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Era un hermoso día en nuestro barrio el Viernes Santo cuando nuestro querido Señor Jesús sufrió y murió por nosotros. ¡Él murió pero resucitó y vive!
Caminé con la gente para esta observación trascendental y todo lo que puedo decir es que fue un día hermoso en nuestro vecindario y me alegro de que sigamos observándolo. Bendiciones para todos!
Ben Rodriguez
Summer Activities
As I've been preparing my kid's activities for the summer I've included the camp info displayed in Latino Lubbock each year. I understand that will now be placed online on your website - thanks for that. Also, I'm sad that this year I can' include Montelongo Pool. We have a small above ground pool but we also liked going to the pool on occasion. We'll visit Clapp Pool, but it is inconvenient. When are the splash pads opening?
Thanks, Rosalinda Rodriguez concepts and their impact on the Latino experience — for example the role of nativism to examine how certain groups of people, including Latinos, were treated — other textbooks "were intellectually flat."
Additionally, the research revealed that Sonia Sotomayor's appointment as the Supreme Court's first Latina justice was the only event in the past 200 years that was noted in all the books as a pivotal Latino moment.
The report issued several recommendations, including that publishers develop textbooks "that fully expose students to the experiences of Latinos, incorporating rigorous content including both primary and secondary sources. At a minimum, publishers should commission independent reviews of their texts, measured against the seminal content."
The researchers also urged teachers, parents and community leaders to advocate for more inclusive curricula and materials, and to hold meetings with school officials and school boards.
"As the country grows more diverse,” Viviana López Green, senior director of the racial equity initiative at UnidosUS, said in a statement, “it’s essential for our future workers, businesspeople, community leaders, and public officials to learn about the contributions and experiences of all Americans, including Latinos, the country’s largest racial/ethnic minority.”
José Gregory, a U.S. history teacher in Atlanta and a consultant on the project, said in a statement that the "American Latino experience must be accurately depicted to our young people in the classroom if we want them to grow up in a society that recognizes and values the contributions made by people of color."
Electric Community Meetings
I missed the electric community meetings about the electric transition. Will there be anymore and where can I find information? Do you have recommendations on who to choose?
Gracias, Richard
Important Numbers
Policecall(Non-Emergency) 763-5333
Fire (Non-Emergency) call 765-5757
Graduate Photos
I did not have my graduates pictures yet for the June issue. Thanks for letting me know that you will be including high school and college graduates in the July issue. We really appreciate that Latino Lubbock Magazine does that. This is my last highschool graduate and will soon have my first college grad! Thanks again!
Mary S. Rodriguez
Please include the jamaica schedule in your paper like you have done each summer. We avoided activities because of covid but now we're getting back in the groove. My wife and I always look in the Latino Lubbock and look forward to all the information that ya'll include each month. Keep up the great work.
Emergencies call 9-1-1 Program/Service info, call 2-1-1 City services, call 3-1-1 Voting Info, call 4-1-1 City - call 775-3000. www.ci.lubbock.tx.us
County - call 775-1000 www.co.lubbock.tx.us
LISD - call 766-1000 www.lubbockisd.org
Latino Lubbock Magazine (806)792-1212 news@latinolubbock.net www.latinolubbock.net
Joanne Harwood
We appreciate all you and your staff do. Jorge
Blessings, Raul & Becky THANK YOU