2025 YRA Calendar and Master Schedule

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sailing calendar

Yacht r acing a ssociation of s an f rancisco BaY s chedule

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The Yacht Racing Association invites you to race in 2025

Ahoy Racers!

We hope this publication finds you healthy, happy, and looking forward to a great year of sailboat racing on San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean! 2024 was an excellent year for racing; we had four destination regattas and four series of racing, for a total of 27 race days. In total, 351 boats entered YRA races. We think 2025 is shaping up to be even better.

Whether you sail a multihull, in a one-design fleet, or in a handicap fleet; whether you sail shorthanded, sail on the ocean, or sail in the Bay, there are many racing opportunities from which to choose. Our Doublehanded Sunday Series is continuing to grow, and our Doublehanded Midwinter Series is off to another successful season. Our popular Destination Regattas offer competitive racing followed by a great party at a hosting yacht club. We continue to run our Offshore Series for those who like to race on the ocean, as well as our fully-crewed In the Bay Series. We are excited to announce that this year we are sponsoring a Women's Championship Series that requires boats to have a woman at the helm, a woman tactician, and a crew of at least 50% women. Our goal is to elevate the profile of the amazing women who race competitively in the challenging conditions of S.F. Bay.

We would like to send out our sincere thanks to the many volunteers and the YRA member Yacht Clubs that provide Race Committees to run races for the YRA. We couldn’t have a racing season without the hard work of these folks. Remember to wave thank you! to your Race Committee after you finish a race.

This annual publication serves as your reminder that it is time to renew your YRA membership and PHRF certificate for 2025. Visit the YRA website for all the information you need on renewing your PHRF certificate for 2025. New applications can be completed

online on our website. This booklet, as well as the YRA website, has all the information on the 2025 racing season, so choose your races, get them on your calendar, start lining up your crew, and visit yra.org to register online.

Be sure to check the YRA website for information on the YRA and all upcoming activities. You can also sign up for our Friday Roundup emails on our home page. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all the latest YRA news.

We look forward to seeing you out on the water, and at YRA events, in the year ahead.

Fair winds,

• Zero Drag

• 2 & 3 blade for the beer can, club racer/cruisers & the serious race boat

• Installed on performance multihulls, Ultima, MOD 70s, IMOCA 60’s, VOR 65, NYYC/Melges 37, Club Swan 50…

• Shaft & Saildrive approved

Laura Muñoz and Joe Rockmore



The SSS race schedule in 2025 has for From coastal and offshore races like the ’

legendary Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race to Hawaii, you re sure to find a challenge in 2025!

The SSS race schedule in 2025 has something for everyone! From bay, coastal and offshore races like the legendary Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race to Hawaii, you’re sure to find a challenge in 2025!

The SSS offers events where singlehanded and short-handed sailors share knowledge and gain experience.

Make new friends at our educational in person and expand your horizons! Race what you have: all keelboats with PHRF certificates welcome! Be part of the races everyone else in the Bay wants to do and a sense of around the course shorthanded. The SSS race calendar is affordable, low hassle with no crew to and manage.

The SSS offers events where singlehanded and short-handed sailors share knowledge and gain experience. Make new friends at our educational in person skippers meetings and expand your horizons! Race what you have: all keelboats with PHRF certificates welcome! Be part of the races everyone else in the Bay wants to do and enjoy a sense of personal accomplishment getting around the course shorthanded. The SSS race calendar is affordable, low hassle racing with no crew to organize and manage.
















Photo: Bryan Reed

Sponsoring Clubs

Berkeley Yacht Club (BYC) • (214) 801-7387

Mark Bird c/o BYC, 1 Seawall Drive, Berkeley 94710

The Club at Westpoint • (833) 974-2582

Kevin Parker c/o 160 Northpoint Court, Redwood City 94063

Encinal Yacht Club (EYC) • (650) 224-3677

Chris Davis c/o EYC, 1251 Pacific Marina, Alameda 94501

Golden Gate Yacht Club (GGYC) • (415) 346-BOAT

Charles Hodgkins, c/o GGYC, 1 Yacht Road, San Francisco 94123

Half Moon Bay Yacht Club (HMBYC) • (650) 728-2120

Terri Lahey c/o HMBYC, PO Box 52, El Granada 94018

Inverness Yacht Club (InvYC) • (415) 669-7184

David West c/o InvYC, 12850 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Inverness 94937

Additional Associations

• BAADS: Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors (415)281-0212, www.baads.org

• BAMA: Bay Area Multihull Association Truls Myklebust, sfbchair@sfbama.org, www.sfbama.org

• BAYS: Bay Area Youth Sailing www.bayareayouthsailing.org

• MMBA: Master Mariners Benevolent Association (415) 364-1656, mastermariners@hotmail.com, www.sfmastermariners.org

Richmond Yacht Club (RYC) • (510) 237-2821

Fred Paxton c/o RYC, PO Box 70295, Point Richmond 94807

San Francisco Yacht Club (SFYC) • (415) 789-5648

Forrest Gay c/o SFYC 98 Beach Road, Belvedere 94920

South Beach Yacht Club (SBYC) • (415) 495-2295

Mike Satterlund c/o SBYC 899 2nd Street, San Francisco 94107

St. Francis Yacht Club (StFYC) • (415) 655-7756

Grace Carrick c/o StFYC, On the Marina, San Francisco 94123

Sequoia Yacht Club (SeqYC) • (408) 718-7977

Tom Borgstrom c/o SeqYC, 441 Seaport Court, Redwood City 94063

Vallejo Yacht Club (VYC) • (707) 643-1254

Mark Littlefield c/o VYC, 485 Mare Island Way, Vallejo 94590

•PICYA: Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association Winston Bumpus, (650) 644-7968, info@picya.org, www.picya.org

• SSS: Singlehanded Sailing Society (866)724-5777, racechair@sfbaysss.org, www.sfbaysss.org

• US COAST GUARD (Marine Event Permits): (415)399-3440, Fax (415) 399-3480, www.uscg.mil

• US Sailing 1 Roger Williams University Way, Bristol, RI 02809 (401)683-0840, (800) 877-2451, info@ussailing.org, www.ussailing.org

March 1-2

March 15

March 22-23

March 29-30

April 5-6

April 19

April 26

BAYS Winter #3 // Youth

May 3

May 17-18

May 31-June 1

June 7

June 21

June 21-22

Rosenblum Regatta // Club Series

Opti Harken #2 // Youth

SF Cup

RS21 2v2 Team Race

McCormack Women’s Invitational

Leadership Cup


July 4

July 11-13

July 19

Aug 2-3

Aug 9-10

Aug 16-17

Aug 23

Anniversary Cup // Club Series

Elite Fleet Regatta

RS21 Women’s Sprint

Staff Commodores Cup MMMM

Hank Easom Regatta // Club Series

Hart Nunes Mercury Regatta

Sept 6

Sept 20-21

Sept 27-28

Oct 4

Oct 19

Fireworks Folly

29er Nationals

Mitchell/Ross Regattas // Club Series

BAYS Summer #3 // Youth

Summer Keelboat Regatta

Corinthian Cup at SFYC

Great Schooner & Belvedere Classic

Wosser Cup // Club Series

Knarr SF Bat Champs & Fall Regatta

Optimist PCCs

SFYC Auxiliary Cup

Round the Island Race


YRA Contacts

Board of Directors

CHAIR OF THE BOARD, Joe Rockmore (650) 759-5399, chair@yra.org

SECRETARY: Karissa Peth, secretary@yra.org

TREASURER: David Garcia, treasurer@yra.org


Wk (415) 771-9500, Cell (415) 994-4711, Fax (415) 276-2378, info@yra.org

DIRECTOR AT LARGE and In the Bay Racing coordinator: Bill Claussen, inthebayracing@yra.org

DIRECTOR AT LARGE and Doublehanded Racing coordinator: Peggy Lidster, doublehandedracing@yra.org

DIRECTOR AT LARGE and Offshore Racing coordinator: Andy Newell, offshoreracing@yra.org

DIRECTOR AT LARGE and Destination Regattas coordinator: Bob Walden, destinationregattas@yra.org


BUOYS: Scott Easom (510) 686-9330, scott@easomrigging.com

PHRF: (415) 771-9500, phrf@yra.org

US Sailing

ARO, AREA G: John Siegel, (408) 234-0442, jasiegel@earthlink.net

DIRECTOR, AREA G: Peggy Lidster, (303) 717-0449, palidster@gmail.com

AREA REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE: Don Wieneke, (415) 332-0186, dkwieneke@gmail.com

Appeals Committee

John Christman, Hm (510) 797-5524, Cell (510) 410-6771, Fax (510) 790-3273, john.christman@jc2tech.com

Rob Overton, (954) 240-3666, rob.overton1@gmail.com

Tom Roberts, (415) 898-7802, tensleyrob@aol.com

John Siegel, (408) 234-0442, jasiegel@earthlink.net

Latitude 38 has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information, but please confirm your schedule with your fleet captain and look in the monthly Latitude 38 Race Calendar or on www.latitude38.com for changes. Due to space limitations, not all information could be included.


Transpac campaign or weeknight warrior, at Quantum Sails, the same world-class designers and advanced technology behind our Grand Prix victories power all of our sails. Because better performance transforms every day on the water.


Oakland Yacht Club


Signal Flags

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch

January 15 & 29 February 5 & 19

January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16

March 5 & 19 April 2

March 2, 16 & 30

First Gun 1255 New racers always welcome!

First Signal 1255 New racers always welcome!

Rites of Spring

Saturday, March 15

Rites of Spring

Saturday, March 25

Singlehanded, Doublehanded and Full Crew Racing on the Bay

Singlehanded, Doublehanded and Full Crew Racing on the Bay

Sweet Sixteen

Wednesday Night Series

April 30-June 18

Sweet Sixteen

July 9 - August 27

Wednesday Night Series

First Signal 1825

May 10-31, June 7-28

July 12-26, August 1-29

Challenging courses in protected waters. Great food, fun and prizes at the clubhouse afterwards

First Gun 1825

Challenging courses in protected waters.

Estuary Extravaganza

EYC, IYC & OYC teamed up

Greatfood,fun and prizesatthe clubhouse afterwards

Date: July 27


Estuary Extravaganza

Saturday, October 18

EYC, IYC & OYC teamed up

Celebrate the spirit of Lederhosen and Dirndl in a race around Treasure Island and back to OYC

Date: July 30

South Bay Regatta


April 12, No May Race,

Saturday, October 21

June 14, July 19, August 9

Celebrate the spirit of Lederhosen and Dirndl in a race around Treasure Island and back to OYC

One Design, Non-spinnaker, Spinnaker, Multi hull fleets New racers, this is a great Regatta to try racing!

Contact: race@oaklandyachtclub.com

1101 Pacific Marina, Alameda CA OYC website: oaklandyachtclub.net

South Bay Regatta

April 8, May 14, June 10, July 15, August 12, September 9

One Design, Non-spinnaker, Spinnaker, Multi hull fleets


Go With the Best


Go With the Best

Winning rigging engineered for performance, safety and value

Winning rigging engineered for performance, safety and value.

Winning rigging engineered for performance, safety and value.

Latitude 38's Basic Racing Guidelines

'If I could find a better rigger I'd do it. Scott Easom's dedication to getting the best out of every race boat, whether on the water as a sailor or off the water installing the most advanced and successful race rigging available, is the reason we keep coming back. The Easom team's hard work, skill and expertise keeps Pyewacket right where we want her - out front!'

Since sailboat racing is a recreational sport, we think the number-one rule should be to have fun. Beyond that, some basic guidelines help prevent collisions and ensure that racing is both fun and fair. Below is an outline of the 10 basic rules that cover most racing situations. For completeness and total accuracy, refer to Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028, published by US Sailing. See www.ussailing.org for details.

1. Port tack keep clear of starboard tack.

'If I could find a better rigger I'd do it. Scott dedication to getting the best out of every race boat, whether on the water as a sailor or off the water installing the most advanced and successful race rigging available, is the reason we keep coming back. The Easom team's hard work, skill and expertise keeps Pyewacket right where we want her - out front!' — Roy Pat Disney, owner, Pyewacket

2. If boats are on the same tack and overlapped, the windward boat must keep clear of the boat to leeward.

'If I could find a better rigger I'd do it. Scott dedication to getting the best out of every race boat, whether on the water as a sailor or off the water installing the most advanced and successful race rigging available, is the reason we keep coming back. The Easom team's hard work, skill and expertise keeps Pyewacket right where we want her - out front!' — Roy Pat Disney, owner, Pyewacket

— Roy Pat Disney, owner, Pyewacket

Your trusted source of exclusive Marlow lines.

Your trusted source of exclusive Marlow lines.

3. If boats are on the same tack, a boat clear astern must keep clear of a boat clear ahead.

4. When tacking or jibing, keep clear of boats on a tack.

5. Avoid collisions. If you have the right of way and hit the other boat, causing damage or injury, you will both be penalized.

6. Don't obstruct. Don't make it hard for the "keep clear" boat to do so. (No hunting allowed.)

7. Sail the course prescribed. You have to round the marks in the directions specified in the Sailing Instructions and can't touch a mark.

8. Proper Course (same tack, within two hull lengths). If the leeward boat came from astern, leeward boat shall not sail above its own proper course during the overlap. (Remember that the windward boat still has to keep clear, even if windward is forced above what it believes is windward's proper course. Leeward still has right of way.)

Your trusted source of exclusive Marlow lines.

For a job done right, contact:

Easom Racing and Rigging 1230 Brickyard Cove Rd. Suite 102 • Point Richmond, CA (510) 232-SAIL (7245) seasom@sbcglobal.net

9. Give room at marks and obstructions to yachts overlapped on the inside, except:

a. When the overlap did not exist before the lead boat reaches the three-boatlength zone.

b. When approaching a windward mark on opposite

c. At a starting mark surrounded by navigable water. That is, you don't have to let a barger in at the start except to avoid collision (then protest).

10. Acknowledge your fouls and protest those who don't. Go to www.ussailing.org to purchase a rulebook.



SYC Chili Midwinter, first Sunday of the month. Jan 5, Feb 2, Mar 2, Nov 2, Dec 7

SYC/RegattaPRO Winter One Design Invitational Series, second Saturday of the month. Jan 11, Feb 8, Nov 8, Dec 13

Jaws Regatta, March 29. Pursuit Race! Start and finish off SYC deck with ‘Bay Tour’ course.

Twin Island Series, Choose your own route around Alcatraz and Angel Island. April 26, July 19, Oct 4.

Classic Boat Invitational Series, Birds, Bears, IOD’s, Knarrs, and Folkboats. Three multiple-race regattas throughout the season. June 7-8, July 2627, Oct 5.

Spring Sunset Series. May 1, May 15, May 29, June 12, June 19. Racing and BBQ make Thursdays the best night of the week.

Follow the SYC committee boat to start at PT. Knox, where the wind blows. BBQ at SYC after race. May . Jan 11, Twin around Alcatraz and Angel Island. April 26, July 19,

A complete racing program throughout the year for One-Design and PHRF fleets off the Marin Headlands and around the Bay. Our bar and galley are open after races when permitted. TO ENTER RACES GO TO WWW.SAUSALITOYACHTCLUB.ORG/RACING

and PHRF fleets off the Marin

Rear Commodore’s Race, June 22. Pursuit race on the bay, then dinner and a party.

SYC J105 Fleet 1/J88 Invitational Regatta. March 8-9, July 12-13

Summer Sunset Series, July 10, July 24, Aug 7, Aug 21, Sept 4. Thursday night vacation with racing, followed by food, no-host bar and awards.

Women’s Skipper Regatta, Aug 2. Day long fun: skippers’ breakfast, PHRF racing, post-race party with added trophies for all-women crews.

2025 Sunrise and Sunset

2025 Midwinter Series

If your organization has a midwinter series you'd like included here next year, email your schedule and contact information to production@latitude38.com by November 12, 2025.

Berkeley Yacht Club

Midwinters, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/11, 1/12, 2/8, 2/9.

Midwinters Champion of Champions: 2/22. Fall 2025 dates: 11/8, 11/9, 12/13, 12/14. JP Camille, (510) 610-0403, racing@berkeleyyc.org

Chowder Series, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/5, 1/18, 1/25, 2/2, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9. Fall 2025: 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/16, 11/23, 11/30, 12/7 12/14, 12/21, 12/28.

Berkeley Beercan Chair (510) 842-9393, beercan@berkeleyyc.org www.berkeleyyc.org

Corinthian Yacht Club

Midwinters: 1/18-1/19, 2/15-2/16. Marcus Canestra, (415) 606 4110, race@cyc.org www.cyc.org

Coyote Point Yacht Club

Winter Sails: 1/12, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/9, 3/23. John Bradley, (650) 703-5621, office@cpyc.com www.cpyc.com

Encinal Yacht Club

Jack Frost Midwinters, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/4, 2/1. Fall 2025: 11/1, 12/6. Mike DiBella, (925) 357-1461, rearcommodore@encinal.org www.encinal.org

Golden Gate Yacht Club

Midwinters, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/4, 2/1, 3/1. Fall 2025: 11/1, 12/6. Race Director, (415) 346-2628, raceoffice@ggyc.com, www.ggyc.org

Island Yacht Club

Island Days, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/12, 2/23, 3/9. Fall 2025: 11/9, 12/14. Ed Hanley, (775) 336-7398, ezeflyer@gmail.com, racing@iyc.org www.iyc.org

Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club

Mark Chaffey, (831) 236-5191, race.mpyc@gmail.com, www.mpyc.org

Oakland Yacht Club

Sunday Brunch Series: 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 3/30

Debby Ratto, (510) 390-1620, race@oaklandyachtclub.com www.oaklandyachtclub.com

2025 Midwinter Series

Richmond Yacht Club

Small Boat Midwinters 1/5, 2/2, 3/2, 4/6. Fred Paxton, (510) 612-2426 f.paxton@comcast.net www.richmondyc.org

San Francisco Yacht Club

BAYS Winter Series (youth), remaining 2024-2025 season: 3/1-3/2.

Helen Galli, (415) 789-5647, race@sfyc.org www.sfyc.org

Santa Cruz Yacht Club

SCYC, (831) 425-0690, regatta@scyc.org www.scyc.org

Sausalito Yacht Club

Chili Midwinters, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/5, 2/2, 3/2. Fall 2025: 11/2, 12/7.

RegattaPRO Winter One-Design Invitational Series: 1/11, 2/8, 11/8, 12/14.

Bob Lalanne, (415) 828-4425, blalanne@lalannegroup.com www.sausalitoyachtclub.org

Sequoia Yacht Club

Winter Series, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/26, 2/22, 3/22. Fall 2025: 11/9, 12/14. Redwood Cup, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/11, 2/8, 3/15. Fall 2025: 11/22, 11/20. Stan Phillips, (408) 596-1338, Stanleigh574@outlook.com www.sequoiayc.org

South Beach Yacht Club

Island Fever Series, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/25, 2/22, 3/15. Fall 2025: 11/15, 12/20. Mike Satterlund, (408) 839-4131, mikesat@aol.com www.southbeachyachtclub.org

Stockton Sailing Club

Spring Series: 3/22, 4/5, 4/26, 5/17, 5/31. Fall Race Series: 9/6, 10/4, 11/1 12/6. Andy Goodman, (209) 483-3677, regatta@stocktonsc.org www.stocktonsc.org

Tiburon Yacht Club

Midwinters Series: 2/16, 3/16. Rob Cooper, (415) 577-7199, race@tyc.org, www.tyc.org

Vallejo Yacht Club

Midwinters, remaining 2024-2025 season: 1/4, 2/1, 3/1. Fall 2025: 12/6.

Mark Littlefield, (916) 835-2613, sansouci@surewest.net www.vyc.org

Yactht Racing Association

Doublehanded Midwinter Series: 1/05, 2/2. Fall 2025: 11/2, 12/7.

Laura Muñoz, (415) 771-9500, info@yra.org, www.yra.org



Sunday Chowder Races at 1 p.m. rough March 9, 2025


January 11 & 12, 2025; February 8 & 9, 2025


Friday Night Races at 6:45 p.m.

March 12 through Sept. 26, 2025

52nd Wheeler Regatta

April 12 & 13

SFBay Navigator's Race

August 9

Big Windward/Leeward September 6

One-Design Regatta

September 26, 27 & 28

WINTER 2025-26

Sunday Chowder Races at 1 p.m.

October 5, 2025 through March 8, 2026


November 8 & 9, 2025; December 13 & 14, 2025; January 10 & 11, 2026; February 14 & 15, 2026

BERKELEY YACHT CLUB 1 Seawall Dr, Berkeley, CA 94710 www.berkeleyyc.org

VHF Radio Channel Uses

Of all the safety equipment on your boat, your VHF radio is probably the most effective and essential. Because VHF uses common frequencies, it's important to remember a few rules of marine radio etiquette:

•Radio checks, which should be performed at least every time you leave your slip and should always be conducted on channel 9, never on channel 16.

•Before hailing another station on channel 16, listen for at least one minute before keying your mic, so as not to “step” on radio traffic that's already underway.

•Speak slowly and pause for at least a minute between hailing attempts.

•Always start on the low power setting.

•Don't use the radio if you have non-emergency traffic that can be accomplished with a mobile phone.


Distress, safety, calling. Monitored by the Coast Guard and public coast stations.

Intership safety purposes and search and rescue (SAR) communications. Not to be used for non-safety matters. Offshore Vessel Movement Reporting System. In use from Pilot Boarding Precautionary Area Approach buoys N, W and S to outer limits of System (N 41 nm, W 29 nm, S29 nm).

Bridge to Bridge commercial vessel navigation and safety communications. In use from the Offshore Pilot Boarding Precautionary Area (buoy SF #1 – Sea Buoy) to inside the Bay and throughout the Delta regions.

Vessel Traffic Service (VTS). Power Driven Vessels (40+ meters), Passenger Vessels (50+ passengers), Towing Vessels (8+ meters w/tow), Marine Events (committee boat, organizer). Check in, MONITOR, update, check out.

U.S. Coast Guard Communications with USCG stations, vessels and aircraft after contact on channel 13 or 16.

7A, 8, 9, 10,11, 18A, 19A, 79A, 80A, 88A

9, 68, 69, 71, 72, 77A, 78A

26, 84, 87

27, 28, 86

25, 26, 27, 28 28

12, 20, 65A, 66A, 73, 74

WX 1-2-3

Port Operations. Commercial (intership and ship to coast) working channel. Commercial vessel business and operational needs.

Port Operations. Commercial (intership and ship to coast) working channel. Supplies, repairs, berthing, yacht harbors, marinas.

These are the channels used by race committees.

Marine Radio-Telephone Operators

San Francisco

Sacramento, Stockton, Delta

North: Bodega Bay to Fort Bragg and 50 miles out

South: Santa Cruz to Point Sur and 50 miles out Coast Guard Port Operations. Traffic advisory for use by agencies directing movements of vessels in or near ports. Offshore Vessel Movement Reporting System. Weather (receive only).

EYC Jack Frost Midwinters #3 — YRA 10

GGYC Midwinters #3 — Cityfront

VYC Midwinters #2 — North Bay

& Special Events

SkipperS and Crew

BYC Midwinters #3 — Berkeley Circle

BenYC 2023-2024 Frost Bite Series #3 — Carquinez

SeqYC Redwood Cup #3 — South Bay

SYC RegattaPRO Winter one-design invitational series #3 — Berkeley Circle -North Circle

CYC Midwinters #1 — Knox

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #13 — Berkeley Circle

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #12 — Berkeley Circle

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #1 — Alameda

RYC Small Boat Midwinters #1 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

SYC Chili Midwinter #3 — Knox

YRA Doublehanded Midwinter #3 — Cityfront/ Central Bay

BYC Midwinters #3 — Berkeley Circle

CPYC Winter Sail #1 — South Bay

IYC Island Days Midwinters #3 — Alameda

LMSC Edna and Howard Robinson Memorial Series #1 — Lake Merritt

CYC Midwinters #1 — Knox

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #2 — Alameda

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #14 — Berkeley Circle

RYC NorCal #5 — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

SBYC Island Fever Midwinters #3 — South Bay SF Side

SSS Three Bridge Fiasco — Central Bay +

CPYC Winter Sail #2 — South Bay

SeqYC Winter Series #3 — South Bay

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

2025 Beer Can Series

"Beer Can" racing is a general term for midweek, after-work summer series racing hosted by various clubs throughout the Bay Area. The 2025 Beer Can Series schedule follows. Beer can races are great venues for sailors to learn racing skills, try out new crew, bring the family, socialize, and have fun.

If your club has a beer can series you would like us to list here next year, please email your schedule and contact information to production@latitude38. com by November 12, 2025

Bay View Boat Club

Monday Night Madness. Spring: 4/14-6/16.

Fall: 7/21-9/29. Nick Ancel, (510) 459-1337, nicecelan@netscape.net www.bayviewboatclub.org

Benicia Yacht Club

Thursday nights: 4/3-9/25. Steve Corwin, (415) 238-3977, beniciayachtclubracing@gmail.com www.beniciayachtclub.org

Berkeley Yacht Club

Every Friday night: 3/14-9/26. Berkeley Beercan Chair, (510) 842-9393, beercan@berkeleyyc.org, www.berkeleyyc.org

Corinthian Yacht Club

Every Friday night: 4/4-8/29. Marcus Canestra, (415) 606 4110, mcanestra@gmail.com, www.cyc.org

Coyote Point Yacht Club

Sunset Sail every Wednesday night: 3/2-10/30. John Bradley, (650) 703-5621, office@cpyc.com, www.cpyc.com

Encinal Yacht Club

Friday nights. Spring Twilight Series: 4/4-5/30. Summer Twilight Series: 7/11-9/5. Mike DiBella, (925) 357-1461, rearcommodore@encinal.org, www.encinal.org

Golden Gate Yacht Club

Friday nights: 5/2, 5/16, 5/30, 6/13, 6/27, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/22, 9/5.

Race Director, (415) 346-2628, raceoffice@ggyc.com, www.ggyc.org

February 2: • Groundhog Day: Take your groundhog sailing.

February 14: • Valentine's Day: Take your sweetheart for a sail.

February 17: • Presidents' Day indicates full moon. Weekday & Special Events

CPYC Double Up and Back Regatta — South Bay

EYC Jack Frost Midwinters #4 — YRA 10

GGYC Midwinters #4 — Cityfront

VYC Midwinters #3 — North Bay

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #15 — Berkeley Circle

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #3 — Alameda

RYC Small Boat Midwinters #2 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

SYC Chili Midwinter #4 — Knox

YRA Doublehanded Midwinter #4 — Cityfront

BenYC 2023-2024 Frost Bite Series #4 Sweet Heart Race — Carquinez

BYC Midwinters #4 — Berkeley Circle

LMSC Edna and Howard Robinson Memorial Series #2 — Lake Merritt

SeqYC Redwood Cup #4 — South Bay

SYC RegattaPRO Winter one-design invitational series #4 — Berkeley Circle -North Circle

CYC Midwinters #2 — Knox

RYC NorCal #5 (Alt Date) — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

BYC Midwinters #4 — Berkeley Circle

CPYC Winter Sail #3 — South Bay

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

EYC PCISA Regatta — Alameda

BYC Midwinters Champion of Champions — Berkeley Circle

SBYC Island Fever Midwinters #4 — South Bay

SeqYC Winter Series #4 — South Bay

SSS Corinthian Race — Central Bay

CYC Midwinters #2 — Knox

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #16 — Berkeley Circle

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #4 — Alameda

TYC Midwinter Series #1 & #2 — North Bay

EYC PCISA Regatta — Alameda

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #17 — Berkeley Circle

CPYC Winter Sail #4 — South Bay

IYC Island Days Midwinters #4 — Alameda



GET THE DATES IN YOUR 2025 CALENDAR FOR YEARROUND RACING AT THE CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB. Commencing with the 73rd hosting of the CYC MidWinters, the tradition continues with separate Spring, Summer & Fall regattas.

GREAT VENUE, GREAT COURSES AND GREAT EVENTS AT THE CLUB. PHRF, Non-spinnaker and one-design racing in the central bay, are made to challenge skippers and crew throughout the year.


MidWinters - January 18/19 & February 15/16

Spring - March 22, April 26 & May 10

MidSummer - July 12/13 & Aug 16/17

Fall - September 20, October 11 & November 8

Scan here for more information or go to race.cyc.org



Launching April 4, 2025 and sailing through Labor Day weekend, the CYC Friday Night Race series are the best way to start the weekend and shake off the woe’s. Make 2025 the year you are one of the elite sailors who contest all 22 races.

The Corinthian Yacht Club

43 Main Street Tiburon • CA • 94920 • 415-435-4771

2025 Beer Can Series

continued from page 22

Island Yacht Club

Friday nights. Spring Island Nights: 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23, 6/6, 6/20. Summer Island Nights: 6/27, 7/18, 8/1, 8/15, 8/29.

Ed Hanley, (775) 336-7398, ezeflyer@gmail.com www.iyc.org

Konocti Bay Sailing Club

Old Salts in Retirement, Every Wednesday at noon, year-round. www.kbsail.org

Lake Washington Sailing Club

Every Thursday Night: May-August. Mark Werder, owing78@yahoo.com www.lwsailing.org

Lake Yosemite Sailing Association

Every Thursday Night: May-September. Dennis Wainwright, (209) 722-1947, speedyw1955@yahoo.com www.lakeyosemitesailing.org

Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club

Wednesday nights: Sunset Series: 3/13-10/9. Mark Chaffey, (831) 236-5191, race.mpyc@gmail.com www.mpyc.org

Oakland Yacht Club

Sweet 16 Series.

Every Wednesday Night: 4/30-8/27. Debby Ratto, (510) 390-1620, race@oaklandyachtclub.com www.oaklandyachtclub.com

Richmond Yacht Club

Every Wednesday night: 4/2-9/24

Fred Paxton, (510) 612-2426, f.paxton@comcast.net www.richmondyc.org

St. Francis Yacht Club

Wednesday Series: 4/30-6/25

Caleigh Thompson, (415) 655-7756, racing@stfyc.com www.stfyc.com

Sausalito Yacht Club

Thursday nights.

Spring Sunset Series: 5/1, 5/29, 6/12, 6/26. Summer Sunset Series: 7/10, 7/24, 8/7, 8/21, 9/4. Bob Lalanne, (415) 828-4425, blalanne@lalannegroup.com www.sausalitoyachtclub.org

Sequoia Yacht Club Wednesday nights. Sunset Series: 4/12-10/1. Stan Phillips, (408) 596-1338, Stanleigh574@outlook.com, www.sequoiayc.org

marCH 2025

SFYC BAYS Winter #3 — Southampton

CPYC John Pitcher Memorial Regatta — South Bay

EYC Mercury Series #1 — Alameda

GGYC Midwinters #5 — Cityfront

VYC Midwinters #4 — North Bay

Weekday & Special Events Saturday

RYC Big Daddy Fleet Racing — Central Bay

SFYC BAYS Winter #3 — Southampton

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #18 — Berkeley Circle

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #5 — Alameda

RYC Small Boat Midwinters #3 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

SYC Chili Midwinter #5 — Knox

RYC Big Daddy Pursuit Race — Central Bay

March: • Latitude 38 Spring Crew List Party. Check Latitude 38 for more information or see www.latitude38.com.

March 17: • St. Patrick's Day: Take an Irish friend sailing!

March 20: • Vernal Equinox

March 31: • Cesar Chavez Day indicates full moon.

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

SYC J/105 Fleet 1/J/88 Invitational — West Alcatraz/Knox

StFYC California Dreamin' Match Racing — City

SSC Long Distance Race #1 — Stockton/Delta

CPYC Spring Shorteez PHRF 180 — South Bay

BenYC 2023-2024 Frost Bite Series #5 — Carquinez

EYC 2v2 Team Race Invitational — Alameda

OYC Rites of Spring — Central Bay/Berkeley

SYC J/105 Fleet 1/J/88 Invitational — West Alcatraz/Knox

StFYC California Dreamin' Match Racing — City

CPYC Winter Sail #5 — South Bay

IYC Island Days Midwinters #5 — Alameda

1 2 8 9

SBYC Island Fever Midwinters #5 — South Bay

SFYC Rosenblum Regatta — Knox/Central Bay

SeqYC Redwood Cup #5 / St. Patrick’s Day Race — South Bay

CYC Spring Regatta #1 — Knox

SeqYC Winter Series #5 / Commodore’s Cup — South Bay

SFYC Opti Harken #2 — Berkeley Circle

SSC Spring Series #1 — Stockton/Delta


SFYC SF Cup — Southampton/Circle

HMBYC Londerville Regatta — Half Moon Bay

SSS Round The Rocks — Central & North Bay

SYC “Jaws” Pursuit Race — Knox

South Beach Yacht Club

Contact: rearcommodore@southhbeachyachtclub.org or visit southbeachyachtclub.org for more information.

BYC Chowder Series ‘24 #19 — Berkeley Circle

LMSC Edna and Howard Robinson Memorial Series #3 — Lake Merritt

EYC 2v2 Team Race Invitational — Alameda

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #6 — Alameda

TYC Midwinter Series #3 & #4 — North Bay

CYC Spring Regatta #1 — Knox

SFYC Opti Harken #2 — Berkeley Circle

SSC Spring Series #1 — Stockton/Delta

CPYC Winter Sail #6 — South Bay

IYC Sadie Hawkins Race — Alameda


SSC DH Long Distance Race #1 — Delta

SFYC SF Cup — Southampton/Circle

OYC Sunday Brunch Series #7 — Alameda

Island Fever Winter Series 1/25, 2/22, 3/15, 11/15, 12/20

Red Bra Regatta September 20 Race

Friday Night Series April 25 - August 22

J-Stop Regatta June 21/22

BAADS Herb Meyer Regatta August 2/3

Jazz Cup Regatta August 30

2025 Beer Can Series

continued from page 24

South Beach Yacht Club

Friday Spring Night Series: 4/25-6/13. Friday Night Summer Series 6/20-8/22. Mike Satterlund, (408) 839-4131, mikesat@aol.com www.southbeachyachtclub.org

South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club

Wednesday nights.

Spring Beer Can Series 5/7-6/18. Summer Beer Can Series 6/25-8/6

Eric Villadsen, (224) 717-6379, rearcommodore@sltwyc.com, www.sltwyc.com

Stockton Sailing Club

Every Wednesday Night: 6/5-8/28. Andy Goodman, (209) 483-3677, regatta@stocktonsc.org www.stocktonsc.org

Tahoe Yacht Club

Spring Beercan Series: 6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9

Summer Beercan Series: 7/16, 7/23, 8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27

Mike Simmons, (925) 708-3374, offwork2021@outlook.com, www.tahoeyc.com

Tiburon Yacht Club

Friday Night Race Series: 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29. Rob Cooper, (415) 577-7199, race@tyc.org www.tyc.org

Vallejo Yacht Club

Every Wednesday night: 4/2-9/24. Mark Littlefield, (916) 835-2613, sansouci@surewest.net www.vyc.org

apriL 2025

Weekday & Special Events Saturday

April 1: • Take a fool sailing!

April 22: • Celebrate Earth Day on the liquid part.

April 27: • Opening Day on the Bay indicates full moon.

Sunday indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

StFYC Spring Fest & Stone Cup — Central Bay

SFYC 2x2 RS21 Team Race — Richardson Bay

RYC Small Boat Midwinters #4 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

BAMA Double Handed Farallones — Ocean

CPYC Andy Byrd Memorial Race — South Bay

EYC Mercury Series #2 — Alameda

SeqYC Spring Regatta — South Bay

SSC Spring Series #2 — Stockton/Delta

VYC North Bay Series #1 — North Bay

BYC 52nd Wheeler Regatta — Berkeley

RYC Alerion 28 Regatta — Central Bay

FLYC Trans-Folsom Regatta — Folsom Lake

SeqYC Single/Doublehanded #1 — South Bay

South Bay Bridge Series Regatta #1 — South Bay

TYC Don Wan Regatta — North Bay

BenYC Singlehand/Doublehand Race #1 — Carquinez

RYC College Pacific Coast Championship — Southampton

StFYC Spring Fest & Stone Cup — Central Bay

SFYC 2x2 RS21 Team Race — Richardson Bay

RYC Small Boat Midwinters #4 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

EYC Estuary Cup — Berkeley/ Alcatraz/ Estuary

5 6 12 13

SFYC Anne McCormack Women’s Invitational — Knox/Central Bay

YRA Lightship Race — Ocean

FLYC Camellia Cup — Folsom Lake

EYC PCISA Silver PCCs — Alameda

BenYC Opening Day on the Strait — Carquinez

CYC Spring Regatta #2 — Knox

HMBYC Commodore’s Regatta — Half Moon Bay

RYC Bullship — Central Bay

SeqYC Summer Series #1 — South Bay

SFYC Leadership Cup — Knox/Central Bay

SSC Spring Series #3 — Stockton/Delta

SSS Sort of Singlehanded North Bay. — North Bay

StFYC Intraclub Regatta — Cityfront

SYC Twin Island Race #1 — Knox/Alcatraz/Angel

Island - Bay tour

BYC 52nd Wheeler Pursuit — Berkeley

RYC Alerion 28 Regatta — Central Bay

YRA Doublehanded Sunday #1 — FOC Start

RYC College Pacific Coast Championship — Southampton

FLYC Camellia Cup — Folsom Lake

EYC PCISA Silver PCCs — Alameda

InvYC Bender 1-2 — Tomales Bay

PYC Baxter-Judson Race 1 — Horseshoe Cove

SSC Jack and Jill Race — Stockton/Delta

26 27 19 20

Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show

MMBA Regatta is Saturday May 24.

SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10 A.M. – 4

View classic sailing vessels, meet their skippers and learn the yachts' unique history. Show proceeds to go to Master Mariners Benevolent 501(c)3 Foundation. The Foundation provides scholarships for youth sailing, wooden boat building and maritime education. Also provides for the preservation of SF Bay Classic yachts. MMBF is dedicated to preserving the continuity of traditional yachting on San Francisco Bay.

The Master Mariners Benevolent Association is dedicated to fostering participation in yachting and the preservation of classic and traditional sailing craft. During the Boat Show, the Corinthian Yacht Club outdoor bar and grill is open for lunch and there is model boat building for kids. Children under 12 free when accompanied by an adult.

Master Mariners Benevolent Association



EYC J/105/J/88/E37 Regatta — YRA 10

SSC/RYC Delta Ditch Run — North Bay/Delta

SYC Spring Classic Boat Invitational

— Alcatraz/Knox

VYC #3 Brothers Island Race — North Bay

SFYC RS21’s Women’s Sprint 4 — Raccoon Strait

SSC Race of Champions — Stockton/Delta

EYC J/105/J/88/E37 Regatta — YRA 10

SSC/RYC Delta Ditch Run — North Bay/Delta

SYC Spring Classic Boat Invitational — Alcatraz/Knox

InvYC Bender 5-6 — Tomales Bay

Weekday & Special Events

June 13-15:

June 15:

June 19:

June 20:

June 21:

June 27-29:

• RYC Lipton Cup — North Circle/ Southampton, Raccoon Strait

• SSC South Tower Race —Stockton-GGB-Stockton

• StFYC Opti Heavy Weather Slalom — Cityfront

• Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show — CYC

• Juneteenth Independence Day

• Summer Solstice

• Summer Sailstice

June 20-22: • StFYC US Sailing Wingfoil Championship — Cityfront

• StFYC Woodies Invitational — Central Bay indicates full moon.

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

BenYC Single/Doublehand Race #3 — Carquinez

CPYC Merton Yolles Memorial Race — South Bay

SFYC MMMM — Knox/Central Bay

SSC South Tower Race — Stockton-GGB-Stockton

SLTWYC Commodore’s Cup — South Lake Tahoe

South Bay Bridge Series Regatta #2 — South Bay

YRA Farallones Race — Ocean

SFYC Hart Nunes Regatta — Knox/Central Bay

RYC BAYS#1 — Southampton

SBYC J/105/J/88 Stop — South Bay SF Side

EYC Alameda One-Design Regatta — Alameda

HMBYC Rear Commodore Regatta — Half Moon Bay

SFYC Hank Easom Regatta — Knox/Central Bay

SSC Single Handed Race — Stockton/Delta

SSS Single Handed Transpac — Ocean

YRA In The Bay Series #2 — City/Central Bay

EYC Shirley Temming Regatta

(Women’s Championship Series #3) — YRA 10

SeqYC Single/Doublehanded #4 — South Bay

SLTWYC Around The Pins — South Lake Tahoe

YRA Half Moon Bay Regatta — Ocean

SeqYC Summer Series #3 — South Bay

SSC South Tower Race — Stockton-GGB-Stockton

SFYC Hart Nunes Regatta — Knox/Central Bay

RYC BAYS#1 — Southampton

SBYC J/105/J/88 Stop — South Bay SF Side

InvYC Bender 7-8 — Tomales Bay

PYC Baxter-Judson Race 3 — Horseshoe Cove

SYC Rear Commodore Pursuit Race — Knox

YRA Doublehanded Sunday #3 — Cityfront

28 29 14 15 21 22

LMSC City of Oakland Mayor’s Cup Regatta — Lake Merritt

SSC Double Handed Long Distance Race #2 —


Saturday Sunday

BenYC Singlehand/Doublehand Race #4 — Carquinez

JULY 2025 5

SYC J/105 Fleet 1/J/88 Invitational Regatta — West Alcatraz/Knox

SSC Founders Regatta — Stockton/Delta

EYC BAYS Svendsen’s Summer Splash — Alameda

SFYC 29er Nationals — Knox/Central Bay


SYC J/105 Fleet 1/J/88 Invitational Regatta — West Alcatraz/Knox

SSC Founders Regatta — Stockton/Delta

EYC BAYS Svendsen’s Summer Splash — Alameda

SFYC 29er Nationals — Knox/Central Bay

Weekday & Special Events

July 4: • Independence Day

• CPYC Stars and Stripes — South Bay

• EYC Fourth of July Regatta (Jr) — Alameda

• SFYC Fireworks Folly — Knox/Central

• TYC 4th of July Brothers & Sisters Islands Race — North Bay

July 11-13: • SFYC 29er Nationals — Knox/Central

July 12-20: • Lake Tahoe Race Week

July 18-20: • RYC Santana 22 Nationals — Southampton

July 19:

• TahoeYC Trans Tahoe Regatta - Buoy Races — North Lake Tahoe indicates full moon.

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

40th Annual

InvYC Bender 9-10 — Tomales Bay

YRA Westpoint Regatta — South Bay

SLTWYC Southern Crossing — South Lake Tahoe

CYC MidSummer Regatta — Knox

RYC Intraclub #2 — Central Bay

BenYC Lighthouse Race — Carquinez/SPB

BVBC Plastic Classic Regatta — South Bay

FLYC Centerboard Regatta — Folsom Lake

HMBYC Take the Tiller Women Sailing Regatta — Half Moon Bay

LMSC Commodore’s Curse Series #1 — Lake Merritt

SeqYC Singlehand/Doublehanded Series #5 / Commodore’s Cup — South Bay

SFYC Mitchell/Ross Regatta — Knox/Central Bay

South Bay Bridge Series Regatta #3 — South Bay

SSC Long Distance Race #2 — Stockton/Delta

SYC Twin Island Race #2 — Bay Tour

VYC North Bay Series #4 Angel Island Race — North Bay

YRA Jr Waterhouse — Ocean

SYC Summer Classic Boat Invitational — Southampton

InvYC Midsummer Mischief — Tomales Bay

StFYC SF Classic/UN Challenge — Central Bay

YRA Encinal Regatta — Central Bay/Estuary

SeqYC Summer Series #4 — South Bay

26 27 12 13 19 20

SYC Summer Classic Boat Invitational — Southampton

EYC IYC OYC Estuary Extravaganza — Alameda

PYC Baxter-Judson Race 4 — Horseshoe Cove / Travis Sailing Center

tHe BAY VieW BoAt cLuB invite all

’60s thru ’99 Vintage Fiberglass Sailboats to the san francisco saturday, July 19, 2025

Awards & Party following with excellent food, great music and dancing.

Jointhe Party! at the Bay View Boat Club and the waters off Pier 54. www.bayviewboatclub.org

The Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, Encinal Yacht Club, and St. Francis Yacht Club

announce the 27th Spinnaker Cup, May 24-25

Start in the San Francisco Bay and finish in Monterey with MPYC’s famous chili and the awards presentation the next day!

The Spinnaker Cup will also be the first leg of the California Offshore Race Week (CORW). 2025 Race Documents will be available at: www.offshoreraceweek.com

For more information please contact:

Heidi Hall, MPYC Spinnaker Cup Co-Chair at hallchaffey@mac.com

Brendan McNally, EYC Vice Commodore at vicecommodore@encinal.org

Michael Moradzadeh, StFYC Spinnaker Cup Co-Chair at offshore@yachtpc.com


indicates full moon.

Weekday & Special Events

Aug. 1-3: • HMBYC Coronado 15 North American Championships — Half Moon Bay

August 6-9: • StFYC Sears Cup — Cityfront

August 14-17: • StFYC US Women’s Match Racing Championship — Cityfront

Aug. 31-Sept. 6: • Folkboat Internationals — Corinthian


indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.


BAADS Herb Meyer Regatta — South Bay

HMBYC Coronado 15 North American

Championships — Half Moon Bay

SFYC BAYS Summer #3 — Southampton

StFYC Match Race Qualifier — Cityfront

SSC Overnight Race — Stockton-Antioch-Stockton

SYC Women’s Skippers Regatta — Bay Tour

CPYC Jerry O’Grady Single-handed Race — South Bay

YRA RC Choice 1 — Ocean

SFYC Summer Keelboat — Knox and Berkeley

BenYC Chasing the Moon Race — Carquinez/SPB

BenYC Sail Benicia — Carquinez

BVBC “Round the Rock” — South Bay/Central Bay

BYC SF Bay Navigator’s Race — Bay-wide

SeqYC Summer Series #5 — South Bay

SLTWYC Double Handed — South Lake Tahoe

South Bay Bridge Series Regatta #4 — South Bay

VYC North Bay Series #5 Luna Race — North Bay

YRA In The Bay Series #3 — Southampton/North Circle

SFYC Corinthian Cup — Knox and Berkeley

YRA SSS Drake's Bay — Ocean

CYC Mid Summer Regatta — Knox

HMBYC Vice Commodore Regatta — Half Moon Bay

LMSC Commodore’s Curse #2 — Lake Merritt

BenYC Single/Doublehand Race #5 — Carquinez

StFYC Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure — Central Bay

BenYC Sardine Can Dinner Rendezvous — Carquinez

CYC MidSummer Regatta — Knox

InvYC Bender 11-12 — Tomales Bay

SFYC Schooner Race & Belvedere Classic — Knox/Central Bay

SLTWYC Funnette Island — South Lake Tahoe

RYC Intraclub #3 — Central Bay

Seq YC Hannig Cup — South Bay

EYC Millimeter Nationals #1 — Alameda

SBYC BenYC Jazz Cup — Central Bay/North Bay

BAADS Herb Meyer Regatta — South Bay

HMBYC Coronado 15 North American Championships — Half Moon Bay

SFYC BAYS Summer #3 — Southampton

StFYC Match Race Qualifier — Cityfront

SSC Overnight Race — Stockton-Antioch-Stockton

SFYC Summer Keelboat — Knox and Berkeley

EYC Gracie & George Regatta — South Bay/Alameda

InvYC Three Beach Fiasco — Tomales Bay

2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31

SFYC Corinthian Cup — Knox and Berkeley Circle

YRA SSS Drake's Bay — Ocean

CYC MidSummer Regatta — Knox

TahoeYC GarWoods Race — North Lake Tahoe

StFYC Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure — Central Bay

PYC Baxter-Judson Race 5 — Horseshoe Cove

YRA Doublehanded Sunday #4 — FOC Start

EYC Millimeter Nationals #2 — Alameda

InvYC Hog Island Race — Tomales Bay

Pre-Party IN SF

Friday, August 29

South Beach Yacht Club Jazz Cup shirt & burgee pick up! All Welcome!

Saturday, August 30

Racing from SBYC to BYC

After-party in the lovely, warm Benicia Yacht Club & Harbor. Live Bands, Dinner & Trophy Awards! YACHTS

register: www.southbeachyachtclub.org contact: rearcommodore@southbeachyachtclub.org


indicates full moon.

Weekday & Special Events

September: • Latitude 38 Fall Crew List Party Check Latitude 38 and www. latitude38.com for updates.

Sept. 1: • Labor Day – Take a worker sailing

Sept. 10-14: • StFYC Rolex Big Boat Series — Central Bay

Sept. 19-21: • RYC Fall One-Design Invitational — Central Bay

Sept. 26-28: • BYC One-Design Invitational Day — Berkeley Circle

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

Saturday Sunday

RYC Multihull Invitational — Southampton

SLTWYC Perpetual Day 1 — South Lake Tahoe

TahoeYC Tahoe ILCA Fleet Champs — Stampede

BYC Big Windward/Leeward — Central Bay

CPYC Kay & Dave Few Regatta — South Bay

InvYC Bender 13-14 — Tomales Bay

SeqYC Moonlight Marathon — South Bay/TI

SFYC Wosser Cup — Knox/Central Bay

SSC Fall Race #1 — Stockton/Delta

VYC North Bay Series #6 — North Bay

SSC Thistle Regatta — Stockton/Delta

BenYC/VYC Carquinez Challenge — Carquinez

SSS Half Moon Bay Race — Ocean

SFYC SF Bay Knarr Championship — Knox

BenYC Singlehand/Doublehand Race #6 — Carquinez

CYC Fall Series #1 — Knox

LMSC Commodore’s Curse Series #3 — Lake Merritt

SBYC 12th Annual Red Bra Regatta — South Bay

SLTWYC Fannette Island — South Lake Tahoe

StFYC Aldo Alessio Regatta — Ocean

YRA In The Bay Series #4 — Circle

SFYC Optimist PCCs — Knox

RYC Little Daddy — Central Bay

SeqYC South Bay Championship — South Bay

IYC Women’s Sailing Seminar — Alameda

TYC Fox Hat Tornberg Race — Central/North Bay

YRA Bluewater Bash — Ocean

YRA RC Choice 2 — Ocean

InvYC Bender 15-16 — Tomales Bay

RYC Multihull Invitational — Southampton

SLTWYC Perpetual Day 2 — South Lake Tahoe

TahoeYC Tahoe ILCA Fleet Champs — Stampede

SSC Thistle Regatta — Stockton/Delta

SFYC SF Bay Knarr Championship — Knox

EYC Commodore’s Cup — Central Bay/ South Bay/Alameda

YRA Doublehanded Sunday #5 — FOC Start

20 21 27 28

SFYC Optimist PCCs — Knox

RYC Little Daddy — Central Bay

SeqYC South Bay Championship — South Bay

IYC Women’s Sailing Seminar — Alameda Estuary

PYC Baxter-Judson Race 6 — Horseshoe Cove


EYC - Fall One Design — Central/ South Bay/Alameda

StFYC Pan Am Para Sailing Regatta — City

SeqYC South Bay One-Design Champs

— South Bay

SSS Vallejo 1/2 — North and San Pablo Bay

BenYC Champions Race — Carquinez

CPYC Barth Regatta — South Bay

RYC Totally Dinghy — Central Bay

EYC - Fall One Design — Central/ South Bay/Alameda

StFYC Pan Am Para Sailing Regatta — Cityfront

SeqYC South Bay One-Design Champs — South Bay

SSS Vallejo 1/2 — North and San Pablo Bay

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #1 — Berkeley Circle

RYC Jr Program-Winter #1 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

Weekday & Special Events

October 3-5: • EYC Fall One Design — Central Bay/ South Bay/Alameda

October 7-12: • Fleet Week

October 13: • Columbus Day

October 31: • Halloween: Go sailing in costume! indicates full moon.

SFYC Auxillary Cup — Knox/Central Bay

SSC Fall Race #2 — Stockton/Delta

SYC Twin Island Race #3 — Bay Tour

YRA Women’s Regatta (Women’s Championship Series #3) — Circle

SYC Fall Classic Boat Invitational — West Alcatraz/Knox

4 5

BVBC Champion of Champions — South/Central Bay

SeqYC/CPYC Barth Memorial Regatta — South Bay

CYC Fall Series #2 — Knox

InvYC Bender 17-18 — Tomales Bay

RYC CalSailing - Stoney Burke — Marina Bay or Keller Cove

StFYC Fall Invitational — Central Bay

LMSC Commodore’s Curse Series #4 — Lake Merritt

OYC Oktoberfest — Treasure Island/Estuary

TYC Red Rock Regatta — North Bay

RYC Great Pumpkin Fleet Racing — Central Bay

StFYC Fall Dinghy — Cityfront

CPYC Fall Shorteez Regatta PHRF 180 — South Bay

HMBYC Pumpkin Roundup — Half Moon Bay

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #2 — Berkeley Circle

RYC El Toro Stampede — Potrero Reach

RYC Jr Program-Winter #2 — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

RYC CalSailing - Stoney Burke — Marina Bay or Keller Cove

StFYC Fall Invitational — Cityfront

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #3 — Berkeley Circle

InvYC Bender 19-20 — Tomales Bay

IYC Jack & Jill + One — Alameda

RYC Jr Program Winter #3 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

SFYC Round the Island — Knox/Central Bay

RYC Great Pumpkin Pursuit Race — Central Bay

StFYC Fall Dinghy — Cityfront

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #4 — Berkeley Circle

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.


PYC Baxter-Judson Lady Skippers’ Race — Horseshoe Cove

26 18 19 11 12


EYC BAYS HS NorCal Regatta — Alameda

StFYC Grandmasters Team Race Regatta — Cityfront

CPYC Commodore’s Cup — South Bay

EYC Jack Frost Midwinters #1 — YRA 10

GGYC Midwinters #1 — Cityfront

HMBYC Die Hard Regatta — Half Moon Bay

InvYC Bender 21-22 — Tomales Bay

full moon.

Weekday & Special Events

November: • Baja Ha-Ha starts, San Diego to Cabo San Lucas

November 11: • Veterans Day. Take a veteran sailing!

November 27: • Thanksgiving Day

November 28: • TYC Black Friday Sail: the Wild Turkey Race — North Bay

SSC Fall Race #3 — Stockton/Delta

BYC Midwinters #1 — Berkeley Circle

BenYC 2024-2025 Frost Bite Series #1 — Carquinez

CYC Fall Series #3 — Knox

InvYC Drumstick Race — Tomales Bay

SYC/RegattaPRO Winter One-Design Invitational Series #1 — Berkeley/North Circle

EYC BAYS HS NorCal Regatta — Alameda

StFYC Grandmasters Team Race Regatta — Cityfront

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #5 — Berkeley Circle

RYC Jr Program-Winter #4 — Potrero/ Southampton/Keller

SYC Chili Midwinter #1 — Knox

YRA Doublehanded Midwinter #1 — Cityfront/Central Bay

BYC Midwinters #1 — Berkeley Circle

IYC Island Days Midwinters #1 — Alameda

RYC Jr Program-Winter #5 — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

SeqYC Winter Series #1 — South Bay

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #6 — Berkeley Circle

EYC Alameda One-Design Regatta — Alameda

RYC Jr Program-Winter #6 — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #7 — Berkeley Circle

RYC Jr Program-Winter #7 — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

SeqYC Redwood Cup #2 — South Bay
BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #8 — Berkeley Circle
SBYC Island Fever Midwinters #1 — South Bay

YRA North Bay Marks

Description of Marks

1: Red Rock Island

14: Southampton Shoal Platform

19: R “8” Fl R 2.5s approx 1.5 nm N of Pt. Blunt

23: RW “A” Mo (A) east of Angel Island

24: R “6” Fl R 4s Bell 1.1 nm east of Quarry Pt.

CM2: Daymark at outer end of Corte Madera Channel [Iso R 6s 3ft “2” Priv]

NBAY Temp YC buoy approx .6 nm NE of Tiburon YC clubhouse

NG7 G “7” Fl G 2.5s approx.45 nm SE of Red Rock

NR12: approx. 1.3 nm south of Richmond-San Rafael Bridge main channel [R “12” Fl R 2.5s]

NR14: approx. 0.3 nm south of Richmond-San Rafael Bridge main channel [R “14” Fl R 4s]

TYC: Privately maintained white mark “TYC” off south entrance to Paradise Cay


indicates full moon.

EYC Jack Frost Midwinters #2 — YRA 10

GGYC Midwinters #2 — Cityfront

SeqYC Winter Series #2 — South Bay

SSC Fall Race #4 — Stockton/Delta

VYC Midwinters #1 — North Bay

BYC Midwinters #2 — Berkeley Circle

BenYC 2024-2025 Frost Bite Series #2 — Carquinez

LMSC Edna and Howard Robinson Memorial Series #1 — Lake Merritt

SYC/RegattaPRO Winter One-Design Invitational Series #2 — Berkeley Circle/North Circle

Weekday & Special Events

December: • Happy Holidays! Check the Calendar in the November or December issue of Latitude 38 for lighted boat parades near you.

December 21: • Winter Solstice

December 14: • Hanukkah begins at sundown.

December 25: • Christmas Day

December 31: • New Year's Eve

SBYC Island Fever Midwinters #2 — South Bay SF Side

SeqYC Redwood Cup #3 — South Bay

indicates 2-day races. YRA events indicated in bold type.

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #9 — Berkeley Circle

RYC Jr Program Winter #8 — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

SYC Chili Midwinter #2 — Knox

YRA Doublehanded Midwinter #2 — Cityfront/Central Bay

BYC Midwinters #2 — Berkeley Circle

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #10 — Berkeley Circle

IYC Island Days Midwinters #2 — Alameda

RYC Jr Program-Winter #9 Christmas Party Jr Program — Potrero/Southampton/Keller

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #11 — Berkeley Circle

BYC Chowder Series ‘25 #12 — Berkeley Circle

YRA Central Bay Marks

Description of Marks

A: Yellow sphere “A” outer buoy St. Francis Yacht Club

D: Daymark north of the Berkeley Pier [Fl G 4s 15ft 4M “3”]

K: Temp buoy 0.3 nm west of YRA 4 in line with YRA 12

L: Temp buoy 0.31 nm west of Windmill in line with YRA 4

N: Daymark on channel east of Sausalito [Fl R 4s 14ft 3m “2”]

X: Yellow/blue sphere “X” Golden Gate Yacht Club

2: Alcatraz Island

4: Lighted red nun buoy near Pt Knox

5: Temp buoy approx. 0.6 nm southwest of Alcatraz

6: Lighted yellow column “M” approx. 0.1 nm north of Ft Mason docks (Phil Perkins)

7: approx. 1 nm northwest of Treasure Island [R “2” Fl 6s]

8: approx. 1 nm east of Point Blunt [R “4” Fl R 2.5s]

9: Temp buoy approx. 0.5 nm east-southeast of west end Berkeley Pier ruins/approx 1 nm east-northeast of YRA 10

10: Temp buoy approx. 0.6 nm west-southwest of west end Berkeley Pier ruins

11: Temp buoy approx. 1.5 nm east of Treasure Island

12: Little Harding Rock [G “1” Fl G 4s]

14: Southampton Shoal Platform AR

YRA Central Bay Marks

15: Lighted yellow column “Easom” approx. 0.5 nm east of Yellow Bluff (Hank Easom)

16: Lighted yellow column approx. 0.2 nm east of Ft Point (Blackaller)

17: Harding Rock [RG “HR” Fl (2+1) R 6s]

18: Blossom Rock [GR “BR” Fl (2+1) G 6s BELL]

19: approx. 1.5 nm east of Bluff Point [R “8” Fl R 2.5s]

21: approx. 0.65 nm northeast of Alcatraz [G “1” Fl G 6s]

23: Center channel buoy east of Angel Island [RW “A” Mo (A)]

24: approx. 1.1 nm east of Quarry Pt [R “6”Fl R 4s BELL]

ARO: Anita Rock buoy off Crissy Field

BYC: Yellow column “BYC” - E of COC

FOC: Olympic Circle buoy “F”

GOC: Olympic Circle buoy “G”

TYC: Privately maintained white mark “TYC” off south entrance to Paradise Cay

XOC: Olympic Circle buoy “X” (center of the circle) (Bobbi Tossi)

YRA South Bay Marks

Description of Marks

AS1: Yellow sphere approx. 0.25 nm east of BVYC

NAS2: NAS Alameda Channel [R “2” Fl R 4s]

SC1: approx. 1 nm east-northeast of Mission Rock Terminal [GR “SC” Fl (2+1) G 6s]

W1: Temporary YC buoy approx 1 nm E of Army St. Terminal

XS1: Temporary YC buoy approx halfway betweeen 31 and AS1

31: Temp buoy approx. 1.2 nm southeast of Mission Rock Terminal

33: Oakland Inner Harbor Entrance Channel [R “4” Fl R 4s]

34: approx. 0.5 nm east of Portrero Point [R “2” Fl R 2.5s]

35: Daymark “3” Alameda NAS Entrance Channel [Fl G 2.5s 15ft 3m “3”]

36: Daymark “4” Alameda NAS Entrance Channel [Fl R 4s 12ft 3m “4”]

37: approx. 1 nm south-southeast of Army St. Terminal [G “5” Fl G 4s]


2025 Weekend Currents

date/day slack max slack max

1/04Sat 0105/3.3F 0422 0654/1.3E 0930 1300/2.4F 1531 1831/2.1E 2220

1/05Sun 0152/3.3F 0504 0747/1.5E 1039 1400/2.2F 1632 1934/1.8E 2258

1/11Sat 0110/0.8E 0319 0711/3.0F 0953 1301/2.7E 1737 2028/3.2F

1/12Sun 0000 0206/0.9E 0433 0806/3.0F 1046 1353/2.6E 1828 2118/3.4F

1/18Sat 0057/3.1F 0432 0716/1.2E 1020 1309/1.9F 1553 1908/1.6E 2211

1/19Sun 0138/2.9F 0513 0802/1.2E 1122 1404/1.5F 1649 1956/1.3E 2233

1/25Sat 0028/0.6E 0204 0612/2.0F 0858 1207/1.7E 1651 1955/2.2F 2325

1/26Sun 0114/0.7E 0301 0703/2.1F 0945 1248/1.9E 1731 2033/2.4F

4/05Sat 0044 0402/1.8F 0627 0925/1.7E

1357 1721/2.6F 2122 2342/0.9E

4/06Sun 0232 0515/1.6F 0757 1116/1.3E

1514 1831/2.7F 2215

4/12Sat 0114 0425/2.2E 0823 1102/2.7F

1413 1641/1.2E 1917 2246/3.2F

4/13Sun 0140 0451/2.3E 0858 1143/2.7F

1503 1723/1.1E 1940 2319/3.0F

4/19Sat 0230/1.5F 0444 0734/1.8E 1151 1607/2.1F 2032 2223/0.5E 2354

4/20Sun 0331/1.4F 0543 0839/1.5E 1259 1706/2.1F 2119 2323/0.7E

4/26Sat 0258/2.8E 0655 0949/3.1F 1255 1524/1.4E 1809 2149/3.8F

date/day slack max slack max

2/01Sat 0253 0530/1.8E 0829 1153/3.0F 1435 1735/2.3E 2111

2/02Sun 0031/3.6F 0330 0610/2.0E 0926 1246/2.8F 1530 1822/1.9E 2143

2/08Sat 0006/0.8E 0218 0556/2.5F 0840 1154/2.1E 1619 1917/2.9F 2250

2/09Sun 0102/1.0E 0342 0658/2.6F 0945 1259/2.1E 1717 2009/3.1F 2335

2/15Sat 0257 0552/1.6E 0912 1200/2.4F 1457 1800/1.7E 2100

2/16Sun 0015/3.1F 0329 0624/1.6E 0954 1247/2.1F 1546 1839/1.4E 2118

2/17Mon 0051/2.8F 0358 0651/1.5E 1032 1336/1.8F 1641 1924/1.1E 2141

2/22Sat 0047 0439/1.5F 0719 1022/1.3E 1459 1834/1.9F 2214

2/23Sun 0007/0.7E 0153 0542/1.7F 0824 1137/1.4E 1601 1918/2.2F 2248

date/day slack max slack max

5/03Sat 0240/2.0F 0459 0754/2.0E 1224 1552/2.9F 1956 2217/0.8E

5/04Sun 0053 0346/1.6F 0612 0925/1.5E 1331 1655/2.8F 2057 2325/1.0E 5/10Sat 0002 0312/2.3E 0727 1004/2.5F 1316 1520/0.9E 1738 2131/3.1F

5/11Sun 0027 0338/2.4E 0802 1045/2.6F 1407 1606/0.8E 1809 2206/2.9F

5/17Sat 0116/1.9F 0335 0629/2.3E 1053 1443/2.5F 1849 2052/0.5E 2227

5/18Sun 0208/1.8F 0425 0719/2.0E 1143 1534/2.5F 1941 2150/0.6E 2332

5/24Sat 0151/2.8E 0554 0841/2.7F 1152 1411/1.2E 1635 2032/3.6F 2320

5/25Sun 0225/3.2E 0644 0934/3.1F 1254 1502/1.0E 1721 2118/3.6F 2358

5/26Mon 0300/3.4E 0731 1025/3.5F 1352 1558/0.9E 1813 2206/3.5F 5/31Sat 0126/2.4F 0353 0654/2.3E 1118 1432/3.2F 1823 2051/0.9E 2320

January – June


3/01Sat 0130 0419/2.2E 0737 1052/3.3F 1343 1642/2.1E 1958 2317/3.8F

3/02Sun 0205 0454/2.5E 0828 1141/3.3F 1437 1724/1.9E 2030 2357/3.7F

3/08Sat 0110 0430/2.0F 0710 1019/1.7E 1445 1756/2.7F 2138 2358/1.0E

3/09Sun 0346 0643/2.0F 0933 1253/1.6E 1653 1956/2.9F 2325

3/15Sat 0231 0538/2.0E 0917 1200/2.7F 1506 1755/1.6E 2043

3/16Sun 0000/3.2F 0259 0604/2.0E 0953 1242/2.5F 1554 1832/1.3E 2103

3/22Sat 0018 0400/1.4F 0618 0912/1.3E 1327 1749/1.9F 2159 2351/0.6E

3/23Sun 0131 0506/1.3F 0733 1035/1.2E 1453 1849/2.1F 2237

3/29Sat 0113 0408/2.6E 0747 1052/3.4F 1351 1639/1.8E 1938 2304/3.8F

3/30Sun 0146 0444/3.0E 0836 1141/3.5F 1446 1726/1.6E 2013 2344/3.8F

date/day slack max slack max

5/31Sat 0126/2.4F 0353 0654/2.3E 1118 1432/3.2F 1823 2051/0.9E 2320

6/01Sun 0224/2.0F 0452 0804/1.9E 1207 1527/3.0F 1924 2154/1.0E

6/07Sat 0202/2.0E 0624 0902/2.1F 1214 1403/0.7E 1557 2013/2.8F 2316

6/08Sun 0227/2.2E 0701 0944/2.3F 1306 1448/0.7E 1635 2051/2.6F 2342

6/14Sat 0014/2.4F 0238 0538/2.4E 1006 1329/2.9F 1713 1923/0.7E 2117

6/15Sun 0059/2.3F 0324 0624/2.3E 1045 1414/2.9F 1754 2012/0.8E 2212

6/21Sat 0034/2.5E 0437 0725/2.3F 1041 1300/1.0E 1507 1913/3.3F 2204

6/22Sun 0115/2.9E 0534 0824/2.8F 1150 1354/0.9E 1558 2004/3.3F 2247

6/28Sat 0021/2.8F 0258 0616/2.4E 1020 1318/3.4F 1656 1930/1.1E 2210

4/27Sun 0032 0333/3.2E 0743 1039/3.4F 1352 1616/1.3E 1849 2232/3.8F

6/29Sun 0113/2.5F 0351 0712/2.2E 1101 1406/3.3F 1746 2025/1.1E 2314 date/day slack max slack max

6/01Sun 0224/2.0F 0452 0804/1.9E 1207 1527/3.0F 1924 2154/1.0E

date/day slack max slack max

7/04Fri 0000/1.4E 0415 0650/1.4F 0953 1155/0.7E 1347 1802/2.5F 2127

7/05Sat 0041/1.6E 0507 0752/1.7F 1103 1248/0.6E 1427 1848/2.3F 2158

7/06Sun 0114/1.7E 0549 0838/2.0F 1200 1337/0.6E 1512 1933/2.2F 2229

7/12Sat 0146 0454/2.4E 0916 1220/3.0F 1547 1807/1.0E 2018 2359/2.7F

7/13Sun 0232 0540/2.4E 0950 1300/3.1F 1621 1846/1.1E 2109

7/19Sat 0256 0554/2.1F 0918 1140/0.8E 1344 1745/2.9F 2036 2346/2.4E

7/20Sun 0406 0704/2.4F 1037 1246/0.8E 1443 1844/2.9F 2129

7/26Sat 0207 0536/2.4E 0919 1209/3.5F 1532 1817/1.4E 2114

7/27Sun 0010/2.9F 0259 0624/2.2E 0957 1251/3.5F 1615 1904/1.5E


2207 date/day

date/day slack max slack max

10/04Sat 0201/1.6E 0520 0842/3.0F 1153 1434/1.8E 1744 2051/2.4F 2346

10/05Sun 0244/1.7E 0558 0921/3.3F

1221 1510/2.2E 1838 2142/2.8F

10/11Sat 0146/3.4F 0521 0736/0.9E 0951 1333/2.8F 1556 1849/3.0E 2310

10/12Sun 0241/3.2F 0627 0845/0.8E 1048 1428/2.3F 1647 1939/2.5E

10/13Mon 0004 0341/2.9F 0738 0957/0.8E 1204 1531/1.9F 1750 2045/1.9E

10/18Sat 0207/1.5E 0521 0832/3.4F

1147 1449/2.1E 1836 2111/2.6F

10/19Sun 0016 0251/1.4E 0558 0912/3.5F

1220 1530/2.3E 1924 2201/2.7F

10/25Sat 0129/2.6F 0529 0723/0.6E 0903 1246/2.0F 1506 1801/2.3E 2223

10/26Sun 0212/2.5F 0623 0813/0.5E 0944 1325/1.7F 1541 1833/2.0E 2251

8/02Sat 0317 0609/1.4F 0940 1125/0.5E 1258 1708/1.9F 2015 2327/1.3E

8/03Sun 0411 0718/1.6F 1047 1223/0.5E 1352 1801/1.7F 2059 8/09Sat 0055 0410/2.1E 0813 1112/3.0F 1424 1655/1.3E 1925 2259/2.9F

8/10Sun 0141 0458/2.3E 0846 1149/3.3F 1456 1733/1.5E 2016 2345/3.0F

8/16Sat 0101 0421/2.4F 0749 1012/0.8E 1220 1616/2.7F 1855 2153/2.3E 8/17Sun 0215 0530/2.4F 0917 1129/0.7E 1326 1717/2.4F 1957 2300/2.1E 8/23Sat 0117 0438/2.1E 0810 1059/3.5F 1411 1708/1.8E 2022 2311/3.1F

8/24Sun 0208 0526/2.1E 0847 1140/3.5F 1451 1752/1.9E 2112 2358/3.0F

8/30Sat 0040 0411/1.6F 0807 0959/0.5E 1132 1530/1.7F 1806 2056/1.3E

8/31Sun 0125 0516/1.6F 0925 1100/0.4E 1225 1620/1.4F 1852 2147/1.2E

9/01Mon 0230 0627/1.7F 1022 1159/0.5E 1332 1719/1.3F 1956 2257/1.1E

date/day slack max slack max 11/01Sat 0041/1.4E 0334 0718/2.9F 1039 1328/1.7E 1642 1938/1.9F 2232

11/02Sun 0130/1.4E 0316 0700/3.3F 1007 1304/2.2E 1641 1934/2.4F 2235

11/08Sat 0319 0532/0.9E 0743 1123/3.0F 1347 1644/3.2E 2113

11/09Sun 0030/3.6F 0414 0630/0.9E 0841 1215/2.6F 1436 1731/2.8E 2200 11/15Sat 0239 0610/3.2F 0936 1244/2.0E 1634 1906/2.0F 2208

11/16Sun 0032/1.1E 0315 0654/3.3F 1010 1322/2.2E 1726 2000/2.3F 2307

11/22Sat 0323 0513/0.6E 0653 1041/2.2F 1302 1601/2.4E 2041

11/23Sun 0003/2.7F 0406 0557/0.6E 0735 1120/2.1F 1338 1636/2.3E 2108

11/27Thu 0304/2.5F 0708 0923/0.7E 1120 1447/1.4F 1704 2028/1.5E 11/28Fri 0006 0354/2.7F 0744 1018/1.1E 1250 1556/1.4F 1827 2155/1.4E 11/29Sat 0054 0444/2.9F 0816 1108/1.5E 1417 1708/1.6F 1957 2303/1.3E 11/30Sun 0137 0533/3.2F 0847 1151/2.1E 1529 1816/2.0F 2118 2358/1.2E

8/30Sat 0040 0411/1.6F 0807 0959/0.5E 1132 1530/1.7F 1806 2056/1.3E 8/31Sun 0125 0516/1.6F 0925 1100/0.4E 1225 1620/1.4F 1852 2147/1.2E 9/01Mon 0230 0627/1.7F 1022 1159/0.5E 1332 1719/1.3F 1956 2257/1.1E 9/06Sat 0310/1.9E 0655 0959/3.0F 1306 1542/1.6E 1835 2157/2.8F 9/07Sun 0047 0357/2.0E 0729 1037/3.3F 1336 1621/1.9E 1927 2245/3.1F 9/13Sat 0259/2.9F 0628 0849/0.9E 1102 1451/2.6F 1717 2010/2.6E 9/14Sun 0027 0400/2.7F 0749 1006/0.7E 1204 1550/2.2F 1815 2110/2.1E 9/20Sat 0023 0324/1.8E 0651 0947/3.4F 1256 1556/2.0E 1930 2212/2.9F 9/21Sun 0115 0412/1.8E 0728 1027/3.5F 1332 1641/2.2E 2019 2300/3.0F 9/27Sat 0242/2.2F 0640 0838/0.6E 1015 1401/1.8F 1623 1911/1.8E 2323

9/28Sun 0332/2.0F 0752 0935/0.4E 1100 1445/1.4F 1700 1949/1.6E 2359

date/day slack max slack max

12/06Sat 0213 0427/0.9E 0639 1019/3.2F 1246 1546/3.2E 2022 2324/3.7F 12/07Sun 0302 0523/1.0E 0740 1109/3.0F 1337 1638/2.9E 2108

12/13Sat 0053 0436/3.0F 0816 1124/1.6E 1517 1744/1.6F 2043 2307/1.0E 12/14Sun 0130 0526/3.0F 0854 1210/1.9E 1616 1851/1.8F 2156 2359/0.8E 12/20Sat 0210 0400/0.6E 0545 0938/2.3F 1206 1506/2.2E 1956 2259/2.8F 12/21Sun 0248 0445/0.7E 0630 1019/2.3F 1244 1547/2.3E 2026 2335/2.8F 12/27Sat 0310/3.0F 0632 0925/1.4E 1225 1531/1.6F 1811 2118/1.3E 12/28Sun 0005 0359/3.1F 0712 1015/1.9E 1349 1643/1.8F 1945 2229/1.1E

Youth Sailing

Looking for a new way to inspire and entertain your kids this year?

The Bay Area boasts dozens of youth sailing and sailing-related programs, listed below. Many offer scholarships, and with rare exceptions, you don’t need to have your own boat. Unless noted below, club membership is not necessary.

Alameda Community Sailing Center

Location: Encinal Boat Ramp in Alameda

Contact: Emily Zugnoni, ACSC Program Director

Phone: (510) 629-9282

Email: info@sailsailalameda.org

Description: ACSC is a nonprofit community sailing center. Scholarships are available for all programs, and extended care is offered. All sailors are welcome!

Programs: After-School Sailing Club: Ages 7–17. All levels. Seven-week sessions in spring and fall. Spring Break Camp: Ages 7–12. April 7-11, 2025

Two-Week Summer Camps: Ages 7–17. All levels. JuneAugust. Staggered starts approximately 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Adult/Family Weekend Dinghy Courses: Ages 7–99. Beginner and intermediate. Offered in spring, summer, and fall. $350 for the first participant; $175 for subsequent guests. Open Sailing Days: Every Saturday in spring, summer, and fall. $35 per boat.

Bay View Boat Club and Mariposa Hunters Point YC (San Francisco)

Email ys@bvbc.org

Location: MHPYC, 405 Terry A. Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA, 94158

Description: Entry-level youth sailing class designed for those who are getting used to being on the water. No experience is required. The class is for those who want to try sailing before signing up for a full program. $40 a day or $60 for a weekend. Classes are held once a quarter.

Benicia YC

Contact: Dan Carnahan

Phone: (707) 747-1808

Email: youthsailing@beniciayachtclub.com

Location: Benicia Yacht Club, Benicia, CA

Description: Dates TBA in late March. YC member discounts, sibling and multiple-camp discounts, and scholarships are available for all programs.

-Half-Day Camps: Ages 8–12 with no sailing experience. Cost: $275.

-Full-Day: One-week camps, ages 10–18 or young sailors with experience. Cost: $375.

Blue Water Foundation (San Francisco)

Phone: (415) 392-2018

Thursday Sails: Afternoon sail programs with San Francisco schools and SFPD to build relationships and provide experience to at-risk youth in the City.

Ocean’s Gate Program: Working with Alameda County Probation Department; convicted youth are given the opportunity to make their way back to society; offering both daysails and a multi-month intensive sail-training program.

Community Sail Programs: Community group sails, ranging from science programs and S.F. Rec and Park programs to Project Avery and Edgewood Kinship, organizations for children of incarcerated parents. Weekdays and weekends.

Probation Dept. Sails: With various youth probation departments throughout the Bay Area and Nevada City/El Dorado County foothills, taking their incarcerated students and students on probation on repeat sails. Emphasis on building teamwork and self-confidence; mentor system is utilized. Sails are usually on weekends.

Call of the Sea (Sausalito)

Contact: Sylvia Stompe

Phone: (415) 331-3214

Email: info@callofthesea.org

High school sailing for students in grades 9–12 takes place around Northern California in the Pacific Coast Interscholastic Sailing Association. If your high school doesn’t have a team, or enough students to field a team, don’t fret. Most programs allow students from several schools to form a single team.

Location: Bay Model Visitor Center, Sausalito. Access via Marinship Way

Description: Call of the Sea has two ships, the 132-ft brigantine Matthew Turner and the 82-ft schooner, Seaward. Summer Camps Activities for ages 8-13: Mon-Fri Sailing, Marine Science, Nautical Science, Crafts and Fun. Sailing and navigation three-day workshops for ages 14+

Coyote Point YC (San Mateo)

Email: youthsailing@cpyc.com

Description: Coyote Point Yacht Club offers a year-round sailing program to children ages 8 and up wishing to learn how to sail or improve their skills.

In learn to Sail Qube, kids will learn the fundamentals of sailing in an easy-to-handle single-person boat called a Qube.

In intro to Race Qube, kids will review the basics of sailing and be introduced to the competitive side of the sport. In Learn to Sail FJ, kids will learn the fundamentals of sailing in a team setting.

In Intro to Race FJ, kids will review the basics of sailing and be introduced to the competitive side of the sport. Up-to-date calendar schedules and pricing can be found at cpyc.com.

Encinal YC (Alameda)

Phone: (510) 769-0221

Email: eycjrsoffice@gmail.com

Location: Encinal Yacht Club, Alameda, CA

Summer Sailing Program: ages 5–18, all skill levels. Three-week summer sessions Monday – Thursday from June 9– August 7.

Learn to Sail in Optis and FJs. Advanced Race Team: ages 9-18 by application only. High School Program: grades 8-12. Weekends and after school September–April. Scholarships are available through the Encinal Sailing Foundation.

Half Moon Bay Yacht Club (Pillar Point Harbor)

Phone: (650) 728-2120

Email: youthsailing@hmbyc.org

Location: Pillar Point Harbor, 214 Princeton Ave, Half Moon Bay, CA

Description: Award winning youth sailing program located on the protected waters of Pillar Point Harbor. Our summer sailing camps are available to members and non-members 8–16 years old. No experience is necessary; beginners are welcome! You can find more details about summer camp as well as our other youth sailing opportunities at www.hmbyc.org.

Oakland Parks, Recreation & Youth Development

Contact: Gabriel Gipson

Phone: (510) 238-2196

Email: ggipson@oaklandca.gov

Location: Lake Merritt Boating Center, Oakland, CA

Basic and Intermediate summer programs: ages 10–17. One-week sessions, June–August. $250/Oakland residents; $300/nonresidents. Scholarships available for Oakland residents.

Pegasus Project (Berkeley)

Phone: (510) 717-4439

Description: The mission of the Pegasus Project is to enable youth to become productive members of a sustainable society through positive outdoor environmental education and by reinforcing life skills.

Objectives: Life skills sails aboard Pegasus for youth including youth at risk; to provide youth participants (and adult crew) with a basic environmental understanding and appreciation of the San Francisco Bay; to provide a multiyear track for underprivileged youth that will enable them to experience their backyard Bay through on-the-water activities.

Peninsula Youth Sailing

Contact: Molly O'Bryan Vandemoer, Executive Director

Email: director@pysf.us

Location: 1200 Chesapeake Dr, Redwood City, CA and 101 Westpoint Harbor Drive, Redwood City, CA

Programs: Check in for more information!

Richmond YC

Contact: Will Paulsen

Phone: (510) 237-4100

Email: sailingdirector@richmondyc.org

Location: Richmond Yacht Club, Richmond, CA.

Description: Located in Point Richmond, RYC offers classes to sailors and non-sailors alike. Boats available for use: Optis, Teras, Fevas, 420s, ILCA (Lasers), 29ers, and J/22s. Ages 8+

More info online: https://www.richmondyc.org/sailing

Sailing Education Adventures (San


Contact: Kif Scheuer

Phone: (415) 717-4809

Email: programdirector@sfsailing.org

Location: Loch Lomond Marina, San Rafael, CA

Description: SEA is a nonprofit community sailing center. SEA has been delivering quality sailing education for over forty years. Scholarships available for all programs.


Summer Camps (scholarships available!)

Mini (ages 8-10): 1 week, half-day. 4 sessions every other week in June and July. For campers new to sailing.

Mini Advanced (ages 8-10): 1 week, full-day. 3 sessions every other week in July and August. For campers with some sailing experience.

Basic/Intermediate(ages 11-16): 2 weeks, all-day. 4 sessions every two weeks June through August. For new and experienced campers.


Francisco YC (Belvedere)

Contact: Abby Featherstone, Youth Sailing Director Phone: (415) 435-9525

Email: youth@sfyc.org

Location: 98 Beach Road, Belvedere, CA

Description: Pricing listed on website, subject to change. Scholarships available through the Belvedere Cove Foundation.Programs

Summer Learn-to-Sail Program: ages 6–16. Two-week full-day sessions, June 16 through August 8

Session 1 (June 16–27), Session 2 (June 30–July 11), Session 3 (July 14–25), Session 4 (July 28–August 8) continued on page 52

Youth Sailing

Monday–Friday 9:00am–3:00pm Boats: Optis, Opti Cubes, CFJs, J/24s (provided). Registration opens to the public on January 31, 2025 Race Teams: ages 8–18, all levels. Offered year-round Boats: Optis, C420s, 29ers and RS-21s

S.F. Sea Scouts (Aquatic Park)

Contact: Tamara Sokolov

Phone: (415) 517-3943

Email: sfbay.seascouts@gmail.com

Sea Scouts is a club for ages 14–21. The club meets Saturdays and Tuesday evenings in person. Our youth members learn to maintain and sail a fl eet of traditional wooden boats. Sea Scouts also have weekend overnight trips, competitions with other scout groups, and a 2-week-long summer sailing trip. Cost is $375 annually. Makani is our junior boating club for ages 11–13. They meet every other Saturday to learn the basics of outrigger canoeing, sailing, rowing, and more. Our members also go on day trips throughout the year to explore the many nautical sites around the Bay. A great intro for those who can’t wait to join Sea Scouts. Cost is $150 Annually Summer day camps available. Please see the website for more detailed information.

St. Francis YC (San Francisco)

Contact: Brent Harrill

Phone: (415) 820-3729

Email: junior@stfyc.com

Location: StFYC, San Francisco, CA

St. Francis teaches kids as young as 8 years old, in boats sized just for them. For the older and more accomplished, the club offers trapeze sailing with spinnakers, keelboat sailing, and anything that pops up when opportunity strikes. You do not have to be a St. Francis Yacht Club

member for your child to participate in these programs. New sailors start with the Learn to Sail program and grow into Learn to Race. Sailors ages 8 – 11 sail the club's very manageable RS Teras. At about age 12, students grow into the RS Feva and C420, a two-person dinghy that more ambitious teenagers race in national championships. The J/22 programs are popular for teens who want to sail with friends, friends and more friends and get a grip on handling keelboats. All of these are excellent training vessels, provided and maintained by the Club.

Santa Cruz Yacht Club

Email: Juniordirector@scyc.org

Phone: (831) 425-0690

Summer Sailing Program: ages 8–18, Beg-Int., Week-long sessions June–August

School Year Program: ages 8–18, Beg-Int., Weekly sessions Sept–May

Boats: Optimists, CFJs, Lasers, El Toros, C420s Scholarships possible through Santa Cruz Sailing Foundation

Sausalito Yacht Club

Contact: Caitie Bryson, Youth Sailing Director

Phone: (415) 332-7400 x 114

Email: coach@sausalitoyachtclub.org

Location: 100 Humboldt Ave., Sausalito (next to the ferry terminal)

Programs: Ages 5–18. Summer camp and fall/spring after-school programs for beginner and intermediate sailors. Year-round race teams. Tamalpais and Marin Catholic high school sailing teams. Visit sausalitoyachtclub.org for more information.

Sequoia YC (Redwood City)

Email: rearcommodore@sequoiayc.org

Location: Redwood Creek

Description: Sequoia Yacht Club’s Junior Sailing program has been active for over 30 years. Run by dedicated volunteers, the program includes spring and fall sessions with Saturday classes for youths aged 8-18, of any skill level from beginner to Laser sailors.

The Program takes place in the calm and protected waters of the Port of Redwood City. Close monitoring, instruction, and guidance are provided on the water by our Sailing Instructors riding on safety boats. The classes emphasize safety-conscious FUN sailing, taking into consideration the weather, tides, and traffi c. The junior sailors are under constant supervision. Our motto is "if in doubt, don't go out". This is emphasized during our on-shore "chalk talks" where safety and seamanship are discussed.

Students learn boat nomenclature and handling, racing tactics, and sportsmanship, as well as general skills such as knot-tying and equipment maintenance. Tuition includes US Sailing Level One Logbook sign-off, a Diploma, a Beery's Basic Sailing instruction book, and the use of our club boats.

Space is limited to seven students per class to ensure individualized attention to the young sailors.

Shoreline Lake Youth Sailing

Contact: Chris Nicol, Boathouse Manager

Phone: (650) 965-7474

Email: sailing@shorelinelake.com

Location: Shoreline Lake Boathouse, Mountain View, CA

Description: Shoreline Lake offers a variety of dedicated sailing programs, from Beginner to Advanced, for Kids and Teens (ages 7–16). Located in a nature preserve within


the heart of Silicon Valley, kids can have a great time learning to sail (according to US Sailing standards), without the risk of the actual Bay. Besides a focus on learning new skills, pushing existing ones, and safety, experienced instructors ensure each program is suited to the interests, skills and age level of every participant. Kids summer camps (7–16 years old): www.shorelinelake.com/summer-camps.html

Bug Sailing

Beginner Sailing

Intermediate Sailing

Beginner Windsurfi ng and Sailing

Intermediate Windsurfi ng and Sailing

Advanced Sailing

Performance Sailing

Counselor-In-Training Sailing Instructor Program Group weekend classes (14+ years old, held Feb–Nov): www.shorelinelake.com/sailing.html

Introductory Sailing

Intermediate Sailing

South Beach Yacht Club

Contact: Wendy Hanrahan

Email: sbycyouthsailing@gmail.com

Location: Pier 40 on the Embarcadero directly north of Oracle Park (use 899 2nd Street on google map) South Beach Yacht Club offers summer sailing camp for kids 8-16. We offer weeklong beginner and advanced lessons for kids Monday through Thursdays 9am to 4pm, but on Fridays we have shorter class time from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (we can extend to 4 p.m. for those who need an extension because of parent's work schedule) Fridays we have the kids racing then come in for an awards ceremony and a luncheon that we provide to your sailor. Registration is open to all, no club membership required.

Please go to southbeachyachtclub.org/youth-sailing for more detailed information. Beginner classes for ages 8-16 years using RS Teras and Lasers.Advance classes for ages 11-16 using Lasers and doublehanded RS Fevas. For kids who have had 1-2 years sailing experience who want to expand their skills and to prepare kids for high school sailing tryouts. Weekend sailing throughout the year is available to those who already know how to sail. No classroom time, just hit the water! We offer small class size with an instructor/camper ratio of 1:5 for beginner sessions and 1:8 for advance class. Wetsuits and PFDs are available in limited sizes at no extra charge. We also provide scholarships dependent on household size and family income.

Spaulding Marine Center (Sausalito)

Contact: Lili Jeske

Phone: (415) 332-3179

Email: education@spauldingcenter.org

Location: Spaulding Marine Center, Sausalito, CA

Description: Spaulding Marine Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofi t organization. Students will learn to sail on a fl eet of S.F. Pelican sailing dinghies built and maintained in-house by our staff, volunteers and youth. All other boatbuilding programs and marine-servicing classes can be found on the Spaulding website.

Youth summer programs run through June – July – August and offer experiences in Sailing, Exploring, Kayaking, Hands-on Woodworking and Boatbuilding, Navigation, Weather, Tides and Currents, and Marine Science. Our programs are a week long and operate out of our facility here on the working waterfront of Sausalito. Discounts for multiple weeks, referrals, and full and partial scholarships are available.

Whiskeytown Lake, Redding CA

All Fleets Are Welcome: Dinghies * Centerboard * Multihull * Keel Boats

Notice of Race will be posted on website: www.whiskeytownsailing.org (530)355-3562


Membership info on WSC website

WSC is a Member Club of SF-YRA Discounts for US Sailing Assoc. members

Tahoe Community Sailing Foundation

Contacts: Bryce Griffi th, Sailing Director, (775) 772-2428

Kurt Williams, Recreation Superintendent, TCPUD (530) 583-3796

The programs provide comprehensive sailing training and water safety from June-Aug. All levels from Novice to advanced racing are offered. Jr. Race Team trains and races with Tahoe Yacht club's Laser fl eet regattas on Mon. afternoons and evenings. JR instructor training and leadership development are part of our youth development program.

Boats used: RS Zests, RS Ventures, 420's, FJ's and ILCAS (Lasers) This joint venture partnership provides Youth Sailing Programs June–August at Obexers Marina and Lake Forest Boat Ramp on Tahoe.

Treasure Island Sailing Center

Phone: (415) 421-2225

Fall programs offer an exciting opportunity for children ages 8 to 17 to either begin their journey on the water, or develop their existing sailing skills in our intermediate and advanced classes.

TISC’s summer camps are a wonderful way for children to learn about sailing, water safety and the environment. Everyone who sails on our little gem in the Bay, Clipper Cove, leaves with a renewed self-confi dence and a big smile.

Women’s Circuit

These events constitute Latitude 38’s unofficial Women’s Circuit. New this year are the YRA's own Women's Championship Series races.

We challenge women to take the helm and create their own series from this list. You don’t need to finish first, and you certainly don’t have to do all the races listed here! Send proof of your participation in as many events as you can to chris@latitude38.com by November 8, 2025, and you could be crowned Latitude’s Queen of the Women’s Circuit.

Sunday, March 9

IYC Island Days Midwinters #5 (775)336-7398, ezeflyer@gmail.com

Saturday, April 19

SFYC Anne McCormack Women's Invitational (415)789-5647, race@sfyc.org

Saturday, May 10

StFYC J/105 Women's Race (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Saturday, May 17

SeqYC Rock the Boat (YRA Women's Championship Series #1), (408) 596-1338, Stanleigh574@outlook.com

Tuesday, May 27

StFYC Women's World Match Racing Tour (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Wednesday, May 28

StFYC Women's World Match Racing Tour (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Thursday, May 29

StFYC Women's World Match Racing Tour (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Friday, May 30

StFYC Women's World Match Racing Tour (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Saturday, May 31

SFYC RS21's Women's Sprint 4 (415)789-5647, race@sfyc.org

Sunday, June 1

SFYC RS21's Women's Sprint 4 (415)789-5647, race@sfyc.org

Saturday, June 7

SFYC MMMM (415)789-5647, race@sfyc.org

Saturday, June 28

EYC Shirley Temming Regatta (YRA Women's Championship Series #2) (510)289-1193, vicecommodore@encinal.org

Saturday, July 19

HMBYC Take-The-Tiller Women Sailing Regatta (650)759-5399, rockmore79@gmail.com

Saturday, August 2

StFYC Match Race Qualifier (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Saturday, August 2

SYC Women's Skippers Regatta (415)828-4425, blalanne@lalannegroup.com

Sunday, August 3

StFYC Match Race Qualifier (415)655-7756 , racing@stfyc.com

Saturday, September 20

SBYC 12th Annual Red Bra Regatta (408)839-4131, dbcorbin@gmail.com

Friday Sunday, September 26-28

IYC Women’s Sailing Seminar (775)336-7398, ezeflyer@gmail.com

Saturday, October 4

Bonita Regatta (YRA Women’s Championship Series #3), (415)771-9500, info@yra.org

Sunday, October 19

IYC Jack & Jill + 1 (775)336-7398, ezeflyer@gmail.com

Sunday, October 26

PresYC Baxter-Judson Lady Skippers' Race (415)670-0283, travis.bellicchi@gmail.com


If you want to sail and are looking for a captain, or are a captain looking for crew, enter your information in the NEW Latitude 38 crew page to get connected. www.latitude38.com/crew-list


✦ Tight, tactical one design racing

✦ Mentor program for new members

✦ New boats now in production, but old boats just as fast

✦ Non-spinnaker and spinnaker races, cruise-ins and parties

✦ The best bang for the buck on the Bay!

Co- captains Kristen Soetebier & Lindsey Presson Santana22sfbay@gmail.com

photo courtesy of Brad Schwarz


SMALL BOAT MIDWINTERS: Jan 5, Feb 2, March 2, April 6






BULLSHIP: April 26

INTRACLUB #1: May 17


INTRACLUB #2: July 12


INTRACLUB #3: August 23









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