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LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY ADVERTISING AGREEMENT NAME:____________________________________________________________________________________________ STRET:_ __________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, ZIP:_________________________________________________________________________________________ This contract agreement is entered between LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY and the above named customer. All discounts are based on consecutive months of advertising. Because of the nature of the agreement the contract is noncancelable; should the customer fail to perform, LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY reserves the right to charge back the customer at our regular open rates. This contract is for _________ (month) ending ___________________________.

We will submit a proof. Please E-mail any changes or corrections to; Attn: Production Dept. We will send a second proof. It will be processed providing it is received no later than noon on the next day past the deadline. We do not require an authorization via email or any other communication of approval by you. The ad will run in the publication agreed upon earlier if production or sales is not contacted. GENERAL PROVISIONS All advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. Advertisers who proof their ads assume full responsibility for accuracy. Publisher’s liability for damages resulting from errors in any ad is limited to the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher shall not be responsible for consequential damages suffered by any party for such error. In the event of errors in prices, LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY agrees to submit a letter of correction to be posted in the business establishment concerned, but will not be financially liable for any amount of goods or services affected by incorrect pricing. LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY assumes no responsibility for photographs, drawings or other materials left in possession, although every effort will be made to return them in good condition. ADVERTISING AGENCY GUIDELINES The Agency must provide camera-ready ad mechanicals, corresponding to LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY ad size specifications (listed elsewhere on the rate card). The Agency assures full responsibility for billing and guarantees payment. All prices are net. LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY is printed by Web Offset on newsprint. ACCEPTED:_______________________________________________________________________________________ LATINOS UNIDOS DE NUEVA JERSEY

ACCEPTED:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Customer

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