10 minute read

Ramon Mendoza Named New LISD Police Chief
Ramon Mendoza was selected Chief of Police of the Lubbock ISD Police Department. He served as the Deputy Chief of Police for the Lubbock Police Department. He began his more than 24-year career in law enforcement in 1997 with Lubbock PD, and has served as a patrol corporal/officer, sergeant, lieutenant, and captain before being elevated to deputy chief. He has extensive administrative experience as commander of a patrol division, criminal investigation division, family crimes, information services, and traffic unit. Chief Mendoza earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with Emphasis in Criminal Justice from Eastern New Mexico University in 1996 and TCOLE Master Peace Officer Certification in 2006. A big congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by LISD)

NEW PRINCIPAL NAMED: Congratulations to Linda Landin, who was named the new principal at Waters Elementary! She is pictured with her daughters Elena Faith and Jasmine Justice, and her husband Joe Landin. Congratulations from your friends at Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by LISD)

· Register for fall courses at your college. · Get to know your campus. · Begin preparing for your new adventure. · Keep applying for scholarships. · You're going to do great!
7 Tips to Finding
College Scholarships
1Guidance Counselor - Your first stop in looking for college scholarships should be your High School's Guidance Counselor. They have access to a lot of scholarship information, especially for local schools. 2 Your Local Library - Most libraries have several college scholarship guides. Some can be checked out and some are in the Reference section. 3 Internet Search - The internet is great because it can help you narrow down the large number of available scholarships. Start by searching "postmarked by May 1, 2009" +scholarship (or whatever date you wish). This is the date that applications must be submitted. 4 Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It probably is, as it lists thousands of scholarships. Fastweb allows you to identify favorites to work on, and it has direct links to the scholarship sites. It also lists scholarships by closing date. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarshoips become available. A good resource. And it's free. 5 Amazon.com - Search "scholarships" under the Books section and you will get a long list of scholarship guides. 6 Clubs, Groups, Churches - Local businesses, groups or clubs often give college scholarship money to local students. 7 Latino Lubbock Magazine - Monthly we place scholarship info in the Education & Scholarship Update.
Read to Lead, Read to Grow
Even though it's summer, make sure to maintain your kid's reading skills. Now is the chance to enjoy a break, and also dive into an exciting, new book for free! Chances are many children will not read, and research shows children lose one to three months of learning every summer. Prevent this summer learning loss by getting your children excited about reading. Los Hermanos Familia (LHF), a local nonprofit reminds you that although summer is a time children can relax, reading can help them unwind. More so, when children read, their minds also grow. That's why LHF created their "Read to Lead, Read to Grow" campaign. They urge children and families to implement a reading read if they don't have one, to sustain their reading skills over the summer, and despite COVID-19. They also urge families to visit their little library, or any library. If your child doesn’t have a library card, summer is a great time to sign up. Take advantage of the free, child-friendly summer reading programs. Also, when planning summer activities with children, remember to leave some time in their schedules for reading. Some convenient times may be before bedtime or over breakfast. Use books to break the boredom. Without the regular school regimen, adults and kids need more activities to fill the hours. So read aloud, and be a storyteller, tell them about your familia and growing up. Combine summer activities with books, and let them know that reading is an important part of your life. Visit www.loshermanosfamilia. org/readtolead-readtogrow for your free digital library.
Get vaccinated! ¡Vacunarse!
Education & Scholarship Updates
Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource. COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at: bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet. com
SHIP is intended to assist and encourage outstanding undergraduate Latino students attending a U.S. post-secondary institution with an interest in the media and entertainment industry. Apply online at https://lnesc. mainspringhost.com/fmi/webd/NBC_Universal by July 9, 2021.
SCHOLARSHIP for Students majoring in Journalism Office of the Dean, School of Mass Communications P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409-3082
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna.org
SHIP award varies from $2,000 to $8,000 per year. For requirements visit www.margaretmaherscholarship.org/requirements
SHIP PROGRAM www.chci.org/scholarships/page/chci-scholarship-program
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna.org AAUW SCHOLARSHIP The Association of University Women Educational Foundation Apply at www.aauw.org
AL SCHOLARSHIPS through The Rotary Foundation. Scholarships will be awarded to fund post-baccalaureate study at an accredited university located outside the United States & its territories. Apply online at www.Rotary.org/en/grants

Youth Opportunities

CHAMPIONSHIP, July 9–17. Athletes must qualify through the traditional process of winning their local and regional tourn ments in order to advance to the National Championships. 1At 501 Mac Davis Lane. POOLS OPEN! Tuesday-Sunday from 1-6 pm, $2/child, $3/adult, Children under 2 are free. Pool rentals are also available Thursday-Sunday, 7-9 pm. Prices vary based on the number of people. Clapp Pool, 46th & Ave U; Maxey Pool, 4007 30th; Montelongo Pool, 3200 Bates; Mae Simmons Pool, E. 24th & MLK Blvd. LEARNING EXPRESS LIBRARY is a learning hub for all ages. Whether you would like to prep for college entrance exams, improve your computer skills, get ahead at work or find out what career you are best suited for, this is the place for you. Learning Express also provides help for High School students, including math and science, English language arts, social studies, and prep for the STAAR and TSI tests. To access from home, you will need your LBK public library card number.
LUBBOCK PUBLIC LIBRARY Join the library at www.Facebook.com/LubbockLibrary for virtual storytime at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 1 and Thursday, June 3. Tuesday’s theme will be snakes and Thursday’s theme will be birds. NEW PARK & LEARN WI-FI Access the free Wi-Fi from any Lubbock Public Library parking lots from 7AM -10PM. Password is: LBKlibrary
KIDS Did you know you can watch movies online through the library?!? We've got movies for all ages available through the OverDrive App (not Libby) or on the website lubbock.overdrive.com! OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free. TEEN HELP: Catholic Charities offers FREE help for youth up to 17 years old struggling with negative behaviors, loss of self-respect, bullying, etc. Parents may call 1-800-530-4704 and make a confidential appointment.
DO YOU HAVE A STORY? Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock.net/have-astory or, email your youth news, quinceañera, and other info to news@latinolubbock.net .

New Deal Lions Win State Baseball Title, Team of Year
The The New Deal Lions won their first ever 2A Baseball State Championship as they beat Garrison 7-2 Thursday afternoon in Round Rock. New Deal jumped out early scored five runs in the first three innings getting three in the first and one in the second and third. Down 5-2 in the fourth, Garrison loaded the bases with no outs. The Lions defense stepped up getting a double play by getting the force out at home and throw to first. New Deal then threw a grounder home for the third out to get out of the inning. Noah Rodriguez had a 2 RBI hit in the 6th to stretch the Lions lead to 7-2. Rodriguez had 4 RBI in the Title game. Winning the Baseball Title for the first time in 6 trips to State, New Deal is the first UIL team in our viewing area to win a State Championship since Snyder did in 2008. In addition, they were also named South Plains Team of the Year! Congratulations to Jason Ybarra and the New Deal Lions on a 29-4 State Championship season! Way to represent the South Plains from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
P-EBT Approved for TX Kids
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved a second round of federal Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer to help Texas families. The P-EBT food benefits were created to help families whose children temporarily lost access to free and reduced-price school meals due to the pandemic
in the last school year. The P-EBT benefits are up to $1,200 per child for the school year and are based on the schools that the kids attend and the amount of days that students at the school learned from home.
For more info visit hhs.texas.gov/ pebt or call 833-442-1255
Frenship ISD Providing Free Meals for Children
Frenship ISD and Aramark continue their Tiger Bites, a summer feeding program that provides free meals for all kids age 18 or younger across the Lubbock and Wolfforth communities. Families can pick up food bags once a week for each of their children. These bags contain breakfast and lunch for seven days to cover meals for the week. Food bags may be picked up curbside at the following locations: Westwind Elementary School, 6401 43rd Street in Lubbock; and FHS Ninth Grade Center, 407 N Dowden in Wolfforth. Curbside Pickup Dates and Times: Every Tuesday through – July 27, 2021, from 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. For more information, please visit www.frenship.net.

WE ARE PROUD OF YOU: Lubbock High Mariachi de Oro won First Division and Outstanding Performance at the UIL State Mariachi Contest in Seguin, Texas with director Gregorio Cavazos. Congratulations! from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by LISD)
Fiol Named National Merit Scholarship Winner
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced over 3,100 winners of National Merit Scholarships fi nanced by U.S. colleges and universities. Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the Finalists in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program who plan to attend their institution. Frenship High School senior Alejandro Gutierrez Fiol is one of 4,000 students across the nation to be awarded a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship. Specifically, Fiol received the National Merit Texas Tech University Scholarship. Latino Lubbock Magazine is proud of you!

WTX WARRIORS WIN: The team went 5-0 in the Fivetool Youth Tournament winning all 4 of their pool play games going undefeated into the championship game and then taking first place in the championship! Bravo from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

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