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Summer Lunch Programs to be Available Citywide
With summer comes an often unpublicized recurring problem: many children in Lubbock, primarily fed by schools, will go hungry while classes are out. Here are somesummer lunch programs: THE YWCAFree meal programs at 62nd and Elgin. Call (806) 792-2723 for more information.
CLUB is set up to feed members. Memberships are available annually. A full day includes breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack. Free if you live in 79415 district. Call (806) 792-2880 for more information.
BANK- Kids Café: free meals throughout summer at various locations. To find a location near you, please call (806) 763-3032 or visit www.spfb.org.
LISD - free breakfast and lunch for kids June 6–July 28. Call (806)7661000 for more information.
FRENSHIP ISD thru July 28, children can receive a free lunch each day, Mon.- Fri. at Frenship High School Soccer Complex, 702 Donald Preston Dr., Wolfforth, from 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; and Duran Park, 26th Street and Kewanee Ave., LBK, from 1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
More details will be posted on Latino Lubbock's Facebook page.
Headaches are one of the most common physical ailments, accounting for about 10 million to doctors’ of each year. Yet exact causes of the pain remain largely a mystery. The International Headache Society has recognized 150 different kinds of headaches, usu ally brought on by stress, worry, or lack of sleep, but also hang overs, ice cream, and even sex. While many of the more common head aches are the result of spe cific actions and only cause temporary discomfort, others can be symptoms of more serious illnesses. New research and improved technology are bringing us closer to understanding exactly where pain starts so that migraines and cluster headaches can eventually be prevented before they begin. Until then, new better prescription drugs and pain relievers as well as nutrition, exercise, and other alternative remedies can help ease the pain. If you or someone you know suffers from inexplicable or recurring headaches that include vision impairment, tingling sensations, or other physical symptoms, make sure to get them checked out by a
For more information headaches visit MedlinePlus (English & Spanish), or call the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health Resource Center at 1-800444-6472 (English & Spanish).