LAUNCH 2013 brings together two events; LAUNCH Music Conference - where musicians can meet and network with peers and music industry professionals while attending instructional panels, seminars, events and parties; and LAUNCH Music Festival where the nearly 200 attending artists will be performing for the general public and Festival attendees!
Now in its fifth year, LAUNCH Music Conference provides a unique opportunity for artists, music industry professionals and fans to meet, network and further their careers during one weekend in beautiful historic Downtown Lancaster, PA. With a schedule packed full of Panels, Seminars, Parties, Events and Performances, there is something for everyone - from the up-and-coming performer to the seasoned music industry veteran.
LAUNCH Music Festival showcases more than 175 artists from all over the country, representing a variety of musical styles - from rock to folk, from pop to punk, from country to funk - all performing in a three block radius for fans during one weekend in beautiful historic Downtown Lancaster, PA. With the variety of performers, there’s assuredly something for everyone going on during LAUNCH from the most casual music fan to the most die-hard. Come and discover artists who might be the next big thing before they are household names!
ATTENDING LAUNCH Whether you’re interested in the Conference, the Festival or both, LAUNCH has multiple attendance options to cover your needs.
To participate in the Conference you must register to attend, either in advance or the weekend of the event at our Registration Table at the Lancaster County Convention Center (see hours at right). Conference registrants receive a Regular LAUNCH Conference badge that grants entry to all Conference events - panels, workshops, parties and more - as well as all standard Festival Showcases. A Regular badge grants discounted access to certain Marquee Festival Showcases (see our Performer Schedule on pages 10-11 for more detail).
Take your conference experience to the next level with a LAUNCH VIP Badge! VIP Badges include everything a Regular Conference Badge does but also grants free entry to all of our Marquee Festival Showcases, a LAUNCH 2013 tshirt and additional perks. If you want to attend the Conference and be able to check out any band playing LAUNCH at no additional cost, a VIP Badge is for you.
Festival wristbands grant no access to the Conference portion of LAUNCH but do grant unlimited access to the Festival portion, making them the perfect choice for fans wishing to check out some live music. Wristbands come in three varieties - Friday-Only, Saturday-Only or Weekend (Thursday-Saturday) - granting access to showcases on the appropriate night(s). Unless you only intend to see only a single specific showcase, Wristbands provide the best value in allowing attendees access to all the music at the Festival. Wristbands may be purchased at our Registration table or in the evening at the main box office at the Lancaster County Convention Center.
If you only wish to see a single specific showcase, you may walk up and pay the appropriate cover charge at the venue (see our schedule for more information).
To Register or purchase Wristbands in person: Please visit our Registration table outside Freedom Hall at the Lancaster County Convention Center, Open Thurs. April 25th 4:30-9pm, Friday and Saturday April 26th-27th. Purchase In Advance at: 2013 LAUNCH MUSIC CONFERENCE
With more than 175 performers, plenty of Conference panels and events, and our Trade Show to explore, planning your weekend at LAUNCH is key!
The official event guide you’re currently reading will arm you with everything you need to tackle a weekend at LAUNCH. Our back cover venue map will help you navigate your way between venues and a full schedule of performers color-coded by the style of music they play can be found in the centerfold at pages 10-11.
We also encourage you to use our mobile scheduling app on your iPhone, Android phone or Blackberry. Discover more about the artists that are performing, sort events by type (Conference, Festival or General), by genre and more. Log in to create your own custom schedule and search and view what’s currently happening from your phone. Connect to your Facebook account so you can see where your friends will be and they can see what you’re interested in attending.
Just visit this address from your mobile web browser:
Saturday April, 27th 4:15-5:15pm outside of Freedom Hall Open to all LAUNCH Badge holders
Attending the Conference? We’d like to show you that we appreciate your attendance! What better way than a party to show you how much we care? Stop by and have a drink and snacks on us. Its the best way to refuel after Saturday’s panels are over and before performances start that evening. It’s also a great opportunity to network with other attendees and our guests. Free Heineken/Heineken Light (with valid ID) and Snacks from Herr’s will be provided.
With so many people in attendance, the ‘free beer” line can get awfully long. Fortunately a separate VIP line means that VIP badge holders can move to the front of the line more quickly meaning more time to enjoy the party! See Page 3 for more information on VIP Badges 4
Attendees mingle and network at the LAUNCH 2012 Party
Sub Title
Open Friday and Saturday from 10:30am-4:30pm FREE and open to the public - not just LAUNCH attendees!
Cop Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, ac posuere libero urna eget neque. Cras ipsum. Vestibulum pretium, lectus nec venenatis volutpat, purus lectus ultrices risus, a condimentum risus mi et quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada velit.
Nam ut metus et orci fermentum nonummy. Cras vel nunc. Donec feugiat neque eget purus. Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. Curabitur mattis. Aliquam ac lacus. In congue, odio ut tristique adipiscing, diam leo fermentum ipsum, nec sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin id neque ac pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non odio.
gravida massa erat non mauris. Aenean non erat. Nam non leo. Fusce sed erat. Maecenas id odio vehicula eros elementum congue. Donec feugiat orci in lectus. Vestibulum mattis justo eget justo. Aenean eu nisl. non ipsum nisi Housed in thePhasellus spacious Freedom Hallnon at the fringillaLancaster cursus. Integer condimentum porta arcu. County Convention Center, the Quisque faucibus. Quisque mattis, tellus auctor LAUNCH trade show features both eu National pulvinar, nulla dui sagittis elit, vel ultricies mauris and Local companies representing a variety of lectus tempus magna. Donecat our auctor music and lifestyle offerings highfacilisis traffic lorem. Ut pharetra pellentesque nulla. Phasellus trade show area for the purpose of exposure, libero metus, commodonetworking sit amet, ullamcorper sit and vending. amet, euismod et, tortor. Sed nec arcu et felis vulputate venenatis.
Nullam porta urna quis mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec scelerisque quam vitae est. Aenean vitae diam at erat pellentesque condimentum. Duis pulvinar nisl sed orci. Vivamus turpis nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, Praesent sagittis, justo id malesuada tincidunt, at LAUNCH, show is pharetra nec, eros. Suspendisse tellus metus, Unlike ipsumMost leo events elementum risus, our at trade pulvinar ante open et to the public freeposuere of charge! We encourage sodales non, venenatis a, ultrices auctor, erat. urna sem. Proin metus sed tellus. open browsing of our vendor’s wares and In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sed eros Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent stop by,per check it out and network Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy eleifend. elit, cursus accumsan, sollicitudin a, iaculis quis, perservices, conubia sonostra, inceptos hymenaeos. with a wideeros. rangeMauris of music and lifestyle vendors! Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, diam. Pellentesque fermentum, pede a nonummy Vivamus tincidunt congue nunc. auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, enim varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et lacinia nibh nulla Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus ut congue pharetra, massa elit convallis pede, sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at pellentesque pretium. Nunc condimentum elit Aenean porttitor ante vitae ligula. Duis mattis libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. Proin et semper felis. diam id mi. Nulla sed mi ut elit bibendum pharetra. LAUNCH might be, but our Trade Show isn’t! dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent Aenean eu nunc. Integer lacus sem, feugiat nec, Inside you’ll find various brands and vendors id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea Duis imperdiet diam pharetra nisi. Fusce lacinia non, adipiscing sit amet, odio. Etiam odio. showcasing their services and wares dictumst. Aenean sit amet arcu a turpis posuere accumsan. Fusce adipiscing, felis non ornare Maecenas placerat placerat libero. Donec ultricies in a wide cross section of interests, from pretium. egestas, risus elit placerat mauris, in mollis erat vitae tellus volutpat fringilla. Phasellus urna recording studios to clothing companies to ante erat quis nisi. Quisque sed ipsum. Nulla est, tincidunt at, porta vitae, viverra ut, lacus. record labels to manufacturers to jewelery Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit facilisi. Donec arcu erat, sodales quis, cursus Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per companies to bands themselves! amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet eget, posuere eget, tellus. Vestibulum eu risus. conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Cras felis blandit posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras Curabitur adipiscing, odio in pretium feugiat, nulla non odio viverra libero eleifend sagittis. lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean magna vehicula lorem, at placerat tortor nisl eget dignissim.frisbees Curabitur sem at nisi LAUNCH laoreet 2012 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer Aliquam dictum lectus. Morbi pulvinar lacus et Promotional arefacilisis “distributed” at the show placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis feugiat. adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mollis fermentum diam. Maecenas nunc massa, ultrices eget, Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus massa. nonummy nec, condimentum et, risus. Proin sed, scelerisque sit amet, ultrices in, dolor. convallis dapibus nisi. Maecenas porta, augue Aliquam vel magna non nunc ornare bibendum. Pellentesque vulputate bibendum lorem. Nunc quis porttitor consectetuer, felis odio blandit orci, Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus ornare, felis lobortis. Vestibulum aliquam fringilla mauris. in elementum pede lacus egestas mi. Etiam et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis diam, eget Vivamus dolor est, eleifend id, varius id, suscipit auctor, mauris eget lobortis blandit, tellus nisl GENERAL dapibus augue arcu eget arcu. at, felis. Nulla mattis cursus neque. Nam lobortis convallis turpis, non auctor anteINFO nisl eget eros. mi vitae sem vehicula accumsan. Integer vitae Donec rhoncus purus nec nunc. Suspendisse Fusce metusat euthe ultricies vulputate, sapien Convention odio in felis Center, facilisis cursus. Sed bibendum mauris From auctor, the Lobby Lancaster County head down the stairs and eros. Fusce et nisl. Morbi condimentum enim sed nibh faucibus ligula, eget sollicitudin augue risus a justo. Integer ut mi. Maecenas quis mauris. ipsum. Aliquam mi. Duis sit amet sapien. Nullam our registration table will be straight ahead on your left. Use this diagram to find et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus Integer non lectus at magna elementum posuere. sed purus. Aliquam fringilla sagittis neque. Fusce everything inside the Convention Center (a handy map of all of our venues can be foundeget risus. Donec bibendum, purus id bibendum mattis, ante diam malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum neque turpis ut enim. Cras ornare. Proin ac nisi. Vestibulum et urna. Aliquam pretium, urna nec sagittis, mauris est tincidunt risus, nec fermentum on the back cover). Praesent laoreet ante tempor urna. In imperdiet. dapibus vehicula, tellus nulla pretium dolor, vitae diam velit pellentesque dolor. Vestibulum quis
GETTING AROUND Show your LAUNCH Badge Here to enter Panels
WORKSHOPS See Pg 17 for info
PANELS (Daytime)
See Pg 16 for info (enter through Trade Show/Freedom Hall A)
See Above for Hours
CONCERT (Nighttime)
DAYTIME ENTRANCE for Trade Show, Panels and Workshops
To Lobby
REGISTRATION See Pg 3 for hours
See Schedule on Pgs 10-11 for info (enter through doors by ticket counter)
(Sat 4:45-5:15)
To Vine St. Galactic Room
See Pg 4 for Info
Exit to Queen St.
A toZ
Comeback kids
ItCop has only been one year since Early November Lorem ipsum dolor sit The amet, consectetuer reunited to elit. enthusiastic fan fare, the group is adipiscing Nam nibh. Nuncbut varius facilisis well its way next comeback kid. eros.onSed Inbeing in velitthe quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut Formed the early 2000s, The Early November’s purus acin augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec sound reminiscent indie-rockersEtiam Jimmyvitae Eat mi eu isjusto tempor of consectetuer. World: melody tracks withelita lectus, strong nisl. In poppy, dignissim lacusdriven ut ante. Cras guitar and a whinevitae, on the vocals. et, dui. Ut bibendum a,slight adipiscing commodo tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia After the velit group’s release, augue, “The Room’s Too pulvinar, tellusfirst scelerisque ac posuere Cold,” they eget became Warped Tour regular, libero urna neque.a Cras ipsum. Vestibulum performing with nec the tour annually from 2002pretium, lectus venenatis volutpat, purus 2004 again in 2006 – the same risus year mi their lectusand ultrices risus, a condimentum et ambitious three-disc monster album “The Mother, quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis the Mechanic, and the Path” was released. eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada “The velit. Mother, the Mechanic, and the Path” peaked at 31 on the Billboard 200 chart, making it the most successful release the band. However, that Nunc at velit quisforlectus nonummy eleifend. success enough to dolor, keep gravida them together Curabiturwas eros.not Aenean ligula auctor, –auctor the band went onin,a erat. six-year shortly enim after et, suscipit Sedhiatus malesuada, the album’s pharetra, release. massa elit convallis pede, ut congue ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at But when The Early November returned 2012 libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. in Proin et with “In Currents,” fans werePraesent waiting. dolorthe ac album ipsum elementum malesuada. The album made it to 43Inonhac thehabitasse Billboard platea chart id orci. Donec hendrerit. and this summer returning to posuere its Vans dictumst. Aeneanthe sit band amet isarcu a turpis Warped pretium.Tour roots as well. Fresh off an Australian tour, The Early November Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit will be tempus playing id, at LAUNCH beforeatembarking on amet, metus. Donec nisi sit amet another international in theerat United Kingdom. felis blandit posuere.tour Aliquam volutpat. Cras lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean The band may be classified some but dignissim. Curabitur facilisisbysem at as nisiemo, laoreet the members Theipsum Early November are anything placerat. Duisofsed ac nibh mattis feugiat. but thesed sad,purus. whine-filled stereotype. Proin Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus sed, scelerisque sit amet, ultrices in, dolor. “I’m actually happy,” Joseph Aliquam vel quite magna non says nunckeyboardist ornare bibendum. Marro. “AndMaecenas Ace [Enders, singer] is quite happy. Sed libero. at lead est. Vivamus ornare, felis He’s the one who is lacus pointedleo outconvallis as beingdiam, sad.” eget et luctus dapibus, dapibus augue arcu eget arcu. “I think that’s the stuff we’ve always gravitated to,” he continues. love cheery pop music, but when it Fusce auctor,“Imetus eu ultricies vulputate, sapien comes to playing it, I like thesollicitudin stuff that’s a little dark.” nibh faucibus ligula, eget augue risus et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus Darkness aside, Early November is a band mattis, ante diam The malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum just as turpis comfortable in nisi. the neque ut enim.with Crasspying ornare.lighters Proin ac crowd as itlaoreet is tossing the audience. Praesent anteconfetti temporaturna. In imperdiet.
“In our ut livemetus show we we joke on stage a Nam et have orci fun, fermentum nonummy. little “We clearly Crasbit,” vel Marro nunc. explains. Donec feugiat nequewant eget people purus. to enjoy themselves.” Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. For Marro, mattis. who also functions Curabitur Aliquam ac lacus. In congue, as band’sadipiscing, manager,diam leo fermentum odio the ut tristique touring can sollicitudin be an especially ipsum, nec dui quam et tortor. Proin busy pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non id neque odio. “I’ve always been interested in how bands Nullam portawork. urnaHow quisdoes mauris. Aliquam erat this thing that seems scelerisque random volutpat. Donec quam vitae and chaotic, vitae how diam does atit erat pellentesque est. Aenean actually get done?” He said. “I condimentum. Duis pulvinar nisl sed orci. was alwaysturpis interested that, Vivamus nisi, involutpat in, placerat et, so I took on thateros. role.” Suspendisse tellus metus, pharetra nec, sodales non, venenatis a, ultrices auctor, erat. ItIn was a steep curve for Marro he ut leo nec elitlearning mattis pellentesque. Sedaseros quickly learned all that goes into managing a band. elit, cursus accumsan, sollicitudin a, iaculis quis, diam. Pellentesque fermentum, pede a nonummy “There tons oflaoreet things you be doing any varius, are ligula velit erat,can et lacinia nibhatnulla moment better your band,” Marro says. “Before, sit amet to nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue as a band member, I could play condimentum a show and forget pellentesque pretium. Nunc elit about it. felis. You’re not thinking about getting artwork semper three weeks in advance, it just happens.” Duis imperdiet diam pharetra nisi. Fusce One part of his job isadipiscing, dealing withfelis the band’s rider accumsan. Fusce non ornare –egestas, a list of risus amenities to be provided to the band elit placerat mauris, in mollis in their dressing roomQuisque before shows. The Early ante erat quis nisi. sed ipsum. Nulla November’s listarcu is relatively simple, bottles of facilisi. Donec erat, sodales quis, cursus water, towels, some eget, posuere eget,chips, tellus.salsa. Vestibulum eu risus. Curabitur adipiscing, odio in pretium feugiat, nulla And while he prefers de Gallo he magna vehicula lorem, Pico at placerat tortorsalsa, nisl eget cautions bands fromdolor getting too specific about velit. Lorem ipsum sit amet, consectetuer requests. look like Mariah rider, adipiscing“Then elit. you Suspendisse mollisCarey’s fermentum you look like a diva,” he explains. massa.
“Everyone says erat ‘Yournon songs are great, hownon are erat. they gravida massa mauris. Aenean live?’” Marro how everyone’s Nam non leo.continues. Fusce sed“That’s erat. Maecenas id odio going to make a large portion of vehicula eros elementum congue. Donec feugiat their revenue. sales as orci in lectus. Vestibulum mattisRecord justo eget justo. know them dwindling, so Aenean eu nisl.wePhasellus nonare ipsum non nisi need to perform.” porta arcu. fringilla cursus. you Integer condimentum Quisque faucibus. Quisque mattis, tellus eu auctor That’s Marro advocates pulvinar, nulla dui sagittiswhy elit, vel ultricies mauris bands focus auctor on developing lectus tempus that magna. Donec facilisis a solid fan base. “Everyone is lorem. Ut pharetra pellentesque nulla. Phasellus paying attention the band from libero metus, commodo sit amet,toullamcorper sit drawing to amet, euismod wherever et, tortor. who Sed is nec arcu et80felis 150 kids to its show,” he says. vulputate venenatis.
“I’ve always been interested in how bands work. How does this thing that seems random and chaotic, how does it Maintaining and developing that sagittis, justo id malesuada tincidunt, actually getPraesent done?”
That being said,vulputate he does enjoy readinglorem. and laughing Pellentesque bibendum Nunc at dressingVestibulum room requests from other bands. lobortis. aliquam fringilla mauris. Vivamus dolor est, eleifend id, varius id, suscipit “There’s website thatcursus posts neque. a lot of them it’s at, felis. a Nulla mattis Nam and lobortis just insanesem whatvehicula people request,” he laughs. just mi vitae accumsan. Integer “Ivitae love them and goingSed ‘Geez! The stuff you odio reading in felis facilisis cursus. bibendum mauris think you Integer need to ut playmi. a show!’” a justo. Maecenas quis mauris. Integer non lectus at magna elementum posuere. To Marro, what bands should be focusing on is what happens on et stage – especially for bandsurna tryingnec to Vestibulum urna. Aliquam pretium, catch thevehicula, eyes of those the music industry. dapibus tellusinnulla pretium dolor, vitae
fan baserisus, meansatinteracting with ipsum leo elementum pulvinar ante the keeping informed, that urnafans et and sem. Proin them posuere metuswhether sed tellus. is through Facebook or Twitter. ad But litora beforetorquent a band Class aptent taciti sociosqu leaps to the creation a fan page onhymenaeos. Facebook, per conubia nostra, ofper inceptos Marro cautions theytincidunt actually congue need to nunc. have Vivamus eros. that Mauris good songs to habitant share. morbi tristique senectus Pellentesque et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. “Just hone your songs,” he advises. “Makemattis sure Aenean porttitor ante vitae ligula. Duis you they’re enough you pharetra. put them diamthink id mi. Nullagood sed mi ut elit before bibendum out Record as lacus well and as feugiat decentlynec, as Aenean nunc. them Integer sem, you cannon, within your budget then go from lacinia adipiscing sit and amet, odio. Etiamthere.” odio. Maecenas placerat placerat libero. Donec ultricies Marro will tellus be onvolutpat hand shelling more advice erat vitae fringilla.out Phasellus urna at LAUNCH, he willvitae, be pulling double duty, est, tinciduntwhere at, porta viverra ut, lacus. performing nightsociosqu while also beingtorquent a panelist Class aptentattaciti ad litora per during thenostra, day. per inceptos hymenaeos. Cras conubia non odio viverra libero eleifend sagittis. Marro, along with Enders, will be panelists on the “Can You dictum Handle lectus. The Truth?” on Saturday Aliquam Morbipanel pulvinar lacus et where the chance diam. conference Maecenas goers nunc get massa, ultricesto have eget, their music played before a crowd of nonummy nec, condimentum et,music risus.industry Proin professionals who will critique the bandaugue right convallis dapibus nisi.then Maecenas porta, then there. quis and porttitor consectetuer, felis odio blandit orci, in elementum pede lacus egestas mi. Etiam Marro being the panel’s Simon auctor,doesn’t mauris plan egetonlobortis blandit, tellus nisl Cowell, he does that he nisl will be honest, convallisbut turpis, non state auctor ante eget eros. even if the comments arenec not positive. Donec rhoncus purus nunc. Suspendisse eros. Fusce et nisl. Morbi condimentum enim sed “I’ll say Aliquam what I feel, beamet respectful about it,” ipsum. mi. but DuisI’llsit sapien. Nullam he “I want to be the guy who is goingFusce to be sedsays. purus. Aliquam fringilla sagittis neque. nice themDonec and softens the blow a little bit – but eget to risus. bibendum, purus id bibendum hopefully we won’t have torisus, soften blows, sagittis, mauris est tincidunt necany fermentum hopefully will be dolor. great.” Vestibulum quis diam veliteveryone pellentesque
- Julia Hatmaker | Entertainment writer for The Patriot-News and |
Wild, Crazy and Completely Unstoppable When it comes to dolor the name of rock and roll Cop Lorem ipsum sit amet, consectetuer provocateurs Foxy Shazam origin is a mystery. adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. the Nunc varius facilisis Years ago,erat. frontman Ericquis Nally made up laoreet. a story eros. Sed In in velit arcu ornare about how adipiscing “foxy shazam” wasmassa. a slang Integer term used Curabitur luctus ut to referac to cool sneakers. As lies often do,Nunc the story purus augue commodo commodo. nec spread and soon Foxy Shazam fans were mi eu around justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae calling own kicks byuttheante. band’s name. nisl. Intheir dignissim lacus Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut The real story, however well, Nally can’t tincidunt tortor. Donec–nonummy, enimremember. in lacinia pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, ac posuere “It must have been so boring that I Vestibulum forgot,” he libero urna eget neque. Cras ipsum. says. “I think it was justvenenatis us sitting in the roompurus and pretium, lectus nec volutpat, coming up with risus, names.” lectus ultrices a condimentum risus mi et quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis Boring theutbackground may be, but the eu massa lorem iaculisstory vestibulum. Maecenas band itself is anything but. A self-described “wild facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada man” velit. on stage, Nally is famous for his signature cigarette-eating stunt. Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy eleifend. “I think someone was smoking a cigarette in the Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, front row I justin, took it out their mouthenim and auctor et,and suscipit erat. Sedofmalesuada, ate it,” Nallypharetra, says, recalling time hepede, tried ut congue massathe elitfirst convallis the stunt. “I just remember thinking that I really ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at liked that it molestie. was awesome. When I did thatetI libero.that, Curabitur Sed vel neque. Proin felt really cool and confident.” dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea Now, NallyAenean asks for cigarettes ratherathan taking them dictumst. sit amet arcu turpis posuere from concertgoers. Whenever he shouts the request pretium. it starts raining cigarettes on stage – which more than one band member tries to pocket the gig. Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in,after condimentum sit amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet Nally doesn’t smokeAliquam himself,erat though. AndCras he felis blandit posuere. volutpat. definitely doesn’t recommend eating cigarettes. lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean dignissim. Curabitur facilisis sem at nisi laoreet “It tastes horrible and it burns just horrible placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac and nibhit’s mattis feugiat. and you want to gag,” he ipsum, explains. “I feel Proinit makes sed purus. Vivamus lectus rhoncus like only reasonsitI do that ultrices is for shock sed,the scelerisque amet, in, value dolor. and to catch attention. People bibendum. like to see Aliquam vel people’s magna non nunc ornare things regardless of whether you get ornare, hurt or felis not, Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus but it’s all dapibus, good.” lacus leo convallis diam, eget et luctus dapibus augue arcu eget arcu. What’s also good is the band’s energetic, rock enthused sound, oneeuthat recalls 80’s glam and Fusce auctor, metus ultricies vulputate, sapien the Queen. Thesollicitudin band’s anthemic nibhtheatrics faucibusofligula, eget augue song risus “Unstoppable” waspellentesque, featured in Super XLIV et dolor. Aenean tortorBowl in cursus and has been in commercials for Bing, mattis, ante diamheard malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum the MLB network and Cras others. Their Proin track ac “I Like neque turpis ut enim. ornare. nisi. It” - the lead single from their latest album, “The Praesent laoreet ante tempor urna. In imperdiet. Church of Rock and Roll” - hit 36 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart.
When it comes those songs, it is a Nam ut metus to et writing orci fermentum nonummy. group process, everyone the band Cras vel nunc. with Donec feugiat in neque eget getting purus. involved. Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. “Usually startAliquam out with ac a spark,” says. Curabiturwe’ll mattis. lacus. Nally In congue, “There hasadipiscing, to be an initial spark, something odio utalways tristique diam leo fermentum that is just a specialness to an idea. Either it’s ipsum, neclike sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin just a verse a chorus or alacinia. line, a Curabitur lyric line or a id neque ac or pede egestas non riff - something really small.” odio. “I Like porta It” started line Aliquam erat Nullam urna with quis the mauris. “that’s the biggest ass I’ve quam vitae volutpat. Donec black scelerisque ever I like that”diam – which est. seen, Aenean vitae at was erat pellentesque randomly sung while tour. The condimentum. Duis on pulvinar nisl sed orci. group recorded on Nally’s phone, Vivamus turpisit nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, so when the came to write a tellus metus, pharetra nec,time eros. Suspendisse new songnon, they venenatis had it handy. sodales a, ultrices auctor, erat. In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sed eros As the inspiration the lyric –a, iaculis quis, elit,for cursus accumsan,forsollicitudin well, practicallyfermentum, blushes aspede he a nonummy diam.Nally Pellentesque explains. varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et lacinia nibh nulla sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue “I’ve always kind of had this – I’ve always felt like pellentesque pretium. Nunc condimentum elit –semper I don’t felis. know,” he says. “I’ve always felt like black girls are hot is basically what I’m trying to say.” Duis imperdiet diam pharetra nisi. Fusce Once that lyric was discovered, accumsan. Fusce adipiscing, the felissong nonfollowed ornare soon after.risus elit placerat mauris, in mollis egestas, ante erat quis nisi. Quisque sed ipsum. Nulla As the process goes,erat, aftersodales the idea hascursus been facilisi. Donec arcu quis, found, it’s development for the eu band. A eget, posuere eget, tellus.time Vestibulum risus. member bust out odio a melody, then feugiat, some guitar Curabiturwill adipiscing, in pretium nulla will be vehicula added, perhaps horn, drums and eget the magna lorem, ataplacerat tortor nisl whole thing snowballs into sit becoming a song. velit. Lorem ipsum dolor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mollis fermentum Despite massa. the success of “I Like It” and “Unstoppable,” Nally says his favorite song to play for a crowd is “The Only Way To My bibendum Heart” because has Pellentesque vulputate lorem.heNunc “cool dance moves” for aliquam that one. fringilla mauris. lobortis. Vestibulum Vivamus dolor est, eleifend id, varius id, suscipit Becoming an international actneque. requires more than at, felis. Nulla mattis cursus Nam lobortis just sweetsem dance moves,accumsan. though. It requires mi vitae vehicula Integer quite vitae aodio bit of in introspection. felis facilisis cursus. Sed bibendum mauris a justo. Integer ut mi. Maecenas quis mauris. “Everybody alwaysat looks his or her huge Integer non lectus magnafor elementum posuere. success story somewhere out in the world, but it’s not out there,” Nally says. pretium, “It’s right urna insidenec of Vestibulum et urna. Aliquam you the whole time.tellus I think it gives you dolor, a sense of dapibus vehicula, nulla pretium vitae confidence that what’s special about what you are is right there.”
He advises newer to takeAenean advice,non but erat. with gravida massa eratgroups non mauris. caution. Nam non leo. Fusce sed erat. Maecenas id odio vehicula eros elementum congue. Donec feugiat “When you start out and write record, it’sjusto. cool orci in lectus. Vestibulum mattisa justo eget but it’s juvenile. can hear andnon there’s Aenean eu nisl. You Phasellus nonthat ipsum nisi always charm Integer and grace in that,” he porta says. arcu. “You fringilla acursus. condimentum go around the block once and youtellus take eu people’s Quisque faucibus. Quisque mattis, auctor advice and youdui learn fromelit, it. Sometimes the pulvinar, nulla sagittis vel ultricies it’s mauris right sometimes the wrong advice and lectusadvice, tempus’sDonec auctor facilisis you endUtuppharetra full circle, back at square one.” lorem. pellentesque nulla. Phasellus libero metus, commodo sit amet, ullamcorper sit The to Sed goodnec judgment and amet, euismod et, key tortor. arcu et felis success is knowing what advice vulputate venenatis. to take and what to leave behind. It also means staying true to the Praesent sagittis, justo id malesuada tincidunt, band’s spiritrisus, and core, according to ipsum leo elementum at pulvinar ante urna et sem. Nally. Proin posuere metus sed tellus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent Nally’sper case, staying hymenaeos. true to what per conubia In nostra, inceptos makes a band greatcongue also means Vivamus eros. Mauris tincidunt nunc. releasing a lot of pent upmorbi energy. Pellentesque habitant tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nally is aporttitor mellow man home, where he raises Aenean ante atvitae ligula. Duis mattis his two diam id children mi. Nullaalongside sed mi ut his elit wife. bibendum pharetra. Aenean eu nunc. Integer lacus sem, feugiat nec, “I’m notnon, a very wild man offstage. always lacinia adipiscing sit amet, odio. I’ve Etiam odio. known I wanted to beplacerat a familylibero. man and I wanted to Maecenas placerat Donec ultricies have this other myself toPhasellus let everything erat vitae telluschannel volutpatoffringilla. urna out,” says. at, porta vitae, viverra ut, lacus. est, he tincidunt Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per Foxy Shazam is the outlet. conubia nostra, perperfect inceptos hymenaeos. Cras non odio viverra libero eleifend sagittis. “That part of me just builds up when I’m offstage and then, dictum when welectus. get on Morbi stage, pulvinar it just comes out,” Aliquam lacus et he explains. “A lot of timesmassa, I noticeultrices if we haven’t diam. Maecenas nunc eget, played a show long time there’s nonummy nec,in acondimentum et, extra.” risus. Proin convallis dapibus nisi. Maecenas porta, augue That’s good news for LAUNCH goers – as orci, the quis porttitor consectetuer, felis odio blandit show is the first in awhile for the band. mi. Etiam in elementum pede lacus egestas auctor, mauris eget lobortis blandit, tellus nisl “This is going be auctor an example of that this convallis turpis,tonon ante nisl egetineros. show,” says.purus Askednec if it was going to be wild Donec Nally rhoncus nunc. Suspendisse and responds in two wordsenim “Ooooh eros.crazy, FusceNally et nisl. Morbi condimentum sed yeah.” yes, that manysit o’samet weresapien. required. ipsum.And Aliquam mi. Duis Nullam sed purus. Aliquam fringilla sagittis neque. Fusce eget risus. Donec bibendum, purus id bibendum - Julia Hatmaker | Entertainment writer for fermentum The Patriotsagittis, mauris est tincidunt risus, nec PennLive.comdolor. | diam News velit and pellentesque Vestibulum quis
“People like to see things regardless of whether you get hurt or not”
Thursday, April 25th - Performer Schedule FEATURED Chameleon PERFORMERClub FREE FREE DAILY or WEEKEND
(Admission includes entry to Lizard Lounge until 9:00PM)
Friday, April 26th - Performer Schedule
Heineken Stage
5:15 PM • Fail the Fatalist
5:45 PM • Eye For An Eye
at Lancaster County Convention Center
6:15 PM • I Surround 7:00 PM • Landlines
7:45 PM • A World Once Silent 8:30 PM • Onward to Olympas
9:15 PM • Wordsmith
Lizard Lounge at Chameleon Club
(See Above: Admission price included in admission to Chameleon)
7:30 PM • A Faylene Sky
10:45 PM • The Teeth
12:15 AM • Minshara 1:00 AM • Ragers
Lancaster Dispensing Co. FREE FREE
8:45 PM • The Pig Merchants 9:30 PM • Sabrina Duke
10:15 PM • Canyon.
11:00 PM • Holly Spears
7:00 PM • Colored Vinyl 7:30 PM • Lovebettie
8:00 PM • Jesse Baker Band
6:45 PM • Among the Fallen
11:30 PM • Time Columns
6:30 PM • Observe the 93rd
9:30 PM • Ducky and the Vintage
6:00 PM • Move Like Attis
10:00 PM • Mike McMonagle
6:00 PM • The Districts
9:00 PM • Hot Jam Factory
5:15 PM • Park Circle
9:15 PM • Ghost Hotel
5:30 PM • Stateside
8:30 PM • Minshara
at Lancaster County Convention Center
8:15 PM • High Water
Lizard Lounge
5:00 PM • Small Town Titans
21+ 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
Galactic Room at Lancaster County Convention Center
6:00 PM • Manian Van Hacker 6:45 PM • Gramophonic 7:30 PM • Angela Sheik 8:15 PM • That Girl
5:15 PM • Author of Your Fate
5:45 PM • Indeed the End 6:15 PM • The Sadie Hawkins Slaughter 6:45 PM • Beyond Dishonor
7:15 PM • Rochelle Rochelle 7:45 PM •
Where The Ocean Meets The Sky
8:15 PM • Between the Lions
8:45 PM • The Road to Milestone
9:15 PM • I Am King
Chameleon Club How To Read This Schedule
6:30 PM • The Red Shift Experiment 7:15 PM • Hey Hey Moon 8:00 PM • Auroras
8:45 PM • The Changing Light
Each venue is listed by day with each artist listed by the time at which their set starts.
9:30 PM • Avalar
Unless otherwise marked with an “18+” or “21+” bullet, shows are open to All Ages.
11:45 PM • The Shackeltons
Below the venue name you will find information on what the cost of the show is depending on whether you have a VIP badge, Regular Badge, Wristband or None of the above. See the symbols below for more information.
10:15 PM • The Soulars 11:00 PM •
Lizard Lounge at Chameleon Club FREE FREE
Lauren Mann & the Fairly Odd Folk
This square will tell you how much each showcase will cost you to enter. (Hint: They’re all FREE with the appropriate wristband)
6:00 PM • Huhn
6:45 PM • Flashback Forward 7:30 PM • //Bear Language 8:15 PM • Color School 9:00 PM • Ton Taun
Have a LAUNCH VIP Badge?
This star will tell you how much each showcase will cost you to enter. (Hint: They’re all FREE with your VIP Badge)
Have a Regular LAUNCH Badge?
This triangle will tell you how much each showcase will cost you to enter. (Hint: Most are FREE with your LAUNCH Badge)
Community Room on Prince FREE FREE
Lancaster Dispensing Co FREE FREE
Marion Court FREE FREE
Hip Hop / R&B / Reggae
Metal / Hard Rock / Hardcore Pop
Punk / Ska / Pop Punk
Rock / Alternative / Indie / Etc. Singer/Songwriter / Folk / Etc. 10
21+ 21+ 21+
7:45 PM • Matt Bretton Band
8:30 PM • Matt Wheeler & Vintage Heart
9:30 PM •
Morning Sun & The Essentials
10:15 PM • Lijie
11:00 PM • Ed Romanoff 11:45 PM • Jeff Ruby
6:30 PM • Waitin’ on a Train
7:00 PM • Jacob Jeffries Band
9:30 PM • Sweet Leda
6:00 PM • The Pinkerton Raid
9:00 PM • The Ill Funk Ensemble
At Penn Square
8:30 PM • Madison Cano
12:30 AM • Madison Cano
7:30 PM • Lachi
21+ 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
5:45 PM • Halfway to Avalon 6:30 PM • Lion in the Mane
7:15 PM • Fat Daddy Has Been 8:00 PM • Man in a Crowd 8:45 PM • New Sweden
9:30 PM • Nate Myers & The Aces
The Taproom FREE FREE
Americana / Country / Roots / Etc.
9:15 PM • Canyon.
Don’t have a Badge or Wristband?
Each artist is color-coded to give a rough idea of what style of music they play. While every band hates being classified, this gives music fans a general sense of what they can expect at any given venue on a given night.
7:00 PM • Sweet Life
8:00 PM • Grown Up Avenger Stuff
This circle will tell you how much each showcase will cost you to enter. (Hint: If you’re planning on attending more than one show, consider buying a wristband)
12:30 PM • The Sketties
9:45 PM • Empire of the Sea
Have a Daily or weekend Wristband?
8:00 PM • Dave & Jason
8:45 PM • The HickoryTown Ruckus 9:30 PM • Paul Saint John 10:15 PM • Matt James
Steinman Hall at The Ware Center FREE FREE
(Admission to Steinman Hall includes Lyett Lobby)
6:45 PM • The Born Sisters 7:30 PM • Watson & Wise
8:15 PM • Dana Alexandra
Lyet Lobby at The Ware Center FREE FREE
6:00 PM • Katy Glorioso
(Admission to Lyett Lobby does not include Steinman Hall)
5:30 PM • Sebastian Janoski 6:15 PM • Douglas Thomas 7:00 PM • Tatum Murray 7:45 PM • Corty Byron
8:30 PM • Stuart Young 9:15 PM • Seasons
21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
Saturday, April 27th - Performer Schedule FEATURED PERFORMER Heineken Stage 5:00 PM FEATURED PERFORMER 5:30 PM at Lancaster County Convention Center
• Call Me Crazy • Gladstone
Sub Title
6:00 PM • Last In Line
6:30 PM • Things Behind The Sun 7:00 PM • Divine Air
7:30 PM • Good Luck Varsity
8:00 PM • Last Scene in Reno
8:30 PM • Very Americans
Cop Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer Namof TheutPink metus et orci fermentum nonummy. 9:00 PM • Matt Friction Spiders adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius Cras vel nunc. Donec feugiat neque eget purus. 9:30 facilisis PM • Carousel Kings eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa 10:15laoreet. PM • THE EARLY NOVEMBER Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. PM nec • DuckyCurabitur and the Vintage purus ac augue commodo commodo.6:00 Nunc mattis. Aliquam ac lacus. In congue, at Lancaster 6:45 PMvitae • Canyon. mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. odio ut tristique adipiscing, diam leo fermentum County Convention Center Etiam • Jackieipsum, Cassatt nec sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras 7:30 elit PM lectus, FREE FREE FREE FREE 8:15 PM • Lion in the Mane bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut id neque ac pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia odio. PM • For The Perilous pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, 5:15 ac posuere 5:45 PM • ArmoryNullam Infirmary porta urna quis mauris. Aliquam erat libero urna egetatneque. Cras ipsum. Vestibulum Lancaster County 6:15 PM • Currents pretium, lectus nec venenatis volutpat, purus volutpat. Donec scelerisque quam vitae Convention Center From Atlantis lectus ultrices risus, a condimentum 6:45 risusPMmi• et est. Aenean vitae diam at erat pellentesque FREE FREE 7:15 PMDuis • From Under the Willow $12 neque. quam. Pellentesque auctor$6fringilla condimentum. Duis pulvinar nisl sed orci. PM • My Heart to Fear turpis nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum.7:45 Maecenas Vivamus PM • Auburnpharetra nec, eros. Suspendisse tellus metus, facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat 8:15 malesuada 8:45 PM • Amateur Theory non, venenatis a, ultrices auctor, erat. velit. sodales 9:15 PM • One Year Later In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sed eros PM • ICE NINE Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy9:45eleifend. elit,KILLS cursus accumsan, sollicitudin a, iaculis quis, Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, diam. Pellentesque fermentum, pede a nonummy auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et lacinia nibh nulla 5:45 PMenim • Tail Lights ut congue pharetra, massa elit convallis pede, sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue 6:30 PM • The Snails FREE $8 FREE libero ornare scelerisque neque In at pellentesque pretium. Nunc condimentum elit $15ut neque. 7:15 PM • The Ogham Stones libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. Proin et semper felis. 8:00 PM • Dead 50’s dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent 8:45 PM • BIG D & THE KIDS TABLE id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea Duis imperdiet diam pharetra nisi. Fusce 9:45 PM • THE PIETASTERS dictumst. Aenean sit amet arcu a turpis posuere accumsan. Fusce adipiscing, felis non ornare pretium. egestas, risus elit placerat mauris, in mollis 6:00 PM • Marshmellow Overcoat ante erat quis nisi. Quisque sed ipsum. Nulla 6:45 PM • The Shipwrecks Chameleon Club Nulla mauris at odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit facilisi. Donec arcu erat, sodales quis, cursus 7:30 PM • Seven Day Bender amet, tempus FREE id, metus. Donec$5at nisi sit amet eget, posuere eget, tellus. Vestibulum eu risus. FREE FREE 8:15 PM • Sherwin felis blandit posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras Curabitur adipiscing, odio in pretium feugiat, nulla 9:00 PM • Apollo Quad lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean magna vehicula lorem, at placerat tortor nisl eget 9:45 PM • Happy Lives dignissim. Curabitur facilisis sem at nisi laoreet velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mollis fermentum 7:00 feugiat. PM • Dave & Jason Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus massa. 7:45 PM • Jared Costa sed, scelerisque amet, in, dolor. FREE FREE sit FREE ultrices $5 8:30 PM • The Pig Merchants Aliquam vel magna non nunc ornare 9:15 bibendum. Pellentesque vulputate bibendum lorem. Nunc PM • Gramophonic Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus ornare, felis lobortis. Vestibulum aliquam fringilla mauris. et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis 9:30 diam, eget Vivamus dolor est, eleifend id, varius id, suscipit PM • Son of Dov dapibus augue arcu eget arcu. at, felis. Nulla mattis cursus neque. Nam lobortis 10:15 PM • Gretchen Pleuss mi vitae sem vehicula accumsan. Integer vitae FREE FREE FREE $5 11:00 PM • Angela Sheik Fusce auctor, metus eu ultricies vulputate, sapien odio in felis facilisis cursus. Sed bibendum mauris 11:45 PM • Lauren Mann & the Fairly Odd Folk nibh faucibus ligula, eget sollicitudin augue risus a justo. Integer ut mi. Maecenas quis mauris. 12:30 AM • Emily Long et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus Integer non lectus at magna elementum posuere. mattis, ante diam malesuada ligula, ac 6:00 vestibulum PM • My Place Midnight neque turpis ut enim. Cras ornare. Proin ac nisi. Vestibulum et urna. Aliquam pretium, urna nec 6:30 PM • Memoryy Praesent laoreet ante tempor imperdiet. dapibus vehicula, tellus nulla pretium dolor, vitae FREE FREE FREE urna. $3 In7:00 PM • Mad Men
Galactic Room
Chameleon Club
Lizard Lounge
21+ 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
Community Room on Prince
Lancaster Dispensing Co
21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
Marion Court
21+ 21+ 21+
7:30 PM • McAlister Drive
9:00 PM • Bella’s Bartok
9:30 PM • Instead of Sleeping
MOOSE Stage At Penn Square
Praesent sagittis, justo id malesuada tincidunt, ipsum leo elementum risus, at pulvinar ante urna et sem. Proin posuere metus sed tellus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vivamus eros. Mauris tincidunt congue nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean porttitor ante vitae ligula. Duis mattis diam id mi. Nulla sed mi ut elit bibendum pharetra. Aenean eu nunc. Integer lacus sem, feugiat nec, lacinia non, WILLIAMS adipiscing sit amet, odio. Etiam odio. HOLLY Maecenas placerat placerat libero. Donec ultricies erat vitae tellus volutpat fringilla. Phasellus urna est, tincidunt at, porta vitae, viverra ut, lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Cras non odio viverra libero eleifend sagittis. Aliquam dictum lectus. Morbi pulvinar lacus et diam. Maecenas nunc massa, ultrices eget, nonummy nec, condimentum et, risus. Proin convallis dapibus nisi. Maecenas porta, augue quis porttitor consectetuer, felis odio blandit orci, in elementum pede lacus egestas mi. Etiam auctor, eget lobortis blandit, tellus nisl THE mauris PIETASTERS convallis turpis, non auctor ante nisl eget eros. Donec rhoncus purus nec nunc. Suspendisse eros. Fusce et nisl. Morbi condimentum enim sed ipsum. Aliquam mi. Duis sit amet sapien. Nullam sed purus. Aliquam fringilla sagittis neque. Fusce eget risus. Donec bibendum, purus id bibendum sagittis, mauris est tincidunt risus, nec fermentum diam velit pellentesque dolor. Vestibulum quis
8:00 PM • The Static Trees
8:30 PM • Blind Man Leading
gravida massa erat non mauris. Aenean non erat. Nam non leo. Fusce sed erat. Maecenas id odio vehicula eros elementum congue. Donec feugiat orci in lectus. Vestibulum mattis justo eget justo. Aenean eu nisl. Phasellus non ipsum non nisi fringilla cursus. Integer condimentum porta arcu. Quisque faucibus. Quisque mattis, tellus eu auctor pulvinar, nulla dui sagittis elit, vel ultricies mauris lectus tempus magna. Donec auctor facilisis lorem. Ut pharetra pellentesque nulla. Phasellus libero metus, commodo sit amet, ullamcorper sit amet, euismod et, tortor. Sed nec arcu et felis vulputate FOXYvenenatis. SHAZAM
5:45 PM • The Creepy Bard 6:30 PM • Clear for Takeoff 7:15 PM • June Divided
8:00 PM • The Parachuting Apostles 8:45 PM • Paper States 9:30 PM •
The Taproom FREE FREE
Mark DeRose & Dreadnought Brigade
8:00 PM • Lijie
8:45 PM • Deni Gauthier 9:30 PM •
Matt Wheeler & Vintage Heart
10:15 PM • Uncle Mike
Steinman Hall at The Ware Center
(See Below: Admission price included in admission to Lyett Lobby)
6:00 PM • The Vulcans
21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
6:45 PM • Dean Batstone 7:30 PM • Ottrina Bond 8:15 PM • The Historic 9:00 PM • Bretheren
Lyet Lobby at The Ware Center FREE FREE
(Admission price includes Steinman Hall)
5:30 PM • Holly Spears 6:15 PM • Kate Miller
7:00 PM • Brent & Co.
7:45 PM • Christopher Battles 8:30 PM • Paul Pfau 9:15 PM • That Girl
A few chords and the truth
Holly Cop Lorem Williams ipsum calls herself dolor sit a “late amet, bloomer” consectetuer when itadipiscing comes to elit. music. Nam It was nibh. notNunc until she varius wasfacilisis in her late eros.teens Sed erat. thatInthe in velit nowquis 32-year-old arcu ornare musician laoreet. picked Curabitur up adipiscing a guitar and luctus started massa. singing Integer in clubs ut –purus a fact ac that augue maycommodo not seemcommodo. shocking Nunc until you nec realize mi eu she justocomes temporfrom consectetuer. a long lineEtiam of country vitae music nisl. Inroyalty. dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut Williams’ tincidunt tortor. grandfather Donec nonummy, is enim in lacinia Hank pulvinar, Williams velit tellus Sr. scelerisque of Grand augue, ac posuere Ole libero Opry urna fame, egether neque. fatherCras is ipsum. Vestibulum Hank pretium, Williams – thevenenatis man volutpat, purus behind lectus ultrices 1982 hit risus, “A Country a condimentum risus mi et Boy quam. Can Pellentesque Survive” - and auctor her fringilla neque. Duis half eu massa brotherut is lorem country-punk iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas singer facilisisHank elit sed Williams justo. Quisque III. volutpat malesuada velit. She can still recall the day she Nuncpicked at velit up the quisguitar lectus for nonummy eleifend. the Curabitur first time. eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, enim “I utremember congue pharetra, it vividly,” massa she recalls. elit “I convallis was watching pede, ‘The ornare Brady scelerisque Bunch’ after liberoschool nequeand ut neque. I pickedIn up at alibero. guitarCurabitur that was molestie. in the Sed livingvelroom, neque. myProin sister et taught dolor ac meipsum three elementum chords, a song malesuada. called ‘Him Praesent in You’ poured id orci. Donec out andhendrerit. I ran downstairs In hac habitasse screaming platea ‘I’m gonna dictumst. be Aenean a singer!’” sit amet arcu a turpis posuere pretium. Just like that, a decision was made and a fate Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit sealed. amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet “Some felis blandit people posuere. figure itAliquam out at 15 erat likevolutpat. Taylor Swift, Cras and lobortis someorci people in quam figure porttitor out after their cursus. grayAenean hair is dignissim. sem“I’m at somewhere nisi laoreet in like WillieCurabitur [Nelson],”facilisis she says. placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis feugiat. in the middle.” Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus sit amet, dolor. Itsed, couldscelerisque be intimidating, enteringultrices a musicin, career in Aliquam velfamily magna nunc ornarebut bibendum. which your hasnon made a mark, Williams said Sed she libero. never Maecenas felt a lot at of pressure est. Vivamus to prove ornare, herself. felis et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis diam, eget dapibus augue arcu eget arcu.
“Had signed a country deal andnonummy. put on a Nam I ut metus et orcirecord fermentum cowboy andDonec only focused radioeget hits,purus. then Cras velhat nunc. feugiat on neque of course Irhoncus. would have felt pressure to livemassa up to Quisque Phasellus tempus the family name immediately,” explains. aliquet urna. Integer fringilla she quam eget “But dolor.I was a songwriter and foremost. any Curabitur mattis. first Aliquam ac lacus.I played In congue, venue people would diam sit and to my odio utwhere tristique adipiscing, leolisten fermentum stories 2 people or 20 people.” ipsum, -nec sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin id neque ac pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non “It was always about finding odio. the right fan base, finding team Aliquam of peopleerat to Nullam porta urna the quisright mauris. me eventually,” she volutpat. Donec help scelerisque quam vitae “It wasn’t rushed, est. Aenean vitae continues. diam at erat pellentesque slow building.” condimentum. Duisit was pulvinar nisl sed orci. Vivamus turpis nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, slow build tellus has resulted pharetra nec, eros.That Suspendisse metus, in thea,release three studio sodales non, venenatis ultricesof auctor, erat. records, including her In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sedlatest, eros elit, cursus accumsan, “The sollicitudin Highway,” a, iaculis which quis, was released inpede February and diam. Pellentesque fermentum, a nonummy has already 13 onnulla the varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et ranked lacinia nibh Billboard Folk Albums chart and in the Billboard sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at 38 turpis quis augue Heatseekers chart. pellentesque Albums pretium. Nunc condimentum elit semper felis. While music is her passion Williams feels songwriting is a gift - shepharetra is a firm believer that Duis imperdiet diam nisi. Fusce one cannot learn to become a great accumsan. Fusce adipiscing, felissongwriter. non ornare egestas, risus elit placerat mauris, in mollis “Anyone ante eratcould quis be nisi. ‘taught’ Quisque the techniques sed ipsum.and Nulla try to come Donec up with arcu something, I suppose, fromcursus some facilisi. erat, sodales quis, music teacher, eget, but I can pretty much guarantee eget, posuere tellus. Vestibulum eu risus. you your adipiscing, audience isn’t going to feugiat, feel it,” nulla she Curabitur odio in pretium explains. “It is either in you or it’s not.” magna vehicula lorem, at placerat tortor nisl eget velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer When Williams her songs, the melody and adipiscing elit. writes Suspendisse mollis fermentum words massa.just come to her.
“All you need is your voice and your story. People will be drawn to it eventually if you’re staying true to what your heart is saying musically.”
Fusce auctor, metus eu ultricies vulputate, sapien nibh faucibus ligula, eget sollicitudin augue risus et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus mattis, ante diam malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum neque turpis ut enim. Cras ornare. Proin ac nisi. Praesent laoreet ante tempor urna. In imperdiet.
“When Pellentesque I wrote vulputate ‘The Highway,’ bibendumI lorem. was literally Nunc pumping lobortis. gas Vestibulum last summer aliquam and justfringilla out of nowhere mauris. started singing and recalls. Vivamus dolor the est,chorus eleifend id,lyrics,’” variusshe id, suscipit Itat,isfelis. only Nulla after mattis that initial bit of inspiration occurs cursus neque. Nam lobortis that she sem reaches for an instrument to turn a mi vitae vehicula accumsan. Integer vitae snippet of a facilisis song into a proper odio in felis cursus. Sedone. bibendum mauris a justo. Integer ut mi. Maecenas quis mauris. Integer non lectus at magna elementum posuere. Vestibulum et urna. Aliquam pretium, urna nec dapibus vehicula, tellus nulla pretium dolor, vitae
“God gives me erat these droplets and non I aim to gravida massa nonlittle mauris. Aenean erat. make something from them,” Williams says. “I Nam non leo. Fusce sed erat. Maecenas id odio pray for songs every night, I prayDonec for creativity vehicula eros elementum congue. feugiat and wisdom help me in my songwriting, not orci in lectus.toVestibulum mattis justo eget justo. in a Bible-beater way, butipsum in a simplified Aenean eu nisl. cheesy Phasellus non non nisi Southern manner. If He’s not dropping fringilla cursus. Integer condimentum porta these arcu. songs in my head, Quisque then I don’t know whoeu is!”auctor Quisque faucibus. mattis, tellus pulvinar, nulla dui sagittis elit, vel ultricies mauris To Williams, writing is not Donec so muchauctor a choice, but lectus tempus magna. facilisis alorem. necessity. Ut pharetra pellentesque nulla. Phasellus libero metus, commodo sit amet, ullamcorper sit “One my favorite books Sed is ‘Letters to a et Young amet,ofeuismod et, tortor. nec arcu felis Poet’ by Rainer Maria Rilke and he says that one vulputate venenatis. should only write if they have to, the way sleeping and eatingsagittis, are a necessity for you to function,” Praesent justo id malesuada tincidunt, she says. writing is notrisus, pouring of you ante and ipsum leo“If elementum at out pulvinar you feel like you’re goingmetus to explode if you urnadon’t et sem. Proin posuere sed tellus. can’t hometaciti and grab your ad guitar to catch an Classrun aptent sociosqu litora torquent idea, then I would not recommend it.” hymenaeos. per conubia nostra, per inceptos Vivamus eros. Mauris tincidunt congue nunc. But for those habitant like her who cannot resist Pellentesque morbisimply tristique senectus the pull ofetmusic, she recommends beingegestas. true to et netus malesuada fames ac turpis yourself your sound. Aenean and porttitor ante vitae ligula. Duis mattis diam id mi. Nulla sed mi ut elit bibendum pharetra. “All you need is your voice andsem, yourfeugiat story,” nec, she Aenean eu nunc. Integer lacus says. will be drawn to it eventually if you’re lacinia“People non, adipiscing sit amet, odio. Etiam odio. staying trueplacerat to what your heart is saying musically.” Maecenas placerat libero. Donec ultricies erat vitae tellus volutpat fringilla. Phasellus urna Itest, takes a certain of courage to be yourself and tincidunt at,kind porta vitae, viverra ut, lacus. open heart in asociosqu song – especially if that song Classyour aptent taciti ad litora torquent per is going tonostra, be performed in front hymenaeos. of a sea of people. conubia per inceptos Cras non odio viverra libero eleifend sagittis. “Definitely a few [songs] are intimidating, especially Aliquam dictum ‘Givinglectus. Up’ off Morbi of this pulvinar new lacus record, et [which diam. is] Maecenas about an nunc alcoholic massa, friendultrices of mine eget, who has been struggling for years,” she may nonummy nec, condimentum et, says. risus.“ItProin be uncomfortable some, but it’s real life.”augue convallis dapibusfor nisi. Maecenas porta, quis porttitor consectetuer, felis odio blandit orci, “I want anyone wonder if I’m mi. beingEtiam real in never elementum pede to lacus egestas with them,” she eget adds.lobortis “I wantblandit, to talk about the auctor, mauris tellus nisl good, convallis the turpis, bad and nonthe auctor ugly ante and tell nisl stories eget eros. the way Donec theyrhoncus are happening, purus nec whether nunc. redemption Suspendisse is involved eros. Fusce or not.” et nisl. Morbi condimentum enim sed ipsum. Aliquam mi. Duis sit amet sapien. Nullam For a songfringilla is simple. She says thatFusce hers sed Williams, purus. Aliquam sagittis neque. only eget feature risus. Donec “a few chords bibendum, and purus the truth.” id bibendum And that is all youmauris need. est tincidunt risus, nec fermentum sagittis, diam velit pellentesque dolor. Vestibulum quis
- Julia Hatmaker | Entertainment writer for The Patriot-News and |
LAUNCH is pleased to welcome the following music industry professionals here to share their expertise with attendees. Whether you are an artist, a professional or someone who aspires to work in the music industry, these folks have a wealth of experience to share. For a compete list of panels and who will be speaking on them, see pgs 16-17. For more in-depth biographies on our guests, please visit our website
Please note that due to changes in schedules, cancellations sometimes happen and our speakers are subject to change.
Chuck Andrews
Good Fight Entertainment
As a member of the management team at Good Fight Entertainment, Chuck Andrews manages the careers of artists such as AUGUST BURNS RED, BALANCE AND COMPUSRE, BEHEMOTH, CANNIBAL CORPSE and more. In addition, Andrews also spent years of his life on the road tour managing bands big and small all over the world, including COHEED AND CAMBRIA, THE BRAVERY and FURTHER SEEMS FOREVER. (
Nyeri Azablar ADA/Warner Music
At ADA/ Warner Music, Nyeri works directly with over 100 labels on both physical and online advertising for retail record placement. She has also spent time over at EMI Music as an Artist Development Rep, at Capitol Records as a Marketing Manager, and at Nettwerk Records as the East Coast Sales Manager. Nyeri has worked directly with artists like MEGADETH, DAVE NAVARRO, RON SEXSMITH and NEIL FINN. (
Terry “Buzz” Brown DarkChild Entertainment
For 10 years Terry has impressed label executives and the rest of the world by finding and matching some of the most creative talent the music business has seen. He is known for his ability to identify, spot and elevate raw talent and completely understands how to fulfill the role of the “traditional A&R”. Even with the industry’s drastic changes, Terry continues to rise to the top and find great talent and connect them with deals so they can live out their dreams. (
Jimmy Boswell
Tour Manager - Texas In July
Jimmy Boswell is the Tour Manager and Front of House Engineer for TEXAS IN JULY, with whom he has spent the last three years touring North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. He has also toured with and mixed such acts as OF MICE & MEN, LIKE MOTHS TO FLAMES, IMPENDING DOOM, VOLUMES and more. He has Tour Managed on headline runs, support tours, and branded tours, such as Scream It Like You Mean It, Take Action and more. (
Andrew Buck
Agency For The Performing Arts
Andrew Buck is a music agent at the Agency for the Performing Arts in NY. APA represents over 300 diverse artists ranging from JUDAS PRIEST to DAVE KOZ to JACK’S MANNEQUIN. Andrew’s roster has included the likes of THE HUSH SOUND, STRAYLIGHT RUN, DRAKE BELL, LUDO, PANIC! AT THE DISCO, HE IS WE, GO RADIO, LEILA BROUSSARD and more. Buck has built a system of developing bands on the road regardless of a label or radio presence. (
Spencer Carpenter Artery Global
Spencer Carpenter is a booking agent with Artery Global, an international talent agency with agents specializing in booking North America, Europe/UK, Austrailia and New Zealand. Spencer has worked bands such as LAUNCH 2013 performers TEXAS IN JULY, ICE NINE KILLS, CAROUSEL KINGS and ONWARD TO OLYMPAS as well as artists such as LIKE MOTHS TO FLAMES, THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE, CLOSE TO HOME and many more. (
Patrick Dahlheimer
Live / Think Loud Entertainment
Patrick Dahlheimer is a founding member of multiplatinum band +LIVE+ who has graced the cover of Rolling Stone as “Artist of the Year”, performed at Woodstock 94/99 and appeared on Saturday Night Live, Letterman, The Tonight Show and more. With over 20-million album sales, 22 top-ten singles and multiple international #1 albums, +LIVE+ helped pioneer the sound of 90s rock music. Dahlheimer acts as director of Think Loud Holdings, which has developed a diversified portfolio of multi-national companies. (
Daniel Defonce The Phoenix Agency
Daniel DeFonce is the Co-Owner of The Phoenix Agency based out of Dallas, TX. He represents bands such as ADESTRIA, LEGEND, RINGS OF SATURN, KING CONQUER, SWORN IN, CITY LIGHTS, & many others. The Phoenix Agency has additional offices in Nashville, TN and represents artists such as AS CITIES BURN, VIA COMA and others. (
Todd Erickson
More Music Group / MasterKey Mgmt
Todd Erickson is the owner of artist management group Masterkey Management. As a key member of More Music Group, Erickson is talent buyer for several colleges and venues in the Northeast and Midwest. Notable acts booked by Erickson in 2013 include WILLIE NELSON, KE$HA, B.O.B, JASON MRAZ, ALL AMERICAN REJECTS, THE BLACK CROWES, 311, HEART, GOO GOO DOLLS and more. (
Matt Friction The Pink Spiders
As the frontman/songwriter for THE PINK SPIDERS, Friction’s experiences include signing a blockbuster major label record deal, recording alongside the likes of Ric Ocasek (THE CARS) and JERRY HARRISON (TALKING HEADS), performing at Dodger Stadium, appearing on MTV, FUSE and FOX’s Hell’s Kitchen. With THE PINK SPIDERS, Friction has been writtern about in publications ranging from Rolling Stone to USA Today. Friction also manages high-profile Nashville music venue The High Watt/Mercy Lounge.
Tyler Greene
Cory Hajde
Tyler Greene shares responsibilites of GM / Talent Buyer / Promoter for VA venues Empire and Kingdom in addition to being an owner of Enlighten Graphic and Print and an artist manager at Imperial Artist Management. Greene has worked as a promoter/talent buyer for 8 years and has additional experience as a touring musician, tour manager, stage manager and more. (
The Artery Foundation
Cory Hajde is an artist manager at The Artery Foundation, a worldwide full serve management company founded in 2004. The Artery Foundation has been at the forefront of music management across the spectrum, from the mainstream to the most nuanced of subculture. Artery acts make regular appearances on the covers of magazines like Alternative Press and Revolver and on the stage of branded tours like Vans Warped Tour and Rockstar Mayhem. (
Dennis “Aganee” Jenkins DarkChild Entertainment
Platinum producer/Drum Programmer/ Writer/Artist Dennis “Aganee” Jenkins has worked with the likes of JUSTIN BEIBER (‘Die In Your Arms”), CHRISTINA AGUILERA, ARIANNA GRANDE, MEEK MILLS (“Push Bricks”), BEENIE SIEGEL, FREEWAY and countless others. He is a multi platinum selling producer, with over 8 million records sold world wide. (
Jesse Korman Piermont
Jesse Korman co-owns Piermont, a music management and marketing company where he helps to creatively enhance bands, songwriters, producers, photographers, designers, businesses and more. In addition to being a musician himself, Korman is also a graphic designer, lighting technician and tour consultant. (
Gregg Barley Chameleon Club
Gregg Barley is the general manager and talent buyer of Lancaster’s historic Chameleon Club, which has operated since 1985 and been in its current location since 1991. The club has received industry recognition for its contribution to the overall success of many national touring artists, and for it’s dedicated music fans and local music scene. With over 200 shows a year, no other venue in Central PA even comes close to the amount and caliber of acts seen on the Chameleon’s stage. (
Amy Troendly Buck Good Fight Entertainment
Amy Troendly Buck works for Good Fight Entertainment handling marketing and sponsorship opportunities as well as taking on freelance marketing and sponsorship opportunities. Amy has overseen tour marketing for the likes of JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL, ATREYU, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, THE HOLD STEADY, LEONARD COHEN, AUGUST BURNS RED and more. (
Steve Ceragno Dropcards
At Dropcards, Steve provides custom digital download cards to bands and artists to help connect their music with fans. Prior to Dropcards, Steve started his music career at EMI Music Marketing where he was the Soundscan guru and founded the College Rep Program. Additionally, Steve is also an accomplished guitarist who has performed with members of DANZIG (John Christ and Eerie Von) to Rob Halford’s (Metal Mike) band. (
Ace Enders
The Early November
Enders is the lead singer and guitarist of internationally touring indie rock outfit THE EARLY NOVEMBER. He is also the lead musician, songwriter and co-producer in his side project, I CAN MAKE A MESS LIKE NOBODY’S BUSINESS and has also released music under the name ACE ENDERS AND A MILLION DIFFERENT PEOPLE. In addition, Enders owns and operates a full-service recording studio in NJ under the name The Living Room. (
Adam Gray Texas In July
As the drummer for the Lancaster-based TEXAS IN JULY, Adam Gray has toured North America, Europe, Asia and Australia nonstop for the past 4 years. His acrobatic drumming talents have seen him appear on the Tonight Show With Jay Leno after a video of him juggling 3 sticks while playing went viral. The video was championed by the likes of Travis Barker (BLINK 182) and Ryan Seacrest (American Idol). (
Greg Hildebrand Decadent Suite Records
Greg Hildebrand is the guitarist for Ducky & The Vintage and has been independently booking US tours for several indie bands including coveted appearances at major festivals such as SXSW and Summerfest. In addition, he also handles day to management duties for the Decadent Suite Records Roster. (
Ben Leubitz Bravo Artist
Ben Leubitz is the co-founder of BravoArtist, a multipurpose music company focused on artist management, marketing and talent buying and founded with the mission of developing artists’ longterm careers consistent with their creative philosophy and vision. As a talent-buyer, Leubitz promotes concerts throughout Ohio, including Akron, Athens, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus. (
FEATURED PERFORMER Jenn Littleton Red 4 Music
Jenn Littleton is the owner of Red 4 Music where she works with a small and diverse roster of artists that are carefully selected. Jenn’s past experiene includes more than 6 years as Senior Marketing Director and A&R for Geffen Records and opening and running Ironworks Music wth Kiefer Sutherland. Over her career, Jenn has worked with artists as diverse as WEEZER, ROB ZOMBIE, SONIC YOUTH, LIMP BIZKIT, CRYSTAL METHOD and many many more.
Joseph Marro
The Early November / Paperback Management
Joseph Marro is the guitarist/keyboardist of internationally touring indie rock outfit THE EARLY NOVEMBER and former member of HELLOGOODBYE. Under the moniker of Paperback Management, Marro also manages the careers of several artists including that of THE EARLY NOVEMBER, ALLISON WEISS, YOUNG STATUES & I CAN MAKE A MESS. (
Ryan Nagle ICM Partners
Ryan Nagle is an agent in the concerts and music department for ICM PARTNERS, a talent agency representing clients in the fields of film, television, publishing, music, theater and more where he has been since 2008. Nagle began his career in Music by booking local concerts, and has also worked in the promotions department for MTV Networks, as well as several promoters in NYC. (
Mike Schleibaum Darkest Hour
Michael J. Schleibaum is an accomplished guitarist, musician, composer and producer who co-founded and currently plays in the band DARKEST HOUR. He also works with bands as a studio producer and composes music for TV and film. (
David Silbaugh Summerfest
David Silbaugh is the talent buyer for Summerfest (“The World’s Largest Music Festival”). He is also an A&R Consultant for Banshee Music, an Entertainment Relations Consultant for Gibson, and a partner in entertainment consulting firm Pursuit Live. As a voting member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, he serves on the Board of Governors and holds the office of Vice President for the Chicago Chapter of The Recording Academy. (
Conor Sullivan Ice Nine Kills
Conor Sullivan is the drummer of the posthardcore/metal band ICE NINE KILLS, who have been traveling continuously across US and Canada for the last three years on countless tours including Vans Warped Tour, The 2012 Allstars Tour and many more. In addition to drumming, Conor fulfills the role of tour manager and merchandise coordinator and works closely alongside the band’s management and booking agent. (
Ray VanMatre Artery Global
Raymond VanMatre is a booking agent at Artery Global, which is a global agency with offices in the U.S, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Raymond has worked with bands such as LAUNCH 2013 performers TEXAS IN JULY AUBURN, THE ROAD TO MILESTONE and ONE YEAR LATER as well as artists such as TEXAS IN JULY, FIT FOR A KING, THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE, MEMPHIS MAY FIRE and more. (
Bryan Weber Indie On The Move
Bryan Weber is a co-founder of Indie on the Move, a DIY booking asset that has helped their thousands of members - including musicians/bands, booking agents, venues, promoters, labels and managers - truly make touring a reality and elevating careers to the next level. Weber has toured full time in the Philadelphia-based band ZELAZOWA who performed 600+ shows worldwide between 2006-2009, thanks to their exceptional booking acumen and unmatched persistence. (
Grant McFarland
Jason Malhoyt
Atrium Audio
Grant McFarland is an engineer and producer at Atrium Audio in Lancaster, PA in addition to being a well-rounded multiinstrumentalist who plays drums, guitar, bass, cello and piano. Grant is classically trained in cello performance and has an expansive knowledge of music theory. He has produced numerous projects as well as having played drums with national recording artists THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE and CENTURY. (
Adam Merola
Jason Malhoyt is the Owner / Talent Buyer for VA venues Empire and Kingdom in addition to being an owner of Enlighten Graphic and Print and an artist manager at Imperial Artist Management. Malhoyt’s past experience includes 5 years as a touring musician, years as a tour manager, 8 years experience as a promoter and talent buyer and time spent with the Pantheon Agency and Sumerian Records. (
Mike Mowery
Truth By Blood Agency
Adam Merola is a booking agent and owner of The Truth By Blood Agency based in Boston, MA. Adam is also a talent buyer at several Boston area venues. In the past he has done everything from managing/ developing bands to promoting festivals but is currently focusing on tours at The Truth By Blood Agency where his roster includes bands like SPIES LIKE US, THOUGHTS IN REVERSE and IT LIVES IT BREATHES.
Bill Obrien
Outerloop Management
Mike Mowery is the President and Managing Partner of Outerloop Management. Based in Arlington, Virginia, Outerloop manages 30+ artists including STRIKE ANYWHERE, WE CAME AS ROMANS, LIFETIME, EMERY and more. Mowery has been involved in the industry since 1995 where, prior to starting Outerloop, he ran an independent record label and toured 40 countries (
Andrew Reitz
Anchor & Hope Music
O’Brien is co-owner of Anchor & Hope Music, a management//marketing company working with bands such as SQUEEZE, RIVER CITY EXTENSION, THE FRONT BOTTOMS and more. O’Brien has promoted shows in Asbury Park, NJ at legendary venue The Stone Pony for more than 10 years as well as working on the renowned Bamboozle festival. A noted radio personality, O’Brien was awarded for ‘Top Radio Personality’ at the 2010 Asbury Music Awards. (
Kristin “Gypsy” Schloesser Team Hans
As the founder of Team Hans, Kristin Schloesser is helping bands around the world find creative means to fund their dreams. Kristin spends her remaining time on the road tour managing various acts, including the 17 band festival Scream It Like You Mean It and the Decibel Magazine tour. Kristen’s additional experience as a tour manager includes Rockstar Mayhem Festival, Rockstar Uproar, Summer Slaughter and more. (
Carson Slovak
Green Vans
Andrew Reitz is the co-owner of Green Vans, a rental company dedicated to providing musicians with the most affordable tour van & trailer rentals without compromising on reliability, safety or comfort. The Greenvans fleet is designed with touring bands in mind with options to meet the needs of any touring group. (
Todd Shill
Rhoades & Sinon
Todd Shill is an entertainment lawyer who handles legal matters for film and music who has worked as counsel to on air personalities, musicians, writers, directors and actors including multi-platinum artists LIVE, TANTRIC, and Brett Scallions (FUEL, RIDERS ON THE STORM) as well as the Grammy Award winning Chris Thomas King and acclaimed artist Simone (daughter of legendary jazz singer Nina Simone) and more. (
Nick Storch
Atrium Audio
Carson Slovak has fulfilled many roles in the music industry including art directory, producer and musician. He owns and operates the successful studio Atrium Audio, does design work for Prosthetic Records and Aurora Creative Group and as a musician has been signed to multiple independent labels. Some of Slovak’s production credits include AUGUST BURNS RED, TEXAS IN JULY and more. (
Chad Taylor
Live / Think Loud Entertainment
Chad Taylor is a founding member of multi-platinum band +LIVE+ who has graced the cover of Rolling Stone as “Artist of the Year”, performed at Woodstock 94/99 and appeared on Saturday Night Live, Letterman, The Tonight Show and more. With over 20-million album sales, 22 top-ten singles and multiple international #1 albums, +LIVE+ helped pioneer the sound of 90s rock music. Taylor is Chairman of Think Loud Holdings, LLC where he has developed a diversified portfolio of multi- national companies. (thinklhcom)
Chris Walters
ICM Partners
Nick Storch is an agent in the concerts and music department for ICM Partners, a talent agency representing clients in the fields of film, television, publishing, music, theater, and more where he has been since 2009. His repertoire of talent includes more than 30 rock, pop and hard rock acts including GYM CLASS HEROES, ANBERLIN, AS I LAY DYING, GHOST, FRANK TURNER, FOXY SHAZAM and VNV NATION. (
Jim Thorpe
DVT Events/Thorpe Productions
Jim Thorpe has been a manager, promoter and booking agent for over 20yrs. He has booked numerous venues in Philadelphia, including TLA, The Legendary Dobbs, Grape Street Pub, The Chestnut Room, and others. In addition, Thorpe is the panel coordinator and Assistant Director of the Dewey Beach Music Conference and is currently on The Board of Governors of the Recording Acadamy for the Philadelphia Chapter. (
Rich Warwick
GHS Strings
Chris has been the Artist Relations and Marketing Manager for GHS Strings and Rocktron for more than five years where he works to determine which artists to endorse, organizes marketing efforts for trade shows and events such as SXSW and NAMM. He works with more than 1500 musicians and bands spanning genres that include Rock, Country, Bluegrass and Blues. (
Ben Witkowski Texas In July
A to Z Media
Rich Warwick works in sales at A to Z Media who has offered the most complete and personalized CD/DVD and Vinyl Manufacturing service in the industry for the last 18 years. A to Z provides the absolute best in customer service, quality of merchandise and pricing. Rich has worked in the indie music scene for more than 10 years and loves custom print packaging and Lancaster’s Central Market. (
Mike Ziemer
As the bassist for the Lancaster- based TEXAS IN JULY, Ben Witkowski has toured North America, Europe, Asia and Australia nonstop for the past 4 years most recently in support of the band’s 2012 self-titled release, their second for storied indie label Equal Vision Records (COHEED & CAMBRIA). Ben is intricately involved in almost all of the band’s general planning and finances and understands as well as anyone the challenges facing a young touring band. (
Third String Productions
Mike Ziemer is the President of Dallas based concert & festival producers Third String Productions. His strategy of marketing his events almost completely through social media gained him national attention in 2005 from Business Week magazine, landing him a cover story. Ziemer’s flagship festivals “South By So What?!” and “Unsilent Night” have grown to fill baseball parks and small arenas. Ziemer is a partner in Evolve Music Management and The Phoenix Agency. (
One of the most important things an artist can do at LAUNCH is to gain insight from the music industry professionals doling out advice on a number of topics. The following panels are open to all Conference Badge holders. Panelist bios can be found on pages 14-15.
Friday LAUNCH Music Conference Panels
Saturday LAUNCH Music Conference Panels
Saturday, April 27 11:00-12:00pm
So you’ve been accepted - now what? Our panelists will discuss how to make the most of a conference and/or festival appearance such as your time at LAUNCH. How not to get lost in a crowd of other performers, how to network and make the contacts and connections that can help your career and more will be discussed. PANELISTS: Rick Gadd, David Silbaugh, Jim Thorpe, Chris Walters, Bryan Weber, Mike Ziemer, Jeremy Weiss
Promoters, Talent Buyers, Managers and Record Labels warn you what not to do when you pitch them. How best to get the attention of people and how to build the right team around you to help your career take off.
PANELISTS: Chuck Andrews, Todd Erickson, Jesse Korman, Jospeh Marro, Mike Mowery, Mike Schleibaum, Kristen “Gypsy” Schlosser, Chris Walters 12:15pm
Like almost no other industry, the music business is undergoing a constant evolution as methods of creating, distributing, monetizing and building a lasting fanbase continue to change. Our panelists will discuss various aspects of the industry comparing them to how those things worked in the past and where they see things heading in the future.
Talent buyers from Texas to Virginia, Chicago to Philadelphia, and Boston to Lancaster discuss various aspects of booking known and developing acts including a discussion on the often used term “Pay To Play”. PANELISTS: Gregg Barley, Tyler Greene, Cory Hadje, Jason Malhoyt, Adam Merola, Jim Thorpe, Mike Ziemer
A discussion about the when, where, whys and hows of touring. From booking, to promoting, to making sure you have the right merch - successful touring is about working smart. PANELISTS: Andrew Buck, Spencer Carpenter, Dan DeFonce, Matt Friction, Ryan Nagle, Andrew Reitz, Ben Witkowski
CONVINCE ME TO WORK WITH YOUR BAND AKA: Take Me to Your Leader Friday, April 26 2:00-3:00pm
The concept is simple... The results are unpredictable. An array of panelists will listen to artists try to convince them of why they should work with them. Artists are given a maximum of 3 minutes to make their case be it through music (be creative - no music will be played through the PA system!), a list of accomplishments, or a Billy Mays style pitch. When it is all said and done the question remains... can you convince any of these professionals to work with your band? A great way to get direct feedback on how you might present yourself to others in the future. PANELISTS: Terry “Buzz” Brown, Amy Buck, Andrew Buck, Dennis “Aganee” Jenkins, Jenn Littleton, Bill O’Brien, Chris Walters
PANELISTS: Nyeri Azablar, Amy Buck, Steve Ceragno, David Silbaugh, Nick Storch, Chad Taylor, Rich Warwick
TOUR SMART AKA: A Space Odyssey Friday, April 26 1:00-1:45pm
STATE OF THE INDUSTRY AKA: Into The Unkown... Saturday, April 27 12:15-1:15pm
Friday, April 26 12:00-12:45pm
Friday, April 26 11:00-11:45am
CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? AKA: The Empire Strikes Back Saturday, April 27 1:30-3:00pm
Our most popular panel returns for its fifth year! Artists will submit their music to be played in front of everyone in attendance where the panelists will give their honest and uncensored thoughts to those in attendance. After each critique, the band will be revealed to the crowd. Get the critique you’ve always wanted from people who are making their living in the music business... but only if you can handle the truth! PANELISTS: Chuck Andrews, Nyeri Azablar, Andrew Buck, Patrick Dahlheimer, Ace Enders, Dennis “Aganee” Jenkins, Jospeh Marro, Kristen “Gypsy” Schlosser, David Silbaugh, Nick Storch, Chad Taylor, The Unknown Critic
Workshops are designed to be an additional resource to gather information in a smaller setting than the panels. The following workshops are open to all Conference Badge holders. Friday LAUNCH Music Conference Workshops 3:15pm
BOOK YOUR OWN TOURS with Indie On The Move Friday, April 26 3:15-3:45pm
Whether your goal is attracting new fans, increasing music and merchandise sales, or catching the eye of labels, managers and other industry execs, the significance of live performance to a band’s career can never be overstated. It is THE tried and true method of sustenance and longevity, and the only definitive way to take your music, literally, “directly to fans”. Indie On The Move provides the most detailed collection of booking contacts for venues all over the US and will be giving tips on how to maximize those assets and get your band on the road! PRESENTED BY: Bryan Weber 3:45pm
Delve into the legal world of the music business and learn about running your band as a business, protecting your music, copywriting, creating a record of songwriting, contracts, non-disclosure agreements and lawsuits PRESENTED BY: Todd Shill
Saturday LAUNCH Music Conference Workshops 3:15pm
BOOK YOUR OWN TOURS with Indie On The Move Saturday, April 27 3:15-3:45pm
A candid discussion about production, engineering, songwriting and studio techniques from a variety of perspectives. PRESENTED BY: Patrick Dahlheimer, Dennis “Aganee” Jenkins, Grant McFarland, Carson Slovak, 3:45pm
DRUMMING AND PERFORMANCE TECHNIQUES with Adam Gray Saturday, April 27 3:45-4:15pm
Back By Popular Demand! Texas In July drummer Adam Gray’s performance skill has been noticed by the likes of Travis Barker (BLINK 182) and Ryan Seacrest (American Idol) and has resulted in him being featured on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno where he was asked to try to impress William Shatner (Spoiler Alert: Shat was impressed!). Adam will showcase those skills and advanced drumming techniques for percussionists of all skill levels. FEATURING: Adam Gray
Get one on one time with some of our guests for advice, critiques and more. Open to all LAUNCH badge holders.
Mentoring Hours 3:00pm
SATURDAY MENTORING HOURS Saturday, April 27 3:00-4:30pm
Sign up for a 15-minute time slot with one of our mentors to pick their brain about your music (make sure to bring a CD or iPod!), career advice, how they got started and more. Great for one-on-one time with folks forging their path in the music industry. FEATURING: James Boswell, Spencer Carpenter, Mike Eaton, Greg Hildebrand, Ben Leubitz, Conor Sullivan, Ray VanMatre, TBA