9 minute read
WHITE COAT CREMONY HELD: The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) School of Medicine hosted the White Coat Ceremony for the incoming Class of 2026. This is for first-year medical students who are beginning their 4-year medical school journey. They receive their first white coat and also recite their oath. Among the 180 students was future doctor Ricardo Isaiah Garcia of Plainview who was surrounded by his family as he received his white coat and is ready to work hard. The white coat is one of the most visible symbols of the health care profession. Many students dreams of putting on the white coat the day they are accepted into medical school. Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

Register at letsgofishinglubbock.com

· Review your fall courses and get to know your class syllabus for each college course. · Prepare, prepare, prepare. · Make sure you identify a study spot on campus or at home. · Keep seeking and applying for scholarships.
Latina's Face will be Featured on a U.S. Coin
Anew U.S. coin will recognize the life and achievements of an early 20th-century leading Hispanic American figure in politics and education. Adelina "Nina" OteroWarren's image will be stamped on a U.S. quarter, in recognition of her leadership in New Mexico's movement for women's right to vote, her pioneering role in politics and as the first female superintendent of the Santa Fe public schools. The quarter that will bear her image is set to roll out Aug. 15, as part of the U.S. Mint’s American Women Quarters Program, a fouryear program that started earlier in the year focusing on women's accomplishments and contributions to American history. The quarter's tails design includes Otero-Warren herself, as well as yucca flowers — New Mexico's state flowers — and the suffragist slogan in Spanish, "Voto para la mujer," which means "votes for women." Otero-Warren was born near Los Lunas in 1881 in an influential New Mexico Hispanic family descended from Spanish settlers.
A leader in the suffragist movement, she advocated for the state to ratify the 19th Amendment to legally grant women in the U.S. the right to vote. She became the first Latina to run for the U.S. Congress in 1921 as a nominee of the Republican Party; though she lost the election, she stayed politically active. Otero-Warren led the New Mexico chapter of the Congressional Union (later the National Woman's Party) and spearheaded the publishing of suffragist literature in both English and Spanish to reach a wider audience. Between the two world wars, she took on the role as superintendent of public schools in Santa Fe County, where she worked to improve conditions for rural Hispanic and Native American communities. She's recognized for fighting against federal demands to assimilate Hispanic and Indigenous New Mexicans, by methods which included banning their traditional languages and customs.
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806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q Education & Scholarship Updates
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna. org
Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource. FALLEN HEROES FUND Scholarship to assist with educational expenses of dependent survivors of service men and women and first responders who have died on active duty since September 11, 2001. Dependent survivors would include spouse, sons, and daughters (biological, adopted or step children). The scholarships are available as supplements to financial aid and survivor educational benefits. The applicant may be registered as a full or parttime student. Use the following link to apply: www.grantrequest.com/ SID_6007?SA=SNA&FID=35040 COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at: bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet. com
SCHOLARSHIP for Students majoring in Journalism Office of the Dean, School of Mass Communications P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409-3082
SHIP PROGRAM www.chci.org/scholarships/page/chci-scholarship-program AAUW SCHOLARSHIP The Association of University Women Educational Foundation Apply at www.aauw.org
SHIPS www.adelantefund. org/#!scholarships/crij
AL SCHOLARSHIPS through The Rotary Foundation. Scholarships will be awarded to fund post-baccalaureate study at an accredited university located outside the United States & its territories. Apply online at www.Rotary.org/en/grants

Youth Opportunities
14TH ANNUAL VAMOS A PESCAR, LET'S GO FISHING August 6th, 6 am -2 pm, Free, bring you lawn chairs, sunscreen and water bottles and join us at this annual family fishing event. Pre-register online at www.letsgofishinglubbock.com. Children up to 17 years-old must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by Los Hermanos Familia. At Buddy Holly Lake on University Ave & Cesar E Chavez Dr. For information call 792-1212. TEEN GAME AFTERNOON Join us for a fun afternoon of card games, video games and board games! Free refreshments provided. Ages 12-17. 08/16/2022 03:00 PM – 08/16/2022 05:00 PM at Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th. FLUFFY SLIME Join us as we make fluffy slime! This is a family event as kids will need adult help making the slime. Space is limited so please call 806-775-3362 to register. 08/10/2022 04:00 PM – 08/10/2022 05:00 PM at Godeke Branch Library, 5034 Frankford Ave.
Join us as we make a craft while watching the sequel to Inuyasha! Free refreshments provided. Ages 13-17, 08/11/2022 03:00 PM – 08/11/2022 05:00 PM, at Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th. MAHON STORYTIME Join us as we read books, sing songs and make a craft. We will also work on pre-literacy skills (colors, numbers, letters). 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, and 8/30/2022 10:30 AM, 11:00 AM, at 1306 9th St. GAME ON AT PATTERSON Join us every Monday and Thursday afternoon for board games and video games for grades K to 12! 08/25/2022 03:30 PM – 08/25/2022 05:30 PM

OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free. TEEN HELP: Catholic Charities offers FREE help for youth up to 17 years old struggling with negative behaviors, loss of self-respect, bullying, etc. Parents may call 1-800-530-4704 and make a confidential appointment.
DO YOU HAVE A STORY? Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock.net/have-astory or, email your youth news, quinceañera, and other info to news@latinolubbock.net
Summer Meal Program sites in Texas to Resume
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) will allow Summer Meal Program sites in Texas to resume grab and go, home delivery, and meal bundling as part of standard operations. The recently enacted Keep Kids Fed Act (KKFA) provided the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) authority to grant the necessary statewide waivers. TDA partners with food banks, schools, and other nonprofits to operate the Summer Food Service Program and the Seamless Summer Option which provide federal funding for meals served at no cost to children 18 and younger and eligible people with disabilities. The Summer Meal Program waivers will be available through September 30, 2022, or until the new school year starts. The KKFA does not allow all students to eat school meals free of charge in school year 2022-2023. Families must resume submitting an application for free and reducedprice meals unless their student’s school utilizes the Community Eligibility Provision to serve free meals to all students. For more information, visit SquareMeals.org.
Affordable Childcare is Available
The Early Learning Centers of Lubbock (ELC) is now enrolling for the fall semester. Tuition is based on each family’s household income so fees range from $65-$125 per week. ELC also has part-time care available at a reduced cost. ELC provides each child breakfast, lunch and snack. For infants baby bottles, formula and baby food are provided at no cost to the parents. A developmentally appropriate curriculum is used to help ensure each child is developing appropriately and teachers work with children one on one to help those who might be a little behind catch up. Learning is done through play and involves lots of hands on activities for all ages. The centers are open Monday through Friday, 6:30am-6pm and ELC accepts CCS. For more information or to schedule an appointment to enroll please call 806-765-9981.

GET READY TO BE INSPIRED: The Girl Scouts Troop 6073 held their annual awards and bridging ceremony. All year long these young ladies have worked hard to earn badges, explored, raised funds, and they've had a great time! Girl Scouts is a great program and one that girls should consider in the upcoming school year. Whether visiting an animal shelter, camping, hosting a dance-off, or filming a movie—they’re learning to take risks, trust their gut, and team up with others for good. To learn more about joining, visit www.gs-top.org/en/about-girl-scouts/join.html. Congratulations to GS Troop 6073 and these awesome girls from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

Cuidado de niños asequible está disponible
Los primeros centros de aprendizaje de lubbock (elc) se están inscribiendo para el semestre de otoño. La matrícula se basa en los ingresos del hogar de cada familia por lo que los honorarios oscilan desde $ 65 -$ 125 por semana. Elc también tiene cuidado a tiempo parcial disponible a un costo reducido. Elc proporciona desayuno, almuerzo y merienda a cada niño. Para los bebés, las botellas de bebé, la fórmula y la comida de bebé se proporcionan sin costo a los padres. Un plan de estudios apropiado de desarrollo se utiliza para ayudar a que cada niño se desarrolle apropiadamente y los profesores trabajan con los niños uno en uno para ayudar a aquellos que podrían estar un poco detrás de la puesta en contacto. El aprendizaje se hace a través del juego e implica un montón de actividades de mano para todas las edades. Los centros están abiertos de lunes a viernes, 6:30 am-6 PM Y ELC ACEPTA CCS. Para más información o para programar una cita para inscribirse por favor llame al 806-765-9981.