Latitude 38 October 1991

Page 1



AMCbg 0p6b}uow 8VSI •ou| ‘-AJ0S 6ui|!B|/\|



sn 3i vh >nns




□ Over 400 new concrete berths, 30-60' □ Secured gatehouse with individual keys □ 30-50 amp electrical service

The newest boat yard on the Bay, featuring a haul-out facility with a 60 ton high-capacity TRAVELIFT. Ample space is provided for you to work, or to have the expert craftsmen in our Marine Center make any kind of repairs for you.

□ Heated restrooms with showers □ Beautifully maintained landscaping □ Plenty of free parking


□ Cable TV available at each slip □ 60-ton TRAVELIFT 18' Beam □ Fully paved boat yard □ Sailboat and powerboat brokers on-site □ Fuel dock and mini-mart 0 Full Service Marine Center


GRAND MARINA To Webster St. Tube





Leasing Office Open Daily

(510) 865-1200 2099 Grand Street, Alameda, CA 94501

Take the 23rd Ave. exit off 880 to the Park St. Bridge. Turn right at the first light onto Clement St. Go one mile and turn right onto Grand St. and proceed to the marina.

page 2

A Heartfelt Victory. . .

Nouia, John Webb’s Cal 39, has

been making tracks in the local ocean! Racing in the 1MS2 division in the Ocean Racing Association’s Drake’s Bay race, Nouia placed first for the weekend. And in the 50th Annual Windjammer race to Santa Cruz on Labor Day weekend, she again came in first in her IMS division. your boat. Cali Pineapple Sails for a quote today.


DEALER FOR: Henri-Lloyd Foul Weather Gear • Headfoil 2 Sails in need of repair may be dropped off at: West Marine Products in Oakland or Stockton Svendsen’s in Alameda • Seabird Sailing Center in Berkeley We sell used sails as well as new. And we’re interested in trade-ins!


•Powered by Pineapples

(510) 444-4321 123 SECOND STREET, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94607


I Tffls Is A Good Time To Sell Your Boat! --—

We currently have qualified buyers looking for clean quality listings. List your boat with us now if you want results.

PARTIAL LISTING | 21' MARIEHOLM . ....2,500 25'CAL . ....4,000 27'CAL 2-27, diesel . ..17,500 27'O'DAY . ..15,000 BAYFIELD 29 cutter. Canadian bluewater pocket cruiser. $24,900.

27’CAL 27 MKIIi . ..24,900 27' CS, diesel. ..19,500 28'BENETEAU 285, furl, loran .39,500 29'BAYFIELD pocket cruiser... .. 24,900 29' ERICSON. ..14,900 30'SANTANA. ..25,000 30'CATALINA. ..23,500 30'PEARSON, diesel, furling.. ..19,500 32'ISLANDER. ..31,000

C&C 41, ’84. Beautifully maintained. SatNav, AP, dodger, hydraulics, lObags. Race/cruise. $114,500.

34' PANDA. ..84,000 34'WYLIE. ..39,500 34'PEARSON. ..68,000 35'SANTANA . .CALL 35'BREWER CUTTER. -.74,500 35'NIAGRA. ..77,900 35'ERICSON . ..34,500 36'C&C, furling . ..53,000

1990BENETEAUOCEANIS 430witha unique light and airy chestnut wood interior.$174,900

36' FREEDOM, 1987 . 114,500 36'PEARSON 365 . ..64,500 36'PEARSON. ..85,000 36' S-2 center cockpit. ..72,900 37' BENETEAU 375, 1986 . ..87,500 37’ HUNTER, cutter rig. ..54,900 37' O'DAY, 1982 . ..59,500 37' TAYANA, 1985. ..89,500 37'PASSPORT. 124,900

BENETEAU 38. Unique twin aft cab¬ ins. Autopilot, Loran, 7 bags, furling jib. $85,000.

38' SABRE. 159,000 38'BENETEAU.(2) 87,500 38'MORGAN . ..61,000 38' FARALLONE CLIPPER . ..25,000 38' HANS CHRISTIAN T, 1986.. 135,000 38'CATALINA. .CALL 40'PASSPORT.(2) 142,000


subscriptions calendar letters loose lips sightings big boat series '91 big bad bob legality of boardings cabo cruising preview product highlights nood regatta crew list intrigue mexico-only crew list max ebb: the eyes have it world of charter the racing sheet changes in latitudes classy classifieds brokerage advertiser's index

6 16 28 78 82 98 108 112 116 121 122 126 130 134 138 144 154 166 177 177

40'BENETEAU I0R one-ton. 115,000 40' BERMUDA, Hinckley. 134,000 1989 PASSPORT 41. Updated version of popular Passport 40. Like new. $195,000.

40' BENETEAU 405, 1989. 130,000 41' NELSON-MAREK. ..59,000 41'C&C. 114,500 42' PEARSON... .CALL

COVER PHOTO: Latitude/JR Big Boat Series action, same as it ever was.

43' MASON. 125,000 43' CHEOY LEE mtr sailr, '89.. 249,500

Graphic Design: Karen Toms

43' BENETEAU Oceanis 430 '90 174,900

Copyright 1991 Latitude 38 Publishing Co., Inc.

44'PETERSON, center cockpit . ..99,000


44'ALDEN CUTTER. 265,000

1220 Brickyard Cove Rd.

•50' PASSPORT . 495,000

PL Richmond, CA 94801

51' PASSPORT, center cockpit . 325,000

(415) 236-2633 FAX (415) 234-0118

53' MASON. 325,000

page 4

54' MAPLE LEAF. 215,000 59'HINCKLEY SOU'WESTER . 595,000

Latitude 38 welcomes editorial contributions In the form of stories, anecdotes photpgraphs-anylhlngbutpoems.pease.-wegottadrawthelinesomewhere.' Articles with the best chance at publication must 1) pertain to a west coast or universal sailing audience, 2) be accompanied by a variety of pertinent, in!°+,c^3dLack white (preferable) or color prints with Identification of all boats, and Re9Rle therein; ana 3) be legible: Anything you want back must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Submissions not by °k *ASE wiH Dot h® r®tumod- We also advise that younot send o gma photographs or negatives unless we specifically request them; copies wlllwork just fine. Notification time varies with our workload, but generally runs four to six weeks. Please don t contact us before then by phone or mail. Send all submissions to Latitude 38, P.O. Box 1678, Sausalito, CA 94966. For more specific information, request writers’ guidelines from the obove address.

Remember Us? We were the people at the Boat Show with the really nice boats. In fact, we were the show's largest exhibitor with an entire dock full of quality new and used boats. You may remember us as the people with smiles and helpful manners. It's easy to enjoy yourself when you represent great boats. We invite you to come to Passage Yachts on October 26th and get to know us, our boats, and our service department a little better. A large selection of sailboats will be on display. Demo rides will be offered on select models.


FIRST MODELS AVAILABLE 265,310*,32s5*, 35s5*, 38s5*, 45f5*, 53f5

ISLAND PACKET MODELS 27,28,32* ,35*, 38*, 44

OCEANIS MODELS AVAILABLE 350*, 370*, 390*, 430*, 500




Q Redeemable for


Redeemable for




of extra equipment of your choice, when you buy any new boat from

value Icom M7 hand¬ held VHP, when you buy any brokerage boat from

of cleaning and detailing services, when you list and berth your boat with




Expires 11/15/91

Expires 11/15/91

Expires 11/15/91 /15/M




October 26th OPEN BOATS




Join us on Oct. 26th for a test ride on a new Beneteau or Island Packet Call for Details page 5


1220 Brickyard Cove Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 (510) 236-2633 Fax (510) 234-0118 /


BENETEAU 45F5_Bruce Farr design new for 1991 BENETEAU 38s5. fast and elegant BENETEAU 35s5 _a best seller BENETEAU 32S5 BENETEAU 310- for 1991 a large, fast cruiser BENETEAU 430 --classic model BENETEAU 390 BENETEAU 370...stow away main BENETEAU 350 very popular model ISLAND PACKET 38...... super liveaboard ISLAND PACKET 35-a perfect cruiser ISLAND PACKET 32..... dealer repo, save

SUBSCRIPTIONS □ Enclosed is $45.00 for one year First Class Postage (Delivery Time 2 to 3 days) (Canada: First Class On/y)

□ First Class Renewal □ Enclosed is $20.00 for one year

On the Harbor - Santa Cruz

Third Class Postage (Delivery Time 2 to 3 weeks)

CU ThircJ Class Renewal

O'Neill's Brokerage Commitment: We do the work. If you're selling, we give you honest evaluations of your boat, we advertise, promote and show your boat, plus we keep you informed. If you're buying, we make the effort to find just what you're looking for. We have the knowledge and the network to find your boat anywhere on the West Coast. It's work we're ready to do for you. Don't just look for a boat - look for a broker whom you trust and who will put the energy into finding what you need - you'll find it a much better way to buy. - FEATURED BROKERAGE-■



CH Gift Subscription — Gift Card to read from:

We regret tliat we

cannot accept foreign subscriptions, nor do we bill for subscriptions.

Check or monev order must accomoanv subscriDtion request. l

Name Address City



DISTRIBUTION - Northern California □ We have a distribution point in Northern California which will distribute copies of Latitude 38. Enclosed is our name and street address. Copies will be sent via UPS at no cost to the distributor. □ Please send me further information for distribution outside Northern California. Name

SANTA CRUZ 40. The most impeccable *40" on the market todayl $15,000 invested in the past 12 months. She sports a triple-spreader rig and a four cylinder diesel. Fine sail inven¬ tory and an electronics package included. A great value - owner looking for offers.

KROGEN 42, 1985. A traveller in the true sense of the word. Extremely well balancedrecognized for her high quality In construc¬ tion. $175,000. This Krogen cannot be re¬ placed for less than $260,000- owner wants offers!

Address City


SAIL Santana 22,1973.SOLD Newport 27.$15,500 Islander 28, '82, dsl.SOLD Olson 29, Hull #12, Bristol.$26,500 Catalina 30,1984.$27,000 Albin Ballad 30,1978.Inquire Ericson 30.$18,500 Cal 31,1979, low hours on diesel.SOLD Cal 2-29,1976, wheel and diesel.... $17,500 Wylie 34.$34,900

Catalina 36,1983.$54,000 S-2 36. SOLD Catalina 38,1982.$49,500 Santa Cruz 40, no other as clean! .. $94,000

POWER Bayliner32,1988, twin turbo dsl.$79,500 Grand Banks 32,1983.$89,900 Willard 40, excellent.SOLD Grand Banks 42.1987.$249,500 Krogen 42, low hours ..$175,000


' "

~ State

— zip

Phone Number

LOsfoJe "we go where the wind blows" Publisher & Executive Editor.Richar(J Spind|er Co-Publisher...Kathleen

NEW 1991 Catalina 22.$11,485 Catalina 25. $19,500 Catalina 27.33,250 Catalina 28.$42,500


Catalina 30.$51,600 Catalina 34.$74,995 Catalina 36.$81,495 Catalina 42.*$118,000

O'Neill Yachts - Providing Consistent Quality Boat Dealership for Monterey Bay

Managing Editor. Associate Editor. Advertising. Advertising... General Manager." _ Production.

.John Riise .Rob Moore .John Arndt .Mitch Perkins ....Colleen Levine .Mimi Atkinson Christine Weaver .Robyn Tedd


ZZZZZZ Bookkeeping.ZZZZ.Z.


Printed on Recycled Paper

(408) 476-5202

P-O. Box 1678, Sausaiito, CA 94966

•There Is luxury tax on Ihs Catalina 42-but not muo


(415)383-8200 • Fax:(415)383-5816

octofeetJf^rjjnt onor

*- ** 5*T^5«*


•npr Square, 2415 ^CcA945^ A|alTlc^o/522'53^^

Disc04fo^nS*linO UnitS'

cruising °,HarKen andN0',n


page 7









OPEN BOAT WEEKEND October 12 & 13



Many Boats in Display Basin and MORE in the Grand Marina

also available for viewing


(510) 865-8601* FAX (510) 865-5560

V r

BUYERS! ONE STOP SHOPPING! Complete S.F. Bay Listing Program.



Information on vessels Lying U.S., particularly West Coast! We've acquired boats from Southern CA, Northwest and East Coast for our S.F. Bay Clients!


Readable Listing Information Sheets!


CHRISTINA 52 ULTIMATE CRUISER HCCHRISTINA52-CENTER/AFTCPT. LOA51'6" LWT-41’9" ream- ia DRAFT: 6’11" DISPLACEMENT: 31,350 lbs. DESIGNER: Doug Peterson Proven performance cruiser now available In 510" wing keel. lerson'


Complete Market Analysis at Listing. Market Plan to SELL YOUR BOAT!

HANS CHRISTIAN BBOIfFPA^p H.C. 43,1979, Traditional Mark II, $129,500 CSC brokerage

H.C. 43,1979, Traditional (Offer), $119,000 H.C. 33,1981, Offshore Equipped, $98,000/0ffer

41', 1985,

H.C. 45,1990, Ind. Trwtr, (Demo-no luxury tax), Pending

$30K Sail Inventory,

40', 1980,

Well Maintained,



H.C. (Corinthian), 1988, Loaded, Bay Sailed, $250,000

Direct West Coast Sales Approach.

dealers for

^ans® fistian

Multiple Listing Exposure West Coast and Continental United States.

Monthly Written Report of Activity. Three California Offices Serving You.





(510) 521-5636


Cruising World Pacific. (510) 521.1929

II 'fi ii ''


EXPLORER 45 Are you seeking fine sailing characteristics in a comfort¬ able, seakindly Blue-water Cruising Boat? This Explorer 45 offers ease of handling for TWO or room for six. Multiple sail combinations for short handers with Roller Furling & Club Staysail for easy sailing.

27-FT ORION For carefree or extended pursuits of your cruising dream, this Orion 27 MKII is a yacht you should know. Equipped for serious cruising with wind vane, A/P, dodger, reefer, 7 sails, anchors and more... Live your impossible dream for only $44,900.

40' STEEL.$75,000 33' STEEL...$48,000 Bluewater cruiser. Ready to go.



from $59,500

Immaculate condition, well equipped.

41’ CORONADO.$49,900

Inside steerine. ereat aft cabin.

45' LANCER Motorsailer.—'.. Inquire 32’ WESTSAIL.$57,500 Proven bluewater vet/spacious interior.

page 9



This one is the best you'll ever see!

BROKERS CHOICE 20' FUCKA_29,950 24‘ WAVELENGTH_12,500 IT SANTA CRUZ-13,900 28' NEWPORT..2from 12,500 28' BRISTOL CHANNEL CTR_68,950 29' ERICSON.2 from 16,500 29' ELITE_29,500 30' ERICSON 30+_36,000 30' CATAUNA_Reduced 26,600 31' MARIAH...48,500 32' VALIANT..39,500 32' WESTSAIL.2 from 49,500 33' VANGUARD ...... ...._29,500 ..39,900 33' ROUGHWATER_ 33' S0VERAL_ _39,900 .29,500 33' RANGER_ 33' PEARSON IOMETER_36,950 33’ CUSTOM STEEL-48,000 33' HUNTER--28,500 34' HANS CHRISTIAN-69,500 34' HUNTER_44,500 35' GURNEY.--47,500 35' CHEOYlfE_49,500 35' FORMOSA_39,500 35' C&C_68,950 „. 49,900 35' RAFIKI... ...74,500 35' BREWER,.74,000 35‘ HUNTER LEGEND. ..53,000 36' C&C. 36' NAUTILUS —--75,000 36' SABRE_110,000 36' ISLANDER....39,500 37' PETERSON_75,000 38' SABRE_1/5,000 40' STEEL_/ 5,000

40' CHEOYlfE OFFSHORE 40—74,500 41' KINGS LEGEND (2)-59,900 41' CORONADO_49,900 41' MORGAN 01........-79,000 42' TAYANA_113,000 43' PETERSON ’Scmfe/t Ota’.... 49,000 43’ YOUNG SUN_reduced 74,500 44’ SWAN_128,500 44' S&S_62,000 44' PETERSON_2 from 99,900 45' RHODES __68,000 45' NEW ZEALAND MULL.—155,000 45' CORONADO_79,500 45' COLUMBIA_Reduced 84,500 45' EXPLORER, dr cockpit-89,000 45' LANCER_New listing 45' EXPLORER, oft cockpit-99,500 47' STEVENS_1/8,500 48' fi_143,000 51' PASSPORT_2from299,000 55' SWEDE---125,000 57' SPAULDING_74,500 .395,000 75' MOTORSAILER...

Reduced $$$$$




S E L l E R S





Power or Sail



• Your donation is tax-deductible. Let us show you the attractive value and speedy transfer that we can arrange. • Eliminate broker fees, advertising and berthing. • Help instill the love of the sea and boating in the youth who participate in scouting. The Scouts are looking for any craft, power or sail, in serviceable condi¬ tion.





Ask for Bob Dillard

(415) 327-5900

• Full Batten Mains

• Furling Systems


and sail & furling system installation packages

Call Today For A Quote

• Custom Cruising and Racing Sails • Repairs and Recuts • Roller Furling Systems Sales, Installation and Service Roller Reefing Sail Conversions • Stoboom: Tames Your Mainsail • Full Batten Mains, Lazy Jack and Dutchman™ Systems • Harken Batten Traveler System




Put Hood's Services To Work For You

COLD Stop lugging ice down the dock and give Scan Marine a call. We have the refrigeration system to fit your boat. Check out these advantages: Unique holding plates for maximum efficiency, low battery drain design, easy instal¬ lation kits, and low prices. So let Scan Marine help keep you COOL!

12V air-cooled or engine-driven systems also available.

HOOP SAILMAKERS Quality sails, repairs/recuts, furling systems, canvas.

Call Al Mitchell or Robin Sodaro 466 Coloma St., Sausalito, CA 94965

(415) 332-4104

j/0lhcffn 5000

• Watercooled • Danfoss Compressor • Stainless Steel Holding Plates • Pre-Fi I led with Freon • Quick Couplings • Noiseless Waterpump & Compressor

(206) 285-3675

FAX: (206) 285-9532


2U4 WESTLAKE AVE N, SUITE D Seattle wa mm

page 10


CT 48 Perry design 3 stterooms, Golley w/dinette. Bright Main Solcon, :: 2 heads • Gen., 6 man liferaft, spinnaker, sailing dinghy. $140,000

51* MORGAN, '77 3 staterooms, radar, roller furling, dodger, looded, divorce fortes. Sole $126,500.

45' MULL NZ, '81 Style of a Baltic, performance of a SC 50, Bristol condition. $155,000.

Hundreds More Boats Available • Cooperation With Brokers Everywhere ..

: :



GUERNEY alum_56,000

CUPPER SCHOONER, 75 ....125,000

HUNTER, 1979 - 29,000

HANS CHRISTIAN, 1986 ....305,000

ARIES, 1981_3 from 30,000

PORPOISE KETCH, 72_132,000


MORGAN, 1978 _ 95,000



ERICSON, 1986 _ 45,000

HARDIN, 1979_...99,000

ISLANDER_2 from 20,000

FISHER ISL.KETCH, ‘63....... 99,000

65' MACGREGOR Racer with 4 chutes, 14sails, B&G electronics. Ready to go anywhere. $127,000.


PEARSON 303 _ 48,000

HC.77.2 from 125,000

ISLANDER, 1968-19,000

CORONADO, 72_54,000

LANCER, 1984 _ 24,500

FREEPORT, 1976_ 89,500


52' CHE0Y LEE, M.S., '82. Twin Lehman dsls, Gen, SatNav, WeFex, Benmar 210,3 staterms, 2 heads w/shawers, wosher/dryer. $238,000.

MORGAN_78,000 RHODES, 1966_._..... 60,000 MARINE TRADER, MS, '82 ..85,000


MOTIVA STL PH, 1981_76,500 VAUANT, 1978_98,900 WORTH, 1984.


PEARSON 365, 79-48,000 ERICSON, '81 _75,600 MORGAN, 1979 _ 66,000 CABO RICO

45' STARRATT CUTTER 2 staterooms, teak deles, told plate refridgerotor, radar, A/P, dodger, roller furling, main pb, beautiful interior. $110,000.

HUNTER, 1984 - 62,000

36' OCEAN, '88Twin 3208 Cat turbos. $134,900.

TARTAN, '82_ 79,000 TAYANA, 1978 _ 79,000

r,.ry ..jrt,...

HANS CHRISTIAN, 1975 _ 62,000 ISLANDER, 1976 — 4 from 40,000 J, 1981__2 from 66,000 PEARSON, 1985.


PEARSON 365,1979 - 48,000 FANTASIA, '77 - 62,000 ERICSON, '88_ 84,000 CAC.79-39,000 HUNTER, 1983 _ 49,000

41' CANOE COVE '80 Exceptionally Spacious, flush deck, 3 stateroom interior, Radar, Loran, New engines, separate showers. $125,000.

44' LAFITTE'80 Outstanding bluewater cruiser, will consider trades for RE or smaller boat. $139,950. With radar, autopilot, dodger, roller furling. Like new. "i.





1976, C & C 38 Recent circumnavigation. Refit and ready. $65,000

CtC 36,1980 Ful batten, key jock, furling headsoil, epoxy bottom. Like new. $53,000. ■

page 11


Columbus sailed the ocean blue and we can help you do it too.

Our boatyard has been in continuous operation at this location for 35 years. Last year we hauled and worked on 613 boats. We want to thank our repeat customers for their confidence and our new customers for their trust.

310 West Cutting Boulevard Richmond, CA 94804

(510) 234-7960

1070 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 100 Alameda, CA 94501





(510)865-6151 FAX (510) 865-1220




wMBIekenp' B (Weather Permitting

12& 13 imp ‘»r %

■IpPPa BP?


« Ai


!!M83K? P-


■. : •

fm |P?u



;#3fi.34' .34' .34' 34' .33' •33' •32'

page 13


_^ $69,500. BAY* COASTAL CRUISERS-confd



•• coo ,27' ERICSON.l£lf.......14500 *38' HANS CHRISTIAN .........—‘"-r?*000

ii3 »« •» 07,500 .50- MIKEISON.269,000 »36' !9XX» 45' .162.000 .44' 05 *00 *44' .2 ^ .44' -

JEANNEAU--.149)300 HANS CHRISTIAN PH.26X000 AMAZON STEEL.239444 SPACER 1330.109)000 -v/i.67500 .149,500 ..49500 'iec« .40' VALIANT.. ..............99,500

Atsa IN THE open *OAT WEEKjm





POWERBOATS .42' CHRIS COMMANDER.74.950 ,4V LVHRS.....71000 *37 HERSHINE.65-500 *32' GRAND BANKS.-.79.000 .30' TOLLYFBSEDAN......—.— 59.950



Saturday October 12 10 am - 5 pm Please come by to seethe latest in marine systems. We will have demonstrations and technical staff on hand to discuss your boat's equipment needs.

Diesel forced air, 16,000 BTU net, all new technology with 3 automatic heat levels to provide even warmth throughout. Sailboats to 48' Power to 42'


♦J«J*Sea Recovery,* •






■ A /*»**« M» SVSttMS’ CO

















399 Harbor Dr., 94966

Celebrating our 14th year



In Grand Marina Boat



T Martinez Marine Hardware Complete Boating Supply Store Anchors • Chain • Dock Lines Charts • Running Lights • Paints Rope • Books • Videos • GSi Refill Silicone Bronze & Stainless Steel Fasteners & Fittings


(over West Marine Products)

415 858*1544

(510)372-7579 3811 Alhambra Avenue Martinez, CA 94553 (1/4 Mile Off Highway 4)

page 14

• GPS-1 Black-Box Navigation Sensor can be integrated with other navigation instruments accepting position data in NMEA 0182 format. • State-of-the-art five-channel parallel system automatically tracks up to five satellites to update your position every second. • GPS-1 Receiver connects directly to SI-TEX NAV-ADD 7000 and 8000 video charts and other SI-TEX instruments to provide GPS position data. • Fully automatic. No new operating procedures to learn. Just turn it on and GPS position data is there. Anywhere in the world.

Price Breakthrough


• Easy-to-install system includes an antenna with 50 feet of cable.



$1095 • Just add the 7000 to the GPS- 7 pictured above or to your existing Loran C. • Shows vessel track & waypoint info on a sharp 8" CRT. • Uses C-Map high definition charts for coastline detail. SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION OF SAUSALITO 300 Harbor Drive 94965 (415) 332-5086

Maritime Electronics "We Make Boat Calls"

OF SAN JOSE 1539 So. Winchester 95128 (408) 378-0400



The fact is: the right sail is not just a single design formula to fit everyone. At Marion we take a different approach to the design and construction of sails. We’re interested in your performance expectations, your sailing style, and where you intend to sail. Put our knowledge and experience to work for you. Call the experts at Marion about your individual sail requirements For New Sails, Repair and Recuts Call: Dick Pino and Howie Marion


(510) 523-9411



BY MARION: Sails, Recuts, Repairs, Canvas Loft: Alameda Marina, 2035 Clement Avenue, Alameda CA 94501 Mail: P.O. Box 4014-281, Alameda, CA 94501


\\ \ \\


CALENDAR Nonrace October 1,1781 — United States naval officer James Lawrence was bom in Burlington, NJ, on this day 210 years ago. He died 32 years later during the War of 1812 when a vessel under his command, the Chesapeake, was captured by the British ship Shannon. Law¬ rence’s dying command — "Don’t give up the ship!" — became a watchword of the Unlted States Navy. October 2 — Latitude 38 Mexico-Only Crew List Party at Sausalito Cruising Club. Guacamole and cervezas from 6-9 p.m. — see Crew List article elsewhere in this issue for the lowdown, or call us at 383-8200. October 4 — Free slide-illustrated program about chartering in the Hebrides Islands of Scotland. Clayton Williams will make the presentation; Stockdale Marine Theater (Sacramento); 7:30 p.m.; (916) 332-0775. October 5 — Festival By The Bay, co-sponsored by Marina Bay and the City of Richmond. Entertainment for the whole family from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For details, call 620-6806. October 5 — San Francisco Seven Seas Cruising Association’s Annual Cruising Party. Coyote Point YC; 1 p.m. kickoff. Ginger Gardner, (408) 296-7406. October 5 — Safety at Sea Seminar: Lectures and Demon¬ strations on Small Boat Safety at Sea. John Bonds, Executive Director of USYRU, will run a program covering voyage prep, offshore safety equipment, EPIRBS, radios, search and rescue procedures, fire fighting, medical emergencies, life rafts and storm tactics. Cowell Theater in Fort Mason; register at 8 a.m.; program runs 9-5; for the full scoop, call 775-8779. October 5-6 — Morro Bay Harbor Festival. Info, (805) 7721155. October 9 — First SSS TransPac Seminar (the remaining sessions will occur on the second Wednesday of each month through next June). This time, a panel of race vets will discuss overall preparation. 7-9 p.m. at the Oakland YC; free; Race Chairman Jeff Arnst, 336-4382 (days). October 10-13 — 9th Annual Stockton Sport & Boat Show. Stockton Chamber of Commerce, (209) 466-7066. October 12 — Fleet Week begins with the Parade of Ships, followed by the ever-popular Blue Angels at one o’clock. For the full schedule of events, call 395-3928.


Charts are our business . .. So our large inventory covers most of the world. We carry National Ocean Survey, National Oceanographic and British Admiralty Charts.

MHg We v also stock all the publications and navigation books that you need and Pilot Charts, toran. Omega and plotting chans are on hand. And we sell sextants, chart tools, compasses, clocks, binoculars. •


Please call us for your requirements. We are at your service. Days of thunder: the Blue Angels return to the Bay on October 12.



(510) 523-5726

October 12 — South Bay Yacht Racing Association Awards Dinner at Oyster Point YC. Call Ed Rank (436-6900) for further enlightenment. October 12 — Encinai YC Women-Only Fun Sail to Angel Island. Open to women of all skill levels. Mary Louise Higgins, 7480289, or Deborah Lage, 655-0908.


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• Secure ^e •,WG“«"*-

The Embarcadero at Pier 40, San Francisco, CA 94107 Harbor Master: (415) 495-4911 page 17




October 12 — Cal 20 Awards Dinner at Encinal YC, preceded by crew races and a singlehanded race in the afternoon. Cruise in for lunch and stay overnight. Hester Burn-Callander, 388-5116. October 12-13 — Vintage Boat Show at the Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito. Big and little wooden ships, entertainment, food and drink, nautical art and skills demonstrations. Sausalito Tall Ship Society; Ed Griggs, 332-3871.




Sutter Sails FOR ALL YOUR ROLLER FURLING NEEDS • Largest Selection of Used Sails in Northern California • Racing and Cruising Sails • Repairs and Recuts • 35 Years Experience

(415) 332-2510 HARBOR DRIVE, SAUSALITO, CA P.O. BOX 927, SAUSALITO, CA 94966 page 18

Cruvin' at the Big Boat Series: Dave Cruver and admirers.

October 14 — Columbus Day. 499 years ago today, Plnta crewman Rodrigo de Triana spotted land at 2 a.m. You know the rest of the story. October 14 — ESPN coverage of the America’s Cup — better than Monday Night Football! 1900 hours (subject to change). October 19 — Book Signing: author/editor (and Charlie’s widow) Margo Wood will be autographing her latest cruising guide, Charlie’s Charts of Costa Rica at Seabreeze Limited in San Diego, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; (619) 223-8989. October 19-20 — Freedom Yachts Rendezvous. Helms Yacht Sales, (510) 865-2511. October 19-20 — Second Annual Master Mariners Drakes Bay Cruise and Oyster BBQ. Last year 20 boats participated. Dan Drath, 851-7601. October 19-20 — NorCal Youth Sailing Association Regatta/ Symposium at Coyote Point YC. Two day clinic/regatta for juniors, sailed in Lasers and El Toros. Patrick Andreasen, 457-9374. October 23-27 — USYRU Clinic for Youth Directors. About 100 junior sailing directors will descend on St. Francis YC to brainstorm for four days. St. Francis YC race office (563-6363) or Patrick Andreasen (457-9374). October 24-26 — SAMS (Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors) annual meeting and continuing education seminar in San Diego. SAMS, (800) 344-9077. October 26 — Six-Hour Diesel Seminar offered by Pacific Marine Institute (at Grand Marina, Alameda); call Craig Wooster at (510) 522-7300 for reservations and details. October 26 — Fourth Annual Small Craft Rowing and Sailing Regatta at Hyde Street Pier. Tours, sailing and demonstrations from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; regular $3 admission to the Pier. Registration/ information, 929-0202. October 27 — Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. (set clocks back one hour). Where did the summer go? October 2 7 — Freedom Yachts Rendezvous at Encinal YC. Noon race/cruise for all classes, followed at 4 p.m. by a meeting with designer Gary Mull. The day ends with dinner and a costume party. Helms Yacht Sales, (510) 865-2511, October 31 — Halloween, as well as the scheduled release of Nightmare on Elm Street, PartXXXV///—Freddy Learns to Sail. Why does anyone live on Elm Street anymore? November 1 — Etchells Fleet 12 Awards Banquet; 6:30 p.m. at



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Brokerage Specials

These Prices Are For Boats in Stock ONLY

Using our Multiple Listing Service we can find you the right boat at the right price. Let us work for you.




SOLO 295,177




























ALOHA 27. Harken roller furling,


Honda 10 hp. Roomy interior, lots of upgrades. $11,950.






-\i_ ~

PDQ36 $145,000



-YACHT BROKERAGE LISTINGSYR '80 77 '85 78 73 77 '81 '86 73 ■83 '84 '87 '85 79 '89

PRKE 13,875 14,950 11,950 11,500 17,950 21,900 27,900 36,000 29,750 34,950 OFFER 59,500 39,900 25,950 76,950


Brokerage Boats Are Moving Fast - We Need YOURS. 32' 33' * 33' 34' 34' * 34' 35' 35' 36' * 36'


54.950 38,750 59.500 77.950 62.500 36,900 29.500 69.500 53,000 55.950

37' 371 38' 38' 38'


'80 109,950 '86 92,500 '82 74,950 '89 119,000 •84 99,950



2415 Mariner Square

Alameda, CA 94501




(510) 523-8773



'81 '82 76 72 76 '87 '65 71 '85 '85 73 '81 79 '85 '80

94,500 85,000 75,000 69,500 79,500 119,750 87,000 36,900 174,950 149,000 69,500 147,500 41,500 395,000 965,000


Fax 5108654382





SZ 25' 26' 27' 27' 27' 28' 28' 28' 30' 30' 30' 30' 31' 31' 32'


The Moorings has chosen these magnificent Cats as the charter boat of the 90's .iCall for details on placing a * —* Lagoon in charter - ^ Caribbean, Tahiti, Polynesia and other locations. LAGOON 42 by Jeanneau i



Ketch launched in 1980, major overhaul in 1988 by Derecktons, like new. $965,000.



82-FT. BROOKES M.S. ’Vagrant Sea". Magnificent World Cruising



ALL 1990 Si 1991 MODELS

★ 1992 CATALINA 36 ★


IMAGINE that you are out sailing, enjoying Bay, Delta and ocean waters. IMAGINE singlehanding your boat, sailing with your "landlubber" friends, sailing in complete control and confidence. IMAGINE cruising to nearby anchorages and distant islands, relaxing in style in a warm and spacious cabin. IMAGINE (years later) that you are selling your boat and happily discovering that many others are interested. That your boat is in demand, saleable, no hassle. Did you IMAGINE? ff "no", turn the page. If "yes", what you have been imagining is owning and sailing your Catalina 36.

§*■ •


Mariner Square. Alameda



Call Dave Vickland or Del Littfin






Call Cliris Boome or Ed Hallelt





ERICSON 39B, '76.49,500


CATALINA, 84 .54,950


NONSUCH, 87 .141,000


CATALINA, 86 .64,900


ISLANDER, 79...47,000

CATALINA 36 liveaboard interior,

NONSUCH 26 the quality of nonsuch


NIAGARA, *81 .59,500




COLUMBIA 10.7, '79 .40,000


CATALINA, '87 .59,000


ERICSON 38 '83,3 jibs, very complete ELECTRONICS, LOADED, SUPER CLEAN. $73,900

NIAGRA 35 '81 passagemaker




32' WESTSAIL.49,900 30'

NONSUCH, '86 .95,000


NONSUCH, '83 .55,000

30' CATALINA, '83 .34,500 30'

CATALINA, 83 .32,000


CATALINA, '81 .26,500


CATALINA, '79 .26,000


CATALINA, **1990** .48,500


PEARSON, '74.15,200





27' CATALINA, 76 .

Coyote Point Marina. San Mateo

code qatk ScUet (415)342-2338




Farallone Yacht Sales;




NONSUCH,'87 .59,000


NONSUCH, '82 .45,000


CATALINA, 83 .13,995


O'DAY, '76.8,000


MERIT, '85 .4,000


SANTANA, '66.3,800

15' WW POTTER, '86.3,500

SAIL .SAN MATEO 211 WILDERNESS. '81 .4,995 22’ SANTANA, 69.4,900 22 TANZER, '77 .3,995 25' CATALINA, '78 w/trlr . 12,995 25 CATALINA, 83 w/lrlr . 1 3,995 25 CORONADO .2 from 4,400 25 ODAY 1976.7,900 25 MacGREGOR 79, swngkl trlr ..4.7S0 25' YAMAHA, '78, dsl/race.11,995 26' NONSUCH, '89, perfect .58,995 26 INT. FOLKBOAT. 1972.10,995 27' CATALINA.3 From 11,995 27' BRISTOL, '76.14,995 28 HAWKEARM, 761 design .24,995 28 COLUMBIA 67 wired . 7,495 30' CATALINA .4 from 27,495 30' LANCER, 1984.Reduced 25,995 30 MORGAN, 77.23,995 30 ERICSON, '84.39,900 31 MARINER, '70 ketch .25,900 31 COLUMBIA, '66.1 7,99S 31 SEAFARER, 74 .13,995 33 PEARSON, '75.39,000 33' NAUTICAT, 1983.84,995 34' CAL, 1970.23,500 35' BALTIC, '86 new listing. 1 35,000 35' ERICSON'75 .35,000 35' NIAGARA, 1981 . 69,995 36 PEARSON, 1981 .69,995 36’ CATALINA, loaded, like new ..63,995 40’ NAUTOR, '70 new listing ...64,995 41’ MORGAN, '74.55,995 42' CATALINA .115,000 43‘ COLUMBIA, 1971 .68,995 44’ PETERSON, '78 ctr cockpit .... 109,500 47’ PASSPORT, '85 ctr cockpit .... 224,995 48' C&C LANDFALL '80 reduced .... 99,000 51' BALTIC, 1982.435,000 POWER




SEAHORSE, ’8.4 trawler, mat ..69,995









• Rigs easily - sailing in just 5 minutes • J-Boat Performance • Low cost one-design racing . . . ~ 3 sail limit, long life full batten dacron mainsail, 100% jib and gennaker with snuffer ~ Sail replacement restrictions ~ Crew limit of 880 lbs. ~ Harken roller furling standard • Large cockpit - bigger than any other J • 20 hp inboard diesel - 7 kts under power • Designed for enjoyable, performance sailing and comfortable weekending • Transom with swim platform She's great looking, easy to sail,, very affordable and truly is a boat you'll use and enjoy more than any other currently on the market.



Don't miss it at our dorks!

Call for a test sail BAY Alts A ONE DESIGN HEADQUARTERS SAIL * 24' J-24, '80 .11,000

32' Ericson, 70 . 21,000 *37' Express,'86.... 110,000 33'Farr,'84 . 45,000 38' Soderberg, '85 ..39,000

* 24' J-24,79 . 8,500

33'Chaser, 76.19,500

*24' J-24, '84 .17,000

33' Chita, 78.37,950 33' C&C, 76.35,000

38' Challenger'63 ..49,500 40' Farr, '85.75,000

40'Wilderness..64,500 24' Captiva, '88 .12,000 42'Baltic,'82.298,000 25' Santana, 79 . 8,500 33* Nauticat, '85 .90,000 26' Capo Bay, 84 ...20,000 *34'Catalina,'87 .60,950 *43’Slocum,'85 ....197,000 * 26' Ranger, 71.7,600 34' Express, '88 . 84,950 * 44' J-44, '91 .359,000 44'Peterson, 75 ..120,000 27' J-27, '85 .23,500 ‘ 35' J-35, '84 . 69,500 *27'Catalina, 72 .9,500 35' Pretorian '82.79,500 * 27' Express.21,500 ’35'Santana, 79 . 32,500

51'Morgan, 76 ....159,500 POWER

28' J-28C, '87.55,000 ■35'Santana, 79 . 38,500 * 29' J-29, '83 . 25,000 ’ 35' Santan3, '80 . 43,500 30' J-30, '81 .29,000 36' C&C,'81 .53,000

26' Cruisers, '88.38,500


FARR 1020

As your one-design headquarters we are offering beautiful FARR 1020,1984, "fa Company'. Perfromcnce cruiser; examples of Express speed, beauty ond,crafemonship - a full electronics, refrigeration with freezer, propane ■ easy 34 and in excellent shape. Call in today for complete to operate fractional rig, full sail inventory. At our docks, information.

24' SeaRay Sport... 17,500 31’Bertram,'66..65,000

30' J-30,79 . 35,000 30' Columbia,'77 ...19,950

36' J-36, '81 .55,000

34' Nautiline, 73.22,500

36' Morgan, 73 . 39,000

36' Marine, 78 . 59,750

30' CS, '86 . 49,000 * 30' Catalina,'77 . 23,000

36'Pearson 365.69,000 36' Islander .2 from 45,000

38'Chris Craft'63 ..45,000 40'Cruise-A-Hm ....42,500

30' Custom Mull.... 39,950

36'C&C,'81 .53,000

43' Sportfish, '81 .150,000

2415 Mariner Square Dr.,Alameda, CA 94501 (510)523-8500 Don Trask, Chris Corlett, Nate Knowles, Dave Willke, John Niesley, Ed Milano






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Corinthian YC. RSVP, Vito Bialla, 332-7111. November 2 — Cal 2-27 Annual Meeting at Tiburon YC. Gary Albright, 837-4648 (home). November 2 — OYRA Awards Banquet. One of few opportun¬ ities for ocean sailors (1MRDA, MORA, PHRO and SSS) to meet each other. Richmond YC; 7 p.m.; Betty Lessley, 485-2301. Racing October 4-6 — Santana 35 Nationals. Six races hosted by San Francisco YC. Joining the Santanas will be J/24s, J/29s, Olson 30s and Newport 30s, all sailing in the Fall Regatta. SFYC, 435-9133. October 5 — Junior Waterhouse Race, the last ocean race of the year. Richmond YC will fire the guns; YRA, 771-9500. October 5 — Sixth Annual Hans Christian Regatta at Encinal YC (rescheduled from last month). Jeanne Mueller, 521-5636. October 5 — Fremont Sailing Club Fall Series on Lake Elizabeth. FJs, Lidos, El Toros. Joe Doering, 793-5578. October 5-6 — Last two races of the South Bay Yacht Racing Association’s summer schedule. Ed Rank, 436-6900 (w). October 5-6 — Watts Trophy: owner/driver sled wars at the Los Angeles YC. ULDB 70 Association/Tom Leweck, (213) 454-4455. October 11-13 — St. Francis YC International Masters Regatta. J/24 racing on the Cityfront for kinder and gentler sailors. Among the luminaries this year are Hawaii’s Charlie Dole, San Diego’s Malin Burnham and Japan’s Takashi Takamura (owner of the J/44 Tak). Don Trask, 522-0545. October 12-13 — Second Annual Ballena Bay YC South Bay Challenge. Three races for individual and yacht dub honors. BBYC, 523-BBYC or Bob Flaherty, 748-0600. October 12-13 — Berkeley YC’s 4th Annual Nimitz Interclub Team Races. Yacht clubs can enter as many 3-boat teams as they wish; each team must total 450-500 under the PHRF rule; 5 races, no throwouts. Bobbi Tosse, (510) 939-9885. October 12-13 — All Islander & J/30 Regatta at Tiburon YC. Ed Perkins, 285-2404 (w) or 389-1715 (h). October 12-13 — El Toro Stampede/Team Races at Richmond YC, 237-2821. October 19 — Berkeley YC 16th Women Skipper’s Cup. Only requirement is a woman skipper. One race on the Circle; PHRF handicaps. Bobbi Tosse, (510) 939-9885. October 19 — Jessica Cup, a 'Master Mariners' type event hosted by St. Francis YC. Last time, the prizes were cans of varnish! StFYC, 563-6363. October 19-20 — McGaw Cup: match racing on the Berkeley Circle between St. Francis YC and Richmond YC in J/24s. StFYC, 563-6363. October 19-20 — Hot Tuna Rally for Santana 35s. Three races hosted by the Encinal YC; racers and cruisers invited. This is expected to be the biggest gathering of Tuna 35s in years. Byron Mayo, 5212356. October 19-20 — ODCA Champion of Champions Regatta at StFYC. Modified format (probably 3 races) and a return to a fall venue. Bill Murphy, 675-2836. October 19-20 — Vallejo 1-2: Singlehanded up, doublehanded back. Call for revised sailing instructions. Skipper’s meeting at 7 p.m. on October 16 at OYC. Vice Commodore Pat Zajac, (510) 232-9965. October 19-20 — First Annual 'Runga-Cutta' Race from San Francisco to Half Moon Bay. Sponsored by Sierra Point & Half Moon Bay Yacht Clubs; for race packet, contact Jim Lee, 856-2815. October 26 — Red Rock Regatta, sponsored by the Tiburon YC. Ed Perkins, 285-2404 (w) or 389-1715 (h). October 26 — Weaver Regatta. One race for PHRF boats, especially cruisers. Sausalito Cruising Club; John Ruffino, (510) 2352633 (w). October 26-27 — Great Pumpkin Regatta. A one-design page 24

AN AMERICAN SUCCESS from Helms Cruising Center DON’T THE NEW WAIT F-24 UNTIL YOU’RE OLD AND GREY! Trailer, sails,




dodger, 5hp outboard, roller furler. The new F-24 weekender is easy to sail, easy to trailer, and easy for a family of four to enjoy for a weekend - or even longer. It's light weight makes towing the F-24 behind your car a snap - no special vehicle needed. The F-24 is stable and easy to sail. The simple layout of the rig allows the F-24 to be sailed by one person, and because it's a trimaran, the F-24 sails in an upright position. And the F-24 is affordable. It costs about the same as a second car, not a second home.




You don't have to be rich or take years off to go cruising. All of the advantages of cruising can be yours- new experiences, new scenery, newfriends, and none of the disadvantages (slow sailing, a major time and budget commitment), because the F-27 cruises at 55 mph on the highway. (On the water, the F-27 cruises at about 10 knots and stays upright.) You CAN do it now, not in some vague future scenario. So don't sit around waiting for a day that may never arrive. Get yourself an F-27 and GO DO IT!






THE FDEEDOM 38 The Cruiser's Motto...



*(...Keep It Simple, Sailor)


LANCER 36. Just sailed in from Panama. Boat shows in bristol condition w/loads of cruising gear. Ready to go at $51,950. -



Cruising Center

(510) 865-2511 2415 Mariner Square Dr., Alameda, CA 94501


24’ ,24' 25' 25' 27' 29' 30' 30' 30' 35' 38' 38' 41' 45' 45' 45'

CAL_CALL STONE HORSE_13,900 HUNTER, DIESEL_18,950 RHODES_6,900 CORSAIR F-27_ 54,500 TRINITEUA_19,000 HUNTER_28,000 NEWPORT_34,500 ERIG0N '85_35,000 SANTANA_35,000 CROTHERMAUBU trimaran 58,000 FREEDOM (demo)_169,500 FREEPORT_75,000 FREEDOM_288,950 COLUMBIA_110,000 COLUMBIA_92,500



The Freedom 38 is the quintes¬ sential cruiser. Simply put, with the freestanding carbon fiber mast and self-tending jib and main, there are... no stays no genoas no hung up jib sheets no fairleads no runners no spinnakers hassles no topping lift no whisker pole no sore muscles no hungry crew * no upset spouse. The Freedom 38 gives you the freedom to choose your company on the water. The Freedom 38 is, simply, Freedom. Si Como No!













THE ULTIMATE DESTINATION ... ULDB 70's, fabulous 50's, Swans, J-44's, Schock 35's and J-35"s, IOR and PHRF. Whatever fleet you-sail in, this is the ULTIMATE DESTINATION for your class. Plus trophies, prizes and hosted parties at both ends makes this a sure thing for SUN, FUN AND FIESTA. It's not too early to get your crew committed. Start planning now. IT'S THE THING TO DO IN 92. Hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club. For race Information call Irmgard Ryan at (619) 222-1103. For travel Information call Don Freedman at (800) 962-7474.


invitational for the following fleets: Express 27 & 37, Olson 25 & 30, J/24 & 35, Moore 24, Newport 30, Etchells, Cal 2-27, Hawkfarm and Wylie Wabbit. Costumes encouraged! Richmond YC, 237-2821. October 26-27 — Mercury/Snipe Regatta. StFYC, 563-6363. October 30 — Last of five 1991 International 50 Footer regattas, this one at Muira, Japan. November 2-3 — Calvin Paige Regatta. Star boat racing on the Cityfront. StFYC, 563-6363. November 9-19 — Raja Muda Regatta in Malaysia, rumored to be the 'muda' of all regattas. See World of Chartering. November 15-16 — Long Beach to Cabo San Lucas Race. Two starts for IOR, SCORA and PHRF boats. The finish line has been changed this year: rather than crawl the last few miles to the Arches, the race will end at Cabo Falso. Hosted by Long Beach YC; Race Chairman Roby Bessent, (213) 434-5711. February 13-14 — 9th Biennial San Diego to Manzanillo Race. Sponsored by BMW and Las Hadas Resorts, this event doubles as the feeder race to MEXORC. Irmgard Ryan, 222-1103. s

Mexican a




* Midwinter Race Series BERKELEY YC — Chowder Races. 10/26, 12/28, 1/25 and 2/22. Bobbi Tosse, 939-9885. BYC/MYCO — Berkeley Circle. 11/9-10, 12/7-8, 1/11-12 and 2/8-9. YRA, 771-9500. CORINTHIAN YC — 58th Annual Midwinter Regatta. 1/18-19, 2/15-16. Russ Bianchi, 435-4771. ENCINALYC —Jack Frost Series. 11/16,12/21,1/18,2/15 and 3/21. Rich Pipkin, 957-1956 (days). GOLDEN GATE YC — Manny V. Fagundes Seaweed Soup Per¬ petual Series. 11/2, 11/30, 1/4 and 2/1. GGYC, 346-BOAT. SAN FRANCISCO YC — Fall Series. 11/16-17, 12/14-15. SFYC, 435-9133. SAUSALITO CC — 11/23, 12/28, 1/25, 2/22, 3/28. John Ruffino, (510) 235-2633. SAUSALITO YC —11/9-10,1/11-12,2/8-9. SYC, 332-7400, or Penny Dudley, 627-5626.

Please send your calendar items by the 10th of the month to Latitude 38 (Attn: Calendar), P.O. Box 1678, Sausalito, CA 94966. Better yet, FAX it to us at (415) 383-5816. But please, no phone-ins! Calendar listings are for marine-related events that are either free or don’t cost much to attend. The Calendar is not meant to support commercial enterprises.

October Weekend Currents date/day 10/5Sat 10/6Sun

slack 1210 0028 1248

10/12Sat 10/13Sun

“Nice going. I certainly hope you re insured with Zeblick-Frisbeed


10/19Sat 1122 2334 10/20Sun 1154 10/26Sat 0944 2254


The name to try to remember in Marine Insurance.

(415) 523-3435

1102 0003 1155

10/27Sun 0936 2252

max 0229/4.0E 1503/3.7E 0323/3.9E 1543/4.3E 0214/3.2F 1348/1,9F 0305/2.8F 1438/1.6F 0128/3.0E 1403/2.9E

slack 0610 1834 0654 1922 0540 1630 0635 1718 0520 1751

max 0910/3.7F 2133/3.6F 0951/3.7F 2222/3.9F 0745/1.9E 1955/4.0E 0833/1,5E 2046/3.6E 0821/2 81 2039/2.5F

0216/3.1 E 1445/3.5E 0107/3.9F 1245/2.5F

0559 1831 0440 1524

0852/2.9F 2124/3.0F 0651/2.3E 1900/5.1 E

0059/3.7F 1237/2.3F

0437 1515

0642/2.1 E 1855/4.9E

page 26








(Sausalito Tall (Ship (Society Pos! Office Box 926-




Vintage Boat Show OCTOBER 12th & 13th 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Bay Model Visitor Center, 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito Sailing vessels on display Skills demonstrations • Entertainment A small boat exhibit • Food * Libations Nautical art • Films and programs For more information contact Ed Griggs

mhhbi (415) 332-3871 /

page 27


SAIL BOAT A UCTION October 5th & 6th, 1991 Yacht Masters and the California Maritime Academy will hold a small sailboat auction - 20 to 26 feet including Cal 20s, Folkboats, etc. All boats come complete, (some need minor repairs - approx. 10 boats). All must go! Cash or cashiers checks only.

To be held at

Yacht Masters #1 Harbor Way • Vallejo Marina Auction Begins at 1 pm Preview 10 am to 12 pm

1/2 price haulouts December, January & February Call Now to Reserve Space.



No Runs • No Drips • No Errors


Harbor Way • Vallejo Marina • Vallejo,

CA 94590

(707) 554-2813 • (707) 554-2553 • Fax (707) 554-8143

||IT WASN’T FUN AND I FELT A BIT GUILTY I agree with Sarah Hitchcock-Glover that the Wanderer’s idea of a Mexico To Marquesas Cruisers’ F?a//y is a very bad one. I’ve been there and know what a negative impact dozens of boats arriving at the same time would have. I remember hiking up and down the side roads looking for fruit trees and veggies, then searching out the owners of the property to try and buy/trade for anything they could spare. It wasn’t fun and I felt a bit guilty. And that was with only one other couple. I can’t imagine what would happen with dozens of new cruisers. Also, keep in mind that the owners of the Keikahanui Inn might have profits in mind when they give you their opinion of such a rally. Do all cruisers — and yourself — a big favor by making the passage on your own. It’s a wonderful adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life. P.S. Please let your readers know that there is a new rock breakwater just inside the entrance of Puerto Escondido Bay in Baja that leaves a passage only as wide as the 'slot'. At this time there are no lights on it, so please be careful when entering at night. Joyce Clinton \ Galadriel, Searunner 40 Trimaran Puerto Escondido, Baja

Off PLEASE RETHINK YOUR MADNESS I couldn’t agree more with Sarah Hitchcock-Glover’s letter recommending against a Mexico to Marquesas Cruisers’ Rally. Although I have not yet been to the Marquesas, I have been living the cruising life for 12 years and know the impact we cruisers have on isolated areas. Please rethink your Mexico To Marquesas Madness. And good on you, Sarah! Deloris Bolkan Endless Summer Puerto Escondido, Baja Deloris and Joyce — The Wanderer has done a lot of thinking about a Mexico to Marquesas Cruisers’ Rally and has carefully considered the stated objections. But based on conversations with people who have lived there for more than 10 years — the Corsers — and cruisers who have recently been there (see the following letters), the objections seem to have faded away. According to Frank and Rose Corser, who have been wanting to start a similar rally for years, the Impact of 10 to 15 boats arriving at Talohae Bay, Nuku Hiva — most of which would be going there anyway — would be nil. According to Frank, there are usually 30 to 35 boats there as a matter of course In the middle of the season. Corser said the only reason they ran out of diesel when the Europa '92 Rally arrived is that organizer Jimmy Cornell didn't tell anybody they were coming. He says that with any kind of advance warning, they can make sure to have all the fuel and fresh food anybody would want. What could rally participants do for the Marquesans? Frank says they are dying for all kinds of basic stuff like ordinary house paint, basic tools, nails and similar stuff."I’ll make up a list of 100 things the locals would love to have. Oh, and make sure everyone brings lots of contraband booze.” Corser says there would be no legal problems bringing this stuff in as long as it’s done on Individual boats' So while the Wanderer appreciates the feedback of those philosophically opposed to the rally, it’s now a 90% certainty to take place next spring. The date has been moved back, however, from March 31 to April 1. "What," asks the Wanderer rhetorically," could be more appropriate than starting such a rally on April Fool’s Day?" The Keikahanui Inn at Nuku Hiva will be the sponsor in the Marquesas and we’re working on trying to get either Marina Vallarta or Nuevo Vallarta to be the sponsor in Mexico. In each case, sponsorship would consist of little more than playing host to a potpage 28

The Name You Always Knew As Trustworthy Is Now Also Seaworthy Panasonic Marine Equipment Panasonic presents a radar with more features than any other in its class. This Panasonic radar is one of two units that help you navigate in all types of weather. With a range of V4 nautical mile to either 24 or 16 nautical miles, you’ll get features found in radars costing much more. With two EBLs and three VRMs, you not only get the bearing and distance to your targets, but the r distance between any * two. These units interm face with Loran, p displaying latitude and p longitude as well as |l range and bearing to a ^ way point and vessel 2 speed on a bright J seven-inch CRT. You’ll know what’s going on in your area with Multi-Interval Plotting and a Guard Zone that’s unre-stricted. An Off-Center feature shifts the display in any direction to study it in greater detail. And Screen Memory lets you recall a selected range at any time. With all these features, these radar units are the most farsighted choice you can make. □

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Altamarine Electronics - Alameda Comm. Wholesalers - Seattle Covert Marine - Sacramento Crows Nest - Seattle Fred Fritz Elec. - Petaluma Lunde Marine Elec. - Seattle page 29

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luck or two on the beach at each end. After all, the whole concept Is that this Is a rally by and for cruisers, with no profit motive whatsoever. The Wanderer has no interest In becoming Jimmy Cornell, The Sequel.

lift AT WHICH POINT I PROMPTLY SAILED OFF IN THE OTHER DIRECTION Readers of ybur June Changes might want to know what happened to me and the 500 pairs of eyeglasses I had brought down to the Marquesas to distribute free to the locals. As you might remember, the glasses, much wanted by the locals, were confiscated by French Customs. They were never returned. I spent a month in Hiva Oa waiting for some sort of decision on the part of French customs, but they could never decide what to do with them. Since they had my passport and ship’s papers, I couldn’t leave. Finally I asked if they would give me my papers back if I headed directly to Tahiti. They said 'yes', gave me my papers back, at which point I promptly sailed off in the other direction, for Baja, California. I just didn’t want any more of their problems or ambiguities. That’s the last I’ve heard of them and the last they’ve heard of me. I presume they will simply destroy the glasses, which would be too bad because so many of the Marquesans need them. I sailed directly back to Baja, not via Hawaii. Although it took 31 days, it was a much simpler trip from Hiva Oa to Turtle Bay than I would have imagined. It was an easy broad reach from Hiva Oa to the InterTropical Convergence Zone, and just south of the 1TCZ we had southerlies which enabled us to go as far east as we desired. If you check the pilot charts for that area, it shows southerlies near the ITCZ, but only to the east of the Marquesas — you can’t go north from Tahiti and find them. We went all the way to 118’W, which is almost due south of San Diego, before we crossed the ITCZ. That was the good part of the passage. We also had southerlies through the ITCZ, which sounds good, but which were in fact caused by tropical storm Andre which had formed at 5°N. We managed to sail around the eastern edge of Andre, but blew out two sails in the process. After that, we had to beat into northerlies. After several frustrating days of this, we reached 23°N and figured we could lay Turtle Bay. We did, and were quite happy to reach land once again. I’m now back in Berkeley after an easy trip up the coast of California thanks to unusual southerly winds along the coast of California at the end of June. I want to make a few comments on your proposed Mexico to Marquesas Rally for cruisers. I feel particularly qualified to comment on the ability of the islands to accommodate a large influx of cruisers, since I was in Hiva Oa when the entire 36-boat Europa'92 contingent arrived. The Marquesans are already somewhat jaded towards cruisers, but are still very kind and eager to make friends. "Somewhat jaded" means that they do not usually — as previously was the case — come out to your boat and give you fresh fruit when you arrive. But if you show that you want to be friends and give in the native way — which is without expecting anything in return — you will make good friends for life. With regard to provisions, the native Marquesans have very little interest in selling fresh fruit and vegetables to anyone since they more or less consider it the community property of the locals — but not, of course, outsiders. When the Europa '92 boats arrived, ready to reprovision, the most common question was, 'Where do we buy the fresh produce?' Well, it didn’t take long at all for a couple of French and the Chinese storekeepers to figure out they could make money, so they started stocking fresh local produce. A few westernized Marquesans got into the action, particularly the younger ones who have received higher education in Tahiti. But most Marquesans don’t have any interest in commerce. page 30

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The Europa '92 fleet definitely caused a commercial feeding frenzy while they were in Hiva Oa, but really only strained the attitudes of the people living on the islands, not their food supply. The shortage of fresh fruit was caused only by people’s lack of desire to collect and sell it, not by a lack of supply. The amount of untouched and rotting fruit on the islands is boggling. Remember, the Marquesas supported 66,000 inhabitants when they were discovered by the Spanish centuries ago. There are only about 7,000 people on the islands to support now. Naturally all the canned and frozen foods are imported; they can be purchased at the four small grocery stores on Hiva Oa. I’m sure the owners of these stores would welcome any rally that arrived there, since imported items cost two to ten times what they do back in the States. There is no shortage of canned or frozen food. In my opinion, the 36 Europa '92 boats that arrived were just too many within a two-week period. I don’t know if the same would be true for Nuku Hiva since I didn’t go there. But I think that about 12 boats, organized by Latitude 38, arriving over a two week period, would be okay. Let’s face it, these islands are going to get more westernized all the time. If we all play it right, we cruisers can remain theMarquesan’s friends while the plane and ship loads of tourists turn it into another Hawaii. Hugh Freebairn Columbia 29 Isis Berkeley Hugh — While your attempt to provide free eyeglasses to the Marquesans was thwarted by the authorities, that was a cool, cool thing to do. We all yammer on about how we’re going to help others who are less fortunate, but you went out and did it — without any fanfare. That was, as they might say In optometry circles, outasight. We salute you.

IT'S A GREAT IDEA We are a cruising family of four (with kids ages six and three) and hope to join the cruising class of ’91-'92. We are also very interested in the Wanderer’s Mexico to Marquesas Rally. We own Plain Jane, a Cal 39 that we took on a leisurely cruise from our homeport of Seattle to San Diego this summer. We plan to leave San Diego for Mexico early in December and would love to depart Puerto Vallarta around March 31 with the others who are interested in the Mexico to Marquesas Madness. Please keep us posted as to how the rally is shaping up and if there is anyone we should contact or anything we can do to help. It’s a great idea and we’re looking forward to meeting the others in the group. Carol Sorbie, Ned Backus, Kariann and Spencer Seattle Carol, Ned & kids—As you’ve read above, the rally appears to be shaping up well. Stay tuned to future Issues and to the 'coconut telegraph' in Mexico for further details. By the way, we’ll have a report on Chuck Warren’s 1985 Puerto Vallarta to Marquesas passage aboard his 30-footer In the next issue.




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MI KNOW I CAN’T DIE YET, THERE ARE TOO MANY WONDERFUL PEOPLE TO MEET This weekend we’re leaving Portland on our first offshore passage. We have decided to go 100 miles out to sea, aim south, and make Santa Cruz our first stop. The captain has had some offshore sailing experience, but it’s all new to me. I’m excited and looking forward to the adventure. I have already learned so much — even struggled to get my Ham license — that the fact I’ve been seasick the last two times out hasn’t bothered me. Which probably shows I’m not too bright. But reading Latitude keeps my enthusiasm up. You guys — and gals — are really page 32

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46* GARDEN PORPOISE, Ketch, 1973. Classic lines, bristol condition, heavily constructed for offshore cruising. Asking $132,000.

40' CHALLENGER KETCH, 1973. Upgraded, equipped for deepwater cruising. Asking $59,000.

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neiyoort 27,28', 30’, 3341' & P/H 33', 38' Galf P/H27',29’ , 32' & 39'

52’ TAYANA CUTTER, 1990 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Unlimited view in all directions. A blend of beauty, comfort and hi-tech. Reduced to $279,000.

25' PACIFIC SEACRAFT, 1977. Rugged full-keel double-ender, diesel. Clean, ready to cruise, surveyed 2/91. Asking $16,900.


37 TAYANA CUTTER, 1977. Beauti- 41’ ISLANDER FREEPORT 1981. fully groomed; traditional warm teak Bristol example of this well known cruisinterior. Asking $74,500 ing boat. There are lots of these around but this is the nicest. Asking $85,000.

40' C&C LANDFALL, 1981. A beauty. Full cruising electronics. Asking $95,000. T

36' MORGAN, 1984. Clean, sleek lines. Carefully maintained. Asking $57,000.

40' WORTH, 1984 Sloop. Rigged racer/ cruiser. Teak interior. British design. Asking $90,000.

29' GULF PILOTHOUSE 1991Still in PEARSON 365 KETCH, 1979. Surveyed warranty. Customized interior, furl jib 6/90; yacht in great shape. Asking (North), H/C water, complete electron- $57 ooo ics. Sailaway $44,900.

SELECTED SAILBOAT BROKERAGE 29' 30' 30' 30' 32' 32' 32' 33' 33'

ERICSON, '74 ..18,000 PEARSON,'73, new engine ...22,000 PEARSON FLYER,'80..:*.22,500 PEARSON 303, '85 ....42,900 ISLANDER...2 from 37,500 COLUMBIA (9.6M),'79 —.29,000 BENETEAU, '81. 39,500 HUNTER .2 from 25,000 SWIFT (custom) sloop,'79 . 49,000

34' 34' 35' 35’ 35’ 35' 36'

HUNTER,'84. 39,000 BENETEAU,'88. 79,000 CORONADO,'72 . 29,900 FANTASIA sloop, '77.69,500 SANTANA.2 from 35,000 HALLBERG RASSY, '76.39,000 MORGAN,'84. 59,000

36' PATERSON (custom) 3loop — 79,000 37 RASMUSSEN (diesel)'29.49/XX) 37 STEEL SWEDE ketch, '68...... 59/XX} 38' 38' 40’ 40' 40' 41' 41'

ERICSON,'82 . 67,000 C&C LANDFALL, 79 .68,000 C&C SLOOP,'81....... 95,000 WORTH sloop, 84.„... 90/100 CHALLENGER,'73 . 49/100 MORGAN O/l.2 from 55/100 CORONADO,'72.asking 54,000

42’ HALLBERG RASSY,'83.189,000 43' GARDEN ketch, 77.99,000 45' COLUMBIA Plthse ktch,71.115/100 53' ROBERTS STEEL ketch,'80.135/100 55' CUSTOM ENG. ketch,'37.99,500 60’ GAFF cutter,'ll..95,000

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CS 34. 1990. As New! Loaded: LecSan, Loran, Lazy Jack +++. Seller Moving Up. Reduced to $80,900.

SWAN 41 & 44. Just in and all very equipped. Enjoy Swan quality from $125,000.

45' STEEL CUTTER. Best condition of any steel boat on the coast. Sails in new condition. Mast & rigging just serviced. Owner would like to move up to bigger steel boat. $137,500.

43'COLUMBIA. Great boat for entertaining/liveaboardspotlesscondition. Strong and sturdy. Owner wants offers.

SANTA CRUZ 50. Loaded & ready for a world race/cruise. New masts & rigging. Priced to sell!!

VAUANT 32. Cleanest one around, like new sails, loaded. New epoxy bottom. Reduced to $44,000.

HALLBERG RASSY 42. Swedish blue water cruiser for the discriminating yachtsman. Loaded - Excellent condition. $185,000.

CORONADO 41. Spacious and cruise ready at only $59,000.

LETTERS great and I love your sense of humor. I’m really excited about crossing from Mexico to the Marquesas with other cruisers and the Wanderer’s Mexico To Marquesas Madness sounds great. Count us in! In fact, if you need someone to help do anything, organize or assist, I would like to volunteer. I’d be happy to help down in Mexico or up here in California. I’m a 'people person'. Our boat, Tartgaroa, is a Hans Christian 38 which we’ve owned for almost two years; I think the three of us belong together. Though I naturally have some fears about our cruising, planning positive things helps. So when I’m out there hanging over the side seasick, I’ll try to focus on the Mexico to Marquesas Rally, knowing I can’t die yet because I have too many wonderful people to meet. If there are any forms to fill out, I hope we’ll be able to get them in San Diego. If you are limiting the number of boats, please put us on the list now. William and Joan Holman Portland Joan — VJe love your attitude; the best way to stop feeling miserable is by concentrating on how to make others feel good. The Wanderer is delighted that a 'people person1 such as yourself has volunteered to help. If you’re willing to arrive in Puerto Vallarta a week before the start, consider yourself the Master—or would it be Mistress — off the Madness, a position that comes complete with a title and t-shirt. lift WHAT ABOUT A SIMULTANEOUS START FROM SAN DIEGO? I am very interested in the Wanderer’s proposed Mexico to Marquesas Cruiser’s Rally. I have a 45-foot cutter I’m trying to get ready in time. If I don’t make it to Puerto Vallarta by the end of March, is there any chance there could be a simultaneous start from San Diego so others could share the fun and radio nets? Russell Duff Oracle San Diego Russell — The Wanderer wouldn’t dream of excluding anybody with a seaworthy boat and a good attitude. Of course he’ll give you a start from San Diego. Incidentally, it’s actually a little bit shorter sail from San Diego to the Marquesas than from Puerto Vallarta. Not only that, there’s generally more breeze and the wind comes from a more favorable — for speed — direction. The only reason the Wanderer came up with the Puerto Vallarta start is that he figured that most of the draw would be from cruisers doing the Mexico to Marquesas part of the 'Milk Run'.

SELECTED BROKERAGE LISTINGS SAILBOATS 27' CAL 2-27 ..16,500 28'+ERICSON, '82. .28,000 .30,000 30' BRISTOL.. 30' 52, aft cabin —... 32,000 30' WILLARD, like new. 39,500 36' CS, racer,loaded™ 69,500 .76,000 37' TARTAN 39' LANDFALL .75,000 41' SWAN_.TfronTi25^000

SAILBOATS - mrimed 43' COLUMBIA-75,000 44' SWAN ..-ail 45' MORGAN . ;?5.500 45 STEEL CUTTER — 137,500 45' HANS CHRISTIAN. 132,000 46; GARDEN RICH._ 149,500 48' TRIMARAN. .60,000 60' FERRO CMNT. 55,000 1I8'SCH00NER,'22 .7345000

POWER AIVEABOARDS 25' CARVER,'88_ 40,000 30' WIUARO .likenew39,500 30’ SEARAY... .63,000 oi> uaiikuid no -.47,000 TuS™, ' 99,000 , 34’ GRAN SPORT. .109,000 36' CHRIS CRAFT. Inquire .135,500 40' BEU

POWER/LVBORDS toll'd 40' BESTWAY nov« 128,000 42' KR0GEN,Leaded. 215,000 42' CALIFORNIA. 125,000 43' GULFSTAR_ — SOLD 48' CHRIS CRAFT _ .159,000 48' HATTEXAS_ .285,000 AND MORE...

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UtIT’S A REFLECTION ON THEIR OWN IGNORANCE I’m not a BOR (Boater Oblivious to Racers). Indeed, I believe I take great care to avoid interfering with any racing I can detect. It also seems racers are more courteous than in the past, even using hailers to advise of their intent. However, I’ve also had a gaggle of hell-bent idiots round a buoy serving as course marker and found myself in their way. I have no way of keeping track of all the race courses, let alone of the approximate time such a gang will arrive at a particular place, so conflicts do occur. At such times racers occasionally forget they have no exemption to rules of the road, not to mention common sense. The 'fingers' and invectives don’t bother me as it merely reflects on their own ignorance. But anyone who uses their racing status as an excuse for compromising my right to basic safety will receive my complaint through the Coast Guard and race committee. Let’s face it, there are still some in the racing community who terrorize mariners. They have no right to do so, and it is in the best page 34

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A high performance cruiser ideal for luxurious tropical sailing. Three large double cabins each with its own head, plus crew (or children's) quarters forward. She's in great shape, equipped and ready to go. You won't find a better value anywhere. Offered at $155,000. She won't be available for long.

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Aquasport Fisherman (trade-in).reduced 6,995 Balboa, w/trlr...reduced 3,495 Skipper, 1985 bluewater/pocket cruiser.5,800 Catalina, w/trlr.3,995 Hunter.SOLD Kirby, fast and fun. 7,995 Catalina.3 starter boats from 6,500 Excalibur, light, fast & stiff.8,995 Newport,.recently reduced 6,995 Catalina.9,800 Columbia 8.3, roomy and stiff, wheel & diesel.14,500 Ericson, nice boat.12,900 Cal 27 MK3, Anniversary boat, extremely clean.25,995 27' U.S. Yachts, roomy, with diesel & wheel.Pending 28' Hawkfarm, recent sails, 2-time national champ.19,995 29' C&C...reduced to 25,995 29' Gulf pilothouse, dual steering stations,.SOLD 30' Pearson... ..23,995 30’ S-2 midcockpit 9.2, strongly bit, huge aft cabin, bathtub! vry clean 36,995 30’ Catalina.3 from 24,995 30' Santana 30/30, rare speedster...35,995 30’ Ericson, extremely clean.16,995 30’ Lancer, roomy cruiser.24,950 31' Hunter, owner tired of berth rent. 33,995 31’ Hunter.35,995 32' Ericson...2 from 18,000 32' Hunter Vision.unbelievable value 54,995 33' Ranger, Mull design, rare tall rig, clean.Pending 34' Hunter.37,995 35’ Formosa Ketch, offshore cruiser, recent survey.49,995 35.5' Hunter Legend. 73,995 36' Canadian Sail craft (CS), offshore ready, radar, Loran, low hrs.. 69,995 36’ Islander, perfect Bay boat..„.... 39,995 58,500 36' Catalina, fresh water boat. 39' Alden Challenger...SOLD 40' Cheoy Lee, liveaboard or cruise.82,500 45' Coronado, stretch out special.79,995 52' Alden staysail schooner "Barbara", former Master Mariner winner99,500

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interest of the racers to police their own — if only for liability reasons. Are racers routinely briefed on their obligations to the safety of non-racers? Do skippers brief their crew? Why not make it easier for anyone victimized by hazardous racers to protest? Publish the appropriate frequencies and call signs of the race committee right along with the race schedule. Institute penalties for safety infractions when backed by complaints to the Coast Guard. I think you’ve ppened a can of worms here by suggesting that it is up to the pubic to beware and stand clear of racers. I’m looking forward to the responses you get. A Former Racer Who Never Cursed An Outsider Northern California A.F.R.W.N.C.A.O. — We don’t think you understood us. Our feeling Is that if possible, the general boating public should try to let racers 'sail thru’. But If a mariner Isn’t aware that there is a race going on i— which is perfectly understandable given the fact sailboats can’t always sail In a straight line between two marks — it’s the responsibility of the racers to refrain from terrorism. We’ve had many more responses on the subject, but unfortunately — due to an avalanche of letters — most of the others will have to watt for future editions.

4 ft WOULDN’T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY I read Barbara and Andrew Wheeler’s letter about wanting to continue sailing with their month-old baby while 1 was anchored in the Delta, warming a bottle for my son, Tony. 1 was sitting in the nav station on our Gulfstar 37, Summer Breeze, at the time. We’d been taking Tony sailing since he was a month old. The biggest help for my wife and I has been the Graco Baby swing that we use in the house. It has a tube steel handle, sort of like a roll bar, that fits in the brackets with legs. Out of the brackets, it makes a nice handle to carry the baby, plus a small tray that secures Tony in the seat. My Gulfstar has two hatches above the table. We tie a line on the tube handle, pass the line up one hatch, over the cabin top and down the other hatch, where it is tied to the other side of the tube handle. The hatches are spaced wider than the swing handle, so it keeps Tony in the center of the boat, even in very rough conditions. This system has worked well underway, keeping Tony put when we’ve hit big waves and freeing my wife up to do other things. I must add, however, that we don’t leave the dock if it looks as though it will be particularly cold or rough out. We put the system to the real test on July 5, when we tried to enter Herman & Helens Marina for supplies. Naturally it was a busy time in the marina, with boats hovering all around waiting for dock space. It was also blowing about 15, but the biggest hazard of all was the cable ferry that goes from one side to the other. Without proper warning, the cable ferry operator decided to go across in front of us. To avoid an unpleasant situation, I shifted Summer Breeze into reverse, backing into the shallow water near the dock, running aground in the mud. Now that the cable ferry had unloaded its passengers, it started back across. Many boats were trapped between the cable and the dock, and people were yelling at the cable ferry to move out of the way. We managed to swing the bow to port and power out of there — to anchor down the channel for the night. Our baby Tony? He slept in his swing chair throughout the commotion, listening to the Beach Boys, his favorite group. But it had been a perfect example of both Doris and I being needed on deck and the Graco chair allowing us to do just that. We’re glad we had it along. Another nice feature on the boat for the baby is the heat exchanger I installed to heat the water off the engine. This warm water makes bath time a real joy for all of us and makes washing the baby clothes easier for my wife, who doesn’t care to 'rough it'. page 36





Following in the wake of Thursday's Child and now Hunter's Child, all new Legends, Visions and Passages are designed for ex¬ tended open sea voyages just like Thursday's Child and Hunter's Child. But if you have any doubts, ask your insurance company. We guarantee any new Legend Vision or Passage sail¬ boat will pass an insurance company trip survey for around the world. Obviously the skipper and the gear he adds to the boat must pass a similar strenuous survey analysis for any such trip approval. Hunters go the distance. Call for details.


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The Hunter 37.5, the latest of Hunter's developmen¬ tal performance cruisers, incorporates innovations from the record breaking Thursday's Child and Hunter's Child. The 37.5 combines a spacious interior with a powerful sail plan to provide world class sailing characteristics. If you missed her at the show comee see and experience the Hunter 37.5 now at our docks.


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page 37




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When anchored out, Tony plays in Summer Breeze’s huge cockpit, which has so many intriguing — for a baby — chrome things. A true sailor, Tony prefers playing with blocks and line over his baby toys. "How nice," 1 told Doris, "We can get Tony that new furling gear for Christmas." When it came time to return home from the Delta, we went through the drill of hoisting our 45-lb CQR. Tony took his place in the chair swing, I went to the bow, while Doris took her position at the wheel. Using a combination of my grinding and Doris maneuvering the diesel, we’ve brought the anchor up about 350 times. But this time the damn hook would not come up — even after an hour’s effort. Finally we can see the anchor, but it still won’t come up! Fortunately, there was a guy off a 24-foot powerboat taking a swim near us. He came over to see what was going on. Diving on the hook, he found that it was hooked on an old anchor, and that by my lowering my anchor by a foot, he could slip it free. He was happy with a pack of cigarettes as thanks. As for Tony, he again slept through the whole incident. We know that safe boating is an absolute must with an infant onboard — even at anchor. With the hook down, we let Tony crawl around down below, but we keep a careful ear out for the approach of'screaming powerboats. Their wake can rock Summer Breeze enough to give Tony a powerful body slam to the cabin sole. Sure, having a baby means we’ve had to make adjustments in our sailing, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Dave & Doris Biron (and Tony) Summer Breeze Discovery Bay

(H) WHAT A RIP! Maybe I should have learned my lesson back when my Army recruiter, Sgt. Joe Isuzu, told me about the condo my wife and I would get to live in during basic training. But I guess I’m still stuck with the delusion that the federal government is basically good, so I sent in my lousy $25 ("user fee") to get the required recreational vessel stickers. I got my stickers last week and noticed that they expire in December. This December! I should have known. So what happens if you call on, say December 30th? Do you suppose they would suck the fee out of your Visa account and mail you stickers that are expired by the time you got them? Hey, it’s only $25 — to me, a lot more than to most — but if I knew then what I know now, I think I’d have forgotten to send for them until January 1, 1992. . . if at all. What a rip! Gary Lee Wascutter Sausalito



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Gary — There was a time — seriously — when we, too, thought the government was basically good Now we know the truth: that it’s of, for and by the government, for members of the government and selected special interest groups. A taxpayer revolt doesn’t really seem as unlikely as it did just a year or two ago, does it?





Half Moon Bay,

Ste.202D CA 94019

(415) 726-1116 (415) 726-1323 FAX

On September 1, Mistress Quickly, my Santa Cruz 27 was beating up the Cityfront during the NOOD regatta. We were carrying a full main and 95% jib in the typical 20-25 knot breeze. Then with a loud BANG! the weather lower shroud parted inside the swage fitting at the turnbuckle. The rig went over the side to leeward. Similar accidents have occurred within the last year to Clao and Chief, two other Santa Cruz 27s. I have also heard of a Moore 24 that had a similar problem. In all cases, the villain seems to have been standing saltwater inside the swage barrel, which caused the wire to page 38



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Club Nautique is proud to announce its

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LETTERS corrode and fail. Calo’s standing rigging was 10-years old, which is approximately the replacement cycle recommended by most authorities. However, my boat was commissioned in 1984, so the rig was only seven years old! I am henceforward going to consider five years as the safe duty cycle for standing rigging on Santa Cruz 27s. Inasmuch as the cost of new standing rigging is about the same as the deductible on most yacht policies, and considering the risk of injury to crew and boat — not to mention having to drop out of a regatta when you’re on a roll — it seems like the smart thing to do. Owners of Olson 30s, Moore 24s and Express 27s might also consider a similar conservative approach. Larry Weaver Santa Cruz

jjftIT CAUSES SOME FRUSTRATION Thanks for all your information regarding the vessel fee tax. I made out my check and filled out the form, as you suggested, and I will have mailed them by the end of September. But I never send any government agency a document without a retilrn "receipt requested". This gives me proof that they have, in fact, received my letter — and causes as much frustration on their end as it has on mine. Geoffrey O’Brien Alameda

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Geoffrey — With the government as Inefficient as it already is, the last thing you and we as taxpayers need to do is create more obstacles. There are better ways to vent your frustration than concocting more work for government minions. We at Latitude think sailing Is a great way to blow off steam. Celebrity shrink Dr. Joyce Brothers says sex isn’t bad either. So why not compromise by grabbing your honey and having sex while sailing. The Wanderer, who claims to be something of an expert In such matters, contends that it’s best on the foredeck under full spinnaker.



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I’m writing this brief note of apology to Jean and Jay of the vessel Arlanna, who wrote in last month regarding the operation of my vessel. In so doing, in addition to apologizing profusely to them for the clear errors I made, I hope that I can, for other readers, call attention to some navigational assumptions that I made which were erroneous and — to me, at least — alarming. I am the skipper of the Passport 40 which, except for the skills and alertness of the crew of Arlanna, would have collided with that vessel. Jean and Jay are absolutely correct in stating that I failed to maintain an adequate visual watch while on a collision course with their vessel. There was no excuse and I am sorry. 1 thank you folks for saving both our boats from damage and us from possible harm. I wish the cause for my inattentiveness had indeed been some amorous tryst as facetiously suggested by Latitude editors. Unfortunately, this was not true. I was singlehanding my vessel toward Sausalito and had been plotting on radar, not watching, all the vessels that approached that evening. I periodically confirmed the course and distance of approaching vessels visually, and as Arianna approached, I saw her radar image and then visually confirmed the vessel. Or thought I did. In retrospect, what I’d seen on the radar screen was the 30-foot sailboat behind Arianna. I didn’t realize I couldn’t visually see her behind you and that you were invisible on my radar. The approach I had been plotting was not that of Arianna — a serious navigational error. After the shock of seeing your boat thru one of my port holes and recovering from the fright, I returned below to see if I could determine why 1 hadn’t picked your boat up on my radar screen. It was not, as page 42


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page 43

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LETTERS you may have assumed, an arrogant gesture. The sorry news is that I didn’t pick you up on radar before we almost collided and, I couldn’t pick you up after — even though yours is a big boat, even though I could plainly see you, and even though 1 could easily identify each of the other six boats on the Bay with my radar. I tuned the radar recurrently with no success. I didn’t see a radar reflector on your t>oat, but my inspection of your vessel was far from complete. Interestingly, the smaller vessel in back of you made a very large radar target; I don’t know if he had a radar reflector. I learned two lessons: 1. the importance of seeing vessels with one’s own eyes, and, 2. knowing that even big boats don’t always show up on radar. A second point I’d like to make is with regard to air horns. I saw you with your air horn in hand and, from below, I saw that you were blowing it. I never did hear it, however. I was amazed I couldn’t hear it below because I always thought those horns were so loud. And I’m not deaf and my engine isn’t that loud. The sound penetration just isn’t that good. But once again, I apologize. I hope my remarks are illuminating to others-. I know these are lessons 1 won’t forget. v v\ Wm. Schmidt Wind Witch Northern California

(IffMOST ANY SUNDAY On pages 96 & 97 of the August issue you had a photograph of a boat whose "name you didn’t catch". She’s our Rosalie, a 10 meter sloop built by Halberg-Rassy of Elios, Sweden in 1971. She has a fiberglass hull and wood decks — one of the last boats built this way. We’ve owned Rosalie since 1974 and sail her out of Berkeley and around San Francisco Bay most any Sunday. So far we have found enough diversity not to be bored with our regular voyages, even after 20 years of sailing. Now and then we’ve done some offshore trips, but mostly it’s back and forth across San Francisco, the Gate, Angel Island, and that is that. Rosalie & Sven H&kansson Martinez Rosalie & Sven — Your boat Is lovely and you know how to trim her sails to perfection. She was one of the sweetest sights we’ve seen on this Bay in a long time. Having owned your boat for 20 years, you’re obviously very content with her. How many other folks out there have owned the same boat for more than 15 years? We’d love to hear from you.

(IftTHE CREW WAS ALSO STUNNED As a novice sailor and big fan of your magazine, I was delighted to see a picture of my good friends’ Homus in the September issue of Latitude. My friends, who help crew for the owner, were also stunned by the beautiful photograph that was captioned Onward Into The Fog. My friends and I would graciously appreciate an enlarged copy of the photograph and are aware it may be against your magazine’s policy. Therefore, we would gladly insure the negative under any terms you may consider. John D. Berry San Francisco John — All photographs taken by Latitude are available for sale, the proceeds of which are used to try to offset the considerable expense of keeping a photoboat afloat. Eight by ten enlargements are $25 for the first and considerably less for duplicates. Negatives that we don’t consider essential for our archives are sold for $50, from which you can make all the prints you wish. Call Colleen at383-8200 page 44


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Performance racing combined with performance cruising is not a myth! Contact us for details about the newest FAST IS FUN! yacht from Bill Lee.


Santa Cruz 70.Present all offers. Santa Cruz 70.New Awlgrip topsides. Santa Cruz 50.Freshwater only, reduced $20,000! Olson 40......Great condition, race ready...

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LETTERS for details.


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I enjoyed reading Tom Gerker’s Idiot’s Guide To Engine Overheating. His reference to the raw water intake as the culprit most often causing overheating was illustrated in August while we were returning from a Channel Islands trip. We were rounding Pt. Conception just after sunset in typical Conception conditions: wind to 25 knots, fog, short six-foot seas. Not pleasant, but bearable. In his infinite wisdom, the skipper, anxious to leave this area astern, decided to motor-sail with double-reefed main and half-rolled jib. Actually, it was about as fast and comfortable as possible under the conditions. Our problem began as the boat lifted; apparently the sea water intake sucked air and lost it’s prime. Seeing the temperature gauge pegged and guessing the cause, we flopped on the opposite tack, whereupon the Perkins cooled nicely. Unfortunately, we were headed directly at Conception a mile or two away and had to tack out again. Well, you guessed it, the engine overheated again. But this time it wouldn’t cool after tacking. The skipper, nonplussed, unshaken and slightly catatonic, decided to waitjor daylight and calmer conditions before installing the spare impeller. The assumption being, of course, that the impeller had destroyed itself. So after a long night of tacking duels with the oil platforms, morning found us a few miles north of Pt. Arguello. And inspection revealed the impeller to be in perfect condition — we made a gasket of silicon rubber cement — and sea water abundant. We asked the idiot — check that, the skipper — if he’d checked the coolant level of the fresh water system. EMPTY! Once filled with fresh water, the engine stayed cool and ran fine all the way to Monterey. This points out the necessity to remain calm and consider even the simplest of solutions — which albeit isn’t easy in adverse conditions. Alex Rouch Aguila, Freeport 36 Monterey Alex — Excellent point! Your captain may indeed have been a flaming idiot, but in his defense, we'd like to point out that there are no maritime statutes that would have prevented the crew from checking the level of the fresh water. The best crews, even if they hate each other’s guts, still function as a team because, if you’ll excuse the pun, they’re all in the same boat.

MMAYBE WE SHOULD BREED PUFFER FISH Just a brief note on the letter about bottom paint from a few months back. 1 tried arsenic-based bottom paint in Turkey where it’s sold over the counter. I thought that I would never have to paint my bottom again. Not so. It worked just as well — or as poorly — as any other bottom paint. Except for the fact that I couldn’t leave my clams hanging over the side to purge themselves. By morning they’d be dead. I have tried Cayenne pepper with equally poor results. Actually, I think the algae kind of enjoyed it. I have tried expired antibiotics, too. I think they might have helped, but it was nothing I could put my finger on. Lately, as the price of haul-outs has risen, I have tried not painting the bottom at all, just scraping once a month as you do six months after you’ve hauled. I think painting is probably better, but I’m not sure. I haven’t tried teflon yet. Anybody have any luck with it? Maybe we could breed puffer fish to live in a marina and eat the weeds off the boat bottoms? • N Mike, Karen and Falcon Riley Beau Soleil Coronado page 46

I'm always > r LAST in the race... LAST to the dock... LAST to the Yacht Club... I'm tired of being LAST!

HELP Central Coast Sailmakers! y


Central Coast Sailmakers 1147-B Market Avenue, Morro Bay, CA 93442

(805) 772-5991 24 years of sailmaking experience page 47

At Central Coast Sailmakers

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LETTERS INLET'S SEE HOW MANY WILL SING THE SAME SONG I wholeheartedly support your attitude toward the BCDC, but wouldn’t it be more effective to single out the individuals involved? It’s easy for them to hide behind four letters that supposedly signify public responsibility. I suggest you publish the names and addresses of the assholes and let the public wrath fall where it may. Then let’s see how many will sing the same song. \ Ex-Sausalito Businessman Northern California

Olympic Circle Graduate, Jeanne Peters

When I decided to learn how to sail I wanted the best training possible. I had already sailed the Bay with friends, and I knew it would take superior skills to skipper comfortably and safely. So I demanded superior instruc¬ tion. At Olympic Circle Sailing Club, that is exactly what I received. Now I am skippering, and I love every minute of my time on the water. No matter what type of boat I sail or how hard the wind blows, I am in control and having a ball. I'm glad I took the time to find the best school, and to learn right. Olympic Circle is the school I recommend to all my friends.


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Ex-Saus — The problem Is that the public has only a vague understanding of what the BCDC does, and on a superficial level they’re doing a good job. It’s like incumbents in Congress; a few good media bites and 98% of the bozos are permanently enshrined. People have to be educated about what the BCDC is doing wrong before they’re going to rise up against them, and that just ain’t going to happen because Joe Citizen doesn’t have the time. The BCDC is so entrenched in the government mafia that the only recourse is through the courts t— a very time and money-consuming endeavor. But there's been an interesting development. A coalition of environmental groups calling themselves Citizens For A Better Environment recently issued a report which identifies our oil-powered transportation system — namely cars — as equally big polluters of the water as industrial discharges. The CFBE notes that while most Americans know air quality problems are caused by smog, most people are unaware of the link between cars and water pollution. The public is unaware because agencies like the BCDC have preferred to devote a disproportionate amount of their time and money to insignificant ’public trust' actions, like hassling llveaboards, Forbes Island and Galilee Harbor, rather letting the guy on the hill know that he’s probably a greater contributor to Bay pollution than the typical liveaboard. Given the CFBE report, we’re considering sending a questionnaire to the BCDC members and staff to find how just how many of them use public transportation — and how many of them might be considered hypocrites.

MI’VE NEVER HAD ANY HAPPIER CONCLUSIONS What’s next, knocking motherhood and apple pie? Since getting a paper route in 1947,1 have bought and sold many businesses and traded with a lot of different businesses, big and small. In all this experience, I have never had any happier conclusion to deals than we had with Karen and Gil at Papi’s Cruising Center in Cabo San Lucas in March of 1989. We had broken the gooseneck on our Vagabond 47 south of Magdalena Bay. I ordered a new one from Isomat for a cost of nearly $200. The new one is still in a locker, because while in Cabo Gil had our old one repaired and strengthened for a total cost of $11! Murielle is now in Chile, and after two years and 12,000 miles, I can report that the gooseneck Gil had repaired works fine and has shown no sign of weakness. Besides the hard repair functions, the soft social support Gil and Karen gave us and the rest of the cruisers in the harbor was just great. We hope they are healthy and prosperous today. Knick & Lyn Pyles Casa Sosegada, San Diego Knick & Lyn — Check this month’s Cabo Preview for the latest at Papi’s Cruising Center.

JHtWD-40, MODERN MEDICAL MIRACLE WD-40 may be a better penetrant thhn lubricant on boats — as Latitude claims — but it might also be a great lubricant for people. 1 recently read an article by Dr. Peter Wycombe, which began as follows: page 48



A portion of our new docks for easy access.

It wasn't designed as a test of seamanship but those of you who have put your yachts in the care of Stone Boat Yard in the past know that the entrance to our railway and our travelift could at times be a bit tricky. From now on those of you who haven't made it by our yard yet will have to test your seamanship elsewhere. Our old clients will be happy to know we've made some changes. We have recently completed renovations and installation on over 400-ft of docks which will provide you with ample room for easy tie up and maneuvering. In addition, of course, all this dock space means we may be able to complete your repairs in the water without the need for a haulout. Getting quality yacht care has become a bit easier because at Stone Boat Yard it's now easy on to the hard, and easy off.


We think a good boat yard should help prepare your yacht for the challenges of the sea, not be one of the challenges itself.

2517 Blanding Avenue • Alameda, CA 94501

(510) 523-3030 page 49

EST. 1853

LETTERS 'The agony of arthritis disappears just by spraying WD-40 lubricant on aching joints. That’s what thousands of arthritis patients are saying." The article then cited examples of a 70-year old golfer and others who say their arthritis has improved as a result of spraying affected areas with WD-40. The article did not, unfortunately, appear in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine or even Readers’ Digest, but rather ip The Sun, a second class supermarket tabloid supported primarily by ads for psychics. Ray Miles, technical director of WD-40, was quoted as saying the company gets about five letters a week from people who use the product for arthritis. Miles says the company does not encourage its medical use. Jim Bobaroo Brisbane Heights Jim — Thanks for sending us that clipping. We were fascinated to learn that WD-40 was developed in 1955 to prevent corrosion on Atlas missiles. The 'WD' stands for 'water displacement' and the '40' is because It was the 40th formula they tried. WD-40 became a consumer product after employees began 'borrowing' cans of it to use at home on boats, fishing gear, lawn mowers, and other recalcitrant inorganics.


Caprice—strip planked Lapworth 50 owned by Dave and Barbara Lenschmidt; what a beautiful boat to go cruising in!

Caprice is shown at the start of the Ancient Mariners' Race to Hawaii this summer. She was first to finish. For their trip we made them a new main and reefable roller-furling Genoa. The Genoa is made of a mylar/dacron sandwich cloth designed for cruising applications and we built it in a triradial step-up construction for the best shape holding and durability. The last letter we had from Dave and Barbara said that they were having a good cruise, but berthing was even tighter than the last time Dave was in Hawaii.


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I appreciate the coverage you give to racing, but 1 do have one concern. I am co-owner and co-skipper of Freewlnd and have been sailing in the ocean for eight years. I do 80% of the driving and am always on Freewlnd when she sails. But, I cannot seem to get my name listed, along with my husband Don’s, in Latitude. I know this isn’t a big deal to you, but it is to me. I give my time to sailing and am very competitive and would like to be listed. 1 see Heart of Gold has both the husband and wife listed, and this is the case with many other boats. We women are out there competing and I guess we want our glory, too. Betty Lessley Freewlnd Betty — We’re all for you getting all the glory in the world, but you have to help us by entering your boat in your name, or you and your husband’s name. Lauren at the Yacht Racing Association office tells us that Freewind was originally entered under just Don’s name — and later changed to both your names. "I didn’t have time to alert the press,” says Lauren. She’s got a million other things to do so we sympathize with her. Incidentally, the Corenmans do not always enter as husband and wife. In this year’s TransPac and last year’s West Marine Pacific Cup, for example, Sue Corenman was specifically listed as skipper of Heart of Gold. It’s just a little thing, but the Corenman’s like It that way — and we think it’s great.

ft ft JUST TRYING TO HELP THE POOR BOATOWNER Sometimes it takes a while to get a copy of Latitude here in La Paz, which is why my response to Bill Dunn’s July letter about hydrochloric acid and myself has had to wait until now. As with any facet of human life, there is always a chance for different opinions. Mr. Dunn is certainly entitled to his, however I can’t let his blast be unrefuted since it tries to lay waste to my professional credentials and to my 40 years as a working chemist. From 1949 until 1987, when I quit the daily grind to live in Mexico and savor the rest of my life, I did work at my profession. Along the way I got my B.A. from Cornell and my PhD from Rochester. I spent one year doing Post-Doc research with E. J. Corey, the latest Nobelist in chemistry. You see, Mr. Dunn, 1 am not just a self-described chemist. Gee, this is a lot like two kids playing 'mine is bigger than page 50




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page 51

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yours'. When I was working in the lab many years ago, it was common practice for us to wash our hands in concentrated hydrochloric acid to remove the stains that we sometimes got from our work. It was on that basis — and the fact that our stomach digestive juices are about 3% hydrochloric acid — that I made the statements I did. And 1 stand by them. Mr. Dunn should jmow by now that the Material Safety Data sheets provided by the manufacturer are published at the behest of the government and are written by lawyers so that under any circumstance the company, when faced with a lawsuit involving the product, can say "we told you so". Every possible problem is included whether germane or not. Notwithstanding, I certainly cannot find fault with wanting to protect the persons who work with the material, since most of them, as apparently is the case with Mr. Dunn, have not the professional knowledge to make their own judgements about what they can and cannot do with possibly dangerous chemicals. And lest we forget, my original letter was about clogged toilets and the means to unclog them without using a space suit or diving suit, which would seem more appropriate. 1 was just trying to help the poor boatowner get the job done in the easiest possible way. Ellis Glazier La Paz, B.C.S.

MA FEW THOUGHTS TO PONDER Twice in your response to the Coast Guard officer concerning boardings at sea, you mentioned a "real war against drugs" as though this might be desirable or at least inevitable. A few thoughts to ponder: You cannot wage war against a powder, plant or liquid, only against people. The term "war against drugs" is senseless. As long as there is one person chemically dependent on one drug in this country, that person will do whatever is necessary to get that substance, and someone will supply it to him/her. There is only one business on this planet that can function indefinitely at a loss — the U.S. government. Every other business will fail if they cannot make a profit or at least break even. The only way to stop the illegal trade in chemical substances is to remove the profits from the business. Everyone, from the pusher on the corner selling nickel bags, to the 'drug lord' importing thousands of pounds of 'devil weed', will stop selling their products the minute they start losing money in the business. The solution to the massive problem of substance abuse will be a medical solution and must include legal drugs like alcohol. No one, not the DEA, the police, the U.S. Customs, the Drug Czar, not even Bob Mueller, the U.S. Coast Guardsman, can protect us from ourselves. You are absolutely correct when you say that searching boats without a warrant is "illegal, illogical and unAmerican" — not to mention a complete waste of time and money. Robert J. Coleman Southern Cross San Diego Robert — We’re not sure If the solution Is complete legalization or a 'real war', but we hate being a party to the half-assed policies In place now, where the country’s best paying jobs are helping kill fellow Americans with hard drugs, and where drive-by murders have become an accepted part of urban American life. Did you read about the 12-year old girl in L.A. who, because she either couldn’t or wouldn’t divulge the location of some guy with drugs, was first shot in the arm, and when she still couldn’t or wouldn’t tell, was shot dead? Nothing in this world seems more illegal, illogical and truly unAmerican, than to stand by and let such young Innocents be gunned down in cold blood. page 54

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Complete legalization? We’d be willing to let It give a try. A ’real war' with virtual suspension of most civil rights? If legalization doesn’t work, It might be worth a try — Inasmuch as the drug problem has eliminated the civil rights — as well as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness —for so many Americans.

MWHERE CAN I GET NATURAL GAS I’m heading south iQ October, and my boat has a stove and oven that uses compressed natural gas (CNG). Can you tell me if CNG is available on the west coast of Mexico? Dennis Andrews Dona Mia, Cal 29 Dennis—Note, If you will, the tremendous restraint demonstrated by the editor In not making some disgusting comment about compressed natural gas being available outside most Mexican restaurants. We’d like to think It’s this kind of discretion that distinguishes us from other publications. To our knowledge, CNG would only be available from another boat equipped with a CNG stove. And they’d probably be low on it because you can’t find It In Mexico. While It’s potentially more dangerous, propane Is the cooking fuel of choice for the vast majority of cruisers.


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An important part of the California’s nautical heritage has been sadly neglected. A group of California yachtsmen were recently queried about the first and second persons to have sailed around the world alone. A fair percentage were able to correctly answer that Joshua Slocum, who circumnavigated at the turn of the century with Spray, was the first. But only a few had heard of California’s Harry Pidgeon, who was the second, with Islander, a boat he built in San Pedro. Pidgeon sailed around the world not just once, but twice, and was the first to do so. He was shipwrecked on a third attempt. Yachting publications frequently refer to Joshua Slocum and his epic voyage through the Straits of Magellan, and have thus preserved that legacy for every deep-water sailor to follow. Slocum’s status is almost that of a patron saint of small boat ocean voyagers. But rarely is any mention made of Pidgeon. Whereas Slocum was a professional sea captain who spent his entire life at sea from age 16 on, and commanded large sailing ships on all the Seven Seas, Pidgeon didn’t have that kind of experience. Born on an Iowa farm, he was a professional photographer, who like many who followed in his path, taught himself boatbuilding, navigation and seamanship. Although honored in the 1920s, by National Geographic, with the Blue Water Medal, and so forth, Pidgeon’s exploits have faded with the years. It’s time that the yachting community recognize and give credit to Harry Pidgeon, 'California Celebrated Sailor'. This July the Los Angeles Maritime Museum, at Berth 84 in San Pedro, unveiled an exhibit of Harry Pidgeon’s photographs of the vanishing frontiers of the world, circa 1900-1920, plus memorabilia of his circumnavigations and other exploits. For recreational mariners, the exhibit is worth the visit — as is the rest of the world class maritime museum. For the true sailing history buffs, a biographical catalogue of Pidgeon’s life and work — he was a genuine photographer/adventur¬ er — will be available for a small contribution. Send $15 or more to the Museum marked 'for the Harry Pidgeon Fund'. Their address is Berth 84, San Pedro, 90731. In the April Latitude, it was stated that Zaca, built at Sausalito Nunes’ Yard in 1928, was the first West Coast yacht to circumnavigate. Obviously, Pidgeon’s Islander deserves that distinction. Robert J. Hoffman Redwood City page 56


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Robert — Pldgeon certainly Is a forgotten mariner, but somewhat understandably so. First off, it’s like the America’s Cup when It comes to sailing around the world: there could be only one guy to do it first, and it wasn’t Pidgeon. Then there’s the matter of Harry’s last name; it sounds like he should have been battling Lindbergh and Amelia Erhartfor aviation achievements. Be that as it may, Pidgeon deserves to be better remembered, because he really did lead an extraordinary life. After kicking around the Yukon in canoes and exploring the Sierras, Pidgeon bought plans for a 34-foot Fleming Day-designed V-bottomed yawl in 1917. Just 18 months later, she was done. He shook Islander down on a cruise to Hawaii and back, and then in November of 1921 set off to Thursday Island, off the coast of Australia. It wasn’t until then that he decided to continue on around, via the East Indies, the Indian Ocean, South Africa and Panama. He completed the four-year voyage in October of 1925, and In 1932 published Around the World Singlehanded. He lived aboard his boat for the next 16 years, spending only three nights ashore. There wasn’t a BCDC then, so he wasn’t hassled. He then decided to sail around the world a second time, saying he wanted "to visit old friends". After completing his second circumnavigation at age 75, he married, and he and his wife headed off on what was to be a third circumnavigation. They were shipwrecked, however, as a result of a hurricane in what was then known as the New Hebrides. He then built a 25-foot boat that was their home until a month before his death.


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I’m writing this letter in response to two letters that appeared in Latitude and some comments by the editor that followed the second letter. Both letters and comments had to do with Coast Guard boardings of recreational vessels. Before I get into my comments, I would like to give you some of my background. I have been involved in recreational boating all my life. I started sailing when I was eight, racing sailboats when I was 10, and in the last 20 years have sailed and raced everything from sailboards to square riggers. I was the head sailing coach at the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Newport and an assistant coach at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy at New London. I am a USYRUqualified sailing instructor and have been a guest lecturer at a number of the U-SYRU Safety At Sea Seminars. In addition to the above, I am a Lieutenant in the United States Coast Guard and have been the officer in charge of hundreds of boardings. The first letter I’d like to address appeared in the June issue and was written by Mark Hardeman about a Coast Guard boarding of a friend’s yacht. Mr. Hardeman states that he cannot understand why a "floating model of upper class respectability" was boarded by the Coast Guard. The answer is simple. The Coast Guard is the only organization in charge of recreational boating safety, and all vessels registered in the United States are subject to Coast Guard "safety boardings". Just because someone has a large yacht does not mean they are immune to this type of boarding. The fact is that most boaters, whether in a rubber raft or a 120-foot yacht, do not think much about safety. Most buy their safety gear, put it on their boat and forget about it. When was the last time you inspected your lifejackets or other gear? When you got on your friend’s boat, did he show you where the lifejackets, fire extinguishers and first-aid kit were located? Probably not. Mr. Hardeman also asked why the Coast Guard did not follow them into port for the boarding instead of conducting it on rough waters "which could have caused any number of disasters to us". The reason is that his was not the only boat they were going to board. As for it being rough, the Coast Guard is composed of professionals, and if it is calm enough for you and your friends to go sailing, it is calm enough for a Coast Guard boarding. page 58

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LETTERS The government has decided that drinking and boating don’t mix, and as the only law enforcement agency on the water, the Coast Guard was given the responsibility to stop it. In Mr. Hardeman’s case the boarding officer thought that the skipper of the yacht may have been over the legal limit and therefore decided to bring the boat in. After an hour-long boarding, and let’s say a half hour trip across the Bay without any drinks, the skipper of the yacht was given a field sobriety test. According to a San Francisco Police officer it "could have gone either way". At the police station later on, the captain’s blood alcohol level left little doubt that he’d had more than the "one drink" he’d claimed. The second letter I’d like to address was in the July issue and written by Ross Mainor. While I thank him for standing up for the Coast Guard, addressing each point in Mr. Hardeman’s letter would have been more constructive than jumping all over his back. Finally, the comments by Latitude’s own editorial staff. Gentlemen (and ladies), the Coast Guard is not out to be the "equivalents of Mussolini’s brownshirts". The reason the Coast Guard does an armed search of your boat is for the safety of the boarding crew. I’m sure you don’t believe this, but you have never done a boarding and found high-powered pistols hidden around a boat. I have. The fact of the matter Is that crooks and killers don’t wear signs that say, "I’m a bad person." They look just like you and me. As for the "particularly officious little bastards who didn’t get any respect in high school", all I can say is that the A-hole factor is constant. No matter where you go in the world, there are A-holes, whether it is gas station cashiers, Coasties, or magazine editors. The fact of the matter is that most Coasties are good people doing a hundred different jobs and deserve a little respect. If you give them a hard time, you deserve what you get. If you’re as helpful as possible and the boarding party does not act in a professional manner, get their names, rank and station and report them to the Coast Guard headquarters nearest you. Just do me this one favor: as the old Indian saying goes, "Do not judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins". Cam Lewis, Lt., United States Coast Guard Seaside, CA Cam — You and the Coastle from the August issue should be In sailors’ deck shoes for a while. We seml-law-abldlng citizens are not accustomed to being approached by a bunch of guys with guns telling us they are going to search our property. Furthermore, it goes against everything our high school civics teacher taught us about the Bill of Rights. Frankly, we think you and the Coastle from the August Issue need a little brushing up on the Bill of Rights. You’d be reminded that it wasn’t written to make It easier for law enforcement agencies to catch criminals, but for citizens to be assured of certain rights and freedoms. Your"walk a mile In Coastle shoes” argument doesn’t fly because we’re not discussing what you think is fair, but what’s guaranteed under the Constitution. It’s not a case of mariners "deserving what they get”, as you put It, but deserving the observance of their constitutionally guaranteed rights. We’re honestly stunned that anyone with your authority would fail to recognize such a crucial distinction. And frankly, it’s because this distinction Isn’t always made that some really nice Coasties can retrogress into the "officious little bastards" we spoke of. Most of you guys In the Coast Guard deserve tremendous respect — but there’s no law that says anyone has to give It to you. So when you retaliate by giving "someone what [you think] they deserve”, you’re setting yourself up as prosecutor, judge and jury. . With regard to Mr. Hardeman's letter, it seems to us you may have missed the point. If the Coast Guard boarding officer suspected the captain of the "upper class respectable boat" was drunk, was it not then totally irresponsible to make him take a boatload of people to San Francisco and dock the boat? If a CHP officer suspects you of page 60

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being smashed, he doesn’t say "follow me to station”. The heck with waffling boarding officers: either the guy should have had the balls to take command of the vessel for the safety of all' or he should have got the hell off. Three questions: 1. Are armed boarding parties really necessary? Lots of police officers have been killed In the line of duty, but they aren’t allowed to approach with dratun guns unless there Is reasonable cause. Has there been a single Coastle killed or even shot at during a west coast boarding? Not to our knowledge. As such, we find the justification for this practice to be bogus, and the behavior nothing but needless Intimidation. 2. How Important Is it that the Coast Guard check for drinking on sailboats? The last time we checked with the state, they couldn’t remember a single case of a Inebriated sailboat captain causing a death. They couldn’t even come up with cases of serious Injuries. Therp Is, however, a well-documented problem with drunk captains of high-speed powerboaters killing themselves and Innocent bystanders. Just because the BCDC has screwed up priorities doesn’t mean the Coast Guard and other government agencies have to follow suit, s Yourxso-called ”A-hole factor” Is anything but constant. Any Psych undergrad can tell you that it’s common for folks who didn’t get respect as youths to gravitate toward occupations where respect Is conferred on them with a badge. Check It out. The thing Is Cam, we do have a lot of respect for the Coast Guard and think the world of 95% of Its members. The problem is you guys have been given several 'can’t win' missions during the last decade, missions which have dlrely — and perhaps unconstitutionally — Infringed on the freedoms of mariners. When we started this magazine 15 years ago, everybody loved the Coast Guard. Now there are a lot of sailors who hate you guys. It’s not we who have changed, Cam, but the Coast Guard. Understand that, and you’ll begin to understand our anger and frustration.



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Most of us boatowners realize that the benefits of being involved with Mother Nature at sea far outweigh the negative factors we all have to endure, such as slip rent, varnishing, polishing, insurance, etc. I’m happy to be able to share the elimination of one of those nagging problems. Let me first say that 1 have been cruising and chartering my 43foot Kantola tri for over 20 years, and in the process acquired my 100-ton skipper’s license. I therefore feel I am somewhat qualified to identify liability as being one of the major problems at sea. We all know that the instability of being on the water is conducive to accidents. Someone may even fall overboard and drown. If a personal injury attorney gets a case like this, the boatowner may end up losing everything he owns. 'Deep pocket' judgements are out of control because of the way the courts are set up, and naturally lawyers love it. But hallelujah, I recently learned — from AmeriTrust Document Service — of a way to absolutely avoid having anybody lay claim to any of my other assets (home, cars, bank accounts, etc.) in the case of a liability situation. It’s really quite simple: I have exchanged my interest in my boat to an irrevocable trust. The trust now owns the boat. It’s the only item in the trust, so if anyone tries to sue because of an unfortunate accident aboard, the only thing they could possibly get is my boat. Now I’d certainly hate to lose the ability to sail Mantra, but at least I can rest comfortably knowing that my other personal assets are completely protected. Latitude 38 has provided the vehicle for many of us to learn from one another. I feel the information I recently acquired could benefit many of your readers. The knowledge is especially valuable for people in the chartering



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page 64




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business, as the cost involved could be offset by the savings in liability insurance. Needless to say, 1 think it’s a terrific thing to do, and the cost is very reasonable. If anyone would like to learn more about this way to protect themselves and their assets, they can call me at (707) 542-4639. I’ll explain the scenario for 'rest easy sailing' the best I can. Buzz Mitchell Mantra Honolulu Buzz — VJe agree that the legal system serves nobody but the lawyers and that liability laws and punitive damages are strangling medical breakthroughs, commerce and personal freedom. Nonetheless, we have two concerns with the trust system you describe. 1. Does It really absolutely, positively protect your other assets? We’ve never heard of anything in the legal field that’s been air-tight. 2. As much as we dislike liability laws and judgements, we also think that anyone who owns a boat or operates a charter business has a solemn obligation to inform all potential passengers or customers of the limits of his liability coverage. Fair Is fair, which to our minds, means reasonable disclosure of such matters. We hopeyou see things our way, because if you don’t, we’re going to try and find some way to sue your ass. After all, we need new sails, and you’re a boat owner who must therefore be swimming In cash.

JJftA FAR-FETCHED PARANOID DESCRIPTION Despite what some of your readers might think, I submit that anyone who can afford time to go sailing around San Francisco Bay, whether on a paid-for or mortgaged boat is — in a world where 20,000,000 people starve to death each year (that’s three Holocausts a year!) — rich. Given that the foundation of the United States stands on land stolen from the Indians, developed with Afro-American slave labor, and maintained by oppressing a huge percentage of all Third World people (how else could 5% of the world’s population consume 40% of its resources?), it is not surprising that even "sober upper class" respectable day sailors are getting harassed by the Coast Guard. Now that the biggest fear of Communism is that capitalists won’t be able to buy up communist property fast enough to keep the Dow above 2,000, the Administration is feverishly trying to re-invent communists in the form of drug dealers. I submit that we can look forward to more civil rights abuses on the Bay unless TV zombies can somehow start working to change the political course of this country. Now that rich people are starting to get harassed (except of course people like Neil and George Bush), I submit that the Bill of Rights is in serious danger of being completely shredded. (Some readers/viewers out there may recall Representative Jack Brooks’ efforts to expose the Ollie North/Reagan Administration plan to suspend the whole Constitution.) Anyone can now legally be terrorized by the Coast Guard. The sober sailors got off light. Consider the grim scenario in which one renegade or politically demented Guardsman decides to really get down on some Bay sailors. The Guardsman plants a little marijuana during an otherwise legal 'routine' search. Seizure in hand, other agents could then legally arrest everyone and confiscate the vessel. Then government lawyers could come in and seize all the owner’s other assets to prevent him from using them to defend himself in court. Then they could 'Rodney King' a confession out of him for use in combination with the marijuana to put him in jail for a very long time. It would be nearly as bad as the U.S.-sponsored terrorists in Guatemala and El Salvador treat their own people: those victims just disappear. If the above seems like a far-fetched paranoid description of the U.S. to you, then I submit you probably haven’t read about the FBI’s COINTELPRO activities, or Ben Bagdikian’s work on who owns the bulk of the U.S. press, Herbert Gans’ Deciding What’s News on who page 66



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works the press, or Michael Parenti (Inventing Reality) or Noam Chomsky (The Manufacture of Consent) — all on how the press is used to control thinking. (Latitude is one of the few exceptions to press oppression, where the views of progressives and neo-Nazis can sometimes be found end to end — and in the same size print.) Chomsky puts it concisely: "Propaganda is to a democracy as violence is to the totalitarian state." So watch out! Floatingrich and sober (and Republican?) is no longer enough. As Bill Moyers (who sadly helped bring us the Viet Nam genocide that killed between two and five million Southeast Asians) said, "Once we decide that anything goes, anything can come home to haunt us." Perhaps a quote from the great American 'liberal', slave-owning anti¬ slavery Thomas Jefferson, would be a nice close for Christian Desert Storm supporters. "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice will not sleep forever." Hoping that all your Coast Guard encounters are happy ones. , Pete Livingston Mill Valley


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I’m a'subscriber and wouldn’t miss a single issue. It’s the only mag I’ll keep a subscription to when I take off cruising at the end of ’92. My favorite feature article was Used Boats Under $50,000. One tough little boat that wasn’t mentioned was the bubble top Columbia 26 Mkll. Mine was built in 1973 and has been my sailing home for over six years. I know of a Columbia 26 in the Caribbean that’s from the West Coast. Another sailed from California to Costa Rica, then through the Canal to the Caribbean. Two others checked in at Papi’s Cruising Center in Cabo San Lucas this last season. Friends who’ve just flown back from Australia tell me they spotted one in Sydney with a homeport of Sausalito. Anyway, I’m getting my little Runaway ready and plan to be checking into Papi’s early in '93. George Synder Long Beach George — The problem with Columbia Yachts always seemed to be inconsistency. They’d build some boats that were perfectly fine and then they’d build a few that weren’t so hot. VJe hope you’ve got one of the better ones.

(Ifll ASKED A BLACK FRIEND I want to express my concern about the common usage of the term 'boat nigger' in the yachting community. As a peripheral member of the sailing set, I have heard the term many times over the years. It wasn’t until recently that I began to understand more deeply the racial implications. At that point I asked a black friend who works on boats for a living what he thought of 'boat nigger' as a description. "I hate it," he said simply. 1 can hear yachters saying, "Oh no, that term doesn’t carry any meaning or racial judgements." To this defense, I can only suggest that you try substituting the words 'boat Caucasian' or 'boat Asian'. Is the meaning the same? The language degrades the workers who do the hard, nuts and bolts labor around boats as well as a racial and cultural group that is struggling to gain economic and social parity against some deeply ingrained unconscious attitudes. I am trying to understand these attitudes in myself and change them, and 1 ask members of the yachting community to join me. George Taylor Mill Valley George — We know you mean well, but we don’t think you understand how language works. The real meaning of a word is found page 68

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You Can

in its use, not the dictionary. Here’s proof: If President Bush went Into a D.C. ghetto and greeted an AfroAmerican with, "Howdy, nigger!”, Quayle would soon be sitting In the White House. Yet If that same Afro-American wanted to greet a brother In cool fashion, he also might also say,"Howdy nigger!" Same words, different use, different meaning. The term'boat nigger1 was common parlance a decade ago. If you were anything but a peripheral member of the "sailing set”, you’d have known that thelerrn was used with considerable pride by whites engaged In that work. In the sailing world, "boat nigger” had anything but a negative connotation. Heck, there were a lot of white guys from 'good families’ trying to be called 'B.H.s'. But then some people began to object, and out of respect for the feelings of blacks, most sailors have dropped the term. At Latitude we started using BMW, or boat maintenance worker, and It has gained some currency. It seems at least as descriptive and doesn’t offend anyone, so why not? Two things for you to consider: 1. Do you think Huckleberry Finn should be banned for the use of the word 'nigger'? Before answering, you ought to read Mark Twain’s autobiography. Interesting stuff. 2. Do yoy think It’s offensive to order 'black' coffee? A recent houseguest from London told us that coffee can’t be ordered using that terminology at some government buildings In England because it’s considered racially Insensitive. We’re all for 'understanding1, but at some point we think It can become counterproductive — particularly for those who hope they 'll benefit from It.

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In the July issue you had a letter from Name Withheld' regarding thermostats for Atomic 4 marine engines. Here on the Chesapeake we don’t need thermostats. My Atomic 4 is so plugged up that 1 don’t need any restrictions in the water line at all. P.S. Tell your letter writer to send his address to me at 6601 Dove Way, Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111 and I’ll send him an Atomic 4 thermostat I don’t use any more. C.C. Wagoner Mechanicsville, Virginia Readers — The two Chrysler 318s on our photoboat are getting a little rusty as a result of taking 'a little swim' a few months back. You wouldn’t have a couple of those you"don’t use anymore", would you?

RAFTER SUFFERING FOR ANOTHER MONTH, I GOT ANOTHER BOAT I sold my C&C 24 by advertising exclusively in your publication. It’s obvious to me that serious boat buyers are dialed in to Latitude 38. After suffering for a month, 1 bought another boat advertised in Latitude through a broker. Jim Adams of NorCal Yachts in Alameda was the one who put the deal on a new boat together for my wife and I. It was a difficult deal, but Jim handled it with diplomacy and spent a considerable amount of time on it — even going to the trouble of replacing the hydraulic cylinder on the backstay himself to save us a few dollars. Whatever Jim made on the deal wasn’t enough, so I’d appreciate it if he could get a little recognition. Rich Wideman C&C 35 (As yet unnamed) Novato uWE’LL KEEP A SHARP EYE ON CLOSE AND DISTANT WEATHER At 1730 on September 14, a large swell, probably the result of a distant tropical storm off Mexico, began to pour into the anchorage page 70




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at Capitola. This occurred following a windless, flat calm, more foggythan-sunny day on Monterey Bay. By 0100 the surf was breaking over the dinghy dock. While the breaker line was safely distant, the various boats in the anchorage were being tossed around like match sticks. Around 0200, the lovely Tayana Default Judgement, all ready to depart for Mexico, broke her mooring — apparently the only mooring that wasn’t new fot^the season — and with the help of the swells, towered over the large motor vessel Irish Rose. It looked like the end for both of them. The owners of Default Judgement weren’t aboard, so it was left for the crew of Irish Rose to save themselves by getting a line on Default Judgement and securing her to another buoy. It was a nice piece of work. The Coast Guard responded to the situation from Santa Cruz. One Coastie spotted me and boomed in a deep and official-sounding voice:, "Skipper, I strongly suggest you evaluate the size of the swell, the size of your boat and the size of your anchor." Hmmmm, the thought had never crossed my mind. Charlie, aboard Mary Syers, and Karen, the Capitola Marina operator, could be seen moving from buoy to buoy, checking all the boats, many of whose owners were not aboard. All this in the middle of a weird, surrealistic night. While all the buoyed boats came through unscathed, two boats hanging on their own hooks on the Santa Cruz side of the wharf were destroyed. One was a smallish commerical Ashing vessel, the other a 27-foot trimaran. Neither had crew aboard. By morning, pieces of both boats could be found strewn all the way to New Brighton Beach, along with dead seals, cormorants and huge piles of kelp. The surfers had a hey-day on Sunday and by Monday Capitola Bay as again as calm as a pond. In this potential mini re-enactment of the Cabo disaster of '82,1 had the following thoughts: The psychological/cognitive process of whether to abandon an anchorage in the middle of a wild night can make you crazy. Feeur, denial, inertia, wanting to sleep, hording instincts and logic all mix together. The weather report was useless, as nothing was mentioned about the swell until the next day. Surely there must be some kind of mechanism to show that these swells were on the way — or even had arrived. I noted that the direction of the swell, usually given on one of the Monterey buoys, was absent that night. Why? Does the weather radio not have a direct line with the Coast Guard, who obviously know about it? Meanwhile, we are all responsible for our own decisions. We will continue to keep a sharp eye on close and distant weather as we leave Meridian Passage on a buoy for a few more weeks before bringing her back to San Francisco. Al Fricke Meridian Passage, Valiant 40 San Mateo Al Marine weather forecasts are usually only good for telling you what the weather was like six hours ago. Late summer and fall is hurricane season in the Eastern Pacific, so huge south swells have to be expected. You’re best bet might be to call one of the 900-number 'Surf Reports' that surfers rely on so heavily. —


(415) 342-5625

HP CAN HAVE THE HALYARD RETOUCHED Imagine my surprise when I opened my copy of the September Latitude and found myself famous! I’m the "singlehanding" skipper who was "about to look good" on Halcyon, the Yankee Clipper 41 in Sightings. The only person who was upset was my First Mate; she was down below cleaning the galley and didn’t get in the picture! page 72


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Whole Earth Access Sailing is a constant learning experience and I appreciate your pointing out something that needed to be improved upon. We read every issue of Latitude with great pleasure and hope to join the ranks of 'out there' cruisers within the next three years. Judging from the response we’ve gotten, a lot of other sailors read the magazine, too. Any chance wecould get a copy of the picture of the whole boat? I can always have the halyard retouched so it looks like 1 know what I’m doing. Dutch Kohler & Bev LeDoux Halcyon, Peninsula YC Redwood City

Dutch & Bev — One of the greatest pleasures of publishing this magazine is being able to surprise a boatowner by running a nice photo of his or her boat In these pages. We’re delighted you were pleased. For Information concerning the buying of photos, call Colleen at 383-8200.


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Re: the discussions about pooping on Delta levees: the deer, the moose, the Red Man, the White Man, the rabbits, the bison, the squirrels and the cows — to name just a few — have been leaving droppings everywhere on this fine land of our for a long, long time. We call it manure; it makes the soil rich and the loam lovely. When there is not enough manure, we call upon the chemical companies to manufacture synthetic shit, which we put on our lawns and flowerbeds and fields. And we prosper. Now about pooping in the rivers and the lakes and the oceans: the birds, sea otters, beavers, the Red Man, the White Man, the whales, the sea lions, the Yellow Man, the Black Man, and Man everywhere there is water have been dropping do-do and ka-ka into flowing, tided water. It washes away. Finally, about corporations and cities and towns and urban developments doing super-poop: they dump noxious substances and contaminants onto the earth and into the waters, otherwise known as hazardous waste and hazardous contaminants. And the earth and the water become unfit for animal life and unfit for bird life and unfit for fish life. There are power people, BCDC people and bureaucratic people and well-meaning mean people, and do-gooding self-appointed Clean-Up the Bay people who confuse poop and pee-pee with hazardous waste. They fog the issues by saying shit is hitting the fan when they are the ones fanning the shit. Now if we ever catch one of them dumping on the levee, you hand me the paper and I’ll wipe. That way, I think, we collect a user fee. Or am I confusing taxes with turds? Maxinamillion Kirk Pt. Richmond

Max — While the BCDC and similar Pharisaical agencies and individuals truly have bigger fish to fry, ka-ka In the wa-wa Is potentially a serious health hazard and thus something we mariners should eschew. Just because those sanctimonious windbags have inverted priorities doesn’t mean we mariners shouldn’t do our part to keep the Bay and oceans as clean os possible. And while we all like to rip 'corporations' for contaminating the earth, let’s all remember that there’s not a single member of the Sierra Club, BayKeeper, BCDC, Regional Water Quality Control Board or citizen of Berkeley who doesn’t support these corporations by buying, directly or indirectly, the products they make. Until we all decide to get out of our cars and shun many of the world’s modern conveniences and health aids — which we’re not going to do — to some extent we’re all environmental frauds. page 74

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Ex-Jacqueline', current 'Else D. Bager*.

thorne’s Restaurant in Richmond. For the last 5 years, the ship was owned by Richard Poe, president of Pinnacle Enterprises, which had a hand in the development of much of Richmond’s new Marina Bay complex. Now she’s going home. Built in 1941 at the Ring Anderson yard in Spenborg, Denmark, the 122-ft LOA schooner had been through a number of names, owners and adventures before coming to the Bay five years ago, including being strafed by German fighters during the World War II. As Talada, the ship ran cargos around Europe until 1975, when she was converted to a yacht and renamed Mercantlc. When Pinnacle’s Richard Poe brought her to the Bay in 1986, he renamed her after his wife, Jacqueline. We don’t know who Else D. Bager was, but it’s a good bet she’s related to someone fairly high up in the Danish shipping company Mercandia International. That’s the new owner of record. The new homeport is Copenhagen, which if not exactly right down the road from Spenborg is at least in the same time zone. Fair winds, Else. Calling Reese. Reese Palley, sailing gadabout and sometime Latitude contributor — we have a letter to forward to you, but can’t find your address. We know you’re out there somewhere; please drop us a line. Reunion planned. Owners of Farallon Clippers are Invited to a get-together at the Golden Gate YC on October 27 for a friendly race and dinner. At least 10 are expected at this writing. Call Bill Belmont at 626-5466 for more information. We have some winners! The following people won the following prizes at our boat show booth: J. Cole of Sonora — a day on the Bay for two courtesy Olympic Circle Sailing Club. Muriel McGuire of Oakland — A night aboard a yacht for two, courtesy of Boat and Breakfast USA. page 78

22 West Marine Quality Boating Gear and Apparel


Autohelm's sophisticated technology makes it easier than ever to get the information you need! • Electronic fluxgate compass lets you


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Charles Bojett of Fairfield and Tom Flesner of San Jose — Both were winners of introductory sailing lessons for two from Tradewinds Sailing Center in Richmond. M. Caswick of Pt. Reyes — A daysail on Monterey Bay with Pacific Yachting Unlimited of Santa Cruz. Latitude would like to congratulate all winners, and thank all advertisers who doriated these prizes. Special thanks also from the World Wanderette who manned ('womaned?, 'personed'?) our boat show booth. Oh, you didn’t know that was her, eh? Anyway, she said to thank everybody who came by, whether they bought anything or not. (Bigger thanks if you bought a discount T-shirt, one of our new ballcaps or a subscription.) She really enjoyed talking with you all. Who will be the first? The San Pedro Maritime Heritage Museum started operations last month, a noteworthy event in that they’re planning to focus on yachts of the 1920s through 1950s rather than the usual tallship museum fare. Eventual goals are to establish a wooden boat center where owners and an interested public can learn shipwright skills and seamanship; and "work on their boats with a minimum of hassles" despite the growing boatyard trend away from do-it-yourself. But that’s a bit down the road. Right now, the museum’s main goal is looking for its first boat to serve as the 'flagship' of operations. "We just lost out on receiving Swift, a Luders 44 built for the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1941," says museum director Mike Wallace. If you’re interested in more on any aspect of the museum (oh, by the way, they’re non-profit, so donors of vessels would enjoy maximum tax savings) can call (213) 316-6710.

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REF#154 - 1W97

SIGHTINGS much ado

the bad news If we heard it once, we heard it a thousand times last month, both over the phone and at our booth at the Boat Show: "What should we do about User Fees?" The easiest answer was, "Pay them." But considering how unfair they are, we couldn’t quite put it that way most of the time. Did we say 'unfair? Sorry, . we meant low-down, underhanded, slimey, irresponsible, ignorant and with flagrant disregard for the wishes of voters — in other words, SOP back in Washington. However, we can no longer tell people not to pay them, either. Even though the only reason the user tax passed was because it was tagged onto an unrelated bill at the last minute. (Before that, similar proposals had been resoundly defeated every year for the last nine.) Even though 239 Representatives and 20 Senators currently support bills which would repeal the User Fee. Even though outfits like BOAT/U.S. have filed lawsuits in federal court to challenge the constitutionality of the fees. Even though this is the third tax to hit boaters this year (the others were a gas tax and the luxury tax). Even though none of the more than $700 million raised over the next five years would go to the Coast Guard (this despite the fact that they were supposed to get it, and have been charged with collecting and policing the User Fee program). So we’ll weasel out of it by telling you what we’ve told everybody else: We’ve paid ours. Officially, the fees went into effect July 1. There’s been something of a grace period for the last two months, though. Fines for non-compliance during that time were waived if the boatowner paid his fees and got his stickers. As of October 1, however, boaters caught without current User Fee tags — oh, sorry, Recreational Vessel Fee (RVF) stickers — will be assessed nonrefundable fines. Although most published reports these days quote the 'up to a $5,000 fine' figure, in the real world, that amount will probably only be reserved for repeated abuses. Although the exact amounts of fines are still being fine-tuned at this writing, current thinking is that they’ll represent four times the sticker fee. In other words, if it costs $25 to tag your boat, the fine for not tagging your boat will run you $100 — plus you’ll still have to buy the damned tag anyway. You should also know that the Coasties aren’t going to be prowling the docks looking for offenders, or even actively stopping boats without stickers. "We have enough of an image problem as it is," said one Coast Guard spokesman. Boats will only be checked if they’re pulled over for a routine boarding or some infringement of the law. Finally, it’s worth noting that 1992 stickers will go on sale November 1. While you might be tempted to wait until then to buy one (rather than pay a full fee now and a new one after the new year) — sorry, Charlie, it doesn’t work like a car registration. Even with ’92 stickers on your boat, you can still be popped for not having *91’s. If you have a bad taste in your mouth about all this, don’t feel lonely. As of September 1, fewer than 300,000 stickers had been purchased nationwide. That’s out of about 4.1 million boats across the country that will require them. All registered boats over 16 feet need RVF decals. User fees vary from $25 to $100, depending on the size of the boat. To order the RVF decals by phone, call (800) 848-2100 and have your VISA or Mastercard number ready. Mail-in applications can be obtained by calling the Boating Safety Hotline at (800) 368-5647. Both calls ate free. continued next lightings page


Fears that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans to curtail boating activities in the North Delta have the Delta boating com¬ munity up in arms. The USFWS, however, says it’s much ado about nothing. The uproar is over the Stone Lakes Natural Wildlife Refuge, which the USFWS wants to expand to nearly 25,000 acres, including the popular Mokelumne River and Meadows Slough areas. In the environmental impact statement for the refuge proposal, USFWS used language like, "Existing recrea¬ tion uses could be restricted or prohibited." The paragraph that really set Delta boaters off reads, "Water skiing and power boating would be prohibited or controlled on water¬ ways within the refuge boundaries to limit disturbance to wildlife and natural vegetation." The original hearings drew such a large and vocal response, the USFWS has extend-

SIGHTINGS about the delta

bad news — cont’d

cd the deadline for public hearings on the matter to October 15. Refuge manager Peter Jerome feels escal¬ ation of the issue was uncalled for. "It was never our intent to exercise control over navigable waters, or to unduly restrict or prohibit recreational boat use. First, we don’t want to, and second, we don’t have the authority." Enforcement of boating regula¬ tions is up to the California State Lands Commission, he says. That’s not good enough for Delta boaters like Mark Zimmerman. A long-time Meadows boater who’s been involved in keeping the issue before the public, Zimmerman has accused the USFWS of being a "secretive" organization that won’t tell the public what it’s up to. According to Mark, a USFWS paper en¬ titled Refuges 2003 outlines current policies

And while we’re on the subject of money, if you want, you can contribute some to a legal fund that the BOAT/U.S. group has set up to support the lawsuit (and to challenge other unfair laws aimed at boaters) mentioned earlier. Their address is BOAT/U.S. Legal Defense Fund, 880 S. Pickett St., Alexandria, VA 22304. If you just want to 'show your colors', the T-shirt shown on the opposite page is $16 (L and XL only) from T-Shirt, 2726 Shelter Island Dr., #174, San Diego, CA 92106. Ten percent of profits will be donated to the National Water Rights Association. As sailors, we can’t think of a single law since Prohibition that so deserves repeal as the User Fee. Everything about it reeks of greed and graft, and we again urge all readers to be squeaky wheels to the representatives of their choice until this thing gets 'greased' into oblivion. Unless and until that happens, however, there seems to be little we can to about it but grit our teeth and take it like men and women.

a>ntlnued middle of next sightings page

continued next sightings page

the good news


If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. That’s what we always say. The good news — for us, anyway — is that we here at Latitude have decided to issue our own stickers. After the first of the year, all Northern California boats will have to

page 83

SIGHTINGS good news — cont’d have these on the bow. In order to continue receiving Latitude for free, owners need only present proof-of-purchase forms at their local chandlery. Unlike the greedy Feds, whose exorbitant user fees make a cruel joke of all that’s decent, kind and moral in America, we refuse to charge outrageous fees for our stickers. They’ll cost a paltry $5 apiece (two per boat required), and need only be bought once (a month). User Fee and State registration tags are ugly and boring. The final design of our tags is the result of months of intensive study and deliberation on how to make a tag which would both get the job done and actually enhance the looks of any boat to which it might be affixed. We think we met the challenge admirably: A tag that will at once upset a certain element of our audience — continued next sightings page

much ado aimed at phasing out all non-wildlife/wildlands-related recreational activities such as power boating, swimming and water skiing. "USFWS hasn’t studied the issues," says Zimmerman. "Over 100,000 people will be displaced." After the public comment period ends, Zimmerman says he expects the USFWS to refine its early EIS into a final report to be submitted for public comment in November or December. That’s when lawsuits can be filed. Zimmerman says he expects the matter


SIGHTINGS — cont’d

good news — cont’d

to be tied up in litigation "until all of us have old bones if these people don’t go away." Jerome will be surprised if it litigates at all. The next public hearings are scheduled for October 1 and 3, at 7 and 7:30 p.m. respectively, at Gene Harvey School in Walnut Grove. For more information on upcoming hearings, contact the South Sacramento Preservation Council, P.O. Box 43, Hood, CA 94539. The USFWS can be reached at (916) 978-4420. —floyd fessler

as yet another 'required' sticker should — and at the same time satisfy that portion of you who, like us, share a concern and appreciation for preserving the beauty of nature.

Also unlike the user fee, we aren’t going to speak in vague terms about some 'general fund' where the moneys raised from this program might end up. We 11 be honest. Fully 90% of it will be used by staffers to buy bigger boats, faster cars, older booze and younger women. The remaining 10% we’re just going to blow.

object lesson of the month: how not to take a picture of Californian At 145 feet overall, the state tallship Californian is one big boat. It is also a deceptively fast one. All that became illustrated clearly on Labor Day when the altercation depicted in the photo occurred. Californian, with the engine running but not engaged, was tacking up Raccoon Strait. They were on the way back to the Corps of Engineers dock after taking part in the Race for Historic Ships festivities. Nearby, according to witnesses, the skipper of this unidentified Cal 25 (28?) seemed intent on getting just the right angle in his photograph of the topsail schooner. He first crossed in front of the big ship, missing her by inches. Then he then turned into the wind and framed for another shot. We hope he had a wide angle lens. By the time he realized what was happening, the wind had blown the little boat down on the big one, with Californian’s huge bowsprit waving around in, as Bill and Ted would say, 'a most grievous vicinity, dude' — between the mast and backstay. Luckily, Californian skipper Andy Ellers and his crew had been watching the goings on and saw the accident coming. Californian was for all practical purposes DIW when the little boat shish kabob’ed herself. Ellers threw the ship’s big diesel into full reverse and backed away with no damage to either vessel. "People get caught up admiring the ship and sometimes don’t realize how quickly she can move," says Ward Cleaveland, Northern California spokesman for the Californian. "Fortunately, with such a superlative crew, most calls aren’t quite this close." Californian completed her Northern California 'tour of duty' in September by participating in environmental awareness rallies in Oakland and Half Moon Bay. From there she headed back down to Southern California for the winter. page 85


SIGHTINGS to power or to sail

farewell to summer — santa cruz style One thing Santa Cruzans will never be accused of is conformity. Especially, as these photos show, those among them who sail. At least, we think that was one of the activities that took place at the 'Bang & Go' on September 1. We’re not sure all of the other activities are mentionable in a wholesome family publication such as this, but a few that are include raft-ups — there were three to five of these, composed of five to seven boats apiece off the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf (all being serviced by the 'Bud Tug') — some sort of unspoken skimpiest costume contest, a let’s-see-how-many-people-we-cancram-on-each-boat competition (not all of these were 'official' events), lots of loud music, a king and queen (that’s her in the mermaid outfit), a more-or-less race outside (for which you could lose points if you finished "too aggressively", and partying until dusk. As for the rest, we’ll just say everybody seemed to continued next sightings page


Folks new to boating are often unsure if they should buy a powerboat or a sailboat. Naturally, we at Latitude 38 tend to favor sailboats. But, being objective journalists, we’re obligated to offer the case for power¬ boats, as presented by David Grimes. His ar¬ gument originally appeared in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, deep in the heart of power¬ boat country. There’s nothing like a fast ride In a powerboat. The energy. The excitement. The glamour. The indescribable thrill of watching

SIGHTINGS — that is the question your $150 prescription sunglasses sail over¬ board, having your hair knot up like a 4-year old's shoelaces and getting your kidneys pounded to the consistency of chunky peanut better. But It’s all worth It because when you’re behind the wheel of a fast, expensive power¬ boat, you’re making a statement to the world. You’re stating that you’ve arrived. You’re stating that you enjoy living life to the fullest. You’re stating that you’re an arrogant, -

santa cruz — cont’d have lots of fun which was the ultimate objective — and leave it at that. A minor legend practically before it was over, next year’s Bang & Go is

continued middle of next sightings page

iVd SOlOHd ny

already in the works. However, this is hardly a brand new event. They just haven’t held one for almost 30 years. But from 1938 to 1964, the Bang & Go (an allusion to the shotgun blast which signals the start of a race) was a yearly Labor Day event — sort of an extended party following the Windjammers Race. The reason for the revival this year was to celebrate the spirit of Santa Cruz YC manager Tim O’Neill, who passed away last year. All we gotta say is, they did him proud. A

what could be slower and wetter than a sailboat race? Lee Helm would have been proud. Last month, Loose Lips ran a request for 'pilot boats' to accompany a swimming endurance race from Point Bonita to Aquatic Park. My friend and boat neighbor Wendell Stuart volunteered his Ranger 33 Magalna, himself and me. Neither of us knew what to expect, although I figured on a kind of (yawn) long day. continued next sightings page

SIGHTINGS slower and wetter — cont’d Ever since I was 12 years old and first learned to sail, my parents always told me, "Stay on the boat. If you fall overboard, you’ll freeze." I always respected that advice and so was not really sure what to make of the 12 men and one woman who were about to attempt this 10K (6.2-mile) endurance swim/race. It soon became obvious, however, that this was a group of world class athletes — last year’s winner had previously set a record for swimming the English Channel. Marryann Brems, the swimmer Wendell and 1 were to 'pilot' has written several books on swimming. Although encouraged by the sponsoring Golden Gate Swimmers club to get other women to compete, she was the only woman to start the race. Marryann’s strategy seemed simple: try to swim a constant speed while Rosemary McNally and other support team members aboard Nagaina monitored her stroke rate, watched for signs of hypothermia and pointed the way. However, as we got more and more caught up in the spirit of the swim, Wendell and I realized we might be able to contribute something more than dry seats. Maybe if we put some sailboat racing knowledge into play... . The first thing we did was get Maryann into the building flood off Bonita. A couple other swimmers followed suit, although most were going rhunribline v

the question pretentious, sexually insecure male who thinks a 300-horsepower phallic symbol, lots of gold chains and a pair of elastic swim trucks that make you look like you’re smug¬ gling a basket of fruit will cause beautiful women your daughter’s age to become dizzy with lust to the point that they’ll ignore your self-absorbed personality and flabby body. This is not to say there is anything wrong with owning a powerboat. If I had the bucks, I’d buy one myself. Maybe two. After all, It’s always a good idea to have a back-up powerboat in case you damage a propeller on the back of a manatee (aren't they a nuisance?) or the occupants of the small sailboat you capsized with your wake. High-performance powerboats can

continued next sightings page

!■ It



Above, Marryann Brems. Spread, the homestretch sprint in Aquatic Park.'Nagaina1 is the white boat in background.



page 88

SIGHTINGS — cont’d provide wholesome fun for the entire family. The boats can comfortably accommodate as many as two people, assuming that neither wants to sit down, and the restrooms are as big as all outdoors. Much Intimacy can be achieved by screaming In each other’s ears so you can be heard over the roar of the engines, and hitting a sandbar at 80 mph Is a great way for a family to 'bond' In an everlasting way. Too often, reporters dwell on the negative aspects of powerboating — the danger, the wasted fuel, the fact that these guys hang around with much better-looking women then they do. I hope that I have succeeded In showing a more positive, compassionate side of this activity.

slower and wetter — cont’d toward the South Tower. As Maryann fell to about seventh place, Wendell started thinking we had blown the start. But as we got carried in by the flood, it became obvious that a swimmer is much slower than even an El Toro, and that all the swimmers were being set easterly at an alarming rate! Once inside the Gate, most of the 'fleet' were trying to break free of the flood as soon as possible, but here’s where Wendell — who was calling tactics while I steered — called for us to keep Marryann inside the floodline until the very last second. Marryann’s stamina and our strategy paid off: she finished on the beach at Aquatic Park 11 seconds ahead of the first man — she won! —John p. chllle Editor’s Note: Since this article was written, we’ve found out that Wendell and John became Instant 'ringers' for their savvy tactics during the race, and most of the top swimmers are already vying for their services next year. This Includes former winner Roger Bartels, who took second this year. The Santa Rosa dentist feels that, with their help, he could shave 40 minutes off his time — thereby becoming the first to do this annual event In under an hour.

seeing double Lots of foreign-flag sailors passing through the Bay Area lately. At least that’s the impression we got from our various spies and personal forays 'into the field'. We had time to talk with four of them—two Japanese singlehanders who didn’t know about one another until they arrived in the Bay within a week of one another; and two Soviet vessels that couldn’t have been more different. One was a homebuilt cruising boat, the other was a huge square-rigged training ship. Here’s a quick look at each. Pallada — Though only about 50 feet longer than Hyde Street Pier’s Balclutha, the 350-ft steel full rigger Pallada made the Bay’s biggest square rigger look like a Cal 20. It made the submarine Pampano, behind which Pallada berthed at Fisherman’s Wharf, look like a prize out of a Crackerjack box. We’re talking big. The Russian ship arrived September 4 for a week’s stay, during which time it took part in the parade following the Race for Historic Ships. Homeported in Vladivostock, Pallada is touring our West Coast in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the first Russian visit to the western shores of North American. Several momentous events have transpired during her short time in the United States, perhaps the most romantic of which was one of her 56-officer/143-cadet complement who fell in love with an American girl in Seattle and married her down here. On a more global level, the attempted coup in Moscow also occurred while the ship was in the Pacific Northwest. As a result of that, and the ongoing dissolution of the Soviet Union, for the first time since 1922, the ship flew the blue, white and red flag of the Russian republic, which was presented to them by the crew of the state tallship Californian. Baikal — In some ways, the voyage of the 45-ft Baikal closely parallels that of her huge countryman vessel, Pallada — she’s also visiting the West Coast now in celebration of the first Russian landing on our shores. As an 'added attraction', her 9-member crew is simultaneously recreating as closely as possible Vitus Bering’s 1728 voyage, during whiph he discovered Alaska and the Strait and Sea that now bear his name. The big difference from Pallada is that Baikal is a purely private venture. The boat was built and is being sailed entirely by members of the Baicals Marathon Club. From what we could gather from spokesman Lev Kovalev’s limited English, this sounds like a group of professional men and women who share a common interest in uncommon adventure. Kovalev himself is a doctor of chemistry. The boat is built entirely of steel, including the mast, from a design lifted pretty much verbatim out of a book by German designer Kurt Reinke. The robust design carries a 13-ft beam, 7-ft draft and displaces 15 tons. It took two years to build and was launched in 1990. Baikal departed Vladivostock on July 1. So far, the boat and a revolving crew (most of whom have to use limited vacation time to do legs of the trip) have made stops in Analaska, Dutch Harbor, Seward, Sitka, Juneau, continued next sightings page

page 89



^ mixed

seeing double — cont’d Ketchikan — all in Alaska — as well as Seattle, Fort Ross and now San Francisco. In the next year, they’ll make their way south, transit the Panama Canal, and be in Europe in time for the beginning of the Columbus celebration next year. The current crew,'eight men and one woman, attractive Olga Dmitrieva, were also stateside when the attempted coup occurred. When it was over, American friends brought by magnums of champagne to celebrate the triumph of democracy. Baikal also flies the flag of the Russian republic, rather than the hammer-and-sickle. It was only one gesture for which the crew could not thank their American hosts enough. We don’t have room to list everyone they named, but a partial list of those who have helped out in one way or another along the way includes Shishole Marina (free dockage), North Sails Seattle (sail repair, new main slides), John Mueller of Lunde Marine Electronics (electronic work, continued next sightings page


Our resident movie reviewers, Seagull and Egbert, had the opportunity to review the recently released video Sailing In Heavy Weather and had mixed reactions. Seagull, who has done lots of offshore racing, thought it was both too basic and that some important stuff was glossed over. "I didn’t learn a thing," he said, "and it seemed like all they cared about was roller furling headsails. Although I did enjoy the instantlyreplayed dismasting sequences of Diane, I give it a thumbs down." Egbert, a so-so sailor ("Seag is a sailor who writes, I’m a writer who sails") felt the

page 90


seeing double — cont’d donation of Icom VHF unit), and West Marine (all sorts of donated lines and gear). Like most home-grown efforts, the Russian sailors are beginning to feel the

tape was instructive for a sailor of his limited experience, as well as a fine entry into the sailing video market by the Sausalito-based Nighthawk Productions. "As the tape itself says, the only way you can rea//y learn to deal with heavy weather is to go out there and sail in it. But this tape will go far toward building confidence that you can not only survive heavy weather, but enjoy it. The many experts featured — Mark Schrader, Steve Taft, John Jourdane, Warren Luhrs and a host of others — plus that fact that the on-the-water sequences are actually shot in


continued middle of next sightings page


pinch of dwindling resources at this mid-point in their voyage. "We’re looking for sponsors for the second half," says Kovalev. At this writing, the boat is hauled out in Bodega Bay undergoing normal maintenance. Eolia — Ikuo Tateo has been wrestling with the enigma called America since he was a little boy growing up in post-war Japan. Feelings ran hard toward the no-longer-sleeping giant in those years, and the young man formed such an enmity for anything American that he refused even to learn English in school. Over time, however, those feelings tempered to a cautious curiosity. And when the time came for the 50-year-old construction engineer and longtime singlehander to plan his first big cruise, he didn’t hesitate a minute: he charted a course for the Golden Gate. Starting in late June and arriving in late August, his 14-year-old boat — a 27-ft French design built of fiberglass in Japan (and named for the Greek goddess of wind) — took a day short of two months to make the trip. The voyage was plagued by light winds, making it easier — though more frustrating — than Ikuo expected. His arrival in San Francisco exceeded his expectations the other way. "I never thought people would be so friendly," he said through an interpreter. "Because of this sail my prejudice toward America is gone, and that makes me happy." At the time this was written, Ikuo, who was berthed in Berkeley, was planning to leave for Hawaii in late September, and to be back home in Ogasawara Island by early December.

Kuni Okamura (left, with locks hanging out to dry aboard 'Yuki Kaze') and Ikuo Tateo. 'Eolia' it in background.


S o D


Yuki Kaze — Talk about a cruising purist: Not only is a flashlight the extent of the on-board 'electronics' aboard 31-one-year-old Kuni Okamura’s boat, but a third of the way into his 50-day crossing from Shimizu, Japan, his outboard ran out of gas — and he just threw it over the side! "I figured, why carry all the extra weight?" he says in rusty but well-phrased English. (He’s been here twice before and spent six months going to school in San Francisco about 10 years ago. "More traffic and more expensive" are the changes he notes in the interim.) "It’s been my dream to cross the ocean and sail under the Golden Gate ever since high school," says Kuni. A friend of his designed and built the little wooden 21-footer six years ago. Like Ikuo Tateo (see above), Kuni’s crossing was easier than he expected, with the calms much more memorable for their frustration than the blows. Both singlehanders experienced plenty of calms up to the dateline, and mostly steady breeze after. But purism has its drawbacks. The wind went light again coming under the Golden Gate, and Yuki Kaze was being swept back seaward by the ebb. Neil Weinberg (of Pacific Yacht Imports) was out that day and continued next sightings page

7 page 91

SIGHTINGS mixed reviews

seeing double — cont’d came to the rescue, giving Kuni a tow and informing him that Ikuo had arrived only a week earlier. That’s how the two came to berth side by side for awhile at Jack London Square, where this photo was taken. Unlike Ikuo, who’s on an extended vacation, Kuni quit his job as a boating instructor (which is 'different from a sailing instructor: in Japan, anyone operating any boat under power needs a license). His itinerary also includes Hawaii sometime later this year, and from there, who knows? His plans are open ended and he has no date set for a return home. Now that’s a purist.


30 knots of wind on the ocean, gives this tape a credibility that other ’heavy weather’ videos lack. I give it a thumbs up." Make up your own mind at the Armchair Sailor bookstore in Sausalito on October 12. They’ll hold a ’video preview’ of Sailing In

ungrateful pacific cup ’92 John Lee Hooker once sang, "The blues had a baby, and they named it rock n’ roll." And rock n’ roll, as everyone knows, is here to stay — kind of like the West Marine Pacific Cup, aka "The Fun Race to Hawaii". And just as rock n’ roll went on to overwhelm the blues, the still-young Pacific Cup is poised to outsell its esteemed parent, the 85-year-old TransPac, in July 1992. Like our continued next sightings page



No, this isn’t about fans of the Grateful Dead. The deadheads we mean are yet ano¬ ther hazard of ’the great out there’: large trees or logs that have become so water¬ logged that they’re just barely afloat. A true deadhead floats upright like the one in the photo, althought we’ve heard the term used to describe any large object that lurks just below the surface, including ’lengthwise’ logs

SIGHTINGS — cont’d

pacific cup — cont’d parents used to mutter, "Kids these days ... no respect!" But the fact is that the Pacific Cup Yacht Club — which organizes the race along with Kaneohe YC and West Marine Products — has been inundated with requests for next year’s race package (they’ve sold 110 at $10 a pop) and has thus far received 21 paid-up applications. With nine months still to go (the staggered starts are on July 6-9, 1992), the 2,071-mile run to Kaneohe Bay looks like an easy bet to pass the TransPac, which only fielded 42 starters this year. It will also probably surpass its own all-time high (45 boats in ’90) and go on to "sell out" for the first time, i.e. hitting the 50 boat maximum that Kaneohe YC can accommodate. "The response has been tremendous so far," observed PCYC’s Andy Rothman. "We’re running way ahead of where we were two years ago at this time. People who want to go on the race definitely shouldn’t wait until the May 1st deadline." But numbers only tell part of the story, and comparisons to the TransPac probably aren’t all that valid. "Let’s face it — we’re a completely different deal than the TransPac," claimed Rothman. "The Pacific Cup is much more low-key and user-friendly; our intention is for everyone to have fun!" Towards that goal, there are great parties at each end, a staggered start so that everyone makes the awards banquet, lots of valuable prizes in many categories, educational seminars beforehand and much, much more. We’ll divulge more details about the seventh running of the Pacific Cup over the next few months. In the meantime, we’ll leave you with a list of the earlybird entries (what? Mongoose doublehanded??) and contacts for learning more about the race. For a complete race packet and entry form, send $10 to the Pacific Cup YC, 2269 Chestnut St., #111, San Francisco, CA, 94123. If you have specific questions, call Mary Lovely (415-441-4461) or Beverly Barth (415-381-1117). Or, if you just want to hear how much fun the Pacific Cup is, ask anyone who’s ever done it.

Heavy Weather between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., with Nighthawk’s Tim Sevison on hand to answer any questions on the tape or the subject matter. The tape is available there and at the usual outlets around the Bay for $49.95.

deadheads and even shipping containers. We’ll leave it to future editions of the Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea to sort out the semantics ('deadhead' isn’t in there yet). Suffice it to say that in a forceful collision between a sailboat and a severalton deadhead, the sailboat will almost al¬ ways lose. We’ve done maybe a dozen storcontinued middle of next sightings page

Discovery, C&C 39, Dan Symonds, Seattle Erin, Hans Christian 41, Jim & Ruth Sully, Portland, OR Flying Colors, Celestial 48, Bob Rockwell, Seattle Fury, Baltic 42, Lee Hedge, Bellevue, WA Illusion, Cal 40, Stan Honey, San Francisco (*) Intrepid, Freedom 36, George McKay, Berkeley La Boheme, Hunter 37, Bill Pendola, Vallejo Lunasea, J/27, Greg Fry, Seattle (*) Mandala, Nauticat 38 motorsailor, Robert & Shirley Richard, San Francisco Melange, Express 37, Steve Chartiberlain, Richmond Mongoose, SC 70, Paul Simonsen, Pebble Beach (*) Mystical Creampuffs, Beneteau 45f5, John Linneman, San Francisco Mystlcetl, Westsail 32, Michael & Carol Rose-Sisson, San Francisco Ono, B-25, Leif Beiley, Long Beach (*) Pacific Jewel, Islander 44, John & Leilani Himmelmann, Honolulu Panacea, Ericson 35, Bruce Thompson-Bowers, San Diego (*) Praise, Freedom 36, Ken Joy, San Francisco Ralphle, SC 50, Fog City Syndicate (Byron Mayo), San Francisco Scorpio, Wylie 42 custom, Lon Price, San Francisco Seaz the Moment, S&S 47, Ed Soellner & Karen Pidgeon, Portland, OR Tropic Bird, Peterson 44, Jay Randolph Paulling, Pt. Richmond (*) (* denotes doublehanded entries) ■"

smuggler’s cup — more prizes pour in I was delighted to read the article entitled "The Smuggler’s Cup" in your August issue. My office was significantly involved in the Malekula case, the Lucky Star case, the 1,000 pounds of heroin seized in Oakland, and the 1,874 pounds of cocaine seized in the Bay Area. 1 would like to announce that it is our intention to co-sponsor the Smuggler’s Cup. My agents have volunteered for race committee work and are extremely anxious to meet the contestants after the race. continued next sightings page /

page 93

SIGHTINGS deadheads — cont’d

smuggler’s cup — cont’d We will provide a suitable trophy and the agents will give each and every participant a warm welcome to San Francisco after verifying that the vessel qualified by bringing illegal drugs into the United States. Each crew member --will be given a beautiful set of matching stainless steel bracelets, linked together by a non-kinking stainless steel designer chain. Each crew member will be enlight¬ ened by prose composed by the United States Supreme Court, insuring they know that in the United States everyone has cer¬ tain rights not found in other countries. To further commemo¬ rate the event, a photographer will record each crew member in several poses. Then, for the grand finale, every crew member will be taken to beautiful downtown San Francisco (City Jail) where he or she will be relieved of those dirty old foul clothes they were wearing, issued a nice clean orange jump suit and given free room and board for a minimum of 3,652 nights at any one of severed Club Fed locations. On another note, for those who have participated unofficially in the Smuggler’s Cup in the past, there is a fine line between getting caught red-handed with the drugs on a boat and those who wait years before being arrested on drug smuggling conspiracy charges. It sometimes takes us years to catch all co-conspirators, though we usually get to everyone sooner or later. The Inspector Jacques Clouseau Perpetual, aka the 'Smuggler's Cup', is modeled after an existing — ron landmann, trophy whose aspirants also blow obscene supervisory special agent, amounts of money. marine Interdiction group department of the treasury

shades of gray If you’re into heavy metal, plan on being out on the Bay on Saturday, October 12 for the annual Fleet Week activities. In one of the most hardware¬ intensive parades of ships in years, on the docket at this writing are the aircraft carrier Nlmltz, the battleship Missouri, two submarines, two cruisers, two destroyers, three fast frigates, a dock landing ship, an amphibious assault ship, a mine countermeasures ship, a destroyer tender, a replenishment oiler and two Coast Guard cutters. If you were out last year, you’ll recall only a measly two or three ships — all the other ones were on their ways to the Persian Gulf. Of course, the parade of ships and the breathtaking antics of the Blue Angels are only a small part of what Fleet Week is all about. The main thrust is a mutual celebration of the Navy by the City; the City by the Navy; individual sailors by local communities; the military by local industry; physical fitness by participants in various softball games and a 10K run; all that gray paint by paint manufacturers; mom and apple pie; the end of summer; the Superman marathon on 'Nick at Nite'; toast; and just about anything else you can think of. Here’s a quick rundown on what’s what and when’s when. September 30 thru October 15 — Host-A-Sailor program, whereby continued next sightings page


ies over the years on people who have lost boats just this way. Ironically, few of them were able to say for sure exactly what they’d hit, even if it happened during broad day¬ light. Deadheads can be that hard to spot. For that reason and the fact that nobody’s yet bothered to count, it’s impossible to tell how common deadheads are. Probably not very in most places. Naturally, they’d be more common in heavily wooded (and log¬ ged) areas like the Pacific Northwest, although heavy spring runoff from the Delta — back when it used to rain — has contrib¬ uted its share of deadheads to our local waters, too. We came upon this classic deadhead in the Strait of Juan de Fuca during a recent delivery from Friday Harbor, Washington. The trunk was about 2Vfe feet in diameter and spent about twice as much time submerged as above the surface.

good news as "Operation Desert Storm put the power of GPS into perspective for the world when it proved to be the only way our troops could accurately find their ways around the desert. As the primary supplier of GPS equipment to the Allies, we were able to install the most advanced automated manufacturing facility in the industry. Now we’re building systems faster and to tighter specs than ever before. Which means those same products we had trouble shipping on time during the war can now be built at significant cost savings — savings we’re passing on to you. Our dealers will be offering both the NavTrac GPS and handheld TransPak GPS systems at Incred¬ ible savings starting August 1." So read a recent postcard sent to us by Trimble Navigation. As readers of Latitude know, prices of all GPS systems, Trimble’s included, have taken a refreshing plunge in the past few months. And just in time for the Mexico cruising season. With some outlets advertising GPS systems for as low as $1,250, we think any¬ one bound for Mexico would have to be foolish (or, okay, completely dirt poor) not to buy one. As one observer said, "With the price of GPS systems this low, there is no longer an excuse for anyone piling their boat up on the coast of Baja." He’s right. In addition to providing pinpoint navi¬ gation 24 hours a day anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions, GPS offers something else: even greater reliability than SatNav. John Slivka of Maritime Electronics in Sausalito explained it this way: "The new GPS units require so little power that there’s very little heat, and it’s heat that causes problems with electronics." page 94

SIGHTINGS FARLEY/Phil Frank T/ie~Bay Conservator? and ^Development Commit on haf classified all tarts on San Francisco Bay





Conservation and Development Commission



■fill, dome day soan yaw'll pn?kibltj need a permit to take your bmf auf-fpr the day- If yau're goirw Sailing be sure tz? sena


I request permission +o Qmotor Q sail my bay Fill on Ban Francisco Bay on tbis date--


I Q intend Qdo not intend to anchor my bay Fill. Name of my bay fill; > CF number *

1 j


Personal comments: MAIL TO-. B.C.D.C. 30VANNE5S AVENUE* 5AN FRAN[l5Ca, CA 94102

gps prices tumble Linda Newland, who has crossed the Pacific a number of times including a singlehanded race to Japan (and who authors an article elsewhere in this issue), recently delivered the N/M 55 Strider back from Ha¬ waii. The boat was equipped with an Inter¬ phase Star Pilot GPS we had rented to the syndicate that sailed with it in the TransPac. It was the first time Newland had ever used a GPS. Her evaluation: "We used the GPS all the way back from Hawaii without a hitch. We didn’t put any waypoints in until the last 48 hours, when we encountered thick, down-to-the-deck fog. Approaching Pt. Reyes, we plugged waypoints for the shipping lane so we could stay just outside it. That was great. "Later, as we approached the Lightbucket in extremely thick fog, we got to test the accuracy of the system. The Star Pilot was so accurate that we literally had to change course so we wouldn’t hit the Lightbucket. "We then plugged in the main shipping channel buoys, again so we could stay just outside them. It was still so foggy that I certainly wouldn’t have tried to come in under DR or anything. But the GPS was a blessing, as we were enter the Gate with confidence." Linda had mostly high praise for how user friendly the Star Pilot unit was, tpo. Liking the graphics display, the easy-to-understand manual, the reliability and accuracy, her biggest complaint was that weak backlighting made the unit a little hard to read. Interestingly enough, just before the start of the TransPac Strider’s lead charterer, having used the unit during practices, inquircontinued middle of next sightings page


shades of gray



1 \




members of the local community invite the men and women of the 1991 Fleet Week Battlegroup to their homes, ballgames or, hey — out for a taste of some real sailing. October 11 — Youth Excellence Day. This event takes place at Aquatic Park and celebrates excellence in education by providing a first-hand view of the best in Naval aviation and various motivational speeches and messages. October 12 — The Parade of Ships starts at 11 a.m. At 11:45, there will be demostrations by the Coast Guard Search and Rescue team, the Harrier Jump-Jet (which don’ need no stinking runways, mon), the Miller Six-Pack Parachute Team, possibly some other flyby/demostrations, and the grand finale, the fabulous Blue Angels at 1 p.m., weather permitting. October 13 — Bay Bridge Challenge Run. Starting at 7:45 \ .'V " a.m., this 10K trek will start from Fleet Week is not just for the U.S. Navy Fisherman’s Wharf, go down anymore. As they have every year for about along the Embarcadero, up and the last 10, the locally-based Peace Navy will over the Bay Bridge and finish at also be out in force on October 12 — to pro¬ Treasure Island. The first 1,500 test against the military machine with their finishers will be able to ride a ferry own colorful, banner-streaming flotilla. back across the Bay to Pier 39. In fact, October 12 is the kickoff of what (Just throw us in the nearest the Peace Navy calls its "most ambitious pro¬ ambulance, thank you very ject to date": a year of working with ’Resis¬ much.) To accommodate runners, tance 500’ — a coalition linked with a world¬ Pier 39 will provide free parking wide network of ethnic, environmental, reli¬ to the first 1,000 participants who gious and political groups, led by Indigenous ask for it on their registration Peoples which will culminate at next forms. Registration is $15 in year’s Columbus Day Quincentenary cele¬ advance and $18 the day of the A bration. To that end, the Peace Navy’s race. Also taking place on October theme this October is "499 Years and Still 13 is a big party/picnic at Marx Here", and a contingent of American Indians Meadow in Golden Gate Park — in ceremonial dress will be aboard the boats barbecue, concert, softball, etc. — for the waterborne protest. For more on the beginning at 10 a.m. October 12 demonstration or the Peace Other activities include open Navy in general, call (415) 398-1201. house aboard a number of as-yet Navy ships, including the Mighty ’Mo. A real piece of history, that: the Japanese surrender in World War II was signed on her quarterdeck. Call for locations and hours of ship open houses. Finally, Navy River Boat rides out

peace navy plans

continued next sightings page



shades of gray — cont’d of Pier 39 are also on the docket. These aren’t the Mark Twain jobs, they’re the light and lethal PBRs ('Patrol Boat; River') of Mekong Delta fame. The rides are free to the public between the hours of 3-5 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. For more informatipn on any aspect of Fleet Week, call (415) 395-5030. X

short sightings BEIJING, CHINA — Although it’s still politically correct in China to abhor bourgeois western ideals, economically the Chinese are awakening to the 1990s with a new sense wonder at the capitalistic possibilities. For example, for the most populous nation in the world, the Chinese have been woefully lacking in yacht clubs. In fact, they didn’t have any until August. But they didn’t start small. In addition to the usual berthing facilities for members, the club (located in the northeastern port of Dalian) will provide "upscale berthing to members of foreign yacht clubs," rental powerboats to 300 horsepower — even rental airplanes! The club also has an on-site hotel, recreation center, cinema and conference hall. \

OFF SAN FRANCISCO — Marlin like warm water. That’s why an arma¬ da of jillion-dollar fishing battlewagons congregate at places like Cabo San Lucas every year. Oh sure, fishermen up as far as Santa Barbara hook Marlin continued next sightings page

ed about buying the unit from us. We told him we liked the unit ourselves and wanted to keep it, but would sell it to him for a little under cost. He said he’d give it some thought while racing to Hawaii. Lucky for him, unlucky for us. By the time the race was Over, the price of new Star Pilots had dropped several hundred dollars!

indian summer Can you believe summer’s over? The ce¬ lestial phenomenon that signaled this event was the autumnal equinox on September 22. That’s when the sun was directly above the equator and night and day were the same length. Until sometime next March, when the vernal equinox occurs, old Sol will be spending most of his waking hours in the southern hemisphere and our nights will be longer than our days. All of which is a roundabout way of


shorts — cont’d

Want a last good reason to buy a GPS for a cruise to Mexico? If somebody goes over¬ board, you’ll know exactly where it hap¬ pened and can quickly direct other GPSequipped boats to the precise location. GPS: it’s not the greatest thing since sliced bread, it’s the greatest thing since bread.

sailing saying our days of lovely afternoon sailing are numbered. Sure, sailing is pretty much a year-round deal in these parts, but don’t try to tell us doing it in the winter isn’t any different than doing it in the summer. For¬ tunately, October is usually blessed by enough Indian summer weather that you still have time to enjoy. So be like this soon-tobe-'looking-good' boat heading out of the Corinthian YC get out there. Come Febru¬ ary, you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t.


every now and then, but they’re rare. This far north, forget it. The last time anyone hooked a big one that got away was back in 1983 when we were going through that El Nino business. Well, at least that was the last time until last month, when an 8-ft, 125pound striped marlin was not only hooked, but landed only about 100 miles off San Francisco. The September 7 catch renewed speculation that El Nino may be on its way back, which would harken well for the drought. Very basically, El Nino is a phenomemon where unusually warm water makes its way unusually far north, creating unusually wet weather. Two days later, a pier fisherman pulled a Maine lobster — the kind with the big claws — out of the Bay. Some romantics speculated that the crustacean might have made lus way down the east coast, through the Panama Canal and up to San Francisco during the last El Nino. That’s the story we like, although it seems just about as probable as Terminator II really happening. More likely, he just fell out of a crate being delivered to one of the waterfront restaurants. As far as the official word on El Nino and a wet winter, although scientists say some of the signs are there, they have yet to give it an official yay or nay.

SAN LEANDRO — "1 call it the jewel of San Leandro." That’s how Mayor David Karp described the updated San Leandro Marina at a ribbon-cutting ceremony in early September. The facelift for the 30-year-old, 300-berth marina began 3 years ago with replacement of old wooden docks and pilings with state of the art concrete ones. Since then, 250 new berths have been added, including accommodations for boats up to 60 feet. The marina is now the centerpiece of a vast recreation area that includes restaurants, a park, a hotel, two golf courses and several bike paths. WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has adopted a ban — effect¬ ive immediately — on Imports of any fish caught with drift nets in the South Pacific. By next July, the ban will be worldwide. The new regulations will require drift-netting nations — Japan, Taiwan, North and South Korea and France(!) — to provide documents certifying that the products were not taken with the environmentally devastating nets. Under the new regs, drift nets are defined as any floating gill net longer than 1.5 miles. Some are as long as 30 miles. The so-called 'curtains of death' kill everything in their paths. In 1990, for example, the National Marine Fisheries Service reported the deaths of some 1,750 whales and dolphins, 253,000 tuna, 82,000 blue sharks, 30,000 sea birds and more than 3 million other non-target fish — by only 10 percent of Japan’s drift-net fleet! Senator Bob Packwood (R-OR) has introduced legislation that would eventually mandate trade sanctions against all countries that continue to use drift nets. We applaud both moves. EUREKA — Dennis Huber is probably going to change his whale watching habits drastically, if he ever watches them at all again. On September 19, after a six-week investigation, Huber was fined $10,000 for violating the Endangered Species Act. He was alleged to have scattered a group of Humpback Whales off Yankee Point (Monterey) in early August, then chased them. THE BAY — The familar specter of dredging reared its mucky head again last month. Places like the Oakland Estuary need it badly if we’re to enjoy our fair share of the multibillion-dollard shipping industry. We know of a few recreational marinas that could use it 'one scoop or two', as well. And nobody disputes the fact. What all the verbiage is over is what the heck to do with all the glop once you’ve pulled it out of the Bay. Back before we were so environmentally conscious, most of it was unceremoniously dumped in a deep trough off Alcatraz. That was stopped three years ago when the Marine Fisheries Service said it was bad for fishing. Although the long-range study on that should be completed in about two years, local fishermen say the Bay has rebounded dramatically since dumping stopped. So what to do with the proposed 517,000 cubic yards of spoils? As unlikely a source as the U.S. Navy may have come up with the perfect answer: dump it atop the old munitions disposal site near the Farallones, effectively capping off the exceedingly toxic chemicals — and even possible radioactive wastes — that have been leaching into the surrounding ocean for about the last 40 years.

page 97




astes great, less filling." "Fast really is fun." "The family that trims together, grins together." Those are some of the thoughts left in the wake of this year’s St. Francis Perpetual ! Trophy, aka The Big Boat Series, held 1 September 12 to 15. Bone chilling fog prevented contestants in the 55-boat fleet from getting a good tan, but the intensity of

1 ■ H ■■

the racing provided enough heat to keep things interesting, if not downright exciting. Once the domain of men, power and money, the Big Boat Series has undergone quite a transformation in the last two years. Instead of five iron-clad divisions all racing under the 10R, we now have a mixture of one design, IMS and 'open' class configurations. Rather than stretching five races out over seven days, the regatta now



compresses six heats (five for the big sleds and the Open 30s) into four days. And whereas women were once considered accessories (or oddities, as in the case of the all women crews of the early 1980s), they have become an integral part of the scene. "This is still one.of the world’s premiere regattas," noted Southern California’s John MacLaurin, who has spent part of almost every September for the past decade racing




'| on the Bay. "The shorter format is more ■ intense and I wish we had a lay day. ! miss | taking the crew on a chardonnay crawl I through the wine country, but this shows that 1 the St. Francis has been able to adapt to the ! changes we’ve seen in yachting." Those changes include a definite shift away from handicap racing to going head-to! head in one designs. The fleets drawing the most entries for the second year in a row were the J/35s and Express 37s, with 12 and 13 respectively. The two other one design groups were the J/44s and Ultra Light Displacement Boat (ULDB) 70s, also known as the maxi-sleds. The latter represent the cutting edge of Bill Lee’s Fast is Fun concept.

the Santa Cruz 70 Ole (formerly Cltlus) in races like the Cal Cup and Southern California offshore contests. This was his first

^\ntonio Elias has so much fun racing his sled that he regularly flies to Los Angeles from his home in Mexico City to campaign

Big Boat Series. A former Hobie cat sailor, Antonio trims the main on the sled while the crew, a mixture of sailors from Southern

"This is still one of the world's premiere regattas.”

Si “V.

: v

California and elsewhere, take care of the other duties. Competition among the 70s proved quite equal. The class association has figured out how to keep things even by making the newer boats rate lower, i.e. slower, than the older ones. A newer yacht, for example, carries less sail area than an older one, which theoretically balances out any advantage of construction or design that the newer model might have. This system allows the yachts to race boat-for-boat and not worry about handicaps once the starting gun goes off. The early leader among the sleds was Taxi Dancer, Mitch Rouse’s Reichel/Pugh design which won last year’s Big Boat Series with four bullets. Loaded with talent like Ben Mitchell, Buzz Boettcher, Ken Keefe and Norm Davant, the big yellow sloop used her more powerful hull shape to win a pair of

BIG BOATS '91 heats and forge a 1.5 point lead going into the last race. Coming on strong, however, was Jim Ryley’s Mi rage, billed as tl^e 'Santa Cruz' Santa Cruz 70 because almost all of her crew comes from that laid-back coastal town or Its whereabouts. The yacht’s sails and rig also come from Steamer Lane. Owner Ryley hails from Saratoga and has put in thousands of miles on his old Santa Cruz 50 Oaxaca, including an overall win in the 1990 Pacific Cup. He knew there was a 70 being built at Lee’s yard back home and talked things over with crewmember/driver/ navigator Skip Allan about helping out with a maxi sled program. Skip said 'sure' and in December, 1990, Ryley took delivery of the white-hulled sloop.

"M I’lost 70s are delivered about 80% right,” said Ryley. "We were committed to doing this project on a budget and getting it 95% right the first time. As it is, we still don’t have a full inventory of sails. We figured the #2 was the 'most expendable' sail, so we

"It's nice to have a dream come to fruition."

never got one." The crew, including Dave Hodges, Jay Crum, Dave Wahle, Ian Klitza and Ryley’s 18-year-old son Grant, spent a few races getting their act together at the Big Boat Series. On Saturday, they were flagged by

Maverick for a port/starboard situation and spun a 720°, fearing a DSQ in the no-throw -out series. Nevertheless, they still finished second in the race, and overall never dropped below third. That kept them in the hunt and set the stage for the nail-biting finale, where they buried Taxi Dancer at the start. The yellow boat made a strong bid to sneak into second and retain the series lead on the last leg, but Mirage slowed down in order to sit on their rival long enough to allow Holua to finish second and hang enough points on Taxi Dancer’s score for the win.

Tight racing for the top spot was the 'It's OK!’ proved to be much more than just okay in her Northern California debut.

First is fun: The afterguard of ’It's OK!' (back row, left to right: Dave Vietor, Lew Beery, Craig Fletcher and Andy Rose) had reason to smile. hallmark of three other fleets as well, including the Atlantic division, or 'big' IMS group, the Keefe-Kilborn, or 'little' IMS group, and the Express 37 fleet. Sy Kleinman’s rejuvenated Frers 58 Swlftsure, a hometown entry (and the fastest teak-decked yacht in any division), traded wins with the year-old Cantata II, an Alan Andrews 53 from Cabrillo Beach, for the first four heats of the Atlantic series. Unlike the one design fleets, where rivals sailed eyeball to eyeball for miles, these two competitors waved at each other at the start and then kept their eyes glued to their stopwatches. Sailing under the IMS rule, which adjusts handicaps according to wind speed, the two


The IMS encourages good performance in a broad range of conditions," explained Andrews, "without all the lumps and bumps on the hull that characterized the IOR." Owner Brook Gifford of Los Angeles owned an Ericson 38 before Cantata II, but got 'foot fever' and decided to move up a little over a year ago. He used to dream about sailing as a youngster, reading Richard ' Henry Dana and Herman Melville to fuel his imagination. "It’s nice to have a dream come to fruition," he said. His wife Louise also plays an important role, managing the crew arrangements and keeping time during the races.

yachts were as much as 20 to 25 seconds-per mile different in rated speed. Swiftsure navigator Paul Kamen claimed he still isn’t sure how the wind speeds were calculated for the series, which would have affected the outcome. He and the other navigators were asked to submit the wind speeds they noted as they rounded the marks on the course. The race committee then mixed those numbers with other data, along with the entrails of a chicken and an eye of newt, to come up with the final results. The final tally showed Cantata II as the victor, with four bullets. Designer Andrews, who hails from Long Beach, said the yacht turned out to be a comfortable offshore racing boat that weighs about as much as a Santa Cruz 50 but goes upwind much faster. Part of the reason is its weight distribution, with lots of lead down low.

1 t’s OK!, ten feet shorter than Cantata II, is another product of Alan Andrews’ drawing board. Launched in May 1991, the sloop inherited the motor, winches, engine, boom, mainsail and most other parts off owner Lew Beery’s previous yacht, a Reichel/Pugh 42. Beery subsequently traded the ’carcass' for new sails from Dave Ullman’s loft. (Ullman will reportedly put a cruising interior in the old hull.) This year, It’s OK! (whose 15-man crew sported the coolest windbreakers in the fleet with a purple and neon orange color scheme) won Long Beach Race Week before heading north. Helmsman Craig Fletcher, a sailmaker turned real estate agent, brought a bunch of his buddies on board, none of whom are MIRs ('marine industry profes¬ sionals'). In fact, Andy Rose, Dave Vietor, Steve Dodd, Rod Graham and the others refer to themselves as 'OCBs' (One of Craig’s Buddies). "We have a policy of checking our egos at the dock," said Fletcher. "No one has more fun out there than we do." Winning made things more fun, especially when they finally put away their main rival Falcon in the last race. Owned by Don Smith of Oklahoma, the brand-new blue-hulled yacht is the latest Tripp 40 (a design that’s been burning up the East Coast IMS circuit) to come out of Barry Carroll’s Rhode Island shop. Basically a production boat, it was * tricked to the max with aluminum bow and stern pulpits, discon-tinous rod rigging, load cells, and other high-performance go-fast gear. The boat, with a towering raked-back fractional rig, appeared to us just like a onetonner with a slightly nicer interior. But looks are deceiving: "Boat for boat, Falcon would blow a one-tonner out of the water," claimed driver Mark Plough, a sailmaker from Florida. "Basically, we’re here to fine tune the jpoat," Plough told us as he introduced his

'Slithergadee's chute — the best practical joke of the series.

'factory team' (designer Bill T ripp, sparmaker Ben Hall and others). "We’ll turn it over to Don, who’s going to campaign it in Southern California and then go east for Key West Race Week and the Caribbean circuit." Falcon traded wins with It’s OK! for the

"We have a policy of checking our egos at the dock."

first five races, far ahead of third place High Risk (if this series was any indication, a 'pure' IMS boat can destroy an IOR boat that’s been converted to the IMS rule). It’s OK! ran


brought along their #3 jib, which hadn’t N seen the light of day in almost two years! Bladerunner showed amazing consisten¬ cy, never falling below fourth in the series. The overall victory came down to the finale, where Tiburon’s Larry Doane found the

"Just about everyone onboard fill—11 %

s§ :

Riding the rail on'Maverick\ Next year, when the Big Boat Series is once again on their champion¬ ship schedule, the ULDB 70s will return in force.

away with the finale, but not without some tense moments: the Southern Californians shredded their 3/4 ounce spinnaker at the first weather mark and subsequently put a slight tear in the 1/2 ounce. Sailing in 25 knots true, the light kite provided some scary moments, but the It’s OK! guys had no other choice — they’d left their last kite, the 1.5 ounce, on the dock to save weight.

The Express 37 fleet ’doubled their enjoyment’ at this year’s Big Boat Series. Not only did they form the regatta’s largest fleet, they also counted the six races as their national championships. They also may have shown the most fleet solidarity with a class dinner on Thursday night. Glenn Isaacson,

Q g 2 5 Ted Hall CFrequent Flyer1), left, congratulates Larry Doane CMorningstar') on a hell of a season: victories in the Volvo, ODCA and Big Boat Series.

the popular owner of Re-Quest, organized the bash, which drew well over 100 sailors, friends and family members. Competition in the 37s was especially keen, with the top three finishing within 3.5 points of each other. Early leaders Larry and

Lynn Wright on Spindrift V started off with a bang, taking a first and a second. Reality hit in race three, when they scraped the weather mark, lost their topping lift up the mast and had the spinnaker halyard let go in the middle of a downwind leg. "We lost a boat after each mishap," lamented Lynn. "This was a tough fleet. If you faltered, there were lots of boats to fill the gap." The Wrights made the event a family affair, with Lynn driving upwind and Larry steering downhill. Lynn’s son Tom also served in the cockpit trimming the headsails. Richmond sailmaker Lynn is probably the only owner in the entire fleet who personally stitched every sail in her boat’s inventory, including a new #1 genoa for the series. While the Wrights wrestled with problems, Ted Hall’s Frequent Flyer, Mick Shlens’ Bladerunner and Larry Doane’s ODCA season winner Morningstar wrestled one another for top honors. Shlens, who hails from Palos Verdes Estates in Southern California, was especially pleased at how his yacht and crew performed in the one design structure. "This is the first time we’ve raced against Express 37s only," said the physician. His wife Marlene runs the pit on the first 37 built by Terry Alsberg and Co. back in 1984. Used mostly for ocean racing, the sloop had 15 inches of her keel sliced off before competing in two TransPacs and various Mexico races. Two weeks before the Big Boat Series, Schlens bolted the lead ’shoe’ back on and



heavy air to his liking and scored a bullet to take home the trophy. Doane shared driving duties with tactian Greg Palmer, while sailmaker Tim Parsons helped with the sail trim.

I n the three remaining divisions—J/44s, J/35s and Open 30s — one yacht outdis¬ tanced itself from each pack, which may say more about the quality of the talent onboard these lucky vessels than anything else. Take the J/44s, for example. Neil Barth and Robert Burns, a pair of doctors from Newport Harbor, enlisted the services of Olympic gold medalist Robbie Haines for the first three races. Haines drove the boat to three bullets and catapulted Witch Doctor to


Olympic gold medalist Robbie Haines for the first three races. Haines drove the boat to three bullets and catapulted Witch Doctor to an unassailable lead. After Robbie left, the burden fell on Bill Menninger and Peter Cameron (Irv Loube’s boat manager for the past five years), who faltered with a fourth in race five but rebounded for a win in the last heat, proving that they could do it on their own as well. Second place finisher Jack Clapper didn’t repeat his win of last year when he had Larry Klein and assorted other hired guns aboard, but he ended up with a big smile on his face anyway. With his wife Merilou handling the runners, Jack drove Phantom himself this year, surrounded by a group of friends. "I like tliis approach a whole lot better," he 'Abba-Zaba-Jab' horizoned the J/35 fleet for the second time in two weeks. Earlier, Larry Harvey and his hitmen dominated the NOOD regatta.

'kaymo' Delrich, 'Cantata's local knowledge guy, entertains friends Alice, Aiten and Jennifer.

admitted, adding that he’s only been sailing two years now. In the J/35s, owner/driver Larry Harvey and his ace crew (mostly from Southern Cali¬ fornia with the exception of tactician Jeff Madrigali) continued their domination of this hot one design class. With four bullets, AbbaZaba-Jab actually did better than in 1990, when the boat got three winner’s guns. No one could pinpoint exactly why Jab was so much better—we suspect it’s just the sum of many details. The boat is the only J/35 we know of with a full-time BMW, the crew is superb and, in every way, this high-budget program is the most 'together' effort on the West Coast. "Just about everyone onboard could drive the boat," says Harvey, who dispelled the

rumor that his yacht is dry sailed — he just has it cleaned twice a week in its slip. "Our ability to recover from mistakes was very quick. We were over early in the second race but we were still able to get a fifth." Behind Abba-Zaba-Jab, the J/35 fleet had some pretty good infighting. Second through fourth places were separated by only 1.25 points, as were the fifth through seventh place finishers. Charlie Kuhn’s Esprit, with Tim Russell on the helm, hung on for second place. Kuhn, who lives in Novato, took delivery of the yacht late last year and has been building a record as a bridesmaid, with seconds in the Audi, the Volvo and now the Big Boat Series. Although there were some complaints about too many protests in the J/35 group (especially on port-starboard crossings), there were also quite a few yuks. The best one we heard about was the crew of Randy Paul’s Equanimity stealing the spinnaker from John Niesley’s Slithergadee one night after racing. The kite has a giant rendition of the Shel Silverstein "Slithergadee" character, over which the miscreants taped a large circle and slash (as in No Smoking, No Bozos, No Slithergadees). When Niesley called for a hoist the next day, he and his crew were surprised, to say the least. They should have known something was going to happen, however. Before the series began, Paul, who’s the local fleet captain, had some T-shirts printed up saying "Have a drink at the St. Francis on Slithergadee. Their bar number is . . ." with Niesley’s numbers in plain view for all to see. "Randy is our premiere practical joker,” Niesley noted with obvious understatement. To add to the sailor’s entertainment, the


m V

other crewmembers, Dave Gruver and Jim Barton, had sailed the boat much at all. Fortunately, the Laurie Davidson design is pretty forgiving. By sailing conservatively, Baylis and his group were able to take advantage of others’ mishaps and post a convincing win with four bullets and a second. Blow drying the chute.


Wther Items from the ’91 notebook:

St. Francis hosted apres-race races for the Open 30 class, of which six showed up. These 30-foot overcanvassed mega-dinghies, which used to compete on the Ultimate Yacht Race tour before it went belly up, are always exciting, especially in a breeze when they either go like hell or turn upside down. Hundreds of spectators pressed their noses against the yacht club windows to catch the action, ’oohing1 and 'aahing' as the 30s rounded the course or rounded down into the chilly Bay. Winner of the shoot-out was John MacLaurin’s Technoyacht. To the 55-yearold MacLaurin’s credit, he jumped off his chartered Pengotcha, which ended up third in the J/44 fleet, and pulled on a wetsuit to compete with kids half his age.

D river Will Baylis, who was subbing

“What possesses these men to go heaving and plunging...”

regular helmsman Kimo Worthington, admits he had never driven Technoyacht with the spinnaker up before the first heat. Only two page 104

* One of the newest additions to the IMS fleet was Steve Sundeen’s Terminator. Looking at the high freeboard and flush deck, we were reminded of Scarlett O’Hara, the Peterson 43 that ripped up the SORC almost a decade ago. Terminator is a sistership to Scarlett, built by Tom Dreyfus, that old Blue-Gum Catahoula AlligatorEatin’ boatbuilder from New Orleans. Originally called Real Crude, the sloop was most recently owned by national IMS president Dave Irish of Harbor Springs, Michigan, who only sailed it three months out of the year. "She looks brand new," said Sundeen, Pre-race favorite 'Taxi Da—r' (note patch where they were T-boned by 'Grand Illusion' last month) faded in the stretch.


who won three Santana 35 nationals back in the mid-’80s. "Sailing in Michigan, though, she was rigged for light air. We had to replace just about everything." He also lightened the keel by 615 pounds. Sundeen asked Scarlett’s former helms¬ man, Chris Corlett, to get involved, and he brought along a bunch of his regulars from the SORC days, including Ron Kell, Brian Ebert, Billy Brandt and Peter Daly. With his arm still in a sling due to a recent sailing accident, Chris couldn’t drive, so he let Greg Paxton steer while he called tactics. * Quote of the regatta: Each morning as the Andrews 43 It’s OK! left the dock to race, mainsail trimmer Dave Vietor would turn to tactician Andy Rose and inquire with mock seriousness, "What possesses these men to go heaving and plunging about the vast

ocean in such frail craft?" Rose would dissolve with laughter every time — the quote was from some book they’d both read many years ago about sailing a 200-foot


I §.:

' ■

. x, "


K1 w



All in the family: 'Witch Doctor's Craig, Ruthann, Bob and Robert Burns.

yacht in the 1912 TransAtlantic Race. By the end of the series, the entire crew was happily referring to the noble sport of yacht racing as 'heaving and plunging'... Maybe you had to be there. * Rookie of the year award goes to a young woman named Aiten (we didn’t get her last name) who crewed on Pengotcha. This San Rafaelite has been going out with Jim Barton for a couple of years, saw how involved he gets with sailing and decided she’d give it a try. A total greenhorn, she had to figure out why people would rush from one side of the boat to the other at totally random times and what all the strange names referred to. Among the major distinctions she uncovered were: 1) a 'traveller' is not a to-go cup from the bar, and 2) there’s no one in the crew named Cunningham, even though someone invariably calls his name during the race.



\. .about the vast ocean in such frail craft?"

W/ mm

"It’s kind of exciting," Aiten observed, "even though it’s a little cold and windy. I just wanted to see what this sailing thing was all about." God Bless. And another Big Boat Series goes into the books. — shimon van collie





YacJtiLCJub ■.


Jim Ryley/Skip Allan Mitchell Rouse/Buzz Boettcher Davis Pillsbury & Family Fred Kirschner/lan Bower Antonio Elias/Rick McGrath Les Crouch/Pete Heck

SC 70 R/P68 SC 70 SC 70 SC 70 N/M68

Santa Cruz Long Beach Newport Harbor Coronado Acapulco Lahma

3 2 .75



J/44 J/44

Newport Harbor St. Frarfeis St. Francis St. Francis


Newport Harbor

Andrews 53 Frets 58 Swan 53 Swan 51 Baltic 51

Cabrlllo Beach v St. Francis Unknown Coronado Cays Seattle

ST. FRANCIS (ULDB 70) 1. Mirage 2. Taxi Dancer 3. Holua 4. Kathmandu 5.014 6. Maverick

tCffY OF SAN FRANCISCO (J/44) 1. Witch Doctor N. Barth/R. Bums/R. Haines 2. Phantom Jack Clapper 3. Pengotcha L. Amberg/John MacLaurin 4. Tak T.Takamura/Don Trask |l4p Concorde : ' N. Williamson/J. Buckingham


Cantata II Swiftsure Sonador Eiyxir Sirius

J/35 1. Abba-Zaba-Jab 2. Esprit 3. Current Affair 4. Sflthergadee 5. Pacific Express 6. Jarien 7. fceBraker 8. Equanimity 9. Ukiyo

10. Fever 11. Cosmic Muffin 12. Redline EXPRESS 37 1. Momingstar 2. Bladerunner 3. Frequent Flyer 4. Spindrift V 5. Ringmaster 6. Melange 7. Re-Quest 8. Pazzo Express 9. B/te 10. Secret of Nlmh 11. Free Spirit 12. G.U. 13. One Eyed Jack



2: 75 3


3 5 4 ' .75

4 -:1 ■: 6 ■ 5










.75 2 .75 i 3 2 4 5 ' 5 4 3 ' ': 6 1 : 6 ;



' 2 §ttiii 5 4 2 5 1 ■5 1 l-4::: 1.!4:1 "V 3 3 2 4 5 3 3

5 .75 2 3




10.75 11.50 13.75 18.75 23.00 27.00

75 2

7.75 19.00 19.75 21.00 21 00

3 5

■1 4 .


ATLANTIC (IMS-1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5


Brook Gifford Sy Kleinman/Mike Rettie Mark Engler Paul Ely John Cahill Larry Harvey Charles Kuhn/TIm Russell Allen Bray/Howie Marion John Nlesley Hal Shenson/Chris Perkins Bob Bloom Doug Taylor Randy Paul John Williams Barry Daniel) Tom Carlson Bill Fawns/Andy Lam

J/35 J/35 J/35 J/35 J/35 , J/35 J/35 J/35 J/35 J/35 J/35 J/35

Larry Doane MickShlens Ted Hall/George Pedrick Larry & Lynn Wright Leigh 8rite/Tom Pollack Stephen Chamberlin Glenn Isaacson Bill Ormond George Neill K. Greenough/M. Williams Neil Ross B. Griffith/H. Fennell J.C. Armstrong

Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37 Express 37

Lew Beery/Craig Fletcher Donald Smith/Mark Plough Jim Mizell/red Wilson S. Sundeen/C. Corlett/G. Paxton Max Gordon/MIk Beattie Keith Buck/Wayne Kipp Jon & Matt Carter Cart & Jini Bauer

Andrews 43

San Diego San Francisco Encinal St. Francis St. Francis Cal Sailing Club Waikiki St: Francis Sausalito Richmond Sequoia Hong Kong

St. Francis King Haibor St. Francis Richmond Richmond Richmond

San Francisco St. Francis Richmond Seward Alaska Richmond Tahoe St. Francis

■ill! .75 .75 P:;l2:t! :: ■ 3 f 3 4 5



2 75 5 : 3


2a 4






2 .75 6 4 5


.75 3 5

.75 5



8 7


!■': 8 1


.... - 2 :!

2 6 7


3 .75 8 11:15:11 I 8 ' 3 13 3 9 ' 7 7 5 1 8 11 10 ■1 9 i 9 12 :. T0..11 10 11 12 11

4 3 6 .75

.75 3 4


.75 2 3

8 1 illll 5

6 4 3 7 9

3 4


■ 2

7 .still 5 2 1 5 ■ 4 7 1 9 8 7 iHi® 6 8 6 1 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 12 12 13 12 13

.75 5 7 : 9

.75 2 3 - 4 5

11 12




.75 .. .

1425 17.00 17.75 21.50 31.00 33.00 42.00 43.00 55.00 57.00 63.00 74.00 7600


75 6 . 4 7 3

: .3..' 1 5 4 i:

8 6

8 10 9


11 10 9







2 .75



75 2 35



3 6

5 6 7

4 6 5 7






8 10

9.50 20.00 23.00 29.00



6 11


9.00 22.75 23.00 24.00 35.75 38.00 37.00 45.00 50.00 53.00 65.00

ims 2 1 4 :vfl4':13 3 8 9 6

10 lllllt;5 12

.75 t 31 ■

2 8




2. Falcon 3. High Risk 4. Terminator 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bang! Petard Surefire Ozone

Tripp 40 Smith 43 Peterson 43 N/M41 Farr 36 Frers 36 Olson 34

Balboa Oklahoma City St Fiancis Santa Cruz

Richmond Corinthian Encinal Richmond

: .75 : 2..1 .75 lliiil .75 1 2 4 3 5 5 4 ti ;4tf 6 5 6 3 1: 111 ll3i: 7 ' ■ 6 1 7




2 3

7.00 9.50 22^0 25.50 31.00 33,00 40 00 47.00

OPEN 30 WMmtechnovacht 2. Chattanooga Chew 3. Flyer West 4. Albatross 5. Hexcel 6. Pt. Richmond

John MacLaurin/WItl Baytis Bill Ziegler/Ken Read Mike Hobson/Erik Bentzen Colin Casa/Tim Parsons Russ Silvestrl Leon Daniel/Steve Smith

Davidson Humphreys Humphreys Schumacher " Murray Schumacher

St. Francis Unknown Corinthian Seattle New York St. Francis Richmond


7 2 3 7 7

.75 .75 .75 2 ■ 1 :2:1 2 5 4‘ '3 4 11:: 5 v 4 . 3 1 3 7 7 1.7-1 7 :

3 5 4 .75 7

5.00 1600 !$*O0 * 20*00 20.75 35.00

page 106


Congratulations to Jim Ryley, owner of 'Mirage', and crew for their recent victory in the 1991 Big Boat Series. It's a credit to Jim Ryley's commitment to creating a winning team which includes a skilled and dedicated crew, a superb boat and the right sailmaker. It needs to be said that Jim also benefited from some local knowledge. You see he had the added advantage of sticking to his local sailmaker, Larsen Sails. Many large international lofts boast of global networks capable of bringing you the best sail design from places like Auckland, which may help if that’s where you plan to sail, but if you're like us, California is where you do most of your sailing. Larsen has a long history of winning races all over California and we are happy Jim saw the value of staying with his local sailmaker as he moved from his race winning SC 50 'Oaxaca' to his new SC 70 ‘Mirage’. We have built race winning sails in Northern California for 20 years and are commited to maintaining technical and design leadership while maintaining our strong relationship with Northern California sailors. Put local knowledge on your side... if you're committed to winning make your next call for sails to Larsen.

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JOE AND THE HURRICANE espite being just 25 years old, Joe Hutchins of Alameda has been captain of the 71-foot Oceana since he was old enough to a bunch of thieves; booze and cigarettes are all they want") and the Canaries, he sailed Oceana back across the Atlantic to Barba- V dos, Grenada and the rest of the eastern Caribbean. Oceana’s owners, who also own Hastingwood Hotels, spend about 2lh months a year on the boat. The rest of the time she’s either chartering or travelling across oceans to reach high-season charter destinations. For example, after the 1989 spring season in the Caribbean, Hutchins took the big ketch back across the Atlantic to revisit 1988 ports of call in the Med, as well as Yugoslavia, Turkey and Greece. Then it was back to the Caribbean for another winter o( chartering. Many of the big charter boats 'rubber band' this way between the Med and Caribbean for the summer and winter charter seasons. 'Hurricane' Hutchins.

legally swill beer. And he’s been anything but a dockside captain. He boarded Oceana (sistership to both Celestial, featured in two books by William Buckley, and Latitude’s charterboatBig 0) in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1988. He then took her to Bermuda (6

Hutchins never wanted to have any¬ thing to do with hurricanes. When Gilbert and Hugo shredded the Caribbean in 1988 and 1989, Hutchins took Oceana to Florida hoping to avoid their wrath. He never got the big blow, but Oceana was once struck by mmmmM

"It's blowing 110 knots and we don't think we're

going to make it.” days), the Azores (11 days), Gibraltar (7 days), continuing on to Spain, the Balearics, the South of France, mainland Italy, Malta, Corsica and Sardinia before heading back west. It was a busy summer. After stops in North Africa, Casablanca ("The officials are

a bolt of lightning while hauled out in a Lauderdale yard. In sailing, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. Intrepid as ever, Hutchins and Oceana went back to the Caribbean for Bob stacked these boats within easy reach of a mobile crane.

another season of the charter game. * Looking to avoid hurricanes once again this summer, the owners had Hutchins bring the boat up to the Northeast United States.

ad "The highlight of the trip north was, strange to say, sailing past the Statue of Liberty," recalls Hutchins, who is hardly the ROTC type. "Then we sailed beneath the bridges packed with rush-hour traffic. 'F_k you all!' I shouted at the commuters," says Hutchins, "I hope I never become one of you." The odds are against it. Rather than spending his summer in rush hour traffic, Hutchins fooled around with Oceana in all the prime sailing spots of the Northeast from Newport, Rhode Island, to Camden, Maine. The latter he ranks right up there with St. Barts, Grenada, and Yugo¬ slavia as the best he’s visited. Hutchins did some charters, spent time bopping around the little islands in dinghies, ate a bunch of lobster, and in general was having a great summer. What could possibly interfere with such an idyllic life as that? Well, Bob could; hurricane Bob. It was just Joe’s luck to travel 2,000 page 109

The post-Bob scene at East Ferry Beach in James¬ town, Rhode Island. At left is the BOC racer 'Duraceir._

miles to avoid hurricanes, only to get caught in one. Hurricanes are rare in the Northeast but not unknown. The reason Atlantic hurricanes can survive so far north is that they are sustained by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. If we had a wide band of 80°

of an eight-person charter on Vineyard Sound when Bob began making his way north. Hurricanes generally fizzle out over land or curve back out to sea before they get as far north as Massachusetts, so initially the group wasn’t too concerned. But Bob was relentless and just kept coming. "The day before it struck, we knew we were going to get hit," remembers Hutchins.

"F__k it, it must be destiny.”

water that flowed as far north as Oregon, San Francisco would be susceptible to tropical trouble, too. (Frankly, it seems like a decent trade-off to us; who can we talk to about arranging it?) In any event, Hutchins was in the middle

"The charter group was nice enough to help strip every possible thing off the deck. We then put them ashore so they could book into a hotel. That was a laugh — a couple hours later the hotel management made them move into a shelter."

JOE AND THE Meanwhile Hutchins and his deckhand, Thor, anchored the boat in Edgartown Harbor. Thor is the kind of guy you find sailing the oceans of the world on big charter boats. A patent attorney, Te mistakenly boarded the wrong train in Paris a few years

ALL PHOTOS KATHRYN WHITNEY/NEWPORT DAILY NEWS ing on their boats. "They figured they might need to do a body count after the hurricane," says Joe. Despite watching the barometerv

“We would have died if we'd tried to swim for it."



ago. Ending up in the South of France instead of his new job site of Vienna, he is reported to have said, "F-k it, it must be destiny." He then signed on as a deckhand on a boat headed for the Caribbean and hasn’t felt the urge to lawyer since. His marriage of eight years apparently hadn’t been destined for success either. While Edgartown Harbor was terribly crowded and turned out to be just the wrong place to be, before the fact, it did seem to have two things to recommend it. First off, it’s only about 12 feet deep, which meant everyone would have a lot of scope; second¬ ly, the bottom is hard mud. "We couldn’t have asked for better holding ground," says Hutchins. In anticipation of Bob, Hutchins and Thor deployed two anchors: a 95-lb CQR and a 90-lb Danforth, each with 300 feet of scope. A lot of good it was to do them.

Mike Plant's ‘Duracell’ survived two solo 'round the world races only to weather her worst storm while anchored at home. Fortunately, damage was minor and she's back afloat at this writing.

About three hours before Bob was expected to hit, the Harbormaster came around to see how many people were stay-

drop to 970 mb, about 10 people elected to stay aboard their boats. Two hours later it was blowing 65 knots. Outfitted with lifejackets, face masks and swim fins "just in case", Joe and Tho? stood on deck and surveyed the situation. The wind was blowing hard, the harbor waters were in a turmoil, some boats were breaking loose, but it didn’t seem like it would be that bad. "But then the wind rea//y began to blow," say Hutchins. "Even though it was noon, it became dark. There were chaotic 8-foot waves in the harbor and white froth every¬ where. Trying to look into the wind was like trying to look into a fire hose. The rain was going sideways, so strong that each drop stung our bodies. We couldn’t stay on deck, but so what? It was almost impossible to see by that point, anyway." Indicative of the force of the storm, Hutchins and Thor watched the harbor waves literally tear apart the bow of a nearby wooden boat. "It was incredible," says Hutchins. "The only reason she didn’t sink was that she had a watertight bulkhead forward."

I,Initially Oceana’s big danger was that other boats would break loose and drag down on her. Ultimately, some 88 boats would wash ashore in Edgartown Harbor, but none struck the white ketch. "We were lucky," admits Hutchins. "We had lots of close calls." Despite having 20 to 1 scope on both anchors and constantly motoring into the wind and seas to relieve the pressure, hurricane Bob eventually overcame Hutch¬ ins’ and Thor’s attempts to keep Oceana in place. The problem was that the 110-knot winds caused the boat to continually veer from side to side, an action that after many repetitions broke the anchors loose. Before long, Oceana had dragged her two anchors 250 yards across the harbor until she went aground in the marshes beam to beam with the classic wooden yacht Zorba.


With the two boats pinned together by the force of the wind, the captains lashed their boats together so the hulls wouldn’t grind. As if being heeled over aground in the marshes wasn’t bad enough, both yachts were helpless because mooring lines had fouled their props. "Thor and I were sure we’d lost the boat. We grabbed our wallets, put on our tennis shoes and were getting ready to hop onto shore." But now, some two hours into the hurri¬ cane, part of the eye passed over Edgartown Harbor. That brought about 10 minutes of calm, after which the wind shifted direction. Now Oceana and Zorba were stem to the shore; it was desperation time. Figuring he had nothing to lose, Hutchins threw Oceana’s big Perkins diesel into full reverse — and miraculously, the line in the prop was thrown free. Quick on the uptake, Hutchins shoved the engine into forward and revved her up to 2,700 rpm. Slowly but surely, the 42-ton Oceana plowed her way out of the marsh, into an upright position page 110

HURRICANE we don’t think we’re going to make it." "Well, good luck," said the broker, "And call us if you have a claim." Hutchins also placed calls to the owners and others during the hurricane, which only lasted about three hours. Weird, is it not? "Some people have asked why we didn’t leave the boat and swim to shore," says Hutchins. "It’s because I really believe, even with masks and fins, that we would have died if we’d tried to swim for it. Once people had decided to stay with their boats, they were committed until the boats were either blown ashore or the hurricane moved on." Would Joe ride out another hurricane onboard? "Hell no!" he says emphatically, then laughs. "The next time a hurricane comes my way, I’m hopping on a plane to California. "When I was down in Florida, 1 always thought that if a hurricane threatened, I’d just head out to sea. I don’t think that anymore. You just don’t mess with hurri¬ canes. We weren’t ever really afraid, but you only get one life to live. And you just can’t believe what a hurricane is like until you’ve been through one. I can’t imagine what it was like for the folks aboard in Culebra when Hugo hit them with 220 knots!"


Hurricane Bob may have been one of the costli¬ est storms in history, but at least he had a sense of humor.

and back into deep water. She’d been saved with little more damage than the loss of some bottom paint. Former neighbor Zorba wasn’t as lucky. She was stuck in the marsh for three days and had to be lifted off with a crane.

Oceana’s two Avon hard-bottom dinks had a little rougher time of it. Trailed off the stern so they wouldn’t rip davits or deck chocks loose, during tne height of the hurricane, both were spinning around in mid-air behind Oceana’s transom like chil¬ drens’ pinwheels. The older one was even¬ tually found nearly a mile away on the side of a hill. The newer one, which they’d just paid $9,000 for, was found imbedded in some guy’s backyard. Joe and a couple of kids had to dig it out. The dinks, incidentally, page 111

both weigh about 300 pounds. Modern electronics make going through hurricanes different than it’s been in the past. During the height of the blow, for example, with the decks awash in green water and the crew unable to stay on deck, Hutchins was down below chatting on the boat’s cellular telephone. Naturally, the first call was to the insurance broker in London. "Say, can you check to see if Oceana’s

premium has been paid?" Joe asked. "Sure," said the guy at the other end of the line. After a moment, he came back on. "Yeah, it is. Why do you ask?" "We’re in the middle of Hurricane Bob,” said Hutchins, "it’s blowing 110 knots and

ixll in all, everyone in Edgartown Harbor was pretty lucky. Nobody was killed although one person had a badly injured leg. About 12 boats were total losses. Other areas of New England weren’t so fortunate. In all, some 6,000 boats in 8 states were either damaged or destroyed. The most extensive losses occurred in the Buzzard’s Bay, Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard areas of Massa¬ chusetts where as many as 4,000 boats were damaged by high winds and tidal surges as high as 17 feet. Bob’s fury was felt all up and down the Northeast coast, with losses reported as far north as Maine and as far south as Maryland and North Carolina. While Bob was just a juvenile delinquent compared to Gilbert and Hugo, both of 'whom' packed winds of over 200 knots, he

created the second highest insurance losses in the history of hurricanes. 'Location, location, location,' they say in real estate, and bad-boy Bob picked a high-rent district to do his cyclonic thing.

— latitude 38

BOARDINGS In the last decade, the federal govern¬ ment has responded to escalating illegal drug importation by stepping up 'suspicionless' boardings and searches of vessels. Increasing concern by the general public and boat owners turned to outrage when the 'Zero Tolerance' program came along. It allowed the government to seize private yachts if even a few seeds of marijuana were found during a boarding. Even though 'Zero Tolerance' has been toned down, questions remain as to the legal basis for warrantless boardings, what limits are placed on inspection searches and what a vessel operator can expect during a boarding. The Powers That Be Both Customs and the Coast Guard are authorized to enforce federal laws on the high seas and waters over which the U.S. has jurisdiction. Laws prescribing enforcement action are embodied in statutes, judicial decisions and agency-made rules — Depart¬ ment of Treasury for Customs, Department of Transportation for the Coast Guard. For example, 'Zero Tolerance' was an agencymade rule that stemmed from a presidential order handed down by President Reagan. Two statutes form the basis for Customs and Coast Guard authority. Both allow officials to stop and board vessels to "examine . . . inspect . . . and search the vessel and any person ... or cargo on board ..." for violations of federal laws. Customs officials do not ordinarily pursue safety inspections. Rather, their inspections are usually an expansion of a land border search for contraband. Customs has the

authority to stop and search vessels which travel from international waters into U.S. Customs waters. Customs waters used to

coincide with the territorial limits — 12 nautical miles offshore — but have been expanded to include the adjacent high seas

Most of the boarding-related laws were written long before the concepts of v 'recreational boat' and 'liveaboard' were even thought of. .


where ships may 'hover' while unloading illegal cargo to less detectable smaller vessels. The Coast Guard primarily enforces boating safety, immigration, water pollution and drug smuggling laws. By boarding and

Anytime, anywhere. But one of these days...

inspecting vessels, the Coast Guard not only enforces these laws, it’s also able to educate vessel owners/charterers on safe operations.

With few exceptions, the Coast Guard may stop and board U.S. vessels anywhere x in the world, as well as foreign-flagged vessels on the high seas with consent of the nation of registry. However, no consent is necessary for boarding stateless vessels: those that sail without a flag, or which, by flying two separate flags, put their registry in doubt. Although Customs and the Coast Guard may stop vessels randomly, both agencies are making increasing use of 'standard profiles' which vary according to the geographic area in which the vessel is cruising. In the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, for example, officials are seeing fewer wide-beamed rust buckets carrying bales of marijuana, and more sleek, new, well-kept yachts manned by clean-cut yuppies carrying cocaine. Here on the West Coast, the main payload is hashish and marijuana carried in beamy yachts or rusty freighters. Typically, a "mother ship" will hover offshore to pass drugs to smaller vessels less likely to draw the Coast Guard’s attention when they enter territorial ports. Customs officials, local authorities, even the U.S. Navy may work with the Coast Guard in effecting boardings and inspec¬ tions. Navy and Coast Guard Auxiliary vessels may hoist the Coast Guard ensign before making the final approach for a boarding by Coast Guard personnel.


1-Jut here’s the rub. Although statutory

language clearly gives the Coast Guard the right to indiscriminately search a ship, our courts prohibit unconstitutional searches.


Under the Fourth Amendment, citizens have a right to privacy and cannot be subjected to unreasonable searches. In any government intrusion, legitimate government interest (i.e., preventing drug smuggling) must be balanced against the citizen’s reasonable expectation of privacy. In most courts, however, the motivation for stopping and boarding is irrelevant. So even though the Coast Guard might declare that it is inspecting for boating safety violations and a check on registration, the primary focus is on drug interdiction. The Boarding Procedure The boarding procedure is fairly standard unless drug smuggling is suspected. Extra precautions, such as boarding with rifles in addition to the standard sidearms, may be taken to ensure the safety of both the officials and the vessel’s crew. Normally, the vessel is first hailed on VHF or by loud hailer and told to stand by, heaveto or continue on its course while the boarding party comes alongside in a small tender. Questions will be asked about the vessel’s registry, prior ports of call, the number of persons aboard, their nationality and whether or not there are weapons on board. Once aboard, procedures may vary from allowing the crew to go about their work, to requiring them to gather in the

cockpit under the surveillance of the boarding party. The remainder of the officials will continue with the document check and safety inspection. In most cases this entails looking at the ships’s papers — either the certificate of documentation or state registration — identifying the ship’s captain, and inspecting the required safety equipment. page 113

The majority of courts agree that boarding officials may visit public areas of the boat and observe anything in plain view. They may also go into the main hold if the documentation number is located there. If a cabin is used for multiple purposes, the fact

With the war on drugs continuing, and given the conservative makeup of the Supreme Court, it's unlikely that many constraints will be put on Coast Guard actions any time soon. that it also serves as living quarters does not shield it from a safety inspection. If an official sees contraband when in a public

area, then it may be seized and used as evidence in the ensuing criminal case. Inspection or Search? Yachtsmen often use the term 'safety inspection' and 'search' interchangeably, but the terms differ in legal application. An inspection is undertaken for a limited purpose — checking for required safety gear

and the soundness of the vessel — whereas a full stem-to-stern search, which includes personal belongings, requires the boarding party to show probable cause. To justify a search based on probable cause, the courts evaluate the facts and circumstances to determine whether officials could have had a reasonable belief that a crime had been or was being committed prior to the search. To clarify: probable cause is decided on the facts available to officials prior to the search — it is not based on what was found. Even if probable cause is established, search tactics such as totally dismantling a boat may still be considered unreasonable. Probable cause to do a complete search may arise before the boarding party steps on board, or during the course of an inspection. Factors supporting probable cause prior to boarding include: hovering vessels without running lights at night, change of course upon approach by the Coast Guard, flag of registry different than hailing port on stem of vessel, and rusted fishing gear on a selfproclaimed fishing vessel. On-board factors include: sight or smell of illegal contraband, unaccounted-for space and/or structural modifications, sophisticated radio equipment on a rust bucket, fresh caulking around mansized patches on disproportionately large fuel tanks, etc. Some vessels have even been found to use interchangeable name and identification number plates. In theory, a safety Inspection should

never include looking through personal belongings, books or personal papers — although one court allowed as evidence a marijuana cigarette found in the pocket of foul weather gear hanging with lifejackets. However, a safety inspection may go beyond the lockers that house the required safety equipment. If the boarding officials notice any potentially unsafe or unseaworthy condi-

BOARDINGS tion on the boat, they have the option to investigate further in the interest of the crew’s safety. Thus an officer might lift floorboards to check thru-hulls and other fittings. In essence, this allows the officials to do an intrusive search without the required showing of probable cause. No wonder there’s such confusion over 'inspection' and 'search'! Warrants The need for a warrant for a below-decks inspection has not been questioned until recently. In the case of a home, a search warrant is required to ensure that a citizen’s right to privacy is not indiscriminately intruded upon by overzealous enforcement officials. A neutral magistrate must sign the warrant, authorizing entry and search after determining that probable cause exists. Although the argument that a boat can be considered a home has yet to be discussed in a legal proceeding, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the argument comparing cars to boats — if cars cannot be legally stopped for random inspections, boats shouldn’t be, either. Citing the fact that a boat "has access to the open sea" and can disappear quickly, the High Court, although not specifically mentioning warrants, allowed random in¬ spection stops. The fact that neither boats nor cars can be held solely to await a warrant further diminishes the likelihood that warrants will be required in the near future. However, this too may be a moot point

As vessel owners await further action on the issues discussed in this article, here are some tips — from both the Coast Guard and boarding veterans — to make a boarding a more tolerable experience. 1. First and foremost, resign yourself to the fact that you cannot refuse to be boarded. You can, however, suggest ways to make it easier and safer. Whether anyone will listen or not is another matter. 2. In a related vein, be prepared to help direct the boarding under adverse sea or

ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE 38 orities need only a justifiable belief that evidence may be destroyed during the time it takes for a warrant to be issued. Cars are also fair game under this nuance of the law, based on their ability to move quickly and evade detection, thus also allowing evidence


laws currently on the books don’t delineate between a freighter and recreational vessel that may double as floating homes for its owner. The concept of privacy is therefore much more limited for 'ships' than it is for residential homes.

to be destroyed. Finally, most of the boarding-related laws were written long before the concepts of

Where the Courts Stand Today In 1982, the Supreme Court expressly approved suspicionless random boardings of vessels for the purpose of documentation inspections. The Court found no violation of the Fourth Amendment’s right to privacy guarantees because the First Congress in 1790 not only passed the original boarding and inspection law, but also the Fourth Amendment itself. Therefore, the court reasoned, Congress did not intend that a minimally intrusive inspection would on its face violate individual privacy rights. The High Court also reasoned that, historically, most courts viewed a documen¬ tation inspection as a reasonable intrusion on privacy and described it as "only a brief detention where officials come on board ... and visit public areas of the vessel to inspect documents .... Neither the [vessel] nor its occupants are searched and the vessel inspection is limited to what can be seen without a search." Operating with no further rulings or guidelines since 1982, lower courts have split

any drugs found on board. Likewise, owners

7. Have the ship’s papers in order, including the FCC station license which is

In the Caribbean, fewer wide-beamed rust buckets marijuana, and yachts :








boarding certificates, which the boarding tha!


not lose their vessels.) 4. Always brief your crew on boarding should you be boarded. 5. Be cordial and use the magic words, "We are happy to cooperate fully." This


subsequent boarding parties may prevent you n goini >ugh se a season. ■ ■ ■■ lockers separate from personal gear.

belongings — it is your right without any be endangered. Some official boarding parties have allowed the boarded vessel’s skipper to take charge and direct the boarding maneuvers. Again, this is discre¬ tionary to the Coast Guardsmen in com¬ mand but well worth a try, 3. If you charter, look through the boat for any sign of drugs because you stand in

Come on over and get our pot!" Also, avoid responding to the hail in a hostile manner as it could set an unpleasant tone and lengthen the inspection process.

If you feel a boarding party has violated the limits of an inspection, the Commander of the 11th Coast Guard District invites you to send your complaint to; 400 Oceangate, Long Beach, CA 90822-5399. It will be investigated.

where boats are concerned. The fact is, private homes can be searched without a warrant based on probable cause. The auth-

'recreational boat' and 'liveaboard' were even thought of. Historically, 'ship' means a vessel used for commercial transport. Most

off into separate camps on the application of standards to below-deck inspections. Gulf state courts allow a search below decks on

and no more eager than you to go through




page 114


the reasonable suspicion, not probable cause, of criminal activity. On the West Coast, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals indicates it would consider the requirement of probable cause and a warrant if circumstances required it. The Ninth Circuit also disapproves warrantless and suspicionless nighttime inspection boardings unless done with an administrative plan that limits the discretion of the Coast Guard. Obviously, there is a need for the U.S. Supreme Court to set guidelines and limits for below-decks inspections. Inconsistencies in the application of the law are usually settled by the High Court when it chooses to review a case in which the key issues are presented. However, most innocent boaters do not have the funds or motivation to pursue the case to the Supreme Court. (Ironically, the drug smugglers are the ones who have both the money and motivation.) Eventually, the High Court will accept a case which brings into question the legality of an intrusive below-decks inspection that reveals a cache of drugs.

constraints will be placed on Coast Guard actions any time soon. Until limits are set, the innocent recreational boater can only hope that Coast Guard practices reflect the wishes of our local courts.


ils long as the war on drugs continues unabated, there will be questions as to the limits of official authority to inspect and search vessels. Hopefully, the troubled waters can be calmed when the Supreme Court finally does provide a more predict¬ able balance between governmental interests and the right to privacy. You may be able to 'grease the skids' by getting involved with the lawmaking process. Write your Representa¬ tives and support change through involve¬ ment with the boating lobby of your choice. — linda newland Author Linda Newland aboard 'Predator' at the start of the Singlehanded TransPac a few years ago.

With the war on drugs continuing, and given the conservative makeup of the present Supreme Court, it is unlikely that many





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Editor’s Note: As well as being one of the most accomplished delivery skippers, off¬ shore racing skippers and singlehanded sail¬ ors on the West Coast, Linda Newland is a member of the California Bar and holds a Masters Degree in Admiralty Law.


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ith the 1991 - '92 Mexico Cruising season less than a month away, the Wanderer and Wanderette flew to the Cape to check out what’s traditionally the first stop in a foreign country for most west coast cruisers. The Wanderer, who had first visited in the 70s long before thete was even thought of an Inner Harbor let alone a California-style marina, had returned many times since, including last year. So the dramatic changes weren’t such a shock. The Wanderette, however, hadn’t been to the Cape in eight years. She became lightheaded at the sight of the four-lane road from the airport, faint at the amount of development along the coast, and passed out when she beheld what had become of the sleepy old fishing village of Cabo San Lucas. It took her nearly a quarter of a bottle of tequila for her to acclimatize to Mexifornia. The changes along the Cape are going to keep accelerating. As a result of extensive research conducted in pool bar at the Hotel Melia, the Wanderer learned from semi¬ reliable sources that there are currently 4,000 tourist rooms at 'Los Cabos', the nickname for the 30-mile long cape that stretches from Cabo San Lucas to San Jose del Cabo. The number of rooms will explode to 10,000 when the 6,000-room Conrad Hilton Resort, now under construction between Cabo and San Jose del Cabo, is

Karen of Papi's Cruising Center will be running the Cruisers' Net again this year, as well as hosting 'Some Like It Hof.

completed. Si, a 6,000-room resort! The Mexicans have never rivaled the Japanese or Germans long-range planning, nor are they a threat now. This break-neck pace development has problems. There’s plenty of water at the Cape, for example, but

precious little of it is fresh. In fact, there is so little fresh water that shortages have been common all summer. Several days a week announcements were made on the radio as to which areas of the Cape would have to go without water for what hours of what days. Just about everybody stores water, but sometimes there still isn’t enough. Guests at some of the luxury hotels recently found there wasn’t any water to take showers — or even flush toilets. If there isn’t enough water for 4,000 tourist rooms, how do they plan to get by when there are 10,000 tourist Vooms? Ah, Mexico! Forget the new rooms, the Sears, the Price Club, the golf course and get on with the water desalinization plants. But since you cruisers will be'going down on boats, water shortages shouldn’t be a major concern. That’s because you’ll hopefully have a watermaker. If you don’t, you can always pull into Cabo Isle Marina. General Manager Enrique Rodriguez assures us they never run out of water because they call in tanker trucks when their tanks start to run low. Ironically, the marina does not charge extra for water.

Eiasily the biggest change for mariners visiting Cabo during the last 10 years was last years opening of the marina. It currently has 276 operational slips and Enrique tells the Wanderer that 50 more will be ready for occupancy in November. The marina facility is of excellent quality, much of it having been prefabricated in the United States. It’s also being run as a tight ship. If you spill oil on the docks, for example, you can expect to be called on the carpet for it. To the Mexican government’s credit, they insisted on a firstclass facility and the management wants to keep it that way. Incidentally, the operation is supervised by Almar, which operates a string of marinas here in California. The quality goes right down to the showers and laundry facilities. The Wanderer inspected the ones near the main office and found them to be sparkling clean — and airconditioned, too! A new addition to the marina this year was the swimming pool and a soon-to-be-completed snack bar palapa behind the main office. If the Wanderer was surprised by one thing at Cabo Isle, it’s the was the Mickey Mouse nature of the pool. More a wading pool than anything else, it’s completely out of character with the rest of the facility. Enrique explained that the marina’s business has been above projections since

they first opened a year ago. Last year they ran at 90% occupancy during the height of the season and this year they expect to do about the same. While much of their income is derived from sportfishing boats that either permanently or seasonally berth there, Enrique reports that a full third of their business comes from transient vessels such as cruisers. As a rule, cruisers are budget-minded. As such, the Wanderer didn’t expect that many would be willing to pay the high per-night rates. "Most plan to stay a day or two," said Enrique with an understanding smile, "but page 116


they’ve made a long sail down the coast, find they enjoy the comforts and convenience, and usually end up staying a week or two." Those are the ones who don’t end up spending two months. The rates are Cabo Isle are comparable to Southern California’s more expensive marinas. The formula they use is a little complicated, but it comes out to be about $28 U.S. a night for a 40-footer. It does, however, include free water, electricity, cable tv, great restroom and laundry facilities, the new swimming pool and tight security. The marina will also handle checking in and out

for $34 each way. Budget-minded cruisers will handle this chore themselves. Cabo Isle will also bond your boat, allowing you to return to the States, for $23 a month. And that may drop soon, pending a change in laws. (The other mooring options at Cabo are anchoring in the Outer Harbor for free a long way from everything, anchoring in the Inner Harbor for a day or two until the Fort Captain kicks you out, or renting a mooring buoy in the Outer Harbor).

Cabo Isle’s planned boatyard is still to come. Enrique reports that they’ll start building the pier for the Travel-Lift in November and that it will be about a year before the yard becomes operational. The yard was supposed to be operational this year, so the Wanderer suggests you don’t hold your breath. Also new at the marina is a full-on California-style chandlery. Called Coast Chandlery, it’s owned by Fred and Steve Buenger, who operate chandleries of the same name in Ventura and Oxnard. "We plan on stocking everything we do at our

California chandleries," says general manager Darryl Stein, who had previously lived in Mexico for five years. "We’ll have to see what the demand is like, but we’ll probably carry some spare injectors, starter motors and filters for the popular diesels and generators," he added. It looked to the Wanderer as if this will be the best-stocked chandlery in Mexico. But what about prices? "We’re going to try and keep our prices

service in the Ventura - Oxnard area for 10 years says they’re going to try and offer inhouse technical help as well. It might be desperately needed, as Esteban, who had provided Cabo mariners with electronics and other repairs, has apparently returned to California.

1 ^he situation at Papi’s Cruising Center is another thing that’s changed dramatically

Typical Supermarket Prices In Cabo .


....$6.50 .$2.95 Hawaiian Trope #25Sunblock. ..$8.50 Taster's Choice Coffee, 7 oz..,....$8.56 Dynasty Green Tea, 16 bags ..$1.73 ftir^IJ^Ch^s,pjettibe...$2.35 Viva Paper Towels, two nils....$3.93 C3«rmmTc^P£^,fourrc& ..$2.80 SheddsSpread Margarine, 16oz. ....,..$1.80 .____

UHT Milt, one liter.. $1.00 Rosarita Refried Beans, 16 oz..$1.76 Bumblebee Light Tuna, 61/8 oz. ..$1,46 R^K^Alun^mim F^, ....$8:30 Cuervo Especial, 1000 ml......$7.56 HaaganDasVanilaBar,ane.............,$3.(K) Bud, one can....$1.00 Gatorade, small bottle...$1.05 Lifestyle Rifctoed Ftofi^adic, 12,,..$6.60

Assume Conversion Rate of 3.000 to______

competitive with California," says Stein, "but it’s going to depend on the duty. Usually it’s not that much, but on some items it can be very high. Our customers will get fair prices." Stein, who ran an independent electronics

in Cabo. We regret to report that Gil and Karen, like a lot of couples, have gone their separate ways. As of September, Gil was in —_— sg—-

California and planning to stay there. Karen, despite the prospect of having to run a business and caring for the couple’s children, told the Wanderer she is determined to continue operating Papi’s as the unofficial cruisers’ headquarters in Cabo. There were one or two unpleasant letters written about Papi’s is the last year, most of them relating to Gil’s sometimes annoying habit of insisting he handle problems for cruisers but then not always following through. Karen’s plan is to not try to be everything to everybody, but deliver on what she promises. If the Wanderer is any judge of character, she’ll do just that. Karen’s been a great friend to cruisers in the past, and even though she’s going through one of life’s most unpleasant experiences, she’s resolved to gut it out. The Wanderer and Wanderette recommend that you give Karen and her staff the opportunity to serve you. "I’ll be starting the Cruisers’ Net on approximately October 15, whenever there are enough cruisers to justify it," Karen told the Wanderer. "It will be on Channel 22 at 0800 Monday thru Saturday, and can last anywhere between 10 and 40 minutes." In Cabo as elsewhere, the net serves the same function as a community newspaper. page 118

CRUISING PREVIEW esteemed opinion that nothing in the world, not even Sinead O’Conner, that compares to the taste of a good fish taco swimming in all the right condiments. The Wanderer gives five stars to the stand kitty-corner from Squid Roe, although there are other fine competitors. Ah yes, Squid Roe. Nothing is more indicative of the change in Cabo San Lucas than the rip-roaring success of the madhouse called Squid Roe. The bill o’ fare is getting gringos looped so they’ll have a wild and crazy dancing and carrying on in a clean and controlled atmosphere. Squid Roe and less successful competitors are certain to offend 'pure' cruisers, who will point out such places "aren’t the reason they went cruising". Of course they’re not, but there’s nothing wrong with loosening up a bit. The Wanderette had a great time dancing on the tables — which is always encouraged by the management — and the Wanderer didn’t have such a bad time himself. It’s not Mexico, but a little bit of it can be a lot of fun. Three times a week, however, and you have to ask yourself if you’re a cruiser or a party animal. There are a million places to dine and drink in Cabo, many of them new, and most

plans on continuing the tradition of Sunday volleyball games and pot-lucks on the beach at Las Palmas, but the success of these is going to rely more on cruiser initiative than in previous years — which is as it should be. The Wanderer and Wanderette, as well as Karen’s many dear cruising friends from all the years, wish her every success.

Clockwise from left: You're not real ^ ' Mexifornian unless you've got two beamers. ... } Fish tacos and other cart treats beat French ' / cuisine hand's down. A lt doesn't have anything /\

If you’ve ever eaten at the peculiar jama’s Royal Cafes in Oakland, Mill Valley or Julian, you might be interested to learn that Spencer, who founded them, along with 'Hippie Rick', has opened up a new one across from the plaza in Cabo. While Papi’s and most other places specialize in more Mexican style fare, Mama’s reputation is built on breakfasts like Eggs Benedict and Eggs Florentine with highly-regarded secret sauces. Like all the other Mama’s, the one in Cabo is self-proclaimed as being "weird, although not as strange as the one in Mill Valley". But then what could be? While the Wanderer’s taste buds are

to do with pasta; it means ’don't walk on the grass'. + Enrique is the General Manager of Cabo l. Isle Marina. * Construction of massive hew hotels and boats slips continues unabated. 4 Markets in Cabo haYe everything - -and lots of it r* * Adios. / \' t -i

Karen is also preparing Papi’s annual one sheet map and guide for cruisers. "Procedures change a little bit each year," she says, "particularly in years like this when we have a new Port Captain." Between the guide and the net, cruisers will find the answers to all the basic questions: where to get water, fuel, propane, help with repairs, etc. If a cruiser is brave enough, he can also ask more complex questions such as the meaning of life. While Karen will be happy to let queries such as that slide, scores of others tuned into the net will be happy to give the inquirer an earful. By and large, Papi’s is not going to be a broker for all kinds of services. Karen and her staff, however, will still do the weekly propane run to San Jose del Cabo, accept packages from chandleries up north, hold mail, send faxes, and try to direct cruisers to folks who can solve their mechanical and other problems. While Karen strives to assist cryisers in every way she can, folks must remember that Papi’s Cruising Center is first and foremost a restaurant that serves breakfast — from as low as $1 — and lunch. Papi’s is also the finish line for the Some Like It Hot California to Mexico Cruisers’ Rally, and thus a traditional gathering spot for cruisers. Karen page 119

■ ■ '









1. It’s absolutely free. ■ s ',... ■ ....... . ■ ■ C " . ■ 3. You sign up at the finish, rather than the beginning, of the rally. ; anywhere you want in California.






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tally? You sigr

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They’ll be about 25 winners.




heist we’w planning for Sausalito turns out. A word to the wise: there will be more winners in January than February, more in 5



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you get there, the better your chances. If you’re an unlucky loser, you can purchase a Some Like It Hot shirt from either Papi’s .

In any event, signing up for the rally at Papi's means you’ll be part of the permanent record of boats that have been part of the Class of 1991 -’92, so you’ll be in good company. Last year 315 boats liked it hot, starting with San Francisco’s John Feeney aboard the Liberty 458 Bercuse and ending with San Diego’s Donald Blachey aboard the Peterson 44 Tenacity. salivating madly, he can't help but put in a few good words about the little taco stands and carts all over Cabo. It’s the Wanderer’s i ", '“4 N .o' ' ", L* • - , „ /

of them trying to be 'cooler' than all the others. One place that seems to be doing well as a result of trying not to be too cool is Latitude 22. The Wanderer and Wanderette suggest you give it a try.


ErtOid knows Cabo San Lucas is now less authentically Mexican than even Taco Bell, so if you disembark with the wrong expectation, you’ll be terribly disappointed. Cabo San Lucas is mostly a giant Club Mex for Californians looking for four days in the hot sun and four nights of getting ripped and dancing on the tables at Squid Roe. It’s that and the home port for some of the best sportfishing in the world. Accept it for what it is. But the Wanderer knows there more to it than that, if you’re willing to look. Early-

Ifyou get a good jump on the season and move fast, it's possible to enjoy Sea of Cortez islands, like Isla San Francisco, before Turkeyday.

risers can dinghy over to Lover’s Beach, where the spectacular geology has been the backdrop for countless magazine photo features. A hike or motorbike ride up to the desolate old lighthouse is easily worth it. Dawn can be a thing of real beauty as seen from onboard in the Outer Harbor. The scuba dive to the 'sandfall' is reported to be spectacular. Cabo still has some of the best

walking beaches — both Pacific and Baja sides — in the world. She may have been turned out to prostitute herself, but Cabo still has a heart of gold. The Wanderer would also like to put in a word for La Paz and the Sea of Cortez. If you leave San Diego in early November, right at the beginning of the cruising season, and travel relatively fast, you can be in La Paz by November 15. Odds are you will then still have a month of excellent warm water cruising in the Sea of Cortez. La Paz, Partida, Isla San Francisco, Evaristo, Aqua Verde, Puerto Escondido — they’re all still great. Certainly you’ll have had to cope with a Norther or two by December 15, but there are plenty of great anchorages in which to ride them out. The reward is cruising that won’t be as good again until as least late March. And the water that won’t be as warm again until June. If you’ve just got one season in Mexico or will be headed to the South Pacific in the spring, this may be your only chance to really enjoy the Sea of Cortez. It means a bit of rushing, but the Wanderer thinks it’s worth it. — the wanderer

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page 120


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page 121 ✓

_"V 1 ou’re doing what?" gasped a nonracing friend when we informed her of our intentions to sail in the NOOD on Labor Day Weekend. "Won’t that be rather chilly?" If anything, however, the San Francisco NOOD Regatta (properly known as the Audi/Sai/ing World National Offshore One Design Regatta) was one of the hottest sailboat competitions we can remember in ages. "It was heaps better than the Volvo Regatta, the Big Boat Series or anything else this year," claimed sailmaker Wayne Kipp, and we were hard-pressed to find anyone who disagreed. In fact, Sailing World’s George Middleton even labelled it the "best NOOD regatta yet"

' .

Given that this was the ninth NOOD bash that Audi and Sailing World have collab¬ orated on (four in Newport, RI; three in Chicago; two here; one in Galveston, Texas), that’s fairly high praise. "And, no, I don’t say that after each one," laughed Middleton. 'This one was really exceptional — attendance was up 60% in a recession year, from 72 boats last year to 119 this year. That ties our all-time record, set earlier this year in Chicago... We had three classes using the NOOD as their National Cham¬ pionships (Hawkfarms, Olson 25s and SC 27s)... And the weather was perfect! This is truly one of the most stunning places in the world to race sailboats."

' ■





Another out-of-towner who appreciated the NOOD Regatta was Southern Californian |2jj Larry Harvey, who drove his Abba-Zaba-Jab to a convincing win in the tough J/35 fleet. Unfortunately for Larry, the Quattro Award (for best performance in fleet) was dis¬ continued this year ("Too subjective," claimed Middleton), or Abba-Zaba surely would have walked away with that honor, too. "The competition in this fleet is just as good as IOR used to be," claimed Harvey, a former grand prix sailor (Craz\f Horse, Babe Ruthless) turned one-design zealot.


\~s nly one other class — the SC 27s —

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i was a runaway. Dave Wilson’s Good Timin’, with Etchells sailor Chris Perkins driving, posted five bullets to win their Nationals for the second year in a row. In the two other Nationals at stake, James Hirano — with veteran ’Farmer Pat Vincent helping out on Notorious — won the Hawkfarms, while perennial Olson 25 champ Bill Riley sailed Pearl to her third National title. Winners of the other classes were Bill Keller (Carnaval, Santana 35), Dan Benjamin (White Knuckles, Olson 30), John Collins/Scott Easom (Guneukitschek, Ex-press 27) and Don Oliver/Seadon Wijsen (Casual Contact, J/24). Other than some minor race committee

page 123

Naked aggression on the Cityfront: the Express 27 fleet in the thick of the pinball game.

screw-ups on the first day, the moderately windy 5-race regatta came off without a hitch. Each night, host St. Francis was stuffed to capacity with tired but happy sailors, most of whom were unwinding after the Cityfront Pinball game with generous portions of the party sponsors’ products — Samuel Adams Beer and Goslings Rum. Audi’s contract with Sailing World runs through 1992, and Middleton is already looking forward to coming back for next year’s NOOD. "We’ll be fine-tuning the format a little and inviting some new

classes," he informed us. "Someday, we may even invite the SC 50s! Wouldn’t that be great?"

We say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The NOOD Regatta is fine just the way it is: in fact, we’d go so far as to say that after only two years, it’s established itself as the best one design venue in Northern California. Which is great except for one thing — pretty soon when you tell your friends that you’re sailing in the NOOD, it just won’t have any shock value left at all. — latitude/rkm

page 124

AUDI /SAILING WORLD NOOD REGATTA RESULTS J/35 — 1) Abba-Zaba-Jab, Larry Harvey, 6 points; 2) Esprit, Charlie Kuhn/Tim Russell, 21.75; 3) Pacific Express, Hal Shenson, 23; 4) Redline, Bill Fawns/Don Trask, 24; 5) Current Affair, Allen Bray/ Howie Marion, 25; 6) Slithergadee, John Niesley, 28; 7) Ice Breaker, Doug Taylor, 32. (14 boats) SANTANA 35 — 1) Carnaval, Bill Keller, 10.5 points; 2) Swell Dancer, Jim Graham, 10.75; 3) Wild Flower, Art Mowry, 11.75. (6 boats) OLSON 30 — 1) White Knuckles, Dan Ben¬ jamin, 11.75 points; 2) Think Fast!, Albert Holt, 11.75; 3) Zephyros, Dave Oliver, 16.5. (6 boats) HAWKFARM (Nationals) — 1) Notorious, James Hirano/Pat Vincent, 8.25 points; 2) Cannonball, Rick Schuldt, 9.75; 3) El Cavilan, Jocelyn Nash, 11.75; 4) Warhawk, Bill Patience, 22. (8 boats) SANTA CRUZ 27 (Nationals) — 1) Good Timin',

Dave Wilson/Chris Perkins, 3.75 points; 2) Concubine, Brad Whitaker, 12; 3) Hanalei Express, Rob Schuyler/Roger Sturgeon, 23; 4) Kurzweile, Brett Gripenstraw, 25; 5) Dynaflow, Matt Dini, 27; 6) Chief, Dwight Odom, 34. (12 boats) EXPRESS 27 (Pacific Coast Championship) — 1) Guneukitschek, John Collins/Scott Easom, 17.75 points; 2) Flying Circus, Gene Ryley, 20; 3) Summer Palace, Ted Wilson/Norman Davant/Ken Moore, 20.75; 4) Moonlight, Carl Schumacher/John Franklin, 24; 5) Jammin', Skip Shapiro, 25.25; 6) Peaches, Tom Martin, 33; 7) Jalapeno, John Stewart, 38; 8) Bessiejay, Monroe Wingate/Danny Shea, 39; 9) Locomotion, Amen/McRobie/Radcliffe, 53; 10) Archimedes, Dick Swanson, 53. (19 boats) OLSON 25 (Nationals) — 1) Pearl, Bill Riley, 5 points; 2) E-Ticket, Spooge Syndicate, 8.75; 3)

Vivace, Bill Riess, 23; 4) Kismet, Jerry Vessello/Bob Francis, 24; 5) Tricks, Mike McNaughton/Larry Wheeler, 30; 6) Dreamer, Mario Wijtman, 31; 7) By Design, Dave Skomsvold, 34; 8) Honey's Money, Jim Morton, 36. (17 boats) J/24 — 1) Casual Contact, Don Oliver/Seadon Wijsen, 15.75 points; 2) How Rude, Dave Hodges/ Scott Walecka, 19.75; 3) Oathead, Herb Cole, 25.75; 4) Rhythm Method II, Dave Willke, 29.75; 5) J-Walker, Phil Perkins/Don Nazzal, 40; 6) Joss, W. Stiggelbout, 40; 7) Chimera, Snow/Harden, 47; 8) Crimean Vacation, Chris Moeller, 48.75; 9) Grinder, Jeff Littfin, 53; 10) Ice Breaker, Bryan Goepfrich, 57; 11) Max J, Ray Sanchez-Pescador, 58; 12) Just Jake, Mike Grandin, 65; 13) Cool Breeze, Peter Whitney, 68; 14) Redrum, Dobroth/ Dimitrelis, 75. (32 boats)






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CREW LIST 1 he skipper’s call interrupted my Feb¬ ruary bill paying. He was soliciting crew replacements for a couple who had been called to the Persian Gulf. The itinerary: Baja and the Sea of Cortez for 2 to 12 weeks, my choice of coastline. Per my re¬ quest, a descriptive letter was immediately FAXed over. The vessel, it said, was "the Tatoosh 51 Seeker, a high-performance world cruiser equipped to the max, including radar, auto¬ pilot, Loran, Satnav, SSB, weatherfax, watermaker, refrigerator, generator, dinghies, liferaft, all-roller-furling working sails, plus spinnaker gear. She has three staterooms and two full heads with showers. We don’t ration water..." Thus began the intrigue. I had run an ad in Latitude’s 'MexicoOnly Crew List', attended the mixer, and then abandoned the idea when I realized skippers wanted more than a two-week com¬ mitment. Spring in Europe with the family had been scheduled instead, but four months later, the war that called the crew couple to duty was keeping us on this side of the Atlan¬ tic. This new opportunity to sail to Baja seemed the perfect alternative. My visit to the marina to check out the boat confirmed my excitement. 1 had never lived aboard any boat smaller than a cruise ship, but claustrophobia would be no prob¬ lem here. She was big, bold and beautiful. The microwave, freezer, immense teakwood saloon, stereo system, marble vanities and wine collection had not been mentioned in the letter. I took this as a profound sign of modesty. In my next phone conversation with David Crowe, the owner and skipper, I was

honest about both my desire to crew and my limited experience. I was a prudent Bay daysailor and had raced a couple of seasons on boats under 30 feet, but I’d never been outside the Gate. "No problem," he assured me. What about other skills: Habla Espahol? Are you a good cook? Mechanically inclin¬ ed? With three "no’s", surely I was out. Then there was the issue of sailing sans

my husband. All my interrogations as to sex¬ ual expectations and status of other crew members were answered honestly and satis¬ factorily. David suggested my husband and I join him on an overnight sail down the coast as a sort of mutual 'test'. The ocean seemed the water equivalent of Dante’s Inferno that day, but we made the dramatic sail down to Half Moon Bay quickly, and had a good visit over a crew-prepared gourmet dinner. We slept soundly in one of the three luxurious staterooms and awoke to slapping halyards and howling wind signaling a rough ride

Three live crew: the author, Hillary and Heidi.

home. 1 shared the helm with the skipper, while my husband suffered miserably with seasickness. I enjoyed driving through the rowdy seas that day to demonstrate my ability. My only stupid error was calling a heading of '390'.

A pee in paradise CSeeker' anchored in back¬ ground. (360 + 30 = 390, right?) But I passed the skipper’s critique, anyway. He, in turn, accepted my commitment for a four-week passage, and we both won begrudging approval from my husband to sail a month in Baja without him. I felt additionally secure when David said our test passage repre¬ sented "the worst possible sea condition we could possibly expect." I picked a four-week leg that would offer maximum variety in my sailing experience. From San Diego, 1 would have a downwind spinnaker sail sprinkled with Pacific Coast anchorages. Then around the Cape into the Sea of Cortez for some aqua verde cruising. Foulies, thermal underwear, bikinis, T-shirts and hiking boots were packed. Several trips were made prior to boarding to stow Jack London, John Steinbeck, contemporary poe¬ try, parlor games and some pre-cooked frozen meals — as well as complete the agreed-upon 24 hours of pre-departure boat work required of each crew member. The Complete Walker for tips on survival in the wilderness Oust in case), camera and other odds and ends completed my essential gear. The leg from San Francisco was stormy, and I arrived in San Diego to find Seeker awaiting repairs. The fresh crew used the downtime at the San Diego YC docks to get to know each other. In addition to David and myself, there were three other women: Heidi Senglaub, Hillary Kilduff and Mary Breckenridge. Our ages ranged from 30 to mid-50s. All first-time ocean sailors, we were competent, attractive and all very different from page 126



each other.

O nee we departed for Mexican waters, we settled into life aboard. A typical 24-hour period required two 2-hour watches — many times shared — along with galley duty, clean up, and sleep alternating and sandwiched in between. Meals were formal, even under sail, with instructions and plans for the next days’ passage discussed at the table after dinner. In the beginning it was thrilling — cold nights alone and happy, harnessed to the helm, a star through the spreader as my guide and moonlight accenting the foam and phosphoresence spilling over the swells. Sleeping underway was a wonderful effort. My favorite spot (besides the sail bags on deck in the sun), was the forecabin lower bunk with its speeding torpedo sound effects. The second night out, the thrills were overtaken by fear. A black cloud that envel¬ oped my directional moon and stars was fol-

lowed shortly by a rude introduction to squalls. When the speedo registered 17 knots, I yelled for assistance. It was slow coming — a maneuver I later learned was intended to force me to think for myself. I struggled with the wheel, trying to anticipate the next gust and wave, but even¬ tually I lost count of my turns on the wheel and rounded up. In the next 24 hours, every¬ one aboard underwent similar 'baptisms'. As squally weather continued and the boat for¬ gave our inexperience, we began gaining our confidence back. By the fourth day, some of us actually began looking forward to the next squall and the attendant adrenalin rush of trying to keep the boat under control. Four straight days of squally weather took its toll on gear, however. A few of the more prominent casualties included the justrepaired autopilot, the desalinator and both the main and gennaker blown out. With facilities limited until we rounded the Cape, and a period of long, hot windless days descending, David decided it would be best to push straight through to La Paz, with stops only for rest and reprovisioning. Our once eagerly anticipated Pacific anchorages came and went quickly. We usu¬ ally arrived after dark and left before 8 the next morning. When we did stay over, there was repair work to attend to in addition to laundry, cooking, cleaning and all the rest. We missed the panga boats with fresh fish, and the available desert produce lacked appeal. The scopolamine patches were kick¬ ing in some side effects, and our exhaustion from working undercanvassed (mostly mo¬ torsailing with mizzen and headsails only) through still-lumpy seas was showing. We yearned for sun, margaritaville and liberty. Upon rounding the Cape, Seeker gained another crewman, my 15-year-old son Ryan. For the next nine days, he brought the Onward under iron wind after a squall shredded the main.

welcome eagerness and energy of youth to the tired but still enthusiastic party. Throughout the voyage, personal

David Crowe.

grievances were aired and resolved or kept to oneself. However, though my son boarded as an equal crew member, maternal instincts overpowered my tolerance for careless mis¬ takes. On his first night watch, rough seas awakened me at 3 a.m. to find him alone at the helm without a Lifejacket or harness. He’d been on since midnight (his request) but no one had thought to pass on basic safety gear. Many adults are willing to jeopardize their lives rather than wear a life vest, but to put a boy in peril is a stupid risk. At daybreak I called a meeting and attacked everyone with a litany of complaints. The skipper was democratic and allowed everyone their say. Compromise and resolutions were made: 1) Helmsman alone at night wears a life¬ jacket and harness; 2) There are no 'passen¬ gers' on board; 3) Downtime would begin upon arrival in La Paz. And it did. One of the most enjoyable escapades during our time in the Sea of Cortez was a spur-of-the-moment decision to swim 200 yards from the circling boat to a picturesque island inhabited by hundreds of sea lions, pelicans, and spectacular fish. Although we didn’t know the nature of the enormous barking mammals diving randomly from the rocks, I couldn’t recall ever hearing of * anyone being attacked by one. I did know that this opportunity might not come again, so it didn’t take much prodding for us to seize the moment. The underwater show was stunning — schools of fish being torpedoed by the mam¬ moth sea lions; some of whom, we were sorry to see, wore tight necklaces and belts, the remains of fishing nets. Nearby, a university research expedition was studying the habits of the sergeant major damselfish. As they described the delicate


Best spot on the boat.

balance the little fish had to maintain to sur¬ vive, the Seeker crew had to laugh: Foraging for food, avoiding predators and producing offspring — important issues for 'damsels' much farther up the food chain, too!

serving his fearlessness and ability to adapt and learn quickly, was also a gift. His train¬ ing as a Sea Scout stood him in good stead. Upon arrival — and of course with the skip¬ per’s permission — he flipped every switch one by one, checked out thq^ operation of every instrument at the nav station, and opened and closed every valve as he explor¬ ed 'hands on' the mechanisms of the yacht. By contrast, I was timid and didn’t touch anything I didn’t understand. Wisely seeing the opportunity, David — father to three grown boys — realized the pleasure of teaching without the usual resistance that occurs in parent-child relationships.


t eyond the predictable satisfactions of Baja, a unique feature of the excursion was being part of an (almost) all-female crew. For myself, no makeup, celibacy, and newfound physical and spiritual strength was true ser¬ enity. Though healthily competitive, we were quite compatible right from the start. Smart, strong, and sassy, we grew to become helpful sisters after a month of sailing together. |Cruisin^wiffwrvj^eenacj^on^n^o^

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By trips’ end, we felt like a veteran cruising crew. We had not only experienced the sunny pleasures of cruising Baja, but its stormier side, too. We had endured most of the usual cruising crises — torn sails, failed electronics and generator, fouled anchor, leaky water pump, running out of fuel, coffeemaker meltdown and even a broken forestay — and had, in our estimation, made brilliant recoveries from each. Several meetings were held prior to departure to discuss our perceived and real strengths and weaknesses, plus our object¬ ives in the cruise. All agreed the latter were met and often surpassed. We commended our skipper for delivering far more than he promised, and I believe he is mutually grateful to his crew. Heidi and Hillary enjoyed the trip so much, they flew back to Cabo to help David bring Seeker back to San Francisco. As for the rest of us, the memories — and the intrigue — still linger. Oh, and by the way, we’re on the Crew List again. — prlscilla troy

MINNEY’S MARINE SWAP MEET & CRUISER'S PARTY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20th Swap Meet is from sun-up til noon. Only 80 free selling spaces so book yours now. Ancient Mariner and Josh Slocum restaurant parking lots - the #1 spot in Newport Beach. We expect 5,000 buyers, so turn that qear into cash!!! Cruiser's Party starts at 1300 hours. It is for outward bound sailors only. Anchor out and dinghy to our dock or come by car. Meet fellow cruisers; swap sea stories and call letters. Sailing videos, door prizes, etc. Reservations a must 'cause we can only accom¬ modate 200 cruisers. Thanks for a winds and following seas, an you, change your destination

■ -

’OU '

if the wind heads E. Minney

MINNEY'S YACHT SURPLUS 2537 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (714) 548-4192 (714) 548-4191 page 128

sage 129


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1991 MEXICO ONLY Hresh Mex. You like Fresh Mex? We like Fresh Mex. We like it at Chevy’s, the Fresh Mex place. We like their done-the-same-day commercials about it, too. In fact, we like Fresh Mex so much we got the idea of actually writing this article in a Chevy’s Restaurant — you know, "Live, from Chevy’s Restaurant — Latitude 38’s 1991 Mexico Only Crew List!" But then we would have had to unplug the computers, the printer, all that wiring and then lug it over there . . . And besides, the only way to really get Fresh Mex is to go to 'Old Mex' which is why you’re reading this in the first place, right? So here we sit at the office with the third-best thing: a 7-11 burrito, a Super Big Gulp (it’d be beer but we’re the designated writers to¬ night), and a big fat welcome to the 1991 Mexico Only Crew List anyway! This is like the 9th or 10th one of these, and if you haven’t figured out how they work by now, you probably never will. Very briefly for you first timers: the names listed on these pages are people who want to go to Mexico this year. The ones listed under any of the 'Wanting to Crew' headings are people who are willing to put some time, energy and sometimes money into sailing someone else’s boat to Mexico. Next to hitchhiking, this is the cheapest — and some say most fun — way to see mananaland. The other main grouping is 'Looking for Crew'. You MIT graduates out there will immediately deduce that these are likely boat owners who, you guessed it, are looking for crew to help them sail their boats to Mexico. The function of the Crew List is to get the parties of the first part together with the parties of the second part. How is this done? Well, not by Latitude. We’ve provided the forum, it’s up to you to do the talking. Beside each name is a phone number and a bunch of other gobbledygook that looks like a cat walked all over the keyboard. (Well, we used to have an office cat around here that did that, but old Half Tone moved out with the last bookkeeper.) What those numbers really are is a code. By matching them up with the information in the gray boxes, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what each person wants and can offer. Then it’s just a matter of phoning up the ones who seem compatible and arranging your winter. The people whose names appear here paid $5 apiece to be listed. However, anyone can use the Crew List. All we ask is that you read and acknowledge the 'Important Note' at the top of the page before you do.

13 ut we didn’t bring you this far just to dump you flat. We may be a blind date and a cheap date, but we have the decency to at least get you to the party, the annual Mexico Only Crew List Party, that is. A low-key, informal get-together for Crew Listers, the MOCLP is an excellent neutral environment in which to meet your prospective crew/skipper. Also welcome are Mexico bounders — both local and transient, Mexico vets and even wanna-be’s due to make their annual "Next year for sure" declaration. The Crew List Party will be held this year on Wednesday, October 2, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Sausalito Cruising Club (foot of Napa Street off Bridgeway in Sausalito). Admission is $5 at the door — exact change very much appreciated — unless you can point out your name on these pages, in which case you get in free. There’ll be a limited supply of munchies, a no-host bar, random T-shirts handed out and — we hope — lots of crew/skipper interaction going on. So that’s about it. The rest is up to you. Crew List veterans can now cut to the chase. For you virgins, here are our usual tips to make listing go more smoothly. • The early bird not only catches the worm, he gets his choice of size and species, too. The moral: don’t just sit and wait for someone to call you — seize the day yourself, and the sooner the better. * We’ve been told by Crew List veterans that it’s often convenient

IMPORTANT NOTE: Latitude 38 offers the Crew List as an advertising supplement only. We neither make nor imply any guarantee, warranty or recommendation as to the character to write out a list of questions you plan to ask a prospective skipper or crew, leaving space between each, then xerox off a bunch of them. As you make contact with each new Crew Listee, scribble his name and answers on one sheet. That way, if you talk to a dozen different contacts, you can keep track of who said what. * The above suggestion is particularly useful for you ladies, who will likely get more than your share of contacts. Unfortunately, a few of them might be more interested in getting you between the sheets than getting you to trim them. That’s why most of you took our advice and listed your first names only. The bottom line is that sex is not required to maintain a 'happy ship'. Don’t let a guy try to convince you it is, and don’t be afraid to ask direct questions about the subject if you feel the need. It’s better to find these things out here than 'out there'. Above all, don’t let the prospect of calls from a few jerks put you off. (If you need to, rejuvenate your enthusiasm by reading Priscilla Troy’s account of her first Crew List cruise immediately preceding this article — then come back here.) * Don’t call anybody before 8 a.m. or after 10 p.m. * Be realistic in your expectations of the boat, the trip and the people. Not all boats look like Swans or go downwind like ultralights. Not all passages are smooth and sunny. Not everyone in a large crew will immediately like everyone else — and small crews can be even touchier to 'get right the first time.' Keep in mind that successful cruising requires a definite attitude adjustment, and the easiest way to start it going is to leave all egos at the dock. Believe us, you really won’t need them until you get back into the rat race, anyway. * As a corollary to the above, if possible, arrange a trial sail and overnight anchorage with the prospective crew aboard locally before making any final choices/commitments. * Above all, be honest — with yourself and your shipmates. Don’t try to 'make up' experience you don’t have, or to try to tell contacts what you think they want to hear. We guarantee it will come back to haunt you. Worried about your lack of experience, you say? Some skippers actually prefer at least one or two crew with hardly any experience — they’re much easier to train to the skipper’s way of doing things than an experienced hand who likes to do things his own way. Often less argumentative, too. So don’t think that inexperience is a disadvantage. * If, by some mind-boggling stretch of the imagination, you don’t make successful contact with anyone on this Crew List or our Crew List Party, all is not lost. If you’re really adamant about sailing to 'Old Mex', and you can make it to San Diego in late October/early November, it’d be worth your time to check out the crew parties at Pacific Marine Supply and Downwind Marine. Pacific Marine Supply’s Cruiser’s Kick Off Party on October 26 is the grandaddy of all cruising parties. This one got so big they had to limit the number of people to about 500, so you’ll need reservations. To make them, or for more information, call (619) 223-7194. Downwind Marine’s Cruiser’s Pot Luck on November 3 is just that — you bring a dish of something, Downwind supplies the burgers and hot dogs, and Shelter Island provides the pretty backdrop for this outdoors party. Downwind’s number is (619) 224-2733. And if you haven’t found a ride/crew by the time you go through all that, maybe it’s time you switched to Head and Shoulders.


xlhh, Fresh Mex. There’s nothing like it. But for sheer realism this side of the border, even Chevy’s can’t compare to the 7-11 Burrito we just had. The second to last bite, we chomped down on a rock. We swear to God, a rock! What coincidence! What karma! The page 130

CREW LIST ol individuals participating In the Crew LUt, the condition of their boats, or any weather or sea conditions you may encounter. You must Judge those things for yourself. last rock we recall chomping down on somehow found it’s way into a camarone at one of those little palapas on the beach at Tenecatita about four years ago. Since no tooth was chipped, we reckon Shirley MacLaine would see the incident as a good sign. And we do too. It means all of you crew are going to find good rides, all you skippers will find good crew, and the Mexico class of ’91/’92 is going to have the times of their lives this winter. O/e!


-WANT TO CREWMEN WANTING TO CREW IN MEXICO Roger H. Bohl, 52, (415) 743-1133, 3200A Danville Blvd., #102, Alamo, CA. .for 1,4 / exp 4 / offers 3,4a,b. Bob Rivas, 44, (415) 221-5058, 253 - 17th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94121. .exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3,4a. Hank Delevati, 42, (408) 446-4105, P.O. Box 1002, Campbell, CA 95009 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3,4a.

... .



4:»“uf„^s4Weel<NaHiHa> MY EXPERIENCE IS: 1. little or none. 2. Bay, 3. Ocean. 4. Foreign cruising. I CAN OFFER:

l' (Sj Sk‘IIS/1 am 3 novsce *a»Ior.

4. speak Spanish.

U,S€d Mex,co before; b) I

5. Companionship.

Tonv James, 33, (510) 763-8428, 1427 - 5th Ave., #6, Oakland, CA 94606. .fori / exp 1 / offers 1,2,5. Vauahn Hampton. 40, (408)723-3355, 2165 Booksin Ave., San Jose, CA 95125 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2. David McGhee, 43, (213)496-1836, 2659 Knoxville Ave., Long Beach, CA 90815 .for 1 / exp 3 / offers 2,3,4,5. page 131


John Biggers, 47, (707) 433-1736, 431 First St., Healdsburg, CA 95448. .for 1,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 3. Richard Lefief, 38, (408) 236-3322, P.O. Box 355, Brisbane, CA. .for 1,2 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3,5. Tom Parks, 56, (408) 923-6533, 17009 Crothers Rd., San Jose, CA 95127. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3. Roland Hartley, 32, (415)457-9925, 1629 San Anselmo Ave., San Anselmo, CA 94960 .for 1,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3,4b,5. Bob Goiter, 62, (510) 651-8989, 43268 Starr St., #4, Fremont, CA 94539 . .for 1,2 /exp 1 / offers 1. Ron Feldman, 49, (415) 365-8753, P.O. Box 5681, Redwood City, CA 94063. .for 1,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 3. Bill Shrader, 27, H: (510) 848-5337 W: (415) 642-7076, 2117 Rose Street, Apt. #3, Berkeley, CA94709 .fori,2,3,4/exp2/offers3. David Caso, 32, (510) 208-5691 or (415) 957-0872 ..for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2,5. Bill Myers, 55, 320 N. Civic Dr., #314, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 3. Skyler Tegland, 25, (510) 601-0909, 5609 College #103, Oakland, CA 94618 . .for 1,2,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3,4a,b. David Whitmore, 27, (510) 601-0909, 5609 College Ave #103, Oakland, CA 94618 .for 1,2,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3,4a. John Chille, 44, (510) 769-6714, Pacific Marina Box 101, Alameda, CA 94501 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 4 / offers 3 4a. Russ Eichner, 45, (707) 253-0165, 7410 Wild Horse Valley Rd., Napa, CA 94558 .for 1,2,3 / exp 2 / offers 2. John Anderton, 51, (510) 521-6353, 2099 Grand Street #L22, Alameda, CA 94501 .fori /exp2/offers2. John Minnich, 44, (510)735-8931, 125 Shoreline Circle, #455, San Ramon, CA .for 1,3 / exp 2 / offers 2. Paul D. Gamache, 27, 236-6544, 1200 Brickyard Way, #105, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2,4b. Tom Burnett, 39, (415) 960-0533, 750 N. Shoreline Blvd., #83, Mountain View, CA 94043 .for 1 / exp 2 / offers 2. Jim Gann (w/Kristen), 51,444-6130, 637 Valle Vista #4, Oakland, CA 94610. .for 2/exp 2,3/offers 2. Bart Bias, 52, 391-9027,165 Northpoint #226, San Francisco, CA 94133. .offers 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2. Sam Huntington, 44, (408) 373-5840, 1158 Crest Ave., Pacific Grove, CA. ..for 1,2,3,4 / exp 3,4 / offers 3,4. George Clark, 34, (415) 365-0251, P.O. Box 2382, Redwood City, CA 94064 . .for 1,2,3 / exp 2,3 / offers 2. Michael Alberts, 24, (415) 347-4815, 224 Dwight Rd., Burlingame, CA 94010 . .for 1,2,3? / exp 1 / offers 1,2. Howard Cantin, 57, (408) 629-1682,155 Carling Ct., San Jose, CA 95111 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3. Greg McCarthy, 34, (408) 244-7276, 4681 Albany Cir., #146, San Jose, CA 95129 .for 1,2,3 / exp 2 / offers 2. Jack Edwards, 39, (916) 989-1108,105 Buck Cir., Folsom, CA 95630 . .for 1,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3. Jim Hubbard, 57, 579-3771,1609 Kelley St., Santa Rosa, CA 95401 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 1,2. Michael Gahagan, 37, W: (415) 434-5018 H: (415) 366-3359, 4012 Farmhill Blvd., #303, Redwood City, CA 94061 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,4 / offers 2. Rudy Friessnig, 50, (408) 246-6168.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 3. Warren Cohen, 42, (415) 945-7093.for 1,2 / exp 2,4 / offers 2. Ken Allison, 38, 341-2331 or 578-1318, Foster City, CA. .for 1,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3. Greg Falberg, 34, (408) 749-8048, 250 N. Frances St., Sunnyvale, CA. .for 1,2,3 / exp 4 / offers 2,4a. Erik Soderberg, 27, (415) 433-5920.exp 2,3,4 / offers 3. Joel Waldman, 62, (408) 739-5876,720-A Blair Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 . .for 1,2 / exp 3 / offers 2,4a. Romeo Danais, 45, (408) 287-9150, P.O. Box 8431, San Jose, CA 95155 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3,4a,b, 5. Victor Meneses, 50, (415) 586-5288, P.O. Box,40940, San Francisco, CA 94110.. .fori /exp2/offers2,3. David Jakaubaskas, 22, (4^5)399-0529, P.O. Box 471433, San Francisco, CA 94147 .for 1 / exp 4 / offers 2,4. George.Good, 50, 952-4663 or 991-1903, 3360 Adeline St, Box 305, Berkeley, CA 94703 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3,5. Gordon G. Herpst, 57, (702) 731-5455, 1518 Golden Arrow Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89109 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3,5. Matthew Marx, 25, 642-6207, 2620 Hiilegass #11, Berkeley, CA 94704. .fori /exp2/offers3. William Belenis, 54, (707) 894-3271, 114 Hillview, Cloverdale, CA. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2,4b. Fred G. Sherman, 55, (415) 329-9404, 220 Palo Alto Ave., #307, Palo Alto, CA 94301 ..for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3. Perry Gentry, 43, (209) 795-3347 or P.O. Box 2784, Arnold, CA 95223. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2.

1991 MEXICO ONLY NEED CREW Lloyd, 50, (916) 457-4287, 5071 Moddison Ave., Sacramento, CA 95819 ....inquire Tim Simonds, 38,1667 Las Virgenes Canyon Rd., #10, Calabasas, CA 91302. .for 1 / exp 1,2,3 / offers 3. Sean Conway, 26, (916) 424-9969, 7720 Telfer Way, Sacramento, CA 89523 . .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2. Dan Frederick, 43, (707) 253-2522, P.O. Box 6956, Napa, CA 94581. ..v...fori / exp2. John Holman, 47, (707) 795-1803, P.O. Box 14993, Santa Rosa, CA 95492. ...for 2,3 / exp 2,3 / offers 2. John Simpson, 28, (510) 793-7690, 2555 Country Dr., Fremont, CA 94536. .for 1,4 / exp 2 / offers 3. Mike Pratt, 35, Hm: (916) 366-9132 or Wk: (916) 646-1595, 10190 Desoto Way, Sacramento, CA 95827.for 1,3 / exp 2,4 / offers 2,3. David Berry, 33, (707)538-1397, 5055 Upper Rdige Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95404 .for 1,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2. Paul Ridgeway, 37, (510) 486-7965 days/msg., 1742 Grant, Berkeley, CA 94703 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2,3,4b,5. Don Hamilton, 62, (408) 685-2310,160 Creek Dr., Aptos, CA 95003. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 3 / offers 3,4a,5. Art Urbin, 32, (408) 985-2107, P.O. Box 6972, San Jose, CA 95150. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3. Bruce Person, 34, (209) 661-1458 or (916) 555-1212,10175 Joerschke Dr., #344 Grass Valley, CA 95945-5205.for 2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 2,3. Gary Wintle, 41, (805) 466-0600, P.O. Box 1643, ATASC, CA 93423 . .for 1,2,3 / exp 2,3 / offers 1,2. Michael Walker, 40, 661-9302, P.O. Box 170520, San Francisco, CA 94117. .for 1,2 / exp 2 / offers 2,4b,5. Sean Haney, 26, 528-2137 or 499-0214, 1028 C Los Gamos Rd., San Rafael, CA 94903 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / offers 1. Richard (Dick) Newhall, 70, (702)831-2669, P.O. Box 4336, Incline Village, NV 89450 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3.

MEN LOOKING FOR CREW IN MEXICO Andrew Lutz, 29, Wk: (415) 493-3095, 850 Rubis Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Norwest 33.for 1,2,3 / exp 1,2 / wants 2,5a. Lee Kutz, 63, (619) 297-6936, 2040 Harbor Island Drive, #9, San Diego, CA 92101 Coronado 32.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / wants 1,2. Richard Lefief, 38, (408) 236-3322, P.O. Box 355, Brisbane, CA, 94005, 30-ftTri. ...^.for 1,2,4 / exp 1,2 / wants 1,2,3,4,5,6. Gene Schenk, 59, (619) 222:3074, P.O. Box 2384, El Cajon, CA 92021, Salar 40-ft Ketch.for 1,2 / exp 1,2,3/ wants 1,5a. Jerry McConnell, 41, (707) 255-7844, 4879 Dry Creek Rd., Napa, CA 94558, 36-ft Cheoy Lee Luders Ketch.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2 / wants 1,2,5a. Ben, 65, Good Bye Girl, APDO Postal 290, LaPaz, Baja, Cta Sur, Mex., 32-ft Sloop .for 2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / wants 2,3a,6. Alan Hertz, 38, (707) 552-3453, 968 Adm. Callaghan Ln„ #194, Vallejo, CA 94590 28-Tri Star.for 1,2,3,4/exp 1,2/wants 1,4b,5a,6. Harry Greene, 63, (415) 365-1874, 660 Bair Isl. Rd., #45, Redwood City, CA 94064, 42' Krogen Trawler (pwr).for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3/ wants 1,5a,6. Don Aipdt, 59, P.O. Box 21902, Santa Barbara, CA 93121,52-ft Ketch. ...for 2 / exp 2,3 / wants 1,2. Richard Steinke, 332-7757, P.O. Box 2103, Sausalito, CA 94966, 45-ft Sloop, Isobar.for 1 / exp 3 / wants 1,2,5a. Vern Schram, 53, (818) 848-6084,1719 N. San Fernando Rd, Burbank, CA 91504 48' Powerboat.for 1,2?,4 / exp 2,3 / wants 3a. Leonard Ablieter, (805) 496-4435, 4935 Serrania, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, Valiant 40..for 1,2,3 / exp 2,3 / wants 2,5a. William Forrest, 60, (213) 305-8146, 133 S. Kenwood Street, Glendale, CA 91205, C-30.for 1,2,3/exp 1,2,3/wants 1,2,5c. Tim, 34, #102-300,1840 - 41st Ave., Capitola, CA 95010, 34-Sloop. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / wants 1,5a. John M. Myers, 38, (805) 963-2567, P.O. Box 2353, Santa Barbara, CA 93120, 52-ft Cutter Pilothouse.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / wants 1,5a. Willie Evans, 55, (707) 763-5117, Box 634, Petaluma, CA 94953, 46-ft Ketch. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2/ wants 1,2,3,5c,6. Scott Spratt, 43, (510) 426-7883 or (503) 255-3812, Cheetah 27... .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2 / wants 1,5a.

WOMEN WANTING TO CREW IN MEXICO Stefania, 33,0: 921 -3040 x230 (voice mail).exp 1,2 / offers 1,4b. Barbara,40ish, (415) 771-2850 .for 1,2,3/exp 1,2,3/offers 1,2. Karen, 24,1011 Fountain, Berkeley, CA 94707.for 1,2,3 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,5. Simone L. Watts, 22, (707) 525-9359 Msg: (707) 544-8083, 5465 Mall Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95401 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,5. Maria Miller, 32, (415) 653-8579.for 1,2 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,4b. Nancy, 43, (407) 897-3381 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 4 / offers 1,4. Elise R., 22, Phone/Address-c/o: Gemini Ins. Services, (408) 225-7155, P.O. Box 111323, Campbell, CA 95009.for 1,2,3,4/ exp 1 / offers 1. Marcia Andros, 51, (510) 893-6346.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,4. Kristen (w/Jim Gann), 45, (415) 444-1546.for 2 / exp 2,3 / offers 2. Suzana, 40s, (619) 562-0126 .for 1,2/exp2,3/offers2,4a,5. Thea, 55, 454-7677, P.O. Box 1744, Ross, CA 94957. .for 1,2,3,4? / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3,4a. Carol, 56, (505) 345-5759, 6525 - 4th Street, Box 108, Albuquerque, NM, 87107 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1 / offers 1. Nancy, 38, (415) 956-5014,1459 - 18th St., Ste 117, San Francisco, CA 94107. .for 2,3 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,5. Judith, 41 ,(213) 827-3629.for 1,2,3 / exp 4 / offers 2,4a,b,5. Lois Campbell, 24, (714)722-5260, c/o Larry Campbell, 6475 PCH, #306, Long Beach, CA 90803.for 2,3,4 / exp 3 / offers 2. Colette, 44, (408) 423-4240 .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2 / offers 1,2,5. Lisa Monckton, 34, 604 Yolo St., West Sacramento, CA 95605. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2/ offers 1,4b. Katrin A., 44, P.O. Box 887, Petaluma, CA 94953.for 2,3 / exp 1 / offers 1. Karole, 35, 966-1170.fori / exp 1 / offers 1. Lizanne, 51, (415) 830-4593 (recorder).for 1,2,3,4? / exp 1 / offers 1,5. Carole, 47, (408) 733-6385 'til 11/1; (305) 946-2956 after 11/1, 2708 N.E. 12th St., Pompano Beach, FL 33062 ...for 2,3 / exp 3,4 / offers 2,4. Janet Baysinger, 32, (808) 322-6498, 78-6800 Alii Dr., Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. .for inquire / exp 1,3 / offers 2.

COUPLES WANTING TO CREW IN MEXICO Priscilla & Ryan, 43, 644-3850.for 1,2 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,4a,b,5. Laura Litzky & Bill Dawson, 21/24, (415)383-8521, Box 298, Star Route, Muir Beach, CA 94965.for 1,2,3 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3,4b. Bill & Kath Key, 56, (408) 269-5659.for 3 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3,4. Karl Dake & Linda, 36, (510) 525-4136.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 3,4a. Nanette & Ed deBoer, 33/31, (916)622-0869, P.O. Box 343, Coloma, CA 95613 ...for 1,3,4 / exp 2,3 / offers 2,3. Chris Paulsen & Carol, 33/39, (707)762-9265, P.O. Box 380, Petaluma, CA 94953 .for 2,3 / exp 2,3,4 / offers 2,3. Brian Stanners, 48/50, W: (213) 201-6761,5301 Shirley Ave., Tarzana, CA 91356 ..for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3,4 / offer 3,4.




, 12.. While in Mexico.

„ . 3. Sea of Cortez Sail Week (Baja Ha-Ha). 4. Return trip up Baja.



t. Bay. 2. Ocean. 3. I AM LOOKING FOR; 1. Enthusiasm — experience is not important. 2. Moderately experienced sailor to share normal crew responsibilities. . 3. Experienced cruiser who can a) share navigation mechanical skills; b) who can show me the rop« 4. 'Local knowledge' — someone who a) has cruis before;!

Lee Simpson, 48,4275 N. Chateau Fresno, Fresno, CA 93722, 53-ft Ketch. .;.;.„.. for 2,3/exp 1,2,3/wants 1,5a. Richard Lewis, 56, (510) 814-8688, Freya 41.for 1,2 / exp 2,3 / wants 2 5a Eugene Nelson, 845-3332 or 845-2206 ext. 10, P.O. Box 40377, Berkeley CA 94704, Cal 24.for 1,2 / exp 1 ’,2 / wants i ,5a. page 132

CREW LIST Mikkal Sveum, 32, (805) 963-9502, 2020 Alameda Padra Sierra, #123, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, 36-ft Cheoy Lee Ketch.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 1,5a. Steve,45, (707) 887-1631, Catalina22.for2,3/exp 1,2,3/wants 1,2,5c7. Roy Davidson, 49, (714) 925-9386, 27777 Cornell St., Hemet, CA 92544, Puvieux 47..for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 1,5c,6. Scott Henry, 30s, Eves: (415) 967-7022, 302 Easy St., #31, Mtn. View, CA 94043, 34-ft Catamaran.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2 / wants 2,4a,b,5a,c,6. Hubert Schoenherr, 56, S/V Destiny, Marina Santa Rosalia, BCS/Mexico, CT 35 Pilothouse Ketch...for 2,3 / exp 3 / wants 1,5a. Vern Rathfelder, 65, P.O. Box 941, Walnut Grove, CA 95690, 34-ft Sloop. .for 1,2,3 / exp 3 / wants 1,2,5c. Mike Gartland, 54, (907) 338-2403, P.O. Box 210141, Anchorage, AK 99521,36-ft Catalina.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 2,3 / wants 1,2,4,6. Jim Meeker, 45, C/O Sue Lykes, Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., 300 Poydras, New Orleans LA 70130, 34-ft Sloop.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 1,2,4b,5a,6? Ernie, 53, (213) 547-9845, P.O. Box 1785, San Pedro, CA, CT 41 . .for 1,2 / exp 3 / wants 2,5a. Peter Laflamme, 49, (206) 945-1965, P.O. Box 111, Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 -0111, Nauticat 43-ft Ketch.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3/wants 1,2,5a. Bob Schemmel, MD, 59, (408) 395-3054, 45-ft ketch. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 2,3,4. Dick Williamson, 59, (213) 430-3006, Long Beach, CA 90803, Westsaii 43. .for 1,2,3 / exp 2 / wants 2,3a,4a,b,5c. Bob Schmieder, 50, (510) 934-3735,4295 Walnut Blvd., Walnut Creek, CA 94596 42-ft Power Boat.for 1,2,4 / exp 1,2 / wants 1,2,3,4,5a,b,6. Michael Cunningham, 36, (408)761-9021, P.O. Box 100, Moss Landing, CA 95039, Cascade 36.for 1,2,3 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 1,2,5a. Dick Shootman, 67, (510) 785-2288, Ranger 37.for 2,3 / exp 1 / wants 1,2,5a. Tom Werner, 30,331-5745 or 708-9939,1592 Union St., #183, San Francisco, CA 94123, Hunter 37 Cutter.for 1,2 / exp 1,2/wants 1,2,3,5c. Russ Duff, 41, (619) 278-2831, DeLong 45-ft Cutter. .for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3/ wants 1,5a. Michael Hoffert, 46, (415) 332-6716, Box 2303, Sausalito, CA 94966, Newport 41 .for 1,2 /exp 1,2,3/wants 1,2. Gordon Clements, 54, (707) 763-1303, P.O. Box 14336, Santa Rosa, CA 95402, Magellan 36-ft ketch.for 1,2,4/ exp 1 / wants 1,2,3a,b,4a,b,5a,6.

Rod Schoenlank, 70, (415) 726-7970, 16 Johnson Pier, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Newporter 40.for 1,2 / exp 2 / wants 1,5a. Paul Grabowski, 56, (415) 634-7145, Bayron, CA, 50-ft Ketch Oksza. .....for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 1,2,5ac,6. Chester Ferguson, 62, 6470 Crosswoods Cir., Citrus Heights, CA 95621, Islander Freeport 36.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 3a,4a,5c,6. Bob Ronevicz, 51, (916) 348-2825, 4909 Summertree Ct., Sacramento, CA 95841 40-ft Motorsailer.for 1,4 / exp 1,2 / wants 2. Gary Handrich, 43, (805)965-0236, P.O. Box 41314, Santa Barbara, CA 93140, 35-ft T rimaran.for 1,2 / exp 2 / wants 1,2,5a. Garry Weber, 40, (415) 387-2298,26-ft Pilothouse Sloop. .for 1,2,4/exp 1,2,3 /wants 1,2,5c,6. Paul, 332-4189, 50-ft ketch.for 1,2,3,4 / exp 1,2 / wants 1,2,6. Ian Storer, 32, P.O. Box 1752, Sausalito, CA 94965, Nordia 65. .for 1 / exp 2,3 / wants 2,4b. Co Webb, 32, (415)435-6165, 1740 Centro West, Tiburon, CA 94920, Freya 39 .for 1,2 / exp 2 / wants 2,3a,4a,b,5a. Howie Tomlinson, 62, (805) 466-0600, Valiant 40.for 1,2 / exp 3 / wants 1,2,5.

WOMEN LOOKING FOR CRUISING CREW Sandra Smith, (408) 479-9433, P.O. Box 7423, Santa Cruz, CA 95061... wants 3a, Pat Knight, 50, (805) 466-0600, P.O. Box 1643, ATASC, CA 93423, Colombia 28 .for 2 / exp 2 / wants 1,2,3.

COUPLES LOOKING FOR CRUISING CREW Doug & Anne Murray, 54/53, (415) 593-0314,1892 Carmelita Dr, San Carlos, CA 94070, 45-ft Liberty 458 Cutter.for 1,2 / exp 1,2,3 / wants 2,3a. Dennis Cox & Amy Bishop, 44 & 28, (408) 646-1306,230 Aptos Beach Dr., Aptos, CA 95003, Tayana 37.for 1 / exp 1,2,3/wants 1,2,3. Keiley & Shirley Meyer, 60s, (415)239-7279, 43 Valletta Ct., San Francisco, CA Valiant 40 Cutter.for 1 / exp 1,2 / wants 3.

|-HEADIN' SOUTH? n DOWNWIND Marine THE CRUISER'S CHANDLERY Chris, Gabrielis, Ces, A.J. We're Eagerly Waitiing To Serve You With

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, page 133


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MAX EBB: "A find how do you know Roxanne?" she asked between sips of her drink. "I’m one of her sailing friends," 1 an¬ swered, not being ready with a more mean¬ ingful way to identify myself to a stranger at a stand-up cocktail party. "What about you?" Roxanne Scholes, a member of my yacht club, had invited practically everyone she knew to a big party to celebrate the comple¬ tion of a major addition to her house. The guests included a small group of her ac¬ quaintances from the yacht club, and natur¬ ally we had fallen into the usual sailors’ anti-social behavior pattern — we were standing around the kitchen talking about sailing, and having absolutely no interaction with the majority of non-sailing guests. But this one brave landlubber had ventured among us in a so-far awkward attempt to break the ice. "1 work with Roxanne," she said. "She’s always talking about sailing, and one of these days she’s going to make good on her promise to get one of her friends with a boat to take me out for a sail. Do you have a boat?" I proceeded to describe my boat in some detail, all of which must have been totally incomprehensible to the non-sailor. "How many does it sleep?" "Hmm, let’s see..." I was counting berths in my head when Roxanne came over to perform her hostess duties. "Max, this is May Day. And May, Max Ebb. May is one of the people 1 told you about at my office who’s just dying to go out sailing. Hey, there’s a fresh tray of pu-pu’s in the living room, why don’t we all move out there and sit down?"

I didn’t really want to leave all my sailing buddies in the kitchen — I hadn’t even told them about last week’s protest yet. But it was Roxanne’s party and I felt I should at least appear to cooperate with her efforts to mix up the various interest groups. We made our way to the living room and sat on the couch. "Here are two more people who work in my office that I’d like you to meet," said Roxanne, gesturing to the people in the two chairs facing the couch on the opposite side of the coffee table. "Lily and Brian." "Brian Shrimp, pleased to meet you," he said, standing up and shaking my hand vigorously. "And this is Lily Pons." "My pleasure," I said, nodding in her direction. "Roxanne tells us you have a boat," said Brian. I repeated my description of the boat, leaving off meaningless details like the

builder and class, but adding the number of people it "sleeps." And 1 acknowledged that yes, it would be possible to take them out daysailing some time soon. "Do you sail all winter?" asked Lily. "I mean, does it ever get too cold for sailing here, like it does on the East Coast?" I explained that the sailing season in the Bay Area is 12 months, and that in fact most of my daysailing and cruising was done in the winter, because of the lighter racing schedule and the milder wind conditions.

"So you mean sailing in the middle of winter is actually warmer?" "That’s right. Or more accurately, sailing in the summer is colder." 'You know what I’d really like to do?" asked Lily. "Sail out under the Golden Gate Bridge. It must be an incredible feeling." "Sure, we do that all the time. You get to play in the big ocean swells. It’s lots of fun.” "That would probably make me seasick," said May. "I’m usually not very resistant to that sort of thing." Meanwhile Roxanne had gotten up to open the front door for another arriving guest, and I looked over to see who it was.

It turned out to be Lee Helm, my naval architecture graduate student friend, accom¬ panied by a man who appeared to be very much older than Lee. I waved hello to Lee

when I caught her eye, and they both walked over to the couch as I stood up again. "Max, this is so fantastic that you’re here!" exclaimed Lee. "I want you to meet my Uncle Otto." Roxanne found some more chairs, and we sat down around the coffee table. "Uncle Otto’s not in the Bay Area very often," explained Lee, "So I’m really glad you have a chance to meet him. I mean, the first time I ever went sailing was on Uncle Otto’s boat. I must have been, like five years old or something." "Younger than that, Lee," he said. "It was

when I still had the 27-footer, and we used to sail to the Channel Islands. A lot of miles have gone under our keels since then." "So I guess you taught Lee everything she knows," I joked. "Otto’s done a humongous amount of cruising," proclaimed Lee, "Some of it single¬ handing, even. But for many years we didn’t see him while he was sailing around the South Pacific. And like, he never gets any¬ where near a starting line!" "And for good reason. Racers are certifiably insane!" "Singlehanders can’t exactly throw stones," I reminded him. "Where have you cruised to?" "Longest one so far has been New Zealand and back." "New Zealand!" said May and Lily, obviously impressed. "How long did that take?" page 134


If your eyes

■' X •

you are less susceptible to



after lost halyards or teach to do foredeck. :

"I was out cruising for five years. Longest single passage was the last leg of the return, Marshall Islands all the way back to Los Angeles. Took five and a half weeks. That’s the one I did by myself." "Five weeks by yourself!" said Brian. "What did you do at night?" Lee explained to Brian how self-steering works, while May and Lily repeated their interest in getting a taste of ocean sailing — on my boat, of course. But May repeated her

"Oh, I don’t know if I want to do a thing like that right here and now," protested May. "No, really,"insisted Lee. "It’s just a simple test of VOR function." "VOR?" I asked. "Vestibulo-ocular reflex. That’s the coupling of the inertial motion sensing mech¬ anism of the ear to the eye control muscles. All I want to do is check for ocular counter¬ rotation in response to head roll — although, to do this right you need an optokinetic viewing device and/or a KC-135 aircraft. But even in this living room we can . .." "Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Roxanne interrupted. "Is this going to make May barf all over my new couch?" We all laughed, except for May.


lo way," assured Lee, and she moved the coffee table away from the couch slightly to make room for a chair facing Lily. Lee sat down staring right into May’s face. "All you have to do is look straight ahead, and heel your head over... I mean roll your head slowly from side to side. As if you were trying to touch your ear to your shoulder, except only go about half way." May complied, rotating her head from port tack to starboard and back again several times.

"Wow!" said Lee. "You’ll get seasick for sure." "How could you tell?" I asked, "other than from the fact that she just told us she gets seasick easily?" "Let’s try someone else," said Lee, and they repositioned so that Lily Pons was lined up for the test. "Rock solid," Lee pronounced as Lily rolled her head. 'You probably never get sick. Ever been out fishing?" "Once, a few years ago," she said. "And were you sick?" "No, but come to think of it, a bunch of people on the boat did get sick — some of them were pretty miserable — but I didn’t feel a thing." "Now let’s try you, Max." "That’s okay, Lee, 1 really don’t..." "Come on, Max," insisted Roxanne. "Into the test chair!" I stared at Lee, and rolled my head as instructed. "Hmmmm. . . moderate susceptibility. You’re acclimated by now, but you probably got sick the first few times you were out on the ocean." "That’s not too far off," I confessed. "But you’ve got to tell us what it is you’re looking for."

"O W cular counter-rotation, like I said. If the eyes roll to the top when the head rolls to one side, you’re not compensating for VOR-induced roll. If you keep you eyeballs aligned in the middle, then you are compen¬ sating and it’s less likely that you’ll get sick."

Eyes that move to the top of the roH indicate a person who is highiy susceptible to

Drugs, training and other methods are available to help 'eye rollers', .

wouldn't sit downwind from one while underway.

apprehension — in fact, in her mind it was a near certainty — that she would be seasick. "There’s a simple test to see if you’re susceptible to motion sickness," said Lee. "We can do it right now!"

MAX EBB: this time a number of the sailors in the kitchen had gotten wind of the ex¬ periment in progress, and had drifted into the living room. Rocky C. Miles, a cruiser from way back, had his own opinions: "I used to get sick too, but now 1 use one of those acupressure wrist bands. 1 swear by that little thing!"

Icine. Lots of great stuff in that journal, but the way. I mean, motion sickness in space is a serious problem, and even in just the last three or four years there’s been a lot of research and some real progress in predic- %. tion and adaptation training."

AVOIDING THE ISSUE 1. Sleep. Go to bed early the night before (much easier to say than to do). 2. Adaptation. Sleep on the boat the night before if at all possible, even if it’s tied up inside the marina. The small amplitude motions will contribute to your adaptation while you sleep. If you anchor out this will work better, and has the advantage of keeping your crew safely away from a late night pub crawl. 3. Food and drink. No alcohol the night before, and minimal coffee the morning of departure. No hot sausages for breakfast. Have the crackers or rice cakes ready. 4. Temperature control. Don’t get cold! Don’t get hot! Don’t get wet! Note that it’s much better to be too hot and too dry than too cold and too wet. You can take stuff off easier than you can put it on. 5. Drugs. If you have to use them, try something mild like Dramamine the night before. It will help you sleep, and the positive psychological effects will last longer

than the negative physiological side effects. If you must use Scopolamine or any other drug during the sail, follow the directions and make sure the skipper knows exactly what you’re taking. If possible, take the drug for a dry run at least a few days before. The ocean is the worst place to be experimenting with a new drug. 6. Steer! Not always an option if you’re not the only one who’s queazy, or in most race situations. But it works. 7. Get horizontal. If you can lie down with your eyes closed, the ear-eye conflicts will be turned off. Do this before your stomach gets the signal! 8 Alternative remedies. Use ginger root (or eat ginger snap cookies), wear the acupressure wrist band, and take your vitamins. Maybe they’ll work for you, maybe not. If they work by placebo effect, all the better. Placebos are one of the most effective drugs known to modern medicine — and there are no side effects!

"I’ve heard about a pressure point for motion sickness," said Brian. "Where exactly is it?" "Two Chinese Inches proximal to the wrist crease," said Lee, "and between the tendons of the palmaris longis and flexor carpi radials." "Uh-oh," remarked Otto, "Lee’s been to the library again." "Now what the heck is a Chinese inch?" asked Rocky. "The distance between the creases of the proximal and distal interphalangeal points of the flexed middle finger." "Oh. Now I know," he said facetiously. "Anyway, the point is right here," Lee explained as she picked up Brian’s wrist and worked her finger into the pressure point, massaging between the tendons. "But labora¬ tory tests have failed to demonstrate any measurable effect on visual-vestibular con¬ flict. It’s action is purely gastro-intestinal, just like ginger root." "How do you know that?" challenged Rocky. "The darn thing works great for me." "I ran across a paper describing some research at the Institute of Naval Medicine in England, published in the April 1990 issue of Aviation, Space and Environmental Med-

"Adaptation training?" I asked. "You mean there might be a spin-off that results in a way to get acclimatized against seasickness before going out there?" "It’s about time we got something out of the space program besides Tang," said a new voice in the group. "Oh, hi, Ellis!" said Lee. Ellis was a bit scruffy looking — another one of Lee’s friends, apparently. It appeared that she had taken the liberty of inviting him to Roxanne’s party. He was in his mid-40s, wearing ancient jeans and what looked like a tie-dyed shirt. 1 was beginning to question Lee’s propriety in inviting this character. "This is Ellis Dee," she announced. "He’s one of my math professors." "Far out," he said as his gaze scanned the room. "I’d guess that the best optokineticinertial conditioner would be a new psyche¬ delic. Probably in conjunction with special visual stimulation. A light show, man! Our tax dollars at work. Really cool. . ."


"A /actually," said Lee, "The best results so far for pre-exposure adaptation, at least for motion-sickness susceptible individuals, have been obtained with cognitive-behav¬

ioral and desensitization training. This relies mainly on counseling and modest exposure. What they do is spend a few hours just talk¬ ing about motion sickness — except they call it 'adaptation sickness' now — and convince the subjects that their susceptibility is normal and good. Also there’s some discussion of the physiology involved, I guess the theory being that the autonomic responses can be controlled or influenced in some subtle way if they’re consciously understood. Anyway, they get good results." "Who gets good results?" asked May. "Where are they doing this?" "Naval Biodynamics Laboratory in New Orleans. I mean, you’d never expect a place like that to look seriously at a new age approach like cognitive-behavior therapy, let alone find some validity!" "The '90s are just like the '60s, only upside-down," opined Ellis. "Some other neat tricks," continued Lee. "Head motion usually makes motion sickness symptoms worse, but in some tests it increas¬ es resistance. What they found is that, in general, head motions about an axis parallel to the motion axis are good. But head pitch — nodding your head up and down — is very bad in a yawing environment." "That’s interesting. I still feel queazy sometimes at the chart table," said Rocky. "Especially when I’m working on a chart and using the LORAN at the same time, looking down and then looking up lots of times." "Are you sure they’re not doing any work on better drugs?" asked May. "I think Scopolamine and amphetamine is still the most widely used drug combination," said Ellis. "But the side effects can be debilitating, as I’m sure you sailors know. I always liked Promethazine and Ephedrine." "What about Dramamine?" I asked. "Or Marezine or Bonine?" said May. "They’re all in the antihistamine family," said Ellis. "Not as effective — but whatever works for you, man."



tell me more about this pre¬ exposure adaptation," I said. "What other ap¬ proaches have been tried?" "Some really promising techniques, aimed at de-coupling the ocular response from rotational vestibular inputs," said Lee. "PAT trainers — preflight adaptation training, they call them. One device built by Miami Univer¬ sity used a rolling chair and a 'room' that slides around the subject’s head. Other systems use goggles with built-in monitors that show a roojn moving in some special 'wrong' relationship to head motion. They’ve succeeded in producing the same kind of disorientation, after conditioning, that page 136


astronauts feel when they first get back into a gravity field after a long period of fully-adapted weightlessness. So the implica¬ tion is that the effect is similar to zero-G adaptation. Anyway, the astronauts think these researchers are on the right track." "When I first step ashore after a long passage," said Otto, "I feel disoriented too. Are you saying that if we could come up with a simulator of some sort that would produce this same disorientation after using it for a few hours, that we wouldn’t get seasick?" "That’s basically the theory. And the hardware — 'virtual reality' style video goggles with motion sensors — is just a couple of years away from being a cheap consumer product. I mean, by the end of the decade we’ll be able to buy motion sickness pre-adaptation software to use with our Nintendo VCR set, and seasickness won’t be nearly as much of a problem as it is today." "Okay folks, remember where you heard it first!" boasted Otto. "All this is well and good," I said. "But from my experience, I don’t care how many 'seasickness cures' they come up with, at least one person in every crowd a/ways

A prototype adaptation device built at Miami University, To simulate the effects of this device, read this article in the convertible sports car doing the 17-mile drive at high speed in the rain.

seems to get sick ..." ' At that point, the doorbell rang again. Roxanne opened it and announced gaily, "The guests of honor — Kurt and Rod, my interior decorators."


lifter introductions all around, and more drinks, it was finally time for the tour of the new addition to the house. A break from talking about sailing! Kurt and Rod had done an impressive job, I had to admit. We met the plumbers that did the new bathroom, Phill Tubb and Luke Wharrem, and even landscape architect Pete Moss put in an

appearance. The evening turned into a refreshing opportunity to meet many people who had nothing to do with sailing. In fact, as I went around later and exchanged phone numbers with those who had expressed interest in spending a day on the ocean aboard my boat, I found myself actually looking forward to the adventure. Given a relatively calm fall day and the many seasickness remedies we’d discussed, I even felt confident most of them would survive the experience with stomachs intact. Well, almost all. Call it sailor’s intuition, but something about Ralph Chunks told me this would probably be his one and only sail. — max ebb

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With reports this month on putting a boat In a yacht charter management program; and chartering In Malaysia and Thailand for the Raja Muda, Andaman Sea Race and Thailand’s King’s Cup.

A number of months ago Jay and Liz de Wolf of Burlingame wrote asking us what we knew about charterboat ownership or lease programs with charter management outfits. They’d seen charter company ads claiming that all operating costs could be covered and all expenses paid. "Is this true?" they wondered. There are really two distinct types of yacht charter management programs, those locally and those in distant — mostly tropical — areas of the world. This month we’ll stick with the latter. To get the basic facts, we spoke with Katie, who works in the yacht ownership division of The Moorings. As readers of Latitude and other sailing magazines probably know, The Moorings regularly advertises their charter yacht ownership program. Katie explained that The Moorings currently places three different size yachts — a Beneteau-built 38-footer, a Hunter-built 43-footer, and a Beneteau-built 50-footer— in eight different locations around the world. Five of the locations are in the Eastern Caribbean, far and away the most popular charter area in the world. The Moorings also has one base each in Baja, Tahiti and Tonga. The Moorings takes the long view of business and thus their goal is not to place as many boats as possible in every location but to make sure that every boat in their

This way all owners are assured of having an almost equal income each year. Naturally some locations get a lot more business than others. The base in Tortola, for example, does many times the business of the base in Baja. The Moorings keeps the level of business the same for boats in each location by controlling the number of boats in each place. In other words, Yhe Moorings might have 200 boats based in the British Virgins where they do a lot of business, but only 10 in Baja, where they do far fewer charters. Again, the number of boats allowed in each location is predicated on all getting between 30 and 35 weeks of charters a year. It also means that there aren’t always openings for boats in all locations. They may, for example, have a full fleet In St. Martin, which means you couldn’t place a boat there until an opening became available. When you place a boat In The Moorings Advantage Program, as they call it, it’s for a standard period of four years. During that time, The Moorings is responsible for all the marketing, insurance, docking, haul-outs, spare parts, replacement parts and labor involved. At the end of a four-year agreement, the boat is reconditioned, then returned to the owner. During that four-year period, the owner of the boat is allowed two weeks use of the boat during the winter high-season, and another two-weeks during the summer. Or, the owner may elect to use the boat for six weeks

management program get between 30 and 35 weeks of charter a year. How is this done? When someone calls to book a charter, the boat that pops up in the computer is the one that has had the least number of weeks at that location to date.

during the summer off-season instead. For owners who desire greater use of their boats, other arrangements can sometimes be made. One of the big advantages of The Moorings worldwide operations is that you don’t always have to use your allotted time

Charterboat Ownership Does It Make Sense?

on your own boat. Say you have a boat placed with The Moorings in Baja; because they offer reciprocal privileges at their other locations, you can trade time on your boat for a similar one at another location — Tonga, for example — at no extra charge. This arrangement is also available with The Moorings’ affiliates in Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey or Spain. There is, it should be noted, a $50/day charge when you use your boat. This covers the cost of fuel, ice, the dink and outboard, and cleaning. The various boats are priced as follows: Beneteau 38, $133,750. Hunter 42, $164,285. Beneteau 50, $318,450. Because these boats will be operating outside of the United States for more than two years, buyers are not liable for the much-despised Luxury Tax passed by Congress. Boats placed in the British Virgin Islands, however, are required to pay an additional duty levied by that country. The boat price includes a staggering amount of equipment and a number of Moorings’ upgrades over standard models built by the manufacturer. Not another cent need be spent to make the boats absolutely charter ready, as everything is included: the boat in The Moorings program, delivery, shipping, commissioning, roller furling sails, instruments, anchors, dishes, pot & pans, radar reflectors, flares — even foul weather gear. Just add water, you might say. page 138


^ z § 9 x £ jjjj o ° For a limited time, buyers of Moorings SOOs get double charter revenues and double owner use.

While each owner is responsible for working out his or her own financing, Katie reports that the NCND Bank of Florida, depending on a person’s credit, has been financing such boats with between 20% to 30% down for 15 years at between 10% and 10.75%. Interest rates have tumbled since we last spoke with her, so even better financing may be available. Besides getting between four and six weeks of use on the boat per year, owners also get 25% of all charter revenue each month. Historically, this has meant that a typical owner of a 38-footer has gotten $76,538 as his charter cut. For a Moorings 43-footer, it’s been $99,410. For the Moorings 500, it’s been $131,000. All this has been verified by a big name accounting firm. (Reality check. While all this money is rolling in, remember, you’ve either had to have bought the boat outright or will be making mortgage payments on her.) From time to time, The Moorings .offers extra incentives to get people in their programs. Right now, for example, they’ve got a new Premier 500 Club for folks willing to put Moorings 500s into their management program. Up until sometime next year, owners get to keep 50%, not 25% of all charter income, and get eight weeks of page 139

personal use each year as opposed to the normal four. "If an owner puts all his revenues back into paying off the boat loan," says Katie, "at the end of the four-year agreement the boat should be between 50% and 70% paid off." Another way Mooring’s boat owners can make money is by booking charters themselves. If an owner books any Moorings boat with people who haven’t chartered with The Moorings before, the owner gets a 15% commission. The Moorings provides owners with business cards and sales tools to facilitate such endeavors. Some owners are said to make as much as an additional $4,000 a year by becoming 'agents'. Katie says the program—which currently has 600 enrolled — is popular with folks who enjoy sailing tropical waters and who are able to take time off in chunks of a week or more. People who have owned boats before but are no longer interested in the responsibility of maintenance also represent a good percentage of the program. The program is also said to be popular with folks who plan on going cruising several years down the road. "Suppose a couple wants to go cruising in eight years," says Katie. 'They put a boat in our program, and by putting all the income back into the mortgage, pay off almost haif the boat in four years. When the four years is over, they participate in our roll-over program, placing a new charter boat in our management /

program. By the end of eight years, it’s quite possible that their boat will be completely paid off — assuming, of course, that all the revenues were put back in paying the boat off. And remember," Katie concludes, "they’ve gotten use of the boat for up to 48 weeks during those eight years." These calculations, of course, are based on historical performance, and neither Katie or The Moorings can guarantee they will hold true in the future. But they’ve had a long record of success and would be glad to share the accountant-certified records with any prospective owner. Repeat business is always a good indicator of how good a program is. While Katie didn’t have exact figures, she claims that more than half of those who have had boats in The Moorings Advantage program do it a second time with another boat. A number of folks even have two or more boats in the programs, Owners who don’t want to 'roll-over' into another boat simply take possession of their boat after the four years is over and after the boat has been reconditioned. Or they can sell them through The Moorings brokerage. Katie claims that most Moorings boats bring 70% of their original value after four years of service. "The key," she notes, "is to start advertising them for sale six months to a year before they are due to come out of the program." 1 Naturally, such a program is not for everyone and their are potential financial pit-falls. The biggest worry of signing up with

Boats put into reputable charter programs are equipped with everything from roller furling to utensils.

any yacht management program, of course, if that the company goes belly-up. And if the truth be known, this has been anything but


uncommon in this business. While you still own your boat, it’s sitting idle on the other side of the world, uncared for, and you’ve still got the mortgage payments to make. Depending on how deep your pockets are, that could hurt. Because so many yacht management companies have failed over the years, there is much to recommend only the most bluechip outfits. We cringe at the thought of making this sound like a commercial, but The Moorings is one of the few charter outfits that can brag that they’ve "never failed to make an owner payment in 22 years". This is not to say they are the only company with a perfect record — or to suggest they couldn’t falter in the future. But beware of small or undercapitalized start-up outfits. We spoke with Barrie Day, who not only bought out Windward/Leeward Charters of San Francisco a few years back, but who also put a Moorings 432 in The Moorings Advantage Program in Tortola. He reports that he’s more than satisfied with his participation in the program. "A check arrives in the mail each month like clockwork and my boat has been maintained in excellent condition. For a time, Day even toyed with the idea of adding a Moorings 51 to his 'stable'. For further information on The Moorings Advantage Program, call 1-800-521-1126. They’ve got bright people answering the phones and big, fat seductive brochures to send your way. While The Moorings will be the first to admit that their and similar programs is not appropriate for everyone, it might just be for you. Also remember to check the charter sections of sailing magazines for other charter management opportunities, as The Moorings is not the only one. We at Latitude are interested in the experiences of other participants in such yacht charter management programs. We’d be delighted if you’d drop us a line about your experience. — latitude 38

Time To Thai One On? You’ve chartered the Virgins, the Grenadines, Greece, Mexico and the Pacific Northwest. Now what? Simple, use all those frequent flyer miles you’ve earned to jet off to Thailand and charter in one of the world’s finest, but least utilized charter paradises. So says Brian Saunders and Alda Vinson,

captain and hostess of the Taiwan-bdilt Stevens 51, the latest in a string of Tropic Birds Saunders has owned. A Sausalito-resident in the '70s, Saunders cruised the Ron Linderman-built sloop Spectre through the South Pacific in '78-79. After returning to Northern California to work as a yacht broker for a year, Saunders moved to Hong Kong in 1981. There he sold boats built in Taiwan, artd in between cruised the Phillipines, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. He and Alda left Hong Kong in 1981 for Thailand by way of the Phillipines and Singapore to«play the charter game. "Tropic Bird is the perfect four-person charter boat," says an admittedly prejudiced Saunders. "She has three bedrooms, two heads, a huge cockpit, air-conditioning, refrigeration, llOv electricity and a watermaker." Tropic Bird charters for $750/day, all but liquor included, through Mary Crowley’s Ocean Voyages in Sausalito. The monsoons, which blow at 10 to 15 knots almost as reliably as the trades, dictate the sailing in the region. In the summer the southwest monsoons make all of western Thailand and western Malaysia — the best chartering areas — lee shores. It’s during these months that Tropic Bird slips around the southern tip of Malaysia and Singapore to work the east coasts of Malaysia and Thailand. The east coast offers very good, but not superb chartering. "The best chartering in this part of the world," says Saunders authoritatively, "is between Langkawi, Malaysia and Phuket, Thailand in the winter. Between December and Easter the monsoons switch around and come out of the northeast, which transforms the sailing conditions from terrible to ideal. "Given the northwest - southeast lay of the land, the northeast monsoons of winter means we either close reach or broad reach as we sail up or down the coast. As most folks know, there are no better points of sail when chartering than the reaches. Furthermore, since the wind is offshore, we’re always sailing in flat water!" It sounds good, but there’s more. "The water is 82* with 25-foot visibility. The air temperature in the winter is between 85 to 90° with no rain. December to Easter in Phuket is the perfect time and place to charter in this world," Saunders concludes. As a lot of people are aware, the 212

square mile island of Phuket ("the land of smiles", says the Wanderette, who used to live there) is a major tourist destination. Big hotels, tourist restaurants, discos, para¬ sailing — all the standard stuff. The good news is that most of the tourist business is restricted to one side of the island, the other side still being fairly primitive jungle. Better still, there are scores of bays and anchorages along the island’s 30-mile length that can only be reached by boat. "And it’s not like The Bight at Norman Island," says Saunders, "as there are still very few charter boats operating in the area." The scenery in the region is unique and dramatic, as some of the islands have the strangest shapes imaginable. "There are lots of caves," says Saunders, "some of which you can dinghy into, some of which you have to dive into." If you’re really looking for cheap thrills, you can sail 75 miles north of Phuket (which is pronounced 'poo-ket', not the page 140


pornographic way you wish it was) to the many islands on the border with Burma. As you might know, Burmese authorities don’t care too much for their own people, let alone curious yachties on expensive boats. So you get the whole border area, which has many fabulous islands, to yourself. The Malacca Straits has a richly undeserved reputation for vicious piracy, based on a single dreadful but terribly overblown incident 12 years ago in which a woman was raped and a man had his hand nearly severed. "It’s a very safe region," says Saunders, "with some of the safest big cities in the world." If you had a month and a pocketful of money, the ideal way to enjoy this region would be to participate in three events that take a hodge-podge fleet of boats up from Port Klang, Malaysia to Phuket, Thailand. This year’s group will be joined by members of the Darwin to Ambon Race and the Europa '92 Rally. page 141

The first event is the November 12 - 18 Raja Muda Cup, which goes from Port Klang to Langkawi ("what a great place!") Malaysia. Raja Muda means 'first prince', so this race has the full support of the government. (The Raja Muda of Selangor is married to a woman from Mill Valley). Despite the fact it’s a Muslim country, the event is also sponsored by liquor and cigarette companies, who liberally distribute their products. According to Dave Soderlund of Hawaii, who has done most of the great races in the Pacific and who did the Raja Muda last year, it was one of the best organized events he’s ever participated in. "You race for a couple of hours a day to a new destination, where there’s a new banquet or party. It was fabulous." (Soderlund, incidentally, is doing all three events again this year. You may call him at (808) 254-2841 for further information or to see if he needs more paying crew.) /

December 2 is the Andaman Sea race from Phi Phi to Phuket, Thailand, a 60-mile broadreach. December 3 - 7 is the King’s Cup (so named to honor the King’s birthday), a series of three around-the buoy races outside Phuket. "Sail during the day, party during the night," is the review. Anywhere between 40 and 60 boats are expected to participate in the three events. They range* from small cruising boats, to Swans of all sizes, to the legendary Stormvogel and a Little Harbor 75. Some, like Soderlund, who has chartered an Ericson 38 this year, are determined to win the event. Most others are determined to just have fun. Either way, it sounds as though it would be hard to lose. While it’s much further away, travel times are approximately the same as to many spots in the Caribbean. Air fares do cost more, starting at perhaps $1100. — latitude 38


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Pass the Mustard, Please

With reports this month on the Windjammer Race, the Catalina 27 Nationals, the Soling PCCs, the Plaza Cup in Monterey, the San Francisco Perpetual Challenge Trophy, the Ong Triangle and a plethora of race notes. Unfortunately, we were unable to get our hands on results of the Jazz Cup — that, and a report on the Master Mariners’ Chlckenshlp Regatta, will probably surface in next month’s column.

On Friday, August 30, a healthy 103boat fleet turned out to celebrate the Golden Anniversary of the 67-mile Windjammer Race, the traditional Labor Day Weekend dash from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. Starting off Baker Beach at 9 a.m., the racers as usual got three races for the price of one: light air on the top of the course, 30 knots off Ano Nuevo and Davenport, and no wind off the finish line at Municipal Wharf in Santa Cruz as darkness fell. Merlin's record 1983 time of 5 hours, 59 minutes and 16 seconds was threatened briefly by two boats — Paul Simonsen’s ProSail 40 Tom Cat and Jim Ryley’s SC 70 Mirage. Both boats blasted down the coast in 6 hours only to become becalmed at Light¬ house Point for half an hour. Tom Cat crossed the line first at 3:39, beginning a parade of 77 eventual finishers. By 10 p.m. that evening, the wind had shut down completely, dooming the smaller boats (and

Bob Klein; 4) Petard, Farr 36, Ke(ith Buck; 5) Surefire, Frers 36, The Carter Brothers. (14 boats) PHRF I — 1) Allure, SC 50, Chuck Jacobson; 2) Roller Coaster, SC 50, Burnap/Fraser/Hetzer; 3) Hana Ho, SC 50, Rolfe Croker; 4) Mirage, SC 50, Jim Ryley; 5) Chasch Mer, SC 50, Rartdy Parker; 6) Paso Doble, Olson 29, Rodrigo Leon; 7) Red Hawk, SC 40, Lou Pangianco. (21 boats) PHRF II — 1) Vitesse, Beneteau 35, Eric Nequest; 2) Wild Cat, Olson 30, Plumley/Sebastiani; 3) Audacious, Peterson 36, Carl Eshelman; 4) Vision, Cal 48, Joe Starritt. (12 boats) PHRF III — 1) Warbird, B-25, Baker Family; 2) Waverunner, Tartan Ten, Krawiec/Campbell; 3) Glory Days, Pretorian 35, Andy Rothman; 4) Aphrodite, Ranger 33, Fletcher/Wood. (12 boats) PHRF IV — 1) Freewind, Cal 9.2, Betty & Don Lessley; 2) Con Carino, Cal 2-27, Gary Albright; 3) Mariner, Newport 30 Mk. II, Bruce Darby; 4) Fury, Northstar 727, Lon Woodrum; 5) Snow Goose, Santana 30, Ted Mattson; all others DNF. (19 boats) DIVISION B (motor allowance) — 1) Coast Starlight, Morgan 382, John English; 2) La

boats that went 'outside' instead of 'inside') to DNFs.

Ray Nelson (right) and crew of 'Freyja', winners of this year's Catalina 27 Nationals.

MULTIHULL — 1) Tom Cat, ProSail 40, Paul Simonsen. (3 boats) IMS — 1) Novia, Cal 39, John Webb; 2) Gemini, Baltic 38, Dave Fain; 3) Leading Lady, Peterson 40,

Boucherie, Beneteau First 32, Rick Sjoberg; 3) Gypsy Warrior, Freya 39, Rick Gio; 4) Snowbird, Yankee 30, Danny Marsh; 5) Andante, Cutter, Dave & Kim Jones. (20 boats)

50th Annual Windjammer Race

Catalina 27 Fleet 1 of San Francisco Bay welcomed three Maryland crews to the 1991 National Regatta hosted by Richmond Yacht Club on September 4-7. The series proved to be a continuation of the friendly rivalry started last September when five Bay Area sailors went east to the Chesapeake for the 1990 Nationals (Latitude, 10/90). Tom Walsh, Derick Lynch, and Jack O’Brien representing Chesapeake Bay Fleet 8 rounded up crews and sails and made the long flight from Annapolis. Except for Walsh, a former Bay Area sailor, our local fleet was confident that the gang from "The Other Bay" would be overwhelmed by San Fran¬ cisco Bay’s high winds and strong currents. This bit of bravado proved to be misplaced as the Easterners quickly confirmed their abilities in borrowed boats and unfamiliar surroundings . . . would the Bay Area crews be forced to swallow our running rigging? The race committee, headed by Rollye Wiskerson of RYC, set Olympic course "E" on the Circle with winds building from 14 to 18 knots for the first race. Tom Walsh, driving John Grandgenett’s II Shay, obviously forgot to read the fine print in the race instructions about not beating the locals. He led the spinnaker fleet to the windward mark with Derick Lynch in Steve Rienhart’s White Satin in close pursuit. Top San Francisco Fleet 1 competitors Ray Nelson in Freyja and Ernie Dickson in Wildcat followed hard on the leaders’ heels. The boats went on to finish the race in that order. As the wind continued to build, the locals convinced themselves that Walsh was "really one of us since he only moved to Maryland last year” and Lynch was "obviously just following Walsh". The second race started in 25 knots with a good chop on the Circle. After taking a hard knockdown during the first spinnaker set, Walsh recovered and rounded the last leeward mark third behind Lynch and Nelson. In a great display of windward helmsmanship, II Shay squeaked out another first place while White Satin and Freyja were playing cover and luffing games. The first four places in the second race were the same as the first, and the San Francisco skippers began considering the merits of Grey Poupon with their spinnaker lines. Second and third place finishes in Friday’s breezy conditions saw IIShay’s lead maintained — but by a narrowing margin. Saturday was to be the moment of truth. The day dawned foggy and cool with 8-10 knot winds. The 16-mile distance race started in Keller Cove at Point Richmond with Gary Hausler’s Lost Miner first across the line followed closely by II Shay, Freyja and White page 144



Satin. Walsh tacked early for clear air while Nelson and Lynch slowly passed Hausler to take over first and second places on the long beat through Raccoon Strait. As boats crossed the Bay to the windward mark at Crissy Field, the fog cleared to the west of the Golden Gate and racers were treated to sunshine, flat water and 8-knot winds as they ran down the Cityfront, left Alcatraz to port and returned to Richmond. Ray Nelson demonstrated his thorough knowledge of Bay winds and currents by finishing first for the day with Lynch second and Walsh third. With three firsts in the last three races, Nelson upheld the reputation of San Francisco sailors and finished first overall in the Spinnaker Division. Tom Walsh finished second and Derick Lynch placed third. Meanwhile, in the three-boat Non-Spinnaker Division, Ed Durbin sailed Catalyst — probably the fastest boat in the regatta — to an undisputed five-bullet sweep. And, by the way, you East Coasters — spicy mustard and scotch go best with crow or sheets. — gary hausler COLD FLEET — 1) Freyja, Ray Nelson, 5.75 points; 2) II Shay, Tom Walsh/John Crandgenett, 6.5; 3) White Satin, Derick Lynch/Steve Reinhart, 10; 4) Sundance, Ken Van Story, 15; 5) Lost Miner, Cary Hausler, 19; 6) Wildcat, Ernie Dickson, 20; 7) Sundancer, Robert Carlen, 25; 8) Izod, John O'Brien/John Miller, 32. SILVER FLEET — 1) Catalyst, Ed Durbin, 3 points; 2) Ruth E, John Murphy, 9; 3) Chiquita, Hank Schade, 10. page 145

Between the PCCs and the Adams Cup, it was a busy month for Solings.

Soling PCCs & CHPs Doug McClean of Newport Beach and his middleman Jeff 'Elvis’ Thorpe rolled into town the night before the Soling Pacific Coast Championship, picked up local talent Doug Robbins as foredeck crew, and fired off straight bullets in every race except one. In that race, they were over early. After restarting, they still picked their way back through the 15-boat fleet to finish third. McClean’s domination of the PCCs, hosted by San Francisco YC on the Berkeley Circle on September 6-8, was even more impressive considering that he’d driven straight through from the Soling Worlds in Rochester, NY, to attend the regatta. But wait, the story gets better — McClean and 'Elvis', who had been consuming 'adult beverages' during their tedious road trip, ran out of gas just short of the Tiburon exit at 11:30 p.m. the night before the regatta. Fortunately, local Soling stalwart Kevin Reilly was driving on 101 that evening, and pulled over to help. While he went to get gas, the highway patrol also spotted the rig and pulled over, but were somewhat less amused than Kevin to find two rather inebriated Soling sailors. They demanded to know who was driving, whereupon the quick-thinking duo replied, "He went to get gas!" When Kevin returned, Doug and Elvis somehow clued him in to the ruse, and everyone escaped the Long Arm of the Law. Anyway, shaking off the late night /

encounter with the gendarmes, McClean — sailing a new-to-him late model Hans Fogh laid-out boat — put together a near-perfect regatta in moderately windy conditions. First place was never contested, and the only real battle was for second. In the last race, Mark Hughes and lan Wareham tangled with each other from the prep signal, and the issue wasn’t decided until the final beat. Hughes, sailing a 17-year-old boat, eked out Ware-for the runner-up spot. Both McClean and Hughes are campaigning for the Olympics. The top local sailors were Andy Carson of Santa Cruz in fifth, followed by Mark Murray of San Francisco in sixth. Ninth place finisher Muffin Alford came out from Houston to use the PCCs as a tune-up for the Adams Cup the following week. 1) Doug McClean, Newport Beach, 3.75 points; 2) Ezra Culver/Mark Hughes, Newport Beach, 15; 3) lan Wareham, Seattle, 16.75; 4) Greg Pearce, Los Angeles, 18; 5) Andy Carson, Santa Cruz, 23; 6) Mark Murray, San FrancisCo, 30; 7) Bill Partridge, Richmond, 31; 8) Gil Smith, Santa Cruz, 39; 9) Muffin Alford, Houston, 42; 10) Brett Allen, San Francisco, 42. (15 boats)

Plaza Cup Bill Lee, the affable Wizard of Santa Cruz, was the guest of honor at this year’s Plaza Cup, held in light to moderate winds off Monterey on September 7-8. For the first time, multiple fleets — albeit disap¬ pointingly small ones — sailed in the regatta, which Monterey Peninsula YC and the Mont¬ erey Plaza Hotel have co-sponsored now for seven years. All the boats, save one, were

Bill Lee-designed and built: an SC 70, two SC 50s, five SC 40s and seven SC 27s. The lone non-Bill Lee boat was the red N/M 68 Maverick, which was passing through on her way north for the Big Boat Series. Appropriately, as the event was subtitled "The Bill Lee Regatta", Maverick was slaughtered by the SC 70 Kathmandu in all three races. The 50 racing was equally lopsided: Hana Ho dominated hometown favorite Allure (ex-Kathmandu) throughout.

Plaza Cup action (clockwise from above) — Guess which boat was over early; 'Kathmandu' finishes in front of host Monterey Plaza Hotel; 'Hana Ho' sailed flaw¬ lessly; regatta co-chairman Dave Morris; the main man, Bill Lee; SC 40s on parade.

The 40s and the 27s, however, enjoyed good battles. In fact, according to Lee himself, this marked the first time that SC 40s have ever gotten together to race as a one design class. "There’s a resurgence of interest in the 40s going on in Santa Cruz," explained Bill. "Most of the boats are on their second

owners now, and I think you’ll see them start to race more actively." With four of the five 40s sporting guest skippers, the competition was tight. Three different boats each bulleted a race; Dan Matarangas’ Revelry, with Ray Pingree driving and Jack Halterman calling the shots, was the overall winner. Racing in the SC 27 fleet was closer than page 146


the results indicate. "The top four boats were constantly changing places," explained Dave Morris, who sailed Saltshaker to victory in addition to being regatta co-chairman along with Harvey Kilpatrick. "We just happened to be in the right part of the shuffle when the finish line appeared!" SC 70 (sort of) — D Kathmandu, Fred Kirschner, Coronado YC, 2.25 points; 2) Maverick (N/M 68), Les Crouch/Jon Landon, San Diego YC, 7. (2 boats) page 147

SC 50 — 1) Hana Ho, Rolfe Croker/jeff Madrigali, San Francisco YC, 2.25 points; 2) Allure, Chuck jacobsen/Harvey Kilpatrick, Monterey Penin¬ sula YC, 6. (2 boats) SC 40 — 1) Revelry, Dan Matarangas/Ray Pingree, Santa Cruz YC, 4.75 points; 2) Red Hawk, Lou Pambianco/Homer Lighthall, Santa Cruz YC, 5.75; 3) Daisy, John Buchanan/Howie Marion, Santa Cruz YC, 6.75. (5 boats) SC 27 — Saltshaker, Dave Morris, Monterey Peninsula YC, 3.5 points; 2) Dynaflow, Mark & Matt



Dini, Santa Cruz YC, 5.75; 3) Kurzweile, Brett Cripenstraw, Santa Cruz YC, 9. (7 boats)

SF Perpetual Challenge Trophy In one of the silliest match races in recent memory, the St. Francis YC successfully de¬ fended the 96-year-old San Francisco Perpetual Challenge Trophy on September 8 against challenger San Diego YC. The for¬ mat pitted Sy Kleinman’s venerable Frers 58 Swlftsure, driven for St. Francis by Russ


And Darkness was upon the faces of the Fleet Members And they spoke amongst themselves, saying, "This rule Is a crock and it stinketh." And the Fleet Members went unto their Fleet Captains And sayeth that, "It Is a pail of Dung, and None may abide its odor thereof." And the Fleet Captains went unto the District Secretaries and sayeth unto them, "It is a container of Excrement and it is very Strong, such that none may abide by it." And the District Secretaries went unto their Administrative Committee and sayeth, "It is a vessel of Fertilizer, and none May abide its strength." And the Administrative Committee spoke amongst themselves, saying to one another that, "It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong." And then the Administrative Committee went unto the Vice Presidents and sayeth unto them: "It promotes growth and is very powerful."

Silvestri, against the new-this-year Schock 55 Harmony in a 15-mile double windwardleeward Cityfront race sailed under the IOR rule. The average spectator wouldn’t have guessed this pair-up was a yacht race, given how spread out the two boats rapidly became. Harmony, with John Driscoll steer¬ ing and Duncan 'Benedict' Kelso calling tactics, stretched away from our hometown lads on every leg. At the tape, they were 7 minutes and eight seconds ahead, exactly 68 seconds short of victory. "We sailed really well, but it was still nerve-wracking because they were so far ahead," allowed crewmem¬ ber Scott Easom. "We also gave away some time at the last leeward mark rounding when we broke a jib halyard." But given the rockstar line-up aboard Swiftsure that day, we figure the St. Francis couldn’t have lost this race. In addition to Kleinman, Silvestri and Easom, the crew consisted of Matt Ciesicki, Mike Erlin, Bill and Dennis George, Dave Gruver, Scott Inveen, Don Jesberg, Ken Keefe, Jeff Littfin, Andy MacDonald, Kent Massey, Alan Prus¬

Sy Klein man's 'Swiftsure' was the top banana in this year's 'apples vs. oranges' SF Perpetual Challenge Trophy.

sia, Noel Rhodes and Seadon Wijsen. In the future, we're told, the regatta will be sailed in one design boats. As far as we can tell, that makes this otherwise unremark¬ able mismatch an historic one: it was quite probably the last time the IOR rule will ever be used on San Francisco Bay. Where Rules Come From The following item appeared in the August, 1991, Starlights bulletin, the news¬ letter of the Star class. The accompanying text said simply, "This is exactly how things do happen; fortunately not within the Star class!" Without further ado, we offer you... The Rule In the beginning was the Rule And then came the Assumptions, And the Assumptions were without form And the Rule was without substance.

And the Vice Presidents went unto the President and Commodores and sayeth unto them, "This new Rule will actively promote the growth and efficiency of this Association, And many of these areas In particular." And the President and the Commodores looked upon the Rule and saw that it was good, and the Rule became a Policy. Ong Triangle Golden Gate YC hosted the Ong Triangle, the third of four events in the fall ocean racing series, on September 15. Attendance was down due to a conflict with the Big Boat Series ("That won’t happen next year," promises OYRA head honcho Don Lessley), and those that made the race probably wish they’d stayed in bed. "It was really a slow one," said Lessley, who admitted to taking a two hour nap during the race aboard his Cal 9.2 Freewind. "It was overcast, light and shifty all day — a true test of light air sailing skill as well as crew temperaments!" The first boat to finish the 42.5 mile lap around the Northern and Southern page 148


Approach Buoys was Acey Deucy at 5:49 that afternoon. Most of the boats straggled in as the sun went down, though the smallest boat — Mike Warren’s tenacious Cal 20 Cu/o Bagnato — flopped around on the race course until 2:06 a.m. The race was named after Jim Ong, a popular Golden Gate YC member who campaigned a Scampi 30 in the mid-’70s. Ong also had a Bay race named after him: the Jim Ong Memorial Regatta, a Cal 20 event held on September 21-22.

pre-race favorite among the 9 entries. Alison recently won the Rolex International Keel Boat Regatta in Newport, RI. (Our Area G rep in the Adams Cup, Susie Madrlgali, came in 12th at the Rolex.) Other top contenders for the Adams Cup include Lake Michigan’s Karin Olsen (20th at the Rolex) and Newport Harbor’s Nina Nielsen, who was the only woman to qualify and participate in last month’s Etchells Worlds. Sea lawyer convention: The Inter¬

national One Design (IOD) Worlds MORA I (light) — 1) Friday, Express 27, John Liebenberg; 2) Wild Cat, Olson 30, RPSS Gang. (6 boats) MORA II (heavy) — 1) Animal Farm, Wylie 28, Phibbs Phamily; 2) Fat Cat, Catalina 30, Seth Bailey; 3) Redux, Olson 91 IS, Nick Barnhill. (9 boats) PH ROI — 1) Acey Deucy, SC 50, Richard Leute. (1 boat) PHRO II — 1) Razzmatazz, Swan 46, Dennis Robbins; 2) Rocinante, Beneteau 42, Alex Malaccorto; 3) C Ro-Mar, Beneteau 42, Marty Christensen. (9 boats) SSS — 1) Aotea, Antrim 40, Peter Hogg. (4 boats)

Race Note* Time, tide and Latitude’s monthly dead¬ line wait for no man or woman. . . Which means it’s going to be a month before you read about three heavy-duty regattas occurring as we go to press: the Adams Cup, the Rolex Swan Cup and the 10D Worlds.

occurred concurrently on September 22-28. Hosted by San Francisco YC, the Worlds attracted 13 entries from the East Coast and Europe for a week of racing on the Berkeley Circle. The event was surrounded by controversy from the start, courtesy of a bitter rivalry — one which apparently dates back to 1977 — between class stalwarts George Degnan and Henry Mettier. "It was a real screw-up," admitted Tom Allen of the bitter protest (against Degnan for illegally recutting a jib) and subsequent appeal which nearly resulted in neither Mettier nor Degnan getting to sail. Suffice it to say that Mettier was eventually selected to represent the Bay fleet, and that the whole situation became an embarrassing mess for the otherwise gentle¬ manly IOD class. "It’s the changing of the guard," stated Ron Young, who sails with Mettier. "Arewean oligarchy or a merit¬ ocracy 11 have the gory

Marblehead, Sailing World editor John Burnham (Fishers Island, NY) and a pair of Bermudians, Penny Simmons and Peter Bromby. Mettier and Young appeared to be too rattled by the pre-race fireworks to be in the hunt. Blue blazer bunch: Meanwhile, over at St. Francis YC, the Rolex Swan Regatta was about to get underway. Twenty-two graceful Swans were entered in two racing classes and one cruising class. Notable entries include Van Fowler’s Swan 391 Zeus (with an overkill crew including Scott Easom and Dee Smith), Peter Bennett’s new Swan 431 Destiny (a replacement for his C&C 38 of the same name) and Mark Engler’s Swan 53 Sonador, with hot Texan sailmaker Fred Soward driving. The color of money: Chris Dickson and his Nippon Challenge crew won the 1991 Merit Cup sailed in late August in 12-Meters on Sagami Bay, Japan. Dickson took home a cool $74,000 for his match racing prowess; second place finisher Marc Pajot of France netted $37,000. Australia’s Peter Gilmour was third at $21,000, followed by San Diego’s Peter Isler, who earned $14,500. . . Meanwhile, quarter ton world champ Gordon Maguire, with Harold Cudmore handling the starts and the tactics, won the second Formula One Regatta, this one held at Keil, Germany, on September 6-8. Maguire took home $50,000 for beating the four-boat fleet, which included Dennis Conner (winner of last month’s inaugural Formula One series in Scotland). Formula Ones are professionally sailed, sponsored 52-footers designed by Bruce Nelson and Tony Castro. The boats are capable of , planing at up to 20 knots under spinnaker. Glory days: Except for the ocean series, which concludes with the Junior Waterhouse Race on October 5, the summer racing season is all over but the crying. Preliminary calculations show the following winners in the Handicap Divisions Association: Div. H — Contessa, Centurion 42, Gordon Cox; Div. J — Wavetrain, Olson 911S, Rick Caskey; Div. K — Movin’ On, Jeanneau 32, Bob Neal; Div. L — Kamala II, Ranger 29, Bill Keith; and Div. M — Current Asset, Islander 30 Mk. II, John Bowen. The


The Adams Cup, aka the USYRU Women’s Sailing Championship, was contested in Solings on September 24-28 at Corinthian YC. Rhode Islander Betsy Alison, a twotime winner of both the Adams Cup and the Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year, was the page 149

Chickenshippers cluck it up at the Petaluma YC. Details next month...

details next month, maybe. Favorites to win the IOD Worlds included 10-time world champion Bill Widnall of




shaped up like this: Bear — Smokey, Steve Robertson; Bird — Kookaburra, Jim Van Dyke; Folkboat — Calante, Otto Schreier; IOD — Bolero , George Degnan; Knarr — Lykken, Bob Fisher. Look for our annual three-part tribute to the season’s Silver Sea Gods beginning next month. Star gazing: 31-year-old Kimo Worth¬ ington is on top of the world these days. Not only is he about to become a father for the first time, but he just signed up with Bill

THE RACING Koch’s America3 campaign. "I’m still not exactly sure what my responsibilities will be," claimed Kimo. "I expect to be working in the afterguard with Buddy Melges." (Other Bay Area sailors currently involved in the America’s Cup include Bob Billingham with America3 and Greg Prussia and Tom Ducharme with Team Dennis Conner.) Worthington, who steered Champosa VII in August’s Admiral’s Cup and recently crewed aboard the J/44 Pengotcha in the Big Boat Series, had just returned from coming in 5th in the Star NA’s in Chicago. At the end of October in Muira, Japan, he’ll drive Fujimo one more time in the season finale of the International 50Footer circuit. "I think the new Formula One circuit is going to cut into the IOR 50s," said Kimo. "It’s one design racing, and everyone says the boats are a lot more fun to sail." Tippy canoes: Richmond YC hosted the National Decked Sailing Canoe/Inter¬ national Ten Square Meter Sailing Canoe National Championships on August 31-September 2. While the regatta was open to any canoe that conformed to

Erich Chase, Marshall, CA, 6.25 points; 2) Grey Matter, Steve Clark, Warren, RI, 7.25; 3) Flee!, Leonard Dolhert, Clarksville, MD, s 18; 4) Cheap Thrill, Norman Rinne, Vancouver, BC, 19; 5) Pacific Tricks, Del Olsen, Point Richmond, 21. Blind faith: the Sail Newport Regatta for the Blind, only the second blind sailing event ever held in this country, occurred last month in Newport, RI. (The first regatta was sponsored by Mazda and held in Houston last March.) Teams of three (two blind, one sighted) sailed the six-race series in J/22s. Doug Adams of Boston skippered the win¬ ning boat. We don’t have a clue how a blind regatta works, but we admire the participants for getting out there and doingsit. ' v By George! The Wallace Cup Race, a boat-for-boat race between sailboats rep¬ resenting East Bay yacht clubs, was won by Denis Mahoney’s Catalina 30 Irish Lady on September 15. Mahoney, sailing for the host Oakland YC, defeated two other 180-raters over the 15-mile course. 20/20, a Cal 29 sailing for Encinal YC, was second; another Cal 29, Richmond YC’sSerendipity, came in

Congratulations to Rebecca Harris (above) and Forrest Fennell (right), both of whom made the 1991 USYRU/Rolex Junior Sailing Team. the "Decked Canoe Sailing Rule", all of the 12 canoes that showed up were ICs. A local sailor, Erich Chase of Marshall, narrowly defeated past world champion Steve Clark in a series that wasn’t decided until the final race. The top five were: 1) After Midnight,

third. Oakland YC, trustee of the Wallace Cup since 1938, hasn’t won the Cup since back in 1972. Classic Koch: Picking up where it left off last year, Bill Koch’s maxi yacht Matador2 dominated the first regatta of the 1991

Maxi World Championship at Porto Cervo, Italy, in mid-September. Koch and crew (including Buddy Melges, Andreas Josenhans and By Baldridge) won 7 of 8 races in the small five-boat fleet. "Our emphasis on teamwork, attitude and technology prevailed against some of the finest sailors in the world," claimed Koch. Hopefully, some of Matador’s winning ways will spill over into Koch’s America’s Cup campaign. Complete results: 1) Matador2, USA, Bill Koch, 4.5 points; 2) Longobarda by Vanitas, Italy, T. Nava, 12; 3) Emeraude, France, John Kostecki/Dennis Conner, 17.75; 4) Bellavlsta, Italy, M. Pelashier, 20; 5) Hlspanla, Spain, Spanish Navy, 28. Hot tomales! Winners of the Santa Rosa Sailing Club’s Labor Day Invitational Regatta at Tomales Bay follow: John Schulthess (Hobie Handicap); Charll Stoneman & Chris Wilson (Hobie 16); Paul Bussard (Laser); Tim Scile and Tom/Ginny Post (tie in Centerboard Handicap); Carol Amein (Keel Handicap); and Kit Stycket/ Hank Jotz and Bob Jones/Karen Juncker (tie in Pelicans). South of SFO: Coyote Point YC hosted race #7 of the South Bay Yacht Racing page 150


Etchells world champion Dennis Conner has a new toy: a 52-foot Formula One match racer named 'Stars & Stripes'.

Association’s summer racing season on September 7. Attendance was light, probably because the series is almost over (the last two races will be held on Oct. 5-6). Winners in each division follow: Div. A — Coyote, Wylie 34, Nick Klusnick (4 boats); Div. B — Dolphin, Cal 2-30, Carl Huber (3 boats); Div. C — Sunklst, J/24, Kevin Hempson (2 boats); Div. D — Santana, Santana 22, Ken Brown (5 boats). According to Ed Rank, the SBYRA is considering holding a midwinters series for the first time this year. Con¬ firmation on dates and details should be available at the awards dinner to be held at Oyster Point YC on October 12. Under the boardwalk: Santa Cruz YC’s annual Jack & Jill Regatta on September 15 attracted 12 intrepid mariners and cnarinettes. The hot topic of the day was whether or not to allow autopilots, but as race committee member George Didinger wrote, "After discussion it was suggested that, based on the gender of the device, either the boat’s Jack or Jill would have to remain ashore. As the Jacks present were reluctant to abandon page 151

command, none volunteereed certificates of feminity for their equipment, and to avoid potential concern for discussion of community property or palimony, it was decided to retain the expected crew and restrict use of automatic devices." The top five boats in the light air race were: 1) Kabala, Olson 30, Jay Bennett; 2) Snafu U, Moore 24, Larry Berryman; 3) Cadenza, Moore 24, Bruce Donald; 4) Absolute 88, Wylie 37, Catherine MacBeth; 5) Marakesh, Express 34, Brad Bini. Sailing in the redwoods: Humboldt YC’s annual Redwood Regatta, held on Labor Day Weekend on Big Lagoon, drew over 100 sailors on 45 diverse but competitive boats. Long known as the summer sailing finale for the Northern California/Southern Oregon trailer-boating set, this year’s event featured five races in varied conditions, a steak barbeque, campfire party and tent camping next to one of California’s prettiest oceanside lagoons. Taking home hardware were Bob Oliveira (High Performance Dinghy), Bruce Braly (Laser), Peggy Candrian (El Toro), Dave Cashman (Low Performance Dinghy), Mike Harr (Multihull), Jim Westman (Keelboat) and a tie in the /

Snipe class between Bob Hunt and Tom Hudson. Pebblestar circuit: The 1991 USYRU/ Rolex Junior Sailing Championships were held at Mentor Harbor YC (Ohio) on August 16-24. All 10 USYRU regions were represented in three different round-robin series: the Sears Cup (triplehanded in Thistles); the Bemis Trophy (doublehanded in Club Juniors) and the Smythe Trophy (singlehanded in Europe Dinghies). Our region, the almighty Area G, was repres¬ ented by a squad of Richmond YC juniors, none of whom fared especially well in the high winds and 8-foot swells that Lake Erie dished up. Matt McQueen (with crew Rowan Fennell and Krysia Pohl) came in fifth in the Sears competition; Will Paxton (and Ken Crawford) came in tenth in the Bemis; while John Walsh came in sixth in the Smythe. Interestingly, Elizabeth Kratzig of Corpus Christi won the Smythe Trophy, the first time in the 18-year history of the event that a girl has ever won. After the Junior Sailing Championships, the 18 members of the 1991 USYRU/ Rolex Junior Sailing Team were honored at a luncheon. The group, ranging in age from 15 to 19 and covering 7 states, included the Bay Area’s Rebecca Harris (winner of the Leiter Cup) and Forrest Fennell (sportsmanship winner in the Singlehanded Youth Champs). Four Southern California juniors also made the prestigious team: K.C. Alfred (Ventura YC), Ryan Millett (Bahia Corinthian YC), Bill Ward (Bahia Corinthian YC) and Peter Wells (Santa Monica YC). Bermuda bound: The best match racers in the world will punch it out in Bermuda on October 23-27 to settle the Mazda World Championship of Match Race Sailing. Ten invitations were sent out to the following sailors, who appear in order of their ranking as of September 14: 1) Chris Dickson (Japan), 2) Peter Gilmour (Australia), 3) Russell Courts (NZ), 4) Rod Davis (NZ), 5) Eddie Warden-Owen (Great Britain), 6) Peter Isler (US), 7) Magnus Holmberg (Sweden), 8) Jochen Schumann (Germany), 9) Makoto Namba (Japan) and 10) Jesper Bank (Denmark). Six other Americans besides Peter Isler are currently listed among the top 50 match racers of the world: Kevin Mahaney (22), Larry Klein (23), Ed Baird (26), J.J. Isler (27), Jim Brady (41) and Geoff Moore (46). Mission accomplished: You gotta admire guys like Pele, Bjorn Borg and Bobby Fischer for quitting at the top of their game. Add to the list boardsailor Nevin Sayre, who retired from competitive windsurfing last month after winning the St. Francis YChosted U.S. Windsurfing National

THE RACING SHEET Championships for the second year in a row. Sayre, a professional sailor from Martha’s Vineyard, ended his career with straight bullets, winning 10 of 12 races in the 9 race, 3 throwout series. "I came here with a mission," Sayre told the Chronicle. "1 wanted to go out in style." Rigid competition: Rlgormortis, sailed by Alamitos Bay YC (Long Beach) ace Shawn Bennett, 'stiffed' the local Cal 20 fleet in Richmond YC’s Jim Ong Memorial Reg¬ atta on September 21-22. Bennett, who seemingly spent all of September up here (he sailed on the J/35 Abba-Zaba-Jab in the NOOD and Big Boat Series), aced the 3-race regatta with three firsts. Second in the 18boat fleet went to Mike Schaumburg, who brought his Orange Crate out of retirement for the event. Third was a tie between Burt Rowe’s Crackerjack and Bren Meyer’s new boat Ice; fifth went to Peter Fowler’s Upper Bound. The racing was held in the vicinity of Southampton Shoals in a variety of wind conditions. Missionary men: The five-race Light¬ ning Pacific Coast Championship, held in conjunction with the Ong Regatta, turned out to be a benefit for sailors from Mission Bay YC (San Diego). The top four places in

the 10-boat fleet went to MBYC members: 1) John Lyon, 8 points; 2) Scott Finkboner, 16; 3) Mike Brewer, 22; 4) Carl Eichenlaub, 23. Fifth place, with 26.75 points, went to John Oldham, a Connecticut sailor who recentlyv transferred to the Bay Area. Next year, the PCCs will be sailed in Oregon. USYRU championships: Alex Smigelski of New Jersey won the U.S. Men’s Sailing Championship (the Mallory Cup), held September 9-14 in Thistles at Cleveland YC. Area G representative Mark Adams, sailing for the Richmond YC with Matt Blake and Bruce Heckman, came in 9th. . . The St. Petersburg, Florida, team of David and Mark Mendelblatt and Bill Schoenberg won the George Hinman Trophy (the JJ.S. Team Race Championship) at Manhbsset Bay YC (Long Island) on September 6-8. Sailing in Collegiate 420s, the Floridians put together a perfect 6-0 record. Our Area G reps (skippers John Perkins, Gavin O’Hare and Liam Rlordan, with respective crew Chris Sloane, Melissa Purdy and Chelsea


1425 5th Street • Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 272-0218 Fax (510) 272-0829

Hardesty) tied for fourth place with a 2-4 record. The last USYRU championship of 1991, the Lloyd Phoenix Trophy (Offshore Championship), will be contested at the U.S. Naval Academy in their new Navy 44s on November 1-3. Area G has been represented . by Albert Holt (Think Fast!), Craig Brown (Corsair) and Ed Kerwin (Ollas) in the last few years, but so far no one has committed to going back to Annapolis for the upcoming contest. However, Scott Easom — who crushed the 1MS-I division this summer with Bondi Tram — is interested in going if he can raise the funds. Delusions of Grandeur: Speaking of strapped for cash, Richmond architect Bob Baldino is trying to find a sponsor (or two or three) for his dark horse Olympic Soling campaign. He and his crew, Dan Afflerbach and Bob Bartolomei, recently sailed their 16year-old Delusions of Grandeur in the Worlds in Rochester, NY. They came in 62nd out of 82 in what Baldino described as a "learning experience". This winter, Team Baldino will train in L.A. for the upcoming Pre-Olympics in Spain at the end of March, as well as the U.S. Trials in Florida in early May.


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With reports this month on Topaz’s successful circumnavigation; cruising the Azores with Otto The Dog; sailing a J/35 to French Polynesia; Fourth of July In Costa Rica; the La Paz Orphanage Christmas drive; non-stop from San Francisco to Sitka; harbor-hopping down the California coast and the usual cruise notes.

Topaz — C&C 38 Bob Peterson & Fay Ainsworth Finishing The Circumnavigation (San Francisco & Seattle) Following a three-week rest at Rodney Bay Marina in St. Lucia, we headed Topaz north to sample the delights of Martinique. The three-hour passage was rough,, with confused seas funneled between the islands. After the calm waters of Rodney Bay, mal de mer made Fay miserable. When people ask if we get seasick after all our ocean passages, at least one of us must answer 'yes'. We rented a car on Martinique and visited cloud-shrouded Mt. Pel£e, hiking up beautiful Gorges de Falaises to shower under the waterfall. When combined with the delicious French food and spectacular

Tim Prouty caught 'Topaz' as she came under the Cate to complete her seven-year circumnavigatidn.

scenery, Martinique was a delightful stop. Especially when compared with the very rude greeting we received at the Anchorage

Hotel in Dominica, where a very obnoxious individual decided he didn’t like yellow boats such as ours. He insisted we move even though a reputable 'boat tboy' had tied us stern-to to their wall — just was the case with the other boats. In our seven years of cruising the world, this was the most unfriendly incident we’d ever experienced with a local resident. So we upped anchor and left, stopping further up the coast at Prince Rupert Bay — which has a reputation for very unpleasant 'boat boys'. Three young men paddled out to us in the dark on sailboards. The first to reach us politely said 'hello', welcomed us to his island, told us his name and offered to take care of any services we required. We thanked him, said 'perhaps in the morning', and bid him good¬ night. The others were also polite and left. We experienced no problems at Prince Rupert Bay. We soon discovered we had just arrived in time for some kind of once-a-year festival, complete mega-watt sound system powerful enough to shake the barnacles off our boat bottom. We left early the next morning for a trip to the small but peaceful Les Saintes, where the last ferry leaves at dusk to return all the tourists to Guadeloupe. The red-tile roofs atop white buildings hidden among tropical greenery made Les Saintes resemble the Marquesas. We anchored in 30-feet of clear, blue water just below Pan du Sucre, the sugar loaf-shaped rock at the tip of Terre-de-Haut. This largest of the tiny Les Saintes was a wonderful island to explore by foot or bicycle. Visitors shouldn’t miss the hike up to Fort Napoleon, with its unsurpassed view of the surrounding islands. Just across the channel was Guadeloupe, another French island that happens to be the largest in the Eastern Caribbean. We wanted to travel up the River Sal6e, which dissects the butterfly-shaped island and saves 40 miles on the way to Antigua, but opted to sail up the leeward side to visit Pigeon Island Marine Park. Here buoys are available for private yachts to tie-up during the day for diving and snorkeling. Interesting coral formations, clear water and lots of tropical fish make the stop worthwhile. After stopping at the tiny village of

Deshayes at the northern tip of Guadeloupe, we continued on to little Montserrat for an overnight stop, then St. Kitts, where Ballast Bay afforded excellent protection in an uncrowded anchorage. While in St. Kitts we had an excellent taxi tour of the northern part of the island and Fort Brimstone with the crew from Harmony. Our driver George charged $8 per person for the excellent tour and shopping services. The winds changed and we made a quick passage up to St. Barts and then St. Maartin. After a roily tie-up at Bobby’s Marina, which was conveniently located near the commerical city of Phillipsburg, we moved Topaz to Great Bay and the new four star marina at Port de Plaisance. It was a lovely setting, but inconvenient without wheels. The chandleriesjn St. Maartin provided the best selection of marine parts and services — at full retail prices plus, but we were cheered to know we were getting closer to American page 154


Bstj 11


suppliers and discount shopping. Both the U.S. and British Virgins, our next stops, were great. When Topaz reached the Virgins, we sensed the scent of America, and like a horse gone barn sour, our energies were dominated by a desire to return home. There are so many aspects of the United States that we like and have found no where else in our travels of the world. This was something of a revelation, as though we were seeing our country through new eyes. After departing the U.S. Virgins in early March, our next landfall was to be the San Bias Islands near the Panama Canal, some 1,200 miles to the southwest. This plap was foiled when one of our lower shrouds broke two days into the passage. This was frustrating for us because every piece of the rod rigging had been inspected before the mast was restepped in France just six months earlier. Fortunately, the winds were moderate and from a favorable direction, so page 155

■ ■ i




we were able to complete the passage directly to Panama. Upon arrival, 1 sent a fax to Navtec in Massachusetts asking them to send us the name of three dealers who were experienced in shipping orders out of the country. Meanwhile we used a bosun’s chair to go aloft and measure all the standing rigging to make detailed drawings. On Monday morning a fax was waiting, recommending Regatta Rigging in Seabrook, Texas. A week later, 50-lbs of rigging arrived enabling me to replace everything I had not replaced in France. Two days later we were ready to make our Canal transit. After arriving in the Caribbean in December of ’90, our attitude had gradually changed from lir j to have fun and adventures t wanting to complete our circumnavigations. So after transiting the

Canal, we planned to head due west to lonely Clipperton Island, then turn north to pick up the Pacific High winds for the ride north to San Francisco. Figuring that Costa Rica was almost in a direct line to Clipperton, we decided not to reprovision in Balboa. (Our four linehandlers and pilot had helped deplete our provisions during the two-day Canal transit. We encountered rain squalls and lightning on the way to Costa Rica. Little such storms are not uncommon in this part of the tropics; most depart as quickly as they arrive. But there was one little storm that was our personal nemesis. We watched it zig and zag on the radar, staying right on top of us! This unpleasant game went for almost an entire night. It seemed as though Topaz was a moving lightning rod, and we were surprised when the storm broke up at dawn and we hadn’t been hit. Exhausted and close to Costa Rica, . pulled into Golfito.


The Jungle Club, run by two wonderful Americans, Whitey and Barbara, is a favorite yachtie hang-out in Golfito. As its name implies, it really is in the jungle with the sounds of howler monkeys, wild animals and exotic birds reverberating all around. Our dinghy was packed away for ocean voyaging, so Whitey arranged for a boat to haul us and our provisions to and from shore. We wanted to spend more time here, but we needed to be north of 25' by June 1 in order to avoid hurricane season. So after two days we were underway again. Heading out to Clipperton Island while trying to stay 450 miles outside of the notorious Gulf of Tehuantepec, we experienced light or adverse winds and unfavorable currents of as much as two knots. One day, for example, we logged 125 miles, but made only 58 miles over the bottom! It was hardest to make ground to the west, and since Mother Nature obviously wanted us to point north, who were we to argue? The ensuing days were long, the winds light, and the relentless tropical sun beat down oppressively. On one of these days we were the "painted boat on a painted ocean" — except for the fact we were motoring along at five knots — when out of nowhere a 200-foot U.S. Navy frigate appeared and overtook us. It was our government, wondering who we were, where we were coming from and where we were going.

conduct a 'safety inspection' of our boat. The men were courteous and efficient during the one hour inspection. When the inspection was finished, we sat in the cockpit and chatted with the young Coasties for a few moments. We learned they had just returned from the Gulf War and were on their way back to the United States. They told us their s^ip was airconditioned, but the decks were nonetheless too hot to touch. During the last half hour of their visit, a tropical rain storm had moved in a mile or so off the port side. When the Coasties finally returned to tHfeir ship, she suddenly took off at flank speed. 'Must be something important', we thought. As we continued to watch, the ship made a sweeping turn and continued at more than 30 knots — until she suddenly stopped directly under the falling rain. Charging off at flank speed to cool the hot decks with a rain squall — that’s the kind of Navy we can identify with! As for ourselves, we kept motoring and motorsailing north, making our landfall near Manzanillo, Mexico. Not a bad spot too cool off after 18 days at sea! We spent a few days at the marina and played in the pool and reprovisioned. From there we day-hopped up to Puerto Vallarta, then crossed to Cabo. It was in Cabo that Fay celebrated the completion of the circumnavigation she had begun on the Seattle-based Moonchild seven years before. While the earlier charm of

This was the second time we had been stopped, and we actually enjoyed talking to the Coast Guard Watch Commander — if only because it offered some diversion to what otherwise was a boring passage. The ship sent four men in an inflatable to

Four hundred miles off lonely Clipperton, 'Topaz1 was boarded for a 'safety inspection'.

Cabo is quickly disappearing, we still enjoyed it. The new Almar Marina dominates the harbor and offers all the facilities of

California marinas — with prices to match. The managers, Carl and Susan, were very helpful and made our stay pleasant. We joined a convoy of northbound yachts and waited eight days for the least unfavorable conditions to round Cabo Falso and head north. Five of us started out one midnight. After two hours of beating into 20 to 35 knots winds, two boats turned back, one with electrical problems, the other with engine trouble. An hour later we saw gusts to 40 knots. Riiiip! Our triple-reefed mainsail blew out. That did it, it was back to Cabo for us — and the two other remaining boats. We unsuccessfully tried to head north two more times before we made it on May 19. Shortly thereafter we heard "Aday, Aday, Aday" over the radio. We recognized the voice as being that of Tova on Toultchka, which had been one of our buddy boats. Knowing they were close by, we tried to raise them on the radio, but apparently they had their volume on low. The strange "Aday" message was-repeated in an increasingly hysterical tone of voice. By this time Fay was awake, too. "Could she be saying Mayday?" 1 asked Fay. page 156


When you don't provision at places like this — it's in the mountains of Dominica — you know you're back in the United States.

Soon we learned that Tovitchka, one of our original convoy boats, had run through the surf and onto the beach at Pt. Conejo. As your readers know, she was pulled off the beach and towed to La Paz — thanks to the efforts of many volunteers. Even though we were able to grab a weather window after resting in Mag Bay, the trip north was a real slog. The current would either be against us or set us toward shore, and by early afternoon it would be blowing 20 to 30 knots. After stops at Isla Asuncion and Turtle Bay, the winds settled down and we motored non-stop to San Diego. What a welcome sight! The Police Dock, at $5 per day for the first five days and $10 a day for the next five days, is still the best value in America. The only problem is they have no showers and it’s a long walk to grocery stores and marine services. With our time up at the Police Dock, we headed to Santa Barbara with stops at Avalon and Smuggler’s Cove. We could sure tell we were back in California, as there were page 157

lots of boats, hi-tech stuff, mass media, discounts and telephones that usually worked. We were prepared for the usual nasty beat around Point Conception and up the coast to San Francisco, but an unusual southwesterly made it an exciting downwind run! Until good sense prevailed, we actually thought about flying the spinnaker. But we were already doing eight to 10 knots. After a peaceful night at Half Moon Bay, we motored up to the Golden Gate, raising the sails for photos, as Topaz completed her six year circumnavigation. It was hard to believe, but we’d done it! Now that we’ve returned, life aboard Topaz has changed. Fay has moved back to Seattle where after a seven-year sabbatical she has rejoined Outdoor Empire Publishing as Vice-President of the book division, while Bob remains in San Francisco preparing Topaz for sale. Cruisers ask if there is life after a circumnavigation. There definitely is, but the rest of our story has yet to unfold. — bob & fay 6130/91

Nanok — Robert’s Spray 40 Martin Aalso And Otto The Dog Azores To Aarhus (Moss Landing) I can’t remember when I wrote you last, but Horta in the Azores was a blast! There were close to 400 cruisers packed into the yacht harbor and the boats — quite a few from America — were five deep at the wall. As you might imagine, there were parties every night. My plans called for Otto and I to spend just a week there, but somehow we ended up staying for nearly a month. There were some enticements: berthing was just $5 a night, and the groceries were as good as they were inexpensive. Subsequently, we had a good passage to the English Channel, the highlight of which was a visit from six huge fin whales. They behaved almost like dolphins, playing under the bow, and staying with us for 90 minutes. It was a scary but fantastic experience. We were boarded off Calais by French Customs and instructed to proceed to Dunkirk for what turned out to be an extensive search. I’m talking about dogs being brought onboard and scuba divers searching below. They were very polite, however, and much to my surprise put everything back in its place. The North Sea was in a bad Force 7 mood when we arrived, but the wind was on the stern so we scooted along to Cuxhaven, ' Germany in record — for us — time. We

If there's a better wall for boat names than the one in Horta, we don't know about it.

then transited the Kiel Canal and a couple of days later we were in Aarhus, where I plan to spend the winter. Next summer we’ll


continue on to the Baltic region and will hopefully be able to visit some of the new republics. Otto my dog has made the trip in fine style and now has some 38,000 miles under his collar. — martin & otto 9/28/91 Martin — You understate things almost as much as that fella who had the first Spray. Congratulations on your fine voyage. Any chance you might be able to send along a photo of you and Otto? Both we and our readers always like to put faces to the stories we read. Ram — J/35 Robert & Kimberly Milligan French Polynesia Phollies (Marina Bay, Richmond) Upon arrival at Bora Bora we received a pile of great letters from friends — and the May and June issues of Latitude from our racing buddies back home. We both stuck our noses in the Racing Sheet and immediately got homesick reading about all the fun everyone is having up there. Sometimes we think that racing the Bay is more fun than cruising. We do miss the scene and our good friends in the Olson 30, J/35 and Singlehanded Sailing Society fleets, as well as the folks back at Marina Bay in Richmond. So here is the big bonjour and update from Ram. We left the Bay Area just before Halloween and did the Mexico thing during the winter. Replacing some defective rod rigging in Puerto Vallarta delayed our departure for the Marquesas until April 25. We then had an uneventful, light-air, 20-day crossing to Nuku Hiva. Since we’d cruised the Marquesas intensively the previous trip, we decided to spend all our time at Nuku Hiva and thoroughly enjoy our three weeks there. We met some wonderful locals and had a fete on the beach at Taipivai featuring barbecued pig, goat and all the icy cold Hinanos we could drink. The Marquesans are very generous people! The hiking on Nuku Hiva was fantastic, and we saw some of the ancient tikis. But the arrival of television and shiny pick-up trucks — they’re everywhere! — has resulted in many changes! Two things have remained the same, however; the warm welcome of the people and the unspoiled grandeur of these magnificent islands.

We then had an easy four-day sail to Kauehi in the middle of the Tuamotus. On our last cruise to the 'Dangerous Archipelago' we used celestial navigation and cautiously visited only Ahe and Rangiroa at the 'top' of the archipelago. But since we had GPS this time, we opted for a slightly more dangerous landfall. Our reward was the chance to enjoy the renowned hospitality and friendship of a village that seems to be inhabited by nothing but friendly people. The diving was great, but it is the Tehori family that we’ll always remember and hold dear in our hearts. After just two short weeks we headed to Tahiti, unable to say good-bye without tears in our eyes. The Societies are like everyone says: beautiful and expensive! We enjoyed the Museum de Tahiti et des Isles, hiking across Moorea from Vaiare to Cook’s Bay, and also the pristine Opunohu Valley. Fare on Huahine offers a fine anchorage, and the maraes by Lake Maeva and up in the hills were most impressive.

The topography in French Polynesia is nothing short of majestic.

Raiatea and Tahaa were tough to anchor at because the water was so deep, but we especially liked Pufau and the hike to the plateau of 1772-meter high Mt. Temehani was a great adventure. Now we’re boardsailing and shelling at Motu Toopua off Bora Bora, psyching up for the passage to Tonga. Recently there has been an area of high pressure to the south, causing reinforced tradewinds of 25 to 35 knots. On the bad side, this means our friends enroute to Tonga have been having a rough go. On the good side, it means Robert has gotten to enjoy ideal boardsailing conditions. It’s definitely the real ocean out here, but it is nice and warm. Our J/35 is working out well as a cruising boat, although.we take a certain amount of ribbing from our fellow cruisers for having a go-fast boat. But Ram is quite dry, comfortable and responsive to sail — a lot page 158


like an Olson 30! What follows is our 'good stuff list' composed during a night watch from Moorea to Huahine. Hey, you have to do something to keep awake! GPS — No explanation needed! Shower Sprayer — Use it to rinse off both ourselves and boat hardware. It sure conserves fresh water. Dinghy Anchor — It saves you from having to drag your sport boat up on the beach. Propane — Last time I cruised with kerosene; it’s great not to have to prime the burner. Field Guides — For birds, fish, shells, etc. It’s fun and informative to figure out what you’re seeing. Hiking Shoes — These are necessary for real hiking on muddy trails. The lightweight nylon type is best. Solar Panels — These have worked well replacing the loss of charge caused by use .of the lights and VHF. Jib Sausages — Terrific for use with luff page 159

foil jibs. Funmeter / Speedo — Entertaining — and useful for deciding when to change sails or reef. Ham Radio — Robert holds a General ticket. You can get good weather information from boats ahead, and it’s fun to call Mom & Dad from the middle of the ocean. Sailing Awning — Protects you from the sun and squalls. Windvane — But of course! 'Maurice' is superb. Acrylon Cushion Covers — No worries when you spill stuff on them. Everything scrubs off easily. Stuff we wish we had: Dehydrated Beer and Rum — It’s expensive down here. Aqua Socks — For beach landings and on-deck toe protection. Roller Furling — Ram moves through the water so easily that we use the #4 jib most of the time, anyway. Waterproof Bags—For dinghy trips when it’s rough or rainy. Powerful Autopilot — We’d have faster passages because we’d be able to push the boat harder. Watermaker / Reefer, And Solar Panels to Power Them — But we’d rather be out here cruising than back home earning money to buy them! Latitude 38s — We’ll almost up to date now. P.S. The day after we wrote the above material, we experienced the worst night we’ve ever had at anchor. We were behind Motu Toopua on the west side of Bora Bora with about 15 other yachts when at 0130 it started to blow. The local meteorological station reported sustained winds of 45 knots with gusts up to 62 knots. Ram was lying to a 35-lb CQR with 120feet of 5/16" chain and 30-feet of 5/8" nylon rode in 35 feet of water. The bottom was sand. When the wind went to the south there was some fetch, creating three to four foot chop in the anchorage. Our major worry was that some boats — we most feared the charter boats — upwind of us would drag down on us. Two boats in front of us did drag, but both re-anchored successfully. Many other boats drug and there was a lot of minor damage: bent stanchions, busted windlasses, snapped snubbing lines, etc. We also heard reports of five boats going aground elsewhere on the island. Things calmed down by dawn, and Ram

made it through the night unscathed. But we had been prepared by: 1. rigging up a second anchor and having it ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice; 2. constantly checking our main rode for chafe; 3. suiting up in lifejackets during the worst of the blow; and, 4. by keeping the engine warm in case we ever needed to take pressure off the anchor. Actually, our low windage rig and

Taaha and Raiatea — it's hard to tell when one begins and the other ends.

light displacement boat probably helped us stay in place as much as anything. In any event, all we lost was a night’s sleep. — robert &■ Hm 9/14/91 Sadie — N/A Mike Holmstrom Bahia Ballena YC, Costa Rica (San Francisco) After two years of sailing their CSY 44 Omoo down the Pacific coast of Mexico and


summering in the Sea of Cortez, former Alamedans Breon and Scruffy happened into the sleepy Costa Rican harbor of Bahia Ballena in early 1990. Located just inside the northern tip of the Gulf of Nicoya at 9<>43' and 85° 03', Bahia Ballena is a large bay with excellent holding ground. As a way of earning some cash, the Breon and Scruffy took on the job of finishing the structure that now houses the Bahia Ballena YC. They have now opened up their own small marina / bar / restaurant. "This is our new home," they say, "and hopefully a future distribution point for Latitudes. When things were still getting going in the summer of 1990, Breon and Scruffy organized a Fourth of July celebration. Six North American cruisers attended that initial party. In the ensuing year, however, the two former cruisers have gained a following. So when dawn broke on July 4th this year, there were no less than 25 yachts anchored in the broad expanse of the jungle-rimmed bay. Having been cruising for months, are were primed to properly celebrate a good old American holiday. Among the boats celebrating the Fourth at the Bahia Ballena facility were Astrid, Boundless, Chariot, Destiny, Double Take, Dionucles, Elysium, Endless Weekend, The Great Escape, Grimsby, Happy Hour, McCloud, Morika, Might Merry Too, Nayadie, Sadie, Sea Mariko, Venture, Tenacity, Triple Play, Wings, Malatar, Nunca, Omoo, Magic Moon, Mad Hatter and Malolo. Allison of Sadie chaired the organizing committee each of the yachts contributed in some way. The Bahia Ballena YC not only provided their facilities, but two fine pigs for the roast. The celebration commenced just before noon with a blindfolded dinghy race featuring randomly selected two-person teams. Each boat was powered by a

The Fourth of July crowd gathers'<on the beach near the Bahia Ballena YC in Costa Rica.

blindfolded woman, who guided by a male — whose other responsibility was to drench all other opponents. Twenty teams entered the race and 20 teams finished. There were no fatalities. Val of Grimsby and Jim of McCloud emerged victorious. The event had lived up to everyone’s lofty expectations of revelry. The competition was followed by oldfashioned weenie roast on the beach, complete with a marshmallows — something of a delicacy in Costa Rica. An appropriate amount of beer was consumed with fare and just prior to the baseball games on the beach. In the first game the cruisers, their skills rusted by salt air and inactivity, were plucky, but the Bahia Bombers, led by Breon and Scruffy, rallied for 10 big runs in the 4th inning to ice a 12 to 7 victory. While the game lacked major league skills, it was easily more entertaining than the 'big show'. To cruisers’ squad took consolation in the fact that despite an incredible string of enfeebling parties and a lack of sleep due to late night squalls, they outdrank the locals by a comfortable 3 to 2 margin. The two pigs were roasted in an enormous pit dug by Don of Tenacity and Paul of Sea Venture. Paul quickly terminated the two curly-tailed entrees-to-be while Don supervised their 28-hour roasting. Under the patient supervision of Chariot’s Cathy, the rest of the fleet provided an enormous selection of salads, vegetables, pastas and desserts. Bev of Boundless and Maureen of Tenacity decorated the club for the festivities that were enjoyed by approximately 90 participants. Julian, the skipper of a local sportfishing boat, chipped in with a fireworks display at

9:30 p.m. While modest by U.S. standards, it emotionally took us all back home to the country so far away but so close to our hearts. Bob of Boundless, a first-rate trumpet player, than stirred the crowd with a moving rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner. From then it was prancing and dancing into the wee hours. Some participants weren’t seen again until July 6. This basic crowd had thinned only slightly by the 11th, the day of the full solar eclipse. The recently opened Tango Mar resort threw its doors open to cruisers for their eclipse party, which included lunch, dinner and live music by a Costa Rican band. In between we were all dumbfounded by the enormity of Nature’s show. A number of yachties have enjoyed months of cruising here, which is safely below the hurricane zone that is considered to start at 10° north. Nearly all the necessities are easy to come by: diesel, gas, drinking water, fresh veggies. Nor it is hard to reach Puntarenas, where both marine supplies and haul-out facilities are available. The cruising in the Gulf of Nicoya is also excellent, with plenty of fine anchorages and friendly locals. Breon and Scruffy are already planning their next Fourth of July party and you’re invited. They promise to have 30 mooring buoys set just off the club by that time. — mike 9122191 Heiress — N/A Tom Coon & Claire Heinritz La Paz Orphanage (Morro Bay) When we sailed Heiress out of Morro Bay bound for Mexico, her waterline was submerged, as the tradition of overburdened cruising boats demands. However her lockers bulged with more than just the usual jugs of water, cans of butter and spare fuel filters. Claire and I had read in Latitude that page 16C


the orphanage in La Paz needed donations, so we made runs on the local thrift stores and yard sales, and then packed our boat with children’s clothing and stuffed toys. Our experience at the orphanage would turn out to be one of the highlights of our trip to the Sea of Cortez last winter. For us the adventures in a new port begin after we get beyond the waiters, merchants and officials, which is why we personally sought out the orphanage in order to meet the children. Seabags of goodies slung over our shoulders, we walked the five blocks from the marina in La Paz to the Ciudad de los ntnos y ninas on 5 de Febrero street. Hermano Jose greeted us warmly and took us on a tour. It was lucky this softspoken man speaks a little English because our Spanish is limited. As we walked around, excited children ran up to us and threw their arms around Jose. Someone once told me that it is easy to tell if Mexicans like you; if they do, they’ll touch and embrace you.

The Ciudad specializes in vocational training for teen-agers, and is more grand than we had anticipated. There is, for example, a well-equipped print shop where jobs are done for businesses in the city. The wood shop contains modern power tools of all types. On a subsequent visit we found Hermano Jose and several future mechanics beneath the school bus holding an informal 'auto shop' class. The young women attending cooking and sewing classes — apparently they are still the principle vocations for young women in Mexico. While they do have some good equipment, Hermano Jose told us the school is always in need of binders and other basic school supplies. I wish we’d also brought items such as frisbees, soccer balls and larger clothes. Most of the clothes we brought were more appropriate for the younger children at their other facility. We invited Padre Carlos, the director of the orphanage, and some students to go for

Club Cruceros de La Paa Christmas Drive

Foreign yachties living in La Paz, transient cruisers, stateside mariners and readersof marine publications are once again asked to help make the Club Cruceros / Camera Junior Christmas Drive a smashing success. Due to the efforts of the above-mentioned, more than 3,500 gift packages were distributed to the less fortunate children of La Paz last Christmas. Not all children received a package, so the goal this year is to double the number to 7,000. The main source of hinds comes from the proceeds of the annual auction at Marina de La Paz. Here, cruisers and residents clean out bilges and basements to donate all kinds of items from electronics to household appliances to be sold to the highest bidder. Proceeds from food sales at the auction—some 700 Mexicans and foreigners attended last year—also help swell the take. Last year $10,000 was raised at the auction. It was so successful that this year’s auction/jfesta is being expanded to days: December 7 & 8. Stateside mariners who would like to contribute to this much-needed service can do so by gathering up new or used clothing or shoes, nautical gear, toys, school supplies and sports equipment, and passing it along to collection points such as Latitude 38. The Club Cruceros will then make sure it gets to Mexico in time for the auction. Cruisers headed south should also 811 their boats with similar things needed by Mexicans. It doesn't matter if you can’t make it to La Paz, this stuff will be greatly appreciated by the residents of the smaller villages along the Baja coast. ■ The Club Cruceros wilt naturally welcome any monetary contributions to their Drive. They may be sent directly to the Club Cruceros Christmas Fund, Apartado Postal #366, La Paz, BCS Mexico. For further information, phone or fax Jane Firstenfeld at 011-52-682-2-03-92. The drive has the full backing of Victor Manuel Liceaga Ruibal, Governor of Baja California Sur. , _ If you could see the joy on the fafces of the children and their parents on Christmas Day, you would contribute generously. Please help us, who have so much, make the day a big success, for those who have so little. , _ , , ., —jane firstenfeld Brother Joseph is obviously a popular fellow. It must be difficult to be a father figure to 80 youngsters. page 161

a sail. "Is it necessary to swim well?" he asked. "Not unless the captain makes a terrible /

Claire Heinritz gives Juan Cazaares of the Ciudad los ninos some tips on driving a yacht.

mistake," I told him. So on a breezy Saturday in March we smartly reached down the channel past the muelle with our international teenage crew and Father Carl very dapper in his dress whites. Apparently none of them had seen their city from the water, and the cathedral and other landmarks were pointed out as they passed the binoculars around and took turns at the helm. From their toothy smiles it was easy to see that they were having a good time. During the sail we served soft drinks and Claire’s homemade cookies. Padre Carlos was somewhat embarrassed by the enthusiasm with which the crew partook of the treats. The ship’s cook, however, seemed rather pleased. Some of the students are studying English, but they were too shy to try it on us. The padre’s speaks Spanish and Italian, but only a few words of English. So we had to learn about each other using lots of gestures, a few nouns from the dictionary and plenty of smiles. It made us realize we should have attended some of the Spanish/English breakfasts that the Club de Cruceros hosts for cruisers and locals so they may practice conversation. How nice it would have been if we could have communicated on a more „ significant level. Mexicans are a warm and gregarious people, and we’re glad we made the effort to meet at least a few. When it comes time to say adios we all hugged — a gesture that certainly transcended any language barriers. — tom & claire 7125/91 Insouciance — Corbin 39 G.M. Foglesong North, Non-Stop, To Alaska (Livermore)


Our trip to Glacier Bay started off none too auspiciously. Five miles outside the Gate we were beating into the teeth of a strong northwesterly, which for the next two days blew at near gale force. Dana and Isobel got seasick, but Frank and I felt well enough to plunge into sandwiches that night and Dinty Moore beef stew the next day. Young buck that he is, Dana refused to give in to his mat de mer and stood his watches in turn. But poor Isobel suffered off and on from seasickness until we reached Sitka. By the third day the gale began to abate, so we rehoisted the yankee and shook the second reef out of the main. As it turned out, we were to stay on starboard tack for seven days. Our plan, following the advise of Ocean Passages of the World, was to catch winds of opportunity in order to work to the

V’* *

24 May i* 23 Hay


22 Hay 21 J4»yV ; 1200


San Frandsco f

'Insouciance's' day by day positions on the 14day passage from San Francisco to Sitka.

north and west until we reached the 137th meridian, then sail north with the westerlies to 58°N. That’s the latitude of Cross Inlet,

the entrance to Glacier Bay, our destination. When we reached longitude 135°, the wind went fluky. With the barometer at \ 1032, we knew we were in the Pacific High and began to motor north. Just six hours later, at latitude 43°, which is just 60 miles north of the California-Oregon border, the wind came up from the west and we hoisted sail on port tack. According to the relevant wind rose on the Routing Chart of the North Pacific for May, we should have been able to ride this westerly to latitude 58'. But it was not to be. The same wind rose shows a 2% — or negligible — chance of 30 or more knots of wind. Negligible if one forgets Murphy’s Law. On our second day on port tack, the barometer dropped and the wind rose. We double, then triple-reefed the main, pulled down the jib, and replaced the stays’1 with a storm jib. No one was allowed outside the cockpit without a harness. One 10-story wave piled up so steeply astern I couldn’t imagine escaping a drenching, but Insouciance rode right over the top of it. Then a gust gybed the main, breaking the emergency tiller loose from the rudder shaft. This tiller was used to receive the lines from the self-steering vane, so we were forced to steer by hand. The main was lowered and we sailed — drifted really — through the tempestuous night. About this time all three of the crew confessed they had hoped to have the chance to go through a good storm, so there were no complaints from them. It was fine with me also, as I found it positively exhilarating — even though everything was wet below. We were far from a lee shore, so there were no worries there, and I had full confidence in our Corbin 39. For what it’s worth, the marine weather reports didn’t even mention a gale warning. The wind moderated within 12 hours, and we were able to make good progress to the north. Soon a shift in the wind put us well off course and we decided to make for Sitka, a port originally scheduled for our return south. We made landfall 14 days out of San Francisco, and what a landfall it was! I wasn’t prepared for the sheer beauty of the snow-covered peaks just south of Sitka. And that Fuji of Alaska at the entrance to Sitka Sound, Mount Edgecombe, was an awesome sight in the setting sun. After two days of photographing Russian and Indian attractions, we were off to Glacier Bay, which turned out to be every bit as splendid as advertised. What a place to have a boat! We were early in the season and felt as though we had all 3.2 million acres to

ourselves. Not counting cruise ships, we saw but two small power boats and one tent the entire four days we puttered about. Imagine anchoring in a delightful cove with good holding ground, snow-capped mountains all around, gorgeous scenery, and not another soul to be seen or heard. The sail down the Inland Passage was somewhat anti-climatic. Having heard how magnificent the Canadian portion of the Inland Passage was supposed to be, I confess I was somewhat disappointed. It was magnificent, but no more so than areas like Desolation Sound and Johnstone Strait north of Vancouver Island. Isobel had become her old self once we’d gotten in from the open ocean, and she and Frank, both from Munich, spent most every evening ashore fishing and looking into each other’s eyes. Before they left us in Seattle to fly back to Germany she was proudly displaying her ring. — g.m. 9/20/91 Quark — Bodega 30 Dave Sheldon Down The Coast Of California (Sausalito) Dave Sheldon, who was featured in the August Sightings, harbor-hopped down the coast starting early in August. With a lot of Mexico-bound cruisers about to follow in his wake, he’s got some facts and tips on California harbors: Half Moon Bay — Got a free end tie after both my AriesN windvane and autopilot conked out. A guy banged on Quark’s hull to tell me he’d read about me in Latitude. Santa Cruz — Checked in with page 162


a. | ^ 8 ^ £ § Coming back down the Inland Passage, 'Insouciance' shares the Smuggler's Cove anchorage with another boat.

Harbormaster and got a berth for $10/night. Clean. I liked the Crow’s Nest at the harbor entrance: good food and sports bar. Monterey — 1 stumbled in during a Monterey Peninsula YC Tuesday night race. Great people! Humongous BBQ. Couldn’t eat all the food. Wonderfully accommodating. An ex-Navy old-timer, K.C.’s Mobile Electronics, actually came out to my boat and fixed my autopilot. Call him at 659-5113. Berth was $10 night, but remember to get the separate key for the shower. Invited to play tennis at Pebble Beach Bay and Tennis Club! Morro Bay — Super place. $10 for berth and membership not necessary at friendly Morro Bay YC. Laundry and good showers. Bar is 2/3’s replica of Rhodes 33! Heard horror stories of anchorage at San Simeon; silty bottom makes it easy for boats to drag. Santa Barbara — Couldn’t sign up for $11 berth without boat papers! Excellent showers. Brophy Bros, bar in the harbor is the hot spot, jammed from the moment it opens. Free buses into town from foot of Steam’s Wharf. Came around Arguello and Conception in a southerly — had to motor! Lots of fog along the coast; I tell everyone to get a-radar — wish I’d had one! Ventura — Good facilities for $11.15/night. HiCees Cafe is an unreal bar with live music, big spread of food and lots of people. Marina del Rey — Stayed at Santa

Monica YC for three weeks — my brother is a member. Very nice facilities with a shower and laundry. Newest MDR hot spot is Moose McGillicuttys. Happy hour from noon on, wet t-shirt and bikini contests. Wednesday night drinks are a $1 and the line of people waiting to get in goes around the block! Sunday brunch is a super value, too. A bit of news: Lots of liveaboards and 'sneakaboards' in Marina del Rey. Too many empty berths for marina operators to crack down. Catalina — My brother and I sailed over for Labor Day; he in his Islander 28, me in my boat. Good sail and I got mooring #1 by dinghy dock! $ 14/night. Italian restaurant on the way to the ferry dock is outstanding and has been for years. Lovely weather! My brother had motor problems on the way back, so I had to tow him half-way to Marina del Rey. Twelve hours! Redondo Beach — Almost impossible to get a slip and they couldn’t care less. Forget it! Newport Beach — Stayed in Hatteras Basin by Lido Isle for a week — at no charge because it was just before boat show. The Wherehouse Restaurant has 25-foot long free buffet during 4:30 to 7:30 happy hour in upstairs sports bar. Ate three nights in a row. Packed. Josh Slocum’s is the local sailors’ hang-out. Then I heard about Snug Harbors; great breakfast, good bar, bumper pool is the big thing. You have to wait in line for breakfast and at night the bar goes like crazy! The Cantina has 99-cent margaritas until 6 p.m. Oceanside — Free berth with $20 deposit for key. Good showers and stuff at club.

page 163 /

Good group for Monday Night Football. San Diego — Went right to Cabrillo Marina behind Sheraton Grand Hotel. I’ll stay there for a few months or maybe until the Cup is over. Maybe Mexico next year. I take the Sheraton Shuttle to airport for bus connections. Great transportation everywhere. I’m third Dave to own Quark. Dave Case took her to Mexico and across Pacific. Dave Symonds took her to New Zealand and back, Now me. Article in Latitude was incredible. All the way coast people had read about me and would knock on hull to say hello. Even got a three-page fan letter from woman in Marina del Rey! She looked up my brother’s name and contacted at the harbor. Nice lady. — latitude 38 9/23/91 Cruise Notes: A quick review of the Mexico-bound cruiser’s events in the next month: October 20 — Minney’s Ship Chandlery Newport Beach. Marine swap meet and cruisers’ party. No charge but reservations required for swap meet. (714) 224-2733. October 19 to 21 — Catalina Cruisers’ Weekend. Full schedule of events including swap meet, Ham licensing,

Dave Sheldon, pictured at Morro Bay, but now in San Diego, is sure to attend some of the many cruiser's events.

margarita party, demonstrations and cruising seminar at Twin Harbors. Fees involved. (213) 510-2683.


October 26 — Pacific Marine Supply’s Kick-Off Party in San Diego. The original. Many prizes and gifts. For this year’s cruisers only. Call (619) 223-7194 for reservations (needed) and any fees. November 3 — Downwind Marine’s Cruisers’ Pot-luck on Shelter Island San Diego. Casual, outdoors and fun. Bring a dish, they’ll bring the burgers and dogs. Free. (619) 224-2733. November 4 — Kona Kai Y.C. Cruisers’ Kick-Off and Seminar in San Diego. A dinner event that’s the most dressy of them all. Fourth year. Fee involved. Call (619) 726-0201 for details. International Cruisers Information Hotline, (619) 491-2541. Owner George Robinson has reserved La Playa Anchorage

Soon to be circumnavigators, John Vetromile, Beau Hudson, Annie Hudson and Mary Vetromile.

— nearest chandleries and groceries — for October 25 thru 28 and November 1 thru 4. Limited space, call for perrriit and other cruiser’s information. Three Northern California couples are in the last phases of their circumnavigations. Beau and Annie Hudson \ are. in the Chesapeake right now with their Freya 39 Lionwing. Their neighbors are fellow Sausalitans, John and Mary Vetromile on the Cal 31 Counterpoint. As we understand it, both couples will be heading down to the Caribbean, South America, the Canal and probably home. On their way "down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico" are Jim

and Diana Jessie on the Lapworth-designed Nalu IV. Plans call for them to sail down the east coast of Central America, through the Canal, and return to Northern California by next August. Premature congratulations to all of you. We’re sure there are other Northern Californians about to complete circumnavigations, these are just three we happen to be aware of. If you know of others, we’d certainly be delighted to announce them. Flash! The folks at Marina Vallarta have given an enthusiastic response to the idea of a Mexico to Marquesas Rally. Participants would be given free berthing for a couple of days before the start of the event. Details to be worked out. By the way, December 27 they’ll be a lighted boat parade out of Marina Vallarta, "the first ever in Mexico or Central America". Two other first-class marinas are also slated to open soon in Mexico. November 1 should see the first of 150 berths ready at Ztown. January will see similar berths open at Acapulco. These 'Mexifornia' marina bases are going to change the face of cruising in Mexico.

TAHITI Finally A Boatyard In Paradise It's hard to improve on paradise, but it may not be paradise at all if you have boat problems. At Raiatea Carenage we offer complete boatyard facilities to handle all your needs. • • • • Raiatea Carenage with Bora Bora in background - Henry Valin/Manager

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Ads taken through the mail or in person only. Sorry, no ads accepted over the telephone or FAX.

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Mail To: LATITUDE 38 P.O. Box 1678, Sausalito, CA 94966

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DEADLINE: 18th of the month prior to publication, even if it falls on a weekend and/or holiday. Sorry, but due to a tight deadline, we cannot accept changes or cancellations after submitting ad.

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GRAHAM 18-FT WHERRY Sea Ranger double

IRWIN 25, 1970 §LOOP. Excellent condition,

CAL 20. Great one-design. Strong and sturdy.

“Lo-Pro". Includes Piantedosi “Row-Wing" sliding seat riggger, Piantedosi oars, spare parts and

3500# disp, 2 mains, jib, 150 Genoa, KM, DS, epoxy bottom, LPU paint, marine head/holding

Clean inside/out. New keel bolts. Great Bay boat!

cart. $1,500 complete or $1,300 without oars.

tank, o/b, trailer. $4,000. (415) 634-9005.

Jack (415) 656-0258.

12-FT ACHILLES DINGHY, with floor boards.

Excellent condition, stored indoors.

Like new condition. Model SE-12BJ. $1,195. Call


Asking $1,475. Phone Walt (415) 793-8794 or

Call (415) RANGER 23-FT. (Tall rig, tabernacle avail.) Very

MONTGOMERY 15. Can’t tell from new. In stor¬

clean. Race/cruise ready. Brand new: main, stand¬

age last six years. Honda 4 stroke o/b, porta potti

HOBIE15. Power skiff, self bailing cockpit, 50 hp

ing/running rigging, blocks, cleats, etc. Three jibs,

and trailer. All in excellent condition. $5,500 b/o.


Johnson-Electric tilt, VHF, Loran, Signet smart

spinnaker. VHF, RDF, KM, DS, compass,

(510) 846-3941, Pleasanton, CA.

nister, repacked in 1987. S/L 555 manual anchor

pak, KUH fluxgate compass. $6,500.525-9033.

Autohelm. Johnson o/b. Internal halyards. All lines

(916) 966-2261 or (916) 764-4797.

SANTANA 22 N0.632 Excellent condition, up¬

lead aft. $8,000. (415) 541-4442.

windlass. Cruising design roller furling system.

graded rigging, 2 sets sails (1 North never used),

Zodiac 4-man dinghy. (408) 268-9082 eves. 18-FT AEOLEUS DORY. Lapstrake, with trailer and 6 hp Evinrude o/b. Good condition. $1,200 or offer. 669-7573 or 8924991.


505,1984 PARKER. White hull, blue topsides.

6 hp o/b, anchor, etc. Lines led aft, possible

Lowmileage. Proctorspars. Two suitssails.Three

Sausalito berth. We are second owners of this

new spinnakers. Trailer, undercover and spare

boat (since 1978). $4,200 b/o. (415) 921-3334.

rigging. Ready to race. $6,500 or b/o. Contact ISLANDER BAH AM A24,1965. $3,600.113 down,

Madhavan (415) 335-7429. 8-FT NAPLES SABOT. Totally rebuilt 1988 on

FALMOUTH CUTTER, 22-FT factory exterior,

bulletproof 1960’s hull. New mast, boom, rudder,

teak option. Spacious, elegant, fully insulated

owner finance. (415) 468-4423. SAN JUAN 24 on trailer. Sleeps 5. Many extras

tiller, leeboard and sail. All new teak trim, navy

custom interior of teak, Alaskan and red cedar (3

including portable toilet, extra sails, (partial) can¬

blue LPU paint. $750 firm. (415) 435-3902.

years work, just completed). Vane, AP, o/b, bucket,

vas covers, depth indicator and Evinrude motor.

1938, excellent condition, new sails. Great one

propane, Hi Seas, pulpit, spindrifter, anchors,

Asking $6,500.(209) 466-3119.

design association and very competitive racing.


windlass, 51 water, much more. $27,000. (206)

with all the extras. New red sails, new mast, jib


BEAR #13, 23-FT SLOOP Mahogany on oak,

$8,500.(415)331-0812. PACIFIC SEACRAFT, 1979 FLICKA. New Yanmardsl (60 hrs), roller furling, 2 jibs, full batten

furling system, full boat cover, built-in flotation,

ERICSON 23. Good condition. 3 sails, outboard,

late model gal. trailer, three new tires. In storage

CATALINA 22-FT, 1972w/trailer, swing keel, 6hp

main, dodger, VHF, vane steering, vang. Immacu¬

head, sleeps 4. New rigging, main, thruhulls, keel

last 10 years. $1,800 or b/o. (510) 846-3941.

o/b, North main & ginny, 4 winches, 2-anchors,

late condition. Will trade plus $ for 28 to 34-ft

bolts. Recent survey. $4,000. (415) 586-5124.

bimini, stove, and more. Ready to sail, on trlr,

traditional cruiser or sell for $24,900.649-0815,

good cond. $4,000 b/o. (707) 433-8853.



DEL REY 24. Great Bay boat. Inboard dsl, main

Nutshell design. West/ply construction, Spruce

sail, club jib, extra sails, safety rails, anchors,

spars, Dacron sail, painted. $2,200. Or complete

FLICKA1978 HULL #5 factory finished. Rigged


sleeps 4, porta-potti, ice box, ship to shore radio

w/epoxy coating but unpainted $1,900. Call(415)

for cutter or sloop. Recent upgrades include: five

signed aux. sloop

Gretchen. All mahogany plank¬

telephone, S.F. berth (Gas House Cove). Asking


tanbarksails plus drifter, custom dodger, Yamaha

ing, oak decks, etc. Super shape. Needs caulking,

9.9 hp. all lines leading aft, marine head, VHF,

sanding, britework and paint to finish. Complete

LASER: BOAT & SAIL in excellent condition -

Loran, autohelm, knot/log, depth and more. Very

working drawings. Featured in

race ready. Must sell, best offer secures. Cali

clean boat. Only $18,900. (916) 583-9319.

$1,200. (916) 622-7868 am/eves.

O’DAY 22,1980 jib,gen., cushions, depth, knot,



compass, swing keel, custom trailer, Honda 7.5,

trailer, sleeps two, reefable main and jib, 2 hp

Mahog, new. 13-ft Chamberlain Dory, glass/

stored on trailer. Fun, solid Bay and lake boat.

Mariner o/b, porta-potti. Excellent condition.

COLUMBIA 22. Evinrude 6,2 mains, 3 jibs, new

mahog., new. 14-ft Whitehall, by Nash, glass/

$5,900. Exc. cond. Roy (510) 841-3779 (days),

$4,300. (916)451-3667.

rigging and keel bolts. Sharp. $2,000. Call (408)

mahog., used. (415) 323-3887.

(510) 889-7096 (eves).

Motor Boating.

$7,000. (415) 587-1555. COLUMBIA CHALLENGER 24. Good rigging, recently overhauled outboard, VHF, furling jib.

(408) 244-7450.

Great Bay boat. Needs bottom paint. Sausalito berth. Call (415) 922-2470.




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(415) 323-3887 • 865-6209

page 166

23- FT NORTH AMERICAN SPIRIT. Centerboard on custom tandem trailer. Great condition. Lots of extras. Honda 7.5, extra new sails and CB radio $4,950. (408) 274-5855. CAL20,1962 hull. Fair condition. 5 hpo/b, one set sails, hauled July '90. At Jack London Square. $1,500 or b/o. (510)649-9756. SAILBOAT RANGER 23-FT. Excellent cruising, racing, o/b, VHF, 7 sails, duplicate main is brand new, well maintained, all lines lead aft, anchor, safety gear, battery charger, recent haul-out, sunny Coyote Point Berth. $5,400 b/o. (415) 571-8878. 13-FT LUGER, 1981. Swing keel, w/trailer, 3 hp motor and misc. items. $1,600 or make offer. (415) 522-3501. HOBIE CAT “TURBO-14” and trailer. New sails, furling jib. Easy to tow, rig and handle. $1,000. Complete. (415) 341-3288. O’DAY 240,1988. This boat has it all. Trailer, 8hp Mariner o/b, VHF, roller furling genoa plus jib and main with jiffy reefing, enclosed head and galley. Bottom has blister barrier coat and new paint. Better than new condition. $17,950. Call (916) 878-1672. DOLPHIN 16,1980, with trailer, 2 hp Evinrude o/ b motor, small cabin, and 127 square feet of sail. $1,250.(707)575-7400. COLUMBIA 22,1967. Good condition, 7.5 o/b, good first time boat. Berthed in Sausalito. $1,800 b/o. Sal (707) 539-4661. MONTGOMERY 15,1988. Perfect condition, ga¬ rage stored. Jiffy reefed main, reefable 110,180 genoa, whiskerpole, topping lift, pulpit, masthead lights, trailer w/spare, porta potti, Danforth. Sailed with care. Growing family forces sale. Make offer. (209) 334-3619. 24- FT 3-TON BAYUNER SLOOP. 7-ft beam, 6ft hdrm. head, sink and stove. 6 hp Evinrude. Sausalito berth. Sacrifice. $4,500. (415) 388-0838. CATAUNA 22,1981. Swing, pop, lines aft, Xtrailer, stereo, stove/sink, Honda o/b, potti, jiffy reefing, boom vang. Excellent condition. Have 2 boats - Need 11 (707) 8380745. Won't last - Call nowl SKAGERAK 22-FT. Aux. sloop. Norwegian dbl ender. Lapstrakeoak. Teak& mahog deckhouse. Volvo dsl, Ig dbl berth, marine head, VHF, depth, stove, full cover plus awning, inside and outside steering, sails, more. Classic beauty. Excellent condition. $8,500. Cynthia (415) 331-6199. 24-FT COLUMBIA CHALLENGER. Strong and sturdy, great Bay boat. Mainsail, w/2 reefs, work¬ ing jib, new 80% jib for heavy weather, o/b and extras. SF docking, $100/mo., $2,995. Ask for Ron or Jennifer. (415) 620-0642. S-2 6.822-FT. Sausalito berth. 7.5 Merc., tandem axle trlr, Shoal draft swing keel, radio, porta potti, sleeps 4,15 gal. water tank. $5,500. Call (415) 332-8784.

DIVORCE SALE She says if I don’t sell, it's divorce. 24' Lapworth Gladiator, sistership to "Dove". Reinforced hull, strong 6 hp Evinrude. San Leandro berth. Blue booksays $5,100-$6,200. She says $3,495 or b/o. Call H: (408) 2984469 or W: (408) 998-5774. 22-FT WESTERLY British F/G sloop w/Yanmar dsl. New epoxy bottom, wheel helm, mahogany galley, radio, head and more. Rigging good, extra sails. Strong dry boat ready to sail. Nice S.F. berth=38ft. $5,500 or b/o. (503) 238-9861 or (415)237-4025. MOORE 24, ‘79 $7,000,6hp Johnson, Tandem axle trailer, lots of go-fast hardware. Radio, Mylar 150,2 spinns. etc. Clean, sound, fast & fun and priced right. (415) 331-2075. SANTANA 22. Good, sound hull, deck & rig. Keel newly sandblasted&epoxied. Equipped with head, good sails, clean exter. & int. No motor, no trailer, no radio. Buy it right & add the good stuff yourself. $2,200. (415) 331-2075. CAL 24-FT Very good condition. Evinrude 6 hp o/ b. Sleeps 4. Great weekend/day boat. Fully equipped and ready to sail. Well-maintained. Leav¬ ing area and must sell. Upwind berth Berkeley Marina $3,400 firm. Call Brad (415) 644-1474. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA 22,4 berth. Excellent condition. A great boat to learn sailing on the Bay. East to sail and maintain. Berthed in San Fran¬ cisco. Good Johnson 6hp o/b. New VHF radio. Great value $2,500. Will also consider partners. (415)776-4418. 1988 O’DAY 192 w/trailer KM, solar battery charger, Bruce anchor and much more. Sailed only 6 times. Stored in carport. $15,000 invested $6,900. Call (209) 632-8311 (wkdys) after 6pm. NEPTUNE 24. Dual axle trailer, power winch, rollers, new brakes, 7.5 Honda, VHF, speed/log, depth, compass, stove, porta-potti, 2 sinks, 2 ice boxes, halyards aft, cruising spinnaker, bow/stern pulpit, lifelines, bimini, cockpit cushions, custom int., extras. $11,500. (415) 494-1654 (days) or 591-2881 (eves).

25 TO 28 FEET 1975 BAYUNER 27-FTSLOOP F.G. Headroom, diesel, refrig., microwave. Recent student liveaboard moved ashore. Looking for new owner or liveaboard to buy/rent or preferably would like to trade down for 21 -22-ft. trailerable. $4,800. (707) 462-1719. CAL2-27,1976. Clean well-equipped family racer/ cruiser. One of the most active fleets on the Bay. $17,500 b/o. Jack (408) 748-1420 (days), (408) 257-3059 (eves). NEWPORT 27S1978. C&C design. 110,150,3/ 4 oz. triradial, Atomic 4, tiller, teak & holly sole, head, shower, 2-bumer stove, icebox, VHF, 7 winches, 6-ft headroom, sleeps 5. Great Bay boat. $12,950 b/o. Call (800)253-1771 or (818) 963-7116.

CAPO BAY26 Schumacher MORC offshore racer, all the best gear, AP, Loran, VHF, o/b, Trans Pac vet. $15,900 or trade up/down for cruiser, multihull. Ask for Bill (408) 252-7220. BRISTOL 27 SLOOP, built 1966, superior design, full keel, 5 sails, outboard, sleeps 4, excellent cruiser. $9,500. 927-3648. PEARSON 28,1986. Great Bay cruiser, excellent condition, fully equipped, main, 2 jibs, Lewmar winches, dual batteries/charger, dodger, stereo, radio, AWI, WS, KS/log, DS, diesel, wheel steer¬ ing, hot water, shower, sleeps 6. Sausalito berth. Assumable loan. $40,000. (415)331-8366. 27-FT CHEOY LEE Offshore 27, 1969. Fully equipped for offshore use. Teak decks, Icom VHF, Datamarine Kodiack DF. Rigged for singlehanded sailing. Has Volvo diesel engine (needs rebuilding). Burl Brown (707) 526-1474. As is, asking price $6,000. CATAUNA 25,1986. Swing keel, pop-top, CNG stove, roller furling jib, VHF, trailer, Honda o/b, AM/FM, canvas cabin cover, DF, log, sleeps 6. Great shape. $16,950. (916) 273-7626. Leave message; will get back, honest. 27-FT WATKINS. &2" headroom, 10’ beam. Wheel, AP, Loran, DS, KM, VHF, diesel inboard, dodger with solar panel, drifter, furling 110 & 150. New alcohol stove, rigging, and bottom paint. Most comfortable 27' sailboat on the Bay. $16,500. (408) 725-1866. 1973 CATAUNA 27 w/fresh racing sails including mylar club jib and spinnaker. 1989 Evinrude 9.9 hp, new cushions, stereo, VHF, depth and Loran. Fleet champion 7 times and frequent division winner in Stockton’s South Tower Race. $12,500. Paul Owings (209) 474-7407. CATAUNA 27. Outboard (new 1987). 1991 Na¬ tional and '90 & '91 Fleet Champ. Full race equip, spinn., etc. At Cl 7 at RYC. Only $9,500. Call Ray Nelson (415) 387-6904. MERIT 25. Full set of North sails in good condition. Almost new trailer and o/b, new bottom pant. $9,900. Call Dennis (510) 294-2995 days or (510) 449-7344 eves. ISLANDER BAHAMA 26, 1977. Just hauled. Inboard gas 15 hp, overhauled in ’90. DF, fish finder, VHF, most rigging and two Leading Edge sails new in ’84, one Larsen sail. ,Lots of teak. South Beach Harbor berth. $8,700.826-0527. H AWKFARM 28. Active one-design fleet. A very fun boatto race or just day sail. These boats were designed here on the Bay for our local condition. Please call 937-7024 for more information.

MERIDIAN 26-FT, 1969. Sloop. 2 sails, 9.9 hp long shaft (overhauled 5/91), Pete’s Harbor (best location), dean inside, anchor, 8-ft beam, 4-ft draft, sail cover, chart table, sleeps 5,5’8’ hdrm. Sacrifice $4,000. Call Fred (408) 255-0561 (Iv msg). PEARSON 26,1976. Excellent condition. Pretty and sturdy. 10 hp Honda, depth, RDF, many goodies, nice interior with teak. Exterior covers for everything. Emeryville berth. Surveyedat$14,000. Asking $6,000 or b/o. (415) 524-9455 eves. CATAUNA 27,1971. 5 sails and spinnaker, 6 winches, lines to cockpit 6 hp British Seagull (1989), Dorade vents, custom dinette & galley, depth, RDF, 88 channel VHF, upwind Berkeley berth. Call about the many extras. $7,500. (415) 372-8390. MacGREGOR 25,1981. Like new. Honda 7.5, custom galvanized extendable tongue, electric brakes trailer, galley with stove, many instru¬ ments, 3 sails with reefing main, toilet, 2 pages of extras. $6,900. Request free photo set Phone Idaho eves (208) 524-2096. TRrTON 1961. New; engine & s.s gas tank 1990; sails 1981 (not raced); standing rigging (oversized 1980), 2 batteries 1991, fenders. Also; KM, DS, 5 winches, Danforth anchor, chain rode, swim lad¬ der, vang, preventers, auto bailing, dub-footed jib, spinnaker, 2 suits sails: mains, working jibs, genoas. $12,000 or b/o or 1/3 interest at $4,500. Must be compatiblewith remaining boat partner(s). (415) 941-9481 leave msg. 25-FT CHEOY LEE FRISCO FLYER, 1961. In¬ board Volvo Penta dsl, full keel, teak hull, F/G decks, marine head, Polaris radio. Great boat In Monterey Bay. $10,000 with slip. $7,000 boat only. (213) 547-4963. NEWPORT 27,1979. Diesel, spinnaker, tiller, head, stove, ice box, new VHF, Barient 2-spd winches, custom tapered mast, 6-ft hdrm, extras. Clean and in excellent condition, lyr sublease availableat Santa Cruz. Partners moving, $14,000 or b/o. (415) 327-8086. JEANNEAU 27-FT, 1984. Excellent condition, one owner. Main, 3 jibs, Volvo dsl, KM, DS, VHF, compass, stereo, sleeps 4 comfortably, holding tank, cushions and sail covers, much more. Must see to appreciate. Asking $17,000. Call (415) 443-4349 (h) or (415) 422-6750 (w). ERICSON 25. In excellent condition. Ready to sail away. Season’s best isyetto come. Acquiredfrom Sea Scouts for $5,500. Cleaned it up, made repairs, added equipment Will sell for same price or decent offer. 845-0493.

27-FT CATAUNA, 1975. Excellent condition. Atomic 4 i/b, 3 sails. Must see at NAS Alameda Need larger boat. Asking $11,200 for quick sale. (510) 769-1825 home or (510) 263-3718 work, ask for Carl.

SEAFARER 26 diesel auxiliary sloop. Standing hdrm below, Autohelm, fresh electronics and stand¬ ing rigging in 1 990. This boat is in great condition inside and out. After our Delta cruise this year, wife wants a bigger boat. $13,500. W. Moffatt (408) 378-2825.

CAL 25. Great Bay boat! Spin., 6 hp o/b, extras. Berkeley upwind berth available. Sacrifice. $2,650. Ask for Jerry. (415) 337-1944.

ERICSON 27,1972.4 sails, new rebuilt Atomic 4, ^-1 condition, 10 years of papers. Sausalito berth. $9,500. Call (415) 331-6255.



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(510)278-4351 page 167


28.6 PEARSON TRrTON. Monitor windvane, 6

sails, new mast/boom in '87, rigged for singlehanding, cruising interior, 2 burner/oven/ broiler propane stove, VHF, DS, KM, much ground tackle, fresh bottom paint, Mexican vet (510) 865-6330.

RANGER 26. Great Bay boat! 3 headsails & mainsail w/reefing. New 9.9 Nissan o/b engine, compass, VHF radio, KM & lifelines. Will provide you with years of exciting sailing! $5,900. Warren (415) 495-3491 days or (415) 383-9198 eves.

PEARSON TRrTON 28-FT. Sturdy Alberg de¬ signed full keel coastal and Bay cruiser. Dodger, life-netting, all lines led aft, running backstays, Autohelm windvane, new cushions. This boat is well equipped and maintained. $11,500 or b/o. (415)479-0226.

stem, cuddy cabin, trailer, 4 hp o/b. Good condi¬ tion. $3,000 or trade for smaller trailerable sail¬ boat. (707) 425-4319.

new 135%, club jib available. VHF, KM, DS, ice box, alcohol stove, 6-ft hdrm, sleeps five. $13,000 orb/o. Days (707)745-2628, eves(707)745-3692, Mike.

CORONADO 27. Fun boat. Diesel, 6-ft hdrm,


dinette, frig, micro, phone. Good liveaboard. Rent $425 or buy $7,950. RC. (415) 368-7778. v

#204. Full keel, 9.5 o/b retracts into hull. Orig. owner. Used very little, great in rough water. This is a mini yacht loaded wAeak & equipment Beau¬ tiful. $7,000. (415)593-3311.

CATAUNA 25,1991 Trailrite tandem trailer, AP, VHF, Honda, porta-potti, safety gear, raft, 110, 150, spinnaker, alcohol stove, 20 gal. water, 110 + extra 12v panel, 5" contest compass, Martec vent, adjustable backstay, boat shows like new. Lake Tahoe. $14,000. Motivated. (702) 588-8957. EXPRESS 27-FT. 3 mains, 6 jibs, 3 spinnys, 1.5 Shy Chute windseeker (new), VHF, KM, 2 com¬ passes, Autohelm. Needs some TIC for only $17,500. What a deal. Quality, speed, fun. (209) 295-4070.

YAMAHA 25 MKII, 1978 sloop, Barient winches,

Harken rollerfurler, Yanmar diesel, epoxy bottom, Autohelm, many extras. $12,000 b/o. John (415) 342-6574. 26-FTPEARSON, 1975. VHF, compass, 9.9elec-

tricstart, three sails, sleeps five, head, stove, sink, anchor, safety equipment, battery and charger, lifelines. Pier 39 berth. $6,500 or b/o. Call (415) 989-8150.

VENTURE 25-FT. Excellent condition VHF radio,

ISLANDER 28,1984. As new! 110,130, storm, 2

new Honda 8 hp motor, genoa, jib, main sails, trailer, Coast Guard safety equipment, sleeps 5, pop-top dodger, cushions, great for Bay or Delta sailing. A steal at $3,950. (415) 593-9349.

reef main, 3/4 oz triradial. Wheel, pedestal com¬ pass, dsl, AP, VHF, KM/KL, DS, stereo, epoxy bottom, internal halyards, 5 winches, teak/holly sole, shorepower. $27,000. Trade down consid¬ ered. Daryl H: (408) 257-2848, W:(415)604-6603.

CORONADO 27. Good condition. Main, 110,145,

160,5hp o/b, VHF, Maxim deluxe stereo w/tape deck, 6 speakers, compass, KM, DF, stove, dock elect & auto charger system. $9,500. Call (916) 485-8717. CATAUNA27,1982. Excellent condition, loaded

w/extras. 6 sails, LoranC, VHF, Blaupunkt stereo, autopilot, Universal diesel, knotmeter, depth sounder, very clean. $17,000. (415)459-7336. CATAUNA 27. Inboard 1978. Excellent condi¬

tion. Only in salt water for the past 6 yrs. Now in Sausaiito. Wheel, elec, bilge pump, VHF, extras. Good main, jib & genny. Asking $8,900. Call Glenn (415) 927-4759. 27-FT CHEOY LEE OFFSHORE 7 sails, new

Yanmar, Loran, KM, DS, VHF, Blaupunkt, dodger. Meticulously maintained, cruise ready. $18,500. W: 956-1300 H: 522-8447. ERICSON 26, 1968. Must sell, buying bigger

boat Owner motivated. Autohlemw/dodger, DS, KM, VHF, 3 headsails, lines aft, recent haulout, electric start Chrysler, extras. $5,500 or b/o. (408) 379-6978.

PEARSON TRITON 28-FT 6". Sturdy coastal and

Bay cruiser. Fractional sloop rig, VHF, KM, 2 mains, jib, genoa spinnaker, 2 anchors, mast¬ head navigation light, powered by dependable Atomic 4, Alameda berth. Sacrifice $8,OOO.Call (408)457-1315. ERICSON 27. Clean cruiser/racer Atomic 4, VHF, cockpit cushions. Sails include 155,150,120 and spinnaker including complete gear. Mostsailsand main less than 3 yrs., all lines led aft. Lrg. winches, hatch & rail covers. $15,500 b/o. Call Ken (415) 564-2865 (eves).

PEARSON ARIEL 26 ft of lovingly kept com¬ pletely equipped cruiser. Buy the gear at half of retail and get the boat for free! $7,000 includes brand new bottom paint at your survey haulout (707) 794-3389 days. PRETTIEST 27-FT SWEDISH SLOOP. Blue dodger and sail covers, teak in and out, bottom and hull painted in April, 3 sails, cushions, teak table, newblue upholstery, 8 hpseahorse. $3,000 down and $150/month payments. (415) 579-7366.

configuration in final stages of completion. Fac¬ tory customized, loaded. Includes 3 axle trailer (galvanized) with electric winch. Extensive equip¬ ment list. $97,500 or b/o. (707) 935-1098. CATALINA 27, 1980. Working jib, genoa,

NEWPORT 27S, 1980. Spinnaker, 3 headsails 27-FT FEATHER WOODEN SLOOP. Canoe

NOR’SEA 27,1991. Most desirable aft cabin

COLUMBIA 26 MKII. Great family Bay boat

Sleeps 5. Includes galley with alcohol/electric stove. Enclosed head, 6 winches, Harken trav¬ eler, spinnaker, 150,180, double reef main, ad¬ justable/insulated backstay, lifelines, cockpit cush¬ ions, upwind Berkeley berth. $4,200 or b/o. (510) 797-9356.

whiskerpole, 9.9 Sailmaster, electric. Start 12-volt and 110 shore power, canopy, microwave, pro¬ pane stove, head w/holding tank, traditional inte¬ rior, anchors, CB, DF, compass. Boat/gear in excellent condition. Recent survey. $13,000. Call 523-0666. 27-FT US YACHT, 1981. Great shape. Well cared

paint, rebuilt Atomic 4, cabin heater and many extras. Excellent Bay and coastal boat $9,000 or b/o. (415) 332-5478.

for. Edson wheel/pedestal, Volvo dsl, cruising spin., Loran, VHF, KM, DS, AM/FM cass., new canvas. Set up to singlehand. $16,500 or b/o. Lv msg 439-0960.

CORONADO 25. You will like this exceptionally

SWEDISH MOTORSAILER for comfy winter sail¬

clean, well maintained sloop that sleeps 5. De¬ pendable 9.9 hp electric start, 5 sails, extra rig¬ ging, lines led aft, Lewmar winches, compass, AM/FM stereo, etc. Immaculate galley and inte¬ rior. Only $4,200. (707) 996-9461.

ing. Albin 25 in fine condition. Reach and run with new furling genoa, use strong dsl against wind and tide. Convertible inside steering. Generous galley, head and cabins. $11,250.(415)457-8236.

PEARSON TRITON 28-FT 6*. Recent bottom

CATAUNA 25,1984. Honda 7.5, DS, VHF, ste¬ SANTA CRUZ 27,1981. In excellent condition. 8

sails, 4 like new. Loran, VHF, Signet, 5 hp o/b, trailer and safety equipment Can deliver. $11,500. Call Dan at (714) 240-8383 or 642-5425. N

reo, solar charger, epoxy bottom, swing keel, heavy duty trailer, 110 and main, all safety gear, 2 anchors. Entire boat very dean, great Bay and Delta boat $14,000. Offers considered. Call (916)333-1799.

RANGER'26, restored cond., LPU top sides, 10

hp w/alt, dual tanks & batteries, digital depth/ knot, wind SP/angle, Autohelm, VHF, stepped mast, 2-speed winches, 2 spinnakers, 2 mains, 3 headsails, more. Lost job, make offer, $20,000 recpts. Trailer available. (916) 966-1677.

NORDIC FOLKBOAT 25. Owner/lover of 2 Brandt-

OLSON 25, HULL 91. Santa Cruz built boat

CAL 28, YOU MUST SEE In great condition,

Seldom used boat is in excellent condition. Inte¬ rior and racing package. Full set Larsen sails, new Spinnaker, knot/log, compass, VHF, o/b, and trailer. Recently listed at $18,500. Reduced to $17,500 for quick sale. (408) 238-9187.

awlgrip topsides, new standing rigging, 4 sails, Atomic 4 has 150 hrs. only, nice interior, pressure water, custom features. $9,000 b/o. Call (415) 331-5927.

Mollerwooden Folkboats, must sell the debutante “MarissaWell maintained, 6 hp o/b. Great family boat for the Bay. Richmond berth. $5,000. Bill (415) 391-5780. (415) 752-2324 (eves/wknds).

OLSON 25 - No Pearls before brine; no Alchemy ERICSON 27. Carefully maintained (records),

new exhaust system, prop, 90 minutes on rebuilt Atomic 4 inboard, 6 sails, sleeps 6,2 anchors, KM, DF, holding system, kerosene stove oven, dual battery, dinghy & more. Clean & cozy. $12,500. (415) 776-7628. CAL 28, 4 sails, diesel, DS, VHF. Everything works. Recent hull paint. Great condition. Moving up. $9,500. (415) 439-2003.

before its Showtime - by George, it’s time to Scramble for your Honey’s Money and buy one of these E-Ticket rides! Stop being a Dreamer don't buy a Barking Dog , buy an Olson 25. Outbound lesser boats By Design-, give them No Slackl To decode the foregoing spooge, or for any info (buying? selling? wanna crew?) on SF Bay's ever-expanding Olson 25 dass, call Bill Reiss at 653-9531 (eves). SUBMIT BIDS. 1984 Newport28-ft Diesel, wheel,

CATALINA 25,1983. Swing keel with trailer, pop-

top, 9.8 elec, start & charging Mercury o/b, VHF, KM, Loran, compass. Sails: 110 w/reef pts., 150 & storm jib. Great condition. Go anywhere in this boat! $10,900.(805)434-2372.

Harken roller, reefing main, folding prop, sleeps six, head w/shower. Fast, sharp, dean. Standing and running rigging new in '89. Complete epoxy bottom 6/91! Was $21,900 - Submit bid. Call or leave msg with John st (510) 527-7034.

NOR SEA 27. Aft cabin, newYanmarG2N. Excel¬ STORFIDRA 25,1872. Swedish built double-

ended sloop for serious singiehander. Tiller steer¬ ing. Twin headstays. Inboard Volvo diesel. $14,000. (415) 941-2718.

lent condition. $28,000. Spud PI Marina, E-10, Bodega Bay. Before 9 p.m. only (707) 865-2739.


Serving all Bay and Delta Areas JOHN HALLANDER, P.E. • Sail and Power • Fiberglass, wood, metal • 40 years experience • Free phone consultation • No travel charge • 24-hr. service available Pt. Richmond (415) 237-8412 Bethel Island (415) 684-3454

CHRYSLER 26,1980.7.5 Honda o/b, 1990 cus¬ tom dual axle trailer. Sailed Lake Tahoe only. New paint, new West system bottom. Complete cockpit controls, 3 jibs, spinnaker. $15,000. Herbor Jackie (916) 544-3982.

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29 TO 31 FEET BOMBAY PILOTHOUSE 31-FT. Metzler dinghy, dub footed jib, roller reefing, Hood sails, hot water, refrigerator, Yanmardiesel, battery charger, DS, VHF radio, stereo AM/FM, tape deck, pres¬ surized water, 2nd anchor/wheel station, $37,000. (415) 886-3475. MS. RACE READY. 10 sails, 8 hp Evinrutie o/ b, actively raced & cruised on the Bay. The only English-built boat on the West Coast, unique & comfortable interior arrangement, galley sink & stove. The J/29 is an exdting boat to race, the fleet will challenge your rating skills, yet w/spacious decks & cabin it’s a fun boat for casual sailing or weekend cruising. The boat has placed 2nd & 3rd in YRA season championships. Join a great fleet Great deal, low or no money down. $25,000. Call Andy (415) 641-8323. SANTANA 30/30 Teak on the inside, fast on the outside. 1983 Nelson/Merek design. Five sails, including spinnaker & mylar genoas. Fun to race or cruise fast. $30,000. Call (415) 648-4437. Look¬ ing for 40+ ft. liveaboard. CATALINA 30-FT, 1978. Tall rig, roller furling, 110,150, full spinnaker, DS, VHF, LRN, Autohelm with wind point, press, water, cockpit cushions, Atomic 4, CNG stove/oven, 6 winches, Mortech prop., teak interior. Transferable slip at Oyster Cove. $21,500. (415) 368-0910. SAN JUAN 30,1977. Excellent condition. In fresh water. New interior, Atomic 4 w/Martech prop., sail controls led aft to control bridge, full instru¬ mentation, VHF, 8 winches, LP paint, pressure water, 8 sails, Hood furler. $21,500 OAO. (702) 329-5626 or (510) 523-1774. BIRD CLASS 30-FT “SKYLARK" ’winningest’ class champion ever, 1 Slimes since being built by Madden & Lewis in 1927. Great shape, Sausalito boardwalk berth. If you want to go rating in a woody,thisisyourbestchance.$3,500.387-5757. YANKEE 30-FT, 1971. S&S design. Swift, closewinded, balanced and stiff. Suitable for Bay or offshore, cruising or PHRF rating. New standing rigging, Martec prop, oversized Barient winches, halyards lead aft. Many sails. Excellent condition w/extras. $17,500. (415) 604-5385 days or (415) 365-1197 evesAvknds. J-30,1980. Strong, fast, good condition. New main, Loran, VHF, Signet instruments. Yanmar DS. Great racer or cruiser. $29,500. Call (707) 557-4348. CATAUNA30,1980. Full batten main, 2 jibs, WS, KM, DS, VHF, new custom interior, LPU mast, new standing rigging, 100% teak covers, Alpine stereo, 4 speakers, dodger, liveaboard equipped, better than new, 3 pages of gear. Must see. $31,500. (415) 934-8864.

CATALINA 30,1978. Three sails, Yanmar dsl, pressure water, VHF, Loran, Signet KL & DS, stereo, battery charger, BBQ, galley w/natural gas, wheel steering w/compass. New rudder, new bottom paint 7/15/91. Asking $26,000. Phone (209)931-3787. OLSON 30,1981. Two number 1 jibs, plus num¬ bers 2, 3 and 4. Boat is in excellent condition. $15,000. (408) 423-8812 or (415) 331-5195. NEWPORT 27,1972. Atomic 4, depth, VHF, Lo¬ ran, elect bilge pump. Bottom needs work. $8,500 or b/o. (408) 255-2941. 29- FT GULF PILOTHOUSE SLOOP, 1981. Ex¬ cellent cruiser for Bay, Delta, coast. Loran, Autohelm, VHF, stereo, dsl, alcohol stove, microwave and more. Bottom paint 1 yr, D dock, slip 72, Marina Bay, Richmond. $20,000. (916) 972-1762 eves. 30- FT CHEOY LEE BERMUDA KETCH. 374Carvel planked teak hull w/lpol frames w/copper rivets. Classic solid Teak interior/cockpit Atomic 4 w/new exhaust new Spruce main mast, VHF, RDF, boat cover, 35# Bronze and 15# Danforths. Alameda berth. $15,000. Call (808) 236-0962. OLSON 30,1982. Ballingerspars, doublespread¬ ers, rod rigging, 5 sails. $15,000.1/3 down, owner finance. (415) 468-4423. ISLANDER 30,1972. Just hauled. New bottom. Ready to go. $15,000.1/3 down, owner finance. (415)468-4423. BABA 30,1983. Truly beautiful pocket cruiser, new sail covers, new bottom, H/C pressure water, Loran, AM/FM cassette, VHF, Combi speed and depth, etc. $64,000. (415) 332-2346. 29-FT, 1959 John Hannah designed Gulfweed ketch. Gaff rigged mainsail, Albln dsl, maple/ mahogany interior, stove/oven, AP, VHF, CQR, 8 bags of sails, well equipped, very tight and ex¬ tremely cute! $15,000 or any reasonable offer. Ariel (707) 546-1649. CATALINA 30,1981. Excellent condition. Roller furling jib, DS, KM, VHF, pedestal wheel and compass, barbecue, smooth running Atomic 4. Spacious cabin, nicely appointed. Recent haul and survey. $25,000. (408) 356-8764. ERICSON 29 HBTAGE. Great boat (or S.F. Bayl Have purchased larger boat so must cut ex¬ penses. Have been listing at $16,000 in Latitude 38 but since if s a buyer's market we are willing to let it go at $11,900! Act quickly - if we don't sell it by the end of October we will donate it to charity! This is a great opportunity, an Ericson 29 for $11,900 andits ingreat condition.(408) 847-2946 or (408) 778-1741. Boat located in Alameda. CATALINA 30,1978. Diesel, tiller, KL, depth, wind speed and direction, CNG stove and oven. Berkeley slip. $24,000. (415) 528-8435.

FREE LISTINGS - Over 2000 Used Boats For Sale by Owner. Up to 100 new listings per week. Receive a detailed description of boats with seller's name and phone number. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. Ad fee already paid by seller. WESTERN BOAT LISTING (800) 5424888 • (408) 288-6011

HUNTER 31,1981 Excellent concStion. Yanmar dsl, good sail inventory, VHF, RDF, updated wind, speed & depth sounder, compass, two anchors, new bottom paint. Great for Bay and coastal cruising. Asking $32,000. Lvmsg (707)823-9669. CATALINA 30,1978. Tall rig. Diesel, wheel, all teak interior, 2 tanks, pressure water, macerator, pulpits, double lifelines, cushions, spinnaker, rig¬ ging, double sink. Genoa furling, dodger, blue covers, 120v, spreader lights, radio, DF, nonskid decks, head compartment, shower. $24,500. (415) 332-9369. CDAY 30,1979. Excellent condition. Recent bottom paint 15 hp Yanmar dsl, wheel, all lines aft 110%, 140% and main in good shape. VHF, DS, KM, Loran, stereo, LPG stove/oven, pressure cold water. Moving forces sale. $2,000 or b/o. (707) 746-7370 lvmsg. COLUMBIA 29 SLOOP, 1966. Fiberglass hull wI enough wood trim to be pretty! Good sails (2 mains plus jib, genoa & spinnaker). Atomic 4 engine. Galley, dinette, sleeps 5-6. Head w/holding tank. $10,000. (415) 8246362. CAL 2-29,1974. Excellent condition. New factory diesel, new covers. Teak interior, sleeps 6, wheel steering, tabernacle. $18,500 or b/o. Call (408) 688-4266. CASCADE 29. Fast world class rough water cruiser. Liveaboard capable. New cabinets, VHF, Loran, 10 hp Volvo dsl, 2 jibs and 55 gal fresh water. 250 mile range on dsl, LPG stove, new bottom and topside paint Superiorcondition. (415) 365-3002. $10,000.

BRISTOL 296, I960. Bristol condition. Wheel steering, Universal dsl (24 hp), new main, 2 headsails, spinnaker, new Harken 800 Series furler, new standing rigging, 7 Lewmar winches, FHF, depth, knot, new interior cushions. Gas House Cove, S.F. berth available. $35,000. (415) 668-4305. THE ULTIMATE CRUISER/RACER, 31-FT Far¬ rier F-9A Trimaran. Bigger, faster, better than F27. 25% more sail, 6'2* headroom, sleeps 8, galley, head, legal trailer width, weight 3000 lbs. Epoxy/Cedar. Under construction, will finish to your specs. (916) 345-2932 (eves). Chico, CA. PEARSON 30. Volvo dsl, Loran, VHS, WS, WPI, DS, furling, dodger.$20,000 b/o. (415) 737-9824. 30-FT ISLANDER 71. No time for sloop with great layout, headroom and new DM, KM, Loran, auto-tiller and fuel tank. 2 mains, 2 jibs, spinnaker, Atomic-4 inboard and VHF, in good shape. Asking $15,000. Call Dan Murphy at (408) 358-6214, x234, any time. If you called on this before, call again. My old machine didn't record your mes¬ sage. 1963 ERICSON 30+. Relocating, must sell. Good condition, all records available. Will negotiate. (415)838-9523. YANKEE 30 Classic S&S design. One of the all time great offshore or Bay 30 footers. Pretty, fast yet very stable. Singlehanders dream smallish interior but, boy does she sail well. Loaded w/ racing and cruising gear. Nice $24,500. (415) 235-9158.

ISLANDER BAHAMA 30 with 90, 110, 130, gennaker, pole, wheel, Volvo dsl, folding prop, KM, DS, VHF, stereo, new batteries, 2 Danforths w/chain & rode, pressure water, water heater, BBQ. Roomy, fast comfortable, stable. $27,750. Sausalito 332-1760.

CATALINA 30,1979. Great shape. All new cock¬ pit teak. Heavy duty traveler, adjustable backstay, roller furling, dinghy with o/b. Quality LPG stove/ oven, refrigeration, new head, Loran, Signet in¬ struments, CQR/Danforth anchors. Ideal livea¬ board. SSF berth. $23,500. Tim (415) 876-0311/ 1879.

ISLANDER 29. Excellent condition, wheel steer¬ ing, 6 sails Inti, spinnaker, Atomic 4, VHF, KM, Loran, DS, AM/FM, head w/holding tank, stove, 120v, mahogany interior, newupholstery, recently hauled, much more. (415) 382-8552. $15,900.

32 TO 39 FEET

CATALINA 30, I960. $27,200. Great boat in great shape - lots of extras: camber spar jib, 4 sails, Force 10 heater, low mileage Atomic 4 engine, cockpit cushions, battery charger, eta, etc. New bottom paint. Must sell. (916) 487-8501. OLSON 29. Built at Pacific Boat Works, hull #8. Very well equipped. Ifsfast&fun.13bags of sails, successful race record. $30,000. (707) 643-3590. CAL 2-29,1978. Teak interior, AP, KM, DS, VHF, Loran, wheel steering, dodger, roller furling, 18 hp dsl installed 1988. Seriously for sale -$16,000 or b/o. (707) 557-7783.


ERICSON 32-FT. A very nice, clean boat Engine over-hauled. Only 50 hrs., new cushions, bottom done, rigging, pressure water, new, wheel, eta Good liveaboard. Selling at a very low price as I do not need two boats. $19,000. (213) 3934321. 37-FT RANGER. One ton sailing vessel created by Gary Mull. Designed as an ocean racer. In¬ cludes 6 sails. Volvo Penta diesel power. Others listed at $49,000. Steal this at $29,000. Call (408) 437-0570 (wkdys). Located in Santa Cruz. FUJI 32 CUTTER, 1977. Great for Coastal, Bay and Delta cruising. 40 hp diesel, roller furling jib, h/ c pressure water, CNG stove w/oven, shore power w/charger. $32,500. (415) 435-3902.


Beautiful and protective leather for your sails and equipment Wheels, Spinnaker Poles, Tumbuckles, Spreader Boots, Docklines Custom f acht Leather Craft (415) 924-6510

DONRU MARINE SURVEYORS SEAWOLF MARINE (supplies) Serving the Central Coast and Bay 32 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 372-8604, FAX (408) 373-2294

All Marine supplies and equipment 10% overcost, delivered, 100% guarantee. 1800 SEAWOLF or (510) 2364390 24hrs.

1959 SOUTHBAY SAILBOAT 30-FT. Complete with sails and rigging. Needs repairs. $1,000.00 or best offer. May see at Glen Cove Marina, 2000 Glen Cove Rd., Vallejo (Take Glen Cove Rd. exit off 780.)

BOAT BEAUTIFUL SERVICES Brandt Cheroff - Shipwright stereo, electronics, anchor systems, winches, bilge pumps solar panels, alternators, rigging, freshwater systems R«w & Maintenance - electrolysis, bilge cleaning, carpet cleaning, varnishing, waxing, oil change. Reasonable rates, reliable, free estimates. (510) 436-0909 inctaiiaiinns.

page 169

SANTANA 35, “DREAM MACHINE", 1988 Na¬ tional champion, also YRA Season champion family racer/cruiser. 40-ft berth at St. Francis on Marina Blvd. (ultra prime). $38,000 spent on upgrades, mast, rudder, boom, new engine, sails. Asking $43,000. For details, call John Aitken 366-9211.

32-FT PEARSON VANGUARD, 1962. Exterior

33-FT TARTAN TEN. Well-maintained racer/

CATALINA 36, 1983. Best liveaboard/cruiser

cruiser. Fully equipped. Motivated seller. $18,000 b/o (415) 439-2150 or (707) 747-7525 (days). Ask for Chuck.

value on the Bay. 25 hp Universal, epoxy bottom, reefer, phone, AC inverter, microwave, stereo, color TV, VCR, HC pressure water, built-in electric heaters, alcohol stove/oven, depth, knot, log, VHF. $61,500.(415)420-1476.

LPU. Epoxy bottom.4’bulwarks, redesignedcockpit, anchor platform, 32’ lifelines. Interior rebuilt, repainted, sensible. New rigging, tanks (water fuel), windows, Bomar hatch, stove, heater, bat¬ tery. Rebuilt Atomic-4. Strong, beautiful. $23,000. (415) 592-7059.

EXPRESS 37 mint condition, all North sails, Brooks and Gateshouse Hercules system interfaced with Northstar. Loran and Magnavox SatNav, VHF, SSB, refrigeration, H/C pressure water, CNG stove, loaded. $75,000. (805) 493-1091 (hm) or (818) 715-3328 (wk). 36-FT ANGLEMAN SEA WITCH *Golden Hind."

CHRIS 35,1972 Caribbean sloop motorsaijer,

Perkins 107, AP, VHF, Loran, furling, new dodger, dinghy. Spacious liveaboard, shower, 2 heads, aft stateroom, CNG. Top shape. $46,500.Call (916) 783-0141. ERICSON 32,1986. Excellent condition, 23 hp

Universal diesel, VHF, depth, KM and Alpine stereo. Propane stove, shower with H/C pressur¬ ized water. Boat surveyed at $52,000. Will sell for $42,000. Call (415) 831-1670. TRAVELLER 32-FT, 1989 Mexico vet. Ready to

again. Built by Stone. Radar, loran, SatNav, solar panel, wind, depth, knot, log, cruising, spinnaker, dinghy, motor, EPIRB, North FB main, dodger, Profurl jib furling. Much more. $58,000. Call (408) 942-6866. COLUMBIA 9.6 SLOOP. Sleeps 6,6' headroom, teak interior, double-reef main, jibs: 110, 130, 150. Diesel, VHF, compass, DS, pressure water, electric/manual bilge pump, shore power, full gal¬ ley, new epoxy bottom. Urgent Asking $23,000 (916) 823-0190.

circumnavigator. 10 sails. Hood furling, new en¬ gine, Awlgrip hull. July 1991 survey A+. SatNav, radar. Beautiful interior. Many extras. Panama Canal permit. Lying Honolulu in perfect condition. $85,000. (808) 524-6150. ISLANDER 36 ZORZA. Just returned from cruis¬

ing So. Calif, waters. New engine, rigging, life¬ lines, main, stem, ladder, CQR. Has lots of stuff: knot, wind, depth, etc. All teak interior. No blisters guaranteed. $39,500or b/o. Pam 1-408-479-4129. HEAD FOR BAJA IN NOVBIBER! 37-ft Monk

design ketch. Documented, veteran cruising boat. Perkinsdsl, self-steering, Tillermaster, sailing din¬ ghy, berthed in Redwood City. $43,000 or b/o. (415) 361-8186 after 5 p.m. CHINESE JUNK, 35-FT, 1968. Teak, Volvo die¬

sel, shower, head, sleeps 6, perfectly maintained, Sausalito berth. Great liveaboard, something spe¬ cial. $39,000. Call Michael 479-7128. CATALINA34,1986. Excellent condition. Loaded.

Radar, Datamarine Link 5000 (depth/wind/boat), AP, Loran C, KM, VHF radio, h/c water, roller furling, stereo/cassette, lines led aft, 3 batteries, cockpit awning and more. Motivated to sell. $51,000.(916)339-1785.

38-FT CATALINA. Designed by Sparkman &

dition. Racer/cruiser. Wheel, Yanmar dsl, folding prop, AM/FM cass., sleeps 8, Loran, Auto, VHF, depth/knot Have all receipts. Lots of storage. $32,000.(916)927-8770.

cooled diesel. Like new condition inside & out. Recent survey & new epoxy bottom jib. Very roomy interior, great liveaboard. Call for details. $37,000. 228-7348,228-2852. RAFIKI35,1980. Volvo diesel, autopilot, VHF,

S-35. Beige hull, anodized spar Rod R. Barients,

dig. compass, Loran C. Located Newport Beach. $35,000. Call Gordon (714) 546-1653 (days), 675-5129 (eves). ERICSON 32. New Yanmar 20. Harken jib, lazy jacks, wheel, Loran, 3-bumer stove, oven, Sausalito berth. $27,000. (415) 331-7910.

DS, knotlog, stereo, Airex hull, teak decks, h/c water, stove/oven. Oyster Point berth $59,000. Contact Bill (408) 867-9202,19379 Via Read Dr., Saratoga CA 95070 for full description. 34-FT BROWN SEARUNNER. Mex vet. Docu¬ mented diesel, ref, 6 sails, roller reef, West sys¬ tem, cruise equip., out of water, needs cosmetics. $20,000 b/o. (510) 547-7257.

SAIL ALASKA Cruise the Southeast Alaska Wilderness Bareboat and Skippered Charters. Gene Buchholz, Captain Waltzing Bear Sail Charters (907) 747-3608 4600 Halibut PL Rd., Sitka, AK 99835


RANGER33,1973. Excellent performance cruiser. Strong running Atomic 4. Roller furling plus 110 & 150. 3-bumer CNG stove. New paint, varnish, cushions, fridge and more. Strong, fast and beau¬ tiful. $19,000.(213)823-1866. ISLANDER 36-FT w/condo slip #4, located at

Portobello Marina, Embarcadero W. at Oak St., Oakland. Cutter rigged vessel, dodger, chain anch. sys., P4108 dsl, 8 Barients, Signet gauges, epoxy bottom, lead keel & more. Call for list. $79,950. (415) 763-Q51&(eves to 11pm).

TARTAN 37. “One of the most highly regarded cruising boats every built.’ Sail, Feb. 1991.1982. $69,000. For details and spec sheets ,399-1204. If no answer leave name and address on machine.

Hull Cleaning, Haulout, Zinc Replacement, Inspection and Surveys, Props and Shafts Replacement, Salvage and Recovery, Throughhull Installation, Reliability. Serving the Bay Area since 1981. 1 -800-SEA-WOLF (732-9653) - 24 hrs emergency service.

34- FT LOD S&S CUTTER YAWL Many So. Pacific miles. Solidly built, fir on oak. Hauled yearly. Newdecks, refastened, Perkins dsl, bronze opening ports, teak trim, SatNav, DF, log, AP, VHF, spinnaker. Minorwork. First $17,500 or b/o. (415) 365-9257. 34-FT SLOOP SAIL BOAT. Teak interior/exte¬ rior. 5000# keel. Sleeps 6 w/galley and dutch tile fireplace. M-F 9-5 (510) 534-0895. ALAN GURNEY 35, ALANI.Zounds! We changed our minds again and this beautiful full keel wooden sloop in immaculate condition is really for sale. Buy this boat, cruise to the yacht club and turn some heads. Honduras mahogany on oakframes. $45,000. Chris 331-1200 or 331-1444.


So. Pac. cruise and ready to go again. Proven offshore cruiser - Mexico, So. Pac, Hawaii? or solid, sweet sailing Bay/Coastal cruiser. Newsails, rigging, canvas, and cruise equipped. Call Rick (408) 429-1764. NEWPORT 33,1983. Fast and easy to handle.

Great condition, 20 hp Universal diesel, wheel, main 65, 110,150% excellent condition. VHF, KM, DF, CNG stove/oven, HC pressure water, stereo. $30,000 b/o. Lance, 658-2367 (after 5pm) 254-9169.

YAMAHA 33.5,1978.2nd owner. Excellent con¬

32-FT ISLANDER 1979. 4 cylinder fresh water

cruising spinnaker, VHF, loran, Datamarine link, refer, stereo, h/c water, new bottom, lines led aft, 3 batteries, 2 anchors, great condition. $56,950. (209) 478-2642. No brokers, please.

sign. All teak hull in excellent dOndition. Needs engine overhaul. Dissolving partnership, so must sell. $23,000. (510) 302-5361 (wk) or (510) 6380603.

NORWEST33. “RENAISSANCE” back from her

2003 33 hp diesel, inverter, elec, system, washing machine. 350' 5/16 BBB, anchorwindlass, all new in '88. Has placed 1 st in Master Mariners Gaff 11 Division. A beauty ready to go.$46,000.934-6159.

CATALINA 34,1987. Roller furling, 110, 95,

PEARSON ALBERG 35-FT. 1969 F/G sloop. Solid ocean going traditional design. Good condi¬ tion. Volvo Penta dsl, 10 bags sails. Alameda berth. $25,000. Days827-3304, eves943-1714or 947-1489.

35-FT SLOOP, 1965 CHEOY \.EE, Rob Lee de¬ 38-FT CUSTOM STEEL CUTTER center cockpit

ANGLEMAN KETCH 36-FT. Radar, loran, Volvo

Stevens. Well equipped for the sailing sailor. Extra winches & sails makes this boat a pleasure to sail short handed or crewed. Fast coastal cruis¬ ing with plenty of room. The best of Catalina Yachts with extras. Must sell. $45,000. (415) 8204288 or (415) 256-6690.

Gaff ketch, wood hull, teak decks, with 8-ft sailing rowing pram, excellent condition. New: electrical system, diesel heater, sail covers, interior cush¬ ions, Avon dinghy & 5 hp Seagull. Located Monterey, CA. $63,000 or b/o. (408)663-5163.

33- FT TARTAN TEN. Excellent condition racer/ cruiser. 10 sails, fully instrumented, must sell. $18,000. (707) 526-0177 eves.


Husky cruiser/racer. Fin keel, 9250 lbs dispL, 8 new sails, 17 pk Volvo Penta. Beautiful teak interior w/custom features, VHF, DS, equipment. Perfect liveaboard and sailing for a couple. Owner moving up. $67,000. (408) 356-6832. PETERSON 33 - STUFF. A winner on the Bay since 1976. Loads of equipment with all the bells and whistles: 19 bags of sails, AP, Loran, VHF, WD, WS, DS, EPIRB, Atomic 4, Martex folding prop, sleeps6,2-bumer stove, 9 Lewmar wnches, Navtec rod rigging, hydraulic backstay and vang, MOB equipment, Halon fire extinguishers, lots of excellent running rigging. Most recently has been raced and sailed singlehanded. Two kids in col¬ lege, will help finance. $19,500 or b/o. Stan (415) 3274444-wk, (415) 949-2148-hm.


WESTSA1L 32,1985. Professionally built SST bowsprit and boomkin, Harken furler and traveler, DS, KM, VHF, windlass, Yanmar 3 cyl (200 hrs), fridge, Shipmate and Dickinson stoves, Goiot watertight hatches. One of the best. $52,500. (415) 365-4996. WARRIOR 35-FT CUSTOM primrose sloop, 1974. Glass hull, lead keel, fast and strong, 30 hp dsl., ICOM SSB, GPS, loran, AP, GiVens, Avon3.1-, 10 hp Nissan. Windlass, every sail. Back from cruise. Ready to go. Must sell! $30,000. (415) 331 -9529. RAFIK! 35,1980. Loaded, excellent condition, documented. Great liveaboard. Volvo dsl, epoxy bottom, teak decks, varnished rails and trim, new full boat cover. Five sails, furling, dinghy, davits, dodger, modem electronics, refrigeration, heater. Lots more! Ready to cruise. $65,000. Cal! (415) 595-3094. 34-FT CAL MARK II, 1976. Fully equipped, wheel steering, 22 hrs on rebuilt 40 hp diesel, new epoxy bottom, sleeps 6, excellent condition. Ready to cruise or liveaboard. $32,000 b/o. Call (415) 383-2117,(415)381-6424. CUSTOM FARR 36. Has fire damage (see Latifude’Sightings'4/91). Cold molded, custompaint/' graphics, epoxy/Micron bottom, safety gear, 8man raft, feathering prop, B&G, VHF, SSB, 12 bags sails. Rebuilt spars, new diesel & running rigging. $20,000.532-9306.


Over 20 years experience • Deviation nulified & confirmed on all headings. Certified deviation card furnished verifying results. USCG LICENSED MASTER Day (510) 439-5658 Night (510) 4324203

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Custom Interior - Exterior Canvas Work Canvas Repair & Window Replacement Free Estimates Day or Evenings (415) 5214310 in Alameda

All Marine Woodworking -' Plumbing & Electrical Systems Britework & Painting. (415) 332-7042 page 170

ERICSON 32, 1976. Good condition. Original owner. Equipped for cruising. Must sell. $24,000. all eqpt/stuff on board included. M-F days (415) 768-7644. PEARSON 35,1970 repowered '87. Aries vane,

hot/cold water, shower, Avon 4 man, dsl heater, refrigeration, new Loran, spinnaker & depth, ste¬ reo, 30 amp charger, windlass, 4 anchors, hard dinghy, o/b,twin poles, wheel, excellent Two boat owner. $39,000. (415) 897-8209. 35- FT DEFOUR, 1979. Tri-cabin model with Afri¬

can mahogany interior, extensive cruising list, 5 sails, sterling LP haul/deck/mast 5/90, Treadmasteron deck, fin keel/skeg arrangement that's very stiff yet performs well in heavy/light air. $57,000 or b/o. (619) 226-0081.

32- FT ATKINS “ERIC", 1956. Marconi ketch,

mahogany/oak, Yanmar '88, 9 bags, Autohelm 2000, Aries vane, propane stove, Force 10 heater, radar, ground tackle, etc. $24,000. J.O. Call (415) 771-5613 (Iv msg). S.AS.E. 18715 Runnymead, Reseda, CA 91335 (info). GULF32-FTPILOTHOUSECUTTER. Purchased

new SepL, 1990. DS, KM, Voyager Loran, VHF, Autohelm 4000, Harken roller furling genoa, wind¬ lass, AC/DC refrigeration, epoxy bottom, Force 10 heater, microwave, cockpit cushions, 2 spd self tailing winches, propane stove, pressure h/c wa¬ ter system, full battened main w/lazy jacks, boom vang, covers for all exterior wood and more. Surveyw/deposit,maytaketrade-in.0ver$80,000 invested. Asking $67,000. Will consider any of¬ fers. Located Berkeley Marina. (209) 632-8311 (Wkdys. after 6pm).

37- FT SPARKMAN & STEPHENS. “Apache’. F/

G sloop built by Chris Craft. Avon, new motor, heavy ground tackle, refrigerator, battery charger, solid boat. (2) TransPac vet. Sleeps 6. Great liveaboard. Boat near Vallejo. Must sell. $20,000. Chris (702) 329-9130. CAL 39 MKI, 1971. Aft cockpit, 41 hp dsl, custom

mast, 16 Barients, 11 bags, Lapworth design. Clean. TransPacvet. Roomy interior. VHF, proven cruiser w/speed. Lying So. Calif. - will deliver. A great boat at a great price. Must sell. Asking $39,000. (714) 646-4005/673-6530. SANTANA 35 in like new condition. Available for

lease. Consider short term/long term, special event or midwinter series... option or purchase price ($39,500). Complete sail inventory. Sail training and reaching primer included. Fee and deposit variable. Contact Les (916) 441-7243. 38- FT C&C, 1976. TOPAZ A thoroughbred racer equipped for cruising. New rod rigging, hard dodger, staysail, extensive electronics and equip¬ ment $65,000. (415) 331-5967 msgs. 34-FT FRIENDSHIP SLOOP. “EstellaA". Framed

ready for planking. Engine and material to com¬ plete. Make offer. (209) 298-8722. ERICSON 35-FT Wheel, refrig, shower, CNG

stove w/oven, pressure h/c, loran, fish finder, stereo, battery charger, 1/4 berth, rebuilt engine, Irg. cockpit w/cushions, elec, manual bilge pumps, roller & jiffy reefing, BBQ, dink & seagull, no blisters, good liveaboard. (415)391 -9780. $26,500. 36- FT STEEL CUTTER. Roberts, launched 1986.

Strong ali steel cruiser. Well maintained. Heavy duty equipment. Hawaii-Mexico vet, ready to go again. $69,500. (916) 687-7949. CATALINA 34,1987. Slip #160 - D, Marina Bay,

Richmond. Excellent condition. Loaded, 120% roller furling jib, cruising spinnaker, Signet instru¬ ments, stereo, diesel, 548 hrs. Must sell, moving to Florida ASAP. Offers considered. $62,500. (916)989-1816.


Ketch. The ultimate shallow draft cruiser. Draws 18" with boards up. Cedar & longleaf yellow pine on oak. Bronze fastened. Twin Volvo diesels. Good sails. Trailer. Well maintained. Probably the only Meadowlark on the West Coast. $12,000 (415) 663-9225. 33-FT SLOOP “Sandpiper", $14,500 b/o. Sacri¬ fice sale. Exceptional value. Designed by racer, sailmaker, artist Jim DeWitt Engineered by naval architect, Randy Pauling. Built by Colberg in Stockton. Handles beautifully in wide range of wind and sea conditions. Outfitted for short-handed cruis¬ ing and Bay racing. Strong seaworthy aluminum hull, mast and boom. Main w/cover, self-tending jib w/cover, genoa, spinnaker, dodger, in good condition. Trim tab (auxiliary rudder). Gas engine. Call Jim or Sallie (415) 232-4291. 35-FT FIBERGLASS CUTTER, roomy, 7-ft head-

room. Head w/bathtub, galley w/stove, oven, re¬ frigerator (110 or 12 volt) aluminum mast/boom, stainless rigging, sails, etc. BMW inboard diesel, wheel steering, liveaboard berth in Marin. $19,000, part trade for interesting vehicle? (415) 453-6961. 33-FT CUSTOM STEEL CUTTER Merritt Walter designed double-ender, 32 hp diesel, cherry wood interior, extensive equipment list, Bristol condi¬ tion. $48,000. Call Ken (415) 428-4023. 37-FT DUTCH-BUILT STEEL YAWL $40,000

invested in total refit 1987. Circumnavigator with two Atlantic crossings. Ready to go anywhere! Volvo MD-3B, DY form wire, Norseman T/B, alum. LPS (2), Heart, Autohelm, Datamarine, standard vigil, Fatty Knees, Evinrude, Barient, dodger, Bimini, Nu Sails and much, much more including teak and holly sole and African ribbon-grain ma¬ hogany interior. Will carry contract for right person with $25,000 down. Asking $50,000. Call (510) 436-6062.

FERRARI BOATWRIGHT SERVICES All marine woodwork Full shop and mobile seivices. Dry Rot, Planking, Spars, Interiors Designed & Built. 453-5051

GIRARD DEWITT, N.A. Yacht & commercial vessel design. Sail & power. Prototype development, plugs & tooling. Yacht quality interiors. Propulsion ^.systems planning. 25 years of design & building experience in fiberglass, steel & wood. (510) 601-8771 (& FAX)

MARINE DIESEL ENGINE SEMINAR Learn how to operate, maintain, and repair your diesel engine. Get hands-on experience adjusting valves, timing and engine, bleeding the fuel system, diagnosing problems and making repairs. Programs held on Saturdays. For more information, phone Technical Education Institute, (415) 233-3623 page 171

MASON 44 KETCH, 1986. Quality yacht impec¬

40 TO 50 FEET 47-FT SLOOP, S&S. One of SF Bay's most beau¬ tiful and well-constructed wooden yachts, to see her is to love her. Sleeps 7, large cockpit, AP, electronics, many sails. 2 boat family. Must sell or partner. $67,500.331-0907.

cably maintained. Cruise equipped by experi¬ enced owner. Top brand equipment includes 4.4 kw Westerbeke auxiliary generator, Technautics cold plate, Nilsson electric windlass, Autohelm 6000, SatNav, Avon and much more. By original owner. $210,000. (805) 984-8739. CLARK DUTCH STEEL ocean racer/cruiser,

dated over the past two years. New sails and interior. B&G electronics, Loran, ICOM, SSB, VHF. (415) 563-3753. $86,500.

1966. 45' LOA, 32' WL, 6'5" 10'8\ Solid teak/ mahog., teak decks. Double spreader, oversize rigging, Norsemans running backs, roller reefing, veiy fast/able, Horn veL 4-108 6 hrs. Built to Lloyds. Rebuilt '90-'91 85%. Needs paint (outside) finish. Forecabin, head. Lying Cental Mexico. Arrange delivery. Illness urges sale. First $75,000 or offer. Write: Yacht 39 Shields Lane, Novato, CA 94947 or call (415) 892-6411.

HANS CHRISTIAN 43 KETCH. This showboat

42X15X6 CHINESE JUNK “Little Duck’. One of a

ready for offshore on high performance under¬ body. New Awlgrip finish, new tropical awnings, covers and dodger, decorator interior in tile and ultrasuede. A partial goodie list includes work¬ shop, ocean sailing chart table, diesel heat, insu¬ lated, refrigeration, Neco AP, HAM, VHF, radar, 3 anchors, 300' chain, custom stained glass cabi¬ nets. Priced now at $30,000 below current survey $164,950 or b/o. Owner (206) 783-2320.

kind. Ford Lehman, well equipped, comfortable liveaboard/cruiser. $79,000. (415) 369-6966.


Equi pped for world caiising. Surveyed at $150,000 replacement value. $75,000. (805) 658-7703. SANTA CRUZ 40,1985. Bill Lee ultralight Up¬

40- FT RHODES BOUNTY II SLOOP. F/G, Uni¬ versal Atomic 4 gas, no electronics, no head. Designed by Rhodes, 1960.50-ft aluminum mast Located mid-Baja, CA Classic design. $25,000 or b/o. Call Rick (619) 461-4555 days. 45-FT RHODES KETCH, 1967. Center cockpit,


Galley up, twin staterooms, two showers, two heads, two salons and workshop. An extensive gear list includes 6 cyl. 130 hp Isuzu diesel, dual hydraulic steering, Wagner AP, 6kwOnan, radar, Icom 700 SSB, SatNav, Loran and much more. 1991 additions are new teak cabinetry, SS pro¬ pane range & oven, microwave, refrigeration, watermaker, 125% genoawith Hood roller furling, new prevailer batteries with step charger. Ca¬ pable of2000 miles on 450 gals, carrying 600 gals water, this 1981 vessel is offshore ready. This yacht has been meticulously maintained and is beautiful inside and out. Currently moored in Baja, she is seriously being offered at $199,500. Phone Ernie Bastin, Oregon (503) 625-5896.

90 hp diesel, re-riggbd w/Sta-locks, ideal wind¬ lass, propane stove & water heater, new Murray halyard winches, masts unstepped & decks recaulked 1990, Red Luan on Ipol, great livea¬ board, extremely sound.$58,000. Motivated. (619) 426-2809. COLUMBIA 43-FT, 1970. Wm. Tripp designed,

flush deck beauty. Dodger-full cockpit canvas,' 4kw. diesel generator, davits, Loran, VHF, full instruments, Tewksbury fireplace, new stove, new upholstery, etc. Liveaboard in gracious style. $47,900. Call (415) 563-3016. CRUISING CAL 40. Modified interior with private

mooring in San Carlos, Sonora $55,000. For complete equipment list, Jim Austin(213) 935-7671.

C&C CUSTOM 43,1973. Exceptionally strong

ocean cruiser/racer due to unique double hull construction. 30 sails, full teak interior, new Perkins diesel, B&G’s Loran, AP. Legendary C&C custom shop quality. Chicago freshwater boat. $92,500 including transportation to Bay. (219) 232-2201. 1977 GULFSTAR 43. Excellent'condition. East Coast Boat (light usage). Center cockpit, ketch rigged, furier, Perkins 4-108, radar, 2 heads, shower, Avon, Windlass, DF. Liveaboard equipped: Webasto zoned heating, propane/mi¬ crowave ovens, refrigeration. Consider trade. $85,000. (415) 951-3268.

SWAN 44,1976. Full inventory racing/cruising

sails, complete refit 1989. New Awlgrip, watermaker, new Yanmar motor, Monitor, hy¬ draulics, full electronics, loadedl Call John McKinney (303) 728-5306. NEWPORTER 40, modified with sensible cruising

lug rig, diesel, dinghy, davits. Hull majored 9/91. Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska vet. Roomy, and in veiy good condition. Will trade down power orsail. See at E-44 Loch Lomonde, San Rafael. Details (916) 477-8095. $29,500. 41- FT NELSON/MAREK “STELLA UAVIS" Ex

FREEPORT 41 final offer. $65,000. Built in '76.

$50,000 of new gear in '86, new 70 hp diesel, 190 gal. fuel, 190 water, life raft, radar, Loran, SatNav, 45# CQR w/300 ft. chain, electric windlass, AC/ DC fridge, propane stove, hot water shower, 3.5 KW generator, (408) 252-7391.

“Free Enterprise' 1983 built by Gregoiy Marine. Sistership to “Clockwork’, “Chino’, "Reliance’. Upgraded with Alan Andrews elliptical keel and rudder. IMS potential, excellent condition inside/ out. Only $59,500 b/o.' Contact Steve at (619) 543-0270.

MINT 40-FT KETCH WITH SFYC BERTH 1968, diesel, aft cabin, gorgeouscharacter boat, 60’ San Fran Yacht Club Harbor berth - front row. $75,000 Sheldon Caughey - Lagers Caughey Yacht & Ship Brokers • (415) 332-9500





C4151 522-1561


ISN’T TIME YOU LEARNED TO FIX YOUR OWN ENGINE PROBLEMS? Southern Cal: Oct .& Nov. Seminars: San Diego, Newport Beach, M.D.R., Ventura Seminars, Individual and group classes avail: 510-522-7300

12,500# lead ballast installed. Inexpensive stor¬ age/working area, Oakland. 3-53 dsl with reduc¬ tion gear and parts to rriarinize. Misc. stuff. $13,500 firm. (510) 932-4339.

“CLIMAX" 52-FT ULDB. Fabulous Fifties Fleet champion, awesome racer, comfortable cruiser. Current IOR, IMS, and PHRF certificates. Full race electronics, 15 bags of sails, AP, full dodger, separate freezer and reefer with new compressor. Twin double staterooms. Recently rewired and engine overhauled. $187,500. Ask for Mike or Doug (213) 724-4631 (day or night).

SWAN 41,1976 S&S DESIGN. Harken roller

51-FT MORGAN O.I., 1975 cruise ready, 75 hp

furling, head sail, Signet instruments, SSB, Loran, sailor RDF, VHF, Alfa 3000 AP w/remote, CD and cassette player, Alder Barbour refrigeration, h/c pressured water, double bunk aft stateroom) cus¬ tom woodworking and various other modifications throughout. Phone: (415) 769-0878.

Perkins diesel 3064 hrs. Woodfreeman AP, Lo¬ ran, SSB, SatNav, HAM receiver. Weatherfax, Madntosh SE computer/printer. Radar, VHF, CB, hailer, 3 depthsounders, KM, center board 5.5 up 10.5 down. 4-man lifeboat. 12.5' West Marine inflatable w/25 hp Mercury. Msc. fenders, fuel + H20 jugs. Excellent liveaboard, 3 staterooms, 2 heads, 1 bathtub, air conditioners, heaters, wash¬ ing machine, ice cube maker, electric range, oven, microwave, freezer 4 plates, refrigerator, garbage compactor. Phone hook-up, 12 KW Onan genera¬ tor. Watermaker 17 gal. hr. charts Canada to Panama to S. Pacific. Bottom job/sails recondi¬ tioned 7/90. Full battens. Survey 9/90. Located Panama $145,000. Contact J. Crow, Box 2221 Balboa, Ancon, Balboa Panama, Republic of Panama

ROBERTS 43. Airex cored hull with ballast. $11,000. Call for more information (408) 685-9735. DEL REY 50. Factory made F/G hull and deck.


struction. High performance. Elegant interior. Clas¬ sic design. This extraordinarily fine Hans Chris¬ tian 43-ft ketch is fitted out to take you safely, swiftly and surely to the ends of your dreams. She Is a penultimate example of fine cruising yachts, including custom handcrafted details above & below decks. Call today, leave tomorrow. $138,500. (415) 331-0723 (owner).


Good condition, teak decks, Perkins 4 108,375 hrs, large salon, 2 cabins/heads, teak interior, pressure H20, refrigeration, 3 burner kerosene stove/oven. New upholstery, Force 10 heater, Signet instruments, dodger, much more. $82,500. (916) 487-8501.

sionally built 1959. Spruce spars, Honduras ma¬ hogany trim, Alaskan cedar-planked, Monel fas¬ tened, oak frames, Genesro backbone, Monel tanks, new rigging, enclosed head. Many extras, full boat cover. Bristol condition. Same owner 23 yrs. $22,500. (510)339-0496. 49% PARTNER WANTED for 24-ft classic wood

45-FT CORONADO with hard dodger. Roomy

liveaboard, hot/cold w/shower, large refer., new vopane stove, stereo, TV, sailing dinghy on dav,iS, roller furling jib. Must sell. $55,000. Days 9-5 Jim 381-8310.


BALTIC 51,1982. Keel center board. Superb

cutter. $3,000, equity share. $300/mo. Sausalito berth. (415) 388-1506 after 6pm.

MULTIHULLS 24-FT PIVER NUGGET. F/G, sturdy & sound.

She has the most of what she needs (mast, rigging, mainsail) except an owner with time to put her back in business. $750. Call George (415) 718-1533 pager. 40-FT PIVER AA TRIMARAN, professionally built,

excellent condition, Isuzu 36 hp diesel, cruising electronics, h/c pressure water, shore power, 6 solarpanels. Asia, Caribbean, Hawaii vet Cruise on a limited budget Just load groceries & go. $39,500. Call Blair (415) 372-9092.

TAYANA 55 CUTTER, 1987. Full electronics,

watermaker, extra fuel and water tanks. Rigged for singlehanding. Loaded and ready for extended cruising. $290,000. Will take smaller boat or real estate in trade. (510) 886-9393.


King design, hull by Islander. Could be completed in several months. Needs ketch rig and misc. finishing touches. Comfortable, nicely finished interior. Bumed-out owner has too many commit¬ ments. Asking $55,000. (707) 445-4664.

PADDY WEST. 25-ft 7* Seabird-type gaff yawl. Sausalito built 1937.10 sails, dsl, full cover, wood, kerosene stoves. Cozy interior sleeps two. Excel¬ lent Master Mariner race record. Delta Ditch Race winner! 19 year owners have bought bigger wood boat $8,000. (415) 634-0559. 27-FT SEA ISLANDER SLOOP, 1955. VIM large

58-FT CUSTOM STEEL KETCH. Divorce sale.

15-ft beam, launched 1988. Fresn 471 Detroit, full electronics, full galley, wet bar, 2 heads & shower, large salon, 3 staterooms, large fore peak stor¬ age, hauled 7/91. $134,000. Call (707) 553-1861, 647-3621 or 421-8267.

cockpit, bronze fastened, mahogany planked, oak framed, spinnaker, two batteries, 2 burner CNG stove, new head, Atomic4, AP, full canvas cover, no dry rot. 5/91 haulout. Come and visit this easy to maintain speedy Master Mariner in excellent overall condition. $17,000. (415) 386-3324.

maintained 38-ft sloop. Your other three partners live out of town and literally never use the boat Sausalito Yacht Harbor. Professional chartering company occasionally charters the boat which pays for maintenance. You just go sailing! I'm moving South or you wouldn’t be reading this ad. Very reasonable buy-in. $200-$300 monthly. Leave msg at (415) 873-8466. '

cific vet, documented, A-frame. Excellent con¬ struction, h/c shower, 18 hp Johnson elect, start, 7' fiber gl. dink. Help! $12,500. Must sell. All offers considered. (415) 492-9447 (eves).

POWER & HOUSEBOATS 199012-FT WEST MARINE SPORT BOAT. New 25 hp Mercury, new trailer always garaged, exc. condition. $2,500 or trade for sailing dinghy. Call Rui after 9:30 pm (408) 842-0779. 20-FT HARVEY. Rebuilt V bottom. 70 Mercury

engine (only 135 hrs use). EZ Loader trailer. $7,500.(408)458-3254. 1983 BOSTON WHALER SUPER SPORT. 11

1/2-ft model. Johnson 20 hp with very low hrs, wheel steering, galvanized trailer. All in excellent shape. (408) 423-6612 or (415) 331-5195.

MARITIME ATTORNEY Resolving warranty, purchase/sale, forelosure, charter, construction, accident and tax problems since 1960. Practical sailing experience counts...over 40 years racing/cruising from Mexico to Canada. William E. Vaughan, 17 Embarcadero Cove, Oakland, CA 94606 (415) 532-1786

MARINE SURVEYOR ROBERT COUNTS Serving the Bay Area & Delta (415) 990-7100 or (415) 649-1010

PROFESSIONAL DELIVERIES Power or Sail - Worldwide or Local by USCG Licensed Master • Oceans, 200 Tons Insured • Free estimates Call Captain Jordan • (800)788-5551 or (707) 928-5551

sail call Mike or Loma. 865-5147.

SWEET DEAL 1/4 share in this professionally


“Oceania’ 33-ft on deck, cedar on oak frames, bronze fastened. Built in 1968 by Jim Richardson. Recent haul and survey. Call (707) 374-5555 for more Information.

CAL 31. One opening available. $150/mo. covers all. Very mellow group. Alameda berthed. Fortrial

goodliveaboard/cruiser/Baysailer.Mexico veteran. 3 sails included. New 12 hp Nissan o/b. dinghy, stove, refrigerator. Too many extras to list Price reduced to $29,500. Inventory/photographs avail¬ able. Call Dennis (916) 641-7190. 31-FT BROWN SEARUNNER, 1974. South Pa¬




OCEAN 40 MOTORSAILER, built 1982. Cruising

range of 1,000 miles. Ketch rig, 4 sails, 6 cyl Volvo dsl (120 hp), well maintained, built in F/G, blisterfree with beautiful teak interior. Sleeps 6, inside steering station, 2 heads, 2 showers, holding tank, VHF, DS, dinghy on davits, electric windlass, 110v shore power, battery charger, stereo and more. Very dean. Asking $98,000. Call (415) 331 -5927 or (916) 925-0697.

26-FT FIBERGLASS MOTOR Navy whale boat 4 cyl Perkins diesel wood cabins, head, and bunk. On truck, can deliver. Asking $3,600 b/o. Will consider exchanges for trailer boat, or fiberglass sail boat Call (707) 9954)392 (winery) or (707) 995-0392 (hm), where boat is.

with 10 hp Hondb Q/b, new paint, wheel steering, propane stove/oven, life lines, double trapeze, compass, etc. $16,500 (510) 522-2391.

32-FT PIVER TRIMARAN Excellent condition,

cent survey. Owners may consider property ex¬ change or financing purchase with suitable secu¬ rities. (415) 292-6711.

PERFECT LIVEABOARD. Buy my spacious Stephens 42 tri-cabin and live on the Estuary for only $29,500 b/o. 2 heads, shower, microwave, electric range, refrigerator, 2 automatic bilge pumps. Furniture included. Great view. In Alameda. (510) 8654425.

41- FT KETTENBURG built Rhodes sloop. Clas¬ sic hull design with fiberglass hull Mahogany cabin and rail. All powered by Westerbeake die¬ sel. $225/month for 1/4 non-equity interest buys you the prettiest boat on the Bay. (415) 680-7072.

condition and inventory.$375,000. (415) 435-6561. 63-FT CUSTOM OCEAN GOING KETCH. Re¬

1928 50-FT CLASSIC STEPHENS M.Y. Located in Sausalito. Excellent condition throughout Beau¬ tiful brightwork. Spacious interior with full galley, 2 staterooms, 2 heads, 4 shower. Fly bridge. Twin diesel. $125,000 or partial trade for real estate in Souther Marin County. 398-2159.

| 7

s=y _y

MORGAN 38-FT SLOOP. Roller furling jib, easy

reef main, electric anchor windlass, diesel, refrig¬ erator, full galley, VHF, stereo, + more. Sleeps seven. Top shape. No maintenance duties re¬ quired. Second home deductions may apply. Buyin $1,500. Monthly expenses prorated among partners. Berthed at Sausalito YH. Call Jack (415) 232-6107. 42- FT CUSTOM SLOOP. Built in New Zealand. No money down - share 1/4 of expenses. Gentlemen's racing/cruiser. Berth in Sausalito. Boat is well equipped and excellent entertaining (can handle 12 people on a day sail) or PHRF (social) racing. Call Bill (415) 331-7335. 1/3 SHARE OF COLUMBIA 26, berthed in SF Marina. Virtually unlimited use, dry boat, sleeps 5, sail the Bay and have a place to stay in the city. $2,000(415)388-7675.

ATNARCTIC 43 • French Design

UUdllly nlulllllllilll null dllU UoU\ rdUSdUob . .y available at comoetive orices. Call for brochure. .•'' CDF - Aluminum Yachts • Boat Building • Custom Fabrication and Repair 30719 66th Ave.E. • Graham, WA 98338 • (206) 846-0134 or Fax (206) 847-1612


USCG CERTIFIED DAYSAIL CATAMARANS Wave piercing dive boats and water taxis and custom performance cruisers. Send $5 for information packet. GOLD COAST YACHTS, INC. • P.O. Box 1980 • Kingshill, St. Croix USVI00851 (809) 778-1004 "My money's on Varner's student" - Herb Caen ' /yi C^LL "Damn fine sailor" - Gary Jobson //L, ,F}?* "Great teacher" - Hjordis Faroroestad USj// ® c? am*

U.S. - Mexto. U.S. Virgins - U.S.C.G. UcensadUt page 172

TRADE REAL ESTATE - SACRAMENTO. Positive rental income for sloop or cutter sail. Well constructed for long cruising. Large salon, good condition. Also '87 Bayliner Contessa Sunbridge 2855,10-ft beam, 97 hrs, super condition. 460 motor, trade/ sell 40-ft or 50-ft FG or steel. (916) 635-7447. SALE OR TRADE our beautiful home in San

Jose, Costa Rica valued at $65,000 for a 38 to 50ft ocean going sailboat in good or repairable condition. Boatw/pilothouse very much preferred. Call Michael for details. (707) 996-3718 eves. 1975C/0 ESTABLISHMENT MOTORHOME, 24-

ft, dual air, generator, bathroom with full shower, awning, 350 motor, 73,000 miles, new radials, runs great $6,000 trade for well equipped 26-30ft fiberglass ocean cruiser + cash. Wilderness, Windrose, Gladiator, what have you? Sean (916) 424-9969 or (916) 238-8837. WILL TRADE OVER $3,000 of windsurfing gear

(boards, sails, etc.) for 22-ft or larger FG sailboat w/trailer.Good condition only.(415)897-6548 (eve). HAVE 40 ACRES OF SPLITABLE investment

EL TORO WANTED. Must be fiberglass and in good condition. Sailnetics, Caballero or compa¬ rable. Will pay up to $800. Leave message (415) 564-9659 or (415) 221-7829.


UNIVERSAL UNIMITEENGINEmanifoldor com¬ plete engine (Hercules IXBblock).(916) 989-0815. STORM SAILS for47-ft boat, AP, CQR, Delta '75, 350ft. 3/8 proof coil, 3-5 hp o/b, charts, weatherfax, 12v, refrig, lead & snatch blocks 7,000 SWL, halyards 130-ft, Barlow 24 ST winch or equiv. Jim (415) 728-0248 (eves). ALUMINUM MAST, 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches by 43.5 feet min. or something dose. FOR SALE: Mooring for 36-ft sailboat. Used in Bodega Bayfor three years. Will delhrerto dock. $499 or b/o. (707) 792-0352. PATHRNDER 50 ENGINE wanted in any condi¬ tion. I am willing to remove engine from your boat, if necessary. Call Steve at (415) 331-9822 (days), 331-6113 (eves). SAILBOAT WANTED: 1980 or newer, good con¬ dition, 30 to 40 feet, fiberglass, by private couple with some down. Owner finance or will consider partnership. Cliff or Judy (415) 484-3191 or (707) 431-1332 (Ivmsg).

property in Arizona and $313/mo payment. Want 18-ft to 30-ft F/G sailboat and no payment. Equity $20,000+ - owe $28,000. Can wrap loan. (707) 528-9133 for info.


TRADEOUR1950DE SOTO, valuedfrom$2,500 to $3,000 for21 -ft to 23-ft sailboat. Call Fred, eves (510) 523-1663. TRADE OUR BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN in

Alameda, CA for a Hans Christian 43,38 MKII. Call Ron Payne (415) 522-1767.

NEW TRAILING LOG. Boxed, offshore model with spare, spinners, English made, stainless & Marion. Last one. Reduced to $295. Call William 383-4245.

SIMPSON-UWRENCETiGER manual windlass,

CLUB NAUTIQUE unlimited sailing member¬

3 CNG tanks and regulator, Jabsco extra large wash down pumps. (408) 395-3054.

ship. Lessons, charter share, sodal. Best alter¬ native to boat ownership. (415) 508-8906.

VIGIL RM SATNAV. See it run. Excellent condi¬ tion with antenna $600. (510) 644-9412

SURPLUS BOAT BOTTOM PAINT. Hard red vinyl anti-fouling bottom paint. Mfg. Woolsey 72% copper. Reg price $180/gal., my price $50/ gal. Also black vinyl available. Other mfg. avail¬ able. Inti's Micron CSC, list price $214/gal, my price$50/gal. Primer epoxy $10/gal. Call (415) 588-4678.

DATAMARINE wind speed and wind direction with dose haul addition, $100. Datamarine boat speed, $100. Winches: Lewmar self-tailing #16ST, $100. Lewmar single speed #8ST, $75. (415) 522-3437. SAIL: 85% for Newport 41S. Excellent condition,

$250 or b/o. Avon 10-ft dinghy w/motor bracket & oars, $100. Seagull 3 hp, $100.200-ft 3/8" chain, $85. Call (707) 935-1098 eves. BOOM: 171/2 ft - 8"x4' aluminum boom. Com¬ pletely rigged with gooseneck, 2 reef point hard¬ ware w/Vvinch and outhaul. Excellent condition. $400. (415) 364-9338, ans. mach.

$200.5 hp China diesel, air cooled, looks rough, only 3 hrs running time. $250. Prices are not negotiable! Eric 742-7529 eves, msg.

HOOD SEA FURL SYSTEM. 2 yrs old. Call (408)



Musto 1 piece foul weather suit, ex-lrg, $75. Call 522-2223.

speed, brand new, $400 each. Fourwinds wind generator w/air brake & stem pole mount 8 months old. Excellent condition. Need the money. Call days (714) 496-0734.

AUTOHELM 2000, new, $525. Davis MK 25 Sex¬

MAST. 65-ft aluminum Sparcraft dbl spreader.

tant, new, $135. Jib, excellent, 38-ft luff $325, Jib fair 38' luff$100. Digital knot log, $225. Digital S.W. radio, $135. Misc hardware, portlights, 12v lights, ig br dinometer, other gear. 325-0909.

Complete roller furl, boom. $3,500. Call (714) 553-1223 or (714) 497-1527.



liferaft Elliot offshore liferaft 4-man, new $3,000. Also, 200-ft, 5/16" Acco Hitest chain, $400. (408) 429-1764.

10 HP MERCURY OUTBOARD, 1966., runs ok.

WILL TRADE MY $40,000 home equity for cruis¬

ing boat of equal value. Mono or multihull. It's a quality house with assumable $95,000 G! loan In excellent area with good schools in the great college town of Chico. Now rented. Call (408) 426-6694.

BARIENT WINCHES four std. 22's 2-spd. All stainless new $300 ea. One 20 single spd. stain¬ less. $150. (415) 952-6298.

NEW ELECTRIC MOTOR/GENERATOR sys¬ tem for sailboats. Eledric propulsion system to replace gas system combined w/generator that changes from the free-wheeling of propeller in one unit Will take solar assist in charging. Also some weight reduction. 457-1081.

25 LB. PLOW ANCHOR never used $100. Wanted sailing rowing dink 8-ft 533-3788. WOODENBOATMAGAZINE. Complete set #1 through #65, dated Sept 74 through Aug. '85, mint condition, many issues now out of print Sell as set only-$200 delivered. John (408) 462-9273. BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON: 1 acre x 105-ft deep water, no bank, waterfront lot assumable financing — Will consider trade of equity for 40-ft to 50-ft quality offshore yacht. Call (206)842-9350. THE MOORINGS YACHT CHARTER. 30% dis¬

WESTERBEKE 60 diesel engine and transmis¬

count on 50-ft yacht, 11 day charter in Caribbean or Polynesian until Dec. 20,1991. Subject to availability. Call for more info, call Randy (415) 444-7550.

CRUISING GEAR/CHARTS. Electronics, hard¬ ware, extensive Mexico/Hawaii/So. Pac, charts. Call for list (916) 687-7949.

sion. Spare parts. $1,200. (209) 683-4864. YANKEE, NEW HOOD sail 9.8 dacron, triple

WANTED $50.00 REWARD. HELP me find a good used

Marine diesel engine 30-35 hp approximately $2,000. Must strip for 17X32 hatch passage. Finder's fee paid if approved. Have Volvo MD17C 34 hp. Trade in. Call Vem at (415) 601-8772 or (415) 655-7771. Call any hour.

STORM SAILS Storm jib 160 square feet 10 oz.

dacron $325, Strom trisail 156 square feet 10 oz. dacron new late 1970's never used. Robin (415) 332-4104. J-24 SAILS. Almost new (used only 4 days).

Latest North (Curtis) design. Main with 2 windows, jib with 2 windows, mylar genoa with window and tacking grommet, crosscut spinnaker. $2,800. (415) 595-2948.

URGE TRIMARAN. Cross, Horstman, Newick

or late model Piver 40-ft or larger. Good bluewater liveaboard for larger family. Buy outright or will consider trade for three bedroom home in Sacra¬ mento, CA area. Please phone (916) 371-6541.

MAST, SPARCRAFPSTO AWAY” mast, boom, sail, wire, tumbuckles complete, from Norsman 444. 67.5 feet $4,500 b/o. (805) 772-3777 (hr msg).

45-FT UPWIND BERTH #F51. Emery Cove

LIFERAFT 6 PERSON AVON hard ppck. Will

Marina, Emeryville. Good facilities and security reasonable. Call (510) 524-5807.

indude testing and certification with purchase. $1,900. Will consider Irade for computer equip¬ ment Laser printer, 386 AT. (415) 663-9225. ENGINES FOR SALE. Used Volvo diesel parts, all makes/models, 658-2134. Volvo PentaMD3B, 36 hp, $3,000. Volvo Penta, Tamp 31,130 hp, $6,000. Volvo Penta 2002 with gear, dash panel, wire harness, engine mounts, tool kit, manuals. Will buy your used engine. $4,500. Call (415) 658-3377.



Exciting 20-hr wknd. course covering vitally important topics: Outfitting, Safety, Medicine, Finances, Provisioning & more. John Neal & Barbara Marrett look forward to sharing the most up-to-date info. Nov. 9 & 10: Friday Harbor, WA, Mar. 14 & 15 San Francisco. ARMCHAIR SAILOR • 1500 Westlake N. Seattle, WA 98109 • (206) 283-0858.



P.M., M

OWN YOUR OWN 40-FT BERTH at Pier 39.

Upwind on the quiet side. Phone line. $26,500. (408) 723-4720.


One week on sail repairs. Free estimates. Bogart-Goring Sailmaker. (415) 523-9011

MARINE SURVEYOR Robert A. Viel, Member National Assoc, of Marine Surveyors. Approved by all banks and marine companies. Serving the Bay Area and Delta. Wood, Fiberglass and Steel. Delta: (916) 776-1094 - Bay Area: (415) 420-9450

1 -800-326-YARN After 5:00

BOAT SUPS FOR RENT BY OWNER. Emery Cove Marina Excellent location, beautiful mod¬ em marina, five minutes to Bay Bridge. 30,40, 45,50 ft slips available. $4.50 & $5.00 per ft. Call Rod (510) 656-2702 or Norm (415) 522-2928.


'rVi / V

Let me help you tie up your loose end§. Bulk and cut length cord¬ age. You can counton dependable service and pre-historic prices. B/JoIpeciaL (/W) 0/0*40^0


stitching, luff 56.00, foot 23.50, leech 43.50, LP 17.18,481 square feet $975, Call Robin (415) 332-4104,8am-5pm,M-F.

- S

CUSTOM HOME IN ALAMEDA ESTUARY Beautiful waterfront home • Sunken living room with lovely rock fireplace, overlooking your boat and the water • Three bedrooms • Large dock, plus 48' float • Large shop at dock level Adjoining duplex also available • Both in excellent condition! (415) 523-7692










FCC Lie. PG-T2-27803 67 Liberty Ship Way, Sausalito, CA





page 173

TIBURON PRIVATE SLIP. Located in Paradise

Cay. tt is deep water and protected. Will accom¬ modate up to a40-ft boat. Available for immediate short or long term rental. $125/month. Call Ze’e\ at (415) 435-9280.

LOCAL MALE SAILOR would like to meet a fun attractive female sailor who likes the outdoors with some sailing experience. Someone who en¬ joys life and its many adventures. Please call 935-5543 for more info.

CREW POSITION AVAILABLE for an intelligent,

35+ female. Sail with me aboard my Bristol chan¬ nel cutter through Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Boeneo, etc. Share expenses, no other obliga¬ tions. Write: Roger, Yacht: Xiphias, Perak Yacht Club, Lusmut Perak, West Malaysia, 32200.


CREW SANTANA 22 CREW WANTED. Daysails, prac¬

tice sessions, serious racing. Will train. You need the ability to honor your word, a desire to win, and foulies. Preference to South Bay residents with spinnaker experience. Mike (415) 967-7886.

share a Caribbean-Med cruise. The boat is a 41ft cutter, fully equipped including pasta maker. I am 56, retired, happy, athletic, developing emo¬ tionally and spiritually. Friends describe me as sensitive, warm, gentle and a great cook. On portions of the cruise I will offer medical care to natives in remote anchorages, adding an interest¬ ing, rewarding dimension to the experience. Inter¬ ested? Like garlic? Please call Richard at (415) 814-8688. Non-smoker, trim only, please.

GUY, 36, WANTS FM SAILING partner for day


CUTE, CUDDLY, blue-eyed blond, sensuous,

SWF looking for crew position. Available next spring for extended cruise to South Pacific, Eu¬ rope, anywhere different. Non-smoker, 40-some¬ thing. Some foreign cruising experience, some basic Spanish skills. Nancy, (407) 897-3381 (Florida).

romantic, rambunctious, verbal, humorous, musi¬ cal, 40ish, seeks lasting partner for cruising. Re¬ lationship-oriented, 1-woman seaman, warm, honest, fun, fit, sensuous, secure, music lover az, without addictions/current beaus. Letter, photo: #1625, Sausalito, CA 94966.

sailing and cruising on 40-ft wooden ketch. Call Chris (415) 485-6091. SKIPPER AVAILABLE. Don Calder, USCG100-

ton, British yacht master, sail and power experi¬ ence. Pacific Coast, Mexico, Alaska, So. Pacific and Caribbean. College education, energetic, enthusiastic - Try mel Call (415) 927-2851.322 Corte Madera Ave., Corle Madera,- CA 94925.


capable of sailing all points south and west, or around the world. I am a single, 28, non-smoker, heterosexual, white male with 20 yrs. sailing ex¬ perience racing and cruising. Call Bruce at (408) 646-0229. CARIBBEAN CRUISER Novemberthru January.

Sail the Bahamas, Hispanola and the Virgin Is¬ lands. Some sailing experience desired. Only those who can participate for the whole cruise call. (415) 349-3826 or (408) 739-2024. CRUISE MEXICO IN 45-FT KETCH. Male, straight

and strong sought for crew. Write about yourself stating your interests, skills, experience, personal description, education and phone number. P.O. Box 1664, Los Gatos, CA 95031-1664. HELP. I’LL EVEN PAY YOU to help crew your

boat West Coast to Hawaii, anytime ASAP. Strong, healthy, good natured worker and cook. Call 1800-322-6498 or write Janet Baysinger, 78-6800 Alii Drive, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. RACING

CREW WANTED for custom

Schumacher 26 "Summertime Dream". Looking for several experienced sailors willing to commit to serious midwinter racing schedule. No ex¬ penses required. Roger 751-7604.

ADVENTUROUS attractive, congenial lady with

Mexico cruising experience seeks respectable, tall, non-smoking skipper, 35-50, bound for tropi¬ cal climes. An imaginative cook, I steer, trim, coastal navigate and scuba dive. Will also con¬ sider couple, or largervessel needing crew. Judith (213) 827-3629.

YELAPX, MEXICO Stay close to your boat while

RACING CREW for a Santana 35. Big boat one design class racing. Berthed at South Beach Harbor, San Francisco. Must be dependable for practice and race days. Call Richard at 348-8527.

enjoying hot showers, all home comforts in a sea front casita. Village amenities only minutes away in this paradise beyond cars, electricity, varied accommodations, reasonable rates. Especially good February through October. (415) 331-3621.

TRAILER SAILERS. Let's get together to cruise,

camp and travel. Skippers and crewpersons wel¬ come to call and see what would interest you. Take off the tarp and use our boats the way we thought we would. Call Bob (415) 493-5891. COMERUNAWAYWITHMEtosome enchanted isle. Come swim in crystal waters. Sun on de¬ serted sandy beaches. Beautiful 46-ft ketch needs good hearted woman as first mate to share sailing adventures to world's exotic places. Leaving Monterey late October. Skipper is mature, gentle, romantic, skier and pilot. Isn't it time? Carlos (408) 847-4690.

radar, AP, all extras. 3rd Mexico trip. Need me¬ chanical seaperson. Leaving MDRforCabo/Puerto Vallarta Nov. 1. Contact Vem (818) 848-6084. Written replies to 1719 N. San Fernando Rd., Burbank, CA 91504. EXPERIENCEDCREWLADYEnergetic, depend¬ able, easy-going, cheerful young woman seeks trans-Pacific cruise Sept. 1991 to Sept 1992. Bluewater experience, sail, nav., helm and galley skills. Jennifer Frederick, 1255 Gulstream Ave., #704, Sarasota, FL 34236. (813) 366-4660.


Bay sail loft, part-time immediately, full-time later. Involves customer service and billing. Some sail¬ ing knowledge, computer/WP skills, and a per¬ sonable, conscientious attitude desired. Call (415) 856-2128. SAILMAKER WANTED. Pay, commission and

benefits commensurate with experience. If you have dreamed of living on the beautiful Central Coast come join our team. Send resume to: Cen¬ tral Coast Sailmakers, 1147 #B Market St., Morro Bay, CA 93442. CHARTER COORDINATOR, must be very orga¬

nized, sailing knowledge a plus, must be able to type. Must work weekends, possibly more. Linda, Horizons Charters. (510) 521-5370.

JOBS WANTED MAIL FORWARDING, bookkeeping for long-dis¬ tance cruisers by grounded cruiser with book¬ keeping, tax experience. Very sympatheticto cruis¬ ers' needs. Permanent, property-owning resident of Alameda. 464-3037.

remodeling project in Marin County. 23 years experience. References, resume available. Please call Steve Weaver at (415) 383-0903.

NON-PROFIT Club is the gay yacht club serving Northern Cali¬ fornia. Call (415) 905-6267. BAY AREA WOMEN AT THE HELM, a lesbian boating club, is open to all women. For informa¬ tion or a brochure, call Mary 236-0715. WANTED: DONATE YOUR YACHT and/or real

estate. Substantial tax benefits available. Re¬ ceive cash and tax benefits with bargain saledonation. Contact Allen T. Wedvick, Executive Director, American Society For Environmental Education (since 1970), 1592 Union St., Ste 426, San Francisco, CA 94123. (415) 474-2333.

IF YOU WANT YOUR YACHT DELIVERED any¬ where, I will beat any price. I have many refer¬ ences. I ran a charter yacht for 10 years and also completed a circumnavigation logging over 100k miles. Contact Capt. Roger 945-8207.


Mexico vet. Recent epoxy bottom, Awlgrip topsides,exhaustsytem.Newin1986;Westerbeke 2 cyl. diesel, shrouds, Forespar club jib & rig, traveller, 4 cruising sails, 6 total. $14,900. (415)

RICHARD T. CHRISTOPHER Marine Surveyor & Consultant

SF Bay & Ocean Educational Cruising

Senring entire Bay & North Coast areas * 40 years experience Sail • Power •• All Types of Construction •• Wood a Specialty Member: Society of accredited marine surveyors * ABYC (415)368-8711 (408)778-5143

Customized instructional cruising from 1 to 3 days Congenial CG-licensed skippers • SF airp. location Modern, fully-equipped, 39' performance sloop

RESIDENTIAL WATERFRONT LOT on Napa River 50' x 120' Utilities Terms $149,000.00 County Road on one side of lot - River on the other. Bid a float for your boat. NAPA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE • 1200 Milton Road • Ask for Al • (707) 252-8011

ISN'T TIME YOU LEARNED TO FIX YOUR OWN ENGINE PROBLEMS? Santa Cruz Seminar • Sept. 21 & 22,1991 Grand Marina, Seminar, Alameda • Oct. 5 & 6,1991 Night Classes Thursday Nights 5-10pm • P.M. 1510-522-7300

How do you get your name in the hands of 48,000 sailing readers for only $45.00 a month?. page 174

available immediately in small South Bay sail loft. Excellent opportunity for creative, industrious per¬ son with experience. Variety of custom and pro¬ duction work. (415) 858-1544.


GAY BOATERS ■ The Barbary Coast Boating CREW WANTED - MEXICO 48-ft. power diesel,




companion to share sailing, sports, possible ro¬ mance & long term relationship. I’m straightfor¬ ward, easy-going, enjoy sailing, skiing, tennis, windsurfing, biking, classical music, dancing. If you're warm, intelligent, athletic, attractive, SWF, 30-45, no addictions,please call Chuck,381 -1761.


Call Oyster Yachting, (415) 871-5163 for info

L.P.U. PAINT JOBS $50/FT For more info, call CHRIS at (707) 257-3560 (eves) Get those top sides painted now! Before E.P.A. stops it alii!

Serious Adult Entertainment Great Pumpkin Regatta October 26-27 The Richmond Yacht invites the following designs: Wabbit,J24&35. Moore24, Cal227, Newport30. Express27&37, Olson25&30, Etchells, Hawkfarm. For applications call the dob at 415-237-2821

.Try Latitude 38 Business Classified: $45.00/mo

(40 word maximum) All submissions must be accompanied with payment and received no later than the 18th of the prior month Sorry, no classified billing, phone or fax orders. No exceptions.



PENINSULA MARINE SERVICES 639 Bair Island Road #8 • Redwood City, CA 94063

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Custom interiors and exteriors 25 years experience

THE DOCKSIDE RIGGING SERVICE • Standing & Running Rigging • • Mast Inspection • • Professional Maintenance • • Winch & Hardware Servicing •




• • •

Wooden spars & booms: More than 2500 linear feet built Shop accomodates 30+ ft yachts Complete restoration and customization


Located in the Alameda Marina, Bldg. 29E Phone: 415-769-0878

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(510) 465-1093

HEA VY DUTY DEEP CYCLE MARINE BATTERIES Available at the following local marine chandleries and service distributors: Landfall Marine, Sausalito Mariner Boat Works, Alameda Neville Marine Electric, Alameda Stone Boat Yard, Alameda Svendsen's Chanderly, Alameda Proper-Tighe Marine, Alameda Star Marine, Alameda Golden State Diesel Marine, Oakland Boater's Friend, Berkeley Scandinavian Marine, Berkeley Bay Yacht Service, Alameda Altamarine Electronics, Alameda

AMERICAN BATTERY Hayward, CA (510) 881-5122_


1411 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702

Custom Sewing Available


Over 800 patterns on hand, covering most production boats built. Call or write for a quote.

^Cushions 313 N Bronte, Rockport, Texas 78382

800-531-1014*512/729-1244 SEA THE FINEST! JOIN OUR PRESTIGIOUS FLEET OF BOAT DONORS! The California Maritime Academy provides unparalleled

your ALTERNATIVE ENERGY dealer • Solar Panels • Inverters • 12V Appliances • High Amperage Alternators, Regulators • Solar Nicad Battery Chargers • "AA" to "D" Cell • Energy Efficient Lighting • 12VDC and 110AC • 12 Volt Bedwarmers • 3 Widths 24", 46", 60" All 5-ft Long, 5.0 to 6.7 Amps Draw • And Much, Much Morel I Call Dennis At:

(415) 332-6726

boating and sailing programs, and is the direct beneficiary of the boat acquisition program operated by the California Maritime Academy Foundation. Utilizing the waters of the Carquinez Straits and San Fran¬ cisco Bay, C.MA. welcomes vessels of all types, marine equipment, and training aids. The California Maritime Academy Foundalion receives no government support. Your TAX DEOUCTIBLE CONTRIBU¬ TION will be used for demonstration and as training aids, or wiii be sold to advance the instructional program. DONATE YOUR VESSEL TO THE CALIFORNIA MARITIME ACADEMY!

Located in Sausalito in the

For adciitibnal information and free brochure, call or write:

Schoonmaker Building, #160


Joanne Cech 1-800-472-2623

page 176

StocftfaCe Marine • Montgomery Sailboats & Dinghies • O'Day/Cal Sailboats • Mariner Outboards • Prindle Cats • • Specializing in Trailerable Sailboats • Over 50 Boats on Display • 4730 MYRTLE AVENUE, SACRAMENTO, CA 95841 - (916) 332-0775 • Fax (916) 332-2500

12' 14' 14' 14' 15' 15' 16' 17‘ 18' 19! 20' 21' 21' 21' 22' 22' 23'



With Trailers

Without Trailers

Holder Holder Laser Lido (3) Coronado (3) Montgomery Gloucester Montgomery (2) Vanguard 470 Rhodes Santana (2) Freedom (2) Venture (3) Victory Capri Catalina O'Day

23' 23' 24' 24' 24' 24' 24' 24' 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 26' 26' 27'

Ericson Santana (3) Wind rose Wavelength O'Day 240 Buccaneer 110 Venture Merit O'Day Catalina (3) MacGregor (2) Santana 525 Balboa Ranger (swing) Balboa

14' 14' 24' 25' 26' 27' 27' 28' 30' 30' 30' 32' 36' 50'

Sunfish (2) Force 5 Columbia (2) Catalina (2) Ranger (2) Cal Ericson Cal Catalina (2) Irwin Rawson Kettenberg Catalina Piver Trimaran

DEALERS FOR SAILBOATS Montgomery 15' & 17' DINGHIES Montgomery 6'8", 7*11 ”, 9' Livingston 7', 7.5', 9', 10' INFLATABLES RIS, Quicksilver, Avon POWERBOATS Livingston 12', 14', 15.5' OUTBOARD MOTORS

CATAMARANS Prindle, Nacra TRAILERS Trailrite, Zieman, Calkins, EZ Loader, Shoreline, DHL ANCHORS Fortress, Danforth, Bruce

ADVERTISERS' INDEX ABC Yachts ..11 ABC Yacht Charters.143 Alameda Yacht Brokers.179 AllstateOuan. 19 Alpenglow Marine Service.44 Altamarine Electronics.30 American Battery.....176 Armchair Sailor. 78 Baja Naval.133 Bailiwick Sails and Canvas.72 Ballena Bay Yacht Brokers. .8 Ballena Isle Marina.183 Boy Bridge Yachts.178 I Baytronics...73 Bay Riggers...43 Bay Yacht Service.43 1 B Boats.153 BC Navigation Center.137 Benicia Marina.67 Berkeley Marina.71 ; Boater's Friend ..75 ; Boatswain's Locker.41 1 Boy Scouts - Old Baldy Council . 142 ; Boy Scouts - San Francisco.43 ■ Boy Scouts - Stanford...10 i British Marine .....67 Brisbane Marina.62 Bruno's Island.53 Cable-Moore.152 Cabrillo Isle Marina.115 Cal Berkeley.73 : CaLCoast Marine.12 CaIMarine Electronics.54 | California Custom Canvas.61 | Calif. Maritime Academy.176 iCass'Marina.142 C Cushions.176 i Central Coast SailmaKers.47

age 177

Chri- nan Ventures.53 City Yachts.178 Clipper Yacht Harbor.39 Club Nautique.42 Conch Charters.143 Corsair Marine.25 Creative Canvas.52 Cruising Seas Delivery.53 Cruising World Pacific.8,9 D'Anna Yacht Center.34 Davis Weather.80 DeWitt Gallery.53 Downwind Design.75 Downwind Marine.:.133 Eagle Yacht Sales.22 Edgewater Yacht Sales.180 Edinger.14 Emery Cove Marina.52 Famous Foam.176 Farallone Yachts Sales.22 First New England Financial.63 Flag Bag.53 Fleming Marine...175 Fortman Marina.32 Fraser Yachts - Sausalito.178 Glanola & Sons.59 Glacier Bay.60 Gold Coast Yachts.179 Golden State Diesel.176 Gorman, Bill, Yacht Soles.13 Grand Harbor Fuel Dock.80 Grand Marina.2 Hackworth Insurance.38 Haynes Sails...52 Helmut's Marine Service...52 Helms Yacht Sales.25 Hewett Marine.62 Hogin Sails. 50 Hood Sailmakers. 10 Integre Marine.180

International Yacht Service.175 Islo-—’ ~ Charters.143 J -oats West.23 Johnson Hicks-.59 Kappas Marina.68 Kensington Yacht.33 Kettenburg Marine.165 Lager Yachts.54 Larsen Sails.107 Leading Edge Sails.63 Lee Yachts, Bill.45 Lee Sails.69 List Marine.75 Long & Assoc.115 Marin County Boatworks.72 Marina Palmira...142 Marin Yacht Sales.182 Marina Village.'..51 Marine Canvas Shop.115 Marine Engine Co.69 Mariner Boatyard ....20 Mariner Products.52 Mariner Sq Yachting Cntr.20-25 Marlon, Sails by.16 Maritime Electronics.15 Martinez Marine Hardware.14 McDonnel Marine.121 McGinnis Insurance.76 Meridian Yacht Sales.176 Metal Magic ..57 Minney's Yacht Surplus.128 Misty Isle Yacht Charters.143 Monterey Bay Fiberglass..71 Napa Valley Marina.179 Nelson's Marine.,.184 Nor Cal Yachts.21 Nor Pac Yachts.180 North Beach Canvas.69 North Sails.7 O'Neills Yacht Center.6 Oceanic Yachts.179 Offshore Soil & Motor Yachts.143

Offshore Survival Products.121 Olympic Circle Sailing Club.48 OMS Solar.175 Outboard Motor Shop.. 115 Owl Harbor.142 Oyster Cove Marina.80 Oyster Point Marina.66 Pacific Coast Canyas ..27 Pacific Marine Exchange.69 Pacific Marine Supply.64 Pacific Yacht Imports.61 Panasonic.29 Parker, Kent, Surveyor.40 Passage Yachts....4,5 Pelafoam.142 Pennlnsula Canvas.175 Petaluma Marina.40 PettiFMorry.78 Pier 66 Boatyard.40 Pier 39 Marina .56 Pineapple Sails.3 Pioneer Marketing.71 Polysar Rubber Co.57 Port Sonoma-Marin.31 Positive Strokes Rowing.65 * Premier Yacht Sales.181 Pryde, Neil Sails' .153 Questus....1.67 Ralateo Carenage.164 Railmakers SF Boy.61 Richmond Boat Works.57 Richmond Marina Bay.65 Richmond Yacht Service.153 Rogers Electronic Service.69 S.F. BoatWorks.46 Sail Exchange.65 Sail Fiji.143 Sailomaf.121 SailriteKits.121 Sailteclnc.152 SAMS.176 San Diego Yacht Club.26 San Leandro Marina.73

San Rafael Auction Gallery.27 Sausalito Tall Ships Society.27 Scandinavian Marine.35 Scanmar Marine Products.63 Scan Marine Equipment.10 Schoonmaker Point Marina.58 Seabreeze Limited.120 Sea power Marine.59 Shannon Yachts.40 Sobstad.129 Soren Hansen Woodcraft.175 South Beach Harbor.17 Sparky Marine Electrics.176 Spinnaker Shop, The.14 Sporting Lives...65 Starbuck Canvas.66 Stockdale Marine 4 Navigation Center.177 Slone Boat Yard.49 Sunroad Resort Marina.120 Sutter Sails.18 Svendsen's Boat Works.55 Tedrlck-Higbee...26 Trodewlna Instruments Ltd.16 Tradewind Sailing Center.36,37,70 Trask Yachts, Don.23 Tuff-Luff...175 U.S. Point.76 Valiant Yachts.176 Valle|o Marina.76 Vessel Assist.75 Viking Yacht Delivery.. 40 Village West Marina.137 Voyager Marine.128 Wescott Cove Publishing.121 West Marine.77,79,81 Westwind Precision Details.68 Whole Earth Access.74 World Yachts.8 Wrighlway Design..175 Yochtmasters.28 Yegen Marine.24 Z-Spar.62

Keoni Warinner Al Levenson

The Bay Area's International Yacht Brokerage Firm

Bill Redfield





320 Harbor Drive, Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 332-5311 • Fax: (415) 332-7036

3471 Via Lido-Box 2268 (714) 673-5252 • Fax: (714) 673-8795

2353 Shelter Island Drive (619) 225-0588 • Fax: (619) 225-1325

1205 Westlake Avenue North (206) 282-4943 • Fax: (206) 285-4956

33' BERTRAM sportfisher, 1988. Twin 340 Mercruisersw/ 250 hrs. 6.5 kw Onan. Aircond. like new. 2 available from $159,000.


5.1' BREWER ALUMINUM KETCH, 1984. CAT dsls, aft stateroom, A.B.S. specs., finest equipment, 6'7" headroom. Has cruised Alaska & South Pacific twice.Ready to go again. FlINEST CENTER COCKPIT OFFSHORE PASSPORT 47 on West Coast. Top condition, few hours, professionally maintained. Divorce forces sale. $225,000.

America's Cup '92 S A N


7 / / /

& i>






CT48. Aux. sailing ketch, Perr design. New bottom paint, staterooms/heads, plenty < storage. Fireplace in the larg salon.Teak interior. Replace ment cost $280k. In exceller condition. $140,000.

37'TAYANA Cutter. Outstanding cruising boat, prof, maintained. Built 1977. Loaded with gear. Ready for luxury circumnavigation. Priced to sell at $85,000.

QUALITY LISTINGS NEEDED 10 Marina Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94213 (415) 567-8880

SAILBOATS 29 CAL . ...-Reduced to 23.000 30 CATALINA . .29.000 31 CAL . . . Reduced to 28.000 32 ERIC SON. .29.500 32 PEARSON. .37.500 33 NOR WE ST. .55.000 33 ALDEN. .29.500 34 SC HOCK.. .64.500 35 SANTANA . .55.000 36 ISLANDER. ... Reduced to 62.500 36‘ PETERSON. ... Reduced to 79.000 36 SABRE. . 115.000 36 CUTTER. .23.000 36 C&C. .53.000 37' EXPRESS. . 98.000 38 SABRE. . 175.000 38 FARALLONE CLPR ... Reduced to 25.000 10 CHALLENGER. .84.500 40 NORDIC . . 135.000 II C&C 41. ... 149.000 41 ISLANDER FREEPORT. 73.900 ■IT SCEPTRE. .2 from 185.000 ■/■/ NORDIC. . 142.000 4 1 LAFITTE. Reduced to 140.000 44 NORSEMAN. .225.000 PETERSON. . 110.000 45 COLUMBIA. ... Reduced to 79.000 47 VALIANT. . Reduced to 195.000 51 BALTIC . .375.000 65 SWAN 651. . 1.250.000 POWER BOATS 30' FAIRCHILD. .65.000 32 GRAND BANKS . . 137.500 32 GRAND BANKS SEDAN. 107.000 34 CHB . . 66.000

FAX 415-567-6725 POWER BOATS - cant'd 34' CHB TRA WLER DC.„_... 59.500 34' SILVERTON CONVERTIBLE ... 118.000 35 BERTRAM.Reduced to 98.500 35' FLYBRIDGE SEDAN .58.500 36 OCEAN EXPRESS CRUISER... 134.500 36 GRAND BANKS CLASSIC.. 48.750 36 GRAND BANKS EUROPA .235.000 36' GRAND BANKS CLASSIC.79.500 38' BETRAM MOTOR YACHT.89.500 38 BERTRAM CONVERTIBLE. 195.000 ' 38 HUNTER. 29.900 38 MATHEWS .Reduced to . 39.500 40 OCEAN ALEXANDER SDN. 170.000 40' OCEAN ALEXANDER SON. 140.000 It MONK.80.000 42' GRAND BANKS CLASSIC.279.000 42' OCEAN ALEXANDER SEDAN . 229.000 42' GRAND BANKS CLASSIC.91.000 42' OCEAN ALEXANDER SDN.285.000 43' ALBIN TRAWLER. 115.000 43' PRESIDENT. 150.000 46' CHRIS CRAFT Constellation ... 105.000 48 TOLL YCRAFT MTRYACHT.224.000 48' TOLLYCRAFT MTRYACHT.300.000 49' ALBIN TRAWLER .... Reduced to 155.000 50' STEPHENS . 140.000 50 OCEAN ALEXANDER MY.240.000 50' OCEAN ALEXANDER PH .340.000 51 KING & HALVORSEN.395.000 51' SPOILER.350.000 52' NORDIC. 465.000 53' HATTER AS .385.000 53' NORDLAND BOAT CO.249.000 57' CHRIS CONNIE.715.000 70 DITMAR & DONALDSON ,.525.000 78 MONK.Reduced tol.495.000 98 COOPER YACHTS.3.995.000

40’ TASH1BA CT, 1985 Perfect world cruiser. Like new. $166,000.

• • •

30' (SUNDER Sloop, SD, '83_.32,000 33* PEARSON 10M Sloop, 75 —$ 39,000 36' PEIERSONSIoop, 79 ™™$ 75,000 37* TAYANA Cutter, '83 L»™_$ 89,500 37* WILUAHSTRl Ketch, 78™$ 22,000 40’ SWALLOW Swift) Ketch,'82 .$ 98,000 40’TASHKA Cutter, '85_$T66,000 41'CORONADO Sloop,'72-$ 54,000 43* CM lANDFAU Sloop, '85_$129,500 45' COLUMBIA Ketdi 72__$ 65,000

• • • • • • • • • •

Oyster Cove Marina, So, San Francisco

page 178


(415)331-0533 FAX (415) 331-1642


308 Harbor Drive Sausalito, CA 94965


Computerized Multiple Listing Service

Formerly Rex Yacht Sales

Open Boats Oct. 12. 13. 19 & 20 * ISl Ill!



CT 48 KETCH 1978

Unique liveaboard layout & sailing performance. Rebuilt diesel & genset, head w/tub, epoxy bottom, queen berth. $159,000/0ffers • JOHN BAIER

Refurbished 1988 • Cavernous interior Best equipment & electronics $250,000 • TOM RAFTER

Tri cabin layout • Just varnished • Microwave Wood burning fireplace • Ultimate liveaboard $143,000.0ffers JOHN BAIER




Dutch built, "one-of-a-kind", 6 staterooms. Perfect cruise/charter. Extensive inventory. $395,000/0ffers • JOHN BAIER

True quality in design, construction & performance. 2 staterooms, diesel, etc. $135,000 • PETE FROMHAGEN

Beautifully built, finest materials. Veteran West Coast cruiser. Comforatble, classic design. $98,000 • PETE FROMHAGEN







ALAMEDA YACHT BROKERS 1070 Marina Village Pkwy Alameda, CA 94501

(510) 521-5532 Fax (510) 521-5534

The Multihull Company

45-651 USCG Certified Daysail Catamarans Revolutionary Wave Piercing Dive Boats and Water Taxis Offshore Performance Cruising Catamarans P.O. Box 1980 Kingshill, Si. Croix, USVI 00851

28' NEWPORT, 1981. Terrific value in a family weekend cruiser. Very well equipped w/wheel, dsl, shore power, dodger,rollerfurling,electronics. Origi¬ nally listed at $28,000-owner will sacri¬ fice at $19,500.

36' ISLANDER, 1973. Diesel, like new, 3 jibs. Harken, furling. Great Bay one-design. Asking $38,500. (Sistership)

(809) 778-1004 • FAX (809) 778-2859 ■

Patent pending


(707) 252-8011 WE HAUL MULTIHULLS • CALL THE MULTIHULL EXPERTS COLUMBIA 8.6. Like new inside and out. Diesel, wheel and electronics. Asking $22,500. (Sistership)

35' SANTANA. Several listings rings-oi - one extremely well equipped with fim cruise and race gear, bags of sails, diesel cabin heater, roller furling, dodger in excllent condition. 35s available from $35,000.


COVERED SLIP RENTAL RATES: 28'...$130 32'... $149 NEW DOCK • 45'...$235

Next Open Boat Weekend October 12 & 13.


List and Sell Quickly At Our High Traffic Location - Call Now!

We are selling boats! Call us with your listing!


page 179


557 Francisco Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94107

(415) 485-6044 FAX (415) 4*5-0335 SALES DOCKS AVAILABLE FOB OUB LISTINGS


RANGES 33, 1974. Excellent racer/cruiser. 9 bags of sails in good condition. This boat's a steal lor $19,000 or best offer.

CHEOY LEE 41 KETCH, 1981. Beautilu! leak interior, leak decks, Isuzu diesel. Exeellentcruiser/ liveaboard. Fully equipped and ready to go. $98,000 - owner must sell!



classic yawl, BMW dsl, new sails '89. Just hauled, all new paint. Bristol cond. $36,500.

107, VHF, Loran, shower. A great cruiser. Ask¬ ing $24,750.




■NHBHmi <:■








Elliott 33 ('87).$68,950 Young 34 ('88)..i -76,950 Faa 34.3 from! 62,500 Peterson 36, immae. $79,000 Farr 44 ('84)........$250,000 Davidson 56 ('88)...... Offers



1929 PORT ORFORD CEDAR HULL VARNISHED TEAK CABINS AND TEAK INTERIOR, TWIN 160 CHRYSLERS, YACHT CONDITION. ASKING $75,000. KArllvl ,. isingst Loaded with equipment and ready to go. $67,500. DWn V PcrtfiM 42 LMS. md




; | ] i

O'Day 28 ('82).$24,900 Morgan 33, Ivbd.... $39,500 Hunter 35 ('89)..$74,000 Clork 45, dossic... $156,500 Salthouse 53.$175,600 Clark 72 ('87)... $1,620,000

MGING Young 28 UIDB ('89)$37,000 J-29P83). $25,000 Wylie 341'82).$36,500 Ross 40 ('83).$110,000 Barnett 52 ('84)....$195,000 Elliott 58 (’89).$425,000

1155 Embarcadero Oakland, CA 94606

(510) 465 6060 page 180


SAN FRANCISCO BAY Fax 510.658.1635

3300 Powell St., Suite 8 Emeryville, CA 94608

(510) 652-2109


>sgir§i n


U£ fcV . .m B-

ISLANDER 36 - One left. Great value, family11 GIILFSTAR 43' ■ 79. Center cockpit aft Diesel. Owner liquidating assets. I cabin, cruise equipped. New bottom GreaT HBSfelf ^^*9*"* I IJWlifiG 3S' 77 ketch Brand new Yanmar Jff one s verY dean and reason- I dsl, lots of cruising equipment. In nice shape. Asking 545,000/submit all offers. I liveaboard. $85,000. aole. toll us. $89,000,_I $55,000 but submit afl offers, owner wants itsolcL

NEWPORT 33' • '83. Diesel propane, pressure water, e anjily fun. Call and makec

O'DAY 30* 79.2 cylinder diesel. $22,500. I desigapertaf world class cruiser. ^OO^01*


PEARSON 365 ■ 79. Race Sloop version, I YAMAHA 25 ■ '80 fast Docket miter ,a Per^ect'1 loaded. Call now! I Yanmar diesel inboard. Clean. Asking $17,000/ 1 offers.

CATALINA 38 - *83. Loaded. Epoxybottom. I CATALINA 36 • '83 Diesel wem nafiS$43000^0™erW°nlS'*^ ■ setUpferliveaboDrd-Asking$62'500-


————J_■ ?/:;>SQQ-

CELERE, New...$275,000 COLUMBIA.$75,000 GULFSTAR, 1977.$85,000 H/RASSY, 1982 .$185,000 SANTA CRUZ, 1985.$85,000 CATALINA, 1984.$43,000 ISLANDER, 1979 .$37,000 CSC, 1980.$53,000 365 PEARSON, 1979.CALL CATALINA, 1983..$62,500 J35, 1983..$75,000 SANTANA, 1980 .$52,000 SPENCER, 1965 ...$25,500

SELECTED LISTINGS MARINER, 1977 .$55 000 ERICSON, 1988.$84,000 PEARSON, 1984.$55,000 NEWPORT, 1983 .$36,000 ERICSON, 1986.$49,000 0'DAY, 1979.$22,500 WILLARD, 1977.$36,500 CATAUNA, 1978.$28,500 RAWSON, 1962 .$18,000 J29,1984...$29,000 ROYAL CRUISER, 1970.$11,500

28' 28' 27' 26' 25' 25' 23'

NEWPORT, 1978 .$15,500 0'DAY, 1982 .$22,500 CHE0Y LEE, 1969.$8,000 RANGER, 1974.$9,500 OLSON, 1985 .$19,000 YAMAHA, 1980.$17,000 SPIRIT, 1978 .$10,000


71' CUSTOM, 1936.$125,000 53' BLUEWATER, 1980.$145,000 50' CUSTOM TRAWLER, 1967.$150,000


I days. $35,000/submit all offers.

CARVER, 1987.$169,000 CRUISERS, 1988.$185,000 GRAND BANKS, 1973.$135,000 HERSHINE, 1981.$85,000 CHRIS CRAFT, 1985.$ 69,500 CARVER, 1987 . $185,000 SEA RAY, 1986 .$ 62,500 CHB, 1980.$ 55,000 CARVER MARINER, 1986 .$72,500 STAMUS SP0RTFISH, 1979.$45,000 SEA RAY, 1978.$29,500 AVANTI BA LINER, 1988 .$35,000 BAYUNER 2655, 1989 .$26,000 SEA RUNNER, 1985 .$29,500





LOWRIE YACHT HARBOR 40 Pt. San Pedro Road San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 454-7595 FAX: 415-454-2561 Telex: 384605 MYS UD

4T CT PILOTHOUSE KETCH 1975 Dual control stations, 70 HP diesel, owners double bed, separate stall shower, your chance to cruise in comfort and style. For only S98,500.

ISLANDER 30 11,1971

32' WESTSAIL, 1979

Race rigged. Very clean.

A nice clean factory finished model, well equipped

Asking S19.500.

for liveaboard or offshore cruising. Asking S59.500.


HERE 34' PEARSON 1984 diesel sloop. Wheel, sleeps six, new dodger, new epoxy bottom, very clean. Asking S68.000.



TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS! Limited number of 24-foot slips @ $4.75/foot Choice end ties on marina entrance @ $5.75/foot FREE reciprocal privileges at our other 4 marinas along the California coast Launch ramp adjacent to the marina VISA/MC Union 76 Credit Cards Month-end billing extended to chandlery and fuel for our tenants

Prime Bay access Free pump out Deli SAN FRANCISCO BAY

Restaurant Showers Laundry room

OCTOBER 4,5, 6TH. 10:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.



Dry storage


Calm harbor







1-800-675-SLIP • (510) 523-5528

Come in and check out our fresh & salt water fishing gear and boating videos! Gifts • Maintenance Supplies Accessories One day service for items not in stock

Nelson ’sM&riM The Boatowner's Boatyard



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Professionals with Integrity


22W Clement Avenue.

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(510) I36«554i WM&

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