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Happy Valentines Day y Feliz Día de San Valentín! In any language love sounds beautiful! And it is a beautiful thing to be in love. As you grow in a relationship you become practical and conscious on how you handle it.

My husband Frank and I continue to thank God for crossing our paths and letting us build our foundation on Him.

Over the years he has brought me flowers, and the vases have piled. So, in efforts to be more eco-conscious, and to minimize, I recently asked him to no longer send flowers in a vase, but rather bring bouquets and recycle vases we have.

After 34 years, we've committed to minimizing stuff and being practical. We've accumulated so much together, but as I explained I do not want 'stuff' to take away from our time - so de clutter and donating has become a way to demonstrate our continued commitment, LOL!

A friend shared with me that before she married her husband, she asked him for flowers every single day for as long as they were married. I couldn't resist asking her, 'How's that working out for you?' Now I wonder, how many vases has she accumulated?

The realities of life make it tough for anyone to meet some expectations - but minimizing and practicality are definitely realistic.

When Frank and I first got married, we were working, going to school and we struggled financially, but the experience of it all makes us appreciate the journey we have achieved together! Our love grows daily and together we have transformed our experience into purpose. More so, we have a deep appreciation for each other because we are dedicated to each other’s well-being, as well as the world around us. We both have active schedules. So, I've learned to value the little things. Each morning, Frank gets the coffee brewing and then prepares my coffee as I like it and brings it to me... those little things mean everything. As he hands me that cup, I know that it’s sincere. It doesn’t take a lot to know that love is standing right in front of me.

Love is more than a feeling. There are many ways to express to others how you feel. Besides celebrating our sweethearts on Valentine's Day, February 14th, there are other days where we show those around us, even strangers, that they are important.

Random Acts of Kindness Day takes place on February 17th. It’s a day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness. Promoters of the day suggest paying for another person's meal in drive-thrus, letting someone go ahead in line, buying extra at the grocery store and donating it to a food pantry, buying flowers for someone, helping someone change a flat tire, posting anonymous sticky notes with validating or uplifting messages around for people to find, complimenting a colleague on their work, sending an encouraging text to someone, taking muffins to work, letting a car into the traffic ahead of you, taking a gift to neighbors, or paying for the coffee for the person behind you. Love is a verb, and love is kindness! Be kind, and please spread the love!

February is Heart Health Month. Please read and apply these tips from our health pagesd m me to love yourself to love others.

As you know we’re celebrating our 17th year of Latino Lubbock Magazine! We strive to be consistent in providing news you can use.

Throughout the pages you will find useful information, stories, and pictures . I hope that you will absorb the info and share what you learn, or pass on a copy of Latino Lubbock Magazine.

Don’t forget you can find us on stands, and, online at www.latinolubbock.net also check out our social media pages for up-to-the-minute updates.

Y como siempre, Latino Lubbock is committed to our community. Thank you for your support and for reading Latino Lubbock Magazine. We are grateful to be 100,000 readers strong and appreciate our advertisers who help make it possible to keep our publication free.

Till next month, thank you for your support and may God bless you! ¡Gracias por su apoyo! Que dios los bendiga. PEACE and random acts of kindness. Que las bendiciones de dios estén contigo siempre! ¡Happy Valentine's Day, Feliz Día de San Valentín!

Sinceramente, Christy Martinez-Garcia

Publisher & Latino Market Specialist

“Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective”


17 Years of Commitment to our Community

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