Carinya Early Learning Centre Newsletter

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CELC Term 2 Newsletter Our Program • • • • • • • • •

Introduction Change to CELC staff CELC New Playground Risky Play Wet Weather Reminder Preschool 2020 Enrolments Around the Rooms Did you Know… Important Dates

Changes to the Team Narelle Murdoch – Acting Team Leader at CELC from 29.04/2019-25.05.2019 Kara Mitchell – Working Administration at MELC from 29.04.2019-25.05.2019 Maddi Heenan – Team Leader at TELC from 29.04.2019 -25.05.2019

Welcome Introduction

We’d like to welcome a new educator into CELC – Sangita Shah – will be working alongside Kym in the Learners Room for the month of April - May

Carinya’s New Playground Hello, my name is Narelle Murdoch, and I will be Acting Team Leader here at CELC for a month.I will be working Monday to Friday whilst Maddi is over at TELC. It is a pleasure to come back to the service where my professical career began. I have been working for Latrobe City Council for many years now and have been extremely fortunate to work in many different areas of Family Services. I have a Diploma in Community Services Child Care, and this has given me the opportunity to work in all of our early learning centres, and many of our preschool’s. I have also held a role as Family Day Care Field Officer, and I also hold a position within council as Administrative Officer in Family Services. Thank you for having me, always happy to have a chat if you would like to say hi.

We are excited at CELC as our new playground is now complete. The children and staff have enjoyed watching it’s transformation over the last month or so. An offical opening conducted by Harriet Shing MP has been arranged for Monday 13th May 2019 commencing at 10am – 10:45am. All families are welcome to attend. Harriet will be reading a story to the children in the preschool whilst she is here.

Risky Play What is risky play? “Risky play can be defined as a thrilling and exciting activity that involves a risk of physical injury, and play that provides opportunities for challenge, testing limits, exploring boundaries and learning about injury risk”. The benefits of risky play

Carinya Early Learning Centre 33-39 Rintoull Street, Morwell 5128 5722

“The benefits for children from these requirements are reduced if child care professionals use them to limit what they provide in the way of interesting and challenging environments and experiences. The ‘cotton wool’ approach can result in overrestrictive limitations on children’s right to play, experiment, explore, and to extend themselves within a stimulating, yet safe environment.” “Risk-taking is an essential part of children’s play. Managing that risk is the key to providing opportunities that support growth and development and keep children safe from unreasonable risk and injury. The balancing of these two is vital for our children’s health and development”.

“Each child is unique and so the level of risk and challenge they seek will also vary, yet most children will actively seek risk and challenge in play as they explore the world around them and their own physical abilities”. “Life is full of risk. By providing children with opportunities to participate in risky and challenging play in a safe learning environment, we provide opportunity for the development of important life skill learnings such as making choices, problem solving, measured risk taking, and navigating their way socially and emotionally in group situations. These skills will be important right through life –particularly in vulnerable stages such as their teenage years, so let’s send them out prepared”.

“Everyday life is full of risks and challenges and children need opportunities to develop the skills associated with managing risk and making informed judgements about risks from a very young age”.

Reference 6/10/26/challenge-risk-childrens-play/

Learnt Life-Skills - Risky play helps to develop important life skill learnings such as;

Wet Weather Reminder

Building resilience and persistence

Balance and coordination

• Awareness of the capabilities and limits of their own bodies • The ability to assess and make judgement about risk •

Handling tools safely and with purpose

Understanding consequence to action

Confidence and independence


Creativity and inventiveness

Curiosity and wonder

Problem solving

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The cooler weather is now upon us, just a reminder to all families to send children with some warmer clothes such as a coat and beanie’s and appropriate footwear. Unless we are experiencing heavy rains the children will be enjoying the benefits of outdoor play each day.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2020 Kindergarten Enrolments for the year 2020 are now open: If your child will be four years old by 30 April in the year that they will attend 4 year old kindergarten you can submit an Application for Registration through Latrobe City Councils Central Registration Scheme on the Latrobe City Council’s Website. For further information contact please call Family Services on

51285645 or email if you have any questions. On-time kindergarten enrolments close 30 June for the following year. Late enrolments - Placements for late enrolments will be offered in order of receipt of application where places remain available.

Kindergarten Open Days – Morwell Elizabeth Wilmont Preschool, 23-29 Well Street

Monday 13th May 2019

4.30pm 5.30pm

Parklands Preschoool, 121129 Bridle Road

Monday 13th May 2019

3.00 pm – 4.30pm

Carinya Early Learning Centre Preschool, 33-39 Rintoull Street

Monday 13th May 2019

4.00pm – 5.45 pm

Maryvale Cresent Preschool, 14 Maryvale Cresent

Monday 13th May 2019

2.30pm 4:00pm

Dala Lidj Woodlim Bellum Preschool, 3 Harold Street

Monday 13th May 2019

3.00pm – 4.00pm

Mid Valley Early 13th – 17th Education (03) 5135 May 2019 6522

Call to arrange a time

Around the Rooms Learners – In the learners room the staff have been focusing on building relationships with children and families. Ensuring open lines of communication between staff and parents, and developing trusting relationships with the

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children in the room. Within the program “cause and effect” has been explored with experiences such as bubbles, blocks, posting. The children have been busy creating easter and mothers day crafts, and painting has recently been introduced into the room, which the children have really explored.

Discoverers – The children have been baking and cooking in the discoveres room of late. Focus on sensory play has also been apart of the program, with slime and coloured pasta as a form of sensory exploration. Staff have also been focusing on emotions and how children feel, and what emotions mean. Music and Movement has been really enjoyed by all the children, as well as experiences such as the Dolls House and Fire engines that have been introduced into the room.

Inventors – Over the last few months, Piranhas don’t eat bananas has been the book of choice in this room. Which has allowed for conversations and fun learning facts about Piranha’s. The children have also been focusing on a water challenge and how much water they can drink whilst at day care. There is a rain drop in the room and if children have drank all of their water bottle during the day, they can add a sticker to the rain drop. Did You Know.. •

Babies and kids can laugh up to 300 times a day. Adults typically laugh at most, about 20 times a day. Time to get more in touch with that inner child, and really enjoy life like the little ones.

A child’s brain has its most dramatic growth period from birth until the age of 5. Kids learn from observation and instruction which sharpens their cognitive abilities. A kid’s brain really is like a sponge, soaking up as much info as possible.

Reminders •

Please leave toys from home at home, we are finding a lot of children are bringing in their special toys from home. We would hate for these items to get lost, or broken so we are asking for children to be encouraged to keep them at home.

Please label your children’s belongings, all drink bottles, lunch boxes, bags and hats and coats should have children’s name on them.

Thank You A special THANK YOU to Kylie, Beth’s mum from our explorers room. Kylie brought in new baby Esme and showed the children how to bath a baby.

Important Dates 13.05.2019

Offical Opening of Carinya’s Playground By Harriet Shing MP


Public Holiday – Queen’s Birthday

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