LatinTRENDS December 2011 Preview

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Reby Sky:

The Ultimate Woman Wrestler

What Latinos Need to Learn from Billy Cosby y Otros

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$3.95 US

Calle 13

Music: Their Weapon Of Choice Su Arma Preferida LatinTRENDS.COM 1

Rock from a Bicultural Perspective

By Zuleyka Indarte Rock is arguably one of the most universal genres of music. Yet, popular bands among mainstream rock are predominantly of an American or European background. As a Latina and loyal follower of rock music, I get a bicultural exposure to both English and Spanish music. I’ve concluded that Spanish rock, despite its small presence in the rock world, has equally amazing qualities and just as much to offer as English rock. English rock has a multitude of genres from which to pick and choose from. There’s screamo, punk, alternative, metal, hardcore, among others. The instrumentation in all the genres is generally comprised of the typical guitar, vocals, bass, and drums, yet each produces a different sound that can appeal to a diverse group of listeners, from the emotional to the angry. What’s wonderful about English rock in this aspect is the possibility it allows listeners to find a song or band that can pinpoint exactly how they feel. Just ended a relationship and feel like screaming over failed romance? Dead by April can soothe the pain with lyrics to relate to. Feeling spontaneous? System of a Down has a multitude of whimsical and random thoughts to offer. Every genre within English rock has those couple of bands and artists any loyal rocker will immediately recognize. Breaking Benjamin, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Evanescence, all three bands fall under different genres yet are eminent names in the mainstream music industry. It can be guaranteed MTV will air one of their music videos at some point during the week. They offer such versatility within their genres that can have listeners either jumping up and down while strumming air guitar or swaying and contemplating over deep lyrics. It is probably this quality that appeals to all sorts of people and affords rock its large public following. Spanish rock offers this same versatility, with a twist. Present in nearly every genre of Spanish rock are traces of those traditional Latin musical genres like salsa and tango. Argentine band Puya is a perfect example of this. The group has those typical elements of guitar heard in English language heavy metal, yet elements of folkloric Argentine music can also be detected in the riffs of a handful of songs. In a sense, Spanish rock offers a bridge between Latino culture and


American culture by intertwining the popular components of music from the respective industries. Something found very little in the vocals of Spanish rock is that element of anger and loudness or screaming heard often in English rock. In as sense, it is a refreshing aspect of the music. Spanish rock, regardless of the genre, is typically sung in a mellow tone usually associated with pop rock in the English music industry. This may well be the case because a considerably popular theme in the music is flourishing love rather than the ending of it as is often the basis for English rock songs. This aspect of Spanish rock parallels the general presentation of romance in Latino pop culture. Telenovelas, for example, rarely lack a story of requited love or a happy marriage within their plots. One thing I can appreciate is the presence of Latinos in the English rock mainstream community. One of my favorite bands of all time, Coheed and Cambria, has a Latino vocalist/ instrumentalist. Claudio Sanchez, a Puerto Rican, created the band based on his comic series. Although the band is generally categorized as heavy metal and alternative, Sanchez still manages to seep a bit of his Latino culture through his songs. The guitar solo heard at the start of the band’s hit song, and one of my personal favorites, “Welcome Home” sounds like a Spanish lullaby reminiscent of Carlos Santana’s music. Elements of Spanish folkloric music can be heard in a multitude of the rock band’s songs. In a form, Sanchez is bringing Latino culture to the American rock scene and adding a bicultural quality to the genre. Reflecting over English and Spanish rock in mainstream, I can’t help but notice the unbalanced presentation between the two. A driving force behind the problem seems, in my opinion, to be the disregard for or lack of acknowledgement that many Latin-American musicians have for their cultural roots. Not many Latino rockers in the English music industry come forth about their Hispanic roots or speak out about their culture. Claudio Sanchez is among a sadly small population who do. By making an English audience of rockers aware of Latino culture, many curious fans would discover the Spanish rock bands few know of. Regardless, Spanish rock and English rock are equally amazing and among the best genres of music in the industry.


CONTENTS LT 12.2011 Juan Guillén Publisher Bernadette Giacomazzo Associate Editor Dominika Bajuk Graphic Designer Hope Lawrence Administrative Assistant Javier Castano Translator / Writer


Lulaine Compere, Ray M. Figueroa, Maria Luna, Gerri Miller, Jessica Ordenana, Giselle Rodriguez, Gina Santi




Robbie Nova

Basque Country: A Country within a Country


Reel to Real 10 Fashion 12 Trendspotting 14 Movies 16 Books 17 On the Move: NYC



COVER STORY Calle 13: Fighting The Power



Angel Gomez, Farhana Haque Michael Guillen, Zuleyka Indarte To request media information and advertise with us, contact our advertising department at 1-800-313-1869.

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Copyright © 2010 LatinTrends is published 10 times a year by Defining Trends Media Group L.P. Reproduction or use of the content in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited by law. LatinTrends reserves the right to determine the suitability of all materials submitted for publication, and to edit all submitted materials for space and clarity. LatinTrends assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials being submitted for possible publication, and should they be published, no fee is due to the photographer, writer or model, unless otherwise agreed upon, in advance in writing. Printed in the USA.

HEALTH & BEAUTY Naam Yoga Perfect Holidays Recipes


Catherine Fonseca, Eddie Olmo


ICONOMY They’ve Got Your Number Lucha Libre Latino Trendsetter Awards Holiday Gift Guide Genocide



LatinTrends ™ 60 West 39th Street, Suite 2W New York, NY 10018 Tel. (212) 851-6164 Toll Free. 1-800-313-1869

Defining Trends in Latino Culture, since 2001 DTM Group Delivers The Market TM

Successful Marriage 48 Ask Judy 50

On the Cover: Calle 13 4 DECEMBER 2011


Publisher’s Column



...from the desk of Juan Guillen


I got mad and I did something about it…

It’s that time of year again -- Christmas! It’s time to reflect on all the blessings that this year has brought us, and to prepare for the next year. I am thankful for yet another successful year at LatinTRENDS -- we have featured a whole host of people who are inspirational and informational, brought you escandalo con elegancia, and have positioned ourselves as NYC’s official, #1 source for “pop culture with a Latin twist.” I am confident that 2012 will be an even bigger & better year for us, and I thank you all for joining us on this special journey. However, as I told the honorees at this year’s 10th Annual Latino Trendsetter Awards (photos of which you can see on pages 36 & 37), I started this company because I just got fed up…I got angry at the constant barrage of negative images of Latinos, via Hollywood and the media. I did not want to complain, so I did something about it. LatinTRENDS, really, is the manifestation of this -- and I am grateful for it. I am grateful because we get the opportunity to continue with our purpose of providing our audience with entertainment, information and inspiration to forward-thinking Latinos...and we are able to live our purpose every day because of our partners, sponsors, staff, writers, bloggers, photographers, interns of the past and present, and of course, our audience. Mil Gracias a Todos Ustedes! In this spirit of upward growth & positive forward movement, I bring you this issue, the last of the year. First, Maria Morales-Prieto talks about what we, as Hispanics, can learn from other

minority groups -- specifically, from people like Bill Cosby & Deepak Chopra. Like myself, Prieto is angry at the Hispanic depictions in Hollywood, and she’s doing something about it. Read all about it on page 30. Meanwhile, Hennessy is a brand with bluechip recognition in the United States, and its executive, Manny Gonzalez, is heavily involved in Latino-conscious efforts. Read his story on page 33. Of course, I would be remiss not to talk about our cover story, the inimitable Calle 13, who were also mad...and also did something about it. After sweeping the Latin Grammys -- and, recently, being nominated for a mainstream Grammy (the first time in the group’s history that they’ve done so) -- the outspoken political duo joined forces with UNICEF & MTV to fight human trafficking. Human trafficking is the third-most profitable business in Latin America (behind arms trafficking & drug trafficking), and its victims are sometimes as young as 9 and 10 years old. We had an exclusive opportunity to speak with this dynamic duo, and you can read all about it beginning on page 20. In closing, I’d like to remind you all that, no matter our color -- no matter our country of origin -- no matter our net worth, our level of education, or our personal style, we are all brothers & sisters under the sun, y en la union esta la fuerza. Remember to use love as a weapon of mass destruction this holiday – for it is only love that destroys fear, anger, & hatred…and while you are using the weapon called love, don’t forget to arm yourself with and shoot bullets of joy, hope, & prosperity.


Enójate... Luego haz algo, Yo lo hice

Es esta época del año otra vez, la Navidad es la oportunidad para reflexionar sobre las bendiciones que nos trajo este año y prepararnos para el que viene. Doy gracias por otro año exitoso con LatinTRENDS, hemos reseñado mucha gente que inspira e informa, hemos presentado el escándalo con elegancia y nos hemos posesionado oficialmente como la fuente #1 de “cultura pop con un toque latino”. Me siento seguro que el año 2012 será mejor y más grande para nosotros y les agradezco a todos ustedes por acompañarnos en este viaje. Sin embargo y como les dije a los honorados en la Décima Gala Anual de Innovadores (cuyas fotos puede ver en las páginas 36 & 37), comencé esta empresa porque no aguantaba más… me disgusté de la constante imagen negativa de los latinos, en los medios y en Hollywood. No quería quejarme y por eso hice algo. LatinTRENDS, realmente, es la manifestación de eso y me siento orgulloso. Me siento orgulloso porque tenemos la oportunidad de continuar ofreciendo a nuestra audiencia el entretenimiento, la información y la inspiración para apoyar a los latinos… y vivimos este propósito todos los días debido a nuestros socios, patrocinadores, personal, blogueros, fotógrafos, practicantes del pasado y de ahora, y por supuesto, a nuestra audiencia. ¡Mil gracias a todos ustedes! Con este espíritu de crecimiento y desarrollo hacia delante, les traigo esta edición, la última del año. Primero, María Morales-Prieto habla acerca de cómo nosotros los latinos podemos aprender de otros grupos, en especial de gente como Bill Cosby & Deepak Chopra . Como yo, Prieto está disgustada por la imagen latina en Hollywood y está haciendo algo al 6 DECEMBER 2011

respecto. Lea este tema en la página 30. Mientras tanto, Hennessy es una marca de mucho reconocimiento en los Estados Unidos y su ejecutivo Manny González está muy comprometido en los esfuerzos latinos. Lea su historia en las página 33. Por supuesto que no puedo dejar de mencionar nuestra historia de portada, el inimitable Calle 13, quienes también está disgustados… he hicieron algo. Luego de barrer con los Latin Grammys, y haber sido nominados recientemente para los Grammy generales (la primera vez que reciben esta nominación), este dúo beligerante se unió a UNICEF & MTV para pelear contra el tráfico humano. Este es el tercer negocio más rentable en Latinoamérica (luego del tráfico de armas y el tráfico de drogas) y sus víctimas son tan jóvenes como de 9 o 10 años. Tuvimos la oportunidad exclusiva de hablar con este dúo dinámico y usted puede leer la nota que comienza en la página 20. Para cerrar, quiero recordarles a todos que sin importar nuestro color o país de origen, o nuestra fortuna, o nivel educativo, o estilo personal, todos somos hermanos y hermanas bajo un mismo sol y en la unión está la fuerza. No se olvide de usar el amor como el arma de destrucción masiva durante estas fiestas, porque sólo el amor destruye el temor, la rabia y el odio… y mientras que usa esta arma llamada amor, no olvide armarse con las balas de la dicha, la esperanza y la prosperidad.

Juan Guillén Publisher LatinTRENDS.COM 7

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Entertainment fashion, movies, books, music, y mas

-------------------------------------Robbie Nova: Catch a Rising R&B Star!

by: Lulaine Compere Robbie Nova’s star seems to be heading in the right direction lately: his music is getting him interviews with television stations. He’s featured on Maino’s new single That Can Be Us (which is getting heavy radio rotation), and he’s currently in the studio working with artists like Jim Jones and Beenie Man. Needless to say, Robbie Nova is on his way to reaching his dream. Nova has had quite the journey getting to this point -- he got his start by singing in his church choir. “My grandmother was the choir director and because my family was big, she had all of us join the choir,” he said. He followed up his singing in the choir with playing drums for them. Music, it seemed, was destined for Nova, as his mother was heavy into old songs -- which shaped his musical sound. “I liked the sound and soul coming from their voices,” he said. The half-Native American (Cherokee), half-Latino Queens native from “Shadyville” a.k.a. Queens Village got his start in the entertainment industry by promoting parties and building his brand with his crew, Team Nova. “We were going out with my CDs and giving them out. Eventually it got to Akon,” he said. Of Akon, whom he met at a video shoot, and whom originally signed Nova to his label Konvict Music, he said the situation didn’t work because Akon was always on the go and didn’t really have time to focus on Nova. Shortly after Nova and his team moved on from Konvict Music, Nova got word that Maino was looking to work with him. “Maino and I have mutual friends, and we always kept seeing each other,” he said. “He always asked about my music, so Slowbucks [SlowbucksTV] helped put it together. He asked me to sing on the record, we collaborated he liked what I did on the record and that’s what became his latest single,” he said. In 2012, Nova is planning on releasing his album, where he will showcase his vast range of skills. “I have been on the grind, so it hasn’t hit me yet. But a lot of love is being shown to the record and that is a great look,” he said. “My album is going to show me as a writer, producer, and singer, but for now I’m just trying to help Maino’s single. The song is a great look. The bigger the song is, the bigger situation for my album.” 8 DECEMBER 2011



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reel to real -------------



1. Paz de la Huerta can barely keep her eyes open at a nightclub in New York City. SMH, Paz. SMH! 2. Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber get breakfast at the IHOP in California...right after he finished taking his paternity test!

5. Sofia Vergara looks stunning at the premiere of her new movie, “New Year’s Eve,” at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. 6. Nicki Minaj & Ricky Martin are the new faces for MAC Viva Glam!

3.Adrienne Bailon & Rocsi Diaz are all smiles as they celebrate Fabolous’ birthday in New York City!

7. The paparazzi caught a picture of Alex “A-Rod” Rodriguez & his new mystery woman at his Miami mansion!

4. Christina Aguilera, looking as trash-tastic as ever, performs live during Maroon 5’s performance at the American Music Awards!

8. Michele Carlo, author of “Fish Out Of Agua: My Life on Neither Side of the (Subway) Tracks,” (second from right) wrapped up Hispanic Heritage Month 2011 with an

evening of readings and stories featuring some of her favorite authors and performers at Bluestockings Bookstore in Manhattan. 9. Celebrity chef Aaron Sanchez celebrates the premiere of his new show, Aaron Loves New York, by cooking for some lucky fans in NYC’s Union Square. 10, At the SMS by 50 launch party in New York City, LatinTRENDS editor Bernadette Giacomazzo met up with the one and only 50 Cent!

for more pics go to 8

10 DECEMBER 2011



a free Patrioteesmo T-Shirt.



The Synapse Electric Bike is Designed for the Youth of Bogota



TITLE: THIS WINTER CALLS FOR A CLASSIC, CASUAL APPROACH TO GLAMOUR Yanira Garza Shares Tips to Embrace Holiday Warmth with Style

r e H r Fo Laidback Glitz for Casual Glamour - Dress up a simple sweatshirt by layering it under a faux fur vest or a jeweled statement necklace. Or, pair a sequined top with relaxed jeans and a cardigan to add a little glam to everyday life.

Ward off the winter blahs this year with bold colors, varied textures and timeless favorites. Yanira Garza breaks down the top winter trends and shows you how to incorporate them into your wardrobe. “The changing of seasons is always a great time to assess your personal style and find fun ways to be on trend,” said Garza. “Wintertime gives us an opportunity to play with our wardrobe as we dress for special events or simply want to bundle up for the cold weather.”

The Synapse Electric Bike is a sporty electric tricycle designed for the youth of Bogota, Columbia. The product was designed by Alberto Gomez as a way for the Colombian youth to quickly get around the country’s capital city. Synapse features a three-wheel design with two wheels in the back and one wheel in the front. This type of design is

ideal for youngster who may not have that much experience riding a bicycle or motorcycle at high speeds. The Synapse Electric Bike has a simple design complemented by a simple in-dash display located below the handlebars. The display tells the rider their current speed and the power level of the Synapse’s battery, to ensure rider’s are not stranded.

For him Mr. Ph.D - Guys get a flashback to their varsity days with musthave statement letterman jackets and signature university favorites. The preppy-layered look is very popular this winter for men, with outerwear as no exception. Patterns - Mixing patterns is huge for holidays. While plaid is still hot, the pairing of stripes and other patterned items makes layering fun for men this winter. Try pairing bolder colors together to take this trend to the next level.

Love Those Emerald Hues - While jewel tones are making a big splash, emerald has taken the fashion world by storm. It’s a stunning and universallyflattering color that will be seen everywhere this Holiday season. Surprising Lace - Lace by definition is delicate, but this season showcases it in a more rugged, approachable way. Make it pop as an accent piece with chunky layers or make it the focal point with simpler pairings. See Spot Stay - Introduced for the fall season, the polka dot trend remains just as popular this winter. From all over pieces like dresses or skirts, to simpler accents like scarfs and sweaters, this girlie classic is having its biggest revival yet! 12 DECEMBER 2011


s ocolate Treat h C e l y t S n a Mexic

Plush Puppies Inviting, soft and luxurious, the Aspen Pet® Luxurious Plush Pillow Bed is the perfect bedmate for those wintery nights. The bed is filled with high-loft, recycled polyester fiber fill that will make pets feel like they are on cloud nine. The bed’s base is made with a supple micro suede, while the top features warm and luxurious brushed mink or zigzag patterned plush in either Bone or Espresso colors.


Many people have gotten into the habit of going to their local grocery store and buying a big variety pack of the most popular candy. Instead of handing out the same candy as everyone else, go for a unique and authentic approach by ordering a mix of traditional Mexican candy from El Tri Market. Ordering through El Tri Market’s website provides the ultimate convenience, delivering right to your door step. Great chocolate items for the children include Cachitos Chocolate Soft Candy and Paleta Payaso Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Lollipops.

Trendspotting trends from around the world!


ng Surreal Kissi Sculptures

Hungry? Why wait? With all the technological tools artists now have, it is hard to figure out what is real and what is imagined, as shown with Adam Martinakis’ work. Although he appears to work predominantly with metals, creating surreal sculptures that seem utterly tangible, Adam Martinakis actually created them through computer programs.

l Utensils Delicious Dua The road to mastering the fine art of balancing one’s food between two sticks has many bumps, but have no fear, because these ingenious ForkKnife Chopsticks from Uncommon Goods will see you through every hurdle. Outfitted with the prongs of a fork and the safe blade of a butter knife, the Fork-Knife Chopsticks allow you to practice your chopsticks skills without starving.

Futuristic Superhero Renderings Superheroes are no strangers to re-imagings, but Yanni Davros is stirring things up with his epic renditions of what Batman, Spider-Man and Iron Man would look like decades from now. Just saying “badass” doesn’t accurately emphasize how cool these images are.

e Droids These ARE th g For... You’re Lookin This is the Tron—a pair of C-3PO-ish kicks by fourth generation Cuban shoe designer Alejandro Ingelmo. He keeps a tiny Soho boutique stocked with sky-high heels for the likes of Kelly Rowland and Kerry Washington, polished sneakers you could imagine Puffy sporting as he traverses the streets of NYC, and a line of man-bags in the design studio just upstairs. It’s the perfect balance between sporty and polished utilitarian bacaneria.

ng Bears

Skinny-Dippi d Clean! Keeping Beaut

Mineral and powder cosmetics are all the rage. However, they make quite a mess when you apply them. A new cosmetic accessory brand, Make-UpMatte™ Original, has just launched a solution to help keep your vanity clean when applying mineral or powder makeup. Simply unfold and place a Make-Up-Matte™ down wherever you apply your makeup and it catches all of the loose powder, eliminating the mess. The Make-Up-Matte™ also includes convenient interior pockets to store brushes and other makeup items enabling you to roll it all up and take with you when you are on-the-go.

Meet the plush American Association for Nude Recreation’s (AANR) Skinny Dip Bear. It represents the zest for life exhibited by robust President Teddy Roosevelt -- a skinny dip enthusiast and conservationist (whom the Teddy Bear was originally named for) – and whose same qualities are shared by AANR membership today. The plush bears are an American-made product of the Vermont Teddy Bear Company and are available for purchase on the association’s Shop AANR page at

A Technological Solution to a Fitness Resolution People too often find it difficult to stick with a new routine, but MYTRAK Health System Inc.’s revolutionary fitness device gives people a technological solution to help them stick to their fitness resolutions. Everyday we engage in activities that have been enhanced by technology, and our health and well being is no different. The precise and easy to use MYTRAK PersonalLifestyle Activity Coach (M2) is pushing people to lead healthier lives by tracking and analyzing the user’s lifestyle while they are doing whatever it is they do — spending time with their kids, gardening, shovelling snow, playing a sport or even while they are at work.

ip Out! Shape Up & Sh

Get warm, cozy style in the SKECHERS Tone-ups Chalet - Carve boot, all while toning your tush! The soft knit fabric and soft suede upper in a slip-on fights the cool weather with style! 14 DECEMBER 2011






Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

In the Land of Blood and Honey

Genre: Comedy Starring: Carlos Cobos, Ana Serradilla In Theaters December 2nd

Genre: Children’s/Family Starring: Voices of Justin Long, Anna Faris In Theaters December 16th

Genre: Drama Starring: Goran Kostic’, Zana Marjanovic’ In Theaters December 23rd

On vacation aboard a luxury cruise ship, Alvin, Simon, Theodore and the Chipettes are up to their usual antics, turning the ship into their personal playground, until they become ‘chipwrecked’ on a desert island. As Dave Seville frantically searches for his AWOL charges, the ‘Munks and Chipettes do what they do best – sing, dance and wreak havoc.

Danijel, a soldier fighting for the Serbs, and Ajla, a Bosnian held captive in the camp he oversees, knew each other before the war, and could have found love with each other. But as the armed conflict takes hold of their lives, their relationship grows darker, their motives and connection to one another ambiguous, their allegiances uncertain.

For as long as he can remember, Agent Jesus Juarez, known in his neighborhood as Chucho, has played “the Devil” in his town’s traditional Nativity Play...but this Christmas, things have changed. When Chucho arrives late to auditions, the new pastor of the church, Edmundo Posadas, has already cast all the roles. Now, Chucho must enter into an epic battle between good and evil-- a battle between himself and the new pastor to recover the role that is rightfully his.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Genre: Thriller Starring: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara In Theaters December 21st The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an upcoming English-language thriller film that is the second film based on the Swedish novel of the same name (original name in Swedish: “Män som hatar kvinnor”, meaning “Men who hate women”) by Stieg Larsson. The first film was the 2009 Swedish-language adaptation. The upcoming film is written by Steven Zaillian and directed by David Fincher. Daniel Craig stars as Mikael Blomkvist, and Rooney Mara stars as Lisbeth Salander. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States and Canada on December 21, 2011. Craig was cast as Blomkvist in July of 2010 with options to reprise the role in the next two films. That August, Mara was cast as Salander. Although the role had drawn the attention of many actresses, some eventually withdrew their names from consideration due to the time commitment and low pay. The film is the second adaptation, the first being the 2009 Swedish-language film. The Englishlanguage film is directed by David Fincher based 16 DECEMBER 2011

on an adapted screenplay by Steven Zaillian. In early 2010, producer Scott Rudin began developing the project under Columbia Pictures, though Paramount Pictures was considering an adaptation in September 2008, when Alfred A. Knopf published the novel for the United States market. By April 2010, David Fincher was attached as director. Shooting began in Stockholm, Sweden in September 2010. Jeff Cronenweth replaced original cinematographer Fredrik Bäckar after eight weeks. Principal photography moved to Zurich, Switzerland in early December 2010, before breaking for Christmas. Production resumed at the Sony Studios and Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, then returned to Sweden in the spring. In May 2011, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer became a co-financier, putting up 20% of the film’s budget, and getting some international TV rights.

The Social Network, are composing the score for the film. The soundtrack includes a cover of the Led Zeppelin track, “Immigrant Song”, featuring Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, which was featured in a trailer for the film.

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The film is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2011 in North America. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, who also composed the Academy and Golden Globe Awardwinning soundtrack for Fincher’s previous film LatinTRENDS.COM 17

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