Moe Early Learning Centre Term 2 Newsletter

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MELC Term 2 Newsletter Our Program             

Team Leader Message Special Dates No Nuts & Eggs in Lunchboxes Download the Xplor App Wet/Cold Weather Reminder Label Clothing Medication Lost Property Baby Belle Early Learning Centre Photos Preschool 2020 Enrolments Local Preschool Open Days Woolworths Earn and Learn MELC Parents Association Messages

with the application. What an awesome opportunity to expand our gardens and enhance your children’s outdoor learning experiences! - Emily Van Der Pluym

Special Dates

Wednesday 22nd May Monday 10th June

Parent Committee Meeting, 6 PM at MELC Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday - Centre Closed

Team Leader Message Hello again families and thanks for taking the time to read our latest newsletter. There are quite a few important messages from the MELC team, if you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us in the office on (03) 5135 8700 or via email at . As you would have seen on a recent Xplor post on your app, we have a new face in the office. Kara will be with us for a month in the admin space whilst Narelle is over at our Morwell Carinya Early Learning Centre acting as team leader. You may have seen in the paper that MELC was successful in an application for the Woolworths Junior Landcare grant for our room 1 & 2 yard! Thanks Jo for taking the time

Moe P.L.A.C.E 37-39 Vale Street Moe (03) 5135 8700

Tuesday 11th June – Monday

Early Learning Centre Photography with Baby Belle Photography

17th June Friday 28th June Monday 8th July – Friday 14th July

Red Nose Day (More information to come via Xplor post) NAIDOC week celebrations (More information to come via Xplor post)

No Nuts & Eggs in Lunchboxes We currently have multiple children in or service who are anaphylactic to either nuts or eggs. We would like to discourage our families from packing these foods in your children’s lunchbox as this could be life threatening to these children. If you have any concerns, please speak to your room leader or talk to Emily in the office.

Download the Xplor App All of our correspondence is now sent through posts to the Xplor app on your smart phone. Please follow the link below to download the Xplor App.

Apple App Store Google Play Store

Alternatively, you can also access Xplor on the desktop at (Please ensure you are using the Chrome browser) You can find more information about how to use the app by following this link: Some parents may not have received their welcome Xplor email from us - if this is you, Emily or Kara will be able to send you this email when your information is entered into Xplor. Please see them in the office or by contacting the centre for help. Please note: Payments cannot be made through Xplor, this is still done as stated on your invoices – Via Direct Debit with our accounts team, Bpay or at MELC and any other Latrobe City Library or Service Centre

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Wet/Cold Weather Reminder The cooler weather is now upon us; just a reminder to all families to send children with some warmer clothes such as a coat and beanie’s and appropriate footwear. Unless we are experiencing heavy rains the children will be enjoying the benefits of outdoor play each day. Please pack a change of clothes in case your child gets wet playing outside.

Label Clothing Please remember to label your child’s clothing and items brought to child care. We have lots of children to care for and sometimes we can’t remember which item belongs to whom. If you need a permanent marker, please ask one of the educators who will be happy to assist you.

Medication We have been noticing that medication is being left in children’s bags in the rooms. Please make sure any information about your child requiring medication is passed on to an educator. ALL MEDICATION is to be stored in the medication cupboards with a chemist label with your child’s name and a medication form will need to be completed. All other medications need to be left at home. This is for the safety of your child and others. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

Lost Property There is a lost property box at the top of the ramp near the new administration desk. Please, if you are missing any items of clothing or containers/drink bottles or toys look here. Anything uncollected after two weeks will be donated.

Baby Belle Early Learning Centre Photos

This year we have changed photographers for the children’s preschool photos. They will be taken by a local company Baby Belle who will come for the week and take photos of the children. If your child is away on the day, the photographer is happy to come back on the child’s return. Parents are not obligated to purchase any photos. More information to come closer to the date via Xplor post.

2020 Preschool Enrolments Enrolments for preschool in 2020 are now open. If your child turns 4 by 30th April 2020, you can submit an application for registration through Latrobe City Councils Central Registration Scheme. On-time kindergarten enrolments close 30 June 2019 for the following year. Placements for late enrolments will be offered in order of receipt of application where places remain available. All preschools will have open days in the week beginning 13th May

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Local Preschool Open Days Moe Early Learning Centre, 37-39 Vale Street, Moe

Thursday, 16 May 2019

4.00 pm to 5.45 pm

Moore Street Preschool, 57 Moore Street, Moe

Thursday, 16 May 2019

3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Murray Road Preschool, 5 Murray Road, Newborough

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Moe Heights Preschool, 46 Queen Street, Moe

Thursday, 16 May 2019

2.30 pm to 4.00 pm

East Newborough Preschool, 14 Wooreen Street, Newborough

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

2.30 pm to 4.00 pm

Little Saints Early Learning Centre – 152 Narracan Drive, Newborough

Wednesday 22 May 2019

4.30pm to 5.30pm

Bluebird Early Education & Kindergarten, 99-101 Albert Street, Moe

Thursday 23 May 2019

4.30pm to 6.00pm

Yallourn North Preschool, 39 Carmel Avenue, Yallourn North

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

2.30 pm to 4.00 pm

Earn and Learn Woolworths The early learning centre & preschool will be participating in the Woolworths Earn and Learn sticker collection. Parents and friends can start collecting stickers from Woolworths when they shop. The centre will have a box at

Woolworths that you can place your sticker sheets in or you can place them in the box out the front of Room 5 & kinder room. The more stickers we collect the more free equipment we can get for the centre. Promotion starts May the 1st until 25th June.

Donations Please! 

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Our room 1 children love to dress up!! If you have any small heeled shoes and/or handbags you no longer use, we’ll be happy to take them off your hands. Garden donations: any soil, plant pots, gardening tools, hay bales or plants would be greatly appreciated Don’t forget about our Social Food Swap station. If you have any nonperishables you aren’t using or there’s something you’d wish to take please share.

MELC Parents Association Thanks to our MELC families for supporting the committee and their aim to help our centre (early learning & preschool combined) to achieve their fundraising goals whether through purchasing tickets for our raffles or making orders through the book club catalogues. If you would like to join the committee or learn more about the committee and what they do, come along to the next meeting. See Emily in the office to find out when the next meeting is!

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