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Word from the Publisher/mensaje de nuestra fundadora Querídos lectores...
This is the first year I will observe Mother's Day without my mother. Since my mother's death after a tough battle with cancer, my family and I have struggled with her absence, but we are taking it day-by-day. She was tough dealing with Stage 4 Cancer. Mom was given three months to live, but through faith and the prayers and support of others - she extended her life 10 months. We're truly experiencing Tears in Heaven, and we pray for that day we're reunited.
I recall how each year on Mother's Day, my sisters and I would proudly deliver handmade gifts and cards we made at school to our mother. I would address my card to “Mommy”.
Once, I heard a friend call out to his mom as “Linda” of which my friends and I gasped. You see, we all knew that referencing to our mothers that way might not go over to well in a Latino household.
As my sisters and I got older and got paying jobs, handmade gifts were replaced with store bought gifts to commemorate mom’s special day. I also went from calling her ‘Mommy’ to calling her ‘Mom’, reflecting my maturity – although my preference is till mommy.
And over the years I often asked my mom what she wanted or needed as a Mother’s Day gift, and her response was always something like, "I don't need anything but your love." Regardless of what she said, she was worthy and deserved recognition on this day special day dedicated to mothers. And of course, on Mother’s Day she received a flood of gifts including flowers, plants, perfume, and other special gifts delivered by all her six children, plus our love, which also came in the form of grandchildren whom she loved very much!
When I became a mother, I always looked forward to this holiday, especially when my daughter started going to school and making those hand-made gifts and cards she would bring to me. And much like my mother, the day came when my daughter would ask me what I wanted, and I found myself responding like my mother did, 'I don't need anything but your time and your love.' I guess as moms we know that we are going to be treated to a special day regardless, but we cherish the moments of being a mom - the very best gift. And while, I don't have any grandchildren, I am also the grammy to two fur babies! LOL! And whether your mom is living or is now resting in Heaven we wish all mothers, grandmothers, aunts, godmothers, sisters and anyone who has loved children like their own - a very Happy Mother's Day! I also wish a Happy Heavenly Mother's Day to my mamacita ~ Janie Castañeda! I love and miss you! Mamá, gracias por ser mi compañera, por quererme y apoyarme. ¡Te quiero y te extraño!
Also, Latino Lubbock Magazine is excited to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, and hopefully you will be joining us at the annual parade falls on May 6th, the day after Cinco de Mayo this year. This year's theme is "!Somos la fuerza de nuestra comunidad! We are the Strength of Our Community!" Let's join together and put the UNITY in commUNITY! More details can be found at www.loshermanosfamilia.org
Don’t forget you can find us on stands, and, online at www.latinolubbock. net also check out our social media pages for up-to-the-minute updates. Y como siempre, Latino Lubbock is committed to our community. Thank you for your support and for reading Latino Lubbock Magazine. We are grateful to be 100,000 readers strong and appreciate our advertisers who help make it possible to keep our publication free.
Till next month, thank you for your support and may God bless you!
¡Gracias por su apoyo! Que dios los bendiga. PEACE and random acts of kindness. Que las bendiciones de dios estén contigo siempre! Happy Mother's Day! ¡Feliz día de las Madres!
Sinceramente, Christy Martinez-Garcia Publisher & Latino Market Specialist
"Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective"
Celebrating 17 Years of Commitment to our Community