3 minute read
Federal Approval Delayed for Electric Retail Competition in LBK
Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) anticipated final approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) this week on its years long project to bring retail electric competition to Lubbock. Federal officials did not grant full approval and have asked for more time to review the application before the commission. Final approval by FERC is required before migrating the remainder of LP&L customers from the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).
LP&L remains fully committed to bringing all customers into the competitive retail market in ERCOT at the same time as that is the only fair and equitable way to make this transition. LP&L’s stance has been that this historic move will take place pending all approvals by pertinent regulatory agencies.
LP&L is advising its customers and market participant that work on this project moves forward. LP&L will continue work to prepare for the transition to competition while also working as quickly as possible through the FERC approval process.
LP&L being the first municipally owned utility in Texas history to provide customer choice remains. Any future changes to the stated timeline for bringing competition to Lubbock based off delays in federal approval will be shared with LP&L customers. For more information on the project to bring back electric competition to Lubbock, please visit LPandL.com.
Volunteer Center to Hold Celebration

The Volunteer Center of Lubbock is proud to announce the 2023 Celebration of Service, an event dedicated to recognizing the outstanding youth volunteers in the South Plains community. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, at the Lubbock Civic Center, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
This annual event is a celebration of the remarkable commitment and dedication that local youth have demonstrated towards volunteering and community engagement. It is a chance to come together and celebrate the out- standing impact that youth volunteerism has had on the Lubbock community.

Guests will enjoy a nonprofit agency fair, a delicious lunch, and a ceremony hosted by two youth volunteers. The highlight of the ceremony will be the announcement of the impact of each youth program and the recognition of its participants. Community leaders will also speak about the transformative power of youth volunteerism in Lubbock.
The Volunteer Center of Lubbock encourages everyone to attend the Celebration of Service and celebrate the volunteer spirit amongst our youth. Tickets will be available for purchase on the Volunteer Center of Lubbock's website for $50, or $500 for a table of 8.
About the Volunteer Center of Lubbock: The Volunteer Center of Lubbock is a nonprofit organization that connects volunteers with community needs. Its mission is to inspire community involvement and impact lives through volunteerism. The Volunteer Center of Lubbock has been serving the Lubbock community for over 30 years.
En Aquellos Días…
Todos nos reuníamos en la casa de mis padres el día de las madres. No era muy difícil para comprarle un regalo. Ella se conformaba solo con vernos. Entre mas y mas años se pasaban, se asía mas difícil comprarle regalo porque ya tenía todo. Un ano, le regale un anillo de las madres con la piedra del mes en que cada uno de nosotros nació. En las orias tenía la piedra del más de mom y de dad. De tanta piedra que tenia, no podía cerrar los dedos. Lo uso una vez para ensenárselo a las “comadres” y lo lleve a que le quitara las piedras de ellos dos. Otros años le dimos una sorpresa. Mi her- mano se había movido para Dallas y tenía dos anos que no había podido retirarse del trabajo para venia a visitar. Esa ves arreglo adelantado un viaje el día de las madres. Llegamos de Misa y como era mi mama, se fue derecho a la cocina para arreglar la comida para festejar el día. Una por uno venía a felicitarla y darle un abrazo. Llego el turno de mi hermano. Le dice mi hermano: ‘”Feliz día de las madres, mom. “y le contesto, “Gracias, hijo”. Al mismo tiempo la voz y empezó a gritar “Samuel, Samuel, mira, mira es mijo. No había un ojo seco en el cuarto. Y el pobre de mí papa, no sabía lio que estaba pasando porque mom todavía no lo soltaba.

Pero esos días ya se acabaron. Mi mama se fue al cielo el 13 de julio 2020. ¡Como la estrano!
Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas.