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in the brain causing the brain not to get enough blood, oxygen and nutrients).. Both have the potential for irreversible brain damage if not treated immediately. When a stroke occurs and part of your brain dies from the lack of blood flow, the part of the body it controls is affected. Strokes can cause paralysis, affect language and vision, and cause other serious health problems.
Another kind of stroke-like event is a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), or a warning stroke. A TIA is caused by a blockage of a blood vessel to the brain, causing stroke symptoms, but the stroke symptoms are short lived. It is called transient because the stroke symptoms resolve and there is usually no lasting symptoms left over from this event. While people get back to normal, just having a TIA make a person at very high risk for a full blown stroke with lasting symptoms. Learn more about the warning signs of a stroke and find more information on stroke prevention at heart.org and strokeassociation. org.