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NHMC Calls on Biden Administration to Strengthen Latino Representation
At the start of 2023, President Biden announced 99 new nominations for the Senate to confirm in the 118th Congress. Of those 99, approximately 13 are inspiring Latino leaders who will trailblaze into these positions, from Ambassadors to District Judges – roles that are severely underrepresented by the Latino community. However, 13 of 99 is not an accurate representation of the Latino community, and diminishes the leadership opportunities available to our community for key positions in the United States government. In particular, NHMC is disappointed in President Biden’s nomination of a non-Latino candidate for the sole open seat on the Federal Communications Commission. As a Latina-led organization, NHMC calls on the BidenHarris Administration to strengthen Latino representation among its nominations, as well as stand firmly behind and support Latino nominees and leaders.
Latinos are the largest minority group in the country, accounting for nearly 20% of the U.S. population. It is imperative that the country’s diverse population is reflected in leadership positions within our government to expand opportunities for our community, and voice the concerns of historically and intentionally marginalized people. NHMC, joined by