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Pic The Gallo

Youth Opportunities


NERF WARS Bring your Nerf gear and battle inside the library after hours. Star Wars gear/ cosplay encouraged. Generic darts and light refreshments provided. Limited spots available. We will start taking reservation on April 13. Ages 14+ 05/04/2023 06:30 PM – 8:00 PM at Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th St.


FEATURING "VIVO" Join us for a Movie Mornings at Hodges Community Center!

This is a FREE monthly program that starts at 10:00am on the first Friday of every month starting in May 2023, 05/05/2023 10:00 AM –11:00 AM, 4011 University Ave



Join us as we make a beautiful flower wreath made of egg cartoons, paint and a plate!

This is a family program on 05/08/2023, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM, at Patterson Branch Library, 1836 Parkway Dr.

ORIGAMI BOUQUET Come and make a beautiful origami bouquet! We will learn how to make a variety of origami flowers and vases. All supplies will be provided.

Ages 16+ Registration will begin March 15th. 05/15/2023, 6:30 -7:30 PM Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th St.

TEEN LINK Teens will talk about different important topics with activities connected to the day’s topic. Snacks will be provided. Please register by calling 806-775-3362 or sign up in person at the Godeke Branch Library., 5034 Frankford Ave., for Ages 13-18, on 05/16/2023, 6:00 -7:00 PM


STEVE WINGER Be wowed by Balloon Artist, Steve Winger, as he makes works of art with balloons. Seating is limited. Tickets are required and can be picked up the day of the event. Ages 12 and under, on 05/31/2023 2:00 - 3:00 PM, at Godeke Branch Library, 5034 Frankford Ave.


LYLA invites students ages 8-17 to participate in June 2023 summer camps! Please text the word INFO to 806-535-5437 for more information if interested!


Did you know you can watch movies online through the library?!? We've got movies for all ages available through the OverDrive App (not Libby) or on the website lubbock.overdrive.com!

OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free.

As we approach the end of the school year, I wanted to reflect on how my sophomore year was. Overall, I would say it has been a very eventful year. I've made new friends, but I’ve also grown apart from some old ones. I went to my first homecoming dance and many football games. I’m also proud to say that I got the 2nd most volunteer hours in the National Honor Society at my school. I won many awards with my robotics team, and we even went to the State Championship. I started driving and had a few panic moments, but now I can park! And yes, I am a teenager. I did have a few times this year that were very challenging for me and my mental health. One of the things I am most proud of was prioritizing my mental health every day. I'm not going to lie, now that it's May, and I am extremely busy with AP tests, prom, school trips, and much more, it is challenging to keep up. However, I hope you also reflect upon your past year and get some real rest now that it’s summertime! So, I wish you all luck and hope you finish the year strong!

Blaise Martinez - is a 10th grader at Lub- bock High School. She aspires to attend Stan- ford University, major in computer science, and pursue a career in computer science and app development.

Isometimes don’t think I understand how incredible an opportunity it is to be surrounded by many expert thinkers at Johns Hopkins, but I can get lost and allow myself to be overwhelmed with the novelty of my situation—long walks to the bus stop, heavy traffic in narrow streets, no drive-thru coffee shops. Instead of embracing this change as something positive and hopeful, I have a lot of days that make me feel like “I’m stuck in the mud.”

Recently, I heard the speaker, Simon Sinek, give an incredible description of mental fitness. With physical fitness, I may be hydrated, eating right, exercising, but for whatever reason my body is just not working that day. I understand that my body may feel sore or tired some days than others and I move on, but I somehow don’t treat mental fitness in the same way. He surprised me when he said, “you are 100% mentally fit if you have sadness, joy, doubt, uncertainty, and insecurity.” These emotions that may make me feel like I’m failing, are shaping me to be a stronger person. Although I feel lonely, I’m sitting in it, not worried about it, and allowing it to pass through me as if I’m having just another off day at the gym. I’m grateful for what I’m going through. How else would I be able to fully appreciate the happy days? I can now move forward with great optimism because I recognize that “this too shall pass.”

Bailee Alonzo - is a recent graduate from Texas Tech, who majored in Biology/Pre- Med. She aspires to become a dermatolo- gist.

EHS THEATER GROUP SHINE AT REGIONALS: The Estacado Theatre represented Lubbock at Regionals brightly. They received all 1’s in Area which made them Area champs and advanced to Regionals!! In addition they were recognized in the following: All-Star Crew: Dulce DeVaughn. Best Technical Crew: Yasmine Glaspie, Khyah Watts, Zavrhi Cobbs, and Dulce DeVaughn. All-Star Cast: Abraham Hurtado, Andreanna Davila, and Issac Hyer. Best Performer: Matthew Hernandez. Congratulations to them and their director Mr. Tabor from Latino Lubbock Magazine!


· · Celebrate your high school success!

· Send thank you notes (if you haven't already) to everyone who helped you this year.

· Start planning for college.

· Watch college's summer deadlines (orientations, housing options, registration, etc.) closely.

Copyright 2023 by Latino Lubbock Magazine

LEMONADE DAY READY: Makayla received a loan for her lemonade stand. This is such a great learning experience for her. Come out to the West End Shopping center on May 6 and buy lemonade and other goodies from her. She has again chosen St. Judes as the organization to donate a percentage of profits to. Way to grow from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

¿Estás sufriendo un ataque cerebral?

Los ataques cerebrales (también conocido como derrames cerebrales) pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento, ¿pero sabrías reconocer los síntomas y signos de advertencia? Es más común que las personas con diabetes y presión alta sufran ataques cerebrales, pero gente mayor, con obesidad, que fuma o que no lleva una dieta balanceada también puede estar en riesgo. No siempre es fácil reconocer un ataque, y el tiempo perdido sin atención médica puede causar efectos irreparables en el cerebro. Conoce los signos P.D.D.M para identificar un ataque cerebral y evitar que alguien que quieres sufra daño cerebral.

F - Face (Rostro): Parálisis de rostro -¿Está paralizado un lado de la cara? Pídele a la persona que sonría, ¿la sonrisa es dispareja?

A - Arms (Brazos): Debilidad en brazos- ¿Está débil o paralizado uno de los brazos? Pídele a la persona que los levante, ¿se cae uno de ellos?

S - Speech Difficulty (Dificultad al hablar) ¿El discurso está mal articulado?, ¿la persona no puede hablar o le es difícil entender?

Pídele a la persona que repita una oración simple como "el cielo es azul", ¿repite la oración de manera correcta?

T - Time to call 9-1-1 (Momento de llamar al 9-1-1): Si alguien muestra alguno de estos síntomas, incluso si desaparecen, llama al 9-1-1 y lleva a la persona inmediatamente al hospital. Verifica el reloj para que sepas a qué hora empezaron los primeros síntomas.

También se podrían experimentar los siguientes síntomas: Parálisis o debilidad. Especialmente en la cara, el brazo o la pierna. Debido a que el cerebro controla diferentes partes de cuerpo, es común experimentar parálisis o debilidad en un lado del cuerpo y no en el otro.

Confusión: El ataque cerebral no permite que el cerebro funcione de manera adecuada, lo que puede causar confusión.

Problemas de visión: Puede haber dificultad para ver con uno o los dos ojos; la visión podría ser borrosa o dispareja.

Pérdida de balance o coordinación: Es posible que uno se sienta mareado y que tenga problemas al caminar.

Fuerte dolor de cabeza: Se puede experimentar un dolor de cabeza muy fuerte sin causa directa. Si reconoces alguno de estos síntomas llama inmediatamente al 9-1-1.

El ataque cerebral afecta el cerebro, ya sea por hemorragia (rup- tura de vasos sanguíneos y esparcimiento de sangre a los tejidos del cerebro) o por isquemia (bloqueo de los vasos sanguíneos, lo que no permite que el cerebro reciba la sangre, el oxígeno y los nutrientes necesarios). Ambas maneras pueden causar daños irreversibles si no se tratan de manera inmediata. Cuando ocurre un ataque cerebral y parte del cerebro muere por falta de flujo sanguíneo, la parte del cuerpo que ésta controla se ve afectada; los ataques cerebrales pueden causar parálisis, afectar el lenguaje y la visión, y causar otros problemas de salud serios. También se puede dar un accidente isquémico transitorio (AIT) o un aviso de un ataque cerebral. El AIT es causado por un bloqueo de vasos sanguíneos del cerebro, lo que causa síntomas de derrame cerebral, pero únicamente por un corto periodo de tiempo. Se llama transitorio porque los síntomas desaparecen; pero aunque las personas vuelven a la normalidad, el AIT causa un alto riesgo de ataques cerebrales con síntomas duraderos. Aprende más sobre los signos de advertencia y prevención de ataques cerebrales en strokeassociation.org.

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