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May Is National Mental Awareness Month - You Are Not Alone

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Pic The Gallo

Pic The Gallo

We’ve all been through a lot this year. And one issue that continues to make headlines? Our mental health. Specifically, the effect of COVID-19 and all that comes with it – vaccinations, quarantining, working from home, disrupted schedules, lack of social interaction, and more. Now is a good time to pause and reflect. May is Mental Health Aware ness Month, so we want to make sure we recognize a difficult truth: Nearly one in five Americans lives with a mental health condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

That includes any mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder such as: Depression, Anxiety, Mood disorders, including bipolar disorder, Personality disorders, Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, Trauma, Eating disorders, and Substance -use disorders

A recent statement by President Joe Biden on Mental Health Awareness Month men- tions isolation, sickness, grief, and job loss as contributing factors on declining mental health as well as lack of access to mental health services during difficult times. But it’s important to remember that you are not alone.

In fact, that is the theme of this year’s awareness month from the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Experts stress that now is the time to focus on healing, reaching out, and connecting in safe ways by acknowledging that it’s okay to not be okay.

For more info contact your physician or 2-1-1.

(En español on p. 21)

Nearly 3 million Hispanics have been diagnosed with arthritis, and millions more with chronic joint pain remain undiagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

May is National Arthritis Month, and with new resources in Spanish, information is available to a wider audience.

The Arthritis Foundation offers a Spanish-language message board, a toll-free help line (800-568-4045.

Information on pain relief, exercise, and more can also be found at www.arthritis.org.

To prevent arthritis or help manage your pain, the Arthritis Foundation recommends these steps: • Seek early diagnosis and treatment.

• Maintain an appropriate weight. • Take adequate calcium for strong bones. • Exercise to maintain fitness and flexibility.

Alivie el dolor Artritis

Mayo es el Mes nacional de la artritis, y aprender acerca de la enfermedad —que afecta a casi 3 millones de hispanos adultos en Estados Unidos— es más fácil gracias a nuevas fuentes de información en español. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, millones de latinos siguen sin ser diagnosticados.

La Arthritis Foundation ofrece en español, una línea de ayuda gratis


Para evitar la artritis o para aprender a controlar el dolor, en español, visita el sitio www. arthritis.org.

La Arthritis Foundation (Fundación de la Artritis) recomienda lo siguiente: • Busque el diagnóstico y el tratamiento a tiempo.

• Mantenga un peso adecuado. • Tome la cantidad adecuada de calcio para la fortaleza de sus huesos.

• Haga ejercicio para mantener un buen estado físico y la flexibilidad.

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