3 minute read
Youth Opportunities
REPTILES, WILDERNESS, & SNAKES, OH MY! Learn about habitats, eating habits, and self-defenses of a variety of animals. Seating is limited. Tickets are required and can be picked up the day of the event. Ages 12 and under. On 6/05/2023, from 2 to 2:45 p.m. at Mahon Library,1306 9th St.
DOGS IN ACTION Bring your blanket and chairs for this fun outdoor dog agility program! On June 6, 2023, the first show begins at 10 a.m. and the second show will begin at 10:30 a.m. Located in the grassy area behind the library facing the Buddy Holly Hall. Ages 12 and under. At Mahon Library,1306 9th St.
Normal Operating Hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Cost: Adults 18+: $3, Youth 3-17: $2, Under 2: Free. Located at 46th Street. The last day of the pool season is Saturday, August 5, 2023.
CLASSES Coach Ryan Wakefield will offer: Mini Soccer and T-Ball for ages 3-6 at 9:00am. Mini Soccer for ages 3-6 at 10 am. Youth Soccer for ages 6-13 at 11 am, $64 for 8 week sessions. Classes begin June 7. Register online at playlubbock.com or for more information contact Maxey at 806.767.3796.
STORIES AND SONGS: ALL TOGETHER NOW Storyteller and musician Kim Lehman will help us travel around the world with stories, music, and dance. Afterwards children will be able to try on clothes and play instruments from around the world. Space is limited. Tickets are required and can be picked up the day of the event. Ages 5 to 11.
LYLA invites students ages 8-17 to participate in June 2023 summer camps! Ages 9-15
Leadership Camp - Session 1: June 20-22
Leadership Camp - Session 2: June 27-29
Sign Ups - Text 806-535-5437 or Email parenthood1@sbcglobal.net

Families who are income eligible may receive fee assistance to attend one of the Early Learning Center’s five centers. Parents or caretakers must be employed or in school. The program is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. through Fri. Call (806) 7659981 for more information.
OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free.
Copyright 2023 by Latino Lubbock
Congratulations! We officially made it to summer! The feeling of never-ending testing, final projects in every class, and all the stress from school are now gone. Get ready to relax and enjoy your summer. Although we're finally on summer break, we should try not to waste our time completely. I suggest using this time to better yourself. I plan to volunteer, pick up a new hobby, and get a head start on my schoolwork. Since I love to volunteer, I spend part of my summer days at church and STEM camps having a blast with younger students. As far as picking up a hobby, last summer I spent time learning how to enhance my photography skills using Photoshop. Finally, even though it’s summertime, don’t forget to get a head start on your summer reading assignment if you have one. By jumping on it early, it will put you ahead and make you feel more prepared for the upcoming school year. To avoid feeling stressed, I suggest planning your time wisely, so you stay a well-rounded kid in the summer! Now go enjoy your time!
Blaise Martinez - is a 10th grader at Lub- bock High School. She aspires to attend Stan- ford University, major in computer science, and pursue a career in computer science and app development.

Iarrived at the hospital earlier than needed, bought an iced coffee, and walked outside to the patio where I was all alone. Sitting in the morning sunlight and really trying to welcome God into my day are little things that remind me how special life can be. In very random moments before I send an email or see a patient, something inclines me to do the sign of the cross, which reminds me of two things: God is with me, and my current journey to medical school is unique and will allow me to serve so many people and be extremely giving in this life. One tactic of the enemy is to blind me to my accomplishments and put fear and distraction in my life to prevent me from moving forward in my academic and professional pursuits. I stumble DAILY. The good thing is that I know these things happen, and I don’t let it stall me; I continue working, buy a motivational coffee maybe, and know that my good works will eventually bear fruit. Good things take time, which is one reason why working hard can bring so much joy. I will remain hyper-focused, willing to stick it out till the end because deep down I know what I truly want— to become a physician and see just how far I can go.
· · Celebrate your high school success!
· Send thank you notes (if you haven't already) to everyone who helped you this year.
· Start planning for college.
· Watch college's summer deadlines (orientations, housing options, registration, etc.) closely.