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Ephesians 5:18 says “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”
This portion of scripture has two priorities... One is negative and, one is positive. Don’t be drunk with wine... that’s negative. But be filled with the Spirit... that’s positive.
Superficially, there is a similarity between the two experiences.
When somebody is drunk with alcohol... we say that they... are... under the influence...
Likewise, when someone is under the influence of the Holy Spirit, they are being led by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesus was wine country they had a ton of vineyards in the area.
There was a temple dedicated to the worship of Diana and part of the ritual in the temple was to get drunk.
Paul is saying, “rather than lose control to alcohol... allow the Holy Spirit to control you. That will provide a better outcome, AMEN? The Greek word that means fill to the brim... or to fill completely. Not like water in a cup but like a hand filling a glove, the glove is powerless without a hand moving it. So, when we live under the influence of the Holy Spirit, it’s because we have given Him full access to our lives.
En Aquellos Días…
Domingo de Pascua, día de la coneja o sea lo que sea, tengo recuerdos de este día. En el rancho solo nos compraban dulces de blanquillitos y nos quebrábamos cascarones. Al tiempo nos movimos “al pueblo” y comenzaron a llegar los nietos y ni etas y juegos y dulces y cascarones. Nos re uníamos en una casa y escondíamos los dul ces, nos quebrábamos cascarones y luego teníamos bastante comida y todos comíamos juntos. En veces corríamos detrás de mí papa y cuando lo alcanzábamos le quebramamos los casca- rones. Casi no tenía cabello ya, pero se sacudía la cabeza y decía que el confeti se le pegaba en el casco. Un año se apareció el conejo “Harvey”. Ahora tenemos nietos y visnietos, no tenemos a mi papa, pero tenemos a mi mama. Extraño es días. Ya no podemos correr porque nos duelen las rodillas o porque tenemos “las reumas”. Como me dice un amigo: “Se me hace que es la bola” y no hay remedo para
Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas.
Kids Blast Event - May 6 Free Children's Ministry Event
Kids Blast is a Compañerismo Emanuel Lubbock festival and a cross-cultural missionary effort developed during the past four years to serve the Lubbock area and beyond. It has been a great opportunity to share the Gospel with kids (5 to 11 years old) and their families.
The festival involves games, gifts, food, candies, face painting, bounce houses, and a special gospel presentation by Oly the Clown (Evie Olivo). They will have door prizes, food, games and more!
Evie Olivo has been serving in the kids ministry for more than 20 years as a professional minister, and has 15 years of ex- perience performing her character “Oly the Clown”. She graduated from the Baptist University of the Americas and is currently the Children’s Pastor at the Mercy Church in San Antonio, TX. Evie is a gifted bilingual and cross-cultural minister, able to communicate fluently in English and Spanish. Her focus is to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with kids and parents as a family, directing the gospel to each family member in its preferred language.
This year the Kids Blast festival will be held on May 6, 2023, at 11:30 a.m., at Alliance Baptist Church, 5825 34th. This is a free family event open to all.