions from home at www.irs.gov. BUSINESS COUNSELING Small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs can discuss their business ventures and get expert advice from the SBDC staff. All information will be held in strict confidence. For a counseling sessions call (806) 745-1637. FREE PRACTICE EXAMS Study guides for tests Learn-a-Test, a database of practice examinations, is available at the Lubbock Public Library, 1306 9th St. Hundreds of practice examinations, including SAT, ACT and elementary, middle school and high school skills improvement tests, plus graduate entrance exams, available.
IC The TTU School of Law operates a “FREE” Low Income Taxpayer Clinic year around to provide assistance relating to issues involving controversies with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For more info call (806) 834-7972 or toll free (800) 420-8037. IMMIGRATION SERVICES If you need help with immigration issues call 806741-0409.
Si necesitan ayuda con asuntos de inmigración llame a este numero (806) 7410409.

New Local Business Offers Unique Brewery Experience
Mano Negra Brewing Co. is a brewpub & tap room that specializes in the manufacture and distribution of Artisanal Beer, Sangria and Soda products in the Lubbock area. Daniel Badillo is the head brewer, owner, and founder of Mano Negra. He said Mano Negra started in Puerto Rico in 2012. The brewery is named after a band that played constantly at his brewery back on the island, while he would be pouring beers. “Every time I was making the beer or the sangria, they would always be singing it,” Badillo said, “it means the working hand.” It takes Badillo about two or two and half weeks to begin the crafting process of his beers and sangrias. “We have a one-barrel system so that is why we are a nano brewery, if I don’t make beer every week then I will wind up short,” Badillo said. He said one of his biggest challenges was convincing people it is possible to feed a brewery in a small space, still be successful, have great beers and a good atmosphere. “Something that makes the brewery unique is how intimate the space is, the same guy that is making the beers is the same guy that’s serving the beers,” He said adding, “I did not plan for it that way it just happened.” Larry Lovato is a regular at Mano Negra and has been since day one. He said he found out about them through Facebook. “The brewery reminds me of the Caribbean because it has a tropical feel, it is Latino” Lovato said, “Mano Negra is a true microbrewery that feels like you’re in San Juan having a freshly brewed beer.” Lovato said the beer is flavorful, it is fresh, and the atmosphere is small and intimate. “Daniel is a big part of the reason people become regulars, he’s welcoming to each customer, and he takes pride in his work,” Lovato said. Lovato said he would recommend the brewery to anyone who is looking for something different. “At Mano there is something for everyone.”
• Open every Friday and Saturday from 4 to 9 p.m. • Located at 2610 Salem Ave. in
Cactus Alley. • Craft beer, soda, or sangria options • Locally Owned brewery
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It's never too early to save for college.
Uriel Villa Jr
Financial Advisor 6102 Chicago Ave Suite 200 Lubbock, TX 79424-1320 806-783-3072
MKT-5894K-A edwardjones.com
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