9 minute read
SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE: The United Family kicked off the fundraiser by providing each school district representative with a gift card for $150 to do some shopping of their own. Through August 6, the United Family will once again partner with Lubbockarea school districts to host a school supply drive for local students in need. School districts benefiting from the supply drive will include Lubbock ISD, Lubbock-Cooper ISD, Frenship ISD, Roosevelt ISD, Slaton ISD and Shallowater ISD. Have a great school year from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

Wear Your Mask! ¡Usa tu máscara!
Register at letsgofishinglubbock.com

www.pccmovies.com facebook.com/LubbockPremiereCinema16Imax
806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q

Covid Awareness & Safety to be a Classroom Priority
It is that time of the year again for teachers and students. The hustle and bustle of back to school this fall may or may not be that different than last year regarding the pandemic. Wendi Britt is a third-grade teacher at Waters Elementary school in Lubbock. She said her school is requiring the same regulations as last year excluding the mask mandate. “Last year we required their masks being worn, keeping them 6 feet apart, sitting by the same people all year, checking temperatures within the classrooms and sending them to the nurse as needed,” Britt said, “We will be doing all of these things for this upcoming fall semester, the only difference is that masks are optional for the kids.” The educator said she plans to continue enforcing lots of handwashing, sanitizing, social distancing, and limited access to her in class library. “I could not let them have access to the library last year, but this year I am hoping to let them use some of our books, we have many online books and resources, but it is so much better for them to pick up an actual book than a device,” Britt said. Mrs. Britt thinks safety will be great in her school this year, just as it was last year. Her students did not have a single Coronavirus case within the classroom last year. “The school is being extremely cautious, so I am not worried about our kid’s safety, what worries me are the kids who take our online classes and how behind they get sometimes,” Britt said. “If a child is sick, they absolutely need to stay home, but parents have to be careful because some of them will use that to their advantage,” Britt said. She said that cleanliness in general is going to be extremely important this year. Parents are going to have to be extra cautious at home, and make sure their kids are practicing healthy habits in public places. • Parents should be aware of their children’s school supply list and look out for any healthrelated products. • Lubbock ISD school supply lists can be found at https://www.lubbockisd.org/ Page/7789.
Get vaccinated! ¡Vacunarse!
Education & Scholarship Updates
Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource. COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at: bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet. com
ERATION SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship opportunity for Fall 2020 enrollment available through Raiders Rojos Alumni Network for first generation TTU students is now available. The eligibility requirements and application are online at www.TTURaidersRojos.org. Please feel free to share this information. The deadline to apply is August 6 at 5:00 p.m. Recipients will be notified no later than August 13.
SCHOLARSHIP for Students majoring in Journalism Office of the Dean, School of Mass Communications P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409-3082
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna.org
SHIP award varies from $2,000 to $8,000 per year. For requirements visit www.margaretmaherscholarship.org/requirements
SHIP PROGRAM www.chci.org/scholarships/page/chci-scholarship-program
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna.org AAUW SCHOLARSHIP The Association of University Women Educational Foundation Apply at www.aauw.org
AL SCHOLARSHIPS through The Rotary Foundation. Scholarships will be awarded to fund post-baccalaureate study

Youth Opportunities

12TH ANNUAL VAMOS A PESCAR, LET'S GO FISHING August 7th, 6 am -2 pm, Free, bring you lawn chairs, sunscreen and water bottles and join us at this annual family fishing event. Pre-register online at www. letsgofishinglubbock.com. Children up to 17 years-old must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Los Hermanos Familia. At Buddy Holly Lake on University Ave & Cesar E Chavez Dr. For information call 792-1212.
BALL is looking for players for its 6 U & 8U. The age cutoff is August 1st. You must be 5 years old to play 6 U and no older than 6 on August 1st. To Play 8U you cannot be older than eight as of August 1. Cost is $65 per player and includes a custom uniform and mouthpiece. Parents must purchase socks and cleats. The Arnett Benson Cowboys play in the South Plains Ironman Football league. Please Contact Cory Lusk (806) 201-2777, or visit the Arnett Benson Cowboys Facebook page. LEARNING EXPRESS LIBRARY is a learning hub for all ages. Whether you would like to prep for college entrance exams, improve your computer skills, get ahead at work or find out what career you are best suited for, this is the place for you. Learning Express also provides help for High School students, including math and science, English language arts, social studies, and prep for the STAAR and TSI tests. To access from home, you will need your LBK public library card number.
LUBBOCK PUBLIC LIBRARY Join the library at www.Facebook.com/LubbockLibrary for virtual storytime at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 1 and Thursday, June 3. Tuesday’s theme will be snakes and Thursday’s theme will be birds.
KIDS Did you know you can watch movies on - line through the library?!? We've got movies for all ages available through the OverDrive App (not Libby) or on the website lubbock.overdrive.com! OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free. TEEN HELP: Catholic Charities offers FREE help for youth up to 17 years old struggling with negative behaviors, loss of self-respect, bullying, etc. Parents may call 1-800-530-4704 and make a confidential appointment. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU: Lubbock High School Mariachi De Oro were honored today at the Lubbock ISD Board Meeting! They earned a First Division at the UIL State Mariachi Contest in Seguin, Texas. Thank you to Director Greg Cavazos and all his mariachi students. Way to go from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by LISD)
It’s only been one month into summer break and I have already made so many new experiences and friendships. I have the privilege of participating in two internships this summer which will allow me to sharpen my vision for myself and reflect how I want to contribute to the field of medicine in the years following graduation. I feel like I am in a summer-long retreat where I can focus on enhancing my scientific passions, nurture my love for medicine, and build resiliency along the way. It’s beautiful to have a first-hand experience of the incredible impact that research can have in alleviating disease. I look forward to logging in on more discussions held among MDs and PhDs, soaking in their advice, and witnessing the beauty of collaboration among intelligent minds. Although I am participating in virtual internships, I am still able to meet patients, learn how to code, present research projects, and participate in social events. Recently, I had the opportunity to hear the director of the NIH give an incredibly inspiring lecture, and to conclude with one of Dr. Francis Collins’ favorite quotes, “as for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.”
Bailee Alonzo - is a senior at Texas Tech, majoring in Biology - Pre-Med. She aspires to become a dermatologist. For Latino Lubbock Magazine, My College Experience.
Affordable Childcare is Available
The Early Learning Centers of Lubbock (ELC) is now enrolling for the fall semester. Tuition is based on each family’s household income so fees range from $65-$125 per week. ELC also has part-time care available at a reduced cost. ELC provides each child breakfast, lunch and snack. For infants baby bottles, formula and baby food are provided at no cost to the parents. A developmentally appropriate curriculum is used to help ensure each child is developing appropriately and teachers work with children one on one to help those who might be a little behind catch up. Learning is done through play and involves lots of hands on activities for all ages. The centers are open Monday through Friday, 6:30am-6pm and ELC accepts CCS. For more information or to schedule an appointment to enroll please call 806-765-9981.
Cuidado de niños asequible está disponible
Los primeros centros de aprendizaje de lubbock (elc) se están inscribiendo para el semestre de otoño. La matrícula se basa en los ingresos del hogar de cada familia por lo que los honorarios oscilan desde $ 65 -$ 125 por semana. Elc también tiene cuidado a tiempo parcial disponible a un costo reducido. Elc proporciona desayuno, almuerzo y merienda a cada niño. Para los bebés, las botellas de bebé, la fórmula y la comida de bebé se proporcionan sin costo a los padres. Un plan de estudios apropiado de desarrollo se utiliza para ayudar a que cada niño se desarrolle apropiadamente y los profesores trabajan con los niños uno en uno para ayudar a aquellos que podrían estar un poco detrás de la puesta en contacto. El aprendizaje se hace a través del juego e implica un montón de actividades de mano para todas las edades. Los centros están abiertos de lunes a viernes, 6:30 am-6 PM Y ELC ACEPTA CCS. Para más información o para programar una cita para inscribirse por favor llame al 806-765-9981.
SHIP RECIPIENTS: Congratulations to The 2021 Joe Carrillo/KOC Scholarship recipients Katie Castellano (l) and Jolina Lopez (r)! Katie will be majoring in Engineering at Oklahoma State University. And, Jolina will be majoring in Education at West Texas A & M in Canyon, Texas. Best Wishes to both of these young ladies! And, congratulations! from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

· Review your fall courses and get to know your class syllabus for each college course. · Prepare, prepare, prepare. · Make sure you identify a study spot on campus or at home. · Keep seeking and applying for scholarships.