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City Test Outdoor Warning System Sirens on 2nd Fridays
The The City of Lubbock will con duct a test of the Outdoor Warn ing System (OWS) on Friday, ruary 10, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. This will be a three (3) minute activation of the Outdoor Warning System sirens. This is only a test and does not indicate severe weather in area.
The sirens will be tested monthly on the second Friday of the month. However, if National Weather Service forecasts a ten percent (10%) chance or greater of a thunderstorm the day of the test, the OWS test will be canceled and not rescheduled. For further information on the OWS, please visit mylubbock.us/ outdoorwarningsystem.
La Ciudad Prueba las Sirenas de Advertencia Exteriores el segundo viernes Viernes
La Cidudad de Lubbock hace prueba de las Sirenas de Advertencia Exteriores este Viernes, 10 febrero, 2023 a las 9:30 a.m. Esta sera una activacion de 3 minutos de las sirenas de la Sistema de Advertencia Exterior.
Este sera solomente una prueba, y no indica que hay tiempo extremo en la area. Las sirenas sera probado mensualmente en la segunda Viernes del mes. Sin embargo, si el prognostico del Servicio Nacional Meterologico indica que hay un probabilidad de tormentas de 10% o mas en el dia de la prueba, la prueba sera suspendido y no sera reprogramado.
Para mas informacion sobre la OWS, por favor visite mylubbock.us/outdoorwarningsystem
71st Annual Pancake Festival
The Pancake Festival will be held Saturday, February 18, 2023 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. Guided by the slogan, "Our Vision, Our FocusSee to Serve with 20/20 Vision," the Lubbock Lions Club The Festival will open at 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Tickets are $10 in advance; $12 at the door. There is no charge for children under three. Tickets may be purchased from any Lubbock Lions Club member, at all Bolton Locations and by calling the Lubbock Lions Club at 806-763-4789.