20 minute read
Faith & Religion
KOC COUNCIL #15876 NEW OFFICERS: The Knights of Columbus Council #15876 of St. Patrick's Church held their The Installation of Council Officers event. THE KOC mission is empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. (Photo by Heorgina Salas Barrera)
RURAL COMMUNITY JAMAICAS: Volunteers took time to pose with the Ralls St. Michael's Catholic Church priest - Father Peter, at their annual jamaica, which drew folks from all over the area. It was fun and festive!

BROTHER KNIGHTS: The KOC Council 16210 prepared kettle corn and chicharones at the Ralls jamaica! They were a tasty treat, and the parish was grateful for their hard work.

ST. ISIDORE JAMAICA COMMITTEE: The Abernathy parish took time from working hard to raise funds that benefit the church and their programs.
Diocese of Lubbock Publishes Final South Plains Catholic
The June issue of the South Plains Catholic newspaper was the last, but the transition to new forms of communication from — and with – the Catholic Diocese of Lubbock. Lucas Flores said, “This has been months, and even years, in planning to come to a new jumping-off point. We have been in discussions, meetings, and planning sessions to begin the publication of the new South Plains Catholic magazine.” In July, a new quarterly, glossy magazine was sent to parishioners. The timing will change from 12 times a year to four times. The type of information will change, but we also still want to bring local coverage and some of the same information. “We will work with the offices of the diocese and with parishes to continue to bring event information, announcements, and photos of Catholics on the South Plains of Texas.” He added that as they continue with the new format, they will also move to new ways to communicate and connect with readers including their website and social media pages. “Also, we hope you notice some of our other efforts in your parish bulletins and in local media – like Latino Lubbock Magazine to share the awesome things happening in the Catholic Church in our part of Texas.” Visit the diocesan website at CatholicLubbock.org. Follow them on social media at @ CatholicLubbock or join them on Flocknote – catholiclubbock.flocknote.com – for enewsletters and text updates.
En Aquellos Días…
Había muchos Cursillistas en la parroquia. Cada semana se llenaba el cuarto de actividades con cursillistas. Mis padres estaban muy envueltos en el movimiento. Mi papa fue el vocal varios años. Me acuerdo de que siempre andaban en las clausuras y apostolados. Cuando iban candidatos/candidatas de San Miguel a vivir un cursillo, todos los cursillistas de Levelland andaban bien emocionados y en ansias para recibir a los nuevos cursillistas. Mi mama y otras cuatro o cinco señoras empezaban a planear la comida y la música para el “recibimiento”. Había un entusiasmo que no se ni cómo explicarlo. Estos fieles miembros de San Miguel cantaban y alababan de puro corazón. Yo viví mi cursillo el 1966 en Plainview con el Padre Antonio González, pero nunca me puedo comparar a los cursillistas de aquellos días. Ahora se está acercando La Fiesta de Colores (26 de agosto) y se me vienen a la mente los nombres de los grandes cursillistas que levantaron este movimiento en la parroquia de San Miguel en Levelland –Severiano y Luisa Castillo, Oscar y Julia Garza, Samuel y Juanita Montez, Blas y Petra Álvarez, Trino y Ofelia Gutiérrez, Romeo y Socorro Gutiérrez, Domingo y Rosa Gutiérrez, Rodolfo y Rosa Hinojosa, Gabriel y Julia Hernandez y muchos más. Y la música de
Santos Villalobos, Chon García, Los Hermanos Garzas era todo lo que se oía donde quiera que se reunían los cursillistas. Mi mama, Juanita Montez de 93 años, todavía atiende las reuniones de grupo y las ultreyas. Es la matriarca de los cursillistas en Levelland. Siento un orgullo y una tristeza porque, aparte de mi mama y Rosa Hinojosa, ya están los demás en el cielo esperando a cada cursillista para celebrar otro “recibimiento”. ¡DE COLORES, Hermanos Cursillistas!
Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas.
Church Bulletins
August 6 - CROSBYTON, St. Joseph August 6 - NEW DEAL, Our Lady Queen of Apostles August 6 - LORENZO, San Lorenzo Church 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. August 6 - SHALLOWATER, St. Philip Benizi Church, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. August 13 SLATON, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church August 28 LUBBOCK, St. Joseph Church Submit your info to news@latinoubbock.net SHOES 4 SOULS Living Word of Faith Church will sponsor its 1st Shoes 4 Souls Back to School event on Sunday, August 7, at 129 Temple Ave. from 4- 7PM. Shoe Vouchers for $50 will be available for school aged children residing in the Jackson or Mahon neighborhoods. Parents must show proof of residence and have an ID. Parents must have their children with them to claim a $50 shoe voucher on day of event. Pre-registration for shoe vouchers will take place on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4- 7 p.m. at Living Word of Faith, 129 Temple Ave. Bring an ID and proof of residence.
CHIST RETREAT on October 1, 2022, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mercy Center Slaton. More information to
come. NIGHT TO REMEMBER August 5, 2022, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock’s Night to Remember, at the Texas Tech Merket Alumni Center. For sponsorship or ticket information, email Gene-va@CCLubbock.org or call (806) 765-8475, ext. 131
Father Piña’s Bible Study in English will be held on Wednesdays, at 7 pm. at 1120 52nd St. - as long as covid numbers are down. El Estudio Bíblico en Español con Emilio Abeyta estará los Miércoles, a las 7pm. YOUTH BIBLE STUDY at Our Lady of Grace, every Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at Buxkemper Hall, 3111 Erskine St.
CY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/ message/devotions/novena PRAY THE ROSARY ONLINE at https://www.cathedralofmary.org/faithformation/resources/pray-the-rosaryonline
SCRIPTURES online at https:// catholicboard.com/ THE BIBLE ONLINE www.catholic.org/bible/ EWTN NEWS https://www.ewtnnews.com/
Verifique su informe de crédito
Su informe de crédito tiene información relevante sobre el uso de sus créditos. En él podrá encontrar cuál es su límite de crédito, cuanto tiene disponible, si ha realizado sus pagos en tiempo y forma y si alguna de sus cuentas se ha enviado a un departamento de cobranza. Todas estas variables influyen para formar el puntaje de crédito. La Oficina para la Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB, siglas en inglés) recomienda que se revise el informe de crédito al menos una vez al año. El puntaje de crédito puede afectarle en varios aspectos de su vida diaria. Tomemos en cuenta que los bancos consideran su informe de crédito antes de otorgarle un crédito personal o una tarjeta de crédito, las aseguradoras pueden revisar los informes de crédito para evaluar si pueden asegurarlo y determinar el costo de su seguro. También otras compañías como las compañías telefónicas pueden determinar si es necesario solicitarle un depósito de acuerdo su puntaje de crédito. Recuerde que puede obtener un informe de crédito gratis en annualcreditreport. com una vez al año.
(In English, p. 8)
Does the State Owe You Unclaimed Money
There is currently over $28 million worth of unclaimed property outstanding for people in Lubbock alone. Texas Comptroller’s Office, Kevin Lyons, detailed how to obtain money owed from the state that comes from unclaimed property that is mandated to go to the state. An unclaimed property could be a deposit to an electric utility company or even money sitting in an old bank account that was never claimed, said Lyons. “After a certain amount of time, those financial institutions have to turn that money over to the Texas Comptroller’s office,” he said. In order to get the money, people are instructed to go to the website and give their first and last name. If the name and address is correct, the website will then ask to upload documents to verify identification. There is no statute of limitations, meaning that the unclaimed property doesn’t expire. For anyone who would like to find out if they have unclaimed property, they can go to claimittexas.org.
Forward in Chris
The We were all created to have a relationship with God. That was truly God’s purpose for creating mankind. Think about that, our sole purpose in this world is... to know Him. Not just to know about Him, not just to attend church services, not to concentrate on a list of dos and don’ts, not to be manipulated by religion, not to be carried away by this world and the lust for it... But to be in a relationship with Him! The more I searched His nature the more convinced I became that knowing God is the solution to most of my problems. And as I listened to others share their burdens with me as their pastor, I became convinced that knowing God better was the answer to many of their problems as well. I decided that I want to get to know God intimately and that I want to help others get to know Him as well if I possibly can. Would you say that you know God personally? If so, how well? Barely? Casually? Intimately? I leave with this thought with you, “Never forget that your very existence is based solely on God’s desire to have a relationship with you”.
Joshua Ramirez is the Campus Pastor of the Lubbock Dream Center and has been in ministry for 32 years.
CHCL Welcomes Doctors Ortega and Walker
Comunnity Health Center of Lubbock (CHCL) is proud to welcome Dr. Beatriz G. Ortega, DDS yo its dental team at CHCL. Dr. Ortega, originally from Peru, received her Doctor of Dental Science (DDS) degree from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas. She currently holds an undergraduate degree in Biology from Prairie View A&M University. Dr. Ortega is a proud member of the American Dental Association and The Texas Academy of General Dentistry. She is dedicated to providing quality dental care to every patient. Although Dr. Ortega loves many facets of dentistry, she most enjoys getting to know her patients. To her, personalized patient care is essential as she provides them with the individualized care they need. Dr. Ortega has been bilingual her entire life and has treated many Spanish-speaking patients. All of them were very grateful to have a provider with whom they could communicate freely about their dental health. CHCL is also excited to welcome Shawn Walker, MD a new Pediatrician to their team. Dr. Walker graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas in 2018 and completed his residency training in pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2022. Dr. Walker discovered his passion for medicine while serving in the Marine Corps. He decided after his military service that he would pursue medicine in the hopes of helping the people of West Texas. While doing missionary work in Peru he discovered that he enjoyed helping children with their healthcare needs. Dr. Walker was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas and is excited to start his practice as a pediatrician at the Community Health Center of Lubbock and to serve the communities in West Texas. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ortega for dental care, or Dr. Walker at the Main Clinic for pediatric medical care, please call 806-765-2611 or request an appointment online https://www.chclubbock.org/requestappointment-form/.

CASA In Need of Volunteer Advocates
CASA is in need of community members to devote 10-15 hours a month advocating for children that need it the most. They only have three months left in 2022 to recruit, train, and provide children in our community with the gift of a CASA Advocate. A CASA, or a Court Appointed Special Advocate, helps vulnerable children in foster care navigate the child welfare system while working to ensure the child’s needs are being met and advocating for a safe, permanent home. Individuals can register for these CASA 101 Informational Sessions at www.casaofthesouthplains. org or contact Tabitha Rendon, Recruitment Director, at tabithar@ casaofthesouthplains.org Upcoming training dates are: • Tuesday, August 2 from 12 to 1p.m. • Thursday, August 11 from 6 to 7 p.m. • Saturday, August 20 from 10 to 11 a.m. • Tuesday, August 23 from 12 to 1p.m.
LEVEL13 Deal with Lady
Raiders, Biggest NIL to Date
Level 13 Agency, Kirk Noles, Marc McDougal, Keith McNeese, and Ross Rushing, made a historic NIL announcement to the Lady Raider Basketball team inregards-to a teamwide NIL deal. Level 13 issued the following statement online: “We are proud to announce that Lady Raider NIL Announcement Level 13 Agency has committed $25,000 per Lady Raider in the Women's Basketball Locker Room! We see you, we hear you, and we support you, ladies! #LΞVΞLUPLADIΞS” This deal is one of, if not the biggest teamwide locker room deals for a women's sport in the country!

"Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing"Level 13 Agency, Kirk Noles, Marc McDougal, Keith McNeese, and Ross Rushing, made a historic NIL announcement to the Lady Raider Basketball team in-regards-to a team-wide NIL deal. Level 13 issued the following statement Join us Aug. 6th Register at letsgofishinglubbock.com online: “We are proud to announce that Level 13 Agency has committed $25,000.00 per Lady Raider in the Women's Basketball Locker Room! We see you, we hear you, and we support you, ladies! #LΞVΞLUPLADIΞS”
Mitch Wright This deal is one of, if not the biggest team-wide locker room deals for a women's sport in the country! Follow @level13agency across social media for the most up-to-date information! auto sales
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Noncitizen Veterans
Urged to Naturalize, Avoid Deportation
The U.S. government doesn't know exactly how many noncitizen military veterans it has kicked out of the country. A Biden administration official said he wants to keep the number from growing. The Department of Veterans Affairs began work Monday contacting 123,983 military veterans who are not U.S. citizens about how to become citizens, said Saif Khan, an adviser to the VA's general counsel and a naturalized citizen. The Department of Defense recently provided to the VA those individuals' names and information. They are people who were not citizens when they left the military between 2001 and as recently as April. "This way we can make sure our veterans who are transitioning have information to enable them to have all the benefits they will gain to become a U.S. citizen by naturalizing," Khan said. The VA plans to make multiple attempts to reach the veterans through phone and email in timed intervals — at 90 days, 180 days and 365 days after the person separates from military service, Khan said. Khan sees the outreach as working on the front end of the problem of deportations of veterans, while other efforts are being made to return those already removed from the country. Last year, the VA launched an online portal for deported veterans to use to apply for return to the U.S. In a recent hearing, a Department of Homeland Security official said there have been about 144 inquiries through the portal regarding returning to the U.S. Although the Biden administration has restored benefits to veterans, many have to travel long distances at their own cost to try to use them for health care. Many have low incomes because they earn very little across the border, and not all can access the portal or have access to legal services to help them navigate the process. The VA is also working to locate incarcerated veterans, including those who are not citizens, so they can get VA services, including naturalization help, when they are released. Khan said he hopes the number of veterans coming into the VA system in the future will be reduced over time because they will have naturalized while in the military. "We are going to be continuing our efforts anyway," he said, "to make sure no one falls through the cracks." To learn more visit https://www. dhs.gov/immvets
National Purple Heart Day is August 7th
Purple Heart Day is observed annually on August 7th. This is a time for Americans to pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. Purple Heart Day is also known as National Purple Heart Day, Purple Heart Recognition Day and Purple Heart Appreciation Day. This year Purple Heart Day will be observed on Sunday, August 7, 2022 nationwide. The holiday was first observed in 2014, and is considered an unofficial observance. States, Counties, and Cities pause in recognition of the service and sacrifice of their local sons and daughters.
The public is encouraged to visit the Lubbock of the South Plains
Chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH)
Monument of Courage located at the South end of Huneke
Park, 4001 82nd St.
To learn more about the criteria for receiving a Purple Heart, visit militarybenefits.info/purple-heartday
Veteran & Military Connection
· Air Force Day , Aug. 1 · Coast Guard Day, Aug. 4 · Agent Orange Awareness Day, Aug. 10 · National Airborne Day, Aug. 16
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. It helps find information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care or pay for accessible housing. www.disability.gov
is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the military wounded with fully equipped handicapped vehicles. www. helpourmilitaryheroes.org

Important Numbers
Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos
CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-TALK(8255) "Press 1 for Veterans" U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212
Neighborhood News & Resources
SOCIATION will meet on for its August 18th monthly meeting at Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall at 5:30 PM. Presentations will be done by Community Development, and Code Enforcement.
MEETING meeting are the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm, at the Hope Shalom, 2005 Ave. T.
TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
provides citizens with direct access to NonEmergency City Services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock. net/have-a-story For more info call (806)7921212.
Important Numbers for Senior Citizens
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad
AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 4-1-1 Voting Information Información de votación Latino Lubbock Magazine (806)792-1212
news@latinolubbock.net www.latinolubbock.net

National Night Out to be held August
The National Night Out program culminates annually on the first Tuesday of August. Neighbors participate across thousands of communities from all 50 states, United States territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide. The City of Lubbock Police Department and Lubbock United Neighborhood Association(LUNA) are partnering with the National Association of Town watch for the 37th Annual National Night Out, Tuesday, August 6, beginning at 6 pm. This year over 38 million people in 16 thousand communities across the country are expected to participate in fighting back against crime. The City of Lubbock will host a National Night Out event, 6 pm, Free, All ages, Games, refreshments and entertainment! Enjoy an evening with friends and neighbors to band together against drugs, gang violence and crime. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community, Maggie Trejo Supercenter, 3200 Amherst. FREE. After the event, stay for our movie in the park, LEGOS MOVIE 2, sponsored by Amerigroup beginning at dusk or approximately 9 pm! Trejo Supercenter, 3200 Amherst. The Simmons Community Center will hold a neighborhood event! Families will enjoy carnival games, an information fair, hot dogs, an ice cream social, bingo and more! On August 6, 2018 at 5:30-8:30 pm. Free. Catholic Charities will also hold a National Night Out event on Tuesday, August 6, from 6 to 8 pm, at Aztlan Park. Free. Please join these events for a community night out.
Lubbock’s 2021 Water Quality Report Available
The City of Lubbock is pleased to announce the 2021 Water Quality Report is now available to the public. The annual water quality report – also referred to as a consumer confidence report – provides water utility customers with important information about the quality of their drinking water. Lubbock’s Director of Water Utilities, Aubrey Spear said, “The City of Lubbock’s drinking water meets or exceeds all regulatory standards. We are proud to continuously deliver safe, pure, and reliable tap water to the citizens of Lubbock for their enjoyment.” Lubbock’s Water Quality Report explains to customers where Lubbock’s water supply comes from, plans for future water supplies, effectiveness of our community’s water conservation efforts, and how our water is treated and delivered to customers. Most importantly, the report provides the concentration of substances found in Lubbock’s drinking water and indicates that their levels meet or exceed drinking water standards set by regulatory agencies. The report is available at mylubbock.us/waterqualityreport or a hard copy of the report can be requested by calling 806-775-2586.
ThLa etiqueta de información nutricional de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) que se encuentra en los alimentos y bebidas envasados puede ayudarle a tomar decisiones alimentarias informadas que contribuyan a formar hábitos alimenticios saludables para toda la vida. ¡Ahora puede probar cuánto sabe sobre la etiqueta de información nutricional con el nuevo cuestionario interactivo (disponible sólo en inglés)! El cuestionario interactivo sobre la etiqueta de información nutricional se desarrolló para ayudar a los consumidores y educadores de salud a comprender los elementos de la etiqueta de información nutricional y poner en práctica la revisión y comparación de etiquetas. Las preguntas del cuestionario enfatizan la información de la etiqueta, como las calorías, el porcentaje de valor diario, el tamaño de la porción y los nutrientes, y ofrece más información y consejos para aprender sobre la marcha. El cuestionario forma parte de la herramienta interactiva de la etiqueta de información nutricional actual de la FDA. Esta herramienta ofrece una descripción general de la etiqueta y un análisis en profundidad de los nutrientes específicos y su papel en la dieta diaria. Esta herramienta también incluye recursos como hojas informativas, un glosario de términos en la etiquetas, entre otros. La herramienta interactiva de la etiqueta de información nutricional está disponible tanto en inglés como en español. Utilice el cuestionario interactivo de la etiqueta de información nutricional y los numerosos recursos y materiales de educación nutricional de la FDA para conocer la importancia de una buena nutrición. Puede encontrar kits de herramientas, juegos, videos, y otros recursos para educadores de salud, jóvenes y educadores de jóvenes, adultos mayores, así como para médicos y profesionales de la salud. Para obtener más información acerca de la etiqueta de información nutricional, visite www.FDA.gov/ NewNutritionFactsLabel. ¡Este sitio web incluye hojas informativas y videos para ayudarle a seguir obteniendo más información sobre la etiqueta de información nutricional! (In English, p. 10)