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We know our readers have a lot to say! Mail letters to Latino Lubbock “Letters to the Editor,” Box 6473 Lubbock, TX 79493, or email them to news@latinolubbock.net. Please include your name, address, and contact phone number. Mailed letters must be signed. Please note that unsigned letters will not be published. Letters are limited to 100 words, depending on space availability, some longer will be included. Writers are limited to one letter per month. Submissions may be edited for clarity or space consideration. Letters are not acknowledged. Opinions expressed in letters and Op-Ed articles do not necessarily represent the views of Latino Lubbock Magazine.
Say No To Batch Company
Our neighborhood says, "NO" to a batch company where we live! It's sad that this funeral service company that specializes in funeral vaults wants to put its neighbor in the ground faster by exposing us to the polution and dusts emissions! Take it outside of the city but not in our barrio!
Sincerely, Ruben
Congratulations Llm
We're so proud that Latino Lubbock Magazine is celebrating its 17th year! We look forward to it every month. God bless your staff and keep up the great work!
Maria Chapa
Copyright 2023 by Latino Lubbock Magazine

I'm concerned about the closure of Matthew's, Academy on North Lubbock. Isn't this the fourth school in this district to be closed? DO we really need empty building that aren't always maintained and that attract squatters and kids vandalizing them? With all due respcet, Matthews is closing? WHy? Ms. Chavez - you got some xplaining to do.
Andrew Alvarado
Dentures Needed
Awhile back Latino Lubbock had an article about denture prices being reduced. Is it possible for you to email me that info or remind me when the article was posted? I'm needing dentures for both of my parents and they are really exspensive and we sure would appreciate any help. We love Latino Lubbock!
Rosie Ramos
Clean Up Trash
I'm so tired of people dumping their junk on the side of the dumpster! Sometimes the neighbor's kids just throw the bags of trash on top of the dumpster and then the cats come and pick through them, or people will just lift the lids and let the trash to fall to the side. Why do people have to be so disrespectful? Teach your kids, cause this impacts all of us! When I confronted one of my neighbors he blamed the city trash department for not picking up stuff, but we need to hold the neighbors accountable. They need to clean up their act!
Joe Gonzalez
Latino civil rights allies, voiced this to President Biden in a letter earlier this month with regards to the President’s pick for the FCC – to which we received no response. The representation of Latinos at agencies, like the FCC which has not had a Latino commissioner for over two decades, is a necessary component of meaningful progress. But, progress for some does not equate to progress for all – especially when some of us are denied a seat at the table. NHMC will not sacrifice what our community needs – representation – for the crumbs of “progress” that will be left for our people. Our representation in leadership is an informidable tenet of inclusion, social justice, and democratic values. Latinos in leadership positions are the rule, not the exception. We call on the BidenHarris Administration and White House to acknowledge, embrace, and adopt this perspective, and to remedy its current lack of Latino nominees.
Brenda Victoria Castillo is President & CEO National Hispanic Media Coalition. NHMC pushes boundaries to encourage the entertainment and news industry to reflect the diversity of America behind and in front of the camera by Amplifying Voices in the Latino community. Their team of legal experts analyze telecommunications policy and proceedings, testify before Congress and government agencies and engage decisionmakers to support programs that bring phone and internet service within reach for lowincome families.
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